gtottoitnl gtpuWta MOMDATMOtmQt , TlBBPAKTll tfTC Territorial GoYornmont for tho District. Tho Now Bill Agreed Upon by the Bub-Committee. We aire b.lo tb. bill tt' a l.rrllorl.l form ?tS?SS3S i ""' ".. VH nam. of lit Diitmiol Ue IU"mU That the icutlv power .d oo thorilT in "! "r Id District or Oo tomb lEal be vested la jtoveronr, who ehall hold hU offlM for foir vcare, i '"" " hU odflu.llfltd Tho cot- rnor shall bo it ellltcn of, and reside wlihla eld District, and nv tbe quallfloetloosof an elector Ho may iraot pardons and respites for oSootoi against tho Uwi or said District enacted bjtUo UfUUttfo assembly thorooTi ho shall oo m mil lion alloffleere who shall be elected or appointed tootOjt under tho iliwi or tho said District, enacted ,'" ?. d bill tak ear that tho lin bo faithfully ox- "see 1 That there shall be Beertaryor said District, who ahall reside thereto, and poass tho aualiflaatloa of ao elector, and ahall hold hlaomec four yeare. and until hla successor ball bo clotted Dd qualified ho shall rtoord and preserve all lawa and proeeedlos: ot the leiislatlve assembly hereinafter constituted, aod ill tho cat and proceeding ot tho iov ernor la hla executive department) ho ahall trsnsmlt one copy of tho lawa and Journals of tho leflilatifO assembly wltbla thirty days after the and of each session, and one eopy of tho executive proceedings aod ofRslal corre spondence semiannually, on tho Drat iWyof January and July in each your, to tho Presi dent of tho United State, and two eoploa of tkolawitotho President of the Senate audio tha Speaker of tho Hoveeor Kenresentallree for tho uia of Uoogrcss And it ease of tho death, romovrL resignation, or nbieneo or tho governor from tho biatrial, the aeereury iball be, aod ho la hereby, authorised aod required to eiecut aod perform all tho powera and du tleeor tho governor during auoh vaetney or absence, or until another governor ahall bo duly appointed or elected and quxUfle 1 to Oil uan vacancy Ma A rit t nrntlilnnil VAvarnor and ate relary thai! bo appointed by the President or tho United Statu, who hail hold their office reiDCetlvolr. until their suacessore ahall be looted and qualified) gorernor and secretary to bo eboieo t tho flrel general eleatlon after tko adoption or tali eat by tho elector! or tho aid District, qualified to vote for member or toe eouoou ana souse 01 representatives, wno it noiu lueir vuigee irapvciiTjf iwr tarn torn of four yearo See ft fhat leglalatlTo power aod authority In aald Dlitrlet ahall bo vested In a leglilaUv assembly, aa herelaaftor provided The legle latlve eisemhly ahall eoailit or council and houio of representative Tb eounell ahall cooilit of thirteen in ember, bar lag tho quail Beatloaa of rotora, whoso term or eervjeoohall eontlnua two yeare The home of represent ative ahall eomlit ot twentyil membera poeilng tho aama quallneatlons a pro acrtbed for tho membera of tho eounell, whoso tern of service ahall continue one rear An anDortlonmtnl ahall ba nail, aa naarlv an ul aa practicable, Into thirteen district for tho election of tho council, and Into twenty-stx district for repreaeatatlves, giving to each sest loo of tho district representation In tho ri ot ii quitiinwi Toiars, aa naarir m mmy be And the member e of the council and of tbehouaeof representatives ahall reside in and be Inhabitant or, the dlitrlet from which they arc elected, respectively And the first 1 election ahall bo held at such time and place, ! and bo conducted In such manner, both aa tu the person who ahall superintend such clcc tlon and tho roturna thereof, as tho governor ahall appoint and direct The persons having the highest number of legal votes In each of aald council districts, respectively, for mem hereof the council, ahall be declared by the rovernor to be dulv elected to the eounelli an I the person having the highest number of trgai toiii ior ins nouicoi representative la caeh or aald dlitrlet a, respectively, hall b declared by the governor to bo duly elected member or aald llousei Frofidfi, That lo eaao two or more peraona voted tot ahall haro aa equal number or rotre, ao I In ewe a vacancy ahall otherwise occur la either branch of the legislative assembly, the ttor ernor ahall order a new election And the persons thus elected to tho legislative aiem bly ahall meet at each place and on aush day aa tha Uovernor ahall appolnti but thereafter tha time, place and manner of holding anj eonductlng all election by the people, and tho formation of the dlitrtit for member or tho Council and House of Uepresentatlvei, thall be prescribed by law, a well a tho day of the commencement of the regular act Ions of the legislative assembly! PrvrideJ, That no eeealaa la aay year shall vasewU ltt iirm of sixty days, except the first scisloo, which may continue ninety daya Sec 6. That all mala cltliena of the United Statea. above the ago or twenty-one year. who ahall bar been actual resident of aald aad ahall bo eligible to aoy office wlthlo the aald District! but the qualification of voters, aad of holding office, at all ubquent tleo- mooi, saau oaauoa as snail oc pressriocd oy ""laeVnlTlT" asacmblr "sc r Thattheleglelallropowerof tboDls riat ahall a i land la all rlrhtful aubiaats nf legislation wiioio aaiu uiairiei, cunsisieai with tho Oooatltutloo of tho United State nod the provision of tnli act but all acta of the legislative assembly shall at all time b subject to repeal or modtlleatloa by the Con rrii of the United Statea. and nothlnr harala nll be eooilrud to deprive Congress of the power or legislation overcald District la a ample manner ae If tbla lew had oot been an- aciea See I That do member of tha legislative assembly antll hold or be appointed to aoy office which shall have been created, or tho alary or emolument or which shaH have been Increased while ho wai a memberYllurlag the term for which ho wa elected and for one year after tha expiration or sush teim. Sec That the tald leglslatlr assembly hall oot haro power to pass any m pott fttf law, nor law Impairing too obligation of con tracts, nor to tax the Property of tho Unite J Slates, nor to tag tho land or other properly of non resldeot higher than tha land or other property of residents: nor ahall lands or other property Ueall DUtrlet bo liable to a higher tax, In any one year, for all general objects, territorial and municipal, than on every hundred dollar or tbo oaah Talue tbereoft but apeelal taxet may b levied la particular aectlona, wards, or dlttrlst for their particular local Improroraoatsi no ahall aid territorial loisrsnisl have power to borrow money or Uauo stock or bonds for any object whatever, amoept by o Iwo-thlrd rote of caeh branch of aald legislative assembly Sec 1ft That tho legislative aaaambly shall bare power to uiiu ton puitiun u iui uim trie! not Included in the corporate Umlta of Washington or Oeorgetowo, into towniblns, and to create township office, aod prescribe tho dutla thereof) but all township officer ahall bo elected by tho people or tho town ships, respectively Bee 11. That tha property of that portion of the District not Included lu the corporation of Washington or Uaorgetown shall not be taxed for tbc purposes either or improving the treat, alley e, public sausres, or other public property of lb said cities, or either of thorn, doi for any other expenditure or a local Da tura, for tho exclusive benefit of eald cities, or olthor of them, nor for tho payment or any debt heretofore contracted, or that may he re after bo contracted by either of aald cltlc while remaining under a municipal govern ment not eooxtenalr with the District See IS. That tha propcity within the cor porate limits or Georgetown shall not be taxed for the payment of aoy debt heretofore or hereafter to be contracted by the corporation or Washington, nor ahall tho property within the oorporato Umlta or Washington be taxed for tho payment of any debt heretofore or hereafter to be contracted by the corporation of Ocorgetowniand eo long a aldeltU ahall remain under dietlnot municipal governments tba property within tho oorporato limits of olthor or eald cities ehall not be taxed for the local bene at of tho other See. 1) That 11 ehall be the duty of etll legislative assembly to maintain a system of free ceboolc forth education of the youth of aid District, and all money raised by general tasatlon or arising from donation bv Coo IS rrec ioroooipurpoaa tuau aw appropriate i rnatha aitual hanc&I of all tha Voulh nf atll District betwaea certain, ages to n defined by So 11 That tho ald legislative assembly ball have power to provide for the appoint ment or ae maoy Juetlee of the peace and no tarle public for said Dlitrlet a may li deemed Beoccaary, to define their Jurladlution and proccrlbo their dutioei but Justices of the peace ehall oot have Jurisdiction of aoy con. trovarsv In which tho till or land mar bo In dispute, or It which the debt or aum claimed ahall exceed one hundred dollara ProrLUd. Aciccwr, That all Justice of the peace and no taiiea puuua buw ia camioiiiiou snail con tinue In office till their present coumlsslona oxpiro, unless aooncr removed pursuant to ex lstlog lawa HCO 1ft Thattha luillalal eniitli nl aaM Tlla- trtst ahall rsmata as uow orgaolied until abol 1 bod or changed bv not of Oongreait but aald legislative assembly st.aU have power lo pas law modifying tha practice thereof, aud con ferring ueh additional Jurisdiction as may be Boecaaaryto the due execution and enforce ment of the lawa or aald District) and ahall also hare power ta establish by law a police court with one or more Judges, and euch mlo lsterlal officer aa may be deemed necessary thereto, aad to prescribe the power and Jurla dletlonof such court, tb manner or appoint ing the Judge or Judge aod all other officer thereof, and tb terms ot Ibelr office re peciiveiy Sec 10 That the office ud dutlei of attor ner and marshal of aald District ehall remain ae undsr existing lawe till modified by act of engross) out Bald legislative osscmoiy snail is yuwu i impose suou auuiiiuuw uuiisa upon said officers respectively, a mar bo i V"."Ar l0 tb da aoforccmadt of Ue laws icf said Dltmt Sec. IT Thattha aai.l L.i.i.ti.. miMit , I.? -tpM,r t0 ' hU aald Ui krlel oorporattona agiregaio for rellglOU. Charitable, odusatlooat, industrial or eommer Kiai auroaaea. and ta da. k.i. .. rrr ""T ll l Uf B4.UIH.I mrpaiHiiu'iiV;,;.' ,J Ifituij r stars r.7nft''-, Tbil U that pari or the If rrl fiw oVioSuait. SUtn. tuelil 1t4 wlthlo lb HnTtiaVlli DUtrlet olUjIumbla, be, aod th laglonaol flMtrotowai but ahall not power to establish any bank of circulation, nor to authorise aoy eonpany or Individual to lsiue note for circulation ae money or tur reoert frovWei, AewvMr,Thatlf aald Charter of washlogton and Ooorgotowa, or olthor of them, bo repoalod. or ao modlfled to take away the power otUtatlon, tho aald loglala tlve assembly ahall have power to levy a apeelal tax upon property wllhla each corpo ration for tho peynoal of tho dabte there or. and ihail have power to aboil h tho Lory Court. Sec II Thai all acta and part of acta or Congress relating to aald District of Uolunbla, not ineooalalonk with tho provlsloo or thte act, ahall reoiato In foroo until aao.ll Had or repealed by tho leglslatlvo assembly or aald District or by Oonrroea, See If. That tha UvlUfl aaamMw .11 haro power toftrotdbv law forth aittnn or appolataaonf of auch ministerial officers a may be deemed neeeaaary to carry Into otTeet the lawa of aald prescribe) their datlee, their terme or oQco, and the rtto and meaner or their earn pen sat lo. Bee. 14 Thai tho governor, aeeretary and police Judge or Jadge in b aopolatod par eueat to lhle net shall, before tkr aclaaouch. aay Judge ol tho Uletrlat of Uolneabla, or snns usiieo m io peaeo in mo usaita of aald le- rtU dnlr OatllOrllOCl Itt tulailaUlaa aalhana afllrsaatloeia or tho lawe sse la far tkaraia, of baforo tba hla-f Maria aa aaaaA ihiuI.i Jtleor tho 8s ocoart of the United maiaau a ri uonsuiouoa or lho UoltMSlatOO sad la. fallvlaiUikirH Ika dutleaot their roepo. of&eoe, wfeteh td oains, wit e laaea, on an m oertiood by the Craoo by whoea oaes ahall bar boon koai cod each eertlfliee ehall bo received aod recorded by the aald secretary among the oaocntlvo proeoodUgei aa4 nil civil officer In aald District, beroro Ibey ael ae each, ahall Uk a Ilk oath or a farm alio a baforo the tald gorernor or oeeroUry, or aoano Judge or Jostleo or lho pease of tho District, who may bo duly commissioned aod ao alia ad. or before iheehief Justice of the Supreme Court of tho United niaies, waifs ai4 oaia or amrmaiionanaii do ertlOed aad transmitted by tho pereon taking tboaamo to tho secretary, to bo by him re corded a aforesaldi and afterwards tha Ilka oath or affirmation shall bo takes, certified an j roeoraeu in eusa manner anu lorm aa may bo prescribed by law See 21 That the gorernor ahall reoalre aa annual salary of dollarst and lho aeeretary ahall receive an annual eaUry or dollars, aod that tho tald aalarlei shall be paid quarter yearly, from tho date of the respective ap pointments, at tho Treasury ot tho United Biimi mi I'njiuaui auaii uv mnun uniii said officer ehall hav entered upon the duties of their respective appointments Tho mem bers of tho legisleMT assembly shall be entitled to reeelva four dotlats each per day during tholr attendance at tba cession thereof, aod ao ad ditional allowance of fourdolltra per day shall be paid tho presiding officer ofoacn house for aaah dir ha ahll aa nraslJa. A nit a. atiiaf clerk, oneaaslaunt clerk, ooccncrosslng aod one enrolling clerk, a aergoaot-ai arms, may be chosen for each houi aod the chief clerk anau receive iour uouara per uay, anu too aald other oDleerc three dollarc per day, during the ICSIlOB vi iui i(iaii aoiDif DUI SO other oOoer ahall bo paid by tho United State Prorldsd, Thai there ehall bo but one issiloa of the legliletlvc aeaembly annually, unless on an extraordinary occasion the gov ernor aliall think proper to call the legislative assembly together There ahall bo appro priated annually by Ooagreai a eumelent cum, to be eipenJed by lho rovernor, to defray Uio contingent eipcnaea or tho District, Including the salary of a clerk of tho ciccuttrc depart ment, not exceeding dollar per annum And there ahall alio be appropriated annually a sufficient euro to ba expended by tho aeore tary of the District, end upon an estimate to be made bv the Secretary of the Treasury of tbc United stale, to defray the expenses of the legislative assembly, lo prlatlog the laws, and other incidental CXDcnaea And tho tor ernor aad secretary of the District ahall, in the disbursement or all money Intrusted to them, be governed aoieir oy ine instructions or tho Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, aod shall semi annually account to tho aald secretary for the manner ta which the afore said money ahall haro boon expended) aod no expenditure ahall bo made by eld legislative assembly ol funds appropriated by Congress for objects not especially authorised by acts of Congress making the appropriations, nor be ronu i eeta. Ran. SI That tho leaislatlve anarablr f th District of Columbia ahall hold its first imlnn at ueb time and place In aald District aa the I governor thereof ahall appoint and direct Sec SI That a delerate to tha House of Hen reaentatlvec of tha United States, to serve for the term or two year, who shall baa cllnen Ot tne uniiea amies ana oi ina uisirict ot Uo tumble, may be oleoted by tba voters qutllfle 1 to elect member of the legislative assembly, who ahall be entitled to tho ism rights ami privileges as are exercised and enjoyed by the delegates from the several Territories of the United Statea to the House of Kepreaenta tlvest but the delegate first eleoted shall hold hla et only during tho term of the Congress to which he shall boclected Thetlrst electlou shall be hell at the time and places, and be conducted In euch manner a the election for members of the council and home of reprc seatatlres are oonductcdj and at all sabse queot elections tho time and placee and the manner or holding the elections shall be pre scribed by law The person having the great eat number of legal rotee shall bo declared by tho governor to bo duly elected, and a certln eate thereof ahall be given accordingly Thnt tha Constitution and all the lawa of tho United States, which are not locally Inapplicable, shall have tho Basic force nod effect within the said District or Columbia aa etsewbere within the United States. Sec 21. That all officers to be appointed by the President of the United Statea, by and with tho advice and consent of the Senate, for the Dlitrlet of Columbia who bwlrtnanf mo provisions ot any law now existing, or which may bo enacted hy Congress are re quire! to give security for moueye that may bo Intruded with them for disbursement, hall giro each security at such time and In such manner aa the Secretary of the Treasury mar nreaorlbe Sec 23, ThaUor the purposes of lho first aivouou iw vm nviu uausr tun asi mv governor anu juujiea 01 in oui'ivuii uouri i mo iiis trlel ot Columbia ehall deilrntts tha rtlatrlata for members of the council and house of repre sentatives, anu pressrinc an other necdiul rules and regulation for carrying into effect the provision of this act, not otherwise herein provided for. LociL Buevitibj St. Patrick day I Lo be celebrated by oar Irish fellow-cltliens la Tarloui manner. A public dinner will be among the festlrltlc. At night a grand oaii i to do given at uaareuowr nan dj P. O'Xell Crowlej Circle, FenUa Brother hood. Colombia Commanderr. Knlffht TomDlir. are making complete ftrrangemcnU for tbelr grand ball, at liaionlc Temple, on the night of the 1st of March. A noTelty will be the Scottish iword dance and a Highland fllrg la fait coBtnmei. Mote Johnson, colored, wa icntto 111 for obtaining $11 from Joseph Gardner tinder false pretence. A boat 8 o'clock yesterday morning; Officer Smith obiemd a colored man la the act or stealing a window sash from a house on VI street, betwaan Twelfth and Thirteenth. The officer gave choc to the thief, when ho dropped tot aia ana ouccccaca m cuocuog uie eacaro fiiaioui Illsss or a Well-Ksowx Cituem, We regret to learn that one of oar prominent citizens, Mr. u. w. Bolder, wo airacK who paralysis, wune silling in hi room at his residence en Missouri are nne. ahont 11 o'clock on Salnrdav nlffht. Mr. Boteler haibeei suffering from bright' disease of the kidneys for eome lime past, bat waeas well as nsaal on Saturday np to the moment of being talced with tbl at tack. He ha remained unconscious since that lime, and his nhrslclana. Drs. John stori aad Dexter, who hare been constantly la attendance, express bat little hops of his recovery. Fire. Abont twelve o'clock TcitcrJnv an alarm of fire was sounded from box 41, vucu uj iuo uurumg oi a loi oi paper in the store of Mr. Waggaotan, on I street, near Thirteenth. A ping stream was brought Into requisition by the Franklin company, and lho flame speedily quenched dumagu The alarm of Are turned la about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon was occasioned by the bnrnlnr of a foal chlmnev of a dwelling on Fouraad a-half street, near Pennsylvania avenne With a tIcw of selllne; off rapidly lil ai-ocK ui wioier gooas, bit, a Diraus, pro Prletor of the clot hi dc house on tho north aide of Pennsylvania arenno, third door east of Eloventb street, ba determined lo eui ui cnuro iocx oi gooas ai cost, inose In want of dree ealts, baslnons snlts, line casslmere pants. Test", or anything la the way of Gents' furnishing goods, would do well to call at his establishment. TusCissor Josticb Smith. At tho In stance of Justice David K Bmltb. the conrt Ot lane, on Saturday, appointed General It D. Mnsaey commissioner to lake testimony oa the charge preferred by Corporation Attorney Cook azalnet him. tho particular of which were published la the IlgrcBUCiv owe two weens ago. ' a- Mkssri. M. W. Galt A Bbo . the Mtll known Jewellers, No. 1107 Pennsylvania are one. between Elerentb and Twelfth streets. advertise a Urge assortment of handsome articles la their line. Tub J ud re of election for the city of George town will be la session at the Market qquso uau, on wcaoesaay ana i nun aay next, from Oam to 3 p. m. each day, for tho porpoee of correcting the pojl list. Thb Bin Kmonis of Washington Com mandery NO. 1, and member of the Hope Lodge F. and A. A. M,, will find Important notice elsewhere. An advertiser la another column wUhes to exchange Chicago real estate for Wash. Ington or Norfolk i roperty. A IPBCH.L yiiTixo of the board of dlrec- tore or the Prorldent Aid Society will be bcld thl afternoon at 0 o'clock. Tan ataamer Arrow will resume regu lar trips to Mt. Vcraoa (o-daj. nELIUIOTJS (liMron HorTleaa Voatorda-r rorTaa raaarTaiir crttraoH The pulpit was occupied lo tho morning by the pastor, Bey John V Smith, li U who preached from Second Timothy, 11116, "And that from a child thou bait known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make tboo wlae unit aatvatlon through faith whlsh 1 In Christ Jobub ' The apostle addressee two letten to hie son Timothy, who was not a usb of letter or of fame It wa not a maa of earthly distinction Ho was a pleasant and Interesting child, whoso mother hod frandmothcr had led holy lives, and thslr plrlt wa his In this simple record Timothy ha a name and fame which Is Imperishable lwoaldthat every child la tbl house were as Timothy. Most parente are aoalous eon eornlnsT tho temporal welfare aod alvanee ment of their children, but fall In the most Important part that In which Timothy wa especially trained 1 remark In tho first placet Those Hcrlptures hare la them this light, and ar able to make wise unto salvation All Scripture I glvsn by Inspiration of Ged, and Is profitable fr reproof, for doctrine aod for lastrnctloo U righteousness The Bible Is often red an 1 eiplatned without wlidomunto alvatton When this i don the great benefit I loot Tb marlaeri chart 1 to be relied on la trav ersing an unknown and tempestunu ocean Theic ecrlpturea are to make u wl unto salvation. ''The entrance of thy word glveth light I remark, aceond Timothy wae a lured be cause of those of whom ho had learned these great truths Tbero Is something sacred in tbo Instructions or a mother and a graod mother, and Timothy had a bead to appreciate these Instructions Hhall wa not renew our consecration to-day, parente, teacher, and htldrenl Tho Sabbath achool 1 aa adjunct ortho church or lata day, aod IlBteaaher are Beat In Importance to parent. Knowledge 1 power, and thl power applied, the effects ar seen In every direction. Honor Is of Uod, aad It chould b our aim to bring all moo Into these honorable relation with Christ, In struction should b mad tcasant.aadlt should b the object of parents to make the study of Ood word the pleaaanteat of all atudles Ia our Instruction doeeuobeilcf hay a place In ourmlndcl Not ao with the Instructors of Timothy. If we trust la the latter It klllota the spirit glveth life s icmarn, inirui not oniy ar tneso instruc tions, this aerlntura aJuatlnn tn ha iimm. rllshed, but wo are to eonUnue la the faith owpalnful 1 the falling off of young meo wuuuau tuuu lumamiapi wacrcia iuou oast boon Instructed lo continuance alone I iut ces There I do crown unless and until the whole race Is rua and the goal reached 11 nally, thtssalvntloo Is through Christ Jesus. Wbcn tha work or faith Is not begun nothing la done 1 alth I tb active prloclple eeen In the lire Knowledge alone may lie dormant and Increase the condemnation "fly grace y are saved through faith " The object of all oor loatruellon should bo to have children made wlae unto ealratlen, aod com and confess Christ before men Let us all become wise unto salvation Iter l)r Merwla, of New Yotk, preached Intba arternoon from these wordsi "Christ also hath loved us, and given himself for us, an offering and a aaerlfico for us a a wt m 111 of savor " VlRaT baptist cncaoH, In the morning I)r Cuthbert, tb pastor, f reached too large and appreciative audience rom tho text, "Ye or the light of the world.' Matthew ri Is. The object of the ssrmoo, wasi llrst To refute the Idee that II Is possible for any person to live a Christina life without letting hi tight shla aad tb world seeing it. just a tbo planets reflect the light or the sun, so Christiana should re flect the light of the glorious un or Right oousaees Second That Christians should be a shin ing beacons, warning men or tb world to lurn from the dangers and snares of the read on which they arc traveling, aad pointing tham to the narrow road, which lead to life eternal (h, beware) lest la that day you shall be told that because your llghtwas not ahlntag sometoul waa shipwreeksd on th saada of death la th evening he preached from the subject, "Tbo two prominent signs of the times,1' taking aa his teut the question which our Lord asked tho Pharisees Can ye not discern th Blrosottbc tlmest" Th atina of th times of out Lordaarre. spond to the signs of our time llrst, war and political agitation were brooding over the whole earth At the time of Christ lho last kins: oat on the throne or liraaL To-dartha nation of Lurope are hanging on tbe edge of a preolplce, ready at any momeri to fall to E lee as Wobavohad a shock "alth has left alf of our country a wilderness, from which John the fltptlst cries, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord " Second, the religious agitation which brooded and braoda ov tha what earth These algoa foretold lho destruction of juaaism vrnai ao iney now loreteill Kit tho destruction or tho Catholic Church or Is It that the si day's work Is ovar and we are about to rnter upon tho seventh, the day or !, ion (uiucuiuui i iiuu uuij allows THHWOMKff OF TH I0ID LI TniTISISHASVI Her Dr Newman a sixth discourse on tb "Women of tb Bible" wa delivered last evening Th attendance wa large, notwlth standing the storm Tho teat was, Mark Ix i toi "Now when Jesus was risen earlv tha first dty or the week, he appeared first to Mary Magtaleur, out of whom he had east seven devils bo long as tho world siMl stand, so long Bhall the three Mary, of bible remembered with affectionate de llrht Marv. the mother of out Lordi Uirr. tbc slater of Laiarui, and Mary Magda- leoo. Mary th mother of-our Lord, th In strument to bring a Saviour Into the world to counteract the Influence of the first woman. to secure for u that provision by which wo may be restored ultimately to the second 'bo long as humanity shall need a Saviour, so long shall she bo appreciated In th hearts of tha church as th mother of Jesus Christ. Next to her Is Mary of fletbsny, tb jalet, devoted Christian, whose chosen place was the feet or the Master The ointment which she gave preparatory to his burial wae a memortal notonlvlo him but to her. Thatastaf here shell embalm her memory for all generations to come Then third, Mary Magdalene, lh ooovcrt, the constant frlsnd, the devoted Chris tlao. ahe. whose Hdb first nreelalmcd a risen Saviour These three women stand be- ore us Alary, the mother or our Lord, the instrument Mary, of Jiethaoy. tb devoted Christian i Mary Magdalene, in permaaant convert unlike perhaps la person as they were la mental and moral characteristics, yst alike In spirit and united aa one heart Some bare confounded Mary Magdalene with Mary the slater or Latarus But othcre make a greater mistake lo rcrcrcaoo to ber She ha been regarded as on that we call at th present time Magdalen But neither In Matthew, Mark or Luke Is there a shadow of froor that she was such a person. JJoth la he Homan an J lo the Protestant Church there ba been a dlsDosltlon to mamlv tha miracu lous nower of Christ br blastlna tha eharac icr oi tnis person An i an inosa cnarnaoic Institutions known as Magdalene Institutions, If taken from Mary Magdalene, ar mis nomers, for the api llcatlon has no foundation whether talceu la history or la logic or la ex Dr, Newman then eonsldered, first, tb con version of Mary Magdalsnei second, ber de votion, ana men nar rawaru, n si smug 10 tbc extraordinary aspects of her conversion, namely, the csstfng out of tbc seven devils, b warmly dsfended the theory of her actual possession br demons as opposed to tho the orythat they were only diseases 11 eon- tcnaeu mat tne tneory of demon was most consistent with reason, a well a with the alible record Iteferrlog lo her ooostaney, she was last at the grave, a ahe wa first at th sepulchre. The hope of Woman is more enduring than man She Is the last to giro up in despair la tho fcret hour of adversity, when rVsfortuna comes, when honor Is blasted, It li woman's constancy that shows out la It brilliancy, that strengthens a man, sarvca his arm, anu tuuiti iirim m nupn juany a man is in debtedfor the restoration of hi fortune to th constancy of his wife Considering her reward Dr Newman plc- iuiiu in vf nuiwut iuui iu igins li mm sepulchre on the morning of the third day, when tho ooostaney and devotion of Mary was rewarded by being the first to see her risen Lord, and to announce hi resurrection to ine worm The sermon was closed by aa earnest, Im- Eresstre appeal to those present to give their carts to Christ, that at last they may enjoy the reward be will give TH WO 11 Alf onasTiox. Tho hall or the New Masoolo Temple, corner Ninth an I I streets, was crowded to bear Rer Dr Hoynton, the pastor, who preached from 1st Corinthians, xl, 8 1 "But I, would have vou know that th head of every man Is uuiiiti puu iuo iibku ui tag woman is tne man, and the head or Christ la Ood " Dr Boyntoa alluded to the agitation which la now rolnr oo for tha amanalnatlnn f woman, and aald that tho arguments and the phrases that were used for the abolition ot negro alavery are, with eome obangea which the case requires, the framework of most or iud spceones in tuis war tor icmaic inaopcou enee The scene or cruelty and oppression Is trans ferred from the plantation to oar families and home It is not oow the ilavee of the South, but tho poor, wretched, heart broken wires and mothers In these Christian household who are clanking their chains aod sighing fur deliverance Our sympathies, our tears, our efforts are Invoked In behalf of such forlorn, down trodden bondwomen a we sec every bright day adorning their costly carriages with their own super(or elegance, or making th long Avenue ooo moving, daisllog picture of splendid dress and happy faces, and we are expect 1 to believe that every ooo of them Is woiso treated than the negro Blare, for ho rotes nowj aad erery heart Is supposed to be Ightng, or at Icaat ought tube Bigtiiog, fur the year of Jubhee lollowlng this style of reasoning at some length he said the effect of euch exaggcr tlona and misstatements Is evil only and con tinually, and especially when by insinuation or direct statement the Idea Is coat eyed that all these et Us spring from the present views and practlcs of marrisce, and society would ha perfected If womtu could choose a new husband ae she does a new bonnet, aod hate at the stmc tlmo a ballot la her band lhsre w4BdoubtIcs much abuse of power and privilege In every relation of lifei there were many tyrannical even brutal husband) there are maoy lll-advlsed, unhappy mar rlngcst but these abuses dj not spitng out of the Christian law or marriage, but from the evil Dasslona of th unsanoilned heart Th Christian law of marriage la lb only safe guard wbleb women ha aver found In the world's history yet, or will find till she reaches heaven Tha anaalter then went on ta bv IUI I... cause man was mau int neat oi too woman it dIJ mat neeessartlr nrova her infarlnrit in support of thl he showed that cash one of ids iuiiuii i ui uvu vrvaiures WBS Dlaaed In the dos It Ion alone It was bait adn Aoy other supposition would Impeach the wliJoin and the love of Uod Th difference in else, velocity and density of tha planet evinced no superiority, but rather aarooldcnc of th general harmonr ol th creation bo with every living area. fitted to Its nature to itrtunnta itm.i.L. .. supply It wants "" the graded order which Ood ha astabllsaed for tawijlfcat btloit It so cisrlysUtid in theblble that tbar can he no mistake At the head of thl hklaof bl"g I Uod th father and Rnler over all, N sit Is J ecu i UhrlBit Uod tha Father I his head, and ChrUt latojal tho head of ma, and maa In hie torn I beadef the woman Oo another Hoc of this order Christie desisted to be head over all th angel la Christ de fraded beoaoie th father Is hi hadl Ar he angels poor, servile creatures, elaeklag their chains la Heaven because Christ l I heir head andrulart Hans aaama. thought bo, and thslr attempt to emancipate themselve did not raosh Improve their condi tion. And If woman spurna the appointed orderof uod she mty become Ue fallen angel Of earth . ' If Christ I aot degraded because he Is sub eervleal to the Fatblri if th angels and man ar not enslaved because Christ is their head and ruler, why I woman deprived or her right and thrust out of her position In crca tlon because she, like Chrlst.llk th aogals, Ilk nao, ba been placed la subordination to ahead! It 1 no answer to say that man Is hlmscir degraded, weak, and often unreasoa bl and cruel. It Is sadly true. But woman, too, ba rallen has fallen a low as maot the relative position ha not been ehcaged II pok at length of the necessity of a head, aad the duty of each to faithfully dis charge the duties of tne position la which thsy ars piBcnu, which, aiiaougn pernaps doi a high a another, was equally important When Sherman wa marohtog to tb sea did h halt hi army and harangue hi soldier be cause he wa subordinate to Urant t Because two creaturce are appointed to different sphere and work, one seemingly higher than the other, did not prove that one Isladlvldu ally Inferior to tho other. This fact Is often forgotten lo this discos, slon because the moment It la assarted that man br Uod anoolntment holds a htrhar nffl. cial position than woman, the Inference Is In stantiy urawn mat woman ic treated as an Inferior! that aueh a relation decradea and opprei ber, and deprives her of her proper position aad right. The proper dlitlnclton Is oiniof diiwhd omciei position ana indi vidual character No personal superiority will juatiry a subordinate la dltobsylsg the superior otQcer. Mr Stanton' renlv to tba Conerssitanat committee, that the brain power muct decide when differences arose between husband and wife, he pronounced dangerous and delusive, than which nothing ooo Id b nor ao. It I Kermltted nowhere Ufflelal authority decides i every question Ho ettedlostanse lagov frnmcot, In tho conduct of a military cam paign, aod la all organised forms of society. it does not show superiority or Inferiority that maa ha been selected for oa work and woman for another, nor even if man has th fuiuans ana control in tno rough contests of ife, desalt show th Inferiority of woman Neither Webster nor Clay could hr guided a ship la a storm as aafely a many a rude sailor, and yet, lo suck a case, tbelr highest wisdom would har been to obey th sailor' directions, Dr, Hoynton then proceeded to examine what freedom Ic Ireedom I th liberty tn boileva aad do and cnlnv all that wa ara aana bt of wlthlo the proper sphere of the nature which Ood haa bestowed That creation Is free which without let or hindrance may ex paad oa all sides to the fullest proportione of a perfect creature of It kind Th lion la free when nothing prevent him from reach log the perfection of the Hon nature Tbc rose I free when nothing dwarfs Its fair proportions, or atalna th lustra of Us beauty, or robs It of It fragrance. Woman Is free when ah mar become a perfect woman, ac cording to Ood' own conception of woman's !rfetlon It Is not necessary to the free om or tho Tull development or tho happloese or woman that ah should become a men lo Man and woman were too unlike fa admit at a comparison A to superiority or Inferior ity, Ibey ar th counterparts of each other u inu, vyiKUi lurming oaa ucnsoi wooie There Is no Indication or any Inferiority or lack of power on lh part of woman The Creator placed no mark of Inferiority on wo man' brow "Mate and female, created He them and blessed them, and called their name a a am id in uay wncn tney were ereatea " She stood, bearing upon her brow equally with her partner the Image of Uod, sharing, as bit qoeen. with him the dominion of the earth, as richly endowed as the man, but fit ted by ber more spiritual natur and her more exquisite sensibilities for a more delleate work than hi. Woman as she Is walk a queeo, full roy ally endowed In body and lo mind tho esrtblr representative of these attributes of Uod. which are winning th world for Christ, and It this does not satisfy her ambition she mutt ask to bo created anew Subordination of otfice Is precisely what Christ accepted for the salvation of th worll, and what be did not refuse may, with no sense of inferiority or servility, bo accepted also by woman lo bearing her part In the same groat mission. Let neither man or woman undervalue the equally glorious endowment which each haa received; and perceiving that their dissimilar power Pt them for different hut alike honor able and Important spheres, ask that culture which Bbail best perfect both manhood and womanhood, and united In heart and purpose, though In separate pursuits, produce a emu lation which ehall express alike the massive strength and energy of the one and the beauty, the fennemeot, the brilliancy aodtho elrganee of the other. The Litb Jonx 11. Uolstov, IlBq John H. lionstfj, esq , of the Second Comptrol ler. vZce, who died oa Friday last, at the as of 7 years, was a natlro of Lancaster county. Pa , and a son of the Hon. Baranel Houston, who represented that district la Congress for six years during tho adminis tration of Mr. Monroe, and who was elected In opposition to James Buchanan, tbo Fedo r.l mmJUm. J.. bail; ago II. IXOUStOU catered the conattng.hoase of Willing A Francis, of Philadelphia, who were among the most prominent merchant of that day, and aubscqaenltj made, la tbelr employ, overal voyages to Europe, After his retire ment from the sea he was appointed by Mr. Iloib. la 1823, a clerk la tho Trcasnrr. with which Department he wa connected almost continuously for forty six years. Daring the administration of Mr. Bacuan an ho wa chief clerk of the Second Comp troller' Office, the arduous and responsible dntle of which post he discharged with great ability. Mr. Houston, to talents of a superior or der, united wit and humor In no common measure, and aa overflowing benevolence. which made him everybody' friend. He was at all limes the faithful servant of tbo public, which he served la a municipal ca- Saclty for many year, and always as the eter mined opponent of extravagance and corruption. In his manner he was a conrtly gentleman of the old schooh In hi religions habit a Presbyterian i In hi no- llllcal, aa he often declared, a Federalist of the school ot Hamilton. To the old and yonnp alike bo wa a most ddlebtfal com panion, his reminiscences of social and po- uMa iuo m a uuauoipuia null tvaQU)glon running back to 1810. Ha was an Intimate friend of General Jackson, of James Buch anan, of Mr. Crawford, whose acquaintance he formed In France when that great states man wa our minister at the conrt of Na. poleoo, aod of Mr. Rush, and held the most incnaiy relations with Mr, Clay, Mr. Cal bono. Mr. Van Bnrcn. and manv nthae du. tlngnlshcd men, of both parties, from 18i0 iu me uay ui uia uoaia. Ur. Houston wa eminently happy la lit domestic relations. Ills wife, a most call, mable lady, a daughter of the celebrated Com. Trnxton, aad several children survive mm. in ciaoai son resides in Philadelphia. His second, an elegant and accomplished officer of the navy, died several years ago, at Malta. Hit youngest son, Jarae U Houston, Is aa engineer of tbe navy, and rank very high In Els profession. Tekjubli Destitctiow, On Friday last a case of dsstltalloa la oa of General How aril's bnllding, In tbe Sixth ward, was re ported to Mr A. K. Browne, tha rancrnl agent of the Provident Aid Society, It being an aged colored woman who wa sick and perisniog, witDoat inei or clothing. Mr. Browne at once loaded two carts with wood and a quantity of provisions and blanket aad repaired to the building, but the woman bad expired before his arrival. lis found over 800 person la this bnllding, most of tutu iu iciiiuij ucoiuuw circumstance, ana divided bla charities among 24 of the most needy families. In on small room bo found a woman elck, without fuel, lying upon straw In one cor ner, with an lntant child sneklog at a loaf of bread which had been obtained from tbe association. Many of them were without covering other than a single blanket wrapped about their person. It cem hardly credi ble that such destitution can exist wkbln sight or the Capitol. Aiuost 1 P me. During, lho perform ance of Robert Macalre, at Wall' Opera Douse, on Satnrday evening, a panic wa almost created by the cry of fire being raised. The entire audience rose to tbelr feet, and for a few moments a scene of the wildest ex citement was witnessed. A strong smell of burning rarer pervaded tbe bonse. and It seemed for a few moment as If tbore was cause for alarm. The presence of mind of Mr. r rank Mordannt. who was on thu atarra. and Mr. Geo. II Tyler, tho business mana ger, who was la the body of the bouse, served to quiet the frightened audience, not, however, before aeveral ladle hnrt faint. It was soon discovered that there was no cause for alarm, and the performance went iior twenty minutes' at my. -j ae troubio na. uvtMiouoa uy a iiguica matca having been thrown Into a stnvn nhom ilmm , lot of waste paper nin ttv t .. it... i. -a .. uuna t,f WirifLl, 4UB CUIt OI Li. i". - iv. .us vuijvittiiuu ui TIHaUlUK- -, uw, vi tuo sum vi e t oa, came up before Jostleo Waller on Friday aftcrnoou, when Judgment was rendered In favor of ntalntllVliB II.. J- J.-. S.I l Cm 7. ""ui "" usivuusui iturongn . L 0a hill, esci ,) stating to tbe ma .Ti trate that the corporation would not ttetind tbe case any further. A Liaox Stock of Black Goods for Gen tlemen's gaimcnts for ordered work. Black Dress Coats, from tM to 145. Black Pantaloons, from 110 to $18. Black Vests, from $3 to tlo. One Trice Only. Oao. C. Hxmhivo, ?To. ilO Scfcmti itrcct norlhwtst. , Tntnn Wnn nafiBtIflUr. A meUnr wai held at Union Uagoe hall on Ditiifur evealng of inch Republican of the Third ward a are opposed lo the present munici pal administration. Mr. A. F. Klnaey wai called to the chair, with Alex. Adatnsonal secretary. In opening tha meeting tho Chair made a few remarks, saving that It wa time those bonast-mlnded Bepabllcan of the ward who were opposed to the present 'one-man power" wun wmeu our kij afflicted should assemble aad organli. Tbe following resolution was reaa uj ms secretary t Whereas tho present city adttlnlstrstloo, by aa Illegal, corrupt, and reckless course, , baa forfeited th respsct aod support of all tru IiepuMieaoat ineretorr, )Ni,(asthe sense of this neetlaf) That WO win omimi, " ...;.. 71Z7 .- ilrfeat th reelect loo to aoy office within oar lift of HaylesJ Bowen,orof any other pcr- as to make htm a party to th gtoeral aalarul. Considering the resolution Mr. Canning ham spoke of the mainer la which city aQaln have been administered by Mayor Bowea and hla itr, who, he said, had of late become o alarmed that tbev had been to t)overnmnt officials, to tbe CommltUu on th District and to tbo Praldut of the United State and poisoned their mind In regard to those who were foremost In this reform movement, aaylog that tbsy were not Republicans. He referred to the sbame fal manner In which Mayor Bowen had acted towards Lieutenant Hurley, and claimed that the action of Mayor Bowen and hi majority In the board of police was a license to the rowdy element to do what Ibey pleased la defiance of the police. Mr. Kinney thea mad a abort address la regard to the general aspect of municipal affair. Mlor Frank U. SUtt thouxht the resolu tion as presented wa too general In It char acter. The best plan would be to elect the nominees of th reform party, for nomina tions would be made, and la all probability the person nominated would be elected. This, be thought, would be a better plan than to pass a resolution a that which had Dccn ouere. II then presented an amendment striking oat that portion of the resolution referring to particular parties. Mr. Crossman asked leave to make a few remark, although not a resident of tbe Third ward. He thought tbe resolution offered wae last and proper. The move ment la behalf of reform la the city govern ment had been begun, and wai being carried forward by good and true Republicans, and in ausmpi tnai was oeiog maae oy certain parties to Ignore this fact Is destined to meet tbe fate It deserved. Tha reformist must asltate the eharirei of corruption aud misrule that bad been maae against too present municipal admin istration and enltst the effort of good meo, s that when the time for primary election come, none but men who cat b trusted will b nominated for office. The state of politi cal auairi in mis cuy is a oaa a is uoaer Democratic rule In New Tork city, and the Republican party mutt purge ttsc'fof th hanrera-on who have attached them! res only for spoil they can gather. ne Bpeaxer men aennea hi Hcpuoucaa Ism, proclaiming himself la favor of th moat Radical reforms of social aud religion equality, or tonality la the bom circle, ta church worship, and la the cometerlu of the dead. No distinction should bo made any where. In concluding, Mr.Croaiman urged that the ball of reform, which had been placed In motion, should be kept moving. A voto being taken, the amendment of Major Stltt wae rejected, the resolution aiopied, and tbe meetlog adjourned. PaoviDiT Aid Aooiett. A meeting of the board of directors of tbe Provident Aid Society was held tra Saturday evening, when Mr. A. Hart, chairman of the committee ap pointed to wait on Captain Brtfcea, reported tbat he had called oa CapUla Bridie, and he bad concluded to co-operate with tbe society, and would honor th ordrs sent by the director. He had concluded that four days of the week he would Issue rations, and the other three dara conn. Mr. J. P. Tost In stated that hi hA .alld on Captain Bridge and found that a tro- ujsaaoHB cuon naa rjeen made by certalrf parties to divert tho entire road of $30,000 from the hands of tbe officer It wa la trusted to by the War Department, but It had failed. After quite a lengtbj Interchange of opin ion, Mr. A. S. Solomons offerej the follow ing resolitlont which was adf.Dtedi ii "7 Th? ! "try of tbl aiaoela- Wz, - "niqwpiii a linages, u. o , U H A .thaofflssr rfataiiad .. th. u....i. or War to distribute th 3a,,tHJb appropriation 7,""'"J "ui' tor rcuei oi too boor of this cltr. atatlnr h .i iki, .nAiiitinn will cordlallr eo-operai vith him, In accord anae with th mutual understaodlDg bad with him by a eub-comrtte or thta hnart, to fuMiiaim oooraoa objoct U rtewi aal tha directors of this raclatton. whose slcaaturea tv i 1 . mnvrifteu ia gircoruori uuoa blm forfooL ami . T. --....! ?uA?"e,, froeeito, blankets, bed aod other .imyiui.iucauira mala disposal said or ders to tic rttsuajta.1 iha.ji ..i- The secreury was instructed to notify r' iajBiv ui ma meeting ot ine . uuiu wtu ia unif, una request hi at tendance It WaB EtaolTftrl lhitlhJ1MA..n.. . caution la Issuing tickets and orders on Cap- tain TlrtArrMM The following resolutions wcro adoptedi iofts.Thatlhl Dortrd gratefully reeor nltc, oo behalf of the poor of tho District f ""';'"-' j'trionni intereci axniDitea or th Hon tlT. Vf Bslkoap. Secretary or War, and Oapt-Jo E T. iirldgee.TJoltcd State Array "0.tndlpenion ofOWOOa appropriation by thUoirresoor tb United Stales Rttoittd. That Major Itlchardc b respect lullv requested to direct bio police fore t seek out any Itaposters or otherwise unwor uiuiriuuivno receive relief from tb eAsso !hVJf.i .M"... ?5?.".1r .Pr.."' ' -. .- .. hiuiviuivi vi tas iaw. Tn Lit Mai. Autttan. There wai a. large audience present at Che Seventh Btreet- Prcsbvlerlan Church on 8alnrdv avain. on tbe occasion of the servlco In memory of the lata Mr. Margaret A. AmUon. Pro feasor J. O. Wilson, an old-time trustee of fuuuu scaooii, preaidea. After touching iriwuifls io too jameuua teacoer haa been rendered OT a. Yorka AtLa. can . and Iter. George W. Bam boo, president of Columbta College, J E. F. HoLmcad, esq,., on the part of the committee heretofore appointed, pre sented a memorial, which, after raclilng th many virtue of the deceased, closed with tuo leuvntoK rCBOlOHODSt Rttotttd. i bat w bare board with tha deep est regret of th daath or Mr Mkrgaret Aral don, and that wo will over oJisrlsh the memory of one whose life can bo serely presented as a sonde! for imitation to all wbo desire a uia I cultivated nod adorned, nut oners polished and refined, a disposition gentle aod kind, a heart aS-ctlonatcaadlorlng.andallso blended with unfalterlag eoergy ae ta produM that superb ....,.., nmvu uiiku kb possessor ireaT, rood, and useful. gnefMoMfcat tba kawledga of tho feat that ber untimely dectru, cut down as she was In the very pride ad bloom of ber woman- uVUMuirii ijnit uneeasiag mental and physloai Ubom, alwaye far bwyoad her atf th, will ever b to bar friend a aoufce RttOlvtd. That Iba tnAnnmant w ..... rectlSBlsaply to show our appreciation or. ourafTcctlun for, aod the debt of gratitude we owe to.her name aod virtues And not with the prcsumptlous and vain object of at- render the snius. mora durable tho monument that will aceotnnllah think. ),....! ..... SfiAVii.1."':."4 """ io """i Tba tuolDtlom were itconjtj bj O. C. Wsbt, en. In lulubl. remark.. II, w follovred u c.rncit .pprotil bj rrofeiur J. O. Wllion, after wnlch tb. rtiolutWo. were adoi ted. Tbe eiercliei were added to bj tbe m formaoce of ebolce eelectlooe of bynuie, wblcb were reodcred bj tbe implli of Mre. Amtdoa. eeboot Tbe eiercleee were doled br a benediction from tbe Hot. Dr. DIllener, raitor of b. cbnrcb. Wnian is tm IHiiliio T Tbo Blity Ink Coonclli, as alio tbe rrcicnt CinaclU, mado a liberal appropriation to place an Iron railing around tb. bale of tbe nhaft In front of tbu Cltr Hall, erected to th mm. orj of tbe late Frcitdent Lincoln. To lb Ere.ent time notbles bee been tone, and ardly a day paesc. but eome ludlacreet l)er. sons attempt to icratcb Initial, of tbelr name, on tbe marble. Let tbe Council oin. mltlee bavins tbe matter In banl aoo tbut tne railing i. lonnwuu proTlued VaHDALISM. About two octorlf day morning OlQcere llarrle and Klley. wblle paiilng a bouie on I atreet, between Berentcentb and Eighteenth, owned by Colonel Cvertt discovered tbe water pipe, broken and tbe flrit floor of tbe bulldloff UUUViisu nny ".nil ill UiTUBr W DO tided, and upon examination It wa discov ered tbat the damage wni occasioned by soma vandal stealing tbe kd pipe- from tho bath-room. KsTisriUBiNa EiTiBUsiaiiiT For trunks, satchels, harness, and everything In tbe line of the buslnes, we refer our readers to the oldest estubllshed and the only practical trunk aod harness manufac tory in the District of CoUmbla, the cstab llsbment of James a. Topham &. Co., Sev enth atreet, nut to Odd Follows' Hall. These gentlemen turn to tb advantage of the buyer all tho Improvements without ad ditional ci pen so. Tnn New Tork Republican Association wilt hold sociable on Wednesday evening next! lit Liberty Ball. v , i. tuewjao alcatel j TheRep-ihltaaB. ciat B.d therirst Tisiro aatTiiDse, ..,... WaitiMTesri Febraarr it, 1I70 Bisu Knowing Tour rrorcrblaldMlre fof : fair play we reapeetfttlly requeit the correi tlon of tbat part af your report or the pro ceedings of the committee for adjusting tha dlt&cnltlea between the "Invincible! and the Tint ward Republican clubs," wherein It state that tb resolution offered by Mr. Henry Johnson, of the invmciDiee. which reads aa followii Where! hevlef failed to agree upon arttctea for eoseolldatlog tbo lavlnclblcs and Pint ward llcpubllcaa club. jinNNS. a nai naviRgvo onjscs ia view, in bubbbss at tha ncDabllcan sartv wa bsreb picdf ourselves to support the regulsr to ml- Ilea VI bbj atvvaae,aa iait ,w, wa not acted tamo, wo desire to stall to tba contrary, for on a call for tha real and nay the Invincible! voted oolld for the resolution. Moors. Btewart. Thompson, Urusor. rhU- Up. Oliver, Jackion and Ferry voted against It. i ne luvincioiea are oesirous ot oaring tno fact known, for the reason that gentlemen named as voting against the resolution. In eonncctlon with Others, have endeavored to create the Impression that the ara everything else but Republicans j but, on applying tbe tat. It became very easy to see who wire Republicans from principle and those who acted with tbe party for por tonal argraodtxement. Tb Invincible are wilting to aland by their record a radical Republicans, lu favor of taw, order, and reform lu tbe body politic, pledged to no person or parson, but to the cardinal principles oi tne nepuoiicaa party. Respectfully, yours, Ac , llifnT JonmoN, Tnos. J. IUruii, J. L. Wibstir, Waf . A. FKIIMtR, Edwiid A. Watson, Isaiin Doldik, Alvkbb Dat, Committee for Invincible. I Cent bbi a) sated J OiKlIfixCaKiTSBT. Extracts from Reg ulatloui of Oak Hill Cemetery! "All persons wbo shall be found within tbe grounds making vntitmly noises, or ofA irioil tondutting tfunwlm vntultabiy to th pvrpem fa vhUk tht ground cr$ dtvotd will be required luiuutly to leave the ground, and upon refusal will be compelled to do so, ana wiu do proaecmea accordingly." "The Superintendent bai tho care of the cemetery, aod U authorised to romove all tiosewno vioiaie loose reguiauons or com mil trespasses." See communication In Rkpuulioam of tbe 18th. AfOTBSH LOTUOtDEBl Ooffoo, Teat and opicei. Poltm and Ycddo Toa Store, JSTo. -iQ-l Ninth ntrcet belnoen I nntl E. TKAK1 TIMSII TCiSIi: 1.41 l.tSl 1.43 OoUwc rareBpicsStwaoisoraronDa Ccffaaw-MtKha, Java, tsyloa, Laiiarrs, aaa lo crara or roaaisc, ccffae reasUi frb everr dav aad ironai le " . .. .. -.... - .- n aisc iara idea i arvaaii wufr nair csBtsperpjeai. H. A. OLCOTT & CO., fcMf S1 Wlnth at . be! . I nail E. Flanoi. ESTABLISHED 1852 tous r. ei.ijv 80S PCKNdYLVANIA AVENUi:, Heir Teaib elreel. THI OLDKST AUD Li ROES- PIANO. DnOiS, aiuniu AilM nusiiii' inimiMiinni XITAUUIUMI3T 1M TUX CITY Je A sreats for Waablaitna cltr sa4 Barreled lag niauH ivi .mw iviiv w mmm w.wa...i Plsaceasi Oriaast CblckaHeg s boas of bvstca Albrt VTscer lw Tork J W. Vase Hostoa W P Knersc " S"tcj UrovtiTs'eea rallr ftew Talk it p All.W Bmlih rrlorUriasof Boslo risaoa a4 Orcaaa Taasd, Ktpalrcd. Ksuovail, Faskodasduksa Uexebaas at JOHN . KLUft raaath.otyaarcafavcraklcUraMaal reatapplln If arsbaei t'M r Gun Maaofactory. XiVNtouitiuK iionn nAifurAC U TL'HtH. WAimNaTOlfaLASS WORKS, Corasr ef rwsaty.flftb at. west aad X at acrtb. Are a"w pMkiared tu naaafartcrc all n or Jrf.iaiTaB4COLOaBDuLAh8 WAKE, at be most rsasuaable Urass aad tke sbenest actlce . ) band, alsracsitpplr of the bast qualities of OU IM M eVa of all alias aad paitsri - Ktrlei attsatlca paid it private raoalda. faUVfri Boolcbinderi. W "C L TO ITT, BOOK.Blf.bEU AHD rPIE It C LEE, So m Peaasrlvaala av caae, betweca Teaik a4 llsvcatb strestB aoatkstae Wouks elssaBltyor tUIoty bom J, Periodicals aaa aawsoaMr iarara1Waltatt4 ta. Architecti. HENBYR.SEARLEcro. 11 ARCHITECTS, u " V Street, opposite Poit Office rpartmeaV GOV'T IIAUNKSM, U'A(i1nM, HADUI.ES, Ac. J kavcflabaad atarceassrtncalnf aevsramsat facds.sDsh as Wbel aad Tsan H trass, baavv ainciaianee llareass. fonl ai avi Wiioi aad KldlBaCridlsi, lloraoaad atutcOellara, tJalUr. UaablsaadfelaslcKslas. ItLACItSHlTIIH'.CAItPrYrF.RV, Aad other Tools, llellcw. Anvils. !, Morse aad Hale Iboss Steel Uar, Iroa Hells, Ac , acw aadssvead band eJoTcnimcnV Clothing, Hoots, Nlioos, Ac. Tarraors aad ethers wilt do wsll U etsuUc my tt ck before parcbaslBC sUewbar Z( U as:s, I ra, dstals, Ac, Ukea la ca-cuacefos-foods IS. O. WIIBKLKIt, N0 48KIHEDDGEDJN0.486 VSSSZ I TRICES lr,vv, AT MAJIKRITER'S. Sevlnr .1 thl. lata ituoa aa Bneltallr llrre ebolc. Meitcll.a of I'ArEUUiNdlNOS, WINDOW 8UAIILS. OVAJ.AHUMHUAUE PTOTURK FRAMLS. PIOTIIRK OOnil ANU TAKStl.3. l-AINTlNClS, t NilRAVINOH, UHROMOS. UWI&S 1IKAUKKTS, io , fca. ' ARdtoriDitli.iliricai meeh a. r..illil. prt.r ... .v. (All! VUKGUllaiBS All tbsabov stock at KK1UJEI fniCES VHTIL THK FUST OfcT MARCH HBXT lNTIlBlirPKRHBCOnKTO?TIIR DI8TBICT 1 or tULUHBIA, THB 7Tft DAT Uf gftU. Csrllac Kprlatlcirraorls 1. Knih. liaary Wj Uth, J oi haa Knlb, Morris 1. Jcaes, Jacob MadlrU and iqaaiari, aaisnaaais j Tha olilaet or thl al( la li liaaa a l.n.i.. . Klatsd te-ell the wsttkalfoMot Mo II. lasqnarc BBdsrtbe will of Jacah bled tart, deoeassd Oamottoac'tbeplslatlg.brWia L, Daalcp.bsr altorusv. Ills ordersdlbat Ibcdarsntlaats asase iDsirsppsarsecaiapoeatarsd bsrsleoaor befure loesrsl rnlcdar. ocearriua' frtr Jaysarior this aav,ctbcrwtae tbe caaeewUl hm procesdsd with iiaye,ra umeaui, bribe iloowt AtrneeoprTcst K J UEIOS fee TbJw lark QUrilAlfS COURT, Ittttrtet o Columbia, Wtuhtnptan cuttHtV fa wit , la tbc case of Rooms W. Utvirr, adiolaU- trator S I I n( Kinllf H ( tann. iMiiuJ iKa admlalstratere ta afurosaltl bas, with tb appro baitoa of tbe Orphans' Uocrt nf Wasbltiatoa vusair aioraatuo, appviBMn iusjkai, US rob h ". W Ur lh auat sUliaat and dlstrlbailoB vfthe personal eiate of aald d access J, aad of tbaastmo loliaad, aefarac tbe sanisbave bsoa collected and luruad laid tnonert wksoasd where all the crnlltorsaixl blrar said dacsascd lore all the crtnlltorsanJ bfira of said dacsassd i BoilOsd l atl ad, wl b tbvit flalutspripcrly oelicd, or Ibey may otherwise by law be idad from all tioaeDi in eald datMStad solatoi vldsd a, copy of this order le pvblishaj oaooa ... aauiiuvu ,i voneusa Cicoai woskforthrsawMbsio iba HmTteuHLtMMiA " rxTiviHw kit aa ui ui rV&TUw TH Till ItTPREHX COWBT Of TH 1 DlftTBIC? OeorrsW Miller j ..LallMlor.,.,, I"'"' "E"'" Urdtrsd. fkls day of Tsbrcary, A D 1870, Ikat ibe sale pads aa-t repoited by Uso'i a -1&OT.S uraly. aatvlvlar ires id la the abwe oBtltled cause oa the Ustoa elty, obb U aob crtbreo iaoeoii v wcidts befaroUclstdjy critarcuaext By thcfoari r.tdVhVSri E J a.cur fl wt7aPiIiL' PM BTOBf. OPPp Bqa iaeaa aaa bm led aod coaflnuad Bales cakc to tU costrary thersofbe showncaor boforstlas lit daycrilsrtk BBXltpruvldedacopyor ikls order b.Isrtd lo iiiui aswiDanai crinlail mtna.ii.k.j i. xn-.t. Tli) commote it 1 1 A ftehoat uirs-a rise roa essaor Drssin, (afroM Ifaara'a Saval rTwTiiiWi. Not looR ilaee, belog the happy recipient Of that "bleailnK In rJluTiaa"-lI n.v Pit the feminine portion of our bousehoU wai aoomea to tne trying oraeai eesentlal to the making thereof i ani It wai that trial which haa led me to thla expedient with tha san guine hope that the waTe of reform mat receive an additional impels by my vehe ment protest. Such poerlng Into magadnea, and "Interviewing" dressmaker, and luok. nnoearaoi meaaunngi ana iryingioa, would have been the death of tie had we not been early taught the art of submit tlon j but thanks to that, we lived. Lived until, at aa hour wben my long tried forbearance wae lust ready to fall en tlreli an officious neighbor (Mrs Orundy like) called) after Inspecting every Identical pert, from tbe braid ou tbe skirt to the band at the throat, she Informed ue lhatli'was ' very well done, but ehocklngly short," aod thea added the baneful Inquiry, ' Why In the world didn't you allow It to trail a very little 1" Traill be condemned I Tbat Iut feather broke the camol'e baeki aud my eubeequent lecture upon the glortei of abort dresses, tbe folllee and vanities of coraeti aod trails, and the wickedness in ceneral of a meddler. effectually silenced the poor lady and put an end to her advice. Tbe dear creature hie never eald " trail" to me since. Alack and alas I however, that inch things are allowed to exist. Why cannot a good thlnrr In fashion be retained made a stand ing tnitliuilou, which wa may or may not follow for the ensuing year, ae It may suit onr Individual fancvt Not but what short klrti have their discrepancies) tbey may ometlmes beuugriceful. Inappropriate, aud unlady-llkei bnt think of their superiority In ever o many situations will it not over balance the evil? Imagine the Inability of a young lady, re turning from school on a rainy day, carry ing book aud baskit, and It may be with a refractory veil to keep In check Imigta, I lay, tb Inability of such a beleaguered person to manage all these and hold up the ample drapery which used to be lndlspon aable. Think of tbe majesty of promenading the Broadway of our little town on a tine after noon with an ample cloud of dust following one at aa unpleasant distance, aod then hav ing come loan abrupt standstill to disengage one's trail from dry goods boxes, sidewalk spikes, ike., every few yards t Imagine the fun of bunting bens' nesti Inthe old barn at grandma's climbing that queer ladder and Jumping from the big beam In a long dress I Think of reaching the ere Dee on that wild vine In the pasture from the topmost rail of tne nign fence, ana oi running np stain tn a hurry and both arms full, with a doi en yards of alpaca cllnrlos' to your fly Ine feet I Shades of bloom erf Wby It destroys half the fun of living, come to reach the gist of me matter If we tunst needs don. with onr vomsn hood, a bushel of dignity with an acre of cloth, let us bonch Itup In some way or olber, and do away with the misery of a fraff. Kind fashion, have pity I Let our garments be measured by the rule of com mon sense, and may Justice hold tbe tape and mercy tbe scissors, when long skirts are once more put upon us. JE. A. D. wi Alexandria ssssd Tlelaltr. The Oauttt of Saturday evening ha tbe following news Hemsi A Lsrrnu from Linden station. M. O. R. R , dated yesterday, layst "The storehouse or Mr. w. A. Hoffman, at thl place, to- ether with the entire stock of good oa and, and valuable book and papers, was destroyed by fire at 11 o'clock last night. a dwelling nouce adjacent ownea alio oy Mr Hoffman, and occupied by Robert Monak. wa also consumed. Storehouse Insured; dwelling, no Insurance. Origin of tne ore unxnown. E. M. Lows, esq , agent for Brawner A Co, land egents of tnl city, sold or. tbe 10th Inst., tbo Blcksler farm nearDranes vllle. Palrfax conntr. contalnlnir 143 acres. for 13,350 cash, to 8. N. Can Held, esq , cnuyier county, ru i Mb. J. J. JAUixsoif ha old his mall two-story brick house, No. 125 Queen street, to parties la thl city for 3,0G0. Ma. P. KxxaiK has beea appointed con ductor on the Alexandria and Washington railroad to nil the vacancy occasioned by ine resignation oi i;apiain una, wiiuams. who Is new a conductor on the A., L. ana ' n. It. R. IIox. W. E. LoTrrr, of California, de livered to a large and attentive audience, la Cob urn Hall, last Sanday evening, a tem perance lecture, In which he treated of the danger and grow log vii or wine drinking. i ne lecture was an aoie ana critical survey of the whole Held. He aald tbat th win crop of California tn 186S was 4,000,000 gal lon, of which 600,000 were Imported, and that wholly to New Tork. yet that city sold more wine purporting to be California wine than the whole vintage of that State for tbe year. Mr. Lovett I a man of extensive travel and wide observation. As the result of hi observation In Europe and America, he eayi tbat it Is a false Idea that the drink log of native or light wine promote tern iterance, ne not only eald IhU. but proved It. The history of man from the flood to the nre-Tthi is I1U 0I int ocastiy crime or arunit eirnet.! yet that drunkenness until three hu.idrd years wae that produced by wines aloow 'AH tb denunciations of the Bible agahut Intemperance was that produced by wine. He ehowed, from the history of every the brutal effect of excessive wine dr Inking. Tie showed, too. by the best antborlu " baneful result a a moderate drink uo a a race In a generation or two. In behalf of 9Vtrj friend of total abstinence waisaartu-thank Mr. Lovett for bli able lecture. It will do good here, and eanuot help doing cood wherever H Is delivered. Cannot we hiM more temperance lecture I SomnwTMf ( Ut.) ttporttr. Tub BToaai.--Tb storm of Friday was Suite extended, aod -d Urge amount of amage. At Lew la ton, Me , the wind wa furious until late kuan nlgbt, and It rained constantly for tVnty-fottr hour. The melting ef two feet of mow contributed to swell tbe flood, wbictt eubmerged culverts and highway. Brldl washed away and train stopped. Jhor U a great fret het In tho upper Conne Ut TaUey, and lm memo damac fa tuina done. One of tbe large bridges over that rl Ter Io ttie town ' Lancaster, has beea ci fted awayi also, several barns, Ac, Oreal htnn prevail among the people of tbl lleJ Dd mt07 lamuie are leaving tbalr boa iW mwj' At Albany there wa no maU rial damage by tbe storm. The river, which vai threat ened by a flood, has receded b.lov tba docks and I dear of Ice from TroT to OaUklll. In Philadelphia two dwelling- OQ CbfUtlan itreet were struck by lightning. The faml Ues were uninjured. " r - Codld Not Arrawura a Good TniM Bio fob Mabt Walks a.-The dreariest and sleepiest scene that It ha been oar for tune to witness thla many a day w seutedattheSt. Charlca Theatre Test 'day during a droning and monotonous let," by tbat most ud feminine female, Mr. Dr. Marr Walker. Tha lectnra was .SjUvei'd la a bumble-bee sort of fashion to vn memo array of empty chairs and belters. If tbe woman' right movement la to- cccditwtll not be throigh such meek .ud monotonou disciple a Ur. we beg ,Vr don Mrs. Walker. An appeal to tbe ma ternal Instincts of tho ladle aud (icfUlfnwts present drove us out of tbe theatres 1 n whU'h soma fifteen or, twenty perteos wo re endeav or'g to keep tho unappreciated advocate of her sex' rights la counteoan co. A". O, lYcayum, Bif. Tdblxt, of New Albany, VisaUttlo boy who resemblei George YUhJ tgton, at lb A arc. He lias a hatchet, whan "a away at all tho cherry tree, and tetU a Ue ehout ..' C -' -,a 'uor a cU9trJ tree, he whacked off some fingers for toe be the falter ot hi. country one of ,,., a.y,.-iiJMiwf atla Journal. a, in,n. ii. r . WrU, to a child dariTrr hi ZriX SStiriV.. W"''. -enee, an. "me elthbora" borrowed two IV,i''''"'iAn.tutt'h' other bable. and oloj it,.,.. i Z'?r.? "laooau.,! Jul t'"'. " ii.; Wh'..,k. ;..l-.. ""?". """ i.i . .iw::. "-,"" "" w .oo .rriiigiur oppom ibli oiioo.loo "J1 C.ial..loa.rll-""fc ll Mtiii all anaaaa thla -- TjaiTiD .ran, TiTiiTSiiTtii; '$ '5.y WiMh.f. 5V.r.i".'"il . .Jit lor a. linrro..iii.. , 8l..p tbaiir. "'' 1K .,!'-'. of ..rolopu ot i. a.l IM, for .a Hpro..ioolla lla.ia.ii ' .lli.'T - l51 IMIImo.j I. lb. Ib. aloood .a la. ll.b oir .( aptll aoili Ibal Uo lo(ora ..4 ( , pott bo itultod io uo sid a.r t a.rit ...iV aaa.l.C.l ..14 p.mi..E. b.,rali.l;id:r. vai, iSmsissk LOCAL NOTICES. Tw AucntfliM FTTBIJf hall with dalld-hl the Introduction Into the United States of IIofTa Malt Extract, which for the past eerenteea years has enjoyed tbe highest reputation In Europe among medical men, who have given it aa exceptional rank over all the so-called remedies and specific of the day. It has also been awarded sev eral gold and sllTer medals by European avcaaomiee or Medicine, owing to its never aumg cuicacy in aiaeaaes oi sua luuiai.u, throat aad chest, and especially lo con- inmptlve eases. Bold .14 by all drurrisu and grocers. febSl-eoSt Discoxtimcid Th use of the dirty, hair staining preparations, since tb Intro duction of Vnalon'e Yltalle, ot Salvation for the Hair. With marreloue precision It pro duce the exact shad or color desired, and li literally transparent and undenting. Bold by all druggists aud fancy goods dealers. foKHeoSt m. Tax Allxosd Mubdxbu. In bedtence to tbe writ of Jufaat torpvt heretofore men tioned In the RiTPnUCAif, the colored maa George Slim, who has been In Jail for sods days, charged with the murder of Mary J, wai brought before Judge Usher la Chamber on Saturday afternoon, aod after hearing evidence a to the guilt of the ac cused, the Jodge admitted him to ball In tbe sum of $1,800. Tub WAinnoTO Citt Bativos Bakx, corner Seventh itreet aud Louisiana avenue, u open from o 30 to nso every tsaiaroay eve ning, In addition to It regular banking hours. It pays Interest on deposits, ay, Oir H A tx Clothjko and MucnAifT Tai louiho, 523 aveu lb itreet, opposite Tost Office. 03 HOTELS AND BESTAUHANm UNITED STATES IIOTEL aVnaarlrniila Avenne. fltor the Cupltol. ltA.TEt HI3DtJCr3TI fioei. eia b. Vai "Ha ot wllhoal rniali T Irit cl.MT.b .board at VTl.rk ... TTORn'a noTit, Ricniinriii. va , apjoiir. l' .M.ait.a TbUtfl-pJlJ .w Urt'l ! ..wl a; l.a..Ur f.t.l.k.d Ibtoo.hooi.l.J l"H'lol 7r.l. lol .ti.11.4 laqulinr ..J rl.lrr aa,M la Hpi.1 .alt. r JCoo. .Iwar. Milr fjr W.IJI.i tui Uri, Tra.ll Panl.. Tb. .rri..m.biiiMflr.t iliMlitwrmiwl Tb. board baibMb lM.loflilulfc.liJ ocorlllr r noetnal lb. .o..rl. ..m of BU thslr honie A.J.rOBW.l'roprlelor, Lslacacoftbarroyrlatcraof IhsAKctiasfcnnUl, Rlchmcad. Ta r. ,-Uv ecaelias raa to aa frcsa aUdsyotaaai sUaasboat laaslaca. Jal U ST. GLODD HOTEL, COR. NINTH AND FSTS, The raost cealnt IocbIIac la lbs cltr. lam-dlsUIr opposite tbo Vctcat UBse as MajoaU Tsmple, aa cac clock frcn Ue Ooual 1'cstOOceDe rsrtEnafit Table U'Bta4 Salooo oa the larepcaa tlaa Elsfsnllr faratthedtlitcafbovL Tba f Blrett cars. coananalsaiLac with lbs Cap itol. Etccnllve alaDaloa, f.eaiarr, War aaaafavr potM.itiaU, aa tha Baliliaore aai OblcBallroaa B-W",V,AB. e. a. roi.u.n, U it rrorrleiro , C. " 1VILLAI1D, EBBITT HOUSE, WASIUNQTON, D. 0. , Jail Stw TCriLlalAU KLIHE, nLSTAUBANT AND XimiNO-IlOOM, Cornar Vleth aa4 V atraats, oppesIN PaUat Ofis. OTMTKKb ta every aivlo Jaeoft fUaxsr'tMlS' brl-dlA0EBlfI5. Nfy, llotec Co.1 oolobralca XX bbo XXX AlVAN DKAUOHt. ME.L3 FUStilSHGD TO O EN T LEU Ell ataortIoirriaa. to, astltllp. ta. Jel tf PUOrOBAUrOHITAMPBDgllTILOPIIAKD WUAFtKMS. rasaarr iv, iriw. Kaalad Pronoial will be rscwlvml a alii Id. tt.ea tbc UI car of Mstth.1170, for fsrclibtBi; all Ike 'tamiMA Basloras,r aai Mtfswspapcr wrap pers" wktrhtbls DopartinaBl aar reqclrcdartss: mivl vi iwaf jai vaaaiuituivaaa aa. V4 ir.ieiv, " STlMPlin EMVftOPSS . , H 1, ITotc sit. Vi br i laebss, of white PJor U letter lse, 1 1.11 by BH lacks. Tall latUffalse, (aanina .taubvBV laebss. of tba id catlsr a like conditio a as Ic tb proper He 4. VaUlBtUrslie.)IVvolslehM,crsaiD. colors a Mo f, aad cadet a like coailltlea M l tha proportUa or cask He . Bxtra IfMar alia, f naramiasd oa ftats for t tt CX laebss, f sajuocoltiraas Bo. X aadaaderallkc coodllloa as tutu proportloa cfcack. Mo c. XxIralatUrsUs.SUVreUlasbss.orrcts colors asBc t aad aadsr m like coadUloa as tc IB prnpariina l sbgb. Ifo 7, Ollslsl alu, I'fkrf'i laekos, of ban toLursBf Ito Land aadat a like cuadulaa aa ia ta proportloa of ft eh. K5 Q. Bttra cBdal also, t'i by a laebss, cf sameeolors aa Be 3, aad aadsr a like ccadltloa oc to tke prepcrttoi f sack 'a by IJt I aabca, ol baa or auallla paper. nini an, nurrins! l tbo above eavslopca s4 wiappcrs to be em iiA with txtstars slaransaf sasliaiaBoiiilBailaBa. stylss Bad colors, aad to baarsnsh prtstlafoatha faos.aallokciaadela kfuqit thorcoik aacBarf cf papsr of Bpprovcd catUr naaofaotarsd asps alalia riiv tli a narnaaa. arlth anrtt walav math a a ".z"f iT7r" r.:::::'..T.:,.:. .. a. i--tt.t eioar asviass wpiiiiiiiaiuuvs bb uib swsuuaB lorUsBSral saay dtroct. Allcavalopeeaad wiappcrs mist be kaadsd la ircclaof twoBtv lve, ae psckod la s iron ( pastes ard erst taw (Hixaa cash losoatala aot Usotbaa BUS, aoa OBSDanarsa satD ui taa aneiaiar extra. c(QsIalslss.SBprally, Tbsacwspapsr wrapper tt be packed la boxes to eoaiala act lose thea two, act) rod asd flfly eacb. Tbc kotos arc to k wrapped aad ssaUJ.or Msaraly fastsacd la strosf C a alll a paper, cc aa to arsly bssr traasoorutlca f nail for delivery Ic post a asters. Vfhsa two tbociaad or mere eavclcpss are reqclrcd to 111 the eider cf a post ma tor, tb straw or pasta board boxes eoBlalatai tb sstnc tnctl be packed la stroai woodsa eases wall slrstpsd Wttk keep lroa aad addrcsasd t bat wboe 1S4 teae two ihcasaad are roqatred proper labels of dlrwctloo. to befr Uhed br ao bieat cf the DfpartMoat. sacst be plaood apoa eacb backaie by the ecMracler. woods saes. ccatalslB cavelopc crwrapperc tokotraaipcrMd by wauv renlas, toast fee pro vided wltk satiable valor proofta The whole t b dcac aider the Uspccltea ood dUcctloa of aa arsat of lb Dspartmaut TBC lBiwraa wrappers nasi pe isratiasa aaddsuvoroa rrltball revocable dlspatok, co&a piste la all rsspscts, ready for ess, aad la sosa q pastilles as may be repaired to 111 the dally orders I poiUDaaierei IB ail (( n n wwii pitaer ha Pabi ufflM DaDartmaat. Waiblailna.D. II . ar at th odea of aa aseat dalyactbcriif die laipocl aad receive tke atp.i ike place of dsllyery to be at the oplloa of tke rcsttpaaUr Oeacral. aad tke est cf csllveriaf . as wsll aa all expecs of pak lac.addresslBi labellBf aad waicr-prsela, to be paid by tkcsoairaetut Itiddsrs arc aollBsd tbat Ike Dsparlmsat will rc cure, as a acacitioa ci toe eoairsei. ibbs tsc oa vslcpes aad wrappsra akall be naacfactared aad stored la Baca iuaascr aa to tasare asearlty aialatt loss by Ire or tkofi Tbe maaafsctoir mail atallllms tie sabjct to the latastlca cf aa assat of tke Ifopcnsasal, wbo will roqclrc tha stipolatkcasor ike soa tract U be faltkf ally t Borvsd, , Be dies for crabesslcB; Ike posts stamps oa IkeeavoloiesaBd wrappera ar lt ieexesaied to tha aatla action cf tha Piiatniaatar flaaai rat, ia toe Beat ) I, anu ih.j am ,u va igtin,ii, laaawaa, aad kspt ia ordsi at the sxpeues of the ccatrastor. best stj le. aod lasy arc lobe provided toss wed. TOSiiapannisai roaaivre me run. vi nunii now dies for ay staups, or dsaotuloatloos or ouiapsBntBow osed, aad aay cluinl diss or coicre, as olero, sballbcriiadcwltboutcxtraohacc Apecimrssof tbcstampsd envelops; aad mm auiiav la aaa inav ta uai aft aav af tha l icinr us K paatatteea, feel these speeiraeB are aot tobo i--AmJ aa tha alta aad aaallt xad b lha Da. narUaaSBiac a itaadsid for the bow soa tract) bid ders arc therefore lavlied to sobntt eaiapleacf (MhcraaddtSsreatciuaUUeaBad stylos, Ueiadlac. the pap proposed, as well aa tbc laaaBfac sred a v siopes wrappcra aad texts aad Make taslr araoc ae ma aifia iihiiif aava a. piaaasuii-'aa' l.riior a.l aopropoMl will IJ , Mailaotol noloo. a.tourif I.C.BT aaatajaal Iaral Ho re ? the rlabt to rsicctaay aod alt"" "''" of Uc Ocv Z- 1 ..ll.ra.l.n .I.I111M i BB minilUlir UBB- r otfeit !- . . . ,. . a lb. aocOMfolimo; m vr.. u.ll.. ah. I anhmll ft' ' iwair. " ,,'., ,i I ft"- J .. iiJ::ir.ri,.ifH??i "" or tbb raasBBT DID .olentSBretlss, la, lrod for Ikefaltk- a jaqeirau mj OBB'-" j' "atSBaaaK rgpci ".'f"oalo(.io..S""""""'"' aftar , .'.v.r?!'or u... fW.nka -""". Tor Mi Bjalarsl- (jo, r Pell letter lie-i7,367.e(r llWJo." '"""".(. .d,o, ,!., ;trauturst-4 w . . a. Ixiraofflelaliue- , ippeia-HL e,saa J,WI. '. iiviii ae aeearc to.rbo. 'rropoiol. luf I ; .T.opo4 a.. ...i.. Wropporo., ... oidr blP04 Tl.toloo.. fi rilalor Soooi J ".4 lo lb. talrl jtSf.t".t,wa,l. 5. fool Om i BjptruJJy. )H..old JOBS i. J, omawir , "Mm o...r;. YY .inMF.7A"!ro. Ill Va atKav.lal la Iha MAJai wkoasprcpoisl, aithoofhll be nt iksluwesl, le tiBSldaisi Bsc-i UvaBta;ecBto the Depart meat, taktK lat acocoal tha prices, floallty of lbs ssn- Mbs. woutoaesblp. aad Ibesaillclsscy aid afedsU I af tb Udder to ruaaafaotre and deliver lbs a- H.nata ib laarauii Will IBB fal luarwo.ldl.l..lilb. liaumaa. -M-artiL t- wnapdoaa,,