OCR Interpretation

The national Republican. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1866-1870, July 14, 1868, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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gjnttoiral UpMim
Wntatalnicton City, T. C.
Cffic Cor. Tenth and D, near Fnn. ATenne.
J-All conraanlcatioas, whether basliess
rforrnblttt;lot,B.,oalJlisdrBdt W. J.
fritrioi, TrorrUtor JUtioiai, Kipoiliqai,
T'k-fciDKton, I C
Tlicte were, doubtless, several causes which
erntrlbuted to 1 rlrg on the riot In New York
city U July, J8C3, when that metropolis wu
for r erftl days In the hands of an Infuriated
nob llut do one man, and no one cause con
tributed more to brim about the state of things
mid the "reign of terror," which for sereral
days held hlfh aad bloody carnlral In that
city, than Horatio Seymour.
We make ao charge that we cannot prove
On July t, 1SC3, and at the Tery time that Lee
had In aded Pennsylvania, QovcrnorScymour
mnJe a speech In New ork city. Now mark,
at the time thli speech was made, do one
krewthtt Lee had been repulied at Qett)
burp and, consequently, Seymour made thli
exdtln; hirangue, not knowing but what the
rebel commander might sweep on to the Hud
Nov, nht did the "foremost statesman of
the land" any t "A few years ago," said he,
"we atood before thli community to warn
them of the danger of icctlonal it riff, but our
fears were laughed at. At a later day, when
the clouds of war overhung our country, we
Implored those lu authority to compromise
tbatdlrllcult) "
After proceeding In tills at) le for some time,
be turned and seemed to be addressing his re
muki to the Kf publican put), and the follow
In j are his i ery words t
'Are you not exposing yoursehrs,yourown
Interests to as grctt a peril as Iht with which
rrm threaten uil 1U member this, that the
Utod'j and trtatonable, and rttSi'utlonary doc
Irlnt of i utillc nccttttty ran be proclaimed bj a
n-tb at iccll as bjf a Uoiernmcnt "
Was not this an Invitation to the bad men
of the city to take the matter Into their own
hands and to right their real or supposed
wrongs by mob violence I If the abote Ian
guagv means an) thing, It ineana t hist If there
wis etcr an inn minatory nj peal to the bad
passions of men this is one.
Now, mark again what followed la less
thin ten da s after this Mr Seymour's friends
were busy burning and pillaging the city,
mardcrlng innocent people, cspcclall) poor
colored people, and nothing sited the city and
put a stop to the diabolism of the mob, but the
military Governor sejmour could not do It,
ad did not essay It till the riot was e Iff du
ally squelched and when he did undertake It
his sptech was n disgrace and a shame, and
ahould make every man who attempts to sup
port him now haug his he id The fultowlug
arc, his tery words, uelltcreu July it, I9tn
Governor be) mour said, and ho addressed the
mob, mind )ou:
"My friends, 1 hive cone down here from
the quiet of the country to see what was the
dllBcullr, to learn what alt this trouble was
concerning the drift Let me assure you that
1 amyourlrlend I proarlous cheering J ou
have been my friends cries of ics,jes I"
1 hat's sol" "We are, and will be agaiul 'J
and now I assure ) ou, my fellow cltliens, that
I am here to sliow jou a lest of my friendship
(Uheera I wish to Inform you that I have
sent my adjutant general to Washington to
confer with the authorities there and have
this draft suspended and stopped (oclfer
ou cheers J 1 ask you as i,ood cltiscns to
wait fur his returut aud I assure jou thit 1
will do all that 1 can to see that there is no
Inequality and no wrong done to anyone I
wliti jou to take good care of all property as
good citizens, and see that ecry pirsqu Is
safe Ihe sift) keeping nf propert) and per
or s rests with )ou audi charge jou to dis
turb neither it U juur duty to ni-tiutaln the
food order of the cli),n4 luuow jou will do
t I Willi jou now to sen irate ns good citl
lens, anliou tan ancmulu njialn wherever
ou wish to do so I ask jou to leate all to
ine now, and 1 will ice tj jour rights Walt
until mj adjutant returns from Washington,
ant jou will be SdtlstleJ Listen to me, aud
see that thi.ro la no harm duua tu crsous or
I ropert j , but retire 1 caceably."
our Inmllrintc.
It u refreshing to turn from the comtempla
tlou of the course of Horatio Sej mour during
thtiwar aud to look nt, and to reflect upon,
the course and conduct of Oen (J rant during
thit j crlod In our nation's history
The former's record no arc making known
from day to day, and what do we seat Not
one word of cheer for the soldiers in that long
ul bloody strife, but a captious, f lult-flndlng
demagogue n sjinpathlxer with rebellion a
man who did all he could to crlpi le our cause,
nd to hold back the (Jot eminent from a
oroui prosecution of the war
lhe Utter, the noble lender of our armies,
wl en the war broke out, was lo private- life,
but, hiving had a military eliuntion, he
ottered hi services at once to the Govern
ment and entered the uruij In a subordinate
poiUioo, and, b) his energy and courage, won
hi way through battlo-flclds of gIorj,lu all of
wl Ich he was successful, to tne highest posi
tion in tin nrm) What would bo the use of
nauilug tho battles nud the vlctorjciuf Oen
Urant ro they not all known! Are they
not rltti i) In the hearts of the American peo
ple! iuc patriotism, the courage, the mili
tary aLlll, tho heroism, and the statesman
ahlpoftlcn (Irant are nil fimllUr as house
hold words to our people To compare such
man as Horatio hey mour with (Jen V r
tlr&ut is -in Insult to the latter an4 to the na
tlon To suppose that the American people
will elect sejmour, and thus neglect to honor
the llrst great ciptilii uf the age who saved
the nation, Is to suppuic thtt the people have
taken leive ofMicir semes, and that gritltude
Mhas lied to brutish t easts, anl men have lost
thilr reason
Tlif) Now Trent) vtllli Clilnn.
Jlr Ilurllngame has sutcreJcd in making a
new and Important treiitj with our )overu-
ment He has hern earnestly and untiring!)
At work with tl o r&ccutive and the hecrctarj
of Mate since life has been In Washington, an 1
the treaty has been perfected, and wm jestrr
dar sent to the hcnate In executive session
It will doubtless be ratified, and though we
hare no means of knowing its provisions It is
safe to conclude that It wilt be of greU v alue
to our couulrj In a commercial point oi view
Tun cooes of the Democratic party ought to
beemplojed in the country tavern wnere ine
celebrated colloquy occurreu
l niter Tea or coffee, sir!
0uttlt that last you gave me waa let, then
you give mecoifeei but If it was coffee, then
give me tea
If you try the platform you ask for the can
dldates, and when jou get the flavor from
them you are driven back on the platform
The best thing la to leave the tavern entirely
It 14 uivr.jr out that there Is a movement
on foot to start a new party to be composed of
disaffected Democrats and Chase men Wetter
go for Or ant and Colfax, gsnlleinen, anl thus
make ) our revenge certain, and at the same
tioe do jour country more service
Mire rnllltiK
As the facts one by one In relation to the
lieinocralie convention become apparent, we
are enabled, to arrive at better diagnosis of
thecase It li now"iettlt4 thAt the Seymour
men were determined from the beilnntnc to
compass their kuA fcy putting the other eandU
dates against aeliOther until such tint ai
the fighting ln'tht cockpit became tiresome,
nd then to put Seymour In, with hti gaffs on,
and drive all the other maimed and bloody
roosters out of the ring.
The nomination of Seymour made that or
Frank Iltalr a tort of polltlsal necessity, as he
hailed from the West, and had declared In bis
letter In favor of another civil war To
achieve this nomination the friends of Sey
mour and" Blair. It It said, were acting In con
cert from the beginning, and the programme
was worked out as only the Albany urgency
and the Blair family combined could do It
Whilst the adjusting of the slides and cur
tains and lights was going on for unveiling
thensoboeratle idol In Its re of modesty so
thit the spectacle would be both novel and
Imposing, the friends of Pendleton, Hancock,
and Hendricks were betting on their respective
favorites, the Chase committee were living on
the thin soup of great expectations, the Field
men were expatiating on the unbounded rc
ourcet of the Pacific coast.
It la not sure rising that, at the proper time.
all these enthusiastic sealota were scooped up,
put In bags and sent home to Inform their con
stituents that the greatest statesman of this
or any other age had been persuaded to be
come, as personal favor, the standard bearer
of the party. Ho we go.
14 1 coxortATCLATE you and all conservative
men who seek to restore order, peace, pros
perity and cood government to our laoJ, upon
the evidences everywhere shown that we are
to triumph at the next election'
The above Is an extract from the speech
which Mr. Seymour made to the committee
who notified him of his nomination
He talks of order, peace, prosperity. Order
andpetcoto be secured by the triumph of a
party which endorses the revolutionary and
destructive doctrines of Illatrl Prosperity
from the success of party that repudiates
the nation's aicred promise to py its debts.
Ilut let us see how Mr ficjmour himself
stands and what are his views In regard lo
paying the national debt In greeubtcksl There
fi no difficulty In understanding tho j latform
of the Democracy It la explicit upon this
vital Question, and not onlj goes the full
length for tax In the bonds, but for redeeming
them with greenbacks contrarj to the provi
sion of law, and In perfect understanding with
creditor when they were taken and the money
was furnished to the Government
Mr Seymour dli not a; ow the doctrines of
this platform when at the Slate Democratic
Couv entlon on March nth he said i
It it a nittakt (9 tvppote that tht tntertttt of
tht bondholder mnd tht tax-payeri art antagonistic
The national credit can't bo
bought at a profit unless the natlou's eharac
ter Is dishonored. If ire come into power there
villCe noditcredit on our currency, no tpceuta
Hon In pacing our bondt in paper,
Our friends forget the force of thc-lrown argu
ment When they show how the debt will be
Kail and taxation lighteue, by economy and
onestj, they also show how our paper money
will be made good as gold The downward
course of men In power admits of trafficking
in the honor of the country They can sink It
to that point that the payment of the debt
h 111 bo an easy matter, but will be at the coat
of the honor, the peace and welfare of our
la While, therefore, we may differ as to
the constitution of the contract with the nub
He creditor, we must not confound the position
of those who think It right t pay In paper,
but who battle to make that paper a$ good oohf,
with the position of those who mean not only
to pay In paper, but who are also destroying
the value of that paper. That Is repu llatjon
There Is nothing to liar from those who think
by the contract you shoull take the paper, if
thej take a course which will make that paper
good as gold There Is ev crythlnsr to fear from
those who are drlvlnr, on to bankruptcy, and
it matters not what their professions may be "
Then, again, on June2yth, Mr. "sejmour made
a speech at Cooper Institute, and on this oc
caslon he did not show much f nor to the Pen
dleton policy He said
" 0 all the dtoUti to cheat honettlab3rttopir
atyxt Indutfry, to degrade ptbtic morati, and to
turn builneu tmriuiti into itcklet aainWino.none
hat h en id hart fid at a ihiflintj ttandird of
value, a debated and I 'jtng currency
rha Ubor of the West puts iueimings In a
large ueirree inio inua which are tax our
dentd The labor of tho Last puts its earnings
Into savings' banks, life Insurance, or In other
forms of moneyed investment Thus they are
derj ly Interested lu Oovprnuieut boruli
Alio ttiej undi of iavingi' bankt and fife intur
ance eoTittantct are not put in Oncinntnt bondt,
but they hold an amount tchtth teoutd cripple or
ruin them if the bondt are not paid, or Iheg
are paid in debated paper, if ueadd the truttt
for widow and oruhant. we tlnd that 2.&0Q.00O
pertont are tnteretfed in Oorernmenl bond who
are not capuaiitit am wno are compuitorg oirn
en at prttent price under the o per at lorn of our
lawi There Is a fear that this state of things
will make a clashing of Interests between the
labor of the last and the labor uf the West "
" It it dear to aery thoughtful run that public
tjftj and honor wilt not aJ nil of our having
two lindt of cuneneg fur ang length of time
We must have a uniform currency For all
elasaes There Is but one question to ho set
tle I Shall our currency be uniformly good or
uniformly badt Arc we to forco the bond
holder to tako bid money!
"The plan of making our currency as good ns
gold bj contMCtln? it voluam carries with it
irrcat dlktrrss and audi ring Hut If we lift up
Its vilueb) getting rid of the taint upon the
nitlmiilcnillt, It harms no one It blesses all
oj eui Irjal tender and bank note tuneney mutt
le debated, while out national bonli it and dif
ct edit rt they mutt rite and falUogtlher Ihty
ate all bated ittunthr rmtio initial it Hank nolei
raunot be iroith i than it uondt uftiuh tecure
them '
How can Mr St) mour, If ho Is honest In the
above avowals, stand upon this platform! We
are sorry to say that tho worst thing about
Mr he) mour is his hypocrisy
He Is doubtless a gc Ulemau In man rem and
In culture It Is folly to cill hltn a statesman
for statesmanship spurns h)pocrlJ) and dem
agoguery If Mr Sejmour be an honest man,
he cannot stan 1 upou fiat platform
Tub PncilDENT sent tho followli 5 nomina
tions to the bcoato j ester li) Charles I lit
mm, of Kansas, to bo Uonsal nt Honolulu t L
P Wllliston, to be Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court uf Montana Tcrrllurj ( Mlai
H Axtell, to be Assessor uf Internal llcvenue
for Ihe third district or California) II L War
ren, (0 be Chief f ustlce of tho Supremo Court
of Moutaua Ad vm Illcc, to bo Assessor of lu
ternal Rev enue for the tenth district of Pcuu
sjlvanlat hdwln S Mc(7oo!f,to bo Collector
of Internal Kevenue for the eighth district uf
Illinois feeldcn Conner, to be Assessor of In
ternal He venue for the third district of Malnci
II V Urn: tixe, o be Iteglitcr of tho Land
ontco nt is ill 1, t'tli James II Wllbcr.of
LOregon, t be agent for akania Indians) Lv
fayellc Hci I, to be aent for IS ew Mexican
Indlaosi I It bprlgman, of Pi , to bo Consul
at 1'juibezo, Peiu
Win was l V DLAin, Jtt, nominated for
Mce President! Itwasdone lecause hohad
annoui ced that the reconstruction acts are null
and roJ, and that everything that has been
done under them Is to he trampled on aod
crushed In the mire of the streets Ho has de
clared that the benate, over which he Is to
preside when elected (!) Is to be "compelled
that Is the word-to submit to hxcculixe dicta.
Omeral Wade Hamilton shed some light
upon tho lllalr nomination In his speech Iff
firrlng to Nouth Caiollna, he said, (we quote
from the World )
'It Is truo It Is perhaps In a worse condi
tion than most of the otheis) but they nru all
11 ill 1l led by the fearful calamity that is hang.
lug over us, and we can have 10 relief unless
the gnat Democratic parly will come out an 1
pledtfe Itself that we shall have afalrelerti mi
that the white people of the outh si, ill v e
and I want jou all to register an oith thai
when they do ante that those votes shall be
counte I an I if there it a majority of whili ,
that ynu will pi tee hej mour and Itlalr In the
White House In spite v( all the bajonets that
can be brought agtlnst them Cheers "
A cm cotkmi f.iiAUY appeals to the Presi
dent to turn all ltadicals out of otOce, and to
till, as a matter of course, their places with
Democrats It tries to persuade Mr Johnson
that all his friends are In tho copperhead
parly. We think that party owes the Presi
dent much more than ho owes it
Tin New York Irith Republic, and the In
j 1 11. 'uimy lha Arran of the German
Turners in the United Mates,) advocate the
granting of extra compensation to Depart
ment clerks.
Tho Mnyor and (he Colored TrtiaCeea.
Mayor llowrn has been attacked by the
press, at the Instance of few of tht colored
people, stimulated by the newly-appointed
colored trustees, on account of tht passage In
th Senate of a bill abollahlog the board of
trustee! Of colored schools, And placing alt tht
schools under pnt board. It has been charged
that he was the author of th bill, and s slash
motlvec hart been ascribed lohim. Tht fasti
Are simply these 1 Tht bill was drawn up
at the Instance of Mr. Alvord, general super
intendent of colored schools for tht Freed
men's Bureau, for all tht rebel States Bev,
John Kimball, local superintendent of colored
schools for the Dlstrlet of Columbia, Mary
land and West Virginia, for tht Bureau; and
A . Newton, superintendent of colored
ehools, under trustees of colored schools for
the District of Columbia, At trustees of pub
lic schools arc now appointed by Republicans
they will be as friendly to colored schools as
white schools, and no reason now exists for
separate boards of trustees) In leed It Is much
better for the colored schools to be under
trustees of public schools, as they will be bet
ter cared for, their Interests placed on an equal
footing with the other schools) teachers wilt
receive their advanced salaries, and there will
be uo contention or strife between tht two
Mr. Uowen consented to serve another term
as trustee only after having been Importuned
s no other man was ever Importuned by tht
entire population of colored people, and we
know of our own knowledge that he wished to
retire earago,but was prevented by the aamo
Importunities As to his being removed as
treasurer of the colored school fuod, we art as
sured that he has been selected to act In that ea.
paclty by the present board of trustees, and Is
making payments from that fund dallj . This
duty ho will cheerfully turn over to a succes
sor as soon as one Is appointed, for we happen
to know that he would gladly be relieved from
tht trouble and responsibility he has had the
past six years with this fund, without ont
cent of compensation or an iota of benefit to
himself And no ont can charge cr Insinuate
that ont cent of all tht money he has ever re
celv cd has not been properly accounted for.
In the organization of colored schools he has
been tht chief Instrument. All tho correspond
cuco in the selection of teachers has been con
ducted bj htm, at his own expense and at tht
sacrifice of his own time. lie has used his
own private means for tht payment of tht
teachers until funds wero received from tht
regular sources
Ho deserves nothing nt the hands of tho col
ored people bit gratitude And praise, And
these he will receive from all tho rlght-thlnk-Ing
ones. He stands pledged, whether In or
out of the boar 1, to use his best efforts In be
half of the colored people, and they may rely
upon It that his best energies wilt be devoted
to their service
Wbtaki, the following from the Starot last
evening In regard to the Mississippi elections
"Ju Ige I Isher, a prominent Republican, ar
rlvrd here from Jackson, Mississippi, this
morning He reports that the official canvass,
nearly completed, shows a Deruoerallo major
ity of 7,000 The Republican committee en
fngeJ In investigating election returns, claim
i ha 0 proof or frau Is to the amount of ov er
fifteen thnusan 1 v otes A reign of terror pre
vails In all the Interior counties, and the as
sassination of sereral lo j allsts Is reported "
Tiik World and some lesser organs of the
Democratic school, affect to ridicule Oeneral
Orant because he Is not a speech maker.
3ianj men who have done their country ex
cellent service, both In military and civil life,
were not speech makers
As rorueneraiurant,hiaspcfcacs arodeet's
There they stand look at them. Can j ou rub
them outl
"Data," the Washington correspondent of
the lltltlmore Sun, sent to that Journal, on
Monday morning, the following telegram. It
Is, d lubtless, reliable Information 1
It Is understood the President will not make
a nomination for the position of Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue for several days,
nor, In fact, will ho attempt to till any of the
important missions now vaoant until he can
select such nominees ns will certainly meet
with favorable consideration In tho senate
Most of those now seeking these positions are
of a class, politically at least, who cannot, In
nil probablllt j , bo confirmed
These important o likes ahould not ho per
mitted to remain longer without incumbents,
and It will be tho aim of the President, as
soon as ho can make suitable selections, to
send to tho senate nominations for Minister
to Russia nnd Mexico of tho more Important
class, and Ecuador, etc , of the minor class
Also a nominee for naval officer of Is ew lork,
an I to case of Mr hmjthe's confirmation as
Minister to Austria, a uomlneo for collector of
New Vork city.
All these office rs, including tho Co aim Is
sloner of Internal Revenue, Commissioner of
Patents aud Commissioner of Pensions, mak
ing together a largo list of the moat Important
positions within tho dispensation of the Lx
tcutlve, are to be disposed of during the com
ing ten days the scramble for them is lively
and extraordinary, but tho probability la that
tho seekers of o Hides will not succeed, but tho
nominees will be selected from among gentle
men who have not perslslentl) Importuned
tho Lxecutlve for official ftivor
l'Of irit'AL.
run New rk Sun aakst "Where Is Miles
ORclIljl That gallant soldier poet has not
bttn hoard from In either convention, Although
It was confidently expected that tho soldiers
and sailors would not adjourn without at least
one new song from his fertile and graceful
muse, In honor of Hancock If not of Orant
On such an occasion the Koeruerofour war
uujht not to bo silent "
Alkv It STrrnxs forwarded a set of reso
lutions to the Nowork convention, which
brgan In this stjle. "Hetolced. lhat lu the
future, as in the past, ve will adhere with un
swerving fidelity to the Union " We all know
what st j le of adherence that waa such ad
tu re nee, aa wolves Rive to lambs, covering
ami devouring them" Wc have had enough
ofthvt klnduf alherence, and will no more
of It
Mantoi Mu-m Ma it ura Is leading the
faithful dow 11 to tlte cold stroama of Dab) Ion
Ho sild that if the ao-opcratton of Republi
cans could not be secured, the Democrats
"inljht as well hang their harps on the wll
lows ' As no Rrpubtlcau throughout our
broad Itnd can cvir support the ticket and
we presume tho journey to hang up the harp
afiresald has alreadj commenced Heroafter
tho tunes plajcd In thellorf iwlll bo performed
on a brokeujuwsharp
Hoiivtio Skvmour after tho adoption of
the Confederate Constitution, said to Judge
Charles II Ruggles "It Is better than ours,
(Ihe tederal ) Then why not obviate all dlffl
cultv,b simply adopting that (Confederate)
Constitution t ' And this Is Mie man who
wishes to bn placed at the hetd of the tederal
I nlon to administer Its Constitution t There
are not enough rebel and copperhead votes lu
II eland to do 11 And no one else will help
Inn Lommertial Adiert iter says of the Domo-
crille candidates) "sejmour Is Just the man
to rally tho wholo force of the Republican
part) to Orant, and to. make party lines close
nnd well defined Mr lilair, on the other
hand has tho confidence of no party Hated,
assallcl, sneered at by tho Democrats during
the war, nt its close he turned his back upon
the Republicans and now urges a second rcvo
lulion to correct the result of the llrst" De
feat Is alrca ly marke 1 out for suih a ticket
Hon tio "triMoin consldcrel "successful
coercion bj the north as no less revolutionary
than successful secession by the south " And
vet he exnects to be ulacedovcr the nation
which has successfully coerced the south) He
will get no votes but those of his oocrced
friends, and their sjmpathlicrs Anl those
rotes will do him no gooJ
SoMB one has recalled tho pat verse Ih the
"New Oospel of Peace ' "Aul now of the
Pnhdees ho was called Saymour, because ho
could a j more and ni-too less than any other
man llviu'
Till. New otl oiiinercUl AJetrtner makes
this good hit "Heretofore the Democrats have
objected to the Republican party on tho ground
that It whs sectional that It hat no meuibors
In the south Now they complain that It has
mare members in the south than it oujht to
have "
Till Brooklyn liilon sums up byaajlng that
the Democratic platform consists mainly of
wrj faces at the past Its only positive pro
ositlons are to destroy the most valuable prop,
crty an 1 security of tne country, ant to throw
suven Mates ba k Into anarchy
TllK World, sneaking of Horatio Hejmour,
sajs tht hja 'hauls, when lifted In air, are
white tike a woman's " Are we to Infer that
Oov Hevmour's hauls, when not lifted In air,
are black!
JtfDoiXd from the tone ot Manlon Moses
Marble's leaders for the past two weeks, the
recent gatherlug In New York can hardly be
called a If erf J t convention
IT Is said that Forrest and Hampton dsslred
the nomination of Heymuur in order that they
may show their appreciation of his services tu
their cause during the war
Tub election iq Virginia la fixed by tho
House for tho 13th, 11th an 1 14th of August
Undoubtedly the henato will concur
Ah Union veteran styles the Democratic
platform 'brevet repudiation "
Lospox, July 13 Evening Consols closed
at 94891 for money, and 11G41M on ao
countj United States bonds, :2'iG;2a Illinois
Central, 101 'i Erie, 41" (1 A. and O. W., SS'J.
rsASKroRT, July 13 Menlnj United
States bonds, IT,
LntnrooL, July li Evening Cotton un
changed) sales 10,000 bales.
dot. Heysnonr nt Home III Rccep
Utica.N. Y., July 13 -Oov. Seymour ar
rived home this Afternoon, and was welcomed
with great enthusiasm by his fellow-townsmen.
The bells were rung, cannon fired, tire
companies paraded, bands played and flags
were displayed. The crowd was Immense, and
heartily cheered the Oovernor, to whom formal
greeting was extended by Judge Denis. The
Oovernor, from the steps of lloggs's Hotel,
rata n unci, dui reeling, repiy in acxnowicag
ment of the kindness of his friends and neigh
bors Major Spruggs followed, explaining
that Oov. Scymourwho Is still suffering from
Ulneis, was forbidden by his physician to
speak In the open air.
Retiring within the hotel, Oovernor Sey
mour said a few words to a company of chil
dren from St. John's Cathedral Orphan Asy
lum, who had come to Join lu the greeting He
soon after repaired to his residence amid re
newed demonstrations of the people.
On the route from Albany to Utlca, crowds
surrounded theOovernor'a car at theprlnclpal
stations, and cheered and called him out. He
came on tho platform at various places, but
did not speak.
Ireelaloii In n ExirniJltloii Cnse.
HirrAto, July 13 The following decision
by Judge Hall, of tho United Slates Circuit
Court, on ctritorart aud habeat corput In the
notorious extradition case of Chas. II. Uaker,
which was argued by Messrs Uox and Tarker
for the prisoner, on Friday last, will be Inter
esting and Important to the legal profession:
The Judge says a foreign conviction under
the statutes of the State of New York does
not render a witness Incompetent, as the stat
ute has reference to conviction under the laws
or the bt ate The statutes or the btale of New
ork provide that the Oovernor or Leglsla
iure mnyparuon a coovici, anu inus restore
his competency. This could not be done In
case of foreign conviction However. I am
of opinion the same result would be reached
If tho case were jrovcrned by the rules of evl
dene, as they stood in tho previous statutes
of this (State, as a foreign conviction In the
jeariiw vvouiii noircuuer sucn person in com.
The following Important questions of law
were fully examined, but decisions could not
betaken under the extradition treaty: first,
because cases so arising are not offences
against the United Mates, but simply under
the treatyi second, the question whether the
United States Circuit Court has annellate
Jurisdiction from the decisions of the United
Mates Commissioners) third, how far the Cir
cuit Court could rev lew evidence on rrrfiererf
ana naieat corput.
The prisoner was remanded to the custody
of the United States marshal, aud will be re
moved to Canada on Wedueada) or Thursday
Rcconatriictlon In Alabiuiin.
MosTaoMtnr, July 3 Another of the Con
gressional Military Uovernments was set on
foot to-day Oovernor Smith and Lieutenant
Oovernor Applegate were sworn In na provls.
lonal officers
The benate met nt 12 o'clock, noon, and
elected its ofik ers
Tho fourteenth amendment to the ConslltU'
tlon of the United States was ratified, when
tho benate adjourned.
The Houso also elected Us officers and rati
fied tho fourteenth amendment.
About ft o'clock, In pursuance of orders from
Oen. bhepherd the same who rebuked private
soldiers for groaning for Orant two pieces of
artillery were brought to the Capitol hill ana
salutes fired In honor of the ratification of the
TlieXowdoteriiorof LoiilelaitaTlio
Nkw OttLxANs, July 13 Mr Warmouth,
the new Oovernor, waa inaugurated to-day In
tho Halt of the Houso of Representatives Jn
the prcscuco of both Houses, The lobbies
were densely packed. The oath was adminis
tered by the Chief Justice of the bupreme
Court. A number of the outgoing and lncom
Ing officials were preseut on the platform. The
Inaugural Address was brief aud well written,
though not verj explicit as to his future
course. He says he refrains, At this time, from
entering Into any discussion of measures
deemed of Importance. Ho urges, however,
liumoliate measures for tho repression of the
lawlessness and disorder now rife lu tho Htate
Wo want peace and order, and without It we
can hai e no prosperltj .
Tho Civil Nupercedlu? Mllltnry .lu-
OilAKLMToy, S C, July 13. Gen. Canny
Issued an order, to day, directing military offi
cers In the Stato to cease exercising any civil
authorltj when the President proclaims the
adoptlou of tho constitutional amendment, at
which time prisoners under charges will be
turned over to the civil authorities. All pris
oners serving out terms by military sentence
will be held Writs of habeat corput from
United States courts arc to bo responded to,
but to writs from State courts reply Is to bo
nude that tho prisoner Is hell under tho au
thority of the laws of tho United States, and
jutlsdlctlon Is cxcluslvclj In the United stales
Cricket MMcli.
Ynwoah, July 13 A cricket match was
commenced to- laj at M George's new ground,
at Hob(ken, between eleven officers of tho
Jlrittih arraj, from CanaU, aul clevcu of bt
Georges club, including their two profes
sionals, wio, between them, made CI runs out
of the t George s score of 1W luut lu their
first innings the officers mode U runs. They
played insplenlll style against the superior
bowling of tie st Georges The St Georges
went In again, ail Iost3 crickets for 2i runs.
riie eo rich I.eclslntiirc.
Atiaxta Gv, July 13 Mr O'Neall's reso
lution to Investigite the eligibility of each
member, was the only business before the
Honse Iho investigating committee was lu
session thi. entire afternoon Ihe questions
asked are Dil you hold office prior to the
war, taking an oath to support thoConstitu
tlon 01 thoLaited states I Did you Ivo aid
andconfort t- tho rebellion! Havo jour dtsa
blil'ie4!.etn removed t
No 'senators have as yet beta excluded
I rom Richmond.
lli 11 moid, July 13 Oeneral Stoncman has
appointc I Jmncs S Tlptou Judj,e f tho 1 if.
teenth circuit, ice Hullon resigned
James H llcOhce, an old cltlxcn of Hano
tr county, was killed jeslerday
Anothr registration to take place before
tho August election, Is being prepared for at
military hea hjiiartcrs
t rosn Iliavmia,
Havana, July 13 Tho cholera Is decrtas
Narva has u:teoJ(,d In raising n mile of Ihe
mw telegraph cable, but lost It again
Kugar Is qiiet sales are small and quota
tions unchanged
Movement of I.x-Cov. Sot 111 our.
LSculrkltahv, July 13 Governor scjmour
Pisvu mrougn this cltv to-uav rn route to his
home In Utlca A rtdrral salute was Ored,
and largo numbers of citizen wcro At tho
uopoiio welcome him
The Weather.
IIaltimork, July 13 This has been the
hottest day of the season.
Thermometers In some localities wero re
ported at 103. There were sereral cases of
sunstroke but none fatal.
Fiuladilniu, July 11. The thermometer
to-day was as high as 9V,. There was one
fatal case of sunstroke.
Albiht, July it. The wsather cton tiroes
extremely hot. The mercury this afternoon
ranged from 07 to 101 lnthe shade. Numerous
cases of sunstroke are reported, several of
them fatal.
From Forlrean Monroe.
Foit Mosaoa, July 13 Arrived, U. S.
steamer Uontoocook, Capt. Oeo. tlalch, com
manding, carrying the flag of Rear Admiral
Iloff, commanding tho North Atlantic squad
ron, six days from Key West. All on hoard
well. She left the steamer Fenobscot at Port
au-Prlnce. (SalnAve still holds the town.
Some outposts were skirmishing In the vlcln-
i'r- .
i'assoa up, ine snip uonnuence, irom new
York for Richmond.
A Rojr Ntioote Another In Revenge
PiilLADXLnitA, July 13 George Krouse,
aged 1C, fired a revolver at Nathaniel West
call, aged II, to-day, Inflicting a serious wound
la the breast. Krouse had a few days before
stabbed Westoalt In the leg, and the last
outrage seems prompted by a deliberate at
tempt at murder.
The Coal Miners fttrike n Canard.
Hakrisbuko, July 13, Telegrams received
by the Oovernor from Pottsvllle, Danville,
and Wllkesbarro show the reports of outrages
In the mining regions to be all false. It seems
almost positive that the reports are circulated
by Interested parties to raise the price of ccml,
Nnth Carolina.
Co lou of a, July 13 In the Legislature to
day a bill passed to the second reading valida
ting the laws of the Provisional Oovernment
of the State. A bill was Introduced for the
preservation of homesteads.
The partisanship in tne election lor senator
threatens a schism In the Radical ranks. The
election takes place to-morrow.
ltellrlnjr or Minister Roincro-IIU
Itinarh to Ihe President Tho
President's Reply
Yesterday, Mr. Romero, who for several
years past has been tho Lnvoy Extraordinary
And Minister Plenipotentiary of tho Mexican
Republic here, delivered his letter of recall to
the President, and made the following re
marks on the occasion t
Mb. PncsiDKMTi I have the honor to place
In your hands the letters addressed to you by
the constitutional President of the Mexican
Republic, to Inform you of my retirement
from the position of Lnvoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary of Mexico, near
theOovernment of the United btates, which I
have had the honor to fill for several yetrs.
In thus closing the mission which It has
been my lot to hold In this city, under many
trying circumstances, I eanoot refrain from
expressing the profound regret I feel on con
cluding a commission which Is nlled with
pleasant memories) on terminating my official
relations with the North American states
men. In whose comnanr It haabeen mv hannl
ness to mingle for many years, from whom I
have received lessons never to be forgotten,
and on leaving a country for which I have Ihe
greatest numirauon anu aiiagnmcnr. con
alder It my Imperative duty to contribute, as
far as I can, to the welfare And prosperity of
the country that gave me being) and this duty
alone prompts me to resign a position which
nas oeen as pleasant 10 me as it is nonoraoie
My constant effort In future will bo to plant
and roster In my native land, the sound politi
cal Drlnclnles that fortunately flourish In this
nation, and which constitute. In my opinion,
one of the principle causes of the great pros-
Itcrny nnu wonueriui ucvciopouoi oi ine u Di
ed States
Tho rvstem of rovernment which has been
adopted by Mexico and other American na
tions, was first established on this continent
by the United States. Ihe results clearly de
monstrated that such a system promotes the
weuara anu progress oi man. a no nera ici roe
bo permitted to express tho hope, that the
United Mates mav continue to Derforra the
honorable and bene tl cent part of elder sister to
tne Republics mat nave louowea ner exam'
Heretoforo Mexico has been considered and
tieated by Luropean nations as a semi-savage
Male, and she will ever remember with pleas
ure that tho United States was the first of the
strong nations that Initiated the wise policy
of treating her as the equal of other enllght
enrd nations
I am particularly charged by the President
of the Mexican Republic to manifest to jou
how much the Oovernment of Mexico values
tho friendship and good understanding of the
Oovernment and people of the United States,
and how sincere Is Ut desire to strengthen
that friendship and the bonds of political and
social harmony that unite tho two countries,
being fully persuaded that the fulfilment of
these wishes can do no less than contribute
greatly to the prosperity of Mexico, nod to
the consolidation And development of republi-
can institutions, wiin a ucnem to entire Hu
manity. To which the President replied t
Mr. Romcroi The domestic perplexities of
the Mexican Republic during the last Ave
j ears have been such as might have shaken
the atrons-cat and firmest of States The re.
spanslbllities of a minister of that Republic
in mis capital were in uue proportion to tne
perplexities of the political situation at home
u wouiu require a moro intimate xnowictige
thin I possess to determlno whether It would
have been in your power, had you remained
In Mexico, to rendormore clftctual service to
jour country than tho cervices which jou
rcimcrcu nere as ner representative at wasn
inpton, while jour retirement from tho cipltal Is
an occasion of personal regret, it Is, on the
other hand, an occasion of much satisfaction
to see that your eminent public service Is duly
appreciated by your own tioternment.
Mr Kumero, the revolutionary movements
which have lately disturbed the United States
nnd Me a lea are. 1 hone, ended The Indepen
dence and unity of both States have survived
ineir great iriais. nnu i now uopo iu its coo
siltullonal liberty even better assured In the
future In both countries than tt was before
those convulsions oeourrcd.
Mr.ltomero. the history of the relations be.
twecn our two countries during that period Is
Already fully written If, a 1 trust, the
United Htatos have during these trials been
falthTulto the republican cause of America,
aud fast and friendly allies to the sister repub
lic of Mexico, no new assurance of friendship
and sympathy need to be glten now.
It Is a source of pleasure to me to know that
personally you will leave us with sentiments
which could only have been acquired by a cor
rect understanding of the policy and senti
ments of the United Btates.
U, J. iMMKUMAN, Philadelphia, and Israel
Leamlig, of fit. Louis, are at the Klrkwood
A M. llolby, Texas t H. t'.Tappan, Colorado,
and Gain Thompson, of China, art at Wll lards
(Jen P. I! M Connor, nnd Major J, street
man, of California, arc nt tho Owen House.
Hon. W McMullcn,PA Hon, JohnCrowell,
of New Jersey, and Hon, J A. Wlnslow, Are
Announced Among Ihe arrivals at tho Metro
politan Hotel
X UK LULUAUU, 1116 1J111 UA1 Uf JUbl,
SiXAil Jaxk ltoosasox, plaintiff,) Eonltv.
Ukoikik T. Rourssoji, defendant. 5 Wo..Utf
On motion of the pIslutltT, by Mr UUbert B
Uluer, horatturnoy, It is ordered that the defend
aot mum kls appearance lo bs entered herein on or
before the drat rule day ocoorrlui forly days after
Ibis date, otherwise the cans will be pruooodud
wlin as lncaoidelaull. ..., .
(lcnd) A D OLIN, Justlco
A trucpyi
bieia jyit mow
uu themorBlogof ih flnt Mondav of Joly, lbtid
Losuasscured by Qovoruinout boadi
Uuuklai house furollure, fixture aad
S0I,flU3 91
otber rial ektste
Due from banks and bankers .
H a iiiiids with Iruasurer
I', a buuda ou hen I
luree percent certificate..
Legal teuders and comiouud lotereat
Bpecle .
Accrual iotcret vn compouud lutsrott
HvordrafU ...
T i run uo
Due depositors tn demsuJ
Due national I anks .. .
Uu J Cook 4lo ,
iateruit, cxihauge, &c ..,
l.OiT.fKrJ 01
1T0.B7 00
I Illu.trated Dook. worth Jg".idJAut;
ent rree to auy ,J.,w.71i"i:v,ni
ddre.lugl'rf"or JOUN VANDB
UWIathrop llac, Msw If ork city.
101,113 7
ibi an a
l,0ol 63
Ifl, 03-1 33
C.Tll 77
DOAQ-DBWIXS-Oa the 1st lnstsat, at lbs1.
iiDe i t,nancs J. usl, m , bT fV. Wm. -p0R BALE-THE OOOD WILL, FtXTUKKS,
lc7' 5 toiJw? TeoMAS Bole, of l0,ortha7ee Cream Saloon, tlo m Seventh
o'f Vh2 iV?.' uViJi'DfJZP't'mte&A&Vfrl itreti. belwees M and fl alreoU Store and Cellar
ibitCa tfewessof Xlliabslh Clirrror rent cheap lr 3t
DIED. 1 4
sIURRAY.-Onthe Jlth JalrrCaptala Paiscis
KitMi-ssAV. U.B
Ills fuaeralwlll ti
. u, b n , lata mil ?sr or his Ac
"" irvia ni rl
(Tessdar)atflJQp. m -
luwin (uwif, m
lo-dar ,
..' 1
ttSnnr. Jin MnHitmv aranlx
Jeiyu, Uioiox
If IIiibt. In tli -eth YMfnf fa
The funeral will take place from the reside a es nf
his fathsvlS'lsw, James ftbacklerord, Jfo tli
PeaasylvaalA aveaoe. this (Tassdayj afuwaoos. at
A o clock.
BAklBIRQER -On thellth loitaat. At 3 o'cteefc
m . Osoaaa C. f llsarr C. anl Mhrr Xt
ilamberc er, aged a years sad 8 months
usnnuuLi in Hammer, on evnoari niy ii.
S&aah B.wlfeof the lata flsary Uarwood. and
mother of the Isu sirs. Was II. Harriott, of this
cltf. la the 49ih year of btr age.
HOKTOH on, Jaiy lj, Aannw.,oaly son
AaJrsw and Hales Xilsabeth Horfoa. eied 14
months and IS days. f
DOWKSY.-At 10 o'clock,? m., oa the 13th lo.
slaat. after a short illness. Mrs maat Dowit,
widow oi ine iai i imoiny uowney. aieu year
The funeral will tako sIace this foe aday) after
aona.at So elnck, from her late residence, corner
of rourlb and Washington streets
STICK SET Atllopetoa, near Washington, D.
O on the morning; of the 13th Instant, Josbph
Cildwill, Infant son of frank, It. and Elisabeth
GOODRICH At 1 o'clock ob the morning of the
11th Instant, after a brlsf 1I1bos, Mrs. Ukskcca
Oooxatrs, sged 01 years
The friends of the family are Invited toattsod
Ihe funeral this (Tseiday)monilagat to clock,
from the residence of her ton.Jomb. Goodrich.
fn , 414 Fifth street, between D and It
rltliAsldpspere pleaiooupj
DELT Ob the 11th Instant, Bxma rlAttot,
yoaoreit d so fbter of James M and 11 li Deli,
ngM 14 months and II days
llaltlmore Hon please copy,
OTTO This Monday at o a. m . AlbrxtOtto,
agM IT months, eon of Osorte andRlliaboib. Otto
Tbsfnoeral wilt take place from Mo til Eleventh
treet, on Tnsiilari th 11th Inetaat. at A p ra.
Special Notices.
strsy VKMKlN An mlrtan at nBniri taw tha
neologreurof the hrhnelien Society, will take
plac next WEDNESDAY, th Ustant, at th
saw SchaetieB rark Votes will be received there
freinlo clock p m to fl o'clock 11 order of the
r resident. urnl Ifc KUUMiur, ueo'y.
at li.iata wlihlnr Ia entar lain tha mnlnr
He salts to Olywont. oath 21tin-lant, will meet
at tho National Clttb room, loot of sixth street,
Major John Welt., on Wedneeday evening at 7 TO
o clock Th object Is to elect Judgos for the eou-
toi rsgalta. Jjll-3('
T& WismauTov, U C , Jnly7, IWA
AtlpersoBsar hereby notified that theerdtnaB
ces of th Corporation to pretest Hog aad Uerae
from rnnulncat Isrf within the city Iimlte will be
rtldlr nfurred on and aflarthe 10th tmtant. and
that every 11 ok and tioos so found rnnnlug at
inrcsoD ana iiirr i oiif , wiu in wiib vp vj
th police, carried to th Work'hoass, aad be dis
poned of according to law
No exceptions will b uad In any cam, bst all
will ha dalt with alike
th law alio Impoaes a penalty on Ihe owners of
floats found at Urge, which penally will be etrjctly
eoiotca on anaaiwr m iwn iniant ..
)y7.10t 8 J llOWEy. Mayor
norenna av bet. Uth & 13th streets.
Jell 1m
Corner Nineteenth el reel aad Pa. are.
IsOTICE: All moneys left on depoalt at this
Uaak, (corner of Nineteenth street and Transylva
nia avenue,) between sow and th Slit day of Joty,
will beiln lo draw loUrest from DATS OF DE
POSIT, If left In bank six months
Let all who havo money ly then drawlagao In
terest, however smalt th snm, nt It at nee Is
tho Bank
Snms of $ or over. If left on deposit thirty days
or more, will draw lutoresi at th r t or Tvnr per
cent, per annum.
Th actoal cash depoalU of this Bank oa the 81st
day or Uay were 717,4U 07.
D L. EATON, Asloary.
J W, AlvoaI), Preside nt
II D Cooxs, Chairman FIbabc Committee.
T- C. F. CUM Ml It 8,
Whr the pabllcmay always Dad WHAT THET
"ji i.aun oi in utoi MAnurAUiuttM,
Second door sooth of K street and Northers Market,
7,1 O. K. HOWELL 4b CO,
A alilADdlJ aiaarlmantnrmiOTA ANtl filTHES tnv
Ladlae and Gentlemen, Misses, tonlbs and Chll
drcB emiMtnatlr nn hand, at low prices
jsii tr f ailtv if rmn,
Hew SleJlsal ratnphlst, entitled
K DE F. CUKT1S. II D ,r. It C. fl , o ,lio ,
lILla RnpHun Tnfklah ContlaaBt.)
Autkervf "CartUuo Vood,1 Expoaaf Qoaeks
aud Uaackery," "!) of tL Hicrvecop la Ccrlala
Laesof Uebltlty,' ftc , A
Tulaluvalaable work trusts on the caae and core
of preuaturedocllnsi ahows how lo live and what
lo II T fori Jww wealth la loat and now reialui
five a Clear ) uopau of vvutaiBtiuaiacreiious a
abuses, aad th rumed y therefor. .
The above uaumhlat can be ubUlnel on applli
tlun or Lt Dual (roiu the author. Ur CUltTlB. who
iBAyaUo be ouultedat his residence. Hv IX) If
slrcDl. between PwcntlethandTweaiy-drat streets.
naauwaioD, v v. , irom tu nonre wi w in io i
p w , and from toe p w fl7-Bm
UdL VKANIvLlN adrocalsd AUrly Marrrlsxes
UMri lur ryupi man. un una uii uuir uujcupi
botng a O III D KIO UAHKIAUL and Conjufal
Felicity, by benevolent 1 nyslciaus, aenl uy mall!
in BPAlud letter en vlope,fre of chare Addreaa,
No VA Ninth street, near D.
suB tf WA51IINQTON. D O.
Interior Adornments.
iW Math strsst went, between O and B trssli,
fb2 WASAIXOT0I. P, 0
No 329 Seventh it., lot N. Y. tve. nd ;L iti
j.n u
A. V. ! I. A N T ,
imM.iiit in .
Imported Luxuries, &o
Corner of New York Avesut and Flfteonth
Tho Coldest and the Best.
No. 4S0 Flfteonth Street, Opposite Treuurv
r; jc a. nciiNEiiiKii,
aud House rarnlanlnr
a!ao bteel Drooms aad Brash at faeterr prisss.
For Bala or Sent.
170K RENT.
emus it n if a K .
with seven rooms and cellar, situated on the corner
of lrtt RtrPtl eiit aod O street sontb, convenient to
ins street cars. Water in the yard. Apply next
door. frost
X at 1(M dollars each, lath north-west part of
tn curi eoearrOBistrna vu imiiom "'', "J;
UDr UDV 1 mf T" "t T-
Also.lbeaotffal lots ns Nineteenth street, west
Ids. Mwin H rn.nA M Can be Ie1l for St 10
per uoilh. STAKK NkTCALV.
isomer siuoeniukireeiana jisw son me.
win dim nn tvriuitni rnn nxr prdi.
I1 EkT 1 -A splendid yAUst of 274 acre, within
S miles or Washlngtoni a sew MAMoIOIf of 13
SMttns. Landmine fnrnllnrr, stock, crop, oat
ntldlncs, Ac, OS very reasonable term ln-
quire or JOHN K ARKUOH, ,
final K-late Broker, Capitol lllil, vppoptt aoath
I sooth
eld of ihcLapltoL
X. rabl aalmntrally locsind
Tha lnt Ia thli tmnMrlf liu m. franl nf Si fasl.br a
depth of ft) feet, oa two rapidly Improvlac etreets
Th property Is central, nodsr a new pavement,
near a newer, and hae water Pries only I,4W
Terms l,ouo cash, and remainder la one and two
years Apply w ----.,---
AUiinaii a tiiiiiiiiii,
Heal Eolat llrokers,
JySMJI 41SBvBih streel.betwtes Q and if.
J. In f
-L th north sld of Uasisebnaetis avenoe, be-
mm ( ih all., hiilnr a frnnl nf i.V
fset, fur
M74l th other two have a front of M feet cseb, at
Seb, at
W0 and hU reopMtively
TertiieAl0 CAtl
ee ia o, i J.
Inquire of
no. o rarx riace,v simi norm.
117 ?w l)tween IStli and 14th streets
No. 8 Park Place, Vstreet aorth,
X Macbluery, Army Wagons.W rklna Iron, Ac.
Arplrto K L FAY A Co ,
Jc37 ITU Ninth street wharf
Av IIou, situated on L street south, near Elghlh
street east ID larce rooms with gss aod water, and
coavsnlentto the cars. I moire of
4VOLI i nr.i iii ii
le9 Cor Soventh and 1 streets. Navy Yard
tnanlreof IIORAPE RRADFORD. At the Rooms
oftbeYoang&Ien aChrlitlaa Association ap37 tf
41 Ml lini.tl A Nil K1I. KU.ap iit Alhar aril.
el of valn,at th old etitbllabcd Men hant Pawn
broker Wore of K FULTON A Co .fill Nlnili alreet,
S doors north of Psnosvlvaala avenn dS tf
Iwmii Fifth and Sixth atrcf ts Alan, Table IJoard.
with llOAItl) aul 101)(11U8 at t fiO twr
vwk TAUI.E HOARD lfM per we k Apply at
V3 D streil, betwoea Iwelftb anl Thirteenth
struts MRS. DOUN
O poiit Odd Fellows
a --iii.il - ik. ii a til
Farmerlr TaeLar of fkloJorn Lannu.aa at tLe
Oeorceuwo aud Cotnuiblsu Colleres, District uf
Columbia, has rosniucd bis private lens In
French, Oerman, Spanish, nnd baa organised
claatea In those laugasxes Perioua deafrine to
loinasy eimsciaaiescAU anpiy to uiin ainutnuc
iranilatioosmad 1b Ihaaiwn Uoinaees. alao la
other Unfuss;a. vrlth aeeorsteoess and a reason
abl cbarite. No filfl beveolb street, wpiuite
lb IntU(encer ItultJInf, beiweeu D aod K
llrwli, Wmi Itiioii. n i SIM
Ornamental Fainter and Glazier,
IS LoiiLlaua Av., bet. 4 nml 6lla HI..
JODUINQ prumi41r .tl.ajfj lo. mhl7 If
Money Broken.
O II I E L I n
GO ,
citt ton orricx
Oa. .burl Sioir. tad a htlf from I'.diii. Atcbi.
ODlctr.' .ad CUrlt.' r.r..catfnBt, pnrcli.ed
SZSPeniia. Av., bet. ll nmHOtliBU
Eats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Has resnmed business at Ms old stand,
33 tO O t C3 S31OO0,
JWherohe will lo pleased to recolrs orders T
from hie fil&ds aud tU public seBflrallr J
Uoi lrlat uealljr aad promptly dou at the"
hortoat uotlce. iiu lu
liana in it nnina.l at KlIMaKonlh lraat. nnThmite In
telllconcerllulldliiff, anew and well aeluctel stock
ofUAl'b. CA1H, lluUTtiand bllUES for UeBtle-
vanca upon eo.t lUvlni Wajht for Cah lhy ars
anslila I til fiffmr imai'liir Lkl tlCrilliaBt td DafchaS
srs. audsolleltOBljr aaorportunllr toconTtuclht
paiillo lhat they are reallr sclilac desirable das
of goods at very law SgursN
A call solicited, Bd cotupurlsoBof prlcf
Leafed with anr sltolUr "tu) llehim-nt lu tl
J 1 I'fct l . u
SlSbsveBthslrst,oprolls Inl-lliaoucsr liulUjut,
t.i. lr nrruiirnand flintirallaa ciiuatu
Offlca-l'LAMTS' 1IUILUIMU, .urlar ir .w
Tork ,gu ad ITUlMBtlt .trtvl i23 Ir
Garden Seeds
o K Rtraal. neir Tw.ntr.,aertiiil .treat.
TUKNll' KKtl). MiNUtl. WUKitL fur .Kck
i0ll.(rl...d. A r M0K1. JBf
Tl WearrircleanM'e'iinarlea'ila .."',
at coi;uiii,in'ihiuuii Nrtni:,
Corner of aud Ninth strvel,
U the Col let aud Ileal lu Ih eltr
Druf-t, Medlcluos, rUDcr ArilrW, B idps, row
dr, io , at rate much below th noal prlcta
Jeii IfJiil
ir.x A.Mi oorrui: l'linr,
He Nure unil Ua lu llio
Coruor of BeTenth'and K streets,
aaeala tuVAiir (INK m.l.T.AU Hll.R
, a cut of totloD, al)ren, a Carpot, line
of other article, for )I acb Bend 26
nt lor 4 cneeae bbu circular Rifinf mil id
formation Liberal inducements ti aaenls Cir
culars BSut fr . UANKa, LOKU & CO ,
S31 Washlnt ton si. , Boston, Massv

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