Newspaper Page Text
I NO. 42. It Aaeuoa Bum. .. t asiuoo buui ., - ..HSWSSerblaHUUdlef, ! tUlfUUttUMl. fsaafrlvetie wswsmsm at-jut.- ATI nftiTiilifM mMMWKw mils l tiulUk "- '"Lfi.t. s.v,--i-e.M7.Y..u.',-r'aiA:: B-r, Alao, Caatt, UaWwa. tllk VtlT.t Vf.UT MltHilrllllrl rk ri . a . S"frMllt ,!" fcthWni " rv a antra aar'.ra a- a .a a tear ... .. X (Saeaaaeors to Jab, 0- MoUir A Urn U i ttTI. 'TlvmaU avaat aid ClTTOfWAiHIRO ITS! llaa of "Ilihlk atrtal WM aa kaalrM aad or "Slihlh atrtal WM B4aiUfij r Af (fafll fMl wnk frtat Uinii1iumi f ! aalfMaatK Uin raitii arta llaa&Kaltt twtT (V rtt ikaacawMl aloaal totaa vmUi raaa Hatil tol aaaWtad twatr-ls (Hit thuea imU Iwaaly i JO) fMl.aai Uaaaaaait to lUpUaa f UftatUc-ta aaaa MlflCB.1?J' aio4 aal abuaaJlwa atorv BrUa BtiH . , Tamnoftataj Oaa tatri ak Ua kaUaeala Sit aad l twalf moatka, wnk lairtt,t baaar4 raaadattrulaa tha ) aota. aa41f ika Utmt arc aot aomrUad ita la Ira 4an aftar ika U, tha. trattaaa ra MfT tka rUkl U ika iW lit mi af ika Int pin kuw, tfUr wtak a aaklla tlaa All aoarraatara4ra aaa tUmpa at ct af partk war t aa a daMall a eaakia4rt4 dallari aala w Jdmun4 i .An a. ..T-'3 JaT Stwiw AaaUoaaara BT COOPEtt a UkTIMER. Antrti.. (SooeeMora to Jai fj. MeOuIra fc Go-) Saatkvaal aoraar af PaaaarUaala araaaa a4 "i" vhvv am vwn ntuiiuas ' irufPriiTBiiUf ItiKliuoi.' Mil unin, rrost of too h'il pV!vM rt' ?"r4 ,V " ' " 5J.ltl ihraaTalaf Ikaaait twaaty twi .)(!t' rr??i9nJMbMk Mt-ta4r4aal fki """lliMrM.tbiaaU) Udi.a, laa 4tpU a? tar taa aala tha tnataaa raaarva tka Hi kl t raaaU altkartak aa4atafllM Iratparcniaar. aflar Olt waak'aaakiUaaataa. - - - ' C !, ittiVt'rea.iYiEr' " " VrlLLfiat A. riH WICK. COOMB A XlTlMlgTYnt?7 BT COOPIB 4k KATIMER Aafl'a. (Suaaaaaorito Jaa J MoUaUafcUo) RuatkwMafMraf PaaaarlruU araaaa ak4 1 KlaTaftUaUaat ViLDiBLl IktrKOTID BBlt S4T4TI 1HUI XrtTAVTil?nTfflfitvSi niv fikiriDTii iba. I, uHtfuawf!ttwTiiMtr;nilUM ftMV( r Bo . U illiia tnla Ptaca or varaal af laaA att aa4 Ir.aflavltattltr af Wuktaatoaial ji t Cafakta. kaawa aa4 4aiiba4 aatka p plaaaf aaJAakr aaLaltfa Llir.Mrutl.1 attoaud flat at nn , Tarm-WiUat Twalra lkaaia4 ioVtti aaiki tka ral4aa la a! laraWa aa4 alfklaaaaaaaika. aMara4 kr 4a4 af traal aa tkartaailaaa aatiafaa vnw ia I iran. WIM MM MM1( UUrtil OaaTarfaatacaadataaipaaUaraaaaaT acel. fUa kaa4ra4 4aUara wtU ba raqalrai froai tka par- BT CfMPEB UI.TIIIEU, Ancl'rfu (Stuqfenora to Joi U MoUuir h OoH SoltlwMt 4mr af ftisif ItokU oTOM koi -i XlTttk ttfML TllCOlK llirROTin taplladwltk la IvadaTiaiiar Ika tha rUk aad aaal af tka Aral parabaaar 111 aaa- IruUai iHina Ika tHatfii til & Ttraaolai aaa raraaa ataaipf at parabuav A ! "fKl-nllKV-'"-'- - wiKyftssu. COOPIB A LATIatIB, cr ia Aifuaaaara 1 ' Pit . BKID01 ITBIET. UIOSUITUWD M M. a till- Ttt"BIHiHtlWdfMIt0 , Br TlrtaaoTfttaadof traat kaarlaidaU aa Ika latk of D la LlbarT ! "la. Vi "aBrt,B 't.Fa.'itfMS'tt. raqaatt or tka parly.aaarad Ikarabjf , T wf H affar &.rw)T OT.UloDflU altaaiadbviWittowa petal aa tka aaal naiiau, aaaaovaaaa ai rollowai Bliala ala drad aad ! lTQ) aad ? air (1TO faal aoulk of tka aanUaaU naa ai uaagraaa -airaai aaa aaa araar of Kaa4 aad vt f IZfaU 111 P.Ammwmm ajAla J kbtelA tkaaaa aoaik wftk aald tlaa or Ooagraaa itraai oaa kaa4d aBdaafaarfaat alt laekaa, vara ar laaalto ortfcwtol aoraar at Wa. O Uaaay a foil VHdHVlSfr Mm IJm A' Baaai'ala M"d iad iwaatrHwa fMiilTa laakaa u atb liao a? laid ?rtar i foto Ut1Srl Ikaaaa aaaiarlr wltk tka aortk lli aorta Ika laath proparty. A dapo It or I0d will ba rio tad ii aaaaauaprpparirlfkaaoaad daw a, ar ft will alaimadlalalr raaald lr tba tarma af aala ara aolaooipUad wltb wltklt tradara. tba propartr wlllaa raaold kl tka il.kv kad et fit tkf 4aTiU tat parokaaar , iaaoarayaaa(ar.Utltilk t ar-t Uf aj tbaaoatof lbap"taT i JOHH B POttBItLT, a boiidi iriia iBirni. ui k iv. Ttwo mui At) BY GKKICM 4b WILt-lAltB. . AaatlaaaaraMdllaallaiftuirakafii 310 Hoaikaait eorau of Saiaaik aad 1 atraaU will J. al Bit f-iniiltuf tt ,. w...-Vi,.S!,J,. "' 01" Baaaar. afaltaa. JaM.JkiiiB, .... .j ritUHUrar, ka'vaf, flSV OaatWra, ?. talfra aloak U diapaaad af T barara t tkiafcaTa aala, aa tha aa-ada Ara 111 Int alaaa, aad wara aiada uWillr far rtTta Ml. raat. V.4. WILL A CO "' , iww , ,. tlWNtNl.n or iiih ! i hii Minif CAN a n UblMBla Jar ( "lury, A. P Jm,,aad ra aordad amaBftba laad fiMHifWiili.M LlWr T W ft.Mbc , folio M, ff7tJBL MlrMltotMhMrtrMar4J1imkr. we will TU I 6t. tka . Bta t .fabraary aat, at 4 tfMl.KH .all .bat bum a.aaraa'af cravad vraailaM Ittif aad bala la ika tald altr J Wak latua aal kaava aaiCaMrl Wi aj aIac a Mrtaf m.ll" latrrld aaUlftaloaVSqaart aawt MfM iiimiihim aa alaalr alaa, IS,1 aart fUoU,lrr aibr dtraUB of tk im a TTTT-r.rrT t?t?" intntivt QaaTT of waaa at StJU.aAtlaak f. am. a a tka paTi. ft tka Rakart B, f Hiarati; Aar carat VlUcarardTTaaaali 7 wiHT,BVkiitijo IB THaClTrOj WA SBr.vma of t0 4MarARiit.ava4 . ilalr-eai Ika lltki lit ftf raVf aarr, A aMMB,alaUka 10tk dararaftamaar. V.S K lMt,aa4 iaa.rJai la Libara T aa4 B aaattvara " aafaaaaialavaaa.Mloaan c(aa aa4131eftT . aa4 bTilraettaaaf tkaTraaaartr of tka Ftrtl Ca aparaiira Baljolir Aaaaclatlaa. wa will aatl la fra.t of ttlOf aala aa, at.paUU aaaUaaIiaB WlDBflDXl-rtka OtM dWaf f,nuj77ltl a) a tloak pLaV all thatplaea or pireal af croaa4 WAprauUaa. ijlai aad balaar 1ft tka aaic ally af aaatailoa. aad kaowa aad Aaaartkai aa balag alaa far tka aaaaa at tka aonhaut cor aat of laid lot, aaaraaalai Utaaaa aattk alaar Waal ilstaaatk atraatMraa(aa(lT)faataa4lK(l)lBabaai tkaaca waal aaa kaaarad aa4 alt UM) faat aad tit () laakaai tkaaea aortk aaraataaa (IT, faal aa4 alt (e taabaai aa4 Ikaaaa aaal oaa kaadrad aad alt floe) faat arid atx u Uakaa. to tka plaaa af badaalac. Ika aana WaAii"Pror4 JT a iy4 aad akaUaAlal y!ll(fiioffyGik&Q wklak iiMit ba paid at tka tlaia af aala, aad tka balaaea la alt aad twalra oatki vlik latarait. taa aaa u4 Iff ftdaadof traat oa tka araailaaa iidi aaTif tla BIJt Tka allaatlok afapllallaU laaa lad U Ula ;rtr. fill la aaa af t WUibVUlidfllWU SSw fgr aaja It la ilfaeur aaMalla TadaJuM, dad atari M LlatblcomaTaUraa daaaaT Tarnat Oaa kalT ab baUaeala al aad MOaUOBDAT BBXT, tka lTth UaUiLat. aTaloek. ivm . ,l'-,i" UroatoT tka pratalaaa Hoaaa Ha 407 H ilk atraat watU a.atkaLotoawklatt aia.da aaVla.alflll V2t rooma, watar ftadgaa, aad raaalai lack Uftil fool allay . TtrMat Oaa kalf aaaki balana la a Vad 11 moataf.rorftotMbaarlac I a tar 1 1, aaaarad w a daadof traatoaika praailsaa QanaaraaoTaK aad w.v.w1",,,osaiiwliiiB;1''1 UU u I ' ' " a, i m - ., lVr WBI-Tf ALtJ 4 CO , Aneu , -.c la -WtwMkJbUBiilUlBf, Carkirof fttatTlTiiltaraaaad Alalk alraat w?rv;6X?:K,asr:ir:.,;K B-vmnr iost tai BBBV a w I rlttaaafa ftrtb.r , a'dn r daeraa aiadaJBaaid aaaMoa IkaTJlk dayaf Haaataff. la i akall tarajaf laad attajUadla Uta atiy4 Wa-klaajaa. viairiaioi voiataaia aaa aaas pan ai 11 haaratbt.(novt,llaaaaraaatBkairoarka- rad aad fori raayaa Ilaaaf feayaalk atraat. raat frota Ika aaaakwaat i a paMt djaual iwaaly laaat ILfarlHllfMlk idf tkaaat aortk tvaalr laati tkaaaa aaal aaaka a drad aad al tta-Yfaat to ka a.Uy t tkaaaa aaatk wltk aald allay Iwaalrfaali tkaaaa waat ta tka plaaa af t'PB .. . ':ri v.- 'i laalaa a ' . ha taprayaaiaata aaaalai-af a' pivt winN-ai BvBawtTvut aatbalnt awry Bnuuiiw. wuit ( atarataata aavav. whii dwalllaf abm af aala.aa praaarlkad by tka dacraaf ldaf parahaaa taaaaytd W -pkU ! ! atdaatalwaaaiaaTtaataUaMata. aial i bltl ttkalaMAraL arai Oaa third aaidlwalraatoBtk wlik lataraalfraailka day or ia im ainmai Btrnaiu a ao.iiaa aa tka proparty, aad a aaavayaaaata ba wltkhaUaaUl ' .. tt .-... L.... !" .,v.i-. . i. rf-TKK'.VV?' F"""" jfilBOaMH. iilf TCOOPEU LATIKKB. Atiet'rP! inuaaaaaorv W J aw u HUBUk UtVil kwaat aaraor af raaaalf ikla kraaia aad iTa.a airaata m av .vii'.'.'fis.iti 8KJi .?: ,W I'alinVli I (! T.. r.. rtatai lit jrmi4. U tka aiia bH4r, all kalparalofiriaa4aUaaiala tka 1tr or Walk i:iaVi7 .-j J.l.Tri"7-.Tl.'r",V--T-rT?"T! ,' W'HWIBVU -M ni'WI!M1lll' iK. " v lraN fW f WMII IWMIT 0 ItVaamlat than ftrMlSsratnllachaiiUaaiawaatai, laiharaarllaaaraaltllatilkaaaa ma tackttt tkaaaaaailMrMlllaakaa T Kf;t?(aUi OaathUJoMta Hrakaaa aoaar E?rS? ."? ' naaiaa iroat 4r ! aala. Wttklauraat Tka luhuft t att kla I Ubbb af aala 1)1 eaivlyaaalac 14 Ua 9m at P"hi aaipanaa, Taaamoaai aaa Irttafialddaada of traat laa)IA wti thtraoB Jjvm Mar U 1 , aad adr lit asm af MO. with lata rati fraaa Jaly J. t( lar Ih 1H lataraai awa ia iiJlifP'E,,;, """IHtlTWUTWU 1TOH nraiiir!ttiifr: t.BSr'Ffl.iU.'iT.'V: iitvasStfiSifeL'.iitei.t.. "XJ'r' .,. "9',?JSfiie!.. )u-ft4V VUT "" "K """ 1V41 T7 !-- ' 00TT1Q1 DITH UX n.uivBuw in Allay, north 1 atraat. Jaallost- bal. T JalfU aad TklratViU via :: "Vl "I. . kla foraatUa aa4 1m foo4 It kaa baaa pr JS'i br ttwakhaTa at4 It aa ft aaparior ivb aaiiv.1 aaantrar aiiHTtu food It kaa baaa pro d taaatalltlaa ta aalt parckaoara, Oa-WflBBLI B, BaTBatk air aat ail iiWaaaltttoa, D 0 ar H P, flL 90 Walar atraat. Oaarntawa. 0. C. raaal BMIM Jaaita MBltBBRJ, IE Mi TOM AND OTBBBf, 01B ba aeeoniaodalad wltk altftal KOOHS, kowly fltudap, Bliablarara sioaa, parlara aad kadroona aiuekad. al Ba. AOT U atraat aortk, ba twaaa tlihtkaad Blatk alraaia waat, aa a raalaa. to boik fallroad . 11 o aaa ta foar atorlaa. aoaik froiL alaiaaUy llikud aad vaatllatad, laa laaa frott, alanatly Hi tloafoi laaoMrai tka DataftaaiaU, Affiilofor iwtiiniiHtr, miii aa aaar VUkftltiaodara aaa? aaUaaaa, JAMBB TdwLXB. A'LBXCKtXBKT THBIB-OTOBT BBICE a i"5.!f,Tlw aauaaira aaaav aaimiaaa. mv. mao a ai( .raat. laa atavatr aavat t Vaar. taaalh itraati bar wladawi aal batk from tka iraai.BBa apaaa ia rraat BBiaa4 with Ira rati- aa Si taAa JlaUakll aaUka t L .11- P,',i.'',sw. " "'"5 ""' lyteifir ATTRACTIVE I I CONVENIENT! Wa eTar foratla ika TBItlKTOTIR 8T0BT Wag antaplalad, am tka karlk b ifa af Qalraat, balwaaft HlBtk aad Taatb alraatl1 rz aklaa-tloaaia-alpikaa praaaaaTbat aad cM watar ia. Illla I. ailil felaaala. 'ayiayir taraaaa aaaia iaa aalira lioaaai k WBlaatdoara.bUadaBdtrtaaaalaaa.iaarbla MUJa.loora aftb Ua Xohk C raU Vi Tkaaa koaaaa ktfa a aontk fioaW aad fawaVtkaaa ara wall bath. laaalaafU tka aaatra aaauar Cpporlaaur for rarahaalac r""'H waaVBiaat0tia M ) jfl aaf f uo.B iuiiio.1' v dksi njumiiiiaiDiopiii rot mt-i a WiKt!.1l,l1,,','0"'!l""- pIt u!iy ' ''''" ami 1 170a iii.-A rim hiwhouji iitoitid StSji'"."'.". .t.lKrl lilr.uo JMU 1 ilri.1, btVMa.JblklMaUi kkl JllaitMita "ffr-rTf ocuai( WiVdt T B B A LOT OB TH itriHn. HI ?;.i lw2,1'kaBdTaBlhitraaia A44raa T'1 MlMaOd, wttbiiriaakBd laaatlot YL WBTl-A BIlTiUBlBT COOK at JOdirii u. ailAvriKLE Jll- fcaTwalH.BAjftlxUaiu.ItU ESSADWOUlSO.lltOBKVENTll W I l?,f."i". "l-K buy ' Vi It1"'" ,v . aadaktldraaB" tut off a-tlalif. aadarelniklac boou aad akoai, t k'"1'ibadaprIi, skaaTa Ar day kola by wall araaaarwlaa proBpiTr at- jaallf A4. LAdtaa , Qaat aad CkUdraa'a eoad ha. tTlAlhlma Iladait PUIIiUa t3..n. dL a. 7 i. 41a) Blatk alraal. balwaaft D aad B alraaia. tktid door rroat Tim Uaa a Cbrlallaa Aaioattloft n wltk aoaauatai a oftla tlBia at i Maaaw.llbtaadprolubla aaallyaaia fraBiU aaatala Proportional Baa by da a to IL ataainaaa ! aaa ftVAiV-W" M.Rr ;?"!l,, ffaaalhU aapaiallaia .Wf 1 To biok.i ilna of iii.t"V k m V'1'1 "3,"!; 4V' L'" " fMtRaaV.Vi,.,.,.l,, "SSV.V .M.r...i.,"..'.;1 BoanUng; l'!r"r':rT"'ll H" n u a u 11 M U . -L , U lrua hAxxtji, ,0 f. Va.,ka-utaataJliaiiialla tat. Vatwaaa fi aad alraaia. kaa 1: ;( Laaloaa eOttiil 'tfi&alVJSfi&WoV'AliVmxi on MOKtU ' Balk roont aa all laora. Baaaia Srtjy- " wi1 fr ?.i" NlMjlMata klllli (1 i M :warsdairv.te8jyirti! i m, ia aqairr. taw t AiTBiai.ra(. tka Dlalricl of ralanVla I lll laT.a. - KIM lot BUt OT.Bamt, Vmau. al aal'olo woUr. Uu rooaia iaoi 0lUatll a4 I ttlMio. ODOMtto rrall. aqatr. TOB BXCalAKOE-A IB CO L1TTLI 110081. TTOQ AMD OATTLI ?O00 FfiFG'ANT:' Sj r1 .SJ ' 'Sf B 8 K TOTnsWpRKIlta CLlll-Waira how pra- PkradlorBralaballalaaaaawltk aoaaUBtaa.pfoy. vaatat bona, tba wboU oftla tlBia ci fcr iL. lauauiaiBaau isi2"" Ktirii rnt.-.v.T'nv.'. viuau.Tii ncn im iirgKHioiw; t Ijitnxil Ritixoi Tlioniii jMttritf wtn IM0,UJ3. Jom T. Snow toi been rrolkt&l hi tpoctot In tt eutom-bOTU. at Baco, Ua, ' Tm RcitUK Niw Tiu, which com. moe4 at 13 oVlock Wainradar slrit, wa. irproprlatttr it "114' nflnjin location on WolnciJkj yffXif, (lit)', Vtr- to a number of th poKntl'MMiAol r.' and Madam Cktucaij. a Auoxa th. jocoTe commpnlcarjoi laid baton to. Home TMtcfdaT'wai.cma. frora lb. SecrcUrr of tha latartar.iliiciaaliia'LBia r tfUmatet of th. (Enr.kJtaof-tr4UiffirfrreTJi"ifW-lrUirr vlhfpt Xftilri for th. .nrre of thiWUn,ri j thf WayJihj'j'amliooeT, lt"U tttder- "l""f' iumuKgap,y,p(hBf 1 th prannt Cicil yraiv TU taUroktol ataount li 1490,930. mla it -.1 ComuiiTtom tt -iiit!ti!kciy tin kMilon joiUrdar, coolrmad th. fellow lag oomlokllonn Edward B-Uoon. ap PTalnrofmerehaadlitl thoHorrrjlla' d.lphlai Richard Bt.rdilejl, jt,,1o(UioV, OOtuol at Jernialcmi TboraaaiBlddlq al r.uirlTUla, comal t6trl''n-naV1nI and Woodbury DcnnL poitmtitr,a( rort I"l.Me. , ,' Or tnim ottii, lunedyciicnl;(0vi tho War Dapartnuntiha JSth.aa4'7thi (Taltad Bute, lofaotrr and th. 8th and M Unllod BUtu caralry ar. orderjftif JljUf-J vuingo jgaia auruc in, comtfia; aprirur aruLi lommer Tha cxeontloa of lb. ordr la bw traitcd to Ocneral Sheridan. Tha Id ti alrfretlmcnt It ordered to Arftona, anitlh. th regiment to New Meiloo. Tni Mamoib Socinr hid tm Nitu. Bwrr. A petition from th. Medical Boetctr ofth. pittrlct of Colombia, prajloj Con. rreii lo (Inattention to thannnatnraland Injnrlotulr defradloipoellloa of th. medical etattorttn United Butea narj In regard to rank aad,anthorltj on aocoaat of th nana Ceuarr and nnxradona order latelr lamed from tho Nary Department; wat presented In the Senile jetterday fa 111. Ecotl.and refemd to tha Committee on Naial Aflaln. NouOiiTloai. Th. Frealdent aeat tba rouowroo; nomlnallont to Ih. Benata jcitef dayt t. C. V. Beiland ta be collector of Internal mean, for lb. Snrttk'dUtrlct of New Tork.ln rlaca of it. n. Traadwell. with. drawn. John A. P. Allen tdba'coQectorof cuiauu at new rMaiora. Haeucnuetu. Tlmclhr 0. Fhela to b collector or cnetora. at San TrancUco, California. Charle. S. Coopsr to b. inrrejor of cnetomi at Mem PhlaTnneweo. Tub. Otait Cin Rititid. A lenatbr pUtVa,aI(nol bj Horatio Amet and Clif ford jUTick, In which ther make nrion chargea of c.neplraey, 4c,atalait,BrIja. moT ana ureni Major aeneral A. B. Djer, Chief of Ordnanca. United Bute. armr. waa preaeated bj Mr. Howard la tba Binale yei terdajr. Tba petltlonera atk Congreet to Uke cognizant, of tbeaa eaattara aad pnnleh all who, no mailer what their tUadloE. nan conlptrea to oeieat tn. .nua ot CQbuV Jntllco. Referred to th. Commltte. on miliary Affaire. NoTwiTHaTavniaa th. praunre made for Ih. remoral of General nickenlooper, Ualted Bute marihU for tba Southern dla. trlct of Ohio, th. rretldent baa determined to adheratotba aoldlcmUtu than to th. Chilian eo prominently nrged. Th. admin istration af Qaneral lllckankoaDar thna r.r hae been entirely aatUfactory to tha Admin- utrauon, and altnongh an appointee of the ia Aaminiitrauon. th. preaeat Ineamhenl U regardod aa found on tha solltleal laanaa of the day. In fact Fr.ttd.nt Grant baa already Intimated that he la In fayorof, rota tion In onlce, and th. applicant to atrooxly urged tcrred In that office nearly An year. Lrma-Cjaareiu' CpiTtrriov. It It nndentood thai there la to ba a aOoymUon Of latler-carrlara from tb. dlffennt cltlea la thle coontry held In tbla tlly next moalh tor dlaonta Ihete maUere and waVt npon th. commiiteea or vongnai and lay their alleged grterancee before them. A elreul.r letter from th. leUer-catrlera of theFMla- aupnia poti ome. baa been addreaeed to all tba letter-carrlera In tha conotry, atklf ( co operation In a Inoyemenl to obtain an; id- rancaoi pay, ana oalauing tb.dlaadyanW agu nnder which they ara taborlagi alio, Inclotlng a form of petition to Congreii aikj tog appropriate lagUlallon In their; behalf; NItt Oaniu. DeUthad-.LIant. a. p Balrd, from the nayy yard, Boeton, and or dered to the Benldat UenU Geo, it, Brooki, from the Benlcla-ani trranted alek .. Faeeed Aulttant Snrgeon Geo. W. Woodt,' nuui iu vokMoia, ana ordered to tha ra celrlog ahtp Independence) Chief Engineer, a. uiiiuwD, inna tpKiai anty at Beaton, and ordered to Ih. United Statu ateamer Colorado, and aaHetfangtneerot tha Aklatlo Oeet. Jrdeiad-UenU B, h. Wtiaon, to Wath lagton, for eiamlnatlon for promotion, rirtt Aulttant Engineer H. D. McZwan, to Lcagne Itland, Fa- BoaUrrala Jat. Walker, to the Botlon nayy yard. ,Tbaarderaof Bar, geon Jamea McMatter to the recelrlog thlp Vermont ban been ranked, and alto th. detachment of Borgoon p. Bloodgood from the recelrlng thlp Vermont. iMusroasa to a retolallon offered lorn. day. ago by Mr. Bwann, tho Secretary of Wa.r ecnt to Ih. nonjoyeeterdayacomma nlcatlon enclosing a report from J. n. Simpson, engineer la charge of the work of widening and deepening the channel of the ratapec HteViVbJch. Ibal officer glyee an elaborate reylerr pf th. work don. In that direction- from tha elarl, In 1959, by the city of Baltimore", tha But. of Mary land and th. General Qoyernment, by which It appear! that there was expended prior to ISflrL aml sit ort r-KH. -vi.l .. !. .... fy.: ' ' v ' v ""viHiH so two nothing wae done. Blaca ISOd there haa neea expended t!S4,N0, and, the amount now required to complete the work It eitl mated at 1107,000. A map ahowing the work perform!, and nccettary to be per. formed, accempanloa tha rcporti which waa referred to the Committee on Commerce. 1 I ! I Bona ntra tinea th. Howe of Repra entatlree adopted a retolntlon calUog on the Secretary of tb. Nayy for th. report of a board of natal offleert, which bad been wa nned to consider the qneetlon of relatlre rank or the medical itaH of the nayy, and the Secretary yeiterdty aent areipooicto the effect that the board of offleert Ihnt con. rened bad not yet anally adjonmed, and that when it ehonld bay. completed all Its duties, and mbmltled Its Heal record, a copy Of and all Tuner. n....1.i. '.,. ".' would b, forwarded wlthont deUy, th. reot'UV.K """"m 'UUDg that th. report of tha board or admiral. Cm.. .mbladl190J,or wUch SmtiTJai,l,h.d bcar,,, a former Becreury. and ooni.i .7.: . found, and that a duplicate of uwu ,, zzrmnrzz f) ujif ruiiiiT is1 j)trt4 brtha 'boards IleVOUVeTWuN ria'.'irrtlcxiioaoi.'tV.-iiktaJV.ffl trt-fbralointiJaM tbaab allowtatat !eatfkntba atari of hiti rVrtMid' Ullkali torWoV.!adlfa31la. d CorfirlW C rtiit) IttiUerfjU &iiliit alten ibM tb ignis mad rmlrtal between :tr4 aad tb srailfrfrVbe1r)rrftlV llruoT la Bf fo nrkrij,tiiih3nJi.ton.r aitrt w larrlfobero on"Balurdaf, and will ba. pared to report the-ratnll of bit lnyutl- jn'M'tbnlfTTlftlBafditown and other; i,opicVVI.y wf )ft , fed. InretHga- w .1 , I n c ic ,' anelalrot ofnttoBStntoiky 'dUimire trff,lWlaknjaf thrlrtltlootrt kXanthckycandtrUDartilarfeitrlctloaa; ah .tT a a f l hT ami a-'l Hrxtrjo ram, UufatT nr tub Lira Icbaa.BTiiTtniJ-Xi mastrrar W tbf mKn- bcislH lbMr;rnrWj.mC9srVor,th 0qlua,Yt,mt.i1rlikVooiut-room, la th. CaHloI"al 10 o'slook laHerJayj ta uke ap. prorriete action fn relation, to tha death or Jhsj lata EdwlncMBtaf,)fti-Al largei nnm- sxi arthamamberswen preeent. Senator EJtaonaSVfTofffl6et.,ll called ulVin ta iweVjpr.-W-. OofIn,or Ohio, wat cMeU arcrtryk. St "Chair ttaled tba obi lecti or theAraee.tlngk9n .motion or th Allorwy naneiefl, a cnmmUliia nt three Wki appointed iW 'draft nltsbl .calhllons to uiml to the .Court attt nateembllag a sldnday nejL, Tha Chair appointed the At torney Geuersl, J,M vetUala aad Judge Utll Ihel committee. On "motion, the meeting adjourned tintll next Monday at 10 o'clock a. y t t hear the report or the comroKUe. 'a.lanaaaa Vlnnni tnnnr fti. ..wn. Un doctfmenlt laid beforrUbo llynte yutcrr Aat was a commnaleaUo'n from tba Becre tart of War, recommcndlnt! the parches, of certain tandt at ortretl Monroe for the tue oribsJ!teiBtateartlUBryBcnool. The iztintandastlraatadralaeor the property, Which It alt Improved, la aa followti L . . Ellf w TrrL' .. ""! 11,(5 Haloa. ......,..........: 1 L. 0 fartr.ltaaUlet,) VT R Muitt..... , , ... 4 JoiepaTuttU.,.. ., i Mr yinihj .:.... ...... ia . uanaraaaArf raaie uoneffa. total ties too The Chesapeake Female Collage property la one hair held by the Fncdmen't Barean aad bne hair In1 trntl for the loyal (lock holders. It-it now W!t thatllorney aeneral lloar't nomination will not ba recalled, and that the Senata wilt ban to decide on hit oondrmatlonofejectlon. 'Neither Ur. Hoar nor the President look at the question rrom a personal ttand-polat, but consider that a grate ooustlfallauaj. qneetlon underlies the result. They say, shall the Senate continue to eierclia foreter those powers which It as sumed for the first time In the Johntoolan controtersy, when It wae bellamd neoettary plefogaiftesior'erll purposes t Shall lbs President be permitted to eeleel the beet man for any existing vacancy, or shall be ba obliged to nominate from local considerations and within tb. boundarlee of the circuit where th. court will ba held I and shall a coinbloaUott of Senators be able to cause the rejection ot one whoso chief offence la that nn aoae not. to ouinonte nit omcee ae snail best aid them, tn strengthening the Sena torial seat! If rejected, Mr. Iloar will cer tainly retain bis ssat In Ihe Cabinet. HaiA. fyor, rv. r. zrfounf. Tni FosTSb Co.TTMCl.--ThOi postal ooaferene.dld not) ctoea yesterday aewaa anticipated, but will meet, again to-day and perhapa on Baturday. The tubl ecu consld end yetUrday were a contlnnanee of the registered letur and monerorder eyetems, AB4 LbaS bofboar of tba fjHiro.eol. ! collectlonTof fewspaper posuge land the mlsdie of JbJ poatal serrlcat tha Lransmji tlon Of- ao-calUl newspaJera.'Srklon' ar mere adtertltlng medlnme. In regard to registered leture It was propossd to rsduce th.posUge npon them, and (the name or reetly to the mailing odes without the de lay safiaeai to iu return inrougn tne aoea letter lomce, other methods were sug. gested, to popularise tba eyetem.. Tba etUbllthmeni ori'new'rafe rorlhe B.orteyorder office by which eume of 110 and lea can be cent for fire cenU wae warmlt nrged. Tha ylews of the conference are to belobodled lnareporvm .the'Tosfttai'er Qeneradatthecloeeoflulabore. Theman- nevln wbleri the mkjlk iMnulliavlnll. 47 ' ... .7 . .. . .-.-..v inepnaiic, tnrongn tne louery, girt enler- pruee and otner senemes, jras jkUndstLto, !. ft. . 1.111 k. tIL'-l J- A. .Jli.' aentl, tn the Houei byrlraraswmhye tarda'y) the subject was not generally dlt cnued. ' The conference adlonrned ataoVlnek. and the members by lntlUllon dined with roeimatteripea.erai; CrtsWell, after which they callalirrOu'thaFrealdeaf Mr. Crctwell la much pleased with the re suit of the conference thus far, and dsrotes hit lima to It, refusing to see all tlsttors wnue sue conrerenco u in session. NanoasL laurix-Another oterlow. log1 house witnessed Ust night Miss Bate, taan'a Impersonation of "Mary Warner." The plot la Interesting throughout, and the feeHnge of the auditors are wrought up to ua niguesi point as scene succeeds scene. lour eympathlee are enlisted from th. very first with the deyoted wtfii who confesses to bate committed a crime of which she le gnlltleei to'tare her husband. .The Inter itaw vQuuiu,ku. pfikGBEparsjoi ua innocent woman with her husband U thrilling In the extreme. The proud man looking npon his wus, ror wuom ue nas cneruned the highest respect, aa bating degraded herself, gltet her no kind worJi, but rather upbraids her tor oringing augrace npon me name. Then It le that all the lmpaattonod natnre of the woman who hat made thtt great tacrlllco It aroused. Bcllerlng that bar husband wat guilty of the crime which ehe for hit take baa toIunUrlly atiumedand. tnaetlnr mid, nest Inttead of gratitude; tar wlcaah'e heart siung to tuo quics, ana alter a torroat of bluer reproach, sho leatee him, and refutes to tea bin again. Mlaa, Uataman makes or 11.1. ..a. .M-l.l.k i ,7 . .wiiwug.twwiMiaa nott natural piece of acting, while Mr. Jordan as Qsorire War ner Is equally natural In hie part. In th. euccsaeiro trials wruca uary nndcrgoet af ter leaving the prison, and Ih. final recon. dilation of husband and wire, after each Is acquainted with tho Innocence of Ihe other by the confection of Boh Letltl, Mlse Batsman and Mr. Jordan leave no oppor tunity for criticism. Mlse May Berlllo ae Ullly IUgg, It very saucy and charming as lee maiden deleted to her friend when In trouble, and evincing the Ira. spirit of woman a. the faithful wife. "Mary War MrVile, In a wotdra play which ersty American should tao.lod Should ttkaD Wiiaanacaiiam to tee, not alene for the pletrrot "1 afford Ihesi, but for tU kood KwUlaolham. ' T . 1- lain . . Rioiioiiutio! oK TM AaUlvr-ilri ,Logaa, frotn th. Committee on MUlury Af. uirt,jresentitoih. nous, two bills rot tb. reorganisation of the army) which were neonftaltted tad ordered tb be prlnUJ. 1 The first waa drawv by Mf. Logan, aad pronetsXlatUe BcOfUry" o Wir ibaU as. sembls a board or three gsaera) offleers In exarjlnf lnlallit qmlllhilbwntnsttanl predons ulUUrr record Of all officers, T (he arrnf; Vo art Inperaufnarary ce In' excess of tt organisation or wsMng ordeffud reoemmend tot p Wnlmsni to, yatanclae ta U resldeol, and that the, ftmeloder, aflif. erxarntneiuuoeate to M oncers oeiue artar. bat shall b uUc4LdM'fi!Vtyfor; one ,yeaf, uoatian. oaiaot tnnkvsriiig.ciew TbabUlTlsMflhe tniri!foriierleratdt IT- 1. if . ' '. . . - Ti r"- 1 1 areUrc51WMtheaUstlWft.iJurV dent,' trtt otto IxdMd tw$'tftWeJ,'et omcarai the retired lin tf aji M'AtsMnai Id dult. and all aislgno'eutajrlilch;', bate hereiotbre neen snaoa tnaui easw en saopaseage or the ' ii also troTidee ttuti tha" offlce. or.nn.r j anauenuaans uanarai ar tha jtraivi.bkii rtntlnnenatJlaiyacaaerebaUieonrrln tna same, aad no tcagert knt when' etch Yacajtt cm ocear en lews, ana pane or usi Jtreae Una (Hlk MIh .kill l.u. I..J -- X.MI.U VUUI .WA11 VOWWlUWUVMlItMIl Iso, a bill drafted al tha War Oeparu meat, which provides that artillery caValr? aM.l.lal a.l ZZ1 -IT".,-? X7 " aauu iHiaaiii THiaiieiiia laaii nan inn uma viBaaiaMvu, TiH Una COlOIiai. QUO). IdaUlrQlV a.tviwBWfiwp iajarvtaata ootuiai 01 "wti ooapftufaa, wiucn iu br tm ctpuln two larttlltrawnABU And bp. lecoad llatmiAult0ii6 flnt twrknt. four ionnnti. ioir corporkK. two motiOAOl, (wo aiUJcdrv aaii.aia w aavuicra. man MTani7TpnTaCaaw AdJaUnU. qaArtermAaUrt nd eoomlitk tlM of abkUletlea sr ta ba rtatallM fWtm uta am i.trawoaniaj or men resimeou. u&d THdrtCkfT tnrvrcn lit turh lwa-Tmant nt mv- BlgAOtlOnecIattplAlBlO CAtlii reflnirat of lafiQtry, cariOrj or tutUlerr, Tfat Offlc of pott ohapltUn It ttbotlibfttt. Tha Becreury or Wat Ia .u.t.orlfe.1 to da ted from thtj praianl number of lUaUauaU Aodnulort to BX tho ntcanetet tboto not wqiilred to b held at lOMraamsnriM tni plAc4 on lUt of offleen wkltlnr otdoit, inb- jactto tntoBier. ftppoiaiimont or KpArulon irvm ,uo BiDii ft .pirjiiaOQ dsjwwi Wha tti &ut protiioo arc cotoptlet, with, a board of thrao geoerml officer Art to bowrmnM tatbamftaaeiAnd forttLOpttr poaa ipeclAod la llr. Locua'a bin. Tbo Wtr DcpArtmeat bUi flrei to ibdaI- tertll ACtlQA Ad fttUllUnt Dnartarmaatara . AitUunt coamtHArlM fid per month eitr pay, wher the rArrUon Id 1m tUn two corapt&led, A&ct 30 per mootb when ortr two compAoldA. Tbb Cobobbuiobaio raiHTin. Ai we ffars jttlenli j thi rmrport of cUrgeA whlcfa, AccorUIng to report, wtrali bo made befora the CongrtiilQnaJ rrlotlflff CotnmittM agalait the mAnagemtot of the a ore mm cat prlntloff office, we feci Itdaoio Mr.CUpp to preaent what hli friends asiert art tho real facta la th cue, to th following effect, iod which wtj Hod published la tho 3tat ytiterdty ifternooat uertAia c&argM were mads dome time iloeo la aa aDODjmoa aad lrrospoaslbla Kbllcatloa, aot one of which, thty bat, cab uiUlned by facu Tbea and other eorreipotideiiu of the preaa elnco. bat ae yet uu cuaiKu ubtb iwcn aiaaB pnDuo iaroaga the action of Concrete, aod none haTB beta referred to the Committee oa Printing ot ta aot other committee for lflTeittgatloa. The Coogreiilonal Printer not only doe not fear aoy chargea that may be mad of miima&agemeDi. ana a txuuppropnauoa 01 the fend of the QoTernment entroited to hla offlclal care and approprlAtlos, hat he laroltc the moat thorough and torching Inreitlgalloa of hla offlclal conduct daring the few month ho ha been la office, by Any tribunal, either legtalatlY or JadlcUf. Erery legltlmat eooreo of lnformktloo may be reaorted to, and trary mean of reaching thetratl4aybeadtptJ,aii4 he will wtl eome tha'Biaalt of th effort to Impeach th Integrity, economy or efficiency of his ad TnlnUtratloif, II has beea tninlred by a elogl porpoae la hi offldai action to In crcAie the tuefolnea of th OoTerament printing office. And toelctata tba charactar of lu work. Ia thli ha tnuta that b haa b3IMsr aaanaaaifuli arlSlta lia la aal nn.ljiul of the fact that la accompinarariair ptrer - ne dm awameaea tn Doaumyoi inoeo who wooldhftT had It otherwise If thiT could have controlled th reaulU Eodearor Vat been made from tbo oat Hi of the admlalatratloa of the preeent Con greiilooat Printer, by tbote who were la no degree entitled to control It policy, to direct the litersal management of the Oorernmeot f Timing office, aod hi reaUtaoee of thlt la erferenco hae ehallanged the hoatUlty of a large claai, who are now baally engaged la aa effort to discredit and rain AaadmlDl tratloa that they coold not ibapo In accord, ance with their own be k eat. All that tbe ConrreulotiAl printer aitttSBOW tbUwar bat been declared Bgaioit hint, U a citer Held And a fair fight, and he will ba enabled to tbow not only th anlmne bat tbe Impo tence of bit uaallantt. lie aalu no lama nltlei, bnt court truth and lattice In the broadetttnd fnlleit eenie. lie doea latUt, howeror, that hetbaUnot boladgad hattlly, under mallcloue and rroandieet allegation, before tbe truth ehall be reached and the Janice of tbe cue be fall eetabllthed throogb lncontroTrtlble proof. In addltlom to the abort we bare recelTtd Mho' following comnaokatlon oa thle tnb- Ject, anl aa we want todojottleo to all tide wegiTeuuerowuut KoiTOanirTjBLn;i firai Permit ma ta call tbe attention of your reader to tao- paragrapa in ua UatpuBUOAJl of yeiteroay with regard to eharn mad acralaat tha Coogrculooal Printer. Hardly bate tho wanton ana uatm,nrai luucjncnt maae azalnit Collector Boewell been wall rafatad ere the public aru treated to another dlh of a aimuar aaiara, anDeutaunr lor Mr. Hoc well the nam or Mr. Clapp. In Tlew of an Invert .gitloo, It I almoet naelet to attempt a, Tciuta.uu vi iub Guargua tujuio againtl me Congrcutonal Printer. That, at limit, they are partly incorrect aoy person of ordinary Intelligence would find little difficulty In prorlng Tho chargo cf ralamanagement and recklcs erpendlturo 1 a bate, wanton, and mill clout ualrutb, circulated by a few wretched and miserable outcasts of the Got eminent printing office. It la, uowerer, a matter of deep regret that thete lmpoten. falsifier should bar bad the power to Im pose their bate fabrication! upon any re spectable Indltldaal. math lctt upon an honorable member of Congreii, who, acting npon the repreaeatalloue of half a doaen low, unprincipled, aod dleappointed printer, has abiolutaly moved for legislation on tho tnbject. The "rumor" did not originate a "few days ago, aath correspondent of tbe New . ui . n vlv Hill 1U. ICIMIOI. UOIIOTB, but had 1U origin In an anonymous and Irreepooilblo pamphlet, circulated more than a mouth ago, by the half dosen " mlsera. blcs " already referred to, and t reference to wuicu nr. uupp invited a thorough In vestigation Into the woiklnge of th. Govern, men! nrlntlnir office. It Is not so much a matter of surprise that a fow men, who had already been discharged from the Government printing office by Mr. Clarp. should seek soma mathM hv whlph theripuuttonofthlt gentleman might be Injured and their own aggrandUemeut se cured Neither tbe correspondent of th. ivn nor General Negley could pottlbly b. actuated by any such motlvee, however, and It would have boou much more credluble, ctptUally to tha latter gentleman, lr be would have uken the trouble, be Tore taking any action In th. matter, to ban first user. Ulned tut correctness or the statement! made Had b. bar. done thlt he would no doubtedty have caved himself the odium which mutt follow an Invettlgatloo of tbe maiieri as then tan be no doubt that Mr. Clarp t admlnlttratlon has been character ised by the strictest Integrity, economy and thill JlaTITlAi vftiiimw, 0 0 Jta U TiriTltirCBP.TIONS -r2 nrcsnrcirx okabt at home first i: Veil in a becrption TiUftjrncxuixHcic,niUtnrTAiD rAtBioa or Tim armor. Otl4 PRKOrrT. !PnsUtat aranl'a Tint ermlnr reeeMIorf was bald but rrr enlai, and bom o'clock to 11 p. mi then was a eoaeuat stream or visi tors pouring Into' th. Executive Mansion. At usual th President aad Mrs. a rant re ceived Utslr Visitors la th. Bine Boom, which, fh Ih 6tw-ArmlnilsrhledalI!ott carpet aavt Its' rich, and costly' fsmlturs, preeented t1rnaeehrnu.atKrffiaararlte. sV.AlubarM.Ualtal tWtee Marshal t)tJimitrtct, presented the Vlsltort to thi FrWdahL'whll Oentral KlobW, Commla. waafsi iff j-thua o?sllalgs, petrarmad,lha sasdnlytoltra.qraritt who waa etqul- aueiy asufsa ta a. rtca, enrnsoa aua. aieganuy trimmed with black velmrre lace. Bha sraa VirOTrideiby.-lW. (euetaty lUh, Mrs. rfcintary Belknap, Mr. Borl,Mlt Borle, itrsOeftyaKDeril, Mrs. General Porter, Si-aeueral Babcock, and Musee Ntlll. rant.anVtVadxu Dents Oeaeralt Dent, Pbtter gird Babcock, and Colonel Douglass, rVt'eml .Grant's etcretarles, ataltted him fecMo;tttBssl of caJlerf who thronged upOuhW iraocghe 'ilsflngulshed persons wbc called to pay tbatt retptcutoosr honored Chief Vatfstrate were noticed SecreUrles Robeson, Fish, Belknap and Coil General rjoermsn.aucl wire, Conuniuloner Fisher, Judge Casey, of tha Court of Clalmei ex Becreury Boric, Commodore Binds, United BUtet savy, and daughter) General Zellen, of th Marin. Corps) General John C. Fre mont ana hue wile, who waa magalneently dressed la a lrtae.mrAre' antique, with costly uee ooay ana overskirt, having impended from a chain around her neck a massive gold cross, sat with earbanclee of unusual else and unuiaacy! non. Horace Capron, Comralaslonv of AgTrcultnre, and wUet uon. Tnomaa A. jeactes, member of Con gress from Rhode Island) ex-Foitmaster General Sing and wife, Senator Stewart, uommodora Smith, United Btatee navyi ti. P. Banks, Hon. Amssa Cobb, Captain Parrott, Ualted Suite armyt W. W. Cor. corinleei,Geo.W. Rlggf, Jadge Geo. P. Fisher, and hundreds or others. Kentucky was represented by two of her fairest daughters Mrs. Becreury Belknap trormsrly Hits Tomllnson, oruarrodtbunr) and Mitt Beck, daughter of the Hon. J. B. Beck, of th. Ashland district. Mist Beck, (though quit, young,) In grace of carriage, elegance, aad dignity of person, recalled the graces or Mrs. Crittenden, Mn. Pretton, and other notable Kentucky ladles or Ibe old rvefene. About hair-catt nine o'clock Vice Presi dent Colfax' made bis appearance, and was immediately eet npon by th. assembled tbroug and those newly entering, all eager so pay tnelr respecu to tbe pormu. Tho UafUeband7nnder the leadership of rrorttior Bella, was in attendance, and discoursed moat excellent music, which was highly enjoyed by au present. If we msy Judge freu the numerous eocomlume onr heard during the, pronunad. through th. different rooms. The irsntlemen In atUndanee were mostly In full evening costume, while tba tollettee of torn, of the ladies were most exqulilte. displaying exceeding elegance, taste, In some intunces costliness and magnificence, and It tbe brilliancy or Ibis reception Is to be an Indication or what th. succeeding onee are to be, our vouriee or fashion may b satisfied that this season will eurpasa In gayety and elegance that of aoy previous OkSCKTEBS TAIrtj Xleea ar Hllreri or Sense. s aauaw as.. Two first-cuss operators, two second. class and six boys or low grids last night recanted ana went dick to the smolov of th TYestsrn Union Company in this city. The leader It aald to bate obulned more money from Ihe league than any other member by pitiful tales of destitution, while alt the time be was .sgsged In negotiations with the sgente or the company. The name! of those (olng back are Kanode and Bwlfl. flrsbelaasi Loomla and Klrbr. aecond. class, and Slaleup, HarvsjcuUer, Lapham, nalley, UusWOrth and utrcomb, the latter "th. eltteen ysar old boy," or fire alarm nnorlety. The etrlker say they are stronger without Ibia with the recantert, but they regret the aerecuon or tunoda and owin. Telearrtapssl. aaraMary. Fail oontlanu eidted oyer the recent tragedy, and collisions between dtlsena and tbe police are frequent, bnt so far not serious- There are now In Paris oyer 100,000 uiwhiiuuuuiuk lufkiikcamioisDi car tlrv which recently arrived from the carrl. sous aad several batteries of artillery rrom Ylncennesi The police force hae alto been largely ucraaaea. it u nos euppoeea mat the people will dare to make any further disturbance. The ifiirsftlolst appeared yes terday as usual. The lone or lu articles U very violent Rochefort, In a leading edito rial, aayn "The demonstration yesterday hi cry mr jusuce- --to-morrow tne cry may Come for vengeance." Hoiolslu isvicxs to the 91d of December eute that tha Austrian Irlgite Donan, Ad mint Van P1U commanding, arrived on tbe 20th from Tokoheme. Bh encountered a neavy cycton and sauered eerlons damage, losing her rudder and sum noet. and bus, talelug other Injurlee. The islands bay. been Tlslled by furious galee, cauelog much damage. Tbe bark It. N. Wood baa re- luraea rrom an nnsuccessntl voyage to the Ltunde of the South Pacini! under the aue. piece of the Hawaiian Board or Emigrants. The natlvea refused to go to the Sandwich Itlandf. The bark Almenla, from Baltimore, which pat Into Honolulu In distress, wat within 100 miles or San Francisco, and was blown off by ssvere galet. T thlp Robin Hood, Capt. Taylor,whlch sailed from Honolulu on Angult 5 for Baker Island, waa burned on Angutt 90, and be cam. a total loss. Th. crew arrived In Hono lulu on December 30. There It no doubt that tho thlo waa fired by tome of tbe crew. four or whom were arretted by roquett or ma unitou etatci consul on tutir arrival at Uonoluln. Tni United BUtet collector has demanded ortneciiyor ot. iduii, M,wo ae eucces. alonut on property recelrod from Henry Shaw for Lower Grove park. Tbe cltv de. dines to pay It, and will probably contest lua lu.ii.i. Taa tteamthlp Betlona, of tbeliondon and New Tork line, which wae recently disabled al ece and compelled to put back to Fal. mouth, bae been repaired, and tailed again for New York at 8 o'clock yetterday morning Trri Mpro Cattle, rrom New Tork, ar rived at uavana yesterday. The United Bute war tteamer Severn an 1 the monitors Dictator and Bangui, from Key West, also arrived Ma. Ilatonr, at a public breakfast In Birmingham, denounced the American Fe nians, out premised his co-operation to ob tala In. releaee of the Fenian prisouert. Taot. BhlDisiw, an aged man living near Bharptburg, Ry , ttruck hit wife back of the head with an axe, and believing her dead, hung hlauiir, THE NEWS BY CABLES IHAHCst. arU aim AIUIe4-Prranaa atre. stainy tar Titter rlalr-The Ar. ralgaraesit f Beehefect. toroos, Jan. liU-Letter from Paris represent that tha feeling of sympathy for victor .voir u preround and wide-spread among tb. mastes. Th Government Is Using envy precaution to prevent an out. bunt of pubUo Indignation. fins, Jan. 13-The dlt Is still much agiuted onr the recent homicide. Troope are held la readiness to act although no display It made. Tha Emperor to-dar vttlted the barraeta aad mUlury school. Rochefort was preeent al the littler of the CorpsLegUiatlf to-day. Monday has been appointed at the day for discussion on tbe arraignment of Roeeefoft. it u rumored, however, that the Govern. fnent wHi withdraw' lu demand, end, will propose a taw providing that an poUUdf crimes and offences shall be tried by Jury. reraecaal txeltulea rtts n.arksn raaatxr rrepoeeaU ManaiD. Jan. 11 In tbe Cortseta-dar Benor cotteuir Introdoeed a proposition ex dtdlag forever tbe Bourbon family and all IU branches from tbe throne of Snalni ine debate on the proposition will com mence next TOesJiy, THeratlHalltlaatlteeai Brltlsb Ce- latntttaa laaaasadtnaa, LomMif, January IX The PM JKhll Oa- tisu diy tpeaks of Ih. petition of the cwonlslt or British ColnmbU for ladepend eoce at ae work of American Mlltlclant. and Intended aa a let-off for fh. Alabama claims. The petition, If genuine, would hat. been addressed to EogUad. LATE FOEEION nTTELLIQEHCE. ByTrraebCalUudIUkkm'kIrwsl-aey) Pius, Jan. 13 Midnight. Tbe Emperor Napoleon visited a reglmsnt quartered In ferit to-day. He u warmly reodvsd by in. troops, and ertee of "Ylv. L Empereur," "Vive Napoleon," responded throughout tho entire line. The Emperor seemed In good spirits, aad received Ihe plandlu or th troops with evident satisfaction Additional regimen! of caralry are ar ming in parts rrom country districts. it is reported mat Minister OUlvlere.on horseback, directed tb monmenu or Ih. troops In dispelling the crowd which gath. end around Rochefort during his dedimi- uon on in. unamps Ells last night. uiuvier, Doth la WibUc and private, Indl- calee the determlaatloo or the Gorefiiment to put down all disorderly tnanttoctation. ana noia tne radical elemente la check by force lr nccettary, Tbe Court or Cessation hat reltcted the appeal or Qroupaonnse for a nsw trul. M. Louvet, the Mlnlslsr of Commerce, ta formed the Senate to-day that France woald withdraw rrom the treaty or commarc with .ti,mini Ao-i, In an aditKllreSptm'aialfrBt proposition made with a Tlew to tb arttle- ment of the AlAbamA claim, aayti "We do aot beUere that any American of high spirit and patriotism would tetloualy propoee to accept a tuoe of Brltlab territory as a com penaatlon for an alleged national wrong." TbeCiMatlTa OIBeai' la thoHarr The recent dlscutaloas In th public) Jour nal on the difficulties concerning naral rank hare led to the Inquiry, What It thlt "ezec- uUto officer" who em to oppo a prlnct pAl obstacle to tha proper adjattmeot of thesa difficuItleiT The -'ezeeatlre officer" 1 a faacUomary orlgtually Introlaeed Into the CagUih nary to aid Incompetent cap- laio commutiooa irom in noouity, irotn royalty aometimes, then being a neceaslty for some one on board who should be compe tent to uke can of the TMtel. This plan Auia been Initiated la onr qatt. .hara ti hare copied a good maaybad thing from th aristocratic English eerrlce without al ways taklnr the rood. Tha n--DlaLlana are Intended, howerer, to Jeatonai j guaird a;akiuab lAia geunasg twron VI BOJ AI vuvrTitj. u.i, craaajutj & twnoi inaepen dent power hu nown up about Mm, which la working greatharmto the aaiy. uvratuijaa hiu ejaq uje, ijauja. to cruelty and Injutllce the commanding officer, perbaps, wholly unaware that Illegal and barih Duolahmeate ara Inflleufl oa tha men by tbe authority of tbo ezecuUva offl- cur. aosuca a pout nas iue oaogeroa InnOTAtloa reached that an executive nffl cermay commit almoet any act of lojas. a., aaaava n mwi aa aa iclsuimk U iaa a ".Ulaa- mandlng officerIf, Indeed, th injnred part? be allowed an aDoeal (Iia uttM aa-rai "I must stautn my execaUre officer, no matter If he is wrorg.' In oar nary, too, a ta tho English, il I notable that tne power and Importance of the executlT officer Increase In direct ratio with tbe feebleness and Incompetency of .u BWDuoaaaiDg oracer no CApiAin ox real force and.ftknow.edge of hi profaailoa dwarfa hlmteir to rnagTilfj hla saboinatav aod inch a decision a that abort glren woald be the declaration of one admitting hi own la tufficltney. Uriglaally adopted for tb eon Teolenc orconunaadlng ofllcert'the ezeen tlTe"ba assumed iachaggredTpropor Uon that he may bo heard to object Eo -the laterfereaca of tbe captain," when on ren tnretto restrain or direct hi official com duct. No inch anomaly exist In our Army, where tb captain eominaadi hi company, tbo colonel hit regiment penonaUy, and they are always accessible not, as la the navy, sitting often la hi cabin whilo a ab altera rule with .responsible power what ba been placed la their charge. What would bo aald In the army If, when an or derly sergeant was reported for hanging a loldler by hi wrist till hi hand were par aljred. the captain of tho company should reply. "I muat ittstala my executle1" And this medlara! tyranny la a republican nary la perpetuated under tbe name of disdplioel He who waa once called tbe "Anl Uenten aut" wa advanced to the Importauce of tb executlT officer, and we now hear of them aa "tho second la command,1' Already tbe saaoow of the coming "seoond captalu" 1 cait before. IV. r. Jlmn, A VTIfc'a ftlrateir-ltovel tare for DrnalaaaB. A devoted wife realdtnrr In th Twiik first ward ba adopted mesne for the refor-J m.tlfw. nf . .1I--..I... . 1 .... .f u....yu v. imiuiuiii uukuana tost ar worthy th. attention of every wife similarly situated. According to the report or the police, at hair past three o'dock yesterday morning Oncer Trabold found a handcuffed man wandering through Third avenue. Bua pectlng that he was a convict who had eecaped rrom hie euatodlaas. ho questioned him. when the man. who bore re eridencee or respectability, suted that hla name waa iiayette d uoates, reaiaingaio-SinEait Twenty third ttreeli that while asleep torn, or tbo boardtrt had manacled him at a practical Joke, and that he wat la teereh or tome person to relievo him. Tho officer ac companied him to tha house, when th. da nted Mrs. Coatee told an entirely different tale Bha itsteo that occasionally Mr. Coatet It In lb. habit or Indulging Immodo. ritelylnth.atoof liquor, and that durlog these periods be carries away from the bouee and pawn everything be can get hit handt upon ehe consequently hltt upon thle happy expedient or reforming him and breaking bin or his pilfering habits, and for that par! poa purchased the handcuffs and applied them. The officer prevailed upon the lady to release her husband', hands, and turned him over, about four o'clock la the morning, , to her tender, .V IV iiM.J STATE LEGISLATURES. Aunana. n JloiTOOuxar, January llrn m. xt,,.. bxlay several members eipreeaed Indlgna. Hon at the Introduction ot a resolution au thoriilng Ihe appotatraenl of a clerk to pat In legible and sensible shape blue for a. groeBlog. Th. member Introdudni It said tha Qov. ernor had often to apenm bills thu were disgraceful to tho Bute on account of th bad tpelllog and worte grammar. The reeoiaUOQ wat defeated. There Is much lobbying In regard 10 bDU granting Bute aid to railroads. SJEOBOIA. Atuxti, Oa., Jan. W. Th Senata kd. Joureed without transacting any business. motions completed ihe rod of lit mem. hers, when In order wat receind from GOT. uuiiocr.apprcrreaoyaen. Terry, brdsrlng a recess of the House until next MOddiy, to gin lime to Inquire Into Ihe eUgtbmiy of members. Gen. Terry hu Issued an order antv.t.ii.r a board of ofltceni consisting of Gen. Roger, Gen. Raines and Major Geo. Goodfellow, to convene Saturday, to Inquire Into the eligi bility of Meiin. Winn, of Cobb cosntyi i;ouier, or Dooley countyj nolcotnb, of Mil ton eounlyi Anderson, of Houston coduly, nintoH,ofMsrloncoonty, and Welborn, or Union 00001, to teals In Ibe Lcgtslatnt. nnder the reconitrnctlon acte. TEHMKiaKE cuaaTTTtrioWa,r, COSTCHTIOM. laapertaal Prapealltea Naktaltl4 B3alrela.frras;efa baflalitalllea la Dlreel Vale aa Asa.aaeel BUI raiarhla arasatMt. Nuanui, Jaru 1A Tb. cotatlrtUooaJ convention toay wa. again engaged la Ihe reception of propoeltlont, many of which were similar to others offered yeaterday. among tiia new onee were proposition to prohibit Ihtfaiiherlaaneof Bute bonds; U rtea me But eoutuullou snide by arttols. aaa uops snen amsnamenu aa are nteee. ssryi to reduce the number or drcult and chancery dlstricUi to compost the Supreme Court of a chief J mulct and four associate) to punish members of seoret political eocletlsti to elect Judicial and county officers as toon as practicable afur tha ratlficaUon of Ibe eouttltntloai to submit th question or col ored enffrag to a tola of Ih people aa aa Independent propoelllooi to adopt the sys tem of visa ten toting la all sleetloui to limit the power or legislation to remit penaltlea and pay claims) to protlde thas. th pubUo debt shall never exceed fire per centum or the taxable wealth or lb. Bute, and that, until the debt is reduced to that earn, lb. Legislature shall bar. no power la appropriate money except to pay existing liabilities, and ordinary expenses of tho Gov ernment, and to confer the appointment or secretary of suu on the Governor, lubject to ratification by the Senate. A section was adopted against the recep tion nr any petition or other comrnnnlcatlon speaking disrespectfully of any department of the SUU or Federal aovornnuat. This was suggested by a letter from a member CJJu.cyrC'UlT-f f J5W. ipeakluc "-". BUIct, whlei: tho convention refused to nan read. Th. committee on, the bill of rlghu t ported the same with akTcndments, declar ing that elecllsaa shall be ieend equals that no voter shall be deprived ot' riC't except by process or UW agalasl "' oathe,and prohibiting slavery orloToluu Ury eervllude, and the passage or Uws recognising th. right or property In nun. me report was ordered to bo printed. saw YORK. Tba Roveem. Fraatia Tb.c.he acaBalT. Clsray naaaraelarera and their W.rksaea. New Toar, January 13. Collector Bailey la Hill engaged In examining the book or whisky dealers, telaed on suspicion that tha Government has been defrauded. The 4 ubUthment tolled at No. M Pearl street seems to have belonged to Chat. C. Conaell, a promlaent politician. There Is nothing new In tb. Cook, scandal can except that be Is missing, and that bis family were to-day engaged In rreperatloni for removal. The dgar manufacturers and their work men have arrived at petfoct accord to refer can to the best mode ot removing the pres ent depression in tb American cigar trade. A petition to Congress Is being drawn np by the National Olgarmakert' Allocution of tale dty, and alaou drcnlar calling for aid from the leading trade unions of the Halted Suits, the object being either to obtala a re turn to theuriff of ISM on tha Imported artlole, or to obtain an exemption rrom taxa tion -on th home-grown tobacoo. Js TUB CARADIAH riaUEHtE. llealll Dtma.alralleas. Toaorro, Cixisi, Jan. li. A special dispatch from Ottowa to Lh.XiJr eayii Tbe Minister of Ihe Marin, adrertlted to-day roc six swIR-salllng schooners to be used for marine police purpose! on Ihe coast. II It not Improbable that in vie or Ih continued opposition to reciprocity on the part Of tbe American Government that more stringent legislation will be adopted next session for the protection ot the Canadian fisheries, and that same modification will be made In the UrIIToa tha lam grounds. ADlrLTSjuTtra Olsons, 8o many hare been the cotnplalnu mad. aa to tha exten sive adulterations ot candles by unprincipled manufacturers, that tho proper authorities In Itsw Tork hare Uken tho matter In hand. A corps or exports were detailed to visit tbe grlndpal esubllahmeau la the dly and rooklyn, and pnrchaae sample or the dif ferent vartellee These tamplee are tone submitted to chemical analytUand there snlu published. Tbe names of the parties manuiaciunot or dealing la adulterated .kiciea wui susa D. lureisaea to tne juouo. By this means It U thought ths nefarious business will be put an end to. Tni number of ImmlgranU who arrived at lit. h... .1 tin., M In 1 1M1 ... .1 A . against -0,884 In 1869, and 1,01S In 1M7. Thsr were or tblrtyalx dlffsrenlTiilltuikl!. lice, tnougn most 01 mem, came from Ire !K it. WAI s Knnfi-.nA". WW i N? Scotland, (1,4.T.) Six thousand nine bun. nred and seventy-eight were under fifteen years of age, and IO.W3 were between fifteen ui. llllllj-uiB. PusOl AlTIUB, the third son ot Queen Victoria, experts to visit New York about tha BOth ot tils month. He doee not Uteod to appear In any pnblla capacity, or to ce come tbe subject or object or public bells, processions or receptions It mav pleas tome pertone to know that toe rnnce'e name la Arthur Wellington r.iricki the Duke or Wellington wae his I xl.atber. Tow Allit accerta tbe article of agre ment for a fight presented by Jem Mace, with the exception of Ihe one refusing to go to New Tork wlinlo a week of tb day of the Dgbt lu selsct the referees. H and hla friends consider II onjuit. Tas Cathollo population of Masucbutettl. 1U0,IM0 churches, noichurchee building, 18. chapelt atUchcd. tOt prlcatt. 183i cl.Ae.l irndcnU, V,