Newspaper Page Text
r'trnifav ;T.? 'xaaV -pMiMMl f'ifWfmWlU ' u kAWUSTOI, BjC.1 ' T ' ' "MliNDAT, . flEC. SO,' 186. w rk env. irattaa BtrMU cast la a Ml inrntAeesa., Fat. rlraala. ass P atml, V ") "" it I (-4 AJtOTMMt Willi RAID. CAPTimi W SIXTEEN HUNDRED OF .,F-W. - Rnmort'on (be streets, fin1 Saturday and Sun day, wen prevalent that Stuart'e cavalry had nude a descent upon Dumfries, and captured allien' hundred of our men stationed there, and a large quantity of tnppllet. Thta wat a portion of Bljel'a corps, and constituted three regiments. , At the pretest writing w get no more facta respecting tin capture. Should' any more par ticular! come to hand we ahall give them. PnESIDKKT BAVM MDOIMRAL WWTBS S i The lata proclamation of President Davit, pnblltbed on the oatalda of tola paper, threat ening retaliation against the cotnmluloned officer .erring under Geu.TlaUer, la preceded "by a tedious recital of certain aaanmed facta, the verity of which, aa a whole, mar be' Judged of from the faUlAcatlon of the case of Alum ford. President Davis makea It a special point, that Mumford waa executed for wo act iloni of fir tSi rapture of Km Orleans, which la, exactly contrary to the real fact. It waa after our army had captured and were In possession of the city, that Mnmford attempted to etlr tip a revolt, for which he waa, after a fair trial and conviction, aentencod to be hanged. Instead of .offering for anything he might Ian fully hare, dono as a soldier In resitting our attack upon the city, he forfeited his life by an Indi vidual effort to get np a disturbance, after the proper civil and military authorities of the enemy had surrendered and evacuated the city, 'False In one thing, falsa In all, Is an old and approved maxim, and Is well Illustrated In this proclamation of Frcsldent Davis. If he did not scruple to misrepresent tlie Mumford case, with which the whole country Is familiar, It need not be supposed that be Is very scrupulous about other things, which he can falsify with less certainty of being known to do so. President Davis complains of arbitrary as tessments upon the citizens of New Orleans by General Butler. These assessments have been arbitrary, only In the sense that they are the acts of a military power which Is essentially despotic In Its own nature. They bare not been arbitrary, either In the object for which they were levied, or In the manner In which they were apportioned. General Butler has levied no contributions for the support of his army, and haa exacted no tribute to be. sent homo to his Government. Finding the administration of New Orleans thrown upon his hands, he haa made a neces sary provision for the starving poor, In the In terest, sot only of general humanity, but of the quiet of the city, by contributions Imposed upon the rich. lie has, In fact, merely com pelled the rich to do what they ought to have done without compulsion. In his method of apportioning assessments, General Butler has pnrsued a course which Is the reverse of arbitrary. Instead of acting according to mere will, pleasure and caprice. he haa adopted a rule, and this rule founded npon data which seems adapted to the purpose in view. He baa taVen llsta of voluntary sub scriptions to the rebel cause at various limes before our occupation, and made his assess ments correspond pro rata with contrlbmtons which Indicate the wealth and secession viru lence of the partlea making them. It Is hardly to be supposed that President Davis himself really attaches any Importance to these charge against Gen. Butler. He makea tula parade of them, partly to gratify a popular clamor at home, but principally to give color abroad to the calumnies of the London TSrws and Its coadjutora In the bad work of representing the war against the South as one of brute numbers against humanity and clvlll. zatlon. Mr. Davis knows how It falls In with tho Indolence of mankind to conclude, Ithout examination, that there must beisome founda tion for accusations which are loud and numer ous. He counts upon the republication of his proclamation In Europo, where bis slips of memory, or of the peu, In reciting facts, will not be noticed, but where his vigorous and un sparing epltbeta will produce an effect by com manding a partial credence. It is for the mar kets of London and Paris, that Ibis tirade against Gen. Butler is prepared. SECRETARY CHASE. The Chicago Trtbunt, of December 34, eaysi "Secretary Chase Is too sensitive. No part of the profound dissatisfaction that exists In the public mind In relation to tlse coujuct of the war, rests upon him. He has managed his de partment of put lie affairs with signal ability, and with Integrity above suspicion. No Cabi net officer ever enjoyed a larger measure of public confidence or respect. The bitterest and most unreasoning partisan Democrats find no fault with him. The Republicans would de plore his retirement as a public calamity, and the regrets of the Democrats would also be sincere. Whoever else may retire, the Presi dent rau-t not permit Chase lo leave the Cabl net while the war lasts. Ho must stay and seu the thing through His financial talents can not be spared at this time. Some years lunce smaller men may be eultuitid with the Treasu ry portfolio, but while the present crisis lasts, he is needed lu Just the office he holds. The Republic has tho right lo command tho services of Its loyal sons, for whattrer post they are best fitted to fill " James E. Mi bdoch. Hie emlucut actor aud master of tjociitton, rend lo night In tho Kcp rcMt.ut.Yei1 r lumber, at the Ca,.Uol. la ftl J of the fuQ. for the relief of nick aud u ouoded sol dier. The fhtle proceeds, ore to be- placed In tb hand M Ibe offleert of d I (fere nt Bute aitoclatloni fur dUbunement. The programme laoaeof tho moAt iarhd nml rare, In a literary point of Ie.eerpre aenled by Mr. M. and, lu rcpeet to hU artistic And erqnlilte vocal tendering, to those who hare before enjoyed tho aatlifacllon of listening, fell comment la superfluous. To luch a have nerer listened to hU finished reading, we ran Insure a rare pleasurr, besides that of ailing In noble duly. In contributing means for UeTMtln suffering among our noble de fenders. ClIAHOM IX TDK Cabixitaisd AftUr. Jin raor is again busy wlih partial reconstruction of the Cabinet. It Is now said that Hen. Bnt .er lto be mad Secretary of War, and Gen rcmou! it tutu maim uiv Htuuvi. MEDIATION. We an coaldeat that we are on the era of some developments respettlngforelgn feta tion. Thee era maayttrawe 'which, todlejke how the wind Usooa to Maw. Rl Ml The NoMiXsWAaeia.tolM dal&. that,enMwiltkf Wletatapnaltlak of pe"ace craght"to have been made) that both partlea could then hare made proposals of this ."!"" " 2S BV. 'Xrl'JiM. itaMdi ...u I1. uA KM...!.,.. ine new xotk mount nas a wen considered article Anon the subject of foreign mediation, proposing the Swiss Cantona aa the media tory power. It doe not object to the French Government making an effort In this direction,! but la not to well satisfied with CngWd. Our people might be satisfied with the Interference, or mediation of the Swiss ,CanJopt, or even of France, or most certainly o(,Rntsla, but never with ptrJldtoHl IMgla$id, ( its can help if. Other Indications are manifest, that some-. thing in tire snape oi interference or mediation Is soon to take place. TheEngllah,theFrench, and other governments, are tending large Beets to the West Indies, and li It confidently abated, In tome rlrclet In Washington, that proposi tions of the nature of mediation will be made by Louis Napoleon, January ltt, and lhat'the French minister, haa already such Instructions from hit muter. AH thlt may be premature and nnfoundcdi still, we are doubtless ap proachlng a crltlt In our national affairs. We may not be pleased with the compWon our public affairs are assuming! still, we know the utter folly o( resisting the Inexorable logic of events. If we cannot or have not put down the rebellion, we cannot expect, nstlont which suffer much by our quarrel to look on as dlshv terested spectator! forever. It appears that a Mr. Jewell, who went to Europe sometime since, la figuring In this busi ness abroad somewhat conspicuously, We give below tome of tho Dnlmu'i views upon this Important topic, at follows i Wherever war exists, no matter whether International or civil, we hold that there U ample excuse for friendly and impartial mediation. 1c can scarcelr Imagine a case wherein such mediation would be Justly re- Krded as Impertinent or In any way offensive, then, tbu Emperor Napoleon or the. British Ministry bad torn fit, at any time since the bombardment of Fort Sumter having prevl touslv given no lust cause of offence to cither party to lay to our Government and to that of the rcbele respectively, "Be entreated to stop fighting, and let us try to bring you to a belter undemanding and abetter disposition," we should have regarded the Interposition as kind and humane. No matter if the action w ere not strictly disinterested concede It to have been prompted by a regard for the Interests of Furopean trade and manufactures quite as much as by anxiety to sparo the effusion of American Diooa wo suit insist uuu it iwiai lull been JttiHed and proper, and that our (7o ernnuut irould Mr been foww! to met! it tn a conciliatory tptrit. Again, the Trtbuiu says: At to France, the case It somewhat different, or waa prior to the appearance of M. Dronyn de L'Hays'e overture to Great Britain and Rus sia. We will not here critically examine that document, having already done so, but lit as sumptions were so one-sided and so mistaken that we cannot regard Its author or his master as in a proper frame of mind for fair and use- mi mediation Mr. Jewell to tne contrary not withstanding. But If a government notoriously free from Sartlallty or from alnlster Impulses that of wltzerland. Tor example were to tender to ours Its good offices to bring aliout a reconcl Hatlon between us and the rebels, ire thould urge that fAe proportion be nut franJJu and cordially. Whatever Us result, we should regard the proirer Itself as an act of genuine Mndness. Give us an Intelligent, capable, upright tribu nal, and ice teobU wryr that our Government tliould accept Uand appear befvrt It prepared to prove iAal the union oj ait our filaut u a gtoara iJileal and Dofiicni nertuitv that the North cannot possibly be fighting to subjngate the South, eeclne that the Government she fights for is that which has generally secured the sway of the South and that slavery, nothing but slavery, seeks the dissolution and overthrow of the American Republic. Onhjucun a capo kit and nwH I tribunal, amlm ihovld tx tullina to tufnnd vttftoutear to Ut arbitration. F.DITOlUtr. BUMJIAltt. Tne nucii la referred to onr first pace, for a bloodr mmaed proclamation from thst arch. conspirator and traitor, Jeff. Davis, Tue Maine FrrTii uxotMriT, now consisting of only twenty live men, have returned to their homes. The Isterxational Relief Committee have ri.sedthesumof107,li33.!l7 for tbe suffering operative of Fngland. There uab been some Intimations that tbe President nlll Vflo the bill admitting AVe-icrn Virginia Into the Union. We doubt It. Hon. James Buonks Is abonttoeullghteu the citizens of New York, lu a public speech, as to tbe bent mode of carrying ou the war. Tue New York Tr&um favors foreign media tlon bet wet n the North and South, to stop tbe war, pATMEMOr Western Troops Au officer in one of the "lighting' Western regiments writes as follows tohla friend, In thUcltj. Ve hope the proper authorities 111 "male a note of 11 1" "Whenever you fee the President, J ut hint to Mm theeipedUncyof hunting np the payment of the estsrn troops. 1 he Arm) of the Olno has not been paid since April, the Army of Ten nessee since Junej and the Army of Kentucky since July." WAsntNOTON Varieties.- This new and beautiful place of resort has been drawing crowd til houses during the past wclL, and we congratulate the management on being aMe to secure a troupe of performers which have given such general satisfaction to the Washington public. The performances bare teen of a bl'h order. 1 ho great feat of Moreete, on tbe horizontal bar, Is unique The beautiful danc ing, by tbe M lines Lehman, Ellra Floreuce, and Kate Marshall, w ts creditably done, MUs Toman mado her Utbut. mid was well reef I, ed. She lit a chr.riT.lng singer, and bids fair to I -come a great favorite, "Tho Old Sexton," sun j; !i) Panl fcrger, cannot be excelled In this country. Mr. lkrgor Is a fine singer, aud haa Abaolce of Tint compass, TbeBudvtorlh brothers are as Joll) and full of fun as everj they are good performers, uud have been veil received. The managers, as will be seen bj their advertisement, hate secured two of tbe best female singers lu tho country, Lva Brent and Kathleen O'NIel, also, the beautiful dan sense, Mad. Zoe, together with Bam Long, the comic singer. They will all appear lo-nlght, and we bespeak for them a In arty vteleome. IIcruaiide7, as the French Dancing Master, vra the most laugliAbla thing we have witnessed fur a long time He has become quite popular during his short stay In Washington, Ferionau U G Rote, Indians) Jacob D itler and My, Iowa) B ', Marmon, I, . J W, Deck er, Port Jsnls.N John ... Chie, N . I Uui 0 Fly, N J t Commodore a Brunt, V s N , Chas 0 fUlpurg, D)erLooui.B and Earl Pierce, Pa i Geo Green, V A A I Judge H W Crime, MJ ; M Lyons, Manchester, N II II C Inion and wlte, Phlla i L, M ChlMs so 1 lady, liostoni are at the National MaJ Sherman, V S A ; J W. Aosenberf aod J, 5 HU.t!V,on;N.eT otkl '"?' AlBjr:N l liBiHuwuMuuv), n I.I li u srencn ana I wife, Conn W H Up'on, Ohio are at the Metro- I point WllAT HAS BKKIC DONE! Taare It much complaint In certain quarters wlthlhe conduct of thlt war by the Admlnlt- ftAL JfcaftMldJnfWthaMarak) idseuiuiaaimfaea AMhs' tfcaaat etsai all Win j&tnrMm aaaaltnstfcvraaiT HJieaaVtonatl H - faun, easy1 to grumble, 'deed, It It a good old Anglo Saxon right, privilege of gram Mine. and. wo exercise it aa a people pretty ireeiy ana late aausiaciion inerein. To aay that notUttrsmab, miliary JrtafV or j nybody, when this war Drat broke out, con- calved of-the magnUwoe ta'whlch-lf-would grow, Is to utter but a common trutU which is now patent loal, TIf, under the circumstances, we have not achieved alt we could have wished, we have nevertheless cblevedj much,ery y well lie proud.' When much, of a hlch we may well lie proud, we contrast thq.condltton of our army and navy at the beginning of Mr? Lincoln's Ad ministration, with What' Is the condition of these departments to-day, we certainly can lay very much hat been done. Wehavecreated an army greater than the world has seen In mod. cm times. We have a navy effective and active on all our coasts and rlrert, and It Is dally In creasing In power and efflclency, and will Boon be fully able to cope with the r aval force of any nation. If we have not always been victorious In bat tle, we havo achieved tome victories. If we hate not taken all the Southern territory, we have taken much; we have circumscribed tho limits of rebeldom. We have lost no territory, and stand to-day wllh a big army upon rebel soil, threatening the speedy subjugation of the rebel hordes, and the entire overthrow of the bold, bad men who hold sway tn our Southern Slates. We have blockaded every Southern port, so that It Is with much difficulty thst any vessel reaches the destination of a Southern haven. We hold many Important Southern towns and cites, while the rebels have icarcely a foot hold In any loyal State. Twenty months hat e expired slncl this war commenced, and though not all we expected or hoped has been done, much, very much, has been accomplished, for which we may well take courage and persevere, till this wicked re bellion Is crushed. If the South has hell out longer than we expected, she. has galncl nothing in territory, nothing lu priitlfj. If she has sometimes repulsed our forces, she has taught us some wholesome lessons, from whlth we may profit. On the whole, our strength, our resources, our means of carrying on the war are aa pow erful and os numerous as ever, If "re will but know It and avail ourselves Of what God and nature hasplaced at our disposal. Party blckcrtnga and party strifes may crip ple and destroy us. Herein Ilea our danger We trust, however, there Is enough ol patriot Ism and loyallty among the peoj le, so that whatever party ahall bo In power the work of snbdulng the rebellions South will go on, till the Constitution and the laws shall everywhere be respected. Who, seeing what 'baa been' done In 'these months past and gone, will despair of the He public 1 La us rather take courage and go on till we see tue ota nag restored, and our couu tr one and Indissoluble. MAJOR QKX. JOHN U. FOSTER, The able an! distinguished officer to n hose brilliant achievements all eyes are at this mo ment especially attracted, Is a New England man, born and nurtured ou the mgged soil of New Hampshire. Ills father, Capt. Perrj Fes ter, some years since deceased, wa one of the most active, Influential business men of the city of Nashua, In that Stale. lie was a mau of a military taste and turn, and was many years commander of the Nashna artillery com pany, and the son "a chip of the old block" In this respect organized and commanded a Juvenile artillery company with so much skill and capacity at to attract tho fpeclal notice of the late Senator Atherton, who res did lu that city. To this fsct he was Indebted for his ap pointment as a cadet tn the Military Aiademf, which he entered In 1842, at 10 yvars of age. lie graduated In 1840, standing fourth In a class of sixty members, In vihlch den. MtCM Ian was second. It Is worth icmarklng, how ever, that, In their second year, Foster stood next below, and In their third jear noxt aboie McClcllan, and that, when they gradnated, Fostet was above McClellan In military ladle. Immediately on leaving the academy, Foster was called Into the Mexican war as brevet sec ond lieutenant of engineers, was bmeled first lieutenant, lu 1B47, for gaUaulrj In tbe battles of Confreres and Chnrnbusco, and again, In the same year, brevet ted captain for like con duct at Molinn del Rcy, In which latter named battle he was severely woundel. When the relellIon opened, he was a full captain In his corp, and lu command of hU company. In Fort Sumter, and the noble manner In which he bore himself In that opening conflict, was premonitory of his high subsequent career. On tbe 23d of October, lftCi, he was com missioned brigadier general of volunteers, und ordered to duty lu the Department of North Carolina, under General BurnsIJc, aud on the SSih of April, 1SC3, for Ut conspicuous ser vices, was made major general, and, "hen General Durnslde was called to another Arid, was assigned to tho command of the Depart ment of North Carolina In person, General Foster Is a thick, solid b jilt, noble looking officer, dlgulded and man ly lu his bearing, unostentatious, and calm In his manners, Bnd although a strict dlsclpllul- arlan, exceedincly rcrereueed aud Vol ed by all ubo serve under him. Abstemious aud eiem- plary In bis habits, elevated In his aspirations, aud able every wboie, Willi a dcslro to sea this rebellion humbled, by whatever eHectlie ineaus Providence has placid In our power, future dj- velopemeuts alnuecau determine whatposltlon In our army he Is ) ct dostlned to occupy. Ills father was a decided Democrat, aud, so faros he has any politics, tlcneral roster's politics are believed to be In the tamo dlrec tlon" He married a New York lady, who, with their two children, have been with him at his headquarters, at Newbem. Ills excellent mother still resl les at Nashua. He was 3J years of age lu last June Vi irnnivn fKir n, llnpri,, tn V(,.. tUTTItnlNO 11AHK or IIMPFCT TO Miss CAnoLiKERicniva This really accomplished and desert Ing nctrcss aud vocalist Is tender d a grand complimentary testlmonlil, to comeolf ! ou Wednesday evening neat. The benefit gotten up by thoso high In office ant rennwued mnll Tirofiaalons Tha nartlcnlnra line li.n all proiisstons j ne particular luvtebcen handed US for publication bl tho committee of arrangement, which will appear In to morrow's paper, previous to the announcement of the great bill of attraction, which will also appear Inlhlssheel. Wowere aware that some evl- .,... r ,t,a nnl,ll,B nnnrz-lntlnn nf fl.. 1 r, .. . . Rlchlngs' rare abilities was on foot, anl we are glad that .11 the preparatory wo.klug In It, farm-1 nnw poiiiumniftted. and (hit the trrand ' coraplimentarr testimonial ts n sure thine, oni I"""'6'"0 be qnllo a fcaluro Ip the annals of . -, . ... . , ., , amusement In our city , THE rORTEst TfUAX. SartraDiTt December IT. The exetnhWlon.of MaJ.Gen, Morell wat continued oa Bati . .. - - . &. mT . ..9S. ileum uen xnornlna- of!A' Porter, bidding hli Itttantty towithi forces, In advance, back to the main body of the corps. This occurred while that portion of lhe,raUtnltr. trmj-WM .pa Us jaatcK.from Aqnla Creek to form a Junction with Pqpe. He atciarea. inavt-orter jiaq vtwaya spown e.wui Ingncaa to co-operate with the other command- ersTend hadlifafiSM WMfKWtirftai 154 ability. ! Col. Rngglrt; chief of staff of the Army Of Virginia (not of lllil oPope, at he desired partleultrly to slate) wat next examined,' IIo wat handed several orders which a he, hart wrlten when chief or staff, and, after inspec tion, pronounced them gennlno.' ,The imam point to which his evidence referred waa tho purport of a private conversation between Gens. Pope and Porter, ai tlie headquarter! of the former, near Fairfax Conrt-house. Being cross-questioned by the Judge 'Advocate, as to the cause pf his feelings towards Gen. Pope, he replied that, though he was not absolutely hostile to him, he thould prefer' never to serve again under his command. f , ' The court adjourned till 11 o'clock Jilts morn ing. i TUB Me DOW KZ.I. COU11T OP HKtVIRT, SaTtmrAV, pxraunn 27. Tho cross-examination of General Slgel It ttlll prolonged To explain thalnconslsteneyof his having returned almost to the tame point he had started from while on the march towards Manassas, he urged that it was in compliance with Popc'a orders he bad done so, these hav ing directed him to march to Cenlrcvllle by way of New Market. He was asked If General McDowell had not luformed htm at Buchland Mills, that the cavalry which had been sent forwsrd under Buford had forced Longstrcct to deploy his whole army between Salem and White Plains, thereby delaying his progress' t He said he did not nmembcr. He was also questioned aa to the reason of his advance SHU halting at Gainesville at 71 a. m.. where they had spent an entire night. He answered that ho had chosen this position because it contained plenty of water aud was easily defended. Tho court adjourned till ll a.'nV; to-day. Z3T The vi rlter of the following article Is an assistant surgeon of Armory Square hospital, lie has always lived In this city, and Is a man of excellent character aud standing here. In relation to the snbject matter of the article, It Is not our province to express an opinion, To the Washington Pnbllc The good name and reputation of one of the very best hospitals in tills conn try has been as sailed In the most nnjustlflable and malicious manner which a mean personal animosity could concoct. A statement In a public print whether It Is sanctioned by tbe editor or not whether It Is the most dlatfolical lie which ma lice can invent- or whether It is the naked truth whether Its words arc, prunu bt, the ousprmg oi personal spue, or wneiuer mey are the lofty aspirations of a Christian spirit wnetner it appears jn me commnsoraiymg. disloyal, auu miscniei waging newspaper, or whether it appears In a respectable and patri otic print no matter vhat the circumstances are, we say It still has an Influence on tho pub lic mind. The greatest Injustice and the most fearful wrongs are sometimes fastened upon Innocent parlies by such scheming diabolism as has recently appeared in the Aor newspaper of this cllv The writer of this note has lhed in Washington many years, nna nas ueeuom clally connected with Armory Square hospital ever since Its organization. UU character for truth and Tcradty, bis facilities fur knowing v. hat he Is saying, he Is willing a Washington public shonld compare with those of any " penny-at-llncr " br the Star, The truth Is, a ccrtiln lady, whose name ap pears appended to tho article In the Mar, ex pressed her lndlgnatl6n because her advice nas not always deemed tho beat that could h) the nurse In chorgo here. Both she and ln.r rustic CMorl threatened to punish the good remit atlon of this hospital It an offensive pub lication In the Star newspaper, unless some of me arrangements were aiiereu io smi ineir ioncy. This was on Christmas. Ou tho day pre ceding Christmas, a msn. who professed to te- long to tho editorial fraternity of the Star, came litre and Informed some of tho hospital nurses that unless tuey altered tne custom or taking their meals before the patients took theirs, he. forsooth, uould cam out the, same threat of punishment which the aforesaid twain subse quent!) threatened to Inflict upnuthe managcri nf this hospital The base libel In tho Mar originated from such trilling personal, resent ments. The lady selfeleciea to fhe coisorshlp of this hospital appears In a most complimen tary way In the Star. There are ladies In this hobpltalvtbo hsto coma from dUlant States, hundreds of mlhs from this city, who hare de serted their vtciUhy and luxurious homes In order to spend their entire time, with ceaseless cuirgyaiid untiring labor, lu watching our tho emaciated form of the sick aud dying sol dier, and In ministering to his wants and ne cessities. Messages of love to his distant frlcud1, aud the last MhUperel words of the djlug hero, these angels of mere carry to loved ones farawaj. They are ladlis of i duration and refinement. I have not heard that they desire to advertise their demoted and sclf-denv- i lug labors In any newspaper, and least of all In the Star. Not one nord Is said lu the Star fiapcr about these ralthrui women. Thcreason s nhrlons. The mollTcs for the puh)li at ion of smh a base falsehood arc obvious. Lacking any good ground for complaint, there Is an evident studied elfort throughout the Mar article to litng odium upon this hos. filtil. The most trilling things are dressed up n hateful Mords and sentences, lu order lo do ceil tt the public, public opinion put the bruud upon such knavish Infamy which It most righteously de scries. 11. Tuc Couuissioifr or Inteidul Hevesce Is prepared to fumUh revenue stamps of every kind and denomination. Stamps which were ordered on or before IheJtth lnlantwlll be I forwarded during tho present week, "" ' 8" a woman In anilhcr column picking Bamlud (lras, for Sicr's Ine. It Is au admirable article, used In ttospltals, and by tho first families In Paris, London and New Yoik, lu preference to old Port Wlue. It la worth a ' trial, aa It gives great satisfaction. tf xjur (MiTsnmrjtr iut.l Will. HE KE-OPBNKll W.iluesdn , Nesv leer's Err, Sl'ECIAr. NOTICE.-1 ill' ABIE LOT? AS IJf IltL UllLKOlU DLYOT Attention I respectfully tailed to the sale, ty iKcree of iOUrl, OI two ISIU-lDle llillldlnr Ui In ine Imme- , olateTlclnlt) nf Ilia Ilalllnorr and Ohio Railroad station, to take place on atomla), Deiembrrzsth, JAS (,. MinUlRl ft CO, Auit and Coin Merchants ' Xtot,cic.aii persons hln claim, ax.lnst IN the t state of JAM! s HlcifAKDSO'f, late of boston, seaman in ths United Mstes naval service, .injHe'j,.,, requested topretent .aid claim, at IheoiUce of the tourth Audttor,at Wa.hlngtou. J.',"? tox" '"""""jLT.N IW."!, lio.ton, December 8, K1 dec 8 H Tor,rnAII , er.on. harm, claim. .,.ln.t I thot.tateof 011N IIILT.Ialiof Bo.ton.sea. man In the Unttrd State, lisv al service, deces.ed. are requested to nrc.rnt .aid claim, at the ottlce of the fourth Auditor, at Waahlniton. D c. ""(' ' "; ,SSi' Hvi.Ioq. Dcrmbrr i-l. istu. iIpl j at -. . Alt - IM,Y i afttlUH V ll 1 , xsw QiXTEMimtr nut. VVJU.BB hE-OrENZP tVsdJissd.', Nvr lear1 Brs. EGRAPH. 7l,ii Command of (At JDtvartmtnt of (ht Oi amJoTrnu, ! StfiriV? L Wew toVl&&.Tbe steamship Roan- one naa arrived iron, new uneans on tne inn YtaHATitia-cwtf !! The newria Important, f . ,T n . The North Star wUhOencrallUnlu ana staff Hth. The newa transpired on the following day that Major General Butter was superseded. And occasioned" the, utmost surprise among all classes Kven the registered enemies were tor'part With, an officer who at least hid brought order and, security to tbe city. On the ICth Instant, Gens. "Duller and Banks met st the headquarters of JGen, Butlef, when be welcomed pen. Banks to the department of tbaautrandaswrMriim'tie'wonldilnd here troom who wooUlrOirady to 'Yield a cheerful obedience W eteryl ofder tTeieral Bahist- s ponded, thatha only pleasure Hist he had In taking the command, wat in obeying the order of the Government of the'Unltea States. The meeting was most cordlat the Interchange of sentiment whs that which marks the coming together of old friends. m ' . t. After the Introduction of each other's staffi, Gen. Banks and, hit staff withdrew. 1 Gen. Butler then withdrew his staff, request ing each member to take paint to enlighten and assist their successors, and spoke In a most irenerouB manner of Gen. Banks and hta atalf. Gen. Batler'aparttflg address to thetroopa bears date fifteenth Instant. It alludes in eloquent terms to their success In the field, to the restor ing of order and quiet to ew Orleans, to the feeding of .starving wires and children of ene- the Govern ra en t less by four-fifths than any oiner. Tbe speAWnfeof tli wordufrewlt" wai'te only sorrowful thought be had: and he com menas atta to tneir commanacr as wortny or nis iuven j 1 On the 10th Gen.tBanka treneral order, as. turning eommnnd'of tbe Department of the umr onu 01 me otaic or i exas ana tne n amine of htt staff was tissued. Another order Is for all military and civil officers In the department to report to hi mi and. still another to suspend all public sales of property on acconnt of the Unit ed States tilt further orders. General Butler, accompanied by Colonel Shaffer, Colonel Turner, Major Strong, Major Bell, Captain Paris, Captain Kensel. and other members of hit staff, was to bare sailed on the td for New York. Captain Clark was to re malp on dnty at New Orleans. General Banks wits pushing things with char acteristic energy. Five thousand troops who accompanied him had landed at Baton Rouge, and the remainder ,of the expedition, was 10 have been sent forward aa fast as they arrived. The weather at New Orleans was fine, and the troops In good health. On the 18th General Banks Issued bis procla mation, as follows. PROCUUIATIOV. IlRAPQUARTERS DePARTKNT GfUT, NEW Orlf4Nr, December 10, 186J In obedience to orders from the President of the United States, I assume command of the Department of the Oulfto which Is added, by his special order, the State of Texas. The duty v. 1th which I am charged, requires me to assist In restor ation of the Government pf the United States. It i my desire to secure to people of every class, all privileges of possession and enjoy ment m hlch Is consistent with public safety, or which it Is possible for a ben etl cent and just Government to confer. In execution of the high trust with -which I am charged, I rely upon the co-operation andconnset of all loyal and well disposed people, and upon the mani fest Interest 4of (hose dependant upon the pur suits of peace, tit TfU. as upon the support if the naval and land forces. M v Instructions require me to treat as enemies thosu who are enemies, but I shall gladly treat as ineuasiuose wno are incuus. no restric tions will te placed upon the freedom of Indi viduals which Is not imperatively demauded by considerations of public safety but while their claims will be liberally considered, It Is duo aiso 10 mem 10 siaic an me riguis 01 tne uov ernment will be unflinchingly maintained. Kespoctful consideration and prompt repara tion will be accorded to alt iersons who are wronged In body or estate b) those under my command. The Government does not profit by the pro longation of the civil contest, or private or public sufferings which attend It. Its fruits are not cquany mstriouiea. in aisioyai mate desolation has Its empire, both on sea aud on land. In the North the war Is an abiding sorrow, but not yet a catamlty. Its cities and towns are increasing in population, wealth, and power. Refugees from the South alone compensate In great part for the terrible decl inations of battle. The people of thlt depart ment who are disposed to stake their fortunes and Hi ea npon resistance to the Government may wisely reneci upon tne immutable condi tions which surround them. Tho valley of the Mississippi Is the chosen seat of population, product, and power on this continent. In a few years twenty-fire millions of people, uu aurpasmd In material, resources, and capacity for war, will swarm upon its fertile rivers. Those who assume to set conditions npon shelf exodus to the gulf, count upon power not given to man. The country washed by the waters of the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi cau never be permanently serered. If one generation Itasely barters away Its rights. Im mortal honors will rest upon another that reclaims them. Let It never be said either that the East and the West may be teparated Thirty data' distance from the markets of Europe mar saiisiy ine wants or Louisiana ana Arkansas, but It will not answer the demands ,f i1"?01!,.8?1' Ohio. The valley of tho Mis- s ss ppl will have lis deltas upon the At antic. The ihvsleal forco of the West will deboueh upon Its shore, with power as resistless as the torrents of lis glaut rlrert, This country cannot be permanently divided. Ceaseless wart may drain ltt blood and treas ure domestic tyrants or foreign foes may grasp ths sceptre of Its power, but Its destiny will remain unchanged, It will ttlll beuultcd. God hat ordained ll. What avails, then, the destruction of the best Government ever de vised by man, and the self adlnstlng, self-cor recting uonstiuuion oriuc united maiesi People of the Southwest, why not accept tbe conditions Imposed by Imperious necessities of googroplcal coudguratlon and commercial su premacy, nnd re-establish your ancient pros perity aud renown 1 Vt hy not becomo founders nf Stales, which, as entrepots and depots of your own central and upper valleys, may Hand lu aillticuco tn their resources without a supe rior, and In privileges of the people without a pwr among tha natrons of the earth. (Signed N. P. Bakes, -iiajor ueuerai commanding, Tlie ouly additional newa In Ibe New Orletut ipera Is the capture of two stiamers loaded naners Is the caul with sugar, and a launch filled with arms, am munition and one small nrass cannon,' ny an expedition sent to the Atcbafalaya river by Commander Buchanan, Advices received from Ship Island on the lBlb, state that all ths ahlpa that sailed from Hampton Roads with troops for Gen. Banks had reached there excepting two, vlxi the Thames and George's Creek. Th. latter Is still at Key West. Tho Curlew rah ashore there but was got on safely. The rebel schooner Relief, at navana from Mobile wllh cotton, reports the rebel steamer Horlda alias Otlcto, had got out with a erew of one hundred men, passing the blockade dur ing tha night. Nothing later has becd recelt ed from Mex ico, Among the vessels from New York which have uot yet reached Ship Island, In addition -to those already reported broken down, are the Shetuckct, Continental, Qulnncbang' and Hon unras. STILL LATER FROM NEW ORLEAN. More of Qeuerals Butter ia4 llauka. j New Yohk. Dec. 28th. The steamer Colnm. bringing Havana dates f w thaSM lit bla has arrived from New Orleaua ou the 20th, I i Tbe stCADier Potoraao liss also arrhed from ' ,New Orteniit. bringlns; dates to tholfith. There ,is no news 01 uioinrut, The rebels, thinking thev si e In On. Dsnks I a less vigorous commander than his predects. LATEST BY, TBI tl maw irarvv'aaaH.Ekiia. ie fltKtffiy F joJtttHffi BANKS. JT or, appear In lbs ttreeta of Mew Otloaus la crowds. J ssiaaaaaatJi uneaar nam tent a chaaaaaajawannil to Geo. aMler. who pat it iaaaV Docket, and sent might rrtTrd "Tha DtlfiS haa liait iwoaafan i ti fwtnAii 111. urtlBft treason or th. Pttmmx Largs numbers of arwcnlaU tfU atora had arrlrad, Gen. Banks was ray bnar. and In honrlf consultation with Gen. BataM Th Ittst, ffef. lng eilsu between them aha their Mptcflr. ttttfdf ltal Tfrtt KJbnijMui'tWfffff a. hatfealgnad. , , r lfia , r. ,, M'ns, uaakt,and Poller went aerenadaAiOa the nt(ht of tb. )fhh Instant, br th. band pf pi. Thlrtr-nrst .Massachusetts regfrASnW,, i vj ,lfl j" 1 I a wj Ti Aiakaaaa) t atsr Deprtdatkos, t 1M V. t f'F ' J) f j CAPTVnaS TUB CAtlFonXIA STKAUSJi a tufWv 1 II u X li 'arms jtp AHHVstnds': hsmoIkd foH a ' ill 1 r it THE VrslFL THEN RAMOMRD rO OVCR .TWO HUNDRrD THOUSAND DOLLARS. ' n 1 . a j li Appr'ttteBatWKxpnsMlei V.r Ik's' l.ftt'y ,, of 6tbirTrtsr. 111.1 -, .!' u -f " x ) t l BOASTINGS OF THKlJtEML COMMAMPKB. ilill 1 'l I I Bk'K Faaactioo, Dee. 37. B lbs' arrlral'of ins aioarasnip uoatiiiuuon, irom ranama, wa hare highly Important andctlttn( news. Th. Constltatlbn reoorta that th.steamahlD Ariel, from New Ton for1 Aiptawallj waa cap. inraa dt ids AitDama on tn. Tin insuni. iuo Alabama doulaed th. Ariel antll th. 10th In. slant, when sh. allowad her to proceed toward! Asplawall, on tha captain glflng bonds as a ransom In thd snra of VB8MO. to b. paid at so. conclusion' oi puce.1 an. 'anna ana am munition on board th. Ariel in taken from her. A hundred and twenty marine, wars pa rolcd.'li I n"ri I v There la ranch aaxletr felt 'hers lest th. Ala bama should re-capture tbe Ariel on her return trip to New York, and telza ttMtanmamouht of treasure which sho will carry to th. tatter place. j a t,.tttr'' J ano passengers on uoaro. inr Anal speaa in uh aiKum lenns oi t in. counesj snown ineiu tjTi;apuuntfenime.n(T ru i. 3 Th. Ariel waa eaptared near the east and of I'uua, ana tne only pinnae remorea rromiuer, with tha exceotlon of .rme ahd aramunltlon. was 18,000 In green-backs, belonging; to Walls, j- araro vo, - e ' Th. Alabama last coaled at Martlnlnue, When leaTlnc that port th. Ban Jacinto aimed her Runs at her, when simultaneously the guns of the fort war. turned on ths Ban Jacinto at least so says thallrttlleutenant of th. Alabama. uapu bemme. aayt Ins tpeed or bis amp under twtfnty-flT. pounds of steam It tlateen knots an hoar, bha OTertook ttiei Ariel with onli: eltTenpoundaofatoamandnrcd two gnna aT her. when sh. hove to. 1 SICONU D1SPITCU.) BAnrTxiKcrsco, Nor 87, p. m. Captain Bern met, of th. Alabama, first Intended to de stroy ths Ariel br burnlnr her, first putting: her passengers ashore on a ltttlo aettlement of nuts ai nan vominiro. capiaia a oaes. or tne Ariel, protested that half of hla passengers would ui. 11 mis were none. Captain Semmea then proposed to land the passenger, at Klnestont but. after maeh par leying, an arrangement was eflbctcd to release tha Ariel on Captain Jones giving bonds In ths turn of $328,000, payable, thirty days after the acknowledgement of the Southern Confed eracy, a 1 (TBtiD DisriTcn.l New Toar. Dec.28. 8 a. m. The steamship Ariel haa arrived np to port. 'The newa of her capture and release, by tbe pirate Alabama, aa siaioa in ine nan r raucisco aispaicnei, it ruiiy conflrmed. Knox WAg.At'. fEW TfoaK, Dec. 28. Tho steamship, Ariel brought no specie from Asplnwall, , The steamer British Queen has arrived from Nassau, having left there on the Std Instant and Havana on tbe SOth. Flerr. Sonle wat there at the latter date. ' The Naasau papera tav tliat the Governor haa Issued a proclamation forbidding pilots bring. lng In Federal or rebel cruisers. Tho scheoner Rover, srom Charleston and the sloop Enterprise, from Florida, had arrived at Nassau A schooner, bolonglne to the well known se cession firm of Adderly d; Co., of Nassau, haa been captured by thotetearaer Tioga, which event tb. Nassau papers call " another Federal outrage.' Admiral initio arrived at Nassau on tne i3tn Instant. Two Federal cruisers aro cruising near Eleu thera. In ths Channel Kcvt. '- Ths steamer Glraffo, a blockade runner, had arrived at Naasan. from Liverpool, with an as sorted cargo, probably to run ths blockads aealn. Brig Charles II. Frost, from Turks' Island, for Philadelphia, put Into Nasaau on the 5th Instant, with a lota of the foremast, and leakv. Ship George Washington arrived from Liver pool. '" OFFICIAL NQTICE. Hturiqi x Photost lUasuai's Orricr, 1 . Washington, Dec. 57, 18T2. In cnntetiiience of frequent complaints that packages sent tn tbe Army of the Potomac full to reach their destination, the attention of Re lief Associations and friends of soldiers Is called to paragraph VI, General Orders No. 187, ITead. qnartCrs Army bf tho Potomac, which provldee ,' . , . , , ,, , , i f' ' ""ll d delivery of tuch packagft hy tho Provost Marshals of tho army, and no- tic given that this detention and uilicarrlago cau bo avoided by marking all express matter, besides name of regiment, brigade and division, In care of the Provost Marshal nf Washington, nnd sending receipts or attested copies pf re ceipts to theso headquarters. liy orderi W. E. DOSTER, Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. C. V.C. MURPnY, Lieut, and Adjutant. OFFICIAL. DirAUTuavr or Statc, Washington, January SH, 1802. The Secretary of Slate will hereafter receive members of Congress on business on Satnrdays, I will, Halnr,1v Ihfl flrat r,r iitI ,,,, 1, ' wltluitll hkwaud SICK AND WOUNDED OFI-'IOrilH. 8UR0ION Gexmai.'s Orrm, Washington, Doc. 16, 1S0J. Sick and wounded Officers of tho Regular Army In thlt city will call on Burgeon J. K. Barnes, U. B. Army, for professional attend ance. Office No. 280 II street. Sick aud wounded Officers of Volunteers lu thlt city will call on Surgeon M. Clymrr, U, B. Volunteers, for professional attendance. Office 203 Pennsylvania avenue. The above named Surgeons are specially as signed to this duty, JoBtrii R. Burro, Acting Surgeon General. dec 18-dif .VJ-lV CAXTEIWVXY UAT1. WIM.U RS-OPIKID W.duesd!', Msw 1et'aBr., N' OTIOE, The tehrs T. i, Toll, Mary A. Mrtrrn, avnd M)tl hsvt Just s , a. alr rnnBlirviif will annlT IO u.i arnvvu irum NtV fffrR BFRRV, dm-at U Water at , ueorietowu. ,VJ?If CANTEnBVRV HALL Kr-orcirn tV.dncsdar, Hew "Jeer's KY. waB at uwnt &! 7.777.-TAHTBOt WMr'tX$fflrf&!i&tgl' I bf '1 ''., -afj.f t,'ui 1 .VAX POasN TAmiwvmwmvxwK vv- ax.v. anAsriTARXT rAtirxa'ador. 1 -n.lrTqVATias'AaliT-pr'TaareWoaf'c, .,1 'v tj.!-i . 'ifaiiWiT.'f' The Richmond iJiipoM oj; the 3tU tntt. hss been recelycd hetr,lf Vbhtalnt Wi WloWIng tlltpatchtif''1'- wn"auiWM I,rrtWoef.lJ.-Ov'MohJs'y General rryojt, with a small id ttaehment, attacked a Tankee fore, of aeveral hundred stationed I at Isle of Wight C. JL 1 to protect aba rUctlon or Representatlrt to Congress. ,, , t .. At ths first charge pen.(DLt,' protectors led ln,gTeatfon(ntIon and, wercichatsd.teo allies 1 at full speed. 11 J" Oar lose Wes trUlofirt Pryor afterwards vis ited Bmlthdeld. z , '- , , . ; 1. inli. ii fn or 1 1 I ' Sausa, AU See. C& A rcpor( of tkl mora log aayt thatipaaaeagere by lssl, hhjbt'a' train report thst, SW mennpder Vatt born, dash! IntaJ Corlqih on Bu'n'dayi dispersed the yank'ees and took poatesaloa of tb place. n ''xIfcWfHraA'arBjiya faijea, back towarda Tallahatchlovi An Import aat cxpodttlda nrnter iVan Dom;i whlei baa beenipul''ieeral'ilsW;ih.a-'Dot been'hearV wAta- 'h fnt ) r l.nt r J i I J V t i . I taoDitpateh contains an appeal for the re lief of th. Fredericksburg tuflerer. -w.h are In rlchmond. -t ( v J 1 1 ml , The latest reliable Intelligence .relating to th. read army, who an an onr front, atatet that they hava, massed their, forces on both aide of tho railroad from Fredericksburg to below Gulnney's, suilon. Th. track, for, two mile south of Fredericksburg, baa been torn np, nd the rails an belna used for turnouts at ths present terminus of tha roadj , On Tuesday, a brigade of rebel cavalry wero oatnttfdjwllh ration and forage far several days, and revolvers, wen distributed Jo the men near Gulnney's station. 1 ,j It waa believed then that their destination was King George county via Port Royal. ... On Saturday, a new encampment mad. ltt appearance an tha second range, of hills In the rear of Fredericksburg, la fall view, from 1 our position. , 1 Aicoualderabl. number of en Is, have re cently been sent up from Richmond to Lee's array, l , th .The Richmond Xtamlntr, or the 25lh, lntl mated' tht ,Lee, with a portion of hit army, .waVmovlag towards Cnlpcpcr. to make de monstration In front of Wasbtmrton. but It f w aa frnown that he wat ttlll at Fredericksburg on rrtdaj noon. . , The enemy are engaged every night In raising and extending breastwork alongjths. street fronilng tbe river, at If to prevent aar. future crossing by pontoon bridges. ( -- , A friendly Intercourse has existed between the respective river picket until recently. To prevent ths communIction of Improper Infor mstlon, a poaltlvs order hat been Issued to sus pend the fraternization. . ,- , 1, On Friday, a nbel commissioned officer and iwo private were aelzed on this slda aad sent back to their side of the river. , , Ths exchange of; newspaper! has alio been lnterdlrted bv GenBurnslde. Flag of truce cross the Rappahannock every day, principally to anafer to ths .other side citizens who cam. Into our line. 10 escape the bombardment. -, , Our soldiers an taking advantag. of th pleasant weather, In providing against futui. cold weather, by building hnta. . asoonD DispATcn. 1 1 HtAbd'as AiiMT PoimlAC. Dec. W. Heavy urlngwss heard yesterdiy evening, In the d rectlon of Dumfries, ' - - - Intelllgenn1 from'Aqala Creek atatta-that about 4 o'clock yesterday about four thousand rebels, with four guns, mads an attack; on four regiments 01 ugoi iniantry at uumines, The conflict lasted not if dark and Was again renewed this morning. The cannonading waa mm Intense and apparently nearer thlt point than oa yesterday. The telegraph office ceased to work yesterday afternoon, aud up to 4 p. m. to-day, no official dispatch bat been received here. TrnaDTiarATCit. IIcASQrABTna, Dec. 28. A general order haa been published to facilitate the return of couraletcentt and atragglere In camp at Alex andrla to their rcglmcnta.r Major Wood, of the Seventeenth Infantry, ha. been detailed to aoompllsh this duty. v Notwithstanding the presence of oni gun1 boats Iri the Rappahannock the enemy have of late procured urge supplies of cattle, horses and forage from the peninsula counties. Last week Gen. Pleasonton captured one 'hundred and fifty head of eattlo which had been thus collected en route for Leeds. An officer of Loncstrcet's'tlsfr, -who had crossed Into King George county for the pur pose of getting married, was taken by General Pleasanton. Ills two groomsmen escaped. Tbe cllltens of the Peninsula state that they have lost ten thonsand contrabands since the beginning of the war. c ' Advices from Richmond slate that1 the Iron clad gunboat Richmond make' !a dally trip to jirurya uinii. (rotrntu dispatch. Tclegrapliie operations have been resumed. An official report states that the enomy's cav alry numbered but 'fifteen hnndredi that they attacked the town of Dumfries but were driven oft with loss. Our loss was three killed aud eleven wounded The firing to day was In the direction of Oc coqnan and was probably caused by tho ene my's cavalry falling In with Gen. Blocnm's In fantry. It Is unofficially stated that several sutlers' wagons have been captured by1 Lee, and It it considered unsafe to transport cA hy that route. Kxccullou ofladtau alnnterera. St. Pat. I, Dec. 27. Thirty-eight condemned Indians were hung yesterday at Mankato In the prCBcnco'of several thousand spectators. All passed off quietly. Til. Fred.rleksburfX Battle, rxtrscts from a Letter from an Ontaer, dated "Camp, near Falmouth, Dec " We have at last rocelved Unorder to malt the grand advance, and to be ready on the 11th to cross Into the face and eyes of tne rebels guns. , I hope tho people of tho North will be satis fied If they1 have succeeded In driving General Birnsldelnlo making an attack here, which can prove nothing more than another bloody light, with no deDulle results. Should the rebels "evacuate" aud tear up the railroad, It will take us till Spring to march to Richmond, without any other obstacle, front the rebels. For Instance! we have been on short rallons ever since we have been here, until lately aud u we cannot get supplies wnen so ucar tne ao pots as w now arc, what can we do when 20 miles from this place, and In a country dettl tute of everything In tbe shape of forage! I tremble when I reflect upon It, aad fear tl 5 rand Army of the Potomac will melt away aat, from snow aud hardships, as MeClellnn did on the Chlckahomlny. The North lias net . appreciated our enemyi and I have vet to tea thutnf Union man tlilt tide of the Potomac. Prom tho limited means of transportation, we are expecled to live In shelter tents, and three wall teuts to a regiment are all that will be transported. So, please, think of us these cold nights. Rut If wo can only "whale" the rebs, I, for one, am ready to stand any amount of hardships. A court-martial ou an officer tried for mis conduct before the enemy Is postponed, and he ll now In New York tuning a fine time If tie wat half u man, he would ask for bit tword, go Into tho coming fight, and try to redeem himself. NEW HTOCK Of tl Clothlni from the reonls s Clothing store, No SCO Seventh street, near a, -intr suvwwu- i thing you can bur tad they are sold so cheap a " 'a 1 U. IMiTH'l, on so cheap at aMITH'.. No. M0 leveath ttrttt, nsti F,