Newspaper Page Text
- MVrt?,fmfaqnT $Mftl UpMiM. '- Tllrt IJAI.T-WATIOJf AI, 11BPUBMOAW I. published 0TCryaflcTnoon(8ondeyt excepted) W. J. MraTXan & Co., sod It urnlshed .10 ar suliserlbcrs (byearrlers) stfO cents per month. " Mull subscribers, S.OO pit suitum l.W for ill months, and 11.85 for three months, In .ariably In advance. Single, copies, 8 cents. UtiHg Mdtettdt Eepblicutt 11... ! . I2T IIATB OV ADVKn.TI.INu. One aqnare, tire, dart.., (11 llou One) Moare. font dam.. .!.... ' V ,, 'HS '' Ooa aqnare, flre dajt ', ,.,"."'.' iS On square, six-dajs ;,,;', J Ererr other dar tTerilaAmenta. an n. AIltlOBll. ' t une. wee t4r ertlsemenls charged at new for each Insertion. VOL. IV. WASHINGTON, D. C, TUTJKSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1SG4. NO. 119, biz unes or leu conttltnte a square. AdTertltementa ahnnM h. hanejl In l ia o'elnclt. n. (iot ie ' m. f --.,. - wmfflm. xmma w umiai "p PROPOSALS. pnaroBAts Fan f 0BAL8 FOIl FOIIAGK. Ctttcr UttAftTXRMArrca'a Orrtrr. iv iBiifKn-rnM Drpor. Dtcemtiei1 ft. IMl. uvl proposals are invited by the unders Intd ' -tipplying the Unite J State quartermaster's ih tttmrnt, t waiMBirt9n, D. a, Baltimore, Ma., UntanJrla, and Port Monroe, a,, or either ol Mire ntftcm. with Hafr. Corn. Oats, had Straw. nidi trfllM reeelrtxl tot the delivery of 1.000 mithels of forn or oats and Mtoni of hay or straw, ROll UPWardl. rMilcrs muit state at which of the above-named it .lots they propose to make deliveries, and the 1 ales at which they will malte teUver leather a at, Mic quantity cf each Article proposed to bedsllr red, the time whoa said deliveries shall be com iiomU and when to be completed. n.e prise must be written out la 'woxdson the Ma ire put up,ltTiVo4tout slts,of about 0 Lushcis ttcJi: 0-U tt like tasks, of about t to bnthelf ch The sacks to be furnished trithttivt ejitra charge to the Governraeat. The My spi ulrfctf to t Mjutely taled. J I1io partlaulsr kind or afsMrlptlod of bats, eortf. nay, cr itraw, proporrd to I delivered nut be Mated a the propot.e - AJ1 tbe articles c cxro. UPl?L. 4ilJ turelaia vital, will to aubjootto 1T1TO UJpetloa by thi Uorfraraent frspcetor bT.r beta accepted. Uratresta will be award nl from, time to time to t; 1-iwett responsible Milder m the latemt ol the Got criurcnt may require, end payment will be made when the whole, amount eofllracted for shall Mve r-ren delivered and aeeebted. ThbIJJarwlll bo reonlted to aeoomDaor bli proposal vrtth a ruaranty, timed by two reepoasl 1 ttpersocs, that In case his bid Is accepted he or thry will, within tea days thereafter, exeeute the contract for tbe same, with (rood and anffleleot turetlea In a mm tonal to the amount of tbe eon tract, to deliver the forage proposed In eonformlty with the term 1 of thle advertWcmsntf and In eaae ihMa&MIilitilr shall fall to enter Into the eontrast. 1 hey to make rood the difference between the offer of ald bidder and the next lowett retponitbte bid Jcr,or tbopenoni to whom the contract may be awarded Tho riL6nilbimy of the piarantora mnt be liowa by the official eertlHoate of United States Dlatrlct Attorney Collector of Caitomi, or toy ntheroBlerr under the United Statei GoTernmenft r raponalble perron known to thla office. All bidden will be duly notified of the acceptance rir ritreIlon of their nronoaala. Tbn full name acJT. O. addreii of each bidder mutt be lexlbly written In the proposal. ProDoiale matt be addrreaed to Bxlradler General 0. H. Ruelier, Chief Depot Qoartennaater, Waab 1 01 on, 1 C, and abonld be plainly marked " Pro Isalt for rrrar".' Doudi, In a icra eoeJ to the amount of the eon traetielgned by the contractor and both of Ma Kuar-sntora, will be required of the aueccaaful tid ier or bMdcra upon algnlne; the contract. UI4DK mrni 01 hkim cuariaite. nu twnui mar 'nliftlnedupon a upon appneauoa as inn 0 KORAf OF mOFOSAX. pplleation at this ofnoti (Town, County, and State) IMM te- l.the sutscrlber,do hereby propose to furnish and deliver to the Bolted States, at the Quarter matter's Department at , agreeably to the terms of your advertisement, Inviting propo (Ala for fotefrr, dated Washington Depot, De rrmber P, 13, tho following articles, Tin , bushels of Corn, la sacks, at per buahel luahels of Oats, In sacks, at per bushel nf aunmicdi. tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 9,000 pounds. tons of baled Straw, at -, per ton of 3,ooo rteiivarr to commence on or before tbe jAy of IM , aod to be completed oft or be fore the day of , 166 . and plclge myself to enter Info a written contract with the United states, with rock! and approved sc curltlrs, within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has tocn accepiea Your obedient servant, rVlrodier Ceueral U. U. Rbttttrt, - CMe( Depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C GUARANTY. we, the undersigned, residents of til imnntv nt... - . and State Of hereby, jointly and severally, covenant with the L'nlted States, and ruarnntee In eaac the foregolDi 1.1 1 rtf - .. ,w aetf ntcd. that he or thev wll t en within ten dati after the Acceptance of the said bid, execute the contract for tbe smewlth good and aufllcient auietles, In a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the forage pro posrd in conformity to tbe terms of advertisement dated Decemtor 8, ISex, under which the bid wss made, and, la ease the said shall fall to enter Into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the ofTer by the uld and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom tho contract may be awarded. Witness. I Given under our hat 'a and seals (im oay or , ibb t?! TSeall L i h..rlivctiifvthL to the beat of my knowl edge ami belief, the above-named guarantors are cod and aufflcient as sureties for the amount for which they ofltr to bo security. To be certified by the United States District At torney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or rcaponsl U. p.r.o. known to IU. office H dbS-tf Brig. Gen, and Quartermaster. H1)NANCE "OFFICE, WA DK 1 PAHTMENT.Wasiiiiiotoh, Aprils, is. Sealed Proposals will be rece'ved at this Lepart ment until 4 o'clock p. m , on WRDNKSDAY, the jihalatfnr Mnf.lfi8l.fnr the of all the Wroiuht Iron Dates and Bars as hereinafter spec! fled, necessary to build the following car ringcs; For lMnch Guns. -70 Barbette Front Pintle. 30 Barbette Centra Pintle, For 1 0-inch guns. 160 Casemate Carriages. suo Front Pintle Barbette, ForS-lnch guns. iu Front Pintle Baibelte. Ibe parts required for Wrought Iron Barbtlle and t asemate Carriages a as lollown roR tof r.nniAoc. tnCCK-llHUP, lllricr, V-ya. Dt.a:B, ..auaouia, Guide Hooka, Guide Hook Unr, Trunnion Beds, Axle Shapes, uoiia. Bails, Kall-I'latcs, Pall Chords, Rail Braces, ..V a .... v.viAab ft. null. nrn jranaoma, adr run iiuivit uu.nir anms,TransomWahers,AxloShapes.Fork Shapes, Hurters, Chassis, Step, Assembling Belts. CASEMATE tAHHIAOX CHASfIS, Paitinim. d before and rail too bars. The number and dimensions of the Iron p'ates and bars for each carriage to be as specified In the bills of Iron In oidnanoe memoranda No. 6, copies ,t which can be obtained upon application at sVatc Mown, Franktord, or Alleghany Arsenalt.tbe Nur Ymit- fdov. or af this oflloc. Printed sched ules, containing the number of plates and bars re CUircu, ean oe ODiaineu a ids ivutvuiucu ytmvvm An hirirlra will atata the nrlae at which thev propose to manufacture each part, In the manner The Iron to be used In the manufacture of the i lates ana Dsrs io oe as ioi.owb: 1 ROLLED lAOM. i i. . k. Plate a and Hal I-Plates of medium oualltr llion, Obreln direction of length, tenacity not Transoms all to be of beat quality oharcoal flange iron, Ubre In direction o( i i..n jo rVtrt lha nt aiiikr 1 Trunnion Bcda to be of best quality of charcoal iroo.tensolty not less than 64,000 lbs. per square Checks, Braces. Hurters, and Counter Hurters, auio do 01 kouu moiuuD. truu, .vMtvuj uvi am rOO Ilia. nr aniikrA Inch. Halls, Rail Chorda, chaails Braces. Caps and Shoes, and Argle Iron, to be or g od quality of wrlNretlned fibrous Iron) tenacity not less than 60,000 IDS per Bquarftincii, Axles for 8 inch and to-lnch Carrlsg rs, and all Traverse Wheel Journals, to be of best charcoal ttbrous Ironj tenacity not less than W,ooo lbs. per All bolts and RU sts to be of bett charcoal fibrous Iron. Tenacity not less than 66,000 pouads per anu are inch. , ' HAMMEnCUIRON. Axles for iS-lnch Carriages, and all Fork Shape s, and Tongues for Casemate Carriages, to be of the lest charcoal Iron. Tenacity not less tban66,ooo loundspersuuarolnch. ,,,.,. Bidden will specify the date at which they can ommencedelh erics, and the rate at which they an delhcr each part thereafter No bids will be iccelved except from parlies Actually engaged In the manufacture) of this or almilar kinds of work, a d who ean h'ingamiile rldence that they have In their own shops all the machinery aod appliances ror turning out th e full Aim uut of work as speolfled by them. ni.lU.. a ill la ramilrail Ia Turnlah nriitier kUTfJ tlea for the proper performance of the work, and tbllicncioaa, iviiu utuir vuim, ma wtjuch nmuvni- cdxuents of their sureties over their own signs- Kact party obtaining a contract will be required I'd enUr Into bonda with approved sureties for its mlthful execution. ........ Upon tho award being made, successful blddtrs tract and bond Ihe deiiartment re.erve. the rlaht to reject any or all hldi, II not .atufaotory. eral George P. Ramsay. Chief of Ordnanee, Wash-fngton.pfcv- nd wl be endorsed "Proposal ?'.... ... I , .... .n:l h.H In. Irin vain ... rrol win uo uui....11 I" ' iimmiuw lor wrougmuua pf." "",.r.i n rlaae..'' otu. u. HaaiiAi, aps-ut Srliaolsr Ceottal, Chill o( Oidnano. PROPOSALS. S MALIi BTOllEB, BTU.l KaTT Df rABTHXMT. ) ftDscAtf or PaoTittani Ann CLornma. March tc, lSi. ) SEPARATR PROPOSALS, sealed and tndoraed Propoaalaror Small Stores," fee., will be received at this office until IS o'clock M. on the Hth day of April next, lor furnlshler and dellTerlnr(onre- oeirinf ten aayi'noiisei a in uaiiea stie nary yards at Charfestown, Maasaehnsettsf and Brook Is. new York. In such numbers and quantities and at such times as may be specified by the Chief of this bureau, or by the commandants of the said navy yards, respectively, dories; tbe remainder of the fiscal year endlnt; on thesoth dy or June. IBM, the numbers and quantities of the different artl eles. and at the places specified In the following Hit. vln ' f..1..AJH Brooklyn, sa.eoo 1,000 8,000 4,000 1,00) 600 81,600 14,000 900 900 6,000 9,000 11,800 2,000 30,000 9,000 9,000 2,000 Salt water aoao. lbs .....60.000 Thread, black sndwhtte, lbs.... 200 Riband, hat, pleees 9,000 Tape, white, pieces.,., ,B00 lape. Mui ivcci., ;wv spools cotton. .... silk, sewlnf, lbs .,.... 900 Pocket hanek treble fe. 8,600 NeedleauwlnaVPapu . 1 Thimble 1,000 Jaek-knlree elssors Ioo luiors .......... 600 Rsior strops. ..,. .4 IBoo Shavlnfbox 1,200 Rhavtnf bniahee 9,000 havlnt soap, cakes ,000 Scrub brushea. .... .... 9,000 Blasklnr brashes 1,000 Whisk broom 1,000 Kafleeoat buttone, doien. ... 600 Katie medium button doten... soo Katie vest buttons, dozen 1,000 D.U. buttons, dozen 0,000 Flneeombe .. 4,ooo Coarse eembs 4,000 Spoons 900 rtrks 900 Blacking-, boxes..,.., 9,000 Can openers. 600 20,000 18,000 20.COO 16,000 3600 40,000 St carina eandlee, lbs 00,000 Offers may be made tor one or more articles, at the option of the bidder, and in case mora than one article la contained In the offer the Chief or the Bureau will have the right to accept one or more of the artlclaacontalnadln such ofler. and reject the remainder, Th prictt tiusf be unform, end oArs mwf etAcrecseUeenyoneervterf arttettt 4t liverablt of all thi italiwu. For the description of artlolee In the above list blddere are referred to the sample at the said Navy Yards, and to the advertisement of this Bu reau dated August 16, 1861, and for Information as rv.u usiivu kuaua iu. loo, iuu lur luiuruiaiiuu to the laws and regulation a (in pamphlet form) re- gaming eoniracu, loxneomcea 01 ui acTerai com mandants of Navy Yards and Navy Agents. ttmtothnxyanJietPor1tmovih,InlUmjMrtr BotImt Xtu ) ork, PMladt'pA la, BaMmort.mnd at thtt imam J9TWH 0 yrvpoimiM mmy ow wtatnwa an wpyitcw ". m2-tAw4w N' AW .atlPPT T V ft A V Y 'BUrrijIKb. Navt Dxpabtueht. irr.j I "fttt " ,iivaEAV or i'aoTisions aid lothir, Antkta nmruMftla. b1'J mrl ndnrMl for Narr SurotlM," wlU be malnd t thi. bureau until i o'cloek M. on TUESDAY, tb. lth HiX ?ii.Ki'.?!l!t.jr. uS!ii,tj.tlf.M!ll mS.. l?.,,'rS:!5! ?.""! .KSJi?"BK" J". B,oo'kWo,N.w "vo,k" "TphKTKSlVV TanU,la.uchnuaatlll.oulanil t .uch time. a. nkrb.requfradoronlereahrthaChl.f ofthl. 5";;u! 5'i.S;,0JSJ.".,SlKJ,iL ,"lJ.'UI V,;iVV;rrendinVJun.lK,Vth.Tu.atlof the alllerent articles and at the places specified in the following list, Tit 1 lflawwn. jirvtwyn. rnuaaa. PJee.lh 60.000 ... 7fi.oon Dried ApplM, Ihe. 66,000 near, lb. z,ooo Tea, lb. Codee,lbe Deaa.,(all. W.OOO Molaaaei. all.... 11,000 Mnejar, ,all..... U,00 Separata orter. muit b. mad. for each article at aebofUi.eJorea4dMTyara.! and la cue more than on. artlcl. 1. raatafaed In the offer the Chief of th. Bureau will hare the right to accept one or more ol the article, eoniainea in .ucn oner, ana reject in. remeinaer. For the deecrlptloD of ertlclea In the v ,i . I.'l'.'if '.'. 'ild Of thi. BU- Dioaera ar. reierreu m (ne aampie. but vard.. and to th. adrerttaemeat reau dated June II, IMl, and for Information a. to alAn ..,A th. law. and regulations Jin pamphlet form) re gardlng contracts, to the of&ce of the aeveral Com' DanuuHC Ol fi.TX lara. anil utiT Aa.ttt.. fiana rormj ar wtmoiait mauoeooiainea on ejuxi- nllon ( naey oeenll a rortnmlh, rw lump- .nir. cmi, t, im,iu.ijwl ,Hinivr,.nu or hh a ureen. mltlawiw PROPOSALS FOIMVOOD, IIIADQK'S DZrAHTMEltTOr WaSHUfOTOK, otok, ) !' I urricc or imsr iKTiiHAnii WAaniMOTOW. D. CL March SS. IMl. PROPOSALS are Invited for furnlshina Wood to the troops In and around the forte hereinafter peclflel, from parties owning wood or wood lands In the vlolnlty of the same, visi North of the Potomac Forts Sumner Mansfield, Bayard, Simmons, Gaines, Ksno, Kearney, De Ruisy, Bterens, ilosum, Tot ten, Slemmer, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Thayer, and Lincoln, and Batteries Sneade, Kimball, Parrolt, and Cameron. East of eastern Branch Potomac Fort a Gieble, Carroll, Snyder, Stanton, Baker, Darls, Pupont, MelKs, Mahan, and Batteries Kicketts and Wag ner, I souinor roiomao ona marcy, a.inan Alien, C. F. Smith, Bennett, DeXalb. Corcoran, Hanerty, Woedbury, Whipple, Cass, Tilltnchast, Craig, and Albany. proposals will be recelred under this ad r art lie ment lor woedanwhere within the 1 mlta of the Departmeat of Washington for supply of troops In said Department rroposals will be made la the following manner, to wltt 1. Torwood standing (price per cord.) 3. For wood felled b ft fie United States engineers or ether wise (price per cord 1 s. For wood cut and corded on the ground. rroposals must specify tbe loaallty, kind, quan tity, and quality of the wood, and Its dlstanoe fiom the nearest fort, samp, or station for troops. Each bidder must attach his full name and post office address to his tld, and the names of all par ties interested In the proposal must appear In the bid. Bids will be opened from time to time, and con tracts or purobasce made as the wood maybe re quired. Tbe right Is rcssrved to acoept all or any part of a bid. No verbal propositions will be entertained, but every bid, or nedtfleatlon of the same, must be In writing. Proposals should be endorsed " Proposals for Wood,' and addressed to ELIAS M. GBEENE, lieutenant Colonel aod Chief Quartermaster, m38lSt Department of Washington. AYOIVS UDUril'B, APIUL 11, 1801 nlnAi.l. will La received at the Maroi'a Olllce until ft M., on MONUAY, ISth day of April laat , for continuing tbe .ewer In sixth street west, from I to L street north. The else of the sew.r 1. .u fet Intnl. diameter, wall. nln. luchee la thtak ne..,to be laid la th. be.t cment mortar.i the i.avaUon will be about tan feet deep. Bidder, will atat. th. prle. per lineal foot for th. main ewer, whl.h ihall Involve excavation, and ruling and making good all sutler., atreet., a..., which may have to he dlaturb.d la executing the work, tfn.i hut nf.Atlfi.l need bid. spaelaottion. can be .ecu In the City Surveyor's Otncs. W. DOUGLAS. Commt.aloner Fourth Ward. K. P. MOHUN, c. M. uiichmVhll-, apis A.aletaat Commtaalonere. inTjIioWBKl'B NEW BOOK, T DIARY FOR ISSt, will U publl.hed to-morrow, and will atlr up the dry honea of Incompetent and Incapable official, throughout the laud, and make a aenaatlon gen erally LOOK OUT TOR IT, GUROWSKl'S DIARY FOR 18S. A nsw volume by Count Adam Ourowakl, em bracing a Diary of Political and Military t-'ent. and Tranaa.tlon., In the Cabinet and In the Field, for the year of lass. For aharp erltlclam, alternaUng with epl- fiammatle trenehant, eauatlo prala. and ea.tlga. Ion, thi. work muat bear away tbe palm front all othere over printed la thi. country, ismo., cloth bound, price Lo. CAHLKTON, Puhll.her, New York. NEXT WEEK I FitlVATE MILES O'REILLY will be ready with HIS DOOK,rloh with Song., Servl.e. and Speeehea, and Comically Illustrated. febt JOHN JOLLIFFB, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELLOR AT LAW, Uat removed hit ofnet to the Northeast corner of F and FUUenth atresia, opposite tk eaat entrane. of thtTreaeury Building, Attends ttpMlallT to elalms upon the United ttlai, niir 60,000 860,000 0,000 11,600 7.000 PROPOSALS. AnDNANOE OFFICE. J WAH DtPATMCT, SEALED PROrosALS will be reeelednt thla oinoe until WEDNESDAY, April 27 1 h at 4 p. ra , for I00,ooo aets of Infantry Accoiitrrmenti, calibre ftMobedsllrered In the following quantlttea at undernamed Araenali, vlit so,oooaets at the New ork Ararna), Govcrnor'a isiana. 30,000 aeti at the Frankfort Araenal, Brldnburj, Pennsylvania. 10,000 sets at the Alleghany Arsenal, Pittibure;, Pennsylvania. 20,000 sots at the St Louis Araenal, st Louli, Miaaourl. These accoutrements ate to be made in strict eonformlty with the new pattirn sets to Ve seen at the AUtxhany. New York, Frankfort, St. Louis, tvaierruet, wucnown, nnu vainiDKiou aiic naif, and the Springfield At nor). Thei' are to be subject to Inspection at tho Arsenal wbeiedeKv ereo, be Tote being rcoflvcd for the Gorernraent None are to be accepted or paid for but such as are approved upon Inspection, The belts to be of grained leather, and atl tbe stock to be the beat oak tanned. The shoulder belt will bo Included in the seU Deliveries must bo made in Iota of not leas than one-fifteenth (1-15) per week ol the whole numbei contracted fori the tint delivery to bo uiaJe on the Slat day of May. Failure to make deliveries nt a specified time will subject the eontraetor to a forfeit are of the number ne may lau 10 ueurer at irm time manner) the boxes to be charged At coat, to be i!e I A us MwuinuiTui. iiiua. lj tnixi;it iu iiic iisuna rmlnad br the Inaneetor. i Bidders will stale explicitly the Araenal or Ar-I cenals, where they propose to deliver, and the number of sets they propose to deliver ateneh pit, 11 ior raor mitn one. No bids will be considered from ptrlU oilier than regular manufacturers, and such as Ate ' known to this Department to he fully competent to execute In their own shops the work proposed lor. Diioaia anj nnnr ouiniainx contract oner accoutrements other than those made In his own shops, they will be rejected, and the contract rendered null and void. ' Burners win enciotewnnineir urns ine wmien acknowledgments of their sureties ocr their own tra&turri Kaeh party obtaining a contract will be obliged to enter into bond with approved sureties ror Its faithful execution. Upon the award being made, successful bidders will be notified, and furnished with lorrua of con tract and bond. The Departmtnt reserves tho right to rrject an) or all bids. If not deemed stiUNctorj ProDOiati wll be addreaird t " fir U idler (ln nil ui eral George D. Ramsay, Chief of Oidimn,e, Vneh logton, D. C," endorsed 'Tropoinit (or Inf.nti Aoeouiremenia," ukuhuf. u .(Aius.i 1, m26-stuthlSt Brig Gen., Chlrl of Ordnance TUOP03AIjS AVILL UK JfEOKIVLD " - the Treaaurr DenArtment. UR1e. of the BTTpervUine Architect, Waahtngton, D C , until 12 ra.ofthelstdayofMay.IMi, foi all the Firo ard BurrtAT-nroof safee adA vai it rmuirrd hv the Treasury Department prior to Ma l, taas. nana anu anecincaiiona enn ne unmincu i'y np plICKtlOD tO t umomMiifrwiiwuv r uy ic it. inlBH nr.nniillv op bv Iff! tor. r Bia.lob.prr.urrll.ll foot. Inclu.fln door .ml .Un....rvBlur?.,B...urrionth.ruul?.l.l,o ptle, ,meJ to eortr all cliaijc. whatov er, except h, f,,,M ,d the a tuM trarellng exjien.e. of workB.n to the Plate, wher. the Vault, are to t "'. lSliJ "wWfo'ruatanoli.rEK; ,n,i oonOltlon, without eharjtr i,ok. for tho Vaul'. or Fate . will ho furnlihcl T !. Department, hut mu.t ho t,orerlr l'ut on 'VLXSr&n.xo TMp0Blble persona In the sum of A5,ww that tl e bidder will accept and perform the contract if vrd(l to hlmi the BUlIlciOJCV nl the curltr to L. .:....:j ,. k. ... P.K..I..'.. ii i ti.. :..,. 7h fw t t The Department re.enei the rlM to rsjeet ny or a'l tbe bids if it be considered its Intertat to Co so, and no bid will be considered that doc a m it conform to thercqulrcmcntsoftbisAdii.itliemer.t. KiM?x Propo.als for fates and aulU' r,vOlL,O0 m28 mthmyt bupervlslng Architect. lyTAYOU'B omi'E, AYOIVS OKyiCE, V .L ll, ISO! froiwal. will be received at tho Major'. otRco .., .'rllclr. of tironcrtv fan until tam.oaMO.NUAV,18thdyofAprll,ln.taiit,a'J hn"'C' S L,M JhereWthoi lor the eontinuiin ot the .ewer In Math .licet I which Is preecnini.iwuereoyuioi ... frnm R nnrlh .1.1. nt Mllihll -jtl. .vn. . lO llllU. Ond lUat tUli IDOlUtlOn , A. th, ....h .m. of L .ttert north "-.,..- .... -- ---- -- - --"' -.- "".- building cf . tench trap., twoonlhecaiti nn th. west alile of Math and L alrcct, rort the bulldlne of a branch sewer, which .hall twain at the luter.ectlon of L .trect t.nrlh and Ninth itrte, west, and rua we.t along th. eeLtre of L street to opno.lts the t regit to onnoalta the centre of the alley It adlrcr Into Square No id, thenco up said alley to such point as the City Sun ej or may designate. I The site of tho main sewer Is & feet lmldo di ameter. I The branch sewer will bo circular in abAue. In aide diameter eighteen inches, wVl n ne inches In i thickness. The 4 stench traps will le almilar to thoae at Sixth atreet west and G s'rect north; the average depth of sewer will be ah ut 9 feet, the pf the grievances thus alleged. Ho therefore work to be laid In cement mortar Invokes tho Interposition df the Imperial (lo- Bldders will state the trlae per lineil Toot for ' ornuicnt. theraain sewer, which shall Include all exesva- Tho Trcsldcut Is not "Unaffected by the mls .LAt2!gSlliV!i?uii.ii lilin'iE'JaiV n.lf(S.r I fortunes which Mr. Uougcra has suflered, and SS&S anu'refalr. 8 'W ViSwSl SZSfilSi h. therefore, directed mo to mako a 'earc ate, and tier .tench trap each, which shall include ful examination of tho case, ullh a lc to as all excavation required, uudcr an act appro ed es.1 ' certain whether ho has been In fact lnolTcnsIvo of May, 18U. ....... , I In his relations to this Government, and gpeclhcstlon.can be seen at Ihe Ity Sui.eyor'. . . .. , . .,,,,. cro'occa. fifflae. rront but practical wotumtm need Did HlUllAllU WA1.LACM, Major JOHN T. OAHNEH, Csmml.aloner of the Third Ward WASHINGTON DKANt:, JOHN W SCANL1N. ap A.llstaot Commlialoner.. AYOH'H OFFICE, VHUL 11, lbflj. runoaala nlll bu recelrd il tho Mn.oi'a OtlUe until MONUA V, 18th day ol April next, for pa.lng anu graains; (uat part ui u aircci norm, uctm-vu Seventh aVd Ninth, which Is not pnvedi alao, for the conatructlon of four sewers, to be looted where tbe Survej or may direct. Dlddeia will atate the price per square yard for the stone paving, fer eublo yard for the grading, per lineal (not fr he sewers, which shall Incluie oxoaratlon and filling an making good the canal wail. Tho size of tbe sewers will be tuo feet Inildodlamcteis. wall nine Inches In thickness, to be laid li cement mortar. The paving to to hid in a bed ol ihaiu J ravel nine Inches In depth, the stono to be tint orm In site, to be well rammed, nnd done to the entire satisfaction of the tommls.iuuer J 1 (JAnNHt, Commissioner 1 bird U ai d P IKIl IICiN, J 11. SEMMrS, rplS Assistant Commlssionci a 1; AYOli'B OFFICE, APRIflll, Will. innitilB will he rrceli ed at tho Mnntr a oillce until MONDAY, 18th day of Apillinhtant, for pil ing and grading the carriage-way on C ein-ct north, between and sixth street, west Didders will state the price per square aru lor the atone pa lng. per cubic j ard foi the Kradlnt? I ha innti htill Le zood and uniform lu al0. ami laid In a bed of good aharp gracl nine inchea in depth, to be wet and rammed three times before UwlOg rCMlTCU vi IIV wUiiUUiiBiuuciB nose out uraciicm iicii utjcu jt.-i.,, WM DOUGLAS, Commissioner of the Fourth U n I JAMES rUMPHKM, THOMAS HAbN H, ajilj Assistant Lomuilssiutia i AYOIt'S OFJ'ICU, APRIL 11, Ibl. until 1. o'clock in , on MONDAY, Uio ISth di) - l April, inatant, ir me nuiimugui n uu . iuiuti acroas Second street east, In Fati.ct uorthj tlie eulvairt win La clrcdlar In ahalte. In ide dlamctei 7 feet, walla 9 Inches In thickness, to be laid lu the DC si cement mortar Bidders will state the price per lineal foot, . hlch shall Include all excavation or other t cnars In cident to the work None but practical mechanics need bid ' WM DUlTCLtt. a pi J -colt Coin mill lo I) i r of Ihe Fourth U ard CHIEF QUAHTERMASleUIl' Ol1' FICE, Diror or Waiiuhotom.Wa hi 'icn. D. C., January 4, I8W , , , ,, All dealera in DrUM, Haidn are, Lumber, LAt in r, Omce rurnlture, Harness, andseddleiy, aio m quested to send tothlsolllc on th MONDAl of each week, a sealed proposal or Hal, in iivuati, of the articles they are prepared to fui nlah to thla Depot at short notice, with the price ot each marked In plain figures, so that, in case thcexl- J codes of the service require it, the ni title or nr IcUscan be obtained without dtbty '"d at tie lowest prloe, Dealers wishing to aell to thla Depot .Ui hu 10 uircd to furnish the Hat punctually (n cr U mUy morning D. H. ilLUKl-H, Srlfadler General and thief Uuarie.maaitr, jtMf Depot of Washlntrtou W ILL Alt DB1 IIOTUL, SYKKS, CHADWICK tV CO, ('ty,turJJnruvitRi. Jifenusamf fourlrrntit ttmt, Washlniton D, C Jafi-ly From the New York Spirit of the Fair 1 ULTUC DAKIXIUKJI. BV IISNKV T. TCCXERMAK When elrclM by the fond and fair, We saw the maimed and pale, With that heroic, f entle air, Before which cowards qualli So radiant In the grasp ofpalo, so mek with valor's crown, Our swelling hearts could not refrain To bless thy young renown. Youth's artless cheer with raauhoo Vs thought In word and glance o'etfiow, As If thy life bad newly eaught Thy blood's ancestral glow1 The tplrlt of old Sweden's king Which mien and accent bore, In every pulse-beat seemed, to apt In Intrepid as of yore. It nerrrd thy arm In wild foray, And round t&y martyr's bed, Whet e love and filth still watch and pra, Angello patience shed. . aln the bueambuah from whoae lair Tho murderer's bullet came, And rain the slander that would tear The glory from my ha me. O, Ulrfe, brutal hate will pine, All Impotent to siat , , The Uurels thtt iMsoountrys sMlne Forever sbMUndetr. " TnedtAth of Rev. Thomas Star King, In an Franclieo, on the 4th of Much, has called forth, mnnr nthir trllmtra. thfl fnllnwlnir rm.1llf .iBnB ' I From the San FtaqcIioo Bulletin.) lUllCTlnKGtinnt-SIarch ltli, 10I IV FRAKK BIEL HAUTE. tame ILe Relief "What, fentry.ho' How nasied fho night through thy long waking1' " Cold, cheerless, dark is may befit The hour before the daws Is breaking ' 1 Nn ilslit t na tound t" " Noi nothing e Tlieplorer from the marshes calling And In yon Weatern Kky, about An hour agn, a Star waa falling." " A atar t There's nothing st'aogo In 1 hat ' "No, nothing! but, above the thicket Somehow It seemed to me that God somewhere had just relief, cl a picket ' OFFICIAL PAPKHS. lotirap&uileuce I.ald IIire Couf(rrse liy lli JJepartmentbffftftfe. FRANCE Continued, Mr, Stttvrtl to J Mtrcltr, Depastmeht or Statc ) Wasiiihotoi. November 8 l&M. 1 "' t ... pnim,..u -,n(n r ti? am. Sm- I Imrc tho honsr to acknowledgo the -,t" ,",", , r. Tt, rtiim f r Instant. In which you ircscnt tho claim of Mr. FiaucoU Ilougcrc acnnst tho Government of UiO untlcu oiaics, in uio iorm in wmcu 1. uas ,,,- .tatedbvhlm to Jlr. Fauconnot. manaccr "i ,,. Vnn.ulile tat franco t New oilcan. '' J,1.""" . .7: Tho tateincnt of Mr.BouRerO la of tho follow- lnir cfTecli Tliat ho It a native of Frances that ho ua, bcen , Inhabitant of tho State of I.OU. l.lana .lnco 1810. nnl for .ome time, not uell. nlUly .Utcn, h.'toja domiciliated li.ero, a, a (uffar Ilontcr, In 110 parltU of 8t. Charlei that lie haa not loll Ha nationality of a French- man, ,nd tn,t i10 n, ncrcr borne arm. aualnst the United Slate., that ho wa. recently tho owner or scvenly-lwo negro slaves or varioua aces and distinct eoxci, who were tho ,u- rromrt nf fnmlllfa uhlch ho had honirht a ! IontT whiio prior to tuo year imoj oil 01 "- - ":.. v '-tt- -.t. .. whlcli slavcawcro upon lis saw pianwuon, to- KClher with horses, mules, carriages, linen, and family rtorcsi that the aggregate Yaluo of these slaves aod the articles of property thus 4c- " was seventy thousand tight hundred (lon,r. That ou tho 2Mh dav of Aucust last. a column of United Btalco troops, under tho fmmnnil nfdoloucl Thomas and Cant. Grout. took from him by force theso seventy-two slaves, a list or wmcu is given, anu aiso tne inveuiory ui ssmewcroloet deprived him LKSliwi 01 luc m .1 ol, licu"nK re"u' "'' ? try, and dctcrmlno inch case. Those CommH r" th, .'Jo corn' V,1!'1,1 ? U"V of jnne, which would llone ronJer account, of tholr dolnga to tho .'. i ''J,0.' i hare jloldcd thrco hundred homhead. of engar ijovomnr. of th. hii. ..t ni itt. mtiro in. -. V. f l,. ... -p' and mousses, IBM mo aarasgcsMiiicii re- united from this failure aro equal toclcMoen thou a ami dollars, which, added to the value of tho slaves and property taken, makes an asrerc- gatoof eighty eight thousand eight hundred dollars, Mr. represent that ho has maileuu- encccssiul BTiDllcatlons to tho local authorities I of tho United States In Louisiana, for redress sloncd by ilolcnce. Injustice, soverlly, or even carelessness on tho part of the military forces of tho United States, bo that redress, If Justly duo, shall bo awarded. Incntortng upon Ibis examination, I could not but remark that Mr. Bougere's own repre sentations of his attitude towards tbo do, cm ment do not seem to mo to fully justify tbe view of It which, u,wn different Information, you hat u assnmcu. Yon stato that his antece dents hnvo been represented to you as excel lent In all respects, and that ho appears to hao ncm departed from tho strict neutrality which the Emperor's Government has not ceased to recommend to Its citizens under ox 1 s tint,' circumstances. In trusting to Mr. Bon gcre's statement, I obserro that upou the point non lu question ho states only that ho uer loet his nationality as a French subject, nor boru arms against tho United States. I need hardly point out to so just an obsen cr as your Excellency the fact that, besides bearing arms against tho United Btatcs, thcro am other ays In which a man of wealth and Influence can abet and support a treasonable Insurrection. Kveu tho chief of the revolutionary conspiracy, and every member of the cabals which aro called his Cabinet and Congicss, can probably safely assert that ho has never borne arms against tho United States. It may, neverthe less, bo tme that Mr. Bougere has preserved his neutrality In tho present conillct, notwith standing his own seeming reserve upon mot object i I will thcreforo cheerfully receive, upou that point, any more full and a Jti factory Information which you may bo authorised now or hereafter to furnish. In tho mean time, candor requires that I should Inform jou that even tho very cautious and guarded statement which Mr. liougcro mako concerning his neu trality Is distinctly contradicted by the military authorities at Now Orleans. Iboy represent that beforo tho transaction, of which ho com i lalns. hud occurred, he had been In the habit uf meeting with a military band of Insurgents, of tth.fha nephew of hla is caplalui that ho assisted largely by voluntary coniriuuuons io equip that tieusonablo band, and that ho vol untarily supplied them with rations sent from his own house that he provided himself with n rc olutlonary uniform, saddle, and horso equip ments, and had them In his possession and ready for use on his plantation when that trans fiction occurred. raising from the political character of tho claimant to tho details of tho transaction com plained of, I must call your attention to the cry aguu and unsatisfactory manner In which tho facts aro presented by Mr. Uougcre. lie coulents himself with saying that a column of troops of tho United States, commanded by Colonel Thomas and Cnptuin Orout, of the Eighth Vermont, took by force tho slaes and nronem described, and forbears from gi lng any account of tho moment or circumstances of tho aucgeu capture. This very general nai la ment la unsupported by any teatlmouy or el ilaicc, nor is It even authenticated by tho cus tomary continuation of his own oath. I think you will at once perceive that theie Is a necessity for your referring the matter back lojour consul for testimony ut somo kind, when I lufuru you that th fuct of u forcible taking ol Iheslavcaaud propertyUiontradlct td by the military authorities of tho United Siatei) who were eugaged lu thu transaction They rcjwrt that tho negroci (claimed as slave.) wero not iaaen oy rorce nor in any otner way by the military column) but that, on the contrary, they left tho Plantation TofuntarUri that a portion, understood to be orer half of mem, naa even to lert ana abandoned tho plantation beforo the expedition In that direc tion was made: and that of the remaining half ft portion left In the same voluntary manner taking advantago of the expedition, tome of them going off before the column at It ad vanced, and others following behind It as It proceeded that the expedition returned during a night and a day, and that other negroes, sup posed to bo slaves then, followed it on Its re turn and that all this was done not only with out any command or dlrodlon given by the ouiccr, out even wunout any interference made by himself or by any of the forces constituting the expedition. It Is also ststcd by tho mili tary authorities that they received only one of the fncltlve slaves In question, and that this particular slavowas one whq had escaped from the plantation before tho expedition waa made, was wounded by a mnskct-ball In tho act of escape, and, therefore, sought refugo In the camp, and wpi-ihcre Indulged with medical treatment. '" The same authorities report that when tho expedition had pasted Mr. uougcre's homo on Its outward march, that person, who had been absent from tho mansion, rclnrncd to It and then drove all his cattle and other stock back Into the woods, and also drovo the slaves who wero then remaining on the plantation Into his sugar-houtei and that these slaves, taking ad vantage of tho night, left the sugar-home and followed the expedition on Its return to the camp, Tho military authorities further report that they took two very poor horses from the plant ation and used them to draw the guns, but that onlr one of them belonged to Mr. Bougcret and they allege that no other horses or other, nor any carriages or slaves, or other property, wero taken from tho plantation by tho expeditionary force, either with or without llw authority of tho commander. They add, however, that somo such nroncrtv a. 1. men. Honed by Mr. Bougcre was taken and used by tho slaves In making their night. Uavlng thus, nlih tbe utmost frankness, given to i on the representation, of tho trans action communicated by the Secretary of War to this Department, It remains only to say that I am Instructed to receive and to give duo weight to any corrections of those representa tions which Mr. Bongere shall be able to make, and that when tho case shall thus hare been fully developed, I shall apply to tho President for Instruction., with a view to n riellnltf. nnd. .. , . . :r..::z ::i. -, i trust, a uausiaciorr reply. I hare the honor to bo. sir. with litirh ponitld. ersllou, onr obedient servant, WILLIAM 11. BEWAnn. Mr. IUkv Mcudcn, Ac., tVc, .lc. Jfi .Vflranl to Mr, Jcrrfcr. Department or State. 1 Wasiunotoh, November 10, 180.1. ( Sim I have attlentlvoly read our Excellen- cy'a noto of the Clh Instant. Thus fur, only two persons whohavo claimed exemption from tho mllltarv draft on the ground of their being French subjects, bate occn presented to this Licparlinent, ana notli of them w tro discharged promptly and wilhout delay. This is a complex Government, conslstiug of StatcOovcrnmcnts, within their sphcro, Inde pendent of tho Fcdcrsl Government) tho Fed eral Government, In Its sphoro. Independent of the fitato Government. Collisions betwoen thorn cannot be prevented by Kxccullvo action. They must, however, bo reconciled whon they have occurred. Tho Government calls on the States to furnish troops by draft of the militia. Tho States detcrmlno for themselves who con. slltutotkomilllla. and thev make the draft. Tboy respectively provldo for ascertaining who are uwie to mcuraitanu whoaro exempt trom " """ "J U.IB UM,SbVWUtlIVUVII Ml MV,. u, ana tuey navo mate commissioners to near, Uepcndcnco of tho Federal Government, and are In no way responsible to thctu. Jf tho nor or a tttsto errs, and subjects to military duty a person who Is entitled to exemption on tho cround of alienage, a question Is thus ralsod between the United Slates and the na tion which is untitled to protect the complain ant. This Department Ucn recolvcs and promptly and ciltctually decides tho caso. It would ludeed he very acrccablo to communi cate In ad van co to representatives of the for eign Powers the principles upon which the De partment would nroccod In such cases. But. on tho other hand. It must he allowed there are fu subjects moro prortuctlvoof conflicting leguistion ana adjudication man mat or alien age. It seems, therefore, to bo prudent to re frain from anticipating merely what specu lative questions Involve, and to confine the action 01 uocrnmeni io moso cases wuicn, Lclug practically brought beforo It, mnt neces sarily receive Its solution. In tho hope that theso explanations will be satisfactory to your excellency, i nave me honor to oe your very obedient servant, Wlf-IUM ll.ttSWAftn. Mr. Hknrt MnnciER, Ac, Ac., fcc. 7b be Continued. oprioiiL.l r.VWS OF TI11C UN1TKD STATICS, t'ltaaeil nt the First Section of the Thirty' Klffhth Cougrcaa. iriOLic No. 40.1 An act to Incorporate tho Unlou Gaslitht company oi tno ui&trici oi loitimma. 1U it matted bu the Senate ami Jfouaa of lititrc ttntativet of the UniUd htatcs of Atmnctt in CVji arcu atsetnbUd. That Savlua J. Bowen. William timer, wiuiam uatos, itoucrt w. -Miiuank, Andrew .m. muuey, uiiam Ji. uamwiu, 6, I). Oilman, D. C. Forney, S. 1. Brown, John (ircen, and uumallcl (Jay, and their asso- elates and assigns, bo and thay are hereby created a tody corporate, uudcr tho uaino of The union uasncni company oi tuo uistnct of Columbia," with authority lo manufacture and sell gas, to bo made of coal, rluc, oil, lur, pitch, peat, turpetlnc, or other maiulal, and to be nsod In lighting tho city of Washington and tho streets thereof, and any bulldlugs. manufactories, or nouses mcrcm suuaieu. ana to lav mains and Pines for tho purpose of conducting gas lu any of tho avenues, streets. lanes, or nuea oi ino saiu cuyi JTOuuea, however inai mo cam tuiupuuy anon eo con duct the manufacture, and lay said mains and pipes, as not to create a nuisance or lujuro cither rrlrate or public property) AmlnroitilJ furtfur, That tho Bald mains nud pipes shall bo laid subject to sucu couuiiioua auu m eompu anro with such reirutatlons as may bo iru scribed by tho muulclpal authorities of the city of washiugton, ana tuo ngiu io crcci anu us- IIUIISU OH J UUtluiuo, m''aiavua, ui iimtusuvi J for tho m anu fact uro of gas, shall bo subject to such regulations and restrictions as may bo Horn time to nmo prescnucu uy iuu caiu muni' final nuLhoritks of Wlishluirton. Sec. 2. .ltl be it fuithtr mactal, That tho capital slock of tho said company shall not bo less than Ave hundred thousand nor morothan ono million dollars, mid that tho said stock shall bo divided luto shares of ono hundred dollars tachuud shall bo doomed personal property and bo transferable In such manner as tht! bj law of suldtompauj ma) direct. See. J. l'uf be U jarthtr eiuitttit, 'that within six dsvs attei this act is approved by tho Pres- hlLnt of the United Elate, thu corporators named lu the llrst iseUlou, or a mijirlty of them. or. If any refusr or neglect to ift. then a majority of tho others shall cause woks of subscription to the capital stock or said com nanv to be opened and kept open in somo con leiiiuu. iJiaeu iu u vtij i mohuiuhiuu, iiuiu nino o'clock lu thu forenoon till threo o'clock In the afternoon, fur a period of not lest than threo da)L, ami a much longer as the said cor pora torn shall prescribe, and thu said corpora tors shall glu public notice of tho tlrao ami place ot opcuing sain hooks oi subscription, by advertisement thereof In the dally papers published In tho city of Washington, and rab icribers to tho capital stock of said comnanT shall bo held to be stockholders i lYovtdeJ, That every subscriber shall pay at tho time of suuscnoiDg iwen.y-nvo per ctmtnra or the amount subscribed by him to the treasurer whn shall be appointed by the said corporators to receive tbo same, or his subscription shall be nnu and void. L SlC. 4. And be it further enatUtL That when tho nitnlranni amount of the capital stock of said company, as prescriDea in tne second sec tion, shall have been subscribed, and twenty- fire per centum thereof paid aa aforesaid, tho saia corporator, or a majority oi mem. ana in caso any re fa so to act, then a majority of the others, shall, within fifteen days thereafter. call tho first meeting of tbo stockholders of said company, to be held at somo convenient Place In the city of Washington, for tbo elec tion of directors, of tbollmo and place whereof notice shall do given ror at least live days id at least two dally news papers published In the city of Washington or by written notice there of, signed by one or more of said corporators, and personally served on each stockholder) and in all mcetlngst tho- stocxhobi4ra each ah a re snau entiuo ine noiaer to ono tchc, to up given either In person or by proxy. Soc. &rAnd be U further enacted. That thtf cov- ernment and direction of the affair of the com pany shall bo vested In the board of directors, composed of seven members, who shall be stockholders, and who shall hold their office ror tuo term 01 ono year, ana nniu oxuers aro dalv elected and Qualified to take their places as directors' and tho said directors shall eloct one of their number to be president of tho board, who shall also be president of the com pany, and a majority of the board shall consti tute a quorum to do business; ami they shall choose a treasurer, who shall give bond with Bufllclent surety to said company, In such sum as the said directors may require, for the faith ful discharge or nis trust, in caso oi n vacancy In the board of directors by death, resignation, removal, refusal to act, or otherwise, the va cancy occasioned thereby shall be OlUd by tho other directors. Bee. 0. And be it further enacted, Tnot thcro shall be an annual meeting of tho stockholders, for tho election of directors, to bo held at such time and place, and under such rules and reg ulations, as tho said company In their by-laws shall prescribe, and the directors shall make an annual report in writing ot their proceed lncs to tho stockholders. 8ec. 7. And be it further enacted That tho directors shall hive full power to mako all such by-laws as they shall deem necessary for tuo regulation, management, ana uisposmou of tho stock, effects, and property of tho said company, andfor the prorer execution of the bu siness oi the company, bo as tne same snau no. be contrary to this charter, to the laws or tno United States, or to the ordinance, of tho city oi Washington. ttec. t. And be it further enacted. That notn tog In this act Khali be ao construed at to an- muiiiu iuu BB.U i-uui.iuuj w iHuu uj uuic. token, device, scrip, or otner evidence or aem to be used as a currency. See. I). -4tf be it further enacted. That lr any person or persons shall wilfully destroy, or, lu anywise, injure tho mains, pipes, apparatus. or other works, property, or appurtenances uuiuiiKt'sK io buu usea uy earn cumr-noy iu manufacturing eas or In furnlshlnir UdhBamo to coaiumcrs thereof, the person or yimjns so offending shall, for every each offe$ltrfelt and pay to tho said company the sub- f five dollars, and shall. In addition to satfesjsraalty. remain liable to said company for an,y loss or iiamatre orcasionea n 7 me onenca. ace. iu. anu oe u jurtner enacted j iua. iuo said company Is hereby Incorporate upon tho cxrress con cf It Ions that It shall forrjUhgasto all the consumers thereof conlalnlirg fifty per centum more Illuminating iower than that which Is now furnished by the "Washington Gaslight Company," and at a cost not exceed ing mo aouars anu nny cents per tnousana cnblc feet; and a failure to comply with these conditions shall operate as a forfeiture of this charter. Sec. 11. Ami he it further enacted. That the said company shall not be authorized tctotll gas until It shall have produced to the Majtor f tbo cltv of Washington and to the Bccrttarv of the Interior satisfactory evidence that ttkas laid down, In a proper and workmanllke-snao- ner, in ine avenue anu sireoiaoi me sam euy, gaa mains oi an average cuamcier or attest. six Inches and a total length of not lesifctban twcntyflvo miles i nor shall tho said company connect Its gas mains Ith tho pipes supplying tho Uiqmol and otner public nuiidinga uutong lng to tho UuUed States, or sell gas, uulil It shall have produced to the Secretary of tiki In terior satis factor) eyl)cnco that It has crtctod and In operation good and substantial works nil liAlrfnra imniritA of mnnn rartiirlntl sinil storing a quantity of gas, of tho quality s fore said, sufllclcnt to supply the consumption at all times required In, the Capitol and rmbllc buildings aforesaid. And unless tho said com pany snau nave commicu wuu mo rcruiro ments and conditions In this section prescribed within two years from the passage of this act, tho said act shall bo null and void. Provided, homttr, That said company shall have tho privilege at any time witnin me earn two years, of lighting with the gas manufactured by It somo one street a dlstanco not exceeding ono mllo. Sec. U. Ami be it farther tnacivd. That well of the stockholders In the " Union Uas-llghl Company" of the District of Colombia shall be held liable In his or her individual capacity for all tho debts and liabilities of the said com pany, howovcr contracted or incurred, to be recovered by sutt as other debts or liabilities, before tho court or tribunal having Jurisdiction of the case. Sec. l!l. .Im! tV tt further eaet&l. Thai this net may at anytime bo altered, amended, or repealed by the Congreas of the United States. Approved, April o, iwh, Il'inuc No. 11.1 Imctii incorporate Providence Hospital, of tne city oi wasmngion, uiairici 01 voiumoia. IU it tnthtnl lu tht henatt ami Uouu of Reii- rttcntUUtiQf tt Cuited ,Suci of America In Vttngrm att nbic, That Lucy Gvryun, Teresa Anircla Costello, Sarah McDonald, Mary K. Spalding, and Mary Carroll, and their succcs. sort In olllce, aro hereby made, ddlared, and conauiuieu a corporation ana uour pontic in lstf and In fact, nnder the name and style of the directors or rroriaenco Hospital, and by that name tlicy shall be and are hereby mado capable In law to sue and ho sued, to plead and bo Impleaded, In any court within the county of Washington, In tbo District of ColuinbUi to haro and naa a common seal, and to alter or amend Uie samo at pleasure! to havo.rrarchase. receive, possess, and enjoy, any estate In lands, tenements, annuities, goods, chattels, moneys, or cltects, and to grant, devise, or dispose of iuu same in sucu manner aa tnoy may ileenl most lor mo inicrcstoi tne noapitai i i'rotwtd, That the real estate held by said corporation eiiau uoi execou in value tuo turn 01 ouv uuu drcd and ilfty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. Anile it further tmrtnt, 1 hat the said corporation and body politic shall hsvo fnll power to appoint from luelr Qin bodj a prtsi. dent and such other oulccrs as liny uay diem necessary foi tho purposes of thtlr creation, ami lu case of the death, resignation, or refu sal to aerve, of any of their numbtr, the re malnlng membert shall Uea and apiwlut oibir pertont In lieu of llioac hose places insy hat e been vacated, and tb said eorporatlon shall have full power and all tbo rlsbts of openltg and keeping a hospital In tbo city of Washington for the taro uf such aickand Invalid persous as may place theunclns uudr Hit trealintut and care of the said corporation. Sec. 11 .W is it further en ctej, 'lust lha said iorKralion shall alio luie oud enjoy ful n.,., nuA authorlt to mako suth liT'lawa. ruin, and regulations as may Im necessary for the general accouipllsliiuimt of the objects ol said hobpltah iYuiwifaii, That they be not In consistent with the laws In force In theDlttrla of Columbia! Awl proeWni jur(her, That llils act shall be liable to bo .mended, altered, or repealed, at the pleasure of Congress. AfTTOTCd, April 8, 18M. rPfBUo Vft. a-.n Ay iCT concerncernlng noUrles public for the lu.uict oi i;oinmoia. Be U enacted bv the Sennit aA n,. f ItepretcntttlMt of the United Statet of America In Congreu attembUd, That notaries public for the District of Columbia may he appointed by the supreme court of said District, whose term of offlco ihall bo flro years, and who may he removed oy saia court ror cause, mere snsu be no new appointment of . notary public sntll the number In thla District Is reduced to twenty.flvei and when the number Is so re duced, as vacancies thereafter ocenr. thev mar bo filled by said conrt. Sec. 3. And be it further tnacted. That each notary public hereafter appointed, before en tering upon the dntles of his office, shall take an oath falthfullr to dlschanra the sami. and shall give bond to the United Statet In the turn of two thousand dollart, with tecurlty to be approved by the tald tupreme court, or ledge thereof, for the faithful dltchargo of the duties Of hl office. -And the said conrt ahall, with reasonable.'dTttmtch, by . general order to be fiubllahejd In one or more newtpapert printed n the tald District, require all persons now holding the commission ot notary public in said District to give new bond, as hereinbefore provided for. within a shert time to be pre scribed therein) and all such persons falling to comply therewith shall be stricken from the list of notaries. rles public shall have authority to demand ac ceptance and Davment of foreign bills of ex change, and to protest the same fornon-accept-anco and non payment and to exercise such other powers and dntles as by tbe law of nations and according to commercial usages, or for use and effect beyond the jurisdiction of the saia Lnsirict, as accoruing to toe law oi .uy State or Territory of the United States, or any roreign uovernment in amity witn ine unuou States, may be performed by notaries public. oec. . Ana oe u jurwr cnaciea, i nat nota ries public msy also demand acceptance of In. land bills of erchange, and payment thereof, and of promissory notes, and may protest the same for noneceptance or non-payment, as tho case may require. Bee. a. Ana it tl luruur ewteua, luai, cacu notary publle shall have power to take and to certify the acknowledgment or proof of powera of attorney, mortgegea, deodt, and other ln ttrumentt of writing, the acknowledgment of any conveyance or other Instrument of writing executed by any married woman, to take depo sitions, and to administer ostht and affirma tion. In all mailer. Incident or belonging to thu dntlM of hla office, and to tako aUldarlte to bo used beforo any court, Judge, or officer within thla District. Rm. n. Ri! bt it further enacted. That each notary public ihall keep . fair record of all hla official acts, except such at are mentioned lu ine nun tecuon oi mia acii anu w ucu iwiuue. shall give a certified copy ot any record in uu office to any peraon, upon payment of the fee. therefor. Sec. 7. And be it furl'ar enacted. That each notary public, before ho ' as snch, s hall p oj vide a notarial seal, with which ho shall au thenticate all hit official actt. which teal, to gether wllh hla recordi and official documents, shall not be liable to bo seized on by any execu tion, lie shall deposltc an. Impression of his official seal in the offlco of the clerk of the tu preme court of laid dltlrlct. Bee. 8. Ami be tl further enacted. That on the death, retlguatlon. or removal from office of any notary public, nit records, together with all his official papers, shall be doposlted in the office of the clerk of the supremo court of said District. Sec. H. .lint U it further eiuutej. That the original protest of a notary public, under hit hand and official teal, of any bill of exchange or pmmlssorytnole for nonicceptance or non payment, staling the presentment by him of such bill of exchange or note for accopunce or payment, ana tno non-acceptance or nou-pj incut thereof, and the service of notice on any or all of tho parties to such bill of exchange or promissory note, ana epociiytug ma muuu ui L,, I. l. ..! It,. .Ann, ml ,'.( nf giving eueu uuiiec, uuu ,uv ivi'm.u ,. ., - residence of the party to whom the samo was given, and the post office nearest thereto, shall be prima facie evidence of tho facta contained tli.t-Mln. The certificate of a notarv public. under his band and seal of office, drawn from his record, stating tho protest and the facta therein recorded, shall be evldenco of the facta In like manner aa the original protest. Soc. 10. And be it further enacted, Tbst the feci of notaries public ihall bo at followti l"or eicn ceniucaio ana teai, uuy euiu.i i&.iu-, depositions or other writings, for each one hundred words, ten cents-, administering ah oath, llucen cents; raiting acauowicuguieui ui . .1.....4 nr nnm, nt attornev. with CertldcaLe thereof, fifty centsi every protest of a bill of exchsnge or promissory noto, and recording tbe same, one dollar and seventy-live cents; each notice of protest, ten cents; each demand for acceptance ot payment, u accepwu or y i, una Hollar, to bo nald bv the party accepting or paying lha same; each noting of protest, ono dollar. And any notary public who shall taxe a uiguer ico man i." ptcw j -.. shall pay a Bne of ono hundred dollart and be removed iromoutce oyinei,." auv .",, Sec. 11. And It it further e.''',''. ."' acta and parte of actt inconilaten.- with tnli act bo and the tame are hereby rcpealeav Approved, April 8, 18H. Una of the speakers at the Fremont nieclluc In this cltv. on Thursdav evening, expressed Ibe following somewhat Jumbled opinion! If Fromont waa nominated for tho Prosl dencv. he would bo called to tho command ol tbe armies; he, lu turn, would place In the neiu uencrais iiueii, uosncrans, .wciieuan, Kcgley and other unemployed General, and the war would toon cease. In his flrstmessage, uen. XTcinoni would declare that Slavery wat forever abollihed In the United States. "iffa burg Qaiette. The oil wellt of Pennsylvania have produei'it &.M.000 barrels of petroleum since Fe'iruarj, 1W.3. A military hospital la to be built iuiimxll ately In Detroit, 0 F F I C I A L Wii DLIM.trMl.l-T. 1 Adjuthi (.mrait's onus, Wa-iiikoton, April It, !8M The qlIowlnofflcfrshavIna;ia reported at tae headquarters of the army for tho ott-uces here laaflar speoirteJ, Me hrrrb) notified that thay will taDel dlsmlMrd fr 'h Ic of th Unltisl tMcs unltM, within ortcn (15) days Iron this date, th) apprar before lhe Military Couuiiiislou lu "- on in this city, of which Brlgailer General John t. tald well, t'alted states volunteers, is in r title t and inakr latisfctory defence to the tit trie sjainst them foi tfii)7 4iirtictftt and yrej Ungnagt in nlHy an (fUil rtturnjtf deitrteri. firs) Ucuteoaot and Adjutant Joseph It nil- 4.H) Illlaols volunteers. Vtiobrditnee oforxltri end neglect of duty upcc-iiil Lieutenant i, Cain, 8th Ohio liul-peiv drat iiatte ry. Abtenee viihout Leave V nt Lleutansnt John Acknrr, WU Ohio volua tens (-aptrtlo Moid tal, lostb rviiuiyli aula 'olun tceis. Lleuteaant James U. rtoJris, lioth PeunatUa- nla VQuqteers. i Assistant Burjeon VitthewT. Loo We, 4th Ten. noiiee voluateeis Flist UcurVnint Kiu .nuvi Tyre, 3d De'awa.a oluatips. ' AsliUnt iurgfOQ 11 c Oijjood, Mh ladlaoa vo!uulris h ircctm Joltix Ul((lns, lith Ulluoli cavalry fcsxjoa.l Ueutcaaut Thomas larkln.twtl. lilloois roluntters V, D. TOWNSEND, Pit- Assistant Aut-jit general,