OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, January 20, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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llt?r from III ah op Blmpon-Atltlreaee-a
by Senator loma
roy and Other Promi A"'
woratea of the Cnue-Th CM
Folly Mated by the Ladlei
Uhm They Claim mid What
They Ventnud Inferential
Provtfdtng nt the Evening
Neesloa Letter from Renr
tors floe and Carpenter Ut
marks ot 3Ir Ntnnton and
yiise Colli na Nevcre Arraign
ment of New ICnglnndThe
While NlaVeaof the North and
thelllnek MaYe ol the Month.
At 10.30 o'clock the convention wu called
to order by tho president, Mr. Elizabeth
Cadv Stanton, and after prayer by Iter.
Samuel T. May. of New Jcnoy, Invoking
the blowing of the Great Redeemer upon the
great au which called the convention to
gether, Mrs. Josephine GrlfflDfj road the follow
tog lctten i
PaiLA.sEt.rHii. Jan. IT. lire.
Mr SeerpMae Oriflnt, ircchlnffea, A. O t
intn&le.ttB.irtat Yours inviting tnt
to nttetd tha Womso'e Suffrage Uoeveatloa
Ik taat vaaBlvad.
Previous engagements of a pre tt log thsrao-
ttr oteupy nr umt Bapneetiy,tBt a
eaaant vniir hind iBvltatlaa.
Hoping tat the melon may ba a plftat
no, and thai It wlU tend to advocate the lo-
ItrBBta Bl iBifiUM in waiia jwu r bhi
I an, years truly, M. Six rsov,
T.1BIII Off TUB NiTiosiLWomi'l flUF-
BJkoa AssooiaTinwi Being unable to attend
(a Invited) the Woman's Hlihte Oooveotlon
nt Week lag too, 1 aheerfullyoamply with Mrs
If. L JobIvb (laa-a'a re Jurat, sad X truit
without preeumpltoo treacia!, to Mrs. Joss
raiae u rimae; in apt ion vBiaraiif (
alaed. avowed, sad acted upon by myeell
mora uu half a aeeturv, Tub aoelal stats ol
civilisation eoafeeeedly requires from all lie
SBlBtBtrt reiiBquiBBmeatoi wni louiviauai
aid natural or bora rights, for too pur poo of
mors inorouinir aoeuriaa; tm p rp in
those that remain. Common sent and
hm luetic, therefore, demand foreelfcoV'
erameelltaoole,or,ladeed,eselaslvt mode of
sajoymsat, taa rlthl proisiurs 01 an ricnia
thtrlfhl tOTOta aad rated for, w bis a Is
the oalypsrfsot right of sairrrai s soatra
ailUDgUiaaatt iron our. intnw tj matt
elective frsasbtss, bslag but ruber's grant
of prtvtlsgs or sooesialao of tmtaunllr.
Bush Udsfssstbls tight ot suffrage orssl.
govsraueat ti lahsreat or Innslo to all
womanhood as well si maahood, sad ba-rded
trrsony, "glorirylng la Its sUsus," sod son
fonadlag might with right, alone deprlrssof
Its uarsitrlstsd exsrslss. Uoagranlontl,
Senator aad Rsprsasntallrss, ns gtntlt mta
aye, more, without any prtrt of gsatla or
sfmpls, as men should, thtrslors, la legtalv
tlonfor tha Dlttrlet of Oolumbis, pronplly
abolish tartdtous dlstlnsttas, ssuaa au uo
Justly dUsrlmtattliif word Mmsls" to bs,
whsrsTsr It ocean, eipaagsdt count both
texts la tvery basis of rsprcsantstloa, and
llktwlst f urnlah ths psoplt somtttutlonsl op.
nartanttv to adoot the oroDosed slstasnth
amtadmtat of frasdem. Thus ulcht that
aobla natloasl Oltinsi tsetmt, as iibsrty ao
lgntd It to bt, aa ts.ple and guldt for nil
tknamaaltv la tha Utltsd HtsUs Cuartsoa
afrnatad or olhsrwlst 1 and their orssnliad
Ttrrltorlcs, tzsspt Wyomlag, which has
iroadybota astutsd,ts If lBinlUrtlrby a
nrarwi iinii of raatltudt and dutri not to add
tla raftrtaseto tht eoatraitsd mtaaatu or
tardiness of othsrs,) mngsaalmltydlatlBguUh
log aa ststsimsn and phllsathroplsts tht
glorious llrlghts of both htanphefea,
Rospottfnnr, Wm II t
BsaaTota Srstssi, Js, IS. 1170.
In Introdnclog the lettore from dlsllo
EiUhad clergymen thronghoot the country,
ra.O. saldane was enrprlsod that none of
tha clergy of the District of Columbia had
atepped forward to Iqyoko God's btesslng In
opening the aessloas of the contention with
Letters were also read from Mrs. Cage, of
Kew Tort, nod others, sympathising heart
ily In the motement for woman's enfran
chisement, and regretting their Inability to
attend tha contention.
Mr. Grlfflng then addressed the convert.
Uoo. paytog a J ait tribute to those noble
men and. women who hod battled so success
fully for the freedom and eufracchleement
of the poor elate. There there would be no
peace until the enactment of Jnit laws was
effected, and ebe hoped Congress, It Us
wisdom, would at the present session hear
tha appeal of the women ot the land, and
adopt the sixteenth amendment. She had
ftllh m-SSiLr belkjAe would melt
tha hearts ot tnenrwno oppose the woman
motement, and eha had ftlthin Congress
whan tha petitions and memorials of the
females of the country were presented, ask
ing that tha word malen bo stricken from
the Constitution. Bbe nor her associates
expected any personal benefit from the en-
iranCQUCOloa ui nvuicui uu ib nna tua
good 1
, that woma resun to me women at
Prftf. WIllcox moted that a committee of
flte be appointed to wait on tho Treeldent of
the United bums, ana cnusi dis aia in pre
railing on Congress to pass an act inch as
Is desired by the adrocatca of worasn's
lllss Anthony, of the ex&cutlre commit
tee, said a committee had been selected hat
log the abota objects In flew, and with tbe
permission of the contention the would read
the names, as folio wit
Mrs. C. D Wllbour, Mrs. Elleobeth Ca4y
Btanton. Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. F.
"ffrffage, t". Be110 u'- DarU, Mia Martha
T. Wrljtht, Ret. OlytnpU Brown, Miss
Fnaba Cousins and Mrs. Beecher Hooker.
UUs Anthony stated that she had rtcclred
Utters from Mus Sarah fogh and Mrs. E.
J, Fngb, of Philadelphia, and many others,
nrrinr noon Congress the Immediate Pae
sage of a law tnfranchUlng the women of
this country, ana aemanaiog it as a rigo..
Senator Fomeroy was called on to address
the contention, who sold that It was not tbe
men alone who aehletcd tho nation's sue
cess during the war, although women did
not hear armst and bo thouzht that was no
good reason reason why tbe franchise should
bo withheld. The boy of eighteen years bore
arms, bat they were not permitted to tote
nntll twenty-one years of age. It would not
do to confine totlog to those who bear arms,
else none bat the soldier would tote, and
that would be a pretty state of affairs In a
country that was goterned by tbe clrll not
military. Many women, howeter, bore
arms oaring the rebellion. The remote
cause of the rebellion was tho Inequality put
In the Constitution by the framers of that
Initrnment In withhold In 2 tbe ballot from a
certain clase of cltliens. He wculd Insist
noon a remotal of those obstacles, and per-
mlt all classes of cltUeus to exercise the
franchise wnlte ana colored women.
lie wet In fetor of the sixteenth amend
ment, and Congress had tbe right to legis
late for the District of Columbia and tbe
Territories, and here was the nlaee to trv
the experiment, and he Insisted upon Its
adootloa. There were want places In tha
District where women are not permitted to
enter, and tbe Goternmeol p'acea ere filled
by men, who ahonld git e way to women.
The ballot, in the haod of vomao, would
protect her, and she conli. then demand all
the rights enjoyed by man. The object of
tha committee, he Cd, was to secure equal
rights to all.
At the conclusion of the remarks of the
Senator, her. Mr. May asked all the ladles
in toe auditorium woo oesirea toe rrancnise
to hold up their right hand.
(The assemblage numbered some three
hundred ladles, about two thirds of whom
held np their hands.
Mr. Bunion put the question In the fol.
lowing formi "et all women In the home
who do not wish to tote stand up."
Nona of the ladles stood up. and Mrs.
BUovon declared that It was tbe unanimous
wish ot the ladles present to exercise tb
Miss Anthony spoke of tho noble deeds of
women in oays past ana ot the present, anil
spoke of the ability of woman of tbe pres
ent as equal to past, If the opportunity bd
glren them to show thit tbey are up to any
emergency, and were entitled to every right
enjoyed by all others. Bbe spoke of tbe
butterflies of society, who, when waited
upon to giro their aid la this great work,
Eate aa an excuse that they did not like t
ate their names publlshud) but they would
m t the waterlnif iriacei. attend tmbllr
Calls and other places and wero Tcry glal
to see their names pooltshed as dauclug
with "imponea counts." out comiuuea in
m lmnm.lji and tKiwnrfnt tftna In ad
tocacy of the enfranchisement of tbe womcu
of this country. She concluded by urging
upon etery oue the nocoeelty of Immediate
and power fat action, and called upon them
for old.
Madam Anecke then addressed tbe coa-
Ttuuon, ana tajd ibe labored under more
dlmenlty to pronounce the English lan
Suege, at ib was a German. She felt a
ssp Interest In tlu cause, and sold she had
been In the army whicu was not tbe bap-
....... ,,v.U wKwif paiua. noe came
from Milwaukee, and held In her band the
KUUon of ten thouuad ladles asklug for
franchise 8b appealed to tbe hearts
of men and women throuRhont tlmcl'llUed
??! ?n . , . .? luroubont tUttClvlUsed
world, to cowe to tbe icscueol women, andl
glti her enfranchisement, which would bo
the enfranchisement or mankind and rcrub
llcan Enropo. --....
Mrs. Rachel Moore Town tend, of Phila
delphia, was next called on, who said she
felt pleased to address the contention, and
all aded to tho address of Win. Henry Chan
nine la Ibe cause of human llberlr . If he
was now In our midst, finding that slater
had been abolished throuffhoat tbe land.
and that women were still enslated. what
would he say on tltwlDir the sMcUcle t It
was neter Intended by the Creator of tha
unttersethat woman should be other than
an equal of man. If Napoleon Bonaparte
had Uken the adrlce of hla wife, Josephine,
um wooju nercr ubtb wcni into mat oaitie
which prated hla defeat and made him an
exile, bbe had been a trat eler for thirty
vavr. aoii id uer waroi idb oouvnsneionna
elateholders unwilling to allow tratelert to
speaa on t&e sntiiect or slave rr. Bha found
women to be slaves to habit and afraid of
tneir nnsoanas. Hue conid not ascertain
why tbe wire should fear to communicate
with her hnsband frsslr cm ersr snhlact.
For years It was the Prif Here of tha sneaker
tosUnd forth la advocacy of her sex, and If
wuuibu wouia oqij assert ner rights ner
condition would be one of eletallon Instead
oi degradation.
Mrs. Townsand.ln tha ennreA nf liar A.
drees narrated many affecting Incidents of
u imur hub uuiqb; cntiaToa to aruoKsu
husbands, whose affectloni for tbe brutes
almost surpassed belief. Good women had
too mucu patience wnn intemperate men,
white man has no sympathy for a poor, un
fortunate Inebriated woman. Were the elec
tive franchise accorded to woman, her asso
ciation would be enlarged and the morals
of communities tmrlfled.
Mrs. Ret Olltla Brown, of Connectlcnt,
am ene oosertea mat wnen toe tote was
taken amoner tho andltorr. several women
declined to tote. To those who desired not
to rote, she pitied from her heart. She
could not define their reason for not rollnir.
but cerUln It was that had not the courace
to tUnd up. She then lectured that class of
women who ehow no sympathy Tor woman's
rlshu In severe terms, and spoke In words
of encouragement to those who evinced a
disposition to aid the leaders of the cause
in secunnr tne noon or sunrare too Ques
tion of temperance alone, was one showing
the need of the ballot la the hands of tbe
drunkard's wife, that she might make laws
that would dash forever the bitter cup from
the lips of ber husband.
It was a wise law that forbid the mar
riage of drunken men and women, and if
toe naa toe mating oi laws sue would enact
one prohibiting the use of tobacco oe well as
I'qaor. Women conid not be Indifferent to
tbe existence of dram shops around them to
lure their hnibands. bmthera and anna ta
tne roui cup. ir women hod the franehlie
they would not devote their existence to the
frivolities of dress and fashion, for thev
would then hate other InteresU to engross
their minds and eneroies. Thfa alttlnf
j . t rzi .zzz.r:" .. ". .
uvnn i Honi ana imauar taemsciree was
a monstrous Idea, aod se was surprised
that each advice should have been given
women by a distinguished minister of tbe
gospel. Woman should be taught to work
OUt her own salvation, and tha dnffma. that
Jesus Christ had died for women was falla
cious, tor lie Uted tor ber, and everywhere
talZht her a life of labor. Bha advlaad her
nearers to torn tneir attention to pursuits of
labor that they may rise from the slough of
misery, and be dependent on no one bnt
their own exertions.
In conclusion she asked those who did
not want the ballot for themselves to do
what was ta their power to secure the Ines
timable boon for those who did. The ballot
bad done much for tbe worklngmeo, and
would do as much for the elevation of the
worunrwomen. The time, ebe said, had
gone for ridiculing tha woman'a rights
inurement, ior it was now engaging tne
attention and minds of tbe mightiest Intel
lects la Ibis country and Europe, and the
warfare would neter end nntll the ballot
was placed In the hands of etery woman In
America, which she predicted would cod
before the present year rolls round. Bbe
asked the young men of the District of
Columbia to earnestly set about to enfran
chise women by their tolce and acts. There
was no question of negro suffrage now In
the District, and she hoped no abatement of
Interest would manifest Itself until woman
Is placed on aa equal footing with man
before the law.
Hon. Mr, B l HI man, of Uhode Island, was
Introdnced, but had not fairly Introduced
himself before the audience began to scatter
and leave the hall, causing the honorable
gentleman to retire to bis seat.
Mrs. Btanton annealed to tha audience to
be seated and remain nntll the adjourn
ment. Tho appeal had the desired effect,
M1U Susan B. Anthony arose and said the
women of Washloarton reminded her alronel v
of those of fit Louis, Cincinnati, and other
n cetera cum, ior so soon as tney saw a
man's head they ran away. Miss Anthony
said If they could not abide hearing a man,
a woman would speak. Bbe then reviewed
tbe woman suffrage motement, speaking
words of encouragement to all present, and
In allusion to Senator Fomeroy she said If he
did not use all his Influence In the Senate hi
behalf of woman he would not come back
to Congress again.
She was opposed to sending petitions to
Coogresstbot was In far or of organising socie
ties In etery town In tbe Union, aod adopt
resolutions demanding the right of suffraxo.
Bbe desired that women -should go to Wyo
ming and elect two Senators to the United
Butes Congress, oue of whom should be a
woman. Mus A. then requested tbe finance
committee to circulate among the aadlence
and solicit the name of etery man and
woman as members of the Woman's Uni
versal Baffrage Association, sutlng tbat
tney couia Decoise memoers oy paying tne
sum of one dollar each. Mrs. Bunton.she
said, had suggested tbat the committee post
themselves at the door, and work down ward,
In order that etery fleeing refugee be appre
hended. Miss Anthony sail the lt$lutlon was an
advocate of the cause, and she desired tbe
New York reporters to give her credit for
attending these sessions of the convention,
without having before "puffed" theJZfeofu
tie. She then read the names of a host of
distinguished contributors to the Jitwolutlon,
and said while she was speaking, she hoped
every one was paying a dollar to become a
member of the association.
Mr. SUUman waa again called to the
stand, and said he did not luteud to dctala
the convention, but giro bis testimony In
favor of the great reason for which tne
contention met. He wished to Inform bis
friends tbat from the beginning of tbe world
woman has occupied an Inferior position,
which be attributed to the superior force of
man i but as tbe world progresses In virtue
and knowledge, woman will be educated,
and finally modo tbe equal of man. He had
no doubt but that the day was near at band
when woman, without regard to color, woo Id
wield the ballot. He Inquired where was
tbe man tbat would surrender his franchise
and be placed on a political footing with the
women of to-day. He thought no such man
could be found, and It was but Just tbat he
should accord to woman the blessings he
enjoys. Woman had never had the same
educational aaTanuRce as mau,ueTer.aoieis,
to mant sections she was taxed for school
purposes. He denied that the Influence of
voting would be degrading to females, but
main tat ned that the ballot would bo purified
by the accession.
Miss Thabo Cousins, of 8L Louis, fol
lowed, saving that she bad so much to sit
tbat she did not know where to begin nor
where to cod. Doe sold when woman
achieved their rights there would be ten elo
quent female orators to one man. A woman
bod never spoke oat the depths of her heart,
tor tbe power of her Intellect. Society de
clared the proper sphere for woman was tbe
marrlags sute and to sit at home, which
sne aeciareaas cruei. ine iasa mat per
sri-K .; Er..i,.', r.T,.r:''-
Is made to procreate and to spend tbelr lives
le to j.roere.1. ad ta itwai tbelr lire.
about tue treadmill or tht homo circle,
Cooking, she sold, has been designated as
the fine art for women, which she Illus
trated by an anecdote of a man who bad par
ukenof a dish which he thought no ono
could preparo so well as his late wife, aud
over which he went Into ecsUcles of praise.
The speaker sympathised with no such
Idea, and spoke of the ulsnled women of
tbls country and Europe, who were earn lug
splendid fortunes through the aid of the
pun. If the door of society was thrown
wider open, women would become mora
fully developed Intellectually aud physically,
l'rorouor WIllcox then offered the follow
ing, whlra was declared out of order by tbe
frttlJtnt, and on motion the resolution was
iid ou the tahle
Jr-ifi'd Thtttiirtrtnt'Klliyoralltrus men
nJ wi.m.in li dut iaMn lUrrlsi llttshtr
atowsiJt tht outrsgaoua way In which the
has bten aaaalltdfor nahooeai nerrormsaes
of a stealing duty
At S o'clock tbe convention reassembled,
tho ball being well filled with fifty-centers,
eager for the opening of the show and an
other privilege to tote, as was accorded at
the morning session.
Tne tuna was occupied oy iaay aeirgntei,
flanked bt the
usual numoer or "beu-
pecked" roosters. Including tbe Indomitable
lTorw. Ui a,, uiucox,
On tha centra-table set apart r ir press
was a pitcher, with the following wrliica on
a. flvJoaf nf tha AmuUj
"(vate, for the iiiorlel corps CTonpll.
auif ftissO'U'
The reporters accented tha rAmtdlmant-
but "passed" on the water.
Mrs. E. Cad? Stanton rapped tha fmtm.
lion to order, and aald aha had hnrwxt thai
several Benaton and members of Congress
would hare been present to address the con
tention, and read the fallow log letters from
uiuntut ivwb, oi IVKDMI, BIHl OOnaiOT VSN
renter, of Wisconsin i
Usitio iTltBS lllATl CaiMSSa, t
Jfllf AT... B. JLni&rtrm,mm,t
i-midimi uu ia receiptor your la
vltatlon to be present el tha meeting of year
National Suffrage AsiooUtlon this evening,
but hare to expreos my rcgrst at my Inability,
by reason of previous engagement to do so.
Accept, however, ray assurance of full and cor
dial sympathy with the movement to extend
tnt right ol surrragt to ths women of the
country, and say pledge to nske that sytapsthy
active oa tht first tod all occasions that may
artsa for my offlelsl action. Very respectfully,
pui vviuwbi ifrT'i, XmUi KDIIi
Mri. ClftciM Ct-fy 8iatV
is, iso
Madam i Your fko at taa lllh laalant. Ia
vtung ait to aaaress the convention now la
ion la this sity, for tht promotion of tht
eautt of female suirrsgt, hat beta rtsslvsd.
l regret that my omelal dutlts will not allow
mt the time to eomply with tht request ) bnt
I assure you, and the ladtts with wham
Hf.fVff'Jiaii: '"' l. '"."'"r A". !W.n
with tht efforts you art making for Ihtaucetsa
of tht ssust whlah you, especially, oave.so
or iuiiuidui
and so ably ad roc a led.
a rurthar to nv.
thet tht bestowal of the
right of equal political suffrage, upon the
women of fnlc republic, eaanot,ln my judg
hibii vm iuuiu iu, wtianviu, ant iot wail
ertr InOutnet X havt shall be tier ted at aav
meat, be much longer withheld, sad that what.
Proper opportunity to hasten tha coos vm me
lon for whlah you are laboring. '
a nave ioa neoor io ne, very iruiy, yours.
Matt. It. UAaraTsn.
Mrs. Stanton then addressed the conten
tion on the blessing that would follow after
tbe adoption of the sixteenth amendment.
She hoped the women all over the country
would bring a terrible action to bear on
Cojgress In ordet that the bill may rse at
ths present 'ssslon.
Miss Anthony. Mrs, Stanton, I heard at
the Capitol to-day that the committee would
soon bo ready to report favorably oa tbe
Mrs. Btanton eontlnnlnr. sold she honed
all the ladles would appeal to the Itspubll
can party, and ask action at once la behalf
or woman ironcuise. ine Kepnotican party
hat the power, and woman enffrage In 1873
would be as good a card as General Grant
was, and If not Uken up by rteprfbllcans,
tbe Democratic partr might take tha cue,
and defeat the Republican party. Uer ob
jection to tbe passage of tbe fifteenth amend
ment was that the women v( the land had not
been consulted to rote thereon
Bbe referred to tbe action of tha Aboil.
UonltU In Rhode Island, who made war
only on the word "white," in the adoption
ofa new constitution. Bhe therefore argued
that tbe men had no light to adopt the fif
teenth amendment until tbe women had
been heard on tbe eublect. Tha slxtsenth
amendment would be the crowning reeolt
oi tun iae war. as women wonia oe on an
equality with tha proudest lord of tbe land.
While all men were emanotnntad. conid
women sUnd by and look oa with eompla-
cency without being permitted to Join the
grand army of freedoml No; BO she could
The mole clement baa held high carnival.
crashing out woman etery where, when man
Is only the half of a compleU being. Bbe
was not willing that man should hate com
plete control of tbe prisons These carnal
nouses are a disgrace to hnmanltt. ae under
tue control or mant toe poor prisoner in
mant InsUncee are suffered to be nearlt de-
toured by rermln, bnt If women had control
of prisons, motherly affection and care
wouia sooine tne poor contict ana prisoner
daring his or her confinement. Violence,
destruction, rape and murders are the law
of the land, owing to the solflshness of man
Woman's lore would hold these tlcea In
check. If she wero permitted to work In uni
son with man.
The most Ignorant of men opposed woman
suffrage, because they hate been taught to
regard her as an Inferior, and nntll she has
a tolce In making the laws of tbe land these
Ignorant men will neter find out their mis
Uke. When tbe fourteenth amendment,
putting the word "male" In the Federal
Constitution, waa adopted, It waa not gen
erally known that thousands of women of
Massachusetts psoLested, which was un
heeded. Alasl that women should petition
Conrress. for If Congress should at all be
loyal, It should be loyal to tha women of
America, wnote neroio aeeus ana seu-sacn-f
ccs bate exalted tbe nation. The women
of the republic to-day, sbe said, wero prac
tically under a foreign yoke, and although
Senator Pomeroy said foreigners were re
quired to become naturalised, sbe did not
propose woman should tako out naturalisa
tion papers.
She was not ta fitor of all men or women
toting, but advocated an educational qualifi
cation to be permitted to exercise the priv
ilege of tbe ballot. Ignorance has toted,
and many a man owned a Jockase more Intel
ligent than himself, tbe price of property
qualification, and she Inquired whether, in
his case, the Jackass orthe man toted? There
Is corruption la every branch of the Govern
ment at Washington, as also la every Bute
Legislature, and Judges do not decline the
bribe. Tbe purse would soon be exhausted
In gorernmenUl, Bute, and Judicial quarters,
and the only way to stop the out-flow would
be to admit woman la the world of politics.
Men were fortunate In obtaining nearly every
thing they needed at half-price, while women
were compelled to work long, dreary hours
for half rrtce. This thing of taxation, with
out reprcscnUtloa, should be abolished, and
she knew a woman In New York that has
refused to pat another cent for taxes nntll
sbe was permitted ta tote, and the way she
etadee the tax collector Is hating a friend
on tbe lookout, and when he knock at tbe
aoor sue appears at an upper winaow, ana
quotes Coke, Littleton, and other JurisU, In
reference to Uxatlon without represenUtlon.
Mrs. Human ciossa ner aaaress or taton-
logon ber lady hearers the Importance of
agiuung tue woman question, in oraer mat
tbelr asked for rights may be granted them.
Miss Anthony here stepped forward, and
moved that all present who were ta favor of
Qsmanaing tne aaopuon or tne sixieenm
amendment by the present Conrress would
say "aye," the contrary, (nay." The ques
tion was put ana tne yeas were aeciarea
to urcvall. the "nats"not belnr recorded.
as they were only heard In a faint tolce.
Miss Jenny Collins, a Lowell factory girl
of Boston, was next Introdnced. She laid
sbe came forward to pay homage at tbe fset
ot tnat nooie iaay, (sirs, niaoton,; ana aa-
tocatatne cause ot tue poor womnzwoman.
Woman's eufXcage would remedy most of
the evils aod hardships to which working-
women are at present suDjecua.
Many a poor girl In tbe factories were In
eariy iue rearoa np wua teoaerness, sur
rounded by afflaencci but reverses In the af
fairs of tbelr parents, and tbe death of a
falser and mother, hate caused them to en
ter the factort to rain a livelihood at a Pit
tance scarcely adequate to keep soul and
body together. These poor women hate no
protectors, and by man are lured Into etery
temputlon. ft was a shame that women
shonld be trated thus, and she charged
that to-day there were no eutesmen. bnt a
sot of mummies, else thecondltlon of woman
would bo different. The days of the Repub
lican party, she assured ber hearers, were
numbered, because worklngmeo, with hard
hands, who a few years ago supported thsl
party, hare found republicanism recreant to
their great mission. Bhe then reviewed the
acts of the Kepnbllcan party, asserting that
It had "rone back" on all Its promises look
ing to the amelioration of the condition of
ine widows or pootsoiaiert.
Tbe Southern slaveholders did not under
stand tho science of oppression so well as
tbe tr rants of Massachusetts. A woman
that was lathed by tbe slave-owner of the
South was not so cruel as the tyranny exer
clsod oyer a poor factory-girl, should she
leave her loom In Massachusetts without
Dcrmlsston. The Southerner was more re-
m iM.tMTti. ..
! r"K'? "?!K"f J" JiSfH.rk!0,.'!!
wucn mono j.vw .avtwij-n," nu us mvww
from la thnoaer tones, ine women wno
did not want tbe ballot were those who are
able to dress gaudily, drive fast horses, and
spend tholr winters In Washington) bat
those who sought the protection of tbe fran
chise are the worklngwomen of the country
and the widows or tue ncroes or tne lata re
bellion. The opponents of tho cause are women
wno wouia marry nuy mau, even wero ut
cross eved and bow legged, so he laid riches
at her feet. Bhe did not crave for silks and
satins, and hoped she would be able to call
on tue A rcsjaeut in an uumvio cauco urosa,
Miss Anthony said the committee had
railed on the Senate Committee to-day, and
tbey promised to give tbe representatives of
tne coaveuuou a Hearing ou oa.uraay morn
Inir at 10 o'clock, when It was also expected
that tbe House Committee would trite them
an audience, tnat a dui may ne perfected
looking to tue adoption or toe toiu amend
ment. Adjourned.
ToiAugniCAN Til Couraar, Nos. 913
aud 313 l'cnnsylranla avenue, opposite WlU
lard's Hotel, offer great Inducements to
housekeepers and others lu the purchase of
( holce teas, coffees aud sugars, family flour
uu muie luxuries
A miktiho of the stockholders of the
Washington Gas Light Company for the
election of directors to serte for the en
suing year will be hold at tbe office of the
company on Monday, February 7, 1970, be-twccolSandlo'clock.
" .
Bowen and Anti-Bowon
AnExclllfJKTIue Amewsr tno Ward
relllleUa-An Antl-Bewtn Heel
laCTraaarormfMllatoanewemCon ftrertlen A Packed Crowd of Cor-
porstlta EmplsTcss-Untlsn's De
nunciation of xteyor Bowen
ttpeeetaee la llle Faror lteeolt.
tleae laderslnsr Hlm-The Oaaled
IleldatteetlagElsewhere-An It
citing Time In I tie first Ward.
Pursuant to the call published la the city
papers, requesting the attendance, for the
purpose of organisation for thesproachtng
municipal election, of all friends of tbe
present national administration, without dis
Llflfl.liVt nf MM n aa1a. bIia maw itaalra a
r.rom In out municipal admlsUthfllon. and
i.l... ... -. - . .. ..' .
the elevation of men lo office whose Identi
fication with the business Interests of the
city will be a guarantee of tbe faithful and
economical performance of their several
duttesat Union League Hall last evening,
the room was crowded at an early hour with
the friends of the present municipal govern
ment, who had gathered In order to occupy
tbe hall, and prevent, by their overflowing
presence, any meeting that might be at
tempted to be held.
Edward Atkinson, commissioner of the
Fifth ward, called tha meeting lo order, and
Joseph Williams, president of the Common
Council, was called upon to preside. G. H.
Peters, commissioner of tha Bocondward,
The crowd In the hall was at this time In
tense, and there was not room for another
Individual on the platform, not ersn If he
had been willing to subject himself to a
hydraulic pressure before attempting tbe
Resolutions being' In order. Prof. A. M
Green said he had a series, which he would
offer prepared especially fur tbe occasion.
The discordant elemenU had their origin la
the Fourth ward, and there the sound Re
publicans had treated the' dissenters with
silent contempt.
He hoped this meeting, gathered from all
parts of the city, would repudiate their
action, and give them the cold shoulder.
At tbls juncture Mr. Croumao, at the
rear end or tbe hall, asked, "who pays for
the rent of this halt V
This created the wildest confusion all
oter the hall. The president brandished
his cane and called for order most lustily.
A generous Individual occupying a standing
position on a chair said ho was responsible
for the rent.
It was necessary to keep order, and there
fore the Chair summarily appointed Colonel
James B. O'Betrae and Colonel Perry Car
son ae sergeants-at-erms.
Prof. Green eatd be would not Inflict a
speech upon the audience, and proceeded
with the resolutions, as follows i
Whereas the enemies of freedom anJ equal
ity for all mta, tbe advoistce of tajuitlce nad
oppression toward all who have not the good
fortuae to alalna aa arlaroereti t.HHirr td
-- wmw t Bit iiwi,,iiii4aru ior niv aris
tocrat and capital lit tha right to own th mua
Slee. boatt, and elatwsef tht laborer, aad to
tontrol the mind add will of tha poor and de
pendent tlsss of tha tommualir, not leie
i(ubii Mtir own oeii latereei tnsa against
tht peace and prosperity of our country hav
lae anrared taa a-reat narlvof ttrnrraa and
reform by overt sets of aggression, and beea
moat clgaally defeated la every content la'
wbicb nr nave neraioiorB ongagea a i
Anawhercaa.ta aonsequenet of the defeat
and utter demoralisation which the inevitable
logic of events hat at am ned upon tht hideous
brow of thatOeltah of tilth, among tht tnt
mlee of elf ll and rtllglouc progress la Ibis
fair land, (the so-tailed Democratic party.) It
hasbtcomt Btetssaryfor them to rely solely
upon tht wo-k of a band of dlsorganlters
wiiniBourowa riotii a eiaai oi nio wnose
words aad aete Induct us to believe that tht
are paid, as men were paid laityesr, to or
gaalie a eoualtr movement ot unaffected,
wak-kattd and Gonservatlve Itepoblleans la
order to present tvtn tht ehadow of a suoeess
(ui oint a. our naai municipal eiccuoni
And, whereas thtrt art euanlog and rlotlout
sad unprincipled mta who have heretofore
acted with us, while they, like "Judac Is
tarloV'wtrt permitted to hold tht bag and
bear what wsa put thereto, aad who Are bow
vainly attamptleg to deeelva aod betray tht
leae favored of ourtruoaal loyal patlf Into
the hands of their defeated aad chagrined op
ponents of Issl rear
Aod whereas three men are dally proving by
their conduct their capacity to descend to
the most desradlnr. unseruDUlourmeaaurea.
In order to cervt their owa ambition, and the
men who stand behind the aeenea are prompt
tng, their nations end directing their raove
raente la order. If possible, to betray tht
laboring masses Into tht vela dtlusloa that
those woo have ever been enemies are bow
tfcalr virntil aad noil ardent rrlanda. and
deserve their hearty aad usanlmout support 1 1
itrieJffe,Thst It Is a debt that wt awe T our J
party ana our country, watch. we cheerfully
accept, to resist aad olccoaattnaaot tvery
effort to disorganise or Impair tht effective
Influence end power of that psrty orgaalta
tloa whlah now eslite la tale elty, aad which
has carried Ucpublleanlsm with brilliant suc
cess through an opposing elements to victory
la oaw nnd errand aehlevtmetits. while thev
have dlamaved. routed and total I v demorallied
tha Democracy! the last and only hone of suc
cess which said Democracy now indulge being
luunuau in nw ifuaaiuMiij o .aeirociua; aoiv
to secure tha disorganisation of those most
Impregnable barrlerc of defence agalatt a
aubtta aaduaorlnelDled fot. and whlah bar.
riera euiieiu aenaoet to every form or oppo-
itiwn, wuaia.r in.uiui itj lUippfB BBB
avowed aaamlee of progrecc without or their
more aabtle aad execrable allies from within
our own ranks. '
Kt-eMve-i, inti we ao fiercer nrrsign perore
the bar of aa enlightened public opinion tht
man who are thuieazacedfa thadeeradlaeand
unprincipled work of betraying by falsehood
oete of their eelOshly, one-elded ptrtteaatsm
will ere lena become euOlaleatlr traninarant
to oubjectthtm to tht tseeratlon of all honest
and truthful men of tvery party,
gialMI, That with au ueehakea confldeact
la our rlfhtto triumph, wt rally oaea more
within our central and ward organisations,
aad dcfvtaaoBtmlea who eeek bv fraud and
aeetpiioB .a turn ue iron (no pais oi amy.
gfieJved, Thai to our national llepubllean ,
party not less than to our present natloasl
Mminmreuta art wt laaeoiea ior tne per
petuity of our country, tbe security of our
lives and liberty, and all those Inestimable
bleaslags aad pmllegec which as a.unlted
American people we sow tajoy.
Jatt as the resolutions had been read.
there was a disturbance In tbe back part of
the room, bat the chairman managed to
preserve order, and Msjor Morse, la the ab
seoco of a better position, mounted the ala
batter top table, which, to the reporter's
certain knowledge, has been an Inoffensive
ornament of Untoa League Hall for the last
six years, ana was never Derore maae a plat
form for public speakers. On this alabaster
top Uble, the eloquent Major, with his voice
somewhat nnder the Influence of a cold,
said It would be necessary for the meeting
to preserve order. If they wished to hear him.
The action of the dissatisfied members of
the Republican party reminded him or the
dog In the manger. But, unlike the dog la
tho manger, they had gnawed the meat from
the bone, and were still ready and willing lo
remain In office.
Major Morse alluded to the proposed mote
ment as a part aad parcel of tbe real esute
agent, who waa so generous that ha would
sell town lois for a small per cent., aod get
up Territorial forms of government grails,
lie also dsfended Dowen's administration.
Congress was accused of not assisting tbe
ciiyi yet Congress supported onr District
judiciary, paid the salary of our District at
tarns v. tne expenses of the count v UU.
supported the Insane asylum, and cootrlb-
ntid tatha snnnort of the Lsdltreat tutor ot toot-noia in toe name won, ana main
lnl DUtricl uloei1 tLU PwUlon throughout a long
tbe District I
rjoaie was tne lounaaiion or toe present
effort to fll"organ!te the Republican party,
aod now the attempt was made lo deprive
the colored roea of their richu as cltlxens
nnder the pretension that a UUcr form of
government was necessary for the District
of Columbia. He warned the Republicans
of Washington to bo oa their guard. Who
wanted an imported Territorial Governor
pernape from Aiasxai ia toicei " rernape
Shepherd or B. P. Brown.") He said It
would require a commission composed of the
ablest men In the country to apportion the
debts of tbe cities of Washington sad Q sores-
town and ths eopnty If a Territorial form of
government woe Imposed upon ns.
He understood one of tne projectors of
this grand enterprise turted the ball In tbe
rirst wara, out icit tue meeting ia august.
The cltlxens, especially the colored cltliens,
were too intelligent to bo deceived into any
sneh movement. He characterized tho men
who were foremost In building market
houses and offering lo purchase the canal as
men who would not take a cent unless their
bands were extenaea ior tnat purpose, i oa
attempt to prove Mayor Bowen dishonest
had signally failed. AU that was wanted
now was that the charter be renewed and
the present efficient executive of tbo munici
pality bo supported.
Malor Morse then vacated the table amid
prolonged applause.
Fifty tolees assaulted the ears of the pro
siding officer with "Mr. President," 'Wr,
Chairman," all of which were disregarded.
Falling to command order, the president
used his cane as a gavel, and the first tolce
that greeted him was Geo. W. Hatton, of
the Fourth ward, who was recognised, and
proceeaea to aaaress t&e meeting.
Tbe president requested tbe mecllog to
patiently and silently hear Mr. Hatton.
Mr, )I. assumed an elevated attitude on a
cbalr. midway the ball, and denounced the
froposcd chaugo In the form of gorcnimini
a this Dlttrlet. He then continued as fol
lows! ,
Mr. rresldsnt snd rstlow-cttirensf X am glad
to have the opportunity to speak a few Words
toyoute-elghti but sorry thntelrtumeteaceg
by which we nre surrounded to-dsyhnve drives
us to tske steps tgalnst some whom we have
by oar volte elevated to offices of trait sad
profli for the prtservstlon el true Republltsn
prlseiplte. -
la the oomntnesmsat of tha work that Is
before ns, we may aspect to have things said
about ue i bythoea who feed oa corporation
peer but let ue, as mta and Bepublleaae, bear
with patience all tht harsh epithets that may
bt heaped upon us by our enemies, and csy to
them thst our eauitls Juat,aad that by per
eversnee wt lattad to eueeeed.
Tht following art a portion of the grist
ancec that have sensed ue to start this move
ment for the purpose of protecting tht inter
cite of this peoplti The first thsrga that we
mske sgalnet the executive or the elty la that
he has totally disregarded the wishes of the
majority of those who labored earnestly and
falthfnlly for the suacece ef tht Itepubllcso
psrty, aod that he has Placed lo lucrative pe
titions rata who, daring the war, ware tht
most outepokta nad rampant reels, and who
adhered to tbe oppreoilvt prlnelplec ef tht
Demooretle party until they were made to cut
render tp truth nad Justice by tht voleee and
votes of mta who were always eaemtcs to
that old s lave-d rivers' Democratic party.
Tht second reason why we should labor for
a reformation In our party le that tha present
administration htelmpoaed upon the people
of the elty a taxation entirely too burdensome
and oppressive.
Third. A reckless and dishonest t spendt
fare ef the money placed la their sbargt by
ths people.
Fourth. A anultln1Ualln f nfflt... fn
who eaa bo wheeled Into lint by a wave of
u iir i on laairiauai, woo ate tat
brtsd and butter ef the corporation at his dls
postl. ,
una. The letting of eontracts without ed
vcrtisinf them according to law and common
Sixth, A denunciation aad proscription of
mea who vesture to differ rrom his Honor la
opinion, and who am aad always have beta
Stvtatb. A refusal to pay tht Just dsbts 6f
rporstloa, beet use those holding the ac
I have tOO mash niahniul I itAnn ..rf
counts have too much manhood to stooo nnd
lick the dirt rromthe feet of me a la high
pleeee, thereby lafllatler upon the corporation
a large addltloaal txptassla the way of eoets
Eighth. The unprovoked In i oils that ha has
heaped upon many qnlst baelaest men who
have had occasion to visit his offlce on metiers
of business.
I could toatlaue, Mr. Prestdsnt, and girl
more than a hundred reasons why a change
should bt made, aad that sgstdlly. of our
city otfletrs, but It would bt a useless soa
sumption of tint, as wa are all familiar with
the conditio a of affairs la our elty. Thsprac
tat head or our elty government le aware that
his o fflclal days are numbered, and he will. I
have no doubt, make a desperate effort before
tbe expiration of his present term ef o nice to
disfranchise the rcople or this elty, by having
the charter repealed and tht eily put under
tht control or eommlselontrs, snd his Honor
placed at tht head of said board of commls
elohtre. When I visit the City Hall aadeee
tbetelaas or mtaho are the counsellors of tht
present executive of our elty, It is hard for
me to tell whether theUepubllcsnor Demo
cratic psrty is In power to dsy.
Men who were laborers la the repabllesa
vineyard when It tost tomethlag to labor
there are Ignored, aod those who la the dark
days of slavery polattd tht linger or scorn al
the friends or freedom and equality, are to
day placed Ib power.
We are called by mta 'who were attracted
to oureamp by tht Beitllof corporation fleeh.
pote, dlsappolated office eeekert dieaatladed,
wctk-keeed republleaea, aad I am wllllagto
accept the names given ue, because I believe
lathe doctrine mo the vie tore belong the
spoils.1' Dissatisfied, became wa have beta
disappointed lathe men .of our choice weak,
kaeetl, bee suit wt are belnj crushed by fraud
air. PrealdonL aa wa are nraatail
let us this night throw our banner to tht
oreeic,wua totst woras inscribed upoa II la
Liberty to all, economy snd reform, aad
honest men for office.
The present txoeutlre of our elty was
elected with tho understanding thst he would
stick to the many promises that he had made
to the people it regard to what he would
make Ooogreaa do for tht ally. Indeed ht
made tht people btilcve tbat ht carried Uoo
grtasla his vest pocket that whatsrtr ht
aald do they would bt compelled to dot and
whatever he said net do, they would bt afraid
to do. Now, If ht has all tbla power, why are
our avenues la such a condition? Why le tht
eaoal an eye-sort to every one who resides la
ourcltyt Why le the Centre market, border
ing oa i'eantyivanl avenue, a true type or a
Hottentot slauguler-hoosel Now, f would
ask hlo Honor, or hie corporation friends,
to point out to mo one single act that Con
gress baa passed for tht beooflt of the elty
through hie 3tr. liowen'a Influence. It may
bt satd that our streets hava Improved won.
derfutty slaoe tht beginning ot his adminis
tration, (and I will admit that many streets
h-j vicn arauei. auu Rrareiea,! put nil Honor
and hie frleada are
know bow many have been
t been n
traded and grar.
eltd, how .many paid for, and what amounts
natd for them.
Yes.theatreeta have beea Improved since
the beginning of thlc administration or eeon
omyand reform, but hava the laborers .who
wvrw uu mi mea wno coairaciea tor lnv
provemtate beea paid 1 If any one bert Is de
luded enough to think thty hava been paid for
let him visit the Ulty Hall aod ask every ton
tractor and laborer ht meetc whether ht or
thry have received the money they have earned
during tha hot cummer months oa tht streets
of our elty, and In nine otei oul of tvery tea
tbe answer will be uo I Now, when tbn win
ter Is upon ns, these rata are told, la tht fact
of their tredUon and starving families, that
the corporation nea no money,
Mr. President, it lo not to be eipectcd that
wt eaa select mta for offlet thst will pltast
every ont for if wa elcot honest men to offlas
anewha in na In Mrh nniUi... is
city will bt very much oaf of order fin a net ally,
nadir we elect dichoncsl men we will have
the aame trouble that wa are now having.
Jnt, aa honest men, we are to decide by our
votee al tha approaching election whether
honest men shall bt our public eervaats,
whether licputlicena art entitled to the offlcte
wnn vf Mvpuauann eitioil, or WBCt&tr Wt
ehatl eurrtndtr all to our nnlltiBal mmiii
Tht tlmt is fait coming, Mr, President, when
wa shall hava aa opportunity to select better
men forotricei mea who can take care of tht
furniture of their owooffleeat men who havt
uiBiirnvuiiiKvviii man. v wnanojo lot
hand of vloleace when men approach them oa
matters of public business) men whom It will
not baaeaeaaarv to hold to ball fa-thai .
pearanct la a criminal court to aaswar for aa
ascault upon aa unoffending eltlseni men who
need not tha IndoratmtBtaf aver ward aiuh.
church aod convention, to make them popular)
mis whoee deeds of honesty and Integrity
.i... , it.. ..... j k ..... v ;
foe them never-fadlag laurels of popularity!
men who will be both able and willing at any
tlmt to Inform the people hew tht money col.
lecttd for the support orthe tttv rover a mant
or&elalduty will think more of redeeming tht
pledges that tney nsvt made to tbe people than
replenishing their own pookota, men who, if
b people desire at tbe expiration ef tbelr
ornoUltcrm to leave them at home, will be
willing quietly to retire to thtlr hojica with,
out having made an attempt while In their
offices to dlafraachlsa the cntlrt ptople for
their owa ptraonsl sggraadliomeati men who
will not attempt to buy anyone from tht prla-.
ntplesoa which they may hava beta elected
for tht paltry sum of six dollars.
Mr. Bt. Clair next took the Uble, and after
endorsing tbe present municipal government
and denouncing the attempted so-called re
form, made way for Robert Thompson, coon
ellman from tbe First ward. lie accused
Mutton of laboring In tbe Interests of the
dUorganlxers.aod announced tbst he (Mr.
1 1 Alton toted against the bill Introduced In
tbe Councils to give to the colored men the
light to attend places of public amusement,
Ae., which Mr. Halloa persistently denied.
The speaker said no one had done Wore to
binder the InteresU of his race than the pre
t lous speaker. He advised the colored men
to sUnd by their rlghtsi not to be misled;
and especially to look out for the Insidious
wiles of tbe aristocratic office-seekers.
Edward Atkinson, commissioner of the
Fifth ward, defended Mayor Bowen from
the charges made against him by Hat ton,
and said lie was determined to sUnd by the
Republican party, no matter what might be
the condition of tne corporation finances.
Colonel James R O'Belrne next elevated
himself on the alabaster top table, bnt the
weight was too much It yielded to tbe
?ressnre and broke Into a hundred pieces,
be Colonel, with presence of mind, secured
He reviewed the history of the municipal
campaigns for several years past, and said
that Mr. Wm. Dixon was a rello of the
City Halt ring nnder WaUach'e adminis
tration. Hatton was only a tool In the
hands of designing men, aud tbe sound
Republicans should tako warning and not
be led astray.
Tbe last speaker was Charles H Peters,
commissioner of the Second ward. He, too,
managed to get a standing position on the
broken table, but found the gag fixtures a
little Inconvenient for the unrestrained
movement Of his arms. Ills remarks, Uko
those of the previous speakers, were lauda
tory of the present municipal government.
lie held that the Cltv Coanclla were alone
responsible for the Mayor's embarrassment
in paying ou tne maeweaness oi toe cor
poration. The taxes bad been assessed bnt
proper ty.botders refused to pay, and what
coma tuo Mayor ao. j.e oaa paia out taa
funds until tbe treasury was exhausted.
Tbo speaker said ho haa secured permits for
his children to attend tbe white schools, and
it uicuieauut uuretuur iuuu, ui juuia.au,
should visit Washington bo was determined
ne snonia oe respectiaiiy irca.ca.
The following was offepdi
Whereas this meeting was sailed to endorse
the National Administration and of lnsugura
ling a reiorm ib our enr iwrnnnnyi.
Mti9lPt4, That we BOtalaatrfcicaeral Ulysses
S.Ursnt for President, la liTJ, and that wt
BODinatt oieyor wowva ir ur ,nuuru
bearer IO our approaening municipal aunieat.
Rnatvid, Thai this le tht style In which wt
respond to tbe sail of tbls ercalag's meeting,
Unanimously adopted.
Dr. J, H. Bnodgross next offered the fol
lowioir.wblch were unanimously adopted!
JtuoMd. Tbst advsntsge Is hereby taken of
this mtnrct genera mf ui vi immiri ...
IB waeaingioo. wbuuh u i'f'-
of a select parly or rich men lo abolish the
ebsrttr of Ibla District, and thus rob ressntly
a&rraaeUitd thousands of their tight to 1U
bsilol. .
rolsif. Thai tha fset of a prominent office
holder under the faithless Huchsnaa admlnlc
trstion, who Is understood to have made his
for not ia the offlet held under these sus.
iotooe circumstances, Is enough to make all
rae Htpublleses long hesltstt le follow such
a lead, pro-elartry ae It Is la Its Instincts, and
toacequtntty sure to be eati-iupubllosn la
Mr. D..D. Peck next offered, tbe following!
which were also adoptedi
?K!f&.TBa tHli " deem 11 to be
!?!ilS!l?lJ0 ?U" to the people of Wssh-
P.!.1!.1.? OI Ml ot our eltlsent for his
Er",l,laJCKliU,R,B' fftlsof the Enltt
mort sod Ohio raQroad la Its attempts to
defeating this setMurHclsnt monopoly la all
of Its mesaurss to this end. We rcjoloethat
our corporation, under the Intelligent guid
ance of Mayor Do woo, la for once auptrlov to
thlc overgrown aad Insolent monopoly, and )c
mora thna a match for that purse-proud man
who happens to bt, for tht tint being, the
pretlde ot of this plethoric railroad monopoly,
which would saaumt to lord It oter our elty ss
he lords it over the employees of his railroad
The closing resolutions, offered by Pro
fessor A. M. Green, were as follows i
xtoi9t. That having tolerated tht abusive
epithets aad most unwarrantable assnmpt ions
noeie ana moat nnwarraniaoio aaanm)
Ihoie men of our flam moo llniinall. (i
hlgbeet ambition acorns to be to assail t;
aad personal malice the present Itcpubllcaa
administration,) natlt forbtaranet has loag
since teased to bt a virtue, wt deem this a
fitting and appropriate oacaaloa for tht parly
by whose auffrage they hold office, to request
those geatlemen lo resign their state, o; to
avowthemsalvee nolongeTtht friends of tht
RtpaUleea psrty, aad acknowledge, what
every reaeon able man believes, that they art
tht willing aad subservient tools of tht psrty
who. without them, would bt dcstltutt or a
mouth-piece la that department of our elty
govern meet.
RtitivfSt That when this meeting adjourns
Blng at t o'clock to soBslder the question of a
fropotedteriltorlAl government ior the Die
risioruoluinll A,
n au tuv ih mi, nail OR HMnprrSV IT!
The meetloff then adlonrned. W. A.
Cook, corporation attorney, occupied a scat
near the platform daring tho meeting, aad
watched with unntual Interest tbe entire
Tne ABtl-noweo Meeting.
After the antt-Bowen Republicans had
Uken their departure from Union Learue
Hall, they accepted the cordial Invitation of
jar. u. u. rnuorooK ana procoetita to ms
office, la May's build to 3, comer of Seventh
and E streets, where about fifty gentlemen
assembled, win. Dixon, esq., woe called to
the chair,and Mr. Benj. McCoy acted as sec
retary, After speeches had been delivered
bv Messrs. John R. Elrans, Lewis Clephane,
aiauoew u. emery, it. crane, ueorge v
Hatton, 3i n. Grossman, Gen. A Grant, A
WaUoa and others, all condemning In un
measured terms the manner In wnlch the
ward commissioners, with tbe corporation
laborers, had broken np the meeting, which
had boea so widely Published to be a monitor
of those Republicans who were opposed to
tne present municipal government, toe
following resolutions were unanimously
Whereas many of the Republican eltlsses
of Vtaahiagton barlef procured tbe call of a
meeting to be held at union League Hall thla
evening of the voters of thla city, who art In.
avmoatov With tht national Admlnlatratla.
aad who desire a reform In tht corrupt condi
tion of our municipal authority, to take loto
eoasiaerauoB nuasures looaing toward such
reformation and wharaaa bv tha lnatlratlon
of many officers of the corporation friends of
tut present Piaywr a large sumeer oi evil
disposed and rowdylsh men. white aad colored,
to the a umber of etvirtl hundred, rroceeded
to said Union League Hall before Wbt hour
said meeting was to bt held, taklag possession
of aald ball, maklar Violent threata aealmt
parties calling tht same, aod by riotous beha
vior mreaia iraaiiDginv peaceaoie aoiu
Ine? of aald meatier, and threataBlBa vloUnai
as alasl anr who should hereafter aiiemnt aav
tbaogt la tht admlBlatrationof our municipal
auairs ia opposition io nay:cs J, uowsnt pt
11 therefore
nemtfa, iubi aa id line oi persaoaiioa we
defended the eolored men against their on-
prniore, wiinont vouBiiog tat con, eo inai
wt might bt trut to a aaered principle, wt
will Botaeiectaaa to work and labor fur their
elevation, bell ev tog la their capacity to be
come good American gltltena.
ju-rwrre, tnat wnen taie meeting aojoura it
be to meet at Union League hall aeat Friday
svsnlDg at IM o'clock, aod for the same pur
pose. Hnt wtd tThht the right lo peaceably assem
ble for fret discussion Is a right conferred by
the Constitution, and oat which tht cltiscas
of this slty cannot and will not relinquish.
tlRrolpt4, That wt feet mortified aal hu
mtllMed that colored men recently freed from
tht thraldom or slavery should Join with venal
politicians to crush out fret speech, and forci
bly prevent tht holdlog of a meeting by thoct
who have been thtlr tsrly and steadfast
friends, and who art trut and tried Republl.
The meeting then adjourned.
Tne First Ward Repnbtltane.
The First Ward Republican Club under
took to hold a meeting lost night at the
Stevens' School, but as was the casa at
tbe last meeting, the friends of the rival
candidates for the presidency of the club
were present In fall force, and at n early
suge It was evident that a boisterous season
was about to be engaged.
The president of tbe dab, Jerome A.
Johnson, took' the chair, and after a repeti
tion of the seenesof confusion of the last
meeting, and two hours bad been spent In
vainly attempting to get to a tote, tbe friends
of lumber, the commissioner of the ward,
being reinforced, a rising tote was taken,
and he was declared elected president of tbe
club. Frank Forester, tlce president, and
i iiiiBiu uvu. eccrviary.
The principal opponent of the Hlmber
rant was waiter vv&ne. wnose sancauor
voice was heard at frequent Intervals, urg
ing why Hlmber should not be chosen as pre-
siaing ouicer. Alter tue election, tue meet
ing, adjourned, xrcat dlssatUf action bdne
ei pressed at the result by many of tbe jar-
Niw Bixiu Finn Enoiag. Yetterdav
mornlnrtha new steam fire anrlna "Ravlea
J. Bowen" No. 4, arrlted In tbls cttr and
was taxen to tne cngine-nouso or mo com
pany, on Virginia avenue, near Four-and-a-half
street. The engine and pump are
boiler Is Clspp's patent circulating tubular.
and tha machine occnrjlea a. arjaea nr 13U
feet by 0 1 0, Is Oji feet la height, and can
be drawn by twenty men or two horses
easily. The forward wheels are 8 feet 10
laches, and the hind wheels 0 feet lu diame
ter. Tbe engine has a tank for Teed water
to the boiler, and the tender Is large enough
to hold a supply of fuel and the firemen. On
either side of the dome are scats for the
driver and engineer, and twenty-fire feet of
suction hose is attached to the pump. The
portions of the machine which "ire not of
polished metal are In vermllllon and gold,
and Uken altogether, the engine Is a tcry
handsome one.
All those who bare Inspected this model
engine are confident that the machine will
prote a most effective one. It Is, we under
stand, to be brought out to-day for public
Gkavo Aalrr Rttm iox. -Last evening, at
Grand Army Hall, Post No. 3 G. A, It. had
a tery pleasant reunion, tbe occasion being
a public installation of 1U officers. The hall
was well filled by a highly rcspcctablo au
dience of ladles and gentlemen. The Instal
lation ceremonies wero most Instructing and
notel to our pnbllc. The following was the
frogrammo of tbe evening, after which re
retnmenU were Issusdi
Prayer By the chaplain, Rev. B. Swal
low. Masle Quartet,4' Tbe Soldier's Sere
nade," Misses Lottie B wallow and Id
1 homason, and Messrs. F. S. Poland and B.
E. Thorn asoa. Address by Comrade T, Lu
bey. Motlo Sulo, "I'll keep the flowers
you gate me," Miss Florie Pope. Insulla
tlon of officers. Music Instrumental,
"Grand Union Potpourri," Misses Ida
Thomnson and Nellie Grlswold. Address by
Comrade J. W. Frazee. Music Solo, "I'm
Lonely To-night," Miss Kerns Swallow. Miss
Florie Pope presided at the piano.
This Is the first of a series of similar en
tertainments to be given by tbe posts of the
Grand Army of tha Republic In this depart
ment. Assault Uro a Hotil PaopattTon.-
On Tuesday afternoon Officer U'Hare ar
rested uooert u ay nor, juuea urate, ana
Julia Ready, charged by Mr. William H,
Guruey, proprietor of the Klrkwood House,
with committing an assault and battery upon
him, and attempting to cut him with a ratt
ing knife. Tbe accused were arraigned be
fere Justice Cox but complainant refuted
to prosecnte, and tho parties were dismissed.
It seems that the accused are employed by
Mr. Guraey, tho women as servants, and
Gaynor In the capacity of cook. It Is alleged
that the proprietor Is indebted to the parties
for services, and that the cook refused to
permit dinner to bo sent to tho dlnlo groom
until he was paid his wages la full. Mr.
Qurneythea went Into tbe kitchen and re
monstrated with the cook, when he was
seized by tbeyVomeo, and Gaynor adra&cod
with a carving knife toward Mr. Oarnoy.
and attempted to cat him, but he succeeded
In breaking away from tbe scrvanU,tbns
preventing tbe cook from carrying out his
Rxr. L. Dohbon, formerly a missionary of
the Cherokee Indians, will deliver a lecture
to-morrow night In the McKendrce M, E.
church. He will giro a history of the "Ab
orlglnees of America." their religions, man
ners and customs. The lecturer Is familiar
with his subject, and the lecture cannot fall
to be one of more tUu ordinary lourcit,
Tha committee to nrre the tMuirs nr itia
bill granting; a charter for tha International
Exhibition to be held In this city, consisting
of Mayor Bowen, HaUett KUbourn, W. 8.
Huntington, Gen. O. O. Howard, 8. P.
Brown, Col. J, A, Magrnder, B. F. French,
ownjiioi., a, Magrnucr, i. xixnvu.
M. Hall, Riley A. Shloo, Dr. Alex.
arp, Z. C. Robbing, Simon Wolf, J. P.
istin, Thomas L. Tutlock, Clinton Lloyd,
at jiau, iwey a. onion, ut, aicx,
Gen. Balloch and M.G, Emery, met yesterday
moinimr at 1 1 o "oca, in Q oiaroio room,
back of tbe Senate chamber, for the purpose
of having a eoofsrence with Senators In ref
erence to the bill and lu provisions. There
were present Senators Hamlin, Sherman,
Behurx, Morrill of Vt., Patterson, Morton,
Robertson, Spencer, Wilson. Warner, Nye
and McDonald.
Mayor Bowen acted as chairman, and Mr.
Simon Wolf as secretary.
Mr. HaUett KUbourn referred to the sev
eral sections of the bill, and made such sng
gestlonsas wew agreed upon bythecom-
Sonator Hemlln Inquired If It was the In
tention of the committee to ask any aid
from Congress fbr the purpose of carrying
oul the exhibition.
Mr. Kllbourn replied that all that was
asked was the national sanction. One and
a half millions of dollars would be sub
scribed In tbls cltv, and they felt confident
that a million and a half would be subscribed
outside of tbti city, making a capital of
e 0,UW,UUU.
Mr. Hamlin was tn favor of an amend
ment to tbe bill making each corporator
liable for twice the amount of his stock, la
order to secure the public against any loss
should the exhibition be a failure. lie had
also prepared an additional section to the
blU.submltllnr to a vote of tha people the
question of authorising the corporate au
thorities to subscribe to the capital stock.
Mr Kllbourn sold he bad no doubt tho
corporators were willing to be held per
sonally liable for tho amount of stock taken
by them. "
Senator namila thought tho gentlemen
hating this matter la charge, and who were
so sanguine of Its success, should be willing
lo throw around the prelect every rnarantee
against loss, otherwise It would show the
"weakness orthe same.
Senator McDonald thought the fact that
toe people or wis District naa lUDicnoca
1 1.600.000 showed their rood faith and ear
nestness, and farntshed a inflict eat guaran
tee tncreor
Mr Kllbourn said the money subscribed
here would bo used In tbe erection of suita
ble buildings for tbe exhibition
Mr. Schurx thourht the compear should
be made liable for alt goods sent to tbe
exmoiiion, wmen mign oe injurea or ae
Mr. Morrill wee orrooaeA to bavin ir I
world's fair at Washington. He thought
tne gentlemen or wis city wore unnecessa
rily excited about the removal of the capi
tal. He was friendly to Washington, aud
felt an Interest It tbe city, though be felt a
greater Interest In the nation, lie was not
Ta favor of gUIng Washington a gala time,
to last a year or more, lie tnuugat it
necessary for Congress to protect the cltl
sans of Washington against themselves.
He thought to hare this exhibition la the
brief time mentioned It must be a failure,
and would go Into the category of Washing
ton failures. The only places where such
enterprises would pay were la large cities
The people were not prepared for such an
exhibition. Tha South shonld be repre-
eented, and no portion of the country would
Improve as rapidly aa the South within tho
next fire or six rears.
tvnai naa vvasningioa in tuesuape or
artl Look at tbe Washington monument.
Look at tbe Lincoln taonnmenti the eques
trian statue of Washington. All miserable
failures. If the project was to hold this ex
hibition la Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Boston
or New York, It might be a success j but
here la Washington the people stood at aero
ae to manufactures, arts, Ac. He. thought
holding the exhibition here would result dis
astrously to the people here. There were
many persons here la the departments who.
wouia uavo to pay aouuit price tor nouso
rent, double price for board, marketing, dec,
for at least one year while the exhibition
was In operation.
General Howard thought It would bo dis
astrous not to hold the exhibition now.
They only asked the cordial approval of the
American Congress, and were sure It could
not be a failure, as tbo American people
would giro It their approbation. Tbe time
for holding It could be fixed for 1873 or 1873,
but the national ceplul was the place to
hold It. The people of the country would
sco the valuable water power here, the ad
vantageous surrounding country, aod It
would result to tbo benefit of all.
Mr. Hamlin would be satisfied with a
provision la the bill preventing It from be
coming a law until two and a half mil
lions of dollars shonld bo subscribed and
paid In.
This was accepted by the committee.
Senator Warner thought If this exhibition
was merely for the benefit of Washington
and to bolster np this elty, it was unworthy
the attention of the American Congress, but
betook It for granted that It was to show
tbe whole world what we were doing la this
country, aod to show the people of this
country what tho world was doing. Tbe
South was not prepared now to make any
show at the exhibition, but, It would infuse
new life Into that section, and be of great
Mr. namila thought the exhibition could
be held here, which was the proper place to
hold It above all others. The Booth was
now being rejuvenated, and Ibis city was a
point which could be reached by the people
or that section He thought this tbe proper
time to hold the exhibition, as It would la-
rue new spirit la the Booth, ile would
urge the passage or the bill before the
Senate, with the provision above referred to.
requiring; 93.S00.000 to be paid ta.
Mr. Morrill said he woutd da nothing to
damage tho bill, but If It was to pass would
do all In his power to make It a perfect one
and Insure success.
Messrs. Schurs and Morrill seemed to be
tbe most positive opponents of the project.
After the Senators had withdrawn, the
committee passed a resolution returning
their thanks to them for the time end atten
tion given.
Rcsts n.vn at List Coua Dow. Yon
can. rent two larre halls In Woodward's
Building for f 33 and $25 per montW Now
Is tho best time to avail yourself of such a
good opportunity, one that will probably
never be oflVred again. Apply Immediately
toG Woodward. No. 703 Klovonth street,
oetween u ana it. co-stw
Wi bavo secured at gret expense tho
but cutler of tho largest merchant tailoring
house on Broadway, New York, andean
make np suits to order la as good style as
can be procured In America or In the world
Oak Hall clothing and merchant tailoring,
Barbour A Co.. Proprietors, 633 Seventh
street, opposite Post Office.
Tm WAsnrsaTowTtumtiKCi Bociitt
will hold a meeting to-night at Temperance
Hall, wben business of Importanco will bo
LATXST raou m Lapixs. Since the In
troduction of Phalon'e Vltalht or Salvation
for tho Hair, ladles who formerly used dyes,
are universally abandoning them. They
find tbe new article go harmless, io clean
and pure, so pleasant to the senses, and
withal so sopvrior as a means of renewing
tho original color that tbey absolutely shud
der when they think of tho flltby stuff tbey
once used. eo3
1 wish, hts oki who has tested Its mer
its, and who consequently speaks from per
sonal experience, that HotTs Malt Extract
might come Into universal use, as It merlu
the preference over all tonics of the day, and
Is splendid aa a Uble drink. This celebrated
preparation serves as an excellent strength
ening beverage, a delightful tonic, and a
pleasant remedy for disorders of the throat,
chest, lungs and stomach
Bold by all druggists and grocers. eo3
Wilcox A Gran's BtwiHd Mien la a, pro
nounced the simplest and noiseless machine
la tho world, ran now be bought on cosy
terms at the aroncr. U. Buum's lloopsklrt
and Corset Factory, 815 Seventh street, be
tween u ana it. r
n hit-class BOixpnro at
street, between G and H.
.51 Twelfth
Qunuai OODBT,
Jaipasv lo. 1S7&
nrja, h tin Ml
Ibe N At 10 At. KsrVSUCiS lirJto"!.,1?'fl'u"
j7.li.TnS KMlelareWni.
litrttfV iwiuBioio, traeiiWB) wri
la the eaac of Onsviv QiuLsatadmlaUlra.
lot of 0 eerie Slarlln. deoaeMd, tka adulate
trater sroreaald baa, with tkeapvrebatlsaef the
poraUdTaaidav, tbe lit day ef Vearearr. A. p.
Ino.for tbe Seal eeidcmeal aad dlelribatioa of the
ferioaal aetata ef aald deceaead. aad ef the AiteU
i baad.aa far as Ibe aame have beea collected end
teraadlBlomoBeyi wheats where all the eradll.
ere aed Wri ofaald deeeeeedare tollied le attend,
wtto tbelr claims properly yoacbed, or ibey rav
otherwise by liw be exelaecd frtmsll beacfll la
new ntisixKss no true.
Uraud Open Ins; or It ess r. Shepherd
A Broltiere Establishment
Tho splendid Iron front warehouse of
Messrs. Alexander R. Shepherd A Bros.,
which has jast been finished, oa Pennsyl
vania atenue, between Ninth and Tenth
streets, at a cost of t9d,000, was thrown
opea for tho first time yesterday afternoon,
on which occasion a tery numerous -cord-
ynuy oi tue most prominent citizens oi
Washington assembled to Inspect the hand
some establishment and congratulate the
proprietors upon Tie harpy result of thslr
management or affairs, which enabled them
to boost of having tbe finest business house
In the city.
The magnificent establishment has a front
on Pennsylvania avenue of forty-five feet,
ana rune turuugu iq j itrtet, a aeptn ui
ninety fee. The Iron front Is four ntorlee
In height, and ll surrounded by a Mansard
rooi. ineDssemcnt is nine icet in neignti
tuo principal aour. bia,cu iwt iccvna uooTfl
fourteen feet (third floor, thirteen feett fourth
floor, eleven feeti the roof storr. ten feet. A
central stalrwsy, enterlrg from Pennsylva
nia avenue, divide tha building Into two
A large Barron's furnace, heating the
entire building, is placed tn tbe basement,
which also conutns tbo shops In which the
gas-flttlng work la done. These shops era
supplied with the machines for cutting and
preparing gas and water pipes Tbe first
floor, reached from the street by three Iron
steps, ts laid with encaustic tile, the walls
and celling beautifully frescoed.
From the celling hung a full assortment
of the elaborate gas-flxtorcs from the fac
tory of the Tucker Manufacturing Com
pany. Oa ono side of the room are placed
a number of varieties of handsome mantels,
ou the other side of tbe room are cases con
taining all aorta and kinds of brass and silver-plated
furniture for water fixtures. On
this stoiy are displayed samples of ranges,
furnaces, gas and water pipes, and In short,
everything necessary to be used. Ia the
centre of the room Is a magnificent fountain
la operation, while on all sides are seen
garden ornaments, statuettes, Ac.
Ia the ctsr of the first floor Is the counting-room,
furnished la black walnut. The
floor of this apartment Is laid In black
walnut and ash. A massive lire-proof vault
Is built to one side or tho counting-room.
From thr first floor, by a stairway of easy
ascent, the second story Is reached, tho
front portion of which Is used aa the display
room of costly chandeliers, from tbe estab
lishments of Cornelius A Sons, Phlladsl
phla, and Mitchell, Vance A Co., New York.
In the rear portion is located the private
office of tho senior member of the firm,
elaborately furnished and supplied with
bath and other conveniences. The upper
floors of the building are nted for workshops
and storerooms.
Ae the rear portion of the building fronts
on O street, that street will be the entrance
way for the workmen, and here also will be
the reception place for heavy goods, which
will be distributed throughout the building
by one of Bates largest elevators An
electrical clock Is placed In tbe highest por
tion of the building with an Illuminated
face, Showing from the Avenue Connec
tions are roado from tbls time-piece to clocks
on every floor of the building. The struc
ture la complete la all Its appointments, and
probably Is the flneit, for the business trans
acted, to be found la the country. Ills a
handsome ornament to" tbe Avenue, and re
flecta credit on the enterprising merchants
who have reared II
The following gentlemen were employed
la Its construction, under tho personal su
pervision of Mr. A. R. Bhrpherdi Architect
and constructor, Wm. II. paldwlnt builders,
Baldwin Bros.t Iron front, Barttett A Rob
bins t superintendent of brick, work, Samuel
V. Ilnrdlei Plasterer. John G. Waters i an.
caustlo tiles, French) painters, McNlchol
A Brennan
tub orxxtna.
The doors were thrown open about three
o'clock, aod from tbat time to six o'clock a
constant stream of visitors were to be seen
fiosslnr through and Inspecting the bulld
og and 1U superb appolntmenu.
Messrs. Thomas M. and We 8. Shepherd
received the visitors on the first floor, who,
alter admlilog Its handsome adornments,
pasted to tho second story, where Mr. Alex.
Shepherd welcomed ail heartily. Among
those present were quite a number of ladles
and gentlemen of note, tho latter consisting
of Senators, army and nary officers, business
men, and prominent cltlxens.
After some time spent In examining the
elegant stock, tho guests were escorted to
another portion of tho building, where was
to be found Worraley thr great with his
able corps of asslsUnU. Here also was
found a table loaded with all the elements
of an excellent repast, comprising fish,
flesh and fowl, with salads aod aweeu, pre
pared by Wormier la that excellent manner
for which he has become so noted. Tha sup
ply was bountiful. Ample Justice was done
to It, and every one present waa loud In their
praises of tbe genial hosts and their compe
tent caterer. Br 0 o'clock the great mass
of Visitors had departed, on) f to rlra war to
many others who camo to view the hand-
aome establishment uy gaa-ngpt
Fancy Goods.
308 West Baltimoro Street,
WHB EYESIGHT accurately. $uitetl
-mth FcllUi or other spectacle t oy
merely anwtfing a fa que$tion.
Opltcian, National JTotct.
m DMrlct. effloe al He roe. la Ike stale ar
alataaa, aad that the vaaaet lands tacrela be
Lda afalart ta eate aad aatrv al Haw Orleeai. la
aald lute, from aid afiet the Jt day w December
A-.. . ... ....aa-
AAsaeeinainifB ) pprttpnaieu r
l aereioitf n
Mearoe, will eeeaele he aablecl toei
nlu-a si aaJ after taa Seta abaaa tnaatl
kof UUr aaS Beeelver at Itcw Orleana will give
feturc pnbllc aotleeof tbe day ot which thev will
be prepared le receive applleatloaa for eatriet of
aav aura lands at tbelr ofiee.
UlveansJer my bene, at the desert! Lead Of.
ecUtkccliyor whlngtea, P. U.lkla tSJ i.r
of October, A. 0 lA ,
Pi trier ef tha It ifon g wtU0N.
Ctuialatloaet tf the uesml Lead Unite.
Usirsn oTirts Cossoupavbd Tasb Orriei.
illWUBLBja, a. A.,
record a
embraced la tbe Mearvt Dlttrlet oa aad after
"., "infAKWl BAltrURD, KttMcr.
. JOKS. Keeelver.
vuaaair or uti
vrAsaiiaytn Crrr, Jaatary ,
feeted prepotala for the parakeet of
UoasAO or OaDiAfct, )
atTFViriiTilPIi f
aaaarr a, ioju, 1
m roaaaer
ead a) punaSer rarroit kism. with (
luBlaweaUa aad Wriectllee. new oe ba
eavy-perda al a to. M. H.i Botlea, few
York, a'hiiedclrbta. Waaktiiioa. apd Aorfalk,
Irad b
be raaalced alible Ant eat aauflt a'elaek.
la the agtrtgete ibere are about tOQ Ocas, aot
Jarriai-R, aad W.1ST l'raJeelllcB. fcchadalee la
iall(of tee artlst'e sr eaea yard wlU be faraUbed
oa appiieaiiom ,u , obi
, tJlddeMwIllataieiben
pivot, aad the kind of projeeUlec . ,
The saei.ae.. will be delivered altbtreepeellvt
aavyyards. aad watt be reatoved bribe parehaaer
trporihaBara wltbttuaaays trier Ike aeeeplaace
ef nia or leeir via. v p"
or tbelr bid. Bat ao deliveries will be made
tf ear article earn
ave iepofcU-dwlln
ina pawee pareaaaiBg anai.
ret the fall amaast
ilea v of Ibe cons are new, end ell are services.
la. Did lata Will theranre effai acaoraiael Ma
offer for these articles ss old Iron or wood will be
. the Percan reserves Ike right to reiecl aav or all
MaewUehltmay aolcoaeUei toUelateresleflht
OotereiAtBt to ace pi.
slaved on the ei
r Chief of Uu
Chief of buret e.
ss rATEHT qrricE.
i-Tp. b C., Jeeiery 10, IS'O.
mat O. W. Uiiiiii. r J)i...
i. Pa.
i.,praylag for the cxteatloa of a naleat
loElmoelbe ISthdty of iprll, IBoi, and
a IhaSDLh diinf M eaialwr. tm. a. mm
Jprovnat 'a maklsg llraae tvrltlaat
Ills orJtrtd that the teetluoay la tht ease ba
aloaed ea the lath day of alarck e-vli that the
NDTioiyr thu DitooTiirtUAiiri or thi
fOTICI Is karaby ilvea that, pinnae! tebe
aectloanf the ail of Ceaireea, approved afar
30.1K3, eatliled. Aaacl to redact Ueeires'ce
m the eerver tad sale of tee pnbllc JaeSa ef the
Waited Siaiea,r tat PwlJtot f the United Slates
be directed Ibe dleeoat lata ace ef the Mearoe
llmefor Silas argtineala aad the Ixamlaar'e re W,
port be limited to the Bth day of Vamhaeit. aat'
loat eaia pvuuoa ft tteara ta iae
1 Pel
, mt .. mwmt mmm ' .
Ike ftUhdty tf ',
av,u iiaiiin.
CoatnUssIgacr enfsttaU,

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