AimwMBw;vt f-nv;
u.tr mater or tut; Eac.Alnaiii AT.ro1)
hvo.m SeATr..ithu popular .lac.- of
inumwtu been crowded alrttly ail dartae
tk pneeat MeMn, bnt sort h taaa rrirKaMthi
cuatssetcsn of that ehermlnaT sir-fee. tno beevUful
prfsnn mw Mtot Circling Wchfoo.
wwummvmanwm upvrm ironra, bow penosiaunar si
this ssshlosieble place of rtflned entertainments,
which .wdonMWl continue to nttmctorernow
Ine ananensee far mlahto to w . Our reasons for
jiiecso'aM based tipon tho feet that Is frand
specteeular opeee of Use " aenantrees has mtm
been tmchssoa, hi well MMlloMt style is bow,
rprtMtoiMrot4ilKtebM tennis of ert,jhslf
lu Into tvquMUoa for IU MrtenuoM.tlM u<W
talent end MtrlcM of nearly one hundred peeeons
, ttlwfck treated U the iwt adenoid SHinn jt'in
tcrspereed with grand arias, duets, ehorusee, irut
AU dances, ballet fascinations, and beautiful In
struinental music. On Monday eveala;, the 11 At
grand eotnexle night, with Mr. and Mtaa WcaUp,
and lb alar stock sompsn j o( Waahlnfton.
Gad? iVl Tn t ATnfc.-fd.jf AfjAf e retire BoMW
aa. rTirrt)IhttlacethapprarJine0Of therrral
comedian, yankae Robinson, the theatre has"been
so crowded that maoj- were unable to rain admls
ton on both nic Ms. Th national melo-dramatlc
comedy or the "Days of 1 " li of a character well
calculated to entertain notloo loac, it Is full of
fun.silowlnf plenty of room for the dtsplsr of the
ready Yankee wit of Robinson, and enough of mill
Toil eveaJnf the "Days of TV" will ha repeated
for tbejae usee on the occasion of the farewell
beasts of Yankee Robinson, when he hae shoes to
present to the public a new military drama of
ChrllUnf I atereatV entitled the Battle of Antletam,
or the Death of Gen. Reno.' In which Gem. 'Mo
ClellaBfJaeklon and Stuart are 411 said to Store,
In this piece. Mr. Robinson appear a lYrnteraysJ
nusin.tr. , "
On Monday venlne riekt there will ' b'a reHtal
of lefltlmate comedy. The "achool for Scandal "
will be performed, Mr. Davenport and all the me
bin ofthe Comedy Coogresa appcartnf,
Ot rcLLowt HALL-Kererelnee the erection
of thlf popular hall, hae It been Tialted by aueh lm
lnensn erowde aa hare been In attendance ilnee lta
oecupatton by the dlatlngulahed company of talent
ed artlateeimmi tho Canterbury-. Kager 'erewda
eeek for s-dsnlaelon nightly, many nmonc whom are
Udlesy who an anxious to witness the cuperb eats
ol pefWfmanee of which they hare heard ao sanah
aau. In addition to the eatemlre performance
nightly pitted, the eoerajetle manager hare added
the celebrated act rntlUed the "Gipsy's tar,
whlcfl attracted euoh, universal attention at the
Canterbury. ' Wow the ladlee can have an opportu
nity of eeelu tti and ae the eonpany will soon re
turn to the canterbury, where ladlee are not ad
mitted, every one of the fair sex who can appre
ciate a maralQocnt performance, should attend
Odd Fellow! Hall to-olght. ' j i
WaaMiKOTon VamrriEa. A long and attractive
programme pmented at thli popular eatahllah
meatJthU erealnc. In which Hernaadet appeare la
three of bit beat charaetere. Alio, le repeated, the
beautiful ballet of Pacha Abdul Katak. In which
ftioUocy M'lle Julia Unman. ftTUe raullae, and
the grand. eorp do ballet, peraunUnMleaTaamantn
new local eongi the famooa Budworth Brothere In
new actci the celebrated Moreeteonthe hortwntAl
bari the whole to eonehide wlthi tht'eomfe panto
mime of f. Dechalumeaux." An aftef noon , mati
nee le aleo given, commraclng 9 o'clock', when
the entire etar companr appear. On Monday even
lag the follow Inj artlifei make tfeelr nrat appear
awei the rrrat Irish ocallct, Kathleen CKMlj th
renoirned aaoeeuee. Wile Marie Zoe. and the cele
brated eomte aingtr, lam Long., ,
t m i t . Jl
Buual or Srnur Covuimaiicn in JtterfM
rtriiraui WemioB A Ymnkt Method e Oenlne
Strrttt." Veaterday afternoon, n large crowd (atb-
ercdon Seventh itrret. oppoalte the poit oiflce,
near F. attracted thither br four omlnouc pilee of
itrret aut aad filth, which were elevated In the
form of gravee, with paper Imitation of head and
foot-boarda, on which were eundry Inacrtptloni.
The Brit mound appeared like the half-burled body
of a man, with hat at one rnd and the booti etlck
log out at the other. At the head were the words,
"A sacred one Ilea burled here atrert commis
sioner.' At the foot. t'O, grave, where la thy sting
o, Death, where Is thy victory r
At the head of the next grat e was Inscribed! " In
memory of the street pommlsilODcr of the fourth
want" Here, also, was the portrait of a shabby
looking man, who Is made to say-j" Why dont you
hare1 the street cleaned la front of your store 1
Reckon the street commissioner Is played out t he
did not draw pay for the pact six montni. At The
foot t How ar you, Commttttontrr uAf J0U
slckP. ,?
On Inn next pare were the words: Thi funeral
of these victim will take place to-morrow, at 4
o'clock, p. mr Common sceundrels will attend with
out further notice. ' Per order."
The next la n small pile of the most dliguitlog
ottal which was ever collected, emitting;, as haaka
peare would may, "the rankest comiiouna of villain
ous smell thai ever otteaded aostrU. On this
sweet morsel was Inscribed the appropriate word,
"Healthy I', if A
vVehopeJho perpetratora of the abore do not
mean to Insinuate that the streets of Washington
are not as cleanly ae they should be.
Hcatt Ronainr, and AnnxsT or the Tiuirf i,
Oa the night of tho S9d of Ueoember. Mr. Otis li.
Juddj rooming at a house oa Mshth street, was
robbed of a earpf t-beg containing, theaumof ftfteen
or sixteen hunored dollars, more or less, and three
drafte oa the United Statee Treasuryt one for $o,
one for MO, and one for S0 mkl, la alL loo.
The sutler was placed In the heads of the detect
ive departmeat. under Supt. Webb., Officer Barry
and Hogaa were detailed to laveitlgxte the matter,
Wn. DUlon, formerly a clerk to Mr. Judd, who Is a
sutler recently returnad from the Army of the Po
tomac, wee arrested as a party concerned In the
robbery-.Subsequently, WllUant N. Cheater, alias
Win. & Butler, was followed to Baltimore, and
while at BernunVa Hotel was arrested by Officer
Barry and $8M, the three Treasury drafu before
mentioned, a gold watch and chain valued at a 160,
were found la ms nouetslon, together with a new
suit of clothes which he had purchased with a part
of the meaty. Mr. Judd identified the draft and a
$90 note as fcls property, and a part of the money
stolen from him. They hare both been committed
for trial, in default of fl3,000 ball each. Certain
books tad papers of account, and of great ralue to
Mr. Judd. were taken from the aarnrt-bac and
thrown on' the street bythe thief or thieves
Any person aarina: ine same m meir poisrisioa
win be suitable rewarded be tlearloc them with
Rupt. Webb, at his office, flic Mrvfnih street, or
with Capt, D. G. McKelvey, of deteetive- depart-
meni.i cj
j . Ul i i
CntMiMAL Counx Btfort Judo Merrick, vn
dey-Joha Brown, charged with assault ana bat
lervuDOdADollce officer. Notrulltr.
J oh at Turner t chsrged with iteallng a pair .of
IXMia, ine propeny oi Aunn jvrrrec. ouna
guilty and sentenced to the county Jail for four
mouths.'- 'i' ' '-
Kate Warren, thsrged with steallog two dressei.
the protierty ofrs.- Nathaniel Sardo.'4 Fouad
guuiy ana seaisaeru iu um uruiieniisry iur six
ntnnfhs. , X t fJ tl
tisreJi ones; charged with the Isrceny of an ac
cordeoa, the property of itarah t Vaadenberg ,
Found guilty and sentenced to the county Jail for
four ttanthij -' "
Anthony Sanders, charged with the larceny of
three chickens, the proper tr of Elliot Richer and
Hammersehlae Coleman. Found guilty aad son-
ISBcea io ne caunryjaii ror mur momns
Anthonr Handera, charred with the larcenv of a
lot of whitewash bruihes,he ,the property of KUlot
ncciirr m nawiBCTcniB vvivuin. ju guin ,
FietHT' Od ChrUtmas afternoon, the colored.
tesoisters. In the camp on E Street, bet ween Twcn
tydrst and Twenty-second streets, were attacked
ly a large crowd of white tesmitcrs, with sticks,
stonrs.aod knives, and drlrea out or thrlr quar
ters. Many were severely Injured In the affray.
Ihrre are set rral t rrilons as to the came of the
anair, apme saying mat n w as tne pennning or "a
uir nf rx termination unon the black i hut the
mosipruDauie storris, tuai me wmie leamiirri,
hslhg taken la a full supply of wMiky, made the
attack out of pure dsvumrnt. It Is not thought
that any of the uounded ones will die. although
some oftbrnare very badly hurt.
m' '
Pint On ThurnUy evening, about V o'clock,
a fire u at discovered In a frame stable iituated la
an alley running from I to H itreets, between sev
enteenth aad Iblffhteeath streets, belonging to Mr
Samuel Stott, aad occupied by the Hon. secretary
Smith. The flames sprrtd so rapidly that It was
ImposalUe to set anything out, A carriage and
harness were entirely cooaumfd. The horse was
isxenouvaeiaras tncuoor, put am was nurni so
badly he dropped Juit outsIJc and died. The roof
value of property deitroyed amounted to tsou.
The cause of tne fire Is unknown.
STASsina Case. Gn Tli ursdaynffht.OlnoerSheld,
of thjs Third ward, fotindaoolorcd man lying on the
slde.wslk.iin Pennivltanla avenue, between Ninth
and Tenth streets. He was taken to the station-
house, when, upon examination, i was touna ne
hsd been stAvbed In the right tide b ipmepenon
or ueraons unknown He stated that ha was at-
tackfdbydaeveraliwhlte men, who, after cutting
and besting him, robbed him of a pocket-book con-
laininfoaaflouar annsomecrnis, vr auior wm
eslled.s.avd. sites dreislnr his wound, h was con.
reyc4tohUhome,on I itreet, between Twenty.
am sun snrniysrcuuii sifFfi.
i Ml
Burden attiie Odd PcL lows' Hall Haisitau
Naw Yabd. The ladlei engaged In providing an
entertalomenf for the patients at this hoipltsl, not
content with supplying- them with a mmptuoui
dinner, also had prepared a supper which fully
compared with the former In all rsipecti, and was
duly appreciated by the lrate( patriots, The
names of these estimable littles utti Mr. 0. M.
Head. Mrs. Captain Norrli. Mri. M. B Hari. Mrs
M. B Hovle, Mr. Pr. Hodgei. Mri. H. C, f'shue-
stock, wrs. wioaie, ana piui v, morns,
DrrriusANTi Ctoirb. The followtor reitsit.
rants wrrecloied by Lieut. Irauklln, commanding
night patrol, during LhrUtmas night, for celling
liquor after the usual hour:
ClUen's Retreat proprietor lined stoj Lagle
neiiuarsat rruHii(MiiiuMriuriBrtH im-ith-teenth
aad Flghteeoth strsrtit restaurant of Char.
J. Auoler. corner of 11 itreet. dned SWi houie of N
Lockuwhsr, known ai "Headquarter Twelfth
Strrrr. petwren a ana viirvcis isuitsau w cae,
AaeivlVov Woitxdcd Soimcat Three hun
dred sod fifty sick and woundrd soldiers arrlred
here from Fredertckiburg as TUvrsday. aad one
huaarsA ena HMy ysmrflA.
M.t. who
i4 btttl had
intleK, wil
wwrt H.
IT. ..M KM W.MB. AM Mri
I'lniU m.Io ,oftMMrUif7Yl
rflo wrlMto ut mi MmU, tor I irfrrt te2
uch (Mllon in Mr II
NWUd. bllt 1 SMttWl
iii. '
f-aow I aataot a
fl.l4Jlrj. Itolkw
poor wl( M4 mm;
would tiT, uiruioc !
I coum miti, Mr.
tank! Ihr.b.ali
away tfrora my Mmeat, Oily
a la the serrlee etehteea montha
aa wtrtsHrMa
wui uoitimi
IB It Wtvu Wof avS liLJull M
h waa la command of the realaunt? lafreat afthd
rebel batteries, the men alt Bat on thesvuaoTwalt
las; for orders to charge. Winchester .alone stood
.. Whtnrcmlhdedof bli'daner.M UU;ha
time enough for me to lid down when they Knock
me down." At that moment thSKbelssomeneed
n eross Are. A piece of shell struck one of hta lege,
mangltnr It In a most frightfal manner he dIM
shortly after. Winchester was one of those warm,1
genlalmen, generous to a faoltj and to sar his
men liked him would be too mild, for theroTed
him, and yet no officer trerhsd better control over
his meat his commands were like magic. He war
the council, the pride aad boast of the whole regi-
medt. In htm, the country has sustained the Iocs
of a valiant and brara o
are omi
nd eoul
leer. ' He had more than,
ordinary talents, and could alwa;
e, and could alwars u
the benefit of his friends, but seldosx for htmi
,hh men ior
rHenda.but aelddmSarMkiseir
His fault. If fault It be. -was. ha knew not flho rsfna
of money. At one time, he wm prominent In the
American party, belaf the originator of a secret
Society, the ritual In secret cypher, aad wae dlitin
gulshed as a mason, well known throughout New
York State by the fraternity He was about SO
Sears of age, born In New Hampshire, a printer by
rade. He leares hosts of warm friends, who will
erer cherish hie memory: He wae aa ametloaato
and fond hnsbaad and parent, and leares a wife aad
four children la deitltutcfolreumstaaces. t May the
Ood of battles protest them.-m .
. Tux Coumat a EMotnx CoMrAsrmst last eren
Inf, In their hall, to take measures forsoleianlslns;
the death of their doeeaeed fellow number. Mr.
Stephaa MeNamee. Resolattoas of eoadoleaoa
with the bereaved family were unanimously adopt
ed. It waa further resolved to wear tho usual
badge of mourning for thirty days, and to transmit
a copy ofthese resolutions to the family of the de
ceased. 4js members will attend his fuacrsJ.la
full uniform, this afternoon, at H o'olockfrom
hU residence, on, Dj street, between Sixth and
Seventh. . , r
AcctDHTAt. SnooTiKO. On Thursday erealae
as some small boys were amuslar themselree la fir
ing offthelr pistols, on D itreel southetween Fifth
aad Sixth streets, one of tan boys accidentally dis
charged hi pistol Into the faoa of another boy by the
name of Wellant, severely Injuring him, the pow
der from the pistol taking effect la the boys face.
eauilnjr It to swell up ao aa to eompletely does his
eyes. He was coot eyed to his home, and Dr.
Watch wassumniooedT to attend hfm. (i
RtsrL PaiMHta So rruttf ar oki op oon Cn!
hens. We understand that Mr. T. J. Magruder,
shoe merchant, oa U street, (who waa soma time
lace confined In the Old Capitol.) on Christmas
morning- sent a large waron-load of turkeys, bread,
delicacies, ftc (to his late fellow-prisoners In the
Old Capitol. This may all be admtsslhls. but we
wonder If Union men la the south are allowed the
same privilege.
AnaetTorA LicutehawtCommamdiso Boaos
Patxol. First Lieutenant F-aton, company B,
Second regiment District of Columbia volunteers,
wss arreitedf on Chrlitmas, for patrollnx the
streets with a squad of men, representing the same
as a patrol guard, and attempting to assume the
duties of such.' He was under the Influence of 11
Hiior at the time.
Dikh aaor dr puaslid Soldi cat. Forty-three
disabled soldiers were j eiterday discharged from
the different hoipltals, snd ie rot r-thrie granted
furloughs. , ,
CncsArxAKBAMD jOjiio CahaL. Thefollowinj
boat arrlred at Georgetown since our last i Nep
tune, wood.
The following; departed t Wept une.
, Banximo Rates. The following; an the rates
at which bankers and brokers are buying and
selling gold and silver Ihe legal tender notes
being tbe lUndard:
Buying1. Jelling,
Gold - So per c. prem, 33 per c. prem.
Sllrer- - . 23 " 25 "
Demand notes 23 20
Banks oflioo la WssUngton snd George
townt 1'
Washington. Georgetown.
Bank of Metropolis. Farmers and Mech'a
Bank br Washtngton. Bank.
Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce.
Ferm's o Mercb's B'nk.;
i i,
Tbi BrjLLto Baits redeems lta notes In U.
S. Treasury notes, when any amount from one
dollar upwards la presented.
AmrtTiox, ArrucriDt Dr. Vellny Is ret
encaged In an erte rnre practice In thla city,
and we would call the attention of tbe poor,
rmnr. emaciated victims of their own' sins to
the best sources of remedy. First, give np your
present course of life at once and foreTer j and
secondly, call on the moat skilful physicians,
(and none are better than Dr. Vellny,) and be
cured of the disease which la now undermin
ing your constitutions and sending yon to a pre
mature grave.
Goto WiiiTEHvatT, AM Pennsylvania avenue,
to obtain superior Likenesses at reduced prices.
Fine Card Vignette, formerly sold at ft per dpteaj
now selling at i half dosens, same rate. Colored
Imperials reduced from M to 030) selling whole
slse colored at only as. I'wHl excel la nuered
Carte dm rirUrt," having secured the services of a
superior artist for that branch of business. Like
nesses of many of those fallen In battle can be ob
tained heret also card photographs of prominent
men, both civil and military. nov21 im
- - ' '""
Isdia Rusacn Goods It Is not necessary for
Mr. H. A-HALL to en timer &! the dlffauttnt tvl
and kinds of Rubber and Gutta Fercha manufac
turers goons ne aeeps (ne nas them all) on baad
nad a glance Into the beautiful store or list of prictt
given by his attendants! will convince any one that
his establishment la rtmilt the only tJi MuUer
h ercAoase. and ! located at 310 Pennsylvania ave
nue, next door to Meiiri. Harper It Mitchell' iy
Goods warehouse, between Moth and Tenth
streets. u0 "'
X Woan or Anrirr Thoie who have been
doctoring for weeks and months without obtaining
relief, should consult Dr. Flsablatt. whose qtnee Is
at No. 431 K street, corner of Eighth street, and be
radically cured. Twenty-are years experience has
ettsblUbed Dr. FUhhlatV reputation as a physi
cian. Reoent cases cured la a few days. Charges
moderate. DR. FISHBLATT.
No. 421 E street, corner of Fight h.
Opposite the General Post Office.
India Russia GoOdi The place to buy your
HAVELOCKS, HAVERSACKS, and erenr article
made from INDIA BUBDKR; li at H. A. Tl ALL'S
India Rubbrr Warehouie, where you can obtain
them at manufActurers' prices, Slu Pennsylvania
1TVOUV, UflWCCB flUMI r)U ( pifPCfl. Of 4
m " m
Iinia Ruaaea Boors aid Shoci The abore
articles sre sold cAMser at H. A. HALL'S India
Rubber Warehouse, lib Pennirlvanla a enue. than
at any other store In this city or vicinity. This ii
o. van ami susiy yourici. e i, aiu rcnnsrit ania
avvnu. na In If
Woundzd and DiiiiLCo SoLDiCBi Can hare
their Kectttarv Pnvert' made out for annllcatlon
of ' InvmJtf Prnen," Immediately upon procuring
their " IXscAaryy," by application to reck, Omrdnmr.
f- ZxAtik, No. 488j; Seventh street, between 1) and E
trecti1, near General, Ppit OTJoe.. No charge until
peaiton Is rocured. ifo 2-Im
DctiaA,tE iNniA Ruaaea Ooodi Mr. H. A.
IUH till Juitrfifly! a let or Ottairi' Loar and
Urht dull Hallhia Colli 1 al.n. dull ftnlihairf on.
choi, ixtra larg. ilx.ii alio, aloi of hlue fcnrllili
Titmai, vcrf luor, al ,10 .ohi whlib a. li wiI1d(
at maauraiturcrr prlo.i, at all lodla Rubber Warr
houi., S10 Peoaiylvaala ariaut, blwro Nlalb.
aad Troth itrerti. ot 31 tf
Georgetown Marin. fJit,
Schr, i. L Rrdorr. fMwirdi, Great Fgf Harbor,
N. J., produce.
Schr. llcroloe, Chimplla, New Loadon, poon.,
Sihr. MwrJ C. Kalhl, Whlrlow, Porlimoulh,
Me , merchaodlie.
finr. Mir) A. Morgio, Beilrll, Ntw York, mrr
Schr. MArr FrftDdi, Firll, Neif.YorJi, uercbaa
due, ncrAarrar.!
Schr. ferih M. shrriaiii, ehermip, Fall River,
mrrchiodUe. . ,
schr. Stephen Tiber, rook, Niw York, tncrchan
or xv
I N Y A I, I D .
rubll.),cdrorthelEiir.riT lid ai a w.rnlog aad
who Hitter from Spermatorrhea. Nervoui Debility,
Prematur. Deny, etc., lupplylor, at th. lim.
tine, THE MEANS op 8KLF CuAr My one who
hn curoil hlipnir, arter helaff put to great expeai.
and Injurf throui h medical aifiqbuf and quackery
By rDOloilng a poit paid addrenel enTrlope,
llngl. eoplet may b. hador th. authar,
ituHQn, junfi co, f, 1 1
lollhll Hh.l n.ii.ildm.aft
Wrtrt -.i.MMMiI whll
WissmaToif oirr ro8r,oHrfcx,n
numn or xnm, ,
rRiDAT.-pr.cttutK m, jtn.
OaUlaUr PakUaWMI
MUIM4 la Ik. ntmtmmptw
h.tIbc tl
MHmtAa. mm n n
t rauktt.mnlTH
Burin, Jal. arrrr, airaCA
JtorrrH, air. r aaa.tt,ailnME
Braara, Naady
"iri Mm
, mrr., Br.aa.r,ajr,ni; 4 Yi , .,,
:, atptlmUBarktr, HaartcUBurprfl Mht .
!l IS?S' 2ulIl, E" ' Bakrr.V.B. f''
It, ME Bou.,iarcpBr.llr,ri
Burfva, mri T
Zrr"!"lv!. CCol,i j0MI Caproa, Nll . ,
Clark. Oiarlalf. r'.m.M iMkUfvlti v
ri'aa. CblfaaUarr omaat.mr. M
Cart, Cla A .. cur, uy. caranbr, lo'l
Ool.,r.lA Coakr,mrAMCiawr,Bu,EM
Clark, OP Caaaiplaa, R".i . .
D.r, tin.n B-l C,U. Mn ,Douihwtr,MH
Uamll, Julia A ' tM IM, Car h C IIi.ud. Manl.
PfiCar"5aTla,aira u.DbtU, ttaiA
Dlraktt, iarah DoaoU, Una ; Duon, M.rr .
DnlB,il.rjr DarlrifftJioiVrjarliVmrV'
ttf?!. . Sfc. ... Urt.
K4war4a ail.. J IVaa: mi rh.1VlM.,ii7mM4tu(
av.,V.af M .- V t t .. .f,.-n. !....
Frnwlek, M M Fraaklla,
mr Fletcher, Ann
Fiyaa, mui
ragf, mri J
T vm . r xraaaun.mrs AS
Farnham, tdri Bfletcher, M Ana
M- i
GleesoajAnnle-tGrnuger, Rachel'
Gllbons,J.O.;r Gordon, Sarah
Grope, Mary
Guild. llea
Hnnt,mrsMB Henry, bus fl u Harry, mlssWF
!WW ftaiier, Ana 1 Headersoa, S
Hsiles, Clara i Uwklna,mrsMHnderoji(mrs
Hurrt.Fannr HarrlMn, Cath , Human. Lou lis
Hall. Cornelia -JHarnet, Fllra ' HansoaluiiaJ
Hunt, Learetut Harrlsoo,'KmmaHaydeBmrs KC
Hlrsn Jus O it Howard, time . Hamlltuo MargH
K?rVi?XwlK,"0,i"M,' lu,wtrd "
' ' J. ." ? icr
Jones, Kate Jewell, Mettle Johnson, LlitlsD
ioaasoa, mrs Awesuuags, sarsKEJohnson. au AB
Johasoa, Una Johnson, Usa , Johnson, Ulea
Karpp, Mary L . King, mrs M A' , Keene, mrs A L
Klleoer. mrs A MKlmr, FUiabeth Keneea, Annie
Kent,Msry' Kerr,' Maranar Kruy.tirsB
Keese, K Kent, JUlia A KlnUe, mrs R A
Karpp, Mary L Key won, Mary Kelly, Bridget
' .ata-IW 11. -3
iee, Margaret
Lepaart, bus
Moore, LN
May, Kstle
Murry, Brld
Moore, Joe
liwry, tlu.b'h Llaaard, nri J C
Lev U, Julia A ,Lewll,CarollaeP
Leon,Svih- ' Leonird, Ellt M
Mathewi, Sarah Mirtla, LE
Mitchell, Mirr McDonald, Mn
Marloir, Sua L A J
Mooali.JCIU Mclatlre, Brld
Murrlce, F A McCullouch.mri
Mrlllnit.a.MIrr OH
mwiT. mm
Mudd, V A
Mulr, Lottie
Masoo, L M
Mahon, Ulx'h
Miller, Mollis
ijT . t: iwcoowia, jkaic
MlUlkin, SJ
Clerical, ran n
piurrr, aiu
Mockabee, A
Norrli.Mirr S New, Adclla Nuly, Miry
Neal, time A Neliron, Mary Norrli, Mary S
Nice, Kate C Nuanimiker,AP '
Orrell, Mary'A Ordway, mnR.
Perrte,mriMTNPaale,Cath PlnaUnaa, mri
raae, mri B A Peanoa.'Jeiile ' Geo o,TI
ferot.K Parker, mraKB Petrnol,mnJ
Pitta, Cath Palater, mri II Petenoa, mri I
PelhaaL,mriCOIPeterioa)JJrr. Putell, nun l
Plakltoa,MC Prratln.SP Purtlri, Loulie
P.tten,mriMCC ream, Sarah Pirke. V.M
PrialU, Julia Perry, Mart;
Rue, Maria Reeae, A R . Ride ley, L
Read, A Rou.uri J F Rlcard, Marr
R(y,mriJH Run", AaoF Robertion,mrl B
Sptar.mn Schmidt, Little Schneider, Ellt'h
Smith, Xati Smith, mri JaiL Saddler, Sarah
Sprite, MarraretSiiulr.) mri A-tstewart, Mary R
thaw, Jeanl. R Sjrkea,airaJ SUplu,OMA
Scott, mnR N slack, Carrie C Sutton, Joian.
Smith, Loulia Wealth. Kite , SUapHn, Aanlc
Slaaar, Uttl. LStroaf.BtnRJ Speaccr7sareh S
Smith, LoiAa. Swaa, Mary I. fcferl, Miry '
Sachi, mn Smith, Rebecca Speacer, aJlta
Sholei, mil O sparkj, mn Wmstrpheuoa, a
abb, llcsrl.tta Smith, Llnl. Schlmoaek, C
flmldt, Suiib A Stewart, Mary M Stanley, Loulia
Shermer, ran stereni, mnV JSampion, inn A
stroer.mnjr ahtrwood, t: M
Slack, Carrla M
Tows, Mary 7. Towen, llettle Toland, Jan.
Turner, Miry, Taylor, Atephea Taoauartlo, L
Tuttla, mn A'M Turton.'Miry MTlllion, Utile
Thomai, Mary
Underwood, PJ Van Bracklr, M A
Weill, SarihP Vllltami,M s wiaten, Miry
Webb, Allc. Webiter, Adel'a Warren, Iiabelte
Wade, mlu Wlndior, M C Wilborn, 1.111'h
Wurtl, mn A S Wilkrr, Ultle Wllllami, Alta
Wlllir, mn Watioa, JohaliaWllion, Rebeca
Weill, Mar ll-3Wurn, llellrn 1 Wethrnll, s H
Wrlfht, Miry L Wtlllimi, mri MWllliimi, Mlna
Wil.h, mri : Wrtrel, Sunn
WlUlami, Maria
Youof, at M MYltei, Marthl J Young, C
7,auef Mirta
Alrer. Alonio
Arahcimer. O
Aiitorr, Oil!
Aihboth,Brs Oea Adima, Geo H
LAdima. Geo II Auknev. Phlllo
All!., luarw
Adaui, Call la
Adami, Lt lieo A ldrld(e, II M 3
u.ui. el,, niuu.u, ,,nir) A,.L.,ra.ir,iniiii
Almeida, C D 1 Andenou, Opt Andrew!, W
Ad.on.Coirr-'J JH Allen, Smith
Andnwi, Chai AtklMon,JT Avlla, samlA
Adami, Chli Artimi.Jai Andrewi.Tlto.
Abbott, Chli W Allen, Joo Anderioo, Thoi
Andnwi, ('11 AlraAadcrJii Andnwi,WT 3
Auber, Col A) Inter, JT Allen, Wm L
Abell,Chai Allen, J W Ault, Win A
Ahl. 1) F Auchlnclou. Jai Allen. W J
Andrewi,DrFKA&dcn.n,LO Akerman, Vm
AIUUI, IflUHl AtlU, b w
Andcnon, Glllli Ault, MAthUi
Aoderion, V D
Blakeman, A ABirton
Ben I
Bryant, D J
Bruce, Danl
nirnum, a.
Bute, A L
Beall, Alpha
Rlevl.r. Alea
Boyd, ChaiH
Blackl., thai
Burnham. C V Borden. Dr
Beele,.llou C L Herdge, 14wJ A
Bond, C W Barrett, K S-2
Bowie, Alea F
Biker, Dr A C
USKCri Vf ifa, K4 U'UHCltiV tl J ICl.SLCrU. t,
De.rds.ee, Capt Bowen, vhsa.D Burroufln. R D
A W Balance. Lhaa Barnard. V. ll
Bradley, Amos C Bodwcll, Chas Q Ballard, I-dmond
urcasi, Aioen n uureeii, w n ueni.cn, r u
Barnei, Caut A Uuihuian. C P Brown, F A
B)lniton, A Bennett, U W Baehucan, F
Bowles, B F Blsnc, Dennis Biker, Geo F
Blair, Urice X Brown, panl Brown, Geo
B)rnes, Bernard Bunnell, bavtd Bcrqhslnter, Q
Bartle, Geo Bradshaw, Jacob Belcroft, Joo
Bacon, Geo II Batsman, J W Bodlne, Isaac
Baker, Oea W Ulnnlx, Jno II Uronson, Dr J O
.... ii ' ni. L a., i ii .. t n
UUI.IIU IJH.VUf II arunau.al.4lll u
Blair, G C luker, Jno W-2 BrooLi, It Jas P
uracBrtia ue n iucviow, 11110 r uoj a, jno
IVrenthal, GO Bsrrr.Jno 3iLJ:
Bole, Geo . Benton, Jas lleeae, Jno W
nryruta, su iniuBS tt vvuiiu
Uruanellea D Bllxsard, Jno W Black, Jacob
aOratUIVJ, Id A
BetieL, flenrir
Brovrat Hoy
urar, .inoiJ Mairu,jj
lu lr, Jno II Brown, Jno II
UTDVT. nuji nuuiicr, turn ii sjruwDtj v
Brooki. Hen L Butler. Jno M Brooke. Joa
Dlake, H U Bcntlce, J It Brown, CaptJL-a
ueaii', it u urriansDi, jna jirewrrf jviniey
Bargv, H L Burlelrh, Joclsh Boardman, I. J
Baron rt, 1 1 II Dure, Jno II Bounell, Lacing
Brewster. H D Brumaelrni.J Burkner. I.
Bruiieles, II B Bullock, JaiT B-tritow.MftJ
UilllUWi .IIHJ
Bacon, Marks
Byrnrs, Mich
Bean, M H fc Co
Bradandane, M
Blahop, Col M
liesior, 11 1 .HturMA, j iv
Uutler, Jai L Bateman, J V
Bdrtnclon, J S Brady, Jas
Barton. Jsi P Roland. J O
Burnett, Dr J N Brnnett,JoiE
hktr. J B Beeu.ls.Jas
uurneu, m a
Butler, Jas 11 tuancy, vr 4 vzurcad), Mich
Barker, Jas T Brliae,JK Be mm, Mat P
Baxter, Dr J H Burkhart, Jno HBeady, Matthew
Butler, Jacob . plrchard, J V Bee card, M
Bsrnutn, Jno F-3 Benton, Jno fl Burnstle, M 9
Bsker. mr W C Brown. Lt 8 A Buchm aster. W
Bedell, Matt Blortnett, Step 3Bron.on,CaiiVA
Hens, jr. mr w-iacr, oiniu uiudii, nun y i
Burke, Mich Uuuce, Kidney Barry. W II
Butler. Kev Nat Bailer. H II Bunn. W N
Black, Nlran. Brown, s P Bamhart, WH 3
Baker, Q a
Boyeri, O Mr
Bants, Perry
Ilvmii. Patk
uauy, nmiin vrown, w l
Baker, lm)th, Barnei, W It
111 1 hop, tttcattonDanka, V )I
Bsumount, ThoaBorter, W R
Bartlllf. T F Brovto. Weilev
Bailey, Porter
Bas.rtt, P N
Bechtle, P 0
Bralatcd. T 11 Barnhart.W lUon
nuuiu, n urrwaier, ym
Burton, Cap T 0 Bostlck, U m
Burke, Patk Btrton, Cap 1
Brannan. Patk Barnes. T fi
Bircn, w ll
Brker,H W ButmanrTM
Brewer, Blcd BfowH, Thoi
Brooki, W D
uowiico, fu-T4i nurw, tnui
Bacon, Reuben Barnes, Thos
Burke, V
Brolherl, Bom Burl, MaJ f bf
uitwmin. Hobt
, "
Bewll, Wm
Barry, W II
Birner.MaJ W(
Bailey, Hay Brady, Thi
&rnley, R u liirtlett, v o
rown, CiP'LBentlr, W W
I,bbock, sinlbrd Barber,
1 11 "
oin&fan.AD.. !, Col EE parr, Jno F
acy, AlbcTlB tsytsad, tMoo, J?-4
Akm, atlai M r AatroTM,nrA. A Aalkoaf, aW L.
AatenoaTIIWf A.loo, mlajBS MtiirtnMi.
S3!Vl w w Pi
U, tap Wm H laraar. r V
atM, N.1U. M4larkn. au II
Bilt. Ellin
Tulux IUap,ainN Buckley, Sarah
Boija, on., BUlla A M Bowanf karr i I
kif("yi, Berrjr.aira Uarerat,Br. Dr,
vnarri.c. w m
Coller, loe A
t-rstder. J W-l
eJder, J W- sH
Centner, Usee
Laapbell, Alt Carr.Traakr r.tlonallao.H
1 h 11 ua.inMi n"a
A,nariion,BajBjt.uoarnerLiMO t uiamDerun, J A
dark, JW- 1 Colloo, UoA Calhoua. Joa
Culrer, A ar iC.tt.rall, en Culrer, Joih W
CaaaiaU1Cl.iiekUda,GM: Coe.Jao
CanreCaM ,qasMi,3MW Clleabick, Jao
Carae,Ca..l t7iiy,Oe Onk.JM
CUtke,ChaaH Oae.HM ( C tlark.RcrJN .
Cooper, C Ihanl. Haarr Chump, J H (col)
CapaU,CorlCaaUef, HP Crom Jeremiah
OulCrii.al, C QlaTbea, Henry Oooni.MaJJao
Caaa.UA Cooltaatlae, H Coil, Jail:
CharMtOB, CkaiCOotea, Ham. Crlre, Uaae H. i
Coltoav Br 0 BUIMU, Harrl'aCoe, Joo A
Chapln.Caa. .CarUn.JI" Cook.Jao
Coa.at.OS. OtriitU, Jai I Colby, J M
Claik.be Caauao.JuH OorB.llna,JW
Clark, Hoa Daa Cluamaa, J W Chirlton, John
Connolly, Daartaater.Ja. Coller.JA
Caaby.CenER CrawlonL Capt JCmby, J B
CphB,l: M Chappul,JIC
flamlr. S-airimls aPaaaiai taVaa a-4.I.. IU
Cane. Edir T Cstnaberlatn, J TCaulter, J A
Charles, Ool 0 Christie, Jas O Caiarant, Jos
variaiir,ai v va.aiTria.it aTov
Cooke, Brig OenConrad, RerTN
Ljuiguran, 4
Cooiey, Lt J
Cullen, Lt J-
Caaey. MaJ J
Chandler, J B
Cummins, L K
CampbelL 3 C
DamnbelL R Clrmondi. T
Cunningham, R Campbell, Cap T
Cornthwart, R HCoIyer, 1ncent
Cross, Rich Cannon. Uriah
t-rsTHJn. j.
wiiiMja, i. .rsaaC. n
1 rue, n v lonneu, 11 r
Callan, Law Curry, R Chapman, W W
Coaly, M W Carrall, R W W Cannon. V H
Cebb. Capt Mr Church, R B CooperVu V S
Cullee, M- Cooiey, S T Qute, W H-2
Corner. Mr
Cammlns, M A
uonrer. nam uuit.i. v h
Catnip, f r Chatebcrlln, WH
.isTK, nam n
CUoo. W II
Cook, Sam O B CoUtni, W H 1 1-1
w..,., , mmiw,, ..w u iu.tr, not
Cooper, M CoTlniion. ST Colwell. W 11
Chlpmaii, N S ' Capnter, Sam Croaron, Wm C
Chaadlir, N W Cramblett, s Chandler, Wm E
Cjr, Bar N Croraa, Heret1 Ctrareland, w P
Coa, Nlth O Cullum, s SI OoomU, Wm
Curlier, CW Cam Tho. Can, Capt W
CosrerM, C J i. aarklon, T E Ool., Wm
Cronlar, P Cox, T C Campbell, Wm
Cook, On r CCromwtU, Tho. Cumliky, Jno
Carsayi Hoa T r A
Daaiela. A HkCoDobaoa. 6 H Coolie, Cap P 1
Doubleday,AmJrDoBasil, Hart Donaeliy, p
Demy ir, AH- Oupny, HoratUDlnkle,P
Penham, A W Duttoa. H R Dengle, P II
Delander, AlfredDonoell, H E Doyle, R
Doaallaoa, B S Detainer, Lt HudDormer, R C
Dare, BenJ Decamp, He DarlMB, Robt
Denton. BL Dlfler.Hueh. Dafriar. Rurua
M. Vnlrrceau, llonohoo, Lt HMDeck.SM
Cap nouat Dlrlne, Cap H S Deuill, S C
Poa-CW, . Daeld, ColJJ Douilm, SaiuI
DenlaoB, Hon.ChDe.lla, J H DrownrStephCB
Oooe, Cap ' DonnAo,Jer 1 Dilln, SJ
Darli. Cip Dnutin. Jot Downi. Siml
Durkee, Hon C M D. Caatro, J M Dawei, W H
Dettell, Chaa Douflaai, J H Domehry, Wm
Downer, J B
n. f -w . n--...-- n. ' ..
uvwu, 4di wuaanuv,, n uiido, V? in
Dlrlne, Dinl Duffleld, JL M tDuncan, W M 1
amaanu, awanii uicainion, eno inrr, wm
uam, u n uonnp, joo
Day a, otaunoa De.mer, J J
Dodje, W M
Douial, Lt W P
Dowllnr, Wm
DIcknon, WTW
Divenpnrt, W II
Dalle y, Rev V-a
uuy, cucen. aay, "no
Dousherty.E lI'Downi, J W
and. g j Devlin, Luke
DurkalL P
U.T1B, A. S
Dalon, L D
Drumm, Q W
Die hi. Ueo
ajaH.Ba.aoj it in
Doutlan, Cap W
Devil, MJ
Duntee, Geo
Dclaner. lSllcho'sDoueherty, W C
rrans,A.JO FUlcott, Lt LM Errctt, Roisrll
uTriyAsroa t sion, unm r r rani, i to
Fesn. Chits Lmorr. Jno
r siiinan, r i w n
MUson. CC HUolt. Ju F
i ri
Eacan, Rer 0L1 Ulott, Jno
EaToatDan'l W Fagiey,Jai
Fwright,Cant W
r merion, 1.01 trr or.snr, yos
-.kjaaai Vl.ta r.ln.aJ.
iia, nuoa
Klllott, GenWT.
abVaVMUal, JTeUeT JT. W inil, eftta jTUlliUil, UFU II ll
Edwards. Frank Kvrtnj, Hon J II ppelihelmer,W
Kbmrr, That Fnttrion, Prof J K
rillott.FR-3 Jcleiton, SerftFterhart, W A
Fro, Fred J T f Fverti, W W
Emerson, QK Edgfrton, Wm IMwardi, Wm L
Forbes, Hon AAFroat ilenry For, Le Is D
Fuller, Albert Famei, Henry MFelton, Mfiyn'dE
Ford. Dr Chai MFlynn, Ilenry French, Ret M
Frank, Dr C a Furnsce, Ilenry Fox, Capt CC
Fanelby.Chis Fltfgtbbon, J U Farmlnr, DrN
Rmter, Chaa i Furseaon, Jos C Field, Urry
tch, D K Flrldcr, Jas F Folaon, Paris II
Frarel, Dnn'l Fldler, Jno Falkner.lUch
Fisher, Edw Fauihsw, Jno R Foater, Rich II
Frmli, E F Flory. Jno Flak, Stephen C
Fancher, Lira nanley, Jao Flint, Sam'l W
loiter, Hon KK lnnell, GeoJW Friday, 1 M
Flrmtn, Fellppa Fletcher, Jer 9 Fowler, Col Sra
Ford, Fred Frltschey, Capt JFan, Thos R-3
Frederick. Frank J
r. Thos
Fowler. Geo W French, Jas 8
Fray, Geo M Frens, Jno
French, Geo Fraj , Jno M
Fav. DrHU Fink. Jno
Fowler, Thos XV
uller, T T
ltrgeson. Wm
Fletcher, Wm E
Faraham. HenryFreand, Ludw
rench, Wm N
Fenton, lol WmFlansburg h, WmFrothlngham, Dr
m iirintaii, . ui g
Fuller, W S
Fursbrer, 7. L
Flower, Lt W
Gilleiple. MJA HOordon, Henry LGerrey, p a
Green, Albert Grenui, Lt 11 A Green, n
Goodwin, Albertuuitln, H A Glbnon, Robt M
Gilmore, C F Green, Jos j m Glllord, R
Gasktna, Chas Greef, Jno M Gurrle, R
Good, LhratlanGGreen, Hon Jas SGrntry, Robt R
Gunt, Chas Ursy.JL Gotler,StephenB
Guertler, Chas-IGouley, Dr J WjtGordoo, Saml
Gordon, Cant Getiengrri Joo Cray, St lira 3
Gylei, David Gresaly,Jno , Olasaey, Rami J
Getly, David A Gurley, Joel W (.ardner, Capt 1
Gordon, Daniel Gebhcart, Jno Grragon, Saml
Graham, DiineanGra&l-um, Jno N (.llmartlne, T
Grady, D (J rea hi in, Jno Gslnn, Capt T
Gardner, Danl Georfei, Jacob Grnaa, Thos A
Green, Edward Georrll, Julttil Gailtt,TF
Genlah, Fllsha TGrltnlhf L P Golden, Titos
Garwood, F. B Greenwood, 8 A Gupcr, aah'n F
Grlswold, E B Gouley, L P G Gallae:hrr, W D
Goodrich, Fred SGlltlrau, Mlch'l Greenbiir, W
Gardner, G E
tiruian wicni UHlloWHr. w m
,rny. rv i uriumui piuirt i
Gerbach, Moan Uulhrle, WM.
Gardner, GC GlImin.DrUI, 3 IUmia.Co
ureenwooo, u nuoiaman, uilvrruilbert, w j
(lentworth, G PGrimo, Peter Grant, Wm 1
Gllyard, Geo T Gore, P W Green, Wm A
Greeahow, Geo Gleeaon, PatrtckGrood, Wm
Gorttrl, II W 3 Glennan, P
iiray, ivn r
Hen, A R. Howard, E.1
Hill, Auruitui Himin, F C
Hamilton, A liaillocli, K C
Harthiin, J
llerrey, Capt J
Hirtrr, laaac
11, . " r r It.lkib !. CI..... 1 ...
,T . IIUtnuVB, ,WU I flldUl. ,1,
llayea, Dr A 11 Union, rVP J lleuf , Joi
Hirt, Albert llalacy, TF Ilinioa.Jii
Hlbixman, A f llulman, T II Helinar, Jul
lioiiamaa, A iiuuurv, irru iiaieuon, l I
Holland, a B
Hamlin, 11 F
Hemic, B
Hayra, B E
nrniie, im uuerTry, J
Hell F.N lluntlncta
lluntlnffton, J M
HolrbAUn, G
KSS0A S$:t
Swc'llGit il,nl'm.rn'jJK
l,GB llitllcld.i
I C, W llowellcom J C
nan, u
Hudaon, Chai B Hill. G Ir Howell, Com
llerney, v iiov, ueo line, J G 3
llerron, C 3 Harty, 0 Himri, J
Haleht, Choi Haul h, II R Hall, Joi
Hull,cYarklslUillru3erion, It ClUII.JU
Hunter, Chai 3 Hill, J B
lllcki, CB Hunt, 3 Heard, J T
Hurrlibn, C Harmoo, II C Hall, John L
Hill, Hon C II' Herman, HC llaikcll, MnJ M
Heuter, Capt CFHoward, Ifcary Houh, Leu li
illubbl, D Halley, H 'J llehl, Loula
Halloway, D
Haylett, D
Hart man, D
Mesa, D S
Home, Frl
Hood, K B
Hall, Nathan
Hufhes, Peter
Hsrdeott, HP
Holland, A
Henly.R H
Hull, R J
litanauiann, 11 lirill.ier, 1 n
Hirdlng, 11 llailup, M
IHmllton, M. D .Hnrtlord, Mr
. IW lllBKeil, 01
,,..., i,",m'V. p,
gJnoM llutchina-s, Pro!
i,T Hamlin, Wal,ott
Horning ji
HeiltAie, J B llou ard,llcr t )'
Harpi. T'd Hu lion. Dr W V
Hall. T J Hlldreth.W II-S
llamcke, T Von Hale, W P
Herbert, T llunnrr, a
Handle, VaI Hoire.WJ
llardcu.W II llrun, Wm
Hllei, II lloldrn, W D
Hill. R R
Hanlly, Wc'y
Hoke, Sam P
Hanno, 8 G
Haves, Steph
Hlndman, 8 G
Halre, sc
(IBllall'lUi,tfU XJIUIII, , UI
llcodly, Capt W Hlndman, a
UQ..u.aj, uni
llsniton, fc J T
iiortr, u
I au.l J,
Jonea. Bcnnct
Johuaoo,Jcaae-3J'o.nonla Mn-
jeaar, ncumr) iogrnin, .11
Janea, lAw A-1 Johnson, Jas
Jcnner.Oeo Jackan ay, J
Jewett, Dr Geo Juhnaion,-! V
Johnston, G F Jonson, J S
Johnion,Ui,o JrqLlqa, John
Jsnei, S F
Illanolae, vvan
Johnaon. 1 11
Irwin, Dr W m
ranmiti, u t ismuu ii rival. .iu
Judd, MsJ H fi-9 Ji hnsoo, Uwls Jackaoo.W B
Johnson, HAM Jounsun, LM Jackson, WB
syne, m
jonnson, nor jonniuo, iuau. i jacKinn, w a
Jeonius,J l
Koat, A
Kllche, A M
Krllcy, A 11
Jot.es, H U
Klllsn, Jos
Kellosjr, Jno
Kenned) , J A
Kuhl L Johnson
Klrtland, L
Kaipar. .mr
Kidder, u a
Kncciie, K
Kirkbrlite, M R
Kin, BenJ Kinsman, J. as Kins:, R I)
kalbtuss, Chas-3Klmtle, i aptJ VK.mhal, It G-'
Karnlgtoo. Capt Kilmer, W A Karnr, Capt R
jvsrniKiuu, .iii Aiiuitr, it j
Katbfuaa. ChasHKrnklloR, J II
Kenartl, Hlch
KreDB, mas nirciioer, i a
Kearnei, Capt King;, Jas
Klerny, C KIuk, Sergl J S
Kllborne, rrankkolm, Geo
Knapp, Geo V Knlxht, Jos P
Keefcr, H E Kern, James
Kenan, sorgt
Krcler, Corp 9
hell, Thoa 1
Ken In, n.
Keener. II P
Hi jvrru, vn,ii j u
Klrklan 1, Wm
Klhg, W m
Katiirraan, If B
Klnkllnr.J H
fjiran. Alex
Keicic, Jas r
Kllvln, Jos
Lawry, G W
Ltielr), Jno J
Uslle, fcrgt J S
Lefzkers. Anton I nne, Geo W
Lance. Chas
Une, G D
lrouK, flj
lJoogrYflrW.i'M)flHiPti v-sp u aa-cniucrg, nia
C LarnenireeJIen Mmburg, J
L) pch, Chss Lorsck, Herman Loroaanc) , M
Lalhrop. C B I umbard, Lt II Lansgan, Pat
Lome, Corp 11 O 9 Latimer, peter
Iji timer, Chas La) tic, Henry Lrary, Psul 3
Lwh, Capt D Lawrence, 11 K laumnn, RN
Lodor, MaJ D L Laird, J E Uttn, B
Unsapne. Ezra, I ynch. Rey jas I ucasil, 8
Lewla, FdP Low, Jno Lorejoy. 8
Lorine, K G Leesqn, Jno Latham, T P
Littleflfld, T I U SflPi 'of ftmrklo, Tl,.
Carter, SatttHL Cot. Ktsps
Llpa,Ffancee lincoln.JB UmlerThoe
Leiw, HomJKel sstnia, Jae aUwU.Taoe Hi
le)v.,rraakM LeckboihWr. J Laiimao.Vtr
uawriiriocn aCKey,jas
Banar. m rm.nn ..au-uaiw-. jai u. tim
Ueka,LtColrrLaaala,j's n Lm W ll
Lela,o0W Latehaaa.JJ Lamb.Wm
Lanekloa.Oeo-lLont.hon.Joa Luptoa, W II .
LalBitoa, O F irLelTSlon, Jno Lytl., Wm '
Morton, Ret A DMehafy, ji"niiVrMay, iei' 1
Melnen. A Moore, Protr.TjMorrli, Jai It
Manh, Albert R MarraA, Seastr Mankall, Jao W
Maker, Mum Xallby, OwTW Afeldrome, J.l
MMh.r, Adala Mon. Ow T-4.trar.haU, Jao R
"i.w,'ei mereoiia. treo jayan, laoon a.
!.":. i -Mlur"v. aaawia, ueo ai ,. uprgaa,
sn"i.fe2A ssis .sss.
r. JL. al jMArtaal. IMkn am aWaUaMM. IP. H
Maddox,AJ OeoA" MIUlT, Iron B-4
My en, Alonio Miller, Geo W JrHler.JnoTao.
Minor, Lt B N MnadoriK 01 AAf.nlS.ld, Cap t
"..aw, a raononi uev n iwiTBoniinie.
Miner, Ben MeNe.IV. Hiarh Maae.rja. L
Miner, Chai ,, McCTnr., HoWd MAndenrllle, J W
ftiicneu, L-uen MiaitaatiianK Monereaa, cipt
Mirlard.Chif Mluley, llv F , ' J C
Ma jo,' Dr Chai Mamell, Hy O MonnjaiJ
Moon, Capt C A Mudre, Hiram Martla, Jao
MnCnnn.ll t .... ! al l..h l.l'a.
McSwmr.DE Morrli.R. Meaitvray,JC
MoMey, M Manaon, Jno'W.NcQuew.ai
Muaion. Hon E Motler. Jao B JnCaba. Jno
Mekci, ED Mitchell, Jno W XDonald,Jamei
pir..ir mm niuiari, 'no iw.ri.mara, eai
Mill., dwln Mlllir, James MeDermot, Jno
Miller, Lt Ed MUmnmiry, A MeMlehaeLCapJ
Mather, Ellai n Mnrphr, Jno L Monteomiry,
Maldoon, Frank Millard, Joalaa Capt J D
MUler, Frank Morf aa. Col J B Miteh.ll, J D
Myer.F S Moore, li.lah H Menhell, Jao W
McInlyre,FJ M.Alula, Geo . Mooaey, Jaa J
Mealor, CaptFBMilvllle. Geo 11 Mann, lime.
wuaAr,.uiiui mourv, rtnc u jnoorv, no ja
Myers, Jno M
Morse. Jai H Mann. Jaa C
mwr, 4 b
Miles. Bauban UMareelv. Wm
morrow, .vs.icuiiarTin, Kooi a rnoser, vm
Moale, Lt Martach, Robt J MeNeel, Was
Morton. L 1 Mount. R-3 Mount. Wm IM
. LI -............ f7.
Minor, L ft-3 Mllbank, R W McCleQand, W L
Murphy, MlcheelMoore, Silas It MsrtU.WmH
Murphy, MlchaelMoore,6lUs It Martin, Wm I
McMurtrey, mr Mann, Kami B Marruart, W
Mendel, M Maneheater, Mellcn. wm I
Mellcki, Brown Marsh, Cap 9 8 Mc Duncan, Wm
Miller. MahloaMMo Vey, T L Morris, Wesle
Myrlck.J4 -. Mlckey.Tt.os W Mounts, Cap W F.
AH IB rail, MSW .1 " aiaVBIBU, A r tnitlTVJt T U
Mitchell. Jr. NWMlller, Thos Mercer, Wm
Marst, Norman Mlrlck, TJ MyerSfUm
Mrers, Nelson B Murphy, Thos Moss. Dr Wm
Mend. Nathaniel Milan. That BMsrker. Wm
McCulchen.Wm Me Arthur, Thos McGlney.SergW
Martin, PG McConnell.Thos 8
iiourency, re. moore, li ij niciuinn, wm
"irviivi, rat. Piricncii, a n
Miller, Rlchd Murphy. Thos
Marshall. R J Moore, W C
Morton, Jered D Moore, Jno F
McClure, Wm
Moss, Dr Wm
Notes, Col J
Nelson. D C Northon, Hon H Neurath, Jacob
Nlckalby.Col D Nickel, Louis 3
Neal, Chas Norfleet, Jas B Noyce, L
Nlcholi, Chss NclUs, Jno J Nicholas, N H-l
Narlmao, Cbas Newton, U J W Newhall. Nathan
rtinierr, ueo jiewun, aias newpon, H H
iriBxjii, uitu niAUUi " a
Nuhof, Geo Nugent, Jno
Norm lie, Jai OTNewton, J T
Newmann,Dr 8-3
Nelll, Rer T O
Norton, adder .
Ormaby, D C
Ollrer, Dr 1
Ottman, Peter L
O-Roke, P II
01 1 rer, R
0DtIl. T T
Utborne, Capt E O'Brien, Jas
U'iSll, JOS
j t-vuuuij r
Owlngs, Q D
O'Kree. Jno
lalN.ll fa, m
n uiji, u a umil.. Vlllin a( A U
ftklej , Capt JnoOrtman, Mlcht O'Neill, Thos
M 2 Orton. Orlando BOinlen. Ilnn U"
Ollrer. Dr T 0
Osgood, Jnft Ores, Parla
Parker, jr. A
Patter, Adam
Patterson, C B Perklni, Capt F
lluirtl. C W
Peck, A R
Puher, Mmond Palmer, Ceur W
Printer. A W
Pope, EC
rea, ueo
Parnell, Ceo
Putnam, G
Peck, Geo
Pennington, H B
Palmer, Henry Q
Perklni. Ahlra Price. Ed
PbtUlDi. Brook kPlke. P A
Palmer, Chas Plumpton, FD
Potter, Chas C Phillips, F M
Pone. Chaa II Plcl. ITed
Parker, Chas S Prelnkert, F
araaiavcr. v it ram ll iriuftcii, r JraUaalDr, nmuTY t
Price, Hon HlramPetraon,Issac-3Pearson, Saml
reca, lira
Pearson, II
Poe, Ilenry
Pepnln, Jos
Pat fa, Joa
Parker, Jas 8
Persona, J H
Peperiack, Jos
Palmer, I H
Palter, J B
Parker, J T
PefTTr. Jas Pierce, a n
Philip, Cap J P Perm, Saml
Prentiss, J L Phlppe, T W
Philip, Jss Pearoe, Thos
Mur. , J Perkins, Dr T A
Ferdell, Hon LWPomeroy. T M
Perouxe, Col L HPrltchsid, Tip
Pantclt,Merr Poriehe. rhcod
Plummcr.Mr Plckford, Thos
nummcr, Air
Pratt, Wilson s.
Perry, Wm
Palln. W H
Payne, m P
rnngir, j 4
rcca, n n
Pcnnlman, J L Phllps, Oliver, Jr Putnam, Wesley
Peddinhaue, J M Phllhower, Phil Parker, Wm
1 eaifivsv, n rijiirri,, -Tirr merer, V It
Peters. J A Porter, DrBH Porter, Comm W
aTVIaVJVaa, a, Mt faaCi, (VI VIM U
E null, A K Rnble, O F Rlchardaon, J B
nlcoirui. Aldrn Rider, Q N Roblaon, Jaa
Bran, A P Huppell, Gott Ranoln, J W
Badclir. ainton Bodf en, G W Rider, J L
Riilry, b C luti, O M Rider, J F
HacLi. Dinlrl Roa-erl Prof OCARonlaon. Dr J n
Reeder, Dirld IRoeeri, Sergl W Ryttenberr, JD-,
n.,.iv. .. ,u.uwa. mwv wuiBturr. jno
Hobloaon, r R Rlchnrdion, G H Rlnehart, Jer-3
Hoble, r. W
Hiucnour. llv Rerchart. Joa
Ray, Fnoi
Hahtill, Park
Reed, Rinaon Itobblnaon, GovJ
i.u.a, n ,1 rs
Reonoldi, II a J Roiton, J T
Rehn, Frltl
I Rinrlldcr, Cip FRoblnion, 11 J Rodcrri, Gen J B
1 nexioru, r rana iiowe, ru kodcii, j w
Richmond, F Rider, lit Rl(enhArrlck,ja
luiuca, ,ui niiuer, .Mii-iiari iwgTr., (.apt a
Rurei,klrviuitRobblni,N 11 Rind, Sam S
Haae. Joaenh Hoberti. Lt O S Roanea. Tim
Held, John
Rhoadei, J
Ron, Dr LD
Rich, L D 3
Riliarll, L B
I Roach, Url II
1 Rolfe, L F
Rector, M II
rtoarirr, eeier iioDinaoo, noa T
Robert!, Col KP Heed, 1 li
nooena, uooi n nuaieu, J
Ruaaell, RoyalD Rldenlur, Wm
RoMnaon, KB Ramie), W W
Rolllni, Sam W Rice, W
Rock, II Hockwell, W a
Robertaon, S P Rrevei, Wallli
Blnci, Capt .
lyes, Andrew Rare, Chas W-8 Schtlll, FM
, .Skinner, A L Bnrngue, C C Snj der, Felix
alosn, Alb't R Mo. km an, C Kbmolie.F
Smith, A L Splcer, Clark Slousaa, G
i htrectiqan, A B ixuitb, treon A ManbrldKe, Fre
Sawyer, A T Fhetton. O W R ee, F H
I Kan), A I. RaflDrd, O II Schmidt, Fred
Rnilth. Andrew stscknole. C A stewsrt. Fr.nl:
shanncr, Dr A 3waln, Cajtt DG San ford, Truman
SieXAnd SEffiSr:
' ''". ,. ""''"'
.itpi., J'hi ii ilm,
'" H''" " " 5: L,,,BS
miiari, ii it opry, ueo n
it, Div Snow, Grorge
crliBro,Stctaun. Ceo W
s mitn, ueo B
Scely, i.eo W D
Smith, Geo H
Simons, Geo W
Scober, Geo V
St Albe, Guatar
Stinhr. Chas
Stau'lard, D
Svooley, Mw
Slmparn, Kdw
Stern. (ol V
Shlpman, Capt
Smith, LtCF
Smith, ES
bpcar, Chaa
helclen, Chfti
tiloanon. Capt
Smith, thai H
serbcr, Geo
rtmnn, u a c
stniner. ioi ti iierens, ten w
Sartwell, Lalwtn St urges. Gen F
aiiitniicr, rraota. rceiy, ueo
Strain?. Jno
Mian r, h
Stlckney, RC
Smith, R W
Snyder, RR
Slmonda, S C
SinitU, Surs; S
Sprague, Dr SL
Rvott, T r
Stone, bam'l
Stettlmia, S
sh aney, s H
Scott, Th
Smllh.Col TCH
standi np, 1h
Kearle, T P
Stoctiton, T W
Sherman, Lt Ih
Sweet, W
staton, Wm
Klrlngtleld, W-3
Steel, WW
ss under a. Wm
Slutter, WR
Nlalce, WK
sterluirtn, Wm
Scott, Wallair
smith, U m
Sleeper, Wm
Small, Geo
Surlco, Jonas
Stevens, Harry Swlnburn. Dr J
h, li searles,JH
Sheldon. H T
Strauss, Jos
I Steele, Dr 11 B
Sbaw, J w
alines, Rer II N Smith, JuoW
I sn,, K SraUh Jno
I SEtfc" lVetM.,,
slandlsh. HC Strfrt.Jai
Skinner, Jno smith, Jamea
Sherman, Jas iKOtt, 1 9
Stuart, J W Sprague, J T
Sbermoo.JH htoli, J i:
Schneider, L II Shaw, Jno N
Stearns, J 11 ftcott.Capt J 3
stebblni, F Sbarron, L
Shatter, Jno A Shlrrner, L
Schooumslfer, 4 Snider, t M
D ShrnJUr.LB
Simmers, I.ao tlcknci , LU
selee, Ira J straw, 1.0
Shropihlre.Csp JScholl, Ixula
Stewart. J B
stwuy, tewis
Spattcre, J V
spaifbrd, JW
Shorter, J H
Stanton, J M
Stewart. J F
sipe, JTere
Slack. J N
Stuiart. L
spindler, L
Samling, J
k loner, M T
Seplnl, mr
BullltaBi M
Sirrolfrsrr. M
Siercr.a,vM ll
Stewart, M
atralej, Jno
air!?), rftiu rwi. .. a Birruun,
ktri)henion,J L Scrlbner, Natli-3 Stokea, m
stevene, J F Sneer, N F Sklnncr.WU
Srnrer, HerJH storm, lvrr soner.W W-;
Suit, Al s
siernorr, w
strvens.Gen J C Sullh an, Pat Solomon, W i
So) der, Corp shlrcly, JW-I Stabler, John
Trysn.DrAM Thompson, raptTiM, Joeph D
Tailor, AJ OF ' larbox. Lt
Tate, AU'l J Tllton, II II T lor, L A
Thouias, Lt A FTaft. II N Irew.L W
J Toinlin.oD, H T) Icr, L L
Tlnon, Abram Ta)lor, H J Trark, G
Thorp, Dr A Thompson, 11 IPlhomaa, Mr
Thomas, Rev BIlTounsend, H J Thomas, N J
Thompson, C 0 Turner, 11 Tower, N
Titus, Capt turbett, Lt Col JTullar, C II
Tuoker, Chas Tageart, Col J H.TIilng, P
The ma., Chi F Tarbell, Col J 3 Thames, R
Tucker, C H TJiomp-on, J 11 Townsend, S
Tltua, MM D Trelen, Rer J L ThS)er. Lt Col S
Toppet, F C
iruara,.) inompson, iapt
Thompson, J S
Thorn pson, H M Thlndle, Seryt T
Takir,JM Turner, DrT
Turner, I P Tsylor, T S
Tanner, J F C Thompton, T
loner, c u
i Thomas. 14
innniruti, . it
Troup, F H
filtou, L
tayler, FJ H
1 ticker, EE
Truler, Ur
Trsplctt, F
Trajcock.G B
uiirrscu,4 jii .wsmnir, r
Turner, Rev J DThorntou, T
jerry, v it 4
Thompson, I Twlford, Dr M'll
1 rum, Jno Turner, It's
Trans, J 11 Tllton. K-'m F
Ihwinff, J H-3 Tste, Wm
uma, Capt J
lper, Frank
t'mbler, Chris
VlHM.ni i WnrVorl ft j, E4 M Vbsn, Jp
JifiMHj. A wngner. Q lele,tlt
VsWjrtii7 VoTvlSrWss?
van riiiauietdBVVSBisnsY
Jaanort.DrtA-J VandeAUt, $
Wllllami, Her A Ball, paMd, 3 IT.
aa. W.
arriaht, a
ITarmaa, iur Alrrlat.Oaa Dl
g?-i.LA. -SrS&rftiw. &,&
n oeawT, m u remrmvBB, K eructarK hoi
rallw,JMaI fTaU.tdwd rralaWHemrr .
frilkln.Blf ,lTIUaaB.X: H-orthlWtoa, H
ITaldroB,Cart WaS&Kt roKHaVrr
gJlllamiC , imiaau JElmlra Weflla, H A
ntiOB,Ch.l .HTierer, til ITeakley, HH
ITadaworth,Cipt rTatrath, Cap ILtruklnaoa, JnoT
C ir ,1, ITherler; U r FITallla, Jno
pniKJO.ti Hrtfht.rrank Waldron.JV
Woo. Chaa A -. Waa., It IToodbnrr, J E
If alker, Chu M ITInter, FredTt mik.r, Dr JnoE
Tlllon.Chai W-aillmei.FA miUama.JaiB
IThlle, Chaa. ITheel.r, O IT mclandy, Jno F
ir.roer, Chaa Heden,Geo , tTeaham, Jno A
wriani, wnaa a nooawara, uipt irnrMrtr, J A
milhen.CB oeoB-s " irill.c.,j k
Klllntn, Chai L IThlleoiab, O It rKatklaa, J E
allcomb, C B ITiatarTelt, O L. (f.Uon, Jai E
'alter, Chaa F HOoflTlde, OM iniaon,Jaa
irhrtlock, Chaa iriie.GMS ir.rthelmer, I
HU10B k Camp-WeatwoHh,Oirirhlteald.,JG
J" . B'rlf ht, Geo R HTireler, Jaa B
iTeMon, C C ITetTlnc. o B ITautoa. J R
Hlte, CoICA H-aJ,Geo W (Torthlirtoo, J I
namar.MiN vriimas. n.Bry t.iaB,jaiH
H'ortieli, D, Iflllla7iienry fa HTiMl.r, W U H
TIT n alliiiiBlk I BaT ilHI i . i I.. al aar.ia - BH m
J.rrrm,"mC ""1l" OTuiiABU, 1
Whltmora.JJ Wl
iijiee. -no w aiiaee, or
W.II..M. Vi "r n .
Wearer, J.o I Weloh.Jno Wooa,Tkao
Wiiatta, J T Weit, Jao Van I BhlUami, Tho.
WhMlw, Cent J White, Lt J W Hneat, V B
IThlttleMy. J J Watklna, L S-i Belch, Ir J
WoolUdorf.JH Worthier, L miioa, To
Walker, Jno B Wllllami, M H"res, ir.ih
Wood, Lt Jaa al Wood, mr rrataos. If A
Wllkanba, J wrwilaoa, R A
Wlllon, J Wanon, R B
rrallaea. IT E
H'elchman, Hm
irellei, H'J
v uiiv, a
White, J P Wlirln, iamA
Taril. Chai IT
Younr. llenre ttTVAtea. r.nl 1 I.
v :- .t . -.1 ir " i.r.".w.
Younf, D C Yeuial, Jno O Yancy, Mathlaa
cmi.,i, uv n uraeii, laaac loung, rtarren
Youna-, Hoaea Younf, ill M Younr, K" IV
Yer, er, Hen 4
Zona, Alex 2uraer, Capt JnoZarktr, Leonard
zorfer, Andrew A J Zmller, Ictor
2ahn, D F
Pardmaiter tfard B Areat of Failern Eiprei.
Conpanyt kupirlnlindent of loldlen' Retraatt
Fxamtnerof Correipondenc between North nod
Houthi Prli. Acenti Oatcr Commaadlac at sol
dl.ri' Retreat-3 eirlri of Chae. T. Jameai Indiana
Military Arencyi oocailonalj" E. H.
a.r.nis a.i.ai'iiAnA;, r. .
W IiTenth itreet,
orrosm odd miowt' bill,
I manufacture ot th. bnt material, and hae.
conatantly on hind, a large and varied aiiort
mint of
Military and Ctltuni' SADDLES,
Patent Feed isd Water Backet.
Officer. IIlTcriicki,
Officeri Fine Sword Belli,
Belt Trimmings, and
Field Oliil Cum.
T It V N K S .
DRESS, and
rk p a i n in a .
Ai I manulicture Trunk! extemlrclr.and neeea.
nrlly have all kind! of Trunk Material, X am better
prepared to repair Trunk!, Ac , thoroughly and
promptlr,thm any other eitabllihrnent In the city
n A N K. I. IN
C O.,
or T 1 CI A K s
a. FENNsririsu jfekit,
(North ilde,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth ill ,
Under the National Hotel,
Offer to the publlo for the
Approaching- llolldara,
their richly aiiorted nock of
with genuine Driilllan Pebble or Ferlicoplc Caici,
corrruly aulted for every light.
( it, it,
at the loweit prlcei. dee U
A LARGKand ooinnlele anortmcnt ol all klnda
of CUAL, drlh ered free from ilate, dirt and other
Ljr- z,3 iu id., to ine ton.
A box contalntne 111 louarea One anuare will
kindle a wood or ihircoal tire, burning from eight
to ten mlnutn, being the ben ertlcleln lhemirkrt
for building Bm WM M GALT,
no. 3uj ri. ar , betw. iitti m.i uth ill
de 31 lot
All aiiri and st)lea of Diaries for sale at
photograph Albums In ever) stjle of blcdlnt,
ar) Inir In iirlce from 3 to jj.
lnJeat rue title Ptcaiure liooLai a.eo, choice Ju-
rntle Ilook
rurlfollos and doll Pen.
Ms;lo Currency allets
MUbcllancous llooks, suitable for presents
J-j.lsco'al FrajertiookB, In beautiful L-lmUnjs,
for sale at
iMcon lliUhliQjr, io nrrof
dc2t 5t 4','it and Pa aenue.
HIPIIFRD k WILYA InUtf their frlrnds to
tl . e them n tall at, the corner of tk , enth and P
street, an 1 examine their stock of
Bibles, Prai er Books, Hymn Books, Games, Toy
Boo La. and I (olid si Books, lueerr variety.
p A s T 1. R N lnODVCG,
2000 barrels . - . . Apples,
2-00 do Potatoes,
1 do Turnlna ,
oo do ...... rider,
a tons ...... ermont Buiter.
In store, and landlnr. by
CoDiicctlcut House,
dec 25 dtf near Baltimore Depot.
VTGT1CE. The schrs T. J. Tull, Mary A.
ii itaorean, ano, ma) nri nat jui
Morean.and Maibel haie Just arrhed from
new aura., konsigopcs win sppir to
Citt-it U Wt-i It., -9f arttf m,
a Bnjjl tekjo
imv.mw nu.r., nn fruiiami, ir p.
Workmaa.Joi AVoroMter, HonNITaaa.il, W H
W.atherwar.I Wllaon, Natha'B ITrl(kt7H H
Wdkmaa. J t Warhia, r w irebater, Wm
Walla... Jla Walaaa. a L miaoa. V r
-w rP.81
sy a fpyyit '
mij '0BWasnsnp sansi.
trftti jm
' 0'BBPlMaau
AM..idBaaaBVKI3a aV. . ',
.n 4!) jjia-n0
n ,U . rMaVaaaX lr7 ,rUlt
Tla. Ori.t wa'AalaBt'IWBSaaaaBV
. Tka bhU jmiF
twammmm. mJr n"
iLADI.AN&GtllTtEiffi. Jlo 1
nar u
I 1 l... I.n 11 t
of man
ulll BVa m. asl ... A rl .a.ar a .
' .l.i " .J? 'I i ' .p
wmmmr Ahevaaaaw, ajr.nmw.r,aHI. MM, ,
nritkrjpearanKaaeaafrMerrkererUlaeae,of '
,' MIBS'JCUii UOttniaattj '
in. neawui araa iiibwiiiia wiiiiib.
KeappearaBoe of
th. BMtuak RaaktlBfal.
tk. auaM of taruaVhtiT.
jaw jwtxLnr fATUH,
faBpaseaaa of 4aa Faforlte,-
. . Pint 'appearance oT
'rt KK nOj BUTLXB. I
, th. gnat Baajolit. -.,
, r compoetil of ', ,
H. W. eaoan,-
the renowned Ethiopian comedian, from 444 Broad
wiy, Niw Tork.
Triumphant lucccti of the champion Cloa Dancer
of the world, '
T. M. IUIE3,
who U pronounced by all th. moat wonderful
dancer of, the .if,
etOSOE B. EDESOft, ,
th. treat Comedian, Pantomlmlat and Vocallit,
who will appear la a favorite comic character,
and line lome of hli popular aonca.
Th Dawashlerasf TarpeJckwrti
Th Great Corp. d. Ethl.jMi
BtLLY A.MEK30lf,
la a new iclectlon of
Th. eventnc entertainment will eoncluie with th.
ieucnabl. afterplec eatltlad
Mr. Georf. R. Edeion...i..!..H.M...MTh. Cobbler,
Tm aramd ParfM-raaalac.,
Afternoon at s Evening at TX o'ekeck.
Ladlei and ehlldren ar Invited to wtta. th.
perfarmanor. of thli unparalleled eoupaay,aaUier.
wllltoholhlucto ojfnd Me retfrt c thtfmMdtov.
No llouor. orclrarawlll beallowMl in h. U.I1
thla week.
Front ceiti reurred for Ladlei.
No Improper pereoa admlttedj
No ladlei admitted uaaccompanledb f renUemca
Admllllon, 3d eentit Orcheatra Chain, M eestl.
Door, open at X prformaBC,1X o'clock.
TxrA8uiraTON varibtiku,
A am urttt, mar ttnnjItM atmve.
Flnt ippeirane of
Ml. Ada Teaman,
Mil. Ada T.amaMa
Allaa Ada-Teamaiii
Mlia Ada T.amaai,
The chirmlaK and aicompllihed rocalllt.
A. H llemaiadaB.
A. kf l llenaajadea.
ir. c HVDWORTIt.
J. H'. LAliDll,
Grand Corpa de Dallit,
Great Profframm of Attraction.
Dy the acknowledged cupcrlor Acrobit and Gym
Moraale, '
On the Horliontil Dar.
BAnjo Solo, (orlg-lnAl) - - W. 8. Budworth
FAncv Dcoce .--- Mlai EUxa Florenc
Guitar nolo -.-- A. M. Hernandez
Mnurka - - Mile Pauline and M. Szolloiy
The Old Sexton, In character - laul Berrer
El Zipateo - M'lle Julia Lehman
By A. M. Ilernandei. Altai Charlei,and all th. Va
riciica luiuairri.
Comic Sods "
Griod Polka
M) .tic Rlnei . .
- Mr. Colman
Mr. Noreate
AUliil kaxak, th. Pacha - - Moni. Szolloir
All Mucha. hli Confidant. . Mr. A. Lehman
Omir Ailb, the Slav. Merchant - A. Grout
GrAnd Introduction Mlu Julia Lehman and
tcoroad. Ballet
Fli de Fliclnatlon Mill Faulln. aad Corp. d.
I Ballet
rai dc Obeltique Mill Pauline. Julia and
Flnt Varllllon
. Mill Wbelplay
Mill G. Lehmin
Mocood Narlatlon
Third illation
H'll. raulln.
Grand llnale
muwi.uui. a.uMuo, iinv.pia
end Corpide Ballet
To be followed br J. H. Budworth'a Adaptation of
Peter Piper Pepper Podf..
Tommy C Uppem.Ctiude Mrrnutte, Irt Inlui. Llme-
Klin plan, pieiamora rar. . ai. uuawurui
Peter liner Penner Podee Mr. W. 5. Budworth
Jenny Chitterbot --.-- Mlu Charlee
Comic aonr Mr. Colman
itir 1.IMI11 cimawi..
By Budworth Brother!, Landli and Paul Berger.
To conclude with the Exquliitel Amuilof Panto
noranT macaiiul
tAthA.. Af a AA I vaa m m. m m la A l. t . rivAAlnt
JaqueePtrot, hla Pupil - A. M. Ilemandex
A Notarj Mr, Jonea
Thursday. Christmas Day, Two Grand Per
formances t Afternoon, for toadies and Children,
commeuctep: at o'clock Krenlnr at usual time.
1CJ- Pcls4 Notlctj-A Grand Mallnee on flat
urdar Anernooo. Dec. 17, for the accommodation
of Ladles and Children, commenclns; at o'clock.
Parquette and Famlle Circle
Orchestra Chairs -
Private Boaes .--.-
Single SsatslaBoxss
U cents
14 1
uoioreavircie -
Doors open at V o'clock t rerformaneet to nosA
menHMIXc'.loeX. fn
erarialeSelaTnaMmmedcreMir( ,
n Which time Itwlll M eatlrely altd,
d, ftp and w)ll reopen ti MONPAT, Dr,
l IK
s JiT.t
ut 11 1
i )
I i.