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wpwmw MfVkpmirrJi'Mwnri) il .1 ; I i ? t. H vk x,-immmaami,ito ml 14, paUIrtWMfetafto Rt C. .xiAjr. 'l n i'i j-itT iftin, , , ,v AH ufi?fl!WS!jnWrftatt most ctatMe.'eoWBsAjaseshickHcai of- TX0H3,'SO!T0Maamt,''9lJmKBTlttaT- of rorKfrrowMeiWi'inj wk- dmi of totgXJajtftplffiOAA'Stym any tiiH whatever, or bojW,Iono; standing, tlior ouihtj BpfMkin;rtI!;U OOUT, BREUXATIBJt, ' kxB&UOUi'.uiA other cttsoioiaxAsxiistiiMritAf3, itvs cles, boxes Mrjonrrst scrofula, blotches ,iJrlix;iavxrib$8e Iki'UKMili JTOSrtf .bthJSttni rrjr diseases' in 'ijjJrs orV th MOODi 'ton vSmtmtT-mtm'lty'i-ij'ksrt -rjlffui-'K " -..-it-m .Z.j-alair:.- '.i,l Ho matter what year htat M no MM id letey 1 prerent To'a 'f6m'ia)pTyraf Immediately toDr, far th moot 8U00WinI.SHXPICIAH In the treatment of ea.Uot to coma and mate knownTorajplafoVeiii and be win speedily aeallM Jr wrwjlnf. That dreadful emrstaC Ua yotaf , Indnjjad In when : alone, vdeetrojattlm generative organs, nnnu yoa'ftr married Ufa, producing veaknes of tieb'eodlaibtijloee of anima tion and muartlex'powtr, palpitation of the heart 'nervosa Irrlubinty, loaaotmeanorst, mel ancholy habits, lniarJt7''';coDjmptlon, and daath. TOUNQ M AN J In view of he dreadful con sequence, of delay, do not fall to nuke, .yonr oaaa known, Immediately, to Dr. Tells;. Tonr secrete -with him art (acred, and you mar' coil Sdently rely npon Ua medical iklll. Thousand whoae systems were shatiered and who ware, on the brink of the (rare, hate been brought back .'toTigorcms health" by bia tkllfnl IreaunenC '' iMABIUAQE-- Married persona, or thoaa contemcUtlnf matrlmonj, who etupect. themaelVcei of lmpo ncy, seminal weaks'tia, or any dlaeue arlalng lrom, a related state of the genital organi, whether the reenlt of disease, Injury, youthful ndlacrerlODi, or Indulgence of the' palontn riper years,, are earnestlyentreated to place themselves under the care of Dr. V. They may rely with certainty npbn 'a apeedr core, and up on Ming restored to ran health, ana Tlgor. Be treat with entire ancceea all dleeaaea ol female,, inch U LKUCORSnEADi WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, Ac., Ac., and .In trery caae guaranteca a perfect CURE. FEES moderate.'asd1 VISITS and COMMIT NiCAn'dN8"atHcu';terrATE"iui conn DENTIAL. " " Fxbsoxs calling aee no one but the Doctor. Those a a'dlitance nlay be TkkATED by kin, by aendlng a 8TATKMEN iof CASE, Ac., etc. jys m WILLIAU PITCH, ATTORNEY FOH CLJJMAXTS, oosargR or uiuti jjn y tTBHTts OppoiUt Vu Pott Ojflce, WA1HINOT0N, DiOlr-i lL Froaeeotea Clalma for Pensions. Bounty Moni Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Raeruitl&f vmowieuu ait ainvrjusi wum f auut mo uor etrameat. '.,.', ' Also. Patefltaprocui-tsd for InTentors.- l Special attention given to sates before; the Court IClalms. Fee reasonable la all wues, to Wit: In each pension ease, - BS Ou Bounty Money esse, ,, - o.oo Bounty Land ease, -. fiOO Pay Claim, -. j dtj Widows antLaolnor eltUdrenwho are poor, half me dot rates, .awaeerna nrat ektbemelt ia pievt, free oi shams, euept mete disbursements. Correvpondanta entlUetfato share the fees in all eaaea they forward.- .!,, Consulttox wnMlvHnlLjH..GlLLET, late United Statas SoUeitor of fjU Court of Claims and onoer Solicitor of the Treasury; Ho-Richard Wallack, Mayor of Waahloxtoo. Hon- w. W. tfeatoo, ex-Mayor of Waahtnctop. Lewis Johnson fc Cd, Bankers, Washington. sweeny Hayek, Bankers. Washloston. iCx-ftovenor.Hunt, e Lockport, New York. JudoUatdlner,of Lockport, New York. Hon. John Uanson State Senator, BlUTaIo, N. V Hu. Burt Yanhorn, member of. Congress from Hon. G. W. Clinton, Judje Superior Court, Bui Messrs. Hubble . Darls, Counsellors, Buffalo, N. Y. Judfe Bowen, of Lockport, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport, New, York Hon. T. T. Flafter, ex-member of Coofrsii from Jfew YoraC Hon. John Ganson, Prist Jen t of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo', N. Y.' " ' oetss 5m BOStTRLIk JOIEDIOATED ' . -.. OOUOU OAWDT tor COW US, ' COLDS BR0HCH1TIS. .nrrLUsxzA, nOARSBSESS, And all Incipient ifaorl o Consumption. Tor eel, whoteeele and reUll, by O. E09WELL. Druntty. L Cor. Maryland arenue end SerenUi atv And "' Z.-D. OILMAN, Penn. arenue, near Browne' HoUl. Charlet AUen, W. B. Entwlale, d. B. ciarx, Jonn R. aiaior, L. M. Smith, B C. Hajor,' H. h: Merhenon, 1. WrNairn, 9. C. Ford, J. D. O'lsonnet, J. P. MUburn, J. F. Dawaoo, Charlee Slot! D. G. IUdly. In Georretown by Kldwell, Sothoron,' scluell, and Barnard. And by Druaslsta and Sutler senerally. an 16 ' - TlrnKHE, OH WHERE IS IT I Whole it 'there emonf you not Is want of somcthlns In the war of Clothiny, Furnlihlny Good, Hat, Capal And the beat place to get them 1. at the moit popular Clothlnr Home of J. II. SMITH . CO., No.-to Seventh etreet, where you oan find tie freeteit rarlety of Clotblnj and Furn. lehleg'Goodf for Men and Boy' wear. We can safely eey.tkat quf atock ol ClotMns ekeeli any thine tn thl market, end our reputation for aellln, Good Goods Cbeep'li'iruitJUttl old maxim; that " a nimble iltpence le better than a alow Ulllinj,' la the princtpie rtai;Ba.,itUf, up ourlmmene trade. vu .nivi. Ourpreeentt4ckof0olblnrweoirrtyerylow prleee.aadweereellthetlmereeelrlnfiiewsoodi from our manuiicturle eitabUeboent, No. 40 ... . Weet Baltimore lieet. Co not fall to cell at . If! SMITH k OO'S ,-Vo. m r M Sereath itreet, where you .eaq by Cothley et Iremendou benelne. ' " ' ;. ir: sMiTirn co , Solhlrr., No. itsQyeoth, atreet, and ooraer Twentieth atreet and Pa. nreaue. nov Sl-dtlMl fin HE, 'CHEAPEST. 'CLOTIIIHO ilOUlE"' IN , , . X.'A.arAitico.V' . " ., .rNd.aalaaveathUreet- ; .. i.. -.v.... h, -'-.--. , FTOSUTLKRi.-ALlGfWDlUrTCOPl'riiED L. ac tone capacity, for alia or char, tar,-on. favorable terror Inaulre mdedutely ol l, a. Hutchinson : kcai?i roiirlfeo' -' f 1W WlUaidH hottk. ' u k IWWrF' TrfaijMnmM raemgn Te. (rata .WetoUmctue. iTWfcrrijfi5j5a,Wi(ffa,i .. urv - heteeaaa, UtW i' 'iftj WASHINGTON; BALTIMORE, AND THE WMT ywrfl Tm'it wUlnwuMMwwt -(-FJatlt3UtsiJr!Mim'iMtM-WM. rw Dat Tntvtomtn frVn wik. Ok Snm,HM InM-H ptUlmtnnt ewlelV Mae, fcf a&e WnCmake' ektaii9tloat a 1VBhl4nn JniullnklKAlaTl With th BattlBOr and dole rallroaa, tor li pplatf VVrpt, flffflfi affar hThBi TfHBiviiiaMtr iuai I4BMIB 'AUM7.VKI rIT WMM4toa rawncriuaw. , . , . . ... Ud.m.H.n..fciMlBp.. X,k,f f IVr alllMfNIf-MHItn RMUnflfnlt fib we " ,( ItktlAllti fllABtf that BmltlnUkMUld DklO AaUlrOaVi) MTWfclprtOI.Atnl?-rtV.r-IP1 twP- )Um MQVINO 80UTII, LateNeT6rltat'ra.';;jlWH4IIihla at 11.10 a. m., Baltrnere at 1.44 p. ml Arrive at Waihlnf Leare Newark it ' VVnriadelpMa at tojo p. m., Arrive at Waihlif- '"L.aV.'w'vo.k'.tlf 'p. atttfaeljV.'it kio AMre at WaakUf lonatea. m. il ill" Local Accommodation Tralna leare Baltimore at t( a. m. aad Mo p.a., (er Waaklnctoai arrlra there ariiaTin.-and'lV.W.--;1 -' i"Vi"V On aundaje at . and 1M a. A only, (ran Bel ttmore. t i -"f Ho Annapolla eonntttlona or luaday from Baltt more or Waahlofoii. , j ' Pautntera ltartnf Waaklaiton at and 1. M aad a p. m4 auke eomneanoai at Waafctnitoa i Juno tlom (6laj).wlUi Ualaa on tke-Balllmor and Ohio raiiraaTfSfaUoalatiwMf of the Ohio river end I lor all polnta alou the )1M of the Baltimore and .ta im AtmaAlu far luitlmore and Wailn lotion dally, etMpt auodayi, at 5.U a,ma4 14 PaaJnier Tralae leartoV Weahtnifoa ixt a-'m.. II a. m., iod l,au and Baltimore at J0nit red a.m.aadaaop.m.1 atop ealy at.AnupolU asd WaahtnftonJuaetloni. 1 r; WeT.fMeenralnuit .take the Aeeoiomodallon ,nolT;f, ''l. Maiterefrrantpjrtetloa. A.AtV bzpbkbb compah-k J. Oflee nit Pann. nut, n aMHgton City, B.'C. i.iij GREAT EASTERN. NORTHERN. xB WEST- EH'XXPREBO rOAWAKUEKS. kferchuadl,' Kaaef, Jewtlry. Valnablee, ... .Iliee aiwM, t rorwarded irllh lArETV AND OlsTATCH to aU aecetalUe eertlooi of Ihe country. Thli Compear haa Arenelea la tbeprtnetpat railway towna la the hoSth, eait, wmt.-and northwest. WASniSOTOk.D.C-lf. YOBltfBOSTOA', PUILADKLTBIA. BALTUmHtVlX CISSATI, ST.J.OUIS, LOUIS- tills. Lixixafox: Connection are made at New York and Beaton with Hum lorwardlnt; to the. Canada and the BrltUk FroTlaeea, and with ateemahrp line to Lir. enool. Southampton,' and llarre, and thence hr ICnropeancxpreuaa to all prominent oommcrclal towna In Great Britain and on tha Continent. ' Collection of Notea, Drafte, and Blllf made at all aeoeiilDie pan oi in unneo naiea. CiC. PUNNAxent, t i: Wuhlntton, D. C. OOME8 A BROWN. Kf SOLICITORS OP PATENTS AND CLAIMS. J..V ? a . J .1 BouutUs,. Pension, DMk ,Py, Offlccra' RceriutlBfff staa 11 therjiist Clslmi, "ngnlnat fjtO'GTenuneut. 'OFriCE-i-No. tO BGVCRTII IT.rETf (Depsrtmej-t Exchange,) WSHinoTOict D. C, And Xo. 3 iiri: rUe, eornrr of JJnwJiMy, oppotilt CUy MoUt Xna .Torl". Befrs,1ir permission, to Hou. Hannibal Hamlin, Vies President, Me.; Martin KalbOelsch; Maror Otr of Brooklyn I Abl- lah Mann, Jr.. New York CHy (John N. Goodwin, M. C, Me. Thomas M. Edwards.l. C. N. H., Ed- ward If. Rollins. M. C. N. H.l Alas. H. . Rice, M. C.,Mass. John B. Alley, M. C., Mass.( Alfred A. Burnham, M. C, Conn.) Dwlrht Loomls, M. O., wodq.! jonn a. uurirv, gi. .t uaAOT.faa.mrw n.i Ashler, M. C, Oblot Sidney EJrtrton, M. C, Ohio; efonn nuicmns, m.' -.. unioijoou miim, . v., Pa.i Robert MeKaifbt, N, C rt.i -uiun n, jaor rtll, M. C., Vfcj John P. Potter, M. C, Wls.j Z. , Vfcj . MrfC., cnanoiera i:naruiiar. nu u.. micu.i j MlcU.1 James II. Lane. M. C, Skansnii CTTUS Aianco. m. v., Minn.- " hi. . ri logg.M C.IU.t John T. Nixon, M. C, N. J.i John f LTiN.siMtton.M. C, N. J.t P. B. Fouke, M. C, IU.I Owen Lorejoy. M.C ill.f F:;P. lUtr, Jr.( M. , Z."TT"K---i'iT-..'. W ..'. .a v.ili I1I.I Uu Mmavji t(V4 m.i-iiiHiei.n., li Nr'wVcko'r Em1 Ptm Wllfkm.lirt C? U,.,mn?5i,K.!3:i.,E?.. ,rl1..mM'2h.Mc.'. :rrrr '' ' i-.. JyM-t( F TEniOR ADOnXMKNTfl. ss&tl 4SS -SZJ SBfwlt,VP-fP' 466 y4 PAPEU IIA,N0IN08, " orALLonatitsAinmiccs. Warranted Gold Band Window Shades t .ButT, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all sites made to order. -.... Also, n handsome assortment of Picture Cord and 1 assets, au sizea anu eoion. Wrclia.ln,farcaih,andaUowlnenool.l.tockto ..... 1 navmAnm naillas that, aalinvak ar-fastilm urlll it to uiit. adrantan to rir. m. a call. "M' (5 AUworkeaewtedaJup:erlntendedbrpractloall jooj, k, clieap.but we have,. ,yery Jarre lot of .n,whohareaerredareful.r.pprentlahip.t,' '.' . -,.VT " .? .... men. meiriraoe. i,:r i.- i Satisfaction guarantMd, ornoVey required. Plaaae give me a call Remember the number. JOHN MARKRITER, No: tN seventh street, Elibt doora above Odd Fallows Hall, nor l ly nPEKTIII TEETH I of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at(Wi BUInroijjfrtandaapatroMtliaVehas sac ?a?Jlt2SZ'SJ. ...', , ..-.' ' ced1 "Wn be necessarr arrangements In Many persons ean wear these teeth who cannot thviUstaurant department, which enables him to wear othttt, nd no pertou nan, wear others who Stffi wltffiiu W of "!.!!.-., i i.. Washington and the piihllerenerally. r.sff:trTtrrThTi,r.r Ilrl Pu'; l'11'; DU1 10 inoie woo are pariicuiart ana wim in. .t. el.anMt. atronreit. and moat nerfeet dam that art ean produce, tha Mineral Plate trill be more fully warranted... n - .ri r i Room In thle city No- & raoniylranla are- , between Ninth end Tenth atreef. aim, ten h atreet, FhUaoeiphta. mar is )y tlHILE DII.FHE, IRO'P IlA'ti, AO.'Peraneylvnnla ATenne,. H'AoIaKrfe and Retail ,Df!tr. U PINBIT 'FAMILY OltOCEIMES, FREXCXaw) OKRXAX WIXES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, CHAUPAOXES, "BRASDY, RUM, OI.V, ' CIOARS ond TOBAdOO, Ha now on hand a rcry n auortmtnl of the above, at fair price. ' BVTLERB SCJTLIED. novae-TTkSIf JN PlANQltTE5y SJN8INQ. FROF. ALEXANDER WOLOW8KI, tUSlST, VOCAUSTASD COMtOSCU, Kei opened Ladlee and Gantlem.n'e Aflernoon ou molt ftb.rai term. ' rrofeuor wSlokl will alioeplalntliefull,theofyof Mulo and Ileadlny by hi yctem.' ' .. , ' pi.'i,TCI Woloikt,'new method, a peron havlns only a elliM knbwledie of muilc will be enabled. In a very abort time, to read inutle with ' snat facility, and execute operatic ae.wru a ciai.icai wun rare perjeetion. Ae to the vocal part, by hi way of vocalliatlon . arrlvra at mo.l .Ktraonllaarv rfiault.. r.nd.n the voice powerful, end eDablcath alnfarto vo cnUte ,wl(h f U)ly, Kfprac J-, p4 Bie quality ol ton.. ., , , , ." t. rtot WolowaWrecelrci rlilfor dally rrora.1 )'l , m. .nd from I to 4 p, nv, al aioto . ana lrom s lo p. m-. at ma rrilAeaci liacnce, ,N0, l&l Tanlii .treat. battrceoE and P. n.;rl. -Children ,orertli, yeaitdf ( a oi w tept'ei. areao- s , M. . 'r j,i fAINE AOENCV 'S" lOLDtERP M til DP AtSOCUTlOS. OtSce, No. 274 V tret, cor. Thirteenth. JtatkubMDM t, N addrj..0 Arj ettlMf ,lO9atK0',WHWptB,P, Nw.39rtr!iaSm U. ifftv l&NDoit; 'KoMwrcff, Aa4tWomcit AltVr J XitnUKKeptod.)CaX AUOelMk.P..Mn riFR'ttKji, rbof 'oi vtiTkr itpeet. Tfc iWv JtaACTilflwDt itf mtt fcltt Of fct TON, win. wiieox, tommfcodtr. frftm Bnr Tort TuUii I TharAdirO )Bt I t-tuKtljU afia -from New LoixMn Moivlf yi. VdaedJiTif od FrldJirt. The nrw ft ml miflflecnt it run r CITY OP M-fW VOnK, Thomu p. Jriffiittrepmmuidr,lYom Ntw TtkMoBdT,hdodti,'ai4 PriaUtii froo. NlxndoB-t4tr, TbMttdaj- M4 uhir-dart- - JJ. iiiinti ju J - c 'i The two newkttJUtiAn hT b? but It ejxnmt- nr, MllaV, If fotr9twlUiliodmlmprorMPBihU- luainc iir ii udlnc Water TUht CovipiuU6&I. -tuS n thw odIt irtmfravTt,))uUt rot Iaonj ItUnu 'Sound arlth tKIm arwanaa tlrat-neAmawtnA lmnAFnmnl Coaduotori Aoeompftny th itmmTr th wiyJ Putienreri proetrd From New London lmncdlett If od ftrrWeUof itmtn.tir EkprnTrslato Boiv ton, Woroetter. LowIL " Iwimc, ntchburf NashuA. Conoordath Vhit Mountains, fc. ho. Paiienfcri rtuninf from Botton Ito tht D pot ofthe' Boston and Worcester railroad at A.K P. M.,' Worcester t r, M:, arrlTtniat New London t.MP.M. l-aiiyH t -, Fre lrht taken at the Lowest Rates, and dcllrer d In Botton early llie nextdar. tatsiBoomt In atmadtnoe ean be h,vl on boanf stsamers, or at the Boston or Km York offices, lr adTM.ees t.I -.-ci. MARTIN; Afeat y-tf- '" ; ' n7 s if.ii.' 9' REAT CBNTBUU. JtOUTK.' ) UDSOXJlirEJl RAILROAD and A'ill YORK CEXTRAL RAILROAD. - a- titutnjjA Hi i q.iAW t .vr to Ok'akb Am Dicrxata , IMl; 1 'EnjfC.i Trtlifa laare New 'tork city depot el Hudion Hirer Railroad dally, Bunder excepted, a lunawil'"-' " '-'''! - ' - " rrotn Chambers street' At 7 a.m. 11 a.m., 5 p.m. LIB p. m. Montreal and DufUlo Train with sleeplnc ears. 10.13 n. tn. rn anh atreet itatloa At 1. a. m'. ll.aoa. m,'I.Mn.m,' I 40 p. Ml.1- ' f( IA.40pTn. Ol Sundjif s, the follow! dj birs. therollowlDf trains will M' run to and from sothatreeti Thelftiop. m, slerplns; oai train for Albany and Troy, and tha i-W a. n. from Troy, and 4.45 p. tn. train from Albany." ( Conneetlnr at Albany with the New York Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rochester, Ullea, Rata via, Rome, and stations on Rome and Watrr toWn RaUrOade Buffhlo, Sjrraeuse, Niagara Falls, Suspension Brliil,"AnburiitGeoTa,C'aod4talcua. Trains tn eonneetlon'leNre ButTalo and Suspen sion rta Lake 8hor, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Western Railroad, ton Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, CtUeco.TcMedo,Mllwaukte, I'onddu Las, La Croat. MadlsonL1 Fralti DnCmen,, Ualena, DualHh1PulHMiuel Pooria, Rock Uland,. Mustv Une Iowa City Burltiirtoa, UufneTi Sprlngflrld, Alton, M Louli,.Calro,Ttrre lUut,latflanaiioJla, Loulstllle, CUelnnatl. Dayton, Columbus, Clsre Uod,ana all pout Wsit, Northwest, and South- W ' " ""iNORTHKRKRbUTE, -. Oosnectlnx with Trains at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Rons, and laratoca. Hoails for Sarato ra, WhttehslV Hutland,; BurUncton, St. Albans. Rous Point, PUttsburs&s Ofdt nsburfh, Montreal, V-Freight Arangtmentsbytlilsfouleasabore. without lince of un from the Drxti La Cham bcrs and HuOoq stret ts,ar at aU times as favora- Diem maoa oy oiner tiauroaa'ompaniss. The facllltiMOf thls;trat(Ncw ork Route, to the Wcst, theoooflileooeof merchants axedihlpperaforpromptnaas and despatch. Passenrer Tral LUIS. j wlih SmohlDf and SlftIni LeW I r. ; run In conoctton on the. jew York,C'eatra1 Road. For narticulavrs as to local trains and frslrht r ranx emeots, toculre at the drfot;u Warreh street - " ' ' A. F. SMITH dec 11 Suierlntendent. 1niG RAIL1VAV, Pasacnrer Trains leare a PavonlaTertJ from foot of CnamWrs street, as follows, Tin soo a. m. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate This train remains over nlrht at Elmlra and pro ceeds the next mornlnr. 7.00 a. ra. Express, for Buflllo andptloctpal In termediate statfoae. T POO a.m. JtlUk, dally, for OtlsvlUe and interme diate stations. 13,16 p. m. Accommodation, dally, for Port Jerri and principal stations. 4.uup. ro. Way, for Mlddletown, Ktwburrb, and iDirriaruiavia ii'iioui, 6 oo n. m. NUht Exorcss. dallr. for Dunkirk. Bui ItUU, VBUBUUOH train of Sat urds leUO, VtlieYJluai(U nu princiuaii iiivqs, -- A J.i I- .-r'.t .... ' e. Ids The r runs through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Lir 7.oo p. in. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal .:..: VSg?,?;,. ,, The I.xpM JSfM. reea Tralna connect at HorneUsvlUe wlU lwauo, ai timua wun the caoanaai- . .. .--... n. .. . n-- . ' rallrol for lUehMter and Bulmloi at Orfat Dead. wlththeraUro.dl.a.r.ntn1ao.tBull.loana . Dunkirk with tna Lake Shore Hal I Dunkirk with tha Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve . land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, he, and 1 the Canada railroad. , , , . CHARLES Ml NOT, sep 13 General Superintendent. "IirilO HATS SOI We say that our tor In T the First ward may not hare caused a eom- motion, but do say that we are running otTanlm ( mense stock of Clothing at the Leading First Ward i Store, corner of Twentieth at reel and Pennsylvania ' avenue, but who ever saw a store where a Smith was that did not do business! and the ressen Is, they always srll their goods loo cheap. That la why' they are al'ways'poor. (Who ever nest J of a I Smith getting rich! ! never did J i We are determined to furnish all the First Ward with Good Clothing. rvexjltodj had befter iom i6onatJbuy, as our .1..l.:."ll ' 1LV' ' - ii. nelfliboriVln aa ImVar li.lni, uf lhal we I " AT - ' .' I ' not itand It moretban ninety dara.lonxtr aclltnr ' we are determined to run them off at great bar 1 gains, at Heado,iiarters for Cllhlng In the First Ward, corner of Twentieth streetiand Pennsylva nia avenue and No. 100 Seventh afreft, norm SMITH k CO. V'OTICE.OJtTEiJ'5 flEJTCiUhr.-.The , upper part of the eetebuahment for the aocomrao da (ton of gentlemen wlahln private IllKKtMSJJDSttJ'HaS.U., anxetnent have been maoe to eufwlv.the table from the market of .New Yolk .nd Philadelphia (daily) with OAME, FISU, EAST RIVER OYSTERS, and aU the uellcaclea of the aeaaon. A choice aeleetlon of i wises, rjL'Ois, urj.Vi wants, i., . Iromtheold-eatablUhedhouaeof A. BlolnefrltCo , 1 ft........ I. k ..'111..!.. 1 u.111 k ah...hI.- n. hand. ' CVGACTIER, PabraitlOa, norzveoim a reonajiraoiaaTrnue.. GUAND ADVAJfCC OP TIIR A 1X51 V. and clothiers are crying up tbe creit advance of clothlns;. hnt we are aelUpfat a smalf advance on old prlcee. We have a Urge stock on hand, and are selllna; them off to mike mote room, for we have a very larf e stock of ClotRlot; at our manufac tory, and are now runninf off oar) stock at less tlian wholesale prloes to make room. AVe hare al ways been flclitl&e; against bl(h prices, and shall oonf&iue todo'so.'Mr.'8StTHlsin tte m'srtiet aU the time,. and Is enabled to furnish our store with a superior stock, and we cannot be undsrsold, by iny one. We have the means to sell cheap, and are determined to do It at SMITH i. BE ALL'S, No. 3fll Seventh street, hot 31 dtjanl Near K street. rTIO TUB VOTBUS OKWAHIIINGTON. J. The Assessors of the dlftsrent Wards will mart fit that follnwlnr nlacve from 10 o'clock a. m. till 3 o'clock p.m., from tbs Uth to the out of De cember, inclusive, io oorreci auu rrisicr ins nsmrs or those omitted from the poll list i 1st Ward., John A. itheeui, 17 Pennsylvania av enue, between 17th and ICth streets. ltd Ward. ThoAias Stewart, corner 13th and II streets. ad Ward. Henry1 Cnrtls.eorner of II and Wth streets. 4th Ward. Thomas W. B.irch,oth street between Q and H streets. ,, . . Cth Ward. D. F. tyer, reslasnoe, Ten BalUlogs. Uh Ward-George. Collard, t T. FAvr. Clark's of Coe, Virginia avenue, betwren IthandlOth streets, 7th Ward. 'Peter Hepburn, No. W south F street, between 8th and th streets west. de l-dtJl CECOND-1IAITD PIANOS, ' J On private sale, several exeelleot Aosewood and Mahecany Casa.tlANO FOnTCa.CorvnrB, fltopls, and Musis RaekSe i - . . I ana musie saca. & McQDlw! fc c, Autlloaseri aru) Com. Wir-han, RorosAL3 rou WOOD. ! mmntfrnximm DtMT qtTASTMMASTMU OrplCS?,'" Cocner ngefteMtsVaad G streets, SCALED PROPoTaD for the 'delivery of SIX f tnae Ave hwearM (e,eejeaD-woe4, mar erU,la.uovaiut.wlUUaeoelndattkM evmtunietnoeayiiaeeawaaayaicNcemDer,mv aMtoieMekm.-,..iiA iuft w nj .tn.j i n..wnml tan. hahLnotiM and aiaimi iitaalaw four(t) awt lon(, and apllt to the ordinary aire of wWWoVtlteWkrertsAl rUlUwtuixVChss; WoodbUiT. Kal iievneiuHafttrty, Ktnan1 Alien, inn at such holht nn tna Lotidoun aakl Ha road, between Vienna and Alexandria. ffuantlty at ench place, at" such time or tlmee, as tha Depot (uaflermssTr mar direct, 4 eordedU ranae ir () reet-nifni uriirery not Mine con sidered complete uat II so corded, measured, nod In spected. An Inspector will be dealfnated on the psriof the Government to Inspect and measure tha wood, and eush na doe notMnfermUt&eahorosscin eattonnwuiberejeeiedi v " f ( - contract roe tae caurvry oi .eaia wooei wut irtreontbeaotiiof June, itt u ' j-j- PakntlnMift tn hat tAdkal all ltkak Ami if h ntaUiatlv. for the wood delivered during said month. - j ' " 'PROPOSALS.- Tbsfuilameaiir1retemoefcl.lr4SorthebliU(' must appear la the propoeaL . i l ti ju is mnav in inv naraai v m unoi m , dfatl the parties mnst-appoar, or the bid will be considered a the individual proposal of the part irnlnelM i ' O I ' m ,uJ Proposal from H$Jyt pcrtit$ ttt tut bt eentbf ererf, enf en.eeih e afeyfeafe , mnsf .yoffesiy each r rropoMls Wust he addresaed Co Hpi!foiward L nan, ahuuhi 4usrirmaaicr u. e. mrmjt yt m loiton, v. C. and should be plalnlyjnaiM,' Pro posals ior Wood." ; " n fracirnt 0AHANTEC. ..iaTKA-rr t.The reaMnalbUltriAf the) smarantora mttstbe shown by the oflelai eentDeate of the eleth of tha nenreat inetrtet Court, oriof tha United ifateS Dta tr tat Attorney ; .'a. n--.ud "Wnpn- i i 1 . aUJiuT j oi uie nwRr oti turn ooai rn, inoiuii It he awarded to him, sanst he Kuarantledhr twev ret sponsibla persona, who alfnatuiravsnusV he apJ pessdedtotheKarariteefaadaald cnarantee must accompany the bid. : .UX.Tai 1 Cst (I Bidden! must ba present In person whM thhfcu are opened, or their proposals will not be consid ered, n i fivr. -c) - .-! ' - n Bonds in the sum of ten thousand dollars, sifted by the eoatractor and both of his guarantor, will berraulredof the successful bidder upon slrulne the contract. ' . i ' '. -!-.- J- remeGiwraiuW. -- - - -We, .of the county of and State of', and , oi tb county of and State of -r do hereby guaranty that Is able to OiUlttaf eon tract in aecerdanee with the farms of ht nrooo- sltlon, and that, h6uld his proposition ba'accrpV ed, he will at onoe enter fnto a contrail 1ft A jobrj- should the .cod tract he aW'aided. to him, we 'are prepared to become his sureties. i ' ' , To this guusntee must be appended tbeofflolai certlOeate above mentioned, i,. , t V- , The DepotQuarterroastcM-e'seTves tohlmselfth rlcht to reject any or all bids that he may dem too high. - ' EDWARD L7HARTZ,- .i fupi.ana am i4unfnnswvu.ieA. A., oca iv-aia SPECIAL ItOTICK, ; f to tnt CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, oym-ERs of Tim army and navy, ODEON HALL, The old and established Etaporlum of'ClcAhltg, that has, for so many rears," supplied tha cltUenj ofWashlcrton and vicinity with all that Isee- sentlalfortheeletrance'antl'oomfDrt of the.outei sentlalfortheeleri man, la now lupplied with the' most eomplete' and iuiu. ii uvn iu-iiiu nu tuo uuii auuiiiariy tvau fashionable stock that we have ever bad the pleae- it. tn nfTr coats, PANTS, and VESTS of th moit 'dtilra- Die airiea inai oouia oe louna in mo marsri. uurMwn.mDi . ... iv a.twn'A T a.n., HUIIERV. GLOVKS. kc. cannot be urnaned and will b sold at prtcM that do not allow of eompe- iliion. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY-OVERCOATS. LARGK STOCK. Ur. nilLITART OVKRCOATS LARGE STUCK UF MIUTARV OVERCOAT, LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS.. LAROK STOCK MILITARV'DRESS COATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS.' LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PAMT.1. LARGE STOCK MILITARJl'.rANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE aTOCITMILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOClfJalUTARV VESTS. India ni'Bi Goods "or 'ALL DF.SCRIf. TIONS. .l .VALIUt. CARPET-BAOt. kc. lAOl our etock"M BOJSaniJ'Irotrnig CLOTHING 1 lae larcYn ana dmi iiuaiawivi. inti u. .T.r trea.09red la thle city, and at Ue loweit prlcea they ean noaalUy he ohlalned U au rltyvi, ET-Catl and ae neut ODEOallALU roraer 4U atreet and PtnaTltol1"nu'i the-Breat Cloth. Ins Malt otwaKllSfton city. V ! nor livery TuriThuri,aiSat CT rrHBASIIIlVOFTIIRVIVITKOaTATRal, I.i i-il'l aii 1a tlllsf On Tedneeday laat, tte a .tnetaellnsiiyan- peareUfromthIsoflieea pNLnevalwnll'teftlh catea of Indebtediiesa,'' of Iherdfl6tnJDatlon of tt e thousand dollars, numltcrM from 1&H to.U.OOO, toth Incliulre. No certlncates like thrm nave ever been Issued front this ol.l,hnd ndne will eer be tsiurd. 'i j .i j. -f-irt The true certlflcales of the denomination ol Q, e thousand dollars have their numbers wniTTiH ah the race. In red luk, at thevrrcn corners, dtrectty under the marginal bonier,. The word t If (heorder blank be not BUM yp,thls,certlnsatei lsnuedUo .will be paid to bearer," are pniNTCOKTHC SACB Ol hit; vrriintrairp. lurvwinav.i au timtintii w tteeu Issued slnw about the 1st Instant, commencing aiioui ro, iifOw, nare m larEe arnuminaiioD, ootw," printeion the lace, in rw inv. au coriin- CSiVB taut win iMurdnwu liiiiwtuuo in imurv, win I be like those issuen ncretoiore. inose in ine lost . package dlfler from the genuine la having the words ' ia.LM.ivt uumru. i if.1 ii a lir unirr aiiaiusk tfer uui uiiru up, this certificate, Usued to , will He paid to bearer," eaorawd on ie face of the certificate, be ginning OTCr me TiKnciie, aDu iiwrr iKKiiig ine place of the border, and continued below on each rnd, over the engraved denominations of "&ouo." Tha numbers are oriiUed In on each end. In red Ink. t'Kiicn the 'COOO'' denomlnatloot the larirje denom ination Is In preen lnkr Certificates of the denom ination of one thousaud dollars, answer, g the de scription of those lost, have ,been endure being Issuedi but none of tlist denomination have been on all eenulae certificates there Is an ornate Or- ure or garland placed over and uner each of the two scroll! conmiuiais iur uchuiuiukwudu ngurei, t'Arnn" Therarlsnd matches three Indentatloni of the scroll, running lengthwise of the certificate, anil Is aboui'three quarters of an Inch long, an eighth of an Inch wide In the centre, tsperlng both (Arlend doea not appear, F. E. SPINNER, dedB.w TrcaiureroIthe.Unltcdstele., tQ " TAKE NOTICE. KQ M. T. rAKKEK, NO.iW LOUISIANA AVpNUE, ... . lUsnectfuUr anJ cheerfully returns thanks Sot he liberal patronage hitherto received. Having aver laciuiy yr uoui ;, gf THE BESTntr ., . f7 ' ANfi DEC.0BAT1VE PAINTINO. Together ,wlth all work partatnlnf to a Flair ctaia Palntlns EctabllBhment. HabAinohealtancyln lolloltlns a contlpiiance ofthepuljllo'ariror 7ti Prli'r RutcmahUi Th4 Work'UnaaptkmalUi And particular attention la paid to PROMPTNESS IN, DELIVERY, nemember the numlf I t . 00 L0V1II4NA AVRNDS, Oct 21 3m bet. sixth and seventh ctreei. -r a n K If A M , M ARKHAM'fn. the best HOTEL la the CiTT or WASHiwcTOJf, kept on the EUROPEAN PUN, AjMnlng WtltanU JUU1, ND. 217, 'ipn?8Ti.viwfi., Aywvt, Tlie underslrned have fitted aad furnished the above named house In the best manner, flvlog It all the modern Improvements, Including water and fas In every room, beds and furnlsMnf goods net sur- passea in any nouse ra ine wumry, bee to assure those who may favor us with ia th.. ordlnsrv. that It will be sUDnlled with every thing the market affords, got up in the kt w.A at II rlnf nr !(. TheNatlodal f.fpeWrtit. says: "WefeeVltto he our duty to Intlte attention to this-' boos, sod to guarantee the public against extortion In prle or neglect 4natteitteitleM4t' will not tM muter the control of the sevraats, u hather while 'or Mack." And winflAru It and shall rcarrvouttthei f-et. We can only say to those coming to Washington. J lop Ml INI ua"' i.iiiuhu i""i"- "'! " i - houie, stop at the house neaiest the cans and Ihe Tar-isoav, and to hate tbe benefit of all this, stop AtMAHKHAM'S, 21-Fennsitvsnla avenue.- F. P. MARKHAM. decfii J'Twrlrlors, p F. H B ( N A Ifopettu C'aus art htlng Curtf J)atfyilyMnd Aiagntifttit. ( . Call and srf thenanieiof somcof tbefl'rslcltlzeDS of Washington, who have been restored to health. Gout. Files, Neuralrta, Ithrumatlsm, Scurry, Nervous Complaints, and Female Weaknesses. U- esjWJI kUl we-'i-w. jwm-r MRS. WHEN, iidK treet, r,atrffdn elvtVi ntnl aavetnt Th .ttahavel l,B, Tr. ctr car tf 1 .wlbta iquereofth MlfflSa miieeMrallJ faJUtueh' titer, , pvr .,-,w- SWKMT lmwri 'nriaiMiirniiiameji. ,5wj; rt;r HffMil,1WMtntt,1i H1 4ifi i.uWf 4a(tatinu acri.n nilo at ,etl TH . Mo. xlnonil ,?tnil7 kwl en a la imwt' Mfipss-Htvad "wat ahilrao .J eiil'N ItifiA f feutr 14 ltfi tfailSfjus LnjmUi at msw ftitrio-ji.W3eSLiit.A iai.1VR utlivBBK.M mJA iKititJaf l.nb.-.a IJfliHPwant wittl rtO Vsttil, v inrvtjv n1 i' , Ins h-iUstlJf oivtft'vt J-gfr .iu t. i& ftia.Ti'i-Wt tjq wvuii.j L4IJ (lJ.tTC.i h t ,-val' 'f:M$KT ,Tt -Tftt; js-ni . t: IMA RHT,V.VTli.V, fiOOT, JBUAWIi. LCW- i ,MUji,iiV-r.V!PWP',rMis:o:! -4 IlEADACHtVANDAU.'RHUMATld ( ' -.J ANit.NrRVOrs msoR0r.RS iw.. m iill.uAatjiMr ,aMiiu.ui & t oTaVfwTvnVirrTa7iay-aia-eeTtaH reme dy, and nerer (alls. nii liniment la prry-ered from the reclfe of bri mepkea'sweet; af ,CiaWt. Iet, (Miantt(jeAfeerler; Al4 k pWUedli nie pranice, lor more wan twrn. y jef lt JU V. W. moit aitoolahlnf auecni. k ZJ . ,4,.ii llt'a1t ..x r.l I A II xanMi.t era ,14 loir r ifr t 1 nl .l.- ,A,StMr7irbfc:fJr')M'it,UWVM ky any aeparatloa helor Una p.Ulo, of wklek tka meet akefMA may tw easVtaeed .by avthtta trlklj tnu.IvJA l.bjiir. W Ma 'jtlijiinimeirl'win 'ratt'wlfty'ewl Tsdieally, HJarMIe, I4rt-,aery'ra,d..,)f thonaanda of eaer,'where it ha. been uaad, atrtbeekowato'MLod Iji tla-ul tilt r reifl.ailiil.tM.iijK .FOR IVEUtitOM.It will afford Immediate roller Itwlltrelleretkeworataaeeeof HCiOiCPCla trrrfVnWeaMij'writed4iMltj3rC YtiK'ifcKYdWMtitttfUktibflifctjit'M UTiuiE, anaiac Dora ateeea, ante liniment tsUimdel happy aad unfallla, remedy. i..t.f' rr.v ). ..... ttaeke, ' It atiteUieasaad raWrlOei te ayatem,n4 feetoree IttoaUcriyandlrtroe.ta.... ,1 ,u aiiftol l. JlAll '..At...... 1A L ui e.l HIM 4MA1..IA.1 ''rdUEAiVe'aiekirnalVeiedTre,lalm that It lo the beat.kown,ajidw,ehaUeac.,th. world to produce an .axiual. Erery rlcttm of thl dtetreaMareompUlat ehould aire it a'thal.'fot It will not Tall to eStrej Immediate- relief, end, la a rnaJorltyor'esaJwlUaM aredleeuaee: -rt v, .j.7jry-., in , f i , ,, jtr.- U'ii 1 f "fl r7!lW,;ip' "40 tC.'pmoAT 'kr! eomellmM extremely maUiait'aid'.aa4rro;iit'Ht.''.H4'ly applleatlon'Ofi tkla. I Inlmant wluWreeifalDlo cure. - " .i' -'o i O - YdlMtltll PA4AAa u '1 srRiWJ are eometlmeeTeryobitlnaJirand'tn- lari'ment of. ua joint lijiiuije p,ooeuru nf leeted. .The;worat eaaa may be conquered by. thle liniment In two or three daye M'' :.:. "bspkes,1' cits;' irot'ivrJx;, f'oitei,, lactjw, BL'KSS.JKP.SCXIDS. yield readily to the' Won. derful heartnc pronertlea of OR. SWEETS 1HFAL- LIBLE LINIMENT, when- need accordlnf to dlree- Hon; -Alio; cmLiiMNs, frostev fkwt.jkd rvcrf' urrre jwn ernene u.Uj.. """.. -f"T.- M-r ! .)., DrIbTEPHEN SWEET, QFCONNEOTicdT, The Dreet Tfaturai sooesetier.1- "" -' DR.UTE?HEI HffJET.'OF CONKICTICUT, I known all arer tne.vniteasutee. DR. BTEPIJEN BWEEtToFCONNECTICUT, le the eutbor of " Dr. Swcet'e lafalllble Unlme'nt." nlTrii i ?. 1 1 ijx.i DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT rreRheiiatlniindererllle.''iyj1' IDilM!BVEETB jNyXixiBli" Unihent I a certain remedy for Neuralcla. T)R..SWEErB CJFALLIBLE';LrmMENT Cure Burn and Scald faVedlately,' " " ' j j AM. U ... AA.U.WUE, U.11.01b..A' 1 the beet known remedy for ipVelne end Brulir nn aTm.i?a iuv . 1 1 TBI ituttnu.. i t)SU iWEEtIXAtUBiE'il'Ni'T;. Cares Headashlmediatelre4i4 was reaver known 'ti.'iatl' r'' -.?t-'i'i'--il' i -- m , "VViVejl.a m,,it dlj a Jifois ... .4.J .... , Affbrds Immediate relief lor Wee, and seldom fella ' to Hire.1 " l nnsu' uih -. j .L Cuff ". trL$.avi y DR. SWEET81NFALUDLE LINIMENT rtsTxoth-clIavsiIoutel-i''iT -, .i (.Ai... iti ni ururii uUihoa j n, ,,DHv,BWEET:?ll!frJa4'IPI'?!?.IJNTM'BN.Tl Cum Cute; and Wound launedUtelynndleafee ."nofeear.1 1' 'f t .lo.i..rii,ll.V i,i .H ,w ' .1 l(i-'!l1, H.l t.l " Drt, Bw-rarr,8;iNFiU?.rBix'.J!qiENT la the beat remedy fo'r.are. In the kaqwn.wor!d,'j DR. BWEET's'lNFALLIDLE LINIMENT Ha been uaed by more' than a million people, end ..,..,.-I,' fi - ttiot. lt..tirf- aUpralM.ll,,,, , ,(. .. ' i ,..,, ' DR..BWEET-B;.ljfFAUiBLK;LlNiiiEiT; Taken Internally, euree Colle, Cholera Merbos, and Choieta., nour awl; DR.: KwEET'B IHrAUJBLE UNniiNT Ii truly a " friend In need1 and erery family ehould hare It at hand, " .(ii.l.tu oijtii'l .itii.y:t Da;' BWT,8:iNFtLJtBi;K,,'UrnMKt'i: la for ale by all DrujiUtj. Price 34 end Meanl. at uutt I.I - iMi tltll 'A' &UM In.fleei.J1':rrry'U, 'H S DR. SWEETS UfFAlUBtXUyiMCST. ae an external remedy, is Wtthogt mrtval, and will alia YlAterpAfnfDwipeeurythaav.any6ther pre-pera tlon: VoraU RheainitteandNervoiisDtsordsrelt Is triilr Infallible, and, as curative 'forforea. Wounds, tralaslrulsw.lwt;iU'aoothtnri -heal-Inj, and powerful, strnthenlaf proBertUeexette the Just wonder and natonlshmen. of all who hare ever given it a trial.. Over- one thousand eertld cates of remarkable cures, performed by It within the last two years, attest the fact. " feci rkldt. f . Wrl ttTe' rtnww.lwe.t 0 1 1 1 I ti M-. "" " I Tin. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOB HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and in all eases of Lameness, arising iron ojjrteu;, sriujeBa or .Wrenehlnc. Us eflect la rnacloal and certain, - liar nets, or paddle Galls, -Scratches. wVlann, fce., It will also cur speedily. Spavin' and Rlnf bone may be eaally prevented nd cured In their Incipient stares, hut confirmed cases are beyond th noaslblllty of a eadteal euro. .110 caae 01 iauae..cwwever, ia deaperate or hopeteee but It may b. alleviated k' snie uvwHh m,mm MllUlf. t aft. and Ua faithful aDoliaatlon will 1 .the' Lemeneee, and eaeUe the hone to travel with comparative P,S,4lf I.fjfV '1 I N F A M. r,DJi,K( ,t,I N.f M B NT ". . 1 HI I 1. . 1 I .- It, ." ' BOt.rJIEII,B .FIIIBPIU, M Anithoands'haerotndjttrtii (' ' ' '''ArwEftSiMfhEshi';,,:'" " f-k'H.) I til 1 'li . !! I II Kt f 1 ttl ' ''' '! lkUi4 , Aslf lor'-'iVi flwtetlnrilllhtf'UhimVn take no other .fie, not. deceived, by unprtocipled dealers, who will try to psMolTioiaeothart.lcle on waien aej van maae a uiu more piqdii The flftv rent bottle untatna three tfmea as mi as thewenty cent bottle, end Is, much the cheapest to buy. Try It. Cautlan, To avoid Imposition, olssn a the Slxnatura and UksnesVoi tr. Stephen Sweet on every labef, And alao"Stephen Sweet's. In fallible Unlmentl blown' In the glass or each bottle, without which none .ra'...!.' ' ' it ' " IV a..".... . .RICHARDSON A Ctf,,; Sol. ProprKtore, Norwich, Ct. II 1 3 Alio ' ' . ' ,hfR'riJ!f;)"1XlLj:NlOenet.l Asenti, .... tJ .. w.wji,rjt1'- tf Sold by all dtalcn erirywhareit . .t, noll-ly ..gAlLjtOADS. arWSft: nl jrAi wft.jlo.iijltj-(''vi't4't tl- 'jMsTTt ' :)aKV,;", ,;, -W3I" .,. U whUfATSiAl bi.'rt vk 't. - iw !. art. . A T Yarei iV ', -XI WTntfimkwku Amkoy-U!. h Al ..... Aeewauaaun .i .--. ' 'als Xt''e''A.i,vttCeedJereyCy-rtew-.i ' '3 sJe Aeefejeieliitiaa '. J.taiTn.nj ,s.t At'l' Atg-.-via eWiemtton aadjerief Ctty tmt '"'' lAlaa'afaet' a", -ui.n-ai. ....uo Xt UvF.ft.rR CMrfeel and AmbeyaeeoW k!i ' H wf aiab.- -.i. ). S.a At',t?IY-M.tvweam&kAaboyaeU - "t " AlvWoreea1 vi.iil 's.l..ti'.i. rajs At' 4T.:vla CemJ'ddyeee.Clly.'iaort -"''KrenlartiniTeaar' w M i 1.ata) At'Ultf.(Tlerjledeeael'araey'CJty-.i sd aaae Ticket' " J i.e-Mtil.M At vr.M.,vlaKenalnftoaaBdJeneyCltyi r.I Evenaaa;MaU.. y.iv .1 . 0O At It P. M4vUaoalnsoad;eraey,Cltri.u 1 MdlautkeriiMau,fthii 1. w tfi.t tarif-PQ At:. Si P.HvUCemaeaiaad Amboy Atoor.u ,1 1 . tiiieiodatloatrnUktanAJaaeeanier) .ui (FreUktaa !, Rlt.jiua l..!kleeelaaeltlekea .H. .. .,,9.W 4r.iuitl.trsv. .priMtaaeelekeifi.v j..t.r.nl44 mi, a k s. m. xjme rut oaur. anaoara aneaoaeo. tk U K K. aouthara staUnn:4elly.B v aw IjJi a-ife tt nl . -w itH y..t t tt.i ..!.. t.i Jiairian. 'jwaim flaari' irti ' lair I'TcerlrivMLTretBkVke.V'U .Waa4llM'A. M.1 and s, s.M aid icrrom'Keutntosian4 Pi M.'lrom Walnut etreet wharf.' w ' i..-m t.l ror aM.thl'and'Iktenaedtst. statural At It Al MJfrom'KamlasfomJ'" - . " i UiuVmflprnM, SorWdwswaiejal nJ ,-, itAot-TiMttm,'fof Bor.. 1 and Infer. aEWttaw w r -n.)astNeW tork, and MTay fJee laavlas; Keo elejW Depot; takk IM Care M ftfth btreet, above WeW.hairarlvtur berorwaepertnre.-Tbe Cere rua Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Treta, run from the Depot. . . For Jalmyra,. ,. iuvmo.'TOMnrwisftMrerryv vur "fifty pound of Beasat- only allowed' eaek pae aaeaVMraeMeerS'M VraMMted from ' Uklas aaytaiat-aa'BanaM'Mt 'tneie-weeeinf apparel, inn.... aSTifli iiiiiiite. in liat naiii fnf ami fh C6peny Ural rieir rielMllty for Iman U one beilAr per jrWiad, and will aof be liable for invpeyovH jwi uoueray ... vjwpwvw ...Uf.i i7kH. OATZMEB'Akeat.' .i.n.i -t ij or a tii')..ji.a lr. uwti rw. la. al 1 ?( ...'ttfial - ".ilovil.ta7ltjel euiilalu.f.t ermsw-w-AimxTroawieirT,"" kU.)pia,i:Wl(.I.'w.l..Wu:r. r.dtr rJmZuuZJs iLkjTti.a a!r. -ui ..J11.4 udet. -lr ... J L. .'. a a I " . . . ""v On anir alter MONDAY NOV. ts,'il 1 .1. TASSSXat. TRAINS. LEAVE MtlADELTUlA: Fbr'Balttmore; at .'a!M.';I8.15 a. m., 1I.S9 a. m., (Eapreae.) end 10.800. m;.' ' f-For ctweter, at Ilia tn.,11 as i.'m., and UM n.mi "" ..' t-1 . ..-4i.,.vi ...1 ja For Wilmington, at . a. m., S.U a. m., a. ' M " .iVivt ' For.Naw Caitle, at S.II a. m. and S.S p. m.- rv 'For Dorrr, atS.le..aMl.Up.ra. - ForMllford, at .wa. 01. -"- -" - eelri ''FoilSalUburyl'atS.iSa.m.-i -I - ', - ,, , tfjuMirtew pffioriffi.';' '1Leavi Baltimore 'at a'. mV (Espre,) l.ojp. taipre.a.1 "' ". -Leave Wltmlnstoa at Yw and ll.n a. m.,'i.l, ., an. . w p. m." - - Letrremlnryatl5p.m. Leave Mllferd at 4,43 W. m. " ...V Leave Dover at a. m.aad a.10 p. .LeavNev.Caatleatila,m.ands.Op . and B.10 D. m. ,,n t Leave. Cheater, at .). m., lije, io, ani. n Leave, Baltlmor. for seUakurrand Utermedlata eeattooe at SJQ and 1. p. bm for Dover, and ntermf dlatestatlona.atlMp.ainu. . m. ,i i-u Mf-'l-.'TAiJMJ-rOk BJLTfMOr-'i"'" "; kf I. I - u l.U. ... r- .t ' I ...LeaTeCheatCTatltie.aUOdeedliaOp.m. oLeave. . a.m,,a.Me..m., IMS p. m. en4 IS a. m. . ..'ij.ji, "ujif.:.. . ,. FRE10HT TKAlN.wlth Paesenfey Car attached, TJ. m.It mm, . " info .'M.".'U,b . will ma ae muowa: -, ! v i - .1, : laveniUadelphle.for.WrrnlUe.and.lnlerni- iuawpiaeee.aiaaep.m. , a , .1' ,.- .., Leave WUmlnston, for Ferryvtlle and tntermedl at. pleeee, etl.10 p. m - t Lean Baltimore, for Havre de, Oraee end later. aiedleteetatloaa,atsa.m ,., , d... ,.,,, ! -' t 0X'3V(DAT3 0XLT.' ' ,''-,-' AtV.Ma;m.ajdl6.&)p. mtromfhUadelphia'ip t?fMtlmor.'loTkill!kln.. . '. Tbifl.Mn.ssL.TraU from ffeUjtdelphU to Baltt- noravwUl run dallr, Mondats nactmo, . P ,, ia u- a m .J.Am.TON, Jan- . t fi iresioeai. pu BOSTOIV. VIA NKWPORT AND FALL HI VI IL ttvlMsolsndUaJidsunefiorsteasn- raalt-. etetMBTHOt'OI.ia.KMPlRK JJHgjBgK BTATK, KAY STATi and IT ATE. OK. MAlMa., Of great strength and speed, but nartleularlr adapted te the Darlgatlon of IeOasrlsIand flound, traaalna In connection with tha Fall rlrer and Old CtonyralUoaedUtasvcetofiMnlleaonly to Boa ten. .14 . j.eave ner np-a, nonn nrrr, near uie sia.ierx. The steamer MF1RE STATIC, Capt. Brayton, Mondays,; Wednjedaja, ,ao4 Fridays, at 4 o'clock r. M., touching at Newport each way , . -, . .Tbeateamer-MKTROPOLIB.Cat. Brown, on SeadaysThurMavii.AAd 9atur4ays, s,t io'clof P, M., touching at lSewport each way. ,, r' Onee rjtakina.r airak RtLtkrl Taltll iVlm alikrllfMlal mtaktak. rooms, and every arrangement for tbe security and comfort i of passeagere,, who are aflVrded bi this rootaantceVa rest -on board, and,, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per Ateanuwa, train, reacning Boston early the followlna; morning, or may remain on board Until starting of the neeammodatlonatS A. M,,bfXhsh they jnaf reach Boston abont 8.4a . .Ahaggage masier Is attached to each steamer, whotreoelvei and ticket! the baggage, and aocom. panics the same to its destination, "' 7;, A steamer runs. In connection with thle line, be tween Fall Hrer and rrovtdence,dally,exeept8un days.1 - "' ' Freight -to Boston iU forwarded, through with reat olepateh by an.F.apreae Train, which, leaves l-kll rinrafwvMratar. SundavexctMjatTl o'clock, for Boetonaad New Bedford, arrlvlag.l Ite deatinetion ataoouiii a. ex. t r iu.i For freight or paiiase, apply on board, or at tha onee.'oa iner No. s, North river For 1at4oemc aadbertha,'applyoabnard,orlf dealredto eecure them In adraoW, to a1- - ' '" l'.'.. " . WM.. BORDEN, Afent. aurlT-tf TO and 71 Weet etreet, N.T. -ny.sT,,KORTirWEST, ,and BpOTII. ",,"io civiiiiNi'brFicERj.'B'ANDs-Mr.N, .; U 'qLDlgBVANP OTKEfiS. ,' THE BALTIMORE AND" OHIO" RAlLnfa'AD are runnlnstbrourhpaaaenyer train from Waah Inkton to the Ohio river, without change or can dally at IK d. tn; and 0 p. m., and offer sreeter In dlioementa to the traveling puhllc; that any other (Sirahcr'fAre,' '" " less chanoeh of cars, 111. closer connections, , il . m . 1. . AND qUICKER TIMS. "Thle ia me only roui. uui caeca, oaggage rrom Weahlngton euy to the, Weal. -Ticket send natll uaedi and paiaenfcrakare the privilege of laying over at any point on the route. Feaieogere procuring ticket by thl routf. save tbedelay eiidcfpenia of amalbualrambr. , ticket, taaitbedej KEHENJ1KH 111 ujibi urricr; 10, procure at tbe depot,of B. k O, R. R. , Arj at any hourdurlog the day, and no cban llngbagae. ' allg-lf. reoeivea m e for handling qAfetv, gpaaep, AMri coMi'oitT. ?- " t'oK.BOITON, ', iVOr.CESTER,.,. , PALMER, ' . riTCIIBUW), . , nashua; Lowell, cSncord. thk.T u white mountains, and nv. ' ? , 1 -.TEBMEniATB FOlNTi. ' ',, WU i'i.fc,.TllBnew.and itaunoh ateameraof JUQamsaS the Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS TOTanjTlTV OF NEW VORK, leave New Vork dally, (Sundara excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. m., from Pier No. K), North River, loot of V.itn- atreet, ..i, oFOR NEW LONDON. i-.ipO There connecting .with .the SteaniboatEanreee Train for the above potato, via Norwtok aad Wor oeateriiBoeton' and i Woroecter, ,1 Worcester; and Naahau,endNew London and Northern Ratlroada. Frelsnt taken at the loweat rate.;.irl ,ii ForIntrmatlon,lnQulreof ..'v.l.' .,'. i Ei . MARTIN, my t-tf ) .Agent, on the Flcr, I3VANI V,WATSONI . . , Uj . ... t' .. .. , , I fHILADEUHIA.1 .j , . SALAMANDER, ,. ; FIRE AND :, ' , . ,. nURULAR f ROOK SAFp,, ore.,d.outhro,;Wiip4i Order received by. ., .- i t),. .,' ,W..D,HEPIIERD. Corner of Seventh and!) atreeli, , Waihlngton, D C. .J "i-ir .. ,u .. ....'iiii nn n ' i' ii :' 'i-"JJi" - .1 oAnJ.Theunderlgnedbegleartaln. J. form hie frleude'and the public that' aa haa bought the lotereattOf Nat.' Ilino' Shevlns: and Helr4trelngetabllahment;No.itlSeTenthelrwt, nu.ih.MM.fof O. touDoatt., Ih. Patent OiRcf wher. h. will continue. toearry on the Shai Int end Haryittlngbualneuln the Uteit airle,,. MWT ia tuna in la el i lrt jeUPt.rTXJi eIJUuRH, vtuvit em lejemnwaI.Mclc?iWuecl, Keiire team.. naa .. AXTUtOMJI 1VOCSC HOBPITAX. TRt oit mckWajtMA tvnx can ssoaranip- nai Tnnams-aniiiiaMiiiiiaimi 11 11 rii tain. Speedy and Mt CtrMkai famedy la tha w.rid nr WMkaeee or u. ateesor umee. sine turei, AITertlon Of '?? .mi siadit;. arf Met banana, ateatnk or.e..u we 1 ka,- -L 4ftftJI gB, Aasnaa ealmaVehaean amVmsaelah. - 9TVBJwtsJJJ feWaTeTeaTaK eTeTtnssB BJsaW eWn-T TewSfeTejTaTa" VI aktiaJeauamtriaa eaMaAantsmseeai akesmtamUmmam mnaeaaen. reTreyeaBiaBBBeyeensasST PaTPJl e0eWeJTa TJeWlMelreTt eTMe7etre aakalitoittebneiatijaa tkaay theawa-e.sie te) HrkMarlnerawf sWee;blleklef tkrlr.aaoet.ket. iuatthopee or a.alilpattei)'reeMlirlin;jiaiilasi wipe WIM ll.l Kl .l 1 .itfIH laiU TOUKOi KSN.UI fd mivut ie ppeelally.eiheil tary.Vlee,,tbal nMJM.Tietiaa.Mlaii. Whl.h.anaoaiiyi aaada Of Youur ff'aniitlm eo4brlUlaatliJ;!i,'t,Vha mlrtl enlraneedTut-Afar.' Swatea wfik 1 ane. moi kSUPoe.i,,ii Uwllli,eo.nflee.., .u,, ,1 4.M,.M ii.' .Ji 4taMrf aSfAKSUAOIVn tu Uav ."Married drereua, M Tauae; Men twtaataUllat . btarrlaM. fceln aware of parinalweikaiirov naie-dMinry, deforaiKlee, hi., ipeaHyenre... He who pleeee klmeelf aadee tha ware .Dr.Jl may relleloualy eeaade In hie koaorea a lekttoatan, andeonlientty -rely upon hie ekIU'aa rJryUMaai ...i. :.'. 1 - UHQAniu -rVKAJanKaa - :-;r?v :pafs -11-117 ..j u ' . . .? .i. 'v.. .... 1 . rr.. Ae.,i'feSYr1A. .'.ly-' WWIJ eeaUfemU .ijekelty l.f I raid p , thavlsttR. oi C7aa. not belnf aware of the. dread; ft MteTtaT WmTWDOa IO aTaBS 1 "-1 '- may enaue. Now, who that underatande Ike eub. Jeef wUI pretend 10 dear of. anew. MieaKniHHWiaiw.waiaf inwiaaaewMt kaut. tbeal kyi (he , prnaenHuAaMldea. fceuf.eW Mtvedth.Bbaaareof heelahyotreprtntl ts7eaer aerloaa aadoetrueeive eymnieaaeMbolk body aad ealatd'Hiee'.Tleawreaeea J oeransM4a rkyelcaleead kleadeJ Puaetlonn Weikfed .Loee ad rreereartT4owe Nerraua .IrrltaWllty, JMn. eUtiFnlplaatto. of th. Heart, IndlxeeteM.CeewU. tutlonni ""'Ti "'" "f -"''-r IT. fltsake. ConaumptleeuaM ia -,,-, - M ii A 1.1. i OPriCENA.T.SOtrTHFBXDEMCKSTSJWT, ' Left haid lid, roll, j from Baltimore ilreit; few doora from the corner rail notoobierye kaaie LturiutbepeJdd'nilrf1aiiiiiip'!,''Tli 1 t jDB.OIINITON.t 1.1 rt (... Meufber of Ike Koyal Collete of Snrreone. LoaAra. ofith. enoiaetenanbJar'cuiM! aa.eai mm kaowwistakattMberAwllkilastatleittokanAaad I earawkaaal, atmiaeneoiinde,imehfnlaim.wittiiwoeeitaeaek- tnr, atterstteditometlatea with Urangesaeqt of ITifnd. WeieUfM lmiiadlfltaltf.w''ttea.k.rt J. ... 1';T","k,"?lx?t,'Al' ' . ' selves W Improper (adulfene and aolitarr hablh, which ruin both bod r and mind; unflitlng Ibea lor eJtherbuslneeastuur. ao-Oetjorinarrta.J;. ,)a a Htsa.are come pi ih aaa ana mtlinew effHts produced try earlj hablta of youth,,vlai. Weeakneea ofiha Bask and Ilmba. IIilbIb. thai-llauA. Nmu of figaitluMSiorMusculariiwertraJpitaUon of the iTaaH.Xrspepala, Nervous lrr1taHUtr,Daraaf e- mea.otue Luestive avnefAona. general DtWIUy, Symptoms 6f Consumption. t-.nV IsjrtAi lt. The. feaiful eflVcta on tha taind. are much to be dreaded I.OSS of Memory, CoflnislOhof joeaa.-hiJepresBion 01 piriiBf tvu roreDOdJngS. Aversion to .society; Wlf.Wstrust, Loveofaolltude, emacialed. having a singular appearance about tha evesciugh and symptoms of consumption- .' " 01 aCWa v" " VOUNQ iMKNr Vli h - Who have Injured themselVea be neartaln nraetidM IlACir.TaaT.ura WVVUniAXlK . Indulged In when aloaa a habit freonently learned from ejyil companions, or at school, the rfrects, of notch red renders marrlJ both -mind and liodr.-sHi lea eltj-evrn when Bileepknnd.lf iders marriage Impossible, and oeeuuj a both -mind and lodytsiiould airply'Jmm.edlataiy; . What a tltv that n rounr 1 man; tha hope of his counirya mi untriuis; v- mm- parvair, waoQM ae snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by tha eonjrqnence of devtettag- from1 the alnof nature and Indulging In a certain rrtscrtthaUc iWch persons mcbt, before eontemplatlsff 7.':,-i ' country, tha' darltsr of' his sarentr, ehould he U ta i-dt!-a wf-wtAB;: ;; ' mi.w reflect that a sound mind and. body ar the) moet neeeisarF requlattea to promote eonnublal happi ness. Indeed, without these, the. Journey through iLfebeoomea-a; weAiriptlnlmairoi'.ttoe. proepet hourly darkens to tha.vlewf. tha mlndhasaaeajTBi shadowed with depsdr, and filled twlth tha maUn choly reflection that the happlaresaavf anothaf hs eonvesbUffjktad'WiU oucowni- uji .z. viM.w& , . , PISASE OF IM rBODENCE."'1 " meirthe misguided and Imprudent' votary ol plsAeure flads he haa imbibed the seeds of thUjaain fill disease, It too often happens that, an HI. wiui i., ma lunimea sense 01 sname. ear oreaa 01 ui aucovery, oetara urn respeetal Into thi ly, ean alone befriend him;, Ha falls ids of ignorant and oUgnlnc pretend ers, who, Jnoapahla of curing. Weft hie pecuniary subetance, keep him trifling nibnth After montn. or aa long ae the smallest fre cad he obtained,-end tn despair leave him with rulned'heAlth. to sigh over his galling disappointment or, by the ise of that deadly poison,' Mercury, hasten the constitutional symploua of this, terrible disease, such aa Affection of the Head, .Throat.NOAe, Bkln, etc., progreaalng with frightful rapidity till deathputs a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that un discovered eonntrr from whoae bourne no traveler returns.- :: -?w-.: ' i iUm TflHT' MlUB.BAal CUrDU Kl'kU AM.flluUajn within tha last eighteen years, and tha numerous imponantv smrgicat uperauons jlt, John-ton, "witnessed b)tha reporters of the rfua" and many other papers, notices of which haya ap- Cared aaalq aad again tactore the pubtis, beeldes s ntandUc Av av geaUaa-Jui of character and re sponsibility, la a sufficient guarantee; ta.ths) ai flitted. . r " 1 - . ''Vk-3l.aa - SKIN D1SEA1KJ SPEEDILY CURED Lm, 4 Persons wrtttnr ihhalB be partleular U direetlag their letters to his lasmutlon, in the foUovlng Tnannerr " ' - .--''- - t 1 .. .1 .. 1 uimiHV nUMTAU af.n 1 ... f"' )' Baltimore IMSt Heanltal.n "ilea 16-lr - f j;' luitlmore, hlaryland.t CHaAIUBiAOAXXST VMITKD SVATeVaV im j i i- t .j ,.,-t.r ' FINLEV BIOGEIV (lata RerUter of tha .United ItateeTreararr,) and CHARLES r.ftHEftMAH, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demands Ajalnit the united States, growing out oft he ptet eaatwar,. Including Jhe Accounts and CUlnU of tales, Contractorsi and Plsburstnf Offltjerai appll eatlonsfor tha restoration. of pKtperty.Ulageuy selaedprcapturedftftnd. fdr eompensAtlon for tbe uae of private property or Government purposes, Sod for damsgea for the Injury of suh property by lie amy.for military pay, penslbns, and bounty i toils anu tor lusirtouuve rr fi noof js pare tie at t)Ts,i;reaury and due, to sub-contraef orjf ud lesirea. , , . ,; ,-, . 0 . jy ..j.,,!... YViin non-remueav Agcmawno may svna inem claims, an e,ul table division of commissions will A.r .....,.- .-... unaispureu' vemsnus wur oe 'otyuesiea laa Br prompt attention; mt5draetharee,lengex- e noei and a Minute knowledge- of tha en-lewe. ws, that refulatlons,1 rules, and preoedemu goremlna; Class or Dusineis ai ine w class of bos I Dart meat tart mente) they hope to render HtetrMfrlcee useful to elattnente andpuhllo render rn creditors, XI. ' Refg-rehee mav l JUferehoi rnavbe'madetmembersofCongi ngress. EalTy. by and officers of the Government I and espeeti id offlcBrs of the Government! and esDeefallv. b permission. to the Hon. ELisuAWHiTTUSETknrst Comptroller of the Treaeui irv- Auuress Messrs. BIQGER fc SHERMAN, imj (. nA.4 s urasningwon. u. -. Ofl)ee,No.si9 F street,neer;Tressoryend Wll larda Holel. i ' i ,..; novAt-4m. ,Yimi&0i'bi-va iiW . v.U alteW V1 . Sealed pronoiali are UrltVd until the 5lh dayof December, isa, for furnlihlng tbe Subalatence De part ment. at Waahlngton, D. Cjr wlk ,400 tona.ol Jl AY, tn belee. t- ;, . ' j',.-.-.i.' it , .Tlie hrat delivery lobe commenced onorabttit the ttfcdayol January, 1W, and Ike whole nuan tlty put In within thirty day .from the fun J.)jv- The hay to be d.llvere'd at'siith ilrc.t.tfK'1'' and to be weighed and Inepootrd. ..Bidden muet ett,lA thflr, bid. (be .price per uaiottoeada at which thu' will fumllhthellav. wFlrm making bid nut atate the,, nuneopr; all the-pertlce lntcreated., , ,. ,ti --,). Ljj-aymenaiio ue mu. ia vriti.vica v. inufutro ecu. oriuoh funue ai tlie,.(iovfrnnnntpaj',hae fttSb.fe.edt.-Col.BWcAWITU.-Xii.. done,'.' ITopoeali for,llay,",i,..,f, v. aou' v. v., v. ..., tu.m..vm, , v mm w delt a. OOOTJALL, i d.n ."- ' ' y-L'UMBER inn bAti A'x.p, MT.SAH XW.XJt.? '(M'fiatnlh ilrieJ war tpjaj'rrWoV,';? ' WA8H1N9TOW. All order executed at the ohorteat notice, til tbe moat aubitaotlat manner, and on reaaonable term. Peraonal attention glren to every department ol thetruilnei.' ;; ", ;,, .,,,.,, " DTli LOCIdVOOD. eontlniie the prai. tloe of Dentlclry, In the Waahlngton Buildlnx, corner Penncylrenle avenue and Seventh etreet. Havlogpractleedtn the South neerlyelsteeoyeere, he feela enured that he ean gtva aatlefaettoeita any .h.t tnavAll. . .- J mmm 1 J (jj. '.., t I- Teeth lnerte4 on VulMelJe Rubber,' or. ) l?l'I). . , ii mns, -n ALTiMOstai .tvooxn tb vee.aeair.MeMg9Rf mwmm wikwhw ltyTiiailinaai fnmmiee af islikt or. GUelaeee. eWieieaMIMaVadTrdiia!le0eTe7w.aMa.iAak OrkeWlMwlvi WfkMX u V