OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, January 14, 1870, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053572/1870-01-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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R I The paper eontaTalatf
I rortarwaa triad, laalv
Rational 8tgM'ff
i jjiuTit,ir.o.
iriaea Vr. 10thm4 l)f miw Piift At
W.J. MPaTAQH HiKAltor and rTspT.stor
ar waeaaaeiaaitruktUretara n)Mit em
msaltatWaa. Oeatrrbaltrt trill tksrsfere prtervt
ill HHiiilulUki, whttktr sa batlsite
r fer pablleAllea. akeald be a. railed te Wn J
4 ifiti. rrsprleter H lit ill. BirfstiSAV.
waahlayUB.P, Q, 9
Uriftiraat .1 teetvtloas will b bU TerJ
TBatiarlB tbs soo, between U
noun or 3 aaa p. in , n m
" rffttLti "rtdtfTtO.
Iht reception of lb Speaker of the
noun of RtttreuaUntM Mil b at hi res-
lo'etiw.dOS nftea(hf itTWl', from 8 to 11
-tan. Kxini4! aBcamo.
MmBlnlnVs rj!om wIHM h.JTery
W4aedAy of th oti, between the hoar
ox 3 ud o p. m.
Dirto-uno conn
At tbe ftadslaa Lecnikw MAdame 4 Cata-
caij win reeelr on ThandAy, from Stain
5 p.m.
At tn Arftnlln legation Madame d
Garcia will rclr oa AJtdrtut Monday
ertnlofft. comaunclnrtm Mosday. Jaaonry
8, and will be at hoint 6. BAtardays, from 9
vnta 0 jv tn.
The TlrpkrV fUtUt.
WlichflTff waj lb., itrik of lb, telegrpu.
operator em., lu tffKt cannot but b
eralmt Hie tVestera Union ComrBT.
Bnotld, ui company stand to lb position
they hnr taken, they mntl con Una to
work at a treat dl4TatttAto end submit to
larj Ohaanltloa or their rtrsoe for
om Uffl4 to corae, for Ji It vU know that
there tab' tot a small number o nnem
ployed operator when the etrlk oocarred,
and operator cannot b laoght la a day.
To submit to th term dictated by th com'
paoy U a thing that many of th old and
tipcrtcocad operator will fel loo fcamUln
Hag to do, aod the will eeek other mean
of obUlnlog a livelihood, th company thus
losing lb rtillynJaiblnerrlCMof tbe
men. There will probably enough of thse
men retlro from th aerrlct to render necas
larytbe employment of all the remaining
operators, no matter what their capacity, to
open egein the office which bars been
cloied daring the dUAcalUet. X eeerclty of
operatore will ghe rise to comptUUon, and It
li more than probable the company will bt
compelled by It to pay to tecond-cUat ope
rator! the aalarltt tbey now refute to men
th6ronghly oonTereant with their dntlei.
Should the company accede to the operatore1
demand and veetore the two operatore to
their former poeulona and talariea, they
nut bo content In tbefatnre to nbmltto
rule regarding the employment and treat
ment of operator! which they nan neTer
before known. In abort, tbey mmt admit
that "operator bare right which numopo-
llee an bound to retpect."
A to the orlgla of thadlfllcolty, an lm
pitatioa prtralla that the rednctloa of the
ealaHee of two operator at Ban Tranclico
1 th only groond on which the atrlke waa
baaed. ThI U crroneom. The redaction
of theee two ealarle wa elm ply ihe cae
on which a general latne waa made. Not
wtthitaodlog the denial of the officer of
the company, other red action I had been
made, and th unanimity with which the
operator la Whin(ton lUck to the Leegne
1 partially owing to an attempt to Indirect
ly cnt down their aalarie by tending them
off daty, and deducting for the time they
are thna abeent. at so mnch an hour. Sim
ilar came of complaint at other point
made the operator ready for a etrlko when-
CTcr the word wa glTco, and there will be
a ttrong disposition to hold ont on thli ac
It 1 beUered that thl moTement will
glre mnch strength to Ur. Waahbnrn' bill
In Congrei but It 1 whltpered that the
oompafty would In reality bo glad to dis
pose of their lines at anything like their
nominal ralne, altboogh they londly protest
against It, In order to prerent there befog
the appearance of a "Job" In connection
wIta lu
Tbi ficxz aao Dinnca CisiLs. rrofesior
J. E. Nonrse, of the United Bute Obserra-
torj, ha prepared and published a Tery In
teresting pamphlet concerning' the Maritime
Canal of fines, complied from authentic
sources of Trench, JEegllsn, and German
documents, and comparing It relation and
results with the ship canal across' the Ith
mus of Darlea.
The chief object of th pamphlet is to
show the stQl more beneadal result for
commerce by naTlgatlon throngh the Oarien
canal. In lUistration of this Ublesof the
taring of distance by the Darien route, and
the Influence of trade winds and current of
lb. Full, c In fcror of Mill., t1.
art shown. Thss tables, acccmpnoJed by
BUtlstio showing th trad of England.
Trance, aad the United States which wonld
rats throngh tb canal at the present time,
If completed, wre prepared by tha Statisti
cal Bureau of th Treasury Department, and
are quit Important. A very interesting and
unpublished letter to Professor Nonre,from
Mr. Lessor, chief engineer amMounder of
the Sues canal, appear In relation to the
Derien canal.
Ur. Leiiup tayst
11 Ton cannot doubt the Interest with
which I hear, In every enterprise, of the pro
gress of narlgaUoo. I hare followed with
deep lntereet everything vbieh ba bean
written upon th Isthmus of Panama. I
have read with the utmost attention the re
port of Rear Admiral Davis on Inter-oceanic
canai ana rnuronat, coramumcaiea or i&e
Becreuryof the Navy to the United States
BenaU la IMT."
HllTOIAl DIMBlTOLcnOM 7aiirciiiB.
Lamartln classic end graphic history
of lb French revolution ha been published
In this city by Al. Dercourf, who ba not
only edited bat broaght oat the work In the
most credlubl manner He 1 one of the
employee at tboQoTcrumeot printing office.
The Tolume 1 neatly printed, and reflects
Ur. Dercourt'e excellent taste For sale at
Mobun A Bettor's, Tenqtylvanla aveoue,
and J, 0. Parker, 037 flcrcnlh, street.
Dicuszd. It 1 with exceeding pain that
w announce th dsath of the estimable wire
of General R. p. Maisey, which erent oc
corred at S o'clock yesterday afternoon, after
an Illness of some two weeks. Ur. Mossey
wa among the first of our ladle In etUb
llsblng and encouraging th Industrial Horn
School, and btr anxiety and the Active part
taken toward rcllerlDg tbe poor of the PIs
trlct will loog be rtmemberad. by her bene
Th iirtumoii to is my a root for tb
Darlen ihlp canal will Uke out material to
srtct a 11 of telegraph across the Isthmus,
to Aid th inrrsytog party while cogsged In
their work, aa J enable them at all times to
communicate with tha coast. Two expert
telegraph operator will go with the cxpedl
All the disposable mounted recruit at
Larllsl, IV, haf been ordered to Oatres
tou and Jeftertdn', Ti. Tb retlgnAtlon
or Second UebteQAOt B. D. AUwood, 3d
United State Infantry( luu been accepted,
to Uke effect frofa th Hth of January,
1871, and leave of abienct; nf beD granted
blm to that date f
loyented by a Mrs, Kogers, of this city, hu
been adopted by ths Navy tpartraent, and
a number of them ware UHUy ortered for
thsueeof Ibsnary.
Pirtf-lint UPtrtu-SwiJ Bffalu Imln
Tarntnir, JwP 7'
Mr. Wllilsni prMatd nsaerlal of J. Rom
Browss. Its Mf-i-ttr ta OfcUe, asklajr to b
vaU SILOOO for srrri of salary due kin tad
lot .VptVt l.terredf kiss. B.ftrrtd to
Mr ifkarlrrstOtalltMa0efes,
reiKtrltd bill la pell for Ike MHbllihnini
WMf. HbU latrMoeed bill to renew
oatlane la terse tkeskartst of the FoUibm
taieraats Oompaay of Osorc ttowa Ht$ttti
to Uonalttt oa tke Dlitrlstof Colombia
Sir. llawkit Utnfa4 Kill In OMTIttt th
"elltioa of teats oa errtala artlelts eitinpt
iron taxation. K
Mr, Rftnttr. from the Oonetltts on Post
Omiss and Putt KotJi, rsperttd, with ansnd
of act ot July S7t 113, to prorlds for aa
Anatltaa Una of atttptftlpe olwesa Kw
Tork and luiope. 1 , , ' A .
roainsiitr usosrai to coowmi wua aw mm
Fiaar aamtd laths ast for UtasonTtysa or
ha Unttsd Statu laaltl weakly or ssnl
wasklybatwaan New TotK aad llrsnan. and
anaU-wstkly aatwaaa new-Yatki aad LlTtr
pool.-'asaordlaatethalrae Jatoat aad Msaa
lac of aald Ml,'7 The tin fur tka eoaplatloa
Jsttamiklpt Is sitsajsd t4 oas jsar an sla
ratka treat data of aoatraats. The Post
QIBes Uapartasata 10 payAn)mras iimiw
eta tha hoads of th aovptet, whisk sn shall
bp la full Mniut for Ua freniaomtio of
t( nails. A niw inUm li ad4d.hlakaro
Ttdai that no offlter f tha OoTarnmaai shall
I a any way jUraatly ot ladlrsnUy, be laurtltsd
I aay aoatrasl aadar tbla aat ' .
TMr.Oarpsatar.rroai th Uonnlttss en the
MlUT.Mporiaa, wllk ajMadmanta, bill Uy
proTlds a ranady for tha lose or daairuatloa
of jndriasatrooordi or dasraaa appsrtslBtsf
I IVMUHI IB VHWa Dw vt.. .
air. Vlsksrs, rroai th uoMMlttMaa Com
Mrta, rtportad. wlihoat aaisadBisat,iarat
raaahiUo) far the oouhiishaieae of a liahl
alatioa oa th Ohoptaak rlTtr, Maryliad.
iMt. Iirakaakllad mb hla raaalatlaa amsaS.
inc the Mta rul s as to proeaiiba that Xadiaa
raatlta may aoaaldsrad In opse saailo.
Mr. Drake thoackt It laipertaat totketa
lareata ot ta souauy ut aia rsaeiuuoa
Shonldb adopted.
Mr. ratry aao4 aa aaodeanl. that alt
trnaUss feaTtnc for tholrohjasl Ua aaqaiaitloa
of iorsia tarritor j ahali also he eoesldsrsd la
a Sb asaatasu
fo. rsrrp atadf his aaieadataat bssaaaah
thoniht that tko aqaatrr skoald know what
wars the reaaaat waJaa-alfht ladMe the
nsaatate sonssat t r rajaat sash trsatlsa.
Wo are now Ufomad kytM pnblla press Ihst
tha rtunilri raBataiaX.lll ara laar aaa
totthaSaaaUa baatj for'tho aaoniislUaa
oattalB forslan tsrrltorr. aad that Ota Eaaau
Uto Dtpartmaal wlthaot anthortty of law has
iMii iili otbt a tart tin, amount bf nana
odaeeouator tha pqrsbsssor this tarrllary.
It is also aald that ihla territory Is ta a slats
of ctTll war and that the Ualtad fltata nay
ana li nssaaaarj to proinv" w "?niaiiua
by forts of nrns
Mr. Thayar salted Jfr. Tarry la ordan ad
nkds ths oolat that be wit dlatuitlaa a treatr
taopaa asaaloa.
fhaVlee Prtsldsat daeldtd the polat not
wall taksa. Ths ftsanlor htr. Farryl waa rsry
oaroau in nta Tf wra-a, tra w taiwj raiar
sr to tha statsntnts or th pablls prats.
rilS of Ik souaUy were aatltlad to all ths la
ornatlo fhara was oa this tobjtet, aad o
taaaDtahiaatf Haaatorai had be narcd thai
th amtedmaat would b tdopttd.
Ths ratotntloawts then lafdorsr uatll to-
Mr, Watt tallsd up bis bill f 11 tha SlaU
eoartt toaaarrsatjnruiiutloa with Ihs lads-
rai tourtt is nariuno aanaaa in naTifaoia
risara abOTS abb aad now e( the Uds.
Mr. Pratt asplalasd tha narlta of tha bill at
ttaftb. Ua arruad thai It was stsantlalfor
th tatertata or thstltlitot of tbotsStatst
naviaa aaTifaoia nriniuti tna ntaia agaita
BbanlS kara adnlialty Jartadlatloa,
Tha bill was then rtisrtad to Ua Judiciary
Tb bill for the adnlaaloa f Tlrglala was
thtn tahaa or. tha qusttlen bslac oa tha
amaadmtBterHr. Draks.thattf 1nlolt at
any Ma heraaftsr altanpts to wtUdraw Ita
raclBtatloo of tha Bftatota anaadntBt. Itshall
ba Innadtatsly aasladad from ropraasntatloa,
waaa nwiinjwwa-afi utBiii wwiwi!
ItrOWBlO, UIONii), nimmt lltwi, none.
Otborn, Pom troy, Pratt, Spsatar, Snnntr and
Ths qnsallon waa tbtn taksa on tha amsad
aaaait of Mr. Edmonds, whlak was aa follawa
frHda, That bsforathls rsaolndoa shall
aaidaiata aodasth oQatr tksraor shall taka
aa sabMrlbsaad Ala la U lUa of the Oas-
rotary or lusi oi v iraiaia iw. parataaaai nra
aarvatlaaanoatkin tkn forn iollowlaat !.
, do aoleeaoly swear thai I ham srar
taksa an oath as a nsnbsr of Oosf rail, or as
an offlssr of U Uaited SUUs,or asa nsnbor
of aayStatsLaa;UUlar,oras aa axstaUre
rjadlslalofflesraf aay Slat to support ths
Ooaatltotloaof tha Vol ta fiutsa, aad aftsr-
warda aac(ad la rthsilloa or laaurrsatloa
scslBtt ths sans, or ftrsn aid or oomforl to
tha oaanlss thsroof, so bslp ma Ood)" or snab
parsoa ahall la Ilka naantr taka, subssrlba
an flla Ua follow lor oathi MIr . dotol.
analy awsar tbat X bare by est af Oonrraaa of
thaualtadStatashsaa rtusred franthadls.
abllUlaalnpoaadnponna by th fourteeath
ansndasnt of Ua Ooastttotlon of tha Unltad
Utatstt so hslp nsOodi" whleb osUs shall ha
Uknnberoraaad ssrtlnsd by any offlosr law.
fully anUorlsad to admlaUtsr oaths, and aay
portoa who ahall koowlailr swsar falaai
UklprtUhsrof suah oatha ahall ot df'-t'l
uti ?j inpiuvuiuiai nut ve taaa ooa ysar
aad aat nor than too years, aad shall ba
otu mi taa. wamm au.ww taa aot mora Ult
leooladlaalltrlala for any Tlolatloa of
thU ast, tb cartldtata af tha Ukltf of althsr
of stldoaus, with proof of tha sla-natara of
mi viiu muiiu taaii ui iai,u aoa oawj as
ooailaslrserlilsasa tbat seek oath was rtro
tarty aad lawfully admlaittarsd by aonpalaat
antiorlty. And prssUtd further. That arsry
r arson who shall nsrlsat for ths ptrlod of
hlrly days aaat afltr the paaaaft of this rato
lutlen to take, subscribe aad Ills tuth oath at
aforctald, ahall bo dsentd aad takta to all
Mr Wlllltnt tald all this wssaasr 141a
slansaay. la his on It Ion, If tbsaa ptopls
wsrt dalsrnlaad to rlolsts th rstoastruatla
atls thsy would And tone way to do II, ao
nattsrwhat rsfuletlons wa aty pats I am
for lsttlag Uan sons in ansoodltloaalty. aad
puttlBf than oaUtlr honor bsfore ths soon-
Mt Sbsrnaa understood that arsry nsn
bsr of tha Lsfislsturs eould ttha the oath.
Mr. Edmaade waa of tha onlaina fhai
food naay of Uan sowd not taka It.
Mi" Xniatkatl oa.U llt.tobi.al... t.i.
. T-" - - - - -v WHVB Mtl
(Hiaa waa to -aa una aooitaaaj
aad-Uls sonltaual Pillar u it
No natur what fa.t I
aay. It la the fart that the honor of OoagraaZ I
01 toBoouBtrr ta piaogaq 10 in Bdaiatlon of
viraiDia. i irawit t um wutirr tftlltM
Thav araal to aaa nmiMi
t to see proaperltr raeatab-
llthtd and tha old area ata of son a ares rs
atorcd. Yftu aav that rod ara afraid ni 11.
glala. Is Uls ths war toJadaeabsr to da
waat la rtfati oaaatora bbi n do tBSlar
the Jpdltlarx oeanltue, aad It waa alnett
uaaatatqaair rnai"i tapvrt a waipia rato
lutlo ladaleeten. What praetteal good ata
Baaator fron ernonl, unless, Indeed, ths do
ire it to ap iiriiiia out isr gooai uadtr
Itnay nsnber of tha Legislature or any oil
ssraftbat body would bare the power, br
refuategtotakaU oaU. to keep Ua Stale
ontfararer, far that la Ue language of Ue
ansadnaat. A1 fkss proposltlena stem to
Mr.Zdraunds uodlflsd hit SB tod men t br It
etrtlDg after the word thereof,' where it
nniPfvuiit'ftcipi auan paraooa at tnall a
eflTttted by Ue prorlao berelBanar ttaud "
Mr. Etfurthtr argued la favor of bJeaaead-i
otsndasat. Ue bad great nUglrtnga as to ad
alttlag Ula State, and wars It not for hit
araal c OS fid ante In tha Ekeeatlve hi vnnu
not be willing nt all for Ue ndnlaalon nl prat
sot lis further atated Uat gtoUenen of ir
glala, whote koaorwtt equal to Uat of atr
oaa who beerd h la, had stated to hln (Mr LS
that thay had applied to tha Judlelary Ooa'
mlttaata fnrnlak Braof that thlanath nnM
not be taken by n number of the members of
tae Ajrgiaieiura, mmm (iw prooi 01 OUSr raa It
bearltigon this nattsr, and Uslr appllaatlea
had bssn rsfuted lie (Mr. .) was not proaeat
during tha aeeiloaaof the eomnlttee, ao be
did aot kaow Uls of bis owa knowledge, but
be bad BoaOdaase la Uoeo who bad told bin.
Mr. rbnraaa would like te see the aaa who
ssld that his BDDlleatloa to the tonmittaa t
Bear nin aaa mii rviutea.
Mr. Trumbull had nsvsr hssrd of nay sutb
Atr Otrptnltr aad Mr. Stewart, the other
aiaiiNTi tBerfugiaiBfjuemmiiteeiSorroDO1
rated the sUteaeat.
air TmraDDii aaia 11 nirhtnatfikt twa mm,
nlltae bad Mfuted to lltUa to Uoee who were
improperly mil noor apurnegup ine stna
tar from Maaaaahutatts wltk tugfetllooi,
but ware tertalalr wlllleg to ltatea to thsm If
tevr aw ear laate 10 uair
Huaaar naked la what oeraaaa did tha
e . -11..J. .. i... .-. - ;."-
aaier auuua mm vatag inpropenj on tna
Mr TronbuIL There has bean a person hers
fbrtsvtral dsra. The Haaator from Navaila
(Mr. If ft J has good reason to kaow It, as ths
party faaa ossupied Alt teal.
mr nuoHi. tiaataem.
Mr Trumbull. I uadarataad Mi name la
air. Sumner Doea ths Senator undertake ta
tar that ka laharslnproperlrl
Mr, Trumbull 1 do aty that be li htte la-
fiamatr lie la a mtmbrclat nt (ha
other Houae.
nr Trumbuu lie aaa no right bars
Mr. Snmotr. How aboutOovtraor Walk art
Ila has base bare oa tbla floor without oppo
sition from aav on?, tpaaktog for tha dltloyal
f.aalalatura or Vlrclala. Nnthin ! a.i.i
about Ihlai but btesuas a loyal mao, the rep
rsaentatire of the loyalnsoplt, It btrs, a nin
bsr tie I of tha other House, he le aitalltd
lis (Mr S.) was here pltadlog for loyalty,
pleadlDg for tha oppressed pro pie of Vlrglolt,
whoatae4SBBtorlMr Trumbull wst doing
all ba eould to fores to the ground, aod In the
name 01 tae jojbi paopie 01 tne country ne
Air Trumbull wanld Ilka ta know br what
authority ths Bsnator from Massathuaatts
satuned to rrprsaeot ths loyal psoplt of thla
count 17 Who gars that Senator ths right to
eooatltutsblmaelt Us Wader nod the chnm
Sion of the loyal people of this sountry. aad
tnounca Uoaa who did not corns up to bis
ttandaf(l,and who waa the nan who was now
ths Ssaator's eoostsl and advlitr la hit oppo
sition to thl 1 meat ure. A paper bad Jmt btsa
put Into his hand, being the reaord of the trial
of one Charles ft. Porter before a miUUrr
oomalaalon at Norfolk, Ta , upon ahargta
thsrsln spsaiaedi 1st
Bslnnna af Harfalk Sa
sBineei ltt, tnat m usariaklDa
sslooos of Norfolk He uasd langutge to Tilt
aaalaattha Uaited States Uaf be (Mr
t oa inir r
would not reseat it la the an- a(p but ha
Sbarged InisQovsrnniSBt with being a bum
bug Ihit Is ths man that ths Senator from
Maasaehusettt brlogt M(S uppa ths fleor.
Mr. Trunbull. wall, I anl4 to hear It
The paper eontaTaTaf IfataethariM lawhlek
rortarwaa triad, laalndad iairUiaiiif
sadltloos aad trtaioaable UasntK, !
drank, rlotoas end dlsordtrly for tk spas a
ataa days. oaitgtlr1r fO taaakUr )
Oa this shares ha waitoaadjinlltr ofboUf
drank, but not for alas drs (Ranawadlaaih
tar 1 Why Uortraor Walkar was ktra, he
imi TtiMi.Mk.A Ila did aat aran know
f fhatUoTarnet.vralksr wn hare at all jreslar
day, b4t haui
iniiTKOWl ion uafiraor nir
roTtd of Ut maausswhlshfcadbaeoms ie
Somiion r parsons. ntslaraLeotaic in ea
tha Boer aad pStilai nnonc baaator wfcaa
Import aat msasnrts ware vadsr saatldatatloa.
r klmulf ha AA aat Ilka iir All to BD
proash hist while a nhjeit of I a pot Ha to waa
uadtr dlHDsiloo, Tha prattles was not a
n nit. inaaia ini iDBBioa iiaaii ih.
r.T.altoaaprsiisd hladtprttstloe of prv
M. fin m n. a.M that tha flanratat ramla dad
hint of aa latldsat la ant la alaaUstlal his
tory. A ssrtaln hUhep bad aaldt i Jadfe
araalf to be bnrnediMeetirety aafisted
was ha of his asalstlastUal tullt.. r '
Whlls Mittaiof to the.Ssaator fren lUlaola
t raa tamladad af thla. Did ha aat ladrakln-
sslf to b buraadl Ho dtaanatas MrsoaalH
tlss, aad yat kls whale spaash is israsaa wita
ErtonaUty from baglnalnf to aad. I don't
ipw that the Bsnator la opan to rsaseni I
aulatllnad ta thlak ka Is noli Maans 1 have
soafsrrad wltk a nsnibar-alsat of tke otatr
lions, (Mr. Fettsr, taaiataits iron taa
HlthstOBd ( V ) dlitrlttj tke Saaatoi alUsks
ms I rapai hlasaaalt. Has not a msrnbsr
alstt tha sama rltht aa a prorialeaai rarsraar
te hs hatsl If hs has notby thsstrlttrnlaa
nrth Raaala kaakakv thai rata of oaartaar.
whlah hit alwava nravallad. Tha Saaatar
aft nil I uiini to oa taa rTPiwiHn i
taa (T4ir p taa aaaaiMT'L V.aHtt vir. a
net) It Is too fTaat a responaluiUy i but t hare
raiaadand I dontsaatotaiaa tat Vottawltki
oetttrlof la behalf f U4 rOTalpStf Ua
td aalaff. la hah
senator from IUiaota Is n frlsat t Us loa4
aonla of tha ft a nth. Ilia waali aaaraa aa. w
aaaatrvtiioa nit owai irtwtra aata awaaa 11 iv
Uowaaa w an post to
I waadsrar. Baballlaa.
now, so loaf waadsrar. Bew
la acaU llftln IU band U Vlrtlkia, ad It
flada a
tlllBOls It nay ha that my ele will be pow-
rsaay upaoiaar ia taaoaaaiaf rraaa
opMaluM wt)t ba aaolMhv bat
kill this bill shoejd psaa Ik wit)
o post la theSUtopf Vlrrtala.
infn, mi maj diium wim (
i ao praoiatiaai
ha dlaaatMiti ta 1
A sonswhal imcthV parnwaa I UoaaJiaS
aonuanaa hiwmi aiaaatatoawaaari
halL Mr.SBBaaraharaiacthst Mr.
f laaUjr. aad that It rduve4.th4nisaoat afferta
or lis msaa teorareonr'aie' epaonioa
whUaMr.TTObaIl larad.taadhJikad-tS-
aad Iftosatk antadneats to the OeasftSuttoaw
and that If Ma Mr. 8 ) soaaMtshadreTklUd
ua esiore nan aerar woum nar and ais
Mr. Sunasr rtad th ?pnlwl
spoaak aald I bar bona It
araor Waikari at aa afrlralUralfaJr re potb
wstl Ttrslala; arttr fka elsstloaj MBf tfea re
sults of the lata tlttttonVirtBf bat baa IMod '
htraslQtron harda of ftaWy)aorntTaata and
unpnavipira narpat-oagian. wbo aoaaa to aap
bar eltalt Thla la tha laacnafs, said Mr, U
la whkb Ula Uoraraor dsaarlbaa Uoaa alll
Baas of tha North aad Wast who hare rone to
Yirilata wlthUalr batuahoU gaada. aad with
theiatsBtto eoatrthat to the, reseuiaor of
tbafllata. T T
Mr. sanlsbury tfld.tho poor wktt
sssnsa to aara no man nsra... btbtt oaa
sssnsddstlrous of prosUlalas; bis lord for
tbsatfro and ha (otr 8 )toa4lnajy to say
that ha waa a frlSAd of Ua whlfca aia.-
ThsStBstatban.atl p nwsuiiatosxstq.
tire as taloa, sod aaortryrharaansr adJearaod.
uui'oc ur HcriuacaT-vTtvcnj
Mr Blsghan, ef Ohio, tairodasad bUl to
SrorlSa for publishing; U'rportser aaaea
aciad la tha Units Htatss Ooait of UUlnt,
Bafairsd to Oonnlttaa en JaSlalary.
Ga nnUon of Nn. MsftJomhsks ilMi tk4
OonmlttsaoaTsrrltorlsawas dlrsstad to la
aaua lata tha axpedlsaSy-of stlabllthlag a
Tarrttorlal goTsranamk ararCka Xadiaa Top.
ruory, in oidtr to inaara ladiana unaait
ing tnai touniry rrsaisr protaauon nan to
laaure than a rspublisaa femt of go
Mr. WUlard. ot t- offarcd a raao
at ai lyTiraawi.
alarlerthatwkllo tbeValtad Stata debt Is
OTsr ej 40000.00, aad the pedpt Arm bar-
flSDoa wiiniutugo, taa noil fixiajBaonony
It of th f rst Importaata, aad IS dsnaailad by
thsgoadfalU of the 'O0Tf nnkai, whtab I
Sltdgsd to tha paynsat of Its dsbt, aad Is also
sasaded by too pfoplsiwrbosa naratatrlts af
ms ara isxtu. aa Kaaoifiag uni saauwaas
Upon and nsrsr lost sight ot id. Itsaolsinr
ptnttt of Ua Uaited 011, and estaita
protptetlT tatrtaj Of tha sansIstwar
with true prlactpiss at asaaanyt is aa attauit
apoathapubltatradltiaadlsatoi Jostiaed by
any prsssot osnsaes or the tountrr.
rstolutioaa were rsfsrred to tb Oonnitt
tha Wbola.
Mr Morrill, ef Mains, latrodassd a bill ta
protsteaielalB to Oorarnnsnt enatoy. It
nratlilta that no stark In tha aaoksa af tha
Uovsrantnt shall subaarlbs or aollstt sub-
aenptioaaiora gui to oa praaaaiaa to aay
efloltl raaslTlsg a lsrgsr salarri nor shall aay
ofBelal uodsr aay etrtUBtttoitt aetspt a gift
or doaatlon from bis subordlaatas. Tar a
violation of this act, Ue parly violating shall
ba aablaatadto dltalttaL aad shall aat aaaln
hold Mineo uadtr Ua Oorarenaat for the
period of thrts ysars.
Mr. Btnjtmla, af Missouri, norsd to Ur
VAT" u UW Wo ir ,,
oi ina oiu to toa uonamaa en Juuaiary
Medoubtadtha sonitltulloaal powsr ofU
UallaatatoaflUth paaalty. The bill was
not rtfarrad mat IS. nart let.
Mr.MarrllllhsnnodlBsdbls hill byatrlk.
Mr. OarStld,ef Ohio, oaTsrod a roailutUa
Erovldlog for aa anaadasst to Ua rvJss so aa
i allow the Aialatant fitaratarloa ef ths Ds
fitrtfflnlt adalatlon to tha Soar of the Motto,
tfarrad to tb Ooanlttas oa Bala.
nr.iniwiD, in .iBiroaaaaa uni 10
abllthmantand of Ita prlvllsgst Btfarrod to
Jonalttaa oa Pott OOeas and Pott Roads.
On mnllea af Mr. Sahaatk, of Ohio, th
arahltaatof ths Oanltol waa dirat-i n i.
quire sod rtport what bar tha broata doors
? "- P--B- laaawn iron ua oia aall
ottht lloeis of Rtprstsotatlrss aaaaot be
olaatd atthaaatraacaoCtha aaatk !
advaattg toualy aa to or nan ant.
Mr Towottnd, of Pa, offhrad bill to pro
vlda aonpaatalloa for the aarvarar of tha port
of Obsstsr. Pa. Ktferrad to tbeUoanlttss on
Ths Bpaaksr laid bafora tha Iloaaa a mm.
nualeailon from tha poataastsr of Us ZIooto
rapraaaaHog tnat tan raaoinuaa. rasaatly
ouop"? cnaDgmgtoo loaauoa or the Uonta
ff!;0? wouil'1 a"", enbarraastsaat.
aa the room aaalraed iktiMiiafflMa-..
la vlaw of Ihla eoamunlthtlon, Mr. Poland,
of Veraont, offered a retolotlaa satponaiBg
ths former ordsr uatll the nattar aaa be Uvea
tlaatad bv a eomnltta of tha Uaaaov 1
After a good daat of dtaauaalon, In tb
eoarva di wnna aw paaiaiaatar tae ILOaas
waa aaanasd of a dltnotltlan tn nmharraaa taa
omsr of ths Uouts, the rstaluUen was
TbsBpaaitsr isiabsror u Home a large
nnaaeror sastutivs soeuaunltatloaa, antong
whlak were thafollowlog, whlth wars rsftrrea
to tne aommiiioee naaeai
OommuBiaatlen from tha fiaaratavv af tha
areeanryiB ruativo to taa paynsais or ths
rawarda offered fei the saplara of Jsffsrsoa
Davis. JlafsrrsdtothsOoaaltleaoaUJalBts.
UoannnlsaUoa Iron tha PoetaaaterOsn
srslla enswsrw araaelutleanf UsUanse,
whsthsr any spatial ageat bad bsan teat to
Europe tn relation to a postal treaty. Re
ferred to UeUommlttse on Post Oases sad
Poat Roads
Alio, oonaunlsstlon fren Ue Postnastsr
OaaaTsl ta relation to tha prapoaed ayaten of
paving pentlOBi throngh tie noatyordr
ofllca. Itaferred to tha Poet Oase Uonnlttea
UoaaualaatlOB fron tha Seeretary of War,
traaanlttlag a report of tha snrvtynf tbebar
Mr of New liar en. Uonn. Bsferred t Ue
Oonalttee oa UoanSrte ,
Report of the Board of Eflf lottrt In jllstlsa
to the tun sy of ue fatapeao river, Rsfsrred
to ths (Joanlttee on Oomneroe.
Comnunlaatloa fron the Besratary of Wa.
re tat log to tha art 111 try tohool al rortrsss
Moaroe Referred to the COamlttaeoaatiU
tarr Jtaaira,
UammaalaatloB from tha Maaafawar it.
Navy, traataltiiag tha reeord af the eonnla-
sloareeaotlyln tenion at the Wavy Depart-
Ha, .w ua.ai win. turn tiiaiirt raaa 01
offltsrs. Oomntttsa on If aval Affairs.
Mr. Matt-en. of Ohio, (rttlar tarn oolat of
order.) said that some time ago bo made a
tpeton In thli Uoute wkltb treated a food
deal of eieltemsat, nnd gave hln U name of
la whal
iBi ns
1 attentloa ta a dlani
that bad been eent bsneoto tha Maw 'Tork
pspsr on the ITU latlaat. In that dlapatsh It
waaehargad that ha bad bssn proa I tod aup-
rort by theDsmoeratls membsrsofthsHoutst
hstfour Dsmoeratls msabsrs bad prepared
spesahtt oa the tuhjsst) that tbey had meeu
logt la the etaak room of us Houts. aad fear
of the membtrt hsd prtpsrsd spseebss and
pnt him (MuageB) forward In tha natter, aad
aftsrwarda baasly dattrted blm.
Mr, Muofsa prooounsed tke whole dlapatsh
false, aad a mltrsprsseataUea. Ita atvar was
promlasd aoy support, sordid be slain Ua
supportof his polltltal frlsoda Oa the soa.
trary ha dltttottlr ttated that he spoks for
tit r red to the resolution subteaneatly
1 by Mr aardeld, pladglegthe Uouae,
ut dlttloctltn of party, agalatt rtpudla
and whleb be called the "toothing
tloo. aod
avruo" reaolutlon. Thfl manna r la whlak thai
retolutlon waa patted, he tald, addsd nslthsr
forts or tharaefar toll. It wet aotaspettsd
that aay butlostt would be trsnisettd, for If
butlaett had beeo eipoatsd more than ons
vota would bars been feond agaiast tha raao.
lutlon Ths isaolutlon wss tntrodussd aaa
rarty neaiurs.and ao patisdi bulla eplteof
hetrlakhs (MuDgsa)knswbe wssfaUjsot
islnsd by hit ooaitltusnts, and hli words
found a rttpooie In ths bssrts of tbs people
who were oppotad to bssksrs aod bead
holdsrs Mr Oar Aald. In raolr. danlad that ha had
adroeated tbs rsaolutloa aa a party maaaare.
aau ,.m uuiiHfii; wiuavi uiaiaae
tlonof Dtrtv llut In order ta ihoatbit Mr.
Muagsos vlsws reprstsatsd a party, he bad
read tn extraet from a ssrlss or rssolntloas
adopted at a msstlog In Mr. Moaaea'sdls
trial, la whleb raoudlalloa waa olatlaatlv
The uoute raaumed us eontiasration of
lbs bill for the admliiton of Ue Stat of Vir
Lr. Iswrtoee, of Ohio, obtalosd ths floor,
and spoks In favor ol tbs MIL ns argued
laajpaur in tiroroi lUffODnnivai, aaa ,
aadad that the Ooesresa of tha Uaited Slataa
had the eoBttltueat powsr to eiatl funda
mental oonoiiieiiB, imrtonia exeat teem
uadarteat slauta whleb dttlarea Uat Ooa
grtit shall eusrantae to every State a repub
lican forn ef govornneat Aa to the power
to eoforet the fun 'Haea 11 sondlUona be bad
notlhslaaat doubt that ths OsasralOpvsra-
nsnt eould uts all lis power, military, nar si
and tltll, for he eonUafl4 hKH wire
honad to obsy the naranooat nthtlty of the
Uaited Statss, aadto snrtata this posltlea b
qnotod from a numbafOf tfccltlM. , ;
Mt. tfsn,et Xiuffcad noTtotUen ts.At
faadaataatal aaadltlosnflhat a aaamad io
danbt kow thay mld bo
to kaow whatpevaUr ws ettashad.
MekXWMaaroliaathSt with Ore
it advar ijof an ni tae aaaa
IBOjf wirtM Vaftmpla, J Trf lsla. aftar
hdmmad. nahvarlad th foadaaiaatal
soadiUMa f the ui,Oea(rese would ,rssa-
Mf.TaiaaVaAal.a(l.Bir Vl1ila ttlif
ebaiwaattittad.aad hsr saaatorsiad ftspra.
avwtwiivva ota aaaiaan aaata ar aa aiMi
ahrocat aa of those raadaataatal eoaditioaa,
andyatde asthtag wklcb weald baavlota
tlaaoftkaOoastltatloaof tkoUaitsd Staua,
wkatkey ake eeaU sala be dMlared oat f tke
j"t-' Lewroaae foetendaj thai Uaaf rttl
Hlo;y eenldrfor iu aelhortty tra rf
nouat, and ha bsllevsd, aad Ooaa rats wool
batioT,that tf theflfate after ndntlaslon skeald
ai am ato ita a portion oi ar poepia. shs
srwaldaothayetba.1 raaabllaaa. hrafntflr.
eroasnt rsoa;aliad by tha CoaaUlalloa, aad
woeid hsradjadtd awaosbl.
nn taaaaia iaai waa OUf aposi m
be atwara Utenbllsaa. Bodbom
ksra a Ioratls OosrraaS. Wfeal thaal
suppots a Ooagrsaa shoaM not oattruethe
aw aa this Uongrssa do.
tngrssa d
ia said 1
Mr.LswTSsaosatd hsdfd dot sontSMpltta
ple of ti
sutb a state of affairs, if thi poop! of thta
it eonus. xr tnei
aa far foraat tkai
aouatry toold ao fti
atasirss i
dlaeiita the Rvpublloana, and
nvaa aa to
armua voagraaa la pvwir. tavai aoavaia tw
say.Oodhtrs atrty onUalr eoala. JLaugl
tar 1 Mr. Lawrtaea tkn sonarudad kfaaaau
Kaat argmnaal Ut vdngTaaa.ooaM at any
ta roaooatrntt a State Uat vtolatad fuadt.
ntalOBditioe,BBd la proof of this hli
taaaaq wo aaaa oi uoorgia.
Mr. Logaa brlafly argued that th fan da
aUt aoadlttoas were of ao foraa orvalna
aaUsrewaa n penalty- atbaabed. and that
ooQldhoi be enforsad .ylrclnf latght be ai,
iihu Hwiiiiri aa tnum arVOB
Bttttla,butla dalag ao dldaoteubvartw
TlsUt th 0attltuUon of U VnUad SUtaa,
i denied Uat that wa any powirtoagali
akaaouseof ua faat, In- fa of dniSan
shUSatnt sasn psrson dUfraashJaad weak
bar agoadcaaa at lawjnad ta aonrtn'wonld
datsrnlaawbtthsrtha aaaadad eeastitutiof
wasproparor not, tot be.daalad thatpaa-
Esoutd intsrfave when raa brtkia af the
UtuUoa was taUhsd. JlaraapeTUI
n4tadoUauo Vlrtlola'lt wanld ata
apply to U Stat of Ohlo,af aayetharftuta
tiitilsfmnsbisod i portion of lt.Ija! s
War a a BMbUaa Oongraa wa bar these
feadanaataL aondltlons , nig kt ba aafstM-l
hnt ha had no hops thtt intra wBU alwtr.
i b napnbtlsaa ntajority bard, iaara was
bortata at sons Uat r ether to ba a Dene
flatls OoagrStt, who weald oonttrua Unas
lawadlffarenUy, and therefor U wndlUan
h bsllavad war asalias. .
JtUU Wod.of If. TT-tpahsla Onpeslttenl
UepaadlagblU. IIiantdU right or Ooa
grant to sy bow a Btot ahonldboadalttau;
or vadsr what aoaditioaw ThOoaautetia
alongavtha eoadltlees of adalasloa, aad
Uay ware tie only naaa to ba resogatssd. lie
fafsmdta tbar early history of Vlrglaiai to
tha fast thai she was one af ih original Ulr
taaaandbadanlad aadrtaplatad thardgbt
ofOonntaitotltihJttdgatatupaa bar Md
lnpodltlonuponlisr. TLrglaJaalwara
wm la th uaioa,aad Was to-day aatitisd is
rapraaeatatioa wlUenb Uie ast. AaoUef
raasonwhy hawaappad tout biiDwu
Uat no StaU aonld pat aaraalfenlof Ua
Unto. Virginia aoetd not putbsrtslf oat.
sad aerar waa out ttwasuponUai print h
plotholnbnimTwaemugbt. H
rr m piuf sat avp iron goiag vnt,
nd by ear y Utarlaa wa praraatod has fraaa
rata out. It aonld not be eUrwlao then
fraaTUatafnra. thai Vlrrtnla araa alraailw a
Slat. But nor Uao that, brfOataadadUat
tTtrftalawaa roaogatsod aa a State before,
aria and nfttrUs war.nadlapraofer that
a rararrad to the varloua aat of OengrasBaa
toaauajaat aunag tna war. llut BiNUM
that, ba ontndadUat rsttat isgialailoa of
Oonafsan astoppad Ua najdrlty Jtsra rron
golag furtbasla Ula natlar, tor the SUt has
alraaig aoapUad with all tha eoaditioaa lat
potad, ak waa proven by Ua Proatdsat'a nee.
aaaiTaaaatiiHag taa ratmt OI UI lateeie-
Km la Virginia. There was nothing aow to
doasbnt7or Oongrtatta kaan Itaalreadv
pUgktadfalUaBd ta adalt the SUte Wllbont
be naskinary of this blU. T
Ja soatiaoaUoa, be tea tend ad that there
waa ao legal or eeaitttutioaai authority te
eaforsa Usts fundamental aoadlttoas, and he
ssouted Oaa. Leermse's Idea abavt tula tha
Oread Amy ef the Aapabtia aa aaworthy of
iHiiHuiau. aaaiiaaiae iron auiaoiB.
1 who was grand aoaaaadar of
the Grand Ai
rmj oi tae ntpuDua, tit any at
aot think that
akthatbte grand arny would aval!
Tha proportion was tin ply absurd
llauloua. llut aaother grsst objsal la
ni. The p
aad ridlauloua. llut aaothar rr
bU atlnd was Uat Ula bill rselly astUsd noth
lag. iu niu proriaaaior ua aanittioa of
this Stale to representation In Uoogreii, but
II tatd notblng nbont adalttlog htrlato tha
Tatoa upon aa equality with the other States.
Ua waa latitat to ballsve that thli was a
tthtme dlsgulted so as to afford aa sztute to
treat Virginia as Qeorata htd beta I ratted.
If Utheiudgnaatef this House that StaU
should nam further It filiation at the heads
f Cengreis.
Thar wet no security that this wonld ttt
tls ths wbols queitlea, and net nake Vlrglala
a subjeat for future leglslatloa. This bllf waa
net U k taping with tne sallghttned spirit of
US age, nor arsa wlU UaraaosatraatloB sats.
but It waao advaatad stsp la Ua progreaa of
asarnatloa. All Its aondltloas wars, la hit
opinion, violations of ths Conitltot!ou of ths
Uaited Statss. Mr. Wood soasludad br Stat
Wvtneaotaieaweaiieiaell partleulars.
for Vlrglala waa not now.aad nsvsr bad been
without a rspubitssn forn of govsrnmsot,
Mr. rarnaworU, of 111., gave aotlee Uat be
would sail the prerloaa questiea on Ua bill
at o'slesa to-narrow afternoon.
bmwm, a d'ihni. toon a recess
uatu 1M o'aletk for debate only.
The House raasaanblsd at 1M o'sloek.
I, n"om d. tj, aaarsaaoa isa
Home oa Ua Vlralala bill., Ua eontendad
mat an taa asia oi taa
Legialafnreot the Slate
argued thafaveraor walkar wti ta league
with the Demoerat of the state and tke die
loyal leaders to obsat Ua people of Ue Slate
Onl of UtlrpJbsrUst aad tha guataataea of Ue
OontUtutton. llendrossted ths sppiJbatlaa
of aore etnngaat oaths, and said that was
tiuiftuq oaa iiiu. tna
what be had battled for lathe Ooaaltteeaa
onsiiinuuBii-u waiin ni an i aai
but for the sake of unanlalty, sad in
Uat there might be eoaaeri of aslloa, be
waived aay per
wonld give the
esmttt Banners.
feellags be had, aad
bin a besrty aod
lie aaw noway ofgelUag
assurlty far Ue future oaai
f the
niVii;:.ri i:v.:va; - " '
1IIMI Kiau.l
W'uiiivdi namauia tai 9Ut.
If the Lertatatura of Tlretata lataadad a
earrTeetUeresoaatruetlon ntatursa la reed
faltb, thay bobM have no Qhjttiaaiae oaths
yiMi-iHl r ai em, and Ua tondttloea eon
taUed therein, Tha Virginia Legislature
should not objstt that ni who were dltqnelt
edmader tbe fourteeath amendment te tke
Oonatltntlon were deprived of the prlrlUta
r boUUgeSLta. Aa tn Ua validity of the
eleatlooofUaltadBUUeSenatorala Vtrglala,
Mr. Wbtttamora Bald be differed fron Ua At!
tofayaeeral,buthwsadlipose4 to abide
by tbe deeltlea ef the lllttr, T
Mr. Wbitumor offered na part of his
tpeeth Ue memorial to Oongreaa slgasd bv
ssrtala Radlaal MlaaourlSBa (a Ula altr, da
aouaalag the psadlog bill, aad whlak waa
t.J.uJ!fct 8-- y"rty at the laataaae
Ths doeomsnt wbb read by ths Olsrk.
Mr. DarU, of pfew York, offered aa aaead
neat t the bill, whleb nropoiee to strike out
all aftar tbe enastlng alauaa aad dstlara bar
vMuaa, aw iafTaaBaiiwa ia,i tola BumiMIOn
an"i im ww Faraoa enau as oeprivs 01
aay privileges paw allowed under the Oeatu
tutloa, bdt that any amendment applicable to
all tbe Deoeia of tha Slate mar ba mad.
manlaealdeelares legal the recent elsSUon
ofOssators by! th iJegtsIatur. Itlapotea
upoa all BUte offleers U oaU prasaribed by
the foertssathaaitndmsnl to UaOeaatltuV
Una. Apeaaliy for taking falsa oaUa Is ln
Th nasBdmsnt was ordsrsd to be printed.
Mr.Palnar.oflowa, la epesklBg upon Ue
bill, said Ue great qneitloa to be considered
by members la aosaldanag this bill waa, ara
taa people of Virginia prepared for Ula ast ef
roeenstroetton, aod ara they prepared to
resogslss the altered stats of affairs la this
eouab t Ue eoatsodad that tha ssatlaeat of
Tlrtinlawasnot lovaL aadlaarnnr r kt
an editorial from
glets Jevmaf, pobllthed Immedlatelv
nnnuiBM imme laialv 1
ndjonrnmaet of tbe National Board af Trade,
utiiN raierreu to toe vagraal act OI tb
State, whlth, be said, waa oaly aaothar tre
tarn of tlavsry, aad whlth, hi said, atlll re
malaad uaan the atatnte book.
Mr. FaraaworU aakad whether that law
waa not pasted la 1IU under Ua ralga of Aa
draw John ten, who wst enooursgisg that sort
f legislation.
Mr. Pslmsr rspllsd that It was, but ths bill
TBHiiai wiu itaiuia gggt, aaa Wtl atlll
Mr. rarnsworth said Ih Stata had hsd ao
ueiiaiaiurv aiaca itoo. tot now IDSB COUld It
repeal the law referrsd tot
witnout nntwerief or aotitieg that eatt-
noa car. rtmir waat on. ana arguto that
Vlrglala should aot b admlltsd uadtr aoy
aire unites tee, '
lUdtattd tbat Virginia wst in a eoodllloa
for admlttloB, and would daisy it ladsQ
nltely. Ue Ini ttated ths eaia of Tsoosttts
and Oeorgls, and argusd from them that It
was uatafa to admit any ef UaStattt lattly
Ib rebellion Ue ftarad tha result ef the ad
mission of irglala, bscauaa it wat tald that
Tessa aad Mliiliilppl would follow, and be
pi edit te thai with thoae States relaforaUg
their sllle la the North ths aovorsasBi
might slip from ths graip of nspublieani tnd
gst late the hands of Dsnoerata Uut tbs trr
wss salstdtkst wa eould appsal totksSu.
prsme Oourt. That was trust but hs dttitrtd.
aad ha did ao with alt retpect to the Suprtns
Oourt, tbat thsra were but two man on that
bench who eould be dspsadsd upoa by ths he
publltan friends or ths soub try la ths sveat of
an Ittna being raised on tha reeooitruetlon
It wss alto said thai we had PriH..t
Q rant In Ue ehair. Tbat wat true, sad bo
nan nan a grssitr retpastiorUsasral Orast
and Mr. Colfax than hlatslf, but hs tould not
forget Ust oa April 14. lies, ws had a PrstW
daat In whom tbanaanla had aa nmk -.
daase as thsy hsve la Ueosral Uraot. On the
Ittbef April Ua eouatry bad aetata Prstl
dsatiaad rsbsl bullsts might sgaln dtprlvs us
ef n Prstldsnt if hs wat tne only lapedlatat
ta tha way of rsbsl sthtass lie to no) u did
py neaianag tost na matt op not a tbs pSBdlnr
bill even though hs should veto with Ihs
m Mr. Rogers, ef Arkaoiti, maJa a tpatch la
favor of tpeadT anion, not oalrupon the bill
but for Us tat tit neat ef tbe whole qutitloa
1 reeouiirnftiea
Mr. A 1 tall, of llallferala. imI. u ...
tloatoUasoDdltloas eontalsed la the bill
lie eoatendad that every prlsatpla of good
faith demanded bsr ad minion UBtrsmntUd.
It bad btsa tuUd la this dltsnttlon that tbe
people ef lrgtnla did net love Northsra mint
aad ba Uooght tha debals dsvstoped the (act
that Northern me did not love lrglalaas
my tea well. "
treM.'fia wnatad
, rhewaytoluplrSTkiraVlrea(nenu
orntaera, una net veawtewva'aBniuaaee
pepiebyerarren4ahslwnipowr. If Ooa
srstt woulA purse a nmnaTroniiatloa
thav wanld aaa tin aaki -raanlta fallaw.
VlrglasabMaonpitadwuhahUeaatsof re
onatrnflloaj, Thebonorof Praitdtntaraays
aaaiBinraiionaanaBoea laaa aae paoaia ne
ednltted without ooadltlaasy-aad tf Uoneral
Qrsat waa Ut hero ba (Axtn believed bin
to be. ha vttU tkraw thai
rUM urew item aii
1 tb weight f
bt lataaae agaiast Ula nauw with IU
Mr)raba,af lit. and htr7UeOerndcbkof
M . both a?ae in hrot eftnnadiat 4 On
aous eendttiaaa.
senuiueaainanistivn. . 7 1 . t , , , 1
Mr. Wbittonore nnred aa bbundnabt In-
paaiaa: a Bwaaiij oi uaa ana iapnaennBtt
falM iwelHBf, - . , r
The I In one it, kUt,-, adournad.
WnDtaatnqvrrn-loV Imporunt
Changs bar raoaatly been mad la wadding
tlquettJ. Aacordlna to Ue.Trstott JQn
pertfc-m, lh.card UTltatlon ihould balssusd
three week before th marring, and should
be prorlded by tb bride parent. Brldt
axpecunt anonw wtlrely, Melnde them
sal re after th card ara leaned. Ooarralu
latlou are out of plaoe In church, ana should
boprsserTedfertoinceptloa. ThdlpUy
of bridal PreseuU 1J going out of fashion
with people of taste. Whsa th oollatlon 1
announced th bride aadjrroocailseatUi
wty to the dlningroom. Ti briia's caka
Is In the eentr of tb tabl,7and Aha brids
cnu tb first Ue. The noeptlon lasts An;
tng the aftrnootaad U oeaetlme followed
by a danc La tb realog . If a bridal party
go npon a tour, their departora for th atn
1 genrauy th ugnai for th guoau to di
perse, r
Diith or On or NiroLaon' Ilnoii-
Th Xlllibelh tn. JA TTiralA aava i John
lute, a renerabl old man of 81 ryr of
age. uncie or jona b. lvu, or tu city, wa
burUdonldoodartaNewrorkj JTanarred
fot many year in the axmr af the rm Zfa
poioou, nna wa pneeus at aom oi wa anon
otttUantTlfitorlaa. Ha alaa aharad la hi
few bot dKlalv defeat, being ta on of the
expedition to Russia which resulted ao dis
astrously to th arm of ranee. The de
ceased veteran well remembered tab -grand
and awful exmagralloa of Moscow, and
land to tail of tha trtnmnan a&J kardfsbtoe
fa bad seen while following the fortune of
Ue -'Hero of AuterUu." LuU altfrated
uuu country twenty Tear ago.
JTiw AdTtrtlwaofltA
"Mf-ios jtAMLii'i cnurr ohi.
uatanBiep. rnaafren flMf 9 I II
0. KTTtllOTT b 00 .
waa araaaa.
rPUB EYESIGHT atxuraltly tiultd
tkiix n&xr a Mil. cr. i;
--- ..v... . ..w y.MJ... .,
rnrf ny tmrwrrinp acw qvuiiqn.
& i Optician, National Il?tl.
- rTIrT)
rtae'lsttwoed Cblthtriag , fin
pae Andrew uai...T.-"n:..v";,.7;..t ::.".. M
"fet aala ini eety t!.Hern at Ua
, u iticurravvt
laatad with natl
T ioirica--ua
neaaaa, ti
w. ih aw aar aaaiiaaa an
aerfvr afare ffsr a. lawwulit tklaaaTaaalJ
.uu-.. .i .v; - . j. --Hv :-;. "!'.tt
t"rr' a. .aa .nn aaaiiaaa, - aaaaa If
SMllaalerlar.aaaUeferadfertMOO, aad It
great, hargala, neetauarealv. M """
a at, iviiiu,
- - -1 Sttnubrahati
Car ytwTarhaTt,fcad Itlatiai
UTIiroOL AMD qoiiib
I IMI II Mil Of aUlLoTlilfll. .HUSO
isua iiw iuu
liTURDiT sad alleraaU TOUPAlt.
.TlaketS said te aad fren litltal,
Irelead aad Ue CeaUatat. far fall la
fsratlttn sJrt
1 1 Vat" l",,J
Agaat lbBreMwar, w.T.,er
Jail If Baa. ara. WeahltfUa.
TT CUAS. W. DOTCLKht, Awet'r
j unaaar to Jt v, amaviuire ai ua ,
CorsarefPeaaarlvaaiaavsanaand Tenth atrest.
wilt co
ta.. b vttta
r o r a k
aerdaJ, Jtaasry M.1SSS. laUar .0.-. Ml. Ml.
easeiueiaaa reaortf nr waaaiasteaeeaatr, p,
Q . wbthall praaaadU tail al paklla aatllaa the
felltwlaa daaertbed paraal of sreead lUaad
iSthS-i'ftffW.s'j" !
mm-r-w '"" fc .1. '1 aBll
rlaalaa far
! " a. a a. ii, aaiaaaa,
aUaaal aaraar eTttli
halair feetea a llae
raitui taaaca aorta
a ivauia avaei w
100 faat, taaaaa aaai
aeaUtwealr feet. Ibeaea eaal
Javr-.w ,a u iwi taaaaa aaa La. (nr I
tleaaeeeelennllasef 1 strteBSrth.ta
laaar kaalaalaa
'ermt: tfaa uTr taahi tha btlaaee la tin aad
tire moBlht, wtln etaa baartac la Ureal aad
trad br a dead e( treat ea Ut nremlaeai nana
ewaeatyar tale. CeayersaelBB. At,, alteal
rinr.aan, lUMBUiHjrwpnN Bill W1IB
sltadare after aale er the prepertr will be re-
Can 1)6 burped in.any
Burners is Required.
N0.493S NINTH ST.,
Delween D ana E St.
tAMn. AC, A J.,.U
SpKial JfoUoef.
a Niw Tonic nBPVDLi'
C3F7 nit
AISOOUTlqil will kald a goalabl
' LWrly Uall, Mrtar ft Stveith
BBdL ttraata,
f ,Jl,w - .
f".".?!l,J1.S ""T1"'-.M
. .. . I..H.H vi ni ii iiis.
rhsCeavenlle af the Walleaal Wemsnaln
rrsgeAaaealaUenwlIIbs bald lsj.iatlaBSU an
tha lltb. lVtb aad JtOtk UtUat, eonmtatlag at
Tkslsadlag ebjstts ef thUCoavtatloa ats Ihs
lafraatklttatat of Went ta the DWtrttt ssl Iht
fleatsgsef the tlztetltk nttslatsl to tatCta
Tha felleaifeg naSMd spssttrs wilt be yreatalf
liaaur Pomerer,
tter -WlttoM
MlDS flwsam . Atatkoar.
at re, Kllaabet. 0atr Btaatan,
'Mm. Isabella Deeeher Hooker, tf Bart'
t Uam, A. O. Riddle, tf WsthlsgDa. 0. 0.,
lTaUrLaw.i .
ne.rawUnnAVrlgb.t pavle, "OrJila
aa wttterrei taemovamaei,--
lf -n. Hevtasa, t "sv Tetk. -
JBre ttlake, of Hew Tork.
Mr. Mary V, pavl, ef lew Tsrs.
Mis VlIbr, of HewTeHr.
MIsaMaUla Uiatektneaaj ffeerTsili,
UeapltTaUaartst ef Us IVfsaaa.
Blskap Blm p soa, of rkllsltlpkla.
J3ma areeawaadt ef WaakUgtoa, D G.
ngrn. Jatepktao Orlfflng, of Wah
Uda,z.o. , t-
Tk ftilevlnrapeatrl are etad 1
- MrgaUatTtelBoeener Ittwi,
XrevlAuretla Mott
Hri, rdreraaara. n
Rot JVearr AT arm Deeak, af Bsook
. KeV. Ml1. Barton, ef Bartftrd. Ct
Mrs. M. F. T. Oatlsr. of Cltrtlssl, Obis.
nam. Aimeef et cauisrsia,
-Mra. Oarer ef Detroit Mltb
,jMrt rvmnae P, aajerhrV W n Rs
peklUT'f Hen, ttonrsr W. JfUlnn.
Heat. Jndge KeUejr,
. Ilea. JbSbS Jekkaoa. af Clactasatf.
rrwC ale-us U. X-aaffSUs f n award
htr. M J Carasr, ot Swtr4 OaWtrtllri
Tb abevs 1UI er enlaeal U brtUlsat peakera
preeeaU aa UltUeetaal treat selloattjtyidbr a
Wuklagta aadleata
TbsQeanlttaesr ArraMssssaU bars spared as
balsa, their ebjeat belag to seapte th graaleat
aeiilr eearsrtaaa ceavasiaBteie i"i
Baelkenaa4lkaamMBaetWeahlest-av Thla belag
Uetrsin, Uepbave eaeered LIHCOtK BALI,,
earner RUth ssdP atreett.Usn tt aUgsat'Sad
tBBferubia pbbiis hsu la ut mr.
The Oenatttes eetlltatlf rtlv apoB the will
katwn itberaliir f th eUlsaas of Waaklagton to
Tlakata far tU st J. 0. 0. fAKKIR'l, Seieatk
streeu erpeatta the Psil Oflte, aai bv ataberi of
UeCtnalUeesf Arraageattats t Alto, stlhsdeor
at Llaeela Hall darlsg Us ooartatlea
Tttkets Nststtl elaltUsg geitleaaa aad 14 y
coMKiTT.i by AHiiraiKXHTt-
MISS O'Otanir,
Ur See4 ben,
WAiBlttTOWp JttatrrH. IWft, . . JaU-ld
OStairi.'ViWty ftlKSf.'A.V'. r!
a cioaanv aa. oaaiBeeaei larenaaea, mj era
jaia '''r.J OAtarMOW, lecreurr.
at puTQAL bin inauaaaoa cum
PlIT. lAlifarkalatraat.
BeUee la hereby sir tn (.'Do'lJN V LKlUTtP.
u tae eaiy aataetiaae Ageai ei est uanpaay 11
Waahlaslea.aad teethe la theeatr eaaeemala
aleaad seaellealtaa tetk tabataaU aa hema
areata! te ae ee ) Premlnne ea polletee aai re
uIm. ul alia far laal rail
1 far that narvnae.
VraackbaMi Be,lp rati
ELI cTt.
p.o cn
1. Lathe op.
Viae Prealdtkt.
rrrv naatiTEii m orvinit
WAaaiBeTO. D O.. DM. 11. 3a!lae la
rtby ClTea Uat ea SITCBDAT, Jtasary 1.
70. win antra all llaaaaae alvaa br the Oorne-
R.VS.-ffil'iW.ffi?SS- -
auaall UarperaUan Lteaaaet ezplrlag sb aald
a.a awi ni.aimr aaawa
IHooalU for LlMaaM to thla CanMratlaa
iw by law wait wltk the Cllr Cellartor, br
a niuaaat wiu na Bas. pa WAltB tat
JouW p. 000 r.
City Stclater.
S3V . the aitltaai
ready. With the ateat aalabrated oraanastal palat
na. 10 a uiiiiuii aiiaiaeea eiraa er traaeeat
sad te feralak ssy kind of eamberi, pal a 14
!. silver er aivev plated, al Ue lewaal ratea
Bala a tie aalraaa aaLkardad un.iinW.Ui
etlp. aad betaa, Ua ealy raapoaalble partr far the
eerreot re aaaberUs ef Ue tame, ear were, that
a '"Vr""" "r r ay aeaaw. W'"
I Will aat beratpoaitblaforaar aaniVar p
bv ear aUer a area a. B aTBonfi.
Oaatraetar for Bs-asaberlBg tke City, eld a amber
, u aiw ) atfriii iiran, pill!
aoraar o treat, third Iter, ever Baka AC '
aloUlagstere. IT IsnS-ll
srirpabhttkh iHiMbUtUXb abbo-
Cffl B. CnpRCn, Prealdaat
aVaalDli, aaOOJU TraaaaiH..
Ut talaJeleaei i.tf. XJ0, BenlaaTvala,
.aaiitafaa aaaoaiauaa, itqhi
C OsBkeerdlaarrhetlllBgaeeeelatloBtlawklih
jleeleeseiUeaaaaeUtlta aaa.be Beaaraiely de
JWalrr V ar mjBai ei ita aotiair 't isialette.
JjT. K,f tfll nra oel saaieellt er?r
ptlad MBebialalBghoaeiteaJs.bat earry wllk
2aaartia te Ua aaeef the aaittatlea.
Tks StaoeUtUa g vee eaplermtat to lit owa
ii '
Isparmaalef alvaa er ILVO In Biaettead Atae
tecfatWBlBlearatra.tatock aetfafalta,) 41.SS3
laMymeat ef a loan , an eld Un al T
. r" na iwiiai.a,f...a.a.t..K B.BJU
tabraarVuL " -J"aa, inaafyaifi
. Apviieatleat far ti
betaadateaay elthi
kitliat far ateck and far lammlaUahssn
late aay elthseslearaerdlrKiera.
Liaraa u naaaliiailAa aaa ka k.1. II..
Uaalane u Ceaaituilaa aaa be made at the
Beturr r. a. i
.tn-Mia M.auituiT.11.
ir,J(l.,Ckr;. K.I. j..rrfil'Tli., I..
"jdjelr te akBwl4ce th klaSsaaa ef my
MKh BP"fl. ,l,, J. u aaaUonrag ths
fakUt ssalaat iBpocltloB. fi tare be wllf aot
n vvawia.a avi .aa aaiataBia iaI HBert BIT
mane la UenaBbrtBter their bone. I keli
mva reapeaalblelor all mlattsaa maSS by th
atlTef mrtabllahaaat. ea Uarrr r.
".'A!!'. ?' A" I a,
taaae thslkla ratMaalbllUj It ofeay peaaible eoa
auarUtloBtaay wrkdabr ma Aa
."JTV7 I "" TlT "US F- i ear aaa ataa from
vautag b Ua Bew Ifeabtre. I rtapaetTijlr ak
'. WeeeraUve ralaUr,
.PeeeraUve faiaUi
.ne oawBiaiaaaBTtsa-
r WlllkaaakJUkaiaalaalbk .71...."..
ftn, Ua Brat BuaUlraamWr ef Ue 'Amereaa
OaU. "by A(Mre.0aUa A eaa. Wuklagtoa.P
C.aad Ladta,tsh4IVltrlatUt.
..Tbejaat Oeaut. .edUor, formarlr proprUter ef
Hld ' " " AfrHatuaai
frteeOas Dollar per saasa, U sdvssee.
Ilia 11 vagM. doebl mtd lea It.
MadBe, WathlBfiua, D.iIj Ha. t3 Tan
trlvaala avisst, at Macn,bTtrrtr A Wayas1
.d."'t."U oABBBleailoaa le lb editor of Ih
Mr rratrlekBUritSBlherlit sBt far snb
BertplleasaadadTasUsemeBla rr Vtktatoa D.
l2proocaiii.iN'B uiiua itoiib,
p& . eppeeUs MeseaU Tatapl. Drill, Mt41
tlaee, Ae.. be , tktsper Uaa aay elatr pla.
freat lavrereaaaai
t aatLaa .Suit
-", uiu wita arroaaaBit et,i,ii
irr aaawiiaiaaataMai
.far ... .Mr
lMllkUI, tolt
wytf Uwlf
113 jlinf.i
w I.lV,
1?!, ,
ytoi- hahit.
aaalaafdr mraaavli
la a aaalad anraltpe, U
fjrBBeavioawith IS reular atsrelaaa barer tke
iW'i . 1 "" VJatieA
r!HS?a?fiftt f"ss;
a.aaitva aaaoaiauaa, inneaika.
TirpseAbJ las teuealeakheUerarreroia.
aaiieaaueteatenbenat aa altaaae r twalv
added at ess half of eat per teal. px meaih,
dlvldlBB -the. member' iiutatiU laaa ml
19' TUlBflaBlkAatrTs aa mlatfeaary,
iieeevws ejueaa Blmjla raaedy for the care
ef BarvsaaWeekaaat, Bsrly Dy. Plataa af
UeQnaarraad AeaiUal prgaaa, aad The whole
trala l alaardtrt bresiat ea by baaeral aad
ureal oeakerehavs beta oard
aamaSv. fromal nr a Saalr La
ad asfortBBAtt. I will ad
tar aa aalaetala uaJlalaa.
ASy oat whe t4a It, ran
tl4. Item D. BivftitPi., Si wYrkCUy
Luxuries fcS ImrHoK
S13 and 915 Fa. Ato.,
Opp.WllUrda' H.I.I.
-J P Ib . . . . ...
vo aext bensen .MTST aUlsus. laaat us
lg MxeTloTJ.aUytf RaUUs. tasat la
tOakla ITh4.i Itauau AA L MA Ja u.i.i
lW lie Mew rige, extra ga, ISO tsWats. Bay
ilbe. tad rreaU CaaJy. BO at, per rbv
s. etfcr -u,T,Cw Mliedaadya
.If. Baa Praaaa. 1
a. naw Dtu, an at.
ifrvw iaa aaw uaroai.
.oxraSea. beetbrend Wlaka Jstah
KBM dUr-W-TEttws Od Btrtng Vsaa.
4) dea.lttrawBViy, riaape4e, riaae.
ealiebaler. Balmea aad retted Haalt.
ita. beet aetham Oen
B...T.1.T. I jUiar'i MlabrnM U.f.TPJW
f ri.k Mhw. wiuJJ. .M.rr. iyt
Snip. .Urn Jm. T
-ajlii.r1.1- siuu.I iim nul
Itm fMl I. IWi
100O It. Bew Tetk Bart wheel. rd, B tl
BTOkbls. 'BlakTUie'1 family tjeer, M-AUff
lObala anraeaeOralamrlear, TUaUgrveal
frwa Beli4 WhlM Vkal
uat pi r ataa viaar.
i(arir. . Pari. Heaalav.
fetiewliaal. -'ley ag.
Taybxa. WkeetenOrUe.
W4 ate sailing Teas at areatlr redaaad brtees.
ad ral eere U takea la aaearlac Ue bee aad
Btt levered Teea. aaeplBg ta view fer oar
pelesf. nBlere. L BttLj.
iAtllTaas wsmated U give satlaretttea. Wa
eair Bis a tnei 01 ear geeea
Bpaelal atUaUen Is given In this Derartmeat,
Bad the reaatlBg of ear ewa CefaeslreeBiaeee
rla aJvaatavaa. a aaa "UvSa'a araaaaa
avlas'' Oeiaa BrtwMr. aad a water saad U
reaetls S. Uertty savUa the eeaeenaf IS pes eeat,
Java, uaaalae avernmtal.reaeadJLaa eta,
' " anaa. 3aU.
, WeeallyearalUatleaUeer BatlveCeyleaCsf'
fee. li belag saperler to Metaa la lavvev aad
'rloerKoaaleJ. SO at.
Ore. doett. ..
Rotated Cofae. 30. 3S. dO ats.
Oretn " l. , B5 tie.
BKAnpYtjeoatto OldlltasMtv Brandy,
WHEAT WUiaXY.Usenlrlntbeallv.
OarWIsaaSBdLlflaer are warraated ttrttUy
par, and have a rleh aai ezealUat gavr
Tht tjbev J sal arrived by slipper tklp Mary B.
waplal aaaeri-MBt af Imported Wlaee aad
Llqaeri oftrtrr vartety,
fTall Aai aaaaalaa. All ..... . .
l.ll.(taM4. " " "
TT1 w Trrtnir n.wnranrm
AlatAv Stawot, kotwawm Afl badV.
Utydtalrs. Frteotaiweye Ue Ttweet, J tail
and Yeddo Toa Store,
HlnlU .tract, twtwe4a'7liia'K
HKWTEAB'S tkiliihVi
bibuctioi im rJuoooimooTiv
ctari.. jtz...::i:.,.tir,5
UI. (W.)............
u.....i..... :
O..K. J.pu. llH.Un.,.,.UI
" ?f mn. ni ami u atwr n
'"&. A. OLCOTT & CO..
Ju- , ..mih .,i. p.
OhoiM) Imported LIuries,,
Boaaefurt CBaeee rreaek 1. Maakreoma,
Aiparagaa, itrtac lUaaa, Staff Ollvee. 9m
rSTtVaTraiea fel Oraa. Blank fnuHT
Beael-uBardlBM. iackavle. Petted
Jrae. B
i achat
a QU
raia-a. Jiaca!.
M.QeecB OUf a,.i
EDgllia Brrakfut ind Jtposne Tmi,
Th Celebrated Quaker levy aaOl,
Wllk n Large Aaeertaeal ef
I reapectfally setltll a tkare af Ua amalL PLa.
age, gaaraaUelsg eatlre aatiefaeUen.
...IT-lf feAli!VYaVd7uy,reet..
uaucisr ad vajuett aToaa,
HfclW ir.w T.rk aT.am.. Cra.r f
mnur aiMtn .tr..,
HIATt,tOll.. AlPIIOf Ml.tttT.1.
unoTHiaa a middlitow,
ai. ...ma l.
II Ik. 014 IU.4 .1
010. A THO, ruin A CO..
,45iJ.:K.u::l.:oP"" '"'rkSs
AtUUn li nil. tear mil r
WhlaktansBariagapeelal tadseensaU forsaah.
Alte. dalr ta
Ooa Oil. Itapt, Cklaaeya. With, Aletkel,
Ulae, TrpBtiae. Vraskes
JtMlB .
. Miirrte
. i...,. .. a a.r!T. ".
J iiiw v atraa,
lath aad vaai
itrt, aad SB teauitaa sytBia, at.
vaatk ejt , eaiti leaioa afeaee.
D 11 A rriHLD'l
Fron?U Confootloni-y
LaaUsa and Oaatlsmea'a llestaats-aab
an4 ntalaff Baloett, '
"'Lrtjsa'ijstr "" "'
All OtBtJs HtttB i Oralart J svsry ttyUltte
Oraanti WtUr leeat aiaJSaaat, alwere a
Its Jttj p pB eVlU Ue Theatre tut Cimmntm.
ara est. ftrtTM.Veddlafli.beppera.aad llep
Uoaa feralab lUii ahertMt aetie aad meat
'aaeaabl Una, rartlas fajralahad
Ctbtt 0(Bmata ai Ware, Waltor
jeatryfr4ratpramprirBUtBa '
rarna reraiaa wiw t -
, ..-! i-a.
Buui-u beweaaTtrBaBtbreyraMhCsaly0
BOO Ibe. MoUeea, laeet,
I rOw lb, rap IheilAlavanda,
.OV)bs Beft hll AlmaaeaT
ltQOqfba. rMMaU. BWrp.r
fiVlOOlaa. rilberiiaadBteallafa-,
Mb aeek. Hltkerr Bata. I aat reealved f tttantffj
BrOOOVe.WhlMClevtr Heavy 90 pi.
iJuOOlba. aaw MLchra" Clime. Met.
iyOOO Ike. eitra ae fraattla. tit.
VJMM) Ika. ..In Baa Pn.allal
Lttitt , , LAIJtA K1IBB.
AlteeKkteJaatltr-eiTh'UVr; TkK5ph"
d ntl tBttMafafeeasIr la fear attt tf
.llu Mk.r si inia( Mai't Itere sal si
U Oara 1ft aae Ba Offlt tot ear r Sltjil
nwak. ltlaaaBalagBATDBtlAl MOBIT
10, Jtaaarr Wh.-- . jil-
'V . i.
kf rfklaa
.Ltrs te eonaeatt al V o'ttstk . Blast
Tlehtla, M SU aBlttltg a ItSy Bad saBlle-
aBBi tb aaata. jai u
tu iost rouB Miaim
wio win .rpur for tin hit ua 1. I&li ilif
ro isria-xxrr.
tut lTimia Bviuia tbi wjir,
l. . M.atiral la..tu D;a. or
J Whiu. I. T.a T.rUr. ..4 . rmomiMj II,
aiD BtmiTio TuvHraor tuioi,
wrwvn. ...;,.,.,.,.......iu. iiiaui,
I.pprt., trupl.i.li ..it.
'fiiDAT-lutrirorirui SiTUlt.
fl.x,iMi Mv..rii t uu. j.um.1.
koibat ,rr-Tk. rB..i w. n lixoud
fAuSCAa .fUusci toom.
sipr ancEnwooo,
nrTn:LiCTdB.or.Tnx o. , oovmb.
T e-Jetll'MBBOOBS," )
k Bttrs epea at T e'eletk. lettar teteamtse
nkU rr Keacvved Mmlm, H eesta.
tlmlaal- a Uthat. (elite or,) SOeeale.
rvedeeei eaabepreeeradat Atr
B Afloat BeoktUre.
D OOCaLASB.tkelateoItrederaler.
leltyer Ue siath Leviare ef Ult Cesnsta
TAtMAUai'aAMBMBtTBOOMi, jllrett. b
twMaMlaUaadTeaU, euTueeeef, ftbraaryl.
rrt ja uaaaiei basibs aensrte as
neeaee U hie mar patreae sa fflaada that
btaaaaaalBal atatqeewtll Uka plaae ea
TaaaSay jTabraarv I. 1170. Sabetrlptlaa
tHIl u. k. ua. tl Ik. latiaaw. af.wi
eopl ef rvrelatiae aivlag all tke lafarmaUea
aaa be had Baaa-nett tUkat, alalulag a
It, Tt ". UoWttftWSn$?
Taiirr or TOluanit, xm.
TltM LMtlM IP.. T.U1 IkllMH t
Hoir w. i. lOTrrr. . n.urith m r-
.UJ.rl.f tk. vt.ur at.tka I. w.,kttit..t
wkr.r.pMltlft.ii. ,.ltr.r .llk.r .r ku un.
kMlarMJ. ...v fra M.rTl.... Dillffll. M
..iiHriM. wuirw.iT.prwD.. .
-. .u.r...,...-,.
.. "!.. L11I .
ita lSJMlilaaalhata1. Waaklaataa. b. D.
ettf ' T
rilOIl KOSIliTI.
afssy predaatleas la Us earns style, sad rem
Ueeataekead. havebeea earravad rerth iVaa-
ifMeeaadatppMew1 afewriMl. Hew really
er eamlna jLJU,0,,AnD A UOHCN.
1 P'fI'VA'V tm ts.
alghl wlika Am-eiae variety ester
ppea every alghl wl
ill. .m BAE.LXaTI7ME9t
bum iiJiuirjiitrcnTis AltU
iinntv rtnakntTB-a
dBBTaUatrt. faarth r aaatha I
raaTITaaia Ti.
i ........ .
. .v V.V mJIW
cancaaiii, IN3
jr-jy mnriiTAn
4ar eirroiiiiTiu.1
iuuiao uiuiuuia, &o
' tt'la ISO. .
jM.rj ...tfi.iAJ .'
to t inv ,
VIS, to 80,
All tk. UuatftrlM U ..1.1
nas.a atl.tarM.
rerLMtaraaBalarl Ulftuy.br rreftar
3awklai,f MewT. f -, -
amies on Ul Jf T jftttor Daalel.,
to 1fTT.,TO IriM.t.t..
Boys' Buita, &-
ror all aae.. from S fu
ta 17 Jtmn, la all 5
tha utvit T.
1Ie aad jUP
rial. CO
. m
Wa cnarautea every gannent to
b aaUrinetorr In n (.p.rleet la
tf i, lilmmid an made la
tbe be.t manaer.and that
orarxicn tu m moxn.un
Ta.a .ia.v arU.U. MUMIikaatu
N0 4861BEDDOED1NO.486.
a krli. kttkl. Iihuutl . .kiaiAllf Urf.
cteU. IflUaUo. .f
FAIKTINar), ENdBATlttas, oihomos,
AJ Ultfa HITS A iltfl aa a. a a. . v
B n W aavw a w, , ata.
Aad te rtdste Us ttotk ss mask at peatlhls piitr
U lewTa
a aLuk at
bbuVckd rmcEa
tloiutn.ltl.1. )
rma IJI,.U,H..
v?. ?." ' l...lftJVHT., It r?K. . Vina,
lh.tr .Itora.r. U Ik .id.r.4 UAI Ik. dMdaAlh
WIUIAH I. BA.UTO. ..d C.AI1TIV, U.kUlf..,
W kr .pMtr..Mta...UrfJ k.r..a .r
M.rj Ik. Ir.I rai. At r M.m.i .nt a. 7. .ftn
VllkA..MM.f,.r..Uu ,- '

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