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Tb A eh or aad ib oak. Id union there Ii treo(lb In strength there Ii efflclcncyi la cmcltney there U me cut. Bat whit ars we to expect In orr-sn-liaUom where In pUce of harmony there U found acrlmonft la pUee of concord, die cord i where enmity topereedei comity, and 111 will foodwUlt We lotlte the ear tie it attention of thoie who consider natty sin tUI to liability to the present condition of that guardian of oar commerce, the nary. Taailae aod staff are ths walli of a home dlTlded against Itielf. Vtbjl The otnciri of the line are edacatad at jrreat ezpenae by the GoTeroment to rooiraand, to watch, narlffate, and to flht our naty. They do command, oari ate, watch, and fight It. We cannot be too grate fill to the hraro men who hare to often caused our facte to Haiti with the pride of victories on the seas. Dot, hiring all the Ganger, and reaping Tory little of the glory, U the patient, tolling staff. Tbelre te the eoleran reipooilblllty for human life, the eacrod trait of the na Uon'e floating coffers, the subordination of eteam, the care of moralltj and Immortal sools. These dutlei and roipooilbllltlee hare been deemed eneotlal to the wel fare of aeries. To be fitted for tbeae dotlee the etaff mail be duty educated, ibe ofll cere composing It Ire not educated at Qor eminent expense, bat eater the serrlce ripe for action In the moit difficult flelde for thought and usefalarsi. Suppose, now, that Congress ehould establish. In connec tion with the tiara, school, annlTertlty, and there train Its midshipmen to become sur geons, paymaster, engineers, and dlrlnes, would the fact that these mldehlpmen had been to trained be any reason why they ehould enjoy lets rank, and recelre less pay, than thoee who had not been eo instrnc led I Yet here Is the case. Side by side la oar nary stand beardleee boys from the naral school and gray-halred gentlemen of the etaff the former outranking the latter. The etaff officers ask for no command. They hare a few subordinates la their mt eral depart menu, whose legitimate duties they alone know how to prescribe. These they may desire to control In the strict line of professional dnty. They simply wlih an equitable chare or the rank and prlrllegee which Congress has eo Urlihly showered d I- I. upon the more farorcd line. When Con gress created the new era do of admiral. commodore, lieutenant commander and en. Iimb Ik tnai .. .11,1 I. hal l..m.a . ....a-t., .. v - - - - sign In the navy, did It not lutend In tplrlt to confer upon the SUIT corresponding rank? For a number of years, whea the great struggle for liberty and the life of our coon try was In progrcts, and when rettr strifes were swallowed op la the great conflict, the tuff did enjoy the rank It dealred and de eerved without the ellghtett subversion of good discipline. Mr. Stevens has devised a bill to regulate naval rank which merlu the earnest, conscientious thought of every man In Cougtess and oat of It, having the falure welfare of the navy at heart. Thle bill doee not atuck the Trenury. It calls slmpty for something like equality. It Is a rebnke upon thoee who would seek to eaUbllsh an aristocracy behind the srgts of liberty. The ITeetern Union attonepoly tmal Ike Telet-rapb flirlstera. Notwlthitaadlng reports to the contrary, It appear that the etrlke among the tele graph operators Is not at all at an end. Lau Information from the West, Including PliU burg. Chicago, hod Bt. Loult, and from the Booth and Southwest, Including Memphis, LouUvUle. New Orleans, Texas, and other polnu, U to the effect that the strike still continues, with no prospect of surrender or compromlte. In Philadelphia It U affirmed that "the strike la iiAt, aft Mp t an m4 previously sUUd In some quarter. A FhUadelphU paper of yeaUrday says the strike "not only continue, but stow stronger everv oat." in Nw Ym-w ih. strikers remain Ann, with no Indication! of eorreudering, their vacancies being lmper fectly supplied by women and "pirate looom ! bT bn dl- mined tot Incompetency or for Improper practlcee. The ltoatton here may be com- prenenaea at a glance Dy reading the fol low ing dUpatch from the tnperlntendent of the WetUrn Unloa Compaov la this cltyi "TO ALL OWICBS IB TUI OlTTI Btfuie lUlU via tor iu poioti ouin or Kienmona "J. O. llurcaxaw. Sud'L' Thle Is concloilve evidence that the trou ble rtoutn or nicnmond sun exlsu, and no doubt the same may be tald In regard to olhsr polnu e, matter which the company. ui wuiHM uwi uvt cars m uare Tentliaiea. It 1 important here to ute that the labor unions In thU dtv unanlmoaslT anttaln thn strikers, and have already Toted thtm mn. piles of the eloews of strike as well as of war to cnaoie mem 10 now out. It u ex pected that the eame action will be Uken by .as vui uuiuua u(uu(uuuij vne CDUQtrJ, and In the end It mav be found that tha tu. graph operators' progressive movement of bo-aay mi assume a aegree or imporUoce which will make, luelf both felt and re- epected. Now, what Is the cause of all thl commo tion and all thl dlarnption In one of the moet Important elements of our bailee and tocUl relation T It may be explaloed In a few words. It Is the result of the grasping rapacity and unbridled tyranoyof ooe of the moat gigantic monopolies that ever over thadowed enterprise in the clvlllxed world the Weaurn Union Telegraph Compaoy. Let ue for a moment look at Che extent of this ponderous machine a machine moved and manipulated by the hand of a few greedy caplUUaU and mllllouaVret. From the official records we flad that or the 4,011 public UlegrapU office In the UnUed State the WeeUrn union numbers S.4C9. and all the rest. Including the Franklin, Atlantic and Pacific, Paclne and Atlantic, and Bank ers and Brokers lines, the balance, or only Ave hundred and forty-five office. The number of miles of line In active ue Is as follow. Wesurn Union Company, 53.009, all the other, Including connection, 17,600, giving the Western Union the enormoue pre ponderance of 34,509 mile telegraph wire In operation la the United Stale i and, not content with thl TUan-llke monopoly, It 1 now ehuffliog around the lobblee or Coogreas, lo UiAwanilUee roomst In the cosev pPlvate quartere of members for a new deaf with It already stocked cards for another little game of exclaslvs telegraph privileges, area to the abftorptloaof all the Atlantic cable reach lag oar chores. la short, having checkered the territory of the United BUtes with lti taTalrpTlh taAlata al n A aavlam I. -..- aA - 'C- .fwavw cuh "lie.. It uun IOCRI ID girdle the earth with lu galvanic wltbea. We ak. In all earneitnett, 1 It not time Congress Inter nosed it authority to check the growth of thle mammoth monopoly? We have eeen that It doet not betluie to throw Into confusion the entire builneae of lb country by an obatlnaU adbealon to an arbitrary determination to reduce the ala rleeof a few poorly paid operator. If It does not stop to do these arbitrary thing la 1U present wealth of money and Influence, what may we not expect when lu powers shall be still farther augmented, when It locks not only the Uod, but oceans within Us embrace! Oar readers haro remarked that great care has been taken by the com paoy to keep the Washington office well applied with operators pending the preeent difficulties. ThU dodge Is traoipareot.. It s to Impress members of Congress with tlie idea that It affair are not la disorder) that It Is not tyrannical to lu employee t that lu usefulness to the community It not Impaired, and that everything 'connected with lu In ternal machinery li moving like clockwork. We admonish members of Con great to keep their eye open, and not allow them eelves to be hoodwinked by this or any other tubterroge or the company lobbyleti lo Washington or eliewhere. We urge them to go straight forward lu the work of esUb Uaulog a cheap and comprehensive potul telegraph eystsm under the direction of the Government, thereby relieving the people of axorblUnt Ulegraph tolls and a worthy class ofthe community from the opprualou of, tyrantcalaod nnicrupulous monopoly. Meanwhile, at everything now teems to In dicate, the strikers movement will continue to progress, and eventually, we repeat , make luelf both and rospected. .V. 7. tfrUJ, 18M. CoNflicT-wrr proposes to pass a law re trletlng People from procuring divorcee on til they Uftve ben married at least two rA?IL "' coirrctioir says hs re lori i" -r 0rJ,ri ywir from Qowa Vlc" It mi been proposed to Increase the Rev. n,? .. rd Uw6"' salary five thou agnd dulUfl. Tni CLZRICAI.EI.OrEH EXT CASE. netara f tlia ll.Tara Tory l.rljr TrxMr Attack kr Ok Ipea Miter .tike TTrtd-A mikl la tba Italia.. llama-A letter from Kr. Caalta-na Adaaila Uallt, ml laailaa H.ay Cb.raT.a. The mkterlon. alonemant nt H. ffnH.. yuoae, 01 wnicn Tcaieraar w. fa pi1 a an' 4 tea alMHan.laaa. aeri- . jame, Terr nearlY terminated In a tragedy lait erenlof. Th report which wai put). "I aauu U WIVHaUIMDCBI LIMI 1 Ii aT IM .... iniui) rrtrta it touuiy con tradicted by the parishioner of Mr. Cooke In Flashlnr and Mermaranatk-. Kfh nm might be refnted particularly, for the facte dentine them wera famished toDorrTv.rUr by representatives or those congregation. Not a word of scandal, not an Intimation of m uiaaonoraDie nature, au erer oeen ai tached to Mr. Cook' name until this sad occurrence. The attack so viciously made was calculated to aggravate the grief of two famine, already sufficiently great, and to DiKCEOQ oi coiracusr 01 a man woo nas al ready injared himself beyond repair. If the credulity of the people Is equal to the Inven tion! of those who contrived the scandal, no doubt all this has been cOVctcd. Miis Johnson reta.ned to her home yes- icraay areaing, aooai ore o ciocz, ana about the same time Mr. vooke registered hti name as air. Daly at French's Hotel. At about elx o clock in the evening Mr. Drown, a son of rani R. Brown, and an Intlmata friend of Mr. Cooke, toai the latter oppo site the Aitorllouse, and walked with him up uroaawar a lar at uona street, ait. Cooke was fiercely agitated In manner, and drew his pistol four timet, and suddenly re turned It to his pocket, lilt morement were very nervous, and he exhibited a stranre excitability of temper. Mr. Brown sought to calm him, and atkad him to go an to a ratianrant and take dinner and n- Joy a emoke. Mr. Cocke declined the Invi tation, saying he had eaten nothing, and did not detlre to partake of anything, H a tea Mr. urown w wun mm to the uoruomce, ana ne would "tear the editor to p'ocee." Finally Brown appointed a meetlog with Cooke at a later hour la the eveolag, and they eeparated. Mr. Cooke proceed! to his house, and, entering the room, hie wife saw the revolver, and fright ened lest he might do deiperate Injury to himself, stnt Into the church adjolnlog for some one to come Into the parsonage. Mr. Carter, a trustee of the church, want In. and, eogaglng Mr. Cooke In conversation, quietly abstracted the revolver from hU overcoat, which he had left on the tof-v. Suddenly Mr CoOke left the house and ran twlOIy down Third avenue-, and escaped Mr. Carter, who panned aim. It seems he went to the lT"orW office, and remained outside the buUdlei some time, when he entered lha counting-room and assailed an editor of that paper. Cooke was ao weak at the time that he wae hardly abla to stand, and did Utile more than shake him roughly. Dciora proceeding 10 violence, ne intro duced himself to the editor by announcing kaeeA. uee. AaabBAAV Tl 4a WWVKV. A1A VaAAtiCI We called In, who conducted him to the Second wet fht afallAn-YiAiiea Ttia aAIIaa af Tr. . mat an ntmt ws woote. aq omccr wat ward sutlon-bonae The editor of TJu nru loarta a complaint ag-alnsthlm for aaaanlt, hi name we booked, and he wa locked up la a cell. The eapUlo left order that no ooe ihonld eee him. The eloping party have been In an adjoining city, and have eeen the papers each day. Mr. Cooke said last evening that all report of Indis cretions heretofore, as pabllihed lo Tht World vetUrdav mornlnr. are ilea. a&l nn. dr these scandal, that have been Imposed npon taa pnouc, Liooae teem moet to smart. Cooke also aays that he returned Mtss Johnson as purs, as far as he U concerned, as a babe. Mrs. Cooke told our reporter last evenlnr that her husband, the night before he left, took a dote of laudanum and chloroform which wa enough to kill, and he awakened his wire and told her he thought he had poUoned himself fatally. She resuscluted him. and beirced him never to touch it again, but he said he would gorraiylf he did not Indulge In thoee opiate. ue naa uccu panatung oi ineee drugs for a long time past, and has betrayed a ner vousness of manner quite anUgonlBttc to hie nature. Bo marked haa been the change In hie demeanor that many have referred to tt, and Inquired of him what so troubled him. we answer was tuat neuralgia was earning him great pain. Last evening he said to hi wlfet "Oh. everv ona haa aeeerud hum I havonot a lngle friend left.' Thle belief seemed moet to perpiex mm. On Toeadav evenlno- If r. CeoVa vu on Broadway, enterlnr a clsrar store, and after purchaslnir and lla-hUne a cWr h walked out and atood on the curbstone a iew momenu,wnen ne noug the cigar away and walked hastily off. He has moved fcUl H..,k .W. vUjj ! tau iafcam tt extraordinary measores to concearhtmself. Ill speech u disjointed and hU tboughu nauueiiutt Ml Johnson haa been entlral na,l since her return, and the pareou say that If it i proven taai ene u. as Air. uooke savi. aa pure as ever, efforts will be put forth to Bare toe matter speeauy quieten. Reports which showed that Miss Johnson was more loan imprudent la &er relation with Mr. Cooke are strengthened by further uiuroiaueu irora uu wue. wnen air. Cooke first entered on hi Daatorata in fi. enth street, and before his wire had become acquainted with the parishioners, Ml John- uu umu v iua panoaasa turougn toe basement or the chnrch and tha map n. trance of the house, aud go into the parlor auu u.7 ga tae piano, wita a view or at iractlnz her pastor to the room. At first Mrs. Cooke asked her husband wnai u meant, ana ne said ha did notknnw. She went down Into the parlor, bnt tho you og lady escaped by the rear entrance. Tor tome time Mrs Cooke did not know who soe wa. one pretended a great lore for Baldwin, the son, and the week beore toe eiopement, in coming out or the church, she threw her arme about the boy's neck and said she was very triad to j him. The day before she leftehe passed the parsonage and bowed verrcraciouslv to Mrs. Cooket thlt wa the last that aha aaw of her. Ur. Johnson told Mr. Cook that he had noticed a little flirtation between her huaband and nu aangnur, not ne thought very little of tt, and laociea teat sue woum soon cease to nrasre in it. Mr, uooka told him that h did her a great wrong In falling toUll her that. She feels confident that she could nave crusnea it an in the beginning. We have received the folio win Uur whleh telle lu owo story, and which we Print Precisely aa It reached na i To iki Ldilw J&t rrUn-3lrt Will yon Xtrethe worJtofe erlnlaat a pte lo your olunoat Ida not ask to eituta myatlr oh oo I I only wlih the Tacra to be kaowo. If I eoalil odIv write, I would "a plalo. uttrar nlahadtalsndsllver, but nyhsad and my heart hurt tne so that I eaaaot. On this day tb youoi lady will he returned to her hom. aa r and maud aa whan I flrai war. DoiDiitiis wtia ne aa ktiiitii ui aoara w aie aot ttiu tkl. but mv wretched heart staeg ne at the beainnUr. ana mi oniyaeiir l to repair (a urea Ictaj lurujjuiiiflin ugoi V ail DT lflDOf q 3uwu id -.u o ib snuran qui ma meed blot" will ntnr out. rRnut ihA biota, iktjr were esed by thesaapplaf of the Pe ) I wish that I eoald write, but I eaeeet Mt me make a few staUiaaett. and for Qoft sake iiLipri mt lit. Hid not I ktthtnot aadueail Mln Jahm. ton. iribad. why thould I brief htr bakl wa Tiiiata aaouf a 10 ruin ser, would i not tr beeo vlllala eanuf h lo keep htii II l do rear of peraoaal Injury that pronptetl fbi taAaAnBA f aAa.aJ k.a a. .2. A 7. A - jr mm hoae, and I ana bask bow, aad ready to Dy ay pwoalty the family may require, only don't ! mimjvvag f ini near m mr inaamuta aa the papera say I am a wtf. It mutt be remem berfHj that wolrai a it a. Id. 1 iintt eorraipoad with her when In Eurorpe. Sd Jii'ttfrvlilUdtb school until the day we loft the city ' 4th. I was oTtr la en aitlfoatlOQ house with .bar or any on else In my life. th No "pentMhlavea" hare blaokmalled me, and I defy and shallsoi any llvlaf man or woman to lay euthl against my ehsraelrr alne 1 hare btso a minister or the Uoapt If anybo dy paeeMhleTea or any oo else hare letter of lalae, let them publish thsm. As I hope for m tray no, I doaTi hops for aoyi but oa my fuX oa ererythlaa; that men hoU aere, eren the most depraved I swear tt U not tr4 I bare done wlakadly eaouih, but donU paint tne blaeker than I am. What I was before 1 entared the ministry oufht not to dam re my sharaeteror reraelty now Many actor are better than I am, aod bcoamal hare turned out a reprobate, that la oo reason why tilth vlllalnoua tirades should ba launched against the Ohurch If I could be Ore nsloutes la the presence of the man who wrote, the report la the WqiU I would be sat UBedd My chlcfest aoilety Is sbont the youne UJy Oh, 1 m esrlala that those who knot me, who hare lcen Intimately ooooccteil with me, will bt II etna me, I aererdld wickedly at Mamaro osek'tr tluahlar. I don't wonder ihsy write so, foe a mao who would do what I hare done, It U fry natural to tuppoi would do any- UonM undsritead thai I am trying lo eicuie mjself, 1 am net I want acAher pity nor rnsrc;, Let that be understood perfectly Sf y again, the youog lady la pure as snow, and I an ready to do eoytblnr that will tend to eoaftrtu my aiaertloa 1'ardoa me for troubling you, and put this In good shape, for I can't writel-alt&ough 1 want to. ItoaacaOooia, WtDHMDlT r MiJll 11,1870 f Jib i 11, 1870 y- y Trtbutu, IZth. Footpads and highwaymen scemi to have fun eoatrol at night of the upper portion of New Terk. It Is Proposed to build a new railroad In tween Philadelphia and New York, and shorten the roalc several miles. BaUlear svb4 OhU AaUr4 Ceaa- HaetlM mt tka Dfraclers The OattlUtitm Tstx-Tke) Petal mt Semite Reel. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Company took place on Tuesday, In Baltimore, Mr. J. W. Garrett, president, la the chair. After the transaction of the regu lar business of the board,the president made some extended remarks U reference to the recent messsge or the Governor of Maryland to the General Assembly on the subject of the capitation tax on the Washington Branch, and various errors of fact. Into which the Governor (according to Mr. Gar rett) has fallen on the subject are pointed out. The claim made by the railroad com pany upon the Bute for $2&,M9 advanced to pay the premium In providing money for the Bute's loterett In London, Is also re ferred to. We quote from the concluding portion of Mr. Garrett! remarks, as follows. "Very erroneous statements have been made throughout the various counties of the Bute by partlee hottlle to the Baltimore and Ohio road asserting that this company has been oppoeed to the construction of rail ways la other portion of the Bute. This company Is In favor of a general railroad law, by which all persona desiring to build euch roads could organise under each wise restriction as the Legislature may Impoae. It has only hitherto oppoeed special grants of power In such casee where each power did not appear to be deelred by the people of the Bute. The Ooveraor states, with most matked brevity, In reference to a very cosily work now being proeeeuted by the company through two of the most Important conn ties In Marvland-a-Trederiek and Umimm. ery vlxi 'the Metropolitan road hat been commenced.1 It will be gratifying to the clllsens of the State, who are not already aware of the fact, to learn that eeven tnllee, alum uMuiaiiuu unuwMi. ana luree mtlee from Point of Rocks southeast, of the Metropolitan road have been conttraatjut and the tracks laid, and that a large amount of expensive work hat betm dona upon various other and heavy sections of me ane. ino tnra cxpenaea upon inis worknrobablr exceed the entire ottmiuI.. turea of the Baltimore and Potomac road op It has been the aim Af the RaHImiam Jl Ohio Railroad Company to aid In the most comprehensive manner 4a building up all the great lotereets or the Bute of Maryland and of lu chief dtv. Orranlnd nadertba aiaon.y 01 ine oiaie, toe company nae oeen and continue to be profoundly anxious to accompllth all that lu power will permit In .i.. . .t- . t ..- -- : - developing me frcai inuretu 01 MaryUnd. It conunnes to conitruct areat Unas of rail way, which open sew, fertile and opulent real on lor coluducb wilo ldb enrai etiv nr the Bute, and through most Important sec tions of lu territory, ualog 1U credit and In vesting lu meane largely and llbcrall in order to effect these objects. In .many cases la an remunerative euurprltee In oar own du ucigauuung otatee, With a nolle ao utefol, to enlarged, and producing eaeh valuable reeulu for the public Internet, may not the romivanv look or nnnrrlndlctv. and equtuble consideration for It relation with the Bute of Maryland? Should the Pennsylvania rtatlrrMA Cun. paoy, which for yean delayed aad defeated the construction of the rittsburg and Con nellsvUle road, (Intended to form a connec tion through Cumberland, the second city of the fiute, with rituburg and the vail North west,) and which finally did inoceed la ob taining from the legislature of Pennsylvania hjwm v ug tuaiwi ui t oat company charter that was only ultimately mala .ueu !.- iirvtiTwied uugauon tnrongn the decisions of the eourts should that same Pennsylvania lUllroad Company, by Its ownership In the Northern Central Railway Company, have an advanUge over the great Institution of Maryland, ao effective In 1U to the onerous roqulremenu which have heretofore atuched to the Washington Branch road I lti lli.l 'l.a.L.ll. It Alt. A .4 u ,u mmh . tun mti imiTOl rooa of the great svitem of Maryland lmprove- uicd iuvuiu ue treated wim equal ConsidS ration) that the Washington Branch road ball be placed In the same poItloa as 1U competitor for bostneas, and that the ac count of the Baltimore and Ohio Company for moneve advanced for tha nmmmn'i. tlou and lathe InUresu of the state imii1 be fairly and Justly considered. It trusu ana ooea not aouot tnat, larougn commit tecs of the Senate and Houss of Delegates, the whole ublect connecte.1 wits t, mA. Jutmentwlllbe eiamlaed Into and acUd noon In the spirit of equity and Justice nuieu ui aiwaji Uasusguisaeo. toe ffovern- mast Af th fliAts t " The Baltimore Amtrtean, In referring to the subject, believes that the Ui U an Ille gal one. and ought to be abelUhed, but sayet "This does not affect the claim of the 8UU upon that which hae already been collected. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad does not pay one cent of State, city or county uxes on any of lu many millions of property In Maryland, everything It owns being exempt. If It buye a piece f property anywhere In the Bute, It lr t once stricken off the Ux lists. Then tn.. favors tt has received from the Bute seem also to be overlooked by Mr. uBiiutt uu, ivr ta uoeraiiiy luat nas been extended to It time after time, It would not now be the wealth eomaraLlnn. Ttnfi Ing Its branches In every dlrectlon.whlch the prcBiuent o eloquently describes." Validity of Polieieon Uvea of Oen- rederatea Dnrlag; lha vfaK An Important ouestlon to Inanraooa enm, Eanles, as regards pollelee Itiued by tbem eforetbe war on lire of parties domiciled at toe Bouio ana aymg during the war, wae argued last week before the New Tork Court of Appeals at Albany. ll appears ua to JaMf-aauooei ion ju- surance Society of London, having a local board aod agency at New York, had before the war Insured at New Tork the life of one MeMurdo, domiciled at Richmond. Mo Hnrdo, for a year before hie death, whleh occurred In 1803, during the war, paid hie premiums to the company's special agent at Itlcbniond la Con federate note. The pres ent action 1 to recover the amoont Insured. The company defend on the ground that ae they were domiciled here, and the policy having been made and continued la thle Bute, aad the agent having been appointed therein, the company were under the same legal obligations arising under the war aa cluxene. They cUlm, therefore, that the itite of war wa such a legal revocation of the agency at Richmond, and such notice to the Insured of the fact that any dealings by him with the agent, eipecUlly thoee out side of the agent's usual custom and an. thoi Ity, such as giving Confederate notes la payment of premiums, were Illegal and void. It Is also alleged that policies of Insurance on the goods or Urea of public enemies dur ing the war became Illegal, a oppoeed to pabllc policy, and If made before the war became suspended for the same reason aa those made during the wart and that If the lo happened during suol) suspension there could be no recovery. It was claimed also that a neutral domiciled here was undef equal restraint, as regards such policies, as domestic companies, and that It would ba as Illegal for a neutral to esUbtUh a doml ell In the Bute and continue a policy on an enemy's life therein as would be lu contin uance by a domestic company. It 1 undsr stood that many pollclea throughout the country are dependent upon the determina tion of the queetlon Involved in thU case, the reanlt of which 1 looked forward to with great Interest by Insurance men. Tnx "Thompson Art Collection," com prising two thousand pletnres, ranging In value from three to Are thousand dollar each. Is undoubtedly the largest and most valuable collection of paintings ever offered for sale In our country. Thomaa Thompson. "the picture miser,1' whose character and ectentrlcltle have, since his death, been so widely discussed, was, ae Investigation now dUclosca, more of a philanthropist than a miser not the victim of a monomania, but a gentleman ot taste and culture, who de voted a Ufe-tlme to the encouragement of art. As an evidence that he dUf not sacri fice his duty to society to the. gratification of hi passion for hoarding pictures, he left hU fortune, estimated at $000,000, Independent of the collection, to the poor needle-women In certain town In the East. Tom statistics of the colored Baptist churches lo Virginia show a membership of 48,318, exclusive of thoee yet In com muoton with the white churches. It is sUicd that the experiment of an American iWA 1 to be tried, to the extent at lcait of fifty thousand dollars lovsstment In the scheme. In New York a ''Bald-Headed" aaeocla tlou has been organized. The qualification for membership Is an entire abience of capil lary adorn me ot on the "top of the head." Tbb second Tolame of Alexander II. Stephens' history ofthe rebellion Is promised for next month) how many have waded through the first! A Oxoaoil riHILT ha arrived a ami grants In Kansas, consisting of father, uiovucr audeiiteeu euimreo. none pi iaem under six feet tail. LOCAL MATTEBS. TItX BOTBJ IIV. BLTJjt, Tho OraatwtBiB leealet--peh r aa.atar Wile-.! ttltoe tha Beya a,) Advlce-cerper Slav, Affair) DlHwefeeweppaelf lm ! fcObance oraaTirBtwenl-drant Teatllale Adane-Tla Bora Take af Oppreetlea, and Deter atla ft Throw is OH", An adjourned meeting of the Boys in Blue, Great wing, was held last evening at Uolon League Hall, and the room was crowded lo overflowing. Oeuejral A. Grant presided C. C. Parker, secretary. The meeting wae opened with prayer by Chaplain Qreen. Qeneral Grant suted that he had been absent for tome days, and that as by some wiN-iu, notice oi ton meet lae: naa not been published, he we highly gratified to see eo goodly a number present. Ue had also seen Senator Wilson, and he had prom Ised to be at the meeting to night if he could possibly do eo. Colonel nation moved that Senator Car penter, of Wisconsin, be Invited to address the next meeting.' Carried. . i At thle Juncture Senator WlHon was an nounced, aod being Introduced, mud that he hardly knew the purpoees of the meet ing to which he had been " In Vttedi that he could not, owing to the lateness of the hour, make a lengthy speech. He was glad to eee that there wae eo large an organisation of this kind la Washington. Whenever he met a man hn hiA wnrn the blue of a soldier he iras proud and happy to noaor mm, no matter what bis political creed might be. lie did not eee how any man, with the record of. the past ten years ujiwrj ana. ooum rote to ltmocrailQ ticket. lie had worked for. thirty veer for universal rigbu. The old Whig and Demo crane aad ootn ocen UuirueiO tne principle of liberty. After referrlar to thaalaWtnn f itirhm Lincoln aad the appeal of the Democratlo party from the UUot-box lo the cartridge box aad to the retail, he promleed that the fifteenth amendment would be the law of the land In ninety days, when all men would be equal In every raepect who walked 0 od ' foot stool, lie spoke la high terms of tie na tlon's dsbi to such orgaalxaiuoa ae tha Grand Array of the Republic and kindred organisations for the present ascendency of u cvcpuiuicaa party. He alto promised that we would keep up the fight until every part of the toath should be as safe aad as strong for liberty as the beat spot of the loyal North. No page or history could Show so grand a record as that of the Republican party for the last ten years. Ten years ago. Urn Very month. Davis. Toomba. and other of tha leader of the alare rawer, war ttnrlln loiuiu and threats at the llberty-lovtar party, threatening to destroy the nation ft we dared to elect a President opposed to the evunsloa of slavery, - ' Black men here, now Oia ttirht ia vtv the BtreeU after ten o'clock without; ihe. ivaruiarreet. iioeny naa a majority u In tha Whit noose HU a man pledged to the cause of bm na-ata. ana aoia to maintain u. If New York hacVa nnt nf bar rt!ftnilAn of the fifteenth amendment, we have Sutee nongh without It He spoke of the advan Ugea of schools, churcheeaud freelnstltu- twoa tmcrauy, auaaavocateaine develop ment of the reeources of our great eountryi home labor and proper compensation. 4uiMi;qn t toia country was in Umperance. Every tolling man should shua lu ne wUhed every colored men would banish the whisky bottle forever, and ! ii uivuvj u, ! Dome comioit. Tlmeaarealwavahardforthatoiilnr man. and always will be while men are cilgod to earn their bread by the sweat of their, brow. There has not been ten years la our history where the laboring man ha been ao well compensated for hU Industry as daring tu lat tea years. ne then urred'bn the colored men the Im portance of getting home, of educating their families, and If they did not prosper It wou.a oa tneir own isuii. l ae oenator said wo cannot do wrontr wlthont snfferlntr. and will ever be rewarded when we adhere to the right. Mr. Crouman remarked he hoped the Senator would Und by the .people against any attempt to Uke away the charter of the The Senator responded that he was not la favor of Uklng the government out of the beads of the people of the District, and Should Vote a he aald. ae-alnataehanffaln the present form of government In the Dis trict. He would rather trust the people than some persons who count their millions. The rwiniiw nMwiM w.ain ammii ftrwt. uuBjcu appiausc. .. A you of thanks was unanimously tsn dered Mr. Wilson for hi able addreaa. Mr. Crosaman followed Senator Wilson, and spoke of what the Senator had done In the cause for thirty years t how the elave power had tried to buy and bully Mm, bnt aucre wa aot enougn money in aiassa chutelU to iwerve him from nrinclole. and bow true he had been ever since to the cause of right and conscience. Mr. C. spoke of the movement now on foot to Uke the right of self government from the District, but did not believe that U wouia do cone. Mr. Geo. W. HaltOn belor called nnon said It wae hardly worth while for him to attempt to iouow tne two awe speaKcre, out being called upon he must say something. ne ealoglaed the Senator and hie co-workere lo the great cauae of human righU. He was glad when the Senator epoke of the ratification of the fifteenth amendment, and also when be said he would vote against me Dili to cnango tne lvisinci goverumsnt He bad heard a colored man that very day aay that he boned ska Crc won; laU Uke e ngoi oi Buffratm awar from the Dis trict, a colored suffrage had been a failure. nm lar irom ncro it a cutue plotting to have the charter taken away. Some of them are willing lobe commlaafoner. Some persons had called him a disappointed office eseker. lie was, In this sense, as he be lieved In the doctrine that "to the victors belong the epolU." He was In favor of rooting out certain die organisers from the party, but not of break ing it npi and would oppoae a certain person for nomination, lie wae not like certain aristocratic gentlemen, who put on their broadcloth and went dawn lo the National theatre, and whon they did not get their rlgbUopeoed a fight and were bought off i or atMAj. ue waa not ior aaia aa rnein. ne knew the corruption of the rlnsr at the City Hall. There was a moving gallery of icturca tucrs tuat wonia compare Terr avorably with the rogues' gallery of New IOTK. Mr, Hattoa then took the chair, and Gen. A Grant addresaed the meeting la regard to the matter ofthe quarrel among the Boys lo Mtiis, TUaUicft.uiK uis gwn action, sum ur nounclug thatof thedlsorganiaera who had brought the false chargee against him, charging the attempt to break up the Boys in Bine to Mayor Boweo, aad considered J. B. Adams aa ooty a small tool In the haods of the Mayor, lie le the man who Uvea la Georgetown, and broke up the Republican party mere test year a we a too) in tne hands of wicked men. Mr. Joseph WlUUms, president of the Board of Common Council, who betrayed the Boys lo Blue, was a secessionist la Vtr ELaU, and voted for the act of secession , He elped to build the fbrtlllcatloos, and had something to do with Llbby prison. Mr. Nett next received the attention of the epeaker. Not one of the men that voted with Bill Adams to dlimUs him (Grant) bad Paid one dollar toward tha sucoort nr the organization. He (Grant) had paid most of the money out of his own pocket, and had accounted for every dollar that ever fame Into hi hand, and the examination of bis accounts by the board proved the truth of what he said, ne had been a Republican ever since the organisation of that party. and would be so long as I hat party susuined the principles of Justice and equal rigbu to all men. After a short speech from A. Watson, Mr Hatton offered the following, whleh waa adopted) jute.-, inaiweaau who joyinsractuiai a lerf e number of the eltlieos of our city have determined to throw off the yoke or op pression that is now upon ue, aad we pleaf ourselres to attend the meetlof to be held for eatd Duman nat Warinaadav lav In tttla hall. " Mr. Kenney spoke agalnit Uklng the charter from the District. No Republican can consltUotly vote for the measure on principle. A petition for militia organ I ration was read by the secretary. Notice was given of a meeting to le held on next Wednesday for the purpose of or ganising the Republican party opposed to the precent city administration. in meeting teen aqjournea. CLOtniKOl CLOTHIKOl ClotcirqI retrard. less of coat, at Oak Hall, C0, (new number, 030) Seventh street, opposite I ost Office. n.u. ouiti maao to oraer at price cor respondingly low. Tni first sociable of the season irlren bv the New Tork Republican Association will Uke paace this evening In Liberty Ilail, corner of Seventh and L sirseU. Oix Hill. 400 Seventh street. ( new num ber, 621,) le closing out lu winter stock re gardleea of cost Ton-AjTA&L-iflLy Antrr Famtiw CHumcn.A business meeting of tha mem ber of the First rrtsbjvrUn church was held last evening la the lecture room of the. church; oh Pour-and-a-balf street, Elder u iw ii. vampoeu pixaiaing,u. otom secre tary. The proceeding were opened with prayer by Elder 0. 0. Wight. Tha aaaaal report of the board of trnsteee wae read by Mr A. D, Robinson, recommending that certain Iraprovetnenube made In the church edlflee The roof of the building wae not reliable, and leakages had lerlouily damaged the fresco of the audience room. A recom mendation was alio made that the audience room be better lighted, and the interior of the lecture room be Unproved,' and that sich furniture be Introduced as a committee shall deem proper. The rent of certain rooms la the rear of the church edlflee wae alluded lo as remunerative. Other Improremenuwere soggeatedlaorderto Increase the funds of tne congregation The report was accepted. Tn! tr??r,r Mr Ocuvlue Knight, next submitted hie report. The sUUmeni showed the nuances to be la a very flourishing con dltlon. and that the last amount doe on the church debt had been paid off. The report was accepted. The meeting then proceeded to the elee !?Q JJ fflcs fr -be ensuing year. Elder Wm.IL Campbell was elected president and Mr. Ocuvlus Knight treasurer; The realguetlooe of Dr. II. Llndely aud Colonel N. P. Chlpman as members of the Board of TrusUee were lecelved and ac ccpted. Mr. Z,C. Roboine wae elected to fill the unexpired term of two years of Colonel Chlpmaa. Mr. Wolcott Lay was chosen trustee to fill the unairjlred trm rt nna . .!.. tv. r.v ." -.." t--.' " . ?- ..vaavu uj utj recigiiatiou oi ur. laiadSiy. v...,..,wuu,w, BHa jw. a. uaiiau' del were elected thraavaaM. , "fTi M' 0 Btorre, holds over at the will v ' vuDrrKStion. A motion waa tnada h U. v u. del to refer the reports of the treasurer and board of truateee lo a board eontisUng of all the officers of the church, to report at some futon meeting, which wae carried. The meeting then adjourned subject to that MM V. ..-, .f .L A. A. .aa . V .Wf VaUVfll VI ,B CBBITn iic iABsrvKaiBA.s roauis acts. Tesur- alAf, pnAMltatit n.l.all.u a.... . aaiu j laiwyiui AiwwuifivogiSMaQa IDOmlM son arrested a man calling himself Henry ttSS3".,..Trrt.S Sff,l?t ." ." . .nv HM. uwmj4 Kim d, naa laaen roomi, repraaanUof Umatlf aa a natal offlcerjut rttorcM ftom lb. Eait I.aloi. Th. ttivll.aa hn. IV. .......... . .. . man, unxxad tin to b. tho renonwbo fortad a cbeck on tb. procrlatort of Oaf nioa notai, uaiumon. Ila.wat takan to pollca hoaotoartan, when 'it waa mb- ntlttntl aiaal4alaavA AV.t . . . r.v;v. ni r. ":. y? . "??" sua u na., ra autmpi to ootaia a QuanUtyofgoodefromBenJ. DeWolf, Jew. elsr, on Pennsylvaala avenue, for which he vufui, wuicit were anerwaras roana to be spurious. Upon Inquiry, after the prtsooer had beeo . J . , -4-wtwl it appeared mat Rockland (evidently an alias) Uof very re- naWf hi ai t ..a a . a r"-" aauai iiui hi was taoonngnnaer aa aberration of mind, aad hae for some mrmih u kua . a ...u. r... vcu mu iMmmmn aa inaane asylBDt near Albany, N. T., ffom which he nail rntl. .a in" bearia, Ihafacta la tb! can, Majo? anonld connr him to tha Albany Aiilum, wim ui u carsa ior dt ma inenaa. Thar lad the cltj bj tha t o'clock train laat nljht. Tna Paotidkb Am AaaAciiTinw-a maatln, of tha board of alnctoca of thla aa aocUtlon waa ball at thelf rooma, oornarcf A.on.iua airceia. iut nixhli lion ratar ratker In the chair, A. Hart, aaq., acllni ecrcurr. Tba (enaral afant asbmlUaa bla raport for tba paat waak, which ibowa that dnrlaar that lima coal, wood and bread, alod tt MT3.0J, haT. been dlatrltniten. ua atatea that np to thla tlm. tha dlatrltra- Uon Of braad haA baan llmltad 1. 1 Ml ! dallj, which, la bla opinion, waa whollj la- wmm.,v, ., ua wkq naa 10 aenq neterrlor appucanU awaj hnnpj. Oa motion of Dr. Wm. Bord, tba number of loarea to ba dlatrlbntad dallT waa In crtaaed from 1 ,000 to 1,500. The prealdent, Mr. Farker, then an. nonncad that ho bad recited a cootrlbatlon of $50 from Mra. W. R. Dlckeman, which waa tamed orar lo tba treatnrer. Hit. liaao Oroaa waa elected aa A director from the Slilb ward, tIw E. A. Adama ra llned. Ua motion or Mr. J. P. Taillo, the ora In tb. dlfferaat wtrdl wera reqaeeted to refer In equal nnmbera to each of in. inree wara mrectora. Thi.Mll-g ilHr. ..til naa. Tbondar night at7tM o'clock. Micniic' Uiati Costmtioii. Tha bvuiuukhv, .)miaiea nigui oorore laitara bard at work, and will no donbl ba raadr for tha next meetla,, aothat tha conran. tloo will bare their baataeaa In each con denied form aa to enable them to arrira at concluilone wllboat much loei of time. Thla Ii conildered tba mora deilrabla on acconnt of tha delcialea belni laboring men, and enable to giro mora Uantwoor three honra of an eTtnllf; to tho dlicnialon orthaTarlona qneatloni that ara InTolTcd -.wwuiiuuuun ui ma laoor wora Inrnen of tba Dlalrlct and Bute of Mari- lanjl. Tka Jalaul.. V. . .-a . . - iyuuwf ucra expect deiegatee rrfim Unlit mat. .nil nlV... .1,1.. I- 7 land. The committee oo work for the convention al 11 taaA A ,.. ..,. .. . - uj aua;K;cauonB a to the beet method of organisation, and we . AutaviiHu mi aaj mat uenerai a ai aiaiau, .usuiAiatu, TWiaiaa; id ueorgeiowo, where he can ba addressed by mechanics from the DJatrlcl or la Uarfnaad. The committee want Information and will take ample lime to obtain It, X TTAwr-taUltrt llaw...i !.',. Hf. .. ...nvn-B uininil BAmiK.- tie were shown yeaUrday at the esUblUbmeot of Ur. LewU Btar, In Market Bpace, a mag- the Bloger Bewlng Machine Company, and Intended for II r. Vice Pretldeat dolfax. ThaA ItaKta... la A. .-..a II m a. a. La a.v vvauvillVfFlMl, unoa wua mrae eye maple,' all beauttfnlly poiuhed. The lralai1al aiaaJl aarkaal u. .11 !.!. .. .,,. ..uu kimu aif purer piaiea. The machloe proper Is1 InUliTwith pearl. On the plate ti the lascrlptloai NeUle W. rn1fav flnn.A. tl.J It a .1 a. '"i NumiwiMi, to' aiixie on,aa uher portion Of the machine Is the coat of m. rt .laaa tTaal.tki ntmtmm . . an. "" yu"w uv.a in caaoiBi, WOlie on the outer edge In gilt Utter are tha .... 22ruv" " xntn ueno, In diana. The number of tbe Instrument la v,vw, a.-,i,uuu, bdq a a specimen oi work manthlp It will compare favorably with any thing or the kind that has ver been exhi bited la this city. It will U delivered to aire. Colfax thle morning. Boutins' ana Baixons' Unio. The usual weekly meetlog of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union was liald last evening at Union League nail, when the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing termi President, Major Wm. 8. Moras, first vice prealdent, Capu H. p. Kclleyj second vloe prealdent, Capt. Will A. fihort) third vice prealdent, Capk Daniel Kenney j record tos aecreUry, Capt. Martin Caieyt auliUnt recording secretary, Michael FUealmmooai financial secretary, Capt. YTin. Touogi cor rcipondlng secretary, James s. Dooghtyl treasurer, K. O 'Conner, aud 'sergeant-at-arus. J, P. nurlsv. Bneeehe were mA by Major Mora, Captain Kelley, Michael Fltsslmmon and others, after which the jugcudb; Hojoarnea. Pnor. lUwiurs' LaoTtrai. the second ta the course, 1 to be given ibis evening In Lincoln hall. It Is conceded by all who heard the Intensely interesting lecture on Wednesday evenlnar that Professor flawklna baa encceeded In solving the problem of making a scientific subject popular to a promiscuous audience. The subject for this evening Is "The varied -adaptation of limb for locomotion In water, through tbe air and on the earth." Tna visiionihv athhtikiibt rt fit. Paul's Lutheran Bandav school and mission occurs to-night la Dr. Butler's church, Elev enth street, and will, as uiual, be crowded. Mr. A. B. Pratt, tbe school superintendent, excels lo arrangements of this kind, and tbe anniversary to-ntght will be second to none of the former .onee in music, emblems, Ae, This school has three mission. Thr music Is under the direction of Mr, Tracy, the ex cellent leader of tbe choir. A WKETUiQ of the teachers of schools ts to be held at the Miller school house at 10 a. m. to-morrow. In addition to the regular exercises, there will be a short lecture by Prof. Jerome Allen, editor of tbe Iotca Educational Journal, who will Illustrate geography by map-drawing, a subject with which he Is perfectly familiar, Clobimo Out Baxi Wo are sellinc oil our winter clothing regardless of eoet N. 1). we are maklnar suit ta order at prices correspondingly low. Oak Hall, 630 Seventh street, opposite Post Office. If tt TTara... .mI.I.. U..l.t 11.1.1 Is prepared to furnish pebble and other spectacles suited to the eyesight. Ata Bicairici. Ooe of those modern built houses, on I street, opposite Bt. Aloy slot church, U offered for sale. LoclX Dairrtris. Teaterlay a colorH man named Jerry ma wae arrested for keep- UffallrerT etabla Wtthnnt a IlKAnta AnA wa fined llOj In default of raymentne wai BUS V U(J tlUlVUQUHi Tbe alarm of Art nboul 13 o'olock yester day was caused by the burning of a smelt frame shanty, near the corner of Fourteenth and B street) damage light V? Z Waggaman ha soil house fcnd lot on Pennsylvania avenue, between Nineteenth and TwenUeth streets, No. 120, to John Little, for 5,000. ' DT. It. C. CrOff STOn. Thna aatt-Una 111... wL?tDU0B4 Uw dT Ht I. we are JAppyto announce, now conildered out of niSiJi H-' Bbert "-'-' Police of Richmond, Va- Was in town yesterday on tJfZrifrZzr?-1 PcUeal work ing of the ajerlarn aad police of Rich mono". Donahue aud Maileyith coslomere of aitjt are taaaina; iini improvement la their stock for La Coterie carnival, which Marlnl the grand Is preparing fof tha flrsi of Feb ruary. The police of Georgetown ara bird after thoee merchants of the town who have ne- Slected to take out the necessary municipal oense. The late Jadge Uorsell was the last snr .vlag member of Christ church, George town, who signed the original articles of atreement under which that chnrch wa nr. ganlsed, In 1818. The pugilists, Coll yer and Edwards, have Jot up a match, to occur on tbe 2d of arch. The "fancy of tht city were la hopee they would fight la Virginia, bnt by the terme of tbe match they mast fight 400 BAiic Tiaa. vi jitjw igiKt The Doard of Fablla Behool flnarrltna nt Georgetown have appointed a committee to co-operate with the public school trustees of this city In asking aid from Congress. Testerday morning a merchant from New Tork, named Stewart Hartshorn, was ar raigned before Jastlte Walter on the charge of soliciting trade without license Mr. H. f leaded Ignorance of the law, bnt the Jus Ice, having no discretion, fined him $50, to cover which he deposited collateral until hi return to New Tork. George Wellacher and Jamee Roeiller. charged with celling II .nor without license, Brave security for a hearing before Justice Bates. Albert Smith (colored) was sent lo Jail for stealing tlO from R. V Hanson Henry Bmltb, (colored.) for stealing from John Leery, was committed to Jail by Jus tice Weaver. Morris Plumer, (colored,) charged with Gilt larceny by C. 0. Colombui, was Bent Jail for court by Justice Thorn peon, George Davis and Henry Facet, charged with the larceny of two bridles aad two set of lines, th property of B. B. Trench, were committed to Jell, for court by Justice BehmldU , ,f T x Tni Paofosid Cninai or GovinKMiHT or Tni Dmaicv Mmtivo or th Com MiTTiu. A meeting of the committee or tea appointed by the citizens meeting oo Wedneeday night wae held at the room of Messrs. KUbourn J- LatU yesterday after noon, all the members present. B. P. Brown, esq., occupied the chair, and Colonel J A. Magrnder secretary, Oa motion of Mr. A. K. Bhephcr 1, the fol lowing resolution wae naaalmousty adopted i ' Brief, That 4 suVeommltts of fire be appelated tr to Ohtlr. who shall draft a bit prer Idler for a territorial form of cor era inset similar to test la vocue la the Territories of th United States, eoaselMatlBf the three nuo, slpalltleeal presses eatsUaf In this lilitrlct aeder eaia lovsrameat, with this modlltsa tlea. viit that the Oeveraor aad upper branch eftb Lcctiletare shall be appointed hv the Fresldeat or the United Stetes eed eoaQrasd bftheSsnate, and the lower branch of tbe LClslatare,to(stbsr with a Dele ale to rep. reaent the District la Ueacrecs, shall be eleeted by the people or ssld District. That the bill shsll provide that such gorcraracnt shall exerslse sash powsr ee are now held by (JoB(resBfortheeoTeronent of the Dlstrlsf, Tha Hhalr annnlnlivl aa aal.t iMntn1i(ai a Meure. A. R. fihepberd, W. II. Philip, W. II. Tenoey, C. H. Nichols and H Llndsley. Oa motion a committee, consisting of Messrs. A, R. Shepherd, W.B. Todd and J A. Magrnder, was appointed for the pur pose of making arrangement for tbe holding of a mass meeting In tbe city, Georgetown and county. The meetlnpjthen adjourned till Satorday next at 1 orclock p. m. Tbe elngular unanimity with which the proposi tion adopted was received by every member, was remarked, aod one of the gentlemen present stated that he took It as a favorable omen ofthe euccess of the measure. PnorosiD Briausuip Likb Bitwkv WaiaiKOTO. AtuxAaDiu, Noaroix akd Boston. On Monday next one of the HassachUBctt Representative will Intro duce in to uouse a oui to incorporate tbe Washlneton. Norfolk and Boston Htearashtn Company, which com paoy propoaee to etao- usu a jwnnaneni una or steams nip commu nication between Washington, Alexandria, nur.u.a and ooeton. xoe oui names as in corporators James G. Qrinoell, Wendall T. Davla, George W. Potter and Henry Mayo, ut MWa uora.t Drowning, auddcob aiia- dlelon. Wm. L. Wall, V4wln A. Ityther, O. M. Wlrht. Wm. 11. Morrison. Geonra P. Gaff, Henry F. Zimmerman, Andrew Pott aaaaaamuaaai, jr.,oi vaaington, u. v.i Wm. Albert Kin! and Edward Hartley, of ueorgeiown, v. u. NatioxiL Bavimob Bin:. ThU Instltu tloo. held Its monthly meeting yesterday at 114 banking-house, 473 Seventh street. The total deposits are IMll.eiT fit December, (IscS) ,. ., w,C04 is Net a ale for the veer SISSSH Tl Total deposits fron Ue arst.t.... II t3S, SO Totaldrafiafraimtfcerst...f... l6,eoi,4l m BustaeaeeT Uk eompaaror the , aseath of DeeombeF, lioS, u .. 7S7,7S7 thf a v. uayv,iii ir'llliafi ...1.. VMUi aalrfqrths month,,.,.., ic.,toa w Th depoelu for December, llos, were i2e3.TSS.61, being but about one third what It wae for December, 1800. The lovestmente of the company are th United Bute bond, excem such real estate as the -company need for Its ownic, Cnoici Bcmut Families who appre ciate a flue quality of table butter, la con- venlent form for ne, ehoald vlell the Notth- erarroauee uontpany, 1007 Pennsylvania avenue, between Tenth andElevebth streets, where they wilt always find lbs highest grade of 'New York Bute batter, In small MuwTinauiDi loanecn pouna eaco, at wholesale Price. Hundred of nnr i-t Xamlllee have found this to be tbe most eco- oomicai aod conTenieat way 10 purchase their eupplles of table butter. Tbe Northern Produce ComnanT are racalrlnr tAna nf t,n. ter from the North, aad most o7 which tbey areofleringto dealers, botsls, restauranle, boarding-houses and families at lower rate taan me same qaaiiue are sola elsewhere in tbe city. Give tbem a call. Dealers can now nay ai nome ana save money. a.w mvm ikviuui uuin, a DUODCr of ladles prominent In all the works of char- ItV tlfitaT BA tlaUAIB fn tTtaa K...H1 .fii. J".,"' , ,t 1 , ,, "" AaillSUa, Ut AXig muiKcia, wi Auia vnj,vaui a meeuog ior next AjaKuiua uijt,u iu (us uBiiding corner 01 Fifth and E streets, at which they propose ""a, atvuav mveym m tuaao BBU iumiSU clothing for poor women. In addition to uwi biio are wining to give meir lime, labor aod moaer for tbe object, those havlnr jati.a-a. aaKaalaH l.ll. 11 1. a ... " iivitiT auiiiB Mil wuu are in necti of help, hoping that some arrangement can be arrived at to furnUbtbem with work, and thue obvlat the necessity or forcing them to remain objects of charity. A Cbiboi or Wosd MiKxs a Gbbat Dirnamcsv On Tneeday la tbe prjbllca- uwuuiutBfiii iiiod a letter to ltoo. J. A. Johnson, our types make him eayi "It af fords m the more pleasure lo Trreeant von the expressed will of our laboring men be-1 cause we khow- job to o taeir main ana rail irtena." ine wora main eaould be saariw- ine uoonag men have too many friends lo Congress to denominate aay one of tbem a "met friend." We are mhch obliged to onr friend. General Winn, for callinir our attention to the mistake, which we take pleasure In correcting. All FnnrsTLTamixB la the cltr. reU dents and visitors, are promised a rich en tertalnment this evening, upon the occasion of the first sociable of the Pennsylvania Re publican Association, at Liberty Hall, (sec ond floor,) corner Bovcntb and L street. The exercise will consist of recitation, muslo, vocal and Instrumental, readings from Bhakspeare and ahort addresses, to conclude with dancing. Bee advertisement In another column. Mom 8old.AI the laat meet In it of tha Economical Building Association forty share of stock were sold at an averaire of CQ)( premlumt at that of tbe Washington vo-operaure Aociauon tne mm oi )T,uw was sold from 169 to 20C per cent. The Northern Liberties Association, at Its last aeetlor. advanced the earn of 11.800 at an averege of 3s per cent "- A Txiil ton MrnrjKB.Th- rrlmln.i Court vestsrdar bearun the trial of Honrihan and Holoran for the murder of JohnCarr on the 11th of July last. A report of tbe case , ww do louaa u our court comma. i NinoKU LAuoa Uicioy-Ust night tha executive committee of the "NaUonalLabor Union" metmthU city. R. F. TraveUick preeldeut of the Uolon, wa la tbe chair, aad Gen. Ungh Cameron acted ae eecretary. The subject of finance and the etght-hour system of labor are the point of interest now under coailderatlon, A number of prominent labor advocate are la the: city, acting with the national labor committee! and alro with the "National Eight-hour Ex eeuttre Committee." la fact, they are act ing together on every question of lmpor lance to the labor Interest ofthe eonntry. Mr. Travelllck has been traveling la sev eral of the Stales since his election by tbe Labor Congress that held Its second session In Philadelphia last August. Ills expected that he will deliver a public address to the Kople of Washington And Georgetown fore he leaves the city. Ur. T. Is eald to be aa able repressntatlvs of the laboring men af the United Bute, aad hae glvea general aUs faction wherever -he bee Teeu and had the opportunity of speaking. lnn TrAa. . . a ....... . .Hiiiii v""?.."v"";,A -s"" n..w.u. uhiuicii id. uoaraoi iraaa rooma to-morrov ibM, wbn lha booka for aooacnpuon 1U ba opan, ana ptaoalorr - . wHiHawi otaer. 'EvVATAVai la H.ia. A. M By reference to onr court column It will be . i . .1 --J ') """na ior a new trial la the case of iKeUey, now under left tcace of death for tha murder of Harder. Avtrr ftiVlvi flilwan t V.ui. for sale to-dar. at wholesale anil rt(t. h. the Northern Produce Company Pennsyl vania avenue, between Tenth and Eleveuth OiUHrr OuHwLlfM.Fl. UtrAtt A. Co., sol agenU for Mason ft Hamlin's cabi net or;an, nave jnsi receivea a new con signment of these beautiful instruments. MlDDtBTOX A Co- bankera. mr tha agenU la Washington for tho Inman line of steamers mog irorn new Tork every Bat urday and alternate Tueidays. aiclwai Affair. JuificiTT--PerdeJMnPJa-The Boktd met t the usual hourithe recorder (Mr, Ua. Scrlon) la th ehlrtpreat, Messrs. Atll and rvmu. There nit belog a quorum preat, tbe Doard adjourned. caramaa lmvumTM rtA.r .nui t. order by the president, Ecaa PUkrell, Mr. Olabauxh Introduced a resolutloa ra tjuestler th collector of t'iss to aaspsad th iklA Afjaaaa-tAlaa aaaaaAak.v r.aaA- Mr. MlUkall reported' adrtrsflly on the pU. tloa of Conrad Rescell. Mr. BiiasiB. ef the special eomtattUe. re. cor tad thai UilAva full ita m..V.. eonUbeatted up forth as or the Oouaslis f riar.pi!H0" oraieMetMost aetxcd- fJ ,aaaj ,awi Atari riru, . j Ar. Hotehlastatrodaeeda resolution estab lUbioa- th grsd of tTtt tret exteoded, teodedf i'aaa. Mr. Clabaueh lafrodesed a resolution la fjvoror o. r.Prii, J, U.MrOUl aod W, O. Hassl. Passed. Also, a resolution to par the expeasee el id ui uriRia ivr Darr vaaiar DiakrsI,lsetaBieuBtlBrteiessu Passed. Mr.JonseeabTauted a report acsompanud with a raitklatta. la rana-TXr Wm Ia.jiI.. aad ether, pacted. Mr. MtUheil l a trod used a resolution Sppro prlatlBESlMto neetadeOslsney for roralsh lAaf Kai .... A . ' Mr. Jeas latrodaced a resolution prorlttlai for a ohsaf e of the aorporatloa efflees to new Market Halt, aad approprtatlar ln therefor. t Mr. Mitchell olTered an ordlaan rexulau lar tha wslrhlac of hsy, fodder aad other rtlclcs. Helerred to a special eosavlttee Meccrs. Olebeux h, Dualop and Jones. Th resolatloa relatlerto th removal of orperatloa offltti wa takes up, when-. Mr. Jonee said he had ao doubt bat that th Aldermen would not pass the resolution, bat be wanted to plaee tb Beard of Oonaoa Council la a proper liiht, and ehow that thev were ready to to, aad aot wtlt le be kicked out or Intimidated by threat. Mr. Blnn ald h wa prepared for th adoption or th resolution, as he wss la favor of th corporation baring a hall of Us owe. where all Its business eaa be transasted with out Interference from ear on. Mr. Uonlop thenrhl It beet teeeafer with the collector of customs, aad endeavor to re. ssatn la Ibe present bulldlaf,aadlf eeeds be he was readr to dst tha hiium ml tha t ia. era meet aressoaable sum to open aod elose the bslldler on oecasloas when the corpora tloa needed tbe roomc. He looked upon tb whole mattsr a a small affair, aad for oa. he was do I prspared torote for the resolutloa without a due effort to effect a compromise Ma. ail...i.a..i...i a .V- .-- li uaaaaaaiai mm u IWOBaiU ipl .a UDJBCI a really a small affair, bnt aelfrcipeci Im pelled him to faror the passer of th resolu. tlOO. at thr.!-. had h.n mavilai tn nnil th Couosll, because if Its election of an otHfr that wae aeceptable to the corporation. Mr. Mitchell ssld he was not ooe to be 1. tlm Ida ted, and he hoped the resolution would not pass, but wait for th ''notice to quit." It did not think tha saw tnarkat k.ll a ... tral iota tlOO. hot If th AArnnrllln aftlaaa are to be rcmored, he farorcd the bulldlafaf a town ball ta some eligible locality to aecom- mwaw .ai vviywiaiiivai. Mr. CUbauch said he was disposed te wait oniu in aoor were locaea afaisst ta uonn ell before aaj astloa should be take relatlnr to a rcmoraf, aad therefor he wa opposed to uaanr niiiiiiiBi.iDg aopea tne rcsoiuiioe WOUld not BBSS. The Oant.aH taulJ noia la aa hour' aotlc. and so lonf a the buildla was free of eost to the corporation he could not favor an eipeose tbst is aaw eared lo the Altar fort ha. it ah ata nr. A'mm.1r Tina lop lot rod used a resolution aotborltlnr the Mayor to make arrangements with the Ool- ""vi wi Ju.iaiB ior weeapsasr oi .ne bub tom-heuae b lha nnrMfiiia. Mr. Plskrefl (Ur. Jons la tha chair,) said he could aot sse whr such oddobUIob waa tnaal. fest agalBSl the new market halt, a balldlaff titular tha .Ai. analial a tA. Ia... aaj .J-i rably adapted to all th purposes of the Cor poration. He favored th orif leal resolutloa, on th ground that th Ooeporatloa had ao buslasss to occupy United state propertr, and area had no latlmatlon been Klvaa to lee re the sustoa-house, h wa carulalrla faror ei taa pcopie ocsupjiag tneir owe propenr. The resolutloa was debated at considerable Icaith, when a motion to adjourn wai mad. , Mr. Olabaughasoved te ikestpoaa the reso- aaraad ta. t Th qusitloa then recurred oapostpeal the eonsldaraUem'of tbr resolution af Mr. -ma lUfvat win,w.nn wbb agrco 10. : FUrt. JMJR&7 AT REDUCED PEIC1S Hats and Gaps" Salafa41lapniaall.k, ' II. II. NTINEHETZ, flAlUt ail Tarrl... lair. Ia. aaaiaul T.ia- . -'.. ...w ir.H..... air..!. 0' KPAH T PBOTIKTT POR Si LI. Drror QeisrsaiisTsa's Or rici, I ... ff"r!J"iAAiT"!?."'lh..L Diror QoitTiBMiirsa's Or rici, ! , .. ... -v.w aa. fiaiviia ataCalVal "ill'a(a 4ut);.1Tl.ft tt ' e, m .atlfce Drpot t Atmj Clctalar. he , Armer Sonar, a-eat IM --" ' yvi"a7 pmpajnr, tai. ai inia acpoi oa toraac, sa coa.Utlaa of aaartarmailaf'-aura. arllllarraaiforns. Males, blaakat lar,bk, narB.UBU. teeltvAa., Tb .! will be saedebr packai, with ike lltt of eeausu marked oa i aaaw, aaacrctoiita Mfi .., aa. , lukim. iBaaaaralaai eeaUsU marked oa seek. f refJ&eQcartcrataaUrOcScral,-, , .., 6' THOlTa.). 3ape at .,, Hlflt Aetlag PapetQaartemaaicr. immSiUsisseiimisa Lf) III Sl A Ma. HOTICI U herab; j la barah nr1a Ikal. n.,a.aal I.IV. sia .r ; .l. ;i.i -- '-"--".i.--" ttuaui iu, t. i,g,r,H, BOPror UST nf aarrer aad aala al lit kiiia. -aaan Mraeaae miiimmm Uslted italaj ,'' t.a PraaMaat of tba Halted SUue a Fll laaflB Ot PM A"lfkV.f . eiseoaiiBeeae er the BWbsoc. Laad Dl.trlct, offlw i . Mecroe. la U Sutee? Uatalaaa, aad that Ua eaaaat It a 4a tlerela be natt i ebject to sale aad aatrr at Sew Orlaaaa, ta aald 8UU, from aad after ike lat day of Pece&thar LaaiarsmalalageaaaWaad aaapprcertalad by law, aad baratoftife aablact to aal aad eatir at Hoaroa, will eeaaete be aaUeel Ueatry at (bat fi aasad afur lha dsU above maalieaad. Tbe stare eabHcaoUeeef thedar ob wTa Utar will M nrtniMi la vaoalva atnlltiallaaa k- - amwriTM B( pwW VI' ::i ..'.i. i.. i. .. .L.r. r-.iv "-- " -- v. aw vac . a. ineraii OlTeaaadar mr lbs (Icaaral Laid Of. , taibectir eroclobef, 1 Br order of lainecurer waaaiagtca, p v , Ibis U4 dar ik..' i. j..i .a........., Cemmlaaloaer of tbe Ocacra) taad $. Urif co Itstbs CoraoLtsiviB Lasa Office, 1 taiwOatsiia.La., Sec tt.lM ') Motlce )s aereby ilTrUaT the looks and rMiSa of the MoBroo UidOSH hare Uea re ntofad le Hew Orlaaaa. This ealtcwllt Upra pardurtoelTe applisetloaifor ostites of laads labraced la the kearoe DlaSrltl ca aad after taaaarr i Special .Notice. Tb tlllitas ef tbe DUlrlol are rsapeclfelly la m a. fenced thai ROBERT FULTON & CO., ill IflXTp ITBZXT, Hkf, r.MBtlr Bad. eaUulT, arraacaiaaU far LOANING MONET OB tferebaudla. .r KT.rj- Deaerlpll.a itxaa LOWIoT RATia. nm or i,ooo aid ot It tH r out, .)PB IVibt DAT (la4arf eM,le4 tnu . LOCAL NOTICES. tot lb. llalr, ladtti wo fornerlr umStm! i". IW"1IX abandooln, tbem rtVr and tb, new artlcla ta harmleii, ao cleaa " V"t Plaaiant to tb. leniei, and Sf"Si "P" meaoa of noiwlor lb. orison eolor tbat ther abaolntalr ibnl AM lrbaa lby tblnk ot tba dltbr ilnll tbr oM aed. ,o3' 1 Trim, .ui oxi wbo hal teitad lu mer lu, ul wbo coniaqnratlf apaoka from per tonal eiperlnc that Jlotfa Malt Extract nlfbt coma low nalT.rtal me, aa It merit, tb. prafarrae. orar all tonlca o J tb. day. anil le arlendld aa A UU. drink. TbU celebrated preparation aertee aa An excellent atrenrtb. enln, Darerara, ..d.Uibtmi tonic, and a pleaaant remedy for dlaorden of tb. throat, ahcit, loogl and atomaob Bold by all dm, (late and (roceri, eoS a Wilcox 4 dua'i Sim. lUcmiix, pro nounced tbe almpleit aad noUeleee maobln. In tb. world, can now be bongbt on eaey lenne at tbe afency, O. Banm'a HoopaUrt and Coraet Vactory, 815 Berenlb tirtet, be. tween D and E B 1. T. LlctT, cornet of Canal and Tweinh atreeu, la eelUa, a car,, of 400 tone of coal below market prioaa for cub alio, wood al reduced ratea. Try him. .tixartuu axuiiwa at 1M Twelfth elrtet, between O and D. Hata, Oipi, BootA, And Bhoeav JJWBII.H OT..JJ, ATjEj5.,ro3mo j D.t.Ja.l opaaal alui, au.ila.atat aaw tOOTI AID IlIOM, Aal aalllaf . ttMNf tiae ata.n atartaa Ikr aa 4.WB. b.l a.11 ll.a tl rt, ilu wk.rilS W". knalafeaaef IHirr.iiMliMlM Ikm. ... il.iur. .(.lif,.l. .kl.k T. will 4i4 1. w..r , Olj. lk,a a 3 il f.r.partka.l.f. aa4rm .V11 " a (a.ta,. TltAintirtaKn duo. . x.w, 009 iTiin atkliT. IMwiialaalk. BOOTS AND SHOliS. Immense Sleek of BURTC SQOES, Jailreeefred. Harlsesslectwdrreii thebacj SBaaafaetar- SOOTS AKD BUOJSS W TUB OXTT. uWlW.AMlUKK&'ttf 4aRtttfu Sjg&L&t 4..I lk.1 w. will f.Vuar la Ik. aoeatrr, GEO. B. 1TILN09I X I II rrinreri b0e. " PEA0 j C.r. Olh a D atH q. avarieiiL ArrtxTioxmiD to rttntia. 6JOBPBt3 m tbiUa. tear 1 1th tt. no. a. maiaeaaa. aaTlai'iataaa CDIKaBll A K.HCTOIB, P. Tl T N T P. R R WMlWBr4 r.ii.vUBila y ..a, aaa A.wBp.r jrlltlac ,r.pUr iwaua. Mtr4f. kUlltU. tAtdlft OORNBR PdUijlTinlj lttnnt sid ElerenH (imt, (OnrKakaa A Blaikkr4' thn.,1 JECOSD iXOOB, Ovj &V& PRINT IninxAnca. rPOK BK8T.VlVKiii0IFTF0n your V an Annuity Atturanc. on your lift in tht EXCELSIOR, of New York. lKtaWytaUmA.S.rRATT Jr BOtT, Ageniij No. 3 Totrnj Jfen'i Chrittian Allocation Building, comer Mnlh and D irreefj. d8-tf CONTENTED MIND IS BOMB "thing you cannot havt (f you art tSt ovmtr of property that it not iiuured. TJ. danger of Fin at thit itaton of tht year it great. If you- would get rid of the nervout and untaty fitting you have when you hear tht Firt Afarn tounded, go to tht OJhe of A. S. PBA TTfBON, ATo. 3 Towi? fen", (rtWan Atioda thn Building, corner Nintn. and D ftrttt, and inturtin their g tod, prompt. paying ffqmpaniu, tht BO UE of Net Tort, tht PUCENIX of Hartford, tht rONSEIFB ond JVjg IV TORK, and (htPlRKKEtfSofKri, Tort. Don't cWay. Bo it NOW. de8-tf BbU4mi nd MtorlaL i....14A.A,"D- jasr of Ik. .f aid. .Fttij elir-tlf.welk. O.ik aaiailur.all aoBiaW.r .a. iEi4 I... prlM M. UbI tni Ik.. Ik. ...poiul.a' ,,... aaaiaau.allw.ekli.Ui.utMafl.BTr. '?... ..ll.Utfn, wo,k la ..aipliul, ta.u.4 at ealaf aUWJ Ik. w.rk I. Ma! -"" n. TUOlllTOB tkllTll, , ., OflM. ri.r Mlalk aid U alrMU, Mpl-lf CkriallBB A.H.t.ll.a Ball4li(. ROOJF ING! J. r. 'NOLAN, laipejTalTlrBijl iralar-rrM f.ll0.a,o.lU.a bb4 praT.l A.or.r, r.B4.r. w.Tl. of k.BM. la arTl.B. u daapa.... Aa, Kl.klMa TMr. r Btomotrplng And Slectrotyplog At OUBAT WITHE, t.r..tri.ra .ad KJeetrot7per.t 71 PxaverlTaata Athob. 5J,1l,,,i -. ptDoi, ittiiL nm. flOTe BnialBBUT .B kBBB. Ball AreUttota. HENRTR.SEARLE&fo. 11 ARCHITECTS, "' X otreet, eppcilt. rait CWA Daartmet flnmblng tnd Dai-nttlng, -. ii , BROWNE &. POWER, PLVancBm aud uab-wittzkb, ABB Bail IV Gnsj.Flxtarosi, Ms 483 Klalb street.belwMB D aid Istreals, ajTSala aitahs far HeU'B Celebrated TsbsUi Orea EaaaM. laU DRUGS AND MEDICINES. -am H. LEWIS, ja oaatAB iv ML Pin. Drsgi, BedlcineA and Cheaicila illO, A FULL lIMORTHlirT T PI. Bioiuie.fikrukiiitixe IBS riTIIT alDlCIVXI. UNTO. 4, Y.M.C. A. BUILDING, siiitu anu TaSaa9Tai. siU-U .- ..y....... .in. .,.... ..n. 'r.W.vMe w.riaaB.kip, ..a lhar.B..e r.. ouliue I. ail all near, pioartiy. Va-CiiriBiiil M tjbjj. aaa al.alT BB.BI Ja. kalTlka ...T1 tWMI link Bad .tratu, a4 000 A klr.kl. k.lwa.a r.arlk aa. Ulk alrMuT all .ii