Newspaper Page Text
m ' sri- i-it.-r 'tUmMml U HmMBMMHta THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN! ftUg ffottottol Hemtbltcmi THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN XiTM or ADTKTH30. ? ' Oil iftulkrM as?..... nH.M Oasaa.,fou tap...................... 'M Oinim,tnUjt.. .,.... 1.00 Oh itun, six aaji .... IH Itt ta.r r UmtlManta, M u Mt UaltloaaL TwlM WHk riTawaal hi Mmk UsIlloaaL Zdltorlal gotless 50 eta vt lias, wk ' Hon. Local notloss U tuts per list, ari Ur llta. l,btlliissorlsiisoaiMeUasiiaja. AaTtrilsemails should L aai4a U 7 iwHt. o'clock, ro. TBI DAILY VATXOIAL UFTTBLICLUr VMMhUmrftomfHhUjtWfto) W, J, MnfMS De,. (le, HI sTUtm lUte ami U fmnlah4 le tu smlmrlVen (by carrier at 10 ctttt w Bettksi Kail nWerlWt, 44.00 ter aasiM HO sU saeaUa, aad L 00 for tire saeataa, uru aavaae. nof le opie, 9 teaU, TieWimr ifinoivAt nirrauoAv Is ab llsbed every Friday morales;! One copy oae year, 100; Tbree copies one year, 3.00 Tea copies one year, $10 00. VOL. V. WASHINGTON. J). C. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28. 1805. NO. 284. t KAIIjUOADB. "IJALJIMOBE AND OHIO RAILROAD. WinnuoTOn, Mar 1. 186 Train between WASIIIHOTON and UALTI. JIORE, and WASHINGTON AND TUE WE8T, are now tan ae follows, Till FOR BALTIMORE. Leave dallr, except 8nndar, at 010, 810, and 11.19 a. m , and S, 4 30, and 0 41 p. m. FOR ALL WAT STATIONS. Leave dally, except Sandajr.atB 13 a.m. and 3 p in Fllll PRINCIPAL WAT STATIONS, Tl! Uladenabnrir. UeltsTlll., ILasrel, Annapolis Junction, and llelajr Home, leavoal6.1ault,lo a in , and 3 and 4 30 p. m. daily, oxeeptSnadaf FOR ANNAPOLIS. . -, - Leara at 0. 10 and 8 13 a. m. , and Sand 4 90 p m dill;, except Snndajr. No train lo or from Aunapoll on Snndajr, ON 8UNDAT, FOR BALTIMORE. Leave at 8.13 and 11.10 a.m. and 3 and 7.30 P' " FOR WAT STATIONS. Leave at 8.10 a. m. and So m-ii' FOR ALL PARTS OrTIIB WEST. Iran dally, except Snndax, at 8 10 a m. and ipm . ., On Sunder, at 7 SO p. m. only, eonnectlnj at Relay Sutlon with tralni from Baltimore lo Wheeling, Farkeribttrr, Ae. Through ticket! to the West can be had at the Washington Sutlon Ticket OBlce at all hours In the day. as well as at the sew offlte In the Amer ican lelecaph Building, Pennsylvania avenue, between Foar.and-a-half and Sixth streets. For New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, tee advertisement of "Through Line. ' ' W. P. SMITU, Muter of Transportation. L H. COLE, General Ticket Agent. OEO. B. KOONTZ, Agent, oc9 tf Washington. otice'to "southern travelers. THE OLD AND DIBECTLtMS ENTIRELY COM PLETED. STAGING ENTIRELY DISCONTINUED. CO MILES SHORTER AND 3 HOURS QUICKER THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTB. TWICE DAILY. On and' after MONDAY, September 23, the old and favorite lino from WASHINGTON.vlaFRED. KKICKSUUKO. to RICHMOND, will be run TWICE DAILY, (Sunday nights excepted,) as fol lows; Tlio fast and commodious steamer KKYPORT, Captain Frank Ilolllogihead.and C.VANDER IIILTXaptaluA L Colmary.wlll leave the wharf, footofSlxth street, Washington, twice dally,(Snn day nights excepted,) at 7 a m , and 8 40p m, arriving at Aquiaureen ot iu ou a. m , ma u I ra , ana luence oy ia nicatuoua, iuiivm. am. and Potomac Railroad, now entirely com pleted, to Richmond, arriving there at 2.20 p. m , and 0 20 a m , affording ample time for dining In Richmond, and making connections with the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad for Peters burg and points south of Petersburg. Toe steamer leaving Washington at 8 43 p. m., arrives In Richmond at 0 20 a. m. , affording am- 1to time for breakfast, and connection with the tlchmond and Danville Trains for Danville, Va , Greensboro', ballsbury, Charlotte, Raleigh, Uoldsborongh, and Wilmington, N. C , and Chester, S. U On SUNDAYS leavo WASHINGTON at 7 a. m. only, and arrive In Richmond at 3.21 p m. Baggage checked through to Richmond from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash ington, and accompanied by through baggage Through tickets from N.York to Richmond 17 00 " Phllad'a " 13 eo " " Baltimore " 10 00 ,i .. Washington " 8 60 " " Baltimore to Frcd'g.. 6 00 i Washington " 4 23 eacoan class TuaoriiH tickets From Washington to Richmond IS 00 Fredericksburg 3 00 rn lm nVAcuritd la New York at No 229 Broad war. and at Conrtland street ferry. In Phila delphia, at tho depot of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad Company,Broad and Prime streets In Baltimore, at the Camden Station of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany Iu Washington, at the Company 'solllce, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth street, and on board the Potomac steamboats. Pasxeugers leaving New York at 7 and 8 a. m : 6 and 7 p m, Philadelphia at 1 13 p. m (DAY,) and 11 13 p m (NIQ1IT,) and Baltimore at 3 30, 4 23, .ind 0 p m, 3 13 and 4 10 a m , arrive In Washington at 0 20, 0 60, and 7 41 p m , and 0 and 6am, In ample time to make connections for Richmond and the booth. Omulbuses and Baggage Wagons will be In readiness to convey passengers and baggage be tween depots In Richmond PaMeugers by this Line pass by daylight Mount Yernou, and may have an opportunity of visiting several battle-fields near Fredericksburg, by stopping at that point. Baggage wilt be checked from NewYork. Phil adelphia, and Baltimore to Washlngtoo.where It will be met by the baggage masters of this line. Bicakfast and snpper on board of steamers 0 to. MATTING LY, Superintendent, Washington, D C. W. D. GILKERSON, Agent, oC7 Washington, D C. -piIILADELPniA, WILMINGTON. AND JL BALTIUUKH KAJLttUAU. TIME TABLE. Commencing MONDAY, December 19th. 1864, trains will leave depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train at 4 05 a m . (Monday ex cepted,) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvllle, Uavre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, ferryman's, and Magnolia. Way Mall Train at 8,15 a. m., (Sunday ex camel) for Baltimore, stopping at all regular buttons, connecting with Delaware railroad at Wllmlugton for Mllford, Salisbury, and lntei-me-dtftle stations. Lxpreaa Train at 1 15 p m . (Sunday ex cepted.) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Elk ton, Perryvllle, and Uavre-de-Grace. Express Train at 3 50 p m , Sunday ex cepted.) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, Northeast, Perryvllle. Havr-dQrace. Ferryman's, and Magnolia Night Express at 11 15 p m , for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, (only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers,) Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, Northeast, Per ryvllle, and IUvredeGrace .PatBengsrs for Fortress Monroe will take the 815 a m train ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all station between Philadelphia and Wllmlng- Leave Philadelphia at 11 00 a. m , 4 00, 6 30 and 10 00 p. ra Tbe 4 00 p m train cennecta with Delaware Railroad for Mllford and Inter mediate stations Leave Wilmington at 7, 15 and 9 30 a, at. , 2. 30 and 8 30 p m. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 12 m., 4,24, 8. 3d and 9 54 P. ra CIIESTERFORPHILADELnilA Leave Chee. ter at 8 15, 10.14 a. m , 12.36, 3 13, 4 54, 7.20 and 9 05 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS Express Train at 4 05 a m for Baltimore and WaMhlngton, stopping at Wllmlngtou, Perry vllle, lUvredeGrace, Aberdeen, Perry man's and Magnolia. NU'bt Express at 11 15 p ra. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, (for Balti more and Washington passengers,) Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, North-East, Perryvllle and Havre de-Qrace. Accommodation Train at 10 p. m. for WU mlngton and Way Stations BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9 25 p, m., stopping at IUvro-Ju-Qrace, Perryvllle and Wilmington. Also stops at Elkton and Newark (to take pas sengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore,) and Cheater to leave passenger from Baltimore or Washing ton. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6 30 t in FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8 25 a. ra.. Way Mall; 1 10 p. m Express, 4 25 p m , Way Train, 8 35 V. m. Express ! 9.25 p ra.. Express, V TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8 57 a a , 1 60 and 11.50 p xa Leave Wilmington at fi 11, 9.40 a, m, 2 24, 4. 68 and l'l. 20 p tn FREIOUT Tit A IN, with passenger car at tached, will leave WlliulnffioQ for Perry title and Intermediate etatt mi at 7 M p ra. J&qII U, F. KKMNKIT, Superintendent. ItAILnOADH, G' KEAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE TO TBI H0RTI1WKST AND BOOT II WEST. OH AND AFTER DECEMBRR 29, tralni will leave Baltimore, from Worth Calvert fetation, as follOWl 1 r&itMftU. at , Harrlsburir Accommodation... Erie and Pittsburgh Ex pre.,.. Pittsburgh and fclmlre Express ..9.20 a m. 3 p.m. . 8 p.m. 10 p.m. THIS lfl A. M TRAIN FROM WASHINGTON Connects with the 9.30 a, in. train from Ual- .Unevefor nttsbargb and the Went, and -jtforElmlra, UntTaio.Hocheiler. Dna kirk. Canandaljraa, and Niagara Falls, and for New Tork City. THE i 80 P. M. TRAIN PROM WASHINGTON Connect with the 8 p. m. train from uai tlioore for Pittsburg and Erie. TIIE 6 46 P. M. TRAIN FROM WASHINGTON Connect with the 10 p. m. Express from Baltimore and rune through to Jilts- bnrffh and Klnlra, without change of care, connecting at Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, Oblcajro, and St. Lonli. and at, LI ml r a for Buffalo, Hoe hel per, and Syracuse. ONE TIIROUOH TRAIN ON SUNDAY, Leaving Washington at 3 o'clock p. m BLEEPINa CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. BOLDIBM TIC KITS AT QOTIKHKIHT RATI 8 LOW PARE AND QUICK TIME. 4For Tickets and any Information apply at the Offlee of the Great Pennsylvania Route, cor ner Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth street, under National Hotel, and Depot Howie, No 483 C street, near New Jersey avenue, Washlnfrton. J, N. DUBARRT, BoperlntendentN.G K R. E J WILKINS, Passenger and Ticket Agent. JNO.OILLETT. Paesenfrer Agent, Corner Sixth street and Penneylranla avenue. deSS-tf OUANQE AND ALEXANDHIA RAIL ROAD THROUGH by HAIL TROM WASH INOTON AND ALEXANDRIA TO RICHMOND AND LYNCHUURO On and after FRIDAY, September 1, ISO.), the train on this road will rnn a follows : TRAINS SOUTH. Leave Washington at 7 a m. and 8 30 p m. Leave Alexandria at 7 3-1 a in. and 9 p. m. LeaveOordonsvllleatlXSOp.m and 1 40a.m. Arrive In Richmond at 0 p m and 8 a. m. Arrive at Lynchburg at 6 20 p. m and 8. a. m. TRAINS NORTH. Leave Lynchburg at 8 15 a. m and 7. 15 p. m Leave Richmond at 7 a. ni and 7. 15 p m. Leave Oordonsvllle at 12.30 p m. and 12.20a m Arrive at Alexandria at 4 M p. m. and 4 tV) a.m Arrive at Washington at fl 30 p in. and 5 2.1 a m On Sundays leave Washington at 8 30 pro only Local freight train leave Alexandria at 4 a m , arriving In Oordonsvllle at 11 45 a ni Leaves Gordonsvllle at 12.35 p. in. , arriving In Alexandria at 8 p. m. Through freight train leaves Alexandria at 3 a. m. . arriving In Lyacbborg at 7 10 p in Leaves Lynchburg at 3 20 a. in , arriving la Alexandria at 6 10 p m. Passengers from Warren too will take tbe 7 a m train south from Washington, and the 0. 45 a m train north from Lynchburg PuBHitn anrm h tlie H 4 a. in. and 7 15 V 10 trains from Lynchburg, and tbe 7 am. and 7 15 p. m trains from Richmond connect with trains at Washington for all parts oi me nortu ana Wait This ronte has the advantageoverall others by having a continuous ran rrom new lorx u Lynchburg, 40.1 miles. It also paoses through Fairfax, Dull Run, Ma narnms. Ilrlstow. Catlett'n. Rappahannock. Cul peper, Orange, and Gordon-mile, where many of tbe great battles of the late rebellion were foaght. Ttririi ran n nrocnreu in iiu&ini cxtiina Dutldlng, opponlte the U and O R It Depot, In Washington; also, at the Depot, on Maryland avenne Trains leave the corner of Finland Cutreets, Washington W H MrCAtFEUTY, General Superintendent. J M. I1KOADI8, oc9tf General l'ASrtenger Agent. 1864 AURANOEMENTB 1864 NEW TORK LINES. TDK ClMDIH AND AUBOT 1BD FHIL1DBL FHIA aSD TKnMTOM EalLEOaD COltiM' hiss' Lima. fBOH PU1L1DJLP1IU TO HSW TOBE ADD WAT FLACKS. IKOnf. WALHDT 6TKEET WlUKr AND KENSINGTON DEPOT, will Liari as follows, rut Far.. At 6 a. m. , Tla Camden and Amboy 0. and A. Accommodation 13.23 At 6 a ra. , Tla Camden and Jersey Cltj New Jersey Accommodation... 2.23 At 8 a. m , Tla Camden and Jersey City Morning Eipres 3 00 At 8 a m , Tla Camden and Jersey City 2d Class Ticket 2. 3 At 11 a. m. , Tla Kensington and Jersey City Expres 3.00 At 12 m , Tla Camden and Atuboy C. and A. Accommodation 2 23 At 2 p m . Tla CaiuJeu and AluboT C. and X. Express 3 00 At 3d m .. Tla Kenelntiton and Jersey City Washington and N Y Express.. 3 00 At ti p. m , Tla Kensington and Jersey City Eienlng Stall 3 00 AtllKp ra , Tla Kensington and Jersey City Sontbern Mall 3.00 At VA (Night.) Tla Kensington and Jersey city Southern Express 3.00 At 6 p. m , Tla Camden and Amboy Ac eomiuodatlon (freight and passenger 1 1st class ticket 2 23 2d class ticket 1.30 Tbe 8 15 p m. Eventog Mall and the 1 SO (Night) Sontbern Express will rnn dally, (all otners, bnndaysexcepiea.; PHILADELPHIA AND NEW TORK LINES. Leare Walnut etfeet wharf at f) and 6 a ru , 12 m , and 2pm Leave Kensington Depot at 11 13 a. m . 2 33, i SO and 43 n. ro. . and 12. 50 a. m (night) The 6 45 p. iu line runs dally , (all others, Sundays excepted.) NEW TORK AND PHILADELPHIA LINES. Leave foot of Barclay street at 6 a. in. and 2 p. in. From foot of Cortland street at 7, 8, and 10 a. m . 12 m , 4 and 6 p. m , and 12 night Theop m line rons d.ily; (all others, San days excepted ) W It OATZMER, Agent, Philadelphia and New Tork Lines. rjm.lDIl.fuu, Dee 21, IStU. de31 T 'HROUOIl LINE BKTWEEN WASH. Y.sHlT WAriHINUTOJf, May, 18H5 Trill an between WaaliloKtuu and Wew York are dow run a follown, vll : VOtt WKW OUK, without change of cam, Leave dally (except buuday) at 7 30 a in ,and 0 aud 7 SO p hi FOUNEWYOKK, changing cure at Philadel phia, Leare daily (except Sunday) at 11 13 a w , and 4 30 p. m. V FOR PHILADELPHIA, Lea?e dally (except buuday) at 7 30 and 1113 a in . and i 10 and 7 JO t ni ON bUNDAY Leave for New York at 6 i m ouly Leave for I'hiUdehihla at 7 JO p in ouly. Sleeping care Tor New York ou 7 30 p iu train dally, except bunday On bnnday, train and ale ping car run only to Philadelphia Through tlcketa to Philadelphia, New York, or Doaton, can be had at the blatlon otHce at all hoara la the day, a well as at the new office lu the American Tvlegraph buildlut;, Peunaylvaula avenne, between Four-and-a-half aud Sixth atreets bee Ualtlmore and Ohio railroad advrtlement for cbedule between WashluKton, lUlllmore, Annapoll. aud the Weat W P SMITH, Master of Transportation. L M COLE, Oeneral Ticket Aeut, ULO 8 KOONT, Of 7 Agent, Waoh.iiKton, 'Washington City Poet Olllce Arrival emd U.M.rlitr. of Maul.. Northern and Eastern Malls lit Duo at 6.40 a. ni , depart, at 7.30 a. m , closes at 5 a.m. 2d. baa at 11 a. m , departs at 11.15 a. m , closes at 10.30 a. in. 3d. Due at 5.40 p. in , departs at o p. m , closes at 4.45 p m. western Ulan, via Kflny House 1st. Due at 5.40 a. m , departs at 6.16 a. in . closes at 4.30 a. rn. 2d. Due at 6.15 p. m , de parts at 6.45 p. m., closes at 5 p. m. nortnwestern Mall, via lsaltlmore, Jlarrls- burg and Pittsburg, Pa 1st. Due at 5.40 a. in., departs at 6.16 a. in , closes at 4 30 a. in. 2d. Due at 6.15 p. m., departs at 6.45 p. m , closes at 6 p, m. Tbe Southern Mall, for Richmond, Peters burg, Raleigh, Wilmington, N. C, and other points South, via 0. and A. R. R 1st. Due at 7 a. ra., departs at 7 a. m., closes at 6 a. ni. 2d. Due at 4 p. m. departs at 8.30 p. m , closes at 7 p. tn. Fredericksburg? Mall. Tla Aaula Creek. embracing the Northern Neck of Virginia and Intermediate nolnts between Fredericks burg and Richmond, Va. Due at 3.30 p. m., departs at 7 a. m., closes at 6 a. m. Annapous mall lit. Due at 11 a. m.,de. parts at 3 p. m., closes at 2 p. xn. 2d. Due at 6.15 p. m., departs at 6.15 a. m., closes at 4 30 a. ra. Alexandria. a.. Mall 1st. Dae at 6 a. m . departs at 6 a. m.t closes at 5 a. m. 2d. Due at 4.30 p. m , departs at 6 p. m , closes at 5 p. m. ueorgetown, u. u. Moll 1st. Hue at 3 ao tn , departs at 7 a. m., closes at 6 a. m. 2d. Departs at 12 ra., closes at 11.30 a. m., due at 4 p. m. Rockrlllo, Md., Mall Due at 6 p. m., de parts at 7 a. m., closes at 6 30 a. m. Port Tobacco, Piscataway, and Duflleld Mall Duo on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 7 p. m. Departs on Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday, at 7 a. m. Closes at 6 30 a. m on thoso days. Upper Marlboro', Md., Mall Due at 3 p. m., dally, departs at 8 a. m., closing at 6. HO m. Surratt's. Bcantown. Charlotte Hall, and Chaptlco Mall Duo at 7 p. m., depart at 7 m., ciosos at o.oo a. m. On Sunday, only two malls are recehed from the North, and but one from the West and Northwest, due at fi a. m. and 11 a. m. Malls departing on this day for these routes close at 4.45 p. m. For Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, and Portsmouth, Va , at 2 p. ni. The omce Is open for the delivery of letters and papers from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m , except on Sunday, when It Is open from 8 to 10 a. m., and from 6 to 7 p. tn. Drookvllle and Ulney Mails Liue at 10.30 a. m. dally, departs at 2.30 p. in., oloios at 2 p. m. Colesville, Md , Mall Due on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 5 30 p. m , do part at 7 a. m. same days, closing at 0 30 a in. Stat. Agendo. Iu Vaatilnfi;ton. Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Gardiner Tufts, second floor National IiUelhgtJUxr Building, corner Seventh and D streets. Ohio James 0. Wetmore, Esq, 250 V street. New York Col. Edwin R. Goodrich, 283 F street, Pennsylvania Col. Francis Jordan, 487 eleventh street. Connecticut Rer. William A. Benedict, 252 F street. Vermont Colonel Frank Ilolbrook, 251 F street. Maine A. Watson, 273 F street. New Hampshire Col. Larkln Mason. 617 Bevonth street. Rhode Island Lieut. Col. James T. Bore diet, Room No. 1, Washington Building, cor ner Seventh and D streets. Michlean Rer. D. L. Millard, corner Seventh and IS streets. Indians Henry P. Lantl, No. 332 F st , cornor Tenth. Illinois Cot. Harry D. Cook, 280 F street. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. New Jersey Lieut. Col. J. 0. lUfferty, 252 O street. 1 Maryland Stephen W. Dounoy, Calvary Baptist Church, rifth street. Kentucky 0. C. Pennybaker, No. Four-and-a-half stroot. Iowa Geo. Cowle, Fifth Auditor's Offlee, Treasury Departmsnt. Wisconsin W. O. Selleck, 252 F street. Minnesota J. F. Stock, Room No. 5, Land Office Delaware Box 651, Post Office. SANITART COMMISSION. 244 Ftreet, between Thirteenth and Four teenth streets CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. Comer Eighth and II stroets. HTE AM8HIPH, A TLANTIO STEAMS TLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY TO NEW YORK. The teamen comprising thU line are the JOHN GIBSON CAPTAIN YOUNU, E C KMUIIT ' 'mOIIKIS, FAIRFAX " WINTEKS, leaving pier No. 12 N It , New York, and foot 0 treat, Washington, 1) C. , every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Freight received every day daring bualnesa bourn, and carefully kept under cover The ateatnere of thla Hoe now connect with Alexandria and Orange Kail road Freight for warded to any point along tbe line of tbe road. Augsw MOKOAN, 1UIINEHART&CO , oot 0 street, Waahtugton, D C. IJOWEN, liltO Si CO , Alexandria, Va. II D CKOMWELL CO. oct 12 tf Sti Weat street, New York N K W YOllK AND WAS II INOTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, (OLD LINE, ) BETWBEH MEW YORK, ALEXANDRIA, WASUINQTON ANDOEOROETOWN, D. C. OCEAN STEAMERS BALTIMORE, REDLCCA CLYDE, AND EMPIRE, IN CONNNRCTION WITH INLANU BTKAMIKrJ QEOROE U. STOUT, MAY FLOWER, AND ANN ELIZA. Regular Sailing Daye TUESDAYS aud FRI DAYS, at 12 m , from foot of High itreet, George town, aud Pier 10, Eatt River, (foot of Wall etreet, New York. For freight or passage apply to C. P. HOUUUTON. Agent, foot of High afreet, ueorgetown M ELDRIDUb AtCo, AgeotN. Prluco Street Wharf, Alexandria, JAMbS HAND, Agent, 117 Walt Street, New York Freight received conatautly and forwarded to all parte of tbe country with dUpatch, at lowest rates, Jttii MAT if A N I1Tl7I1 FU 0I T tT LUMBER DEALER, SIXTH 8TREET WEST, o 1 NEAR TENNA. AVENUE, From the Radical for Ortober SAVING FAITH. Bt J C. L. Great spirit of renewing trotb 1 Come shlniog through oor darkened .ye., And make tbe tides of light roll In, To cleanse from error and from sin i Destroy the refugees of lies. If any falsehood of tbe Tast Konnd ns has thrown Its Iron chain, llarn through and melteacb f.tterlag link, Lre slaves of Prejudice w. sink ; Olv. ns to Freedom one. again. Faith In the Present may w. have I Fallb that Cod lives and works to-dsy I altblhat all righteousness prevails, That Revelation never falls la sonls that work and pray. 0 Future, thou art held In trust! To build for thee a glowing way Our hearts are pledged i no Past caa bind, No Age's promise Is behind Bet forth I parens the mighty day. Vhn.t Dick nUlie Found at Ctimrch I'd been to church. I'm not a man tosall under false colori.and.pretend I wont reg'Iar, for I didn't, but when A lad has been on a three jean cruise, and through no end o' f;ales. and come home safe and sound at last, t's no more than right be should report him self at headquarters. Some don't; but I had a good old mother once, and the taught me a great deal that I've forgotten now. (more shame to me,) besides some things that I re member. So, feeling that the Lord's hand had been in mj oomlng home alive, I went to where they sty he comes oftenest. and that's to church. It was a grand sort of place, but I had my 'longshore togs on, and my new silver watch, and a collar as white as old sail and fn I walked, bold as brass. It was evening, about seven bells, and tbe glims were all alight. Chaplain, he was therein the wheel-house, and all the passengers aboard. I sailed up the straits, looking for a seat) but, Lord lore ye ' they all had state rooms, with the doors shut, and though I said once or twice, "above up, smpmato," nary a iaaoi'em budged an Inch. "Look-a-hero, my man," says I to a fel low acting as convoy to a lot of ladies lest come in, "my opinion isyouneeu a mission ary. I've been among the benighted heathen, in parts where they're nigh as black as your coat, and though they eat each other now and then, them that's com erted never tries to keep the others out in the cold when there's a meeting. Chaplain wouldn't hear on'tlftheydld' Well, tbe cnap lurnea up his nose at me, and said something about " being under no obligation to find seats for strangers,' and I set sail lor tno aoor, wnen ne pints, ana looks, and, bless her pretty heart ' there was a lady holding her door open, and kind o' bowin', as much as to say. "Cast anchor hero and woloome." So I made my best bow, and went In. There warn't another soul but us two there, and I felt sheepish, I can tell you. I warn't two and twenty then, and was afore the mast yet. And she was such a beauty .like a little yacht with streamers flying, and holiday sailing ahead If she'd turned up her nose at mo I'd not have wondered. But she didn't, she gave me a book with blue vehet on tho binding to sing out of, and smiled when she did It. And bless ye, I forgot what the chaplain was saying, looking at her. I don't know where she got her eyes, unless a bit of summer sky was used to make 'em. for they wore just as bluo. Well. when It wns all over, such a time as I had treading on the women ' long petticoats, and being scowled at, coming out' I waa making neauwny uown street, wnen a saw a leiiow half soas over make up to a lass and put his arm about ber waist ana try to kiss ner. bbe screamed, but before she could scream twlco I was alongsido her. "Hands off, you lub bor" says I, and I laid him sprawling. And then I saw the lass was tho very one I'd boen looking at all the evening the only Christian (according to my reckoning) in church. Says she, "I'm very much obllgod to you, sir." Says I. "You ain't not at all, Mlis, and now, If you'vo far to go, I'll walk alongside and pilot you, if you'll permit." bays soe, 'i nave a very utile way to go; that's father's house, but thank you a thou sand times. " Well, she pointed to a reg'Iar first-class sort of place, all white marble, that I knew tn bn H finnan Jersev'fl. And Cannon Jersev was my cappen. I'd sailed with him for years .'prentice at first, hand afterward. And. Lord loie ye' I felt almost friehtened to think of sitting and walking alongside bis daughter. 1 maue my best scrape ana bow, and somehow stammered out about giving my best respects to tbe cappen, and the honor ot navingsaneu uer. Then says she, "Papa must thank you hltn self.'1 And there, true as tho sea sarpent, was Cannon Jersey at the parlor port-hole. She told him what had happened, and he said ' 'My'vo done your duty, ' ' and made mo come in and have a class of wine. He called It wlno. look ye, but I'te mv doubts of It, for it was as sour as swipes, and fitted like soda water when the cork came out. I should have took It for spilod cider However, cappen's wine Is not to be sneezed at by foremsat hands, and I took it. , Well, I took myself home arter that, but i' took her along o' me. I could see her eyes and her mouth and her hair 'twnrn't gold, nor brown, nor yet flaxen sort o' like moonlight with a shadow in It as well as If I'd been In one o' them daguerreotype ma chines and had her picture took off on my heart, and at night I dreamed of her. Look here, shipmate, if you'll keep dark I'll tell you what I dreamed That IDick Dlalxe lisscJ Cappen Jersey's daughter' I don't believe in a man stepping out of his place. Nobody under a first mate had a right to dream that, and I own up I was to blame. That warn't the worst I vow it warn't I thought of her arter I woe awake just the same, and I did think if I could be cappen and have her for my wife Eva her name was I heard the cappen call her soI'd not want to die, nor yet to go to Heaven Llfo would be so happy to me. If any youngster reads this I want to tell him that's wrong, for the chaplln toldmc so, and I'd do no harm (if I knew it) to any body Good advice It's my duty to give, but all the same, when I spin a yarn I put tho truth in it I did love that girl There's no denying it I did'nt care to have any talk with other lasses. Toll and Sue had seemed pretty to me, but how red and coarse they were arter that' frouiy and blouzy. She Is so trim, with white topsails and a rose just half open in her hair, and little bauds with dim ples In 'em I went to church next Sunday not to sit along o' her, bless ye' I got up into the loft I offered the pilot a dollar to take me there, but I'll say this for the lad, he was aboe bribes, and I looked down at her Cappen Jerney was then snoring as If he had been In his bunk, and most of the folks looked drowsy, but I neer cloned lay eyes There I sat aloft, thinking what I would do If I was Cuppeu and owner of a shin, I named the lva In my own mind ' and, bless ye' aforo 1 paid the reckoning to tho lad with a plato (solid stiver, as my name Is Jack 'J I'd had the chaplain marrying us There's a sarce for a fore-mast-man, my mew mates. But you see Oranther Baldwin, mother's father. was captain of a merchantman, and that's how I came by It. Well, I went on loving and hoping, and we took another voyage, and yet another; and I got on and was promoted, and by-and-by I found myself second mate, and then she was not spliced yet. I was six-end. twenty, and had a little money put by, and thoughts of her had kept me from too much grog and company that might ha1 done me harm, and says I, one day, "I'll have her yet before I go to Davy Jones' looker." Off an on we'd met, and I'd bowed; and now I was, as you may say, an officer, I was bolder. I tried to Improve; I read and prac ticed land talk, and I don't mind owning (ns I've promised a true yarn) that I hired a Frenchman to teach me manners and parle vooing. He couldn't dolt. What he called the langwy Frenehy wouldn't be larnt, and as for manners, that waa wuss. So one day he says : "Monsheer, you sail make von Terra grand sattolr, but te dance and le langwy French you sail not know If you live so long as von hundred." Says I, "You're right, my hearty; salt I was born and bred, and salt I'll die." So we parted company. Well, shipmates, for all that I didn't give up thoughts of Miss Eva Jersey, and being second mate, I foand chances after a while to talk to her, and I was a handsome young fellow then wanlty, you'll say, but It's troth and she took a shine to me. When I knew it I was beside myself with Joy. Secret we were a bit about U, as all lovers will be, and the cappen was a man to be afraid of. But one day I went to him In his state -room wait a bit his study at home, and says I, "Cappen, I've a word to say to you." Says he, "Well, my man." Now this wasn't Just the thing for a socond mate Ho might havo said, "Well, sir." However, he'd known me a cabin boy. I couldn't go on at first, but by-and by I managed to stumble through It. "I loved his daughter, and wanted him to give her to me." inat was my yarn, and, Jjoraioveyo' the sauall It raised, Cappon roso up and looked at me. "Have you been drinking, my man9" says he. "No. carmen " envi I. 'Then you're mad," says ho. "Not yet mad." says I. He pointed to the door. "l naen t naa my answer," says i. beg pardon, cappen, but I want to hear It." Ladles mar read this, or I'd write down what he said to me. Talk about oaths after that' "I don't deferve this, sir," says I. "You deserve a cowhidinc If I had cat-o'-nine tails bandy I'd lay It over your back," says be. "miss t,v& jersey is a lady, and you a common sailor." Second mate now, sir," says I. "Second fiddlestick's end," says he. "And, sir, she she likes me," said I Then cappen kicked mo out. Mind ye, he was sixty-five, oj I'd not have let htm do it " Next thing, I heard Eva was sent away to an aunt's, and the nlceer that waited on the Cappen ashore fetched me a note bidding me good by, and saying that she must obey her father. That waa duty. Let man and woman do their duty. I did mine, for you seo I'd engaged with Cappen Jersey for a new voy age, and the time was come; and though it went agin me, I couldn't desort though I said "It's the lost voyage we'll have together my hearty." Said It to myself, you know. I did my duty. I worked hard. But all the light was gone out o' my sky. I was in tbe fog, with mv coin nasi lost. Life warn't nothing to me, and soon I had a chance for deatn. For there came to us such a gale as never blow before, when wo were not far from the Oold Coast, and after It had blown a bit It seemed to me that the Cappen lost his sonses He might have sated the ship, but be was obstinate, and so she went upon a rock and split to pieces. We took to the boats in tbe storm. I never saw any of my messmates again. Wo might as well have been afloat In egg shells Tho first thing I knew after knowing nothing, was lying In burning sand upon my face, and when I cleared my eyes I saw I'd been washed ashore. Two men lay alongsido o' me I turned the first over; It was the cook, Teter ' He was stone dead I looked at the noxt; It was the Cappen. Yes, 'twas poor old Cappen Jersey, and he warn't dead, for he groaned when I touched him Says I, "What cheer, Cappen'" Says he, "I shan't live to see my girl again, Blalze." "Tell that to the marines '"says I. "We're on tho main land, I fancy, and, niggers or not, I neor knew men I was afraid ot. Wo 11 get home yet, Cappen." "You may," says he. " I must stay here, my leg Is broken." So It was. The old hero had been bruised and beaten nearly to death besides, though ho bore it so well, and I found myself pining my eyes as I looked at him, but I was a bit of a surgeon, and I set the limb and band aged It bark for splints, my shirt for band ages and then (that was a hard job) I took poor Peter's olothes and made a kind of bed for Cappen In the shadiest place I could find ana nunea tne cook witn a nit oi a prayer, and set down to think. i couin t leave tb Cappen. He couldn't go a step, and I must feed him and myself I had a bit of liquor in a nasif, ana tnai was an. Just then the Cappen called to roe "You've been kind to me," he said "Bid me good -by, and say you forgive mo, before you go." "I'm not going," I said "I'll netcr de (art, Cappen I'll find grub of some kind for us both, and we'll live to tell this yet ashore In America." Says he, taking hold of my hand, "Qod bless you, Blake, but I can't expect this of you, a son couldn't do more for a father " "No," says I, "I mean to do tho best I can' and whatever I may have to frot about, that will be a comfort." " I wish " he began. Then ho stopped, and I gat e him a sup from the flask and went away I don't mean to tell lies This yarn is true If you want wonders, and Iron kettles floating ashore, and stories to lost a year, and complete carpenter-shop at hand, look for 'em In other yarns sich as travels, I couldn't tell you much about how we lived sometimes burning, sometimes soaked to the skin, half the time hungry I found berries and roots and a broad-fruit tree, and caught a parrot and roasted her. I stuck to the Cappen I suppose a month went so, and he could just mot e a little, and then I began helping him on by easy stages, hoping to come to some place where we should see hu man faces. Wo didn't, only to woods we were afraid to go through for the wild beasts, and I wished we had stayed near the shore, whore we might have seen a sail I learned how to say, "Olvo us to day our daily bread," then, and the Lord sent it But one day a burning day I could find neither water nor food We were, starving I was as weak as a child, and the poor Cup pen weaker than I And tho Cappon said to mt) over and otor again, "Oo, Blftize" iwain't my man now "you can escape, perhaps. Leave me. I'm only an old, dying man " And I had anewered: "No one shall ever say Dick Blaise desarted his Cappen " But I know we were both doomed. Neither flesh nor fruit nor wator could I find. And at last I sat down In despair "The Lord must help us now," said I. "And p'r'aps out here, where half the folks is unconverted, be's lost slebt of us." mere again x was wrong, lor wbat in tbe varsal world should I hear but some one whlstllog "Yankee Doodle," and the next minap i saw under busbes a race in par tlck'Iar a noso that couldn't hall from anr where but old Connecticut, where I was born and brought up; and then faces black and white and yellow a hull ship's complement of explorers, as they turned out to be. I tried to nurrali. "Cappen," says I, "the Lord has heard us. And then I keeled over and took a rest. Didn't know much for a bit, only I feel sure that Connecticut phis was close to mine over and over atzaln. and that whatevor yarn the boss explorer puts In his book he'll tell no He If he says he nussed me like my mother might, Qod bless him' So before long, being among friend, we found ouraolves piloted to a port and put aoonra a xanaee vessel nomewara oouna. Well, to out a long story short, messmates. we came ashore at Marbleheadat last, and I was well and hearty, but the poor Cappen laid low. I had thought we'd bury him at sea, but It didn't come to that, and they took him home on a litter to die there, but before he went'he hold out his hand to me. "uod bless you"' he said. 'No son could be kinder than you have been,"" and Iwent awoy piping my eye. I'd got to lote him out there on the Gold Coast. Well, I was uneasy, and I walked the deck of my room the best part of the night, and at aayoreaK some one says, "Anoy. mr.uiaite' and I opened the door. A boy was there. Says ho, "Cappen Jersey has sent for you hefa dying." I knew it must come, but my heart sank like the lead In deep water. I set sail for tho house, leading the lad quite out of sight, and got thero In a few minutes. The nigger took me In, and there was Cappen In bed and chaplain alongside, and Eva crying as If ber blessed bean would breaK. Ana uappen says to me. "Blalze, time Is short for me, I must speak fast. You love my clrl still?" Says I, "I havn't words to tell how dear she is to me." Then the Cappen took her little hand, and put it In mine, and says to the chaplain. "Let me see it done before I die." And before I knew what had happened I was called on to answer would I take this woman to be my wedded wife7 and I had said "Will I? Why, if you'll give her to me, Cappen, you give me a bit of heaven before my time, " at which the Chaplain took me up sharp. And then we were married, and the dream came true, for I kissed her The best of the yarn Is, Cappen didn't die I think when wo were spliced he felt a load off his conscience and took aturnfor tho bet ter; and wo havo him living with us, halo and bcarty as a man can be at eigbiy-iour. And now I teach the young folk to go to church reg'Iar, for, as I tell the Chaplain, no knowing wnat good may como oi it. i louna my wife at church, and, bless you, she don't think me wtckod for saying so, though she pretends to to please tbe Ubapiatn. Geu John Cochrane Tho World says "Brig Geu John Cochrane la ready to take the stump against tbe Weed-Raymond ctlqne He desires 1'renldent Johuson'a policy to suc ceed, and himself to have a proper successor ' ' The 22d of July, 1661, was the darkest day tbat ever gloomed on tbo cbamplons ot Hu man Liberty and American Nationality. In the morning, tho loyal States wore eloctrified by news that our grand army at Centreville nad won, tne any Deiore, a brilliant vlctorv over me reoeis, Dy noon iney wero over whelmed by the far truer but hideous tidings of most unlooked-for roverso and overwhelm ing disaster. Our army was not merely de- loatea but routea, witn a loss oi an its ma terial and half Its numbers, and its wretched remnants wero rushing, report said, like frightened sheep, across tbe rotomac, a wretched mob a demoralized, weaponless rabble, which a regiment of cavalry might at any moment scatter like chaff from the threshing floor. Washington, with Its parks of cannon, Its richly stored navy-yard, Its wealth of small arms, munitions, and pro visions was utterly at the mercy of the tri umphant rebels, whoso scarcely resisted pos session of it would probably be announced by a proclamation from Jeff. Davis within tho noxt twenty-four hours. It was In tho mid afternoon of that day of unparalleled and immeasurable horror,whilo the shrouded heavens and pouring skies at onco imaged and heightened the pervading woe, that John Cochrane now General Coch rane appeared at the Tribune office, where he had for some years been an infrequent visitor Instantly abruptly he gave us to understand that no matter what ho might have said at Richmond three months before he was now resolved to stand by his fearfully imperiled country. "There is but one way remaining to us," said John Coch rane to this writer, "If the Union is to be upheld, wo must proclaim emancipation, and summon the slaves from the service of rebels to the salvation of their country," For some years from that hour John Coch rane was faithful to the conviction thus avowed He led to the field a regiment which had boen raised for him, and fought with it. gallantly, if not skilfully, in several battles. Ho harangued It early and forcibly in favor of freodom for all, and calling every loyal man, white or black, to the defence of the national Integrity, the national life And, after It had been thought bett that ho should retire from tho mtliltary service, his voice and vcte were still glren to the party whose triumphs were nut hailed with cheors at Hlchmond nor alone the lines of the rebel armies. Henco he was, two years since, nominated and elected Attorney uenerai by the Union party of our State. But a fresh election annroachos. and he is not renominated perhaps because no dele gate to the Union Convention happened to think of It; possibly, because rumors were afloat that he was already plowing with all mannor of questionable heifers Though he had not yet been slimed over preparatory to swallowing by John Van Buren, It was in stlnctivoly felt that he was getting ready to go down easy Not being offered a fresh nomination on our side, and not having changed, his politics for nearly if not quite four years, Oeneral Cochrane seems to have concluded that it was high time for a somer sault l'erhaps it was But Hon Cochrane can deceive neither himself nor others by talking of "the Weed Haymond clique " flight well does httnow that he Is deserting and betraying the cause of Universal Freedom Right well Is he aware that he is dealing falsely, cruellv. bv the hutublo and imperiled (our Millions whom he vai among the first to summon to pour out their blood tn defence of the Union No matter what protests and reservations he tuny ceo fit to mako, Gen. Cochrane, like Gen. Slocum, Judge G rover, and John W. Edmonds, after having summoned the blacks to our aid In a vital emergency, now whistles them down the wind remits them unpro tected to the tender mercies of those who think "a nigger is good In his place," but that his place Is under the feet of thewhltes and his true, Qod-ordalned position eternally that of a spurned, despised menial and drudge. Oen. Cochrane has taken his stand In fact, whatever he may profess, with those who to-day refuse to colored Americans the right of suffrage, whether tn the North or In tbe boa lb, and will soon deny mem tne ngm oi education, the freedom of the press, and (If they dare) tbe right to sue and to testify In courts of justice. Let him say what be will, the triumph of the party to which he has apostatized Is the triumph of oppression, the disfranchisement of a race, the branding of our fathers as knaves or Idiots In proclaim ing that all men have an inalienable right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,' and that Government ('derive their Just power from the consent of the governed.' Kail fw,m baneath' la itlrred to demonlao Joy by the spectacle of such treachery, and every traitorous ruuian wno, in mv u.f. deni of this emporium, gleefully drank health and success to Jeff. Davis while Lee's guns were thundarimrat OettvshuraT. or. afewdays later, fired draft-offices and devastated or phan asylums in aid of the rebellion, will now rapturously hall Gen. Cochrane ai a compa triot and a brether.iV. 1. Tribune. Vnn Wnnw rto FAM1IONABLE WOXItlf Darsa The Idea that ladles who lavish enormous sums annually In personal decora tions dress to fascinate their husbands, lovers, or man In the aggregate, Is a vulgar error. A losbtonable woman is not nan as anxious to win the admiration of the men as to pro voke the envy of her own sex. The truth Is that gentlemen, as a rule, know very little about the commercial value of female attire, and (except where they are called upon td pay the bills) care less. An elegant and be coming toilet, however inexpensive, general ly satisfies them. Not so our first family belles and dashing dowagers. Cost Is their standard of excellence in costume. And what consummate sumptuary critics they are. No tradesman Is a better judge of tho article In which he deals than the lady of fashion Is of all the articles her sisters wear. With a single side-long glance, rapid, keen, and searching, she can "reckon up," the habiliments of a rival In the beau rnonde almost to a shUHne. Nopawnbroker, how ever accustomed to guage the price of costly trumpery, could come nearer the mark. Imitation lace and faleo jewelry, however vrate-emblaut, do not deceive her for an in stant. She sees through the cheat as easily as a banker detects a forged bill, and sneers Inward at the vain attempt to cope with her genuine extravagances She triumphs In the reflection that all her splendors are ster ling and that her "set." sbarn-evod as her self, can distinguish cheap fine-ladylsm and the ruinous grandeur it Is Intended to copo with, as well as she can. But mole eyed man sees not tho difference unless It la pointed to mm. as it not uuviuui, iruiu these premises, that the riehly-bedlght god desses of Fashion's Empyrean dress to pro voke envy in each other rather than to com mand manly worship' Of course, they like to be admired by men, but to be envied by u-ornaniai. supremo luxury. HumcJow mil, Komakcb oithi Rail. A pretty little bit of romance developed Itself In one of the State stroet cars of Chicago, a few days ago. Among the passengers was a pale, quiet little wnmnn nWlnlv dressed, and v err prettv with- .., , - , , r.i .-. , al. I'resentiy a one-ieggeu aoiuior uuuicu into the cars on hts crutches. The seats were crowded, and the soldier had to stand The young lady got up, pullod the blue sleevu and pointed to tho seat she had vacated For the first time, as she turned, she had a full view of his face, and neither paid any more attention te the deserted scat. They starod at one another a minute, and then, In spite of the awkward motion of the cars, embraced and kissed each other with hyster ical fervor. At first the passengers were somewhat astonished at so public a demon stration, but all of them soon joined In con gratulating the delighted couple upon learn ing that the two persons thus suddenly brought together wore man and wife, long separated uy tne vicissuuaei oi war. mo soldier had been desperately wounded In Tennessee and taken prisoner He was sup posed to have been killed, and before he was restored to freedom and able to write, wife, or widow as she supposed herself, removed to Chicago, and eo his letters never reached her. .The poor fellow, as soon as he could travel, set out for homo, with a desponding heart, to know why his letters had nevor been answered. He reached Chicago, on his way thither, when the generous impulse of a kind httla woman to a maimed soldier brought hor back a loving husband and threw him In the open arms of a wife who had long mourned him as among tho In numerable host who havo laid down their lives for the salvation of their country. Chicago Republican, A Vnir.iDELriUA paperstates A Southern dealer, who owned over seventy-one thousand dollars In this city, called on his creditors, one day last week, and asked for credit to enable him to resume business. As an evi dence of the mannor in which tbo rebellion was sustained, and the people forced to con tribute to it, he exhibited to bis creditors the receipt of the rebel ogent for$71,0l0, the amount of his Philadelphia debt, which ho was compelled to pay Into the rebel treasury. This sequestration plan was adopted ffalt all Southern mercbants owing wuue, m North. The fact may now be mentioned as a comment upon the attempt to have the re bol war debt recognized in the recent South ern conventions. Tho merchant in qion, after showing this receipt, then ""bited the evidences of tbe property he has left and was willing to turn over to his creditors if they would give him another start. o need not say tbat he was immediately taken back into thoir confidence, and ample credit accorded to him Hoilkrs. Mr. Leslie, aboller- maker, stated some interesting facts at the meeting of the Boston Association, showing ihnttha Insnoction of bolters is sometimes merely a sale of licenses In one case the In spector of a marine boiler did not go Into tho boiler-room, but stood In the engine room, while the shin's men applied the testing pump, and called out ten, fifteen, twenty, and so on to thirty-six pounds, while In fact the pressure did not rise above nine pound and a license was given on tne ewueucou. the men, and the boiler exploded at soa, kill ing all the firemen In the boiler-room. lie knew or many cases oi " -when the inspector did not examine the boilers internally, and, in fact, did not In spectthematall, and be believed that real Inspections, by skillful men. would prevent most of the irplosions llli view accords with the experience of tbe Manchester Boiler Association's report Thk leadings merchants of Houston, Texas, are buildiug a largo cotton faotory.