Newspaper Page Text
.WiL v '-J rTA J X Vk Lfid WiMhlnitton City. ! C. 8ATCRPAT UUKN1N0 n'DECEMBER 18. IW. OITIe CorVloth ud D, iiar riuu. AT. W. J. KPBTAOHiinMltor ana rJitor OA-AII eomiaaaleetloae, whether oa boelaee .r fur peblleelloa, aheald fee eddreaeed to Wh J jicbmhb. Proprietor JUTioiiL SercaitoiB Va.blBiloa. D.C. THE Nl'FFttAUE AMENDMENT. The moit tetnerkaVe tod e scours tfng i.g of tbe limes lo respo.t to negro anflTrtg wbloh we bare obttrrci ti la (eel that set oral tf tb etroofesl Dsmoeratla JoarneU In U Soath feror itj Indeed, tkey earneetlj a4to cete It. The Rlchaoiel WAfff, within a few days, hi I an ftdltotlal upon thlt I object, nd la It, to ear nrprtf, aArmi tbat ft majority of tb wbltt population of Virgin! are read and willing to giro to tbe) colored maa til KU rights, clrll and, political, loclnilog tbo rlgbti of properly and laffraf a, a aleo advocating frt icbooli aad solid education for tht col od population. It goti wdr u to tiro cite thit thu principle b often ed apoa tb ' AUnsdrU constitution, atd that whan lb constitution U thai amended It, with tb unction of Congress, bo inbtaltted to tb people of th State for adoption. Th two papers published la Lynehbnrg tb lifjiubliean and th Vtrgmianhf oat dt otgr suffrage. Tb letter paper thlohi thit th negro sotlrege principle, engrafted upon this AWxindrlaconslUaUon,auuld be adopted by a large majority of th white people of the Etat. Thti paper, etldeoUj. does not approve of th Hlchmend constitution, a that lnatrameat dUfranehleoi many thonianda of people. If these Virginians are In faror of enfranehli tog th colored people, and ar honest In their avowals, there U certainly bo good reuon why th whltei ihsald not b freed from all disa bilities; la short, aad to fpeak plainly, why . aot solrmal euffrag aad nnlfortal amnesty? Who n object " Let 01 bare peace." The Lynchburg Rfpniuan soys thit negro nfiVage la th tea Southern Statu U ft flxtd fact, and that an amend meat to th Federal Constitution will mike It nnlfgrm In all the State of th Union. The Vtrgimian thinks that tb North ought to accspt It (negro inffrtge) ai well ai th South. In this th Virginian Is right. 6nf frag matt he uniform throughout th United Rates Thit Is the only correct and Just prin ciple upon which to settle oar difficulties. There is on thing w hare noticed within a few dayi which li significant, and that is, th Baltimore Sun hai published sererat extracts from this papers apoa this suffrage question, with ertdent approval. It is evident that w are approaching the harmonious adjastmoat of this so Crags diffi culty, and that daring, and tarty la President G rial's administration, U will be settled del nlttly and satisfactorily. IF Act ti. F la-ores. Some Dimocratls newipipon are making great hue and cry about whit they ar pleased to call the disfrancblsemsot of large nu sabers of whit voters In Tennessee and Missouri at tbe last election Tfaty allege that 12J.9&8 Democrat were disfranchised In Tennessee. Let us see bow this Is Before there was any disfranchisement In that State, tbe largest vote eTcr polled la that Commonwealth by tb Democratic pirty was 76,059, and th vol of this party at th recent Presidential election was -i.OOD. In this view of th question, It may b we'l to Inquire how It Is that 121,988 Dsmocrit were disfranchised Sooh ealea latlons, It will readily he seen, are as baseless as the "fabric of a vision.' Xow let us see bow this matter stands la Mil sourl ' la 1860 tb aggregate vote of that State was 165,513 W bellev never fcefor or since his there been so Urge a vol polled. Of lbs IftS.SIB votei polled la 1660, the Demo. critic party had 90,118, and tbli yar th vote of tbe Dsmooraoy was nearly, If not quite, up to this figure, thit Is, th Democratic party it the recent Presidential election cast as Urge rote for Seymour and Blair, In Missouri, as It cist fjr both D.ugtui and Breckinridge In ISM. In view of tbes facts, what becomes of th buncombe stories about th disfranchisement of tbe whites in Tennessee and Missouri? Tb story Is a romance, and li limply bat ft part and parcel of that clap-trap t which tb Dm rcracy resort to prejudice th peopl gainst the Union party. Not Ho. Many limoeratlo newspapers haft been cir culating a story first pat forth by th Maoon I'.wglai Ttlegraph, tht Mrs Harriet Beeeher Slowe's notions and opinions la regard to slaTery have undergone a complete change since she took op her residence la Florida, and tbat she now loathes and detests tht negro We happen to know that there Is no troth In this story, but, on th contrary, Mrs. "tow entertains tb same views and opinions 1 "gird to slavery that eht I pressed in that miittrly work. "Unci Tom's Cabin." She mploys three colored servants la her family, ni her rlewshav nit undergone any change "bleb militates In favor of slavery. Tb story, therefor, Is a ridiculous canard. DiiTn or Miss II am Tbe popular aetresi, Mill Helen Western, slstsr to Lucille, departed this life yesterday mem log. between 8 and 9 o'clock, at tb Klrk wool Ilouie, la this city, In th 331 year of b" sge She had attained ft creditable reps titlon in the melo drama, and la what Is known is modern sensation. Borne three weeks ago she arrtvel In this dty quite Indisposed, after a very saccessfal Dlictment at Pittsburg, P. After per formloga week at Wall's Opera -rpftr4 at that plao In tb character of "Cynlhls," in "Tbe Flowers of the rorrest." The cfNrt was too mush for her In her debtll tud condition, an! at the close of the per funaane she had to be carried from th tige, and hr subsequent engagements were oineelled UUi W 's flnt appearance was In Boston, In rAt .I"1" f "Et' ,0 "u"' Tom's "" "' ,ht a3 of t M. JtvW,dDMd M-" Western ap. mfiJ lL 7 fl"" wHd at the pr od abo,. ,tat.d Of this ehang .be was perfectly awe,., and pT.p,4 " . . ... rpr.iQtd' om." friend TtiA ltl.a nf Ih. llI.KAn.l r7 iolloit. ttUotloa to Ik. d,mj darlof It.r tllaul tbtt trat vomtftlj fa.nB. w.ttM 0(.iU .nd b.r ttlta&M mnd r.UtWti ntjr f.el tb. mlnohol tlf r.otl.a that ib rjiM4 mirij u on who "dlii among b.r Uaini." Tb. rtmtloj of UIji W.iUro w.rt rtvioTf 4 from tb Klrkwood lloun Dlhl, oi fiMo npoa lot o.u trtu lor xioitoa, watr. hoj will b. Inl.rr.d. Mr. Winj, h.r, aotoapiDl.d Ih ramilci North Mr. Oarrcrck Jttttnf of th. Balll boh t Mia Ballra company tawd Th. Prlt'. riaaaclal Tl.m Th. Long Rcc.aa cn..tln Th. UoT.rnat.nt In an Vglr Attltnd.. x r Dicmuall.tiot. To r. RtrcniCAX: Mr. Joha Wi Oornlt'i ihM fdtflrind on tb. doVbtfoVo TtltoriiT 'en th otiulon btt r-ritloa to t. ril- deal ot tbo BaltlikoT. ni Ohio Rtllroil Con. poo)) eroottd qnlto a ttattof amoof Iho poopl of WaiMogtoo, a oultod upon tho labj.ot ot ratlroadi ai thoj aro Joit aorr It bu art. daallj nada th holt t hU oilt jot bit do foDea tj oittntUU a wtik oo. toiomooh ai bo ll aaaptllad to ooatoad tbat a llof lo thronjb lino of railway U lalloloat for Wublogton, whllo auartof Billbnoro that ororj additional rail of railway aoaaaotlou abo aohlotu addl lo bor pratptrtt aad woallb. Hit ooolnou la doBTlaf tbat Ik polio; of kll oompaaj la rofailnf to pormlt roonijlraala rallroa.' frlhl to pill thraagh Baltlmoro otor hll road wlthoat hroaklnc bilk addl Immonnlj t lu coot dollrorod horo, InTolroi an amount of aaroruea that li nfraibla( ladood. UU arfwmost la. that booamlo ho ehargoa hat tl.ti Mr toa on hard ooal hotwooa BaKiaor. aid WuMnton, tbonfor It oart bo dotlrmd hon kj rail at aa fair a rat aa It ll dolltond In Baltlmoro. lb trath li, l ho loilrtl n eoaipalllaK It nthipmtnt In BaUtmoro, ba raakaa It cut, In Waihlalo.,S.T inert Uan It woatd othorwlio coat. Thll dlffannc amoanti to an anormoai tax on tha oltlaoai ot tbo Dlitrltt of Colombia, and ll at tb bottom of mach of lb itrong foollog ogaloit Mr. Oar. rttt and bla aorporatlot tbat axlta bar. It ta andealaWj trio tbat Mr. Oarrott dloUl.l tb frolcbt chart 01 of tb Oranga and Alt xan. drla railroad. 10 far ai TTaihlniton frolght ll oonetrsadt and that, nndtr hll dictation, that aompan chargo freight to thu city from ut point on thtlr Una, u mnoh al, If not mora, than to Baltimore, th latter elty ll forty mlloi farther ob. I do not fol at Ubftty to oooopy yoat ipaco with an oxtondod orlllclim of Hr Qarrett'l ipoelona apoeeb, which reaUy, when analyio4, amoontl to llttla mor than pilllatlon of bla corporation a oot. ragaona wronp lollleted on thla popnlatlon. So forth Proildtnt'e partllanahlp (In tho menago) on behalf of tha Fondletonlan rc padlatlon polloy, haa bad no affect whatertr on the market ralo f gold or Uoltcd Btatel aecaxttlea. Thta la a inbjeet of pah uo eoagratmatlos. It taiu that no oco xpectl that hll Tlcwi opon tho great Inanclel qooollone of tho day will bare weight In dlrectlag Coogruiional ltglila Uoa upon themi or, In other worde, that hla adrocaoy of tho axtrema Democratlo ropn. dlatlon doctrine OArrlol no more weight In Wall itreet than that ot Bliek Pomeroy, who pronooncea, dally, a almllar aeiiaga or argument on tho luno lakjeet. Then la to be an animated itruggla la both nooses next week over th recess qaestlon. stlllbsllsv tbat the Christmas recess will be little loof er than as a at. Th trath If, th press or of bulaess oa both Hemes will hourly increase imneasel. U th end of n til week it will probably bo comprehended that, war th session to last ilx, Instead of a little mor than two months. Conxrws woald have ample ooeapatloa la tha consideration of left timet legUlatlr qn est lens. Each suc ceeding hour demonstrates tbat seme qaes tlon. aot provions.j thought of most b got oat of lh waj f th inoomlog administra tion; some thins; which, if notdlspoesd of r tb4thof llareb, Is like) to prova sort of devil's legaej to Gen. Grant. Th etrcomstaoees attending the considera tion of tb claim of Mr. Joseph Segar In th Boas jestrdej, thoogh action adverse to his petition was taken, demonstrate tbat Con gress Is hegtnnlog to reells th ohllgatlons of th Government to Beithern Unionists whos aropartj was destroyed or eoosamed by th Union armies In th Soath. Ample pro vision has been made, or li being mad from Urn to tlm. forth liquidation of proeliely similar elalms from loyal States. Why the Soother a lojal man should b martyred by tha G rem men 1 1 cannot aodsritanil, thongh It U plain enough whj th rebels, when they hai th power, shoald martyr him. So far, wall pajlng th lojal Psnnrylranlaa to th uttermost farthing for his damages sustained at tha hands of United BUtes troops, not a dollar Is paid to th loyal Virginian n th sass aocoant, If either Is the man most to b praised for his eoarsa and eondoot daring th war H Is sorely th latter. To reuse Ai m th jostle meted oot to th other ll most disgraceful on th part of Congress. Inflicting a foil stala on th reparation Of the Govern ment of the United States. A.' dread that th aggregat of such claims from, iho Soath will b mormons is at th bottom f th refasal of Congress op to this tlmo'to laltlat measures for their aventnal liquidation. This dread Is as nn manly as unstates manlike. It Is th provlfto ot true statesmanship to grappl with any public necessity, aad to maintain any prlnelpl of Jostle that arises la tb conn of a nation's career. With all oar boasted liberalism and national Jostle we ar behaving Ilk th veriest cowards and Jeremy diddlers In this matter. W fear to pay those who suffered most and lost most lath war through their Unionism what w honestly owe them, lest th dear peopl" tqiy not Ilk to foot th bill, and therefor we cheat them oat of their Jast does from the United States. This .1 praeUely th attttud of th United Htates uoveramsai lowartu vvmuHot m selfsaorlflclngrapportcrs la th South. No other civilised Government weald dart to fee th scorn of th world with such a reeorl upon soeh point. Some iMrJtaa ar adrocatlng extreme cau tion, and ar advising Congress la Its revision of the naturalisation laws to move with much deliberation and carsfatnesi. All this to an extent may be well. Bat it mast be recol lected that every natlr born oltlseo must at tain th age of twenty. one years before he can vote, and nobody desires that this law should be changed. Lit, theo. the natural Usdcltlsen be put upon a certala probation, not twsaty-on years, ncr tweoty.on months, bat some reuonabl time should intervene between his admission as a naturalised Amer icas and tb time when he may deposit his ballot. So wa thlak.and so wirost It will b. A no m at io fr Commissioner of Internal Revenue bavins: baen determined upon bytb Prstdat, th peiltloa Is sought by several gentlemen, either In person orthroogh friends. Col OtUT, Moors., t Ohio, Mr. Woodbrldge, member o Cngrss from Vermont, Governor Cox. Commissioner of Pensions, and Mr. Cummtngs, of Pennsylvania, ar among those urged by very strong Influsnces. Th friends of Mr, Camming claim thit be ought to be renominated, is bis nam was befor th Sen ate for th position la July and ft ballot wss proceeding opon th question uf confirmation at th clos of tha session, aad was Inter rupted by the adjournment. PaasoxibPr, Samoil fttrJ, th titter ( the Atlanta (Qa) iYw 2w-,,wa yesterday, o motion of Assistant Attorney General Alb ion, CbUf Juitlee Ohise presldlog, ai mitts J to prattle, tl attorney In th United State Supreme Curt The doctor left last evening for hll home In Alta-ii raring PenaaylTanla At.ubc. Ho elty In th world houti grander or more magnllo.nt Iboronibraroe than aeblogton, and Fenaijlranla irtnuall at ana the boail of Truhingtonlana,aad the admiraUoioIltrangarl andrlilUn (It lahi principal tbotooghrara of tho cUf, and opsn It .tVlf rgjt"and belt boilneiijboom fn loca'ttl. III wide pare menti larite ladlaV, aad' to tho nromonej7whl! lti maialllient carriage way afford! amp! opportonlly ror dlipiaya oi horaamaaiblc. Bat It haa alwayi beoa inb jeet ta ono drawbaok tho want of a pared aarrleg way. The, qoeiuon ai paring u du been agltatl time aid 'H'"l etperlmeaU bar been repeated .poa 11, and yet wo .till bar. aetblag bat lb anilghlly cobble ileael. Congreaa baa made effort! to redeem It from thla drawback, bat np to thll line nothing bet been accomplished. Bat we now ura nope, keoaiae the aabjeet baa thai early attracted tb attention of Senator, aad Mill bare been latrodaeel to effect tbli 'greatly needed Im proromoot. That of Senator Cole, eipeolaUy onmeda ltMl( for 11 aetma to ba the boil propeellltn to Injure aaeeeei It dailgaaUa no partita ar pamaeat, bat Inrltal a oximpMltlon to di Urmtae which ll th beet. To ma the Ian. gaage of the kill, ll appoint! "aboard of eommleelonere toexamtnoand determine what Is th best etrle or kind of pavement to a uieu on i-dhi n""j, and toeauee the earn to be laid down on that thorougbfore, from tha northwest fit of tn Uapuol frounai, to me aroasinc oi dtb l renin irrvt. - This commission Is Brig Gsn. Ml obis r, Engineer In charge of Public Bolldlngt and Q rounds, Ills lienor Mayor Bo wen, and A. B. Mallett, sq , th supervising nrehttect of th Treasury, and the very appointment of those gentlemen is an assurance tbat Gongreti is not only la arnit to have th paving done, bot that tt Is determined to hiv It well don. Thll bill miens work, and propolis tbat each pavement shall bi lubjeoUd to ft lair test, and th most meritorious Is to b selected, and th work is to be don on th lowest and most favorable terms, and bonds, to be approved by th Chief Jostle of lhSaprm Coart of tb District, ar to be given for th faithful per formance of th contract. W sincerely hope thai this bill will b acted oa speedily, and that th work wUl b poshed forward without delay. Kiw Mcsic W have raoeirad from John F. Ellis, moslo publisher, No. 30Q Paniyl Tantaavenae,the,InaagaraUonGrandMerch,f com pond la honor of the eleotlon of Grant and Colfax, by D. Lilfloae, and th "Original Gre cian Bsnd Grand March,1 published expressly for George B. Wilson, esq , and dedicated to his patrons. Drvgiit. O.C SHIMS. JKO. L.IOOLE SIMMS & TOOLE, DEUQCrlSTS ADD FHAEKACIBTS Cer. Sew Tork Ave. and roortecath Street. rui6icuanEi8CBirTiorfs earefailr eoaponaded With Slrlctly Pare Medtclnca. Keep eoastaatlr la store a pierat aieortmeBt of irBt-eiua urin na Lnimii atnsiTt and Toilet Art idea, JOIIaV A. TnOHPNON, Dmrao-isT, (.UUe witb a. c. rord,) tlas ttted ap the well known ataad, corner IT aad fourth ailfaxeta M.mi Uavakavahnaxttla Kwafiiia. and fnr. nli bed U wllb a FULL aed BiUlI itocK of DKC03, PATKUT VKDICIHK8, FA3CT AKT1CL18. li PBRBOIf Al. ATTIVTIOH will b. ! Ia tbe Pretctiptloi. pot np at bla eslabl tab nail, both dtr and night, aad correctness guaranteed. 8UUet. Nailor Brothers' 3Tl33XjI3S. E Street, bet. Thtrteeoaad-kalf aad Fourteeath. opronrrc ivii.i.abo'n hotel. (T lOOK'fl BOARDISO BTAIILU, ARDISO kTAIILU. OH XldHTU BTUXlT. rkriIBla aYtLaatlaa navlal la HAkroSlatt Hofaxv DV.Wawoali tf xa, nv, at , f-atrtTa. alrw .mA auimfnrtatailAi aLaliLAta Tkat nrAnria. I1BS S101 tor Is welrkBowa as oso of tha beat feeders la tble filatrict, Owaere of poor keraea can kave tksm attoodfd aad well eared for. CAKUIAUZ enalwbadataUhoaraforFarUas, WidlBa. ld ?! fa-lf Cigan and Tobacco iAHSS 00DDIV. , I. BOBBIf. Q.ODDE8T aV NO lilt IN, (Late of Owen House,) CIO AH STOEE and SAMPLE BOOK, Ho. SOI E BlT.t, Eetweea Ralloaal Theatre aad WUUrd.' Hotel. Mir Wine, and Liqnori. null HdUK, S 1MB Itf WIVES, LIftUOKo AND CIOABS. , Sell A It ut for Carta d'Or, Lae d'Or and Siller Ckampataes. snTenasTtviaiBBveflua. adjoiaieg UatropollUv Btar and Bamolo Room aarcr Intend ad bl Vm. H. Coaror. .. .. . , ,,, mr aaam iqrina m ihdii tmr qi.-ii Billiard.. KIRK "WOOD II A B AMD niLUABXn SALOUN, Cor.TweKlb at. stnd ! ssv. lilAQU k. McOONNLIaL, Pstorairroas. if-Tbe Bar Is supplied with tbe Cholaeat Wlaas aad Ltqoora nT tf HaU, Caps, BooU and Shoes. a JACOB BOOL, J No.417th,bet.Usina II ntn., HXAU THE PATEST OFFICE, llasoaband.aad la conatantlr reeelvlej, a large a. of UOOTS" HilUKSartd dAlTEItS, for LAD1HH. aBNTLEUEli. M1S8K8, TO0TU8. and CUILUmKM. Work made lo order at tbe abarteit oiiee Bapalrlag of all kinds neitly ezemted. aovK-lm i. r. lruiiioiva, Manafactaittr of JEIfTa.BUBN'N ItOOTM ATI SHOES Us EVBbT lEaCKIPTIOM, Has BemoTad from No SttTblrd atrat, between PsaBiTlvanlaaTanueandCstroat, to No. itfll'onn avlfaala avaaae. b'twaea Poar-and-abalf and Slsth streets, aadex MUlar'a UUllard Palace. norJ-lm C1Q MEW HAT AlfPIHOB STORE. CI Q OlO J. T. PETTT CO. UlO IlaveJnstopeaedatBUBeveatbstreeUopposltela telllgtacerU olid lag, aaew and weltaalected stock efllATS, CAPS, BOOTS aad SUOES for 0nte man aad Bora, wbtcb tber offer at a small ad ranee opon eest. uavlsf bongbt for Cash tber are enabled teoffsr anparlor ledatemsnti to pnrcbaa ers, andaollclloalraaepportaallr toeeavlssetbe pnnllo tbat tbsj are rsatl j aelllng a desirable elaas of goods at verj low flftues. A eall solicited, sad eomperlaea of prleasebal leaged wltb mr similar establlsbuaat la the ellr J. Tr PETTT CO., 188eventbtreet,oppoilte Intalllgencer Building Waablagtoa. D. C. flrtrvd ataelr of !. and ITnbvatlava atta ataatlv on band , Dress-Makinp;, T) E K 8 8 M A K I B MR8. ATKINSON, Ml Blbtb street wast, be. twaaa I and K. lanowbatur prepared tbnn ever U tarn oat work satlafaatorllr. Ladlaa wlsblos to make tbelr own droaaoa can bare them cat aad baatatl oa short notlea. Oarmsnts cat br moasurei s sun work. PutUrna cot when daslred. ec3-tf Bblliaiaent lo No t rstraat, oaar Jlbbltt Uoaao. ia 0 has saaarad tha aarrlcoa of ladr as a part ar froinnniit-aLaas basse la LondeB, Sagtand aevt till ran mmA in.k...llna ll. FINAII CIAl. AMD COMHEBCIAI. WAaaiaoTov, D. O, Dec.ll-JayOookoa Oo. furnlah tho lotlowlng quotatlonaof Oor eromeot eecarltleet r, 0tryff. Sitting. u. . rnini FlTe-Tant!ce.llv3 Flr-Trntl,lae ..'., tira.Tercnti. iaoo......v.......i Flro-TaNatlaa. Jan. fc ni..l rite-Tveotlee, J.a, k Jalr, 'A..10I Flra-Twontlaa, Jan. k Jaly, "CI. .Ill Teo-Fortlr... 7.... :....lo iaw ronn nMT aoaaD. -U.S. A'e. leal Ul'l a-fO'e. JnfcJv.'aT. a-30'i,ian uoy. mi, JokJr.'..H0 !-)', 1M 107 Ten-Fortlee lu l-,.,U VnY, OolJ 1S5 -lO'e,JBkJr,'..lloii Kaw.Voair. Dee. 11 1 . jm-Oottoa aulet and eteadytteecnte. Sorer nnehanredl Oaba Flour quiet and eteedr Southern . 2014 00. t a let and steadvi BaVLTIMOa MARKKTS. BiLTiUftaa, Dec. 11 IlnaattsYUvrs-Th Inquiry foe Floor waa fair again this moral or. and aelea-wer reported oo 'Ohaoce of SM hbls,Northwrsterft Saner ooiprlvat term si 3M bblaTloward Street do. t ftS-TIOTt i bbli. low gradelloward fltreetXatra at $sitco New. Tort atU Eitra ats,and 1W bbla. weetern'winTer'tiTra as ai iwioeie.' weetem aa total or 1,000 : all varleme." Waetarnraiallrat ftlOttt Mr bbl.. maklns total or 1,000 bbls. .Prices continue steady for .eraMf.wrhadw.aodcontlBas falrlr active. and prices ar eteniilr maintained. Th re-celpteto-day wore 11.000 bushels.and sales wer reported of whit at from .tf.ll to 3J0, aad. red li4GWllforlow and medlumradoei ftlJ&Qt2.40 for prime, and ai.4 ror choice, tb latter fljut being paid ror a lot of 1,309 bushels. Certs. -Was In good supply and active) whit wai steady at yeiterday! figures, bat yellow was lower again, Tb reoetpte were (3,000 but be is, and in turn compnaea wane, an damp, at twflBS cents, do. at WSM cents, aad yellow at Mf97 cents. PrvvitUnu. At th "West provisions are troag and active, and tbe mat&et here la firm In eympathy with tb movemeat thcr,bat there la llttla dolor la eonsMuena of the waat of a toe k to operate la. Balk Meat Is no doubt wanted, and were tb stock nera th transic tiona In it would be lane. There Is. however. aeyct none In tbe market, and w can glv nn ri(abiat fiuotatloni tar It. Ittaaon mella etJSU centefor Shoulders, leHOU cente for noEm-m,an(i iio.iHasnii iorfier riooiues, but transections 10 iter on a limited eeale. Mesa Pork we quot to-day at tUTSQMper barret. Lard la firmer and may ba quoted to day at lUHG-t cents. Dressed Hogs we quot at BHQ10 cents, Hew AdvertUemenU. WASTED -A 81TDATI0S BT A COLORED I v woman aa nricu-e cool ana (nerai ni tieergetown. Siren If daalred. WHERE IS THE BEST PUCE TO PURCHASE BLAltKETS.or all colors aad prlcoa. BED HERTS, COMFORTS. IlAlB AMD FEATHER PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, AMD MATKRESSES.aad vyrithtni a tbe bad Mt Oeto ADiMBOS'S. No. 000 Jf lath etreet, dsl St ITear Peaas jlraala aTaaue. APEBA (.LASSES Jait rteetrfd, by stoamer VI Ue da Paris, Oat Handret nnurati or ririunii'H ufKiiA ul, OPERA OLAE8L8, eom- prtatas all ueMtwi atetaa deell-lw TV- ATTEHTIOJ. ili rOR THE FINEST CATABIAUES. HO RUES, UARNK-.N, e , to rerreapond with latelllreat, weltdresied, driven! for wddlac,pani,operaa,aBd Tlittlai , at the lowest prlceo, aead jeer orders lo B. CRC1T A SOX, Elarentb itreet, between 0 aad H.crto Oaorge tewa. Bridge atrest. If o. 3. dcia-lm SANDERSON H.1USE, Corner of No nth A Street and New Jersey Avenue. Tbts Uoeie baiba reaoeated. Improred, and Eawlr fnrnlibad, and ) now raadj to rectlre oarders br tbe day. waak, or meaib. Maala faralsbed at all hoars Tbabar Is iQppllsd wltb the boat wlnaa. Honors, and cigars. VW. BAMDEUSOM, dell 3m Proprietor. MAKE USEFUL PRESENTS. FmCKEL, ITo. 810 r Itreet, bitwoen Teuth and Elor- entli Straeta. liocNEUEenxu goody, Ch&mbtr Sets, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, CUOCKEHY, OLA88, AND UN WAIIB. oll-tf FINE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. BEAST-HADE BOYS' CLOTH IHO, AKD Gentlemen', Furnishing Ooodi. TziErvxjiXxiir jo oo., 376 PennaylvnnlA ATenne. tlaU-tr CTEINWAT A SON'S 1-IAHOS. We baee dlipoied ef fonr Oread PIAHUS of Stelaway'e make wlthla one tuoatb. ,,an, and bare Jaat rclTed two taoie. sBBsssssssssssnl AlaOMraralDPKIOUTS.aBdaUrn I aaaorUscol ef SQUARE PIANOS, 1 AUOMraralUPHlQUTe.aBdaUrn fessarl wll.aklH-(a.l stock of tbe most prominent makera ef tkoconatrT. ParehailaaT avelaalvalr for caih. In enkaarilB with amall espenssa.we think we cna offar a reli able laatrsuentata low Agere, for caab or acaom mod at leg terma. and rrqaml corchattra to glee ns aemll. W, O. MRTZEKOTT fV, Bole Agtalaof Stclawar'e Piano aad Maaoa 4 iiamiia a vanmet urgaas. Lvon. Nil, K MANTII.I.A. TK, vxTXie, Persons desiring to pnrckaae a Ine qaalltr of ILK VELVET can be Batted In. onritock, as we bare aa bead all the vartoas wldlba frem241achea ivwuMinua naiiagparcaaiaaauaiowiDeuSDa. iiiiii w cub ,,i auiuej tjsira iBaaDtfaema. ALSO OX IIAXU- A SPLENDID STOCK OF BLACK and COLOBED BBESS SILKS, From Ih. lite Hew York Aaellon Sel.i Alt food, narked la plat, agaree. One price '' W. M. HUVHTEn A DRO Ko. 331 Pena.yliranla Arena., D.lw..n Ninth anil Tenth NIB. d.dl-JlK "TTtHBItOlDEBED LlNIiN Cai AMUniC IIAHDUEUCniEFH, Far Chrlstmu I'resculs. TJm itluked Lto.a naadk.rcliUr.. from (3 per Bilk fo.k.1 llaedkarchir.. Kid, bilk, aad Clotk Ulerei. NoaUrr of all .red... e la.lle all p.r.oa. la waat of DRT GOODS to eall aad look Ihro.ih oor lok, all of waleh will be aeld el ih. low..! caab vrlmw. WH. II. Ill LEY A lino., Wo. 88 Central 8tor.a. Biitwoea Sevealh aad llablh etrMla. c ll'JZENN AND BTllANCEHN WILL TUS AT No. ao Central Slorcu. SETWEEN BEVENTn AND EIGHTH 6TBBET8, OPPOSITE CEiiTSE MARKET, One of the largest end bast-assorted stocks of AToroIijii and Xomestlo lry uooqs a tbe eltr, eonslstlBg la part of IrUb Popllas.Plalaaad PlaU Rapi.ln all colors. oLhamatlana la Rllka nd Wonaa nnit. HI eli Ulack bilk a, Colored Bilks la all shades and fcbl-.oftl kinds. Cloths of sll colors 8Uk eleaU or tha boat make. J trie atockof all kinds of domaatle Ooods WelaTlie all to call aad look through our alock. deiactlf WW. SC. lllLKY A IIUO. S' VS DAY nOBNINU OArKTTK 1 nirir i nim i uinv i LOOK OUT PUR HO a oN 6VM0AY ' Bplcjr and Spirited Bslactlons. . . , . Editorials, the tatt News, Ae , 4e. "BodlB roaradvartiaepentsearir, 4atrCauTaara wauled andNewsbora supplied. XsAl?OnX33'd PARIS KID GLQVBS; AM Colon aai Bile., TUG 1153T OLOVE ID Till JIARKET, ITEl'llESI ICO. 'I, areaar, bl. ntalkeod Teeth all .!!.. 11. U DIED. BOWIV.-Oa Ike Ulb of D.eemter. 1M. after a bit old r lilac.i er eoB.amptloa.HABr. area bo reare, mi eBoaBier or job a uarn.1 .. Ibe rene.BC of her notber. 4BataMB.bB..tle in laa.iBiwiu ir.ra BTeaae. Miweea aixta bbi Wttrnit n" !. ft - ta laaa 4 JO e'eleck, a. m.. Has at A. Wasbss, actd U ytare. rera1 Boatiar at 1 o'clock, p. n. Betatlves a (Itatallia aliwj IHTllVtl. avaiiaiB At J.h. tl. a KarMr., la th X3d yaar ef ber ase iTlBBB MamAm r.t I La arallwau laavltat a .llaait Jbe i faaeral. from thereaideaeeof berfather. Me. 'clock, . m. leta lL0aaaia Iudoii, StaikUrof WllllaM aidUliabeU aaarord. ased saeatbe aad A dare. , tier raaerat wlltlake place from liar fatber'e natdeBM. Mm st Wuhlafton etreal, OeerreloWB, UlaaXteraeeaatle'eleek. Frltada aadaeuaalat- am iBTiua le aiteao. Btirpim. -Tkf TeTaUeee aai frteils ( the IaU mee. afaat Baitaa ftrelavlted Uaitealaer fa- in'i this aneraeoB al 1 o'elMk. from httr Ut X u Waji' l!eitit,l' k.t Tf aUetb aad SriLLMUT.-Oa taelOU latUaCTsroall' R , belayed aoa ef Oeerie D. aad Lear Splllsua. at41rar. T Vaaatai will take place antlay afleraeoa, from, betweea LaalM. JrUidi of tha family are IbtIUJ to atiud. SpeplmJ Hotlcct, -' a9BlRlf sXT 1 fsff OP TIMPI BIRHSXT DaVlBlOBJ.nt.!, BOMB IRlHr.l lit naMMIaata. will bold a vuMte XeBperaae Haetfaroa ftDKOAT .MrtUw iri ti jiriiMuun, vtMniMi u.ia in uaiea weei1 CbapeL oa Tweatr-lhUd elxeeL between L aad H nfcailLii liiia natiiB fvrjl-WKftTlCUW MAItltKT-ltOTIOK ITS . Uberabr f lveq tbat starkatwUlb bMd on aad after tha th of this moatb, a 1VBHY JiAY axtept fancava, BUrket heera are from ailifkl ..SI .-.1. '"11 dltll-lM Clerk of Weeura Market. t5T"lt OTIO KaTtia Pallcy-Iloldera of tho .District ere requested to attend to Ue re newal of tkalr po'U- oa or before the S8th day of tkla moatb, at which tlm tbe polldM explro , . . ' J. WEStBI BbTKLEB, ow-aawaw- teereurra KOSMTUB MAKKE.T.-MOTICK IrE, la barebraivea tbat maiket will befaald oa and alter tbe ttlof tble raontb on EVERT DAY. exeaptbnndaTi. sfavrketbeure are from dajllghi natlf 1 o'clock from October 1 to hU: SllARDT, t re Merit at. JJOt OUrkof PEHHAilllllFr-TIIIIIadir. bl. frieada I iuibv taaee laia raeiaeo or laroralaf a.rallr tbat b. la glTlBf InitractlOB In PENHAHSniP at Union ItIbb laalractloa la PBBWltl VR1UAT BVUfikOB. iieaiae uaueTerr ausuai, niustgus. and kiuai ivuiiUK. iionra rrora A an ta t n ta Gi.ti i..iri:i . r. i-.r-j rnn Plata Pantnanthin. 1 rnnraai tit nruha 13 B1.00, In adeaBO Oraamontal Penmansblp, la 0257-nAHKIt.UPTO Y. - PKU.una Wfx Wl.aiaf tliaifnBlAltrAai a I haa tuna a la of Ihebaakroptlaw. who araaaabla to par itif per m. oi inair iBdDiMns, nnoaia make tneir applleatloaa before tbe Brit da j" e Jaanarr aoak Ajjorner at Law aad Sollcltorla Uan'krnpUT.fcHT jggf-oppo..t.o?it ma,, a. tua to TO LOAN OH SEAL ESTATE. EVZST OKI HIS OW.t LARSLOHD. BATES. ai.ATal VfTtavtatT M mutMlalll M IWikw aaer. lag Uparmoalh,ao;owbrparlBrvWt)rmontai t0.2.WpeTUBlMirmoath)rt,dwb7 pax- .OUUI sop an b r IOQ0 per month. The m ei J hi t parmeata to eoetlnao nnlll the Iob. WITH IHTRRRSTATBIX PERCENT. PER A 11 N OH. paraole moat hi r. la ratnrned. TbeaboTerataalaclnda the 1ntaret ao that the monthlr parmanta WILL HOT EXCEED the amonataas stated. rOTUMAC RIAL ESTATE AND DU1LD1N0 COM- PANT. Etiit MONDATRVBNINO daring thla moatb itTemperaace Uall, E atreet, between Ninth end Tenth. noll-lm St7 BEVENTn STREET. ANEITENSlVKUOUTANUtiHOEHOUSE, whera the pnblltj mar elware And WHAT TUET WANT, aad of tbaBaWT ilAHOPACTORE. BoooBd door Booth of K street aadNortbara Market. VICK TO YOUNO MKlt IT TO af ARRT.-Eaiars for Yonng man, on in arrora. anaaes, ana vueaies, tnct ufmt ivtito idii airir aiaanooa, wiir ina mnaoTlewof trantmnnt aad care, sent br me ha. all la aaltd )ltar aavaloi pa frte of chnree. Addraia, lTIOH, Box P, Pblladalphla, HOWARD ASSOCIATION ronniriTBBia. aopzi'Sm Holiday Freienti. T WILL SELL MT STOCK OF PINE WATCIIES, A Jowelrr Stiver Ware, made of pare 9 cola, 18 carat Gold, Pabble Ere Olauan. JRv end Bpacuclas i Gold Chains and DlnmoiJ (Tn 3 Uooda. wlthoat regard te coat. I. ALIX-ijUaK. AHDER. 110 Paanarlrmta arcane, neer,1,l"B Thirteenth ntratL dett-rw AT COCCULIN'S DREG STORE, Cernar F and Mlnth Stre.tB, tear be roaaa alae aaaortmeat oi UOLIOtT OOOCB. whlah will tx laotd CIlEAr. Alao. rerfomarr, K1I OooJ., Palaaflladlclaea, Ac, Ac, AT KE- DDCED PK1CE8 dad Sm HOLIDAY raEBERTS! NAHirEL IaEYTIH, 2301'onu.Av., bet. UtbanU 13IU Hla. Americas, English and Geneve welches. Leoatlie, Neck aad Vest Chains. Plae Seta of Breast Pins aad Ear Rings. Fief sr Rings, Bracelets, Caff B nitons, Stads, e. Fsnsr end Plain Solid Silver-Ware, As. SlWar-PUted Ware, Ac. dfcS (1HBIBTHAA. C1I RI8TM AH. J TOTS. 5fl. 436, M. I I.EBCII. 4MPenna. Ave., betwoen 3d and 4 1-2 fits. I herewith announce to mr friends and (he imb lie la zanoral that 1 i nave agate imported a lai eoca 01 TV of TOVS AND FANCY OOUDB, whl at wholaiala aad retail at the verr lo i. Come aad aee before purchasing I onsr s prtoM, lowest where. eiae All colors of BERLIN ZEPBT ounce. CROCHET I colors lof BERLIN ZEPBTR at IS cents sa WPcana are., bat sj and 4afa Holiday Presents!! A KENT STOCK Or HJI WATCHES AND CEAXHS. COOT SILVER, AND PLAIXD WAKE. I. P. UDBET. d.Mf tWBEVIIITII 8TBEET. Plumbing and Oas-Pitting. GAS-FIXTURES. WOO IIA8TIII LABOEST AXD BEST ASoORTME.ITt WHY, BROWNE & POWER, I'LCMDEItS AMD GAB-FITTEBS, 4S3 NINTH 8TBEET, Wood and Coal. (10 A L I OIHT BEDUCTIOSin PB1CES. wnm ASH. "" " CUUUEULAIID COAL, roe o'uloe. do. do. lamp. Lit) P0DKD8 TO TnE TOK GUARANTEED. OAK AHD FIIIK WOOD COSSTAHTLT nAHB. JO-ltow li tho lime for (anlllee to rat la their .later', eopplr, Sontbeaat enrner of New York area Uealk atreet, Nalra'a naw bolldlar. .. r. .auna aun. Kora araaae aad TIN i,tftwa1r y fliiu airs, mivhi at ana parTii i dpi or M' Tstntii utrsaant, anTt.if Personal, ,TAT10H AT th alirAal oppealu OidE.Uew." lal lepa Separate rooms for li. l in .tidm, nivH.iiiio.i. vrnu. mhh. S2 vinu B5'?i?fv:j:rv::'i :, . :, a!7 1 aa law wilt xn, piagfa vm VI mad Ft lui !.-. n I !!?) llVel-V:,i'rorU.rMfJf Vn-'Colllii, M J Alui trM(.1btwtea Teath a4 Bieveala elreels, XoiX HavrTara.-. J FWfHf Wa? )s m For Sal or Bnt pOR BMT-TJTO TnEKIlTJED BOOM I WITH JC Waur aad Bath yleeeaat ntaUat He ill Becoad etreat west aer I etreet. aots-tf J attMt,lMtwea rint straet aid Hew .Terser evea.Bas taecapuei. t r nee a ie aio. laqeire ree.1 . J f a3 FwS.l.JtTASittKJg Areane, ! ese of the bal1eall i JTCTL -413.000 CASlt rjllBeMa. t.(lB PaaBt mlmA tnmm lataa D.iiAa tiv eelllastatbalLbe praMat ewaer wjibei to retire from bnilBesa. Address Bex 16, KeFvetkaB Of FiRRIHT-A OROCXIT ITORB, f OETT f IIT deep, aad Stock for late, la a geod bntlBMi localieaoa 1 atreet. between BoTaatl ad Elsbtb, MaTrfard. lecalre aeitdftor, at JAMks Hi TtTIVB Shoe Store. ' aev9-U FR RB!IT VUrja DRjlRJaBLE OPFlCEi. a Beoadlloer, bW ixrllhaul rerMrtlealarelBtutreofL. C. PARKK k CO.. Pleabra aad Oaw-JlU ere, 000 Jfuih atrMt.U ivhi PaairlvaaUaveaae aai D ilreeL T7QR flALS-WBAPPIKQ PAPBR.-AFFtT TO A? E ' N. vFalerv, at tbe room of the Tpaag afea's Chtiatlaa AssoeUtlea, over Hetatrett Dall, ili PeaaarlvaBle avaaae, betweea fllatb aad Teeth REST Three tbree.etorTaaA A" beak-balletac Brisk IHralllBBbeaaee. I llXfeetbrleS, to tblrtr-feel aller la reart Ul,Mt ilUy at aide. Hoaeea set back IS I itng Brtek IwaUlBKbeaaee. LU fi : ! iran D.iiaiii ii ior rroai aaraaai water i aaat Jaat Salsaed, aad for sale on long time o foartheaek, ot for veal l earefel uaaato. qalre of JOBN R, ELVANB A CO., tt aad aeLoaltUaa aveaei Wants. WAtrTiD-wiWARDCAiT-oriaLOTHiaa, OLD O0L5 aD BILVH.oraar other ami broker Btore ot K.VlfLTOir C..,auautb atreet 4do.reaerthfrta.aaaTlTaalaaTeaBfc Books and Stationery THE MEBCHANTS AHD OF WA8HINGT0H, Aad all others Interested are lavlted (o (aspect enr complete assortment of Counting-Houso Stationery BLANK BOOKS Vfekeep oa hand evsry article ef fltsljonsrr Quired la tbe renat'aireoBi sal B.oe, and at prices lo sail the times. Oar faellltl for Blank-Book Binding are so rompleU tbat for BTT LB, STKENOTli, QUALITT AND PRICltbereaaaetbebarpaued. Tboea dsslrlas; to open a aew eel of spooks next jaaaairfsboald live aa their orders now, so tbat oar bladera may have ample time to pat ea OOOD WORK aad tbo booka bceome wall eeaaeaeJ. PHXXP ft BOIOXOHSJ Booksellers and Stationers, 8S3 PcnnaylTanlta atYeinje, lie twecn Ninth and Tcntll U. WHOLESALE STATIO.TEBY WABEUOUIE al Ho. 437 Klath atreel, betweea D aad 1. Ordere left at tbe 8T0R B atteaded to with prontptBaaa. pAPKIl WAKBIIOUfJaB. THE PliAOIS To bar rear Wrapping Fapar, Paper Bag. Print era1 Stntlonerr. booka. nnd Statleaarf of every aaacrip.ioa cneap tor inan, i W.T.NIUBIO, LoaUlaia Areane, aext to the Seatoat Home. oeV-tf Builderi and Material., a OREE9I A CO., Office I ISO Pen nay Ivan 1st Avenue, GRAVEL ATTD FELT BOOTEES Orders for Gravel, Sand, and Roo3niJ Ustsrlil prompt! r atteaded to, Oraera for Gieaa'e Vnloaalied Concrete Pavement Iur oiaawaiaa, dhbiii, uorer-iiJii, trnranonaa plors. Callara, Ae,, warrantod water and rat proof. Samples caa, be smb at 3, B. Oleolt JiSoa'a .iTerr BiBDiee ana j. u. atcumree pnraieaia klaa ' HABBLE MANT ilAWttUUfa, nvt noiasi ( uMuiuMig. uaAVBiviia., M .... ANDJ1B0WN8, vrors axecai4 in sne taieac sifie aa Mi of the art j nana jniiVKwara Vaeu.t Cor. V and Naw Jaraay nra.. 1 aaaartaniarth of BOt-eotf , , lUltlmorafDopot. 7SJ. mLlm&S:rr HANUrAOTDBEB OF LIME, AHD ! Dealer In Floater. Cement, Ilavlr, ., e., etc., I x kilks oa'aocr CREEK. I hbtivbrii r lien rr mvr.ktb Bl!TwliEttI"iTn AMD IBViaTII, IR.arofatatropolltaallotat ' v.n,aBBriaii.(aiBw lorapriaee. Marble Monuments, AND STATUARY i MAltDLE MANT15LH Tne greaaa oa wnica mr marhle rard la allnated Id VOBI! ABTHUB PANNEiL, CABPEMTEB AMD BUILDCB. Ko. 81 E St., k.t. am and loth Nta., BOTJTH fTASIimOTOIS, JOUBINQ PBOMPTI.Y ATTENDED TO. oelt-tt . T UMBEE, LIME AMP 01X11 UO.OOOt-oal i QoaUtr.ot While Plae EleaW Klla lined Lanber, WO.OOO DBBaer Lathe JU VBBOI U.llll, '"l or While Plae aad 8pm.. Scantier. .. h-eae. Plakala, ll.ialock. Board.. Uall.. .,,,.S'd',u'.t,'.,l'"i " ' al at oar ', tool of BeToalh aUMl. 1 himiihi or A1.0, Jot.t. hair, ... JV V BwiTa a bun. AM Kt.ih alf..t. ht Ea.lV. Edncation&l. JJ0DEB.It lAltaDAOIS. rrore.ior PAKIEL E. OEODI. fornurlr l.aeho BBOwieeeo or trraaah, Bpftalak aad Oernwi. will naka atraaaamaBla erlth and irlrau eluaea for la.lnlctloa la the abore leaVoaa a. Uk.DaalBh.Paiet.Ao., lor tome, ami, it He omoe. Ko. eld aeTealE elraal, oppo.Ua lie etelll aaaeer Bafidlat, Ulweea D aad X atra.1. Waah. latoa.P.q ;jpl. Heal Zitate Agents. JOHHB.ABBISON. EBAIi ESTATE A O E N r , rlrit itreet eeataad PeaairlraBlaaveahe, Oapllomill. I CHOICE UUILBlaO LOTI, OB Capll.t lala oa moalhlr DBTmeau. HOUSES aad lOTo la an carle of th lollel n II, . of the c lr lo aala aod r.wt. Orocttaii, WATJ1J?.IP.SP.t'BTaVB;jpTH.I.ADIia', uk.TTLlilEa, aad cyfLpitii'a aio! OUTS aaf BlIOI. ..., al tSik i.T.Btli ilreol, to tbe eeeqa. eoaare bht. It. Rortb.ra Llbertr Market, betweea 1. aad H etreeu, .a.t old. CES. TONE ii manner LLVa V9iu aoiv, tana coniaimpia. ids remofrmf Be fore the lit of Pebraarraazt.lqrarmr lirifaad well Ml.tW atok of WAKejXb lluNUW&NTS. E. atreet betweea Slztb and fiaVaoth. Wasbisovoi, Jalr Ualteo. N1W OROOEET BTOBEt-Th. oed.rllfse . ,fiTl,f r,eeeUf opeaed hie M. ilor.'n apacllollr .alia the alualloa o( hla old eealbaiei a,k,tei,w.?;.,.:Mw-Uu5,"fi He. too r .treT(.?.," "ieVJl'h. H iii'kli iAanU BT.i JAMES HOTEL,! (r-OBMBXLT BtrBxxa'a.) ealaMtorarriu afeiio aad Itxll elreel Q. Wi BUNKER' CO. Ic4t( (J. C. WILLATtD, EBBITT HOUS WASpiNOTOIt, D. C. JSm OWEK HOUSE, ia ATwnn, one 1 o t WaLlTAnD IaOTKI WJLsniNOTONt 1. ataltAhai1 tea nil til ' lTn rniltaan Til lti. Bad IN aeeemmedattone erela evvrr, respect thoae efll aras-einoa sietei. Tne taeie is aiwa7" ."PP'fl with the dellradee of the eeasoa. anil the Var wll ueenawaaT. l Balk ionsa attached to the Hotsl. w fl aoleeolm frroprlator. T7TiririT7 TTnTTQa7 vo; 4m pkhhayisVania atmcf nt.TBitfl4aimdFattiaBd'lialffats. flrst-elM Boardler, wltb 'ell the Comforts ef I ueiei i aatoBBoaiiiDa ir iw uif . no "wCT.yttK UNITED STATES HOTE? FEH5SYLVANIA AYKPHJE, HEAB THE CAPITOIa. tkls Hotel receatlr reaovated. Improved aai ewlr faraUbad, Is bow la point of comfort aol Arrangement oa fevorabK a. BEAN, Proprietor. SEATON HOUSE. LOUISIANA AVENDE. BETWIXK SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS, I WAaaueToa, p. a. JOHN H. sjionta, raorairroa. Tale Homeola eaUrlTBey,aSMtlr fernUhadl imllead sm ihroaghoat. id tUlhlaaT Rtvitna LlnoMatalaaraperb BUllard aad BAIUai WieaWllaa WaVMr atllal n IBn naeaaa oa aao am ana i eeeoad.loore reaarva aval aaaiaBb tor fan- ISXBiaaiaiMt anaatlla aane-tf tft ao PER PAT Confectionery. FRElND'S QRAN D OPENING OP CONFECTIONERIES,! FOB TUB .' laa Brldz. street, 0B0HGETO1VN, . C, At ITaurthar tteelaaed Paicaa. d.Mm .HIFFIBLD'I FBESCn CONFECTIOXEBY AND SALOON. IM F.nn. At.., bet 12tU atyl. 1 Jth Sta.l OTSTEES. aAMEaad IlErEESBllESTS rOR-l alabed at mr Ealooa at all hoara. Pertlee. weddleai. Ploaera. Beeeptloaa, ae.. ferBtahedatthaBhorteataotleeaadthelateatBtrleil aleo.Tahle Were aaA ExperloBce Waltare. ded3m JOS. IE. SDAFriELD. J.H.A1.BEBS, SOU Elovontli Btrool, FRENCH OONPEOTIONER. Parttae, Beppera, Fatra, ale., faralahed la thai nil htii aaa M law niw. .e.i.- Interior Adornment!. O- j&. L HLj El &l tt . 804 Perm. Are., Bilwosa Oth tud 10th Sta. OIL TAINTIHOS. cnnoMO LiinoauAPns. BNaBAVINaS, AO. I OVAt Bad 8QrfBE TICTDBI rSAHEB. of all I aliea, aad ot the beat QUalltr. made to order. I Otrai-M .. . .. Q.U1U. rropnawr. QIOBOE WILHIB, PAPEBnAHaEBASD UI-IIOLETEEEE. laroaraa aod BaALta ia rSESCB AND AUEEICAK PAPIBBABOINai I ABD ornouTBET aooDi, tst Klatt elreel, pelweea D 'aad E elreate. wiiiihtoi. alo7" Carriagci.Eto. ARMY WAGONS. HARNESS. dC. av, naair.oc, oil ATtUV WlhnMI t)AUNKa An For etle cheep for eah. K. U. WIIEEIaCB, SereDth atreet and. Caaal Bridge, bonth Side. Bottleeolm ' jQg KOLB&CO., J QAR aJABBIAUK AMD WAGOBI QAtt . M ANUFACTvO.RY, StS II Street, netweerf ninth una Tentlt EEPAIRIRO Or ALLKIjrTJl PBOUFTLT ATTENDED TO.J-oe3S-tr " Printing. O GIBBON BRos. gP ST1 Feruia. ATenno.iouth tM, mar 11th St. Iho. D. coaataoBiK. patio m'ibtoos, cnsBiitonAU a uciitTosn. PRINTERS, Woodvard Balldiof, North Side PaaaerlTaala Areaae, betweea Teatt aad XleTeatt elreaU. Book, Job, aad Ifowapaper Prlatlaf proraptlr eaecaUd. Trnnki and HarnetiC Jas, S. Topham & Co., MO. 500 NEVEJITU STBEET. On. Door Aboi-e Odd Fellow.' Uall, THB MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFAOTUREItS AND DEALERS IN OAI1UIAGE, 11UG0Y, AND FAIIM HARNESS, NADDI.EN, I1RIDI,EN, AND Wll I TO, Toiether with a large Bad freah etoek of llora. Cover., EJtp Bobeo, BatTalo Bob.B, Carriage Ktata, Ao.t A... lolKted from the moat exteahlT. ho.aee la th BOBBtrr, Bad for Bale at Breallr fedBCod prlcea. oetloSm Intelligence Office. 0-A.L3Da Tha VBderalfaed woatd Tespactfallr call tbe at. tantloaof tbe cltlteasof Waaainftoa nnd Qoorge. towa Fa the f set, that tber have thla dar opened an INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. la room No. II. cattwlag BABEHENT Of "CITV HALL." Where tber are prepare. to farnlab Clerks. Porters. Hoaae barraaU, aad itoerel bslpef all kinds ou tho ahersoat BOtlee. meA.taturacUoa inaraatled In all casea Special attaatloa paid to the rental of hoaja and collectloa '"" P. K1MUSLL4C0 wrisBiaaToi, v. u., vee. i, low, tiu3t)-tr Pianos and Mmlc farmarlr Toaarof KNABfl'E. nndl baao.BanUr of 8TkINWAYTbl Ja.a0t BOW ninini r. abtttti fV.iiDtia Piano Store. Wo. e7 Elarentb street, betwi nnnirlfaala eveana aad E street, itlll (.' lao repefed, (faaed. Bed for d nrinii KnaairifiaT "i ANOI FOB BALI. SENT OR XXC11AN08. patt.Bia. SSU'lISl ee