Newspaper Page Text
j.n Wa1all" ifiA0$msr. " Fa Amtmt "oi, ,ti " A vaUitcM. cU& Thti,-D40 MIlMritl ffTMt Mttla play of " rauTfiw wu mnatieM mi en im ib a mm of saanHleane Ad eorree tMM taiet.M aot wily tfre ertef, but entire imnm to play of iMt Mail merit titan thatpwseed by "Wurrerte." Of ail of aonreteaalt'i pleytthera are none, per haps that poawess th ky s-pettetie latere., tfm commencement to end, u doee tha play of lait eve - le..TheepeweetteodlJtgthepieentationofihle pur moat hart neeo, Indeed, Imueneev Wo notleed particularly that erery eoeae of tho plet waa bewi end that they wm oristKh a character m involved uuail rspeaee. Tho "Avalanche" ecne occu pied tho entire stage, and li certainly tht most lot Sostn meetanleeX aod taenia arrangement oto need iuiofbrtathla city RnrKtuKlMM mot credit upon tho seenlo artist and machinist, wan, D. A. strong aad E. rutnam. Tho atuiu of tho alee ana bee a written expressly for It by Hen Xoftpitf t aad lo tho most flattering of all tho tnuefe produced by hla. Ho aad hla expressed proseealoaat genius won aa mush applauded ai any otherlcetureorleatureeof thalay. The dramatic artists were) all eelleatlyeneeeful la their an dearore to reprceent euecesefully tho character! assumed by thorn. Mr, Barron, ao Maurtce.was decidedly perfect, aad plaated every one, If wt ay Judge from tho various hearty round of applauaa which rtttl bin. Nf. Barron la a uni versal favorite with our public aad orldeatly at tempts, to .deserve the universally kind feeling which Is exhlMted towards Mm. Mr. Rogers seemed exactly Blted lor tho part of Bernard, tho old tergeaat of tho fourteenth Chasseurs. Mr. R. u at all times a correct actor, but ho wu tht lnpersonatloa Afiexeellenc laat evening. Mr. actchelb, an 'Michel, wu very funny.' Kvorybody knows he) amusing Hetehellle, ao it to only neces sary to aay bard that ho played ao wall lait night aeae'ovar did before.-' raurrottot'ab, wbocaado acrlbo how well'MJwDratft lmpertoaeted this character.1 Wo aro euro there an but few who earn do loll juttlofl to the (value displayed by tble popu Ur aetroeo lait evening; Tho character of Piu rrttto la a rery atatale yet an extremely diAeult one to perform- Her story la tatct rauvrrttele an Alulae ikeeheril -wfcn eaetlnr to the villi fc tor wtatoaaapflaa, meet there, for the first tin, tkg BuifctM of rnndral. Maurlee and Lou ise, ma wtrauiM, arm' receiving tat pitr i aad ooeioMOjdattoM froat tble party, aadhef prorUlone froai bar otebbote. aha woada her wav boaieward. that U to My, to a little hat In the mouatalat, which eonattfata bcrwtaterquartm. Boau ttae uboequeat to tbla oreat obe, la the nldit of a atoraif heart eriee of dlitreee In the vlelalty of bar cabin, and, rota out, luoeeode In reiculax and conducts ealrly to. her hone, merely In time to et eapo a terrible aYatanche, Maurice, who hae lost hie way la the mouatalat., The enow heapi Iteelf mouatala high upon tho Alpine cottage, and for three dreary nonthe Paurrette la Imprtaoned by natute with Maurice for a companion. A cloe la tlmacy result! aa a matter 01 nature, and Pau vrettoo eoul flylnjr to Maurlcd they are both en raptored. f At the end of three moatbe the dream le faded, Manrlee remember that he now roee out upon thb- world In a different character from that which bo ojeiomed with hit more lowly comrade In tho -ptlooarbouao of enow, rnurrette dtecorere that. aha la eoo to become a mother, and to ber horror, that Maurice li to bo married to Loulie. illere the actlajt of MUe Oeala la oxdulelto beyond f acrlptloa.) The day for tho marrtace of Maurice with XouUe U at hand. Pauvretta goes to the chatkau. of GrandTal, U there dlMorered by Lou lae, who, atcertalalBg the condition brought upon thepeaaaatibyber betrothed, denounces that per son, who, in hi turn, overcome y guilt and re. morao for the,erllhehaa caused, aad lorlog the Alplae mabl, marries her a such, but she after wardajiroies to be of noble blood and a rich heir ess. The deaoucmeat le thai belonging to all senti mental plays, but la la this ease rendered uncom monly happy by tbe chorus and music arranged for the piece by Mr. Kopplti. Mrs. uermoo,as the Duchese, and Miss Freeman, as Lftulse, were very warmly applaudd ihrouchout the play Tho ava lanche scene Is of Itself alone worth the admission price. It should be seen by etrry one before tbe play la taken off; Tbe piece will oaly be performed focilght,to-morrow night and Chrlstmas(Thursday) afternoon, when It must giro place to other novel ties, which haroteen a long time preparing. Holiday Week at Pcnn's Tiiea-me Oriitmu E)ymntii for Me Pevpfc. ery rariety of attrac tions t opera, drama, musts, Terpsichore, poetry aod palatlag,All comblaed, la the beautiful aad entertaining representation of StUnella, or The Power of Lore' tho magnificent show piece, which hae been pronounced by all who have seen it to be tbe grandest spectacle of the kind ever gotten up. Months before Ita performance, costumers, design ers, stage machinists and scenic artistes were all at work for the production of the most brilliant encte to be Introduced In this daisllng romance) besides, ballet masters, chorus leaders aod orches tral dlreciors were aaalduously emplojed on It, while our American prima donna, Miss Caroline Klchlnge; the eminent arllste, Mr. Hlchlngsi the Roniaal ballet troupe, the full opera company, and tho double dramatic combination, are ail en gaged In tho performance of MSatauelIa." This grand tucoesa of the season will be repeated this evening: with tho patriotic allegorical living plc turtofWAimsOTOit Mr.Rlclilngt as the personi fication of the honorrd hero, M the rather of his Country," whose name will never dlei the memory of whose miraculous struggles for our Independ ence wlU ever linger In the hearts of our people. Cltlseaeend strangers, withlbartrde discernment which always leada them to meritorious oBcrlugs for public amusement flock la thousand to this lashlonable theatre. CAWTtaauav. A large and fashionable crowd assembled last e eplng to witness the performance of the Canterbury artistes, of which so much has been said. Among tbe audience we were much pleased to see so many ladles, all of whom seemed agreeably surprised at the various beautiful acts as they were performed. The entire company ap pear again to-night In a change of programme, and we predict for (he management another largo crowd. Waihinoyom VaaiETircv Varletr at this place It n prominent feature. Tho management deservta success. tuulloey'B beautllul bUi vf Pacha Ab dul Kaxak," was agreat success last evening. How could it bo otherwise In the hands of such artls's as Mons. Szotlosy, A. Gross!, C Lehman, MUs Whelpley, M'lle Lehman, and a splendid corps do ballet? The comic piece, "Peter Piper Pepper Podge,' In which J. li. Budworth and it. W. hud worth are prominent, was received with shouts of laughter. u Robert Macalre," an old -Bevel panto mime, waa also a marked success. Hernandet aa Jacques Strop, la wonderful. The whole entertain ment ts worthy of patronage. This evening three new artiste make their first appearance: Miss Ada Teaman, Mlsa Kmma Whiting and MUs RUthM. Whiting. Two performances will be given on Chrlstmae day efternoqei and evening. Police Mattem John Johnson, drunk, and disorderly) fined $1, by Justice Drurj , Tim Hanlla, drunk and disorderly! fined 18, by Justice Drury. John Hopktne, dlsorderlyi fined $i, by Justice Drurv. . John Sullvan, drunkenness) Bned $1, by Justice Drury. Charles Wright, disorderly! fined l.M,by Jus tice uayion. , Francis Batton and Michael Brovancle, drunlt and dlaorderlvi fined 05. bv Justice Thompson. Joe, Uatto,claordcrlyi fined o, by Justice Thomp son John L. Thayer, breaking In windows aad doors Morris Connor, drunk and dlsorderlrt Unci A2. Jas. Pumphrey, assault and battery ball for court, by Justice Donn. John fiurnes, disorderly conduct i fined ! W, by jusiiee errguson. 1). Whalen. shooting In the streetj fined $A,by Justtoe titration. W. Whalen, Thomas, Martin, George Jones, and William sates, disorderly! fined 1 M, by Ju.tlc 8t rat ton. i Aloebmamic Di a ate. In the Board of Alder menon last Monday night, a bill was reported by iWr. rrppvr, fruw iuv inuiutruwui .vuuwtuiTi providing for paving tho Intersectloae of streets, out of which report there sprung up quite an inter esting debate aa to tho legality andpropriety of the passage of eueh a bill. Mr. Uovd discussed the ouestlon In Its bearing upon the restrictive provisions of the charter, and held that that Instrument prohibited the paving of streets by the Corporation, In the manner pre Svribtd by tho bill. These Boards bad recently passed a joint resolution asking Congress to per mit us to pare the streets out of the general fund. He was In favor of that mode of prosecuting all street Improvements. Mr. Pepper reminded the Board that Congress had not yet granted tuch permission, aad stated that the Intersections of streets were always Im proved at the expense of the city. The Chairman stated that such was the case) that, where a street was improved, the intersec tions were Improved without charge to the adjacent property-holders. Soi Diras' CuaiiTMAt Dinmeo It Is a curltsltr to visit the basement of the Patent Ottlceendece tbe huge piles or produce lor the soldiers' dinner. Mrs. Smith superintends everything is at work late and early i was down at the Depot jester- day to see to the unloading or the ireignt from Baltimore. She has bought 200 hams, 14 barrels nntta. a harrtla cranberries. 2A.0QU nranres. one to each soldier, lesterday she received tl.OJO worm or poultry iron rniiaueipnia, ena expects more. Phe intends to leave nothing undone to make the poor soldier's heart glad on that day. It Is well onmirh to remind our tMtrlotlc citliens that ah he received but about ae.ooQ et In aid of the ob ject, which Is not adequate to the undertaking. Let alt our kind and patriotic ladles do all they csn to supply the delicacies for th oocaslou. To the Bcnrvoi ent. A family by the ntme of rariutntF Minalaitliiar fit fiithatr. uinlhtr. m,l alt small children, (one horn J esterday.) can be found I on Thirteenth, one door below L street, who are 1 . ..,....' I -,.... -.... .. .1 -.1 vernl-.tltut. and alckl also Ihetf ara In need at many thine, to nuk. them eomfoilable. Please call and see lor .oursehes, s the writer of this h.. done. WAiiilfOTOit, Deo. 37, 1603. W. cheerfully aire ih. above aa Insertion, and trust It will meet the ey. of some benevolent per son. who will look Into the condition nf this ljr.-('D. Ktr.) lui to the Oi n CArtTOl. J... P. Dittk., Jno. W.kaetr, II. C. Orme, J.N. W. tllsou, W. II u.le, wer. yesterday sent lo tb. Ud Capitol, on suspicion of belns; rebel aitlea. tapt, Lawsoo.uf the. lR-KRh frg lata, arre.t. cd b tha Potomac Aotllla, was alio lent to the Old tapltol jreiterd.r, M6fii tMimiM i mmryjitiMi;- wihn m rahr ta a imhiltnlm 02 ImmVwm nU i DUtrld m4 qrrftnHn In AxtwuliHaiUtktif lekool fya4 ,1JM0I taklai tu.d . w. . u iMtiillu' kKjl.3.uv i. ,1 itoan "l,(Mil'Aii4;. -, ! IJ'It" '" i'it f. MTMtllWuA.. W.trfuad. snr.tuf.a4o WiUrl.t. (MoaAanril Tbtra ward t . Frmrth tr.rd -fifth ward 3 , '. i11 ' ? j J AJaac Corporation Int. 3 neoempuon una chooMiouse fund - Colored school $134,34168 4..! Ittu M -. 483,117 M 0K i 't. Dec. S3, balance duo Corporation mh vi nwuiiwii DOC. 33.180, -. Bl Bowman, Bk. Hon, R, Wallach, Mayor. Petition of Wm. Trtnktee. aiktn fntha m,Uia slonofaflne. Referred, Petition of Jamea Towlee aod other. In relation to tho repair of a pump situated at tho corner of mum ii rcei west anq n nreei norm, neterred. Petition of S. 17. Walter. aaklnthniiatrtiiinii ot...w.r. Mrfrid. - ' " A bill m.kla, .a .pMoprUUoiTfoftndtnctal CT.tUIii( TwraUtth ttrt.t wnt. IxtwMa E ut I trMti north. rtlMd. m a mu .u .ppropri.Tion nt I.TUf ft nf UI.Tn) hii A Mil r.i.ilre loth.. twtlo. of it.IKi boat.. and for other Duraooeo. A Joint resolution In relation to tho alley In otjuaro 407. Paaaed. A bin authorising tho Mayor to appoint com missioners or Improvement! for the several ward. Concurred In. A reeolutlon thnttao Mayor bo respectfully re quested to Inform this Board what payments, If any. have boon made, towards dUenargUg the debt Of the dty, ae required by tho tenth eection of the amendment to the charter of the city of Wash Ingtoa.neraetofCoartssofMaylT.ltiS. Adopted. A bill making aa appropriation for tho payment of R. M. Downer. Passed. a joiot resolution oi request, Ave. Passed. A concurrent reeolutlon of instruction, ta th committee to attend to tho Interest of thoeorpo- ratlAM KalfAa IVmavaaa ) A bill maklar an aDOranrUtlnn fa- fanifi around tchool-hoasea In tho Fourth school district. aTBrU. rbmewn OiunH. The Board nf rVitnmAi. rviif.ii assembled last evening at the usual hour. 'A resolution was Introduced by Mr. Gordon, calling for a committee, on tho part of the two Boards, of dt Irene to urge before Congress tho pro priety of abolishing tho police commission, and to request Congress to pay 1100,000 into the city treas ury, which wse referred to the Committee on Po lice. The following were passed. A bill to grade and gravel D street north, from west tide of First street west to New Jersey ave nue. A bill for the relief of R. M. Dowser. A bill maklae maktar an aDDuoDritttna fn fena. lng around the school-houie In the Fourth school S1BII1G1. A bill to relay the flag footway acrosi La. are- hu aaaiu oiaviu uiii w BiralVia wrtli A bill for grading South I stltol street from N to 8 street. A bill for the relief of Gait stub Kohlcr. The bill for the establishment of pounds for ani mals was taken ud and uoituoned tin nt nrnn. day. , i he Joint resolution appointing a committee to Erocure a portrait of Gen, MoCleDan was neat ta rn up. ur. Knight moved lo snbstiture the name of Lt. Geo. Sect 1 1 which wss rejected yea 1, nays It. Mr. Lload thin ranr4vl th rnlfnwtnrBuhatitnU which was adopted: JtMved. That fully appreciating the military services of General George B.McClellen,lnderenoe of the Constitution and laws of our country wo hereby tender to him the heartfelt thanks of the cttliens of Washington kftottvJfuTiktr, That acopyofthls resolution be forwarded by the Mayor to Geo. McClellan. ine uoarainrn aajourncu. M 1 Paor. WlLSOi'a COMCLrcita I.rrrttir.Ttia last lecture of the course given by Prof. Wllsoa. In the Smithsonian, was listened to with marked attention last night. me sunjeccwas "tnc iiuuric and Unhlstorle Races." Thoueh there ts a creat dlveiltv In 4h . yet the speaker saw In tali no Incompatibility ni.ii inr (uratwi iiravrn, iron a romuon pair, ui all the natloaa. onlv eomuaratlvelv tw h.r writ. ten their names Id the records of history. The vTkuimr euiarBcirrtaiiri i ine naiions ' may De traced to their geographical positions. One little spot of earth on the Mediterranean shores has been peculiarly Illuminated. From these Iocs titles come all our history, science, and religion. The nations bordering on the Mediterranean were then alluded to, and their characteristics de scribed In detail lg)pt was the originator of tho arts pictorial Illustrations and Palestine the plac pressed by the fret of the Saviour. Greece, Carthage, and Roma were In turn described. Thote nations, located where the great rl. ert Row south ward In the north temperate tone, are the most Intellectual. The ancient Celtic race was the most Intellectual of the unhUlorle races, and the Greeks of the his toric. From the former is derived the Inspiration ofmany of the grand old poems of ).ngUnd. The admixture of the Celtic wiihthe Anglo-Saxon race, a vigorous Intellectual with a vlrgorout physical, developed that wonderfully actlre race which now people this continent. The peninsulas of Europe, Greece, Italy, Ftialn, France, (isolated by moun tains,) and England, by their pent un locations, have been developed In an unusual degree. Yet this country, these vast plains, can obtain all the advantages of the "pent un Ltlcas" by mesne of the great dUoo rrles of railroad and telegraph, by means of which the distant portions art brought In The Anelo-Saxon race is the vounreatnf thehla. torlc races, yet It Is destined to become the greatest of all. A long and grand future Is before Ft. Tho Greeks looked backward for the "Golden Age," We are privileged to lookortrerd for our Golden A"- Theits. Thtevea are still successfully pursuing their operatlone, as the following wilt snow i On Sunday evening, about o'clock, a couple of over eoata and a hat were taken from the mala hall of Mayor Wallach'e residence, and on Saturday eve nlngtha.hnuse of Mrs. Hough, on Pennsylvania avenue, was entered and robbed of AIM In gold, and SIM In stiver. Mr. Jones, financial clerk la the State Department, had hie pocket picked of uo while passing out of tbe east door of the State Department building. We hear, also, of three cases In tho First aod two In the Second ward, where the houseewera en tered and different articles stolen. Our cltlrect cannot exercise too much care, , i .. Fovho Dead On Sunday morning about nine o'clock, tho body of a man by the name of George Kennel, a Government teamster, was found dead in a branch near Twentieth street, between L and M, by a little colored boy. An officer of the First ward went to tho snot, and ascertained the follow ing fct t Kennel had been drunk all day on Sat urday, aad was In a shoD nsatta the branch aboiU nine o'clock on Saturday evrolog, and It Is tup posed that when he came out of the shop, he accl- uuiuiy icn un in cutrrn idioms uranco, ana there froze to death. DaiHKiNo Hociei Closed. The diinklog bouse of John'North. on B street, was claaednv th prorostguard on Saturday night, tbeproprletor ubw evt "' ! ) tcu iuaaranua ui. The house opposite, kept by Mrs. Peterson, was also closed. Being unable to pay the fine, she was committed to prison. The house ur Mien Kelly, on New Jersey av enue, near the depot, was also closed, and the pro prietress fined 030. - urn Woi'fDED AMD Disabled Soldiers Csn have their "VcfMnry JVwts " made out for application of " avdJtat Piij4int,' Immediately upon procuring iir - wtnvryr, vj (ini,wn iu "t, wcrener. 4 ZtJtck. No. 4 aH arventnstreet,tetweenuan(iK streets, near General Post Oifioe. No charge until pension is proourru. so im Dc.ia.aic India Ritaara Good., Mr. H. A. Hull bat Ju.trcocl.,. a lot of Offlcr.' Look aa4 Light dull tlalih.4 Coat. alio, dull nnlibnf Pon. choa, .xlra Lrr. iltr.i al.o, a lot of blu. EDcUtb T.lm.i, very lour, at ,10 ,acb which h. I. wllla, at maaufaoturrn1 prlcr., at hu ladla Hubbtr Warr hou.., 110 Proo.ylvaDla ai rou,, btwr.a Nlath apJTfPth.trr.1.. oct27 If A WoaD or Advice. ThOM wbo hava bwa ilovtorlne for and moothi without obtalnlai rrllcf, should consult Dr. ' wboM onto. I. at No. 4.t K Itrrct, corner of Klf hth itrct, aad b. radleallr cured. Twrnlj.nv, jc.r. hat ..Ubll.hed Dr. Fl.hbUU'. reputation a. auhyil. cl.a. lucent case, cured In a few d.ra. Charce. moderate. UR. ruilDLATT, No. til K.tmt, corner of Flrhth. Oppoilte the General foet omoa. Lanirit', Men'., Youth.', MU.e.' and Children. I nitnoer nooie, anoe., aanaei. anil u.lter. Lailler and Gents Buckle Oi ershoes. with felt lining and top; Men's Short, Knee and Hip Boots. At Allen, flam. 1. I n m In. II. llttdb HIau M.... a. a-..- ClappsiCo'. India Kubliar store, Penn. aienue, between loth ana nth ate. nov .4 lm India Ruiara good. Tha place to buy your RUBBER CHATS, LF001NS. CAMP BLANK KTS, HA VK1.0CKS, lUVI'.H'iACkS, .mi eterr snide made from INDIA RUBBER, le at II. A.IIALL'9 India Rubber Warehouse, where you csn obtain them at manufacturer.' price., lib Pean.ylvanla awoue, between NUlh and Tenth atreeta. ooxi Imdia RvaaEa Boot, avd Shoe. The above article, are .old rae.frr at II. A. HALL'S India Ruhl arehout., lib Penniylvaata avenue, than at any other .tore In this city or vicinity. Thl. la o. Call and aitl.fjr yourteltes, 310 Pennsylvania ai enue. no in tf f ia es K twin 1,0,1 ft cAliOM , Mtl ta MM4TM 4,ne7i 3,400 00 P 0,713 30 aftaAtmBmmtamf.VdkammMhm aaBBBBaaSal" fTaalMt i At the eacttilae At tola aaaocL ilaaaaocfatlon laat night tho ptopooltloa a(bclnonohalf c proposition of the Mayor, to. gdolso tjke aaU of tM turn i appropnaiec, io ty, tho otter half furnish wnad ta tlM fwio-nr ialtv. rharlag boon plaeod In eaorew of tho tonne Cotkex lie Friend's ftoetoty) to tb haodo of tbe organlta ; kw wr iu. piupvee, waa uaam up aiiu mmvwyim. A committee of one wai appointed from each ward to eo-operate with tho Young? Catholic rrieod'e tf ototy In tho eWbutioe. of io siaiity. 1. t, 1 Cneoapkaik ah Onto Caoal, The following boats arrived at Georgetown .'since our laett . Moee,wood O. P. Porter, wood i Wm. Hoxt,Bot dea Co., too tone eoali Jao. Hill, Amor, C, Co., lit tons eoalf Joe. J. Oreaham, Amor. O. Co , lot tone eoah K. a Hartley, wheat, A0.,'OM DemUlon, l Tho following departed t Wa. Heat, Wm Man hope, Jno. Hill, aVMooo, Anm J. Derby, Neptune, C T. porter, amltb HvjM. - 4 ;. ,; a AaaiVALor Paooijcd PjutontajATwo hundred and fifty paroledprlsoneri came tip On Sunday in charge of Capt. Green, econd New York cavalry. They aro to be aeat to Annapolis until their ox change la aflocted. Dikkabos or DitASLXD SoLDi es. Two hun dred and ninety-two disabled soldiers were yester day dlachargedfrom f ha different hospitals, ?aoKOTion Wm. R. Snyder, Esq ,of Mlnneeota. waa yesterday promoted from n filjSootoa Sjloo clerkship In tho Pension Offleo. - Biimxo Ratxs. Tho following; aro tho ratea at which baokert and broken aro travlnrBnd oeUlne; goi and Utct Ibt log al tender notoo Dina; ine awnoarui BuTinr. blllne." Gold 80 per c. prttn.'- BS per c. prem, BllTCT. ' 23 " 25 Demand noteo 23 20 r " . oauti ui iuuo in Tiaimugwu iuu ucvrjr- lownt Washington. Georgetown. Farmers and Hech's Bank. Bank of Commerce. Bank of Metropolis. Bank of Washington. Patriotic Bonk. Form's ft Merch's B'nk. Tki Bcrxtos Bajtk redeems Us notco In U. B. Treasury noted, when any amount from ono dollar upwards Is preeemted. a I ' I Attthtio, ArrucTXDl Dr. VeUny ts ytt enraged In on exteniWe practice In tilt city, and wo would call the attention of the poor, pony, emaciated victims of their own bins to tho beat sourcea of remedy. Ylrt, rive tip yonr present courco of Ufa at onco and forever f and secondly, call1 on the moat skilful physicians, (and nono ore better than Dr. Vellny,) and bo cured of the dlaoato which lo now-undermining yonr constitutions and tending yon to a pre mature grave, ' India Robbeo Goods lt It not necessary for Mr. If. A. HALL ta en n merit th dl(Tkrnt trUa and kinds of Rubber and Gutta Percha manufac turers goods no Keeps (be hae them all) on hand) and a glance lato the beautiful store or list of prices flvea by his attendants, will convince any one that Is establlmhment Is rrallv the onlv InllA JtuAoer rfarraeiier.and Is located at 310 Pennsylvania ave nue, next aoor io Piessre.i narper at mueneire ury Goods warehouse, between Ninth and Tenth streets. dee 8 tf -- iaaa Goto WniTEHCarr, 441 Pennsylvania avenue, to obtain superior Likenesses at reduced prices. !? faul f...l ,. A a J-. m inr van. v iivfiit) mihikij niv m ay w if, uuiiu. aow selling at $4i half doieos, same rate. Colored Imperials reduced from 0)0 to $90) sslllng whole site colored at only St. I will excel In "Colored CtUi VMtti," having secured the services of a superior artist for that branch of business. Like nesses ofmany of those fallen In battle can be ob tained heret also card photographs of prominent men, both civil and military. nov 3t lm Georgetown Marina List, AnaiVAU. Schr. Damascus, Price, Baltimore, iwiHHna ayHi. v. hii -.. mbciii mivbuui mt m mer ruana.sej senr. tnss. a. nec-sm er, Stubbs, Boston, lime. FOR SALE OR RENT. Bnict. house and lot for halk A BARGAIN. A Double Brick House, con taining ten rooms, with large side Lot, situated on L street north, between sixth and Seventh streets, will be told low and on easy terms of payment. Apply to JAS. C. M( G UIHE X CO , Auctioneers and Com. Merchants, dec Sl-Ct Star I?OR RENT AND HAL-U-The rurotture of . a Irst-class Boarding House, with Fourteen Rooms, In the very beet of neighborhoods, tn the Fourth ward, now having from fourteen to sixteen Doaruere. nausiac.ory reason siren lor seinnr. For particulars, apply ai the Agency unice, on Ninth street, near rennsj ivania avenue. dec 57 H N. H. MILLER. ROOMi TO LET. Four Furnished Rooms, with or without Board, within nve minutes' walk of Pennsylvania avenue. Inoulro at No. 40T niarrianu avenue. ocsotf M"1 T A K Y KQVIPMKNT TRUNK, AMD HARNKaa MANUFAOTOHY. 40, tl.r.ivth, orroim odd rixiow.' am,, WASHWaTON, D. C. I maauXactur, of th. b.t material, and hare conitantlj' on hand, a Ur,. and vari.d atMrt' meat of Military and CUItmt' RADDLES, BRIDLES, BBEAST COLLARS, FELT SADDLE CLOTHS. SIIABRAQUES, Patent Feed and Water Bucket., Span, Officer!' noTtnaiki, Officer.' Fine Sword Delta, Belt Trimming., and Field Olasa Casta. T K UN K & . SOLE LEATHER, IROK FBAilE, DRESS, and WOOD BOX TRUA'IlS. VALISES, TRAVEL IX O BAGS, IIARXESS, it. IHPAlllINu, A. I manutactur. Trunk. exten.lvrlr.end necea aarlly hav all klnd.01 Trunk Material, I am better prepared to repair Trunk., fcc . thorouahly and promntlr.thaa any other .elabllinment loth, city JASIKS S. TOPHAM. TITAIIIINUTUN IIEADU,l'AnTEIIS HOLIDAY DOOKffaod FANCY COOD1. SIIEPHFRD 4. RILEY Intlte their friends to five them a call at the corner of aeventh and D street e, and examine their slock of WHIT1.NO DESKS, DRESSING CASrS, WORK BOM'S, PORTFOLIOS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, POCKET CUTLERY, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Game., Toy Booka, and Holiday Books, lo e ery arlety. T F V O I T TS LU m b e r yard, SIXTH STREET, South of Feuusylvaula Aieuue. det 13 tff "VTOW 19 THE TIME TOBUV YOUR CLOTH. Ingot L. A. BEALL k CO, No. SSI Seventh street, between I K. sep So 3m SMITH DBAIX. No. 301 SEVENTH ' Street, between land K streets, It the Cheaett Clothing House In town. Try them. , noy 81 JU'o" AUGTION-SALES. 5 TJAl! C. Bfott'lTXatnl a 0OH aavuvaMn, ' w 'aii ", suitable rgs;sifita4T pjiesxxts. Ok W-aar ! D' . OoauanKlac l tu o'clock, w. aaall Mil, on tb flnt floor of to Auction Kooma, about W VOLUME OF HAND10ME10UND BOOK!, tultaala for fmnli durtac tho foUaart " coaalaUafl of, anvau,i ALtvtir, sovrcxiti, rOSTKr. IIITTOKUS. CHIISTMAI TALti.i ft A rig BOOKS, MIBLKS,tt.,t. flaUpoflUn. I JAS. C. McDUIRr k CO. dM31-lt ISt.r) B T W. I- WILL 60 Autlon..ra, . 'Comer F ma. arrawlmtf Ninth m.t twih ttit. cxTcirsirc'SALi: XLEdANT ASD HICll FURS,- FUES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY QIFTB, AT AUCTION Cj On TUFIDAT MORNING, December U, com mencing at IS o'clock, at our Auction Rooms, by catalogue, tho stock or an Importing house FROM NEW TURK, all manufactured la the very beet and richest man ner, and warranted free from moths and at represented, consisting of Real Royal Ermines, " Hudson Bay Sables, Mink sables, o French sablet, Fitch Mnrteot, Russian Squirrels, , , Rock Martens, eve. And a very extensive assortment of valuable CARRIAGE ROBES Alto GENTLEMEN'S rUR MUFFLERS and GLOVES We respectfully call the attention of purchasers to this stock of elegant Furs aod Robes, as they have been made up by one of the best manufac turers of Broadway, New York, for retail trade) and will bo eold for cash, without reserve. W. L. WALL h CO, dee SI Auctioneers, BT J. O. McGUIKE dt CO- A net lone era. CONTINUATION SALE OF SILVER TLATKD HAKE.-Oa. TUESDAY EVENING, December TJ, at 1 o'clock, on the 3d floor of tho Auction Rooms, we shall continue tho tale of Silrer Plated Ware, a consignment from one of the best manufacturers In New York, embracing la part Fine and medium Tea and CoiTec Pots CofTee and Tea Urns, Walters Cake and Berry Baskets i Fgg stands, with Cups and Spoons Egg Boiler Water and Cream Pitchers Combination Castors, with Butter Dish and Fruit Stand Table Castors, Cut and Pressed Bottles Magic Perfumery Stand Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Syrup and Cream Pitchers Wine Stands, Cups and Goblets, &.c. Many of tht tnoit cottly yet remain vniotJ, WILL BK ADDED A number of BRONZE MANTEL ORNAMENTS, In great variety or designs. JAS. C. McGUlRH A CO, dee 21 dts Auctioneers. BT J, C. McarJinB CO Auctioneers. CHOICE BVILDINO LOT IN PNfATAO OFFICE SQUARE AT AUCTION.-Oa MONDAY AFTERNOON, the 8th or January, at half past four o'clock, we shall sell, at auction, one of the nml desirable Lots In Printing Office Square) said Lot fronting S3 feet 4 W Inchee on First street west, aod running back ISO feet 4 Inches to a Wrfeet alley, being the second Lot In the square from the corner of H and First streets west, and situated nearly tn irom oi me resiaencc oi rne ixie senator uouglsi Since the burchase of the Printlnr hiMm hvih Government, this section of Washington has rapid-, liued; but none of that denomination have been ly Improved, aod no more desirable opportunity for j oat Improvement or Investment can be found In the) Uu all genuine certificates there Is an ornate fig city, ureor garland placed over and unter each of the a tmny-ieei auey runs through the square from ' east to west, In the rear of tbe lots fronting First Terms $600 cash; the balance In six and twelve months, secured b deed of trust on the property. JAS. C. McGUIRE h. CO deo 97-tds .u , Auctioneers. TOY IV. La. AVALt. Ac CO.. Aurtlnnftri. TO AUrrtON SALE OF QROCERIE, dADLf-lTVR VtVUMA, UUAJU, A&U i UUAt.VV.Ua TL1.SUAV MORNING, 211 lnstant,He will sell at the Auction .JSuiWr Ki. ' ."5Y nooaie m un oi uroccries, jjquors, fcc, compri BlntT Uarrels Sugar and Sirup Do hull Butter and Flour Kits Mackerel, boxes Starch, Pepper, and Soup Kcfrs Pickles, case ditto and Sauces, boxes Figs Cases Aromatic enters, Raspberr) and Lemon Sirup Cases Assorted Prcserres and Pickles, Fxtract Coffee, fcc. a Painted Stand Casks 11 larre fence Tea Cases and Pales Latre lot Glassware, Goblets and Tumblers llsrrels XXX and Hke'n Marnolla U hlk Do Mononaahela and Old Bourbon Vhlsktcs Kect Suit's Whisky Cigars. Smoklnf and Chewing Tobscco And a large assortment of small stores. Terms cssh. W. L. WALL U CO, dee tt Auctioneers. BY QUEEN A WILLIAMS, Auctioneer!. MUNN II CO ,proprletorsof the Scientific Amer VALUADLF. SQUARE OF GROUND FOR lean, and agents for procuring American and For- rtiti uun i.rrcinuiiu, DviwrTiiavrcninHDUMinia streets east, containing about ao,ooo squsre feet oi Washington. D. c, in liber i. A. S , No. SW, folios aod to more thunrifleen thousand inventors who ;.1H.?LW!..T.UJ "".f PuWlo uetlon, on hat chad business done through Munn tk Co.'a Pa TUKSDAY, the 16th day of Deormlwr. 18C3, ou the tent Agency. I,fem.1,eIr Wl ol "I11'? n""1' ' himarM ana ninety (two), at i'clock In the afternoon. Terms of sale i One-thlrl in cash, and the balance In three eooal payments In 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest irom the dar of sale-the deferred pay- auraas u vk st,uit ayj uuiri, aitaiaL-iir) it' liir trustees,andalleabydee4ortrustonthepremIies. If the terms be not comnlled with tn five at from tho day of tale, the property will be re-ioli at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, at three days notice. Said square Is on one of the great thoroughfares leading Into the dt). It is pat cd on one side and Is about the proper grade. s. a. rrucli, t Tp .... JOS SMITH, 'I Trustees. GHENN fc. WILLIAMS, dec 5 eodfcJs (Star) Auctioneers. tThe above Sale le nofctnoiied uutll TUT 3DA V, the 334 Instant, at I o'clock p iu. By order nt the trustees. ORFFN h WILLIAMS, dee 17 en id Stsr Auctioneers. JOHNSON NAGXE'S TRADE SALE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JOUXSOX d. XAOIE Will sell through Messrs. W. L. WaU Ac Co., At their Store, No. 5)80 Peooiylveolt avenue, TITESDA r, DECEMBER 23, and WEDXESDAr, " 24, Goods consigned to them, put up express for the Holiday Trade, conlitlo(t partly of Champagnes of the t ery best brsnds, V, ines aad Liquors, In wood and glass, French Cordials and Punch Essences, Havana and Domestic Segars, of the best brands, Jellies and Preserved Fruits of ercry kind, t nellsh aod French Pickles, Catsups aod Sauces, Olives. Capons, Anchovies, Sardines, Ac Chocolate, Candles, Drops, fcc. Layer Raisins and Figs, Dried Apples, Peaches and Prunes, Osrrels Sugar, Boxes Adamantine and Mould Can dles. All these Goods are fresh and of fine qiisUty, se lected expressly for our Holiday Trade, and h ill be guaranteed to be es represented. Catalogues will be ready on the morning or sale. JOHNSON It NAOLr, Btt Pennsylvania at enue. N. B. The auction sale will be held In our store next to Tenth street. 1 he other store wilt be open for prh ate sales exclusively. J. k N. deo SJ T6TICE-VEflFR5 OF COSQRESS AND l STRAbQERS VISUISQ HASHtbOTOb Will find lt much to their advantage and personal oomfort (If roomlnr out) to taka thru men. Is t thlm well-known and longest abl I shed Restaurant. Tho Miiflrrtris rma an rod win ainansa In vafliilne ! subscriber has snared no cinema in reflitln if his mel) entire establishment, which Is Intt?nJiiicxcliii! I for a flrsKlass Gentlemen's Restaurant, where ma be round .11 tha comforts of a private home, and on very moderate terms, Cntlrmen ar. putlcularly requested to call be fore making arrangements elsewhere. C. GAUTIFH, norSS folm 3iJ Pennsylranla ai enne. Di a n v , FaoM Maacu , 1SC1, to Not cmbcr II, tun. by ADAM GUROWSK1. Price, tl.t, HFILFRIN't BOOK 1TOBK, d. 1 ,w 344 penn re. TROPOIAL von WOOD. J", : w, , -.-..,. T -. JDcrOT QoAaTEBMAtTEn't OrntC. Corner Eighteenth and Gatreets. Washington, D O., Dee; 18, ISO. SEALED PttOPOlAtJ fnr th ttllvttrv tt ala thousand five hundred (4,000) eoede of wood, more or im, to in uovcrnmenx, win vm receirea ai mis ofleraUl Monday tboSftBday of Doctmber, too. The wood to be Lard, eound and uerentntable. fourt(4) feet long, and split to the ordinary sire of f The wood to bo delivered at Porta Albany, Craig, Tilllnghast, Case, Woodbury. Do Kalb. Corcoran, Bennett, Haegerty, Ethan Allen, and Merer also, at such point on the Loudoun and Hampshire rail road, between Vienna and Alexandria, Va., in such Quantity at each place, at such time or .timet, as the Depot Quartermaster may direct, and corded In ranka four (4) feet high, dellrery not being con sidered complete until so corded, measured, and in spected. An Inspector will bo designated on tho part of the Government to Inspect and measure the wood, and eueh as does not conform to the above specifi cations will be rejected. Tho contract for the delivery of tald wood will expire on the loth of June. IBCi. Payment to bo made at the end of each month for the wood delivered during tald month. PROPOSALS, The full name and poet office address of tho bidder must appear In the proposal. If a bid Is mado In the name of a firm, tho namee of all the parties must appear, or the bid will bo considered at tho Individual proposal of tho party signing lt. Proposals from iitloytl parvwr wtfl net U eenrfi rred.endeaoaA of mJltoUtnc mutt MCtomMmv tmek propotiticn Proposalc 'must bo addressed to Cept. Edward L. ina-i, st m am Hunnnar u. ts. ermy. whik Ington, D. C, and should bo plainly marked " Pro posals for Wood." GUARANTEE. The responsibility of tho guarantor must he thown by the offlolal certificate of the clerk of tho nearest District Court, or of tho United States Dis trict Attorney. Tho ability of tht bidder to fill tho contract, should It be awarded to him, must bo guarantied by two re sponsible persons, whoso elgaatnree must bo ap pended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Bidders must be present In person when tho bids aro opened, or their proposals wilt not bo consid ered. Bonds tn tbe ram of ten thousand dollar, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. Form of Quaranttt. We, .ofthe county of, and State of , and , of the county of .and state of, do hereby gusranty that la able to fulfil the con tract In accordance with the terms of hit propo sition, and that, should his proposition be accept ed, he will at once enter Into a contract in accord ance therewith. should the contract be awarded to htm, we art prepared to become hla tureties. To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned. The Depot Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that be may deem too high. EDWARD L. HARTZ, Cept, and Asst Quartermaster, U. 3. A. dee lfdtd rtWBASUnYOFTlIBUNlTEDBTATKS, X Washm oToir, December o, 1B02. On Wednesday lest, the Sd Instant, there disap peared from this office a package of blank "Cert lo cates of Indebtedness,' of the denomination or five thousand dollars, numbered from UMl to 19,000, both Inclusive. No certificates like them have ever been issued from this oBce, and none will ever be Issued. 1 he true certificates of the denomination ot five thousand dollars have their numbers wain em oh the rarE, In red Ink, at the vrrcn corners, directly underthemsrclnalborder. The words Minhe order blank be not filled up, this certificate, Issued to , will be paid to bearer, are mitted on the back of the certificates, tn red ta. All that hare been lssuedslnce about the 1st Instant, commencing about No. 11.800, hare the large denomination, "6O00," printed on the free, in red ink. All certifi cates that will Issue from this office In future, will be like those Issued heretofore. Those In the lost ptckage diner from the genuine In having the words above quoted, In "If the order blank be not filled up, this certificate, Issued to - . will be paid to bearer," eeerewd on the face of the certificate, be ginning over the vignette, aod there taking the place of the border, aud continued below on each end, over the engraved denominations of "fioou," The numbers are vrinltd in on each end, In red far, vmuem the 'ouoo'' denomlnatloni the large denom ination Is In green Ink. Certificates of the denom ination of one thousand dollars, aoswerlng the de scription of those lost, have been and are being "o serous containing me ncnomi national tigures, 5000." Theearland matches three indentation of the scroll, running lengthwise of the certificate, nu i buuui litre quarirri 01 an men long, an eighth at an inch wide In the centre, tapering both wars from the centre. On the tost cert I Acute, this garland does not appear. K. E. SPINNER, snpear. V. K. SPINNER, Treasurer of the United States. F1RHDI.ATT. I - Of No. tsi, corner of Eighth and E ttrects. Opposite tha General Post Office, Can be consulted on RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS. CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMFLAIhTS CHRONIC A i FFCtlOiSS. as well as ill Diseases or Imprudence, or whatever character, and which may be declared Incurable by other physicians. He engages to make an in.Darui.eaiv surv. from his lengthy practice In the science of medi cine, he Is enabled to otter himself to the public ts being the only one In Washington capable of attonl Inr itreedv relief. All cases curable will be ruiriin. tied. He warrants a euro without the use of mer .curyor aay otneraangerous medicine. Kecentcasee cured in two or three days. .1. tt. aJrtiiirHiuiTiKU iv ui. t ,.mi Mil OUWW, PDi 421, corner of Ughth and E streets, opposite Ocn- i erni rust uiucv, wiitrecciTeimoeuiateaiienuon. oat y riM) INVKNTOnS AND PATENTEES. ClgU PATENTS Pamphlet of adt Ice sent free by mall, Patent Lam and Regulations, lOO psges, 23 ccn mall. . No charre for consultation, orallr or bv matt. j preliminary Examination In United States Pa- I Ifni UmCe. MO, Offlces, No. 1 No. tT Park Row. NewTorkt Washlne- ton, corner of F and Seventh streets, opposite tbe rnicHi uuic mir it niii rinAND ADVANCE OF THE ARMY OP y- THE POTOMAC, aad all the stores are cry ing up the prices of their goods but SMITH fc BEALL, No. 301 Seventh ttreet. We are able to sell good clothing nearly as cheap as ever. We have been fighting against high prices for the last ) ear, and our stock oow Is good, aod we are able to sell at low prices. SMITH Is all the time In the mtrket picking up goods at old prices, tnd that it one reason we un dersell all others. We hare the means and ability to sell cheap, and we will do it, as our customers want Good Clothing at low prices, and wa are Just the men to sell It to them. A call ts solicited at the CHEAP CLOTUINQ HOUSE of SMITH It BEALL, Clothiers, No 301 Scrcnth street, nor 21 dt Janl First door below the market, 1) K II 1 ON A L. Ifopelen Cue are being Pxtrtd DdUy, by Uamt Magnet sm. Call and see the names of some of the flnt citliens of Washington, who hare been restored to health, Gout, Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Nervous Complaints, aod Female Weaknesses, In variably cured without fiid. MRS. WREN, 410 K street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. N. B. The city cars pass within a square of the door. nov ST lm T 'UK CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE or it INVALID. Pill ILhed for the BCNcriT and aa a warning aod A CAUTION TO VOU.S'Q MEN who suScr from Spermatorrhea. Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc, supuhing, at the same tlme.THF. MKA.SSOr SELF CURE. ByoneuhO has cured himself, after being put to great e&peuse a t .l . ji ... 7. i j . S I anil Injury through medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, stntile copies may be had of the author. wiriiitiir, t- nor 39-d3mir Uedford, Kings bo , N. V. JUHT ItECElVEn OUR NEW STOCK OF Fait and Winter CLOTHING, which we are elllng at t ery low prices, at L. A. BFALL k CO.'S. No. WlKetenth street, sep 15 lm between I and K. rtOME ONr, COME ALL, TO L. A. BEALLACO , to f et ) our Clothing, Filriil.hlng Goods,Trnnks, I llats, and Cap., I No. set Seventh .treet, I lilt-ID between lal, -JLMUSEMENTS.. -pOKD rASKSOffaUkXaa THEATRE, Truth Una, TtyiiitooM rrmttftmU'amu. ' - i. " 1,-- . . Maaaftraad PraprUtor.n.M. ,aj. JohaT. rord. (Also ofHomdsyftre.l.Th..trltlaor..) ' ' I' " . ' 2,? FKTIVlTIj;i T -. a or TatB ' T CHRISTMAS WKEK. Curiae U coming week, tha ealnant artiste., MR. AMD Mill RlCIIIIfal, AliUd bjr Xoiuaaf Batttt Troupt, A CctApany 0 Km Torli CAorWi, And eonfeasedlr THE BEST DRAMATIC CORFS fa Washlnjton, Will appear each .renin. In BiXra'a JUomriCMT BncrxCLt, ATAKBt.I.A, 0 Th Spirit l.salr, Ajroduetlan of lad.atrlh.hl. h,if .nA A. auri and la A GRAND PATRIOTIC TABLEAU AND ALLEGORY, Ratplendent wit besutr, and elooueat with IU nuta appeala to Zrw A'of fonot it-tuV. To On Stcnd jmortu 0 A JW, and To tto ChtriAtd Sopct 0 fAe Fvtyirt. It IB a rjlfitur. Whleh UliMHunlnvlnm h history ot tn. Union la not a BLANK PAOE, Can look noon without amotion. It I. a mini. transcript of A BAORID LEOACT OFTOS PAST. and man of all partlea, and of all political tnada, nay recerd it with hearts eofteud br tha lanu enoei of rATRIOTIC VENERATION AND REIKCT. Th. Ooddna of Uoertr.Mlaa CaroUaa Rlehlnta. uwhi iTMauiwkMMMnHar. rvi.r sueninc.. Preaentlna amotr.markaU..iulllvfB.tt1(iiM. of th. Illustrlou. Ftltr FUri. th. Terr txnoaioca llon of Stuart'i Oral Portrait of ITasAHofiwi. Incidental to tha tableau, THE NATIONAL A.WTHEit Will b. sung br MUe Ricmnos. th. antlre chorus, and aU th. MEMBER! OF THE DOUBLE COMPANY, With a power and reeellesea oarer before resllled La Washington. ON CHRISTMAS DAT, A Grand Double Performance, AFTERNOON AND EVKNINO, WMbglr. PRICE! Or ADMISSION. Dress Circle and Parquet!., M cental Orchestra Seat., 19 cnt. Family Circle, 3S aeniei Prtrata Boaes, , Door. oon at ta o'doekt D.rformaoea commao. cea at 8 o'clock, d. S3 T.nOVEIl'S THEATRE, PrMlytvanU .wane, near TCttlarit' ttottl. Leooard Grorer Manager THlg (TCESDAV) EVENING. SECOND NIGHT IN WASHINGTON of Dion Bour clcault. admirable apcctacular Drama, In Dr. acts, entitled PAUVIIETTE UNDER THE IKOWl oa, THE ATALA N C H E , With new aad beautiful acenerr by Strong, won derful Mechanical EflVta by Putnam, origi nal Music by Kopplts, and presenting Kata Denln ee. Paurretle. Mrs. G. U Germon aa tha Duchess. Label Freeman aa - Louise. F.nnr Rran ...a. .-. hurt.. Chaa. Ilarron .-.aa-. Maurice. l. hetcnell ....aa-.- Michel. Ben. Rogere ..aa. Bernard. G. P. Jamea a. - Martin. O- CIIRI3TM AS-T WO PERFORMANCES. 43 Afternoon, at t o'elock 1 night, at 1 V o'clock. PRICES OF ADMISSION AS BEFORE, dec 21 NIXON'S CREM.ORNE CIRtAll, ( Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street ) Open Ztorv ffemoofs and Evtning. DOUBLE COMPANY. RETURN OF THE OLD FAVORITES From Aleaandrla, where for two weelte they ap peared before ill, 000 prOPLE, who unhesi tatingly pronounce them th. BEST aYMSAfne CORFS, MOST A-XPEKT ACROBATS, andlHt MOST ORACLFVL XIQBKS Evtr Sttn in Ottt Country. JIMMY REYNOLDS, the truly Original Clowni THE SHERWOOD FAMILY, EATON STONE, MONS. ROCHKLLE, And a host of others. FRIDAY EVENING, Complimentary BeneOt of Dr. R. P. JO.NLS. dectrc-at w I 1VAU tc CO. a Are now reoelvlngon commission from the .nonnrni ianuiaciories A VERY LAItOF. AND KXTKNSIVE STOCK OF FURNITURE, comprising i Mahofaar, Walnut, and Imitation Wardrobes Walnut. Mahogany, Marble-top, and Plain Ou reaus Sofas, lte-ateles, Arm, Vm?. and Parlor Chairs Jenny Mnd, French, Cottage, Plain, and other Bedteads Parlor, Cane, and Wood-seat Chairs and Rock ers Hair and Shuck Mattresses, Bolsters and Pillows Comforts, Blankets Book Cases, Writing Desks, and Tables Card Tables, Centre Tables Cottage aetts large variety Marble-top Tables, Children's Chairs Mahogany and alnut Sideboards Whatnots, rtsgeres, Hat Racks Marble-tob and Plain Washstands Ingrain. Three-ply. and other Carpels, Oilcloth U ith a Urge variety of Goods in the ahiraUhlnf line.alt of which must be sold to close out the stock, and offers Inducements to parties buying, as the Goods are of good quality. Call at their large aod spacious salesrooms, in the rear of their auc tion rooms. W. L. WALL. CO, Auctioneers, de 1 1 5w South cor. Pa. ar. and tb st. NOTICE IS I1KHKDY GIVEN THAT the Copartnership heretoforeexlstlng between LVLK fc COFFIiN Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN O.lTLC. J. A. COFFIN. John G Lyle still continues the business at the old stand, Washington, July 91, IUI. ly M SMITH BE A LI., No. 361, Seventh street, between I and K streets, Is the place to buy your winter Clothing. They sell cheap. Try them, nor 21 dtjaal OAK HALL CLOTHING ROOM, No ISC Se enth street, below F. The subscriber takes great pleasure in announc ing to nis OIU tTieniis ana tuiioiniri, n avnu opened a new store at No. 464 Set enth street, near F,whrchehas a One, selected stock of Clothing to r-1., naod Uo) s' wear, v. hlch they hat e Just re ceived from the North, and otters them for sale at the lowest Northern prices. ., t rt J. BRUCE tk CO, sep 25 3m Clothiers, 464 Set enth street, i; It A N K L I N jf C 0.,"7" " UritViAit Hit PENNSYLVANIA AVENVE, (North side,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth at. , and 388 PENNSYLVANIA AVENVE, Under the National Hotel, Offer to Hie public for the Approaehtuar Holiday., their richly assorted stock of GOLD SPECTACLES and ETE-QLASSES, with genuine Brallltan Pebble or Perlscoplo Cases, correct!) suited for et ery sight. MICROSCOPES, OPERA CLASSES, MILITARY FIELD OLASSES, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, CARTES DE VISITE, tr, ft., ., at the lowest prices. dec 13 I .WKRYBODY'S atteulloule railed toour !i new stock of Clothing for Men aod Hij.'uie, which we hav. just rccel ed, aod ottrr for sale at very low prices, at No. eu Seventh street, near F ' ' ' J. UHUCFfct'o, Proprietor, of Oak Hall clothing Room, aep3oim ODD FELLOWS' HALE, r ' ODD yiLLOWS'SAUVi K JW .ODD,IUXOWB,HAlX,H,Hi,;t , ODD f KIXOW tUlL, , ' 1 i i .,,' I fr t , Tha Oct CaaUrVaur Cr, Tfca anntCnmUrltmTrCmmpmMr,, xf. Tk. Onst Caat.rkmrjr CMspuy, Tk. Caat.rVavr Camtrmmrt TOR TUtB VfZKK ONLY, r. t ' IX A , SELECT ENTERTAINMENT F0 LADIF1 AND OtNTLXMCN. LADIF.S AND CrNTLFMKN, iLADIES AND OKItTLKMrN. LADIES AND GENTLLMuC .- Tht Ctnltrbm l Cnltrtory ItnB trill rrmnln rlosai for u lent during which time It will b. aatlralr .n.r.d.' . tnir, renovated, ka., and will reopen oa MOItDAT. Dnn cember S9(h, with a tfraar. company, and In a atyU of not to b tqualad U toe) eoutry. . Tb.r. will b. a newly rahMd Parquet!., a epacloua GaUtry, four magnllomt Prlrata Boxaa, kfc.i. - Monday KraUaar, DKVir 4, lij ' ' First appear aaoe,rto. lareri Ilia lea, of MI88 JULIA M0RT1MXB, 114. th. bauUful aad aadAatlof aoBgatraaa-rr' Raappearanoa of UIB8 A0NK8 BOTJTHULAND, ,.."" th. eortlahNlghUagal..i .4' ) ' i t CoaUauad aueeaaa of -, , - - . MI88 JCATX PKNNOTXB,' ' r thaiaaMiotttrpaielon; t rtratappaaraaoaof ,' -" 7 MISS CLARA. BZRGKB, " , " tha FmadiiatlAf Daaaensa. - -' - - MISS NILLIZ TATLOR,. ' Tha charming af.lodist.t, fuappursac aC th. Favorite, BOB BABT.. First appearance of1 ' Mr. FIC. BUTLER, r 1 ( tha great Banjoul. TIIsX GREAT COCRTOF BEACTT, oompoeed of BEAUTIFtri, TOUXO LADIES. First week of H. W. EAOAN, tha renowned Ethiopian comedian, from 444 Broad way, New York. Triumphant success of tha champion, Clof Oanear of the world, . T. M. BATES, who ta pronounced by all tha most wonieeful dancer of tha age. QEORQE R. EDESON, the great Comedian, Pan to ml mist and Vocalist who will appear In a favorite oomle eharaetar, and sing some of hie popular soaga. Tha Dnnghtera or Terpelcatoret MISS JENNIE ALLEN". MISS KATE HARRISON, MISS LILUE BRANDON, MISS ANNIE HARRISON. MISS TILLY FORBES, M'LLE JENNIE, LITTLE ELLA.' The Great Corps da Kthlonei BILLY EMERSON, M. JEAN CLOSE I, HARRY TALBOT, J. SYLVAS CURME in a new selection of COHKO-QRArmOALITIES. The evening entertainment will conclude with tha laughable afterpiece entitled TIIK COBBLER AND TUB LORD. Mr. George R. Cobbler. On THURSDAY NEXT,CHR18TMAHAY, Dec. 23, Two Grand Perfbrumatcea, Afternoon at 3 Vl E enlng at IX o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ladles and children are invited to witness the1 performances of this unparalleled eompany,as there will be nothing to offend the tatttt of theftxtdiovi. No liquors or cigars will be allowed In tha Itall this week. Front seats reserved ror Ladies. No Improper person admitted. No ladles admitted unaccompanied by g eotietnep. Admission, 2ft cents i Orchestra Chairs, M cents. Doors open at Xl performance, IX o'clock. dee a W ASIIINQTOK TAHUBTIKS, Ninth ttrett, near JYmiyIvn(a cvefiue. rROpnir.TORj ..... a. hamdlina co ACTINO MANAOER A. M. HERNANDEZ BUSINESJ MANAGER ... JAMES PILGRIM CAREER OF TBIUMrn I DOUBLE COMPANY f First appearance ot Mlsa Ada Teaman, allaa Ada T.atn.1., Mlsa Ada TtfansajB, Miss Ada Teaman, The charming and accomplished vocalist. A. M. IIKIUf ANDKZ. A. Bf. Il.mandea. A M. lleruandea. j. ii. BVDieoxrii. j. it. BVDteoRTii. J. II. HVDWORTU. J. II. hVDWORTH. J. II. BVDHOKIII. J. II. Ul'VnVMiH. IV. S. BVDn'ORFII. If. S BVDHOKTll. II'. S. BVDHOUTII. MOSS. SZOLLUSV. MONS. SZOLIOSY. MONS. A. OROSSI, MONS. C. LEHMAN, FAVL UCKOEB, JAMLS FILOKIM, J. A. COLhtAK, J. If. LASB1S, miss nwiELPicr. Tllt JVLIA lHUAN. HONDIRFVL MOkCSTE BROTHERS, tc. Grand Corpa d. Ball.!. MONDAV EVENING, DECEMBER SM. 1MJ. Orat of Attraction. MANLY EXHIBITION Or ORACI, STMNOTU ASDAOtllTY, Br the acknowledged .uperior Acrobat and Oym- na.t,, On th. Horizontal Bar. Banjo Solo, (original) .... w. S Budworth Fancy Dane. ..--- Ml.s Elite Floroc. Oultar Solo .-.... A. M. Hcrnandst Masurka .... M'lle Paulina and M. Szolloey The Old Sexton, In character ... Paul Brger UZapatco ....... M'lle Julia Lehman. MISS LUCY AT THE SOIREE. By A. M. Hernandei. Miss Charles, and all tha Va rieties' Mlnetrels. Comlo song . -Grand Polka .. Mystic Rings - - - - Mr. Colman . Orahastra Mr. Mortatt PACHA ABDUL KAZAKl Or lit ILAIE MARKET 01 COSSTANTINOFIS. Abdul Kaxak, th. Pacha ... Mons. Slollosy All Muvha, his Confidante . - . Mr. A. Lehman Omar Allb, tha Slav. Merchant - A. Grossl niKCKB. Grand Introduction . Ml.. Julia Lehman and Corns da Ballet Pa. de rasctnatlon Pas de Obellsque - First Variation fcccood .rlatlon Miss Paulina and Corps da Ballet . Miss Pauline, JuUa and .... Mlsa Whelpley - - Miss O. Lehman Third variation M'U. raullna laranqrmni. piie. .uiib, rkyiiu, . hw, and Corp do Ballet To be followed by J. II. Budworth'a adaptation, of Peter Pl.r P.lip.r Podajo. Tommy Cllppem.Clauda Meluotte,1rnnlus. Lima. kiln Man, Metamora . . Mr. J. H. BudworU Peter Piper penwr Podge Mr. W.s. .Budworth Jenny ChalterDoa Mlsa CharlH Comic Song ...... Wr. Colman Tut Lioht BatoaDI, By Budworth Brothers, Landls and Paul Berg.r. To conclude with the Fxu.ulsttely Amu.lng Panto mime of IlOUEHT MAOAIRE. Robert Macalr. , Mr., A. Urossl Jaques Strop, his Pupil ... A. M. HernaudM LaValeur, Sergeant of Gendarmes A.Lehmaa A Notar ........... Mr. Jona. Thurstlar, Clirlstma. Day, Two Grand P.r formaucesl Afternoon, for Lailee aad Chlldr.0, commencing at a o'elocki Evening at usual time. CrSp.clal Nolle A Grand Mallaeaon tat urday ATternoon, Dec. ST, for th. accommodatloo of Ladles and Children, commencing at S o'clock. Uosnta , rniiuiii " iau ii t linhsMtra L)iftlr lUuiii.tta a?atTllf aTHtlA oo " Private JBoites - (ilngleffeatslnlloxes - 76 a?ata iuioreuvirciv itioreuvirciv , T Door open at o'clock Performancei to com teneo at IX o'clock. W J uenee) ?!""& yyiH eisUrM -rff&a JJ&.r-ma--J Lfivsr;