OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, March 03, 1870, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053572/1870-03-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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-7 X I
-X- o 2-c-. tf!Vv-t.
Auction Sale,.
T J. T. l!OLI)WEI.I, af, fl.U.. AmaA'e.
no. rtaniviraaia avoaut, Doiwaao
nuutiiiHii itmih
Tarnai ID' tub.biliiH Ik ale kid twtlra
nootha, with laltal Bad tatartd by a dead f
ratio tb pramiaoa.
All HiTfiHii nin" lamp, at pir-
kwr'! I, rifir dollota will bt rtqoirtd dow
J.T. COtDWBtLjfO1?
fall JUl Auttloaaort,
atii MOM DAT, tho Tlk day of March, lama hoar
ad piaoo Uy pronto Ik TniMa.
rahl-dtdo A actio atari
uwfitA'l,A;lliKM,Aml'ri .
aj DaNnion io i. v. mevrniro uo ,
Seitbwoti atriar of Ptaaarlvaila avosa aid
'Utraath. a tract,
I. baa-la Sail
By vtrtttofadoodof tractto rao, baartaf data
toi&h doTof Jsaatry, A. , . aid rooorac
tka iStk day of Jaaaary.A. D 16. aad rooorac.1
amoaf tboUBdrtoorda foraaU ooaaly la Ukcr
T aad H,le.r. al fallow, aad at tbo ronaotl of
iaa pariy areor n-rfor. i wiu sail, ai iaa pro
nlaaa. oa HiTUADAY, tb 0th Air ofMAraa,
1170. i 5 o'clock p m porta of Lu Bm id tad
T, la Klaroaa'a aabdltuloa of Sqasro Ha. ill,
MattMlxailTfl ronrtaoBth olrat waat.
aadcilcBdla back IM ml, with tka Improve-
Home, whlcblaiba mlddlaost.of tkrot ktoi
ball! npoaaald lata, aal which has all Uo mod
Bra I. etc. aad la aaar!1 a v.
ra ! !, aaa
Tka amoaal da, aad foi
.VratlltMadatli S3.W0, wltk Utaraat ffti
raym-a. oi vim ita
Jaiaary 1A,1SU
Iwalra taalkii wltb lataraat t m tha day of !,
Ib4aaar4 bf aotaof Ifcap-trehaaaraad adaa4
of iraal apoa tha pro party, Bktiald lb urraa aet
baaonpUaJ wilk la at daya aftar aala. Iba da
peatl to b for fall ad, aid Iaa proparty to bt rold
apoa Iradaya (( laiha Katiohal Biriati
a, allba rlak ard aoat of tka dafaalllaK par
iaa una la oiir io ta pari mi
. JUKRi.
fbt-dt Aaatlaaaara
ir cooi'A.ki'Ai.VxiMUu, Attet'ra,
X (Sueoanorato J.U. UeOqlraltUo.,)
loitkwail coracr of PaaaaylvaaU ayaaaa aid
lfBARri)USTSKTnTREXr.Jlo ,1394. '
Byrlrtoaof adood of trait, daltd tka lalrr-l
day of Jaao, 1S97, aaa daly raeardad la Lloar EMU
10 iWa.f.fallolW, atar.,aar tha laid JLJL
mordaaf Waaklagioa aoaa y, la tka Dl-trtiiof
aad raaordad la lb a Sarrayor'a oKm la tha Uy of
WMblatoa, blay 81. 117, txttptlaf lkaSl faal of
-.! im iai(raa --, roiaaaaa By to iaa
aartbar to Motaa kllr, traaUo, by daod of rolaaao
"V4 ?VD,-.au.J"r'tf fflbl,aad ra.
cordad ULibarT and K o 4. folio ibT-aof th
laadreeflrdaof tka biatrlrtof Colambla. aaldlota
"II. "I" tad part of 'a.Maaat-.laiBgT,Mlfaai,
mortar loaa, Ita pro td by aaalocaalaad aaarly
1T'M "rtdaaoa, two atortao aad batanaai,
wltb Maaaard roof, o a ataaaatTOf rtoltt foaaila'
taa.aaeln-adwUklroa ralliafi tl miaatoeea.
plod by Dr. J. Harry Tkonpaoa A plal of tbo
Satlo f bta proporty la loot (ad on tbt asatH aldo of
o. 1M4, la aao oftbtba-l lriaa la tka ally:
aadl la tlatrof ba laealiiy aadebanettr of la
balldltf ortatal-'oftria tsrachtioafor lBTt,l-
VTa-Ufof itlat Oatlblrd ttibt tka rotldoa la
alz IwaUoaad
nohU to bo aaoarad by a daod of trait ot tbo prop
rtr, w lib ftatoa boarlaa laioraat rroai day of atlo,
AlltoartrtaclatttdrtTtnu ittnpa aleoit of
A dapoall of ItWO will bt nqa rod Wht b pte.
aiaran ain-i taactfarradpay
fOllPtD t. I.ITlUIn
t S dJt ttlarl lurtieiun
TtOO PKUA LAriNKH, Antfri'.',
II fiueaaaAra ta Jaa. II. MaIIuIta a. fin
boaikwtat tor at r of PoaaaylTaalr itiiu aai
uum iNh nRnimni urntTi dm iifTH
8TftI.T WAif.falttrtEll XlHb r lTEHIT
Uadar aad by Tlrlaa f a daod ot Uaat datod Jam
nary IS. 1J tad rtaordod la Llbor T aad R rtt
ho T, fatUllaiat t oat of load raoordalf!
fur VrMklagloaoqialr. D, C,,wUl aall, tuKJL
pabnaaicilii oa THUKSDATlba 31ai day ot
March. A. D WO. at Oo'alotk, p m ,1a rroal of
tka praal-o".tU tkoia plaooiaad paroaUof croiad
lylaf aad bla la wtihtactoa ally, D C.,aid
kaowa aa tkawkolaof lota no, 11 aad IS aad Iho
to alb 11 foal BX lathaa of lot So.ll.la aaaaro aara.
band oa, ka-rlaf a rroal of 118 foal tDtTaakaa, of
Iba wait aid of fifth atrool wait, baiwaaa aad
t alraala aorta, raaalag baak to a par ad alloy,
tad laiprovfd.br Ihtt abUtlIal aad baDaaonio
Tbroo atory firitk roaldaaaa, wltb brow a aloao
tiltamlaaa. aad all laodara lasttttmMti. Aa.
ki.U aad Oarrlaio Haaao oa tka pronlMo, bU oat
Tarraaof aalot Oaofoartk eaah, btlaaeola lit.
twalva aad oil hlooa aaoatba.wlth laiaraal aaaarad
by dord of Ua-t apoa lb pranlaoa All ooavoy
taiaad roTtanaitanpaatfoitofparebtMrifJuo
max T. MITCniLL.
.. COOMB IMWli!1""
AaoUoaaort and Real katate Urokero,
Ho. HM aoalkaaal coraaroi ftaraaih aad P attaata.
inir AvrsuTaur tub kikk wood ugikX.
By Tlrtaa of a dood of Irnal to no. vh.
aiiM ritriirr t, A. v. isds. " MtjT
roooidod la cbaltal rooord EG A n
At pabOa aootioa. oa tka pramUea, oiwSCtl
FBI DAT, tbo dthdiyof IfAtcb, A. D. 110, at
?.'f!fvE-'J:n i.tbjaaotpiod torn of ltaiaof
IkoklRKWOOD HOUSE, ouriar of (Birlf mat
avaanoaaiTwatftk atrool wat. la ilia a ly, hat
lai Thro Taara to raa from iba Bnt day of April
Btsi,BUboyoarlyroat of flraThouiaad Dollar.
Alo. tho Aoaaakold raratlaro, Btoya, riitaraa.
aad offogia of aatd UoiaT.
Tartoiof itlt; Oat tklrd cubaai tbtbataact
at all aaltwolva noalka, for wklak ifcoaotaaW
tha parebiHr, batrlsf latarait frunt Iho day of
il a, will bo lakoo.aaoar'd toih atUfatttoa of
Ibo TroUo, jfioo llaadrod. DoUa a rtetlrtd of
Iba poNttaaor tl Ikt tlao Of aajt.
All ooaToyaaalac aad raraaao itanipt at Ifct eoit
of Ikt parahaaar.
Dguint aat tornar ntvonia ana u trttii.
rt (it i hi.
By jlrtao or a dooi of Irnt to ma, datod Ja at),
March 4, 1BTU, at 11 o'olock . a.ia.Ja froat or tbo
kirk wood lioaao.ooratrof Wauijlrtala aTtaao
ad TwalrtbatroM.oaaOD.atba, pall of Uoiaaa.
aad at ofdaablt Uara,
Tximtt'ih. XOfllUS OARCII,
-.. , , "" willTaVbI'
iaa Id , ttlarl twiiiMow
HiAsoriiTsai DaPAAtftxT o TiaaiMi, " .
Offioat'Miir fiuaaxiaHAaTBa, I
, RiciNoao. Va , VabroaryU, 1S7IX I
fWHI bo aold at pablla aaa tloa at amp Sabolald.
.yafkbora, a.oatbtU day of March, lT0, a
ol of AaiAraoiio Coal,oaUmaiod al aoTaatyiTdl
Ttrmi t Caab oa day of atla
Br ordarof ihoOaaanlCtraatadtaf Dtpirimaat
rtti St BriraiCtX CblafQotrt'f
,bror QDAATBiiiAtTBa'sorrics, 1
Wlli. Wiiamaroir. O 0., fab. tH. I6T0 I
Wlllbtaolil at pabilt aat loo. oa MuMPA!",
MarcbT.oataalBf alio o'olock, at tha Dopol
of Army Olotalar, a qaaatliy of Qaartarmaataf
lloraa. aalt for laaaa. ooo,,lUn la pari of Oar
PaUr. fraddlara' aad Blaakaaaliba' Tool it
Waur BBakaU. Gkalaa. JMka,Cbalrt.Oouif aa,
Uaraaaa. Orala Backa, Ltatarli, UoaoKo.l.rl
attf. coppar and tlaad Kl l, lloraa aad Malt
Hhoaa. Cook StoToa, Uooro, Iramot, Csth, Ctaal
llaf , Joial, OommoB CaUlai , Aa
l.rmit LaakatttinooaaTo.
By erdor of Ikt Ojatrtortnaaiar 0airtl
, , DO THUUA8,
taal-t Aatlay Dapot QaartirmnUf.
llMlti EYESlUUl- accurately tuiltp
1 unth iV6W or olhtr Spectadu oy
merely anawfnng a fen question.
Optician, National Uotet.
Alt w ' JJ
, , , , riaioitr u.'m
Irtxof PatI4 riliiorald. doeaaaod. iba otaaatrls
aforaaald ta, UB Iht approbAtloa of iho Or
pbaaa' roarl of Waiblaf toe otaaty aforaaald, bp-
KlBttdTaaiJaT.UBrcb 10. A. 1)..1BT0, for Iba
al oottloma&l aad diatrlootloa of tha paraoaal
IB .a oi aiaiiBBr iitiviiild, oiaea
uto oi MU oacaaaoo,
far u tha aamabava
I alo taoBtyi wbta aad whtro all tko trtdltoro ted
balraof aald daooaaadara aollSod toattasd, with
ibatrolalma properly oucbad. or thar may otbar.
wlao by law tit aioladad froa. n Uaall la
aid daaaBaad'a a
oatalai profldod a oopy of ihla
J oaea a ar-ak for Ihrai. adka In
order bopablUbad oact a weak for tbroo waoka
iho Hatioxal KirnsLlOAH prtilont to Ut itij
WarrABtod to c It atltfaatloa. Price
111. Tko Moaay paid lor Ihtm will btittarttdlf
Iblf do BOt lTt oallro aturaciloo
AstUaltaral vrarahovio.
fata oo1r Bol wmi jilalk aad fjotk U
jsrH lailalt aotdl St
DrvlrtBtofa doodeftraat, data! tkolllb, ay
OS. fall ITS, a.,OBtoTikolaadrordafor Wm
all at -.bliii aastloe, TOEoDAT, the 1st ear
f Marih, 1STO. at 4 o'alnok p n, ,1a frail of lb
SMmI.M, Oil that ploooef baewaaoLel
. II, UmrlMf & foal oa loath B
atraatbttwaaaThmoaBlh ttd ronruoath Kmli
mi. aal ratala batk 12 faal I lachoi, to ft SO
washhictoh jricTl amp .urtiunm.
bmnt aimrn Tticxtrrr jnttrltj
m T20,M..
Tn iUooH of icJiuru rtporUd ( lh
tatertial nreaaa offle. jeiterday wai netrly
7,000, pilnclptllj uliUkjv
Dircxr Cbvxuinnn Dooouu, ulio
bM bten tbient t Ml homt rt Erl, reon.,
for iom. ilji put, U eipccted tck to-d.j.
On. Dfu coold ootgtt lh door In
thfi tlotuo jeitcrdaj to ull op bit Georgia
bill. II. will nuU knotVet tSort totj u
loon u lb. Indian bill l dUpoud of.
Tbi itronmnKT of Jamei Jaekion hit
bn cooflrm bj tha SecnUry of the
TreMury, cleric In lh b&tU oflle,, Kir
York. ' ' '
Oonto Xloin to Votr About clibly
clerki la tbo DeprtmenU Hat put their
nAooei down to go horns to'voU At tha SUta
election la New IUmpoMre, which takei
place oa Taud iieit.
Tbi BeoAte ConuntUce on Prilling, kcllag
vntler a retolntlon of ThAt ImMj, Iai" com
meiced tbe tnTMtlpttton of chnt pre
ferred Ag-alnit Colonel Clapp, CoDgrcialonal
Frloter. by tome of the former employees of
the ptlntlnt; office.
TaHCOMciRffCBriniDWAB jeAtcrday (Aih
WednetdAt) lncreaicd tW bj a draft fof
that Amount from some contrite Indhldnal
residing In Bt. LouU. A magnanlmone elt
Ii en of rblUdelphiA contributed ten cents
towards the redaction of the national debt.
Tub dhlat of Conrreis In Uklnc any Ac
tion on the Cuban (jucaUod, Is a subject of
great disappoint mi tit to the Caban partis
ans here. The question U frcqnentlj dli
cossed In both the llonse and tha Senate
Commltteci, bnt so course of action has been
decided upon.
Tdi Cuimii Mlssios. The Senate Com
mittee on Foreign Relations hare decided
against the proposition to raise the Chinese
mission to a Urst-clASs one. Tbe IToose
committee took similar action early In tbe
session, which Is equivalent to dli poslntr of
the matter.
Comma noun J. 0. Walxut, of tha United
States steamer Eablnt, reports to tbo Natj
Department that beleii GenoA on the lfith
ot January, and touched at Speuta, where
he was deUlned bj bad weather until the
Uof FetmtrT, when he sailed from there
and arrlrod at Naples, It, on tbo 10th of
i-eoruaiT Bu well on board.
Visit to tha rassiDrtT. The deletrates
to tbo National Association of School Super
intendents, about thirty In number, paid their
respect to the President to-day, and were
Introduced by General D. L. Eaton. After a
general hand-shaking and a brief conversa
tional discourse of educational matters, the
ae.ega.ci withdrew.
n. WaiTTEMonv. the member from floulh
Carolloa. who resigned his scat In tho House
a few days since on account of being charged
with sellloghlscadetsblp, lores hereto-day
to enter upon the cautus In hU Bute, and
expect to be again returned to Congress. In
Tlew of the resolution of tho House, passed
after his resignation, It Is not probable that
h wUt b admuiea eM tr ho should bo 're
elected. -- -' "
SecreUry of tbe Nayy, In eompllaneo with a
resolution of the House of Kepreseo tail res,
sent In yesterday a list of ten default I eg
paymasters, whoso deficiencies amount In
tU aggregate to $t 19, 851.75, There are
others who appear on the rolls as defaulters,
but as the Investigations of their accounts
are not completed, tha SecreUry withholds
their names for the present.
Tbb following naval orders were Issued
yesterday Ordered Lieutenant Comman
der F, K. Cbadwtck, to do torpedo duty at
Newport, Rhode tslandf Lieutenant Richard
P. Leary and Ensign Albert Ross, to signal
duty at Washington, D. C.j Lieutenant J.
K. P. Ragtdale, to temporary duty at the
naval academy j AsslsUnt Surgeon F. E.
narlxell, to the Paloa j AsslsUnt Burgeon
Hampden AulIck,totbq nary yard, Wash
ington. Ik AMiwsn to a letter from the postmaster
at Detroit, Michigan, United SUUe Treas
urer Spinner says that postmalUrs hare not
been authorized to recelro t of redeem muti
lated currency under any rUrcumsUuces
whatever,! They tare, hoverer, required by
Inst ructions from the Poet Office Depart
ment to receive ,1a pajmeat for posUge
stamps and slamped envelopes, defACed and
worn currency. If clearly genuine, and not
mutilated within th meaning of that .word,
as used In the specified regulations.
SThb IIodsb Committxx on Natal Ar
r aibb has postponed all further considera
tion of the bill Lb relation to staff rank until
the return or Mr. Stevens from New Hamp
shire, he having had special charge of that
matter. On Friday nest the committee will
meet to consider bills of ft private nature,
when that relating to natal constructor
Qauscom will be Anally determined. Mr.
Steven i will return In about a week, when
tho naval rank question wlU be resumed.
-Tub delegates from the National To
bacco Association recently In session la New
Torkvere before tho Committee of Ways
and Means yesterday to urge measures re
commended by the association They re
commend a uniform Ux on all kinds of man
ufactured tobacco at sixteen cents Dcr pound.
They also recommend the, re-cstabllahment
of the old bonded warehouses of class B, and
free sUmps for cerUln classes of tobaeco
now In market.
fiortKTison Prssbrbt telegraphed to
CommUslonerDelano yesterday that Roache,
Bannach and Dyer, recently convicted of
dealing in counterfoil rerenue sumps at
Richmond, have been sentenced to one year
each In tbe Albany penitentiary i Wesley
and Blnlago to three months for aiding and
abetting In the circulation of counterfeit
sump. Tbo leniency or the court In Im
posing so light a sentence escltcd consider
able comment, as lt Is understood the par
ties conTlcted were anggel la a wholesale
attempt to defraud tho rerenue.
CoMMjtsioxsft Dblako has directed the
supervisor to look after the accounts of tha
collector and th qualifications of the atues-
sors tnroug&out the country with the view
of Increasing the efficiency of the rerenue
force. Tho greatest scrutiny will be observed
In the examination of the accounts at tho
rerenuo bureau, and It Is understood this
measure has been adopted for tbe purpose
of more perfectly carrying out tho system or
accounublllty among Government em
ployees and officers. It Is the determination
of the Commissioner to hay a thorough
assessment this spring
The executive session or th Senate yester
day was protracted, and two hour were
consumed In debate. On Mr, Bradley's
nomination Senators Kellogg Rice,' and
Warner, It la understood, "made strong
speeches against confirmation. The debate
was characterised by a good" deal of feeling,
and at on Urn was qulU acrimonious. The
Senators referred to made a Very vigorous
fight, and Insisted that th Bouthera Circuit
In th Saprem Court should b represented
by a Southern man. It Is bettered that their
speeches will hare the effect to insure Brad
ley' rejection. Finally, motion, was made
to postpon noai action on me oat nam u
91st instant, and, tho yeas and nays being
demanded, the motion prevailed by yeas 31,
nets SO.
Tni roixowiito Post Office orders were
made yesterday i HesekUh Harp, appointed
postmaster atWolfsTlDe, Frederick county,
Md., Vice George S. Harp, resigned llobcrt
A. Bnckner, appointed postmaster at Back
air's station, Louisa county, Ya., rice W,
u. uuckner, Inelllglble Charles Lewis, ap
pointed postmaster at Port Republic, Rock
Ingham county, Ya.,t1co Jamea A. Lewis,
resigned Isaac Morton, appointed postmas
ter at Port Royal, Carallno county, Vtvf rice
John Farlerbolt, removed. A post office has
ben established at Centre mills, Montgome
ry county, Vo., and B. F. Amner appointed ;
postmaster. Kugene Y. Cas has been ap
pointed a railway post office clerk on tbe
cars between Chicago and Toledo, Ohio,
tlce Wm, B. Thompson, promoted.
Tun Uilitart Committbb ycsterdAy ex-
amlned Mr. Holdane, of New York, again
In relation to the sale of th cadetshlp by
Mr. Oolladay, of Kentucky. Mr. Holdaie
still professes Ignorance, and uttsrly denies
that Mr. G. received any consideration for
the appointment of hi (Roldane's) eon.
The object of continuing this Investigation
Is to ascertain whether a resolution should
be passed condemning Mr. Oolladay as nn
worthy a seat In the House. The committee
has thus far no evidence to Justify such a :
resolution. The worst feature against Mr.
Oolladay, Is his promptness In resigning,
but exactly why he should hart done so, the
committee Is at a loss to know. The com
mittee also examined further Into the case
of Mr. Butler, of Tennessee. Gen. Schofield,
who ha been telegraphed for, I expected
here to-day to testify In Butler behalf-
Tub committbb appointed by the Na
tional Tobacco Association, which faaijust
concluded Its session In New York, arrived
here yesterday, and are stopping at the Eb
bllt house. They are as follows i William
E, Lawrence, president, of New York, L.
Palmer, Thomas Carroll and Charles Seld
ler, New Torkj C. W. Wilder, Boston; J. B.
Nicks, Elm Ira i E. 0. Murray, Chicago) L.
U. Frayser, J. K. Child rey and 8. M.
Bailey, Rtchmondj T R. Speuce, George
Hirer and L. Maddux, Cincinnati, and B.
F. Parlette, Baltimore.
They are directed to present to the Com
missioner of Internal Revenue and to th
Committee of Ways and Means of the Home
the resolutions adopted by the association.
According they called at the office of tbe
Commissioner yesterday, but owing to
previous engagements he was not able to
see. f hem. '
It was arranged, however,'lhat an Inter
view should take place this morning, when
the resolutions will be present!, and th
wi.t aubjovt-oucnsMd XI wss also ar
ranged to meet the Committee of Ways and
Means to-day.
Nouiiiatiohs .The President sent to tho
Senate yesterday the following nominations!
Charles II. Lewis, of Virginia, to be minister
to Portugal) Richard H Whiting, assessor
internal revenue, Fifth Illinois district)
George D. Orner, collector Internal revenue,
Fifth Missouri district) Jam Williamson,
postmaster, Blngsiog, N. Y., J. C a Hos
kins, postmaster, Sloix City, Iowat Com-
modoro John A. Winston, to be rear admi
ral) Captain Jam II. Strong, to be com
modorc) Commander A. C. Rhlnd, to b
capUlo) Lieutenant Joseph N Miller, to b
commander) Llent, Qui tarns Y. Measles, to
bo UenUnant commander) CapUlo. James
M FralUy, to be commodore; Commander
George M. Ransom,' to be capUlo) Lieut.
Alfred Hopkins, to be commander; Lieut.
Edward B. Keyser, to be lieutenant com
mander. Army transfers -First Lieut. George S
Footo, from Ninth Infantry to Eighth cav
alry) First Lieut Joseph Earge, Eighth
cavalry to Moth Infantry) First IJenU Ed
ward Hunter, Twelfth infantry to First car
airy; First Lieut. Qrcenlaaf CUley, First
cavalry to Twelfth Infantry. In addition to
th above there was a large number of nom
inations for promotions In tbo minor grades
of the navy and marine corps.
Wall's Onni nocss Mr. MoWads.
Tho first dramatisation of Irving' charm
ing legend, ''RlpVanWlukle," If we'mlsUka
not, was by a gentleman la New York, for
Mr. James II. Hackett, who first gave the
character a theatrical repuUtlon. Th stan
dard, or most common edition, Is by .the
late Charles Burke, a cousin of Joo Jeffer
son, who excelled la tha part as long as he
was on th boards. Tho great difficulty In
rendering lata part so as to keep np the
colonial history of the period, Is tho Dutth
(not German of "broken-English J dialect,
which Is almost forgotten. Hence, all actors
enunciate ths broken English common to
tha PennsyvlAnla Germans, lomethlog that
lew can put upon paper, and It U no dispar
agement to Mr. Burke' dramatisation to say
ma. it u a uuuro In this particular. Yet
It contains pleasing passages and amusing
situations, most of which are retained In
Bouclcault's perverted Version -the .names
oi a portion or the aramaiit ptrttnm only
changed. Mf. Jefferson fuS mado this last
arrangement, In mora than on sense, pecu
liarly his own,
Publlo curiosity Is naturally excited at the
appearance of " another Richmond In this
field, and Mr, VcWada seems determined to
vatU to, dcsplto the repuUtlon, hereditary
and acquired, of Mr. Jefferson. Ho follows
the generally received version of th play,
except some changes in the dialogue, often
an Improvement, and ha certainly evince!
great capability la hU rendering of th part,.
Many of his polnU bar fine touches of
leader and delicate pathosj but there arq
occasional attempts at wit not so delicate.
His picture of ths Catsklll story Is worth
Esausu OrxRi. Tha National theatre
last evening presented a carnival scene In
stead of the ashen hue of Lent, and the papl
Ut gathered there Us "bsauty and Us chiv
alry." Mosart's "Marriage of Figaro,"
(Uochselt,) rendered .here for lbs first time
la English, was magnificently produced and
rapturously rclvd. Madame Parepa-Rosa
as Susanna was what she alone Is capable of,
aad her delicious note fU a a showr of
diamonds In a sunbeam. It would be Im
possible to selact any one gem from a casket
on which to bestow ipoclAl praise wbr all
are equally rich and sparkling. Miss Horse
as th Couotes;wa a most charming second
to Parepa, and her pretty face, her winning
manners and her sweet voice appeared to
great ad-mUge lu tho light and fitting '
aha assumed last erentog. Mrs. Seguta
(.contralto; u Cher obi no ths Page was a
capital piece of acting, and her singing la
this r-e'e was received with lb plaudlu to
wmen sna is so jnsuy enuiiM, and en was
MUs Fanny Stockton, (contralto.) as
" afadallloA." W pretty fae under th
guise of tha old lady,- bnt tha part admit of
no Tocal display, Mr. Campbell, as "Fig
aro," brought out the richness of his toIcs
and was a rare treaty Mri Kordblqm.tTit
new ftrofmada Us debut a "BuUlo,"''
and was vary aecepubkC Mr. Laurence! as
" uount Almavlro," gave full lendorsemtuH
to his already high repuUtlon abroad. The
" Antonio " of Mr. E. Seguln was, as usual
with this artist, finely acted. The entire
opera, In all 1U dcUlls, was equal, If not
ssperlor, to anything yet brought out In
this tity, nd Mr. Carl Ito-a wields, his
baton with a masterly hand. We would
suggest to all, however, that they follow tho
text more clotsly,. To-light Flotow'i "Mar
tha" wlllb4lfa wRh a splendid oaste,
and on Friday " Figaro " will be repeated.
CorTRMATtofts.Tho Senate, In execu
tive session yesterday, made large number
Of confirmations, as follows i
Herman Glafeke. Secretary of the Terri
tory of Wyoming jV .
Qeorsn. Hand; SecreUry or the Terri
tory of Dakota.
unmet Attorneys iiaynes c uuason,
West district of Tennessee) Anthony Q
Keasby, New Jersey; Leander Holmes,
Washington Territory i Armlsted Burwcll.
Southern Mississippi.
United States Marshals John S. Routt,
Southern Illinois; Edward 8 Kearney,
Washington Territory.
Commissioner of EducationJohn EaLtSa.
of Tennessee.
Consuls Thomas K. Kiss, of Rhode lit-
and, at Cork) John F Wilson, at MaU
moras. Collector of Internal Revenue James
Yeech, First Indiana district.
Surveyor of Customs Charles Clatton.
Ban Francisco.
Receivers of Public Monevs Frank Wal-
colt, Wyoming land district; Rollln A. Ed-
ferton, Little Rock", Arkansas; William H.
jAtt, New Orleans.
itegisier or utnd umco Henry u. Myers,
Nacblloche. La.
Paymasters In the Navy Geo. L. Meade,
W. W. Woodward. '
Postmasters John A. Martin, Atchison,
Kansas i John R. Andrews. Baco. Me.i Jai.
L. Crane, Springfield, HI.; Jess Bchrlvtr,
Tiffin, Ohio; Wm. II. Sturges, Green point,
N.Y.J Jsme E. Hong, Coxsackle, N. Y.)
James B. Billwagen, Flushing, N. Y.i Eras
tus D. Cblpman, Bangertles, Nr Y.t Elijah
Katoi, uwaiouna, Hinn.t boeneser Wrisbt,
a tiuihuu, ii. ) ,uun n. vkuuiui A.1U-
slngburg, N. Y. Charles U. Prince, Augus
ta, Oa.; Jesse R. Grant, Cotlnirtoo, Ky.t
wm. W. Kurts, Athens, Ohloj William W.
Sellers, Pokln, III.; John W. Cummlngs,
Ware, Mass.) George J, Clark, Los Angelos,
Cal ; Charles 0. Thomas, San Jose Cal.
Tna rOLLOwna b portion of tha corre
spondence between Iba, SecreUry or tho Navy
and Admiral Farragut relative to the sUff
rank In tho navy called for by a resolution
of tho House and laid before that body yes
terday. The other portion of the correspond
ence his already been published i
AATf DtrilTHt-r.l
ffllllin,!. Pah tl. 1711. f
8m There Is a letter on file In the DerjAru
men oi aaio .January u, Aooy, oeanng your
name as lu signature, addressed to lion.
Gideon Welles, SecreUry of the Navy, pur-
Grtlngtoglv your tlews In fttror of legal
nr the regulation of the Navr DoniLrt.
montnf 1863 as to the rank glran to pv-
aiaataa a ifca .ar--v", , UOubt
nave oeen expressea as to ino genuineness
of the letter In question, It Is enclosed here
with with the request that you will bo pleased
to Inform the Department If It Is a genuine
letter or me contrary, returning u witn your
answer to this communlcAtlon.
Very respectfully, O. M. Robbsom,
SecreUry or the Navy.
Admiral J, t7. brrfltfa.
The following Is tho letter Inclosed i
IiiittDopbi. I
WASalKQTOI'. Jtnatry 10, ISO). I
Son. 0 irlUtX4$TtTit oIAo SavM.
Bra i Tho claims of tho pAymAstcrs' corps
concerning rank, Ac, hare, In my J odgment,
equal tore ana vaauo wun ,noo oi toe mea
tcal branch of tbe service. The legalUlng
bract of Codbtcss of tbe existing remilA-
tlons of tho Nayy Department touching sUtT
rant snouia, a vuidk, o accoraeo. xna
? radical working of these regulations since
B63, founded a they are In, strictest Justice
and right, ptov the propriety and necessity
ot m Tin Is iuoui " iu,g iqu cuec oi iaw.
Respectfullyyour obedient servant,
D. O. Farragut, Admiral.
Admiral Farragut returned the following
reply i
AtLtioi-ow Hocii.l
Wab lid TOM Citt. rab It. 1870 I
lion O 31 itvUtvn, fiaerofarp fAi Xawt
Sir i I hartj th honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of this day's date,
with an Inclosuro purporting to b a letter
addressed from me to the Hon. Gideon
Welles, SecreUry or the Navy, bearing date
January 30. 180V, urging the legalUlng by
Congress or tha regulations or the Nary
Department of 1803, retallng to tha rank,
Ac., of tho paymasters of tbe navy.
After examining very carefully tbe letter
referred to, I hare no hesIUtlon In saying
that the composition Is not mine, and that
although the signature bears some resem
blance to my own, I am satisfied that I never
signed that letter. The letter referred to Is
herewith returned.
I hare tha honor to remain, sir, your
obedient servant, D. G. Farbaoct,
I Admiral U. B. Nary.
Ulna; Tragedy Grim lis Knll
TSHrjbndA Itotbar Cat lb
Tbrdat or Ur I nfa ail aagt.tr
Wast Is ImbJbb) Affection T
Mjddhtowk, N, Y., Fsb. 28. A most
horrible and revolting tragedy was enacted
at tho Tillage of FhUllpsport, Sullivan
county, on Balnrday last, a Inhuman fiend
In. the shape of a woman cutting tho throat
of her own child, an interesting girl of four
years old The woman was tbo wife of a
man named Daniel Tlce, laborer on the
MldUnd railroad. Tbe husband was at his
WOrk at tbe Urn th tragedy was committed,
and the wife and two children were alone at
the house. The eldest, a boy about ten years
of sge, was sent out of tbo boas by his
mother to do some "chores."
After h had left Mrs Tlce took the little
girl aad laid her neck across an open trunk,
and holding her In that position cut her
throat from ear to ear.almost severing the
head from tbe body. The boy soon returned
and found the mother lying on the loor by
tbe child. Ho alarmed tho neighbor, and
when they arrived she was In tho same po
sition. She was placed upon a bed, where
she lay moaning for a long time An officer
took her In charge, and she ha been locked
Up at Montlcetlo.
Various rumor are Bloat a to tb
woman' motive for committing the crime.
A gentleman who was at the bouse a short
tlm after the deed was committed says that
he stated she killed tbo child to spile her
husband, as he thought a great deal of tho
little girl. Another says she did lt because
she expected to die soon, and then If her
husband should marry again the child
would be abused. All the neighbors say she
has a very TlcLous and morose disposition,
and some say she and her husband have
never lived pleasantly together. Most or
in neignoors oeuevo me woman to be sane.
Tub rooRiMB are expected to bo extremely
numerous this year at Mecca, on the occasion
or the fet of tho ArafaU, not less than
one hundred and fifty thousand being looked
for. This solemnity falling on Friday,
March 11, gives to the pllgrlmaga tbo value
Of three visits to Mecca In ordlaarv imh.
A few cases of cholera hay appeared among
the persons coming from th Persian gulf,
auu uau out ua igTLuaui (jovernuieni tAxen
the pracAWIoa or adopting tho most ener
getic santury measures ail along lb Red
Sea, and at other points where travelers
pu, tb, gatberlng of 1170 would perbipi
v. mm uwi HV1U .1 lU.t Ol 10QJ.
Tnalilceof lb. church r, noir itrewn
with lloiren t aobbj Mow Xork. weddlngi.
PA I If.
CsulUimveraenl--aftiUA Pfl
VASO Prprly KmbArgaM for tbo
blM la the noyal Family.
Madrid, March 2. Tho rumors which
har prevailed or an extern! r rtilng or Car
llsts in Northern 8 pal a are eootradlctsd, but
It Is admitted thatsgeoUof tho party are
TeryactlT Just now In all tho provinces,
and hate set on foot moromenU at various
polnU, whlsh, bowerer, have been Insignifi
cant In character, and bare la alt cases been
easily checked.
Th priuto property of ex Queen Isabella,
remaining fa Spain, has boon embargoed by
Print D'AsiUe, her husband, to prevent
the vrtsU of their children's Uheriiance.
( Tho, Countess of (Hrg-nte, tha daughter
of bsvbeUs, ha cowmtawd legal procoad
lags agalsi Ur husband for squandering
Prweet-Aivr in tao ntais r Cora
LonroT, March 3.The proceedings In
tho Hcuro of Common to-day were unim
portant. The bill requiring railway com
panies to place foot warmers In all their car
riages was killed by an amendment requir
ing them to snpply hot brandy, rugs and
I'rosrealloit Agalosi l'lnet nnrat
Tabh, March 3. Th magistrate who
was struck by Prince Murst, and who wss
to prosecute htm before tho High Court of
Justice, has withdrawn his complaint.
1'rlDCO LonlBADdlhri Papal Infl(
Mum u, March 9. King Louis spproves
of tbe protest of Dr. Dolllnger against Papal
InfallltUItT, and urges him to persevere In
defence of the State from undue influence
of th Chnrcb, and orders ths observance of
his birthday with marks of public respect.
rrapttilttoa to Vmj Sfetaber ol Ibo
Blebsta4S Rejoete-a.
BBRU5, March 3. The Relchstadt, after
long delate, has rvjected the proposition of
th Radicals to pay members for attendance
on the services or that body.
UporieU KealznaiUn of fJu. Jor.
flan-VanBioB, Captnred m e Tr
Fla-til for their Ueearerj QnUt
Unrlasr the Caralral
Hataha, MArch 2. Prlrato letters an
nounce that Gen. Jordan ha resigned his
command-In chief of tbo Insurgent forces,
and Berrabe Verona alias BembetU has
been Appointed la bis place. Tho sUtement
Is not yet confirmed.
Tho troops recently discovered two can
non, which had been burled by tha rebels
near Rimon, and brought them to Santiago
They hd a severe engagement with the
rebels, who attempted to recsptnro them,
but were repulsed
The carnival has been ununnilly quiet.
Wo dl-lm ecearred.
Tub REroRT of N. B. Devereaux, chief of
the revenue marine bureau and office of
steamboat Inspection, has been submitted to
th SecreUry of the Treasury. Up to the
year 1319, there had been built upon the
Western waters, steamers or all classes,
1,050; loot by collision, 45; by burning, 104;
explosion, 103, and by snags, 410) toUl lost,
730, at an estimated value or 13,043,761,
and tho cargoes were Talued at f 12.81,539.
Durlog the year 1819, the number or steam
ers lost was 04, estimated ralue, 11,019,000.
Prior to tho passage or the steamboat act In
1833, there were 34 explosions durlog tho 83
months preceding lu passage. Loss of life
estimated at 714. The regulations Imposed
by tbe steamboat act show (by sUtlstlcs)
that greater safeguard were thrown about
life and property. The steamboat Inspectors
thronghout the United SUtes, Including
Western rivers, report thst during the year
1809, the number or steam Teasels Inspected
were 1,911) number of explosions, 11; lost
by fire, 89; number of lives lost, 033. Yalno
of property lost from all causes, (3,434,000.
From the foregoing daU It will bo seen
that while the steamboat laws hare lessened
the perils Incident to steam navigation, all
Is not done that needs to bo dona. Addi
tional legislation Is required to carry forward
and perfect the beneficent purpose of guard
ing and protecting human life) for this Is
tne grand ooject and aim or tbo law.
Thoughtlessness and recklessness are com
mon vices, and the worst possible enemies
to pcbUo welfare and It Is palpable enough
that they too frequently run riot with hurnaxt
Ufe by disregarding warnings, despising dan
ger, and Incurring risks which common
sense and ordinary prudence and sagacity
heslUUnot for a moment to recognise and
ue ruTornca ut.
what wonder Is It, then, thst In the eon-
tempt of consequences so generally and
alannlntly prevalent the country U called
upon so oi ten w nay iu ensioiuties snocked
by terrific aecldenu by fire and explosions,
and multiplied chapter or horror added to
tbe page or our history
Beyond a question, two thirds, If not thre
fourths, of all tbe losses by steamboat accl
denU are directly attribuUbla to causes
which a small amount of foresight or
thooghtfulocss would haTo averted or wholly
Tbe prominent cause leading to disaster
is the frequent employment of persons as
commanders, plloU and engineers of steam
vessels wholly disqualified by want of train
ing or experience for such duties.
What Is to bo expected from such men In
such positions T Anything else but disaster f
Does Ignorance and Its attendants, Incompe
tency and Inefficiency, lead to any other re
sult In the natural operation of tneUwsof
cause and effect 1
The new bill provides certain remedies for
these defections by requiring an examination
of caputns, mates, pilots and engineers)
alio requiring tests of tho tensile strength
of boiler plates and the amount of pressure
they may safely bear; also, to guard against
fire, providing for additional watchmen on
board every steam vessel. In these, with
others equally Important, may bo found pro
visions indispensable to the belter protection
and security of life and property.
A German Calcvlatio. A German
paper has made tbo following calculation i
A train composed or all ths locomotives and
railway carriages In Europe would reach
Tom St. Pstersburg to Paris, and would con
tain 400,000 psssensrer carrUirea and 500..
000 luggage vans. The railways of Europe
a,ro tmm wir v,wu UtTKO ADO Small
b rid CSS. and RO throurh 34 mllea f tnnnal.
130,000,000 cwt. or Iron has been used for
the rails, and 80.000,000 cwt. or coal Is re
quired yearly to feed the engines. The net
work of European railways Includes all
Butes except Greece, Llppe-Dermold, Wal
deck and a few other very smalt German
States. It represents a length of 70,718
miles; 10,000 locomotives are employed on
lt tbe distance these rush over during the
year Is 00,000,000 miles. If to this Is added
toe aiswuce passed over by passenger car
riages and laggago vans, we get to 100,000,
000 of miles. ' '
In S.oimaw, Mich., the lumber sales In
1B09 amounted to $10,000,000; the fisheries
about 130,000. and salt, 11,044,528. The
saw-mills employ about 8,000 men, shingle
mills 000, and the salt business, with its
Tulgui dtUlU, o.ogg ffi-u,
Ralbioh, March 3. The bill repeal! en
all th acts of tb Legislature authorising a
special Ux on bonds or requiring taxes to bo
levied to pay Interest on these bonds has
pissed by largo mijorlllts. Tbe House of
RepresenUtlres, by a Urge majority, has
refased to provide for any Interest on cither
old or new bonds.
Columbia, B. C, March 9. Tho South
Carolina Legislature adjourned late last
The bill to authorize tho Investment of
trust rands In State bonds became a law.
An appropriation was also mado to pay
the Interest on the BUte debt In gold.
RiCKMORD, March 3. In the LetUlalure
to-day John L. Marye, Jr., was elected Lieu
tenant Governor, and W. II. Ruffln, Super-
Intendent or Pnblle Education.
in the case of tho Lieutenant Governor
th Republicans declined Totlsg, claiming
that the election was unconstitutional
Tbo Prla right Tealerday Collyer
Whipped by Edward.
PniLAPRLrnu, March 3. Tho prize light
between Billy Edwards, of New York, and
Bam Collyer, of BAltlmore, for the light
weight chAmptonshlp and 11,000 aside, took
place this morning near New London, and
resulted In a victory for Edwards In 41
These men met once before, on the 33d of
August, 1809, at Cone river, Virginia, and
after a fight of one hour and fourteen min
utes. In which 47 rounds were fought, Ed
wards was declared tho winner. That was
Edwards maiden appearance In the ring.
Collyer has been eager since thst time to
retrieve his laurels, and It was sot until a
few months ago that Edwards agreed to
fight him again. Collyer Is about 39 years
of age, and was well known about Balti
more and Washington. This was his
elzhthflzht. five of which ho has woo, and
lost three. Edwards U a year or two
Touoger, and Js generally a few pounds
tighter, but In this fight both men were at
the weight 131 pounds.
Collyer was trained at Herring Run,
near Baltimore, by Barney Aaron, and
Edwards near New York, by Dooney Harris.
second DisrATcn.
New York. March 2 The fight occurred
on Mystic Island, in Long Island Bonnd,
scren mUes from the Connecticut shore, and
wss for light weight championship and one
thousand dollars a side.
Edwards was backed by Harry Hill. A
thousand spectators, Including Mlko Coburn,
Reddy the BUcksmltb, PaUy Sheppard,
Dan Kerrigan, Dan Noble, Kit sump, uuu
Roller. Walter Brown, Ac.
Both men were in fine condition equany
confident of victory Dooney Harris and
Bob Smith .acted aa seconds for Edwards.
Barney Aaron and another for Collyer,
Billy Toucey as refree.
The fight began at 9 03; both fought de
terminedly) the rounds were short and sharp;
almost from the beginning lt was seen that
Clwardi tutM win. Wfaou a few rounds
were fought Collyer was bsdly punished.
Tha first blood and first knock down was
allowed Edwards. Collyer fought gamely,
bnt on th forty-first round received a crush
ing blow, knocking him down as though
dead. Uls seconds then threw up the sponge.
Edwards was sheered. Collyer was carried
to tho hotel, where ho TomUed and remained
Insensible for a long time. The crowd be
haved In an Irreproachable manner. There
were no arresU.
D I bc on rag INST Aecfmnt from Datket.
aiv-ro tiiiiituiiwfen tut nitui
st ad Crvwa
CniCAoo, March 3. A letter was received
to-day at General Shorldan's headquarters
from Colonel SUnley or DakoU Territory,
which gives a discouraging account or In
dian attain In that region, based chiefly upon
Information brought to that post by a young
Sioux chief named Little White Swan, who
had been for some time at the Cheyenne
This chief, who wa very friendly to the
whites and U regarded perfectly rclUble,
ssys he had entertained hopee of bringing
In alt his people, but recently a notorious
renegade and murderer, John Richards, has
so stirred up and Influenced them against
tho whites that hostilities this coming sea
son will probably bo worse than ever before.
Several other tribes besides the Sioux are
becoming more hostile, and are sending out
war parties In tko direction of the Platte.
They have recently killed sereral white men
and brought la numerous mnlu.
A severe battle has been fought between a
party of Sioux and Crows, In which about
twelve Sioux and all tho Crows engsged
were killed.
The letter concludes as follows i Post and
settlers la Wyoming will soon feel the effects
of this changed position In tbe Sioux, and
some of the best Indians here think we will
feel lt on the Missouri rlfer also.
A Mow Baakis.sc Msbanio.
Ottowa, March 3 In tbo nouse of Com
mons to-day Sir Francis Hlndos submitted a
new banking scheme. All bank notes under
four dolUrs are to be called In, and Govern
ment greenbacks Issued to Uke their places,
and half of the entire resources of all tbo
banks held by them for the redemption of
their liabilities to customers and tha public
Is to consist of GoTernmcnt greenbacks
The schema conUlns provisions for giving
greater security to the creditors of the banks.
Tho suspension of spcclo payments for ninety
day will Involve tbo forfeiture of tho banks'
All banks shall receive their own notes at
par for debts, bnt will only pay out specie
for their notes at tho placo whoro they are
made payable. Tho Government shall hare
the right to Issue sorea millions of dollars
In Dominion notes, four millions of which
shall be on scnrlty of debenture, and tbo
balance In reserve gold.
Frolsrhl A;nta Convention The
t- Vffle It litre liDpeaebmont
Nbvt Orlraxs, March 3. Tho freight
agenU convention committee oa reeolntiois
regarding the establishment of mini me ol
rates on cotton from river polnU by rati to
New York, submitted a report, but it was
referred back for farther consideration.
The evidence In tho Wtckltffo Impeach
ment case has closed. Tho arguments tom
menced to day.
Tne Hew Tor St Htate Wool Urouera
Szraouse, March 3. Tho SUte Sheep
breeders and Wool growers Association, at
tha annual meeting to-day, adopted resolu
tions expressing full confidence In the pres
ent wool and woolen tariff, and favoring
such amendment a$ may bo necessary to
carry out Us original intent, and recommend
ing aa Id ere io pf iluty on wool on ilias..
pcniLfi OPTIIR HE.
Tko Wraf k af Iha Uaid.M iin.ba..
tiealara r tha Dl.aeter-The Pasw
ewsrera Declare a Lstck of Coefl
deneela tbeCaptaln-Th Dlsaater
Attributed to II le Incompetency.
Sax Francisco, March 3 The Golden
City left this port oq the 18th of FobruAry
lorranArna, wun roar Hundred passengers
for New York, and a TaluAblo cargo. Includ
ing a cargo of teas received by the China
steamer, and a hoary treasure list.
Oa tbe. morning of th 33d sho went
ashore near Point Laura, lower California,
about fifteen miles from tbe Bay of SaoU
AiAriA. Tho passengers, baggsgo and treas
ure were laodod with bnt little difficulty, the
sea being smooth, bnt the locality Is barren
and far from human habitations. A party
ras loot Immediately to Point Laxaro to
erect a signal and to keep a lookout for the
steamship Colorado, which was About due
tor rAnama.
She was stgnslled about noon of tha 34th.
It was found Impossible to reclr the suf
rerers on board u tha scene of tho disaster
owing to the heavy surf at that point, and
they were compelled to walk to BanU Maria
bay over an utterly barren waste enduring
great distress from hunger and thirst.
Several of the passengers were lost In the
sand hills and chapparel bushes, and had to
be abandoned by the steamer. Only a small
quantity of provisions and water were saved
from the wreck, and lt was rery fortunate
that tho Colorado arrived ro soon, otherwise
Intense suffering would have resulted.
When the wreck commenced breaking up
and the cargo drifted ashore, soma casks of
liquor were broken open by the passengers.
Drunkenness and disorder ensued. Fearing
bloodshed would be ths result, a strong party
of tho passengers was organised to destroy
the liquor as fast as It cams ashore Tho
passengers had no coufldence la Captain
Comstock and paid do attention to his or
ders. They held an indignation meeting on
board of the Colorado, and pasted a resolu
tion that In their opinion th wreck was due
to th Incapability or th across carelessness
or the commanding officer, and that much
unnecessary suffering on the shore was to be
traced to tho samo source. Tho passengers,
with but few exceptions, resched hero Ust
night. The baggage and the treasure were
left on the beach under a proper guard.
Bab Frahcisco, MArch 3. The sufferings
of tho passengers or the steamer Golden
City on the march from tho sccno of the dis
aster to BanU Maria Bay to meet the
steamer Colorado, Is described as Urrlblc.
There was no water along the rout, and
they had bnt little hard bread. Old men,
women and children walked for 23 hours
over tho Rocky, mountains, nnder a burn
ing sun, and on thslr arrival at their desti
nation were entirely prostrated with fatigue.
Every passenger has his Terslonof the
affair, but all agree on the principal lncl-
denU After all hAd reached tho land one
of the boats was rigged with a sail and
manned by six or eight men And sent to sea
to look for the steamer Colorado, which was
expected to pass that point) bat It Is sup
posed the Colorado was missed during tbe
night. Nothing has been heard or tha boat
a ftB.t- SXat-ia, whan th ColOntdO
sailed. The accouuU differ as to the num
ber of passengers missing. Some say nine,
somo fifteen, but tho latter numbor It con
sidered the nearest correct.
The Oneida Dlaaater.
The Associated Press brought u nothing
later lost night In relation to tho disaster to
tho American war-ship Oneida. Tho fall
account, however, was not telegraphed to
this city on Tussday night. Tbe New Yorit
papers yesterday have the folio irlog dis
patch In addition to what was psblls bed In
tbo Republican yesterday morning t
The only United Butes Government ressel
la Japan biliig the storeshlp, Minister De
long was obllgid to accept from the Esgllsb,
French and UussUu men-of-war steamers,
steam launches, catters, Ac., and in com
pany with Col. Bhrparl, Consul at Jeddo,
and Mr. Farrlngtou, prociwded to the scene
of the disaster, whero all tn humAn power
was and Is still being dona to rescue tho suf
, ferers and recover tho bodies of the lost.
Minister Deloog, on bu own responsibility,
has chartered the gunboat Aroostook, lately
sold bv tho United Bute Government lo
private parties, manned her with a mlxod
crew oi tne survivors oi too uneiaa, volun
teer citizen and engineers furnished by tho
Russian corvette, and placed her under tho
command or naval officers and sent her,
with Colonel Sbepard to represent him, to
the scene of tbe disaster, while the Minister
himself Is making a thorough Investigation
by a naval court of loanlrr. Minister De-
long Is entitled to great praise for his prompt
and earnest action.
The position or tho Oneida was to-day as
certained by a spar, which allow tide rises
four or fire fact above tha water. No bod-,
les have yet been found.
Had tho Bombay sent her boats to the as
slsUnca of tha Oneida, all, or nearly all,
would bare been saved.
The reeling or Indignation towards Cap
Ulo Crye U terrible. None but hU company
and a few of bis countrymen attempt to
shield him.
Tbe following Is a correct list of the offi
cers losti
Commander E. P. WlllUmi.
Lieutenant Commanders W F. Stewart
and A. W. Mnldaur.
Paymaster 8. U Tnllock, jr.
Masters Walter Bargeant and J. K. Fho
lan. Ensigns J, V. Cowl at.d Charles E.
Mldshlpmen-W. Uhler, O. K. Brown, C.
A Copp, J. O. Hull, O. K. Adams.
Assistant Surgeon Frothing bam.
Engineers N, B. Lltilg, if. Barstow, C.
W. C. BenUr, and John Torrence.
Carpenter J. D. Peuner.
Paymaster's Clerk W 0. Thomas, and
ninety-five men.
The following additional facU, by Investi
gation, show there Ua terrible responsibility
somewhere elso besides with the Bombay.
The Oneida, In a Ute typhoon, lost all but
three of her small boaU. One of these was
cut In two by the collision, leaving but two
boata to say 179 man. The last wofos of
Commander Williams, when Lieutenant
Commander Muldaur reported the vessel
sinking, were i "I know it, but what can I
do T I asked for more boaU, and they were
not Allowed me.'
Thus through the negligence of somebody
anatnaiounmanityoi tuauomDay s omcero
a battle scarred and historic ship has been
sunk, and as brave a crew or omcers ana
men as ever stood between her flag and her
enemies have been lost to their friends and
to their country.
Virotnia CoNtinnci Mktrodiit Epis
copal Church Tbe Virgin! annual con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
fNortM meets In the United States court
room this morning at 10 o'clock, the uso of
tbo room having beea gruutsd to the body
by Judge Und ea wood. Bishop Jamoa will
rtnwldc. The conference was ortranlsod two
years ago with five preachers, and now num
ber 41 preachers and about 0,000 members.
This body does not Include tho colored
churches, whose conference meets In Lynch-
nurg ncxi nouDcsuay, niuimona mtpaicAf
M.rcn u,
Psofle In Ohio are again Ulktng about
erecting a monument over the remain of
rresweni narnson.
South Carolika has shlrned three thou
sand ton of white clay to th Northern
canny masers.
Tbr divorces In Cleveland one rieeklait
month outnumbered tbo msrrlsges.
i,'V.V I1'"1 Brelllsj.
Six bodies have been Uken from tho ruins
oj the drying house at Nepousat, Mass.
Mrs, KanlQT. Mrs. MArtln, Mrs. Hurley,
Mrs. Kennedy, and two others, unknown.
Two more are stilt In the ruins.
Rev. Dr. McClIntock lies critically 111 at
New York. It Is not thought probable he
will recover.
Tba reconstruction of the Savannah and
Charleston rahroad, which was In a great
measure destroyed daring th war, was com
pleted yesterday, and at threo p. m. a .rain
passed from Georgia Into South Carolina.
An application for jt writ of habeas corrras
la tho Yergcrca-e, at Jackson, Mississippi,
Is to be made to-day. It Is thought that
Ycrgcr w III bo balled.
Tho. W. Roche was Testcrdar sentenced
to one year's Imprisonment In the Albany
penitentiary ror dealing In counterfeit to
baeeo revenue sumps. Frederick Banna
tcno and r. A. iisppe, for tha ssma offence,
were sentenced to fine and Imprisonment.
a trrriflr r-ittv, i- inwBiou oc
curred at tha Fledwood rmca course, at Mor-
risianna, near New York, yesterday, killing
John Salllran, a workman, and wounding
ulna others severely.
Mr. Mecham, who was shot In New York
day or two since, It better, and his physi
cians think he will recover.
Tho New York Prod tea Exchange has
adopted resolutions of congratulation at the
assembly committee's statement upon tho
report favoring tho Bute Senate bill abol
ishing tbo contract system on canals.
Tbo funeral of eight victims of the Uto
rolling-mill explosion at Scraoton, Fa-, took
place yesterday.
Tbe Lucerne powder mills at Wllksbarrc,
Pa , were burned yesterday. Loss $8,000.
Oyer 500 workmen have been re-engaged
nt tho Brooklyn navy yard
Qeneral Quesoda Is to be tendered a re
ceptlon by the Cnban J a eta at New York.
Marshal Harlow denies tho truth of re
ports that a Cuban expedition has s ill id or
U about to sail from New York.
Surrogate Hatchings, of New Totk, has
decided for tho validity of tho wUl of Chas.
Fox, bequeathing 1300,000 of real and per
sonal property to the United States. Notice
was given by the counsel for tho next of kin
of an Intention to contest the matter tn the
The steamship Japan soiled from San
Francisco yesterday, for Hong Kong" tU
Yokohama, with 500 passengers and 1333,
000 In treasure.
The United States steamer BenlcU left
Portsmouth, N. IL, yesterday afternoon for
Rio Janeiro, from whence sha will tall for
Hong Kong and Intermediate, ports.
Telvcrapble Snsatnrtry.
Mr. Sswabd declines th dinner of the
New York Common Council next Monday
Court Bbatdix ha been entrusted with
the doty of forming a new Bavarian Cabinet.
Tna drying works at Neponset, Mass.,
were destroyed by fir yesterday, and six
women were ourneu laaea.u.
Tub carnival In Paris on Tuesday last
passed off quietly. Immense crowds of peo
ple assembled lo wUness the festivities.
J. Roberts. Sr.. of England, tbo ex-bu
llard champion, challenges the world at
billiards, the match to occur In two months,
lor wu or vow a siae.
Latbb news from Paraguay sUtcs that
Lows army has been somewhat deoleted bv
desertion, but he still holds his ground against
tho Brazilians.
Tbb French Government has warned 1U
reDTesenUtlraat Rome tonso rraat cantlon
In hi eflorU to protect the Institution of
the Catholic SUtes.
Tor barrel and stave factory of the Louis
Tllle cement company, tho machinery, aud
a large amount ot stock, tUvca, Ac,, were
totally destroyed by fire yeetcrday at 1
o'clock. Loss $39,000.
Advices bare been received In Paris to
the effect that the French won tbe victory
over the natives In tho French colony of
Senegal on tbo western coast of Africa, oa
tho 9th of February. The French force was
only 600 strong, while that of the enemy was
over 2,000.
At tho charter election la Troy, N. Y.,
yesterday Url Gllbrt, Republican, was
elected mayor by 33 majority, a Repub
licangaln of about 1,000 since last year.
The Common Council sunds, eleven Repub
licans to ten Democrats, a Republican gain
or two.
Yestrudat afternoon In New Orleans was
generally given np to the "Mardl Ores"
festivities. Tbe"MystIckKrewoofComua"
was out In a procession. The subject rep
resentee. ib tne nisiory oi muuiana irom
iw to ibis, in six tableaux, mo "Krewe"
eudlog their festivities by tableaux and a
ball at the Varieties theatre.
Tbb story of a steamer's funnel having
been seen sundlog np out of tho water In
Cardigan bay, off tho coast of Ireland, Is
creuerallT discredited In London. Thehooe
of the safety of the steamer City of Boston
fa by no means Abandoned. Tbe under
writer Are so confident thst thov bare
again reduced the premlum,whlcbiutd been
advanced to 50 per cent. ,
Tne steamer Colorado brtnas tho Intelli
gence or the toUl loss of the steamer Golden
City, on February 33, near Point St. Louise.
i no passengers, crew Baggage ana treasure
were saved and brought to Ban Francisco by
tho Colorado. Tbo ship Is a toUl wreck,
having broken la two Just forward of her
smoko stack and abaft her paddle boxes,
golog to pieces In very fast time, and
eolntT ashore at seven a. m. There was a
dense fog, and the sea was rery smooth,
which continued for sereral hours after she
A great crowd of people were yt iter Jay
in attendance at St. Petersburg at the Uur
11 o game obsequies, including nearly all tho
Americans In the city, tbo entire diplomatic
corps, except Prlnco Gortschakoff, the Rus
sUn Minister of Foreign Affairs, uuJ Prlnco
Reuss, Ambassador of the North German
Confederation, who were 111. Tho Ctar's
aids and other high functionaries were also
present. The remains of Mr. Burllngamo
will bo embalmed before their removal to
the United Sutes. Tho Emperor called
upon Mrs. Barllngam yesterday,
Baltimore awo Potomac Railroad.
Wo are pleased to announce that tha bill
to extend the charter aud pro t Ida for tho
completion of this road has been passed by
both houses or the Legislature, and Is now
a law. This will give a new Impetus lo tho
operations on our road, aad iuruiolu early
completion) and thus Inaugurate a new era
In tho history of our county. Tbe rich and
fertile lands will now ba sought for by an
Industrious ppu1atIon, and tho Increased
wealth of Intelligent labor thus brought
among us will add to the assessment books
such an amount as will greatly Und to
lessen the burdens of taxation a ciosum
matloa moat devoutly wished by every lover
of our good old county JariWo' G unfit,
Amebic as Opium, raou Veamost Mr
C. Wilson, of Monkton, Addison county,
Vermont, sowed miue spring oi luaratuor
mora than six and a quarter acres with
opium poppy seed. The yield from tbo
gamerea juice oi ma poppy ucob w.yr
nle was 040 pounds, which, when dried,
became markeUble opium. For this tho
f rdwer obUlned prices varjlng from $3 to
10 tho pound from druggists and physi
cians la New England. Ibis oplnat fur
nished OU per cent, of morphia,
A Wistbrh commentator discovers that
Nebuchadnezzar luyeuted the popular game
of "old slodgo," because ha got his Uvlngoa
! "all fours" for sevenyears.
Tub New School Preabyterlan church at
DlooDiingioo, Illinois, has rejected the prop
osition to unite with tho Old School
CniCAoo Is agitating thi
Sunday liquor lelilug

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