NATIONAL REPUBttCAK Till S1TI0.1JI KtroBICiS A" ll pib)lNil otirp taoralaf. imUi OKflplol) bp W. J. Vtiiisi, aortaoa.t toraor TiaU aad D Iroela, froalliig r.wpWai Tft ad U far t.hd U aWrlWn 'yprurlori) ken Mill p., taoith. Kill ClriVns HUrtfuiui M.f.r.U mobIbii ji lor tbpM Willi, tirMt, In adoaael. ' Auelion.Stlei; -nr vines op a bbib op Tutr, dated IltarKMIl. folio. 1, Ttf .ad ll. on of lb land roourd. fol In, coaatp of WblnK9, 1 thill WKDNgSDAr, lao 3DIB. dor of iolf ...I, 01 .1. I) clock pn.Uli aaoipoi. 17, wind lOo .a. bjlldl.av' " Torta. of MiV ca.a. All .,. 0f i "i Vi W" ,,! f' o 'o pan kanr. Oao londrod dollar, will bo rraoIrM Vlbo paid dow. lobladlhoial. DA8T VK1.IIT, . ,. , J, D.WIIEtUn Jco",' 1" ABCIloaeor. gAK Of COSBHJBonARMSVASTIB's OfricBCKiirQViiflKVActti,) Primer .pp. bIbbiabtbbbitobt, ,, .,olUlloo,0. I Joooll.lMO. j At PBblla soetloD, ot Port ulbioa, Ca.roko. Ha lloa, coaal.tla, of hoapltal lad olhar teat-, eUih lot, blaakita, -"". np wadoaa, wacoa -'on, ooklafouul .-"i oodauoioion.olbor f i"S,V.W. - '- "i-ol rOHITO. to tb. olaho.1 bidder - BaloLl.ko plat, at Tort atbaoa, C. JC.ottho lSlhd.p.r J.r. IMS, aid. .lock. a.m. T.V"J' Coib.lo UoTlromikt foodnubo paid on lha dap of polo. eiiccoiilal blddon U rtxirt iloroa wlthlo hoar.. Up order of llajor aeairal Shtrldin i, . ., ... " -HK.KWILI. y ALE OF COSDEMXIDSUUSISTEXCI STORES. Orttct Cnr Coxmissabt SeBetBTgircx. . JJtSTniCTl-DIAII TlBBlTrtnVl Wttmr fltmnw. ll M . Jn.o 11 fauti t At pablte auction, at for dlh-..a, cVeroko rf. lllrr.!-,ot florjl;, CHOpoaRdl of SixJoiOra'lHrt. IQ iilUia Csennbtr tftkl 4T0 i r-bb.i-ti uiIor lkklf. 1M do Hlztdltcklti W do Unloss, ei3 , do SaierKrtat ThefttNjto MorMtobo oU wltbout Mioit. to t.i h.cbtblii.r. Ttriai Cb, 1 OtiTerBtnoat faniLi. or dr of til Tbi ancMiofal bidden to rnort tarei wllhlo twBlf fuor hotr Br oriTf J.vjtr 0arU Shfrldcs, , DrlLUo, C.f-.A-KW.tIA. io-l U cbl.ln,M roda.,Dl.t lod" lir Pawn Brokers AfZ IICIBSID BI A LICIStlD BI A0TU0E1TI. 475 nnvtrrtwoa LOAN OFflCE. 473 tblrtMtth itnti, SJ door ontk lDiylTi-U trin. Hour lost! Una to t-nlt cmitomrt on Br. Kitt. Ootd tod (...tit WatchM, DUinftd, Jwtrrt41lrrPUUt Ptaiou Xaroltnr, Tool. LiaiM1 ud Gantlf. 1aZ .Bw.fri, 4Pt'?1 ' -rttloa. Old OolduTftilTorboRcaL ap B TUTKWHTTiri 1B01-08ALS FOB rOSTAOX bTAMFBs PoT Orrici DlfABTnT. oTtBO M, lfldft rroxialU.brlftd aatllntn oj Jnlr33. next, for far&Uhlii FoUc blampa for a tern v( four rearf , omiBaaclns Vd of atzt. lllddartwillatatoluoprlef p((hoaamdtJUmp, Mellvtrablatapaekacca of ton thoanand cacb, ai Iba l'oituae lpaniBt.a Waablactoa Alao, tbo tiietttrthosai)4 IniliAllar pckl4a dltTtrabl totbo afanlof tbo Departnent at tbo llaco of manafartBrt Alatt. thoprleo per tnooiand dollrflrtd In lanar fickaf, aa riMinlrrdvllbtr at tbo Department or placo of tnannutdro Alio, ibo prico per uonaand attarattd In aaeh qnantulooMBiir bodallr ordorod for UtBM of poiloflUaa atovorleoo tban two anorod aUmpa( nod aeesroly ptukadln tlacaaoa. anUabloblodara1 toard boxen, wltb naaUa or otner tvinallr atroak eovora.or.a enltabto oovalopoa, acoordiag totbo jnaaturaad dlaUaoo to bo ooaTey-da.anar bo ratjnlred by tho Department, etatlng tbo dlffaroaee. If any befwoea tho coal of aeltrorr to an Bleat at tho ptaco of tna oaf act are and at washing ion, hf All neh tvackarea. heforo rallln. tu b r. cxatnload and rooovntadby an aceni of thla Io- part men t rimrpi . U.UJers will also live tbo additional eot for uiiriiigi aoKBoi" iob inn uittiia uii Vfrymituw blank rocotpta. aader tbo direction ol aaaiatC tbo Department, either at tbo Department or mtno-f factory Proposals mttt bo undo far tbo Stamp la alieets. Perfectly gammed, and perforated In neh manner that each separate Htampcatt bo readily detached and ased. Tbo deaomlaatlABa of Bumps now la nao ar4 oao rent, two ceala, tbreo oedts, flyo cents, ten eeot, twelve cents, Bfleen cents, twenty ronr ceats, thirty cents, and ninety cents t and lyo ceats, ten cents, and Bfioen cents for periodicals Tho aupor Ores of tho TbsrladicalfitaTiiiis will ba Btinut ln tlmt-oi that Of tho letter titampo. On all of tbo Stamps ilio usnumiDSbion nniira as well aa letters, and t t-t-nlsil la lha bst sivla Tho Slampa mail be prepared In each a manner that any attempt to remove them from a letter or rackol will ao maUlata them aa to render Ihcia use less SpeeM proposal! for Btnmpt on tmbowtd pa ptrt at now in u, art intittd Tbo whole nnmoer of Btamne furnished to the De 1-arlmentdBrlpg the yar ending the JUlh of Jane, jonii was aiiluwlDui From past experience It la an' IB SM.DUU. DUD pan experience U la anrpoaod that tbo of pack aces mailed wilt a re rare aboyo ndrod dally, Tkrylag la alio fromiwo half ii bib per two hand: sheets. or mostsmtts. id loth aJOhalr sheals. or 0,000 stamps bat by far tho larger proportion of Sack at ea contain not mora than ft) half shoots er flOUatampt, t Each bid Is to be aeeompnled with ft kpoelmen of thostyloof ongravlagand qnalilr of Ibo paper 1 1 bo famished, which will bo anbrailted to eompo tent persons, toboMlooUaby tho 1'ostmaster lien eral, for examination t and tho aeoeptd bidder, beforotho final consnmmatloa of a contract, will bo required to prepare design aad faralsh proof Impressions of tbo engraving of tho aoyorai da nominations of atanpc There should, bo yarleiy In tho sites aa well aa the designs of tb stamps Specimens or board and lla boxes aad envelope for tba transmission of sumps mast also bo submit ted nltheacb bid. Ilia necessary (o protect tun boxes by muslin or other oovera la the most etreolual manner agalnatwei or anrailoa f ho contract will require all dies and platea to bo prepared and kept In repair, and that new dloaand plates shall ho made, either for tho present de nominations of atampa or others, wlthonl charge, at Ih nloas are of ibo Departtnoutt boot all such Ilea and plains arc to be the property of tho United titates fur the service of the I'nsl Offlce Department No friiii tortl t tiki oubnalilt.h.1 fpniit ffiiipil.i ' whohavaboenaetnalty eoiagrd in the bosluexa of rorper piaia priming ana steei fniravina't are thus engaged at tho time of bidding, and who are (bccupylBx suitable are proof nrciuUe, and pro Tided with all the necossary facilities to execute , ana giT tnereqnisiie protee dies, and plates in their Busses. ilon Parties not known to its Derm rt merit will f urnl.h pruf as to these points with their bids. The Postmaster tioneral metres the right of do. elding which bid In Its practical results, way be most to the Interest of lh Department, having ref erence to the style of tbo work, security, mode of packing, &c , as welt aa In the terms, aud also of rejecting any or all bids. If la his tndgmeat the in terests of the Department re lelre U Proposals should bo carefully sealed, ana marked "Proposals for Postage fetamps' and addressed to us intra Assistant romsior"eBrsi J)1 El'AKTUENT OP TnE ItfTBRfOIt, UJV1TXD BTATKB t'ATIKT UFrtCr, On tho rwtltlon of Wn iiivTisiilh vAsniaiiTon, ano u. iboa. lelihla. Pa., praying for the extension of a patent Mrs a ted to him ibo l3ib day of boptember, IMi, , ei rniia j r an imi'iiiTsuivuk in oaiatj Tf apiiar (vr owuriog Wheels to Axles fur seven years frrn. the oxplra. lloa of said patent, which lakes place on the 10. h Jaynf Stptembor, IWSt . It Is ordered that the said petition be beard at the Patent oftlca on MONDAY the 31st day of August ft forth la writing, at lat ttotnty days before he Jar of bnarlnct all testimony filed bv alihar lHrly, to be nsedAllhe said bearing, must be lakrn I'm lit iu ud unu at mo saiu imiiiii uiuii us iiisro rtnd transmitted In accordance with the rules of I be cjuics, wdicb win do luiBiBitau wb airiiicaii&. Depositions and other papers, relied npon as tetU monr, must be lied In tuootU.efU7eu(v day a before the day of hearing) the arguments, If any, within tn days after tiling the testimony. Ordered, also, thai ibis notice bo pnbltsbed In tb 3in cblicak and the InMltgrneer Waslilngton, J C , and In Ih Age, Philadelphia, Pa , ours week for three successive weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days prevl ua to lha day of hearing A. M bfOUT, JuJ Tu3t Acting Commissioner of Patents DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE1UOR, DllTXD Utatis PaTiar Orrici, WAiitiKaroii, JnoelS.lMa On the petition of Anxxa WjiiTsiir. for inert y of tiprlugfleld, Ohio, uow of Plane county, Mis aourl, raying fur .the extension of a patent yrauled to him tb IDth day of Beptember, lttM, for ao Improvement la Oraln and Grass Harvesters, tit seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the lutb day of Bcptember, l"ot It Is ordered that the said petition bo heard at the Patent Offlce on Monday, tho 31st day of August next, at 13 o'clock in and all persons are ji .tilled to appear and show cause, If any they have. why said petition ouibt not to be granted idi.vhoui'iu.iui in, in u mil are isuiuju iu file to Ih Patent Ottle their objections, specially tb day of heart ni all lesiiniony filed by either farly, to be osed at the said bearing, must bo skeu aid transmitted In accordance with the rules jf the otlloe, which wilt be furnished on appllea tlou Depositions and other papers, relied npon as testi mony, must be Bled In the ottle twenty days bo fore lb day of bearlagi the arguments, if any, within tot days after filing the testimony Ordered, also, that this notice be published In the H annuel and the Itlleert Washlug tun, I. 0 , and la lb KtUHlug Lkrotel Cln slusatl, Ohio, once a Wek fur three aucclve weeksi the first of aald publications to be at least alxty day previous to the day of hearing, e2r-W3t Acting Commisiloijer of Patenla. 'It n ir , Efre Wgiwwi ti$ritMitfim VOL..8--NO. 196. 'Winei. -oillFOBWU WIRES. Upoo h.TO a. laTBlM wlfo or daoxblcr, ilcp laid CiiAKM.H f. rr.Kitu: & CO.'H, Coroer of If loth asd I itraoli, and pet a bolllo of peuuins, sti;hn a con C A L.I FOB. N I A WINE8. ,Ton cannot send atnore aeeeptabt present to Ih Mi fofko.athoni,tbanafew bottle of tbetr nice "Port Wlne'or"tJrHparJrandy M t Lovtra of "Heck Wlaea" will Sad a IrottU of, California Wgite Winer aa acceptable aeeompant uenitothelrdlnner CLE Ittiy MS a desiring a PURE an I agreeable wine for Communion purposes wilt find all they onld within CM1.IFOHNIA 1VINEM. Henry Xfat, Ute chief rhemlst tn-tbe DrpertnScat of AgrlCBltnre, baa Just made a critical analysis of the Wines, at our special request made In order thai we might be reassured In regard to them and tvihii is iseu. I'Ulti: lflMED, an 1 SullalilA tM famllr a art iiir.tlr'sl na . Tllia analysis. In eoalaoctJon with that of the Bargeua Uetieral of (he UBlted Blates, together with the ndroerutis other evldenrec of their parity pre eaied during tbe past eight years hHs convinced us iuii luvsaarrj THE I.ET WliNEM sow before the poMlr For sals la any desired quantities by Qcocors, corner Ninth and 1 etrccts. . w isiiiiib oi ir , Je tVeiitl Eullderi and Material MAltBLE MANTELS. A large ant! fall stock of MAUDLS MA3TELS, of mbjit aDaiBBiBi auu ,Huoiivr uuisii. i or ksi inw ai JACOli VtlHSIEVEK B, M1 Corner Fourteenth and C at T DMDEE, L1S.E Altp CEMENTI 10O,OuObest quality f Whit Pin feam Ella vriaa t.umner tVO.tVU Haogor T atha ZU.tXUieotvI Wblie Ploeand EprnceSranlllBg Alao, Fence Picket. Hemlock. Kards, Kails, see Picket. Hemlock. Kards, Kails, Ac blunt received and for sal at our Bevetth street wharf, foot Hotels and Bestanrants empiiie h5use, Ko A PEKIfSTLVAIIIA ATEJfTJE, BETVEEH THIRD AND FOU&-AND.AHALr STS. First class Boarding, with U tb comforts of a hotel AccoumodaituBS for liw xeats. (ISollqaers sold) Uiard tipexday, Kegalar monthly board era at reduced rales uy33 tt X ETROPOWTAH 1IOTEL, (PoaMlklT lBUWX'i IOTIU) rOTTH 8 1IELLET riorkiKTOne, Pennsylyabla ATtno. ap!9 ly SE ATOM H 0 ITBI. , ' BETWSE3 SIXTH A!fD SEYENTU STREETS, WASglMOTOX, P. 0 John u skmmes. rnorttiToa Thla Iloasela entirely new, elegantly famished, and supplied with water and gas throughout U a Iks equina superb Billiard and Bathing Rooms Romas on Ihe first and scoond floors rervd exclalv)y fr transient guests ma4 If TKRUa-l BM.A0 PER DAT Stables. 0' OOK'I HO AUDI NO STABLES, vn tiuuiu piasbi, Particular attention paid to Boarding Horses, La re, air and comfortable stables The uronrl. Deiwreu u ana b, no. 7 tor la well known as on of the best feeders In thla District Owners of poor hones can hay thus fattt-ned and well eared for. jAittt.AUba can do naa at an nours tor fames, Waddlnfs, andFejeraTiT M a t m t fall tf m Insurance. H.. 1ST, 3VT A'.JtreUSEC- UEAXi ESTATE AXO Ji;KHAId lNNHRAKCI. ADEMT, ROOM HO 4, INTELLIQE.VCtU DUILDI.tG. all-tt DEPARTMENT OF THE 1STERIOR, UXITBD bTATCSpATBRtUfriCR, Washixotov, Jane 3), 1S On the petltloB of All Wixyaa. of Koodout, N.l administratrix, and Yli-i up WixTkavf said KiuJmt, administrator of luo Petals of AicHiuaiu n luicr, urcoaopa, prnrinx ior iiisvx tension Of a patent grants 1 to the said Archibald Winter, Ihe llh day of Stptember. l&ll, U r an Improvement tu Machlno for Sawing Fire Wood, Ac , for seven years from the expiration of said patJut. which take place on the Iwthday of Sep tember, ld It Is ordered lint the said Million be beard at lb Patent Ottle on MONDAY, the 1HU day or Sep tember next, at 13 a clock, iu t nud all persona are notified to arpear an I show cause. If any they have, why said petition ought nut to be specially set forth in writing. RtpuMican and the Httll(oHCtr, Washington, D C , and In the Altai, Kw York, N Y , once a week for three sueeslve weeks) Ihe flnt of said publications to be at least sixty days pre Tloni to tb day of hearing AM BTODT. Jya Wit ActlngCommlssloner of Patents DEPARTMENT OF TUB INTERIOR, Uxitxp Status Patixt Oprtoit, Wasiiixiitox, July JW.liAl. Ou tho i?ililon of Jdim Dfhai7vais, uf Aavr York, N Y , execute or tl e eiato of Ictor Beau luonl, deounsed, praylag fur the extension of a pateul grautid to the said Victor Beaumont, the 11 day of Oitobor, 1891, for mi Improvement iubteaii Gauge, for seven resrs from tl e explruli n of said talent, whkh takes l lace uu the 3d dyof October, Mi , , it is emerm. mat tne said i tin in ie nearu at tno Patent Oitlceun MoNDA, lUollth djy of beptem bur ueil, at Wo clock, in (and all persons are null- flrtil l.i ai in mp n.l hIiuW cjaiiiui- If an ir IIibv hava. why said petition ought nut lo bo graniej i b-tsuiisui oimb iuntToVBiiiHiiuaruiri.iuiriu iu iii J l.i In the Pateut OUIca their otjectlons. fpeclaliy forth In writing, at least ttctniu days fterre ihe 4 of bearing! all testimony filed by either tarty, to iisopu ai iuo saiu Ufa ring, iaiii tm laacn nan iraas aniued In accordance with Ihe rules of Ibe onUe, used at ibo said hearing, mot be taken and trns men win te turnisi ea on application vriVBIIIVULIIU VBllja; JHln. I Up IVIIFLl ,lnjl, n, .CIB- timony, must be filed in the oDico twtntv days he f ire thedsy any, within ttn days alter filing the testimony iiu t.b-u, aiaip, ,im, mis n nice oe puuiisnea in uia lUrcBLlCAxand the JntrlUgtncar, Washington, D 0 .suJ lathe ffae, New York, N Y , once a week f.r three auccesstva weeks; tho first of said SuLllciitlons to beat least sixty daysprevlotis 1 1 tbo ay of hearing A il BToUT, Jrfl-WHw Aetlag CommUsloaerof Patents Dl.PAKTME.NT OF THE INTERIOR, Uxitip Statu Patxxt Orriog, Washikktom, May US, ImIS, On tbe potltlon of IlonAin W Pxaslbi, of Mat dan Bridge, N Y, , prsjlng for tbe exleualon ef a patent granled tobliu the All day if Jauuary, IBM, autodated Beptember Jllh, lHftl, relsaued January btb, l&V), and Rgaln reissued March lDili, l!T, for an Improvement In Machines for Washing Paper Slock, forseven rears from the expiration of said F 'Btent, which takes place on tho 'iilU day of hep ember, lBtiSi It Is ordered that the silt I p. lltlon lo heird at the Pi.teut OlUce ou MONDAY, thSM day of August next, at 13 o'clock pi and all persons erenolilM to appear and show cause, If any they have, why said luotltlnii fiiivht tint t,i l.a ipinlail Persons opposing the exteuslon aro required to lie la the 1 Unt Office their objections, specially aet forth In writing, at lea-t tioentu days before ' the day of hearing) all testimony filed by either party, to be use t at the said hearing, must be taken sDd transit! tied In accordance with the rules of tho oilier, which will be furnished on application inony. must be filed In the olQcef wtntu days ter ire IheJuyof hear Ingilhe arguments. If auy, within fett days after filing the testimony Ordered, also, that this notice be published In Ihe Rirum WAX and the luUittgtncrr, Washing ton, D L , and In the Mlaa New Wk, N Yaone a week for three successive woeksi Ihe fltveof said puhllcstl ins to be at least sixty daya previous to lie day of bearing, A M STOUT Je4 Thlt Acting Commli.lonor of Patent a ... i. vium iiniurs, reuuu u Attorneyi. 0"-5BBlfcT.AT.lW. Oflc If, T. eorasr of Reveith and F street. HAiuiflurun. u, u jaw oriioi. ak .t . JfiMMiAi 8 Black, .. WAbd H. Lamox, 0. F, Black. M BLACK. LAHOV, CO. s COUNSELLOKB AND ATlOENElS AT LAW IN THE bUPRSUfc COURT OF THE UNITED THE COURT or CtAtMS. THE COURTS OF THE DISTRICT, THE EXECUTIVE DEPASTMiNTs; isv COMMITTEES UF CUNORK88. 0Oci 4 Fourteen Ih Wll fardi Hotel delMf N. AtTORNEY'AKO CODSStLLOU-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Prnctlces before all the Court and the DepartmeaU la the District of Columbia. oyncit go. sstoutaiAxA Arturg, xiax cobxir or SIXTH IfBBIT Prepares all kinds of legal documents, eneh as Losses need. Wills, Powers of Attoraey, Land lord and Tsaiat Notices, Me Ate A- Panleulivrnttentloa given tth Collection et Debts aad Claliia. aplft-U Watches and Jewelry. W JEWELRY. 0. HOOD, No SJH Pennsylvania avenue, dealer la Ooldand Hllver Watches, DIAMONDS, Sn Uold JEWhLRY, Solid Silver Ware, H pre lacies. Opera 0 lasses. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Kasors, Scissors, Oold and Sliver Thimbles and very variety of Silver dated War. Ac, at tbe rery loweit priees .,,,,,, n-M Bookbinders DER AND TAPER'RULER, ITo. 371 Putaayvania.ayeane,betwaTBth aad Eleventh streets, south aid. Booktelegantlyorplalaly boand. Periodicals aadNswspapereorefaHy attended le Carriages lAUUIAOES, CAUIIIAUKS, WtFrTJfV s-g w ML CAIIIIIAGKS On hand a largo number of first claaa Carriages, at reduced prices. All work sold warranted to bu aa represented Persons la want should examine iny stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to Ileposltory 574 D street, between Eighth and Inthi shop i77 Llghth street, near D Jy8 St nUDnlil 11 UltAIIAAl Fianoi and Music lit T1AN0S which havb nBKir tram. One T octave Hosewood. Knafaa A Co . A3J0 Oao 7 ' ' Llchte A Newton, 17J. Onefi Firth APoid, li) y uaioaenDacn, oimi. Oaef Andrew bteln, IU. . For sale nnns mit terms in tnaka Pimm at tha wareheneeof W. , MBTXEHllTT &CO , Sole agent of fitelnway 'a Plaaoa aad Mason tt Ham una taB.nct urgana jyir-iH DESSAU & CO., .ffrtriANofrfft! MAKVFACTORT AMD WAKE-ItOOJI, KOSTII SIDE Or riBBSTLVABIA AM.ICE, IlETWEKB TIIITU AIID ILEVEST1I 8TBEETS rB tflf AaSeeoBd floor -CB Ou Fixturei. Flttls. nnentbd and fitted UD a large BLow-Room at No sit. Ninth street, between Daud If streets, adjoining Union Hall, where may be found tl largest and mostcomplet assortment ot CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PORTABLES, Ac , It the elty, at price to salt all iinunn ta runbii, ffna S77ati(t AAt Nlalh siraal. )y30-U 1 Ml it ween D and E street Real Estate Agents. JOHN B. AEEISON, IlCAli ESTATE AGENT, a1rt tt Capitol CHOICE BUILD Ufa LOTS, on Capltot Hill, for lie on monthly payments llOUStK and LOIS la ill parts of Ihe city f.r ilo and rent Jyitf Commission Merchants. E L FAY. J. F. BAILEY. 33. Xj. JEPJ."ST tSo Oo., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ninth Street Wtinrf, Vaasels nnloaded with dispatch Ample warehouse accommodation je37 3m pETEH BERRY, COMMISSION UERCHAAT, SIXTH STREET WHARF, WASIIINOTON, Druggists. 0 (.C. SIMMS JNO L TOOLE. SIMMS & TOOLE, DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, Cor, Now York At. and Fourteenth Street rilASIUIANS' TTtlbbUXlIPTlUNS carefully cempoondel Mllh Strictly Pure Medicine. iverp to NRBl ( 1 ;lNr.d,p; eW if EKtUMERY.and TOILET AUTlLLLb Kll BTA1SB IAI1IUPI11I, WiiiiixuTnv. Jiina '7- ImJ) On Ilia tiHillliin at lam. V If nut. an. nt l'ltioiinrir P , praying for tho extension of a nuteut granted to liliii Iba Jtilh day of Bsntember. lilt, fur an tm- to luui tbe .tilth day of Beptember, movement In l'latrurin Bcales. for proveiuentln Platform Scales, for seven years from Ihe expiration of said patent, which takes place on iiipj 4'hia uar or nriHriULrer. iron: ii isuruereu mai ina saia ieiiiion ue uearu si me PAteut Offlce ou MOM DAY. Ilia Till dav uf Kn. Ifmhir next. at Uo clock, in t and rIIixtsuuh are in tlBed 1 1 si imar and show cause, If any they have, mil nam po,iiiuu vuaui uu iu pi ii.nifii. Purs ins niMialBf Ilia avian si an ara ran nl rait lit Ala In the Patent Olfleo their ul jectlons, sivecially set firth In writing, at least fiMnfy days liefure the day of hearing t all testimony filvd by either purty. to lie used at the said henriog. must be takm aud tran.iultted In accordance with the rules of tbe olflc, which will bo f orntshed on application Dtiopt lions and other papers, relied upon aa las tluiouy, tn ii,t be filed In the offlce twenty days 1 rfnre thedayof bearing) the arguments, If any, within siimuny, nnllra Ink mil I I1ih,I In tb UKroRLlOAN and the JnUHfotncer, Washing 4 sou in iiia rvwt, iiiisourg, irun rortbreoauceesslveweeksi the first of DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Uxitxd Status Patext Orricx, Wasiujuitox, July 1, IdOrl On the petition of Oaeoxir H Ulodurtt aud Pap a T Bwxbt, of Durlington, ermont, praying for Ilia aalanaluunf knalant eraaled to them the atli tlay ef Decern her, IbM, for au Improvement in oven for baking, for seven yearsfromlheexptratlon of aid patent, which takes place on tho oil. diyof VBlOIUIitir, 1DDOI It le ordered that lha aald petition be heard At tho 1 ntent Offlce on Monday the loth day of November next, at 11 o'clock m t nd all persons ara null fled la inmiip an,l ahituf hum. If anw tliav liasa. Why said petition ought not lo be granted Persona opposing the extension are required to file tn Ihe Patent Office their objections, specially set forth In writing, at least twenty daya before tb day of bearing all testimony filed by either party, to be used at the aald hearing, most ba taken an 1 trau-mtlted tn accordance with the rules of ihe otflee, which will be furnished vu ai plica tt D Depositions and other papers, relied npon as tes tlmouy, must be fikd In tlieotucefitiCMfi duys be Iort the day of bearing! the arguments, If auy, within fen days after filing the testimony Ordered, also, that this tiettce be published In the nKfLonriK am iue aisiiitrsnrrr, tvasnington, will prut tee before the Ualted! State Sapram aadC)rmliCoaru, aad give prompt atteatloa to Land, lateraat Heyenne, and Patent Office btUl stwv Keferenceet Hon, Henry Wilson, Hon. Jawea K. poellttle. Hon TV 1 111 am P. Fessaaden, aad Ilea JohaM llredhead, mvlt So WASHINGTON. D. 0., WEllKESDAY. rortteth Congrma tfecond Ncatloii, TCBIDAr. 3VLT Ut HCS. Mr Viektrg prewntlof Ik eretlentlati of wr. niokoey UATte, apnotnua ti QiDBtor from tht Btntt of ilarjlaod to fill tb anix filrtd term of Hon Hertrdj Johnion, eiplr ogMlrchd, 18C9. Tb credeolIalAwer risJ'itid Mr. AVbtto tbn oatt forward and wai (worn la Mr Trombull enllad vp theTbfll Batborlttog the temporary lapplylcg; ef Tgenootei la lb xeeatlr Deptrtrntoti Tb J nd clary Commit It reported aa amend meat that la egltrjf tttaporarj Taeanoy la tba office or Commliatovtr ef Fatenti, It thall ba temporarily inppHed1 by appointment by tbe Freilieot of one of the HxaalBtn In CbUf. Mr Eimondi olTared a fartber nmeodment tbat no appointment, dtalgoatlon or aulgn mnt ibell b made olberwlie tban bertln profiled except In eai of vioanoy during tbe feceig of tbe Beoat., Adopted. Tbe Itouie ameodmept, wblcb Ij in tbe na tare of a r abitltute, wi tbeo egrctd to, aad the bill paifd Mr. Ciltell eallad up IbetJU tg lutborlu tbe Iifoe of tbtee per eit. temporary loan ecrtlfloatei to redeem tbe eompound In tercet no lei, tbe quoit! on belntf on tbe amendment of Mr. Trumbull to provide for monthly intet of gold by the Trtnury Department not exceed log 110,000,000 per taontb, and to commence InAugut) eitd ealee to eoatlnae until tbe amount of gold lo tbe Treasury le reduced to forty rotlllonf Mr. Trumbull eoull ire no ue of keeping tbti gold la tbe Treasury If It bad beea loll left year It would bare eared the OoTernment at least ten mllllong. Mr, Cattell eald tbo rorlelone of tb bill were so elupte and Ue advantage! 10 obvious that be wondered at tbe opposition of tbe fie cat or, Mr. Trumbull It U a proposition to cocvett a debt upon wblob we are paying six percent coin Interest Into a debt lo pay three percent currency Interest, aad It cer telnly should be tbe aim of Congreis to reduce tbe Interest on tbe public debt as much ae positble Suppose there Is more gold In the Treasury tban there ought to be, that fur nlsbes no reeson why sueb a bill as this should not psfs Dot tbe Senator Is Incorrect es to bis figures. It le true thet on the first of Jaly there was nominally $99,000,000 In gold In the Treasury, but from Ibat there must be dedaetad the ossh payments In cold Interest. and olber liabilities ol the fJovernmcnt would actually re luce tbe cola tn tbe Treasury to $37,000,000, which Is below tbe limit men Honed by tbe Senator. It would bo unsafe to depend upon our receipts from customs and taternal tax to pey tba tbltty millions eom pound Interest notes wbleb oom due between now aad October, and henee the simplest and easiest way was to adopt this measure, which bad been unanimously agreed upon by tbe Finance Committee Air. Trumbull thought tt was a strange way to ascertain tbe a tunc tit of coin fn the Trees ury to slate only the Habllltlei and not say anything about tbe receipts He though, twenty flre millions would be ample to keep tn tbe Treasury, although la reference to the rtews of others be bed placed tbe limit at forty mlllloos tt was a fact tbat during tb last year tbo amount of Coin kept Idle In tbe Treasury had arereged eighty three millions per month Mr Cameron advocated the amendment of Mr Trombull, and again expressed bit wish that Congress would allow the whole floenclal question to go over until next fall Mr Morton was In favor of fixing a time when the Qorrrnment would rein me specie payment The coti.iA.Utse cf conference report on tbe bill tn looorpornte tbe Washington Target aaoounfr; as pgiauou was concurred in Mr Howo took the flior Id opposition to tbe bill. Mr lYilllams, tn referring to tbe amount of gold In the Treasury, said tb rery fact that seventy fire to eighty millions of gold were constantly In tbe Treasury, tended in a great manner to a feeling of eeourlty among the creditor of the Government and the peo ple generally. Mr. Morton moved an amendment that the surplus gold now In the Treasury, and what may accumulate during the present and next fiscal year, shall be applied to tbe payment of the legal tender notes, and gave It as his belief that In tbe adoption of such a measure as be proposed the premium In gold would go down to one half Mr. Conkllng favored the spirit of the amendment, but regarded It as Inoperative and should not vote for It Mr rrellnghuyseu seld tbe doctrine enun ciated on tbe floor yesterday by Mr Morton was calculated to do more Injury to the credit of tbe Udrernmgnt than soy thing !se which posilbly could be done He did not think It juittothe American people to Intimate thet thoy were unwilling to pay their obligations In ooln The amendment of Mr Morten was rrjeetej, ns follows Yeas Messrs Corbett, lUmuuds Morton, Osborn, Patterson of Tennessee, Pomeroy, Hamrey, aud Wade 8 Xays Messrs ntbony, Cameron, Catull, Chandler, Cole, Co ones, Terry, Feuendeo, Frellnghujien, Uarlsn, Ilendirson.Hondrlaks, Howard, MoCroery, McDonald, Morgan, Pat terson if New Hampshire, Rice, Uoss, Sher man, Sumner, Tipton, Trumbull, Victors, Wclob, White. Wilier. Williams, aud Wil son 30. Tho question llien recurred on tbe amend raent ot Mr. TihwIuIJ. After further dliouieloo. Mr HUermsn la slsted tlirt tbo regular order, tbe funding bill, ino i be proceeded wllo Tbo fundlnp; bill was then taken up Mr Hendricks spoke of tho ureal expenses of the (Jovcrnment for tbe last three years, nod raid tb people In tbe coming canvass would want lo know of tbo majority In Con gress what bad become of nil the money in tne course ot bis remarks Mr. Jl coo trnstel the Chicago jlat'ormwlth tho New York tUtform, tbe mm who .runs mar read the latter There 1 no mistake as to what It means In any section of the Union. Tbe for mer Is full of equivocation, it toAy mean one thlsg as well as another The financial olatue, tbo Senator from New Jersey Mr Irellog buysenj would no doubt Interpret oneway, and his col'eague Mr Norton would Inter prot It another Mr Sherman askei whotber tbe Demo cratio platform co luteUd the payment of tbe five twenties In gld or greenbacks Mr Hendricks would read the resolution Laughter on the .lepublioan side J It spoke for Itself, and ou) 1 mean only one iDing mr ii men reaw too resolution, ana matntaloed tbat it meant distinctly that the debt should bo aid In com wber expressly supuisieu oy tne uw, ana do; otuotwise Mr bherinao asked what wat tbe opinion of Gov Seymour and Mr lleltuont and tbe new lorn wont on ton sudjcci Mr Hendricks had no authority to speak for other gentlemen, but Mr. Seymour bad said tbat he stood on the latform, and that was suinoicnt By unanimous consent Mr. Morrttl, of Maine, from tbo cotntulUeo of oonferonco on tbe appropriation bill, made a report, which was concurred In Mr Stewart took tbe floor In reply to Mr Hendricks, and quoted from tbe speeches of Qorernor Seymour to tbe New York draft rioters In 1803, and stjleJ blm a reprcsenta tit e of tbe treasonable poioo democracy, and that be sneered at all the efforts of the Gov ernment to put down tbo rebellion. Mr Cattell argued In favor of tbe bill, when the question was taken on tbe amendment of Mr Wilson, reported yesterday, when It wis rejected Mr Howard moved an amendment to tbe section making goli contracts valid, provid JULY 15, 1868. ing that 1 shall net apply to tbt renewal or a.ensiou ot any contract previoasiy exist In Mr Sherman inggesled to Mr. toward to amend, that whera tba interest on eotn Ig In tended as a device to gala usurious or unuiuil interest. It shall not be valid At 4 35, tht Senate went Into executive session, ana alter son time spent mere id ad Journed. XTXXIKd SIBBIOV The Senate reassembled at 7 30 d. m Tbe bill to provide for the discontinuance of tba Freed me n'e 13 are an was taken up, and the notuo amendments thereto concurred In. Mr. Howe called tip tb bill appropriation $20,000 for Mrs U T. rotter, of Charleston, S. (J., for services rendered by "her tn tb union causa daring tne rebellion, and at tendloe; to the Union prisoners Mr. Stewart objected to tbe pat sage of suob a bill as this without a quorum wee present. Mr Harlan called for tb reeding; of tbe report la the ease, from which It appeared tbat Mrs. Potter bad spent of bar own for tune over $40,000 In minister! or to tbe stek and wounded Union prisoners Mi1. Harlan desired to call attention to this elass of claims It wsi true, that tbti wsi only tb second on so far, fiat there were a thousand such eases Wa had thought that the reward wbloh oar noble women received for their attention to oar brave men was laid up In a higher ptaoe If tbe nation was to pey for the ohsrlty that was bestowed upon our soldiers dorinic the war. where would It eiopr Mr. Djoiittie aiKed teat some eeneral pro vision be Inserted tn the bill to remove tbe political disabilities from all thoso cltlseni of florin warouaa woo nan been lately elected to c Dices It waa very I wc roper to case a bill oi mis aioa abis list was, oi course, tur nlsbed by those who bad tbelr own particular ) . . . .1 H.L . 1 f . - - . friends, and It wax not joit that all others should be excluded, Mr. Stewart eald that could be done In some other bill, and appealed to Mr DaolltUa to let this bin pass. Tne bin was men passed. Tbo pending bill was then taken up. tbe motion oting on ine amenament ot mr How ard Mr Cameron, by unanimous consent. Intro docodablllto remit the duties on a certain statue Intended to surmount the soldiers monument at Hanliburg, Pa. Referred to Committee on Finance Mr Williams mored an amendment to Mr. Howard's amendment, tbat no eotn Interest exacted on loans in currency, which waa accepted by Mr. Howard, and tbo amend ment as a men" on was tnen adopted. Mr. Ramsey then moved an amendment tbat the eeotlon shall not tako effect until January, 1S70, which wag rejected. Mr. Ferry mored an amendment to tbe first retion, tbat nothing nereineoniaiBed sbaii be conitrued to authorise tbe payment of the outstanding fire twenty bonds otherwise tban in coin Mr. Ferry glluJed to the views of Mr Sber man, tbe chairman of the Finance Committee, and Mr. Morton, that the five twenty bonds were redeemable only ta greenbacks, and If we mould nave a eesreiary or ine ireasory who held the same views as Iheso two Sena tors, tt might be that the holders of these bonds would be foroed to accept compulsory payment to greenbacks If tbe party In favor oi ine new lotKpianorm came into power, snob mlxbt be the case Mr Sherman hoped tbe amendment would be withdrawn, as It was very nnwlie len tf tbe amendment wss adopted tt would not settle the question, end would pretentlhe passage of the bill He deprecated tbe Idea of introducing tbe question Into the bill Mr Davie moved to lay tb bill on the t a hie, wbicn waa rejected yeas v, nays 34. After a lengthy debet tb bill was passed, and the Senate at 10 40 p m , adjourned HOUSE OF ItCPRE-tCNTATiridS Mr. MoCartby, of N. Y , from Committee on Hoads and Canals, reported a bill to build a wagon road for tbe us of tbe Military Academy at West Point. Passed Mr Koonts, of Pa , from tbe Committee on the District of Colombia, asked leave tore port a substitute for the Senate bill to pro vide for lighting the streets of Wa-hiegton with gaa Mr Washburne. of 111 . objected Mr. Koonts hoped tbe gentleman would withdraw bis objectton. Mr Washburne aald be did not make Lis objection la any factious spirit, but this mat ter had been fully discussed In Committee of ot tbe Whole, and It was decided tbat Wash ington city should light ber own streets He had no objection to the substitute being read, but would reserve bis right to object. Tbe substitute waa read It aulbailtes the oorporate authorities of Washington to levy a tax upon property In said city, to en ablo lb lighting of the streets and avenues with gas, with six feet burners, twenty on nights In eaeh month, from dark until day light Tbe Mayor of Washington and tbe Secretary of tbe Interior are appointed a com mission to enter Into a contract with tbe Washington Gaslight Company far tbe term of fifteen years for all tbe Illuminating gas re quired, tbe price In said fifteen years not to exceed what Is charged the cltliens of Wash ington frrgaa, and the sail Secretary of tbe Interior and Mayor of Washington may aunol raid contract at the end of ten years upon giving two years' notice to tbe Gaslight Com pany The M iyor and City Councils may In crease tbe number of street lamps at any time, end levy a special tax therefor at any time If tbe corporation fails to lory sol collect the tax, the power of doing sa Is con (erred upm tbo Secretary of the Interior, who mav levy and collect tbe tax until tbe corporation passes the proper law Tbo bill was objects t to, and wss not con sldered. The reuUr order cf business hultijr been demanded, tbe Speaker announced that to be tne consideration oi toe AinsKa oui in vom mlttce of the Whole, without debate On motion of Mr Ileuks. of Maisaohusetts, the House went Into Committee of the holo upon that bill, .Mr Garfield, of Ohio, in the chair. Tbe Chair stated that tbo pending question was upon an appeal from the decision of the Chair Mr Uutler, of Massachusetts, had submitted an amendment to reserve $500,000 of the amount appropriated until Russia agrees to submit to a ooinmlibtuu lb claims of certain Amcrtoan cltlsans Upon this amendment, Mr Danks made the point of order tbat It was not In order, a tt imposed a condition The Chair suiUinrl tho point of order, and Mr Holler appealed from llo decision of tbe Cbalr, and that was now the jueiilon befvre tne committee Tbe vote was taken, and tho decision tf the Chair was sustained The nuestlon was then taken ui on the amendment hitherto offered by Mr Lough ridge, of Iowa, which recognises Ibe treaty with KuMla and declares In favor of tbe patment of tbe money, but recognlren the right of the Ilouio to participate In tbe treaty msaiog power ana gives mo aiicli oi , Congress to this treaty Mr Iioughrldge'a amendment was aJoj ted Mr, hterens, of Ponosylvanla suggested tbat an amendment ought now to be adopted declaring as tbe sense of this Houie tbat all members of tbe House ought to be taken Into the'seoret sessions of the Senate when they oome to consider a treaty Laughter 1 Mr Hllot, of Massachusetts, moved an amendment by adding a proviso so that here after there shall be no acquisition of foreign territory until Congresa has mad an apjro prlatlon for tbe purchase money This was adopted Mr Butler again renewal his amendment Imposing as a condition that certain claims should be first settled, and it waa again de clared out of order. Tbe commlttoo then rose, and the bill and amendments were reported to the House PRICE 3 CENTS. Mr, Banks then rose (o close debate, and saving an nour yteiaea te various gentlemen portions of big time Mr. SobeneV, of Ohio, mada aa argtment admitting the right or tht President and Senate, generally, to make treatise-; bat he losii tea tbat additional territory totud netba acquired nor eould oar people be changed axeept by oonsent of tba Hoot, which was a co ordinate branch of tba Government. Mr, Delano, of OhIr argued In favor ef tne Din, oat believed the Uoase bad aright to participate In the treaty power Mr. Btevens, of Pa., thought the amend mem of Mr Loughrldge, which had been adopted la Commute of the Whole, was a tnest extraordinary amendment. Tbe Free. dent and the Senate bad the rlhl alone to make treaties, ha contendeJ, and nowhere was a right reserved to tba House to partici pate In the making tf that treaty. The agree meat made by the President and Senate with Russia either vu or was not a treaty. If It was a treaty under the Constitution, tba House had nothing to do with It except to carry it into enact, no condition precedent wag turned tbat the treaty sbotfld be ratified only after the Horn had mid the appropri ation, xne uenate end rresident made a per fect obligation, and It was tha dnty of tb Home to carry oat that obligation without farther qaestlon Mr. JJanks, of Mass , closed the debate In favor of the bill Mr. Danks argued tbat as the President aad Senate -wag recognised aa lha treaty making power tof tba country tbe House could do notnitg else tnan make tbe necessary appro prtatlqn. Debate wag closed at 1 o'clock, and tb rote was then taken upon the bill and amend ments The question was then taken upon the amendment proposed by Mr. Lough ridge, and It was agreed to by a vote of 93 yeas to 49 nays The; 1a'tlen was then taken npon Mr. Eliot's amendment, and It was rejected by a vote of 78 yeas, to 80 nayg Tbel question then recurred upon the pas sage of the bill as amended by Mr. Loughridge, and Itjwas passed by yeae 114, nays 43. Tbe Speaker laid before tbe House a com munication from tbe Secretary of War, In re lation) to the number of troops on the Union PaolCe! railroad betweenOmaha and Salt Lake city Referred to Committee on Military Affalrl Also, communication from the same. In re- laltonjto tbe best means for tbe protection of tne natuor oi uaivesion, lexas iieierred to Committee on Commerce. Also, communication from tbe Secretary of tn interior, arxing an appropriation Of $15,000 for the Chickasaw and Choctaw In dlans Referred to the Committee on Ap propriations The House tbeo resumed tbe consideration of tbe bill making appropriations for charities In the District of Colombia, which had been report id from the Committee on Appropriations by Mr Spanlding, and wax made the special order for to day, Mr Washburne, of Illinois, opposed tbe bill firv-tto b oonsidsrrd, wbteh was for the suppo t of the Columbia Institute for the Deafind Dumb. He said tb Government had a real Interest la this Institution. It was p oper that w should educato tht dsaf anddpmbof tba District ef Columbia, but this was made aa asylum for the deaf and dumb of tha whole country. Mr Washburne then had read tbe report of tbe minority of tbe Committee on Appropriations, protesting ngatnit this appropriation. He Insisted tbat the Government had no control whatever over this institution It wai virtually and tn fact a private corporation, conducted by pri vate enterprise, and Congress had no right to appropriate tba people's money fr Its sup port (for an examination of the appropria tions hitherto made will show tbat each one of these pupils cost the Government $7,000 each lie was therefore opposed to keeping up infs estaouinmeni. no recognised the right of tht Gorernmtnt, however, to take cart of these deaf and damta, pupils, but he would not sustain this institution, as we nan no control over it ue therefore proposed an amendment to appro priate enough money to eduoate these pupils at ooi of tbe State imtltutlons, where they oould'be supported for $240 a year each. But bo Injlsled that tbe Government should have some control over tbe money appropriated for cnaritabl purposes, and no tcererore proposea another amendment, constituting? a commis sion, with the Secretary of tbe Interior at tbt head, who shall havo tbe dlsburiement of all inooejs appropriated for charities tn this Dis trict! Mt) Spalding, of Ohio, denied Ihe argu men tof Mr Washburne, and said this was not a private enterprise It is true tbe Dear and Dumb Asylum was started by private enter prise, but It was soon asosrtained tbat private enterprise could not keep It up, and Congress was therefore appllad to and passed a law es tabllibiog this institution for the education of tbe deaf and dumb pupils cf this District, and who were children of army and nary offi cers Ibere were at this time one hundred uplls In that tnetltutlon, and they bad all ieen wetl educated He had seen evidences of their attainments, and would say here now that he would not be ashamed to put any one of these pupils In competition with the most learned mo rubers of Congress in mathematics and the higher branches Tha Institution has conformed to tbe act of incorporation strictly. It bas some pupils there not from tbe District cf Columbia, and not the sons of army and nary officers, bat tbc-yjar principally from Marvlsnd, anl are supports I by tbelr friends and by tbe State Mr, SpaulJIng showed that Congress should support this Institution because tt was here at tbe soat of Gorernment, and one of the pur poses of the Institution was to educate teach ers for other deaf and dumb institutions Tbe gentleman Mr Waibburne says let the States provide for their deaf mutes Tho States do so, but not In that illiberal spirit manlfesttd by the gentleman from Illinois, but no State could afford to creot buildings for tbe oduea Hon of doaf mute teachers That must come very pruperly from tbe Congress of the Lnlted mates Debato wns thru exhausted, and the ques tion was taken upon tbt bill and amendments. Mr Ste.ons, of Pennsylvania, mored an amendment to Increase the number of uplls from Ibe States In the Collegiate Departments from 1 0 tn 25 The amendment was agreed to The tiuestlon then recurred upon an amend ment submitted by Mr Washburne tostrlko out all after the enacting clause, and appropriate a aufllelont sum of mosev to educate the deaf and dumb pupils at some Institute In the States, to be selecte 1 ly the Secretary of the Interior Tbe ainenJtucbt was rejected The nuestlon then recurred upon the amendment offered by Mr Wasbburno, au ihorlilD Ihe epiKjinlment of a committee to bare charge of tht disbursement of all moneys appropriated for charities tn tbo District of Columbia Pending consideration of Ibe amendment, tbe House adjourned until 7 30 p m , a res sion having been ordered for debate only KIEKIBO nRSHIOK The Houro resumed lis session at 7 30 p m. On motion of Mr Chandler, of N Y, a resolution waa adopted tn relation to the wrecked steamer Scotland tn New ork har bor. Messrs Boutwell. Wilson of lows, and Marshall were appointed a conference com mlttte on the dUagreelng votes of tho two Houses, on tne bin lor deuoienoies in tne Executive Departments Mr Van Trump, of Ohio, made a speech uponth "vblbl. admixture bill" of Ohio , Air Soofleld of Pa., npon the political sltua Hon, and Mr Butler, of Mass , In favor of taxing U S. bonds, and .halloas then, at tlip m , adjourned TATI0ML REPUBLICAN- tUr THE mATIJIAL KITUIIUCAX Is paUiaaed arrry moral eg tPeaday excepted) by W ir JftaTAHsr, northeast corner Tenth, aad 1 etreete, rreattar Peaaaylraala aveane, en4 le f er alshed to enbscrlbers (by carriers) alCOeeatepef month Utl.sobertUn,t4CUprBBoeMi $100 fof el saoels aad Si so for three,iiriaMir fa, adMNce. rex, 1 1. and Rcinftomiu Bbklm has fifty nine solid men worth mer than a million lhalers each f"'vF5f Miisoibi has gained S&MotflQpatatloa since the war ? i '-'. OiriTALpunlsbmentsnATeen-ahellshtd In the Kingdom of -5000757? Qui. IIooxiRandl irfrVrt tMijoardiig lo Watertown, NeTTtrkJ) V Tab canker YpiV'i"Jn eking aad hare- In tht ess tern pertox New Hampshire. Jar Coexx li baking hii way-Svsrland from Lake Superior to St. Paul. LoxorsLLOw hag been elected a member of tht London Reform Club. Edward Evkoxtt's eon William Is coming out with another book. There were fifty fire brides at Niagara last Friday. Ekoladd extended a generong welcome to Clerstadt, the American krtlit Gcillout, tbt maocarent-baker of Farts, uses twelve thousand egg every day. Gen. nine otic wax born lo Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, jTebraary 14, 1824 He gr ad anted at West Point ta 1844. Brxmew has had a dreadful fire, tbat con sumed property worth a million and a half of thalers. EDVoAnn Williams, of Scranton, Penney I van! a, accomplished the feat of swlmmlnr nine miles In one hundred and fifty minutes. Tub dUenken Is to revisit Paris and play In the drama of Theodore of Abyssinia. She will wear the strictest Abyssinian costume. Oxe of London's favorite soars Is "Can. tain Jencks of tbt hers marines, who feeds hi horse on corn and beans. Too wiiistlxs, worked by rmatl steam en Rloes, are suggested ae ao Improvement for fie log belt now In use along tht ccut. Ir is said that tbt present Is tht longest session of the French Chambers on record It has lasted eight months. Fbabk TnOBSTOH, an ambitious youth, at tempted to walk a tight rope at Franklin and felt to tbe ground, a distance of thirty feet, breaking bl leg above the ankle Two lads, aged respectively 7 and 12 years, were drowned while bathing at Scranton. It wag tbe old story one trylrg to rescue tbe other, and bolb lost, A loiifu man riding on an Allegheny Val ley railroad train thrust bis arm out of tbe window, and bad tt broke as a reward for his foolishness A mah participated In a sack race on tbe 4th at I'ottsdam, I'enn Ho got the purse and died the following night from the effect of over exertion Tub mortality in Algeria during the last elxteen months, from tbe cholera, has been very great, amounting to orerone fifth of tbt people Inhabiting tbe affected region VicTon Hiaolsgolngto publish a weekly paper, with headquarters at Paris lit will writ every article In It. and tbe paper will be called Ttt butai There are Increasing? complaints of con tinued drouth In the eastern counties of Eng land In some parts of West Norfolk there has been no rain for eight weeks Some of the Russian papers are not a little alarmed at the proportion of Polish officers In the Russian army They still amount to one seventh of tbe whole number. Tor favorite target for shooting matohes In France Is an eg? shell placed on a water Jet of a fountain where tt denoei fantastically, ouaiieogiog tne utmost sxtil to nil tt Fbiibds of Admiral Ross, of the London Jockey Club, who Is to be prosecnted for slandering; the trainer of Lady Ullxabetb, are raising a fund to defend him A LADr seventy Tears old. In Berlin. Har. din county, Iowa, recently surprised herself, ber husband and tbe neighborhood by giving Dirta to a uvety nine pouna oany, EiaLisn Journals announce, after the fash Ion of fashionable marriages, one between James Grlmsbaw. tbe famous Jockey, and the daughter of tbe trainer employed by Dsron Rothschild. Ex aoEaxORWiLLUHQRATSON, of Mary land, died at hts home In Queen Anne's eonnty, last week. He was formerly a whig, but had taken no part In politics for many yean His age was eighty-one years. A Mns Zolliioer, of Mansfield, Ohio, le In jail for putting too much arsenic In a biscuit baked for her daughter-la law. The latter and her brother ate tba biscuit, and were pretty nearly killed with tbe dose. A berwce of plate worth $12,500, pre sented to Sir Humphrey Davy In 1817, by several coat mint proprietors, (or Ms Inven tion of tho safety lamp, reverts, by bis will, to the Rojal 8ooiety of London, by the death of n John Davy. A r actort girl In Fall River, relumed a day or two ago, a roil of bills amounting to nearly $300, wbloh bad been inadvertently done up in a package of goods she bad purchased In a store in fiat city. She refused to accept any reward in money, but was prevailed upon to take a got d dress pattern A Fkx an paper gives a oharmlog gtlmie of the manners and euttoms which prevail tn Brecknock, South Wales A soldier died there, the bend of bis regiment accompanied his re mn'ns to the grave, where It played a selection and then returned and serenaded tbe widow Ik r.uxCK thero are about eight hundred Protestant bunday scbooli with about forty thousand schotars Tbt Lmpress recently presented a banner and silver medal to tbe Sunday School Union. These were displayed at the annual festival of Sunday school chil dren bold In Paris E VhTERt Florida Is being laid out in large farms, fer the purfoso of cultivating fruits and oarlv vecetubtei for tbo northern markets Jsoksonillle, tbe chief shipping port of the estate, is out tour dava irotn xsew lorx by steamer, and stilt less by rallroaJ. Mihs Iraxklii, a young lady of Bradford, Pa., was In a wagon, when the horses ran away She jumped out, but ber crinoline caught In tbe step of tbe vehicle, and she was dragged with head and body on the ground, a distanoe of nearly a mile She was terribly bruised, and died almost recently after being rescued from the horrible position Tbe proprietor of tbt International, a French newsfaper published in London, baa been sentenced by a Perls police magistrate to a fine tftid Imprisonment for publishing an arliol about ono of tb officers of tbe Credit Fonder, of Franco English journals wonder bow the police magistrate acquired jurlsdlc tlon of an act committed In Logland Tun el lest ron ef the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mctorla'a grandson, speaks English br fluently aa German His grandfather, the old King, often uses tho little boy as an in tcrprater when promenading with htm tn tbe gardens of Sans Soucl and conversing with English or American tourists EtQtisn society was very much disturbed lately, by a serious question Tbe Queen gave a breakfast In Buckingham Palace gar den, and no one could deolde what kind of dieia tt would be proper to wear Tbe anxiety was relieved so tar as gentlemen were ron oerned, by tbe announcement tbat they were to wearereoiog coats with morning trousers, but the perplexity of the ladies was ax great as ever riMvs.iir.K eras visited by a terrible etorm on Wednesday, tbe most svr that has ever swept over lhat part of Ohio Dorlcg tU t oonunnance wuj .v... .w-. - ----. ,hed which was erected beneath the shade of a large sugar tree Ibe storm snapped tbe tree off near Its roots and It rell on the shed killing two of the men and wounding the others more or less Barns were struck by Ughtnlog and many bullilngi were blown ' down In the wicked storm.