Newspaper Page Text
r i V , J V V - I I ,--4. " ' . p - OR. M.VIIXNYS rrlTMaJlMFluijmue ,,rninl Block, coracr of STUi and rtrwt, t vojTfo(t thrjxt n4 Patent omces Uooms ..iiumdJM, up italrf, WMUHtoo, iuhtj 7 i- Win ' i Ji ' AH iseaaet of rprlnte nature treated In tbit most ic.enti..c minaer, ani Radical, cures of- Med In .11 cases, BTriqLlTIO AFFEC- twxs, aoxoRRiiatA, oleet, strict- VltKS, SEJtIXM IfJM KXESS, or the result of tbivhrifobs DU'eaaH, or any weak rtessof the f7 RV.Wf.trIXO;; (7XV.S from any cause) whlcter'orTiow'l6nK standing, thor- - I l 1 onglilj and radically cored i also a OUT, nitEUUATISlf, sNEURAiaiA,xa. ether cinoxioDisiiA8xs6tttMNziirj;s,Mvs- CLES,' BOXES a&, JOINTS SCROTVijl, JJL0TCUI3 on U FJC ERUTTIOXS on tha JjrjMTand, HOD r; and All .other ttflt7.r Tirjt.JUSOLBXS, inA 'jJlSEASESot .Ilia RI.OOD, rcmvltttnrr 'taiat they may San brlM. " ,' ' ' ' ' ' - ' AFFLICTED AND-UNFOnTUNATE ! No matter if hat tow dieao,W no taVe'dd cacr Dreient Yo4' fronf aDDltlnsr Immediately toDr.VUn7.Wo la1 'acknowledged tobebj far UiemoetSUCCESaFULFJIYSICIANIn the treatment of prlTatadiaenaca. Foar not to corao and make known yonrmlifortnncs, and he will apeadlly send ton on yonrway rejoicing. . SKTJ?.ABU8K, That ilreadfnl aconrgo of the ypnng, indulged alone, destroy the gcncratlTO organs,' nnflla yon for married life,' producing weakness of the back and limbs, loss of anima tion and mnscular power, palpitation of the heart nervous Irritability, loss of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNQ MAN I In view of the dreadful con- eminences of delay, do not fall to make yonr case known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Your accrete with him aro sacred, and you may con fldcnilyrely upon his medical skill. Thonsande whose systems were shattered and ho were on tho brink of the glare, hare boen brought back to Tlgorouahcallh by his skilful treatment. . MAHRIAOK. Married persons, or thoao contemplating matrimony, who suspect themselves of Impo- ency, seminal weakness, or any disease arising irom a relaxed state of the genital organs, whether the rosnlt of disease, injury, youthful ndlscrctlons, or Indnlgesco of the passions In rlncr years, are earnestly entreated to place themselves under the care of Dr. V. They may nly with certainty upon a speedy cure, and up on being restored to full health and vigor. Ile'treata with entire success all disease, ol females such as LEUCORllllEAor WHITES, LATSUS UTERI, c., Ac, and la every case guarantees a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISIT3 and COMMU NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL, Fsrsoks calling see no one hnt the Doctor. Those at a distance may be trcitid by hail, by sending' a STATEMENT of CASE, Ac, A.C. Jj 2 m 1IJILL1AU PITCH, ATTOnXET FOR CLAJitAXTS, comer or SEmtTH akd r struts, Oppotut tin rwt ojue, WASHINGTON, D. C, Prosecutes Claims ior Pensions, Bounty Money, . Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Hecruttlng omeers, and all other Just Claims against the Uo- rnmenL Also, Patents procured for InTentors Special attention glyen to cases befoia the Court Claims Fees reasonable In all cases, to wit: la each Pension case, . . $5 ou Bounty Money case, ---. 6 u Itounty Land ease, --. .600 Fay Claim, -- 100 Widows and minor children who are poor, half in auuvaraira. iduhwuh mrm sitsi:mei.t IN' diocmt, free of charge, except mere disbursements I Correspondents will be entitled to share the fees n all cases ther forwanl, Consulting counsel, Hon. R. H GILLFT, late United States Solicitor of the Court of Claims and ormer Solicitor of the Treasury. Aperitif Rffertnm by PcrmUtton Hon. kiehard Wallach, htaj or of Washington. riun. W. W.Seaton.ex-Maiorof Washlnirton. Lewis Johnson fc Co Bankers, Washington. Sweeny k Huyck, Bankers. Washlngtou x4Jnveraorllunt,of Lockport.New otVt Judge Gardiner, of Lockport, New ork Hon. John Ganson, State fcenator, Butfalo, N V. Hta Burt anhoro, member of Congress from New i ork. Hon. G. W, Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf falo Messrs. Hubble k Davis, Counsellors. Buffalo, J, a. Judge Bo wen, of Lockport, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport, New "i ork. Hon T. T. Use ler, ex-member of Congress from New ome. Hon. John Ganson, President of the New ork and Frle Bank, Buffalo, N , octets 3a BOSWKLsVB BIEDICATKI) COUOll CANDY tor co vans, COLD A jtnobCMTm, INFLUENZA, U0AR8BNK&8, Ami all incipient ttaget of VoiitHinptiOH, For sale, wholesale and retail, by U BUS W LL, Druggist, Cor. Maryland avenue and bet cnth st , And Z D GILMAN, Fenn. avenue, near Browus' Hotel. Charles Allen, W.B Fntwlsle, D B Clark, John R. Major, LTM. Smith, B C Major, II. if. Mcpherson, J. W. Nairn, 3. C. Ford, J. D O'Donnel, J. P. Mllburn, J. F. Dswson, Charles blutt D G. Uldgely, In Georgetown by Kidwcll, Solboron, Sclasell, an I Barnard. And by Druggists and Sutlers generally. an 15 WIIEKK, Oil 1VIIGUR IB 1T1 Who is there ning 3011 that Is not In want of something In Ihe way of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Capsl Ami the lst place to get them Is at the most popular Clothing House of J 11 bMITJI h CO , No ICO Set enth street, where ) ou can Und the greatest arlety of Clothing ami Furn Isthltig Goods for Men and Boys wear. We can btfcl) say that our stotk or Clothing excels any thing In Ibis market, and our reputation for selling Good Gols Cheap Is truebutthe old maxim, that " a nimble sixpence Is better than a slow kMlllng,' Is the principlo that ba built up our immense trade. Our present stock of Clothing we offer at cr tow prices, and we are all the time rcceltlng new goods from our m sou factoring estAbliabmcnt, No 4u West Baltlmora street. Do not fall tu call at J II SMITH & COS, No 400 Set enth street, where j ou can bj Clothing al tremendous bargains, J. 11. SMITH h CO, Clothiers, No -100 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth itreet and Pa' avenue. n031-dtjant J. HIIOITT'H L U M B E It Y A It J) JJjXTH STREET, Pouthof Pennsylranla Avenue. ' Hg PP B8P nrt , Pmtr TyaJiiafrtMOVaalltatlW. T1IK rAHKNQEn TRAINS between. ' s11 WAUttWTpft1!Al,TlMQrVS, W.-fHF. WrT Trtlk rna aa.foUawai F!m Daily Trrini to lIUUayfM ami Ihl Witt. To Dally" Tntnt Utrt TOuVwaml It "Wcsf. On muUj.Mrrc freHW? ft BsJlswresaif ontlotke lft aa fo(lowei T tffai n ,end aad 0 p. mVilt ' Passengers, for the close connection. at WMMntiin Junctrotfjrteiay I with the Baltlm.r. and Ohio railroad, for n pouU Watt tomr nif rrtrHntnbfnauHeYllnr' oikj for FltuMpliu mi Key I7t Leave Washington at a a. ra , 1 1 a. ra., aa.l sr tn. For iual-Unl Washington at . m. and '"""FAAatWimwtor, and Station! aloofttht Baltimore and Ohio ruUrold le ai t WeahuMton at i and 1 W a, ui., awl 3D p. m 1 aad onBundsye at a,so p jn. , , TRAINS MOINd SOUTH Leav. New York at 7 a.ra., Mlladelphla at II 30 a. m , Baltimore at -U p. m. Arrive at Washing ton at 6.S0 p. tn. 1 Uare New ttt al p. irf, nillndelpliU 10.M Arrtie at.TVaahlnf ton at .so a. tn. ' "" ' Uate New Vork at tl 1 tti , Philadelphia at M a.m ,Blllmoreat7W. ra. Anna, at Wtjlng. tonataua tn. . ,. . Loeil Aecotohodatlnn Tralna learellalllinoreal 10 . bi nd a to tn . for WMhlnxtoai atnra there at 11 a m and7p.ra. r On aumlari at 4 l and 7 . ra., onlr from Bal timore. . , ,,.t No AnunolU connection! on Sunday from Balti more Of Washington. JffJSSIJS tlon (litis)) with trains on the Baltimore an I Ohio ....... .f ... .. . ... .k ilm anil raiiroaa. lor an nuini" wm wi hiowi n". "- for all points alonK the llae of the Baltimore an.l Ohio road, In Maryland and Irrlala.' Trains lenre Annpolli for Bltlmora aad Waih Injton dally, exoept Sun.laj t, at s.44 a. m , aad a lu raisenKfr Tralas learlne Washlngtoa at a. in , It a. m , and ( p. m , aad Baltimore at 4J0 nj 1 4u a m anu iwpin, .iui uaij ,.. WaihlnKton Junetlom. Wr I'aiienrers must take the Accomrao.lllon Train, oaly. W. P. SMITH, nov 17 Master of Transportation. Adams KJr.rn.Ksg companv, OiVcaai Pcuu. aSeune, H'oiAi-tflim C,ly,l). C. GREAT EASTERN, NORTHERN, urn WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWAKDKRS. Irtlili.II,Mour,Jwlrj',VlnalHil M.I.l fltba. ltAUtla. AS) Forwarded lthSlf J TY ANIJ DISPATCH to all accessible sections of the country. This Company has Ajrencles In the principal rallwfty towns In the NOHTH, EAST, WI-TT, AKU null , ANU NORTHWI.ST. llsl I'sTanCll'ini uiuna oav prlnctr 0Xt X. ( iai onicri arv i WASMXOTOjr.D. Klr.ruuA,jiusiu.,, nffiTirirrnnri itm r.Tiwiirer-' i . - CISNATI. Ar.' LOUIS, 1.0UIS- VILLE, LEXlXOtOX. I Connections are made at New ork and Boston ( with lines lorwarotns; 10 ine i;.n.i.. smi in. British Yn Inces, ana with stesmslilp lines to Lh- enool, Southamptoa, and llawe, nd thence hy European eapresses ioall prominent comtnercla! I t...n. in nrir.ln .ndonthe Cniltlnritt. ' Collection of Notes, Dr.fts.and Bills made at all aeaessible Dans 01 Ine uniifil nh. . , i jel. W ashlo(ton, V. C. OOMKS 4. BnOWN, SOLICITORS OP TATI NTS AND CLAIMS. ,,. p.,.Tir.ek P.y,' .lcer.' I tort-Kin,;. il all atlier Jtul Claim., agailS.S ml tuavvrHiuru.. OFFICR-No. 410 SEVENTH STREET, (Department I xchange,) WasHi.sroN, D. C, And Xd. 2 Virt riaa, corner of Btoaiuay, oppotUt City JIM, Xeit ork. Itetrs,lrPro'.a'oM0- . . lions tl.nnio.1 niiwiB, itw i Martin KallitlelKh, Major City of Brooklyn i AM. Horn llsnnlhsl Hamlin, Men 1-resldenl, Me i ffiaVhK. MwVrW'c" SI i lS ward H. Jlolllna, M. C .".i'SV'AurvrM.'c Miu ,Alf"dA.1 Bumhara, M. C , Conn i Dwlcht Loomis, M C , Conn i John A. Gurley, M. c, owot James m Ashley, M. C., Ohloi Sidney Fdgerton, M.C.,(Jhlo John Jlutchlns, M. C . Ohloi John Cot ode, M. C , Pa j Robert Mcknight, M. C, I'a ; Justin S Mor rill, M. C , t John F. rotter, M. C , Wis Z. Chandler, M. C, Mich. James H. Lane, M. C , Kansas) Cyrus Aldrlch, M, C, Minn.- Wm, Kel logg, M tL 111 John T. Nixon, M. C , N. J t John i w ciPriinn M. (' H.Ji i n Fouke. M. o HI i Owen Lotejoy, W. C, 111 I F. P-LUpi'r M, C..Mo i I IbrldKe ige ii. Snatildlnc. M.C.N.U Ab fral rir. M. C . N I Major General 11. B Dl Ieat N. HyckolT, Esd. , 1'res. Ullliamiport tlty ank Shepherd Knapp, ksq , Fres ncchuil lMinx. t .-.. , T H . X 1 4t . I TKUIOIl ADORNUKNTS. 480 4 SO , j VAPEK IIANOINOS, or au onAfctl aHD rniccs. I Warranted Golt Ban I Window Shades t Suit, Greco, and Blue Holland Shades, all sites) made to Also, a ban Isoine assortment of PU lure Cord and Tasvels, all sizes and colors. Purchasing for cash, an I allowing no ol t stock to acvumulate, icrsons needing the aire goods HI nnd it io inrir miiiir.r tu hko ... nmu All work executed and Slllierintended hi tiraCtlCRl . .a. BHBtfkA jiAv-a..1 k ek.jii less. sjnespAnl tseisil. In saf ! mm, wisu iit sj " b ,,-..-,. n. ti,al trSilii Sitlifaotion guarantee!, or no pay required. Please (rive me a call. Remember the number "" joHN MARKniTFR, No 4C Seventh street, Eight doors above Old Fellons Hall, nov 26 ly ri'KKTIIt TKBTIII M. LOOMIS, M. D. theln.entorand patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends 1 eraonally at his ortlte In this city. Many persons can wear these teeth who cannot wer others, an I no person can uearothers ho cannot wear inesr I friOUl cnillllX t I'll UIIHiaa vnii w: nwbuiuiiiinmiiii wltlianv st)leandpriceofTceththeym) deairej mil in inoia una are uaritcuiar. anu w in ine imn ' est, cleanest, strongest, and most lierftct denture that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be mm full y warranted. Koomsln this eltj No. 1M Pcnnsrltania ae nue, bet wren Ninth and Tenth streets, AUo, wi Arch itreet, Philadelphia. mar i-i) Tl J II. K Dbl'HK, IROtf J1ALL, 310 Pciins)li aula Aifuiir, TtoternU ami lUtad Dtuler in I'l.NKHT 1'AMll.V Cin.OCICllll.i4, JFREXOll and OERilAXWIXES, A i.iQUons, ronniALH, rniMi'Aaxt'i, liiuxDr.RVjr.aix, OKI AltS auit TOll Af CO, lias now on hand aer) ftn' ottorliiifni of the aboie,at fair iirlces BUTLEiia surrutu. nov20 TTa-Stf J HANOHJtm ANU hlNtalNb mOF. ALEVANUER WOMNVSKI, PIAST, I OLAUSTAhO COMPO'il It, Has opened Ladies aud Genllemcn's Afternnon ( l n'clOkk) and vtulng ( o'clock) Miifrlm; t, on mast literal terms Pi0fesMir UuluWkkl will aUoexj lain the full thcur of Miulc and Iteidlng b his stsliiii . , 111 irn.anr WnlAwikl'i newmethod.A nersou hating only a slight knowledge of wuusle will le enabled, lu aaery abort time, lo read imulo Wi great fnclllty, and execute o ratio ns well its Uaistkal mualu with rare perfitlou As to ttieaoiAlpart.t) bis wnj of tocdllzatlon, he arrives nt most extraordinary results, renders the tolce powerful, aud enables ihe ilugertn v enUze with facial), aicuMty.nnd ttne quality ol tone. Pinf Wolowikl receltes ililton djiilj fromiuto 11 a m an I liom J to i p m , at his lesidrntv, N C fenth street, t-vtwetm I ami F N. B Children 01 er eight j ears of age are ao cej ted. de tt lmd. M' AI.NK AUKNCV AMI SOLDIFRS' Hi (IEF ASSOCIATION Office. No mo F street, cor Thirteenth CommunioHtlons to be Addressed to J. W, HATHA WAV, octl-t( IeOckboxBS,Wihiogton,P, 0 Biaie Keaij S&.HAJXWAD& NBW,.BOATf-lKW GAttflO et tlT - NEW LOHDOW; NOKWICVa fcnd WORCESTKn 1irHt it vil . iW-V" - ' . - . At 4 O'clock, P. M ,.. riKnatK.R., foot or yestrt 8TRket. ThW aa-aw -kiul (ttHMt klaaaiM CITY OF DOS TONWm. Uleo,coo.miid. from Kw York UVIUATS. IBUtMJiyi, BiaU MluniHJPl'anUU stum titw London AfMiUyf, Wcdoctdara, and Frldnyi . Tha mw and mM'Cwjt attfuner LITV Or NKW YORK, Thomaa U Jtwelt, conimaAdtr, from New ork-MwiJTi. Jnf4yi, and FrtJari from New London TiieidaTi. Thundari.tantl Satur dari. i he two new Uamtrt have bin built t xprrti ly for thla route, with all modern tro proven. nti.1i clulin Water Tight torapartraentr and are the only team era Tr built (or Long Iiland Sound with thla icreat lire-pretcrrlnx lmproremeota ix)nuuciori accomnKny ine irnrarra cncn wij. Pksmatnval-ai tiraai(Ja (mm NatW Lomlnn lmmCs1tKt?a ly on arrival oritei.mertty lptaaa Train to Pot' ton, Woreeitcr. Lowell. Lawrence, FltcM-mx Nmidua, Concord, tha White Mountalnt, he he raiiengeta returning from Botton leat a the De tiotoniie Uoitonand Worceiter railroad at 0 30 1". M , Worcester 1 P. M , arriving at New London f 80 P. M. " w i 1 . i Freight taken at the LoWett Ratei. and ucllrer edlo iktiton early the aext day. ftiaie noomi in aounuansa enn uw iiwiun wn iteamera. or at the Botton or New Fork onice, la advance. J.. S. MARTIN, ARcnt, mj tf Pier 3,N. n. I HKAT CENTRAL. IIOUTK y For the Vrtt HUDSOX ItTTKU RAILHOAD amtl m YORK CF.XT1UL RAILROAD. Oh and Arrtn Pkcembch , 1SC1, FxprriiTralni leaTCNew orkelty dfiot ol Ilud.on Kt er tullrovl iWly, Bundaj i excepted, aa IOIIOWII JYom thfaTnlcrt itrect At 7 a tn. It a ni ,6p.m. s 15 p. m. Montreal and Buffalo Train with ileeplnE cari.10.lSn. tn Frara toth itreet it at Ion At 1 25 a. tu. It so m ,830p.m, S 40 p. in. io 40 p. m im niinai) a, me ioiiow nff tralntwlllW run to and front Suthatrecti The 10.40 p nueleeptnK cat train for Albany and Troy, and the S.SQ a. ui. from Troy, and 4 45 p. u. train from Albany. Connecting at Albany with the New Voik Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, llocheiter, Utlca, fiatarla, Rome, and itatloni ou Rome and ater town Railroad, Uultalo, Sracuae, Niagara Fall, SiiBpenalon brldee. Auburn, tienet a. Cans Idalua. Tralna In connection Jea.e Buffalo and Suspen sion Tla Lake shore, Uucalo and iJike Huron and Great Western Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Toledo,Mllwaukle, londdu Lac, La Crosse, Madison, Prairie Jiuthlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, flock Island, Must tlne, Iowa City Uiir.ii.rton, Qulnc), Sprlogtlfld, mnu, oi, uiiiib. vntiwi itn " . -.- - ""ri.v-v"-; "...:: a,."' Aiinn. nt. uiiiia. i.iirn. i sarra iiniiit.. iiiui-initiKiiis.. ",!!tiWZZl':?,Z3 I . C oiuntiniB, vir.t? I""" - NnnTitrnv nriUTP. .....,.....-.. ..-., ........, ..--. ... Conaecllns wllh Trains at Troy, with Troy and Boston, .nj liens, and Saratoga Hoads for S.rsto- frA, ivniiriiau,, uuiunsiou, bi. ah ui, House rolnt, 1'lattshun.h, Ugdeosburgli, Montreal, fcc ,a.e. , Vl-rclxht AranKemenlshythlsroutaasalHire wllfioutcli.n'efile.r.. from the Detiot. In Lh.m tiers and lludsoo strrets are at all times as faiora- lite as mstie or oilier nBiiro.u imi .ni.. i ne facilities of this Krrat New A ork Koule, to tie est,cnmmrndtt tu the cOtilJitn.e of merchants an i snippers iorprnniiinrit ami iiriji-iicii. Taisfrngrr Trains, wllh Smoking and sleeping Cars, run Inconnetion on the New ork Onirai Boats ' For particular as to loeal trains and freight ar rangement t, Inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. Ai nniii ii, deo tl Superintendent. 1IIIK IIAILAVAY, laaienrer Trains leave vi& Taronla Ferry from foot ot Chambers street, as follows, vli t 0u t. m. Mail Sot Dunkirk and IntermedUte alatlriD. This train remains orer night at Etrolra and pro- ceeus tne next norninr. 7 00 a. nu Lxpress, for Buffalo andprlncir! ln 'i - Ju - .ailli. - - lF.fcr Ot.s.ll.e and In.ermc- lermnnaie limioni llm,A,,0d.,,on,d.ll,-.forro,tJervl. ansl tirli.aliial atatlnna 4 tw p. nf. Way, Mr Mlddlctown, Newburgk, and Intermediate stations 60Up m Nlrht t xpress,dalh , for Dunkirk, Buf falo, Canandaigtia, and principal stations The train of Baturday rum through to Buiralo, but does not run lo Dunkirk. TOOp m kulgrant, for Dunkirk and principal stations The Fxpress Trains connect at HornellsTlUe with railroad for BuiTitlo, at Hmlra with the Cansodal gi and Niagara Falls Killrondt at Blnghnmton, with the Syracuse Railroad at Corning with the i raiironu. ior nocnraier anu auuiiui t ui"i iirutis rwlth the railroad for ffcranton, and at litiifulo and imnairK wnnine uiae nnore itnuronu iur vicve Und, Clnelnnatt, Toleilo, Detroit, Chicago, he , and the Canada railroads CMARLFS M1NOT, scp 13 Goners! Superintendent. WHO HAH 8(1 We aay that our store In the First ward ma not ha.e caused a com motion, hut do ear that we are running rtl an Im mense stotk of Clothing at the Uadlng Hnt nfS ttorr, corner of Twentieth street an 1 IYtiuij h anla avenue, tut whoertrsaw a store whereaimtth uis that did not do business! and the return ltj, they always sell their gootls too cheap That Is why they are always poor, (Who t cr hetid of a So. 1th getting rlcht I ne er dl 1 ) We are determined to furnUh all the First Ward wltliGio.1Chthlr.ff Frrr)Uudy had 1 etter come soon an 1 1 uy, as our neighbors, In a simllr buslneis,sa that we ciu not stand It more thin nlnetjdsjs longer selling I ernwl. an Mii Knt ul.i a mn lrrr Ir.t iif Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, an 1 Slioes left, and we are determine I to run them oil at gieat bar gains, At Headquirters for Clothing In the Flrslv Wsrd.ciruer of Tnontleth street and Pennsil,a nla nrenueand No 400 Seventh itreet nor31-dtjnl SMITH & CO apHAND ADVANLK OF TIIIC AUMV, "nuc.ou. er.arecr, gup ...cgrrai n inie of tlothlng, but we are selling at a small aJt nce on uW nrlcei We ha, e a large stock on han 1, and . ' " u ' re selling them off to mke more room, for wr v and clothiers are en Ins up the ereat ndt inie i hi.carerr Hrie stock of Clothingalouritiaiiufti. i . tory,and are now running o:t our atiak at less than wholesale prices to make room. e bat e ab ways been lighting against high prlcn, and shall continue tod so Mr SMITH is In the market all the time, and Is enabled to furnish our store uilh a superior stock, and we cannot be undersold bj anyone We ha.e the means to sell cheap, an 1 aredt-termlnedtodolt at SMI1H & I1K AIL'S, No .101 Seventh street, nov 21 dt janl Ne ir K street rim Tiir. or avaniiiinuto.v. X Tlie Aanmmors or the dlfurent Urtr.U wilt infet al Ihe followinir nlat-fs fruni IuuMocLa m tllian'cbKkp m , fnnii Iholllh lo1li3lat of lv- ccmler, lncluai,e, tocorrektNiiiirerutertlieutiiiei of tltiisse omllteal from the oll liat 1 1st Ward John A Hhieiu, Ui I ennijhanU At enue, between 11th an 1 I6lh streets .d Ward Thonuti Mumrt, turner 12th and H ilreets 3.1 Ward. Hcnr Curtis, corner of H anl 13th streets 4th Ward Thomas W. Bitrch, Clh strcetUtween Ganlllilrectl Clh Ward. B. F. Dje't residence, Ten Buildings eth Ward George lollard, at T iAw ( lark a of Ike, Mrglnla ateuue, lietween athnnil luth streeta 7th War I I eter Held urn, No b3 soilli 1- stiiet, belweeubth aud th slreets uet, do 13 ilt Jt VOTItn TO 1'LASTF.ItI.IlH. 1 HopnsMS nlllbe receltel at the olHttnf the I'urenii of onatriullmi until Jinunr) tmli, iot), f r j Usteiing the wnllj, cl illnja, fvc , nf tin l.Alla, enrri lora Aiidvarlous aiiitrtiiients nf the iiui te. tlon or the Treasury Jrxietulon lild 1 is must tttutbe 1 rlif) er jirt, face meis ure Ihe tvhot woik will nqulrn three cuata 1 r lime, sharp sand htlr of proper proportions itttlitll bea pruttd, the tvholefo l3 flulihid lu lie let niniiuer fur painting throughout Ihe Bureau reierteH the rlj,ht to rejett anj or nil tho bids, U con lilt red for the Intern! of tbt U t erniuent to do so No hldwllllfi,oiisldereliiiilHa Inconformit) with this i.t, mil lit n, t?o nip titled with t roiier guarinlrrs thit tin bM U r will cXeHule a sutUfictory tonlrjtt ISAIAH lll'lir 1, ngtnrer InchsrgeTirasurj Dtpirtmint 1 P R lull sire drn wliii,s of mouIJInirSriti Imht I- I uk of iiiuntltlcscui I esecu At tt.U uilUs, I dee iJ cot J an li) 1 .Aftm i.ti iru I j CAMP9TOFSIl 111 tif..Mnn maniirftnrin.i ami r 1111K ni k -.?'.Jr'.,, ... . a 1-1 .1. ... ..! ' .11 . .1 ' llrAilnu rUUfi wiiwii no win ai'ii vy me diiiii nrl uridredasclieapastheycinleltoiifhtln 1 nor 17 l Penn, arenue, near 7th itreet, Blltlmore, - ' K unauunt, PSTWMRffnw-! ucroTiiUAnTEnHAJTEii's urncEi Ciitn tokfruwvtaiJ Cns tka lilrw snf al reer of six inouaajM nret raapurvq or less, to the Govern offloa natil NondaTs w req t"ovwi rorua os wooo, more mmeat, wlU reeelrf4 at thu , tnestthdarof December, ipea, The wood to be hard, sound und mercnsnUHe. fourld) feet lonr.. aad split lo the pMUurr slie of conVwODiL ' - 1 , The wooi to m oeuTerea ai ons AiDany.-vmiif, TUIlnrtiairt, Call, WoodhuiTn'Kalb, Corcorsn, Bennett. Harcertr. Ftkan Allen, and Harcri nlsol attoshpelntoothe toudwrnand Maarnahlre rait road, between lenna nd Alexandria, Va tn such such time or times, as the Depot Quartermaster mar dlreot; and corded in ranki four (I) feet high) dfllrery not belnf con sidered complrU until so corded, measured, and In spected. i i i ' : An Inspector will M deilgiialM on the part of the Uo eminent to Inspect and measure the wood, and such as iloea not conform to the abore speclQ- canons wm re rrjrcwv Theeontrastfur th dellrsnrof laid Wood Will expire on the Hh of June, ISftt. ' rarment io ne mae ax me ena or racn monin, for Ine wood dellrered durlnff said month PROPOSALS. . The full name ind post of9ce address of the bid ler tnust aipe4r In trie propositi. If a bid Is made In the dame of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as tbelndhldual proposal or thepartr Iriilnctt. a i isi i 1ronoaali from ftWyaJ perflri Witt not U tmtii errl,aeteneiA of aUrytonre miuf eceompcmf tack yrojmilim. STOpusniS mull nv ntnifriim io utn, rAtfrnTu a iiani, Assistant tiunrTeriniaairr u. , mut, vthbii- lugton, U. C . and should be plainly marked " Fro posils for Wood." GUARANTTE. Tho rcsnonslbllltr of the cuarantors must be shown bj the oRlclal certlllcafe of the clerk of the nearest iMsf rkl Court, or of the United states Dis trict Attorney. i ur auiiny oi ine uiuuirr iuiuiin comrreti, iimjuiu It be awnrdf d lo him, must be guarantied br two rc .piinslble persons, whose signatures must bo ap pendrd tothepuarantce, anusaid fuarantee must acfomjisny the bid. Uiilders must be present In person when the bids aie opened, or their proposals will not be cuoild- errd. Bonds In the sum onen tiiotisanu uouars, signed bv the contractor and lioth of his suarantors. will be required of the successful bidder upon signing mo cuuiriui, Form of Guinnltt. We, , of the county of , and State of , and , of the county of .and State of, do hereby guimnty Hint Is aile to fulfil the con tract In accordance with the terms of his propo sition, and that, should Ms proposition be accept ed, he will at onco enter Into a contract tn accord ance therewith. should the contract be awarded to him, we are prepared to become his sureties To this guarantee must be appended the official cert iUcite aNn e mentioned The Depot quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or ail bids that he may deem too high. y DWARD L. IIAHTA Opt, and Ass't Quartermaster, U. S A. dee 1 Jt.l SPISCIAL NOTICK, TO THE C1TI7 NS OF WASHINGTON, ot fix n uv nit: Atiuv ad a w DDEOV HALL, Tlieoldand established I&iPorlumof Qolhlnr. that has, for so many years, supplied the rttlxens of Wa'Mortun and lclnllr.wlih all that Is es sential for the elegance an t comfort of the outei man, Is now suj piled with the most complete and fashionable that we hare e, er had the pleas ure io oner . IUATS, PANTS, and MTS or the most desira ble sl lea that eoitld l found In the market tjiir aanoriitieiii dibiijiviiii ura i' iwnai HOSll RV, OLU M, fcc, caunot be surpassed and will be sold at price that do not allow of compe- iiuon. LARGF STO K 6f MILITARY OVFncOATS LAIU.K SIOCK OF MILITARY 0 t HCOATS LAIU.K STOCK OK MIL1TAR OM.HCOAT3 LARGK STOCK MILITARY DKFS COATS. LAHGK STOCK MILITARY DRI-JS COATS. LAHbti SIOCK MILITARY Ull SS COATS. LKWOr. STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGK STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VRVTS LARGK STOCK MILITARY FSTS. LARGK STOCK MILITARY VFSTS. INDIA RUBCFR GOODS OF ALL DKSCRIf. TIONS VALisrj, CAnpfrr-nAcs. kc. Our stock of BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING lailiaUrifMtand most fashion able that has eter been otroredln tbtscltr, and at the lowest prices tney can possioir w ouiainrti in una cur. B.V Call and see us at ODLON HALL, corner 4) itreet and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of aldington city. nov t e . erj 1 ues, Tliurs, k Sat TUlKASt'Il tlPTIIKHNITROBTATRS, WAtKtuoTtiw,, 19 On Wedneedylsst,thea.l lnstant.there disap tKared irom t oillce a package of blank "Certin .atesof lndeMeilness,of thedenomlnatlnnof flte thousand dollars, numbered from H.Wl tu Ifiouu, bothlnclnshe. No certificates ULe them haeeer Ueu Issuetl from this oitlce.nnd none will eier I isbiied. Ihe true cert Ifltates of (he denomination ol fltc thousand dollars hare their numbers wmittch on the ra.ctn iel Ink, at the uertn corners. dlredl unter the mirKlnal bolder. The words MIf the order I lank be not tilled up, this certificate, iaued to , will I paid lo bearer," aro raiMTin on the if k of the ctrllflcAtrs, In t rd fair. All that hate een Issued sine alout the 1st lnslftnttcommebt,tng about tio tl.&k), lime the Urifc (lenouiluatlon, CmdO," prutliston tho fice, lu rettlnk. All certlfl cKlestlmt wllUtiue from Ihlsofllceln future, nill le liueinose issued nereioiorr. inose in ine iom package did rfnirtithegenulne In hating the words AtMnM"oted,tll! 'Iftheonler Hank W nut filled lilt. I hi (frlllli?'LtP. liauetl lo s ... Will be?TMld to hearer," rriytuieittwi Me hce of the ceitiltcite, be ginning oer the tlguelte,nud there taking the llncobf ihebor Wr,and cimllniied Ulowon ech end, oertlieengrate! denominations of "tout" lltenumuera ari itiiiMruiu uu tun run, tit itu ih, inofh lhe'6nui 'denominntloiii the liriredenom- ii.stttsis u In rrren Iisk Certlllcates of I he denom ination of one thou (Ms I (Uillars, anstt erlng t)i0 tie- SLllillonoi UOm) icisi, naTU ueeu ana are ieing ISIUeilJ lU( aatillf til lltill urill'llllllraliuit IIKI C HtTlt OaI. iirt all trenuliie eerlltltiates there Is an ornate flr- ureorgKrlaixl and unJer each of the two scrolls con lining the denominational figures, "&mu" Ihcgsrlsud matches three Indentations otthf scroll, running lenginwiie ui ineceriancaie, an i ta aliout ihrre ouirlers of an inch loner, an eighth of an inch n ide In the centre, tsiwrlng 1 oth warifrom thecenlrc. On the lost vertmoAtes, this KirHo'l does not appear. F. F. si'i.NN K, net: ly-yiy il iuri,rut in uunru aiatri, en TAKE NOTICK. KQ M.T. PAllKrU, NO 69IOUI3IANA AVFNUF, Reipectfully And chrerfullj reluins thanks for the lleral pahonage I tthcrtu recti, Cd. JlA.lugcter) ftLllll) rudolng Till. BFST itousr, SIGN, ANUDCCOn-TIVr PAINTING. Togellier with all work pertaining lo a FinjT ci ass I'llntlugltKblUhment lltMiasiiol.rallAnt,) In soliciting a continuance of Ihe 1 ui lUafitor. If, Vnretare .VtitomiWf Tm Worl UarrceptionalUt An 1 putlculir Attention Is paid lo PROMPTNr IS IN Vi tlt RV, t3 Remember Ihe numl er I au Louisiana Avenue, oct2l 3ni let. alxth audhitcuthitieets. MMIOM ; I AH K. Ial.OYU, ATTORhVY FOR CLAIMANTS, and aocnt ron rnocuiiiNa Bounty Lands. Pensions, Arrears of Pfty, Fxtra ray, fcc , WASHINaTUN. I. U.. Alii gle proiui t aud efllclent atttntlon to the ..rokcutlon of Llilmu of eteri dehcrlntlon azalnst the Got eminent, and make no charge unless sue LPBaiUI. Both references and charFea for irrtlces ulll be mititesntlsfa(,lorys Ly-1 in Urns si 1 urrd for sobllers wounded or dls e ut.1l during the existing wart also, (or the widows and orphans of sol ltrra who hat e illnl from wounds or dUerutf lin-iirrttl while in the UultM Stftteg aer tliet also, Kouut) Monet for the heirs In Uw ol anl licra sit ke Ait d during the existing war J-etsdltUltd with tiliorne) ior other persons for wnnllnghutitiiiBS Ihe bight st 1 ricts pnl I for Ltnd Wat rants. Addrta 1HOMAS V, LLOD. Attorney for CUimauts, Nu. io heteuth street, Washington, D. C. N n Mltors of paixts publishing the nbot e card will I entitled lo ui sirtbes to tho Amount ol llielrihArgts. 1.J-.L. dio li w J) IfiTKCTlVIC nnPARTMKNT, Mt.1 hfiruuiAN r , No niO JMe.entli street ireat, I AVdi 0t corner of lnnytmnlu atmue, I The nutllc Are beret Informed, that All cases remilrlsirrtlie ..eMUta of atteteotlie btticer will I prumi ll aim varriiiMir niicnura, iu, jttw vj ' ike ilea lausrters. No. old Eleventh street west. ., t.. ...n. I. Ion nt , tm ti uiitii.iuiti .. ' ,.' i.V Di I Ruyriiuicuiiriii ui tits;. iu)'watu wtivvi noT3o-3w7ra KKT smtaTi-t v ' .JNTALLiftU , I- ' i;mm;m ii t .. Lrxti 111 nil iltJiAla , 1 Well untj FOR RHKOMATIJM, OOUT, NEU1ULOIA, LUM BAGO, STirr NKCK AND JOINTS STRAINS, ERUISFS CUTS, 'AND WOUNDS. TfT' ' HEADACHIC. AND ALL RllIDMATKJ AND NERVOUS D1S0RDUU . . a. i jm i.l uhi i 3V lr . ' rne all sir whleh it la a meed aad eertelA re me Si, kA a.rer falls.' TMs,LUImht Is jireparad froia Ike nclpe of fir, Jtapkn Sweet, of coaawt lent, tha faaiaas boBM.tUr,ad kae been sued la Ms practice, for more than twenty Tesrs.'-irlUl tha most astpalshlD, success. ', . " t .re 1 AS At) JLUtrUTOK OF PAIK. It Is oarlr.lcj by anr preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical nay be contlneed Dye suiie trial. TU. tlnlaient will cur. rspUly ami radically, Rhenjnatle Dlasnlara of every Und, and, In thousands of cases, wbereU has been used, It has nerer been known to fan. FOR will afibrd Immediate teller In every case, however olstresslnc It will relict e the worst easee of JltiDi CHS In three minutes, and Is wsrranted to do U. TooTlUCllE.'nUa, will It Sure Initially. fob Kvnroi's debility akd oexeral us- SITUDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this; Unlment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues. It strengthens and the system, and restores It to etsatlclty and vigor1. ro riL8.An an external remedy, we claim that It la the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give It a trial, for It will not Tall to afford Immediate relief, anJ, in a majority of oases, will effect a radical eure, QtJMr M.D SORB THROAT are sometimes extremely mallgnsnt and dangerous, but a timely application of this liniment will nerer fall to cure. SfRAIS are sometime, very obstinate, and en largement of the Joint. Is liable to occur tf neg leetfd. The worst case may be conquered by this Llotmrnt In two or three dsvs. BRV1SES, CUTS, !l'0l,DS, SORES, VUERS, BVRSS, AKD SCALDS, yield readily to tha won derful healing properties of DR SWrErS IN FAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Also, LIHLBLAIKS, FROSTED FEET, AKD IS1ECT BITE1 AKD ST1SGS. i)R. BTEPnEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. BTEPJTEN BWEET, OF CONNECTJCpT, Is known all over the united states. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." DR. BWEETfl INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEEPS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures IIcAdahelmniedlate)y,andwasneer known to fall. DR. BWEETB INFALLIBLE LTNIMENT Affbrds immediate reltef for Piles, and selJom falls to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache In one minute. DR. BWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuts and Wounds Immediately and leases no icar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Ii the lit remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT His been used bj more than a million people, and all praise It. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LlNIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is trull "'" friend In need," and every family should ha.e It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Ii for sale by all Druggists. Price 23 and 60 cents A rrlend lu Need. Try It. DP. SiVFEVS INFALLIBLE UMMENT, as an external remedy, Is without a rival, and will Alle tAte pAln more spceutiy ihAn Any other prepara tion For all RheumatlcandNertousDlsorderslt Is truly lntAllli'Ie, And, as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. Ac , Hi soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder And astonishment of all who hste ever gtren It a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed bj It within the last tu o years, attest Ihe fact. To Horse Owners I DR WEFTS ISFALLIBLE LINIMEST FOR tlUUSkS Is unr I tailed by any, and In all oases of Lameness, arising from sprains, Bruises, or WrencMug, its ettet-t Is magical And certain. Har ness, or MtUUe (.Alls, BoraUhes. Mange, ke , It will also cure speedily. BpaWn and Ringbone msy be easily preente4 and vuredln their Inclplentitages, but confirmed cases are bet ond t he possibility of a rauicaicure. no ciib ui invKiutu owcter, is so desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated I y this Llutinent. ami Its faithful application will al ways remove ine lameness, anu enauie rne nurse to tm el with iomparAtlre caic. PR, SW E F.T' 1 INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TUB SObDlUK'H KHIKND, And thousands hat e found It truly AFRIENDINNFLDI Ask for "Dr, Sweet's Infallible Liniment," and tskeno other. Be not deceit ed by uuprlmlnlcd dealers, who will try to palm oil some other article ou which they can make a little more profit, 1 be ttity cent bottle contslns three times as much as the twenty cent bottle, and Is much the cheapest IO OU). II) 11 Cautlou, To aroll Imposition, obsene the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on eery label, and alio "Stej hen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown lu the kUi f ch bottle, without which none sre gcuulue. RICHARDSON h CO, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct, MOnGAN A LLFN, General Agents, 40 Cliff Street, New Vork. 17 Bold by all dealers everywhere, no 11 ly PR H1V1 1 i -1 -Wfl4jlJ .Id ' -- i kOlUf .iMSteM. oltlL.! 1 '.aaassssssssr ' aaK tmWkW sTt f 4. sn"' " I W lit' , IsTTi- ntin-T. - t ,ti. ,t f H inir i t ,, s.l. X Ot tl t i Iff ) a - 4. j .. i .. aflWAP it'itwnT i -i RAILROADS., ' i i ii .ii i ) , i ' i ra iji in f i rnm?kfab1lVl' Tin CAMDEN AN& AMWYAND'HflCABKL. -rniA'AWO TllKnTUn lAIl.lWAaltWWmrA" 1 atlfassaf t mm ai a -ml .if. Jusla-i WKrnrp$Tos$rM k.H. aissma nmMmwm .H.mnwn hv j. pal. WILL LaUYI AS' FOLLOWS Til I Fife. A.M,laQdiUAmboy CkA. Accommodation $3 9S e AjM..lalmtaaiiaakeiaetavCltr'-New Jersey AoeommotUtton' -.. S2Sl At B AJM.vuKensinrtonudJrneyi.ityr A.N aT . Moralft MorfttMMaUt - - - ) At MIiP.MHraCaiad&andAmboT--Aeeon raau " ' w t. t 'moiatlOD - - 3.30 At 1 P. M , Tla Camden and AmboyC. aad ' A, Express J so At -4 P. M ,VU Camden and lersey Cltf - KreningKKpresea umi . a. r sxw At : 4 'P. M- Via Camdeei lad Jersey City Sd Class Ticket - 3( Al t( P. M , Tla Keaslngton and Jersey City V KTftnfnrMallw S0o At 19 P. MJ.tia Kensington and Jersey Cltyi At S P. M ,ria Camden and AmboyAooonv modatkm (rreleat and Passenger - 1st class ticket - 3Jrf Sd clae ticket - 1X0 Tha SU P. M. Line runs dailr. Rindava sxeeoted. The l P. M. southern Mall run daily. . - VaY U NtS4la-V n "ror urmoi, rrenion, sto' nt t i an ji m MdO.s.soand 11 P. MjfromXenslngton. and Vi rM.irtjni vvaintitairvv wnari Foe Bristol and Intenaediste Stations st 1IJ( A. n .irom neaiinrraTir. For Palmyra, Itlvsjrton. Delaneo, Mveriys Bur UngtonJ I torenee, Bordeniown, Itc at 2Ht h and ft V P. M. ' ' a , ' Bieamnoas iTenionf ior noranrown ana inisr mediate statloait lit 1MP.M. from Walnut street wharf,' i - i e 1 EJ For new Yonr, anu way unee tearing Ken sington Depot, take the Care Fifth street, abore Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run into the Depot, and on arrlral of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed eaeh pas enren passengers ere prohibttec, from taking anything as Baggage; but their wearing apparel. The Company limit their responllblUty for Bei irer niiy pounas, ip ne paia ior caira. r limit thalr resnonllblUt v for Barrare to One Dollar per pound, and will oof be liable for UI ima iAuar er ouiKieiuiv win out va uawt iur anr amount berond 100 Dollars, sntaent br special contract. WM. H. CMTZMFR, Agent. ap xa TITUVTKR AnRAWOKMENT. FblladelpUla, Wilmington aud Baltimore a A I L R O A D On and after MONDAY.1 NOV. 19, 1841, PASSE QER TBAISS J.J t'Et PHILADELPHIA ' For Baltimore, at l.W a. id , MS a m , II 35 a. m , t Enreia.i and 100 n. nx. -orCTieiter.at8.l5a. m',11 a m,affandl0 60 For Wilmington, at I a. m , 8.15 a. m , 11 M a, tn .ItSand tooOp m. Fur New Castle, at 8 15 a. m. and 1 4d p. n. For Dover, at 8.1S a, m, and J 45 p m. For Mtlford, at a 15a. m. For Salisbury, at 8.1a a. m. T&AlhS FOR PJHLADlLTltlA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 a m, (Express,) I 05 p IO , lsJ-Apraraisl, I.V IIUU I ( 1U , .Airicslsl , Uare Wilmington at 7 W and 11 IS a. m ,4 15, a J, ami a ou n in. Ia e Salisbury At 3.15 p m. Leave Mllfonl at ,M p. m Leave Dover at 1 a m.andeMOn ra. I h j Kaw Casstla al 1 1 a. tn. and 8 10 n M. Leave Chester at 8.) a. ra , 11 16, 4 60, and 9 so p tu. c Leare Baltimore for Salisbury and IntermedUte stations at 0 90 and 7 p m j for Dover and loterme oiAie siAiions, at 1 nop m. TBAISS FOR BALTIMORE retire Chester at 8.45 a. ra . 17 OS and HMD Leave Wilmington at 4 a. m., 1 76 a. m , 13.35 p m , and 17 a n, FRKIOHT TBAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows Leave Philadelphia, for PerryvlUe and Interme diate places, at S 10 p m. Leave Wilmington, for Pertyvllle and Intermedi ate blnces, at 7 10 p ra. Leave Baltimore, for Havre d Grace aad Inter mediate stations, at a a, m. ON SVS DATS ONLY At a SO a ra. and 10 60 n. m . from Philadelphia to Baltimore . At 7 rrorn Baltimore 10 rniiaueipnia. Tha a xt a. m Train from Phtladelnhla to Balti more n 111 ma dally, Moroats rcxrrrrcn. 0 at x r isivn, JanT-tf President. FIR DOS TOW, VIA NEWPORT AND ALLKlHl. ,; By thesplendUand superior steam- era Hi . 1 Paurut.cs.nrnr. STATK.BAV STATE, and UTATK of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to tlie navigation of lJnjr Island Sound, runnlnt In eonneetlon wllh the (all rii er and Old Colony railroad, distance of 65 miles only to Boa ton LeAt Pier No. 8, North rlrer, near the Battery. Ihe steamer kMPIRK srATF, Capt. Brajlon, Mondays, Wednesdajs, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock P, M .touching at Newport eaeh way. The steamer MITROPOL1S, Cayt. Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdajs, at 4 o'clock P. M , touching at Newport each way, These stesmers are Uttedwlth commodious state rooms, and every arraugement for the security and comfort of passengers, who are afforded by this route a night's rest ou board, and, on arrlral at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A M , by w hlch they may reach Boston about 8.46 A baggage master Is attached to each steamer, who melt es and tickets the baggage, and accom panles theeime to Its destination A iteamer runs, la connection with this line, be tween JrAllrltcr and Prol lence,dally,except Sun dais. Freight to Boston Is forwarded through with great dispatch by an x press Train, which, lea. es all rtt er et er) morning, Sundaj s excepted, at 1 ; o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination t about 11 A M, For freight or passage, Apply on board, or at the ofilce, on Her No. J, North rher. lor state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or If desired to secure them In advance, to -.- . WM. BO RDF N, Agent. I aug 17 If 70 aod 71 W est street, N. V, W XCBTf NORTIIW1CHT, AND SOUTH- TO CIVILIANS, OFFICFR BtNDS-MEN. SOLDIERS, AND OtllHlS. ' THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running inrougn passenrer lraimirom ald ington to fhc OMo rltcr, without ehAOge cf cars lUih at 11; a. m. andfiu ni . and ottfcrs srrLater In- dm.en.enls to the tratellngpulllo that any other route, vii 1 CJIrI, 11 rAitr, LI S3 CHANGES OF CARS, CLOSFK CONN Cl'lONS, AND QUICK R TIMF. This Is the only route that check 1 bAggsga from WaaMnfT-tnu cllvlo the West. Tickets sood until uned 1 and naiaeiiffers hate the prlUlere of laving; over at anj point 00 the route. rasseilgeri prutjuritia ihstii uj- iuiiiuuic.ihic thedelat AndexpensebfOniiilhuBlrHnsft'r. " IOMFMBI R THE ONLV OFUCF to procure tickets. Is at the depot or B. fc O R. R iWu'e receh ed at any hour during the daj , and no ciiarjfe for handling baggAge. augTO tf CAFRTYi 8PKRD, AND COMFORT. FOR BOSTON. WOICFSTER, PAIMrR. FITCHDURG, NASHUA, LOW I U CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN- ILRMLDIAIK POINTS jijr-", THE new And staunch iteamrrsof .TrW t!'9 Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS- lufaamlLlTY OFNLW lORJt, IcAte New otk dally. (Sundays excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p m., from Pier No, 30. North Hit er, foot of ritry itreet, OR NEW LONDON. Tliere connecting with the Steamboat Express Train for the above points, vto Norwich and V"tor cester, Bostou and Worcester, Worcester and Nashau, and New London and Northern Railroads. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Information, inquire of E. S. MARTIN, my.2tj tf Agent, on the Pier, "pVANS 4 WATSON'S l'JIIHWLrlllA, SALAMANDm, F1R' AND I1UHULAB FROOF1 SAFES. s.ore.M soul.. Fourth .1r..tUjli))aiI)a Order, received ty w. D ,1IrPIIFrin Corner of Boventh and Ostrerls, 11 asoinsiua, u u. Jan ll-ljr AC A 11 U eTlie undersigned beys leal e lo In lorrahta friends .ml the imlilla lli.t lie hi. Uiuelit th. lolerr.t of Nat. lline.' BJiRllns aud . . . . a l....l.ll.t. ... Un Jlllli..nlli.lM.t )lAlrlressingesiaDiisiimeni,no near the corner ol u. ( ine i-aieoi uiuoc,! where he Hill conllnu. to carrronlhe Shailng and H.lreuttlng liuslness la the latest str le. Thankful lor past fal on, be would solicit a share of tke putille patronage. Fartluular attention ritil toeuttlne ehlldrcn'J bslr. V11I.I.IAW b. enaiiilAn de t-lm' CTHieiUD LOCK HOSF1' a&a0lU TALa ESTAVUsnnrae mttoh rwvm ejvAraKaT THE Off LT PLACB WRKOSLA CBBE CAM KOiTAlKED- DR JOJiaST0abaaAtoMTeidtlM laMt Cer. t'. t?MsW mbA oeaT JWbslisalj HemaaW, tfce World for Wekess,of it Bask er SJmtm, Mrie turef.AffeetloaioLe) klUeys hmAjmtmm la voluntary Mecharaaa, limtMsr, tteeri Jksbtu ty,Nsrrousnese, Pyssjafsu. tsnisar.iLow JpSrlts CMfusloa of Idsas; TOiuU-moT ta HeasVXim Uty, TremWlnn, iflmsMM fit 4Hh r QkWmu, awaw of thn Head, Throaty lS.eoe W,Z tat of the Lungs, Momaeli or Iwwrela UoesiTer rlbsa UsorJers artsisat from the frfUtatta ol ToutMhoM acenrri And eolltary Hiilliis not Atal to their yletlna thaa ttetfaacotayMSMtii Dm Msrlners 0 Utysae, biTghSig blt ascartebrth llant nones or anflrit)atlona.rKlerlne strltt. T:v&VNoi,Rk".,,.Tw'i Eiteeiaiir. wno itava Deeom ijm rvietissa r Roil- tary .Vlea, ihati dreadful -and 4strurtlre"hAMt wtnen annnaiiy evweepa 10 aa wmmejy rrare iaou SeUMta: of a nun Men of th moat Mte4 taleate and trltllant Intellect, whe might Otherwise bare entraaaedllatealnr desmtea witlilJe tkii&eiefaor eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the living lyrj may call wllh nill confidence. mil ! ,.jf . i) MARIAOliETrifir-aJ Mart ted Persons, or Young Men aeoatesapbUIng raarrlaae belna awara ol ohraleal irrsknsasi nr. ganlo ileblUtr, dtformltUs, SaCj, peedlly eured.v ne wno pmrca atniswji umw ma oaep or sir. J. mv relhriouely eonflde la his hoaoe as aftwatleman, aMtWAAtkaUy rely upon hlaaklltaanstiiyitelui - OROAMIO WKAKNIM "i Immediately Ciired And FuB Tlgoi-BestbreA 1 1 This Dreadful DHaaewarkleiv iVnittrra' riftiMLfa. erable and NairlAgv Imnosstblelathti bcniiiy paw oy ine ricnms di improper iwnigencee. VaunsTtiersoaiaretoo int ra MBnrlt MMttM fmm not being aware of the dreadful consequence that Ml MM. VttTJ Wtin that mAtrtnfAm thsa .K- Ject will pretend to "deny that the ptiwvr nf procre- .m.k I. r.lllla " niit(n euvuTi vj suun acauiiisj miu mpruPCr hAblta thaa hr tha twudeatl BMlda prlred tho pleasures of healthy onprtngTUie nin seiioueand destructive symirtottstobctthbwly'snd mind arise. The system beeomet deranrM'Jhe FhvslcAl and Mental Functions Weakened .Lnta ni procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Driiwp sia. Palpitation of the He arVfrtdlreitton, Coriifl tutlonal DeMlltyi m Wasting oftherrame, CougLi, Consumption! lie. nJrr M ' OFFICE HO. 7. 3UUTII FREDERXCE ITBCGT. Left hand sldefeolar from BalllmoMtjta. a r. doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. , , ,fi a-,.,. Letters must ne tald and contain a alamn m. Doctor's DIplottAshsag In his offloe, j DR. JOHNSTON, 4 Member of tho Rovat College or StitMnna iri..b.. Kaduate from one oftke most eminent Colleges la e United atates, and tha Rreaterpartotwhose life has been spent in the hospitals or London, ra rli, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the' most astonishing cures that were eter Mown 1 nan KvuittruwiiuruiginginTaeneaU and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being Alarmed at auddea sounds, basbfutnessa with frequent bios h Ing, attended sometimes with a derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. " TakA PartleaTar Xattee t Tie. 1. addresses all those who bara Inlurasl (kam. selves by Improper Indulgence and solitary .Habits, which ruin both body and mind, untitling tbem fur cither business, study, society or marriage. Tnxst are some of the aad and melanehelv effects produoed by earlr hatdta or youth, vlii Weakness of tha Back and Limbsj ralnatn thallaait. rMmn.s. of Mrht, Loss ofiMusoulariPower, Palpitation of Uaaiican, ivj priasta,nrvuairritapiiiij-, Derange ment of the IXjrcittt e runctlons, General DeblUIy, symptoms of consumption. ManTALLT. The feaiful effVotson tha mind are much to bodreAded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of vnirlts, rli Forebodingi, Aversion to Society, Belf-IHstruit. Lore of Solitude, Timidity, ko., are aome of lb evils produced. Ihousandaof persons of all ages can aow Jnuga what IsthecAUieof their declining heaith toeing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance abM.t the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. YOUNG MCN, , no nave Injured themseli n by a certain prut lee Indulged la when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the ekeets of which are nightly felt, even when atleap, and If not cured renders marriage ImpoMlhle, and destroy both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parent a, should be matched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by Ihe oonsequenee of deviating from tha path of nature and Indulging In a certain secret habit, luch persons mcst, before contemplatlag MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and" body1 are the most necesssry requlsltee to promote connubial happi ness Indeed, without these, the Journey through Hfe becomes a wearr pilgrimage the prospect hourly darkens to the view 1 the mla4 anailuwed with desoalr. and Ailed with tha melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be- 04jmea uuauicu nw uur wwia.r r DISKABfi OF IMPRUDENCP. When the misguided and Imprudent rotary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often happens that an Ui-tlfcwl sense of sname, or oreaaoi aiscorery, ueters mm frpm appliing to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. lie falls iniOinnn(iiwui iguuriut mw ucaiKniug iircirati- ers, who, Incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep htm trifling month After month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair lea. e him with ruined health to sigh ot er bis railing disappointment f or, by the use of that deadly poison, Mcrcum hasten the constitutions I symptoms of this terrible disease, sucbae Affection of the Head, Throat. Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rspldlty till death puts a period tu his dreadful s uttering by sending him to thAtun disco, rred country from whose bourne no traveler returns, KNDORSEMFNT OF THE PREI The many thousands cured at 'this Institution within tha last eighteen years, and the numerous Important Surgical Operations performed by Dr Johnston, witnessed by the reporters or the Sun" and many other papers, notices of which hare ap- Ceared again and again before the public, besides Is standing as a gentleman or character and, re sponsibility, Is a sunt (.lent guarantee to thr af flicted. , SKIN DISEASFS RPFEDILV CURED. 1 Persons writing should be particular la directing their letters to his Institution, In theJbllewlug manner: JOHN M JOHNSTON. M D, UMtlmore Lock Hospital, dec 15 ty Baltimore, Maryland, pLAIMS AOAINBTtlNtTKD STATES. FINLEYBIGGEn.OAte Realster of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLrS K. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will derote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demands against Ihe United states, growing out of the pres ent war, including the Accounts and Claims ol States, Contractors, and Disbursing OOloersi appli cations for the restoration or property Illegally seised or csptured, and for compensation ror the use or private property ror Government purposes, and for damages for the Injury of such properly I y the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty landsi aud for distributive shares of moneys paya ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contractor a and others. 1 hey will also gtre legal advice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional ageals tn llti- Saled cities) and prepare written arguments when est red Willi non reshleut Agents who may send them claims, an equitable division of commissions will be matte. " Undisputed Demands will l-e collected and rromplly remitted for a commission of from a halt o two ami a half per cent , depending on the aiuounti and negotiations with the Departments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charrvs, long ex lerieiit.e, aud a minute knowledge of the ex laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, they hope lo render their sen ices usciui to viaiuanis aoupuwie creditors. Reference maybe made to members ot Congress, atuiottioeraoi the Uotemmeutt and esneclallr. by permlsslonttotbeHoa..LiiiiAWiimLLac,Hrsl Ldmitrollerof the Treasury. ,. AUureiS messrs. muur our ivu.., Washington, D C. nasi.. fAf- ia ttt atsiABt naa. Ti..iiini anil Wll lards' llolel. "or -io. fjnOl'OSAIJl FOR HAY. ' Sealed proposals are Int lied until the th d.j- of Deccmhvr. ItM-t, for furntshliig the fiiiuslstence Do iitirtinrnt at Wlhlnton, l. t, Willi too toot ol )AY, Inhales , Thenret delivery lo he commenced on or about the Oth day of Janu.rr, IBCS, and the whole guan tlly put In within thltlydsjs front the Out dellt- Vhe hay to be delivered at Sixth street wharf and to be welshed end Inspected. llldders must state, In their bids, the price per 1,000 pound, at which lliey wilt furnish the ll.l . Firms ru.ktntr bids must state Ihe nsnies of all the p.rtit s lutrresled. .... ...... Payment to be made la certificates of Indebted ae...or.uch fund, as the U.veiuuientm.y hale for ulstrlbullon. Bid. tu be directed lo Col A. DFCKWITH, A, D. CmU'tU.a.A, Washington, U, a, and en dorsed " Proposals for Hay." de II G. V. (JOODAJ.r, FLUMSEn, OA8 AND STEAM FITTER, 604 &nlA ilrwf, near Conol Uridyl, smN0TON. 0J All orders executed at Ihe shortest notice, lojj BIOSI SUUSlani l.l m.lin.r, irnwnu,i pcrson.l allentlnn lveo to eiery dcpartciei the business. DH. ItOClAVOOD eantluues th. "Tirae tlcof lciillstry,la the Wuhlnglon Building, corner Fennsylranla aienue and a.r.nlh .trerl. Having uracil. ed In the South nearly .lateen i e.r. he feel, assured that he can give satisfaction to any that ui) sail. , . - (ecih Inserted on Vuloanlla, Rubber, nnaa Plate. Lbloroforui adulnlstereawheifMeilrea'' I augl-K ' TIAI.T0I4MUD