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6- Tbc W3 kesmklU IroeiatP-mat t,(tliiuir.) KCXPTIOM. pt that the public re ef the United Btatw kommeace t twelve tin conformity with kte.oftheenclo.ure ftton will terminate Itly. Carriage, will rTanJirflrr'ny the cast IV APPROPRIATIOMt. Hlowte, Ju.l before the current recti', a bill for the .npport of the arm y for (yut commanctnf on the let of July next, tlelr .appropriation, which may be itatcd l-snober. at .even hundred andulty i ot dollar. The Ilonae 'pent about fan heir on the bill. 'There w no dltcnt- itoa. either on It detalla or on the aggregate, The bill came from the Committee of Waya ad Mean., not accompanied by any report, i nor were there any Ttrbal explanation! of the I gunner In which It la propoaed to ralae thla t anm or .even nuaarea ana sny miuiont. tad U cental view, upon the TiegoniMwar. ineTacnur " tinlTarial and nmfonnd It ,T "" " - .... .Uh.vM .. -.. ixate. as nil oruert cicany inuicaic, ni cornier alhat this appropiiatlonbUlUulTcr with hunger rathef than touch a ieceth , jj, - . Trttemnr. to aaylt.that there , ntelllgent conalderatlon myvhm rt of .war It w 1U b. expedient, or ' UeeaudnrtuB the rear commenc roaecut.nuringiiieycarcommcnc-1 t aIJk-iimI IC ll.a M.inlttAn .1.... i 't or July next, If the rebellion thai! 1 by that time, we venture to aay ...deration of IhoM question, haa Uberattly-undertakcnfliher by rrcal- dncoln'a Cabinet, the Commlitec of Wayt .hi .la.a.aa. ll.a 1. t ai a,.. n Ufj ilrKXia. Ur HIT Iiuurii H l IIM), I ll I Iim waVtlat thl. .fororrlatlon hill ha. been made 1 I W P . . . . nn If la idm arrritrtnn nf I til rttttlm .lfa of of bureaus ln the War Department, ' . ... .. . .... ' hums oy routine, and upon the inula or an as ,,.a...-k.. V.ui . -.- -1 unieJ number of toldlen to be employed. Ititlnthla way that it great nation la to I gorrrned T la our auVtance to be devoured al i.t. -. .1. ... . !. ctart.ln.nexecntlve.lenartmentll.Con.ret, ti ruic Duoii tun mere uicia oi irrt-BiKiuniuie . Lft , . - . . .. If abdicate Ita functions as theguardlan - ... cmnclTe in farorof urosecutlnirtli. j .t-aj until it. uiytti ir tax i j.u i ow nital mat II Ita nl.t.At la neien.ll.h XZZ, l,:F I when terslstcnce In the war will not Vartjulwencc in the sueccsitof l It does not follow, her use Irosecutod, that there can be ftnd discussion s to the great bach money we ran raise In any wcutlng the war, and how in uch sroJUaHjf expend In anv ono thai txpt mling money a ,lng from waging an tfftcUttitar. ! also, that no matter how Urge umayoe, mry mm auoensea kiy of the Trea.ury can ral.e L. Inherent In executive agen- i money they a e tupplled that the condition of the i piury expenditure for the i ighalf ,heroo,.n?or,h.,id.ergnW.l.o,ha,oracommon.lave.c..c.,er.,erm,orhU rdcat. he cannot go u Sei Or- Ind w. believe, .Im, that warr llibment. Then 1. 1 great war. In mule to cam on a v Corona. .! -mn ti.n ininTicaM.1. tn.i ..!. . ... .. .. loruiniK uir ..n-..r,ira iuu ui.un.i; an una bo.injt. and w tti ciencnwi ntit no mreatenea . j,.., ....tu ...... va.JU- ui.u.y line tui ue .. uaa.vica uie . tnc eUj amtiorlt re. , , . , ,, , , . l.,i .i ten.emher oflhl. brave cavalier we I co'"1 ol ona t-arouna, I of Intoxlcatlne drink.. ' . I "ranged that from ant or th, m a full vine i.r '' . " "m.r.?.r ,n",....r:..W; ! doubt, anxlou. to wltncal knt In th. hlttory or the will th. Government continue In command "."m 'l . . I lZT,1l 1, Tti "" UVf "" U n,,""nCd' " ""' " ' '' -IhoTJ. .U no "orrfcotery wa. lo... SZ& K r. . .... ... rrctty much at will between tbe armv of the .naaiM,, ...11. e.i.i m .. ..-.tino- ' women and children, wl ?i'.ior snen enormous ai- an officer who ooeniv ditohev- the artteies or ;. . . ---..- 6-... .,-.- r...vv. ,...,.! .. i,,..i '. "rprlatloa. aa are costalhed Thtr. It even reatotl to believe, that hair the ( CXXndltur. will brlni about larger nraetleal tnslla. ' Tbtpuiagt, by the Senate, or each a bill at Jia passed the noMelwlll he a damaging, jerhapa fatal blow, to tie public credit. ' - Tha bUl, If we trace It back, will be found to rest upon no authority. The Committee otlthlt. if, at th outbreak, th Gottrnment hul w , j. . -.u ., ti-.(:vu mumiwi iuuv- n.l Viieili.. avaMl.aJ a !. t Lin mxrfrttnjiggiqi that of adding up Us thev come to him ats. The Secretary f. .wiy. .u u...u all this, Is the kicA n-OM can tfo SnDDl ny the excite law, In quaniltlct 1 ate of the people of ll.e Die .ia .1 . c... a. a .. a-..,' c. a . I nd pf IL State. eAt of the iU neraon. vilrhln the D.. T. . . .vpealtad guilty of II- .a.aStimini Lereafier HUM. ur loilll Drovldel in the nt. Ilerron and tha Arkan.aa al llho Arkaniat at tUCl. a COUtllllon ii of New Viar's torewinonin ricR. Sm X iiMfaht),l t HL-V for ii. 1 0 In ?TW? ed t.l.toricalac- rlecl. for.heril,. . A' I UntTfuCtS 7rt In Infro to t PJHurhles. . , wilt ti4 em-m w vMpo llhat iillty her., gau. loan tor. of k . . I WCTi- L not ees f. rmKBKIUCK ITKKLK. iMfMbwiit aUtcmsit with refer. to tbli etBcer la the corre.poa.denc. of the Chicago Vftvne. The author write, from the Held end beict hie itatamenti on hie own per- ton.lcbterv.t.oni - I hare ttld that the newt of Oenerel Steele'. erldcnce had reference to the enemy", more .upeTtedur. i waa received with i eurpriw, but It m on ,,,,.., n(130thof which waa with Hill greater gr.tlncatlon. Tlie feeling " . ' ' . of thearmJwMweUCTpmaed bv a remark they had ontllanked our.rmr, and come be- tmit In tna h . .al.v nfflrr. "All rh.nt-. I.-...-I Ma Cnrnaa a-i.l Itinaa nf flan . Pnrf AV. """ v "" v .":"' --- ..---y -"- riUK I1IIU Willi liuni u tiur ui uui ouipii ow -la k.l.A tlt. tl ill b A AH ah a i a- ah 1.1 aha aM I cera. None deny Mm fair ebllltlaa at a Oeld officer, and yet but few hire conndence In him. Ilia record la acalntt hint and It la a record inlchTlulheSlaToflSuBloil: brin"uhl It, and to hold It autject to the claim of their fonner matter. I He alto rendered It exceed- I'Hj iruiti uiwe nimiiiiii taittru Inrrlv dlfflcuit in nroenre clolhlnz for thcin. and la tor ine oeuer." aaia ne. ai a niainci com- . kn.w ,,.,. (lh. ..,,.) ,, wa., n.i own m i.c.ur.c. i.r ..., u,,. ...-1 . ,-.."" ',,, .- h. "a, ..mra'cllon onb tothircbi who , V ". W'. - teatlGrf to the , Pt..on and It ha.Ucn .pun pur. n , yarn. , , , , ,. ?hTocr Steele 1.' In enir unpopjir "l h ' .' "" "?'f- "c "'? , . vT, nncd In our t.rllT, 140 thread, to the .qnare on .hlpboard waa apeedll, brouRht Into roquM. .and, glre I he Stat, a grand lol.f of ninety theYrniT andlh fn,!? Hon, and amort powerful battery of loreneUcathou.aud. and ncSancntlr wouldK ? hailed wiin n. ''ril.'"''' f Morell'a JWtlon. He waa qui lnch- , , ,, , waa levelled at the burning reaaei In an Incred. ' The Ootcrnor ayt that hehaa longheencon- JSffiyoTh I dU t. ."count ?olr tloucd a. to .ho march from Kelly'. Ford to , ""' ' ""'"" 'M ' IuMt abort apace of time? M.ltera were h- t need ,h., .he material In.erc... of the 8,... thla auta or reellnr let me rlro .ome of the i -... -. t ... .....i ... - ,i.i. In thla conn ry than In England, a our average com ni "no belter t cry tin," and the tpccnla-' of Mlaaourl would be advanced by aubMltntlng more oivlouaiwnt. E Warrenlon Jnnetlon. II. atated thai on thU ' ? ,. ,,, .,, wllrf.,,Vcre a- manifold I free for .lave labor, and reeoraraend. a plan hj lie la lnirnlelrnroUlirerv In 1.1a focllnmi . rnnle, the portion of the army to which he be- """' " ' aa .nbllme, and aa rldlculoue a. exciting. I which the children of .lave, born after the paa. It 1 1 lu-ccptlMeoVproof iL. under hi S:' longel waa much fatlgue.1, and In need of pro ",'",,1,0,, , , , , , . Hut the TAwla of the excitement w. ,aage of an act ahall be frcet but are to remain il,i;5?ZY!Jl::?tiM I ....... .r- ....... .. ... t. . .... i..t. With tllglu (l.ugea In our macl.luery wecan . f.,., unll. th. ,aullv hove In .lht i under I ho control of their mother, until ther returned to their rebel maatcra. Notwlthaland- V . r.t . ... r .of,,kr i,., -i.i. I pln Burma Into all numbers from 0 to SO. It another burning "cmcI, which came Into view . have arrived al .a .certain iage. The ownera to SfflbectofConlrm.raniceln dcula of the bailie oftheSOihofAngu.t.gMng '..,..,,.,..,. ,tr,v0 4n ...1 at the tight or Ita Ill-fated male, aa If to con. I bo compentated for the dlmlnlihed Taluooflho of AMcan deW 5S?S lu hi aerTlwor H't varlou. dl.poallloua of hl.o.o and other can 1 ardlv be ue.l from No. .fl lo No. 40, am i. ,,, , for ibt;hmm nf ,he I. late molhera after they are lhn rendered In- ?he Unf'ed "SSS 'HmJum ll reglmcuu of IhV Flrat brigade of Morcll'. .11- fr ' "" f n,4 te MmX " , V""", " " J"""" ""? , ?Ih?taUtI?'. the rate often dollar. Tx-r month he bra nub- rifim .ht.h in it.. tw.., Mil,..i..l , pracllcilly uvlcaa. I fiulon of Ideia among the crowd, that ended In During the of the emancipation lthed trter InrtSIJleS hlnCalnatcf tn . ' w,,1,Ich,WA, ln, ' ,e fW"" an""",a Ibelletc from . Ihomutl. en cumlnallon tome very .muting conjeolnrci .a to wht Uncatlon the Governor aaya that the Legtalatura iSSfi'iTrif! J??I?flM. .".. !".'V'I..i. Ihen'ucUngforccoftheenemy at 10,000 m on. 'T.. V.'. ?,.?!. ' ... I.....X mlhi he ihn c.n.e if the cala.tronhe. There cannot conttltutlonallr adopt anv acheme bv n uiuiuiu tuin Inc6n.ennence,many.nffercd for the nccci,"' "''7 "'"";: :"7,ll and cll.natei and however much the I aarica or lire. I mjseu know oi more man io actuaUTdled Iromnant and Marvo- one who Hon lie haa en, and 1 Terr carcfwl and f-...t..iK i ,ti.i.i. i. .i. . tena ; TeM vn?inT. ,,,, , , . nacrcd tn.njr not to do pouuica ur tiieioucnor ... . r! .... i...... .h ..... union aoioiera. unaruing rcoci property is ot yet done with hWc, and Oen. Steele would , hog, turkey or chicken. Xo officer, tuna mind- and dic(li can popular wllh thlt army I 0f practical abollllonltia. But thl. It not .11. Undtr pro com-, mandera, It waa exceedingly dlBlcnlt for till-' obtalnpuaca within onr llnea. Day i . .. .. . . ..a .' after day, I have ttood In front of Col. Vault- iv. 1.V.U.IU....VI., iuu aiti. mt" mm '- ." i thelrhoine. .core, or hungry who be wught him fcr permlttlon to procure a few of I the bare necestarlca of life. Though l.anh, , thla roller waa producthe of good. It kept .nl.a . tllA..W aHWI llttaiat rttl.1 t at 1 1 j.1-1 . t til. A tU.ntlA eirivi n huuui vui Hum taiiti inuiui (tit- iii it -it .omethlng of the power and "irength of Hie , I Oovernm?nU Bnt with the coming or r.cncral In. ...!.... . 11.1 1 waa rendered aicaty aa though uo ar were - ....1 ti.--. . .i7. i. i.i- . 1 iu-iwwiiiwiiiiiw.,mn- alnir the OoTcrnmcnt,whoe aid they wcro com- 0 twk ,n ordcr ,0 flToia tlar(atloiu No oath of allegiance was asked of them, Tor that would tie an Insult. Only a simple affirmation that Ihelr Dnrehasm were for tbelr own use. .: "... .... 1"'!,,W.' irr, PV "J ' So untrammeled was this traffic, fo caiy oTac-1 b'i itu'aun.m i-",1' '"-''" I morning l naroucen puzieu,aiwaikconiong nr - .rnM,.iUi v.n ipnnt iAi0irmiia niiih 1 n a., naliu An tt.A.ii.1l.a I a. ll.n mr.-nm I iitttni, iiicutiiuiuu.tii, uu iitv naine, iu lilt Ptun r, i - ' to aay, that the former restriction hare again if - cn applied, and it Is now once moro almoM impossible io cnier our nnes irom wiiuom It with no desire to Injure Ocn. Steele that '. hare thus written, 1 ut sliuph to account for the nndcniame fact or his extreme unpopularity with the array. In addition to the above, we hare It from ( most reliable and trustworthy authority that Cen. Steele so construe! the "article of war' , added by the last Conirress, relative to the nn- dition of fugitive slavea comlug within our lines, as to authorize any and all officer-. In command to capture and niiirn, bj virtue of their office., ilave.n ho have etcapel from their clalmanta, If tuch officer! do not use the men under their command ror lhal purtwsei and I that he openly boatt. that he hlm.eir ei Jew, o,aiiliel!J (Jo m ejtln and ojom, thut violating hi. oath and prottltutlng the office of a brlga-, It I. the exeute or hit friend, that he only der him unfit ror the dutltt or hit portion I ? From tha N.tboal Republic an, Dec. 30, llvl. TnCBLOw Weed, editor or the Albany Rtn ing Journal, writing to that paper from Wah- lDfir0S,J!ty,,i . ai a . xtmMwflSMSS0 ,(" . -"- "--V "". - -- - i rIMi tttini ilJllii iftnnur M.A muMiiiiI i ;JVJ'.., ..,... - ... ' -".:."?..... ... .. ..;... ."" '-"""" uu"r' "" """" ' ,i.,cd , UD lDMn.d ..,. an,i ,h, .call to for .evcral minute, to annihilate u. .11. Tbn'K01"K'.oPr". Mm" utvi.1.11. i..;.... : 1-otomacand wasiungtou. lay before tester- n.,rir tt thoaiand neraona. The nroseenlum. "VJ L'rx .F-"""t!r ,u ,ui. will. 1 n.r, buu tu .ui:u Date. U UI.VU IU Itl. IfretaryoftheTrcas.tfounials have Kent the Confederates mlnntelv and seawnabh Informed The neater the vie- jyjhJ",""", This sastraniredoctrne. andsonndiuuccr ly to Republican cars t lUnk that had the government appolnle 1 able p-ineralt, und cpe- Vi'. J. MtRTanu & Co i Haling I erome tho IU roiwhlvnauiejiedanl ralufnl M ikeenorttof t0"" D '"'' -"' ra'nrnl, i lie en Ml of a ".epnoni an i i . r 10 -on i roa I can ov r tn. . It... r.t.. ........ t . .. '"!""""- .....iui.ira.niu, u.u u- "evlne lint in wa the iniidlictori of ancb . ....... ..... ....t. t. . J",uuu,n "" l,"!, .....u .ui...... uium ..ui... than the coinuiand.r. oflhe rebel brigade., 1 t.u,e.oi.(li.ld. If ne.1 he. to all the bcnelltt of a l.epaer rather lhan aid In Ihe r ... i, ............ ....... ,U,,iorl of.n h iittll.nllal akect.. i l,ui, ..nt .., .. I,, ,1 , miller Ti.r trr. . .- .... ......... w. ... .. ....... MCehs pat, but If .iiyihtn.r W due ion fur it, T,ioasc mid In the Mil and Mrlke nn name fnint your sul nt rtj lion 11 n. .1 i', MuTm. We fie Mr F.iMer the brnent of our ...I umn, .0 ventilate I... ie , an I .nnrc.t .hat ahnuldthe (.oiernmenl conclude lo a polul a .... r.i 11.. .... Mr. I..C r rn.l. i .-i ,. cei- ol iUelre..,Mr VoM.r, lint ap I"1"1""''"- A.Mr. .iifiiirroinriirpjpir,wi to In him haw the bcneilt whirl, he und oilur. Ilkehlm nil) derlte fioni lho ir pul llcallon of Ihe paragraph, w hi. h hr tiuole.. K 1.U A ti .r P. A. .11 l.t l.l-A p. t HA..I.1. lA Jaa..l.B " -'l-l--. " v.......,, In Hnrt 11rM.1t Manupiviu nl. a . . . . . ' .. -, Oi n Eiounon of the Star dies not yet com nrilifnl tl.l (l.tful-ariii liluisn irlrlnii lilt I lift -....-.-..."-... i-,....', ,-..- nn r.ciu .win .1 1 uni-ij ,u uii-ur. mhu uu-faucuyoiiiK oi ine inouvf s on 1 nnripie wWch undcrlle or a,e lhe nlmu of the more- nt helf , T,,e '' a""ru thrtt h" Pin Ions Med n t -ee them fll-J Rl TIVL tt la lit I cni-rrr.1 mi-.nll.a nrrn 1 received letter-' Ihrutenlnc b.i.uu. iueueuera. .uowea inese teller, lo ' !""' Jf , 1 . j J. qn,tly "maritea . " ir id 1 0 7h.lMwllll.euf nm'and of thePuTOrtniem 5V?Bailaa4S" mi Hj-.Mv."t wi auiiuiui;!. j lucceiior. In tba command I if you1.ccifiect.aD5' R'crnueuiiiir.Hj , lb r,K,ifon w ould have hen. ub ,.. . , , , , Awhtani Surrcon a. W. Abbott has I ten de- inewoonensiaiH, in wuici. nor. are trans ine amuiuii now inouem io oe near ai duJIi'loTaio!'0" Mlto"M '' " elded, nana ..., upon American aiTalr. from .hoV.ultea ho.plid.ul orlerel "JSWJ''Stfjl?; Plnall. and It iMuppotedthatSemme, mean. Ir ,.111 be .een l.v onr fonli-n net... that OIL T' ' Brllliher. cat. tee no.hlnK good I,. Ihe by B ny vnr.l Ubo cr tor I lie, mat, , h VMtoTaH ,,.. KN.L RrvrsrE I. del! to. Induced .o,e .ll.llu.ul.hed I ren.h I Colon, and .o .he, dclre ll. overthrow, ill " ", , pf,''a"' . ' " . . . . " '" "? , . " ' ??? X ,. . .. - rU the varletlea of minmer. io i.vrr u.e aonii. -io u i. -uu. illir .jmpatl.Ie. are w.ili llioMonili. I . "...,. . ..... .h ,., f.u-hr.. r irnA ni.itn'v in h. n... I ntn initios Cliarlea Henry Fo.ter ha. i (-.a nn i'iiiuu ,......,-...-,..... -.-...-......,......,... .. .i. .it.. i . . i.- till r . ... . null nnn mn nnm nil nn nt iit r rrn i.nnnr am. hara la lit- 1 1 -it trti-. t I I a- n.i in iitp irfiii ritiii tiPHinnr i niiri. ..... .-.. - .......... . . -- .-. . ..... .-..-. , ,, . , . , ..... .. r i a. SSVtlK com- I - - "VTui W''- .ud;,KnVH;:n,::VfmnU.hUhV,K HoTlcri.hereb1Reu,hn.l,;i:Tu?.i.fe.vll.h BV , are ihe only the. i, again.. 1,1. 1. Mr. Foiter, i -"MomU war ri.k. oflniurance fio.n J lo 1 "cU"'n,, ,'" 'f;,,' & i ,ui.liPTn I wea ,-',rl,Ld l"0)''0 ,U "10 '""'M'. "'- the thJ.ntrth,lrty da,.ther.;,',edemption It' '' or,he.,M,I.e,arM,.,.om.laln.. ' prnnl. XMaul"oSm J,' .'"".".".b u IItZVa &Kiffi!XZffh,'"MH" mijmmerce, mo ',,,. Direr. 1 : -N' lrk Ho. W, true lo .he behest, of I arrliil of ihe IMignln, Ihe particular, hating ' ""' !' "?"!' ' ' ' r" fc"' ."", I Cl lionTNo'ia. belwcen tile hour, of 10 fUrflnthorh The .1 " broa.a..o,er Ihe country dl,- ' "". 1"'"'1""' '" f"r " ' S.a,... Ihe.Ame' ?il"n.l. .d7n,n.S' .eenVlt, nmu.eilVl.VmVdV.ilf '" '"'L'ffl AaNP. tal-ute, inthorl le. The Al, , , , , M J. I)aU. blood proclamation Th. IU.I.I f. '". ' '" '', ')fV0r t o ihl be i eu ui or I. arrow, of ridicule in Ihe mlJ.t of ineu who I d.aJi-eol.,. M.raCbrou) X, beS! ndw.,upp.e mu, ,e to . , .U.-M -- pnU.., , ... HUhmond In.tead of & rr t VS !I! !!Sf nev& .Sffl'l. - -" lidtrr i ouitMioinnw .,.... I Hip i.lnee. Alter omt- d.l.j ih. ---- .... initt i'ir it t it 1 1 itti in ibuii iiiti-i en iitui Till rORTKnCOCIXT-MAnTI. TcittUT, December 80. Den. attain vcai continued ti wltnett jh- terday, but wi dlimltted efltr ihort eiaml' ntllon. Brlr. Qeo. RejnoIJ. w. neit .worn, nil ........... .v.vt.-uv.uurv. ....... .-..-.. Wl 1 Tal A 4 V. 1 ttalHhal ftf la ah CreAnitfl rldnltyi which would hare prefcnlcd the free ,.'',. of hli lrooM l , ""'nreuTnug or ma troope. Major-Oeo. Hyland, of the Thirteenth New I amint uiauio uatuic ui iu "" eaa - "ff. lien, sj.cj, commanding a aiviun in Porter - , corpt, appearcl and , .worn. He .... .: ..... .,.... . .?Ti ' . .., . ..'... ' " ' " ' Morcll oud Uutlerfleld, to consider on order brouebl from Gnu l'opc to Torlcr, rtlrectlmr wiwb" """i ". "i iu juii-,1, Hi.iiih Jo : ..', ' . vlof , , , , , , , , : ... ttift r.11fu I tint If u littil Iiw1 Pai1 lilm. i ... .-.. .......-. -.-.. i iclf omweed, a the other cenerali had done - i - 0 .,, ..,,1. - movement before dnvlltrbt. He ' "n VI? V' ?r .. . 'i n! """"" v """ "J "' - m the extreme darkneta of the night, the rondaeu- enmbercd will, warona and the not.lblllir of "crcd will, w awn., and the 1 ly or reaching Ocn. Pope In time, even thonld they alart bv davbrcak) and (ien. Porter, he aald. ' ' ' ,not cd by ll.eae oplnloua uf 1.1. principal . - . t . ...r.leil In n mnln "" h1" "ecu w to rtnia ... The court n.ljonrned till 11 o clock lo -da . . -phi- m.iu.h i.-y.t. riii n-i. hli ii.irmx .. . . , i ji a I Tl,e ' "" examination of (.eiirnl Slget wa. I concluded Al It. .I0.0, an oppnr- . ... a. ,i.,Af.M,in,nh,,i,j ,,.. i a i.uAi.t.,-A tlonof tPftlmony therein, nut be lUMrctl lime . 1 ... 1 .. 1. ... i j . it 10 musiuiT, nun, ncn uv iuuuu any, n- wuiuti iransum mem 10 uicruuri in Mniinjc. Captain Dahlrcn, of Slil's (tair, vtj ex nmined concerning the remark Geueml Mc 'j... ..-.. ................... , rrm a raraaijf imni ciijii uumn v, MCiwncii,; , ir rftI1irillt,.i ,1,- iMiiinnnv nriiU ii.Lr n.tlhUqmatlon thin ny others, on meonnt of . - j'j -i.-..-." -... ...-.......-.- .... r i.A ...-.-- r..,e.iu. . t. - . ... r.iiaej ilurlntf 111 It llnlP TUt court adjourned U a. m. to-dav, KDlTOniAI. 8rM3IAHl . The lrui.ltviurorCiI.irORSiil. dnlded Tnr mebeis ca) lured our for.e. al llolj . sinii;ui . incmnrmuK, iiiirui-; ere n.leep. They eliher killed or captured about 200 men and about 1W e.caped. They burni-d 4,fmo bale, of cotton, WS aeon., and dettroj el or captured about fJJlM worth of Government Horrt, Pierre Sotic Ir nou at Havana. D the lejn. until Iho clote or the war. day they ere at Sandert' toll gate, one and a hair miles beyond Chantlllv, on Little river '""P"- . ., atuxm KiBKLriniTEUatroaa, called the Oto. She rscaped the blockade at Mobile, and is now at Havana We shall soon hear of hfrdcPr,,lUllon8 uPon our comiDC1' Mk. W eet Jenlet that he has fold oci the FhalIwi i .T.. iph.iI - ".j-v....,, Tuc TEicoiurn live Is now In wnl inrr or-1 der to Cape Race. .r , ..., ..... , rut to California, for the treamre, ll a good ens. and we Lone. If the nwt ih Alabama, ,tc will sinL her at onw ahnrll.. It.Klll Iu. -.. I,n..l .-.r... I.n,n.i.r.i i-... commal,a I Tnt ikrQi ext failure of the null, riigueu ' ""' necei.lly of a more direct railroad rui.le lo .... ...t New . nrk. TllF; la.t f..r Ihe ,,.n. a full aeconnl of lheburnineof Ford'. Theatre We hiar.l a dtlren .wearing becau.e ,..... ............. ., ,..., , 111 .t.ih.itnr ru.n lil.n .in pa rl v mitt Inn ..f ..... , -. , ... , ...p. ,----.. .. ...i. ......... ... ..... Hint, I..1K1I several hours befon the fire oc- rurrr.L Ills uraih as un. . r.t I'll ti rn i i vririp.t i n n ..ti.innirii i -. -. n ..... . . .... wi . . ... t .. ... w .-. t. i -. a ii n ., .... V nw , , V . 1..1 . --.-- .. - Mr. (lllnimD.HA.rorimrlyioun.cle.UIIh'dcm.o imputation. Like Wlnnlpcc la largtr I.. e York T,,b,,r hi. ei.lere.luro Ihe, ",nn 'nke Ontario, au.l reiiltia th- 8a.kalih. 1.4 . n rorK inoiwr, nit. ciuercn uron lue i . . . . ;. . ..... ... .... . ,.,, .. ,j( e.lliurl.1 nui.jgtmu.i of ll.e Mbam I .n r)r ,, , to a nnlut (Edmonton J. I. Houtc) . ar the Koch, Mountain,, TOO mile, ' iir.IIFIrTi. i,nnl 01. s.ire.n ha. li.Mi.rr.l.l.. I "esl of I ake linilpe, and only ln mma V ,c t ol I he cc. brat, d g.d.1 ll h;i; uk on I ncr , ofthe Fr.nehf.ournu.eul. A....lrl,ir, In Ilrlti.h Ihe dlgi'lug of , ond edi.lou I. forbl.1,1.,.. I that one mile of canal would, I Hereford cable .,.., ... , Hriti Vahi HcEfurH, In hi sermon In l'lMiaOiith ( hurtb ht.1 Sibbulb. sitd tlmt Itber ... ..... .1 t was a cod lmhi riiit, i iiich nomau could l, ke from m-oiher without eomn.1. Ornnijer of l.l command ut Bowling tireen. T ...-,. .--, il .i 1.1... lnnTt... a rI,..,.,ln (l ,-f nn linn unit ii tun I.UII.-II. f niiauuu ooii, Ji.ii cs urm i s an i imruiio c-Hnoar are bent on rule or ruin uistrracclnl coin Ltnioinlcc or dlMolutlon l their programme , Ii nvn (hat A.tornej f.ennal li . .. .,,..... r ..-.. i ii lt.iA. regard, tho admlnlon of We.iern liglnla un w... contlilutlonal. hat, If part nf a 61 ilc I. 1 . ..v .. loyal, rau.l It forever remal alnwllhtheiebilllout niaie, wneiuer or ..u i in .' wur..., .. .. con,,l,U"0D01 fo-lTalpeopletoremanwth m P00"0' Bi ou, '" do !? ln obc - dlencetolhaUn.trnmeBt? con.tltutlonal for a loyal people to rcmalnwltn pardonahl crime, mire to irinic lerrlhlc pun- .-,. . .. ,... ... u-s uo silenth and colu on must IITV POMT OFFICE. rhe Inter.. of the Welt In Swiattottan. j - 1)oito-, Drj. 37, 1M3. 0. M. WMT0'. Em. Dear Blrt Inotlcethat I a motion hat been made by Senator Anthony ( to remov. the duty ot tender cent, now ittvn Rtlral KAllAtl llin lmTWirlM frOfll LlTlf ... .. ...... pool. I 1 I i i Dnrlnr the rati rear we hate rnrrnaied for mllla rrprcientrd In my office, aboiti 8,000 t.aiea of Sural cotton. Of thla amonnt 4,000 halca" " . .. . ji . .... . natiBi ami aipanniinara inanaei in TirtrtiM-- ranniDic iroui no. i" m .iu. ., uu niruiiu . rorrrinontirnii. wno. iriiair cloth from 3, to 5 J J anla to the poena. l'l'J.!J?'SS; cloao a aatnplo of cloth made exrlu.lrely from 'J'"; ,'r1rii, "" .I?S.!ii .7 .. '..mlu. ,.. W1 alu leaped from meat to yard arm, and Anally ( f " '" ' h, '' l,.w,!p'; N;. "? "!" '& the enllr.Jeat.1 within their fiery inn', anil i. iiv a j iiirraiiai in iim till u. in as ur- t-AHav tear tiinifl naaiii ann mirinit irina.. a no rtiniiiuu iiiiitiia niimrannir nur wn nnn. (is i win iirm dmt w iiioat, umt umi iv rln neer bo madoio American lnthe mark.-.. 1. 1. pn)ucl upon a dlftr. cm varlelt of ll.e cniton Plani. In a dllTerenl mewioa cm ouunnuou mav ne imi'rmwi. n mmt remain n Infcrloraritcle, unavallaMc for flnrwork. ..... ,. ni..nM iw. rt. ir.n.imi . England cannot change her ,A to adapt ucr apinuicaio tinumuon, inrMie womtuiavi- . i a ..... .t.. a .J. . no (icinaitn iur bucii Bqunmn im iinrpfi;ni- ( and also for Ihe reason that no unfflclent snp 1 'f orni eouiunc nnu iu.-ujcan. u uum-r i SplnillM t re on No. 1W Inainul of Xo. 40-th I reiiulnmcnta or a .o. w ipinnic oeinj; ou 'die. only Zl poumlt. W Ith an abaolnto dearth or American colton u ,Ju , Snr, ,irlll, , ,,,, m,rk(.t ,,n, iUie over one half Iho price. henevcr I 'a fair .upph of American cotton can l.o fur-l .. . '. ' " ...... -t. i. I w III. cena.niy nno, ouru.i i n aWe by f ngllth tplnuers and ..Ill lie tl.rnn ..1...H.IA.I .a .h.v imrM I...... tnr t niiit. . In ll.e meantime tiie product In Iudla will ha e been inormouth, and then corawonr optK.riunliv. ' ! Weinaunraelnreonrl.eavvdoniMlll.mrcr- in iiiouui.iii.ii'1"" iii-ii "ii.i.i.i- s- pi)rl .. ,. ,, ,. p. r tnril 0r .,lK)r th.n the , Kngll.h, (thli Maleiuent can be proved,) and I ... ...'.... ... .. . in... . . 1 . t Urirpool for Sural cotton, wcran maintain, .. . a mnA. ,VMrt ....L M1 1----1, '.. : "".' .. I 1 it .i.rrfji..f. itiir 1 Ttvirl !r nit verv mrrrru. 1 The Import or Hitrnts irom iiomiiay u uoi a norl of Hurata from Bombay l not ft In uhlfh ninniifHrturers can remlllv I a 1 at 1 I . tngagii It I" In the hand, or merchant. In Lit- . erpool aud Bombay, and the greit " of he trade mu.t be at I.herol, and to that market (iiui.inci 111 .wiku inniiuiiiriiirrrv rau nmiij ' . " . v. ..................a.. .. i"" 1 This I uui uimonMrno irom 111) own expert- ,, rt . i.n.r i.tnimraMnr. c ! f , .. A.n . mi .1 nil fi.ian.iia .Ann In v H " it" inuk t'i dwiih- ,t iti n i t. tiinxi HO . .iiisrltrtii onMnii tiillfit nilo 1 (r lilfh Wft u 111 I a.............. ... .H ; assume that It will nu rnge J.i rents per pound for Bro yara. Bnt at that price, if the supply U regular, England nnf take ,t nnd neglect I.a ii-aelr in fa rliit 1 1 Im a ni nrnrri il ft.r irlmA I " T"',"..; : . V.:i I T. ..T,. j....... ..... ....... ...-.,.. -, I'rl" flir T"" mn- Vonr., very trulv, Thk Xm CiiTtaBint Han. The cxlen tire repair, and Improvement, having been completed, thl. popular , of muilWnl will be tliroan open to the public to-night. We took occasion tovlit the building last evening, ""l'" ?!"T' 'Tll nldceneeor It. Interior decoration.. The floor I . nrltafe hoif .. four In number, are eleiranllv r.,mi... ml -rh ni.t.r uiailm. etr n.r. ' l.ont. The new tage, and beautiful .eenery; by i ' " ' Mesn. Lamb X Mortimer, ghe evidence oft tbelr superior artlitlc talent. We are gratified to liarn that every branch of the work hat been done by Watlilaeton nurhanlfa. . - . .. , nival U1PER. L.ienien,.M Lomraanuer P.mi ?hirii.i- ). iten .Maehed frnm the alooti Ist.Marrs and ordered to the stoam sloop of Lnt.. iniUPnMfl, ' Lieutenant Commander C C. Carpenter U- been ordered to the steamer catsuit Lieutenant R. 11. Lambson hat been ordered to the .team cloopof.war Lancitrr. n tt.A mtAim rlnnn jf.t-ar Inniiatrr ..."..... .. . me h en uuii won ailing dpuraon. P.vmaMer C. B. W.llaeh hat I een ordered lo ' the .icain sloop Mliir I. r Ti.r ihe folio Ing from the Iialtlmoie j ; uIl I. etale.1 that, hi c.m.lliullne a ranal , "V"" H'ne fourth, of a mile In knglh, from ' HU Mne l.aki lo Ijlke, tteamlwitt i ii.tin ri, ram cou.u l.jviira.n ll.e itinueau.a ..... t... ..... i... . ... T.l. it... .. .... .. ...... . ........ .1... ................ lnnipg. a dWunccof hmu hundml milt a. IW0 ." ""V rr .ijiur.emrriii.riiP ..,.il.urlv rirtllAniiri.HniMu nf i-.talnlnif a a Hcainlmat alNey Orltvna to pat. Into I.ako niuuipitr, anu iron, uicnic io rnmoiiion r Home, home 0 (Hid mllm. A hill ha. been In- t.n,l.w ntltnl-. ll.. ir..llt,l -Ulna U.iialnul.lil. ""' l" " " '"V "" '?. Vi. i M 'trunt. nf ii.. ift.nn-in wlf loinunnuer oi murdiior were hcuupto the the Penguin, hIio w tnld that tin olhir bad ...--..--.-.- ..,. rr - - - nas noon rtetc rmlncil lo' these, m nu ex- ample to daertbeli (ountrwnen from lt)(lHl.' l.l-, .1 I..II..I. er....,le..n.l.. f,.... I.wl 1. -. .i... . ..... 1. .a. 1 . - -... Mini 1 1 mil iuhmI- Jin iu mniiar con.iuii a in- ...... .ue ajllce., nboul Ihe hid we k. Iu October, tl.i miirtUreri em analtlnir tlulr eiteiiLluo. ..,.. V'7'' 1 ". ui,u .?.., ....! .,.1,1 - nun 11 iim 1 iuu uecii iiinriivu , if 1 vuai.iii n.n.iu Kave thai part of il.t roit The P.nj.iln had rocot cna tome 0. nc qi iw 1111 i.icnu ... l,n,i no. .llir-ovcml anv ofthi bo lie. ' Bonouty Papck. 'The Chlcaj;o Trllurn it printca onp.-p which U one quarter torjhnm. , Two lorrhutn paper mlUj ire almdy running InllllO"!'. .. i. ... ....... i ...1...1 ". ".- .....-.- .. .-- --. --- - -- UT A CorrupollJ 'with th. Btukioipedltldn, hat -the following A AlmHrkfril nxa-tan-ma. On Monday .venlnrr, Dec. 8tb, .the iky b..J , hwtu, v dark, and on the leeward elde of, IaV eia.MM at m.-i4 kia.a.t.ttf'V.l ntiatiAtnana tnt-art. loitenea in. near .m-roacn oi a norm ntavcBi grow ub, ana on m iwwira viae oi lh ctcatner mort bMuttfnl pbenomfni pr- ratod ltlf In th hMTent. ' W wire tbon off thenonherncoMtofGeorfla, anftitlhefload.) lncreaRed In their lnteniltrftndblaekneti.lhere via..... nn the dUUnt horizon whit at fit i fight appcareU to lie a rritel on Are. Thin tin f eawaiceneuinn amooer all thn i Tarlon newipap r imghanduiioii .-."-r: . "'". (... .-...... - - - - - - - - wa. in mo minaeormany e,rry rcaton io no. . Il.te ita lbtU rftojwj. nation of the piratical Alabama, who had .galnap- piled the plrale'a torch lo cither a oy ....." "..""' j , ' - tenor, andnnndirdvorntueraeqaallyaiiimiml, ! inrouftnineKciiroinrongi anau my aeem n i fii . and for a ncwunaner corriiond- tern ff I5l. , . i2W "P? , v -.. . -.M.. .... .. ,...." - - t Itioaa trt iirrwlnti nu-a rif IhA Vrttl ir.a.a.tlrtnail .- i-"----- .- """,,, r order It may, I nay, bo conilderM decidedly ......-..-. .....- . . .a "- wnvwill founded, andean nctcr bo Ycrlllod. "" ,"1 'iaL T. .s wa.pirfcct, and had II not been foroneof nn. turt't grand tide tccnoa lntenenlng, there It B0 tcHlnjr how far thla myttcry would have car. rlcd our excllcd and tpocul.llng rattingert. A.tho .kygraduallydarkencdthel.lonbcgan In f..l. Fhim . nv .nil I. a ..niut.HnM urn. w ...uw .....,.. n, ..... ... ......'r. ...... ..... at unaccountable and aa magical at the Dnt appearance. th. Co. enimiMe wat exceedingly lino In tho elo.lng .tene, and h the happy termination of Ihe tpetlnele, all fearsof from thedrcad- en -."ju-were o..t.paieu. tue ...ackuea. oi - . . - .... . night- Inerced each moment, until I. gloomy "II deaeended, and gradualir curtained from i-ini- tlirl.t tlila i.(mntihirifn1 n.iftn.nirns. galn, thla writer Karat r ; ... .. . 1 ... n. .. 1 .... i.. .(. UM . rUcr r ... .i. ,ii ti i li 11c w n 111c Biuamur iuibmhi 11 it me tun ,jgirpi r(vcr to-day was Very line. Aa neen I ruill , lit .It. taii luiiem at .via unv i taut, aievi att I r.,,noVeiaelly beautiful, hut jU nmel ani, t , fctrc,'qllc, where' tome plant.- ,, WOIlM ,.', ,n .,Klll w,h u, vUt,htf nc- ff0m n,e deck. It constituted one ast moln, gro h,.U, and thcco.,ll,lilngre.ldeneeor .he i.ndihii often surronndM with Lrroes of ornuire iiuntcr, witu us tioime ana g uiy-coioren re- .vrnmnri J. . . ... ... ... n.lni.. trii.n ninnv i-.f llim iiirv hitillnni In " ?.. ....'.. .. b. to ... . . t a a . . 1 iiuir ninniicstaitODs iti uriiKia. ai one mare on lho riTer haT1j. . O01i hft(k f.minlne. clad ', blae, was wild with enthusiasm, and she i emed It bv Indulging In ono of Ihoso nondc- .. ... . . .... . .. . . It wa.Bmu..ngioi,nc..lnenegroc..;uey in.eil mo .uore, aim inreir up ine.r nanus Jim- '.ri ,..i.i.... ii.ii ...a tk,.ij. m. awhutren uhllc people, and thetettcre the loceupanta or tho.e hut. that are roundonthohan..atllieenlranccoftherlver, and uho'e Ignorance I begin to rear ha. neter been .xaggeratcn, irwe may no irmitte.i io X r,ta nih ni m 2, tu.ygi,,edatotircrartand.larllkecargo' At one of these shanties, we were assailed tor the SSJiTlrl A tuhmarlnebatury being thl, n.mewa, j"J1- ' TL on Saturd.y morning, Thn fi.llnwlnfr i!m print Inn oflt In irtTcn Iiv thi- ,, ". T'he annearanca of the haiterr la novel for Rn aimca yesiel. It renemblei i a 'large dry goods case, with an Hddltlon on oncsfde, In Contiuticlal AJirrtittr t which the port hole, through which the gun protrudes. Is situated. Thegun,howevr, will be co erM by a sort of porchtho u-e ond regu- hrcoerM bv asort otDorchathe n-e and retru- Utlon of nhfch It would not be Promr toprlut. F"?..0114. nPHS ". o!'l.a?n.,'i t.hrou8'1 th? !t?P.."" I.. .t1.0 r.'. "J:,-"?!? i-nce for getting In and out. Ihe interior of Mi".r".V."? .""'. "r rV. ." ,"",, "" "" "reT ?' i nn" STniutZS il l.nll . 1,1 .h . . .1... ,tA I. Ill . . I the hull, w hlch, at already Mated, Is like a bov. fj .r ml lur, I KIWUIII ... it.. . ....... .i ,t . . Hunt, to nhotoimenthe genu. Il.e con.tmc Hon of iho mon.ler nmtt lie allrll.uled.helonira to the englnur corp.. The piece of or.hiiaucu whWI. I. to con.tltute ll.e , .la. nn-.n Tl.a m'm.n,... !,...! t.... armainciit l a. great a riddle a. If self. It It made of hraa. or compo.lilou, aud w III be rilled. The hall which It vi 111 dl.charge I. eicn more lhan tho gun or tl.o ti. .el. ll. thape and dlinco.lou. inii.t remain nnpuMltlml. Tho locallou of the hallerv, when lomplilM, l.a. not jet heiiidei liled on." The Amrrlrau Aar. On tlie Rib InM.. Mr. I.eclham. L P.. ad. , .... - ..,. .,..,.'., ... iircB.ii. .'.in... ii.ieui. ui iio , . .,,.... ... !,.... u, .. 'l'Okc In rer.icneo lo Ihe American war, at r.n.. . . i Thcv were not In a no.llloii with tlulr vm XI nXmatlon T'o the Xi of the bio. kadt upon the Boutli, lo pndlct how lonir .i,o herok rairalnullln. of which the Boulliirn ,w itro toinS J, IV'ZKa T Ye h thouM ,. certain that, llnlea thonilndof America .hould change, and the Dcinoeratle parly there t,oiild prevail upou Iho North to alirlnk Irom .. .. ... r . .. .... ,ll0FP "crnici ana uiuru wnitu wtro notes- ?r lo Insure success or unless Europe should in iriiriin nrom iinni.PLR.iii inn nrniMiiiinv quiMlon. H was nectssnry tbey should do so Ihiui.m, tho .llioii of tnutrollty that this . . , ',.,.. -ioni.ii i,- - rtm. all lia.l ulA. Ii nc country had lsl assnmcil and all honor to . (i(criiimiu for the steadiness with which "Y """7i'J ,i" " r. r,i.v.Vi 7 ii.--- inhered by the eager of those lllllUHJiClltl MJ 1I1C W ... .... . . .i.ia- - t i ...- uiiii. 11111 ruiiiriii nun i(iiiuir u niuiy uuuu nil Ve.ilnu, t,ere. anilon. to lalfy thelrtympathy j ' nw aclPoii. irtymp.ll.y "",,t " "" l.i ulm.a dlairiiii fnr Ihn "Viinkptt" Lnew .... ALLMruKMiwwu yw ""--:;"-- "" - - I..11.1. I'ALurusro". I... Uin In oUlce cir,niaif ceniury. A. the pre.eut prl; . ' . . .. ' .. ... inluliter, the Indlcallo illcatloi). are, that he will .ooo fall and have to retire , " 7 7" .. ,, , . " "" '" on'y hlP "- smra tlicrir.l..fcsr-.lieVaJrr,r!lt. ILVTJESI BY-ELKGltAI'llr M1IIOC1M LKaULATCKB. ran oorxRsoirs msssaox.' A I - v ' , f At. Louii. Mo.t December M The Oortrn arltneaf hat been inbmltled. After con- BTatnlatlog tha fact that at Uct ft loral General AfiomblT haa been con- vcnJi tbt Gorernor rcrlewi the condltloij of m&km inc ine ouinreaK oi me reoemon, and aava that the number of olunteera from Mlaaotinaftcr the'cunaltlea 6f war and mntl- njt iraTingoni ine trrcgnianj emitted troopi, i iwcmj-BCTrn inounana utc iinnareu men, whirli, with ten thomand flie hundred State militia. gWea the total of the State at thirty. eigni innufiana men in kit ice lor tue war ... .1 . r j ,.,.,, . ", - .m.. tmi .iotc can ueaiviuea inio ''""-.""of, 1I!SSl wllhoiit compentallon, while compentalloii can ' proyinen ior ue o.ner cia... OfilcUl lleport if ff. 7A J iJHhrt, Omm'rCUtf,' . ine Arror ot me tronuer, under tienerali Til a i it.. a .7 . . . muni ana iirrron. morea over itoion .tionn- tRin8 on Satnrdaj, and aiUanced, without halting, to Van Buren-.drovotho enemy acrota the Arkan.aa, killed lx, wounded a few, took three elcamboata, camp equipage, and ono hun dred prlaoner. The march of forty-live mllet, with all arm. of .rrvlce, oorthe mountain, and through the deep mud of ll.e valley, wa. a moit arduoua and gallant alTalr. . 8. H. ClRTIt, Major Drncral. From Callforulk. Sin Fkavcisco, Dec. CO. Will, Fargo A Co. will charge from sercn to eight per cent, for shipping gold to New York, by the next steamer. It Is generally anticipated that the measure for shipment to New York will bo cicccdlngly llSht, and bulk golug forward will go by ibe British Mcnmer Irom Asplnwall. All Quiet ou tlir Ilsipiiahanuoeli, Ilranqi artfrs Ahmt or tob Potomac, UCCtmuer Ml lQO. There la nothing worth telegraphlu" from Ihe lUpMhannorktK ,.ual qui.". ma.n.a.nineir Dectmbcr vo, 1803. . ,,... 1 From Cairo .. !..... -. ...i.,-r.fc...M ...nn 1 kukui uent thero tonlav. All oulct at Loltimbns. Front Fort re aivnroc. ,, . Mondij waa roe, eipcclally nco ookxPI MonJiy was a buttling day at Fortress Moo. as sevcrii movements oi import. ace. The nrrhal in the Roads, din K tin on mm And thft Tllw tamtr. "VMM.i?M.,,t , -", 7. v. . .....,,.-..... ..lava near the Delaware. Whilst at tea. the lnd bowg fri,, the turret waa quite thor- jnehly letted and the reault pronounced .all.. 'aiJ- In rou'h, weather the motion of the T'l '" reported "novel and rather dl.agreca. hie.' The Iron-clad Monitor, la tow of the side wheel steamer Rhode Island, and the Passaic, towed by Ihe steamer State of (.eorgla, went to soa yesterday, and were followed b) the British frigate Melpomene, nf flfty-two guns. The officers of Ihe latter, who have cultivated friendly relations with the Federal naval offi ecru, have buen led to believe that the boats are poini not rar irom the , ana mey are, the action. up a large number of io. for somo time Past. remain near me ongaae Mmmind liniTtttr m. SoTand throrVthVy' w?re comped to lea, e. , The CAPTrRE or the Anm. produces nianlfeM sensation, as well It may. Will the t Alabama ever be captured I Is the question. It would sccrn nol her speed Is such, and she flndi ,uch complete protection ln the , . i . -.i- . r , aild Trwh ports of the W ert Imllw, English "" "" i,u'" - "-n- """i . i. i that It Is hardly possible that our war vessels should oerhanlher. She Is emphatically an Fngllsh rhln. and that treaeberons nnd nerfldlous Oot- rrnment and people arc responsible for her de- rreuauooa, anu suouia ic m unu auu pud for their elus In this particular ' .i.iia..-.i animation rnr c.inL're. Iron. Itie riewnernoi. - " VV,: ,T.,. wr.- J ..7 -.., ,7.,.. ii,..m.i....,.M"."n....ui..., 1 1" "I"" - regiment of volunteer.. ' I See a woman In another column picking Saiuhuil Orapea, for Spc. r' Y Ine. It la an , , .. ..!..' . . .....i. "-nilrahlo article, it.ed In ho.pll.l., and by the nr.t umiiica in rana, jonuon anu new io, In to old Port Wl Inc. It I. worth a u, t ulvc. great .all.ra. , ' . .all. faction. If rU I'll ANN' COUIIT '' J lw?,w,I. ,a"in''0"1. QViJ i ..... . a. r. . .. .. . . a SI a.. la. Din In . " ' Ann ! ,?. J?r a.etitAniloni(ieceK.ea,ineexec..Tr.x..urr..iui..u. will, the approbation of the Orphan.1 Court ot ;.ngtm!'louty.rorrul .pointed S.turdy, .... .,,.... r ...!. n... o.. th. nn.l .et.i.. lfy.fSteiflto. JfMu "h and where all the creditor, and heir, of ...Id de iced are nolllled to attend(at the Orphan.' Loutt ,.t Wa.hlnttoneounty fure.alJ)lth their claim. l'"'.1.;'.'...'.".':' '.' ".!i.'.e. J.UZ t.tei uruilleda cop) of thl. order ti puhlt.hed I once a week for Ihreii week. In the abiioiwi Hr. I "'"'. P'eilout to the .aid Jtlh d.j of Januarj, I Hill "tp.h C. ROBDINd. ' L'Vi-uw3t Hosier of Wills. 4 Kit flfiirnru u UI f ItmtnlfJ lit Ad vino fifX iht ..eaiiaex Amr-hirnl I. HI a tl.i ttttiJaxtlt. U tnt?lltttldttd by thr lrih tedim of the ml, unttu thf tokws, "" "i the iAt,uhon onvn in Mfi immjAM, Ak inch 0' -TriiioN., "The Msnuil of IVu.loo, B.,ua1 and Bounty Laud Law.," ulllil.ed I) Hie Morrlioa., wa... i Q mw ,,, .?...'. n..'.. .,... ... .- ....o.,Ur,ri)1r..a ALL the roHWV la which are ecorr copim 01 nio. pi.jrtellylberen-,onOdlee. No olher Manual for to I e found In Ihe raarhet ha. Ihero m. if ,ou w.ut a jitlMBLr ttVlDf jn m.jflu; up jour ren.iou, uouui) or u.m.. i--a.r-ri.ii a. to low-u, a. wr. .. .nu....,.,-, -tm...... wi. dollar dAicf'and .end to W, H a O H. Morrl.on, Wathlnto., D C.aad H tent hy mall to any Ptt of th. I fffff !. """ Morrl.on, we.i.wjton, 11 -, , au-i i. uoo w... 1. uiuiea .i.ieti Hi-Mlkw)t or Aoial. Mitt Dxrianmrr. -' December 31, IMS. TheofUcert of the ntvy are Informed that th. Freatdeal wll) receive them op NewTcr'aday, , at hair paat eleven o'clock, precitely. They ate requested io titrable al th. Navy Depart tnent, al 11 o'clock, InrulldrKt naW orm. Wait DxriTirT, ArUDTADT GuniVi Omci, Wathlnglon, Dec. 30, 1M3, ' 'The rrealdenl having algntlled hit plea.ur. to receive lheofflccra of the army ln thla clly, at half patt eleven o'clock, on the enanlag New Ycar't day, they wilt ataemble at th. War De partment at 11 o'clock, a. m., of thai day, lo I accompany tno uencrai m cnicr intnee io n Exccnllre mantlon. By order of the Secretary of Wan (Signed) L. Taomt, Adjntant fleneral. OFF1CIAI. DcraRTUCNr OP 8T1TC, ITMilnglM, December 97, 1863. Rrleaae. from the draft, oo tha ground of alienage, have been allowed In the following catet I .Van.. Jacob Nlchter nenry Miller Daniel Doyle . Joteph Reltber flrorge Walther IIAere Drafted. Summit eonnty. Ohio. no cio - Cuyahoga co., do do do do do do do DRCKMBin 27. Application XknleJ. Joseph Dnrback - Ozaukee co., Wisconsin. GottielhBuck ... do do Chrlstoph Becker - - do do Nicholas Plerron - do do Peter Joseph IS'euis do do Peter Mootz - - do do Johann Hclnrlch Fe ters .... do do Carl Rautmann - - - do dn Vctcr Schmidt - - do do Jacob Btelchen - - - do do Frederick F.hlers - do do Charles Out arch - - do do John Last - do do Johann Mullcr - - do do Ferdinand Shutters - d do John VAlentlne - - do do Henry Welter ... do do Konrad Wolf ... do do Henry Ayez ... - do do I)Ff kmbeii 29. John Kroegor - - Waukesha co.. Wis. Jieinnch uegncr - - uo no Apptteatidni Atlmreil. Henry Frederick Huek, Dodge county. WU. trust r. iiuck Denis Joseph Bofay (Jaspard Martin -Maximilian Conard Reca Jones ... Hendrlck Schmidt -Charles Thompson Hubert Drcsscn do do do - Door do do do do do uo do do - Racine do do do do do - Kcuosha do do Mtlwaukle do do - Waukesha do do Johann Ernst Fred. Ix). pas - - OFFICIAL. Department or Stat, Washington, Jannsry S3, 1862. The Secretary of State will hereafter receive members of Congress on business on Saturday, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. SICK AND WOUNDED OFFICER!. ScnoEOt RrtmiL'a Orricx, W.tblngton, Dec. IS, 18OT. Slrk and vonnde.1 OfBcera of tlie Regular Army In thla clly will call on Burgeon J. K. Dame., IT. 8. Army, for profeetlnnal attend, ance. Office No. 2S0 IT ttreet. Sick and wonnded Offlccm of Volunteer. In thl. clly will call on Burgeon M. Clymer, TJ. B. Volunteer., for profclonal attendance. Office 305 Pcnntylv.nla .venue. The above named Surgeon, are tpecltlly at .Igncd to tl.l. duty. JotlFB R. BJ.ITH, Actlnj Burgeon Qeneral. dec 18 dlf Was Lrrr in mv CARr, .iut iod.rV.rc, by a negro man, who repreMnted hlmwlf a. the .errant of Major rhllp (or Phillip.) of th. JU teeath Maa.achu.ett. refflmeot, the followtoe artl vie, vlti Oae white leather vali.ei one Mack lea ther vallae. three blanket., and one aword. The owner w 111 plea.e eal), prove property .ad talu them away. O KAHLERT. dee 31 al Cor. .th and D atreet., (Uland.) xew cAXTFnnvnY hail w ill he nc-orx-tin AVedn.uIay, Near Ar.r'.tKr.. I)IIUF. Cl. H. FOAVMXR.thcolJ anddlstin-rulihe-i author sad lwturr oa PhrnoIoj sod rh) Biology, will iWllrer a course or lectures In ailitnutnn aIkiui the nr.t nf February XEW C XXTEJiBUJlT HALL IS lit. BE IlE-OPEEn AVed !, Titr dear's Ere, "pilOIOH.I.S FOR ENVELOPES. Poit OrriCE DrrASTMCNT. II atftinyton, Ikctu&tr 39, 1SG. SFAIFD TROros U.S will be reerlred at this Dfliartment until 3 p m ,on the 10th diy of Jdu ary, isoa, for furnlihlnif i(&oj,tKK) l metopes, mora or less, as the I rMtmi.ii trr Ueneral may require, to he unrtl by thU Uepartineot for covering letters re turned to the writers. These envelopes are to be made In the most thorough manner, e-f the heft M in Ills paper, and to te 31-2 b) 43-10 Inches In (.lie, aud must be ffumn Tiie ummed for veallnKM least 4 14 Inches at the point. Iiui ur alan tn ImvM iitt-nii thfl Ulllicr lurfftfie B. quantity of printing, ln clear tvne, oo erlng sbout KPAmRttrWFhk9fJK LCW-mVa?EaavU7anl.MlaWi!rBi-W f9n!r9nJSmM h WiiiH1 C9y SM UaavftaVaVijlTAV llURIllliy Ol ITlHlllll:, 111 Cltrwr tJI'-i v"-ii6 a"WM. A0T ouethlrd thereof, In conformlfj with a . 4 1 which will be furnished on application at this m partmeni UUI. are also liu lied to funds). 100,000 envelei, or such quantlt) thereof as may be ordered by the I'oit mailer denernlt to be thoroughly made, of the I eat nuallti of bull piper, to be 4 bi tfiMO Int-he la sice, nnd to hitve the uord,1l'ot Offlce Drpart inent," 'Ottlctal Dullness," and ' Poitmn.ter " tirlnted on them In the manner prescrlled bythU IJcpirtmrnt , ...... All the above en clones must I e banded In par. eels of twenty-live ami delltered weekly at the iler. resdy for uie, and free of cost for packing and roil iJmce j-t-f jmriiurui m ti"taii.K,iuu.iii kuwi ' transportation, ami at the rate ot w.oau ach week. Ihe tint ilell.erj tole made on the first of Febru- ari 1 laut Iiidtlrr. are expecled to fornl.h .an.ple. of the enirlone. which ll.e. propose to .unlAy, .nd no bl t w 111 be ioii.blere 1 ...lie., orlered b) maoulaitu rer. f emolope., aciompaaled by .all. factory ru.rMi.tec. The contract will te awarded to the party aub-in!tt!-f th. lowe.t .nd beat I Id, wld-h I. to be de termine! t) taLlug Into account the prlee and th. quality of the ..miilr. Ilond and .(-.urlt) will t required for the faith ful perform ince of the contr.ct, and all paj meat, un ter It w 111 I e made quarterly The bid. uhni.ld be endor.ed " Propoa.l. for n- elope.," and .houll lo to the Third aeuer.l, Fo.t omc. Depart, raent ' M BLAIR, dee to-dlj.nt Fe.tma.tfr atairal. .vjpir caxteubvrt rail vim. wn itK-npzNi'n W.dntidty, amr lv.p't Brtt