Newspaper Page Text
S3? mtiMiVi Ahl'i,! mT" "- I' s. I I Rational gqmMiciw. WASHWO'IHW, 1). O. rillDAYmm.i in ii.iATKH. 15, 18M. By J OJl- 0 t AisflMsI itqmtlkm (J af 511 AlafA t!rrr(,Mvrm lTinsylwn (a at, tie awd Wii4T5n-ioil(ff to rwfw rt JTf-mMfeais rtvjarii mil ptnut nof(y Mis JI. 13T If c rai. f Ac attention oj butlm t turn Io las .an-lJeafto. o our ..rflafmnl. 1V intend to aoiuiruss qttoWi matter (or Ou hmrjlt VtOHT pdtTOn. Hfniipaptr (i noteWnUAad 5y emrrUri to SimrftiTt In fats rtfy atari Pforysfoani af Hfrfy ttsfl per monfA. t377tararcxl adwrftMmnUl on our Jtrsf pa? art Inserted 5y authority nftXi railroad torn panW srrcralfy named, art aJIWatly torrrtUd wVn cAaajes art mat?, Arncp can bt Ttlied vpon aitorrtct. Katie.. The business of dlstrlbut.DK tht RtrrsLKAif throughout thti city, and Alexandria, nas tats uay been placed In tha naaft of Mr. &i Tnm SiisrntaD, who 1 oar only authorized aeent to oolleet and eollelt subscriptions to toll 1 aper, and haa alio authority to aolleit adrcrtlae- tnente rrora in atlTeruaioa; eommually or thla and the nrlrhborlna; eitlea for the National Rtrus. UfAN Mr. Shepherd la well and favorably known In tela community, from having been for aereral moatha past one of our principal Local Reporters, and wr commenO. him to our cltltcna on hla new role. Washihotox, April 4, ISM. aouMUf iiutuicu. " Turn cattail trnca TnxuTnrzD to ditidi - nusaj or tb Union h tast." 1 SHAH, NOT RETURN TO SLAVBRT ANV PERSON WHO 18 FRKK BT TUB TEKMS OF TI1K PROCLAMATION, OR BT .NT ACT OF CONGRESS." " 1 troclaih rax rAuxm to all who OLIMKLT 8WIAR TO BISCirOXTH FAJTnrCLLT aiTORT, raoncT, aitd trmt thxCoxbti tenon onus Uhitxd Stars, aks th Union or in a Btatbs nnnnin." ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OMIIS SATIO.f ALCOUVKSTIOM. The undersigned, who, by original appolnt rucnt, or subsequent designation to fill Taean ri. constitute the executive commUtee cre utJ by the National Convention, held at Chi co on the lCth day of May. I860, do hereby tsllupon all qualified Totera who dealro the racondltlonal maintenance of the Union, the n,-riEiacyof llie Constitution, andthoeomplrto suppression of the existing rebellion, with the k thereof, by rlgonraa war and all apt and fflclent means, to aend delegate to a eonTcn uou to assemble at Baltimore, on Tneeday, the "th day of June, 18W, at 13 o'clock, noon, for Le purpose of presentlnc candidates for the fires of President and Vice President of the I sited States. Each Bute having a represen- atlon In Conpws will be entitled to as msny -cleffstes as shall be eaual to twir th nnmhM if electors to which such State la entitled In the Eleciciral Collere of the United States. E""7 MOROAN. !ew lork, Chairman. HHA1NAKD, rmoat. r H. ROLLINS, w llampihlre. IT GOODRICH MaachuMtts THOMAS G TURM.R, Rhode laland. nillli W El-I-s-s. ConncclUnL P",MMi DUkR, New Jaraty. V R. SUITHLRS, Delaware. I I WAOru.3larylan THOMAS SPOONLR, Ohio H.S LAMC, Indiana. aMOKLL.(.ASLa,Xentuckr r JACK. IUIooU. HFHBrRT M. HOME, Iowa )St-'Tl.S BLAIR, Michigan. H ARL SCHCRZ, Wlaeoniln U I U'ASHBL'RN, Mlnnaanta. COhrLIL'SCULK.Calllornla. u 1LLIAM A. PHlIXlrs, JUnaaa. I H IK1IH. r-ttirMka. JOSLfH GERHABDT, Dltt ofo. - In .New lork yesterday sold fill to IT5J, upon a report tUt Mr. Chase had drawn for X3CC,0 eterllnR agilnit gold sent from Ban Fr.Lclico. TLe eloalng price waa 177. The , recloua lottal opened at 173 tliia morning Coraiuarcc tu Xuaurraetlonnrr Dlatrleta. Senator Chandler hat Introduced a new till regulating the bujlngof cotton, the lease of abandoned lasdi, etc. It subjects all commcr. elal iranaattlona whattTer to tho reslrictioni of the act of Jnly, 160, and portions of loyal Elates whenever overrun or seriously threat tned with rebel raids. Mora Indiana Starving. The Sioux, In their new reservation in Da. ols, whero they retired sftcr their murderous pastime In Mlnncsots, sre in need. The Sccre- tsry or the Interior, In a letter to the Senate, recommends an approprlstlon of 5107,300 for thst tribe snd the Winnebago, u costs fifteen tents a day each, In addition to their own re sources, to Keep them. ICanaaa Uallroad, The Committee on the Publls Lands have reported a railroad bill giving a grant of alter. nate sections for ten sections on each side of the road, tho line to ran from Emporia via Council Grove to a point on the Pacific road, uear Fort Riley. IVaral Changes Socond Assistant Engineer John H. Perry, iliiachcd from special duty at Baltimore and ordered to thoaranac, vice Second Aatlttant Engineer Edward Olscn, detached and ordered to New York. First Assistant Euglncer Wm. II. King, de tached from the gunboat Massasoll and ordered to tho Angusta. . Second Assistant Engineer Elijah Laws, or dered to tho gunboat Iowssco. Second Assistant Engineer 8. W. Scnsncr, ordered to special duty at Baltimore PKIUONAL. Major Mary K. Walker, the handsome snd aocompllsnea surgeon or uan. nicueok'a brigade, was In the city yesterday .-.CAaZanoojaOauUffSfA Hon. Euwabo Evzbitt was seventy years uiuun me wo uiii , ,ui Miun,i,,ij vi iuc bom bardment of foil Sumter. Madams: Vistvali Is cresting a sensation in iiosion. SccnBTAxr Seward returned from New York icsterdsy Cut. John Hamilton, of the 3d artillery, who was aeiercly wounded at the battle sf Olua tee. and who has been aerlously 1)1 la consequence OI lus wounus, is now, w lire napi'y 10 icarn tufrly And rsrluly Improving, Tni KtroHT Patriotic "I Isbor ;ro oowo liMkQ," said a noisy demsgoguo In a stump speech. "The plain L'ugUsh of that is, you want to pick the public loncs," was tho retort of his opponent. Tub doors of somo of the promimnt soccs slonltts In Vltalla, California, were tarred and leathered recently. Motto of the Republican presses who op i.oscd Mr. Colfax's resolution to expel Longi "Don'tTialloo until yon get out of the Hoods a little more treason." Tn Pratt In New York has been ptitponed until tho latofJnne. A Riss. A Richmond corrospondent or me Mlsnta (Otorgla) wwal aays that a resident of Richmond advertise Ills furniture tor aaij icaute his rent was rle4 from six hundred 1 a.s to tire thousand dollars. Fori Pillow Captured by! the Repel Forrest. GREAT SLL'GHTEROF UMON TROOPS. Fiendish Conduct of tho Rebels. Women and Children Murdered Woundod Prisoners Sabrod and Burnod Alivo. REBEL AHACK ON PADUCAH Cairo, April IS. On Tuesday morning, Forrest, with six thousand men, attacked Fort Pillow. Boon after the attack Forrest sent a flag of truce, demsudlng a surrender of the fort and the garrison, meanwhile disposing his force so as to gsln advantage of Major Booth. 13th Tennessee U. B. heavy artillery, formerly 1st Alabama cavalry, colored. The flag of truce wss refused, and the tight' lng wss resumed. Afterwsrds a second fisg came In, which wss also refused. Both flags gsve Ihercbels sn advantage of new positions The battle waa kept up till 3, p. m., when Major Booth being killed, Major Bradford took command. Tho rebela now came In swsrms over our troops, compelling their surrender. Immodlstcly upon surrender, ensued a scene which nttcrly baffles description. Up to that time comparatively few of our men were killed, but the Incarnate confederates commenced an Indiscriminate butchery of-whites and blacks, including both colors. The previously wounded black aoldlers be coming demoralised, rushed to the resr, the white officers having thrown down tholr arms. Both white and black wero bayoneted and shot, or sabred. Even doad bodies wero horrl bly mutilated. Children seven or eight years of age, and several negro women, were killed In cold blood. Soldiers unsble to speak from wounds were shot dead, and their bodies rolled Into the river. The desd snd woundod negroes were piled Inheapa and burned. Several citizens who Joined our forces for protection were killed or wounded. Out of the garrison of six hundred only two hundred remained alive Among our dead officers aro Capt. Bradford, Lieutenants Barr, Ackcrstrom, YUson, Revel, snd Msjor Booth, sll of the lSlh Tonnessce csvslry. Csptaln Psston snd Lleutensnt Lyon, ef the 13th Tennessee; and Cspt. Young of the 34th Missouri acting provost marshal wero taken prisoners. Msjor Brsdford wss slso csptured, but Is ssld to have escaped. H is fesred, how ever, he Halluces willed. The steamer Platte Valley came up about half-paat three, and waa hailed by the rebela, Under a flag of truce men were sent ashore to bury the dead and to take on board such of the wounded aa the rebus allowed to live. Flfty- sercn were taken on board, lacludiog seven or eight colored. Eight died on the way up. The atcamer arrived here thla avralnir anil I lmmedlatelv sent to the Mound (Hit hoanltl I " 'I uQcrtng ctrgo. Among thiliou of Miehi(tii, Kll of Nw Work, Lou, wounaca oiucers 01 ido colored troop are! Captain Porter, Lleutensnt Libbcrts, and Ad- juunt ixmmtng. Six guns were csptured by the rebels, and carried off, including two 10-poundcr Parrotts, and two 12-pound howitzers. A largo amount of stores were destroyed or csrrlcd away. The Intention of the rebels secmod to be to evscuste the place and move lowsrd Memphis. Locistillz, April IS. Col. Prstt, command- in? at Fort Donelson, telegraphs that he Is In formed thst Faducsh has been attacked, and the town Is full of rebela. FJtOM GKJf. STEELE'S EXPEDITION. Ha llepuleca the RebelaHn Tivo Dattlca. LiTTLB Rocit. Ark.. April U. Advices from Gen. Steele to the 7th bsve been received. Ills expedition reached a point five miles south of Skin or Little Missouri river, about twenty-five mucs irom ;amuen, wnerone expected uen. Thayer, with the Fort Smith force, tojoln him next day. On the 2d, Shelby attacked Steele's rear guard under General Rice with 1,'JOO cavalry and two filcces of artillery, and wss repulsed with a oss of 100 killed and wounded. Our lots was 11 killed and wounded and IS prisoners. On the 4th. Msrmsduke sttscked. with three or four thousand cavalry and live pieces of artillery, on the south side of the Little Mis sion. Alter nvo nours naming, no wss routed with a los of four killed snd twenty-three wounded. Our loss wss 2 killed and wounded. There Is a large force of rebels flvo or six miles In Steele's advance, but It la not expected they will make a stand. Nothing has been heard irom uanxs or-tne gunooats. Prom the Army of iho Potomac, IlMDQCABTIBS AltMT OT Till POTOMAC. Anrll 11 Tfc ft.1 Hlvl.lnn r,t th M am.. commanded by General Blrney, was reviewed to-day by General Hancock, and presented a splendid appearance. General Meade and stair were present, and complimented the division ana its commander on its emciencr. After tho review tho Generals partook of ume reircanmcnia wun donn i. lions, at nis Invltstlon, snd aflerwarda ltli General Blrney. Ihc day lias beautiful. A rumor prevails In camp this morning that tho rebela have been seen on the Blue Ridge, uui nu cretin la given u. PHOH KOltTHElH alONUOK. Arrival of a Steamer from City Polut No Nevra or Prlaonera. FoKTitisa Monroe. Aurll 18 The steamer New York returned from City Point this morn- lug, bringing neither news nor prisoners, the water being so high In James river as to pre rnt communication with Richmond. The sixty women and children taken up In the New York were landed at City Point, and wo learn they had to pay seventy-fivo dollars (confederate money) each for hack hire from that place to Petersburg, distance nine miles. Steamer Colonel Rucker, Cspt. Bell, arrived this morning from New Berne, N. C. At 7 p. in. yesterday spokestcamcr Wlnants, searching for disabled steamer Scott. Thoy had spoken steamer Arago which reported steamer Scott twent-llte miles cast of Bodle's Island, on tho Gtu Instant Steamers United States and Silss O. Fieri e are slso In search of the disabled stoamor. The gunboat Iroquois, hllo oil Point New Point, ran into tho steamer Ocorglaua, striking near the after gangway, carrying away several of her state rooms. Ac. The passengers, fear ing ahe was In a sinking condition, escaped to the Iroquois. Navtgallou Open. IkrliLO, April 11. Navigation Is opera to is point. Tna Ham Teiinssses Fraparlus; to liult, Nxn Yonar, April 14. A letter frorfi the blockading fleet on" Mobile, March 23, aaya tho formidable rebel ram Tenneesse Is getting ready to par the fleet a visit. I We Infer from this thst the Tennessee was not sunk as re ported some days since IHlisl ILaius Clown Up. Niw Yobk, April It The steamer Tpnuas A Scott, from New Orleans, has srrlvcjllf- I Hatches papers of the 1st of April have a report that the rsbels bsve blown up two rams, Bwevepon and Missouri, to prevent their sll- lag into our nsaas, ana in si uey asvo evacu ated Bhrtvtport. i Initlan Tranblsa PlRht at Sfrrmnls Orchard. Omaha, N. T., April 14. It la reported that the Indians bsve lorn down the telegraph lino twice near Junction Station, between Julca burg and Dearer City. A fight Is sstd to have taken place at Fre mont's Orchard, between troops from Denver snd the Indlsns, In which live soMlers wcrs wounded. Tlis Cananra af air. Ln, of Ohio, After the close of the debste In the House yesterday afternoon by Mr. Colfax and Mr. Long, Mr. Cox moved to lay the resolution to censure Mr. Long upon the table. This was dlaasreed to yeas TOi nays TV. The first resolution wss then read, nainelvi "Thst said Alexander Lone be. and he Is hereby, declared to he an unworthy member of tnia uonse." ' The resolution wss agreed to yeas SO) nsys TOi as follows! Arnold, Ashley, Dally, Baldwta of Massachusatti, Baxter. Btaaaao, Blaine, Foutwsll, Boyd, Broomal, A. W.Clark, Cobb, Cole, Craawell, Dawes, Damlof , Drtazs, ttamont, Lsaley, Faroswortb, Frank, Gat nald. Gooah, Grlnorll, Hlrsby. Hoopsr, Hotebklss, Hnhbard of Connartleut, Jcnskes, Julian, Xasson, Kallay, KalM-n of ll.bla, Kallon "t New A ork. Loan, Lonsrear, Man la, AlaBrlda, MeCturr , Meladoa. alUlaroIMew lork, MorriU, Morris ol Nw York, A. Myers, L. Mvsrs, Norton, O'Neill of Pennsylvania, Orth, ratiaiaon, rerbam, rika, romeroy, rrlaa, Rsndall of Kentucky, Rtce of Mass aahosatia, fuse of Maine, Rolllae of New Harap. shlra, Sehaaek, Shannon, Sloan, Smith, Smltbers, Starr, Starans, Tnaycr, Thoinaa.LTpson, Van Valk nburfb, Washburna of Illinois, Washburna of Massasliusetts, Webster, Whaler, Wilder, W llaon, Wlndom, WoodbMOia 80. Naya Maesrs. J. 0. Allan, Waa. J Allan, Ansooa, Baldwin, Blatr of Mo., Bliss, Brown of Wlsaoastn, Brown of Wast Yin tain. Chanler. Clar. Corrroth. Cox, Cravens, Dawson, Denlson, Kdan, EldrlilKS, m (asa, uukb, una, Harrla of Maryland, .BiutagB rvnas; ..-.nut nvauKu, nui nu,',., u lww, u.. lory. Merer, MeBowall, MsKannay, MlUer, Mnrrla of Onto. Usrriuin. Nclaon. Nnhla. nr!lt of Ohio, Paadleton, rerry, rruya, Itadrord, Ran dall of rtnnsylvanla, Robinson. Rofars, Rollloa of MlseooH, Ross, Seott, Stabblns, staelo of New York. Steele of New Jarsry, strooaa. Stuart, Sweat, Voorbaes, Ward, Wbeelar, C. A.Whlta,J. lit nHIMiniBOII., ft T UtTta-i BU I Minim IV, tm TTaT ptat as wa attains I an asaaa-HS-aaaK aaaB fKaa sfl a-i.-i- olotlon iru adopted, the second resolution was of no particular moment, and therefore he moTed to lay It upon the table. Mr. Coiru waa -willing to withdraw It tj unanlmout content. Oblenloni were made on the Onwwtilnn tide. Mr. Voorheea tald It was time theae dla graceful proceeding were brought to a close. avuero waa mucn coniosion a. ims time. The second resolution la as follow it ly, the one already adopted, to the said Alex- anaer iong aunog tne session or me House. The second rcso)utIonwss,onmotlonofMr. llolmsn, laid upon the table; 71 again CO. Mr. Coiraxthen moved the previous quest lou on the preamble, under the operstlon of which it wss agreed to. The preamble sets forth, aubetsutlally. that Alexander Long, a Iteprcaentatlve from the Second District of Ohio, by his open declara tion. In the National Capitol, and by publica tion In New York, has shown himself to bo In fsvor of the recognition of tho so-called Con- loaeracy, now trylog to establish Itself on the ruins of the country, thereby giving aid and comfort to tho enemy In their destructive prac tices, and to the traitors sgalnat the Govern ment within our borders, by assurances of their success snd affirmations of the Justice of their cause; and that such conduct Is Incompatible with hla duty ae a member of thla body. The above preamble was agreed to by the following vote yeas TO, nsys G3i Yeaa Jdeasrs. Aller, Allison, Anas, Anderson, Arnold, Ashley, Bslly, Baldwin of Massachusetts, Raster, Baamaa, Blame, Bootwcll, Biyd, Broom all, A. W. Clark, Cobb, tola, Ireswell. Dawes, "A BWBI .K, r.O.i UIMUCJU UOOEJ1, GilaoeU, HIctT, Hootxr. Hotchklas. Hubbard of thia, un.oiii, jcKu-j, tana, uarneiu uoocn, CltMl Mil. I...1.H I.ilf.n V.-.h H.ll.. Vl- Tr.rr l "" rw, miurw, AJ77.rrMYv.r.: fJoS: SOT o! Mslndoa. New Yoik. rannsvlv. .., uiw, r-tticr-oo, remain, i-iac, romeroy, ft lee, Randall of Kentucky, Rtccof Massachusetts, Rico of Maine, KoUtnaof Maw Hampshire, scbenck, Shannon, Sloan, Smith, Smlthers, Starr, Slavers, Tha) cr, Tbomaa, Upaoo, 1 an alktoburfb, Wash burna of Illinois, Washburna of Massachusetts, Webster, Whaley, Wilder, llaon, Wlndom, and Woodb-ldre vs. Nays Messrs J. (..Allen, W J. Allen, Ancona, Baldwin of Mien , Bliss, Brown of Wis., Brown of W. Va, Chanler, Clay, Loftroth. Cos, Dawaoo, Denlson, Eden, klldrldre, Flack, Gaoaon, Grldcr, Hall, Hardlnr, Harris of MJ , Herrlck, llolmsn, Hutcbios, Johnson of OMo, Kalbfletscb, Krnan, Knapp, Law, Laiaa', Marey, McDowell, McKln ney, Miller of Fcnn , Morr a of Ohio, Morrison, Nelson, Noble, (Xlell, O'Neill of Ohio, frndleton, ,ii,i ,iuju. Rwiiwtu, n.ouau vi irno , nooin sob, Rofera, Rolllna of Mo , Hoss, Seott, stebblos, Steels ol New York, Steele of New Jerse) , Slrouse, Stuart, Voorhaae, Ward, Wbeelsr, a A t hlte , 1. W. White, Wlnfleld, V. Wood, Yeaman-SJ. The House, at a quarter to C o'clock, ad journed. orrtciAL. Dlamlseale for tha Weak enttlna; April V, ltoi. Lieutenant Colonel August Otto, SSlh New York volunteers, and Captain W. A. Harn, Sd New York independent battery, to date March 14, 1861, for giving duplicate discharges to en listed men. Assistant Surgeon Uald fckoit, and Assieiaut Burgeon James Fulton, 143d Pennsylvsnls vol nnteers, to dste April 8, 1801, they having dc. cunea to appear before a board of cxsmlnstlon First Lleutensnt Isaac A. Nesblt, 1st Penn sylvania artillery, and First Lieutenant James A. Smith, 75d New York volunteers, to date March 14, 1864, for absence without leave. First Lieutenant Robert D. Adams, First Lieutenant William Frltbee, and Second Lieu tenanW James McOulre, 40ih Kentucky volun teers, to date November 1,1603, for drunken ness, desertion, snd incompetency. Second Lieutenant George B. Worcester, Sd Vermont oluntccrs, to date April 0, 1804, for Inefficiency and conduct unbecoming sn officer snd gentlemen. Second Lleutensnt James Brcnnau, 78lh Ohio voluutcers, to date April 8, loOl, for drunkenness and absence without leave. Tho following officers, to date March 14, 1804, for the causes mentioned, having becu published officially and failed to appear before the commission! .losenrs without Uait. First Lieutenant C. A. Witcrliou.c, Sth Maine volunteers. Second Lleutensnt William Zclgler, 13d 1111 nols tolontcers. Duottdtenct of vriteri Second Lleutensnt Wllllsin M. Wliallur, 4'Jth Illinois volunteers. DISailSSAU KSVOXBII. Tho orders of dismissal heretofore issued in the following esses havo been revoked) Chaplain W. Gibson, 45th Pennsylvania vol unteers, he having been previously honorably discharged. first Lieutenant W. T. Warrall, 4th United Btatca colored troops, and Second Lleutcnaut Charles A. Brown, 4th United Slates colorod troops, and they have been discharged as of the date of the order of dismissal. HKBTORBD TO COUMIsSlOM Tho following officers, heretofore, dismissed, are restored, with pay from the dalo at which they rejoin their regiments for duty, provided the vacancies hsve not been filled by the Gov ernors of tholr respective Ststes i Msjor IT. M. Carey, 13th Ohio volunteers Captain James B. lruckey, 3d Ohio cavalry. Captain George A. Armstrong, 7th Michigan cavalry. First Lieutenant Johujonea, second battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, provided the vacancy has not been filled. K. V, TOW KSBNU, Assistant Adjutant Genual Second Edition, FOUR O'CLOCK. P. W. i TIIRPKaKKIl'sl LAST I.KVRR. Tho last reception of the season will bo! glven.oy Speaker Colfax, at his residence, this erenlns. A HAll.tlOAD IKK ATOIt. The New Jersey Monitor says Mr. Scovcl, In his election to the Senste of that State, waa opposed by the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company. Why ahouldn't he be so opposed If It is true, as ststcd, that ho wss to supported and finally elected by the Delaware and Rarl tan ("Elbow route") Railroad Company. Mr. Scovcl acknowledges thst, st 8enator, he rep resents hit constltncntt In tht Dtlavart and Harilan road iTc may safely be called a Rail road Senator, Hoston Ilsrald Kstabllshment tlnrnatl. Wo learn, by a private dispatch addressed to Major Charles 0. Rogers, proprietor of tho Boston Journal, that the ofllce of the Boston ITtrald Is on Are and partially destroyed. Major Rogers hss afforded all the facilities In hla power to assist his neighbor In continuing the publlcstton of his paper. Tni rcxxuALof tho late Mr. A. A. Lovclt, superintendent of tbe Teoplo's Line of Tclc grsph, Is appointed Saturday, 4 o'clock p. m., at Beverly, Mass. "Uraca Uieeni-.ood" on tha rwbflllon. A lecture of rare Interest will aa given In the Senate Chamber, Saturday, on which occasion OaAtc Qaicawoon (Mrs. L. K. LltiDlneottl has been Invited to address tha public, by tha Presi dent of lbs Senate, Speaker of the Itouseof Rears aentatliea, and other merabera of Coorress Tha prooeeda are to be fives for the benefit of tha Na tional Association for tha relief of destitute col ored women aod children, organised under act of Conavess. Crsce Greenwood Is a ladwif ilronr latellect, of noble Impulacs, and a wondsrful com mand of language. She has foe yssra dellg hted tha publls as an authoress, aod her efforts at the leo turer'a desk are no less successful than those with liar pen Let us give her a good house, aa an ap preciation of rightly directed geaiua, and for tha sake of the causa to be benefited byfisr labors Only Two -fichu sVouger. The Opera comnioy remalne at Grovcr'a theatre only two nlghta more It hea been well aaldby " Krastnus " that ' to fall lo saa thla tioupe would be a sin agatnat good taste." To-night Madame Johannsen appeara fn her magnificent chsrsster of ,,F!dello,"ln Beethoven's only opeis. To-morrow niant we are to Sara that uellcloue pniraof tha " Barter of tev Ilia" Matrimonial. Sonne Gi'iarn, ona of the prlaeln-il raemlcrs of Mr Groer'a Philadelphia company, firmerly of tins eiiy, is sdoui to return to the felicity of matrimonial life. The n-.meof the harp) gentle man who has achieved this triumph la unknown to us. We understand that Miss Wihu, of the ssmc drsmstls enmpsny,has had aeicral Imita tions to partake of the Joys ofmatrlmon) IUiirm's Moitiilt rou Mat. Tho Mny number ef Harpar'a delightful Magazine has insde Its appearance betimes. It Is the closing numbsr of tha tasnty.elgbth volume, and Us contents are rleh enough to give It a new lease of life for f our taen ysara loafer Tha leading article ia "Life with tha ksqulmeaua," Illustrated with exqulslla wood eng ravingi. The flmlhl. Is for tale by Hud- eon Taylor, 014 Pennsylvania avenus; John C rarksr, S7S r street, (near tha Tost Olhsc) and by J Shllllngton, corner of lour-anil-a-ha'f stiect and Pennsylvania avenue. CONGRESSIONAL. TlllllT Y-KIQIITI1 OUHullKim, Flret Scaalon, 8KNATE. Fxidat, April i, le-l. Mr. Howard Introduced a bill to amend tlui statutes of llmltstlon In forco In tbe conrts of the District of Columbia, which waa referred to tho Committee on tho District. Mr. Morrill presented a petition fiom col ored citizens of the District of Columbia, sui ting forth thst they are subject to taxation without representation, that thero loyalty has never been cjuestloncd, that they have furulsh ed two regiments now in tho field, snd havo a third one forming, and prs) lng that legislation be had to glvo them the proper relief. Refer red to the Committee on thcUlstrlct of Coluin bis. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Wilson again asked, but failed, to ob tain consent to offer a resolution, providing for night sessions for the transaction of busi ness. Mr Beaman, from the commlttco of confer ence on the disagreeing amendment to the bill providing a temporary government for Mon tana, made a report, recommending a concur rence In tho Bcnato'e amendment, ati Iking out the qualification of white for voters and sub stituting every male citizeu of tbe United Slates, and those who have declared their In tention to become such. Mr. Beaman presuming that all gentlemen had made up their minds, moved the previous question. Mr. Ilolman moved to lay the report upon tho table. The question was decided In tho negatlio yeas 00, nsya C7. The report of Iho commlttco of conference waa disagroed to yeaa 5J, nays 83. Mr. Ilolman moved that the llouao adhere. Mr. Beaman moved that tho House Insist and ask a commlttco of conference. Mr. Webster moved the following instruc tions i and that the committee agree to no re port which authorizes any other thau frco white male citizens, and those who havo declared their Intention to become such, to voto. These resolutions were agreed to yeas 75, nsys 67. And Mr. Beaman'a motion for another com mittee waa adopted, (accompanied by the above Instructions.) The consideration af the Joint resolution to dispose of the unemployed Generals waa post poned for ten days. Mr. Alley, of Massachusetts, from tho Com ralttoc on tho Post Office and Post Roads, re. ported a bill authorizing the establishment of ocean mall sicamsnip service between tho Uni ted States sndBrssll. Mr.AUcymadeaspoech In support of the bill. A Qallant Officer, Wo saw yesterday a plan of the battle fought near Columbia on the 4th of July by the gal lant Col. O. II. Moore, at the head of two bun. dred mon, agalnat John Morgan'a force of four or five thousaud. Col. M.'a repulse of a forco equal to twenty or twenlv-llve times his own waa one of the most chivalrous alTalra on rec ord. Thongh 'tis unquestionable history, It reads like the wildest romance. Col. M. prepared his defences with groat judgment, out, as mo turning point 01 the bat lie. he had not the slightest advanta.-o In nosh tlon. He and hla men wero upon one side and Morgan's men upon the other side of an abatis of felled trees, crouching but a few yards apart andiuring at eacu oiucr upon terms of perfect equality through the branches. The fighting .there waa moat terrific. All the Federal aol dlers kept their places, the living not less than tho doad, and the rebel hosts at length find In lonruslou. Tbe disaster sustained by Morgan upon thla occaalon cost him lull twelvo hours' tlmo In hla movements, lie had Intended, aa ho himself slated, to mako a dash Into Louis vllle, but hla long and unexpected delay caused him to change hla plans UulivtUi Journal. Col. Moore was mado sick by wounds and waa Incapacitated for active service beyond the limit prescribed bynn army regulation, which requires thst officers who aro on tho sick list more than sixty days shall b dropped from Iho service. Col. Moore Is now In tho illy seeking to ho reinstated, and thosowho know him well aro strongly of tho opinion thst the Government tanuot afford to loso the ser vices of such au officer. " TElsEyiUJM. Krom fas-twill ana and Tela. N'kw Touk, April 15-Tho fcttamcr ContV."! ucntsl his arrlToV frm Now Orleans on Uvp Htb, with Alexandria datea to the Mh. AH Is quiet at Alexandria, and arnplo pre cntillon Is taken against anrprlie by tho enemy. Tho hcarv Iron-clads had dronncd dawn to Fort Dc JEtiesey, but there was Mill so (Helen t water Tor the gnnbnals and t ran port to cross the falls. Tho streets of A'eiinilrU aro barricaded In cace of raids hy tbe rebels. About 500 people have taken tho oath under the amnesty proclamation Tho steamer Luminary, before reported de etrojod, was abovo the falls uninjured. Advices from Texas state that Gen. Dana has been relieved from tho command of the troops nt l'asa Cat alio at his own re-iued. Gen. Hcrron Is sick at llrownsvlllc ntth tho small vox. A blockade mi.nlni schooner trkd to run out of Tass Catallo on tho 2d, and tho gunboat -fl-eiTuia coaiea ucr. ine reucis ureu ncr, escaping In their boats. Forty bales of 8ca Island cotton was saved and she was then abandoned to tho flames. The sloop-of.war Tcnsacoli. left S'ew Or leans on tho 7lh for New York. Advices from Matamoras report no trench or Franco-Mexican force there, nor known to be near there. Jndga Da r til Is president of tho Free Stato uonvcnuon in sue. on at ew Orleans. The report of a rebel attack on Alexandria lstinlrne. Morcmtnta of Itloekatla Iliiuntra. N'aw York, April IS. Tho steamer Corsica, from Havana on tho Dili, and Nassau on tha 11th, has arrived. Tho schooner Tctrcl, at N'assau from Charles ton, reports tho loss of tho alcAtncr Juno from Wilmington for Nassau. She broke In two and nearly all hinds were drowned. Tho .learners Byrcn end Co'inctto had arrived from Wilmington. Tho Greyhound, W-.I-o'-Uic-WIip and Byrcu havo sailed to run tho blockade. I'rlnco Charles Bonaparte, cousin of the Em peror, has arrived at Martinique, en route to .Mexico with tho regiment In which ho Is a captain. Coo fel rate Vessel.. Ilutldhig In Fraucc. New York, April 15. The Tmui9 Paris lct tertaysone of tho vessels built at Bordeaux for tho Confederates has been launched. An English csael Is lying there -with her equip ment. Tho builder has been compelled by the French Go crnment to gtvo his word that nono of the vessels he Is constructing shall pass Into Confcderato hands. Tho two Iron-cuds will not be ready for launching for throe months) but tho other thrcu (wooden vessels) will soon follow their consort Into tho water. The French Government has enclosed tho Rappahannock In n dock at Calais, and placed a roan-of-wrtr In front of It. Price of tiolil. New Yoiik. Acrll 15. Gold seven tv-three and thrco-foutths to seventy-four. Th Mohican. rniLADCLPHU. Acrll 15. Tho United SLaLm ship Mohican has arrived from Brazil, via St. Thomas. All aro well on board. Captain A. B.Olilson, commander. Complctlou of the Kailroatl to Klioxvltlc la-Otrooif. Kt.. April 13. Trains Passed over the bridge at this place this after noon. The connection wim kuoxviuo is uon complete, UrtHImore ami Ohio Railroad Company. Baltimore. April 14. Tho Baltimore and Ohio Uallroad Company to-day rn titled tho iiurcuasQoi mo flonairwi Virginia or rangers burg railroad, and contracted for a grand rati road bridge at Parkcrsburg, connecting tho Baltimore aud Ohio railroad with tho Marietta and Cincinnati branch, making a continuous railway, without change of cars, between New York, Washington, and Cincinnati, Indianapo lis and Chicago, by lino sixty miles nearer than tho Columbus route to Cincinnati. Uotlou aud Us dependencies. In ordinary seasons, consume o, tr forty thousand pounds of butter a week. LOCAL AFFATJtS. Tiie'Iicll Mmidsh Case. The court ad journrd y-titcrday about 4 30 p m.. havlor bcrn occnit ed tha entire dAjr la heart dj ih tmimony nbleu was taken In this ease. Dr. Boian, Gforro BaslUrO, William Clendenin and Tim (UUarher were the witnesses eia mined after our reiMirt clotrd. Dr Boiran knew the prlioner'a wl( ilnce 1P57i uiailo a post mortem examination of her lxiy una fount! artoui wounda of various stain of . t-uiurniioni iney wrre Druisei, ana some or them i wrcks oW, one wound was peculiar It was about an Inch and a quarter loo, and resulted from a ' detcentUntrblowt It might Lave beea dons br tha hammer, but eerralnly not by the axe George Uatlard knew Tuell, but not thedeoeaseilt saw Mm on the e, eoloc of Thurtda) i be tuit come I from his da) work i he said -fOoci e.enlor," t Tuell "Good eveninjc, Cornelius; what Is the mat. ter with ) on "aod received the reply that he was la trouble ( that his wlf was iltadi he seemed to be pettlnrorcrjlcjr, aod looked as ir he had tiiken a' coui-le of Rlajsei of llquori he said, In answer to a tiueitloo, thtt she hid died from the eiTccts of! liquor J He handed u Itncsa n ten dollar bill u hlch he hiwl lit hli hand, and, uijoubclnaskcj, statiM tha It woulJnnj, he thourht,for a Job which he wanted to be do i e In the mornliir.W to take hts wlfo to Glenwood. V Itnen took the tea dollars when odt-ici the second time, nnd expected to return It to-morrow. Tuell itUd that the reason lie i'ld not bury her that dy was because Lis time was taken up fn settinff a pileit and rround In the cemetery. He said ' We will take the rottln tovn to-nlxht nnd take her out early i I would not have it known for tjioo tht I burled her there." I He wss voce about half an hour, and took tie coBln to his house about 7 so, p. m, It waa not' ver d&rki witness and prisoner took the coffin in int. auey nu airucK a Ml ni earned the comn up ' stairs, and put the body ln( they then drove away vain, tua inij , mm iu. n unit n aiaDir ept ineie that nlcbt la the morn ton took a drink, and at 0. SO startedf the body had been la bedj there wis a sheet It, and It was la a verydlsorderedsta'e. Wm Clendeonln. Superintendent of Glenwood Cemetery, asked prisoner why he came at 7 o'clock, and received the reply that the coma was loose. Tim(.sllaKher,KrAvo(iIC(er, asked him why he came ao early to bury the body) he said he had come early as he was poort he tookolf his coat and hclpedt he said she was a widow that her hus band had teen dead three jcats, and tbathe was the first cousin Ibis morn I off tbe little son of the prisoner, who Is about ten years of aze, was about to he put upon the stand, when the counsel for the defence hoped that It would not be allowed, on account of the palnlul jtosltlon la which the son would be plao ed in testl.jlDc "(talnst a father It would bo a re. proach.satd Mr liradle). upon tio witness for a Ufa time. Mr Icndal, for tht. prosecution, replied that It was very painful to all, to the bf),tu the prisoner, to tho counmifor the prosecution as well as for the Oi fence, to tho jury, to the court, but still it was ncecssarr, and must be done, painful aa It was His Honoi (Jueifie 1-lsher) ordered the boy to be produced la the court, and questioned bloi to as certain bis ability to testify, fo see If he knew the solemnitv of aa oath, and QLdlnr that the bov was Intelligent and knew the consequences of pcrjurv, stated that It became his duty to allow the testi mony to va lattBu. ii waa verypiuniu, ami n wished aod had hoped that the boy would upon being questioned prove incompetent The boy stud tears and the prisoner IouJI la mentedevery ono In the court room hearu-K htm cry. IhepHsoner seemed to bo agitated w.ihthu most terrible emotions The uourt, upon Interrogating the child, lea rue 1 that he went tu fct Aloyslus, that Father Wlgot was his priest that he was taught by him and by another priest an 1 by father ( that Utile bo)B who were good went to hea ven, that those who were bad wont to the "bal placet" that he loved his Mskert that bad boys are put Into the ttrej that It was wionc for bos to do bad things) that ho used to lle on Third street, butnow at the Orphan's Asv lum, where the Sisters take care ofhimj that he was icu jeaisoiARe ami nis utile sister nv or six yeatSi who is niso at the Asylum His name Is James Tuell He tettlllcd aa fol lows L'eforemy mother was married her name was Jane l-arrelli she had four clilldrent two aro dradi before my father was msnled his name was Cornelius, I know a colored woman named (.aro line Sowrll, who lire., near our house on Third street, and whose house Is separated by an alley i I went thttheri ray father told me to aoj he said he would be back at 12 o'clock, but he did not come i my sister also went) he returned at night and aid he had to go to tho depot with a lady and gentlcmaai he put me la bed and my little alitert the last tlma he saw his mother was the day she was hlti hts mother was washing la the front roomi his father came down with his boots and hat on and hit her on the forehead with a hammer which was on tho table Hla fathert upon going up stairs threw tipt and when his mother bfrereurlm tea, he took It and threw It Into her face, and knocked herdowoihe got aa axe and struck her on the head, and pulled all her clothes oif, and then he broke up the furnl ture and dregred tlio4 clot hea on the floor. He told me to try and get my mother up-stairs, and I couldn't get her upi lather put her on hts back and got her up stairs, aod put her In bed, And told me and my slater to go to bed; she did not speak to uijne piept uiCivU'l HwrDinB) lYP-m mi miner woltr hlu urn he fr ed to rw 1 'ht bed c!otheefrom hlsrootherbut Mi father told Mas-aot to do it i hr tt. ank town milk affer he rol up, and wtat into the eotorrd woman's liouieifae told th colored wonitni hi mother bteJ en tho forehead wbea she i waa atrat)lti hsssw spots of blood all over tt-e' pirp n hw m iiHwn n tne line ait gaia When hS wtntf-r Mn. rJeweU to Crnllf's store to ret home Scotch enufT u It waihneroatag. aad two men were at the wsjront he thinks rre was his father. They told him t goawayihe saw something wrapped up with a shtcti It was one of those things In wniviinry carry ocaa aniuicrs. l( was pat into the waron. When hla foher ease back, ho asked here his mother was. He never saw hla mother agln until the next da) at Glenwood Cemetery t he then looked at her tiCe, aod notVlngmor. He was then with the police HesleptattheataUen honee that ntght, and with offletr Kelly several nlchti, and was by him taken to the station house, James Tuell. crnia-eiainlewl h Mr Bradlev i Uhea ray lather hit her with a hammer aod. nn.fu Drr uown sne saiu. " on, Ln,uon'i mi mev" he then went out to ret the aie, and when he cot It, he i truck her with It on the head; I was la the house at tbe timet I saw two men take eomethlag nut oa a stretcher. AloornM Howard testified: Has been a member of the Metropolitan polite about three months) my attention was called to th scene about 1 J o'clockt rapped aT the door i th little boy put hts head out of tbe wtndowj when I went la at th way, I found a hammer on the bureau In th front rnomiwcnt Intnbk tnamianaia waa thtr. nM th stove) went up the stairs, whloh were b pmcarrii wun Diooapnine ia-rooui wcrtnecui dren, who were In beitt the bed-elothlm was bloody. Iu a drawer In the room waa a pistol, but It was ont loaded. There wss a crib lath front room which was full of bloody c'othes. Wa went rrom thence to the station house, and thrice to filur phy'e stable, on Sixth street, whero we made in quiries In refer'uee to Mrs Tuell, but did not And him. We watched the house all night. TIST1M H FOR Dirt MCE. rr.Jenei testified. I know Cornelius T)l for 6 years) he was employed at thi National Hotel as a waiter, where bo was promoted for his uni formly good conduct) his reputation was rry good) hewasalwajspsaeeablet F. Kennedy was no of the proprietors of th National Hotel.wher Tuell was employed In th capaelty of head waiter he was ery quiet and peaceable. H. P. Chndler t Knows Tuell) never knew htm to do anything wrongi he has for two years past been driving hacks nn the National Hott stand. G. W, Bunker i Knows Cornelius Tutllt have known htm for three years) he has always born an unblemished character In eteiy respect. Michael Carpenter, omnibus driret,at th Na tional Hotel, has known Tuell for eight years) always thought htm a good ftiant never heard any bad expressions from him M Murphy testified: Keeps stables on Sixth street) always, a quiet and Kood mani kept th horses In good condition Alien Dorsey, foreman at Murphy's stable: Hat known Tuell for two years as one of th drivers; always sus'alned a good character. Patrick Downee, a carpenter: Knew Tuell in 1S3I, In Nw York city ) came from the same lawn In Ireland) be was a eurfg), string and prudeat man. George Ballard knew tha prisoner for six years) was employed with him at the National; have al ways heard persoos speak or him In tho moat kindly terms. Daniel HcnUn, bar-ten den Have known Tuell for Ust eight years) hav known him to b a quiet, Industrious man, a goo 1 husband) ha . been to his home twloci a loving father) sober la hts habits) alws) s went home) a kind husband) hav seen him t-e Ice la the company of hlawlfet he spoke kindly to her. DirricuLTr in 1 Ciitmcn Conokxoatiojt. The dlflleultlcs la the MeKeadre Chapel, It la al leged, are on the Increase. They originated from a report tat da to the (laartetly Cinferene by th Her W A. Cook aa to the eondlUoa of the Sab bath school, la which it wss stated that tho school did not appear to ba conducted on sound Metbo distleal principles) that nny of the library boks u ere religious no els, kg. The Uiarterly Confer ence passed a resolution renuestlnc the ssboel to subscribe to the Sunday .VtAoof Advocate, and re- laiinff io too aonooi eecoming auxiliary 10 tne Methodist Kplscopal Sunday School the teachers of the school In February laat held aereral meetlncs toeonaldar tha antlonof tha eon. ferente, and preptred a report and reeolutlon re questing the conference to reconsider their action, but In place of reconsideration they reattlrmed it. It le stated that about two hundred aud Ofty members of tbe church havo determined to with draw In consequence of tha troubles, and hold pray cr-meet logs and Sunday school at th vestry of Trinity Mission, corner of Mxth an) N streets, who have ottered the se coders the use of their notise Highway Mount nr. The nldit before laat. between II and 13 o'clock, ns Mr. Henry Ellis, en gaged In the stone-cutting department of the Capl- 'VI lasual Alias WBJ IIUIUC, US WIIB ttBCX VJ sniaii uiiiit s iiiii:ii auiuicris WaAU aVDUGKIKJ aUIDl down, and, brutua ly beating him, robbed him of on i-ocKceuooK, woicn lonunaieiT eontainea out a small amount of money. Tho affair took place at Sixth street and MarjUnd avenue, Capitol Hill, and but a few moments after Mr. Lllls had sepa rated from Mr. Morgan, whom heaeeompanled on apart or his road home. We hear that altbeugh this neighborhood la often the seen of rowdy leu, and turbulence a i-ollcc-nan la very seldom seen Here, espertally at night This should be rtm dled Ualtimohs Annual Com riAixcs. TboUal tlmore Annual Conference ol the African M. E. Church esse mblel yesterday morning In the Union Bethel Church M street, rear fifteenth. Bishop Payne exiled the bouse to order, and conducted the religious cxerelies D T Taoner and J. 1 horn as were elected secretaries. There are about fortytlve members in attendance Bishop Fayne announced the transfer ot ) S. Hall and J. R. Thomas from the New Ynik Confereneo, and N. H. Turpln, Irom the Ohio Conference, to the Haiti mote Conference The usual standlngojmmlttees were appointed At '4 o'clock th annual sermon was preached ! Rev J F. Campbell. The Con ference meets at 9 o'clock, a, m , and adjourns at IQo'cl ik,p, m AW Waycitn was appointed reporter I.xcTiitB tiiis Aurnxoov The Hon. Mr. Boutwell, of Missachusetts, will delher an ad dress before the Teachers' lostltutethls afternoon, which will insure a general turning out of the friends of cduattlen. particularly of the two Hoard uf city Councils tbe Board of Trustees of the ruillo Schools, and the teachers, who have tiren specially lot lted to be present PotiTit.u At an adjourned uicotlui; of uimoisaiis rimi oa oamraay evening, in via ins., at tha Club noons, on Ninth street, the Hon II. Waihbume was ctllej to tha chair, and J. A. Mc kean appointed secretary. A constitution was repotted snl adopted organlz ng the "Illinois Union Club The election of perm a a cut officers andcommlttres was postponed to Saturday en log, the lith, when tt is hoped all lit! not sans resld lng in the District of Columbia will be present. A" STRBET-wAwniNa Macoim. Wc were made glad yesterday at tho sight of a street-watering machine the first of the season which waa ia full operation oa the avenue. In front of th Presidential Mansloa We hope the number may be increased and their mission extended so as to Include the entire avenue. We understand that a committee of lady shoppeis are about to call upon the Mayor and petition him to make the avenue tolerable for promenad'rs, by abolishing the dust and dirt there 1 he Mayor will listen to and grant the petition of the Ntr sex CONfLiCT or RACE3. A row, Which prom ised at one time to assume a serious complexion, took place yesterday alter noon between aoma half dozen white lads and tho male iclioltts attached to a colored school ou hew lork atenue, between Fourth and Fifth streets, numbering some twelve or fifteen Tbe colored bn)t wero made to bask down, and wire pursue! to their school-room, when their teacher, also colored, and a number of their parents, resl In? la the neighborhood, ap Dfu.mlfor their protection lhe whit lads, still persistent in their demands for satisfaction, re- iubcu io go awn) , nnu tiu oenancc io an tarsals made against them The scholars oiho schoorhadby this time gath ered amuod thosowho proposed to defend them, and feltnt;sarti, gsto expressions to ravarksby no lueaas compllmentar) to the whit boys, who replied with n lolloy of stones. These were picked up and thrown again at the whit boys, who, It appears, onnio doubly armed, and letting le a aecnnd lollev. forced their aatastonla'a to take shelter in the school-room, and inflloUng quite a severe wound on the head of the sister of the teaiher of the school At thlsjunstur one or two men appeared, who assumed the quarrel of the whltu buts. ao far as to commend their aetion nnd applaud their braver), and promised them If tne attack waa renewed, to ttand by them The party on the defensive, howeter, did not make thcii appearance Main, but delegated one of their number to go for the polioa, whojumpe 1 in a oar ilnge passing at tho time, and proceeded on his errand Iisfure his return, however, tho white bu)Bhad withdrawn uw$, ima in'. GEORGETOWN AFFAIRS '1 in following cases came up and wero decided hv Juatice Heaver Henry Herman, tobacconist. tailing to t ft lie out a license, was fined $fl 35) The odoie tAarner, exi-oslng person, lined 9S.liWm. II Moddard, laroeuy, locked up; Griffin Buike, as- sauu ana baiicryi aecumy iur couri, ouiucg a man's head badly) the same, selling liquor to sol diers, lhe defendant Is a notorious character, and KErjn a i live tuunu n- m s-urniauojua, ninratl space, ueorjrotown. Hannah Short, disorderly iuuuuci, uucu 9 -iu AllKlVAIS AHI1 Cl EAR M EB. TOOT (l C CO HOE. towk. ArmL 18. lbut ( Irarancti Barg Arling ton, olden, lohlck) schooner H, S. King, Tn fort, 1 hlladelphla) schooner Alequtszen, Watts, Bos ton) schooner John MeAdams, Pearson, Boston) ehooDsr Vuianna. Creiwfll. IlAlMmnrtM harra Ma tilda Walton. Cumberland) schooner M J. Hardy) Hooper( Salsburyrbajge J J Heeksber, Neal, Phil- KusipiiiH) miuoiicr uvoca, niiioneu, caitiaiur. THE OOUnTB. lTulfril HI.,,, flmirt nf Claims. pillb-tin yestardav tha raarf umaDt of tlta cl o( 1 .lwar J 1 Nurlolk i Tin unlt.J statca oss coolloueJ ana concluded tT Mr, r. r. Stanton, for tho claimant, anil by Mr. McFlisrson, tha As sistant SoUcltor lor th. Uulted states anil tha cass waa submitted, Adjourned to Momlsy, at II m peats his great sfcaraetar f Fabro th Broker of Bogota "ibis eveiiag. U havteg attracted an audi ense last night that ftUefl vey Mat and alsl Ja , this iDaeiouv tfctr; Thcbarsietrt Yabrls on wel eaisralated fr th display or.Nr For rest's pcrtai mtie, ana bis reaanionoi is eouea forth tUskosteaHustaHtleapplaBSe, Herieetred ad n lr We auport .from Mr. ioha VsCullpturh, Mrs J. H.M-. aad the entire cRmpsny, and the play net ffitiiti greatest stiis. Let It bre memVsved that th Uoefit of Mr. J. A. Kara Uks nlae to-tnerrew !. when a sterllBLf bill 11 oflervd e tt is CAimftj.Tjmv klnatrt fTiti .Ka-atatle shouts of applaoa CTt each representation of "Thi Home That Jack Built.1 It has pravad, without a oaestUa ( dubt, the Ual play Ug aaid that has vrbe produced at thla or any other establish eat. ThflrstsreiloaUworthadoxaeom monpaaWmlmea John Mulligan, th grat negro sortiaa, I rapidly gaining popnlsrlty, and will vMtaatly b th greatest fevorlt In his Us that vr vislUd r ally. Don't forget that th paato salme la pet formed lor th last Urn at the matinee to-morrow (Saturday) artamoon. VASnprBft-.Fnmjt Xmu$ AneUTUa aHernsMHi aad nlrht etna ttl tha flnMk umA mmI vuldMUsofUeaoawlUbpreaUd. .flrat slaa artistes frn all th nroaalaent plaeea of am u sea eat hav volunsrL laaddltn to th gnat artetles troop. Mr. urns U a deserving member of th professloa, aad a doubt hla friaoda will turn out ea msm oa thla speelaj oeeaat ao remember this (IHday) afteraooa and night. mm- i i D1BD, Ob the lith laat.. at tha naldene of her aoavla law. Captain J. W. Baden, ota K street, btwee Klahth and Ninth, Navy-Tard, Xusa, th beJoved wife of tb Kev Oeorge L. Maeheahelmer. Th funeral arvlee will b performed la Christ Church. Alexandria. VlrrtaIaoa turdav mora leg, I sth last at ia o'eloek. Uyfrtadarrs speeiruny uiviiaaso aiwoa SPECIAL NOTICES. ty-aOvetwx ea tlia Qrst Greenwood, (Mrs. L, X. Upposott.) oa tha even ing of aATURDAT, April Hth, at tb ItuU Chamber, for th benefit of th National Aseoels- tlon for th relief of destitute colored women and children, or genii ed under t of Congress, oa In vitation of tb President of tha I eaatt ffpaakar of th Ileus of Repreeeatatlve, aad ther members of th two houses of CoagrM. LsUtur to cammsne at 8 o'eloek. Tltl Lights of th War-Cioud.H Ticket to U floor of th Chambert lOUerl,80ntf. Tobhsd at the bookstores or wllllam Bauaatyiie aad Che. II. Anderson, leventh street, aad rrank Taylor, Peaaa. aveane, and at th doors. aplS-lt ThTMblfftmEitiiTiad Dra. aue Aeaoeiatloa take mat Dleaeore to aa- nouac to th lovera of th drama, and th ad mlrera ol th immortal Bard that they hav per- lectea uiur arrangeanis io eeieorai uie ser-eea-tennary birthday of aliakeepeare at the Waahlag ton Theatre on SATCRDAT CVKNINO, AprU M, 1M4. Some of th moot eminent gentlemen In th city hav hlodly volunteered to assist thla worthy enterprise -worthy, aa half of thprod goto lb Hospitals of th eity. rrogramm In th 8wUf CkrmUti aad th dally papere of next weak. aplt-lt tr ltw Bteaan XrrpUer IJae between Fhlladelohla aad Washlnatoa aad Alexandria- The fast sind atanash steam propeller THOMAS K CAHILwlU leav th first wharf above Vine street, Philadelphia, far Alexandria aod Washing ton, oa every WIDNESD4T AFT! RNOON, and, returning, will leav WaahtagUfls. eleventh a treat woari, every baiuauai ataiHiiuun. ror freights, which will be takea at low rates, apply to McrADDKN A THOMPSON. No. 134 North Del a war avenue. FhUa. UAULL. SURTOM ft CO, Nos. ltd and SM Kleventh street. Waahlogton. CHA8. WILSON. Agent. aplfr-eolt Waablagton. Ef-ss CnTatla Pmrawaatt te resolution passed brth Republleaa Association of Washington, reb.tsth aad April eth, iMi, all ,the qualified voters of th District of Columbia who declr tb uaeondltlonal malntenane of th Ucleo, th supremaey of th Constitution and t he eomplet suppression of th rebellion, with th eaus thereof, by vigorous war and all apt and efficient means," are Invited to meet la mas sea vention, to b held under th atupfeee of aald As sociation, at the TJeloa Lesgu Reading Rooms. oa Nlath street, Waehlegton, between D and K streets, on FRIDAY KYJCN1NG next, at half-naat 7 o'eloek, for th purpose of choosing delegates t represent (n lAsinss ia ui eonveaiion so v o'q at Baltlmor on Tuesday, th 7th day of Jnoe, IBM, to nomlnat eaadldate for th office ol President and Vie President of th United states. J.J. COOMBS, President. D. CHUM BACKER, Seeretary. apll-td Kt Fao-pl Telegrapls Bw sTtret Claee Uaca, direct to NXVT TORS, BOSTON, aad all Important points. Washington 00 I R I PUB LICAN BUILDING, Sit Ninth street, (west side,) and corner Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth street, under NatUnal Motel. charlu n. NOYSa, febit-tf Manager Washington Dlatrist. 0-Ilelmatreeli I u lull table Hair Ilsster- ATivr, hot a DTI, but restores gray hrtt to Us original color, by supplying th capillary tubes with natural sustenance, Impaired by age or dis ease. All iasferafaaeeuf iy4 are composed of feme. r.wHc, destroying tha vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselre no dressing. Helm street's lnlmltaW Coloring: not only reetoree hair to Its natural color by an eey process, but gives tit hair a, LUXURIANT BKAUTY, promote lta growth, prevents Its falling off, eradldates daa drulT, and Imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It hat stood tb test of Urn, being th ori ginal Hair Coloring, and la constantly Uereaelag In favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladle. It la sold by all respectable dealers, or caa b pro cured by them of th commercial agents, V. B.BARNK.SJL10, 09 Broadway, New York, 1 we sites, M cents and $U Ct-Mexican Mwstsusa; XJalnamt. Th parties In St. Louts aad Cincinnati ,who have been oounterfcltlng the Mustang Liniment under pre tence of proprietorship, hava bn thoroughly es topped by the courts. To guard against further imposition, i bar procured rrom u united suits Treasury a private steel plat revenue stamp, whloh Is placed over th top of a-eh bottle. Kaeh atamp bears tb rtafJc of my alg-aator, and without which th article Is a sounUrfalt, danger ous and worthless Imitation. Kxamln every bot tle, Thla aUnlmnt baa ba La us and growlsg in favor for many years Ther hardly exists a hamlet on th habitable glob that does net son tain vldenct Its wonderful afreets. It Is tb beet emollcnt In th world. With Its prceeat Im proved Ingredients, Its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable, sores at fticd, pains relieved, lives saved, valuabl animal mad use ful, and untold ills assuaged. For cuts, brnlsee, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, csked breasts, strained horses, e It is a sorer sign remedy that should never b dispensed with. It should be In every family. Sold by all druggist. reio-eosm v, a, ajutna;a new joik. 13" Lyon's Katbalross, Kathatroa I from th Greek word " Kathro," or Kathalro," signifying to cleanse, rejur enate and restore. Thle article Is what It nam signifies, for preserving', restoring and beautifying th human hair It Is th most remarkable preparation In tha world. It Is again owned and pnt up by th original proprietor aad is now mad with th same ear, skill and at tention which gv It a sal of over oa million bottles per annum. It Is a most delightful Hair Presslog. It cradtsatca scurf aad dandruff. It keeps the head cool and eleaa. It makes th hair rich, soft aad glossy. It prevents th hair from falling off and turnln gray. It restore hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of heir should us Lyon' Kathalro a. It la known and used throughout tb civilised world. Sold by all respectable dealers. D1MAS i. BARNKS A CO., New York. d-IIas- Maglla Balna. This Is th most delghtfnl and extraordinary artlsl aver dls covered. It ehaagss th sun-burnt fab and handa to a pearly aalllgu(tar of ravishing beauty, lm. parting tha martlop0lyet yoath, and the dWfa gu appearance so Inviting la tha slty bell ol fashion. It removes tan, frecklec, pimple aad roughness from tb akla, leaving th complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material Injuries to tbe skin. Patronised by Act resses aad Opera Hagsrc It 1 what every lady ahould have. Sold verywher, prepared by W. B. HAOAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS S. BARNXS A CO. .Hew York. JOUIs PX.1VONA YOUTH BY OUT- SIDKRS Tb Conductor, W. T. Barnes. Car a. Ol. If in fault, ourbt to hav been arrested and condemned by the paiioers, not by those wbe siisr nnthtna n oil- lAinin. Wasmikotok, D C , April II, 19" aplS-lt- I