. a.laJ'r'-li-'''''jr, '' ti-m-'''Jg , a. .u'.'.Miygagf yrniipitlAa usk ,wi tcwyw THE NATIONAL JLIEPIJBLICAJN. TIIUIISJ)A.Y MOUSING. JANUAEY 3. 1807. v .' f I ' K '1 ' Uniiounl lUjmuIunu. THE DEPARTMENTS. . official. DiriiTKixr or Stati, I WAS nifTO, Do.omt.or II, 1889. J Informitlon bu been recelred it IhU De partment from Mr. Alfbid Oaldwbu, tie Consul of the United State) at HonolnU, of the dettb, on the 19th of Noreraber list, at Ilonolula, of Dr. 8. P. Fod. i DifiiTKiirr or Stats, 1 Wiiiixato. Deeemter 37. 1866. j Information hit bon rtcelred tt this De pwtment from Mr. Giob-obF. Sewabd, the Oonsnl Generxl of Iho United States at Shanghai, China, of the death, on the 13th of September last, at Shanghai, of John Euro, a former resident of San Francisco, Cal. The legal represcnta tires of tho deceased can obtain farther Imbrmxllon by addressing thli Department DlPlaTKlBf of Stats. 1 Waiiiioto, Cseemtor 37, 166. Information has been rtcelred at this De partment from Mr. Gxoxai F. Sxwaxd, the Consul General of the United States at Bhanghal, China, of tho death, on the 24th day of 'July. 1666. at the General Hospital, Shanghai, of TV. 0. Clxmavs, a formor resi dent of Ban Francisco. The legal representatires can obtain fur ther information by addressing this Depart ment. DiFAftTKiiT or Stati, I Wasm.-oro, Deeember IT, IMS. J Information hu been receired at this De partment from Mr. Gkorox F. Bxwaed, the Oonsol General of the United States at Shanghai, China, of the death, on the 7th day of May last, at Shanghai, of It. Kilsuaw, an American seaman of the Teasel "America." Dipabtmixt or Stats, I WAisissTOir, December 38, I860. Information has been receired at this De partment from Mr. Thomas II. Dcdlxy, the Consul of the United States at Llrerpool, of tho death, on tho 24th day of July lut, at sea, of Sahdkl Fbawcis, a seaman belonging to tho Teasel "John Patten." DirAiTHiiT or Stats, 1 Waihisbtox, DMinbtt 36, 1666. ) Information has been receired at this De partment from Mr. Thomas II. Dudlet, the Consul of the United States at Urorpool, of the death, on the 14th day or April, 1866, at sea, of Alxxandxx Pollacc, a seaman belonging to tho ship "Tiraonr." Tin Gr.irxf.At, Land Omct-The Com missioner of the General Land Office is in receipt of a communication from the Sur reyor General of New Mexico and Anions, at Santa Fe, New Mexico, under date of the 17th ult, reporting that on tho 15th of De cember last no entered into a contract with the deputy surreyor for the establishment of the base principal meridian, standard parallels and exterior township lines. The initial point of the surreys is the point of me intersection or ue oase wiia me una and Salt rlrer meridian. It consists of the conical hill, 150 feet in height, on the south side of the Gila, opposite Its confluence with tho Salad o rlrer. The geographical position of the initial point is 12 deg. 15 rain. 46 sec. loniritude west from Greenwich, and its north latitude, 33 deg. 22 mlo. 57 sec. The sur veying contract prorides for the establish ment of 93 miles of the meridian, 36 miles of the principal base line east of the Initial point; the 1st, 2d and 3d correction lines north, about 220 miles, running east and west of the meridian, crossing Itassaympa, Agua Frla and Rio San Francalse rirers; also, for the surrey of the exterior township lines, embracing Frescott, the capital of the Territory of Arizona. The establishment of tho aforesaid Initia tory lines of public surreys In Arizona will furnish the necessary basis for the extension of surreys orer the region of country north of Gila rlrer, embracing Fort McDowell, sit uated on the Rio San Fran, town of Wickenburg, onllarreympa, Wearer, Wool Bey's, and Frescott. The Commissioner has advices as late as December 11 from the United States Surrey or General at Boise city, Idaho. Great in--terest is reported as manifested in regard to .surreys under the late mining laws. Business or tbi Pension Orricc Durog the month of December lut, the following business wu transcated at the Pension Office, and It is conceded to be a highly com plimentary exhibit for its able ana efficient officers, whole number of claims receired during the month : Original and increase (widows, Ao ,) 4.801 Orlft nal and Increase, (Invalids,) 3,0S9. Total 6,860. No. of eUlms admitted, criglanl and Incrseie, (widows. Ao,) 3,370 1 No. of claims rejected, origi nal aadlaorease, (widows, Ao ,) 103 1 No. of e 11 mi admitted, original and Increase, (Invalids,) 1,699. No. ef claims rejected, original and tnortut, (In- rauaajavoi no, oroieimiaisposoaoi, , no. of Jitters written, 6,001 J No. of elrcalsrs itnt, 31,891. Boantj Land Division Tho Bomber of warraati received, 160 acres each, 10416.640 aorta No. or wirriDtl Issued, 130 aortt Mb, 7840 aorsi) No. of warrants lesaed, 80 sons eaoh,l-i0 acres Whole lumber of warranU luaod 113 ( covering 17,660 aares. Original applications reoelved 78. Whole Bomber of pensions renewed to persons who had sarreadared the lam, 403. Conscience Moxit. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue yesterday receired the fol lowing letter, accompanied by 0200 : PlILADILMIA, D 11,1846 E. A. Xolllnti Diab Sib : Enelossd find $300 fur excise tax on (oods made and sold whtoh wtro supposed not to llabl when sold, bat have slnoo been fonnd and dotdd to bt UabU to 6 per cent. tax. I send tt to yon because, I am told, If I send In a statement hire, I will bo subjected to penalties, 4a , thtt would break op my business, which, I think, wonld be unjust, a I hare strictly paid tho tax on goods that were known to be liable Tho abore amount Is more than tho net profit I bare made on said goods j and tboogh I do not deilre to withhold an;, thing dae tho Qorernment, I feel that In paying thlil am doing my fall doty. BeepaetfuHj, yours, J. Oabkliss, (An Aiitttoi d Name ) Tho sum of $70 wu also reclerod by Secre tary McCulIoch from a person In Jersey City, signing himself "Repentant," and which he desired to have credited to the Post Office Department Oxatu or am Abut BuxaxoN. Brevet Ma lor an Assistant Surgeon Thomu G. Mac kenzie, & B. A., died on Tuesday last at the Kalorama hospital, after an Illness of but four days. His complaint was congestion of the lungs. The body was forwarded to Bal timore yesterday, where it will be interred. i'AYUEKTB TO SoUTUSBM CLAIMANTS. We learn tUt orer $1,500,000 wu paid last month to Southern claimants for cotton cap tured and confiscated by the Union troops during the recent war, and which wu claimed to not have been legally tuken from the owners. Tuk Fi'blio Dlbt Statsmbmt for tho 1st of January Is not yet ready ror publication, and doubtless will not be promulgated until the fthor7tbinitint IiOOAXi MMWete Rbtvrb rWrtxn ArrRAY ReTWIBM TWO DiriiTHirrOtiaas OnNow Taar's night two Department clerks, Thomu Rje, or the Treuarr, and J, A. Ajres, of tho Qaartematter's Depart ment, both aodaalfitaneal, went together to make Ue mail tons'' of Ut seuon, and la tho ooone of thalr pe rambalaUons extended their tWU to the booM of Ulm marietta rarkharst, In Fiddler's Row, between Tblrueatn ana znirteen-aaa a-nur streets, en D, where, after IndoTging la frequent poual oraiu, inty oeoame lomtvuii nai in ineir dtportment towards tht fair lamatea of the home. A qaarrel sooa after earned between one of the tad boarders and Bje, who "pltebed In" and wai aboat to giro her a wallopplng after the moit ap proved fashion, when Arras Interfered and profit ed against saeh unmanly oondoet. Ileated with vlllalnottS whisky. Rye tamed apon his companion, and drawing a knife Inflleted a teTore wooad la his arm, whleh nled pTofotely. Oateries were Immedi ately railed, to wnloh Sergeant Pleree, of tho Sec ond ward, promptly responded, and sailing a hack took both parties to tho Central slatlon.hoaie. Dri Keuby and Lincoln were Immediately called In to staunch the blood, which wae atlll flowing In a torrent from Ayrei wonod. This they Anally snecoeded la doing; bat wen unable to say whether tho wonad wu of a fatal character or not. A preliminary hearing wu held yeiterday morn ing before Jnstfoo Uortell, who committed Rye to tho cells for a farther hearing la the analog. Last night at half-pail six, both part Us accompanied by tbelr friends, appeared before Joillce Morielf, who took tho orldaneo of Dr. Keaiby relative to the condition of Ayres, laordar to datermlae the legality of admtttlng the prisoner to ball. The Doctor toitlned that tkero had bean no hemor rhage of tho wonnd aloce tho albt of tho stabbing, and that none wonld occur unless In ease the woonded man sboald be attacked either with lata bbs or erysipelas. la his opinion, Ayres was oat of danger unlaaa some unforeseen elreunutanso occirrtd to prodooo hemorrhage. In consider tlan of tblt ficlnlon. tho Joitlee held the accused to ball In tho sam of $1,000 for his appearance at uourt. NxwYxab'i Dinmbrtothb FstKOHrK or A&LtiflTOx Villasb An earnest appeal la made to the elUseas of Washington and Georgetown to aid la furnishing material for a dinner to tho suf. ferine? poor of Arllatton TJelchts next Saturday. The various committees hare made all neoesiary arrangements for this entertainment, bat mnitrely on the prompt assistance of the cltUens to supply food for tho occasion. Wo an aathortsed by the committee to urge the claims of this most charita ble mOTomcnt upon the Immediate attention of the benerolant. The committee desire, as donations for tho occasion, bread, crackers, eneeso. cooked meats of all kinds, tea, coffee, eager, eandlea, ap pies, and otaor rruus, to oe sent to uon. oajiei , Bo wen, at the City Post Office, or at his reildenoo, on II i treat, betwien Sixth and SeTenthi Mrs. O, U. Morse, 330 New York avenue, between Ninth and Tenth or to Mrs. Charles II. Uendtey, Mary. land aTeoue, near Seventh street) or to Mrs A M. Oaogewsr, la Georgetown, over the Dank of Com merce. Tho articles should bo seat In by Friday noon. The committee most confidently rely on prompt and liberal response. Donation! amounting to scleral hundred dollars la clothing and money hare been receired from Tarioos churches. Sabbath schools, and Individuals la Philadelphia In respeasc to tbo appeal of tho committee, and all that la now needed Is the co oMratloa of tho benerolant of our ellT. Among the benefactions from Philadelphia Is a aonauon or a goia aouar long saraa oy a wioew, a member of tbo Pino Street Presbyterian Church, who garo two sons as her offering to her courtryt but the appeal for theie suffering poor so touched her heart that she frtaly consecrated and sent this cherished coin for the rellif of the aged and help less children of bondage. Saeh an offering at anah a sacrifice ought to stimulate all to Imitate so noble an example. Wo understand that the membsrs of Congreis and ether dlrtlngulihed gentlemen an luTlledtobe pnsent, some of whom will address the audience Tub Quart rut Policb IUrORTS. Tho quarterly police reports of Lieutenants Essex, Talt, Sklppon, Mllstead and Oesiford, ol the Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Tenth preetnota respect ively, forwarded to Superintendent Rlohards yes terday, show tho total number of arrests for differ ent offences for tho three months ending with the close of the year, wltbla the precincts mentioned, to hare been 3,076 Of this number 68 were fe. males. The following represent U MtWUjr 4 the persons arrested: United States, 1,702; Ireland, 527t Germany, 234; England, 30, France, 15, BeotUnd. 0. IttJr. St Belalum. 1: and Prussia. Russia and Canada eaoh 2) making a total number of white males and females arrested from the coun tries mentioned 3,028. This does not 1 oel ode ar rests of colored persons of either sex, the number of this class arrested being M8 The reports from the other fire precincts for the same period may be expected at police headquarters in a day or two, and will probably show about the same number of arrests as those made In tho Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Tenth precincts, thus making the ag gregate namber about 6,000 during the quarter. Ahotubb Max ik tux Canal A man, who by papers found oa his person, was Identified as -- - St. Clair, was found In the canal, near O street south and First strset west, on the afternoon of New Year, by Mr. Daniel Sweaaey, who, with the assistance of several other parsons, rescued him from his disagreeable position. Being In a critical condition, the Mayor garo him a permit to the asy lum, where he eiplred at half past eight on tho same evening. It Is but reasonable tosupposethat should a almller accident befall a ssna man his cries would procure him assistance in time to pre. rent serious consequences. The rational deduction must therefore bo, "too mach New Year's " A Oase roR mr Bbnetolkxt. We were yesterday Informed that a woman, with several small children, was found recently In a abaaty on Seventh street, near Virginia avenue, Island, In a state of the greatest deitltotlon, the whole family being on the verge of actual deith from cold and starvation Our Informant gave us no definite In formation as to the number of the house, If, Indeed, It hu any, but those who feel for the widow and the orphan can readily find this suffering family and ameliorate their pressnt pitiable condition if they are so disposed. ThbUnitid States Tbeasurer Robbed on Nbw Ysab's Dat. Osn F. E. Spinner, known to some by the oubnqutt of the "Watch-dog of the Treasury," while he may be suoeessful tn keeping watch and ward over the publlo funds of the Gov. srnmsnt, was unable at the President's reception on New Year's Day to protect his olrn private per son from the onslaught of a skillful pickpocket, whe, In the pressure of the crowd, managed to ap propriate his pocket-book, containing between $70 and $80, besldsi a pair of sleeve buttons and papers or considerable vaiue. Tub Gheat Falls Gold Hr.aiox. Another company has been organised by Ex Got. Cortln, of renniyivama, ana uen. iiaius Aogaui, lormeny Chief Quartermaster of the "armies operating gainst Richmond," to farther Investigate the auriferous regions In the neighborhood of Great Falls, on (he Potomac All the companies already organised assert that they are at least paying the expenses of mining, and many that tbay are making a handsome profit over and above the cost of the labor necessarily required. Election of Officers of the Sons of Tbuterahcb The following officers have been elected by Hope Division, No. 24, Sons of Temper. anoe, rortne present quarter; n t,c,u joffoia; W. A , George W llaulenbeck; Treasurer, J W. Buseyt R S , A. W. Moore, A R S , B. B Stout, Chaplain, J. lllghlandii Conductor, B P. Murray, Aniitant Conductor, W. A Uughei, F. S , O. L. Patent I. B-i A. M. Boiwell, O. B,, Q D. Kelley. O. F. Cdwmisb, 347 Seventh street, second door below the Northern Market, has Juit received an eitenilre and handsome anortment of Ladles' High Cut Kid Button and Laced Balmorali i High Cat Button Letting Oalteri i together with a Iae variety of Boots and Shoes for all ages and condi tions, and both sexes. Those goods are made ex creislr for the establishment of Mr. Cummins Give him a call, examine bis stock, and make your purchases. Dedication or the New Ceils Under Po lice Hiadqvartxbs The new colli finished yei terday In the basement of the building used as the headquarters of police, were oooupied for the first lime last nigm oy two persons arrvsicu uy vi Ive McDevltt, one as a saipicloui character, and the other, a female, for being gloriously drunk Reception and Hop To-nioht. The recep tion and grand hop which Mr Brady, tbe gymnast, gives his frlsnds to night, is well worthy of publlo patronage. To witness the exhibition given by the corps of athletes under bis tutorage li alone worth the price or tbe ticket ror ms aouoie enter taloment. Fire oh tub Island. Last niffht, at thirty- sftTan mlnutii bait seven o'clook, an alarm of fire was struck from box 65. Tbe fire originated on Twelfth, between B and 0 streets, Island, la a two story tin shop, which was entirely dntroyid. No tmrsnot, Tub Weather Teste boat. The winter air of TeiterdAT was all dav melodious with the chiming of sleigh bajls, everybody acemlagdeslrous oi naving one more riue pcron too '-Deauurui snow" ascends la exhalations to tbe ektel which care It, Every Imaglaable stylo of turnout might be seen on the arenue during the day and evening, from the countryman's rude home snaJe structure, eompooed of planks, to the elegant feur-horte sleigh drawn br prancing steeds glittering with trappings rrean irom tbe manufactory. Toe raid made on the snow on New Year's rendered locomo tion of this kind not quite so delectable as en tbe prerlout day. The snow on the arenas daring the forenoon gave place to a crystallisation of mud and water, but still the sleighs sped merrily on, and happy pairs spoke language "whleh ne'er might be repeated," and as the sleighing disappeared, sought the quiet of tbe less frequented roads outside tbe city. In tbe ercnlog we were again visited by a gentle fall of snow, luting, perhaps, an hour, after whleh the stars came out "twinkling la a crystalline delight," and promising better sleighing and skating at the park to-morrow. The Conrta. United States Court or Claims Wsoimoat, Jaaaarr t, 1ST On motion of Mr. Kerr, the Deputy Sol lei tor, John Q. Johnson, Esq , of Philadelphia, Pa., wu ad mitted an attorney and counsellor of this court. J. 8. WlggloTs Tho United States. This cue was argued and submitted on a motion filed by Mr. Kerr, the Deputy Solicitor, to suppress a certain deposit Ion. After the alllowance of sundry other motions Adjourned to Monday, tbe 8th Instant, at 11 o'clock, a, m. Raidtnct lA Jtdgt$ tftU Court of Claim of tht umttd ataxu. Hon. Joseph Cuey, No. 888 O street Hon. Edward O toriag, No. 303 I street, Hon. David Wllmet, No. 4 A street, Capitol Hill. Hon. Ebeneier Peek, No. 185 O street Hon. Charles O. Nott, No. 181 F street Criminal Court Judge f$er preriding. (E. O. Cerringtoa, District Attorney, prosecuting ) Joseph Taylor.arralgned for larceny, plead guilty. Sent to the penitentiary for one year Smith irs fer defence. Wm. Anderson, Indicted for stealing four chick ens rained at$l each, wu tent to the common Jail for fifteen days. Petesto Carlo and Henry Jolt, convicted of lar ceny, were sentenced to three years each In tbe Albany penitentiary Mary OIuco wu found guilty f the same offence on two Indictments, tentee'd to one year's Imprisonment In the Albany penitentiary la each cue. Ellen Noland, alias Ellen Ale, on the charge of keeping a disorderly house, recognisance forfeited, and caplu entered to hear Judgment Elisabeth Jones, Indicted of keeping a bawdy home, was sentenced to be Imprisoned In the com mon Jail for fifteen days. In the cues of Edward Scara&ge, James Wane, and Joseph Lee, all Indicted for larceny, a nolU proi. wu entered by the District Attorney. The Court adjourned at two o'clock, p, m , to meet at the usual hour to-day. WA-NTEI). T7-ANTED-COPIE3 OP THK DAILY YV ViriomL Rirv.LlcAii f R.T.mkar IS. 1IM A llkaraJ prla. will k. ,ll lor Ik.a .1 tkla tUu. d.ll.lt ITANTED-NEW AND OAST-OFF VV CLOTHIIO, OLD OOLD IV O B1LV1B, or nj .tkar artl.1. .1 f .., .1 tk. oU-MUkUakal Marak.it Piwibrokir Blora ol K. rOLTOH k O, Ml Hlilk atn.1, I dMti lorlk of F.II. mi... 4.ao.f pEKIN AND YKDDO TEA 8TOHE, 155 MIKTO BTKIIT, BITWIIS D 1VD X. TKT ODS OLD aOVIKKME.1T ju tbikinin javj. corni. c a n d MmoroLiTiH noTii, i 44.VIIX l.lMf. I k... tkl. 4.r uaoaliUd wltk n. 1. Mr H.tal kill 1.1 Mr CU1KLM L UII.Lir.lid Ik. kou. klr tfur will b. ...d.atad la tk. ,.maa of Pitta li IkaUar. ! A.X.POTTB. c A R D IIRIIOPOLITIJ BOTIL. I J.icaiti.ih; I 0. ICSOOli of lb rJaaA .! l.nliiM,lfci otkoirdil ilia Uolal will ko roUB DOLL1U far d.r fron 4.U. in rorri a sniLLir. N. TV. BURCnELL, COIXIB OP POUKTIIXTB ABD F STXIITS, (Uaaia I.alTT Bo.ai,) IMPOITIB OP MID1TIIIABBAB WOODS, A. , DIALIX IB FIBI TIAS, aalO-lf PICILU. BADCIA, Ao.Aa riOLDEN SOUPPERNONO WINE, VJ (BATITI) kick, Fraltj- Tlir.r.fna Ik. BCOPPklBOBOOXAPI, of Nonk Oirollia. (KIBOPLACB.) daSO-SI I. M. P. KIIQ A BOB R EOKPTION LUXURIKB. Jaat reeelred a larre variety of CHOICE ARTICLKl SeletUd partliatarly for tbe eemlef SICirTIOV 6 Li 8 ON. ifcllia PLACIJ EMI. KIHU 1DW, Coratr Vermeat aTeeae aad del6t Thlrteeiaad ahaUalreet. rHH WASUINQTOK UOMOiOPATU. IC DISPXRSABT. Tkle charitable lictllatloi, so mack aeeded la Ul elty.wlll opem ei HOROAT, October 39, oa O aueel, lU,b.,w..a Tweinh aad Thlrteeath. ODAHOUnSi niNKT D. COOK I, UQ., CHASIX8 KNAP. ISQ , josxrn n, bxadlit, xsq , wsr. s. noarixaToiT, xsq., axoxox i. Bins, xsq, HOH. MOHTaOMIRT BLAIR JOHK O. CLABXX, Treaserer. T. B TBKDI, U. S , Secretary. At thla worthrlaitllattoiUepeor peeeleof eeroltr will receive medleal atteadaaae aad medlelaas fruit ehargt tic viapeiiarr lepooneti it iree coainaa tloaa, all thoie wall dlipotad towarda the peer may Mad thalr aoitrlbatloao to the Treesarer, Joha 0. Clarke, Eaq , ef the Beak or KJfio k Co , or to the Bee rttiir, Dr.T S. Verdi, S6S Q street, betweea roarteeath aad rutaeatb. Tbe roeno will be opaacd from 3 te4 p. m. , dally, Beadara excepted Dra T. B Verdi, ef WashUftoB, aad C 8 Vsrdl, of Oeerietowi, aid air other payalcai wllllaf Iom.UI la the rood work, will be la attcidaace ecSS-U T. S. TXBDI, at. D , BeereUrr COLUMBIA HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN aaa LTiaa-IH AITLUH, roarteeath street, (circle,) eoracr of H atroct. Tkla liatlletloa la iltiated la the moat healtkr bom Hoi of the Dlitrlct, oarroeaded by lta ewa (reaids. Care paaa the door every Ave mlaitaa Tcrmc of admlcoloa i rrem SS to $10 per week, la at eoidaace with the room rcqalred, payable la advaiee. ThlalaaUdse Board, Hedlclaee, Medical, aid Serf. cal Aiitaoufa M X D I 0 iT S T 1 F F . Boiesoaivoiiaei. J H. TU0KFB0HlU.D,lMIalreet, betweea Twea Ucth aid TweatrFlrst alrecU. oomeLviio rivaioiiia avo sviesoia JOS K. BAKHS8, H D, Bargcoi Oeaeral, Uilled Blatai Arrnr. JOS RILIT.U D.Qeorrotowa THOS HILLXK.M D . F ctreet, Waablattoi A T. F OA-tMBT?, W. D , New Toik avaaue. W P JOUM8TON. H D , Waihln jtoi OBAITOM TILBK, K D , acorfetowa. AfplUalloaafor idmlciloaacai be madete air ef Ihe medical ataff or the matroa at the Hocpllel Oraaja for admliiloa to tbe free bede of thla lictllatloi can be ob dalaedof the Kev. 0 H Hall. Rector of the Kplphaiv CharchrtheRoT. A D Gillette. Factor ef the Vlist BaptUt Chareh, aid of the Serf eoa la oharfe at his rca Ideate Ordcrcfor the aduliiioiof the wlvea or widows oieoiaicrcoi in uaiiea Etataa armr eaa ae procircd throaah the Han eoa Ocacra). Dalted Btatcc arm v. J7 h ai.1.. P. u . aecreiary. rEPARTMENT OP TnK INTERIOR, .Mr rmmmom vtnQM, Vt9. 1, 1MB To all wwn it may confirm Appllcatloahavlar boca msdeaadertheaelef Jaae 23d, ISOt, forarelnaeof the laid warraata dcicrlbcd hcrcia, which are allcicd to have baoa loit or de trored. aotlce la hereby gives that, at the data follow tar the daicriplloa ef each warraat. a aow ecrtlScate er warraatof Uhe Icaor will be lined, If ao valid ebjee tloa shall thoa appear i Ho 13,10S,for led acrea, lined aider the act of March S, 1SU.1i the aame of Horace Oraforr, aid wae raited Dccemoer, W, 1A53 December 39, IBS. Ho 4S,T33, for ISO aires, Uieed aadcr Ike ait of March 8 ISM, la Iho aame of Blliha Bacoa, aid wae greeted Jaiaei-y Si,18AS Jaiaary 13, 1BS7 He 29,148, for ISO airei, liiocd aider the act of hf arch 8, ISM, la the aaue of Ivorr Butler, aad wee greeted April IS, 1SSS rebroarr 3, 1SST No 43,043, for ISO acrec, Ucaed aider the ait of blank 3, ISM, li the aame of Lama Harlei, aid was graated September 17, 1834 rebroary IB, 1SS7 del Ho 10i,TS4,for ISO aerai, luaod aadcr Ue ail ef March S, 1SA3. ta the aim of Robert W rieree, aid waa graated Mar 12, USA March S, 1IST dcU Ho 9S.340.for ISO eerca, lined aider Ue act ef March S. ISM, (a the iame ef Xlllak 0. Ball, aad was graated Jtasl.lMl. March 8,1147. JOI, K. lilltTTi Csmmliilsasr, ABItOEMENTO. ALL'S NEW OI?EnA HOU8B. BBT St WILL rxormiBTOBs. ..STAOI MAXAQBX v. mtLbtrs..,,, TO SUOIIT, BOUClCAULT'SOBEAT PLAT, TUB LONG 8TRIKB, with all Ue SmiIc aa MaahaeUal Ifft TBS OBBAT TILiaXAPH BCXNS BBTIBB, wile tke lastruMeete aaBlU4 y Ue I B SDL ATI D TtLiaBAffr COMPANT. SeahLeareV4,UearleUref 'The Strike,1 aai MMTarrey JehaerSellly.aa Irish Bailer Ht.T LawUC Jen Statkle, a Foremaa of Beglaeere Xr.J.X Mertlmer Veaereecr,a BslIriUr Mr a Hale iMiu'wi, weramaa , ..Mr J. Lilli J .Mr t, J rarker I. ..Mr. Latraaee ill J.k Fdrl.14, J.J,. Vr.W.r. Kr.Wlfl.r I Ran4Bl.,. I Vr. It... Cruk.k.,.r.llM 0Mr Mr 0. Haiti Ink. . Til,n,k Onrtln Mr in. Clitk. brL W.K.f ! .kl, Blu Mur....Mr 0. Hurt Tk. O..U.nta frn B.tJ4i.rtr. 4.U, Ut U.t,prl Ik. Bulk. Mr B..U.T T.a o'tlll, W.rkBM Mr Millkiwi k.rrk ) (Mr.Muikl J.k. O'HUk... I SilitnU. u Utitn I Mr. IUt... J.a.all.1.7...) ( J... Ltr.Tl,. YMlorr Qlrl.. Mn lally J.rlu Mt(l. I ..i... I Mlu l.tl. OllUn u ( "" 1 Mil. K. 0.rlir BU.r. UtHTHiir'l l.rTk.t Mill KiU l.iU.4 ;jiUr J;;;;;; y1. larT.it... t.rra. .Urrialara J.4rM.M...fMt.rr.( BwrUltralW.rkn..( FMl.rj Qlrla.Cl.rka.Talatr.fk OHr.l)ri,oaiari .f Ik. tmrt. tutrtt ,pt.lori, ku riicu. Prir. latH I 00 Onktatr. kt, .. 1 00 DrMa ClMl. 7. rtraiaiu M f.aUr Oral Col.nl Ctral. U DMra .p.. at ..t.i I .Mf.ra.ia. ..MBaaaM.!. qitrlar I. alkL U It lyTETZBROTT HALL. roi on wTtr oilt. Miuitmim k PAUfii tf t ......a. U Ik. altlHM f WMkl.gUl Ikli tkaf ktT. ! .fid tk.a. BHliail Arllalaa, HI. AID MU. HOWAID PAUL, wk. will atpaar, lu Ik. Iral Ua. la IkU ally, .a ICOIDAT IVl!IO.;iIUHT 7, 1M7, axd rmr itiiiio tuiio tbi wm, Tina OIISD XltHTAIHMUTS, Ol COICUTI II comiMi. u Enoitlr Olfaa 1,090 Blfkla la L.al, aid M lkla at Irrla, Ball, Baw Tark Tkar will tiaaarla firrui iokoi aid iMFiuoKATioni, an.., walakwlll k. f.nd Uairr Siaa.U'1 Qr.it i.Tri(iuii. TBI DXIAM Of TBI XITILU: .id tkl CalakriUd Billid. "Wai.1 OkOkOETHI TB1ID WAI 111(01" 111 Ik. Cl.kr.l.d IIIUIBQ BOJIO. Tk. wkol. farmli, Ik. most DBiaux. iLiaixr aid taxiid iith. TAIIMMT ITtB aiTIB IB TBI DBITID ITATU. For Pirtlraliri Ba. BUI. aid Clraalara. piicu. Adalaaloi ..M aail. Iiaarvid Baila Ta " Tka tat. .f B.aarr.d Bail, will MHnoaao at Malta rott'a Maala BUr. .a Vrldl7 ataralar, Jaaaary 4, lt.7. Doora oto. al lyj l Coamiai at lj, JaS innuWAiiu, R. B L V A N 8 J. 0 0. WBOLUALI AID UTAH. Daaiara&la ICILDIXt', COACH, AID CAUBII BABDWAXI, B.UtIBOAKSTIlL, CVTHAtU, ho tsis no si, aOMISHOl VAIU, Him AHD -W-ASHKS.3 Ac, Ac, k; ;wABiaouiuj SOS FIaTHBTLTAHIA ATIXCX, 801,108, SOS OITXKBT, fU AMD 87 LOUISIAIA AYXVB, vrASHIVOTOV.VJOf ALL OKDXXB. fOVTU AND WHAT, TILLIa WITS CAXI 1VB PXOliTTtfMa. 0ARUAfJH AND TTME1IL STOCK CenUaUy acYtvlaf fro Factory, aai Bold at leweet Market Trices.', TIM PLATS, FIPX AMD IQXBT LtADJ COPF1B, Sfie, kK, Bold at Kaatera Xatee aid Bhlppei wlU Bfipatek. QAIX, MOSS, ixestsioM ICenUatly ea Bead, la Bage aad Bales. ROFO, CORDAQB, As. FBICU CVXXIKT FVXHISlfXDlWUKLT. JOBX X. XLTAXI k CO. WaehlagleB. B. 0. cn PACKAGES PURE LEAF LARD, OVJ Ia Welih Tabi, from SO te 80 poaade eeik. SO bble. Fresh Delaware Xgga 100 bexee Family aed Faaey Soap. Jaat received, aid for aale at a lew Igare, byn ' J H CRABS k CO, dell 1m S3 LoaUlaaa aveaae. TXTRAPPINO PAPER FOB BALB AT j v this orrica, AaroerssrnMTHi. JJATIONALTUEATRK. tUBOB OP IIOBT BtOBTl OP MIX MARITZIK'S OXAID ITALIAB OPIIA. TBI! (TBUBSDiT) ITIIIIOgjAXBAXT I.1HT, urviiu iiuui. Will tt rraitid CoHplaU, for tk. Pint Tin. la Waaal,fU.,Xla.t,aCol.araldComl. Opart la Poor aw, CXIIPIBO I LA COMAIX, (Tk. CokbUr aad Ih. Pilrf.) pxTdat. il tiotatoxx. D.kat .f Baaora Carnaa Fork I1TU1D1T, TUX (TAX OP TBI B0RT8. MOBDAT linn. TJXHIDITION OF GYMNASTICS, TO JPi COBCLBDIwmi A "nOP," AT BXADT'B OTMIUIDM IS. l ill H U.laUai ITlaaa, lr POBTT OP TBI BUT ATBLITU, TBtB (TIIOXS. DAT) ITIBIB9, al I .'clack. Cula of adalaaloa, II for ail. It tk. .aaimUU., Maliarott'a, aad at tk. dr. JU 11 ADD FE LLO FEIiLOWS' HALL. FOB TBBII XIOBTt OBLT. TBI1DAT, W1DBUDAT, AID TBDISDAT ITI BIBQB, JAinAXT Ilk .Ik d 1Mb. TBI OXIOIBlL FATBIB KBMP W1TB BIS CtLI IATID OLD FOLKS' COBOIIT COMPABT, CaataU.r ! Twiatr-Tw. LadlM aad Oaall.naa la t;otamM .1 ua. u.a.roa imtta, ., AMonoar IMMA J. IIOHOLI, Tk.Jaaap Lladof Aaaarlaa. AdBlaal.aSSMaui BMarTM BaU M M.U. DfMr. pa at T .waaB.iM.tl.'.lMk. OXABD MATIBH OB WIDBISDAT APTIXXOOB, TASUAHI r,ir 1 U'UliUVK. Ckldraa I. Mill... IS Mala, Jal-M N ATIONAL TnEATRK. OXABD PBMBNTATION FMTIVAL VATIOIAL TBIATII, WASBlKaTOB, D, C, I1TOIDAT ITIIIIO, JAXVABT IS, 1K7. OPIXATIC ABD DIAX ATIO TALIBT BmvM at a Coat of Orar OHR TnOrSAND DOLLlKS. C,000 WOITB OP PXISIBTB To kc Awuiad l TICKET BOLDXU, Uidar lb. Dlraatloa of MAJOR TM. 8. U01US, BMratarp Oraad Bitloaal CoiaarL TIOriTl, OB TBII OCCAIIOB, SI XACB. looka for Koatrrod SoaU an aiw opoa at SIS Poaaljl tiata araaaa, aadcr Bitloaal Dotal BO XXTBA CBAKOI POI XISIXTID SIATB. LISTS OF rBXlBHTS to bb awarded i t SeleidldTeam of nonce. ..., 1 MagelSioBt Daieabary Baggy 1 Doable Bet Uaraeee 1 Pair Wooloi Blaekats..... , 1 nae Whip , l,23OO0 (The above eontltate OaeFretcat.) 1 Sapaib7OeUvaT1aio, (Weber) 1 CannULa. aiUepTetk Bt , $0 00 , 00 CO .2,000 00 . 413 00 . ioo eo . 2V 00 . 19000 lOnaeOeld WaUhoajfAmerieea,) STOO,.., I Ldteiee riftouoia tiuhh, visj..,.. 1 aplaadld Bawlag Haehlie 10 Bcaitlfel Silver-plated Carton, $23...., 10 Flie Opera Glutei, 13 , Tl Photograph Albama, Ac , e , S3 , . S73 00 88.000 00 The Plaa of Awards will be as follows i All the umbers rcpreicattsr tickets cold will be placed la oae wheel, aad ticket! containing the aamei of preeeita to be awarded li aiothor. The peraoie eelected will thai draw a ticket from tbe flrrt waeel, aad the aame of a proacil from the seeoid , aid the article eo drawa will be awarded to tba perioi heldlif a aamber eorreipoadlag with that of the ticket drawa Tlekete will be for sale at all tbe principal Book aid Uiale Btoree aid Holele la Ue city, aad at SBSreii arlvaila aveaae, aadcr Hatloaal Hotel, or by loiter addrecaed to WM. 8, MORSE, SIS F.aatflriala ar.aa., aad.r Bitloaal notal, da If Wukla(loa, D C. w HITK Ol'ORTO PORT, 'THIS OP TBI DODKO. " Dlract laip.rtatloa. (KIIO PLACP.) I. It. r. EIBQ A BOB. T)EKIN AND YEDDO TEA STOnE, 4(9 BIBTO STBIIT, BCTWIIB D ABO I. TIT OOB JAPABUI (liltK JiS IkiAialia ABD BLACK TIAS X UMBER, LIME AND CEMENT I "Tw.000 Wal cialllr .f Wkll. Plaa Stum KU. Irlad Latafcor. .00,000 Biaaor Ulfc. SOO, 0O0 faal f Wklt. PI., lad Soraoo Beiitllir Alao. Paiaa PltkaU. Uanlock lioarda. Ualla. Jolal, Ao , Ao , jaat roaalroa aad for aalo at ..r wharf, fool otaoToalaolraat. B V BBOWB 80W, d.u cu mala airwt, wi. m aaa r. R K M 0 V A L JOHH McKXHBXT, VaVlftV PtTILIO AID llBDBiaCB AoiiTT. Uu removed from the Waahlagtoa Balldlag to Ho. 413 Baveith itreet, conerof X. Bailable Haw Tork aid CoaaectWit Cempailai OSIce eatabllaked li 16AS da22 eoSt DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Unvsa Statu Patirt Orrics, WisaiaeTov, Oct SO, IMS. Oa the petit fob ef Ocorge W. Browa, or Oaleabarg. IUlaela,praytigfor the ettcailoi or a paUal greeted te him the 3d dey of Febraary, l&M.eod relieved Feb raarrlSt133S, aid agala relieved September II, 18S0, la tve division, oa foarof which eiteielei le aow prayed fer, vis i ei aimbcre 103. 1037, 1038, aid 1039, for aa Improvement li Bood P4aatere, for oevea yeare fron tbe eiplratloi ef aald pate at, which takee place oa tho Sd dey of Febraary, 1M7I II le ordered that the aald poll tloa be heard at the Pate at OMee ea MOHDAT. the lie! day of Jaaiary aeat, at IS o'clock m. t aid all perioeo are lotlSed to appear aad ahew eane, If ear they have, why aald sailtlAB aaaaaraat BAt tfl ta orkBtaldl Perce aa oppoclic the estesiloa are repaired te Sle la ppoalig the estesiloa are rtq.n nhadi thai tlMtlABi. iiveelaalv the Pauat 0 wrltlig. at least twritf days before the day of hearlag, ail Ustlmoey Sled by either party, to be ased at the aald hearlag, naat be takia aid Iranmlllad la accord aaoe with the ralee ef the oilce, which will be far alahed ei application .. , , DcpeaUleieaad other papcri, rolled ipoi as tcitl meiy, mnt be Sled la the eOee ftMniy dayi before the day of hearlag t Ue argameata, If aay, wlthlifciedayo after SUag UeUetlmoa. Ordered, alio, that this aotlce be pibllibed la the KsrCBLlOAiai lie jntimgwncrr, . "-. aid ia the Burtau County Patriot, PrlaccloB, llllaola, eace a week for three iiccceelvc wccki, the Brat of aid pabllcauoae teboai icae.eiaiv pimen Uedayefheerlig m T C TIIKAKXX, Commleiloaer or Fateata P.B. Xdltoraof Ike above papero will please copy, aad eead their bllle te the PaUil Oflse with a paper ceatalalagthlaiotlee Bo7-wSw DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Diitbd Statu Patimt Orrioi, WiiaiauTiia. December 13. IBM Oa the pctltloa of Moeci Marshall, of Lowell, Man .. a.l-f aala.l atailaj InklnaA I pCllllOB Ol I dMiosBitt, v uvnwi.M... , revUf for tka aitaailoa et a paical graitca to aim oa f .. a . .J.W 1141 fna lMn.Aiar.aal lak tbe Uih da: IBB laia mj i , w, - . r.v. w . . KalttlBg Machlace, for scvea years from IhaexpIraUea . ..,."... Ll.t. 1.1,.. !.. am Ika 1 Ma Aaa of or said patent, which lakee place ea Ibe loth day ol It'll' erde'red that Ihe aald petltloabe heard st Ue Fateal O-Ue on MONDAY. thoElih day of February next, at 13 o'clock m aad all persoaa are aotllsd to ipear aa snow sense, u aa lea eight not te be granted have, why aald pe- Peraoaa eppesleg Ue estoaitoi are required to lie ia the Patcat Offlce Uelr objcctlois, specially set rorlh la writing, at least fiosafy d7 before Ue day of hearlag 1 all testimony Alsd by either parly, to benssd at the said hearing, mast be takea and traaamlttsd la accordance with the rules of the office, which will be famished ea appllcatloB DeposUloaa aad olker papers, rsllsd apoa as teill meuf, mail be Sled la tbe eflce jwcnfy dayi before tbe day of hearlagllba argameata, If aay, wltbla tn daye after SUag the tcsllmoay Ordered, aleo.that this aotlce be published la Ue Xi fBBUCA and Ike Intilltatnctr, Washington, D. 0 , and li the CourUr, Lowell, Masa oice a week for three sates. .Its weeks , tbe Sret of laid publlaatloaa to be at lean alxty days previous loih,cd,If J1hrB'' CominUilonsr of Pateals P I Xdltersof the above Pipers will pleaee copy, aad seed their Mils te Ike Paleat Oflee, with a paper eeatalalag this asUee. dsS-Uwlw PKIIPOSAI.H. pROrOSALS FOR STATIONERY. Pott Ornei Diratratir. ( DaMobarSI, ISM J BIALID rSOPOULB will bo malTad al lb. P.at umaa vopartmaai aatu tao sotb dap or Jaaaarr, IM7, al IS .'cloak, at a.ca, for faralakla, Statloaorr for tklc Dcptrlnaat for .a. pair froai tk. lit dip of F.braarp. 1M7. TkoM aaaccoajpnUd bp citlafaotorp taatlaio alala of abUUr t. faltl a Matract will aot a. aoiali. orad All tbo arllclca mail b. of Ik. rcrpbaalqaa llr.itea plaa of wblck. eoatllalaf It laial a rain of ouk klad of paper, naat aoeoaipaap tko blda, aad tko Dopirtnait noorroa an ru al M roiua aaa par or tao aaaa. al ta. prle. llaUd la lb. 8tr. r ratara than, at lta .ptloa. Mo bid will bo ooaatdorod wkaro tbo arllelooacMn. paarlis II iro aol of tko klad aad q.illlr rc,alrcd kr iho Dapartaaait,aadaparlo.a artlclaa will aaklact Ika oitlrobld to rtJactloa.it th. plcuir. of tko Depart, noil Thiiabjolicdllclapaellcc, aa aoarlr la .ia aow bo doao, lb. aaioiit, qnlllr, nd doaariplloa of oackof tko klada of arUalaa tblt will bo willed i UTIMATXD QOABTITT WASTED FOX TBI TIAS. Cum St l Paria. 1 10 reams r11epil, sella er p. -la Salt., falat llatd aad triMmed, to weigh aol Wm Ub 17 peaade, per seats. 1 40 reams foolscap, plate, maetalae, falat.llaed aad trimmed, te welh eet lata thai it peaade, per ream. S 10 ttama foelaeap, bite laid, kenl.made Mat llaed tardea paUera,cemmealr kaowaaa dHpatehor eeaielar paper, to welfk let U I ttaa If poaade, per ream. 4 125 ream qaarte poat, naaklae, plala, ftal llaed three atdes, per ream. 5 S reama beet doable eep paper, plala, per ream S 10 reama aoU paper, fHL Urf alia, par ream. 7, " fl reama sole paper, plala, Urta Itt.pirrfam. S. 10 reama iota paper, rUl, email alio, per ream 9 S reams Bote paper, plala, email alia, per ream 10 100 reama eatelope paper, yellow or baff, royal, per ream 11 30 reama blolllec paper, rojat,pr ream. 11 S dotta preee eopj.beoki, aot late Uaa 000 ptf , pdjf doion IS. 8, 000 eitralarfe alio wbtte adbailre eaTelopee, Tory smeelh aid Ulck,H JH laehee eqeare, per b a ad red. 14 U.OOOIoBf baff adboalte eifelopeo, Tery emoetk aad thick, SUbrS laches, per haadred. 15 S3, 000 loaf wbtte er bar adhealee earelopee, Tory oaooth aad thick, for lettere aad elrealara. SK of 3S iaabee. per hialred 18 9,t00baS; or white adhailre eiTelopeo, very amooth aad thick, per haadred IT 1,000 a mall alia white aote a4 fat-rive eaeelopee, per haadred 19 S,0O01arie alio w bite aote adhecUe eavelopei, perbeadred 19 3,000 latterolie white adheelTe eavelepee, per haadred CL.ua Mo. S, Piea in Pavcii. Ac 9 15 f rose Terrr'a aid Qillott'e heal mcUllle pea a, per rroae. 31 40 (roie metallic poai, of ether maitfactare, per iroia. I 21 1 dotci boat loldaeat, per dotei. XL 000 opaque qnllla. Mo SO, per M. M SO deaoa eahldere,aaMrUd,pet deoea. U U dosea raber'e beat black lead peiella, grada- ated, per doiea tt. 10 dosea Seat red aad blie lead peielli, per doiea. CLAaa Vo 3 Ia, laaiTAUDa, Tfirsaa, aai Wax. 27 11 doiei lakiUadi, Kiox or aiy palest, larfe er small, per doiea 33 4 dotci lakiUadi, eaatlrei, Urge, doable, 29 SOObottlee lak, black, Uayiard k Korea,)! qaaii doiiim. per doiuo 30 13 boitlea Araold'a copylaf lak.per Votlte 81. lOObotlleeDaTld'e carmtae lik, oaace, He 1( per dosei bottle. SI 30 poaade waiers, eommoa elite, red, per poaia 33 TSpoaida ealliffwaz, beat aitr aeperSae, earlaLporpoaid ClauVo 4 Cctlibt AiDhiiecsLtixiorslaTlcLia 34. 8 doiea pea It a. Wee, Bod g ere k Soa'a. four eiaeca, aeaBora naaaiea, goaeuae, per OOIVD 6 dosea eraseri, Rodgcre k Boa's, Ivory haa dice, geaalae, p dosea. 4 doiea offlce ahearc, lllacb, per doiaa. 4 doiea once eclnori, per doiea. 20 doiea folders, Ivory, 9 inch, per doiea. 400 doiea red tinea tape, assorted, per doiea 10 doiea alia teste, colore aad widths, la haako, peraescB 20 doiea paper welg bla, assorted, per doiea. 20 ooaade ladle ri&ber. ere cared. tor Doaad. fl poaade India rubber, unprepared, per poaad. aw qiaria disci aaaa, per qnir. 400 Bounds twtna. lis vj oaacoe poaaca, per ouaeo , linen, per poiia. 100 nan ad Iwlma. CAttoa. mi Maid. 6 doiea relcre, mehrer. or Sal, per dofea 44 Sdoiea gntta rercha, renad or Sat, per doses. ao S Donadi iimikc. besLvcr Doaid. SI. 10 poaade gnm arable, boat, pet powaa. The adhesive eavelope mast bo thickly gammed a fourth of aa lich wide roead the lappals Cach bidder maitferalsh with his propoiala a sam ple, aad bat oae cample, of each article bid for Kaeb, article mast be bid for. aad ao more thaa oae price named for any oae article Bide aot fallj conforming to tbe advcrtlaemeit will aot be considered Tbe terms aid coadltloss of the advertisement for stationery are to be Incorporated In the contract for eta tloosry, aad the head or the department will, la all caise.Jadge whether the ertlclss teedered by the eoa tractor are of the quality required by the contract. The etatlonery Is to be furnished aa II may be ordered by the Department, aad at the eoatraet prlcec, whether the quantities exceed or fall ehort of those estimated. Each uroDosal must te elreed br the ladlvldual or firm making It, and must specify a price, and but ota prier. ror occn aaa orerr nriici oin, ( me icniaaif khould I any articles bo required whleh are noteume rated, I hoy are to bo famished at the lowest nsrkel Frlcce, if the Department shall aee SI to order them rom tho contractor having tbeeoBtract foralmltar anl ales t aid If the contractors aid tbo Deputmaat do aol agree, thea tbe Department may have the article far alshed by aay other pcreoa or persons who will faralsa It at a prtjf lower thaa that dimaaded by the eoa tractor Blank forma for propoiala will be famished at the Department to persons apply tag for them aid, aa with, at uniformity therela tie Departmeat wonld Sid It difficult to make a doclsloi, aoac will bo taken Into consideration aale-a aabitaatlally agreelag therewith. The head of the Departmeat will, la all cases, decide whether the terme of the contract have boea compiled with, aad reserves tbe power to aaael Iho eoatraet apoa any failure to comply la a reaeoaebleUme. Boads with approved security are lo be glvea by tbe pcraoa or peraoaa contracting . and la ease of tailors to apply tbe articles, the contractor and hie aaretlea ahaU be liable for the forfeiture ipcelScd la each boud ae liquidated damae ea The contract will bo awarded lo the lowest aad best bidder) the best bid to be dctermlaad after a carefal ei amliatloB fer Iho purpose ef ascertAlnlng which bid will, la Its practical reialU, be most advantagoous to tbe Departmeat The Department reserrse to itself the right lo reject aay bid where It Is apparaat that a part of tho arltclee are bid fer at vary lew aid a part at vary high ralee, without proper regard lo the coet of each, for the pur pose of effecting the aggregate of tba bids aadcr the estimate contained la Ue ed-ertJsemeet, ALXX. W RANDALL, JaS w4l Postmaster Oeaeral PROPOSALS FOR FRESH REEF. Orrics Divot CoHatiSAar or Scisutanca, I WAiBtioTOS.D.C.Dea 31,1848. ( Bailed propoiala, of the form famished by the aider algaad, will be received, la dapllcite, aatll TU0R8DAT. IheSdof Jaaaary,13S7,atlla.forail the Fresh Beef required by the troops at the followlag placca,vti Fort Washlagfoa aad Fort Feotc. Maryleed. All the meat will be subject lo a rigid laspoclloat te be of eieelleat marketable quality aid li aiexreptloi able condition, of equal proporUoao ef fore aid hied quarts re, aecks.slieuka.aidkldicy tallow aol received la all cases, If the meat Is aol satisfactory, purchases la the open mark st will be made at the eipeaae of the eoatrailor Tbe eoa tr as tor will be required to deliver Ihe meat at tbe etorO'bouae at the places named. la susb quaatltlos, aad at auch limes, at the A C 8 at those places may dlrirct Separate proposals wilt be received fer supplying either of the above-iamed placet Bidders mast bo preee a I at the opening ef the bide Payment te be made monthly, or whenever there Is fundi oa baid for dlibiraemait. All qieatloae respectlig quality aid ae edition will bo settled by tbe otBeer ef the Sebeistcneo Department re eelvlng the meat The eoatraet will be made from the loth ef Jaaiary anttl tbe 30th ef April, 1847, or cesh period ne tbe Com missary General mar determlae Bide mast be endorsed "Proposals for .at ," aad addressed lo the undersigned, 0 BBLL, d.H Major and C B , 0 B A. OAf . BBLS. NEW YORK APPLES. ZUU 3C Barrels Cranberries 10 " Dried Peaches. 20 Apples. 30 Backete Ml aee Meat. Tor aale at the loweel prlcec by J II CRANK k CO , dell lm 88 Louisiana Avenie TiIANOS AND PARLOR ORGANS, X warraated of the beat make, spc.MK--. clally selected for Ue Uvlldaya.aad forfMeaBBHUUUUUUUj aale lower thaa elsewhere, at the WBWrf i 1"! miwn vnuti a urn nRiiilf WiRl." ROOM of OBOBOX L. WILD k BBO , POTATOES, CODFISH MACKEREL. JUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALX AT ODU WUABF.FOOT OF BEYXNTH BTBXBT. 2,300 basbeli seperlor Maine Potatoes 40 bble No. 1 Shore Markers.. 18,000 bble. large Shore CodSsh B P BROWN k SON, deU 443 Ninth street, bel. X aad T O KATES i SKATES ! I SLEIGHS ! ! ! A Flee Aesortmsnt ef LADIIS AND GENTLEMEN'S SKATES aad BOTE B LEI 0 118, At wholesale aid retail X. WHEELER k BON, ds30 lu 81 Loilslaia aveaie c A LI COALII AT dEBATLT BIDDCID PBICIS ar.aa ta.a of SSiOlba dallrarodlaair part of tbo ctlr LbaitaulWbllo Aab.B7Ui8toTt,K,r aid For. aaao Wbllo Alb,S 90 B"l Alb, SI JI, Ubl,b,S9 Oak aad Pli. W.odCo.atiatlp o. Baad Ordora raralrad al.ar Oflla. or altba Wharf, faotef Bafaalb tlrtat S F BROWN A SOI, dill (I. aialb ttml, ttl, I aaa J, AUOTIOW BALEH s ALE OF OLD AND UN8ERVIOE- AJtbA, ussnun, BH'Ll. AH MS, ABD MISCXL- Kanftvuo viiiAflua aruaas BctaaiD or Oadjtabcb, Hvf Ds riarwur, I .1 ... Wamimtoi cut, Doe. 18,1818 I Oa Ike 10th day of Jaaaary,187,ai aooa, there will be cold al labile asctloa,lB the Verfolk aary.yard to the blgeet Bidder, a lot of old aad aaaorvlceabfo Caaaea. mall Arms, aad MlsceUaieoae Articles ef IfavalOrd- aaBoo, The Ceaaea.Bhot, aad Shell wlU be eold by the poaad. aad the Small Areas aad other Mleeellaaoeae Article e( OrOeee la lets to salt parchaaore. Tor m Oae .half cash, la OoTeratac-t foide. le la. Aa. Swelled ea the eoaelasloB of tho ealo, aad the remainder Winn (je aiiot-wBrao,BriBa; waici lime lie ar tlclaa meet be removed from the yard, otherwise thev will revert to the Ooveraaieit. it. A. WISX, delT-oeU Chlef.ef Bireaa. s ALE OF A LARGE LOT OF ORD- ZTAXCX AXD OttDITABCI MATXBIAL. BrJISilT OP 0BBV1VC8, ) -Iav Dinar a ar, . .. Wasbiiotob Cut, Dee 22.18S8 1 There will b aoli al nahlU tisiiAi m it... ttia.t bidder, al aeea, TltOBSDAT, tho lweatyfeartk (34) day af Jaiaary, 1847 la Ue offlee of Ue laspecter ef Ordaaaco, Bevy Tard.Bew Tork, a large let of Ord eaiae BUToe, aetvleoable aad aieervleeable,embraelir Caaaea, Shot aed Shell, Small Armeor varleie cal three. Spare Parte of Bmall Arms, Oaa Carrlagee, aad Missel laeeeae Btoree. The enlclee will be eeld la lots to salt parehaeere. Terms Oae-half cash la Qoverameat fa ads to be do peilted ea the eoaalaalea of the sale, aad the re matador wltbla Ua (10) daya afterwards, daring which time Ue artlcUo meet be removed from the Bevy Tard, other wise they will revert le the Government. aa a a W"" de23 Stawte Chief of Bare a. TDY W. L. WALL 00, Auctioneers. fjtUSTXX'l SALX OF IMPROVID RIAL XSTATX IV WASHIBOTOB.D C. Byvlrteeefadeedoftrast, daly recorded la Liber H C.T,Me.S7,pagoeS38,ee.,of the Lead Reeorde of the District of Colombia, we will, oa the th day or Jaa aarr, 1847, al 4 o'clock, p at, , expose for ealo at pablle aaoiloB, oa Ue promisee eerteia Real Estate, being Lose Ko. 10 aad 11,1a Samael Davidson's aab-dlvliloa of Bqaare lambcred oae haadred aad elghty.threo, la Waahlagtoa ally, D C.wllh the belldtaga, I my rove -mente aid appiricBaaeee to the iame beloagtag Terns i Oaebalf cash j bataaee la 8. ISaid IS moaths, to be secured byade-dof troet oa tbe premises All eoBveyaaeiagaadetamps at tbe cost of the parehaser If the terse of ealo are aot compiled with wlthli Sve daya aUr the sale, a male wUl be had at the risk and ooal of defaaJtlBg parehaser 100 to be paid at the fall f the hammer. WAi.T. B COX, CnAS If MATT1I1WH. Ttaateoe of the Third Balldlag Assoetatlea of Oeorge- dezSeo W. L. WALL k CO , Aacta. POSTPONEMENT OF SALE OF GOV. X BR UK ITT FEOPXRTT AT POINT LOOKOUT. nBAPaciavaas DsraaTaivT or Wash raroa, ) Orrtea or Caitr QtraaTtaMABTBa, Wasiiittoi,D.C .Dee 31, IBM The aastloa sale of Ooverameat property advertlaed to take place at Polat Lookeil, Md ,oi rrlday,Deeem ber 2SL18S8,U postpoied aatll 12 o'clock, boob, FBI DAT, Jaaiary 4 1847, whoa the sale will be made. M I LUDinaTON, Be. Brig Oca aad Chief Quartermaster, Jel-41 Departmcat of Waahlagtoa. "PUDLIO SALE OF ENGINEERING X' FHOPXRTT Br aathorily or tbe Chief of Xiglieere, I will cell, at pablle aeslloi.at Harper's Ferry, Wait Virginia, on TO U BSD AT, January 10, 1B07, the fellewtig Eegtaeer'e Property, vis i 23 ABchors.welghtig from 110 to TOO poaad i eaek. U,Wl poaade Wire Cable. 1 Metallic Ufa Boat. 2 PoBtooa Boate Bale to eommeiee at 10 o'clock, a. m. Terms i Cash la United States faada DAHIIL J TOC50, Mil Af Ordaaace. JOHIT KOOBCX, JaMda AacUoaeer. "PRAME BUILDING AT AUCTION. Caiar QcABTiiaUBTia'sOrrioB, ) DnroTor Wasiivotojt, I Waibibotov, D. 0 , December 27, 18A I Will bo eold at public ancUoa. rilDAT, Jaa- srr a, leer, Mrwtomk aooa, nador Iho direction of tfrevel Llcatenaal Colonel JAMBS M MOOBX, A. Q. M. , Oae rrame in11.lag.30-.3l feet,aad Two Slake, lamatww w u aaini, siviaa. utiwHl aBinHllU BBO Foartecath atreeU wea, eeatlgioia te Medical Maseum. Terms i .ua, ia uovernmeiiraiaa. D H. &CCKXX, Assistant Quartermaster OeacraL delS Id Btt Ms) Qci United States Army. LARGE LOT OF UNSERVICEABLE QUAETSBMASTXR PROPERTY AT AUCTION Caiir Qc.btbbm.stbb' a Orrica, 1 DSPOT or WAIBIIdTOB, Wasiiiutoi.D C,Dsel7,lBM ) By direction of Ihe Qaarte-master Oeaeral tka follow iBg'deserlbed UNUkU JCIiKLI QUARTERMASTER STORES will be sold al public auction, al LINCOLN DEPOT, la thla ally, nadsr Ihe snpervlslsa of Brevet Brig Qx Charles 11 Tompklis Deputy Quartermaster Oeseret, cemmeacleg on T11UR8DAY, Jaaiary 3, at 10 a.Ba.1 81,248 OrelaSacka. 18,000 Ibe eld Horse Shoec 8,800 Ibc WroagbtBcrapIrea. 8,000 Ihe. Ceil Scrap Iroa. 2,400 lbs old W,r nrta. 1,728 lbs Iroa Nats, assorted. S, 438 Ibe. Log Chalaa. 1,018 feet large riroUeee. 680 foot I mall do SM feel leather do. 1S7 ecu Wheel Male Harness 147 sou Wheel Amhalaaao Harness 143 seta Lead Male Qeeaeee. 173 Wagoa Bridle. 133 Rldleg Bridles. S3 MeCloUaa Saddles. 17 Wagoa Saddlee. 1 Army Bangs 3 Cook Ranges. 1,100 Blankets 1, SOO Horse aad Male CoUara. 1,223 Used Uallsra. 83S Wagoa Bodies 11 Army Wageia 20Twokorse Ambalaieee. 20 Horse Carta. 50 Wagon Wheels S3 AmbulBBce Whaela. S Cylindrical 'team Boilers 2 Marlae Clocks. 107 Coal Stovco. 14 0flce Desks. eiOfleeChalre 40 Water Caske 1st Barrels. 51 Orladstoaee, 310 Laaterne 1,390 Ibe Assorted Rope Together wltk Bhovole, Plcke, SpaJee. Aiea, Wagoa Whips, Cart Harness, Blacksmiths Tools, Tin Ware, Carpenters' Tools, Tables, Cocoa Matting, Ao , Aa. Terme Cash la Ooverameat funds Goods mist be removed within ten daya from date of ele. D 11 KUCKEB, AsslsUat Quartermaster Oeaeral, elS U Brevet Major Oeaeral, U B. A DENTISTRY. DR. LOOMIS, ABBIDIXT PUT 1ST, 333 Pennsylvania avenie. icar coreer of auata street, atends to all branches rartalalaar La th profsssloi Malformation of the month eorreated. , arT vsnir or artieelal oeu maeo aeSlvd 300 OASF3 CANNED GOODS, Includlnr Poaches. Petvre. Platopia rharrlas. Tom sloes. Jellies, Catsup, Senses, Ae Fer sale wholesale or retail by J II CBANX k CO , dell lm 83 Louisiana aveaae. c A R I) , WILLARD'S UOTKL, Waiaia.Tov, DM.nbar 1, 1HI Baailora, BtprtaatatlTaa, lad olhora raaldliff la Waaalaftoa who 00.1,7 prtvit. ipirtmaita aaa b. It aoBiatJaUd wiia tkalr aaila at Ula H.tal, at lao rito of 10 W por WMk. doS Imd BTKIB, CU1DW1CK A CO. R E W A R D . 4S.W0. u.ooo. u.ooo. STOP aad TniKK (TOP aad TU1HK BTOP aad TUIItl. OUB IblRINSI STOCK OP CLOTBIKO ODB lbtUINII BTOCK OF CLOTUIHa di miiiiisi rroci op clotuiiq HAEKID DOWK HABKBD DOWN MABIID DOWM TwaiTT.riTB ria cm Lata nix soar TwBBti.riTa raa cut Liat tb.i ooar twaiTT'FiTB raa obit Laaa raa. coar IITBB A.iia WILL TOO a.TI TBI CMilCK. BBTIB Alii WILL TOO B.TB TBB CIIIHCI. IITII A.IIB WILL TO. BIT. TBI CUANCI. Tbo ...daaaalba aald wltbla tbo atxl alalp dljt. racardlaaa of toil Wo aaaa wbal waup Coao lad ... tar j. .(.,. v.ivf. ii...i. j n bmith. 400 Saraitb at., ofpoalta Pool Oflao, WaablBf Iob, P C aali.17 CO O 1' X It 4 RAGAN, (Satetaaort of Jia Sblrrlas.) 8T0TI, TIM AID smjT-lBOJt-WOBIIIS, U7 Iltrtalb Blrt.1, ibor. P.n'a An. , WAsniiaroi, p. o, Or rattl.ul.r atlaitloB paid to rojalrla, ParaaN., B.aiTa, fcrlor H.atara, Al , l,d all wX warraaUd. Jall.wttl ;. 12L1TJS. I ti'