Newspaper Page Text
s. Jirva-viiiirt -- Uji - -th.ta u,..tiw. t-wi -C3 DHE NATIONAL BEFDBLIOAK. THUBSDAY MOKNJNGrAUGTTST 22. 1857. (UTte-Cor. 1011 aid D tti., Fnmliin rem. At VT. J. It BBTABllntnitPKOPEIKTOB it ednssdat Mowtnia august ii, mi. ItJIC rirrri. mr neie..-The Daiiv Bavkiaa. Botiliou will OB BBS efler rm iiei,e nnuiHiinii ...iv.,. (br cartas.) l WaahlBttoB, OeorfotoWB, Bad Alesaalrla umrmupir BaoaiB.payaBie w tee BfeBl. sr AH eesasaaBlealleBa, whether baalBeoe r for paBtleBtloB,eaeBj tB4dre.ood to WK.J. Xira vsei, Proprietor Hatiob At Birrs iicAB.VfaaataiteB, o a 48V Ho BOilM cbb be takea .f BBearmosa oomssa. BlcatlOBB. Whatever IS tBtOBdod fOT lBMftlOB BB1, . , . -- . .. ... . B. BBlklBllCBttft kT th. BASB. BBi Bidroeo Of the WriUr BOt BBCMtBrtly for tabUOBttOa, bat Bt B f BBS' BIT f 1U CBOB fBltB, "LIVING BT-OXITS WITS." In farmer times when in individual had no particular calling or profession, and no risible means of support, and yet contrived to lire In the community, it was eatd of him, "he Utcs by his wits." But persons of this description formerly, were rare specimens in all parts of the conntry; par ticularly ontsldn of cities. Now, however, it is far different; for the people now trying to lire by their wits can scarcely bo enumerated. They multiply and Increase on every hand; they overran onr cities, and swarm in all pnblic places, almost as numerous as the locusts of Egypt. Time itould fail to classify them under their different heads. There is no nomenclature by which we can designato their different and dis tinctive characteristics, wo cannot take up a newspaper that our eye does not fall upon some story reciting the .ingenious exploits of some memberof this fraternity to raise the wind Of the confidence people and their name Is legion their various schemes resorted to to obtain a livelihood aro all ingenious, often startling, and not un frequently amusing, that is, would be amusing, if some poor and unsophisti caica numan was no. vicumizcu, to give these scoundrels the chance to get bread or to eke out an existence which is by their follies a curse to themselves and to man kind. To live by ono's wits is a good thing when wo put our wits or onr knowledge to some practical use. Were half the planning, the scheming, the Ingenious de vices, the cunning and the deep laid rna nceuvers, plots, and counter-plots, which are resorted to by hundreds of people to get a living put forth In some honest voca tion, many men who aro now knaves would be good and true, and many who are now poor and steeped In crime would be neb, respected and happy. Now, whence springs this great evil; and nhy Is there such a multitude of peo ple In the community who are committing almost daily the crimes ot which we here complain T 8ome will tell you that tho war has brought this state of things upon the country, because beforo the war we did not havo this crew; of swindlers In our midst. The war may' have helped the growth of this evil, and it may have re ceived an Impetus from the influences of the war. Some will till 5 ou that It is the National Banks which have given to the country such an Inflation of currency that peculation is now nfr, and men plunge into all sorts of ruinous schemes of traffic and speculation and fail, and then become desperate; and from this source comes much of the evil of swindling, robbery, and wrong which infests the community. In our judgment, the source of this great evil lies back of all this, and has a deeper significance. Idleness an unwillingness to labor in any honest calling that will give bread and the necessaries of life, and a haste to be rich, are the chief Impelling causes which have led to this rapid out growth and hot-house development of crime. There Is no danger of the man who labors who is content with honest gains, and with getting rich slowlj if he get rich at all ever becoming a swindler, or ever making one of that great throng who are striving to live by then: wits UEXERAL, IIOWAItD. The Expreti announces the "speedy re moval of General Howard " It says that ' things have taken place under his admin istration of the affairs of the Freedmen's Bureau that are utterly Indefensible." This language of our neighbor surprises us We did not suppose that there was the least suspicion of moral or official taint attached to (Jeneral Howard's management of af fairs, and moreover we have always be- Hceu tbat wnen a imlitar) officer, high or low, did "utterly tniltfeniillc ' things, the course of procedure, vas a military court of inquiry or a court martial, and not re' moval without trial. Again, the Express says i " it is stated that part of the purchase- tuuncy oi mo iiowara university estate was taken from tho fund accruing In the hands of the Commissioner from the un claimed bounty and back pay of deceased colored soldiers from Virginia and North If our cotemporary has no oilier and better authority than "il u stated" upon which to predicate the above grave charges against an officer whoso services to his country all acknowlidge to bavo been of signal benefit, and one nhoae moral and official conduct has heretofore been above reproach. It must pardon us for doubting tne trutbrulness of lue statement General Lino Orrici. The Commls- loner of lb Otjntrat LtnJ Office, sloet tb lit lojUot, b.u trnimltti oof thooiiod thri bnadrnd tod flrtj ptUoti from th UuUtd BUUi to ladlrldaslf for foods la tb following dli trlotf. vis Detroit, loul and Travtrio Git, uieb.iiQ. Tsjlor's rUs, Bt rottrasd Winat bafo City, MI ones ota, San Franolioo aad Mtryi- vllla, California Tbtfo patent won founded on eain itlei, bouotr land warraaU. locations. afrloaUural eollege and fiiom ball brood sorlp looatiooi, aaa bare beeneent to too offloes abovo piSDtlooed, to U dollvtrid to the ovaors. IVn, Pencil, nnrl KeUnors. The official Journals of Vienna annonnco that lbs fcacs of QerinaDV U now secured I Tux steamship Susquehanna has arrived ta Aiptnwall Irons Vtra Ores Tniax were C40 deaths in New York and 1ft la TJrooklvn tail week Tiik new Italian Minister, Signor Mar- cell. Corvato, has arrived lo New York. A movxxxxt Is on foot for a new line of steamers between New York and Rtebmoad. lit St. Louis, last week, there were 20C deaths, mora laaa half of them bela; children. It Is said that the Harlem Bridge will bt thrown optn to the pahllo In thirty days. Tux American Legation at Borne is closed. W hsra so mlnlitor at tba Holy ellj. Rioistiutioy still continues in South Carolina, and thai far tbe colored far axeeodi tba white votarf. Tniax were fourteen deaths In New Orlians on Sunday, two from cholera and ten from yellow fever. Tut worktngmen of Grand Baplds, Mich., hue nominated Gin. Binki as the aliht- hoar candidate for the Presidency. Gov. Browklow's majority In Tcnncf tee reaches nfly thousand. Of the "bite popu. latlon exclaelvslj his majority Is (20,000. B. B. LiwBKKci's house and store at Orand Menan were horned on the 7th. Loss ,5,000. A MtrnonisT camp-meeting commenced at Willlmantle, Conn , on Monday, and will contlnna doriog tbe weak. Owxn McQuLuiii was caught in the halting of one of the mills at SprsgnevlUe, It. L, on Monday, and fatally Injured. Edwin Booth's new theatro in New York will hare a stage Wi78 feet, and will seat 1,300 persons. II. B. CLiruir, Jr., son of II B. Clnflin, and the foreign partner of his father's honfe,died In New York on Snndsy. Mb. Damkl Yawoeo, of Morristown, fall down a flight of steps on Monday evening and was killed. A boda-watir rocNTAiv exploded In Xiowark on Monday last, seriously lojarlog Mr Jamee MoOrath. Tuit are having'a very exciting political contest In California the most, so far, for many - tg,,,, lXo. Samuel J Havdall, member of Coogreia from Philadelphia, Ii at tho Metropol itan. The National Labor Congress is pro- grenlog with Its buelneii Tho conrentlon Is not so well attended ai was at flnt itated. Helm, the Democratic candidate for Gorernorof Kentucky, hu a majority orerboth of bti eompetlton of abont 43,000 Tue steamer which left San Francisco on tho 20th init. took in treeiore for Kew York only $287,422. TMi Is tho tmalleit mm for yoars. Tue Boston city authorities have ten Jered to lion. E M Stanton, who ii now the gueit o'f Hon Samuel Hooper, the freedom of tbat city. Fcad Tabua, the minister who accom panied tbe Saltan throughout hli weitern tear, baa gone to tho Crimea to meet the Emperor of Bulla Feoflk are digging1 for g-old In Lyna. Tbe diggers bare fpoiltlTe knowledge of $80,000 In gold buried In three packages under an old tree " The number of towns In tho State of Maine ! 428, and are dirlded Into ilxteen eoun tlei, of which Tenobicot has the largeit number, fifty three, and Sagadaboo tho i mallei t, eleren The New Orleans Times says that the people of that city reoelred the Intelllgenee of tbe removal of Secretary Stanton rery coolly It icarcely produced a ripple upon tbe public mind Man An Jabrett, of Boston, sailed for Europe, biturday,toieoore forty two fall blooded French billet girl, to open tbe old Bolton thea tre with in January The floon of a livery stable in Galena. Ill , gare way the other day, and three horiei were precipitated Into tbe cellafne feet below, and Into some four feet of water The engineer of the new Costa Ilica railroad hu arrtred la Panama from New York lie was, at lait acoounti, en route for tho place oi nu labors. There is no longer any good reason for doubting tho fact that exteniWo illrer lodee hate been dlicorored in Cedar county, Mlisourl. An area twenty miles in length It found to be rich In indications Lord John Ruskix made a speech re cently at Utcbnond, England, lo faror of gen eral education Earl It on ill aayi, that eren tbo pooroit should hare the means of educat ing their families brought within their reach. Thk English Government intends to keep Lord Monck one more year In Canada His pretence at tbe bead of tbo new government will bo needed, and even bis Influence can hardly popular lie tho New Dominion Ge.v. Trim seems to be still a thorn in tbo side of tho Gorernment of Spain Insur rection Ii not quelled there yet, and it ii sup poied tbat the Insurrectionists received aid In tho shape or funds from the bankers of Paris CiiARirs Dickens is contemplating a Tlilt to this country Ilii agent, Mr Dolby, has already arrlred to make the necessary ar rangements for a series of readings In our princi pal cities, to be glren by tho distinguished novel ist The special agent of tho Treasury who was sent to New Orleans U examine Into tbe af fairs of tbe late U. 8 Treasurer In that city can get no satisfaction, as net a siogle asset ean bo found Something over a million of dollars U missing A MKRCAisTivJihousonas ofilred to pay tbe national tbii of $30,000,00i) owed by tho Oorernmenteif Columbia, on condition tbat the Panama Plioad bo leased to tbe house for ninety nUa-yars at tbe rate ot $500,000 an nually. TETittsburg (Pa) faieft'tniompluiiis oi Ue nitti j oonditlou of tbo water cT tbat city She O sett says 'A glass of water left stand log a few hours will not only tears a depoalt of dirt on tbo bottom, but will grease and stain tbo sides of the veise) " The Kwi'Kitoi; Napoleon hue had a long conference with tbe Uaron Von Daoet, the Prime Minister of Austria who ii now at Slaibunr with his master Fraiicli Joseph Tho result of these Interviews betwMo the Euierora and tbe statesmen Is not known Tin Turkish admiral took by force, from a messenger of tbe Atoerloan Consul, at , Con etantinople, a letter which the Consul General of Itnssla had written to tbe UoUed States Itep. resentatlre. The American mil (liter has proljoi tad sgalnit that set of violence TnK Fenians holding a pic-nlc In Troy, tho other day, made a vlilt to Gen. Wool. The General gate them some good adrtce. Ogdeksbuko Is to have a handsomo custom-hoots and a largo tnlo olovator, which will hold orer 600,000 boiboli of wheat. Mccn attention Is now being paid In tho Interior of Louisiana to tho propagation of tho Hungarian grass, which yields ten tons to the aero on bottom lands Mrs. Mikdt, the German authoress, Is about to visit tho United States on a lectnrlog tour. Iler daughter, aged fourteen, aecompa ntos her. TmnTT-Two thousand persons died of cholera In Italy from January to July, and tho opldemio still rages In many districts of tho kingdom. Six persons were drowned in Hone Lake near St ro ford, N. U . on Tuesday They were crossing tho lake to pick berries on an Island Tho parties belonged in Dorer Setibal ukxoers of the Little family. of Elisabeth, N. J , hare been arrested on lost plclon of being concerned In the Wei t field bonw robbery. DUbEvaxs, the Washington manager ofi tho Craig Associated Tresi, lucceedi Mr. ntca as Washington correspondent of the Boston Pat. That Journal has made a good selection, Bellh Boto, uho figured in tbe South during tho late war, Is Hopping at tho Malt by Home, Baltimore, on her way to St Louli, where she commences htr theatrical tour at DeBar's Opera House. The Radical split in Nashville is 'still noadjaited, and bide fair to Increase, u tho party organ opposes both nominations for Mayor, and the adherent! of the rtral nomlneei proposed oitablliblng other organs Dan Noble was arrested at Llmira on Sunday, on a charge of having been concerned In the robbery of $200,000 worth of bonds from tho office of tho Royal Insurance Company, In Wall street, In December, 1800. Gey. Sickles has approved tho finding of a court martial Imposing a fine of $250 upon the captain of a steamer plying out of Charlei ton, who refused to grant a first dan passage ticket to a respectable colored woman. M. Gcstave Lambert, a Trench Savon, proposes to make ajonrney to tbo North Pole, and to reach It, or tho open sea, by a new route. As soon as 600,000 francs are subicribcd ho will start Napoleon favors the enterprise The Austrian steam corvette Elizabeth has been retained by Admiral TegethotT at New Orleans, and the troops the brought on her last trip from Vera Cms aro to be shipped for Austria by the regular mall passenger line Several persons In Pljmouth, N. C hare been guilty of beating a eolored girl In a most inhuman manner became she resisted and fought a white girl They bare been sentenced to one month's Imprisonment, and to pay a fine of $20. Om George W. Godfrey, a clerk in the New York lleraiJ c&et, committed suicide at the Teutoalo Hotel, on Tuesday, by poisoning him elf He had taken iome days' obeckt or $1,000 from bli employer, Mr Bennett; but a small por tion of the mosey was found on his person. Advices from Trnama at as late a date u August 12th, announce tbat General Santos Gutierrez, tho actual President of Colombls, arrived on tho 7th Instant, and was recelred with grand demonstrations Ho was awaiting a vessel to convey him toCarthagena, SI.. IS. D. Sweetxer, of Cumberland Centre, Maine, by taking a stand and swinging bis lantern on the track of the Kennebec and Portland railroad where the embankment was washed away by the recent mini, raved the train from a serious accident. Mr Sweetxer stood It like a msjAr for a full hour In the rain. There is much alarm In ChiU In conse quence ot the expected return of the Spanish aquedron. Some preparations Dare been made for the defence of Valparalio, but It Is feared that they are Insufficient, and that the city may bo burned Chief Justice Chask has written a let ter to a gentleman In Philadelphia, denying the statement of Thurlow Weed tbat he has an In come of $700,000 Mr Chase lays he Is worth abont $100,000 Us says that he did not deceive the people to make money out of them, but to save money lor them The wife of a celebrated physician, ono day casting her eye out of the window, observed her hmband in the funeral procession of one of his patients, at which she exclaimed "I do with my husband would keep away from such procei sloni It appears too much like a tailor carrying home bis work," A very marked illustration of the power of Imagination was glren at Portland, Me , the other day, when several express and truckmen were overcome and sickened by a supposed stench from a box containing a neatly carved Indian for some tobaoconlst's sign, but which they imagined to bo a coffin containing a corpse The theory started by the physician of Carlotta that she was poisoned on shipboard on her way from Mexico to Europe seems to be gaining grudnJ on the continent It ! now very generally bettered to be true She has not yet, It is now said, been informed of the death of Maximillian Ocr Government Is doing a noblo and Christian work In gathering up tbe remains of patriotic soldiers who lost their lives In the late war Fire hundred neat coffins, for tho bones of Union soldiers now being disinterred from Cove City burying ground, to bo finally burled In the National Cemetery, were shipped from Nashville Ut week It appears that the Dundcrberg made the linage across the Atlantic In fifteen days She steamed her course through all lorti of weather, and was ai readily and as eailiy man aged as any other iblp could have been She li a complete triumph of American skill In iblp building Mr Disrapm made a great and telling peech the other day at tbo banquet given by tbe Lord Mayor of London He sneered at tbe "sighs, the sobs, anl tbe jargon of the aristocratic ptrty He announced, In terms not to bo misun derstood, that the days of governmental and legislative power, of ' hereditary coteries of ex elusive nobles,' had come to an end In England Bold words for the groat chancellor there burRETAitv Dbowxiio. Wo hear with great ileaiuro that the health or Secretary BnoftHiKQ Improves hour!, lie meds rest. however, and some Umrtuuit elapse before he resumes his c-CQolal duties To Visit IUitiviobbv-Tho President will vlllt Baltimore to day for tbe purpose of altendlog the Sohutxenfest We have do doubt but tbat a warm welcome will he given htm, and that he will be molt hospitably entertained. 'IkhtAiarws The alarms from boxes 8 and 71 at 1 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday morning were given by Chief Kogloeer Btuart to test tbe offices of the Department, there being some vlsU tors from Washington city HaUlmtir9 C'ontwter oaf Sill. The TnEATRE. Aa unusual amount of ears Is being bestowed on tho preparations for the coming winter by the management of the National Theatre. The services of Mr Cllne, of the late Winter Garden Theatre, In Nov York. havo been secured as stsgo mansger.1 Mr. O'Bryan rasumes tho business management and treaiurenhlpfand Mr. Barron will ba tho ticket seller, In conjunction with Mr. Sessford, whose rapid and correct courtesy has made him for years a favorlta with tho patrons of tho theatre. Br. O.U.h will remain Lwlth the Arab and Japanese combination, and not return to the National this coming winter A now set of ushers has been provided. While theie arrange ments for tho organisation of tho foroo who corns Into personal relation with the pnbllo havo been thus judiciously made, the seats In the orchestra, after tho advice of the press, are being rendered mora comfortable and mora available, and the homo ts undergoing a thorough cleansing Tho eompany for the regular season has alio been fully determined upon, and from such names as Blanche Grey, Viola and Joseph Bar rett, Mrs. Q rattan, Flunkett, oto , we conolnde it has been selected with unusual tact, and a somewhat literary appreciation of the needs of tho drama' In Washington The regular com pany will not appear tilt tho second of October, and Its appearance will bo preceded by that of tbo favorite Rich legs Opera Troupe, who will follow a grand spectacular piece called the Forty Lovely Thieves, In which Mlsi Effle Germon will bo the bright particular star. This piece, pre pared In Paris as tho successor at Ntblo's of the Black Crook, Is now running to floe audiences at tbe Holiday Street, In Baltimore Tbo costumes, properties, and scenery art exceedingly glittering and gorgeous, and the gracelul vivacity of Miss Germon particularly pleasing Carpenters, ma chinists, and painters, aro busied at the National preparing to fit the Imported machinery, and the Forty Lovely Thievei are fast drilling Into pre cision and gTace of evolution!, as well as In me of iword and ihle'd For an early fall opening, nothing more beautiful and light eould havo been selected. The array of itan engaged for the regular sea son comprises tho leading names of the country In hutrlonlo art Forreit, Jefferson, Brougham, Murdoob, Owens, Aronla Jones, John Sleeper Clarke, and others of leu talent, perhaps, but certainly of equal popularity, such as Miss Mitch ell, MIis Western, etc , etc It needi no pro phet to fere tell the suocess of a season thus or ganised If managed with proper liberality. It ii also expected that Sbskrpearo s Midsummer Night's Dream will be produced during tho sea son As tho flneit spectacle of the mora classic sort ever devised Its presentation by Mr. Jeffer son in Philadelphia has added to his reputation as an actor that of a designer andShakiperlan scho lar of no mean abilities The Forty Thieves will be produced, It Ii laid. on the lecond of September, If possible. There Is a star, once the standing favorite of tho Unl ted'Statei, Joit returned to its stage, whose en gagement at tho National many would be glad to htsr. Wo refer to Miss Julia Deane. She re appears In Now York this winter. THE DEPARTMENTS. Treasury Department! There are yet $20,000,000 of the first series of me T 30 notes aaiea J my 10, isos, tooereoelvea by th. Treasury Department There were orl glnally $380,000,000 of these notes, hut on the loin or me preaest momn, wnen me lime lor ro demotion or conversion Into 6 20's .spired, only sso,uoo,uuowere oat beeretary aiouuuoen ex. tended tbe time for their redemption to Septem. ber IS. as has alrsady been stated. On Saturday. txa.Ooe.OOl of these notea were reoelred bv the Treasury Department, $3,000,000 of whloh cam irons jtoeioa oanxers. uoes -.steals amount rail feats hen jrwelred thaelay before If It had not hMa for the storm. It Is probable that th. other f 10.000.000 will ba either redeemed or .envwrtea sr Deror. en. time given By ecro (ary mcvaiiecu expiree IkterrAL Beybbxe Dubeiu InronvAHT DECISIONS It ts enacted In eeetton 188 of tbe internal revenue act tbat the Interest of any sua cessor to arise from tbe sale of real estate ander any trust for the sale thereof, shall be deemed to be a succession chargeable with duty under said act, and that said duty shall be paid by the trustee, executor, or other person having control oi tne lunas Ji a ayiug lestaie since Jun. so, 180b, gives to D In his will a certain amount for instance, one thousand dollars and forwent of personal propelry the execntor sells real estate to obtain money for tbe payment of aald sum, tba moneys ariiing from such sale are to be deemed a succession, and tbe executor should be required to pay a succession tax tbereon. the producers of crude oil are entitled to the earns crlrlleires. and subject to tbe same restrlo tlons ai manufacturers In regard to tbo sales of tbeir own products Anv rtorion who has made, slsned. or issued an Instrument subject to stamp duty unstamped or insufficiently stamped, or any person having an inteuat thereto, may present It to tbe oollee. tor of the proper district, who, upon payment of th. price of the proper stamp rsqulred by law, a penally of $50, and, where the whole amount of tne tax denotea by me stsmp required exceeds so. on navmsnt also oi interest at tne rate OI o per centum from tho day on which such stamp ought to have been affixed, Is required by law to smx tne stamp, ana to note upon tne margin ot the Initrument the date of bla so doing, and tbe fact that such penalty haa been paid i neu an instrument is presented to a collector tobe stamped, under the provisions of section lbs, he Is authorised to remit the penalty If It ehall be proven to bis satisfaction that such lc strument was Issued without the necessary stamp by reaion of acoident, mistake, Inadvertence, or urgent necessity, and without any wilful design to defraud the United States of tbe duty, or to evade or delay the payment thereof l'rouded snch Instrument is presented to blm for that pur pose, and the stamp tax chargeable thereon Is paidwUbtn twelve calendar months after tbe first day of August, 1000, or witnin twaire ealen. dar montha afrer tbo making or Issuing thereof. Uj tbe use of tbe word "alter," lbs lit day or August, IBM, In tbe one case, and the dey of is suing In the other are excluded The interest upon the amount of tax, denoted by the stamp, Is distinct from the penslty forms no part of it and cannot be remitted II hould, in alt csies, he collected when ssld amount aTt.eila fiftv dollars, even when the pen alty Is remitted The amount thus collected ihoolJ hn antered noon Torm So. and returned to the aiiossor, and should alio be ontored nnder tbe bead of Ioterelt (Zozj npon tne monthly an stract of collections, (Form 22 ) luterlor Department. O.NEnAL LanD Orrics The Comuliitoner of the General Land Office has traniinlttod to the Unlled Etates Sorrsyor Osneral at ban Fren. olsco, for delivery to the party entitled a patent for tbe private land elalm in California called " Los Meganal," In favor of Alice Msnb The patent corere 13,316 acres in Contra Caita county, about 20 miles west from Stockton AcmciLTt.naL Bobeau The Commissioner of Agriculture, lion J. IV., returned yes terdey morning tbe duties of his post lie has been abient a ebort time in New York Karr Department Dlmatehea from Commander J II Crelghton. commanding Unlled Slatec steamer Oneida, an nounce m. arrival oi tu todici uuuer uia com mand at 1'orto Qrande, Island of St Yinoent, on tba 27th of June Officers and crew all well Tbe Oneida would sell ou tbe lit of July for hlo de Janeiro Centatn Daniel Ammen has been detaabed from special duty at Washington, D 0 , and or dered to command tbe United Statea atsamship risoatauua Acting Knslgn Fred Elliott haa been ordered to tbe United States steamship Cyane Ooustbbfeit Money Adout Lat cve- nlni? feral daalori 111 tho TlcloItT of Ninth and I) ttroota vioro tbo onooniotoui reolplenti of count trial t two dollar irtaaory noiti Tho papor waa good, and tbo engraTlog and prlntlcg waa oxeollotat Wo would advlao oar marchanu and otben to bo on tbo look oat for tbli worth Im papir, By Teletapia. A'ruiu Europe Ioxdoh. Aue. 21 Noon-U. 8. 6 20's 73 J. Others Unchanged. ' ,LlvtiroOL,i Aug. 21 Noon. Cotton qnfet bnd QOChftnged. BrcadstnlTs and provisions quiet smd steady. Loxdox,Aur.21 Noon. Advices from Shanghai stoto that tea Is very active, and the crop is going rapidly. . inerrnssian uoTcmmcnt decrees tree trade in salt. Lohdou, Ang. 212 p. m. U. S.H-20's 3J. Consols, 91. Livsnroou Amr. 21 Noon. Cotton raoro active. Lard, fill. Cd ; cheese, 60c.; bacon, 43s. Cd. The War la Candles Ruailan Attl to the Ref nejeeu The TnrkldH Iuinlt to Vie United States. The Journal de St. WeTsiourffpnbllslies tie following; discatch. dated Constanti nople, Jnly 30, via Odessa Alter Having insisted nun tno i-orto upon fresh Instructions beintr sent to t)mar Pasha, the ambassador of Russia urgently pressed that they should do acted upon, and he gave orders to Captain Itout akowr and to the Russian consul In the is land of Candia, to convey to Greece, ac cording to an arrangement concluded with the Turks, the ureeK families wno nad taken refugo In tho caverns. Tho ambas sador of ltussia conferred on this subject with the charge de'afTaircs of France, the result of which was that tho representatives of these two cowers forwarded Instructions to the commanders of the ships-ofwar of their respective mates stationed in tno Turkish waters to convey from Crete to Qrecco tho Christian families of tho island. Tho Porto was Informed of this in writing, and its co-operation was requested, mo Prussian and Italian ministers joined In tho step thus taken. Indian Hostilities!. St. Loci. Aucust 21. A dispatch from Fort Hayes, dated the 14th Instant, says i "The Indians aro all around us, shooting every man that ventures out or camp. Thcv have taken all the stock in this vicin ity, and have stopped the work on the rail road beyond here. About thrco hundred Kansas cavalry and thirty regulars have started for an Indian village on the tjabinc river, with the intention of destrovlnir it, "Tho savages are constantly menacing us, and Captain Corbin, commanding here, has barely men enough to hold the post. This nost of Kansas will have to bo aban doned unless moro troops are sent to pro tect it. "A squaw captured in the late fight be tween the Pawnees and tho Cbeyennes at Phim Creek states that It was the inten tion of the Choycnncs to attack tho train at Elm Creek, throw It off the track and plunder it. Tho Cheyenncs are expected to return in stronger turco souu uuu ti-uuw the muck The Indians The Situation Abont Fort II ayes. Four Hayes, Aug. 20. The Indians are all around us, and very trouoiesomc. Work has been stopped on the railroad beyond this point for the last week. Tho Indians haTO been firing at every person venturing beyond the fort, and havo suc ceeded in taking a great deal of stock. Tc-Jay a strong expedition has left this lort against mem, composed oi torco nuu drcd men of the Volunteer Kansas Cav alrv. and thirty regular troous. Captain Armes. The expedition designs striking some or us inuutn villages v v sue oauns river, ten 'days' inarch from here. No wagons are taken, and tho troops eo pre narflil fa morn rnnldlv- More troops aro demanded here, or tho Territory will havo to bo abandoned, tue commanding om ccr of this fort is completely crippled, being surrounded by tavoges, and having nardiy a corporal s guard oi men. FlclitH IIclwccii Indian Tribes, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1807. Tho battlo reported from Omaha as having taken place between two hundrod Pawneo scouts and a largo number of Sioux, tnrncs out to havo been a fight between Cfty Pawnees and one hundred Cheyenncs, at Plum creek, in which tho Pawnees took fifteen scalps and captured forty head of cattlo and two prisoners, juony otocr uueyenncs are supposed to havo been killed and wounded, but carried of their comrades. Tho Pawnees aro now south of the Platto river, hunting Cheyenncs, Seven Indians wcro killed by lightning at tho Yanctou ogency on tho 10th in stant The Sioux and Crows had a battle near rort Stevenson, in which tho latter were victorious Several were killed on both sides New York BI nrkelM. New York, Aug. 21. Hour 10al5 cts. lower for new, and firm for old ; receipts 16,547 bbls ; wheat .scarcely bo firm; re ceipts 02,577 bushels; corn quiet; receipts 132,820 bushels, rye scarco and advancing; oats aro dull and drooping; pork steady; sales of 1,000 bbls new mess at $23 25 ; lard quiet atl2al3); whisky quiet, barley and peas nominal ; cotton dull nt28a28J cts for mid d liner uplands ; freights quiet ; spirits turpentine in moderate demand at 08$ cts. Republican Victory lu Colorado Den Miii, Aug 20 Sufficient returns havo been recehed to show a Republican majority in both branches of the Territorial legislature. The CoAciiMAhRRs' International Con VKimoK Mr Jubn Htynoldf, a dalcgato from tho Coachmaken1 Union of tbli city to tho at) oto convention wtuia bai just cloied Hi ioi lion Id Cinolnnati. roturnod homo last otodIoit Among tho buiioen tramaotad was tho adoption of a rraolatlon requiring each m amber of tho nbordlnate UdIodi throughout tho country to pay to tbo International Union tho iddi of $0 Eor year, payable In monthly initallmanti, to bo eld by tho trtaiurtr of oacb Union, lubjoot to tbo ordor of tbo International Union, for tbo purpoio of oitabllihiDg co operation throughout tho country. Tbo Contention was coifipoied of thirty three dotagatei, representing tho craft throuahout tbe United Stater, and tho Cincin nati ii3ir'tayi, tbat they were tbe moit In telllgent and rerpeotablo body of men that erer autmbled In tbatoltr. and In ictaklnit of tba cbotoo of Mr. Ittynoldi ai Secretary, remark! toai in uonTention could not hare elected a more competent or trustworthy gentleman Tbt uonvention adjourned to meet on the first Wed nciday in Auguit next, In Troy, N. Y. Tub Regatta on Friday Tho Albert JJager arrlrtd tere from rhlladelphla on Tuei day Ult, and waa immediately entered on tbe lull to compete Tor tbo prliei In tba coming re gatta Bho wai built for tbe lata William Mo lonaId, of Baltimore, and haa ahown heripeed In many a well oontoited race on tbo Delaware 6be Ii a neat, trim little craft, painted bine, and hu ilxteen feet keal Ebo is undergoing alight repairs at the north end of Long Bridge, where bo may be aeon up to a fow hours before tbt raoe Yaaterday ahe wai tbe admired of all ad mlren, and U well worth a Tlilt from thoie who are fond of Tliltlng ai trim a Jittlo craft ai erar dacuod o'er tbo it atari, ha ooit originally $1,000, and will show herj heeli to many a ono on the day of tbe race Petit Larcent. -Robert Denton, ar reited on charge of tbe larceny of tome goedi, was lint to jail to aoiwer at court. ' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. FINANCIAL, jj r " M "n" Uroo of u- terdajfelUffualerttelnsuenoeofMrMeeBl,. load's contradictions of ike rumors respeotltf frauds to th. Treasury Department. .Tlieso , ports are eotlrelj wtthoat foundation In tact, , and are rnsrel canards pnt In circulation tlbe falls The price fall from HU, the highest Ipolntof the dsj, to 111 at thecloie. At this point, howerer, there was mors nrmness Cash gold Is plentiful, and loans art made flat Th foreign exchang. market Is dull and Inactive JatCooes Co . bankers, furnish us with the elostng prtcos of Government securities, as fol lows! Baylor Bo'llar, V. B. 'a Coupon, 1881 Ill 111) U. S. Five twenties, 1882 118 lis V. S. Vive twenties, 1884 100 1081 U.S. Five-twenties, 1801. i HOI 110 D P. Flvetwen.lea,Jan.sJ'y,'.10I 108, U. 8. Ten forties 1011 103 U. 8. 8evon.thlrtlos,lAuguat 10( 107) D. 8. Seven thirties, Jun 10S 1071 U.S. Seven thirties, Jnly 10ft 1071 SEW TOBE SECOEB 10ABS SUES. Ooasons. lllli S.JO'l. 1882. 1131s 20's. lltl. lOOli 5 10's. 1803. HOli S-10'1. January and July,. 188 J, 103i 10 40'a, 102i 1 10'e, August, I07 7-30's, June, 107 1 7-JO's, Jnly, I07j Gold, HOI. COMBIEIIC1AL. Bir.TiM'onB. Aug. 21 The market for Flour la quiet. Tber. is still considerable Inquiry for ship ping gradea, and some sales of moment hare been made, bnt at terms kept private. Sales to the trade were made to-day of 100 hbls Howard street Super at $9 12), and 100 bbls. do. Extra at siu 20. The receipts or Whtal eontlauo very meagrei 4,145 busbele white and 7,418 bnsbela red Dry wheats ar. scare, and In good request. Tbe market to day was tlrmsr for good grades, and prime lots brought from 3 to 6 csnts higher. We note among the salss recorded fonr ear loads of choice Virginia Valley red at $2.50, and 800 bushels prime Maryland red at $2 llj also one car load, 373 bushels, prime Fennsylvanla red at $2 60. Damp and tough lots and common grades are dnll and slow ot sale. White wheats eold at $2 40s2 30 for good to prime, and $2 10a2 37 for common to fair. Corn Is 1 cent better, with sales of white at H.lOel.lO, and yellow $1 Hal. 18 per bushel. Oats are declining, and we note salts at 02e70 ets Rya la Inactive, with salss at $1.40 al 13. A Card Wasbiiovoi, D 0,Aug 21,1887. To Ik. Editor cftht Dml) Rrpvbtieaif Sir: I notice in your issue of the 21st Instant, In tbe report of tho action of the members of the bar who met yesterday, you report me as having endorsed the action of tho previous meeting of the bar in relation to the disbarment of Joseph II. Dradlcy, sr. This is a mistake. I not only dissented from the action of tho bar of the 12th ultimo, but signed a call for tho meeting of yesterday and read a set of resolutions condemning tae action ot tne former meeting; and I bog leave to assure you I fully concur In tho action of Judgo nicer in tuo premises. Yours, 4c , J. I). Adaxs. Camf Meetixo. Thero will be a camp meeting held on Tolson's grounds, Frlnce George's county, Aid , nnaer tne auspices oi tne m. r church, oommenclng on tbe 30th Inst TlfANTKD BY A QENTLKMAN of quiet habits, A rUBIISUID ROOM with a lamiiy waere toere ere lew ir aar soar-err a dreaa, wtlh vartUulara, ' Clerk," Jtatloaal Bepob llcaa oBlce, Washington. D C. en.. If PROPOSALS FOU TLOOR Orrici Dirov Cobmuiabv or, l WasHta-TOB, D.C.A-r S1.1SS7 ( Proposals wtU ba received until ISe'eleek, m , oa SATDHDAT. the 211a lesUat. for eaeplrlag the Sua, I.I..I4 D.p.rtm.el with IVI nuoktD BAVtBSLS or rLOUE,--owaM HoOealx, All coaililose IDI H 1IUI. " xi-u, ee St C.S.B E A. g-AnniAOKsi" OATffilXGTSTl J CABSIAOISHI Oa hsB. a terra nnmber of flrst-clais fathloaable CAKBIAOS8, which will be -40B sola at reaeoaable ratte Ptrsoot la wiat tboDld exemlao mystocx. Bepslrlar promptly attended ta KOBIKT II OBAtlAU, Eepoillory 374 D el , bat Ilthlh aad tfl.l. auS. 31 BhopS7;Vhlhal Beat P B miVS "JEM" AND BIBB'S "UIA- HOND" FIEE PLiCB "OiS BDKI1KE" STOVES Tbtia tofculifut tad onomlcil lr ple itorts 4t Bot only laparatdlac ill InUfttloia of thami bit farntc, gritei. Bad attiar txpOBilTB UOdo ot Bttt iBfr r be.DK dlaeoBtlaaad liuTiirit making atrangtrntBta for tbe wtaUr, bb uti ta call aad than at UO DIET BOYD'S. B )UI8 & GO'S GEOBQK II TURTON'S, WALTIlt D WYVILL'B, I OHEQORY'S. D lTSlL-l. 81BLIY h ODT'S, h O ECKELS k CO'fl, V. U UASROVER'8, L 8 WOODWARD'S, COOPER k RAOANB', y, W, UILLIU'8, IBERLT.TUOXAS k CO'S, ao-lf AMERICAN HOUSE, 8 EVENT II BTKEET.NBXTTO lOpTHEAST t-unnin vr rmnaiiisVAnii iviflUI, OPPOSITE CEKTKB MABKET, WA3HJWO. TOIT,D C OPEN AT ALL HOURS 1 47-BOAKD TWO DOLLARS PES DAT "f Tbt nodaraliiBad bair laart to loroftn thalr Manila and the traTtflaa; put lie that they birt aaaamad the ma ease me at of thli Hooee Tbt rooma art neatly aoi comfortably fornlititd and wall vantllatad The Proprietor! bay a had raaey yaara' exptrlance la flrat alaaa hoteli of the tooatry, aad la coaae quaoctof tbelr knowledge of thtbaalaeaa, gnaraa tet aatlaractloa to all who may patroalit tham BCOTT k JJUODOUTOW, eoM lm Propria tore PROPOSALS TOR FRESH REEK EtrntUTBxcaOrriCB.U S A.) ta 1 HT. IAS . T .u . ill ' r :b,U S A,) STBIIT, l. 18U7 ) btraealTtd al saavs mv sw vi ill tiuaitiu DTK 11 Saalai Brt.DCiiAla.lii dn niter.., will b thla offlee until Mm.oa VHIOAT. Imrnn un ihjit for tbt FRESH DEE? reqnlrai for the aapply of tbt troopa, botpltala, and offlcera at Wlnehaatar, Weat Viral ala, for alx month from October 1, 1 867, or each lata tlmt aa tbt Commlaaary Claatrat of fiabiUtaeea nay dlreet. Tbt Deaf to bt delivered at Wlacbaitar.Weat lr Slala, oa tbt order of tbt Oommlaaary or Aallas Commlmry of Sabalateoct at tbat plaea TbeBaef tobtof a food aad marketable qsallty, la aq.nal proportion of fore aad blad quarter meat, aeck.abaakt, and kidney tallow to ba exelaied, Tbe backa of tbt Cattlt alaoibtarad under tbla agraement ah all bt cot off at the fourth Ttrltbral Joint, aad tbt breait trimmed down The ahanka of ore qaarteraehaU ba cat from three to four lachta aboTt tbe knieJolntfBnd of bind quartan from alx to eight lnehaa aboTe tbt gambrat or hock Joint, llldilaraart requeatad to bt prtaaat to raapoad to tbelr bide, and bt prepared to give bonJa for the fill fllueat of their toatrael. Propoaala ma it bt tadoreed dUtlnetly ' Propq.ala for Treat. Deaf," aad addraaatd to tbt underalxBOd, who met-rea tht tight to rejeet any or all blda not to tbt Intertat 0? tbt United blalt'. Condition!, raaulremiata.paymaala Aa , at Lera tofura THOMAS WJLSOX, fireret Lieut, Col anJCB.D.B A ansa td BMTtt Brlr Pan Vola QOA L! C 0 A Ltt O 0 A Lit! B T 1 W A B T, Coma or TwaLFTD and 11 itaibti. la now aalllog COAL very cheap lit baa a large itock oa tht wbarf.aBdwul boi bt uaderaold. Peraoae laying In tbelr winter anpply would do Weil 10 Bet HOW w urn ia mini uej ! avs.1 U CL1T ITEWAHT, aull'tf Corner of II aad Twelfth alreeta riiHK SECOND J. OBAMD BILITABT AHD CIVIO rTfittnu" amu av m in u BUUWION or vas WASHINGTON ZOUAVES. Which was aaneBBcad for Thsrilaj, lasa.t 10. haa baaB poatpoaed to FBIDlf, ADQUST tt, AV VBB vrnntioToi t-s.SK, SIVBIIIII STSIIT, TICKITS FIFTI CEKTS. AdAltllas a seatlaoiaa Bad ladles Deeclas to coumoBbO et S o'clock. eaJO tuwfcl 125 1'KAOn BASKETS. 125 I'EiCIl BAIKSTS lBinil ll.HKBTri 1U Doicb Peach Daakltc In .lor. aad to artUe. r u uinTiinTnur . ' UA Baventh atreet, uUlf below I'eaaiylvaala aveaat -LVEarl-Q. KTe-s. BaaE.SliSaS.etlnih Walar IS U a, m. Anaivio. Sohr. fin-bark. Oarrlson. rirar. wand la W. A Q. lee Oomcanv, CLEARED. Btr.'rioaaer, river. Bohr-Florence, Bradley, Havre dt Grate. eo DIKD, , dm VauSa !l- SA.V ,-...-. .1 .l- .. House, Brooklyn, of eeageiUoa of the brala, Jonsit, t V. ' J """ Boea Touaf, ael I "- ..,, aja. LOCAL ITEM8. Bear ix Moo that all our Linens have boea selaeed U per at,la price, la order to close them eat. A. Bake A C.'e, Ka. sir Seveath etreol, aojotalag -Tatloaat Beak of the Bepablle. Ilcsiriira's 815 Black Sack and S20 frock Coals, See goods, are Bow for esle ob Ih. eoner of Seveath elreel aad afar. leei aveeue Oaa rnee. fc-Iaoi MUTIODB, 49- Masonic. A lixclal CommuulaaiiJ... of the OXARD LODOI of T. Bad A. If. ot the Olilrlct of ColaablawlU be bold oa TBDBSDAT AtTIB- nuun.tae OS lattaat,al 4K o'clock, at Xaaoale IlaU, ni.h alrael, Oeori atowa. D a. for the in,.... ef laying the eeraor-otoao of the first BspUst Chareh ot Oeorf otowa. Alt Kaater ataeeae la good steadies i KMfiiNii iBTitaa to pe preseat. vy orlari XOBLI D. LABKIB, eutl-st Oraal Seeralarr. trTo fJotaemraDtlT... TH. Adv.rtlaaa having beea restored to health la a few weake,by a very olmelo remedy, after hails j esltrCd aeveral yeare wlUt a oevere leaf aSMUea, aal that 4rea4 SIMMS, Coaeusaplloa, ts aaxleuo to make kaowa lo aia leuow-aarororo the meaae of ann. To all who daalre It he will eeal a eonr of lb. or.. etrlplloa used, (free efeharge,) with the SlreeUoae or prepariag aal aelaf the came, waleh they will lad a Seas Cobb fob CovtVMrviov.AsTBBl, Baox oarrn,. The ealy obleit of the adteiUaor la eaailag the prescription le to beaell the BSItlei aa4 apread laformatloa which be conceives to be ta valeabletaad he hopea every eefferer wUltry hie remedy, aa It will cost them aolhtag aad may prove a blesalag. rarlleo wlthlag the preasrlpUoB wUl ptosis ad dress BIT.IDWABD A.WILSOB. ocU-dwly Wmiamiharg. KlaieC.B.T. A Know Tlir Doatlnv Uadama K. K. Tbobbtov, Ik (Ttal laf Hah Aitroloi!it,Clalrj7af aaa ra7cB0.nama.aB, wno aaa aatoalabad tba aalaa tifla claaaaa of tia Old World, haa bow loealtd bar alf at Hadaos. H. T. Uibami Tbo a aro jt poaaaaaaa tacts woBdarfel powara of aaaoad alf ht, aa to aabU har to Impart kaowlodf of tba f raataal lmportaae 10 ibaaiflgiaonaarnador tutor . wblla li atato of traaeo. aho dallaaataa tho varr faatoraa II of 41 tho porioB 70a aro to mrrj, aad by tbo aid of aa iBitnimoBt of iBtoaaorowar, kaowa aatboPajch omotropo, faaraaloto toprodoca alfa-llka pUlara of tbo faturo hBabaadorwlfoof tao applleaat, to rthor with dato of marrtago. poaltloa la llt laad lag traltaof ebaractar, ku Tblola aobonbaf, aa thoaaaada of teatlmoalati caa aiaort. Sho will aad, whoa daalrod. a tartltod cartlflcata, or wrlttaa (oar aatoo, tbat tho ptetoro la what It parportatobo. B7 oocloalaf a arnall loek of hair, aad atatlaf placo of birth, ago, dlipoittloa aad oonploxloa, aad ta oloalaf ttlj oaato aal atampod oavolopo addiaad to OBnolf. 70a will rocaUa tho platoro aad doalrad taforaalloa b7 ratora mU. Alt oommaalcaUoaa taeredl7 coaldaatlal, Iddroaa, la coaldaaco, Had ambK. r.TBoaiTOV, P.O.Box 323,HadMa, N.T. mhll.dkwly .tVProo to' JCrorybodr-A ltgm u ip, Clroalar, 1tU( laformatloa of tba traatait Import aaca to tho 70OBf of both aaxaa Ittoaahaa bow tho hoinaljmay bacoma baanllfol tba doaplaod raipoctod, aad tho foraakaa loTad. !fo yonnj lady or fantlainaa ahoald filllooaad ibalf Addraaa, aad rocalro a eopy poat-patd, by ro torn mail. Add ran P. 0. Drawor,Sl, mh.da,wly Tro7, W. T. 49-TboUraTcatMalaftloooff Youth auil Kiatr Uabbooo Uoward Aaaoolatloa EiitTi. oa tho Phyalology ef tho Pataloaa, aad tbo Xrrora, IbtiMa aad Dtaaatai paeallar to tho flrat aft of staa, with Raporta oa bow uothoda of traatatiat om ployod la thla laatltnUoa. Baal la aaalad lattaroa Ttlopaa, frao of chargo. Ad J rata, Dr J. BEILLISt no UO a TOW, Howard AaaodaUoa. Phlladalphla. P- mylT-ta T IOnTNINGPLY KILiTeU Mia oy tao aiacia b&aai or qolro A ooro thlar QOO 6IMU8, DraxglatT jl7 103 If T aToaoa tor FoartaaBlhtt T UUS8ELL BAHR, DSSLSB IB TIRX FAStlLT QlOCIBItl, Ho. its NIbIb etreet,BearD, sfS-tr WisnmaioN, n. c T W. MOpSELL, OBBLBB IB PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, ABB PAINTER'S MA TERIAl or ITX1T BISCEIPTIOlf. NO. 88 LOUISIANA AVENUE, Kelt to the Seetoa LtoBse, WASHItTOTOlT, D. O. PKEPAIIE FOH WINTEB. (1KT TOUE STOVIS IN OBDIS Till al TJOTD'H Bnd have year Latrobee repaired aad fitted op far eold weather. To. that hare aot Letrobee or fire rlaee etoree. cat! sad oxamlae mj atock 1 have the are cat aad beat eaaortneat ta tbe market. COOKIHO ST0VS8 ADD K.NOIS-ALL PAT TSKKS. UKPAIRS for atl aorta aad alias of Stoves, rsagsi, HSKDWAB', TISW1KE, ARD FDISISUIXa aours. 49- OLD 8TOYX9 TIKIS IH PAKT PAY FOR HIW. BOBIRT IIOYD, Ilo 479 SlBlh .treat, aqtS If Betweea D Bad K alreet. JiEHTOH & MAETIU, CSEl'S.tlEES AND BDILDKSS, Coaasa or Tvitrrs btbbsv sbd tbb Olvit WAsamaTOir, d. a, Make Sash, Doors aad Bllads, Box aad Solid Wtadow Frames Cheaper thee eas be doa. at ear other tatabltaameal la the Citf. JOBBINa OF ALLEinDBrBOttrTLTATTIKDID IrlO If TO. M AH TIN A- HUNT EH, ssuitrtsitB, li. WfloLSslLB Dial la. la OLD AMD HKCTIVISU WHISKY. 80 LoBt.laaa aveaaa, Bear ttlath .tract, (.oath aide, ) ButS 3 WaahlcclOB, D 0 TVyllS. J. B. Bl'ENOER'S UILLIKERT AHD DBISS UAKI.NO BOOUS, 830 Pease aveaaa, betweea Hlath Bad Tenth alreeta, BBlS-Sm (Up Slalrc ) Dtt 0. HOW W. SONNKNSOHUIDT,, ULON,offera bla profeaalooal aervlcea to tht clllieao of WaabtagtOB Office bonra from 8 to 11 a n. , aad from 2 toO p m Baaldeuet aad offiet Mo 443 Mateaebaaette avasot, betweea 81ath aad Seventh atrtata eul la W ASHINOTON IUON WOUKrJ QRiT k NOTES. rOUNDELS, UACUIWItT8,AHD liUlLBU UAKIK8, Coraerof Maine arenae and Third atreet, Manafaetorara of Improved Stationary and Toil able fileim Engine a of any reial ed pow.r Raw aad Orlat MUla j alio, of Arabltaetaral Iron Work. Orat loga, Ralllaga, Forglogi, Iroa and llraaa Caatiaga of altdaaorlptlOBa Tbt Inereaaad fadlltleaof onr new and attentive eatabllabnaat enable aa to offer thoat having ordara to oik (a oar Un a inptrlor claae of work oa th moat favorable tarma Agaata for Barahan.' Improved Jooval Torblnt TTatiar n uiiii ui aiu iaiiuor OF OOLUM1J1A. OOUN- TT OV WASUItTilTON, ii, I bartby certify tbat Jamaa T Talbert, of aald county, brought before me (aa aa tray traipaialng. oa hie groans,) a email bay borae, long awiu tBBTA hlnl f at ait uiiii. HASIal lavriltk DB hftd ft ! .ikaej a anaii vr ' ivu tihi eeae., tbebreaal. aad laaced aadar lhe)aw,braadedoBthe feet wblla a rowt ta left aboaldar, and caaeelled Oliea oadii SOT hand, aa oaa of the Je.tleee of the .. 1. a.d for .aid 0'V.!iT,UKOIBtJ. Paaet I 18AT m.. n.w t.t .tjA nLavtedeicriDed Lone la re . qaaatad lo prove hla l"V'''TlXtJt '"""' I kin. . JAHBB T TAUdSBT. VUBIgH BUI Living ob the road from Olenwood Ctmelery 1 wlT loSoldlen' Uoai, iv.