Newspaper Page Text
-v. - --tt ; UAH MOfTIOE. ttmPBTrlTrt Hospital, In the net of Berenth and T streets, t and Fatcnt Offices. Rooms stairs, Washington, D. C. of a print nature, treated In the Tcntlfle manaer, and radical enrca ef fected In all cases. SYPHILITIC AFFEC TIONS, ooxorruiea, oleft, strict ures, SEXIX.IL WEAKNESS, or tho result or YOLUTTUOUS DREAMS, or any weal;, nessof the GEXERATIVKOnnAXStrom any ranse whatever, or how long standing, thor ooghly and ""radically cnred also GOVT, RHEUMATISM, XEURALOTA, and other SOXES and JOIXTS SCROFULA, DLOTCIIES on tho FACE, ERUrTIOXSoa Uxe LIMBS mi ROD T, and all other Ell UP TIVE DISEASES and DISE.ISES of the RLOOD, Jhm vihatmr eau-v thry may havt arlstn. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE 1 No matter what yonr disease, let no false del cacy prevent yon from applying Immediately to Dr. Vellny, who la acknowledged to be by far themostSUCCESSFULFUTSICIANIn the treatment of prtrate diseases. Fear not to eomo and make known yonr misfortunes, andhewlll speedily sendyou on yonr way rejoicing. SELF-ABUSE, That dreadful seourgo of tho yonng, Indulged In nhcn alone, destroys tho generative, organs, unfits yon for married life, producing weakness of the back and limbs, loss of anima tion and muscular power, palpitation of the heart nervous Irritability, low of memory, mel- an choir liAhlta. InaanUr. rmmnmntton. and I tlcath. YOUNQ MAN ! la view of the dreadful con-1 sevmencea of dclav. do not fill to make Your' '" J l ra-o Known, immcaiatciy. to ur. veimy. i our eerrf- with htm urn scr!. nod ton mar eon. " ' J ' I iiucciiy reiy upon uib mcaicai un. Thousand whose system were shattered and lUh i DELV1ITA, DA LTIM011E CIX who were on Ihe brink of the grate, have hem VtXXATLS T: VSf0 J'Pns- brought baefc to Tlgornn-. health hyhlaUlful Connections nre made at NewYo'rkand IW-ston treatment. with line forwarding to the Canada And the ' ' nriiiah Prriilni-i.n.luilh temahin tines to Lli- MARRIAOK. Vf.rrljl rLAnnn. ttiA.n rnhi .m,.i,tln. ! ilarrllHl persons, or thoio rnutrmiilatln; ------,-.-. .3 . matrimony, who suspect themelrea of Impo- . t , . vui-j, puuuna. wcaKun, or any iuraic aniii Irom a relaxed state of the crenltal organs. I ..... . . .... i ffneuierina rcanuoi disease, injury, yoninnii ndiserctlons, or Indulgence of tho passions In ilpcr years, aro earnestly entreated to place tkemstlvea nn Jer tlic care of Dr. V. Thcyraay rely with eertalnty upon a speedy cure, ami up nn being restored to full health and I50r. lie treats nltli entire success all diseases ol females suchas LKUCORHIIEAot WJUTE8A LArSUS UTERI, Ac, Ac, and In every c.,e ' Knarantecs a perfect CURE. TF.F.S moderate .ml V7RITS ,.t fnxtxrit. . , , .Mu.. vwd..w. NICATIONS strictly ntlVATE and CO.n IJENTIAL. Persons calling see. no one but tho Doctor. Those at a dlstanco may bo treated by uail, by sending a STATEMENT of CASE, Ac, Ac. jy 3 am V 1LL1AH FITCH, ATTOUXEY FOR CLAIXAXTS, roRNEn or sETMTn and f streets, Oppoute tJit Post OJlcr, WASHINGTON, D. C., Prosecutes Claims for Pensions, Bounty Money, Bstunty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting UOUcrs, and all other juat Claims againat the Uu ernment. Also. Patents procured for Intentor. Siieclal attentluu glten to cke before the Court Claim. Fee reasonable in all cases, to wit: In each Pension case, - - - c oo Bounty Money vnso, - - - & (ki Bounty Land oae, uu Pay Claim, - --... aoo Widow and minor children who are poor, half the above rates Ihoiewho are extremelv in jiiocnt. ire of wharge, except mere dlaburseinents. mr respondents will bo entitled to share the feet n all case they forward. lotnultloff counsel, Hon. R. H. GILLFT, late United States Solicitor of the Court of Clilms and ormerSoUbltorftr the treasury. t'ptritil Jieferencft by Pcrmhshu: Hon. Richard H allien. Mayor of Washington. Hon U, W. Seatun, vx-Mijnrof VashlnKtun. Jj-rsU Johnson It Co , BnUers, Washlnffton. "weeny at Hityck, Binkera, W .shingtou. -i-Gn.craor ilnut,of Lmkport, rw oik. i. tip i tirttiUner, of Lorknort. New ntk. Hon loiin Ganson, ftate Senitor, ButiAlo. N. Y. itiii Unit Yauhorn, memlr of Conrress irriin Neu Vuik lbm J '., Judge Superior Court, Buf falo Meirs. HuU'le h Owls, roitn.cllori, BulTalo, Jude RoWi?n,or Iickpnrl, lSevv Yoik. Judtfe Woods, of leockpott, New orL. Hon T T. Haglcr, ex-member of Congress fioni New Yutsf. lion John Ginson, President of the New Yoilt and 1- rle Btnk, Iiuthihi, N, oct 2S Jm OSVi:i.I.H MKUICATK1I 1 VWUUII CANDY ivr vuuaus ttu.n jtuoxomris, JXFLL'EXZA, nOAHSEXESS, Ami all iniipUut stityct of Cuwtuinptinji, For sale, wholratlo and retail, by O BOSWELL, Umgglat. Cor M it) land av enue and Svv enih at.. And . li GILMaN, IV nn, av enue, near Btowns' Hotel. Charle Allen, W, B. Entwlsle, If. li Claik, John R. Major, L M Smith, li C. Major, H 11 Mcl'he.son, J. W. Nairn, s, t Kord, J, I. O'Donnel, J P Milliurn, J V. Daivson, t harlesMoti l. G. Rld$el). lu OtorgeiK n by Kldwell, Solhoron, SvUscIl, an'tfUmant Au.l hy Li 1 nl.ti and Sutlers tjcncrally, an ia WIIKHK OH Wlir.ltF. IS IY1 Whn ii th nong voti that is not In want of omethjriy (he way of Clothing, l-urntshlng iiooauTlis .ipsl Ami the best place to get them is at thai n ;opuIar Clothing House of J. IT. jy4IJH CO o. ICO Seventh street, where you VIII HM'I I lie r'r,i YBJltty ui 1.1U1 Jling Hlltl T HIU lhlng G00U 1 len and Boys' wear, We can Lafelya th stock ot Oothin excel an). ' iniiiK 111 una iiniKi , nmi ourrcpuiniinnior selling 1 isoi1 r.omi. ( u true tititlheold maxim, lhat Utter than a slow shilling, l t Itillt m our Immense talniMeib(e L) irlnelp'e trft('itati ne.icioii.i,,r,ftlt..iw Kandwr all tire tlm r celv liisnrwf'oods : . .ua.iiiua, esttliulimrat, No i alllmoif street tr. .il.l 1 11 uitiTii i , j . vdllatJ II SMITH Ji (U-J, No vereynu tn .y Clothing at Satul,,ai rrn,", J H SMITH it CO, O.sthlcrs, No 160 fcventk street. lornerTtrrnticlh street and Pa avrnuc -UJiOl 'FV 44 1 T-fr'H lO.'Xra.EJt YAKD..M' U'.t'ft'l' t .t n BTllEET, (uilii' urA Pnsi . PnsusrlVanlii Areuue, -nALTuioiiK Ann omo iiaimioad. Passenger Trains from Washington. THE PASSENGER TRAINS between WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, AND THE WEST will run as follows! Fun Ditty Trains to Washington and tin Weil. Tm Dally Trains bctwen ii'atVis end l HViX. On Sunfjyl, lArn Irtlnt to Btlllvurtcnd onitoVie W7t ss follows: 7.40 s. m., anil s and a . m. r.llenv.eri for the Wf it'make cloie connection! at V,MnRtonJunctlon(llelr)wlth the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all points West, atlmetrnln ttfarnhanbvgngvthirHnc. 'w rMMrlpMt sad Snc I era Leal e Ws.Mnjton at.a. m ,11 a. m ,anil6p. tn. Tor Annapollt Leate Vaihlnr,ton al 6 a. m. and so p. m. FOR ALL TOINTS WEST, and Stations along the mltlmnre and Ohio Railroad It Me Washington al. and 7.10 a. in., and 1 30 p. 10. 1 And on SumUra at 3 30 p. m. TRM.NSMnVIMi SOUTH ! e New Voik at 1 a. m , Iphli at 11.10 A.m., D ittlmore M 3 IS p. m. Airlvr M ashing- ly on arrival of stramers,hy Express Train to Dos ton M 6 30), m. , , ,, 4 . ton, Uorceater, Lowell, LAwrence, Mtchbuif LcAre ew ork nt Cp.m , PhllidHphK At totw nfmhun, L'oncortt.the White Mounlnlm, he. fcc. p. ra.aDiltlmore At 4 3Ua. in. Artlve At Aihlnt l'AMrngcrtreturnlnfffrutn Don on leA.e the l)e ion Ki ."u a, m. .... LeAe New ork Al 11 p. m t rhllvtclphU At J0 ft. ra , Baltimore at 7.W a. m. Arrlxe At W'Aihlng toaAt9SS.m. Locl Accommodllon Trftln leivc Bittlmnre At 10R.M. And Stop m., for VAhlnt5tonjArrl.c there tii3 n. m. ana 7 p.m. it a i. sis. tisix i'. .'a. , Ou Sundavi At 4 30 And 7 40 a. m , onlr, from BaI- , .. ... . o AnnpollteonnettonionSundArirom Uutl more or W'Aihlngton, PAiaenttrra le Ing Waihlnjton At 8 a ml 7 40 a m And 3 p. in , mlte connection at mhlngtoo Junc tion ( Reli) ) wit h trtlni on the Djiltlmorc And Ohio rAllrond.forallpolnti writ of tho Ohio rher And for tl pointi AlonfftheUne of the Oiltlmorc And Ohio rvtit.ln M Arl And and MrftlniA. lngton dlly, except SmidiU , At ft a. in , And 3 40 , iTAini ICAD AIlU!tJnjlH lr Uimuiuic nun "mil- p. in. l-aisciiRer TrAlna lea Inj WihlngTon at 6 a. m , 11 a. m.andOp.m., andliAlttmoreat 4 30 and 7. W a. in. and 3 60 p.m. atop only At AiiiiiOiH and Waahlnrton Junction. , ,, Way PiMeniera must take the Aecoiimoslatlon Train only. W. P. SMITH, no 17 Matter of TraniortAtioa. ADAMS ISXPHKSS COttPAXY, Ofl1ce314 Penn, attntif. tftuhtntjton City, D. C. .... ...--. , UULAl hASltUN,rUKlliLUr, An WAOi-i .blUi bAl'HLaa tUKnAituuu. , I atasralasinillka. Mnn.v. Jmxwmlrx'. Vnliiablea. i Note. Slock. Uonris. A.eM ' r A. a i.s. a (.t- Kill itlsliiirrl Ia all. ' t uriTHHinl Willi .r -! t w .'S'ST.a-ss n I -, ..tihi ..Minu. nt th couuin . ir.iu)Diiiinr h Ajrenclea In the principal railway trmni in the NOUTH, KST, WST, A."MU AUHllin J-.M. It nrlneloat ottlce Are fiQTrrrnTnr n v. VrtffA". TtnVTOY. erpool, Southampton, and Ilare, and thence I) iiropcan ttctie to all promlu.nt ommtcltl townimcrfit Britain amlnn thf continent. (t)tV,v , ,, uimi uriiaiii nun n isi collection of Nsite, Drafts, am cceaitMe parts of the rnttnisti 1 UUli ma le at all suiea l C, C. DUNN, Agent, Washington, D. C. 'S' noMHS Jk nitOM'.v I SdUCITOn. OF PATENTS AND CL MMS. II. i nltlua:, aiil all oth.r In. I Clnlmi, acain.i ine i.o.rruiiiriii. orrif F-No. 110 SK.VENTH "STRFFT, (Peimtincnt Kxchange,) Arnl Xi, 2 rbrJt Vlacf, corner of iSioaihwj, "?"" C" J,M' X' " ' . I A 1 1 1 M . u , .J. i , Itcfrra, by permission, to .Hons. Hannibal Il.mlln, Vlce Presldeat, Mci Martin Kalbneliih. Plarorutroi urooaii in Aui' Jah Mann, Jr.New York City l John K. Goodwin, M. C , Me i Ihoma. M. Edwards, M. C. N. II 11 ward II. Itolllns, :!. C, N. Il.l Alex. If. like, M. C , Man John B. Alley, M. C., Mali l Allied A. li.irnnam. ni. li.. lddq.i uainu tjoiuia. .!. i.. i unmi .luir. .i -el 1 1, M- C?, N. Y. Major General II. B, bur- eat N? Wjckort, Esq, Pre. Wlllltmaport Lit) jnk, Shewed 'Kntk r-i , Pre Mechanic.. anL. Jl -111 frej iuu , HinL t, rNTl'.ltKUt AWinSMF.STI. ma 1'APfiU II AN (UN OS, orAII.CBAt-ESAlin FBM M. Warranto I Gold Bind Window Shade i Bull, Green, and Blue Holland i-hades, nil sizi a j.ia.ln to order, Alto, a handsome assortment cf Picture Cord an 1 Titidi, all sizes an.icoiors, Purchasing for cish, and allowing nooldsinck to i a.Miinunte, person ncesiinj tno noiego.u mil iindlt tn their adiAntngetn rheineacall Allwotkxcciie.ianii8Ueunien.icui'j pnuiicti ..,... . a.I a A.ri lit anni .-int 1 .t. It. t, men.uho ha, e served A appientkrahlp at thlr Irnili. vtUfctlonRinrinteed,6r no pvy refpilrM, Please give me a evil. Memembrr the number. JOHN MMlKRlTER, No. Via S venth tre?t, Eight doursnlsove ltd I'cllowa' Hill, nov 23 ! I rpIlKTIM TKRTIfl M KlOAIIS, M P. the liivi-ntnr tnd pttfntie of the Mineral M ito 'lerlh, .iltfifl personal)) at hisolllcoluthl city. weir others, amino peraoti can wiar other who cannot wear theae l'oratona evlllngHt mi olllee cinl oactoiuinoj ,ted HlthanyatleaiklpilceofTevtlitheyinaydealnt l.,iitotfio.uhoarepartlcuhrland wUhthemir. ;. n sits nniauf snil imiut 1iAI-rurt ilitn lura Mtny persons can weir thetfi! irctli uno cinnot III, Hriwv w.., -.-,-. . ...... . ... Hint art ctii produce, the Miner tl Wale will le more fully witrranted. 1 Hooma In this ilt No. S3d Pennsylvania nvo- nue. Ktwicn Mnthand Ifuthstrecm. Also, tHrt Arthstret-t, rnuaueipni'i. uiir 10 jy j; 511 L E BUl'lllI, in OX II ALL, 330 reimajluu.ia Aieuiie, IWioi'i-wi't? anil Jltfail JhaltY in TINEST FAMILY CUOrEniKS, FJiEXfJfuml OEIMAX WIXES, HQUtiJiV, COItDIALS, PHiMPAOXES, niiAxnr, rum, aix, CWARS enil Ton.irrn,' Has now on nan I I atcrrne tttsottiuttit ct the ate,at (tlr tilcci. bfTI.CBH BUITLIPD. not M-TTSi'iir 1 N TKW AND NIMPMPIEUMETHOn Will riM jiuttr vwj m.-ui.-mi. rnriF. Ai.F.x.snr.H woi.ovhki, m ss t , i or 1 t$r ash covpasrit. 1 ., , ...... ... r. ......... . "vr'.'nil-.eni.."; iZ:l iJimV .V ; . '.:.".'.;..; ...... ',.- U .I.H .n on most liberal ffriu. Profeaaor Wolnwaikl wll "!?, u.V.teln ' """'""" "'"'""! Hy Professor Wolovvskl's new melhod, a prraon havlngoni) a siijfni knowiciie 01 innate win ne 1,.'-i-rv -hort time, to ria.l iniwlai villh gieat facility, nut eaccuie oprratl- a wt-ll tu Ciaiaitltl III HMD tTl ajiw Ullt'iuili a to the his . iv nf vocallallon, l.eatittcsat uirt vatraoidlnar) results, remlcrj the voice isftw riuUand en-vt loitthr- singer to t ctllff wllh titlhtj, tiro cf Iri-f Wol.aWakl retell e vUllora dilly from lit 1 II a io anil irom 1 to p. in , ai ni iraiucnctf, .o ,'jl lenth street, tetwecn ). and V. N B thlldren over ti?ht jevranf afe are at ce pte 1 det.ltn.1. AIM'. .t(ii:M'l SOUlltUV HI I1W A iVHTIOK. ottlce, No ma K iireit.eor ihiitccoih. rnmntui.ilioni tol i.llieiietta I. W HtlllAIIM, Slate AKeat, 01 1 tf Iffltk foil ", Waihlngtsn, P. C Conn t John A. liuiier, M.,wnioinriM ini.M,i.!iteitiAof.. l VALISE, CARPET-BAGS, Kc. JhiTu2h&.OM0fc 81Oh7otEjSciVodeC'VVhc! n! Ourslockof BUYS' and YOUTH. CLOTHING P l liSfrt MMtnlrhl M i i i JuHn W Moh i ', C-tnandafsua, nn-l princfiiil aitlo..-. 1h I U IW Ursat asul nnaJLIasUunab a that ha ever Jni1 m t i JoBa V Valtl l t Wis 1 1 Z ' triln of SUnrd?y rims thruugh io Ball Ho, but doe. been otlcied iTtli) ilTy, amTal the lowest prkis i rJi ' iiV.V iui,V i?.!I- ii r in- ai ' ' not run to Dunkirk. . thr tan iosllyIy be obtained tn thla city, Ka.rfcrii. llJteh',M I ninn Wm K& '"' P- '" Emigrant, for Dunkl.k and principal 1 6 Call and .or u at OULON HALL,ioriier4 ,KB".I W. AUr.Jc7 six in Mi?' J "i'joJ u stations. st itt and ivnnsj Ivanla avenue, tho Great Uoth- i fft Ktrat'Vi? N J i ?' K Fouko If I '" Express Trilns connect at HornelUvllle with ' In Mart of Washington city. !i rotAffiLi'i d. ill i r 'p lSalr Jr M railroad for Bnflilo, at Elmlra h 1th the CanandaU uov 1-e. y Tn, Thur. , Ill. HenI.eJoy,M.I-., J MS. l.mair,Jr.,.;i .,,.,. M--.tfc L.tia at llmchimton. ' !fr a. 1 ti J.'., i fejv -RtaLU0AD& N: EV &OATS-MkVrtiAKS.'. FOR DOS TON. TU NEW LONDON, NORWICH. and WORCESTER DAILY. (Sundays Excepted,) At 4 O'clock. P. M.t moM riER 39 N. R.. FOOT OF VESTRY street. The new and magnificent steamer CITY OF HO J. iu. vvm. wucox,commsnacr, irom new orn Tuesd). Thursd), end Saturday! and from New London Mood) , edneday, and Friday. The nrw and ma;'('ut steamer CITV OFM.U YORK, Thorn a O. Jewel t, commander, from New York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Frldavsi Iron. New Loudon 'I uesdajs, Ihuradajs, and Satur day. These two new it earn en hav e been built eapre ss lr for this route, with all modern Improvements, In cluding Writer Tight Compartment, find nrf the only at earner a ever built for Ions Island Kouud with thla great life-preserving Improvement. ouductor nnompany the stc-imers each way. i Aaat-ngrraprocfroiroiii nrw iominniiiimt-maiv not of the ltostoiiAnd Woreeater rnltroAd At fl SO P. M , Worcester 7 P. 21., tf U Ins At aNcw London 9 30 p. M. Fretxht tfilcn At the Lowest Rtea, And tlfHvct cd In IioHton eArly the next dAjr. Rtitc ltoomt In Abundance ctnle hvlon Ioait atritneri, or At the lioaton or New York olflcra, It Ath mice. K. s. MARTIN. Airrnt. ni) tf Tier 89, N. It. Ci 11KAT CENTnAt, IIOUTH T I'or the M'eat, tIa HCDSOX RTVMt TiAIUtOAD ami .VAN YOllK CKXTKAh ItAUJtOAD. Of and Arrcn DctEMHrn 9, 1301, 1'xpreM TrAlna lPAeNcw orkrlty depot nl Hudson Hit er lUllroid dAlljr, Sun Jft) l excepted, as follOWB! From Chnmhers street At 7 a. m. It a, m.,0p. m. s is p, m. Montreal and Uudalo Train nith sleeping eirj.10.19n. m. From 301 li street station At 7.23 a.m. 11.30 a, M. 6 30 p. m, 3 40 p.m. 10.10 p.m. Od Mindaj a, the follow ni r 1 C train will I run to ln t frnm 3nth atrsati Tlisa 10 10 ti. m. lpstilnv irtl irsin iot aittuny ana iroi.anu wif b.ju n. ni. iroii Troy, and 4.4S p.m. trAlu irom Albnny. Connecting at AlbAn-lth the Nrw York Cen I trl UMlroiil for Schenectady. Rochester, ft lea, t...--. .... .".In - ."a.-. "I nisiu tinm.. an.i tati., trt,.n M-lirn.l. Ihittssln. Kri-itPiian. Ma-rirn Pnll. nssun tiviur nnn mr r suspcnilon Iitidje, AuburntGeorta,LAiiAddalxua. Trains In connection lea, e lmrr.lo and smpen- atrtn ill IJtVn Shnr liinln Jln.l I.t( Hursin Ami Great Westcin lUltroAd.for Hamilton, Toronto. a"l.l.... TUIt flln.iil la t .!.(.. I . aliuil v smiajjir. a irtinii.. .'is t ' u" , luimmi iv( i-, LroBRe, .iiniion, i rnirif iui.nirn, t.aien, Dnntelth Dnbtmiie. renri. Rock I-ltnd. Miiftta- tine, lims (tty Ihirllnrton, (iiincy, 5irlnsiirlJ, Alton, M Loul. CAlro.lcrrc Haute, Indlan'tHjlls. LoultrlUe, ( InclnnAtl, Di) ton, Columbus, Clete land, and All jmlnts West, irlhucst.nnd South west. NORTHFRN BOYTK. CorncillitnitU Trains At Tro),lth Trnj ami D.)-tnn, And Hens, and Mr to? Hoads for art(- ea, Whitehall, Rutland, Purllnpton, St AIMns. Home rnlnt, PMtihursli,(gdrntiurrh, Mnntreal. e ,R.e, t"f- i Klglit rsn?eiiiriits lii Oil. route as ahm f, wtltloul rlnneeolnr., Irom ll, D.IH.H InCW biAT,.UIci.Iin tifil..nrent ill tlmr. in rui. r.v bleai made by other Hallrnal Companies The ricllltles of this Brent ork Ruute, tn the Ur.t, enmlii.nil II to the confidence of nil rchinti aadliIipcrif..riitoinptnrisan.1.l.inUli ' P-wiepffer 'trim., with Stnoklnir ki,1 Sleeping Can, Hie .cu otktenlrnl Ilond, Fur particulars ai to trains and freight ar- ranetiientt, Impitre at 1 hedt pot,ui Warten .tiect. , .. A ' ,V"T,"'. dec 17 Miperintenuei.t. , ,'' IIM1.WAV. l'lisenrvr Tmlnt lfii via Panr.i Vt: fioni f-ot of thamhers street, a follows, ilz: . ASi '"' '" f"r Dl""'ltt A'"' ,"l'""J"lc , Ibis train remiii.aoier iiiuht at i:imtr and iro- I ceeds the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Butlilo and principal In- tormeillate station. 9U) a m. Milk, iUHj, for OMitlllo and lulcrmc-1 dlAte atatioDai. 1 12 15 p.m. Accommodation, dally, for Tort Jmis IND1V RUBDFft GOODS OF ALL D ESC It IP and principal f tntlons. TIONS. imp. ni way, io r Piuuieiown, riciviurgn, ana t at V,5iVf0i?R '"""'"m HUMbj raUrn . , i-in-lnn-.l icu.e lullrondt at i'omlne with Hie Rocli.ttcr anil IJullHlui at (.re it JJ 1..1. , fur tuisiiWiii, miil.t llull.lo I Uiit.klrli with the Ike Shore ""llroad for lieu-- 1 n.l, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, ( Mcago, Kc.aud s. s. ... . . -. ,,.-,,,. ,,,, (IIARI M INOT, stp Gemraisoiseiliittiident. i ..-;..... , AY flKI K.VV.M SIM We sty that i.ur ktnieln motion, but do aaythtt ue are running mt an lin menbe stock of Clothing at tho Leading First Ward More, corner of Twentieth street and Peiiinjlt aula avenue, but whoever sw a htore win tea iullh wasth-itdld not dobiuinesst and the rtanMii Is, tlu-yalwai attl tUlrgootU too iberip. That is uhy they are alnajsioor. (Who rierhnnlof a ' MnlU. T I neterdid Ir.grli.lil Inner did 1 luie.n..n.ii..r, i iiii.k..iil-.i il.trrmmr.1 to nirulal. alltl.eHlil WM We ire 1th Good Cli.thing. ....,.. .. Fvcrrtvdy hi.l hitler tome soon and I ur.ns our neMlon.In a shnllnr bnilneis.anv that we cm- . an rtn,, ,,, ,, n, no' stand It more thin r.lnct) .Uj lonpir telllnr fnola so cl ein. but wehAve vn hree lot of " " riiithl.ic, Ihts, Cirs, Bsis.anl fl.oca I. ft, and mp ale dcttrhiincdto run lU'U oil it Koit bvr-1 glint, at Heado'iirtrrM r..r O0II.1113 Intl..' 1 lut ' Ward, comer of Twentieth street And IVnnsvliv -I. ...,. 1 v iriie ,...i ... nh av emu and No. llUieienlh street. ni '.'l-.HJ'Uil SMI1JI CO. AI)N(i; IIP TIIK AH1M, J aiittlo' t. lot liter aie irj ln up the en-at ad, ancr of clot tuiiif, but we ire sellhig at a innll ailvnnce . on old pi kc. We hit e a 1 1 rge sUuk on h in.1, and ri- wiling llu-tn o.l Io mtki innre ruorn, fur vn hvvi a very hro stotkof tlothln,i!it (ur inanuf ic- ' tory, and arc now iumiIiir;oit our stink at Ims thin whole ilo prUeslo miUroii.i. Wehiveal- ,..., I.. . I I..,. ...... ,.!... Hiija Km lighllnK ngnliut high 1 rices, and sliad contlniiotodoao Mr SMITH la In the market all , if ,, ,,,.,,. the lime, and U ensblcd to furnish our store with 1 ani-crlor atock. and we cinnot bo undtreold bv I vny one. Wo have the menus to sell cheap, and aro determined to do it at SMITH fc BEALL'S, No 301 Seventh stieet, ' nov CI dtjanl Near K street. fPO TIIC VOTERS OP aVAmilVQTIIV. . J The Assessois ui the dlllrrent Wni Is will , meet nt tho lollowing plvts from lOo'chnk a. in tlU3ohKkp. in, from the llth tothesttt of Uc-1 cembcr, inclu.lir.lucorrcctanilreglsterthcutmcs ' (II UlUfU dlllll 11 l II ill I ,11c I nil I nan 1st Ward. John A nhceii). 17. IYnnivIi vnt av enue, between lllh itnd tub irield ffl Ward. Thomas atewart cnrnr I'll, and II " 3-1 Want. Ilenrj CurtU.comer ol II and nth treeta. Ith Ward. Thomas W.ritrthtCthslrccthelwecn Gnr.d Hstieets. uth Ward. B. 1' Pjer. residence, Ten Iiulhllngs. bih Ward. George Collard, nt 'i hlwf Clark's of - fice, Mrglnla avenue, I etwrenlfthandiotli utinet 7th Ward Peter Hepburn, No. H snith 1 Ureet, between MIi .and nth sited west. ite li i.3l VOTirR 'io ii.K'rr.iiF.nJ. Pnnrosti , vvlllle received at tie r.Hlceof ll.e Bureau of construction until Jnuiian imii, icj, '"iji'r""? ' 'j.v: .""H' '':r.'"f ;' """" ! .tn ini"Mi..rH.- .m mx -cv- lion 01 ttie Treaktiry r ati-nsloii Bidiifn tniiat st Mo the prb'e per jard fice mca. lire. I in wliolf wnil. tltUipilie Ihiie s-oatri 1 ( lime, fchrirp H'vnd hair of proper proportion as chall )e ij piovi.!, liu whole tib fiulihtd In tdn heat m nil 1.1 r OHlnti'iir thrniitrhoiit. 1).l UurfMi n'ervt.a ll.e llrht toiejes.) ai or all II c ti'Ut, It a-oiisldcrcst for 1 1- interest 01 il.ft,.n cinmeni to do so No bid will bticoiulleicd unless In confrrmltj with this a luitLer.unl, and li ic MimiMnted v, Ith rorcrpiiarantcct!ii.T theblller will ce-.ute a sntliiVLtnry toiitraci. iiai 111 i.uiji nt, Encliirrr In i.liMPTie'VEHT) Dopailuieiit 1 P Full sire lUaulbrs of moiilhurai and iche.1- ulc of quantities enn I eieen ntthU uilire 1 de? .M (ntJetn n 'lAMI'KTtll'KII I . I'lMI'STnVPM rvairKTmriri 1 Air Pirn r-him fhQiy , up Ui appucau 11 uium mim w -Wi are new nvnuf-iituiliid CAMP, LUOu aU lice lUa.lipuiUr, No. II 11 levrnth strsct wtst, Mr M UMFH, wbUh we will sell by thu I, 7i-o 1 l liUf 1T? aj encap aa iney can vu 1 on.w,i in It-titllUGft kii mi. 1. (.nnjuitv nov is 811 Penn, avenue, neat 'tth strr t, fiiL the kkectiOn OK iti'iiuiivasi T Oitri-i: AaJitT sf QUAnTtuM Alt tM. A. SKA LID PitOPOSLSwllt U MeelTedM tlUs office until BATUnUAV.lU 3d diry of January, 1&3. at 12 o'clock m , for tUturaUMac of iialerlai andKrectlon of Hospital lkiiWia al the' Camp of Paroled And KM-hanged Prisoner ear thU citj . application at this ollie, and the time peclfli I'lns nnn specincmona win u iurwnw uran ifuror inrirronipiruuii! rnnptiAtA The full ncme and lot Offloa 4deeM of tb bid der must appear In the proposal. If a Md la made In the name of 4 Ann, the names of All the parties must appear, or the Md wilt be contlderM a thelndlTldualpropotAlof the party lining It. rrupOrUls from ihioyal pfirliavtll nW btcottrtJt- CTTV, MIIAHUMIIUI AILiUIAKll.Hlir AllVH riRVE Km FAOrOITIOK. I'rnpoaala must he Adxlrtised to Captain C D, lexandrli, Va.and should t marked distinctly " Proposals for ITectlonof Eutldlnj.1 fURNTFE. Tlte Abitll) of tho Mdder to fill the roatraet. should It benwnrdod to him. must he ruArantted hv tno rrMonilMeit?ron.H hose sltmiiures must bo appends! to the Rinrantec. iiimirra mini vv irrirni in nfrioii wiic-h ina niiia ircoPined.or the nrtiH)als will not be eo&aliU eretl. The reiponslbllltr of the ruamntors matt be shown bj ihe (tflriai eertlflcateof Ihe Clerk of the nearest initrtct Court or of the United St Ales Dis trict Attorney. Ilsindai roil ail In amount to one half the turn to tm mfltnl on tliecontracl. aimed br the con t Tartar And both nf his rnrAntora, will be required of the succesnu iiiaiier upon tupiina; ine onnirnci. A the bond twist accompany the eohlfscMt will be neoeasirr for laidderto Uh their bondsmen ulth them, or to hare tnd signed la antlclpn- iion ami reauy io ve prouuieu Horn me canirnn is linn I. ' itlinkt for bonds can be procured upon aoptlcn tlon belnir made at this office, eitherpcrsonally, by ii in r, ur vy irinrn. i Arm of fliiai- ntee. We, i of the ruunly of , and State of . ami . of the countr of, and state of. , do berel'T guarantee that - Is able to fuint the contract In accordance with the terms of his proponiMon, anainai,nouiajiis proposition ue pcrtiJ-h will atom euler Into a contract Id a ordanoe therewith. Should the conti act be awarded him, we are pre pated to become hit securities. (To thla ruarantM mutt te annended the offlclal certificate above mentioned 1 Pa) incnt to t made upon the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter as the Depot Quar- itnM jsu hk m iuuiu. . Anytnformallty.lnthe bid, or non-conformance with the term of this advertisement, will cniur the rejeetlon of thd proposal. at. ...INIBM. AfetbAAu4 !!.&. .Miiuii.itucuwiiin.t'.-ai iwi ', itsiBiw.isri jssic- irianl militt In' rrerM In Tipcoril nice with the nlans andfpecii1catlontn.rnIsheil.wiilitlieleAttiosslble (deli), and will l siibjectnt to theltupcitlon of,A . rnliuipliMlt lUAltrr Aieehinle. Ihe IVimt unit term ister retenea to MmseU tl... ttaht t.n raUjI all l.l. I j t.aa mal lii lilvli na- iwhi i" t'j " .j "" !,, or lormnrr auiiirii'ni cninri i iLPFnarnv. l-pt. sa'l tiiiAitermnstcr, r . A. dec 21- Id S,.,: II'IA I. X (STICK. TO THK CITIKMI OK WASIIt.NQTON, arm ni nr thk jctv ami saw. Cim.ON HALL, The old and etlAl'lUhed jmporlum of dothlnir, that hn., fortn lunnj ), suiiidlrtl the citizens of U.hiiiMin and uclnlly with .11 that l es- senllal for Iheeleisni. and comtutl or the outrl mln, li now uiil.lle.l with th. mo.l enmrlete and fashlonahle slmk thltw. hare erer hail the pleas- lire InoltiT. CO us, I'ANTa. and UJSTSof Ihemoit dctlia- Me style. tht nitiMlie found In th. market. Ihir nnoilnientof a 11 I ft T 1, U It A W K It S. IIOSI HV, GI.OVF,.c, cannot be lurpaned ami 111 he .old at prices that do not allow of compe- tltlon. LaTinr stock or miut'RV ntrncuus. hikji; yrtll K OF MII.ITAHV tlHtCOATa LnlillK STtK'K OF MlldTAIlY OVKIKOaTS URGH STOCK MILITARY 11RPSS COaTS. I.Mll.l'. STCK K MIUTARV HH1S COATS. LMU.K MOCK MIUTAHV IMU..SH tUUS. I.aRGE UTOCK'MILlTaRV PINTS. I.ARCK STOCK MILITARY PANTS. 1.A1U1K STOIK MILITARY PANTS. URGE STCKK MILITARY VESTS. I.AROE STOCK .MILITARY Y STS. LARUK STOCK .MILITARY KSTS. rpili:KrnV4l'TllKrNITKUTATRSl J 4 Vaskinvos, Ihtfinlwr 8, iw.. on Uitlneadar iat. thesl Inatint. there dlntv. i,cmd from thla Clcv n package or blank Certin- J,t ol Indebted ,ea," of thiMlenomliiatlonof tlte inous.miuoiiars BUinirrrti ir.iin nui ki ia,uw, ibulhim - liisive. nrrllttcatls like idem haieeter , utt (...ued from this ottlce, and nonoulll I a,iied. iiuMruecemr aiesoiiiieuenominaiion 01 ine Ihoustnd dollar Mlt'tJielr number whitvln on llil rt, inrrd nk,ntthei peHLornera,dlrei.ll) iitiiter the margin Ulaorder. 'IhcuordaIfthcordrr hi Mil. be not hltil lip, this lertlfiCah, IssiiPd to , will ha pal t to he ner," art- phini m un thl hUkot the cert llcale. In inUak. All lhathle been Usued since ilsout tho Ut Instant, commencing ilnHit No, lUaU-s haie tin lam donnminatlon, "rjini M nrintnl ti i lb (.p. In red ink. All certlll- cttc that Hill tribe fioiii this ottlce In future, m 111 belikelboae tieit hrntofore. 'il.o.e lu thehutl . .... I ....I.MA.I.f .rtll.iin.n.iilhjlll lilt Ili4ll.ail n.L I "r- .. - .;, -....j;.. up,tnlsrllUM uiuiiis , lll i.oitMtn beirer,"tUefw nril.e ceitllUale, l.e. , , atJ t S lunette, ami there l.klns: the .-'?-.- .... ... i j.Ujc ot the hnrtW, sinl cnntlntlcil Wlrnvnn etili inn. uirriiif rai i.ipi ii.'uuiuiiiii.iii. m im.hi , .JZlii,A .r. Uj in on each tfii. in eJ ua. i snrn thr,,5'h'0'dinon.lnfltion( the large denom- laiaticn lain green Ink. icrtincates oru.eiienom- n,tilM,funlhiiisanil doilarrj.ansuerlnthe.Ie- siihillon of tho lost, hate icn nmi an brin?; . .. " . i ... .1. . I..n.l,..l i.,n I. .. A I ...... St un nil fi'miliK oerltilcitesllifie lian orintr fl uitor rtrland pi n.eil over and undrr faihoflhe two scrolls iont ndlng thedenomlnitioiwi lljfitrcj. I fiuai" 'iheRaiiaad matihr Ibree Indentations 'oflhefccroll, nuiilBKlriigthvI.e of the lertillcste, Nli u all0l) thl(.8 Mtt.riw, of an IikIi long, an rihthof an imli wide in theii'iitre, tiperlng Uth uai fioni thee, ntre (fiithebut Litllloit-a,thls ,'tiUnd does not appvar. I'. l M'l.NM.K, ilr h-.m fri-MMrer of tlif I'nittd Mali. on IAKK NOTIIK. m vi. i' ivi!kri K() e l6oJhI.NA AI .SUE ii1.nif1Iii ' 1 -l, i. iurin iiiiikn bir ll. Respecititiiy nniciieerniiiy muni wiankn ior ine liberal p-itrunig-fel herto recihvd. , 1"Vi'.,,,ir, ' ' ur,,uK n 1 1 1 II I kT '" . 111)1 V. KK1N. ANUOHOHAT1YE FAINTING. Togeiher wllh all work pertaining to a Fibit 11 ass I'aliithtg lUtabllshmeitt, lie hM no hi-Mtsncy in soliciting a continuance Of thepubllc'af.vcr. t Idt IV itvi are Rcaionattf! 4 t9 rrt'fh. vnt4t'iiu;lillrtj And pi' tlcular attention Is paid to PRO-IPTNESS IN DELIVERY. Hty-nemmbr r the number I no LnvisMM Avenue, net 21 3m let Sixth and Seventh streets. 'I'll OJI AS I.I.OYU, difoiM.1 roii cii)ii.vrt, and tni.NT rnit rnnrrnisii nontiiy Iad.1. Pinslmi. Arreai ! bt rfl' Fxtra Pay, le , WAblllNfilON, I). C, 1 rt'lll ghe prompt and eliuiei.t Attention ta the jroscullnn ol Clalmsof every description against the Govriuuimt,nnd mike itochaige unless sue- 1 cesiiul, Hot It referenda nnd charges for services vvlil be madcfcatisf utrf). tjipenaionsciiMilfiriiMleiwoviiidMftrill. j eardihiiliig1herlatfai ivarj nUu,for Ihewldoirs andoMihnuofSul Werawho htvediiit froniviound ni disi'HrfiiKiiiriduhlli1 lit tin- I nltcd Mnlfsfcer- vhi't alasi, Bunt iuiuy i..r trie tifir-in nw ol cutilliia lUcfdtrtt ilmln the rlstlnr war Vic IVradlii.liil kIMi aiiorne) or othr persons f.r- 1 " ri'ONit ns. 1 nr in 1 1 ne in flu a 1 1 ii. ta pit 1 1 I'U aim itnunini I A'l in "S IIIUMA4 1' IIOYD, liioiney foi Chliitinfi, So 170 ievt-iilh ktrivt, VWihlngton, D. ('. N n F llf.iiii.liiAi.iiilluhlnslheal..tiecar.l Hill le r, In lny irrll..-, In Ihe aiuoiinl nl thrtrcharKii, l.K. I.. ilea 1 ' if I ) Mtiiwroiti i.v i'Oiirr, No. 1IA llleienlli Mini Mt.l, .r th w,irr f'f Pmn'ijJettiittl owtnir. He put II, me l.riil.y Inform!, ttiat al a.. 1.1...1I1.IU- nn I . Hit f.iltv ftltt II led ' to. Tttt fit 11 til? ii,,1 s, rticci in ii.'i..ii iiiuwi w, m. m. 1. 1 u t ' .1 ot W. B. WFBB. jl nlnten lent of Metropolitan pollle.-s nov 2 4tw2m, )norosALs IWiiUT ' INTALUBLB TBS GREAT REMEDY FOR RHKUMATIitM, GOUT, NFl'RVLaiA, LUM DAGO, STIFF NFCK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISER CUT5, AND WOUNDJt, PILF, ItRADACHR, AND ALL miF.UMATIO AND NKRVOIH DKORDKnj For all of whlcli It 1 a speedy and certain reme dy, and neer fall. This Liniment I prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect leut, the famous bone-setter, and ha been used In hi practice, for mora than twenty years, with the most astonishing success. AS AS AU.KVIATOn OF PAIS, It Is unrivaled by any preparation heroro the public, of which the most skeptical may bo convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, IUiMuitatle Disorder! of every kind, and. In thousand of cases, where It has been used, It has net er been known to fall. FOR WElJMIOM,lt.wlU afford immediate relief In e. cry case, howeverfdiatressln;. It will relieve tho worst ease of HKADACUEln three minutes, and Is warranted to do It. T00TJIAC1IE, also, Mil It cure InsUntly. FOR SERVQVS DEBIUTY AS'D OESERAL LAS SITVDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this liniment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy, Acting tUrectly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthen andrevhlftrsthea) at em, and restores it to elasticity and vlfor, FOR PILES, A an external remedy, we claim that It li the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Fa cry victim of thla dlstreaslnr complaint should alt e It a trial, for It will not fail to afford Immediate relief, and, In ft majority ot caies, will c fleet a radical cure. QVLSSWJhD SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of thl Liniment will never fall to cure. SPmiSV are sometimes err obstinate, and en largement of the Joints Is liable to occur If neg letfed. Tlte worat case may be conquered by this Liniment in iwo or three oajs. BRVIIES, CUTS, WOVStil. SORES, VLVERS BVttXS, Ahti SCUD, yield readily to the won derful healing properties or DR.SWF.irTS 1NFAL LlDt.P. LIN1MKNT, when used according to direc tions. Also, CIULHLAISX, FROSTED FEET, ASD J,lM. J ffJf r.Y AXU AaTfliV. DR. STErJTEN BWEET. OF CONNECTICUT. The Great Natural Bone Setter. Di:. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all oxer tie United state. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIDLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never fall. PR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is 'a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scald Immediately. Pit. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Iltlelie.tlcaoivnremeitj-for Sptalns ami Bruliei Dtl. SWEET-S INFAIJ.IBLE LINIMENT Cure Head.uhelu)medtately,aodwaanecr known to rail. l)R. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT f.,f Piu- ..i Mii. r.ii. Allord ImmeiUate relief for rile, and seldom falls to cure. DK. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure 'Inothacho (none minute. I)R. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cut and Wounds linnirdlaUly and leaves no scar. I)R. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the beat remedy for Sore In the known world. j iii. n ti r.r. i n inrii.i.ini.r. i.irvinir.nii J)It. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT " , - ,. ,, ,,., S , . Has Leen meilliy more tlian a million pJole, ami all pralie It. Dtl UR. 8VF.ET' INMLLIBLB LINIMENT IVjffiSffiWSSZEftu thl.llne.te. Taken internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus.and ' twecn Fall liver and rrovldenee,dally,xcept Sun llmlera. di. freight to Boston lrforwarded Ihroueh with IlU HWHET'll INFALLlliLE MNIMRNT great dispatch by an Kapreas Train, which, leaves . , ..r , i. 1-uiui.ii, i.iniAir.Pii ij 'morning, tundav s neepln , all )i Istrulya"rrlendlnncedl'an.;everyfamllyshould , 0.tCk .for Boston and New Bedford, Arriving at hM e it at hand. its destination nt about 11 A. M. 1 Tor freight or passage, apply on tmard, or at the IU. BWEET'S INrAM.IRLK LINIMENT office, on Pier No. s, North rher Eor state-rooms I. for .nl by all Druggist. Price 85 andM cents, j ffiKn!tVrlffirto"ta"rt,W 1Me,,fw1,ft IWI,W i ' WM. BORDFN, Agent, . j an? 17 tf 10 and 11 West street, N.V. A File ml lu Need. Try It. DR. .Wt'rCrs lFAIUULE IINIVEST, a an external rrnicd),! without a rival, and will alle viatc pain iiinrrspeeitll) than any other prepara tion. For all Rheumatlcand Nervou Disorders It U truly Infallll'le, and, a a curative for Sores, VYOUnui, Bprnina, uriuac. txo., 11a uuiiuiig, iipni- the To Horse Oiruerel DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES 1 unrivalled by any, and In all case of I.amrneB, arising from Sprains, Bruises, or Wrenching. It effect 1 magical and certain. Har ness, or Kuddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, fcc, It will also cure speedily. Sptvln and Ringbone may be easily prev eated and cured in their Incipient stages, but confirmed case are bev ond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, Is so desperate or hopeless but it may be allev lated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will a). ivaia lamOt I ha lAmPnMI. anil 1 nblt tli tinr. deaperate or hopeless but t may be al ev lated by to trav el w 1th comparative ease. s N I M E N T DR. . H' I I ' I N V A U h I n Ii F. L I IS TUE H O l 11 1 E II' KIIIKND, And thousands havefouud It truly A FRIFND INNFFD! I A.k lor "Ur. Street's Infallible Llnlmtlil," sail take no other. He not ilccclieil liy unirlaolpleil ilcalatt.ulio will try to pnlm ort some other article 1 on s 1,1. li they 1111 make a Utile more profit. I Tho fifty cent Uittleiontalns three tfinean, mncli SI ine itieni) ceni iMiuiri nun 11 uint-iimr cnr.irii I11I11I) Tt) II. Toavoil Uiipniitlon, observe the Signature and Liken? 1 1 of Pi . Ftephcn Sweet on cv ery label, and I also "Stephen Swrct' Infallible IJnlment' blown In Ihe glass of ea'h l-ottle(.lthont wlilch none! ve genuine 1 HirilARlKON It CO, Hubj Prnpreor( Norwich, Ct. MORGAN k ALLEN, General Ak'nl. 4A CIltT Street, New Yotk. I t I r J all dsalert evsrywherr, .anapoweriui, "rengiwn '""ITProMnw. ,, -- - f ohfo river. Htlhoutchanre of jusi wununauuiiiwiiuHiru ui an wuu iinye i rt.Y,tf ,, -. m. and fi . m.. and nfliT. a7re1 StV.WwV.;ii.,,.uv.,r;rmtit "" ,t"i,n 'mU" '"' r the last two jear, attest the fact. 1 RAILROADS. 1M3. ISO). AltliAXajtMEXT. nWW YORK LINKS THK CAMDEN AND AMDOY AND PHILADEL PHIA .AND TIIENTON RAILROAD COWTA- nUCB7 I.INBS. FJiOJtrJITMELPmA TO NEW TOJtE ' and way rrjinxs. Vrom tVsUnnttStroet Wharf and Kn- usssjtoN Depot, will Lsatb ai follows, Tiz t Fare, At S3 A. M., Yin Camden and Amboy CkA. ACflommodatlon i 4128 At A,M.,vlaCamdenandJereyt"lty-New Jersey Acoommodatlon S& ai a A. M.avia Kensington and Jersey atyj tnorniHK roan 100 At HJi P.M., via Camden and Amboy Aeeom 9.S5 At 2 P. M.f ila Camden and Amboy C and A. Kx press - At 4 P.M.Mia Camden and Jersey City Fvenlng Kxpres At 4 P. M., U Camden and Jersey aty M Class Ticket . . - . At 9i P.M.,ilaKenlngtonandJerseyCttyi Fvenlna; Mall . At 13 P. M , la Kensington and Jersey City) Southern Mall . At S P, M.,i la Camden and Amboy Accom too modation (Freight and Passenger 1st class ticket - - 2 24 Sd class ticket 1.00 The S1; P. M. Moo run dally, flunda) a excepted. The u P. M. Southern Mall run dally. WAt"l7 NE8. For Drlttol, Trenton, ho., at 7.10 and 9)( A. M , and 6, 0 and 13 P. M., from Kensington, and tJi P. M, Irom Walnut street wharf. For Bristol and Intermediate Stations atltaA. M.t from Kensington. rtw arniiuyrn, luicriuni sJrmnW wvTrdf, uui" Uncton, Florence, Eordcn(own,fcc ,at 12,H, I, 4, S inu ox r. pi, Steamlmat Trenton, foe Ronton town and Inter mediate Stations, at Vi P. M., from Walnut street wharf, Vf For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, takt the Cars on Fifth street, above: Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking aovthlng as Daggac but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over fifty pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Uargage to One Dollar ner noiind. and will not be liable for any amount beyond too Dollars, except by special contract. WM. II. OAT3SMKR, Agent, ap23 xiriNTnn AnnAxoKMisivr. Philadelphia, AVtlmiugtou unil Halt (more K A I f. K O A I) On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, isfli, FA SiH dim TRUSS LEAVE PHILATiVt.rUlA.- For Baltimore, at J M a.m., 8.15 A.m., tl.H a. m , I iiKiirH)( hiki luifuii, in. Tor Chester, at 8 15 a. in., II W a. ni., 3 45 and 10 60 p.m. For Wilmington, at 3.30 turn .8.15 a. m , 11.35a. m 3 4A and 10 Ml p. in, For Dot er. at s IS a. tn. and 3.43 p. m. For Mllford, at 8 lAa. to. For Salisbury, at tU5 a. m. TRAIS? tOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8 30 a. m , (Fxpress,) I 03 p. m . (Fx press,) A M and 7 p. m . (Kxnrets ) Leave Ullmlnjrton at 7.30 and 11.33 a.m., 4 15, 8 4V and 9 ton. m. Leal e Salisbury at 2 35 p m. leaie Mllford at 4,Kp.m. lsat e Dot er at n a. ra. and 8.10 p. m. Leave NewCaatle at II a.m. and 8 lop. m. Leave Thester at 8.W n. n., 12,13. 4JA, and 9 30 p. m. I .uravr nrtiiimora lor nwnimry nnti imcrmruiaie stations at 6 20 and 7, p. m. for Dot er and Interme- i unif iintiona, ni uo p. ra. TRAISS FOR BALTIMORE Lcaie Cheater at 8 45 a.m.. liOSaud 11.21 n. m. Leate Ullmlngton at 4 3o a. m ,29a. m , 13.35 p. m , and 13 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run a follow! Leate Philadelphia, for Perryvltle and Interme diate place, at 6.10 p. m. Leave Wilmington, for Pcrryvllle and Intermedi ate place, at 7,10 p. m. Leate Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate stations, at 8 a. ra. ON SUNDAYS OSLYi At 3 30 a. m. and 10 SO p. m., from rhtladelphla to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Til e so m Train from Philadelphia to Balti more w III run duly, S. M. tFLTUN, Jan 3-tf President. TJOIl UOTOSr. VIA MRWPIIIIT AND I ..juL'.L-. .Jl-rv era M K T ROPOL1& KM PI RK Ja2jtwZ STATE, BAY STATE, and STATE U MAINE, 'of sreat at north and kneeil. but uartlcularlv i adapted to tlw navigation of 'lonrl.Uj SounJ. Wn . nn lun wllh the tall rher and (Jhi Colon) railroad, distance of 69 mile only to Bos ton. I.eave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Urayton, Mondajs, Wednesdajs, and Frlda), at 4 o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each wa , The steamer METROPOLIS Capt. Brown, on Tueatlays, Thurwlajs, and sturda)s, at lo'cloik P. M., touching at Newport each way. These steamers are fitted n 1th commodious state rooms, nod every arrangement for the security and eojnfort of passengers, who are a Horded by this nxtte a night's rest board, and, on at Pall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting Of the accommodation at 8 . - -. . . . ... t . . . : . A. l i "JT waun wry "ai reacn uosioa anont B It i A.M. .... A t.jiflt. mailer Is attached In .ach steamer, who receive and tickets the baggage, and accom IfirKSTf NOIITHAVUIHT, AND SOUTH. j WKHT. 1 to civilian off1cer8. banps-men, mildiI":rs,and others. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD ash car greater In- outer I unit 1 liai PHtriPkll PARE. LEaS CHANGKS OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS. AND UUICKKH TIME. Thl 1 the only routo that check baggage from Washington city to the West. Ticket good until uscdj and passengers hare the privilege of la) Ing ov er at any point on the route. Passenger procuring ticket by this route, save the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, 1 at the depot of B. k O. R. R. Baggage received at any hour during the day, and no charge for handllnj baggage. augTO tf t n ' S -' OAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT, FOR BOSTON. .OI CESTER, PALMER, FITCHBURG, NASHUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE 1 WHITE MOUNTAINS. AND lN- 1 TERMED1ATE POINTS. (P'sa. THE new and staunch steamers of 1 IrsWitWli he Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS- ' TuNauTcTTY OF NEW YORK, leave New sork daily, (Sundays excepted,) nt 4 o'clock, p. m., from Pier No. 30, North Rfv er, foot of Vestry street, , FOR NEW LONDON. iTh.r cnnnrxctlntr utlh the Steamhoat Exnreaa I Train for the above print, ta Norwich and Wor cester, Boston anl Worcester, Worcester and t Nashau, and New I ondon and Northern Railroads. Etlriit taken at Ihe lowest ratns. For Information, Inquire nf F. H. rARTlN, myec-tf Agent, on the Pier. Ev .IVANS WATSON'8 I JIK.VsVa-jbl "111 LAMANIiFR, FIRE AND 1IURLR PROOF S A F B S. B,o,e,,0.o.hFo.,.tree.iiU)iiijiit Orders rrcflvrd by - W. D SHFTHFRD, Corner of etrnlh and U street, Washington, DC. Janll-ly A t'A II . The iind.rslgne.lUgsleavi'tiiln iY form his friends and lh publlo that he ha Ik) 11 Kin the Interest of Nat nines' Shaving and Halrtlrf salng establishment, No 4tt fin enth street, near the corner of ti, (opposite the Patent Ofttee,) where he will cunllmieto carry on the Shaving and Halfcnttlng buslnes In the latest style. . ) hank rul tor past lav ors.he vrnuld solicit a share nf the put lU patrons-. P4111 ulvr Httrntlnn paid t" cutting cblllrn.'j hair WILIIM IFlU'FMAN ue im' 1 ai-a runnlns throueli nassencer trains from v p ALTIUOiW JOCK hobpit! ciTAiLisnio as A luroat: raoH qvaJ TRBOMLTriJseEWHEBKACOkCAIIiaTTtlt87 , ajii4sunjiTunnasaisrTeTMtlM am, npceay ana oniy sireeTttu VorM for Weakness of the Back tores, Aireetions oi the Kidneys 1 voluntary viae n run, impoTCDtTT en ty, Nervousness, Dj-spetia, Uusgcwr. Confusion of Ideas. lAlpltailon or Si UtTs TremMlnrf. Dimness of 8144 i Disease of the Head, Throat- rtoievr tlons of th Lungs, Stomach or BoweJi rime insoraersi arising irom ine sor Tooth those sicnCT and solitary fatal to thejr victims than thetoawtt k. MsslaaH I1I..U. .. . lelpatlons, rcaderkef m tke., Impossible T Y0UN0 MEN A . RafltcUlly. who hare become the Hcttkw f IaJ taTi Vie, that rireadnil nl lMtMiiiM.i7X which annually sweeps to an untimely grave t Bmt sands or Noting Men of the most exsireil sj2rta 1 And brilliant Intellect, who mlrhi nthmUikiM, entranced listening Wnates with the tkuederaief iviiii.ti ui numiu niiui aai.TinKiTre. smr callBllhfulIconndenee. ' JZ?T MAnRIAGR. Married rersons.or Young Men eotttetaNailM marriage, lflng aware r,f physical weakoees, oeV ganlo debility, deformities, Ac , speedtly cured. J, He it ho til ace blmaelf under thai mmi rt may wHrtouslyconAde In his honor attleaiaa. and confidently rely upon hi skill a ft pfcysklaau ORGANIC WJ.AKNEM - Immedlatrly Cured and Full Igor Rearored. ! Ihls Dreadful Disease which render Mfetnls-! cm inn rihi i'lnrrinxa impoiB10iOl In PenaUtV paid by the tlotlms of Iraproiirr Inilnlg aai. Vouns oeraonaare too ant to mmnii r.. not being aware of the dreadful coaaequeaeee taaft 4 saortOr.l rmtixr Mibl 75M SS1 aWSaaWkaatB nK ?S?5B jeef wlllpretcnd to deny that the power of ptoere' 11 in ni riiBiit;. aiuit. hiui idii unarnuu. r4a anah i habits than by the prudent! Braidea bln Am ' prUed the pleasure of heaithrofliprlnr. tkatna J serious ana uriiruciire svmpioras io Doia mina sriae. hip itiiclh oecomee neri Phrailrl ftnii r(inlf S"11nft Inn tt'skkVhdki Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irrltibllitr. ilraneu sis. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigrstlon. CoesfU tutlonal Debility, a Wasting of thehameoottA.i. Consumntlon. ko. 7""s OFFICE Ho. 7, SOUTH FREDERIC STREET, Left hand aide, coins from naHimnr ! . doors from the corner. Fall not to obortra sina ' ana number. ii Letters must he paid ami contain a stamp. Tti I Doctor's Diploma hang In hi office. V - DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of SiirrroY rraduate from one of the moat nninM rln. .77 Ilia United Mate, and the greater partofwaoee life has been spent In the hospitsls ol LoMotCrZ is, (iiitauf siuin huh nacniirre, 1MB eneeted SOMa of the most aaionlahlng cure that nvmVr-Z known I many trouMeilwithrlnghxglftthehdaiirt ear when aIwp,greMnmounes,blBfairsettl i.uaauv.s..uUYiiiuinraa,wunilVqeltMllah- lug, attende.1 vonietlme with n ietuuc'm9Utoff mhtd, were cureil Immediately. " L Tu i'riienia.r Notice I Dr. J. addresses all those who hat ii..uf . J sehes by Improper Indulgence and MllTarrlrkbltaT selves by Improper Indulgence and sollfarr UVblra. whkh ruin tiotli body and mind, undttlu (hem tor either business, turfy, society or marrtare Tiirst: are anmeof the iAjln.inti.Jli..i.nt..i' rrwluced by eariy habit of youth, vlsi Weakness uf t be Bajk and Limb, pU. in the Head. SSSZl of Sight, Los of Miiseular IHiwer, ralpltatlon oti inr iinn, ij lriiin,nrrvoii irritabtuti ,Deraafel men! of the Dlgeatlre Functions, GreraTDebUliy 1 i l"'M,l '4 SIIIBIIIIIlISIJ, " " . , M kjitai lv-1 he feai fnl effect nn the in! rid are hs.ivu i.. iirn.i-win Pirmory, tvnrusion or Idea, IVpresslon of Writs, Evll'Eorebodlngs ArtriontohH)itiJ(self.istruit.LoveofSolitu.1e llmldlty, tc., are bo mo of tne evil produced. ahousindsofpersoiisnfallage can nowjmlge what Isthecauaeof their declining health, foslnr their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a lingular appearance about the ejes, cough and S) mptom of consumption. YOUNG MEN, Who have Injured t hemaclt r by a certain practice" Indulged In when alone a hahlffreuucntlv learned from evil companions, or nt school, the eflect of which are nightly felt, eren when Rsteen, and If not cured renders marriage itnpoaiible.anddeitrors both mind and body, should apply lmiufldiatetv. What a pity that ajoung wan, tho hope of his country, the darling of hi parent, should be snatched from all proij-ec ta and enjoyments of life, by tho consequence of deviating from the rath of nature and Indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most neoessary requisites to promote connubial hannl ncs. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life becomes n weary pilgrimage 1 the prospect hourly darkens to the vlewt the mind become shallowed with despair, and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure nnua ... T- h-mim hi ( thiVnlij hil disease, It too often happen, that an lM?meS sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applvlng to those who. from education and rcBpectaotlltv.ean alone befriend him. lie foil into the hanus 01 ignorant and dealgnlognrtend.. i era, who, incapable of curing, filch hi jJcunUriri ubstance, keep him trilling month afteronth. of as tong as ino sraauesi ue can ie obtaJrm, ana isi 1 1 despair leave him with rulnrd healih:e fhover j nis KriiiinriiiainiMewiininrni or, vj It uar ui innt i deadly poison, Mercury, haateu the conatltuttonal 1 sv mntomfl of thl terrible disease, aiichas Ailt-ctlon 1 of the Head, Throat, None, kln, etc., progressing I with frightful rapidity till death put a jirrlodtn hi dreadful suffering by vending him to that un ulscov ered country from w hose bourne no traveler returns. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousand cured at thl institution within the last eighteen sears, and the numerous 11m o nam Mirgitut uperations penormeu ny ur. Johnston, w Itncssed bv the renortera of the "Sun" and many other paper, notices of which have ap Iieared again and again before the public, besides it standing as a gentleman of character and re- poDuuuuj, ta n aiiiucieni guarantee to ine ai- iiiciru, SKIN I)ISKSFS SPEEDILY CURED. Tersons writing should be particular la directing their letters to his Institution, lit the following iiinmivr 1 JOHN M. JOHNSTON. H D., Bvltlmnre Lock Hospital, dec 15 1Y Bivltlmore, Maryland. pLAIMS A(1IIVHT I'.MTED RTATK. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Rrgiater of the United State Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will dev ote their entire atten tion to Ihe prosecution and settlement of demands against the United States, growing out of the prr cut war, including the Accounts and Claims ol State, Contractors, and Disbursing Ofllcerstapplt cations for the restoration of property Illegally seised or captured, and for compensation for the uso of prlv ale property for Government purpose s, and for damages for tho Injury of such property by the arm j. for military pi), pensions, and bounty lands 1 and furdlaliliiutivt! shires of moneys paya ble al Ihe Trcasuiy and due Io suit-contractor and otheia. 'Ihey will also give legal advtco to claimants, contrnctoi, and to unprofessional agtnts In litl- Salcd cascsf and prcp-vre written arguments when eslicd. With non-resident Agent who may send them claims, an equitable division of commissions will be made. Undisputed Demands will bo collected and rromptly remitted for a commission of from a hall o tun and a half per cent., deiwndlng on the amounti and negotiation ulth the Departments conducted on moderate term. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex per fe nee, and a minute knowledge of the exdaw. regulation, rule, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their erv Ice useful to claimants and publlo creditors. Reference maybe made to members of Congress, and officers of the Gov eminent 1 and especially, by permission, to the Hon. ELiity 11 iTTLLiEY,tlrst Comptroller of the Trrasurv . Address Messrs. BIGGER e. SHERMAN, Washington, D. t Office, No. S15 F street, near Treasury and WU larda' Hotel. uuv 8 im. 247. GOSLING 247. H K H T A U 11 A N T 1'ORMERLY OF NEW OHK. The Proprietor of this Favorite Restaurant merely desires a continuance of t hit generous pat ronage which has heretofore been bestowed, fully satisfied of hi ability to conv lnce the publlo that hU establishment rank among the beat In the cltv. THE VERY BFST TII, MARKET AFFORD, nf all that theanpotllecan crave, tit her to eat or drink, van he obtained at TIIK (.(PaiNii RESTAURANT, No 817 Pnn'a. avenue, bet. Win and Ulhsta, N. B At the request ol many customers, the proprietor hi arranged to make a reduction, to regular IwianU'is, of 'JO per rent, on the regular bill of fare, de H DO lOU KNOW IT I H )nudont,ca11 at SMITH K LKAI.lS, No. atll Seventh street near K street, and buy j oursrlf a nice iillt of Cni Ing fiom thrm as they sell cheap. SMITH BE ML, Clolhlers, No Mftl venthstrrer, novJi -ttijni NewK street. Dlt. IAICICWOOU roiilliuiea the prac tice of Dentistry, In Ihe Washington Building, corner Pennsylvania nvenue and K-venth street, ke feel auured that he ciu f r satUfaytjftgloanjr . 'raiaifK laatvta.1 on Vulaanits. Rvibn piste viuunnorm anminnirrr iwnm SUB S H V