Newspaper Page Text
&v- L r ,,uiim(6f iV r Wtilian , Washington city. d. c thtjiIsday morning, feuiwahy 21, 1870. VOL XI ino.77. Auction B&les. . .....a a 1)T l.tlEEH WILT.IAJIH Auetlooeara Bad Ileal ...lata Ifrokers. AlOSa.tasa.lsora.r orSeveBla and S) msata. fc O 11 frame Freece-pUte Ulrror. M rble Bracket. W bJow Camlet, Tepeitrr, loirata aid other wilatt SiitiBiIoi. Curd aed otherTatlea, aid Itaedl. . H1roreretl Sofa, Leaefoi, Dialer; aid oilier thilfi, WbIbbI YrardrolieR aid Uerbte-top Chamber Bit, natTree.l'Blaiad Collage Bell, Brta.. aid other HedaUad leather Bed. Hair aid olhar UaltrMtet. iad Dad dlea CooBlaf, Caal, AIMUM aed other gtoTei. Caa aeb, Ith a f oodlot or Kluh R.qr.1 qqiliiti riTTUUBUATM. I.Y UltEKBT A WILUANH, Anel'i, J) Bout be ait aorotr Hereatb and I streets. U0TSLOUXIBDI,ItnRIISAIIDR4KlTKl$roIt hALS.AT PUBLIC AlIOTtUM. Bf virtue of a deed af treat to ma, da. Jaat J. lta, I will " vablle eaolloa, ob rBIUaf, MarahltTi,.vAl'e.eek,a ai ,ta froatof the Kirk wo J Heaao, eoraeref raaatrtfeaU areaae a 1 wiiiii iirMi, n uui,ii, pui i uereo. aaa eei or aomoio nil Term eta k. fall (Star) fHueoataora to J. U. MaUulra A Uo .. bo alb wait aoraer of feaairlfaata areaae aad Klofeath street. TRUTKt' BAtK Of VAtUABLB IMPROYRD PROf tRTt US FODkriKllTIi (ttRIIT. Da. Twitia r hu vi urn a tira kuktu. Bf vtrlaeof adeedof traitta ne, bt-arlar data the 13.1, derof Jaiaarr, 4. D. 1MB, aad racer aed bombs tbeliad reeerde far aid eoaatr la Liber T eai K. No. V, elfoltom. aadallberftqaeator thopartr "cared therebr, 1 will Mil. at toe pre tnlaet), a .SATURDAY, lit Olla dar of Mareh. 17J. at fto'cloak p. raM parte of Lota Boa leaad IT, la Klaimaa'a aabdltliloa utCqaara Bo. tfl, roatlaf atxinl IT f-t roarUeata alraal wiit, aadexMedlee: back 1(4 faal, with the Itaprova mail Ihoreoa . . ... Tba prop-rir Ii liBsrofid with a haa Jaime Hea.e, walcatalbe ulddfeoieef threo heaeea Lolll apoa talJ ion, and wbleh has all the Mad era ejavaaUacaa, aad It aeerlr aaw, 'rkeemoaoldae, aid fornarmaat of whteb the above eele ! made, la SMS), with lmlaratt from JaiturrU 1MB Termi Oaa half eeeh.ef wMeh tlOO tad-., bo drpaliad with aaitleieer wht iba propertr la imkf . tbe parch aaer. aad tba r.e d wlthta Ivadaya aflarina aU tha btlaaea at tlz aad twelra mtiHiii wllk lalrt ttm tha dar afatvl. iobaiatarad bf aolM fiha rartktiar aad a dad l Irntt pB thpropr()r. t boa I J lb uraiat tae)iapHd with la al daja aftar aaU. Iha da potll io ba faffatlad. aad tba proparlr U ba rld apoa ladara' aailalaiba IIatiokil KiruaLl eta, at tba rlik aid tot of tb daraattlac per ahaar ii una it naiiava ta va parim VviararaBa'Bi aaa in top a VKltlr. atpqreTianr'ieotl, UJH, COOPtB ft LITIWKI. ' laattaaaira. fahtt-dla f IX Wtf. I WALL A co. Aneta.t IS Niv Marbla ltulldlnr. lttfHa OOOaad WOd aonib aor. PaaaiirliaaU ataaaaaad Nlvlhitraat. AtVIK!9TRiTOR'S ilLE Of VUBtUTDBK. PATBaT BIUHTk, a., AT AUCTION. Oa tHWAX MO UN i NO, JI3.h of Fib fairy, 1STU, aaniTDaaelBiat 10 o'elock, wa will Mil or orJaraf tba fcoaoi-abl UrBbaaa1 Co art. . all lha praoalffctaaf Iba lata Htmnil W HarabJ anaUlaad la boaaa ealba coraarpf ttlztb aad K alraati, laland, eoB'Ktiac la part t HaraaBi, Hadtlaada.WaabaiaBda, Tablaa. Cfculra. Larpala. Kldabaatda, 8lof ta, t rncntrr, aiaiira'aaa, rumw HalflaUrMllBOonPataal, II)f I Btaraat ta Poat Ofltu Lahat. Twa Uaabla barralOaaf, die,! Tw ifiaa. Ana aina f)A Wllb anmtrootctbar arlialaalalh hoakap .Biiiaa, utuuva ttuiiuuii AdralaUtralvr, W U WALL CO.. falT-aoikda Aaallaaaara Ma. X50 aatb.ait alraal ol 8a.aatk aid D auaata. UUiiirtbitur iniaiiMnuuirnu.ia, or "irma i a aaa i ui i dal.l Vabraarr 7. A U. Ilf ramraan ib cnauat raaora bub. (Io I, M1.4 SUU tl.'ttq . 1 W at fit til a aaetloa. ou tba oroiBli VltliiAV. lha 4th davaf Harck. A. U 1H1U. 11 a'clnrk am. tbanoaxprad frraof ltaaaof tba KtHKWilOD llUliil, eoratr of PaBBiylraala ma aai t wan to atrial waat ib iaia a tr Bar; aed atfoia of aald Hotel Tdiiimf mala, (laa 1 at alx aal twafra naihi, forwhlck tboaataiof tba parcbaiar, baartag laMrait front tba day of aala. will ba takaa, eeorad to tba aatUfactloaof tha Tra-taa. Plra ltaadrad Dollar rrqatiad of ha ,a-haa.- ina tli Ail aaa? ajBBilBg aad itTtao lUmpa at lha coat of tha DQrcbiier. 'WILLIAM f, MATT1K1LT, Traitta flKBS k W1LLIAUI. Ml JCbroaJtBtar) AaaHwaaa BY URCKS A WILLI AM "J, Auetlooecri and Jtaal Ettata rtrokara, Ho 0AO,SjthoAitcorBrof Saraatbaad Datraata. Orrio baifb Taoitaiaor Poaua Ec-tooli,! XvAiliBdTOX. K'bniary , 170 f ta iiurinlara at aa aat af Iba Cllv roaaalla. ttc roaad jaoaarr 5, 1870. tha Badaralaaad tnh- Board of lha Tl oaTUkBDAT, aira oniric., oaar upaoiii .tpabHa BBOtlaB primliii. coraar or A aai Third alraata, aonibiail, Lta ot A i aambar luai iitiaaqaara no. TW.wim ma nauu l'oaalB to ba glfta Tarmit Oaahitf aaih. tba raildaa laa'aft) tad 1B (lu raoatbi with lalaraat froca tha dar ot iilo, tba parchaur gt? lag bit notai, la doriad All a:a.araaclaf Bid iuu at tha tx piaiaof tbaporchaaar . . A dapoilt of (iJJO) tbtaa hnadraj dollara will ba Wl.ifri.ll-.ll-7Ii DDM W. 11. MO 'UK. J.V. C1.AUK, Sub-Board or Third PUtrUt, OUBB5 dtViLUAUl, falfl ti (Slar AChroa.. Ant1Ban )Y UUEElt A WI1L1AM. If AuotloaeerB hud Haal batata Hrokara, Ho. BdOBoBthaaatajratr of bavaath aad I) ita. TRtTBTBX'B 8ILB OP BRirif D WILLI If H BI VAflAHT LOTAnjOINIKO, ON E.BW TOKK AVKHIIBrtTVriJtt P DKTO AHD rirrit BTHKiro wr. Eaallr, iraaiaHo i7.l,PoaloaTaraiaTa Joba hal or I williatiaipBDiiiBiiBiiOBoa imu'ii ma w tb a twa itorr aad ba.ooi.tat. Uric Tha adjolal.g M feat 3 larliaa laa Thoatwaparaal-wlllbowoUoaparal. faiiaiff bale: Oaa third caihibalai aad baauiat Unek Uoa J a ia b racBBl ID, aaparataly. Taiiuiof bale: Oaa third caib baiaaca at m aad twaira moat", f r which tha aolii of Iba parchaaaraaarlU ibaaAiuiactioaot taa iroa mB,p.afo.ffp.rch;;j;.riUiTTIicat. I)TJ rui.UWCIaL A. COAnffa Ho, 01 i renoiflranta aranuf, Itttwcea liiuiu bbb oi urnii. TRtfSTlK'i. BALK OP TALDASLI UVIU lly rlrlaa of a aaJ of trait, dalad tha 10th day of Uaciiobar, IScS, aad daly racordad laU'rIlo, tagtoa coaolr, la lha lUatrltt of ColaublB, Ij baU all at PBbtlJ aaciloa.OB TOEdDAT. tha lit day or Uarch. Xd?tf,ato'alockp ., la float of tha prtinl.a. all that ptacauf groaad.kaowa aa Lot Mo tl.laiqaaralMl,rroatlag M laatoo vobibi atlaa- traat. kataraaa Thirtaanlh aad VaBrtMBth ItMatB aatt, aad r Hatting back i:t foot 1 luehtt.twa J Taruit BW5 cAib.lialaBta Ii six aad IwoIt ttaa.wiiB laiariii, aa. iciaraa uy b aaB wi PI tho day of Btlo. HAULJALE DOUOLAI J. T. COLPWRLLa'co' AaviioBoaro, Bt CICAH.W, llOTKt.rn. Anel'r., (succettor to J, U, BloU ulra A Uon Coraar of PiootyltaaU artaai aad Toalb itraat. TKOSTBI'SBALR OP VALU4BLB IMPROyiO PKOfUttTY ON TUB WRbT BIDE 'OF tWELJTir BfRSBfnWHT. UlTWAfa H ABU a tll.M.lwui.111. I'D rf II w vlrtua nt a it'ei teed of truittbcarloc Ult.bcarloc e-U .AD 1148, J;;! 'ol Jaaaarr. JL data tha Alii day 'Of Bt aambar, aad dalr rccotdad oalbmb say lode. Ib Xtbar T aad R, Ho. a, folio M, ( . ad by dlricltoB of oaaiif iba partial and than by, Iwlli pablla auctloa, on tba prmnliea, oa WBDHEHUAY. IhaOth dar of February. A. D dalri taXl !0, at o'clock, p. n , all of Lot laltarad "A,' Btiltea Dyer'o aabdirialoBof anaaro aambrrad iriatia aicDir.oao.iioi,raeine aamoii UAk,W. BUTKLKB.ABBt. Tba Aboro iilo I; poitpoaid loWIDMIS- Af,.....,,yiilb1.;wMw...dp,... f.LU-aakia Itjail ' ' HatcbBd, ataaiaatipiaaad ni.a.. . ' Jl 1U WHlTBBT.Treala. , l,UAMU" W, BUTBtilAa,!. (iil-niii. (II l von aau riioroaa laiioarn a.iotioaiv. lama aarraypr a olBca of WaabUawa ally, DltlrUI of Culaoihla, wllk Itflprorauaau, eaaaUilac of a two story Frame Uoaia. taU Lot froatlaa zlfaot oa Twalfld trait. ryAdepthof S4ftat lUfachri.toa Wfjot paiad allir, Tbli la a moat daafrable property Tiruit Two tLotta4 dHlaraa.h aad tba fialadrr Ib S. 11 aid la toon lb a Oaa baedrid dal cr db,wBwhiBtaepropriyUatrBikftf, Blamai aad coBTeyaBolagat pnrahater'aeoit . OeUlAWHITIIBY.Tra.tea. Auitlon Salei. H Y atKEI(WI LLIAM-1, Anel'i, outnaaaioraer na Tfain ana u iircait. VAT.fTABLB BOORR, 7aMR AJP DOCO. aini riH nAbB it rnouu autiu. "ill naaoiaiapaTiMrai, oi niujii DAT, MtrcDUt iftJQ. at Io o'clock a m . alt ha Inhniia r In ha nilaa . Hit TtlB Bavialh untl wait, batwaaa Alarhit Brat aad D atraat Bvrtb OalaaAt Kataa'a Anaaia f CoBgrtu from 179", aboat I.OU) Tlninaa. Oalaa At haaloa'a Aanarleta Gtata Papara, , Ajaria aambar nflamtt of tba fablla Laad taw ot tha ValKd HUU. Oalaa At Saataa'a Klatar af DabalM, eoupl' aa, Babannd Ppwardiaf in T1ama of tba Xatloaal laUtll boBl 30 or ton of tba Aaaala of Ca(THf , BaTaral vallum ( AmafUaa lUtaPapara. finstS II WitLlAUS. gUtACbraa.1 ABillaaiafa BY On Br.PI WII.I.IAM"), Anel'ra. oathaatt aornar HaTintb tod V itrect. .isinitia bat.b or valttabt,! non.Disn TWMETninTU AUD TBBTIt STBElTd w UT, AT AI'CJIOK, a'elock ft. n. MU.ll flthof Pabruarr, A. D, 1170, that alBkblabBlldlif lot. bBOWB aa part r Lot Ho 11, la aqntroNo, 3, Barf at afroatof tl f"t II lat-uaa an Mnrlh If itiuL ! Iiactt with B aaa u aau a is pnnin daplh of 1J0 faal. aontalalui la all S,7&) iquara Tumi Aiialtil ai,k 1tatanaa la alv aad twatta uiiiiki. with lataMat. and aaanrad ITt aa ar trnil oa iba pram. aaa . Ail coaTaraiiiac iia ntiii, klitaiw al nuMlitHt'i rami Ull bnadrad doll ira will ba raanlrad dowaea Iba dar I aaia. uiijku , aaaicaao. URBBfl nibblAaia, fS toAJa tStarAt Cbraa. Anetloaaar Opticians. With: EYE3IQUT accurately tuttep with Pchhles or other Spectacles ly mtruy amwtrtng aftio qucstiont. ItlLUHMPLBK, Opttrian, Xattonat Hotel Hati, Caps. BooU, and Shoes. O.'HIKU rABHIOKlTrOH URN1V O DHEMS JIATN, H JatUiBad.aiabracla(thaTrada aa uroadwar Biyiaa rarueniar itaatloa laiHcd to lha f6 Uata. ii,uaiiar( Ho, 131 raaBiriraala avaaaa, fall Hxt ta aoraarThlrtaaath atraat JW!IUKOTIIt3AREmsrlMIN(l (1 Ok' OLI H1UUK, HTUVSIlCrtUER URON. Otiaiatiriia(d alAriaakaortnaataf uaw HOOTS ARDIHOBS. Aed ailllai tbam etiaapar thaaMhara onr1t( tbelT old attck. Uiar la ralad thar Blither mark road a apardawa.bal aali lb at raaalar wlmlaiala Erlaaa. haaplaoaaof thalaraaataiaekaaf baeti. boaa, aad Ualiaraofall arad-a. Which Tun Will tod to waaraaraprnaatad Olrathiia all ba. foraparcbailat"i aad ran L'l lad aarlag af it Pf"aL STHASDUUGKI1URU9 . vd aanbir. J,J, Kw. VOOSBVEHTH irKattT, Jal-I U Itatwaaal aad K Builder, and Material. I will la. itvaia PITKBT CilSfCRETB VATCUEKT r at tba rafda of lau ally Sid. wall. Carl, ira ,a.a otaatla Ihraa maalh. altar Ikawark la aweplatad. la.taad al b.lac paid b.fora lb. w.rb la tm laaaaad. TII0B.1T05 HMITI1. 11 0 0 F I N G I J. F. NOIiAH, parrlnaa to dampiaaa Ba. Klghtaaa yaara of j.racttcaloxpariaaia allowa taa to aanoonia aoiao ImprovaiBaBli Ib worknaiahlp.and lairaaad fa llltlaa to All all or dam promptly Work warraaUd for II yaara, aad at only aboat oao half tba boh af r aala at laf tiff.. Rati 34 ft fl at real, ha Iwoaa Sixth BadSaraath itraata, ladftOUH atraat, batwaaa Poonh aad Fifth Uaata. aa) Carriaees. j,U T A 1) L I S H ID 1833. JOHN McDLKAIorT k HHUS 001CU KiKR 1HD CaRRUBv asaa- . uiatan,, , 310raaa.ylTaaUaTa .aaarSd itraal. RtCIlVSD OJ UTOBaUB aD BOLD OS COM' ftflMaloM. ClRBIJiaiSBEriHliIl. (.M.lm EBTAHMKIIEn MM. AND11KW J. JUYUE fc CO., OAUIHAQE MANUFAOTURERS, 419. 411 aad f 10 ToitlaaBtk alraal. BapalrlalUalllta kraalkaa. 111 aarrlBt.alan far Kaptlra. Starat a 01 Connlaalaa ara laaarad. iiaatarar BravatarkCa ( (af Braoma alraal.) ririh araaaa. Ba. Tark 44 If Financial. B. UdlAtl.rr... J. X. Err. Traa. Waihington City Sivingi Bink, araaraf B.r.aih atraaiaad LabIbIbbb aTaaca. flwi dallV tritm Blti n It Up m, aad aa viramriutHf hm nsfttaiTH BA1UKUAI BTaniauliroma.3uia7jup, , J.ld 1 J JAY COOKE & CO. Bay and oatnal atarhat rataa, QOVtUUwMEHT BCCUniTIEfl. GOLD. AND BILVKR. Fainitare. O011ISULEK A ISOaid 134 rRIRCI STRICT. K8W TOUR. Haaafactarara of Haw Sty taa of FIRST-CLASS CABISKT FUBMITUHE. tha qaallly of which will ba gaaraaUcd Wo aaa rarer In tho Farillaro la lha koaata f Hoa. Viraaado Wood. Di, J, If, McCallaaBil afr. V'Tool). fell In p A K i: N O T I J K ir. F. ZIUUERHA5, , Ho. U Savaath clroat. Kit. LooJilaia bvobbb aad D it. Eel Estate Agents. iAfSILUlOM. JamiiW, Waui. GE033 & WALSH, KEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE BKOKEK3. No. ,PAT laniiaylTiil.. Areuua. -.ODTU bIDB, birWBBH IIXTU AHD IXV- iAmTUnri tV"t, aiAtf JOHN E. AUEISOH, iti'3 11 T&rri.Ym agent, Flri! (trail tail aid PaiiajlTiilaifaiaai Capitol B11L CHOICX BUILDIVO LOTS.ob Capitol BUI, for fAieoatnoiiblr paymaata. UOUbha AND LOTS la all parti of thacllyfor atlaa ad raat trf-lf Scale. FAIBBANE'S EC ALES. Tbf aUintlaiof flROCER3 AND BUTC11EH3 It UMiJ to tay large kad ccmpltle aiHrtmaat 1'IaAVFOUBI AHD Counter Scales, wnita w warraatid fl,f If Qjflfectlonery. gHriBuyvniycti iSpEc mas PiaHBTLVABu aysbui. llitwaah Twelfth aid Tblrtoailh Strrola. PARTUS. WBDDIBOB, BlTl'IRg. KXCIP- TIQits. HIMBUi, Ac. Ac, faralahad at abort aoilcoaad tauderalo ieru4 Flrt-alaa Walteia. haidaotne labia oraaoioBti.allrer ware Ac ,Ae , targlihad to partlee Tha Leal Crtama aid Wkior a, aeTiral new Cream la baadioue faacy noiioiiorra"..-. joNLfii ii. miArriBM). fetlt-lM Stereotyping and Electrotyping f UBHAY AWAY-NE, m Miereotrptr a.uJ Elclroipers( B71 PHTLTAirlA AllIOI. JSaYOTHiV"' ?LCfli' MfTAD FOBHf- RBTail ull For S&lft or Bent, DBDO STOBB FOB tALBqiTBAL L00A tlan. BalaelStoik, Baw; SoU AprralBa,ala gaallr tlta d op. Addraai . At. . ft 0. Baa BIT, ftJl It VI hiur. m ki.aiar IHil KAMI, OB Bllhlb, Biar P t. ..,- n"'Vi!r.,Ei5tVi.lS,.b- TOT v lift al natwaaa BtfiBia aaa Kiintn Blh aai dar VT' fTl-H latlorOMca K5 RIST-TflK TntttB-STORT DRICK alraat. batwaaa. fl tii Bt atrtala. with watar, ai, aid ail tht raaJara In IB. al KHfimlBll. I nroTamaaia, aaa iiani ai'aaaan, Aiai omr JOSEPH II. SIC IFF! ELD'S, IBB A PaaaiTlTaaUaraaaa, i? . Bat TwalfthaadTblrtaaaU aU, SPA CITY. CHEAP HOMES. ONLY $20, $25 ADD $30. $10 DOWN, AMU tS I'ER MONTH toil Tut I1AI.ANCC NO CIIAUGIi ron DKED.1. SALES TO BEOIJi AT OUH OFMCEON WEDNESDAY MORNING. THE BFOT tS ntlLTIIFUl,. IT IS CONVENIENT. IT IS A RUllil. RETBEAT. LIVINQ 18 CI1EA1-. TAXIS ABE NOTIHNO. LOTS ABE SOLD ON EASY TERMS. ALL CAN BUY ONE. NONE ARE TOO TOOK. THE FUTURE IS rROMI31.NO. W. a. t V..ttfol M.p. f Ibla a.w law,, aad aaoiikll lUiaf ,artllara .r Uaellr. Call aali aaa. ii aii. nn, BBiL KITATB BROKtKS. I.3S-tr t'ara.r s..aih aad B .ta itatr a flri iraol aad Paaaiyl raala ar a , Gtnn FOR KBaVT.-A PDRBIiniB FROHT pJU. PAkLUtt, lint loor, with hoard for two, at Tilly Dnllarapar uoathi alio, back par lor. with bord for two, at Forty Dalian par taoaih, aiow u atraat. baiwaaa Sixth aad Bar tin ran n GOOO nifABCK FOR AX IRTKRPBIIiaa BUSIBBSS MAH.-Tha clock, ftxtarai aad sad will of a S rat clan 11IOK HTHBE. huMIiIu. two yaara aad a half Locatloa. 1130 baraaih atraai, oaiwaaa u aaa m a i04 aanaaic aiaia lUaaoa for arlllBgt ramorlBC to Phlladalphla Tba Ixtaraa will ba told Mparatalr If Haalrad ForDartlaalaralaaalraatatoraot U1TI BEOTH. Kbtt. 1130 garaaih ilroat aorthwail. batwaaa h aa j at BtaiiDo dianoiaa or ayatarth I. Larpo ratlaa llaaaaa to toll for oaa 7 oar wilt bo aotd aaaap. tatm ar T?0 1 fl A L R .A B11G1I H-A TWO L altry aad baaimaal prearai brick fraot HOUbB, caatrally Inaalad. JJall. U, wattr, aad WBlaraloaat. Lot. ZOxlttt a Wvt allay. Two. atary Brick ntoia oa rear of lot. lailra proporty va. iil,wi aau ia ibi suarau at a iiaarai tnif Tarmaarai ,CXdowa, balnea la t. It, 10, aad.t moBlht, or will tridatapartfrtaa'ry prop any. Apply to J T. DYBhY . Baal ItiaU Hrokar, Boom t, tr. 71 Ii itraat aad Laaliltaa art. fa31 If (liar TX)R HIST A THREE ITORT RRtrr TtWET.. V LlflU, (aow occrintad.) Ho 1131 Eloroath uirrn, uaiwaaa i. bbb ai. iia.airaoaprm.Mi. TXiJt REKT-TWO OR TQBIR DBSIRABLB V KOOUd Ib Iba COLOBIZiTloA D01LU1MU to raat far nil to pnrpoaaa, aad oaa I area roam laltablalorthomaailaiaof Boclatln, laqnlra at laiimiiHiivi vuc,, tor nuiiaiaa. iai-si LtWRKBBT A BM1LL VBICK BOUIB. HT-1-.' BataoaoaiBarooaatof tho Capital, laqalro int uv. hid onnpar, aaii (.apiiot linat, ao- iwhi paauan aaa i ana avraaia oaat. iai9 Mw FR BALI. A TWO STORY FRAHB H CUT HI, A room, oa Ualoa atraat, Iilaad. at 7v0, Tarmtt.luOcAih, balaatt flu a moBth, AI. M. HOHRSR, falS3t SawTork ataava aad HlathatratL payni MS St ai n. buhmbi Haw Totkariaaaaad Blath itraat DRIIRABLB RBIIDBBCB FOR SAL1 Off COB raiiiiroaillalfhta, OcortatowB Kara op porlnalty, aaltla aaally lmprorad. Brlak Uoaa Idai a 11. foot alliy,at praaoat lha raaldaacoof Mr. U D,WUllaBia.'ArplyloJuSBPJIWBAVIB, at tha Bridge market. fill fll" TOH SALB OR RBBT FOR T1VI TI1B5. 1: Thowanhouia, kiowm tkaffaw Eailaad bloro lalUblafor door, i rotary, faraltara ban aaaaor tnaaaraelnilait at aa hlad. Piaa lora iiobbbu tow rcat, j u (jkuminiii, III 7 K vvibii wi a Pint aid D alraou aorthwiiL pODSTRT HOMU WITH1S 800HD OFCITi J talli-WtU Mil at fJratby, twa aad oaa half tallat from Bt, Aloyilaa Chorcb, oa a baaatiral road (or will ba w ha a tbaLaty Canrt grarelalt,! LuTB of hair aa aera or taoro to call. Cara itop i lark Mtlla' placa. aboat oa qnarUr nil a aw tot tba laid J, U, UROHShl AN. lOR BIT OR B4LB OH LOHQ TIMB-A V TUHII..8TOKY FBAyR UOUHB. with alaraa TUHII..8TOKY PllAWR UOUHB, wl roomi, water aad taa. Ho. Oil Twaatyflrat atratt weal, ttrat door lb nf O tanrtb. Milt ffo. 01 roaaiylvaBl araaaa. TJpl RALB-A ILIOABT I V DIBUI.BpBioaiOroaadi.i Ac. 1 faralahai or Bafaralahad, Uot aa at Loag Braacb, aad adjal aT Braacb. Bad adlalaa tha aalJana af Praaldial uraat. 1 or f artbai partlcalere apply Bf. 107 I itraat Bona, v anaa-i agria. WaehlagtoB. D.u. litOlU LM nORSALS riNaDBaha Wat-blaitoa loiadnil raad. tamw aaal.a hiirnllaa abovaOopriitoWB. Tba tatproTananla caaalat la patiafaframo dwelllag boaio, eoBialBlaf taraa roomi, with kllcLaB. paatrr aad waakrooat at. Uchad. aid all tho oathaiidlBg- roqilrad aboat b Bntaaa farm. Tha tllaaliaa ia high aad haalthy, aouraaidlig a haaBllfal rtew of the Poiotaaa aid tho aarroaadlif ooaatry. The laad lilaalyilUated. aad la la BblghaUUaf caltlra tloa. with orchard aad vraoarr. Abaat fan acre ara wall ect ligraii. Thla praperty ofira rattlodeeamiaU toaayoa dulrlag a aaaatry .AalJa... MA,la.w.L A b.1 v 7.. I- .. ta to Bay oa dulrlag a aaaatr ma taodarata, Apvlrritr laferaia 110 BW f.T-tr SB BrlJga itre.tUS.Ji'iw'a Vb Wants. WABTBO-A PARTY T HOT A BOTIO AHD UR18B MA&lrfo bTABtlBHHM aowdolagi gAodbailieae. Wait be told, at tl RBALIITATBWABTID lit WASBlHOTOff, . ClItCAUU.AHDROBFO-LK.-Thaadrortlae ii .7.1. 7. :r' . -- i;r.": r rr ". WaablBttoa property, or will lake Horfolk prop' Ule rer Daacrlbe propartr aaedi raialy.aad addritt fill-It 1 11 U 1'ItlKTUa, nwi poa hi. r i. WAHTBD Toleaaofor a tarn of years, riu niJ h prirlleio or parcbailig. b Utf lot el akOTJHD, betweea Bo-calk aad Saveataaalh treiteBorthweil.aBtlable for Wood aad Caal YardtorwoaU laaao a Wharf praparly laluale forthaaaua pirposa. Addrm. autlac Jeaailos. olliaadlermi. OLSAfeOB A QLBMH. M.TJkb U.:troetVharWa.bUrtat;!tftn 'n WA3TID-A P17RCUASIK IU1( FORTY UR 11 Fifty atretof LAHD, thirty nliitaa drlra friitaWatblagtoa taarkot. aad la tba aelghbar Loodaf tha Soldier ' Homo. Properly aa tha Polil of uocKa railroad aad aura Hauob. IiopraTa ue&lii Uoaii,Oal-hoa,StAbl,aad Dwollliga, alllaSHt-ialo repair Alraatagtsi A Sral-raU Gooitry-aiat fjr a leaUanaa whovlahiata ba liar towi i literal Oa Italldlag Sltea oi tho placet laid la high ralllraUoa, gad well aalted for lha uiixaua irana a out. a. Ttrioi llletal, aid for urn apply le w , J. U. CAPIRTOY, ReatEiUtaAgoat, oateBo. fl, ft! I UtelligiBcer Balldlag, Ban at b atraat. P BvJrilTU PAYS FAIKCOllUIPBlOIS FOR Vj. taiW. Uoat'aaadChlldreaUSoeoad'baB? ( loihlax, UaJer-Clolhlag, Boola. Shoai, Ae . Ho, 4l& "Hath UPaal. katwaaa Daaa alruia Iki.J door front Young llea'a Ckrlillaa AnaciatlOB Wa.ll B Mai n BHUUA91 Ull VlAaU iniflU, oldUold ABdSllrar. or aay otbtr article ol Salae. at tba oldoiiubltahed Harchiat Paw a rober hloro of H. FULTuK A LO , 31 Hliih iroal, bat, Bth itraat aad J ibiivI raala lyaiia. decW-tf Boardihy. rpwOPRRbOHS up GOOD C1IARACT8U AND Mli'iti1" "" '""Kh-4 BaTni "id Lf 1 ai 40 par noaihaMh. Lm-atUi oa lha tlBeofF D.aorthweat. filT tf noAaniivu, J. lilJjjUH HliriTir atulo or la call, wit. or wlthoit boarir " 17IRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD gu m U1D ? at tho Aid I KIC A H HOUSt.wraer of iiereath itraat a4 Peiiaflvaila ariaa. for SAO va" neitk, nva eB MBlH-TOn mil AND ISPBKI8!9!ir. Tfll nBCOBBTRCCTIOB COUHITTEB YMtdr- day dettrmlaed to report a bill for tho ad million of Georgia with condition! Ilka laoio lmpotil on Virginia sad MUslnippl. TUBraBSIDBBT'SLBTIBthU eTtoloff BflH uodoabtedly bs tha moat brilliant of the seaion. The hoan for rectrtloa art) from 8 o'clock to lOp. m. Tbb salary of Hon. J. E. lUrrej. i AllnlitcrtoPortacal, haijnttbeca paid by ths Treasury Depirtrntntp after mooy month of lupenalon. Sicbbtary Robesob aad the NavaI Com mittee of the IToaie and Benate, will lekte here on a ipeclal'traln on Friday tovlilt the Monarch at Annapolis. Amobg tb lelznrct reported yeitcrdsyal the lotimal repenn office was a distillery and rcctlfylor aiuhllihment In the Ffrit ininol district, Yalned at Isl.SOOi alio, One thousand barrels of whisky seized at Buffalo by fiopcrrlsor O'Dooncll, Yalned at $50,000. Ia both cases tho rerenne officers report that thtselxore were mads for fagTant rlola ttons of tho law. C.THJSATiOf has ao far extended Into Alaska that two breweries hato been re ported to the Commissioner of Internal ReYcnuo as carrying on baslnoss, and are paying no tax to the Government. It Is urged that revenue officers should bo Imme diately appointed to collect the revenue tax In that Territory. The Commissioner will, at his earliest convenience, give the subject hit attention. Nomibatiobs. The President yesterday sent to tho Senate the following nomina tions: Jacob Anthony, snnreyor of customs, New Albany, Ind.f Uodney W. Daniels, col lector of enstoms, district of Buffalo Creek, N. T.t Thomas Cnmmlngs, late captain lO.h United States Infantry, to be captain of lnfantryt Kollln A Edgertoo, receiver of public moneys at Mltle Hock, Ark.i and Eben Everett, register of land office at Santa re, New Mexico. Grt. T. D. Siwell, designated surveyor of distilleries, has recently inspected the gin aMslilisries with tne view of fixing the mast mnm period to be allowed for fermentation, and It haa been decided that they be gov erned by the samo rutca as whisky distille ries. Mr. Joel Fsrbam has made Inspection of the rum distilleries for the same purpose, and six da j a hat been UioJ as tho maximum period to bo allowed to such for tho fcrmcn tatlon period. Tni Docsi Natal Couumxs win meet dally, at 10 o'clock a. m., until the question of naval rank Is fully determined. At the meeting of tho committee yesterday morn ing It had the Stevens' bill and that recom mended by the Secretary of the Navy both under consideration. The only matter de termined was to strike from the Stevens' bill all matters relating to the pay of both line and nUff officers, and a sab committee, consisting of Messrs. Bcofleld, Archer, and Stevens, was appointed to prepare a separate bill, or to report an amendment to the Ste vens' bill fixing the pay of all officers of the navy at some certain amount. National TnEATAE. "Our Maxglo" had another elegant honse last night to witness the pleasing dramatization of Qeorge Sands' still more pleating story of "Fanchon" Mrs. Paddock Is the Ideal of the "Cricket," and has no successful rival In the character. Iter "Shoo-fly" Interpolation (we say It In all kindness and respect) does not add to the merit of tho performance. To-night "tittle Barefoot' will be presented, and as an acting play la In many respects superior to "Fanchon." The sale of tickets to tho Parepa-Itosa opera troupe commences at Mclxcrotl's music store to-day. The Initial perform ance, "Marltann," by Vincent Wallace, la one of the gems of the English opera. Important Patiit Diciaiox. dudie Fisher, after a Tcry extended examination, has decided the celebrated Interference case of UqisoU vi. McCracken, which Involved the question of the Invention of the manu facture of felt and felt hats from the fibre of the bamboo and common flshlng-cane, a discovery of vital Importance to the trade and public. The case has been In progress over five yiars and no less than eight hun dred pages of printed testimony have been filed. The Judge, In a very clear opinion, affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Patents, from which Russell had ap pealed, awarding priority of Invention to McCracken. Counsel engaged, Cox and Cox, of this city, for McCracken A. 1'ollock, tout r a. CoutttssiOfiR Dilabo returned here yes terday after an absence of over a week, hav ing been In New Tork assisting Collector Bailey la settling the difficult lei which hare arisen in the Thirty-second New York dis trict. There were a large number of visi tors at the revenue office. Among those who called were Alexander Cameron A Brothert tobacco manufacturers at Rich mond and Petersburg. They claim that their products are entirely exported, and by the existing regulations they are compelled to pay large fees to the Government inspec tors la New Tork where their goods are re shipped In tho Canard steamers. The com tnlssloner said their claim was one that would undoubtedly be granted. The present regulations governing bonded warehouses were made when a different syslemof stamp ing tobacco was In vogue Tho codification oi the revenue laws, and Congressional legls lotion would undoubtedly modify the law, aad relieve them from the embarrassment. Two cuius hare Just been received at tho Third Auditor's office from Boston merchants amounting to $71,000, for differ ence In the value of legal-tender notes and gold at tho time of the settlement of a claim for use of steam vessels Undaunted, Merrl mac, and MIulislppI. The claim Is filed under the recent decision of Chief Justice Chase. It appears the amount to be paid was $150,000, and that the sum now claimed U the depreciated value of tho legal-tenders at the time the settlement was made. This claim will undoubtedly be male a lest case. It Is stated that there are a n -unbar of claims Involving the same question pondlog before tho auditors of the Treasury Department, and that either addltlonallegtilatlcra or Con gressional appropriations will bo rciilrcd to meet the emergency. We do not see bow the claimants can re enter If they have re col rod and accepted payment In greenhaeka without protest at the time that payment was made. Even under the recent decision of the Chief Jos tles they should have protested at the time, and not have waited until after the decision of tho court. If they have receipted In full for the amount stipulated to be paid them they are now stopped from maklnR a valid claim, and we shoald pot be sorprlsod If the aecouollog officers of the Treasury would take this view of It. Direct Taxmi Ibicrrbctioiaby Dis tricts vhdih tub Act op lWJ.-Th caio of Bennett against Honter, a case from the Vtran or Appealaor Virginia, brought to recover lands sold for taxes In the Alexan dria district by the United State tax com mlsilesers, was yesterday concluded on ar gument before the United States Supreme Court The delinquent, Hooter, having been pari! one J, tb State courts restored hi title, and the purchaser, and those holding nuder him, brought the cass her by writ of error, Insisting upon tb validity of the sal and the constitutionality of th law under which It was mode. As to the effect of the pardon, It la conceded that It freed the delin quent from all penalties and disabilities at tached to the offence of treason, and that he could not thereafter be excluded by the ex action of An oath of expurgation from con tinuing In th enjoyment of any previously acquired right. Bat th oath required by the act of March 3, 1M5, as a condition to re deem .Toporty forfeited for non-payment of taxes, td not have the effect of precluding him from the enjoyment of any such right It utmost prevented blm from deriving any benefit .from the pardon -a mere act of grace Ar favor on tha part ot the Govern ment. Ills exclusion from the privilege of redemption by reason of this oath cannot properly be deemed a punishment, as no penal consequences altatbed. Tho pardon ing power Is not a dispensing power. The case wa argued on the part of the plaintiff In error by Attorney Genual Hoar. Dralh of Hon, Anion UnrtluRnae, Tbe death of Hon. Anson Burllogame, which occurred at St. Petersburg, Russia, was announced In the House of Representa tives yesterday by General Bank, who mad a brief but eloquent speech. The announce ment wa received with sad emotion, and created a profound Impression. Mr. Bnrllngame was born In New Derlln, Sheaango county, New Tork, November II, 181. Ills youth was spent oa the Western frontiers, at one time acting with surveying parties and at another participating In tbe making of Indian treaties, far beyond the confines of clvlllxAlIon. Ho laid the foun dation of bis education at the Branch Uni versity of Michigan, but removing to Mas sachusetts, he entered Harvard University, where he received a degree la 1810. 11 studied law and practiced In Boston. In 1313 he wa elected to the Stats Senate, and la 1853 was a member of the convention for revising the constitution of Massachusetts. He was elected a Representative In tho Thirty-Fourth Congreasi was re-elected to the Thirty-Fifth, serving a a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He was also re-elected to the Thirty Sixth Congress serv ing on the samo committee. Mr. IV first speech of any length In Congress wa tbe memorable one on tho assault upon Senator Sumner, for which Preston 8. Brooks challenged him. Of Brook he said that on a certain day, while a Senator wa engaged In attending to hi duties and his constituency, he (Brooks) stole Into the Senate Chamber and smote him as Cain smote hi brother. Tho sensa tion in the old hall during the delivery of that bold, eloquent speech will long be re membered, and Mr. B. ever afterwards ranked a one of the finest orators In the country. In 1SC1 ho was appointed by President Lincoln as Mlulitcr to Anitria, and subse quently ta China. On tbe 31st of Novem ber, 1387, tho Chinese Government issued an Imperial decree announcing that that Gov ernment had selected Mr. Uurllngama aa It apeclal ambassador to the treaty Powers of the world, and the acceptance by tbe latter of tho appointment, and his resignation of bis position as the representative of the Uulted States. The purpose of the embassy was to revise th treaties between the grtat Powers and tbe Empire of China, aad to settle the maoy complicated and delicate questions which had arisen under the then existing treaties sir. unrungame len Pekln In December of that year, first visiting the United States. He was accompanied by several officers of tho Chines Government and attaches of the foreign legations at China. Oa arriving at Washington he concluded an Important treaty by which citizens of the United States were accorded more privileges Io, China than ever before enjoyed. About ten day since President Grant Issued hi proclamation officially announcing the rati fication of the treaty, the provisions of which were published at tbe time. Mr Bnrlln game, after leaving Washington, proceeded to London, Parle, Berlin, and other European capitals, where treaties wcro made with tb Government of Great Britain, France, and Prussia, and at the time of his death was at 8U IMersbnrg to make a treaty between Russia and China. In the death of Mr. Burllogame tbe loss will be felt not only In the United States and la China, but throughout the world j for the mission upon which he waa engaged was on whkb. In 11 operation, was calcu lated to benefit the whole human race. tbb bbws or bis dbatb IB PARI. Paris, February 33. Anson Burllngame, Chinese Ambassador, died at St. Petersburg this a. m.t after.four days Illness. His death will create profound Impression over all Eu rope, and particularly In Farls, where he was so well and favorably known and etteemed. RXCIirT 0F TUB BBWS IB OOSTOH. Boston, February 53.-The evening pa pers publish elaborate obituary notices of the late Anson Bnrllngame. The dispatch announcing hi death was from Edward .Bnrllngame, the eldest son of the deceased, and was addressed to Hon. Isaae Llrermore, father of Mrs. Borllagame, bnt gave no detail regarding tho sad event. Mr. and Mr. Bnrllngame left Berlin Febru ary 9 for St. Petersburg. The flag In this city were plAcod at half-mast on th an nouncement of Mr. Burllngam' death. Mate Dinner Kt lha Exeentlva Man elan. The sixth Slate dinner of the season took place at the Exeestlve Mansion last night. The guests wsre seated In the fol lowing orden The President was seated aa usual in tho centre of tbe north side of the table, having Mrs. Grant directly opposite. Hi euucrsiuaoi ine rresiueni were seated Mrs. Senator Bberman and Mrs. Stnator Kellogg. Besides these ladles there were sealed on tbe north Senator Gilbert. Mrs. Rico, Hon. Mr. Blair, Hon Mr. Armstrong, Mrs Fisher, Hon. Mr. Hale, Senator Stock ton, Mrs. Armstrong, Hon. Mr. JudJ, Hon Mr. Ferry, Mrs. Buck and Mr. Grlnnell. Mrs. Grant was supported on cither tide Ly Senator Sherman aad Ssuator Ktflogg. On tbe samoaldoof the table wa teated Mrs, Gllbart, Senator Rice, Hon. Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Bnfllaton, Mr. rroastr, Mr Hamil ton, Mr. Buck, Hon. Mr. BuOLuto-o, Hon. Mr. Allison, Mr. Judd, Benatorj, and Mrs. Stockton. At either end of the table sat lion. Mr. Strong. Mre, Coleman Hon. r Trim Via TTm W. f. . tf.. Mr. (..-4...U, uvu, mi. vuivuuto, aaaroi Strong, ana Hon. Mr. Townlend. The compauy roso about 0 o'clock. A isolb dispatch retelred la llosloa yes terday moraine; announce tbo death of lion. Anson UarUogam, at St. Petersburg yciltraay. mi bAlm of oAnrmniPN-MB. WII-TXTKHOBbVA. fJABE AMD TDK DEBATE III THE ItODSB TEI TAtBDAT. Since the day of the trial of the Impeach ment of Andrew Johnson, no occasion hi Invited so large a crowd to th Capitol as that which thronged tha galleries of tbe nous of Representative yesterday. Tba attraction was the anticipated consideration of the resolution reported from the Military Committee, to ex pet Mr. Whit tern ore for Il legally dlspoelogof cadelshlpa. In accordance with the resolution adopUd on Monday, tbe report of the committee wa called up at two o'clock, and every person on th Boor and In th galleries expected that Mr. Whlttemor would Immediately make his defence. But an entirely different coane was punned, as will be seen by refer ence to the report of the Homo proceedings A contest at ones sprung up as to how tho case should be conducted. General Butler announced that ha had been retained as counsel for the accused, and he proposed to appear for him In that capacity, and aa such be claimed unusual privileges, The point was, however, successfully made that under the resolution of Monday Mr. Whlttcmoro must make his defence per sonally, either orally or In writing. After much discussion upon points of order, Ac, an affidavit was read, In which lb accused did not pretend to deny that he had received money for hucadetahlp, hut he pnt In the plea that the money had cot accrued to his personal advantage or benefit, but that It wa expended for the relief of the poor In his Congressional district. The affidavit closes with a request for a further postpone ment. Mr Logan subsequently disposed of every allegation In he affidavit, and demonstrated to the satisfaction of every Individual pres ent except, perhaps, Mr. Butler, that Its statements were, to say the least, mlsrepre scntat!ons. Then followed more discussion on points of order, and Anally Mr. Butler obtained the floor, and although he was dis posed to claim apeclal privileges, they wsre not accorded him. He made a apeecU of considerable length, but wo need only refer to the report elsewhere to show that h was completely vanquished by Mr. Logan. Th latter carried the Honse with blm, as wa manifest by the large rote against post ponement, which Mr. Batter advocated. Tbe Massachusetts member must have fell that he had a bad, cause or he never would have uttered so maoy Indiscreet sentences, His attack upon the press was donbtless sal lsfactory to himself, bnt wo believe the press can survive It. Mr. Bntlcr defines a newspaper man as one who hang about the Capitol and writes home lies about the Representatives. That Is hlsoptaloo, and we beg leave to differ from htm. If the "newspaper man" In this city will not compare favorably with an equal num ber of Congressmen In honor, honesty, Intel ligence and due regard to tbe proprieties of lire, then w will admit that Mr. BuUer Is a competent Judge, aad not until then. We are free to confess that Mr. Whlttemor owe Mr. Butler a debt he could not repay by tho sale of a score of codetshlp and the transfer of the money to Mr. Butler pocket i for we cannot Imagine what could remunerate tbe Massaehusett member for the lojnry he did himself yesterday. We cannot conceive what evil genius led Mr. Whlttcmoro to his folly yesterday. It seems to be conceded In tbe best In formed quarter that If he had made his own statement at the bar of the House) 1( he had candidly acknowledged his guilt In disposing of th cadetshlpt If he had hon- estly stated what hi friends profess to bo iler, that he waa not aware of wrong- doing, hut supposed be was engaged In a lcglumate transaction! If be bad then asked the House to take Into consideration all the mitigating circumstance, he might have been saved the disgrace of expulsion, and escaped with a reprimand. Bnt be chose another conrse. He became the voluntary client of one of tho most famous criminal lawyers to the country, aed entrusted hi honor aad hi hope to that lawyer's keeping. Tbe lawyer waa alio a Representative, bnt b voluntarily aban doned hit representative character and be came tho special pleader. His constituents had a right to be heard, and to have a vote upon the question through their Representa tive, but he voluntarily deprived them of that right, and Instead of achieving a victory ho was vanquished. Aa a Representative speaking la right of bis membership h might hare had aome weight. As a criminal lawyer pleading tba cause of au alleged criminal he made every Represantatlv a stern Jadgej appealed to them aa Judges, and tbey voted la accord ance with their convlctloo upon a given late of facts. It was no part of the busi ness of the House to Inquire what Mr. Wblttemors had done with the money, The whole thing to be Inquired of was, did he dispose of bis cadetship In a manner con trary to the statute In such case mail and provided t A the matter now stand there does not seem to he a doubt of the passage of tbe resolution of expulsion, There It one other maltar In connection with thl case that we fetl bound to notice. Mr Butler alluded to tho publication In Tuesday Ripcbucak of a card from Mr, E. r. Brook In relation to Mr. Whltlcmore, and he construed that publication as an ad- dltlonal Wrong to his client, and referred to it In a spirit of complaint thing he wa cot J&ituod la doing. It wo published at the special request of Mr. Brooks, who claims to be Air. whlttemor' special and particular mend. la closing bis card Mr, Brooks lay 1 1 I hita wiltton lha farrrotrir with i'nl .. .....r.' - .'....- i .r.Lv". --i . j.Tr.iir; nniituva, vfiiun uiauaa niuu puoiiany to tb aOralr, aad without advlilag with, or area loiting air. wnititnora now aariaii bdoqi ii iu. i ne.ieva u loin nroiiir atat the truth ef tha cat, eo that th publ a nubile uar properly jaageoi tta tnerita " That 1 all trus. It waa rrUft "without advlalag with or even letting Mr. W hit to more know anything about It," but after It wa trrlftVn It was thown to Mr. Whlttemor audjm6fuWteAjrnr. So that when Mr. Butler complaint of tbe RirnnLiCAB for publishing It, and abuse Mr. Brooks for "... ..., , , -., ,. writing It, he compute of hi clleat a well for ellowlogand advlalag It publication. - I-atest TaWtraphl U-lue. A locomotlv exploded yesterday between New Havtn and Mexico, on tbe Rome and Oswego (N.Y.) railroad Nb m wss In Jursd, ' ., , ... Tbe Nw EuglAndaociety at Toronto eel- l rated Washington's birthday bv a rennlou and ball. I. D, Thurston, Hon. George Brown, Colonel Skaw and other made Peach. - Tk. Mi. ronn.ll .n.H.1 m-.n,.. -r v.- t,v b..AM,,i rf ',, iv,7:' i. -waiaaB n MV HUH, IIIIH.UI II, I ISVSBVI V II B.UIUItaH I UintUAY. 10111 Seward a banket at the rifth Attune !" "i" ppropTUt, srccbes toad, Ilot.l. Dtu k (ai. hoar. A coBrentlcm of Ib, meraberl of the con-' u, Obabtiixb haa wrlttta to tb, tlen- semilia craaa of l,.i.i.n i. u, , ., i u"lonrur moaclng the lawaiJoo u" ? praesof lonUUna leto mccl at 6f lha Imperial Ooreramant so withdraw lae Nn Orlwnt on Monday ntit. 'troop. In lha garrison In N.wfood!ind, A Ihree-masUd steamer is aahoro lea.l',I "Io futar, IbU protloce will hate mllet sonlh of Cam llenrr name nn i iMW0, THE NEWS BY CABLES UntAT BB1TAIB. Fraceetflnfa In Parliament Tba Hardannc DIvoraa CaioTaat line ar ' lb rrlnea ef WaUa. Lobdov, February 33. ta the House of Commons to-day the life Insurance company bill was introduced and dlscnssed. The IIouso adjourned at an early hour. in the noose of Lords the proceeding were unimportant. In the Mordanot divorce cat loV-ay the l'rinc of Wale, come of whose Utters to Lady Mordannt bars beca publUhd, wae called to the witness stand. Lord Pcoaon! pointed out that no witness was bound to make answer to any question which would admit that he had been guilty of adultry. tdo rrlnee leallHed that ba was acquainted with Lady Mordannt previous to her mar riagp, and made her wedding present before her marriage. She visited the rrinceee at Matleborough Honse. She bad visited tha theatre In company with the Prince and Prince. Her saw her often la I860 and 1807. He had frequently met Sir Charlea In company with Lady MordaonC. Ia Jan, 1907, h met Sir Charles at a pigeon match. on which occasion Lady Mordannt scored for both aide, and h spoke to her In the conrse ef the match. Tbe Prince admtttrd that he occasionally uted Hansom cabs. He solemnly asserted lb ere had er been any Improper or crim inal Intimacy between himself and lady HorJaunt. This declaration was received by the great crowd of spectator with cheers, which the cocrt endeavored to repress, but which were renewed. Tbe bench expressed mnch royal Indignation at tho publication by tbe public Journals of tho letters of the Prince to Lady Mordannt. rSXAHCE. HIdl.tor W.l.t.r-a'a Het.Un- Arraal T Den Car la f ftpaln- I Tba f Praia-aantencoef that PrBrlter r lneMraallla.B, Paris, Feb. 13 Tb reception given by Minister Washburn laat night waa attended by all the Cabinet Ministers, and wa a brilliant affair. Don Carlo of 8 pa to, whll traveling through Francs with an Austrian pan port, nnder tbe nam of th Marquis Alconlard, wa arretted at Lyon by the civil authori ties. He waa reminded that h could use It only on th north of France, and tf he violated that condition he must leave th country, Tha Prince then proceeded to tUUxerland, accompanied by aa escort as far as tbe fron tier. Previous to his arrest be met th Dak of Mode na at Lyone aad completed all hi arrangement for going to Spain and raising another Insurrection. It I asserted that Franca has teat a note to Berlin relative to the treaty of Prague. Tbe proprietor of tht AurifWdiM bo been sentenced to Imprisonment tor four months, and fined 1,000 franc. S.PAIW. D mo net rat Una by tba I'noiaipWyee. Workman Inanrvanta Defate4. Madrid, February 23. A peaceful demon stration waa made hers today by the work ing people out of employment. Thousands oftbem gathered In front of the Ministry of Public Work and demanded work. Sim ilar mini festal Ion are announced for to morrow. Llano, February S3. A band of Insur gent at Mogadon have been defeated and dispersed by the troops, who took twenty even prisoner. KOIIE. Tb Ken man leal Canned. I tow i. Feb. 83 In the Ecumenical Coun cil tha discussion on tbe catechism haa terminated. Serea Father delivered speech n, and tb motion of six others were prioted and distributed. The Journal promulgate a Papal desire, the purpose of which I to hasten the decltlon of the council. It pro vide that a pnhlto session shall be held every tea days aad require the Fathers to present la writing tneir oierreuon io a competent commualoo ""cUDA. Tb Nlfaatir Mr CnallaAvrlvaxt liar Cars Yhrawa Of rlari-ln bntnanllj-or lbltttvnnlltamr frank fey i. Hataxa. Feb. 23 Th lAmer Moro Castle arrived this morning from New Tork. She ran aihore at Ragged Key, where abe remained twelve hour, aod got off after throwing her carg overboard". Capt. Adama fired three gun and bolstcf a signal of distress, bat lb revenue steamer Frankfort, which was passing in plain sight paid no attention to the slguats. The coo duct of tbe Captain Is severely coodmnd. General Webb la a passenger by tht Moro Cattle. . Tbnala Bf !. Niw Yobb, Fcbraary 13-Ths National Tobacco Association mtl to-day, and elected W E. Lawrence president. A mas meeting of tobacco maaufaetor er waa held thla afternoon, at which repre sentative war preacnt from all sections of the country, and a memorial to Congress was adopted. AaUldUnllroad EtapUC Cm eke 4. t Dealk. BAL-n-tOBB, Feb. 33. Tho ran Spurrier, aged 63 year, was crashed to death this afternoon by tb ear at the Locnst Point stitch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, J ot beyond tbe rlty limits. II kad bean la tho employ of lb railroad company twenty fire year. Tlsrnkl Mnanmarr A biw CABLB to coatrect Ore! Britain with the West India Island I to be laid In a few day. Ton commercial treaty between Aestrla and ureal Britain na been ratioed Dy bola Governments Lastbtbiuo, at a monster temperance meeting held la Chicago, petition wa pre sented, containing twenty thousand name, In favor of doling tho liquor saloons on lb Sabbath. Tbb contract for a new Un of sleamsblp f.AM If.U.w VAHll.riall. Wat 1ial ... B Wa- HVIH VWIIfll C7V.I.U iibhi.iu cbh fan eUco, haa been lgoed. Tk .Warners will loach at Honolalo, in tb Sandalch Island,, bothwtyi. r IMit.,. 1I-Wt t(,.la -.., -l,i...i I hi mother to death, plead xnlltv of nan. suughltr la tb teeond degree, and waa ' rTr . .aTT ' ia uara labor, for soven jeers. i A iiisraTcn from Vienna, aan tha Aaa- ifun n0rn.mfit. if th. Jt..- " I Napoleon can be first laenraJ. Lu. . nvok tb Catholic rower, la order to i PP" U Pensions. T"ltt" w" .hrillUut aad crowded re- iiiiiiiiiii ai ilia ii 1 1 . Ar ui.i .w.-k ' Jl V "nca M MlnlaWr waab. SV i! W..2.7.!U.V"'"K. -., . j-- - -. . w. wiiwwt rfa,i - r" "7.? 'u "" prolecUoo ori n iss i '"' (may oluln from the dominion of CansdA If THE KETnODUTI. PalllUM I-Uirwrna af lha KwW Trh "UU fJeotTonlteai. SraiCLii,N.Y.,Fab.ttThMthodlt BUte convention declared their poaltloa to day to tbe following effect . VYh.l.bydo not propose a ChrlsUai nor tven a ProteaUnl political party, thtytak lh ground that good men throughout the Stale and nation should be thoroughly organised and prepared to act promptly and unitedly In support of those principles and la opposition to vsry thing that endanger onr free InsUtulloni, wbich are, first, the Roman Catholic con piracy against tb public schools) secooJ, the endowment and snpport by the Bute of sectarian IniUtotlooit third, the legal sanc tion of the liquor traffic) fourth, th dsalrue lion of the Christian Sabbath) fifth, all forms of political corruption. A State committee la appointed to dlim toata and render practical these principles. A report wae adopted la favor of the e Ubllahmcnt of a Central Methodist UU illy at Byracuae, and tl.000 erto Iribuled. it r a ii Dint m Attack atf Soldltri ln C'lllitn. Salt I.ari, Utah, Feb. S3. On Saturday night as a young man named Manning, a resident of the Eleventh warJ, waa going home from the theatre be was followed by a party of soldiers. H waited until they had passed him some distance and then went on, Th soldiers belted, however, and waited until he came up to where they were when they attacked him, one of them stabbing him la the bruit Uil inflicting only a tllght wound. After knocking the young man down and beating and kicking hlinla abroUl manner, the ftotdler left Mm, auppoalng tbat h waa dead. Ills thought that Manning waa attacked by the soldier ont of revenge for the part tJi WiaTttj ho taj uken la the capture of .. . ,. M -kw... .. UrJ lb, aoldlct. rrell on Tnorvla J r,llil UU Tiir. nan aiEm rorsTKT. ll.rair.b... ...a lb. 1IM4..M D.jr tlrllla h Trap. n.fM.Ml arMI.l.ia I P.a, Ttar.HKh lb. fallal lll.l... Tokwo, Fcbnttr 53. Tb. JWy 7..V grp of lo-dl a.yi II Lam tb, rooat rclUbl, aulhorl!7 for lUtlng (bit . dispatch bAa bten neetrcJ from tb, ItarrlA Gorera mcatt rtcommerjdloK thil money for tba parcbue of tb. nortLweit territory b, rLl OT.r to tba HodMn Day Compaay, aoJ a mllltarr fore, rooalattof; of aballcrjor ar tiller? aod tba Horal t'aoadlan RlHtl, ba teat Into tb, territory In May, aod procaeJ by way of Lake Superior) alao, tbat th, American anlborltle. vera ailad to alio Iba troop, to pata Ibronfh their territory and rafaied. The coat nf lending tbe troop, oat to be borte by tbe Imperial Uorernment lAjUIMa,.. Au.ll.r Wlektlrria D.llf.r lb. t'a a. all.. Ceapaaa Th. l.l. Cratf!! Imparlaal Dill. raM1. Niw Objjum. J'eb.!3 Th,BnAl. Joint reMlnllon paaKd repairing WlckUff, IaU Rut. auditor, to deliTCT to hit inoctaaor oter At. hnradrfr! thonaaad dollar, ttMaocalled coipona which ba abstracted from lb. But.. A Joint reaolnlloo antborlslor lb. tsaa, of bonds by tba Oorernor and treasurer, (Irlaf power to effect loans, a.. passed. BUI Inrorporsllnr lb. Mississippi Vallay Nailiallon Company l passed. Dili firing fort and .Oct to tl plan of Urea burning recommended by lb. Uh.Ula Comaanui CoaienOoo pAuad tbn lions, and ordered to a tblid reading Id tbe Senate, tinder sus pension of tb, rules TinuTiiia. Tpt.I?. r,rl'.al, la IbhI.I Ca. AILwa-H.a. fraa. tha Uav.ra.r. nicrmonD, I'cu. 21 In Iba LeglsUtar. to-day lha Itooi. Ull aHowiajc twclr, per oaL Interest In casts of epecUl contract aa prorldcj U tb, coo, Ulotlon, passed (ha Senate, and U now a Uw. X messag, waa recelrod from th. tier tiaor rxommendieg in, paasag s tha persona elecud or appoint! to caw. ahaU.bcaldea UtLng Iba oalh la the BUI. conellttAloo, also mat. oatb thai M u not Ufioallled by tba UoaitltaUon of lb, I ol- tedSUlcs. THE nOMISIOM rr.essdl.ll- rat Mallear App.lala. C'.raaa.a d.r.r Ih. r.rraw. Omwl, Teh. S3. In tb, Domlaton far llament. a. address In reply to Ib, Oorsraor A,teoerat,, speech, which baa ben debater! (air rtlghta, waa agreed u witnoni airuton. General Uodiny baa been appolted com. 4ta.der of tba forces of British North Arair. tea, . . Till: laDiask t'ai.rakl. ..." ""' TFalbraJ"' Ciiicauo, ru SO.-A rape froaJ " lTrolbrand, who haa bMa oparw "' , conjunction with Uakcr against hosta. UdUna la tienUna Territory, to General Blierldan.Myai "I do not apprehend any new outbreak of hoatllltlca. and I consider Ih, safely of lha actllemenu far better ae carcU now than at any time berortV' rirss. Cllttuati, rcbraary 33.A Bra Ihle morning deitroyed two warthoasee beloag log to Messrs. VTInsIow, and part.fa.oUer. OWneJ by W. J. tlordon, FclUI A Holland. Tl. probable lost In llonr, grale, JU U from fifteen to tweoly thousand dollar fnlly losnrad. Ser.ral other parllee lota. but not considerably, and ara generally la tared. During the progress of Ih, fir. Chief Eu gtaccr II CI was merely Injured by falling from a ladder. lilt woondt ar, sot coaild' crl dAngtroot. Tb. . bit. atay.ralty. HuaTooxMf, Au., rcbraary 93. Mr Price, tba Mayor of Motile, applied to tha Bopram, Coart to-day for writ of taper cedent, (o raleaaa himself from Jail, and t. bar. th. rejeat act of tha Legislator, passed oa by Use sourt. On of Ih. Jadgc, rtftsed the writ, me eSVtl of which U to Instil rurrlnftoo, tbe ncwnllyppolnleAi Mayor, orer Price- Tha dodg. lefued to lake cogaUsaa of tbalaurpolAtloa la tb, bill, which author. l4 th, Oorernor lo aprUl UsrHogtoo mr"', , , Iticmio.n, Vs., rebrniry SU.-Thli af ternoon, a T odoct, IrankUn 0. llot.y, .( Chioango " Vorki "a" f , ,,. Bortbarn d.pol 10 lear. the northern u,, m, i.t. ,ub bww, wa IflraJal bj Ma (lerUn..f company U, i t 1 AI a. lib lafaalry, who waa lUnolng on IV ' sids.alk drank. The ball calttad Uney'i bral,, moruily oundlog Urn. UertUsn, ,ft,r mnnlng a mnc Uirangh lb. ilmu , ,.- oa th, rollcc. wu arrcsled. U, an.i nring on to, police, wu arrctiN. u, is rroiu llrooklyn, . T 'B banks and pnbli. p tie. war, all II Joint Ikt confederation. 4 oicd InVhlcagoon Wasbuigioa'tblriuday