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gattomtf Sgcpnblitatt, (ItaJiyiexcapUs;) bt tr. J. Mukiriatt, Ff1hnt Corntr I 0 flr'f'l ttMnlUJtBktrl4ftkffc'ftlBi.1 i til It ftrilihed T ithssrtDtrs thy Httliri) At to eeiupermtitk. Killeaeeetlberc, .00pst tattAf 1W fafitx oath I atd t for thre meatht, tavirlitly la tdvue. TBI WIIKLT KirUBLtOlhT ti tahiiahed every lataleay meretaf. aa la fin aisled taaabserlhers it lk folUwItg ritaai Oaa opr yearttli three coteioyartl3t tat copies eaeyeart Hit stagl eeptec (la wrappers, I'mfii - " THE JPAPAOY. ' a i i . - Dr. KunUtrland Reply c'lV)DrV White. Delivered nt jLlacoln IInUl T hnt ndm f Kieixtog, rWrnaiy IUi, 170. t. .... ,.,... WAiattrr,X. C, lb. tt, IITOV St. Dr. Itjrrea Mumdtrtmud.i Dba Dxotbbbi ffi. lot put ot a of tha i Protectant cLurtkts lot WaaalaiUta:ibal I lac tk InUrecUof rrtitBi Ohrlitltfllty would M promotM y lb repaiiuoo or your learned ka4 aoMluslva trgumiai iIolt R. minlim, mpMtfallykfcqvett ftn to repel. your lector ai cue una ana pue at you my diem convenient, ;j. ft , Pastor or Metropolitan Obunb, n. PittoW it now. JFaitor of WrsUy Ohipei, OUitLA W.UllDWlB, Vaster fHylan4 Chip!. O. W. Iloaaa, Pastor of OorsushChspel, , W.H.HottiDAV, Pastor of JUtt Wiak a M. K, Chorta- AuTapaFotTBB, Piltor of Unigntown Circuit, Alex. E OiaaovJ Paator or Fsbadry Churrh .L T. WnaaAjr, Pee tor of Hamlla Church, . BAMpaLhtaSauTfJ,, rofeisorl Colombian Collet t. A. Jt IIVPTtWOTOI. Profiteer la Colombia uoiieg. K, J. JJatvKMooaat, Tutor of Ntatn b treat LP, Church, J,II.UirBtiT. Pastor of Firat Baptist church. JOB N.OOOWBt, Paator of WoaUt i Prbya Chaich. f WM.Ui.BTk ' , l'tilor of Fifth Preibvterlaa Oaurta, t. rjB4Lki is.uhrTO. Ptitor of Central Uoufrtgitlontl Church. " 8vVimtjb TtJiti, Senior Member of Potomoa Prtibytcry. J. E.B&RKIB, First Uoagrtgttiooal Church JoaaonaaTta. Oipltol Hill jMat'Bl"rabpo Cbortb. Lovia XL Tox. a Paator of North ProabytarUaOhorth. D. r.JBiTTiHoaau railorefHartotbStrcatPrftbr'aObuteb. JjOionoa ncrrtia, rtiiot or si. Paal Chareh. ftBIXA. MAKTIV. ttt Paator Ilia Htnak Prta'a OknNhi '"" WAlaTaoTOa. Ur& t ta , r J?, Dr. Jftumtn oJ 0IAft; Di4 Banaiiitil ahoutl bo tntlralr waot- loflaappu'ltMoaooukl Zftmalo jaiaaatblo to tho varjirafafel oKpraailo4 of frataraal ooDfldtMf whjah youMra raqdarad Baj " iciawBQ fpaaiaiarcait lorjaariof aouT ored to apoab; iee4 trerditBOli ntahlada faoaa or traatalleal Ohrlitlaaltr aa to txpoat lha corruptloab aatf arrort Of tba Rotoiah IltrrartbTfforl do not aaatttao toharw dbaa mora tlad tf ProUataal aUrfynta niBi biro doat faaiaf that tk atrumaot la alaatly ob our aide, had Iti nattriat 19 AbaadaoUa) auppllad,! o our hand. It U nattor of r(rt thtf thi ,9 t? ninf of tha dallrarr fit l ltctfaro 6 wbleb' yon alladawtliotmhrortkU forth atUodaoca of many KoHrfIaada Thouth aaolUoa patradU to of Ua ally pipera IbtIUdb; "th clariy t f tit aUy,wlUiout dlatlaeUoo, t aaata oa tha Utia1 yl 1 bow foal that Iaboti)4 haraeauaod aptalal biatnt-to 01,11 would karo doaa but far a praararo of a&tradutLaa vklih oathat otaattoa road trad It pbyalfallrlnpoaatbU. la rtard toryoar vary fl attar la f r44at to raDaattlialaalaro.XhafataakV.daavarathiaa. that whtro1! daatr'to'oonplr wllH"tOur wlahaa. rat. kilt would b a airtr tax Oa both audleoeo aod tptaktr, and aa whio your lauar waa rtaairaa mo iceturt wki marly raady for pabliaaUoa b tha IfATioaiLjtc roaLioAB.parhapalta ImaiadUta laaua may aaaarar all tha purjioaet of.Ua repatltloa. Tha aonduators bt thit papar. 10 far aa I e'ao aao.har'baeB tmpartUf to praaatlaf both itjvagi uf ijutauog, aaa qtiarTf craail f" thopalo'ltherhara ttVato(VirDtah,tbi pab IK witafhamtici Cf mfDo( what Hi WVWU IVIVUIUVHVtWt4lftW4f in ioaiaiiaBaaooi asraat priaaipiea dfoureoanaoBralthaadprajUJ alwaya for your ha alt a aad proaporlty aa tho mlalattraor Uiitiit, 1 ramattrrrtyJj, .;j uiai,i Minnil tea in Ui nur thiora uniii amlaadlf aot naaotlead. 1 tho dlaauaaloa or any Impoctaolquaaiioo.allwaaao hopa to no la 10 nwr ! !. """'I tooomprehoad tia vital point a. Kraa thao. far maorroaaoaa. our wotk may ka rar from narlMi-i ir udob lha BubUoaUo of thla rtply loiooiaatura on uiviimmi iii Um raaantlytfallTaradfayUoBavDr. fbllo. eoTrad;XUBattbalwbnrolntttoBtt thill 08 taiay M lipiun Vf W aorrvat i, adu in racird M tho tutata l may haraaay that wblla I latand thla rapty to bt Sail lo rtaat to tha rtvarandca&tlomat whom J bar alludadff ahall atalt Umaa ilatm, what 1 aa aadatovthtralhf HtUfaor aurraak aad aadldaVcirea1oavoCmrrlawBaad ooorloj nam. ai&aflaalAn ma rtaolrtkBDoa tola aad araryoihorjopto r l 4 J" - la tba moath of Juaa lut. tha, Ear. Dr. Wfclta,rtaJor of St htaUhaara.ahunb, of WiitkUtMi. ob Sabkatk .aaototoaroroaahad to hla eaTrflHoa' rtrVUf "",, lavtlf lnr. amooi'other, thloara. MO alalna or tha Ppaar."wha o, atacafora torn mootba artar WBrO li Wl agoDiiiniuiiii u itpij . tala "attaaac o aouia Maura ob ibo ausjcai. Sabbath trtfllBf: lo OatTOIt MU-atata fraa publia laviud-tho kOttal a4opta Mmad a Utilaalai-aUr. tod X tttut oomati l"dia uot full uoarra4 U iibUltafiaa laa dalivary of tha laatora from tha prtotod aod varbal ra portB of ti pairorm wm4 f ,ama f roali to HaaoaelMt(wihtiharaVkrBd.itorofpU Malihaw'hJaJldnh, hatlna: lo'ltta'dlicourto iat JuaaaaaoaiailtharaJaiir.a aibolar aad a pilau aa-fr-niaa- m ta pifiwi inia. ivr raMoaak4ti-BowojOkJauairf4oat lUtlt -. r. v.-Ti . 13 ; : .1 . rri v. .. . . .. l pari w nifrr "" "wi w immi it hUaturO'waa a.mta!lB thlsr for way upoaWua haratim, and araakta nl jokbb (omaoMhaoraibjvroaraotltttaai4,) otoo tha Prolkaiaota to ha Jiaarfa coolant,. Uvt nom-, wqJi FJUfi-kla ramaika li aallad for. aa qutatlr allpa kaek lato tha char- iar nfaflhalar and DrleaUtBDurtaltt froi hla laetBf f ortata pot Hob 1 of tha raillery, tod asiumUf rtthtz an JjiJand air, wrltat a not to Ab -editor of ,tho ItarvaiiOAa about balog 01110? "oieknamet,vr H eemplalna. In efftat, that thi ternU S4iMklr Bamitfi, Papitt, .! so freelv applied to th mmbera of ihit Ohurab, arartrma of derlsloa and contempt" that have never ta reaog nlsed by them, td adda that ''th1 or trutb rtqulrtt ao luenweipoM" From thtt.Uttar itittmtnt,w bag letv wholly to dllaaat. W batlev tha a ins of troth doatrwtalri to ua just tuah wcinooa. Whaa a'Vbfdy of peopl, who oaatitut oaly oaa aiaile aeatloa of chrta tendon, att Ibtmstlvet op to claim ihit Itey tball be roe li ail aad aillad bt a aunt whilst latfalflaa alJ. tU k9t to th oaalatloa of thoa who art (rHinwTiiriuviia v "' "" " - pltottiaiaglk tlUe-tueh o tlilnla tbt faae ot lb filtu, in the ! r hlstoiy, In tb laa 01 the breaeot adltloo or the Ohrtatlaa world, ratify daaervee oothlog but "derlsloa and contempt." And thla la preslaely wbtt the Romtah Ukarah dove. who II tlalmt to be tki CAtkalit raMh-;vtLoiu," tlcoirvlnr aJ-, kalMTtef? nVtod thd RdmlstiObarcb tittmt to bt tktuntwttuLaatreX. and Dr. VfhlU ,thltka w outht to lakoowltdr th claim. This. howrruoooroasrae, wooaanoldo, lmtirieaeioharreO thiward with an otbtr imporr, if by the term Cttkttit ha it reply fieiat all lAa LAovantri, and abbodr list, anil ken wanta oillnoar,'obtrltroriaAamtnt,' not to aalt Iheoa. lean nUi not I giro them nleknamee.w I eoafesal Aa mat aaa what lha aharllVOI iafijMiaaat'1 talll anna la If Hi! t Is not Mehirlty" nor "raaae-aDti toeitl o man bt hla own uroDir iiui. b ihaBBIBBnr Bia MfiMT, vi wnvaa na pouii, aaq IBOUt rham ha nroudlr ouataa'tha btllHant i.' guigeof thpots,wht n M ileo to tat sfy theeiprfcaa or his altar t Vi W com dow to th leetur Itielf. Thla ramarkabta aoBaDOilttoo. aa set id bv tha tvpogrtphir.tna gtrnlsned wltb sa otnt alonil scrap of Iiui or purr or poetry, hia no less miamiy eianiaisunei paragrapna. vone nr than numbarad and iflni no! numnarad. Rut forth ilk of eoavfolnft Itb tnp r(oa4 tbtl w ogia iron to oegnnisg 01 ue astur, wltbNo. 1, ltd bo goua, narking each parigrapn oy lie reapeetiv ngure o in , wlthuqt regard tq tbt number t attlxedtoasr ttin pirtgrtpht by the printer, Tblt will It allitili the analiils. lad alra ua. as brlrflr 11 possible, the mbitiaa of the wholt. Aad ao. or eaaiapie, paragrapa . 1 moraaea a atataiaaat el lha orla-ln at thla dlaaaaalaa. whtflh naala nnnaui. No. tllk MtiriBBI to myaeir, with a little attempt to be fie nova, y Braigingin inaaiur atarr as dindd Miiui. and lha vare raaoaatfal. vood-aaturad Insinuation tbtb at Rlmon ts stldto bavo falls o td broken bit Iff a, ao 1 tad r err body else who tssitlt tb papacy; will do. Mar; a a . jiuif t(iHiaa, waaiiivitai air, which, eoaildatlnx UtBomlsK fastlnet, was quit natural mJ ptrhipt hardly to bt avoldtd. h admlalateiB lb us all a nasalar etutloo, bow wo mtddl wltk. th myate- fip vt HiivpaM fUfMSSWOa M W mlht ttt a ahoak from Ita rrttt Myden Jar lb at would fcoeak bo lato aklrara, aad tbaa atrldaaon to tho aaxt polot . Wo, la ao aliuatoa to .tha profraaa of tha dla tuaatoD.U whlth ha Ukef laara to taf of hla oppoaanta'Iaballoadrarorto-ahow that lo ihalr raply to my artumantcthay bara aridtd thamalBquaattoa.'UhatVtkaltlalarorftattDBj ofBarlpturr, In rrpoiUloa.44.tlio pilnaay of Patar.amouota ttrootMoi- tooth tbaa thalfpwa n&iarUlaorratbarfatBonlojrtAi'Tad that, la qootlnr tha worka or tWalattl lTlhara JtaaialaatthaprlmiaythtrhaTOcrQBtly rata rpraaattad tha vlawa aadoo4uat.of thoaa lllaatrlooa moo. Jfoa.'l to,, 10 dm Ira ara principally n rtprtfdaetton and af.tA Ion of hit format iaptattioftfl in f pit Mr. WHUamaoA'a .Traat, aatltlad 'Taapboa." tfoa. 11 to 13 Inaftalro ara rathar ambU lloua aad hlin flowa anioiiion 01 ina.ito mlah doc mil ad aaaamnlloaa la rrrard to tho oilctB. iranamlntoBi aad lntarpratatloa ortko UtMa No, 1 la tnlf Haattlf, wharala wa ara plalaty told totaknolleaUiatatbc;hurah laaotdblfitad to TtoTo Mr or her doatriaaa rromB8rlptrtlilaaa;thawaeottB)UBlooad hwJaana UhffUt MmNlt1 H0.1I (taUlti apMlntaof Bomuavxffala akpadadapa Vl" fffW-T?? tha awrtptormUaUlamaal that - h? WataMatoo ol tha Uharah. rfo.lllaadalestBbrtdlahordiaoouraoralatlnf mfll tV oorara opoo tboUhurah lOma '" orwhlaBj aathtyaro proudly atylid,mayMaatWyahtoaoutbaoTathladla' aunlon la lalahrd. Koa.ia to M laaJualra eonatltoto a vary laborad and protriatad at tompt toaafbTfea afoarlallooor tho HomUh hiiI tho-paaaarttiMattbtw.aAdor fha Bomlahflatmiarocirdto tka Japa Koa. 1 wiBiuii-raoaiaiaBQBiiaBiMd rpiy 10 my dlaaouraa oa -Tolar norar at Koma.f' fro. UtalhtladuUfbfltoraharmlaiaRoBilahaoat talt la raiprot to tho ralatlra oumbar aad lo tl ally ft tho Papal Uharah. Ho. H la qulto an affMUnt hata to MapOLaoa, who. t ll till nid, aftar all,.. -.Mfloff la forblddaa tha, eamo back to hla aaaaaa Itko a trua aoo f th Uharah. aod dldf (lruritiraly apaak lnr to hla mothra arm a. No. VI prtiBrlbr a poraoaal waratat;, try tbo rat araaah an oaa iaLuthartwhUo NojM,aod tha laat,(wlada ap with o graad Aoorlak of tniaaata orar tbo (TBlaaiaadparpata4tyotIlonaBlam.aadtho prlaalpalmnaltriwaBot rrom th Upaottbo fahhfaLbutrrdtdtivaoulatdobarbirfaaa. tho oatohlBtorkia aad tho othtrapoat. Haro. thaod aro alfht a row dad talumna, ai hla owo alaf tot phraaaolof y, ara MnotMv outatliiut Of BOphlttrr, miarabraatatttlon, aad iraluirootaaaumptloa from ihabartaDtac to tha and." Aa a -! of baa mora holrB thta a tklmmorc aa aaoproaaloa or nomlahdormi.lta vlaar of thlnra lojriB" Is about at broad aa itiKiwr ina mo. Wlfa llvad lothtbRrrtl andiaw throofh tha bonc-holo. la our praatal rtvlawont, w hop to tin pllyaod to mika lattlllflbla tho nrloalpil . .utt ukim AaaoMBT, Tk Doctor prtipotl to oa wbit aa Ulli hla main arcamant. Ha bat aQrted and fond tad iiiuiai aatna-To ibibi 111a otaaawiMbl. HtaOnplalaathat ovarybodrhaB atodloualy avtdtd It, aod ht wanta aomebody to notlo lu Wow tha truth la, that wbtt ha eilla Ma mala arromant la aa natfaatlv tfnav. mn . prtmaly ahtllow, ao fuilla lo (htory, and to oarttl la tact, that bltharto wo bavo Hot thouthtUwortawhllo to waata worda upoa ll.-liui jait toarttuy iti aathor wo wlU pay itouf rtapoeti fur a yarrftw momtott. And rat of oil whal ai 1a in nay, wftem alrtpnaJ nf Ita vtrboaltr It amouata almnlv to lain Ia ordtrthttUhrlat mayharaa tfalbU Ohurah oa tarin iort maaibo oaf tola rlilbloooalt llililatljtoreiomtot throuitaout tba world, and for; all tlrna-jibd or thla rofaromant tha Poptt r Komoy la auaoCaaloa, havt bo tho aol, tialutltahaad from tko betlOBlar.aad will to tontlaa to tho oad. That tho Uknreli of oow.aadavtr wlUbt la tha oxatqalro poiaaialoa of, tha prlmaey.aa akaawla-lcd by tko sraat majority of Utarlit tadomi tbalthtr It an aaalorv fcalwan tha atraataroof lha Rtmlahi Ubarth aod that or o , aim (QTarnnent ot iaa uoitta rtliltt, aad Juit aa tho Praaldaot la tho aola aatlualva atr-eattvahtad or thla repobllo, io lha Pop or Roma U tkf aol xlmlTt txt eutlro bad of tbt who I (JbrlttliB Ohurah oa oartkl And further, that aa thla oity, with th Pnp eCBom at Ita httd.oiuud brorolbIfw Tttttmftr, It aJooa prpdaatd that volamo, ttdtttloathaatha rlfht atd th powar to traaamlt aad latarpi at it, and all attempt of tadtvldutUt raid tba ltlb!a.orlo aaaartata tit mttalof for prtaumptutaa laaplrlt aodooatumialoda la aot axalaitth BOTBrtlratyof th RomUh Uharcb Aod. to tlualdtioaad OatabUah tkva moat fraeloat Konaaltlooatha Do a tor haa laid Mmatlf oat tbt xtatoi about oa third or Ala ootlr lactui, , Now. tho a B I war Id thla tolaea AfPanUh fan far on ad I vary pUla, and oda only to b atatcd to b laa In til ill fore, Th unity of tho Charah taught in tbO ctorlplurtt ta a aplrlluil ualty. 'T kltcdom of 6d It aot ratit tad drink,1 and "eomttb not with obterrttlon t" but It It In th heart or lb bo llcvtr, a klnrdom of --rtihtronrof aa aad petet aodjoylathoUolyahoit." Then, a to th outward at it of th Ohnitb, Jt ta no mor aaaUal to th. aiUtaae of aaolcaliatltat bOt ramaat that tbara ahouM b to i.cluilta form or paiirytnanioaiia aamvinufii aiaaaiiai to alfll Rovornmaat. TbxtTnl form la lirKtlrooavaatloDalt aod mttBt b toadltlontd aim it wholly upon th Baeaatyo( tlraum- ataaaaa aa lha vlia iinJa Lha ItUlna !. dtoe. Thua,clffl roreromtat, whlah la It ppninii aa mnea 01 aiTin appoiotmaat at aaalaalaitlaal otfnmiiL ku aiarav Mhiut lanarit forma a&4 ortaliatlott and by th fare of aaalocy, a wall aa by tha pa tar of th thlnr, th aim It tru of th Christian Oharth. Ther ar ao mora "aa4tt" to-day, at thay troalld,thia thcr btv tlwiyt bteo ilnctth fourth otatuty of thoOhrlallia , wbfn pa c to la n wti on rt or bad Ihrouthout th ItDmia LnplrfV Thta, a matui of fail, 00 tacb ori&lutUn at tba Itomlih thoory r SnoUlBYSf W.,rd?flft tuV.mAMt w It. On thoothr band, w kaow that from th bIlaalf juai to oppoau a-aoa 01 mwii oaa traniplreiUTb Uomlah polity of Ohurah gov aroaaantlabnt on anooaaarott number of dtarlnf forma. It la tru that, touallarta IBty 00 oauurvD ogrn in - uomi-a iitm, tby tr ablatotomputtaltrft'tommnaloR. Uul tbtir rolitlv atnoglbr la thOhrlatlaa wottd, alUr all tho proptittloa of th lial fir. Imo iundrtd Tills, la bvr aoilblag Ilk wbtt thavwouid bar at to ball. . . from tho Natlooil Almanaa, Phtlidclphlt dltlon, 188a, whlah ll probably at reliable aa aaypioxlmat authority t be.we leirathat tba total Obrlatlia popoUtlooof tha world toula, oswhieh oumbertht Ro nil Oathollet ar lll.Ml.oooi tod w Ittrn ilsothfiet tkat darter th IW yart ataa thpoh of th UtrormallOD, aod Jo th aim 0uttrl whir Rama ale m bee urt4 lit rratit InOuaOa. tha ProtaaUots have laeraed to ,009,OM, or mora thtnhtU tb cntir Romish1 ommualQ throughout tha wotldl If, theralor, wo rtflet that ther bis nrr baa momant when tb who) of Christendom submltttd to and wit .iqv traed by on eol xluslr earthly head w lhall at that, if th Romish theory baor reet that th Ohurah or Oh rial eaa only xtit aider oaa EtlaslT. vtilkto poUty, ther bit uertr bee ooytoah Ohareh: ofJJatlitamoag mo, aad to ikey ptovolktt yod bis ba wiihoit any vuitlojuhunb, loth world for thalestlMOyotrar The, a to th Xtomlah Ohurah oarstlat h fi tie New Teat ana obbeeom leg, Indeed, tbt author of th New Testament ami having thn1 right to transmit aad Interpret 11 1 iirni laiHDimn inn idiiidiii i in jia talabelaln on thta nolnt'b eorrtt. If1 mult be ahowa that tilth book of tberfeW' TasUraot war written bythoPopea of Rom orbyutHnuaatei anoeriaoirauaoiuai oe auieir they wer written 0700 wbower nettber Pope Utmielveo. oar yet la aubjee UOO10 lb Popee, thtt BiuH not batrobeea produced by th Komltti Ohurrtj. Prhat than litbfietf Out ortaO'rhW 87 book not ooof tbtmwttwrltuabyh Pop of RAmt, or by aej-bodr who Mkaowlodnd thlnp Minn, Tit faat. a-haa Ika haflkt fit the Nl Trstemaat were wis oo Pop of Kom 1 i IB eHM in wninr w ww apvaa of thO-'Pop of Romlt wa aot till th omuncemat of tb MVta eoatury tbtl aty saca ehtitsttr. with any inch) offla qr ttlItMB to exist Tb bog it 1 of-thtNav lamed ucriTiu air nmuwtnj iivm Ait. laanlrallAa at OoJ I war all MinnA'.ad In tha Unt-etAtory, and in mediately pobi junea in ineenurenva, aou raoofcni-fa wouca aHQhrltttBdnmutM ward of Clod. Tk ndv4r derived their binding, soTerelgatbar- fetarfrom any election of blihopa,ordrcll n nf couaella. hat from their own I a tarsal evidence f illvln darlvttloa and author It yj laair iranimuiion waa appimiiuu iq iia caarcaaa 01 uamiiBuvni auav. tu-f r adipiedtoth wiatB of all mankind Thay appeal to th tadlTldual undera tending of human belnga ercrywaer, aod Implf ry Where the arcla r prlvat Jadimentaad lha responsibility or jrsonil obltgitloo Vader-thls vlrr tbi matt ar. It (t aorta. thing bnor thta rlllaulous) it la varllylm pleu to alilm tad ta lailal tbit tba home eoul akiU b sxcludtd from tha atudy o tbt auredforaelat themielvea, too that It abtll bow ddwo to an talerpietar aalmparfMl and at. rilllble at ttaalf, end shall he tubjeeted to that dlrafat obacaratlon of Uod'a word which wt Bomian u&uren nat an ine " fully preaiwied ov attempting to deprtr th com bob peopl 01 ti fo daaltlaa ha Dommiidiiilltl of meau' AI 111 UitIB, . VI -'IU tiao u all treat we know there aro millions upoa millions lu tb worU to-dty.aod tht multi tudes ar constantly augmenting, who will ever submit to any ausb urlestlr arrogance who will resist to ih bitter oad toy such x- iioeiion ot toeir maiianaiua rigaiai aiwhi might Americans est no fh clilm thtt th President of th United tltatea it of right, aod ought to bo ttkaowladgad, at tb soloauprtm head 01 civil governmeotoaetrtb, and every where th arbiter of truth and the lord of th human cooscleott, aa th RomUh priest, hood assert a tl&lltr elllm for th Aomin Pontiffs, Tb argument Is clear, and. lb Annaliialnn la laavllabla I Wa band, lha problem back if it a to tht rarereod Doe tor inu nil irieoas to conaiuar 11 ai mcir leisure, simply rtmltdlnr thtm that tht eltlmt they thui put forth ire pverywher rrgirdtd by th mor Intelllf cat and ttadld mrndaof this g nth most assuming, the huii auparsiuuui, aou Bt ma warn hiui in most absurd aad ridiculous that eio b imig- i"-aim, inn ta HuaaBiina 10 wiiaitia thtt atttiud before tb nations, tbty tr mtk lag tbemeelve th Itughlag-ttock of tht world l Dot tbt Doctor dott more than offer 0 falle-r ty-ho g(vti up the whole, cist whtn re (erring to iat. Oor tlMi be tells usthitOhrist hi u.p .inumuHvi (Bauarutian uourea oovirlh. That Ptaaagaihuijtterally rtadai Mp nonta;ityiloihtr foundatloaax. erpt lief Uid which Is Jteue tha Oh it it," If Is Intimated that thla la what thay all Admit aod believe, UeciUi ll th UMhoUtrdot true." Wt 'think It, U the doolrUe.ef ll sincere believer to 'Christ whtrtvtr found ntrar the aatlfa world. And Itdnaa ttnal and absolutely exclude all idea of aayother rououaiioa ai uivsutswniiair temporal or splrltusl, vlslbl or lovlslbl. This blng to, tt la utterly Id I for any mto to attempt to pror tbit Peter or ear other apostle, or any tucsesaoror tbsm should b thought 10 b iu any tht fouodttlonof tb Church. It bene results that tba Romish tense or tb piaiag la Milt. x,vl 11 ll wholly gratuitous, and do amount of spcoJil platiUng cm upset tfals lopcluslot, NoW bar, loftr HPf0 ttataota, aa laca, havo aay Intareit la tho qatatloo f ra U a tn4. Tkl 1 yialdfar all thr HI 0' haro arar olalnad for It la lo atra daaurlnf that ao alaiia body of Uhrlatlaaiaaolay aaaaelnalra aUlmto tho a atrelaa of Ohurah authority; aad that tharo la no dlrlao t lhl ! taoto who adharo to 00O loo, bat th asm Lord "lit, Oot, all J. 'J 1 Rut laat ll ah&aia ha ihanan.4 ka. Ja JIL.i 3"'"j;:,,"',.,"i..vK'. ?' f aaaumtd by Romthlstt of tcWty, tao o faith' fa if rprtstntd by th tUfU .Doctor lo this lacIara.Xthtli 4tHafuatioOthBxt pieee to a iprntwhtt suaitit tubjatt, whisk may bltlyled . Mil OORTltlblOTtokl. ... u0antradiatakfmiu'. IleUiohaa aoae tiVK K?.m"h Wkureh, being prlSr to aadth aathor or the volum of i?d Strip, tare, thtrtfon tht Si rip tut U of bb ttJu tepariteaQd tPtrtTromlht tulhorUyor the Okureki ytt right la tho ttetb. of ,thU !!"" '. "flPlMiua. th prlmaav of tho Romlah Ohnrchla drlT4 from tba q, thorltyoftbtdlrlntSerlpturM, n . I. B tontridieta nertire. Ue'teiehW that "'lllfuil lafJaaa Ikitaalln k.a Itaw Bat la tb sature of thltg. If w jww a ntini waar naia;raitit ua caacnaa uiai"iaeoaiipiiir a m aeaa 11 treata Ha teaches that tb RomUh Ohareh 1i th only preptr, idequtt and rightful In terpreter nf the a abject a contained lonth revelitioa' of tho Senptoret, wbtab tublttta, althourh thua Interpreted, still remala Mian attair abort th raaihiolsay beano. Intel lu And tnut'b Ittebtl tb tH Ui titf ixti of rev Hi ad truth la such fhttth tSlodeaahot Drtslrlt wha written, la a bhak.iofto.i bib the power toeompnhead Jt to lli Esunded brth runtUoaarletof thoRomlik borch, lie then prrMcada to qu6Ie,aerrptura to prove that sreaiauinot unatrstaqd lerlp ttir vxeept tbroukb' -th eipoeltloa of no authortied later p re ar. Aod tba eerfetur vpraiar." at itrliagutg 0. Th who. 1 1 "And we ML'ptat;.Uta.Thwho'pieeigerdallt rtliy at follow, t And vr biv more -teure the prpbell word, to which itteadtpr it to a light Bhlalig la a dark pit y 4o wtlli Until tba day ahall dawn aad th Ugh t-barr no la your hearts 1 knowing this flrat, thtt rwry pronheey of itriptur! not dart red from ei seBltoa for prophecy cam formerly dot bt tb Will Of ma, bat bOt ma of rtaJt anaka movediby tbo lloly B pit It." latliar tao eVrOed, h pervectc tharvrrtlnttaUoaoC th aposue, oy tans aaia to aw thai tbt tcrlptur hat ao meaning tomiokliil until la- icrpreiaa vj taw uonustr unurao. Wfty, lb DoataS annaara ta hMer'BB(hlna wila-aiW th tru !( it of thlapiasagej' lit iif gtatcUttth oerlptrlor o OBlqieaaa aae with tb ttiebUg of autkorlty.r Hut thla " authority" being lo opera tlr eietpt tl It ts derived throogb and terelied by pereoaa Whoea prf tef opinion booceratag tb saao of orlptur oaititatB "tbo anlborlty,. wa bar rttlly a very lagenloui devise for tlleoe lag adversarltB aad confirming disciples, Tbo only trouble about It IB that if la 1 nil contra diction of nator ltaalf, an mlanttnetaace alike of folly and absurdity. ,, t. Ill oalradlete hlefery. U tetthet tktt th New Testament wit borb.of the. Uburah. and that hete th uibl la tb exeioilre ropcrty 01 ta jtomiso ommunioatthttlr S her Will and aantlmentt thai lla Pbm at Roma la "In poaeeseloa," at h terms in that. Independently of tb Romish Ohareh, w ahould htvebeentltogather If norant of tht ex. Isteose ot th Nw TesUmtot) that U waa lo nt her hende that tbo reformers of tb sixteenth century received tb Blbl that It Wat tnmn htrttatlmony tbttthty accepted tb Oaapel t tht lieplied word of Ood. lit put these balthlata tha maanlnr nf ll anA Ih ah 11 hardly possible for th irai yptc to b crowded wllhaiorouBtnith, ThvidneOof KlBtory it a direct dealt! or vtry on of this assertions. Whit ara th fact upon thla oolatt Will h toatradlct than fo dty 1 Oat bilf tb DIM, th Old Ttsttmett atiaiBiy.waai nai aaneequens 10 lb Xiai eneeof tbaRamlsh Ohurab, aodFirtewotbori of that Uhdrch, and It not, troth, th aol property of thtt Church, oor la tho xtlaalr , possession Of Its. Popes, lfow thtd,wa4 It with lha New Tctamot,th bther'liaif of theUlblst Xael bUtory tell th alary. Th RomiskObanbttt It aow aobeisu with 'a Pooaal the haad. aad aa tha ttaaaaat r Ud, now tlilmlof all splrltutl and (temporal lvwa wo mim, w aifi aaior ODServU, was aot fairly put aOtat till tba begleatnr of th seveatb ec a turpi Ami thla Romish Ohurah, r which pr, Whit It a member atd ' talalt tr,aBdmoatrdoubUblhamplo a4 render, bid no mar to do with maklof tb New Testament, or with Its icruslyi frtnt million aod lotaroraChtlO. tbt th Jananaaa or the Uottentota. Th reform re of tn alx teenth tentary gained aeea to th Serlptort lBtpittof htr, and It wit mainly du iq th eoademoitloq of Romish tiadltioQ add pxo tlee, whlah they perceived lb Dibl bo clearly nod solemnly to pronoaoo, thatthey eouid no loeger llr la th gollty eoatestloa. Tht la ma acgrat ot turn uaiormauoa l UUI that wo may hat a IltU , further light oa to exclusive transmission and aotborl tatlr InlerDratatlon or tha Hibla. 1 h leirt to tit a tar facia, allbeht toy more cxpllslt r(erBO, from Dr. Maiaa'a Xb triolUladbylir. UUrd, New York edition, lilt, ,1a thU work those who wish to mrsue lb euoject will and a fund or Interest, naTcaitter. ebealallr at naataHaai fm tha eirly Fatber and Doctors, with faithful r. fareoeea la lb foot-not to all th paaaga as found lo th original, from thi a oupri- uonoi aninonties wa cotii ajisofcr a very lUlrf1.rV4lt,ta.X.'SiBJaVAaA4a fa tailed ta History th Wailsra Ohurph. th Ittn Church, and th L.-.tln vrslo of tb Rib), commonly called th "Vulgate," waa fnally dccltred by th Council of Trent, A.D. tu, to b th only authentl text, and th atandard bv which all dlinutattonB. bxdosI tlona and termoat wer to bo trlcdr And Hill ll baa untargea ttrri mtisioos. Aaani tloa was BublWbed under th auspleea of Pop Slttua V, about A. D. HIT, to .whlok b fixed th sif or Inralllblllty. Uuk bit tuteeiior, Olemeat VX1I, aomt doiea year after, ordered It tb suppressed, as swarming with rrre, aad another equally 1 fallible adltloa wit brought out, differ log from th former la up wards or two thousand Inst oca. ThU It but a specimen of mitttra to our h to 11)1 a votatoa sbowitg th way la wblebtb Komleo Ohareh he treasmllUd th word of Uod. Tfow oa tbo other hand the Oreek may be tailed Ut mother tOBgut of tht New Testament) aod II waa la th possssslon or the Oreck Church, ibe Armenian, th Nee tori an, tb Syrian, tht Indian, th African and tb Lure d leech t log Ohurahea, all of whom realvd tt from th apoetlee thmalresf aod from tho apostollo age, without Intermission, biv kept It either In th original lintuigaa or In their own dlalecte. What aa utter absurdity thta'tt It (or Romtnlilt to talk about tho exclusive ranamlealan of the Ulbl bv tha Charah of Boca, aud whit a pleoa or-rldltuloae arro gate to say mam it bio 001 oa rer to TiAtntah ilhurah wa ahould nevae hava kaown vo of the existence of th New feitimeott and whttanfexhlbltloa of dupllert toptofest tomtit wexonhcr tettlmony that th Reform r reectf e4 tho gorpel atth laspirtd word of Uod, while ibt.wac doing all aba aould, M th U to-diy, to eoaeail th IIht of th Rlbli and toprtveattb Script or e from being real by tbpopJe(and by th blldreo of th people, whoar ot day to 'bold U their beads th destinies of nation e , . , . 4r He oontrtdUtt th Scrfiturttt XI teach thitth New Trstimenl ortglnaUd wlthtb Ham lib Church; ih ha vise' fixed the canon f th aiared books) and that therugh Protest aaiemayreaa anaqooia too rjcnprwree, ye meyeaiiBai ua hiiuuii taey wauersiaoa laanoriaii n Ticwa fj oerivo irona aiioia arv aurrei bbu in wit for anvhnman briar ' kta received th right sense or tb Script ore until th Romish Church ceadt him aa exposi tor (o tell him what 11 lei And this, we find, la Indirect eoafUst with tho whole tenor of in iiibi. w raa ta ta wora oi uoa, "to thlw aad to th testimony, If thrysptlk not accordlag to tbt word, It Is becauaether in ao iigna in iafn,"iia, vui 1 u. "iviiv traaoa at thv words alretb llahti thou through thy ommindmentt but m.d lKs ta. ,wh w,,uv vuv,,a aftv.a , .- , taaiidot ta uereini tnitthey "war nor l,thy ralvd tho word wltballlretdlieas of mind, aodtfirtbtd tbt Script uree dally, boom lnanitnoaB 01 xneaaaoaioi.'Deaaaae wuaiBer iqaaa ininga win so." rABta, xvu 1 And Paul wrltlag to Timothy aire l "Con tinue thou la tb thlaaa whlah thoa bait tearatd aad halt been enured of, kaowlog of woom tnou paai 1 cameo. inra, ana mat irum a eauq iaou nia xaowa to 11017 cwnpfurvs, which are able to mik the wise unto silva tloq through faHh which t la Christ Jems All aerlnlura la riven bv I aartl ration of Uod. and la praltthlt lor doetrla, for reproof, for correction, for loatroetloa la rlgkteouaqeaaj that tha mail r a t-aj 1m PtlCt, Qior oughly furalshed unto all rood works?' (W Eplat, lilt la.) liar w , Usteidoftb Eplat, lilt la.) liar w , Instead of tb lblbblagbora of th RomUh Church' It bisbesl-ca tF th lasplratloa of Uodf luimu ui HaBai oar(jtur DfiBcnxea ny thtt Church, "th word earn qot hf th will ol man. butbolv meet of Clod enak as thav J wer moved by tha HolyirhostY laateadof fakaiaa ! mat t4iar irvn an iBtaip sr, w may go directly to U word of 04, aod avn la childhood w may know "tbt Holy Scriptures, which it abl to mik 0 wis uato salvation P' . II eontrtdlctt th meif rmUraJ ralJUrt. U tcaekes mphitUally thtt lb Hcrlptur It A dead IttUr, aad cannot tpeak for ltalf that It has no certain meioUg without in author' Hedlnterprettri tbit ttt doctrines annot b pomp re he odea apart from tradition) that it o of o tsistllal ut la pro v leg th xltlas of tha .Romlah. Churobt tbit thta Ohurah U wholly Independent of It authority, aad that tb opponents of Roma faav 00 right to arga from tb rJcrtptares, or to Interpret th ncred volum io tt 10 clash with th Kotfitih sense. This It tht very llbeitl aad magnanimous po sition of the pittor of flt, Matthews. Rut how It It With nit iQ-mueh-Uudcd wltaeuet and I ttbtnl The extrtcts which I dow girt art eolleeted I Mithn'e Inquiry, pp. 10-10, where the refers ncec to ticb orlf laal aulhor lly may bt found) Ircamus sija 1 "Th fiorlpturtt trt per feat, for they art tht wordt of Uod, dictated by hit Spirit ind they art rAe jtioHcl fredllleti. mi 0 if ei ted unto tht wbol world.1 TtrtulUanatyit "I reverence the plcnltud Of the Scrip turn, tod X admit nothing with out their testimony. Let him therefore wh produces ley other itandird of filth than th wrlttea word fear the ran pronounced agalostith rain who addi unto tht Scrip luree." Clement of Alextadrla tayti Th prudttl man will as Bcriptur alan tprefui those who dogt!sc ag unit it T1T' ditloel tUod cUelare that w must do thtt which la Wtltlea." i.Ti.eMphillu.!' ''aiwrlttti "Whit a H,....., ,WBHH . iBBagioataii intrt it any Ulvlia laitruetloa btald tht holy and aoftnlgaSertpturtar' fT w " Atbaaillua tayst "Ottt expoundloa" id ut tbtl whloti ll not wmue, Tht botki cl Ood iiiiiuuiiwvi uj Hitiuii mas taiapaaeac raeana that "the aeilpturamuatba uadWetood la aeeordanatihtheteeehngiQtiiithorlir" , itelmptymeaua Inat ifil ieftV4ri, t,f the Old end new TaatiMaataaMaWiuiuBj aafflet for tht tcqulrloirof all truth.1 iThey Hon form th tcbvolof piety, aod w will neither hear nor quote anything aot contained lathm.n t ' ;; n Bsill siti: "It la pQblU.y den-lnf tb faith. II ltatrlmlBil arrogtnsa to add to Rarlp tor thtt which. It not wrttteai for It eoa taint th iiMunioifotieiSQto ot thi Holy Spirit." . Ohryioitom nya 1 'It li Ih ortelei or Uod thitwt brodueaae th tru rut or tb tru tilth tad or til trutb, end they suBlet if Unit tllthisiwtJo oppos th-lAstruetioaaf th "! Dfllll,'' BBtl ') T" Jerome tirsi"akonild you wick to mtkt titer tbo tblagt that ttlll remain doubtfoL hero r ourtototh law and to tb tectlmoay of Script ara, for without It you will remala la tb dirkoeec f rror.M Or ory th Ort ttyet ''All that tta tatth orodlfr leeentilaed laflts efu-se file Strip fures HI try them that preacher should In struct th paplt UUIa tb wards f Ood that on must seek tha thought of Ood." Uut why need wa maltlply tho vMaeor refer to ame, .They ar too many to bo me tloaed, and yal I tb fte of. tbie patrUtl testlmoayiash tyia 1M Whit has th hardihood tahlaumaaid utiti.kaiaa'aHa thappoiIta)eplalB. Wbo'theo Is it her thatnayboaafd"to hav grosily mtirpr' " " ia.a v nv iiiuairioaa meot" 'U Dull crown all, hoatridleta ear tore ?"rrT.M IV' t ttm uatbit wtbiv be right to irgutfrom th scriptures, or to MV any oMalons or our owa aa to th mtta log or th Serlpturea or or their obllgatlona apon ua. Atd yst th Rtviout utt 1 Irfren tht Scriptures, fort them y ihlak y hav eternal Ufat an they ere they whleh tesllfr or m."-John v, 8. Agilat Therefore whe I0,T,.th,,ilB '" tatlngs of mine aad death them, X will liaao Vlmto a wis mta which built kit trout upon a rotk. Httt. VlLSaV. f 1 Mush la aiMcimea of Romlah rrginend audtelty his ltd In th full blue of the ataa teenth eanlurr.oa thiprt of oa who does omaeem to her proflUd ta aaypirtleu larbyth vBtsof the last thousand yut of oo who talks about the authority of the Romish Obarsh O tar lha human aaaaalanaa. about tht people having bo freedom of prlvat Judgment, and no right toraadaad laterpr! th word etOod for themielvea. Thtrtvertid utttor moat bar straagety-rorgotUa who aad whrh la, t whom ad of whom h Uapetk- lcg , 11 ha virtually played oat a tnirvcrout enaekroolam, tad exhibits blmseir at on who Ulivlag latksday of th lUeosied tboUr Mne, laateadof th fre and enllg htencd period Which fald Ua dawn la lha Rr.m.n.. ..4 kta been crow log brighter With every tentary bat) now. n Dot th Doctor eayaweteM btvHa Wit. , -anaainoniN inierpreter," no Daly to create th Scriptures, bat to head tbcm iun..:tfu:w,gfArfa .v.VfWtf.1 Tuit lead it authority to tho Rtbt, otherwli tho lilbl le f ao aeoount and mael be 'dlteirded This wltntsa mast bo th moath-pleo oftridl- uon, tea tbtc traouioa mast nerve as aglut In whleh tha meant or bf tho fterlptures le to b reflected I 11 thaa'looksabonl toe wher tosh a wttoess can b found, and after isarah leg all over the world'atddowa thronchtht hlatorl period, b flats upoa Ih Romish Church is !h only organisation whlsh roily aas wer IB requisition. 11 sire thtt Ohareh te, through th Pop, la xcloslv poiee eloa," and ao makea it a ptrfy I lb aull ta e att though what tho Popola Id xelostv PosiMlo't of doee aolieof larty appear. It the cayt thaOhunhor Rmt fcthewK am by whoa tcetlmoay arry point mutt be decided, li furthcralalma that It It th onry authortied Interpreter, and lha make It th dvot-cie -Of th eauiex And) b B Billy om plates tha ptetur by omaarlar th futotlona orthlBChureH to thoa of tnvolrlt reurrt, and tone maxeeiiAiiio one, tHrar.tawiiaiior.wiliMis aBdtJew,lotryUi till of lit owa xlualv inthorllv indaeloareraeallvaaf Inttarfiatlan over tho Irath of Uod, ovtr tht human coa celeoce. and over tba aaUraeilaai af aula. in Ileal government oa srtkt Now, thla I ally every aotwothyatrlvB and It la ao woader'th Doetordwalle upo 11 to so great a length, that b Is fain to tora tt about no view is irons aiirsreni atanu point e. witn co muck oomplaaeeey,aod thai feclltr hlmatlf uoible to utter til Its rrilse, he should press i. hvb oaniiinH nuuiiMi iaio Barvico for the eompletlou or Ita euloe-y. Rat cowj if thirdoetrta b true, ifr eertilnly eonestc ameeotionc reflections. And, first, why not baoUh Ue lllble altogether! What It the use of. book which hie 'o mealing in iteetfi which eaoatt tpeak for Itself) which la aa ai- ttrlv dead lettai I Aad Whera waa lha aanaa nf ompOBlarilt In thoflrsl pUeet Ytt, ixsln, if. M Ulbl ee sst aside, still how are we to kbow ol tb vmrf ort lf this wltaesal Who aioaariiiT ua oi ua aainerity aa "aq inter prater i' whe I Id deOa lb naturod llmlte of Ita M0Oiseaaloai"rtiA la la ., nM a it Judlcltl prerogallveei who It to tpUln th fact that it hit Mitorlt rivals, torn of them eaqturiei older tbaa itself, end whose volet etohot be stifled and, finally, who is there that would aver be willing to uadertak th tatk or threading thmiaef eoatradlttlo, falaahoad and abeurdttv af ita f ftaen evaturlaa at tradltlaat Now, la aot thla a finous vU. $ to b presetted before th tribunal of wartaieauaBi HTauntATaxuaor. kDat, falrleg mad aur bf hie wltotssfth Doctor returaa texatlat upon th rlla Which flaw from th xretae&( nHrata Inrluw meat aad fre apieck in rrrard to rellg loua altera, aud especially -the teaching of th Scrletures. U'lt deeply eciBdihted at the great number of modern eeeta aad oplalone, aod with a lurubriuuaar, and a melaa iboly aplrlt, h dwellc pon lb catalogue, tad at last ai a temporary relief, seeks refuge la Uatler'aHudlbrast Sutth great, and only ffliaelouremdylath Romlah Ohareh, aad th ualty of her faith. To thta h points with yrid end satisfaction aath eurvall aadth ad-all or dlvlBlona, eonteatlooa and party ttrirtsl New, let ut too aow thi splendid conception really orteritee, fatt aa inqulr tor moment whether human btlur Bit reilly been mad wore lo this reepee! by th bM.vwAtVVn--''-- -a.dH.V..a. f th Papacy, and ct If w Hod any turbu lealoer eootroversy I the Churcbcc and th Cooaelle f that early period. It la not a tople la dwelling oa whleh we aaed tak aty special dtllgkt,tadthtrtfor w tball treit of It ae briefly ae possible. Iet ob then heir St. HlU try, Ol tno lourtn eaniury, eaa oi id uvniorw orfgtait wltatsaat, it quoted by Olbbo la kta history ot Rom,- vol. 1, page 44 ) "It la m Lblng," tart Hilary, "equally deplortblt and dangerous, thai there ar aa many ereedt aa pplnlona among eaea) at raaoy doctrines at IncllBs tlona, aad as many toureee of bltt phamy at there artfaolta among uat btatut w mak creeds arbitrarily, aad explain them aaarbltrartly." 'Krery vcar,nay,erery S00O w maknwtrdt to ueeerlbe invlef- myitrUt. Wa repent of wbtt w hnv doii w defend thoee who repentt we anatb matls thee whom w defeaded. W eon dma lUcr ih doctrine or othert tn our ealrea.orourown la that of others, and rt elprteally tearing oat another to piece e w htr bean th ecus or eaoh otber'e ruin." Aadwatttaaybetterartrth4atabllsbmenl of tho Papal tupremiett In answer to this Suvsiloow might Oil volume! ibowtog thtt i history of tba Romish Church bit bten llttl more thta on continual terletof die puUs, hoBUllttee, aid pereeeatlona. Tak a elngtsttematcerfectntnf tht mode of id salalBterlBsr th itcrament of th XjOnTt Sdiv pUth4alty,au wal rrgirdrd brtbl VBtaia vl uuupih v aaa. imniF blot wer for ptrmtltlif 'tht poopl to tit tb tup. Thlrtyoo votedtbeiime.iubjectto tbdcUlooor tka Pop. Thirty-eight form' kliy apposed It, Twety four wished It re ferrcd Ateelafrfy to th Pep. Nlaatcea were fee permtttta tho tap to tho Hohcmtaat and 1(tugirliai laorteea wer for postponlog ht tiucst low. ad eterea attempted to remtla a cut rill1 tkilia'tIqJ,p.SS) Such Indeed wtathadlseeesloa aad thorruptloo of tb Unmlah tlhnreh thai Hiaa liomlah wrltera tcknwledg'Wllhut besltalloo that la the uava Ol iBBuataraqeia ta rapai aocirtoeaaau a.fborltvwuldhlD hav fallen lato rnln lo all pirUor Ih world, ad aot lha fore of lbculir arm bteo employed to tupporl tha toiteriaa; eoincw. in ine neuiviaaa aione more tha 10,000 pee scat war slaughtered by Ohirtta V, aad ttlll greater cruelties wefe Iractlied upoa thvonl by bis ton, Philip I." (llrll.Oyt'vwl.ll.p.sil) And this la th lloqtor't mitchleei remedy for th pre Tatloo of dlvrsltla la religious opinion Lovttniut or tbiditioW. Bat tttuorvd of hit Ohurth la thost palmy layt.wbea thdutroo ood tha faggot illeievd airoMsetOTB, and ln aoavlctlon of her an thorlty a profound at th grave, he tikes th liberty of ealllofua to admire the lovtllaett of her apparel; II inter a upon thttubject with trldeot tit,Ukt atro too of hit mother. lie eilji a te obetrvt "her tplendld Jewelt ol ualty, aaactlty apostollelty aad eathollelty, whlehdUtloguiah her by a broad and unmla likable Uaa from tilth parlouaoflahoota of error J And la thebetehtb of hit ardor he even got ao far at to declare thitirth Strtpturet did not klit, or nay otbtr writ lag la relation to thadngmtBOf Obrlitlany, w should still hi v la her o file 111 tannings a auMalanta-rauad af belief ! And vat ha eon dasotsdtto txplalnto ushow It Is that tblt truth-!! transmitted from agt to are" bv the ten, y tnv bbb ot nititM. nvini aaa ertdllturg yr aad by all tha literary aad cede UilUtI mooumcBt aad memorlila of btr greet estate. Atdbt latlmitit tbit th only object of appeillagto tha Fathers lsuotto ak aay support for th OhurQb. bsoui she needa nothing of the kind) but It la wholly and entirely to prove that th Fathers themaelvea ar orthodox aad uaanlmoua la Utlr opinio be. laotherwordStlostetd of putting th athlete ot ih' Ohareh oa trl1, and bringing tba c a in ara m wiiavaaaa ior dii lunpnii, voian rluenoy hie brai iBtcntion b hn cha Died bla mtad, and now propose to pi tb Fat he re ob trial, aad to ahow that tbt aro an rifai neeausa iiey agrea wnq toe Church. In pursutncfOtthls od h his bid th good sen. It Is true, openly to tbtndod t great mist of spurious testimony that bit beta heretofore aod It llktlr to batgiln, at rlons iy urgeaiuuvor or ta eiaimcoi to ch of Rom, aad tapsclally Lo.farorof Church of Rom, aad especially id tua mat i eier waa a. noma. tint Hit altar aaaklna- thla ranerAMa dedttn. lion, thcr la ta tmmtaao t mount t tradltloa una tarawtiioB ia atrtklog fla I upoa tbt ndr allktwhatTh rtmaioing, wbiea, to retain, toa airixioi ura oi ine uocnir woeu piaeeu u ofth Romish Obursh. aoncirsl ladle of ur day to frequsntly speak of ai fillkjiijl'i A-ftd this faVirla nf Iraalltlnn aar. tiloiy potsecce tha most vtrlib)iidl)lu- BtP quuu(i it ia f ubdvi01 oi UIIKI oa allthapeaand colon and combination!. Ry eleeUar end eMfckfay It together there U bo ad to tk dlvsrsttv thai mav b erodueed. W must admit tbrfr that It la perfectly lavilu. UoBldtha waft J of faahlna attain la anything like tha variety,. and 1 may add gar- gooBBp oi nomisn woum ot tblttotxlst la atoodltlonof perpetual rip. og uoordlof to tb nitar ofth euhjesl, tb alia uui uiuddim ids uiiiniDi. ana imi triditloa of th Romish Uhurtb, wkll ll brlege to view much thtt it good aoduaex eenllanihl In Itself aadlf It did not it would bo purely monstrous crrt he less presents onet th molt fearful record of olvlsloo. Ulseord, rtocor aad violence that tta b found Ia tbt totals of th humit raer .Whit la It ut on seen of bltteratsi ltd eurslngi popet calumnlitlnr Popet, touaclls tondtmaing aounelle, monkish ordtrt qairrtllot; wltb aeh other. vrr srnod a fit Ml or rrouud. and very con rent ton a battle, iff riveted by th airtxu"ina taiaiar, too i)uertin ouui Idy.l si i IW whleo men iCtothCd lath atcrea girbaf rell ftonj tnd.fa, (t. bQlj piWI, bktf pttltOld oq tLilr (ollpwi. These srlls wer only too atdly prtvtlent in the fir it six ecntarlea, but they were moderate com pa re 1 with tb enormttlec ofdleortr,tptrll and public rejection of th Scriptures which dlegrtoed th ttveath tad th following ceotarles; -"Thoogh," at at'Ono writer aiys, "the Lord raised up fromtim t time pious men, jealoatbf hie word, end girt them elreneth lo oppos lb rtaerll dcprTMon, yt thee wttaeaiee to th trbth wer very fw (0 aomber la a ehurah which blVlef frown almaat eallralo wnrhllt. teeam dally tnor enalivedtO It bisslont aai inaa,auppoiinginas gain it gouuneSB " Tba Romish doctors themsalvtt tell ua thtt, h yr A. I ). otM, th Kmperor Phoete, n of Ih meet viol ens I? reals tht world trtr pro duced, aod obedient Is th vilest motives, eon farradth tltU and power ot idih ref elites aod Visible aad aupremtbttd or the ChurcK apod th Rlihtp if Romei aod thtt it wit bv lhforeor trmt between the two psrtlee in tbOboreh the kaown tt tht "Arlias" tad lb '-Orthodox," aad after a bloody tonttsl thtt Pop Berg las wiiplteed upoa the throne. I th eighth tad loth centuries the dorm of tvtBaaltatUlloaippeiredi Idolatry timt retching im thi llibte was ao longer used, and vem Bopplaattd by pagan bookst tho powsr of th Pup betam mor xhorblttit aad op presslvli the tao pie wer burdened with ecr menlet ad tateai 'the Church hid beeoa a widow aad bir owa conl afflicted her." At I thv tenth Mhtary.llwit Ih eommentt mit of thwot, leaden tree of dirkaest la th Choteb. Moasters wer pUtfed tt htr head. Orlme, obsearlty, iiniBlaetloa cover tbem with eternal lafimy, "The West wet oa Of.'! "rifty Popes, nthertpoetat thao apot win.iiinirain IlOIOfr in Bj ICW yCBTB aeareeff nvt of whom n re worthy of luting named." In tit eleventh, century, "tb Popee centln-ied tbtir qutrrcle wlth'themperoret ... ..Ilk.. .! kA .l.. . j,... . l.a. ' " ' " 'taT. in uiraai onpoaiiioa iv um wam iira. wbi csiBDiisneai ine aivite law wf corrupted, and tbs or mto de- rd ofUod, was eettbltehtdi the dlvlt a enrVUntaul. ,,4 la.a al maa 4a- apleetl.' "The Court of Rom tru a den of pivaai." inaj vouri 01 J I wlld.beaala." "Thevwere Ood tbaa Jews and pagans " Io that den th taaianees oijuigec were botfi Mld.the rtghta of tb people sitnea orjuigec were botfgktorayervwer pradene trdOea utder foot. At the bar were aeated men Oferueltrt tn the aaaamhlvartha irdloils,Tlpirst it leasts, bnffooaai wbtl Ih taajB wprv leawq oy oarpict in lb IWClftH eaatdrTa "Raa was aniva I.Mnf hattia 11 Tba eeit Of 11 Reaat waa t k aa tt fniaita a..-, i. .. .... ..I - ".- . ..-''"J'-- i-jw wppwuw tallica me people aoa in iral Obtained thai I lined or dlapltted tht ehtef of niTununafWiDn iingai anaoouneiia etiner faVOUd or Onrored " la the thirteenth aan. tury fib Dlbh wet literally unkiowa tvtb to the clergy ae aeUet. Tht philosophy of Aris totle bad lakeHta place. Moan ofdirrrat order Oiled tha world with their contention, and to tola tbeware of'tbe erueadee' wttde els red to b ai Infalllbl xplatloa for all rto,wlTo!l?ttVBp1,7b.fttf'!r behead ot tu Church or Rome, Wcreclraul taatausly tnd mtlutlly xeommualtttlor tacbyotber. Thtdoektwtrt abtodotad.'tb burdbe fell I at ruin, ao that complaint aad public aeousitlout roc up on til sides age I net Rome, thtt hell of th I trior." I Ih fifteenth centiry"thanntUorth RomUh Oburlh may bt real by th Bret ormtrtfrdom." andtka verr aardliala thomeelec't wrltlag id in iiibk 01 a r-ua. ueeiare inai "ine uourco It burled In rulnsitotl ruth la depirted from her. end that har-aestruetloA drawalh nleh." (Haltn'tltq , pp. 11, 31 ) n hoi um wr aoma morning to aawo nan(tth1a nla-hl ar daathl' Ara (haaa lha botstad "Jewels" which bedeck the Ohareh or noma i Are inesene -uniiy, ine sinemy.tne apoitollcltr. tho nthollcltvn or which tha re r trend Doctor ticakit aoaiai miLOLOOTt Yet, kivlog thutfully prep i red tbt way, h nowreturna to tbt point of hit departure to the fa man a naaaxra In Matthew !.. la. and offtra an exvgesla at one eurloue tnd tux g est lr II telle us that our Itord did not spetk to Peter laOreek.but la the Srrlo-Ohildilt tongut. And whtlla more, be tells us precise. ly tha vry worde vhloh Christ employ t, legtokloVThoosrl JTIpJU, and on thla Ai pAwlll X build ny Church. At what par ticular moment ol tint th reverend Doctor Wll let Into this nil ret ha dott not tall tie. but h bta eeruioiyeteo very highly far red to rnirt vugiiTfivii i" ao vonairuoiion Ol ine tn tetee uaed bv Christ In the SvrlcvUhaldale. Oa this oeaallon.1 Well, for a moment, for the atko of lb trtrtment, auppoe ll wer to. nnaaineai rriy,wnn ine evnienee come lo b tritsltted Into Urtek it mod reed thus t -lovu are rtirvw.mnu on idii rnrw a win build ray Ohurel." Such however, docs not nippia to bo u eonstruetloa of tbUrek iranaiHuoD, anoienee ina awjoani jupum in ina Dootoc'a famaua ivrlo-Uhaldaua aaataaaa nmat b removed and aplaeed by aomt other Hyrttt woN.ituch, perl ape, at mbtn or sefeu both el which signify "rsck," to correspond with la th Ureek. Iiit then at ala that wlU spoil all tb force ot ( RomUh unit" It le really a piryi oui it aannoi do neipeu. eaeie ar stubborn things, sudth eonitructlon of laa. gaig baa Its rulas and recuUtlona which "lb wnoio autnoriiy oi ino juonn uouiin" a not set aside. Vtl withal it la amaeinr ta aaa bow industriously tb Doctor worke round about thle Imprvinabl "rer" la hi flrat dis co re calling 11 lipha. In hit ttcotd tallinf It klphs, aod la hla next b may aa well call It kipAnm, aadlhaaw shall hare a decleaslen tb word eontalalni- Just about aa mueh cose at th old lurasry Irlplat "IltHIWIUBi X tmtll th blood of to Eagllabmua, Dead or alive I wlll'har aoual" Orowlna- a little mora eaatlona luat at this imiaa aa uropa wm tnatcmmvm bbu aaopia ibb totrmttc style. "May not," ht aaka. "two nouns of different terminations bo plated la tppoallloo with each other a elaaljlie; tho earn thing f" And the grammar aae were "No, iimiiuu vvawriHiii u,u,i in ibm nanpiii the noune at of dltTereat eases peiree la the noMtnettee, pfir la lb im; lorallaouns r'ut in ppviuw must uat Ol aaa nm raaa. no aellBg still a llttl unsertaln whether h haa mad It flult tlear hernnitb mailer farther lato the fjgby suppostng eomethlnr that ha ininan wduii eepieaiingio niBureea inenue. ehrlatendnm lorfaOt) veare aiU not aadaratand Oreek half aa well aa li rather Willlamaon aad ur. naooeriana." nut aaa o aireaor forgot. ten ine aiaiemco 01 laiunay to in enrcei mil oat of seventy eeTCn of th moat mlnat others and writera of th eirly Church clxty of them acre with ua la aarlac that lha Pitrm doee aol meaa Peter, Put those sixty authors, with th host they represent, over against bis beggarly aeoount' of three or four Barnes, aa wa raaiiy in ma mat ibi neiienisia oi Washington, gtoa," aa tht Itrmt them, ar aol llkaly presilon, knowing bow they ar eupported by an amy of those eo mtay o? whom "spokl tnd wrolt thiGreik language la lit elaeele parity," Tht remtltdcr of this paragraph btltg devoted ta tha trriiBtBt af Ur. Wll liana ana unnn lha pirtlslee lloti aod eTcl, I lea re tor tktt gentle tain, tn bit own Mm tnd wty, to dispose f, and for whUhhU fully tomptttnt. A anaar.vaiituiaa, Tethert, lapiulnr. w may at wall notlct an attamnt to throw discredit on tha tranala. lion of a pastigs from Orpriin, which X had , uvu la nr iwiwn unguuitt. ooeura ib a letter wrlttea to Stephea, blihop ot Rome, (Irlng him a accoubI of the aetloa of h council Jusl acid at Carting la tb yeir A. D. Ud, Orer tail council Ofprlao presided, and made an opening addrcae. Ha held thai th bishop of ha day were th tuoceiiori of tht noetic, aodat such were attouatabl to Oodvaiyf UutPr. Whit afflrmt that by la aertlng thi word "onfy' la the citation "X used , license whlsh It altogether utjustl li able." Now,Dpn this point I propose to call bimto areckonhr. And first of all I would Inform bin that me idiom of ItngBig often requires In triniklloa th as of m word for faro, and rice vert, la order to oxotoea th x tct Idea of the isrhor. it la tho p recent inaji-iaiiai pnraaa, rwiana-v inu h voatiaa rrddlftms, may loleed be rendered by omit ting th word ot," bulla that aasatba full doetrln of Uyprlia will not b xbrsssd. And for this conditio 1 refer th ret rend Doctor to MarihtU'i Triailitlon, Loadoa dltlon, mT.lettcrft. where be will And th paiBgi4Av rfed tt, I also refer him to th prefeeo or Csrey'e Traaslttlon, Oxford odJtloa, lMt, when oa pig 17 It la atld ot Cyprltn." With aittttait feeling of th rt tponilbtllty of bbhopt ta thir Lord, ht nlilmed for tich ti right of fctlog wish a human rretislsfffJ anddiscltlmed for him aeir, at Prtmata, th right or controlling n that I likawlaa rafae him to not, No. ii ?'. lot, vol. 1. or hUshelm' ltlealtatlcal Hit ory,wbr It It tall of Cyprian "that hi Incul cates oa all otoiilcns that bishops dsrlv their of&otoot to mueh torn thtlr t lectio a by tbt &?.'.' ill ae irona tan tiiaiiairaa aavu uaaraa vi to that blehoia art amenaoi io none but to Ood onivM e a e "Noa but Uod Clft thara la one other authority to wklch I will utt aogoiiaoca ot man iiiviu.'. abu tava refer him, aad thttls th opening addreil ot Cfptltn himself Al tbo Oouaell Abate mea tlooad, wher h siys, " For aellker doa Aty oo of oarbrilhrtfloastltutJiUaslf ablshon Of bishops, dor by tyktaolcal threaleoieg tore blc eolUiguec to i ateeiairy yielding W blm, loo every bUboobiVfull liberty aal power over hli own JudgiaenK while b ttanot b Judged by mother, nor loxhta turn tan he Judge our Xaord JstusChvt,wnoosTLT fttnwrf lolui) bit tht power bath of ealabllioUrut la the rovtromentorbliOkurcb, tad eflodglir ut for our tots" (Ptrle tdltlon, in, p,b3ai Here, then, are four witness fer the rant of the piiisge on whUk tb Doctor tti up lis authority, and lavs that '! havt uitd Aa ua JasttrMble license." Now, tbe probability it tbitMirshall,Uary) Moahetm, tad Cyprlsa hiiihii Boua ua tiHua aa am a inaa wnii ithldetof th pbias la question it tht reverend pastor or St. Matthew's, who thua Affect a to b oo of the JW Lab's of Wtsblogtou ( um we nut vi rn ooae witn to nmii. Tht Doctor tsyi, "Dr. SunderUnd qtotei a ictirr irom uypnaa 10 ropt Httvto, tiwrntxit him tty Ihit eisb bishop la bit pirtlculirdlo cese Is taoouittble only to Uod. at It thtrt wtrt no supirlor authority la tht Church to which h owed aubmlsslon. Rut X would bag leave to a tat tktt St. Cyprian isrs noth ing ol tht sort" Now, upoa thle statement of the rcrerent Doctor t bin eivtril remark! to mike. Tbt flnt li Ihit Cyprian was Just as much a Pope ai Steven was. Tht next Is, there wei ao superior authority lo tho Ohureh to which the blihopa were obliged to submit, but to OhrUI oily, Th third Ta that X do aot fi Orprlia ny thai and to- II aay it lilDiielf freely md frankly, and 1 only repot t whit he says, Tht fourth Is that If th Doctor did aot know hlt Wtt tb tfttcblof ot Or Crlsn ht shooU not htv been to tssumlng In la Ifnortnc ti to isiett tbit "Oyprun iaji itoiuina ti iui iu(t,'r aw ob lutviocr uanu. U ha did know the doetrln of Cyprian, taught ao Btcnriy nt bwuibbj piaasa, lava it ia siain genuoue It It dlireputible, And designed to mislead the nutllelQ tegird to tbe mttler In question by taking tht amill idvtntagt which lies In cholc between two possible transit tlnna. and eonvevlnr tha idea that tha word "city1' Lit beet Interpolated without any just id isle reason X waa prepared for a good tleilof SiTVlrmiAAbutldldaol expect to it in contortion! enomo quit ao miQUtt. A ILIDIBO I0ALE. Rut It It Interesting to trie th workings of th Doctor's mind, tad tout bow ha gradu ally comes to modify bta statements aboul PeUr and tbaroskfrwrnoDO point to aaother is th cvldaela tbat om out Aud thus he furatsheaa toiler slldltg tail by which th lefty pretension or the beglaoltg come to be In tbstad very moderate indeed. Tbe no so that lo th outsat Is seen tiding to exceedingly high hone, may afterwards bo ob ! icrviJ quittly lilpsUi down tqwr4 tbt ground wher tt length, be cornea to aland grand effort to ihow thtt after all (h .i. i -. . " " among other peopl. Lot ttt txamln briefly and witx'imVntfSStrLil tptt of thil ' tt?a1rthf.,,ro" lUli. ", " MUa Aol, thlt Intereetleg procedure. Io hie June eer. they plilnly eey to thttootrtry.and lo 70110 BMaaVt.. "'' of tta Churches moo he naderfok toetibllsh "th Romish of the r.ct Ih-l every o of lhm lived two . Zi ItW9,10 ontloued until, on aeoouas Moio-i or Mitt art 1. tnd lo to .loin he hundred yaara bro?olai leftUWlSeiinlof S titled up lumber of wUbbscm to fire tfaelr Ptptey, are oa hi T side Vf ' u i aatatloa old aAJlMr " ly of hoosltg oa frOni UstimoByupoatbatis. Arterdriwlng tbem aowboroolBo. AadhowS plortog Mot otr pattohlsoWBiiUaraetlOD,htbadUmlis-d aompllah tbl.1 jjV Idaalni axtraeU f frSrn JfJXbJ,"?? "H "! bngt lo th ham and v'otdd to torn up tniovMeiee. thampotititoiiA.d,bH UJtlfStVJllWV""" lltntturitlyttmt to thla vary fln Kom I if, aotls thil kr "wtro i m?mbrT if JerfaiS aL0rh"i,h'2Vk,lor,1,r'a'kPeit eoneiaslon, which I fire In hi own wordt- tonvtntlone. which Tdligraed l th e,.?!., ! ffl.. i ,,T,if:5r7,-rWm-that 'i,, -w 'Mibyotherteetlmonletmlgkl be adduced to bt CbrUtUnlty. la thti i rathaf sZiiab Virl Hi " 2ilili"i Je""nt airs thla elevation the same alTaat. hut thaaa will aafflaa tn aha- m., al hl.ta..ii. Zm T.'. r"Kar KdlOUS pftf Of On presbyter Or r tha nIKa.a Z,.m LZZlTl- In whit senselh repreeeatitlvamto or tbt b obliged to follow h m wltVlSatTV-Vi1 h-'J.VaCi' ? ,m?0' br wlKiiir. aaaleat Church understood thalsagaagt or tl.ns w mtybt ibl to commit Th!f..pi5! ''''"PMabyteft our Btvlour to Slmoa Peter. Tho early jett It neeeeitrllv dlseYm?". R,ent t'arllbetti Ifr .VbViT,!."' JmV?f. Fathers art to feet unanlmont lo afflrra log atous. Hit first ttea I a raltaraiiA.? STi.. W'F?1 flloHy becimt buhODt thtichrutdetlgaatad Simon I'elerat th. he onlvea to bo Ik OTlffiaVVf T,?tom.V 2?w5i;tf "a"- T!t ."J lr " "M roekoo which he waato bulhl his Church toupltd with tht eommentt or AuVuat Ua f raakt an hmperor orthtdeafloas should ties t that ha waa Wlhalhaaalld rmtndallAa whlah tialtha. aaJ T ....... VA' ."." !"Bt T" on Of themCClvee. tnd call him arrhaaall' would Itsdrt IU ualty and ladtrattlblllty to tbt end of time' And Ihit appeared to b a rlsutlble deduction from tho tettlraoay at bta preceatedj Hut after wardc, when th wllMssaa war real)d, aad upon their erosa etimlnatlo. It was found thtltht reverend Doctor had oo hie pert eoeoadoeted the etc aa to let mere f Aaa hei thi trmtk tuppnt red. aad when It appeared upoa a fuller tta lament or hla owa witness that "th Romlah eense" to effect nail y Impaired, wo Qod him- ao to apeak, mln back agalo Into court to try aadlavahlttltklef time, Aad ifterln effect relterttlag th high prtteasloo thtt Peter wit tharoak, "th solid rouadetloa"orth Church, bla first position la that w vlrtuilly eoteede laalV.l.a.kl.ll.L v.... ..a a., f.a-. .1 ua us auiiaiii uviit man nil m rig OB 10 b. Ilia lABguig it aa follow si "Myoppo tnta tdmlt tb patrlstl autborltlee cited, bad la order to defeat m arritanant ihw n. derttkt to explain thn awty." And whal doee b met by "arjtborltleir If blntadethrtthcrt;tbtmiBlrer, bowdo wetrvtaeinleln ii a hata ar i,i ... a. - Zr.: .- - --"'-- -- iiawaD wno ntrs long cine oieapptared from th irthly ttiget but If he meant th sree nantf at in iBiaar. iota we ao not leek "I explain them awav,' bat oatr fe rttonctli thtm vtthfMh or. How, then, does he proceed with tho easst W presently And him begin Blag to lower th crest a llttl. He dow sag. recta that Peter waa annala ha r.innrt ait a or tkecbarch"la a leeoadtry tid vlearlel eeosel" At flrat ha wit "th totU founditloa. aow b it only a trroadery ltd esrarfeei foun dation." -Tkitv thta, by tho Do. tor's owa bowing U the flrat modlflettloa ot "tbt RomUh tense" or th taxi la question. This ttth first movement In hla deecent from tb high bora ht hid mounted at the beginning. Letts noweca what la thnxt. Heoomeefe aay that "Peter wa built upon Ohrlat." Though It le difficult to ace how by thle pro tect h would obuin "a eupremacy of Jorledlc tloa' above th other apoetlee, allot whom wcrebnillaa bawttupoa th aim fouoda noo. ir than Paten Ilk tha rear, was built a '..,. f7.l.'fV"..r.,.J.t ir:iyt;i.'rn eoalcrrleg only adUUnetlon of honor, aot of o me 111 rans or autnority. tdub you psrseiv tb raverand Doctor la raluataatl hut anral worn log down. It U ao longer now th Church bbiii on rwier, dbi -reier ouilion unristl" And what now. again, la tbo ntxt step in th descent! Alluding to thstestlmonyol Orlgen, h procdetoiny"lf his words avail any thtflf against tba primacy ot I'etr, they are equally eoacluslf atatOBl all m Inlet era or th Qospel." And to thle w agree, only w de duo from It very different result from that wbUh th, Doctor Is aeektog to obttlo. Tb iBcvltabl conshisloa la that this pis sag in Matthew svUt. a cbowa by Orlgao, baa no reference whatever to th ministerial offlee.or to the ecleslastleal tapremteyof on mao overtDOthtrt buttotitgrteof Uod la th soulofevtrr bellevtr.whlcb Is derived through Christ attha atlaiae Heealah and tha nnl "roc" oo whlsh tb Church It built. It Is It deed lingular that la tbt seaUte above quoted, th reverend Doctor should to com piviaiy pjit ap tna iaaa remnant or "tne Kom lahsenaa"Df tha teat In nnaallan. at inaa fffrem hit high bore entirely, aad ttaad oa tho ground along with other peplc while h rat pretends tolnelst upon mr retracting tbe Mtlmoayor Orlf en for fear it may militate against myaelfl What apreseoseot ralod la hart txblbltedl Hla high horse Is gone, to bt sure, but hlieoUeltadefor me ramtint. Thi sliding stale has brought Mm down from th loftiest aura mil of human arrogate to th lowly axereUe of m neighborly eoeeernl lUIIIUbaHaiHlII.Ti Bat wa ahall never be dot with the sur- Crises keoocealnaa, la thovery midslof hi aetar be atrtbae a tuiw attltoaft altogether, U at onea call th matter short by taking a position to tb effect, "tkat th primacy of Pa tar aad tha Pobaa la orlop to. andlndanand at of tllScrlpUr r patrlstle writings, and Babrhl still axlst if ao Bnab wrltlara had ae apneared 1" If tbJe b ao. what In t h nam of common tits Induced bird to hue l ap iIm att old musty auiborr, ana to put people tp I th trouble of rolnt After them adrror th troublaof rola After them d rrop- log about la tha dead litgairet to Dad out whit they nid and what they thought t And why, to ue on of hit owa elicits terms, does na pausa - to aquauoio" over tan rrn in Ihewt Why does b aot close the business right beret Whit further need la there of try. lag to reatora hla wltaeaaet, or of making aa appeal to tradltloa to help blm outl lr, ae ft affirms, "th primacy of Peter aad tha Pope la a fact,11 and "le so rceeg nlted byth great majority ol th Christian world,' how does b propose to fortify th eta by wtdltg through ponderous toiaes of Orek,Latln, and other lan guages, tod, by waaderlig tbout lath wilder. ness of eounella aloof th Ub or centuries to prove woau vrnr, mat ineaa same primary wltnessea,afler having tn lfir writing entirely relieved th paiaig In alattbew xrl.ll, of "the Romish ecose," or U flatly contradicted themseltea then, fa ttefr cm.f art went still further aod did th Mate tktua only a tittU mere eo iteuoee not pretenaioeeayanyoiine ci titlona w htv mid from this Father. Ha knows tha attemol .mail b Idl and th Isborprov la viia. So b roll himself up ato a bill after th meaner of a gymnast, gives on spring aad f oaa beelc over bead away beyond tb limit of ell historic vl- oence, laio ta wiia rerioa oi imigiaition, wt UulT .remember, le the grind prlrllegaof tkriIthful,whU It I purely a eoodeeatD- !. a kail ... J.L... ia.'.l v, u aviii iwiHuwiia lanN wnv in ai.u vtii4ui tn aoorwar ot ine ioia. TBI ueoasTATao. favored. Th raverand Doctor undertakec at last to letv hie atrlil realm and torn to th important question oi i act, wneiner Die own wnnaaaeaaratTTor eainu aim, aad Whetbtr their tectlmoay It of any aocouut whattvtr, So hlVln rarbled and mlanuntad tha lanvnaaa Att hie opponent, he twists ebeaJ th lssu and maxea it sttnu out tout t "inai is to Bay that H wt tin thow that tha patrlstl testimony addaeed by our adversaries is not Irreooadle bit wlthUtUitholl seistor th Sort plural text, 'Tboa art Peter, Ac , then we htvt g lined oar point P Aad with IhU view ha aa cepta"tb tack P Now la eoatrtit with this rCDrtlCntatlon lettie Jiaar thawhnlanaaaaaa i tt ai. notaa garbled aad perverted by t be Dos tor, and whlob reads as follows i "Dot tb point which this advocate of Rome hav tomectltthlsi to raeonell th testimony of ttialaAbrn ulla.a... htfltt. 1...II a. aA ... port the RomUh Interpretation of tha oattaca wltoettcs from utter dlseradlL" Haw differ. muwcroiBcreaiL now aiirar- entlstlle tiles from fief which be propocesl aiww wuki wa ta, iuat inn wiiniuei aav. lnr at oaa lime asserted on thing, aud at aa other asserted another thing, those app.r tatlv eoaflletloc assertions must ba hatmon. Ited with tieh other, aad when to barmoolied they will net support "Ihe RomUh ssnie" of thtpissir In qua t lob Rut If they eaoOot be hirmahfxtd, tbaa th wltnene contradict thtmeclvci atd thtlr testimony bteomea worthless. Rut "tht task"he ao"abaerfully accents" le atmply ao audacloua assumption oi ma m iaa to u prvvBu i Dtotif, taat ii ine wlttessce art good for anythlag at All thty eauaf testify for the Ohureh of Rome, and they tro not good for toy thing it til If tbty do not aoteatlfy. I do not think that any heathen dlrlulty ever eat lo the clouda of a more sub lime tbstrtetloo. For, to start out wlthtb Enrpos tnd promise of prorlog, by nosltlr umaateatlmtvoy, aflvea Intarpralatloa of Scripture text, and than to Aae th fsius and aay "our assumption of th truth, of our Inter pratttloo muaf efertd, and whitrer tha wit neasesaiy or do nuii be ktld ta be empatibl4 wlflkff'laeerttialyoiitof tb most eminent andtxIfAordlniry tetttof JesulUeilptralogy, . . A LVPID MXTOXOar. Dul there le a motlv for all w shall presently dlteorer. Th Doctor seems lobe not a llttl troubled, tt well be mlrht be. about th Sixty wltnestea against blm ad- flvaeu or latuair, uqaioroi ine ooroonno, HeattempU to neaUalUt tha fore of their overwhalmtnrteitlmanv bvaivlne that"thav tv recourse to a flr uratlra explaoatloo, and And having Hid down thli most Astounding posfttaafe h draw from It these thro aipltot conclusions, that all who wish to b member of th Church must profess the filth whlsh Ptr tiugbtt thtt Peter must hav sup. rlor authorltr to taaab and enforce this faith. tad ihit b Hill Ufi labia auccenora to do 1t. llowxordlbgly"brliUint' this plec of Tt&mlab erittalam appear, we shall avejf we are over ebl to gtf at the meinlog of thi saitmiali Uld down. Whit li "thi causa" and what s "th effect" of whkh he speaktt Is' Peter "th cause" and faUk, "th trest1' And Wait "tilth' It It wbloh Ptttr confessed, aad wti Mi confession "tho esuse" of th Pfalthr' Th slm pi secret t th wbol atorr la thai not knowing whit to do with this great fact lo th bUtory of Scripture bormeaeutlos which Liuoty hat brouxbt to light, he baa attempted to mystify" It by a "M(oaBtu, as he cans 11, oy getting up a contusion 01 woraa by a narigriph ot mere printed piper, la d rnlrinle tmltitloo of the cuttle flsb, whlob le provided with in Ink-btg for defence, tnd which, wbea herd pressed fay aa tdverstry. opens this ink btjf, dlscolorcs the waters tud to eludet pursuit) Such la hla famous com meotary oo tb opinions of lUff oui orrvcafy stWAfniben cited by Launty dlrcetly lu the fat of tk Romish slalml AlBTlMlDOl bit WITBKASXA, Dul bow Is It with thost wltarssrt which fha lloatar himself haa hrnurht Inln oaurtt h lit certainly fvlncci a ttringedlipoiitloa la itiiu m iMiwi , oameir idot uaw luia terprettt, unless It ba thtt h Is reilly at heart aiAanrd of Ik, and would f Udly bequit of th whole 01 thtm. At on tim he brfnga them forward tod formally arrtyi them before ua. At mother, ba attma to hav mlsglvlags about thslr testimony, and aiys la efleot that they ar of bo account whittocrer la th eisei end tbea irila h iddi to thslr evidence an J to their number, end flOAlly tikat a leap Into th almost unearthly uproar of the eirly aotiBfliiB. Ann ib rex am to ine iibi 01 moaeru anthort outside of the RomUh Oburch.whom ht so gravely si the first put forward la sup rortof lhtctuit,ht ttlll clilmt flat part of heir testimony whlah bo thinks eaa L used la proof af th RomUh sens,' buletternpU repudiate til their overwhelming evidence agilnet tbt Romish Inference frm alitt xvli II. Now, thta li kind ot chlU't play, which w think would not b permitted in any civil court. aei 11 no ienjf raoereu mat ihbb are tha Doctor's own trUnssics Introduced by him self Into tht cist, tad now hiving brought thtm la, for Ml owa purposes, a cannot turn thtm out at hla pleas art. Ut mty be tmd 0 tt, but he must tak ill their testi mony together, and liking 11 together, they oaly add thtlr ertdenc to that of antiquity, bowing thtt tb tola, axuluslvo prfaMcy uf tb Romliq Sea U whit I bar ityled It, "a llupendous deluiiet ' TUiaOUTfSlfO VftOORtl. Wi 89w tflms, bowirir, to thtDoetoi'i hlm.tserlb to Peter ear other p" tn that nt Alnmli- mi .iuj... Ir..V V??".r,l," maey thta rav; Imm : -thU iriV."taric.L ? i:v. !! aVf. 5! Mtblar beyood It etn be wruir out of there. Tht piseirt from Ter tultiin la regtrd to a report that tht Hiihop or Romo wtt aot oily saturnine; tho title but also exertUlflg the prerotatlres of a superior being u eoneelved aad uttered In deep and M.,f.',','"nal",Mdln omment on thta Infamoae and arrogtnt assumption la sistroif Inaeniuress any hnmio Itngutf bio wall express. His nxl tttempt Is to brtcaup thwllaet Cyprltn citing a pne. rt from thtt father oa tba "ually of the Obartb In which II It pit! tly deelsrad thit IUspolklk4tfml pownfmtMrritf n tkt Vkurxh, eo thtt It dletlnetly tppctr thtt th OOlV ariata-fa Whlh Patar ha.1 .aa In t,i. being the flrat la th order ot lm to be called 10 IDOBtle. and iftar nnr tanM'a lu.a.ln lha 5.Mt. ,0.PUD,17 "Iblbt th Uocpel,ah d d to Jwa nd 0ntlle, berlnnlBf, by th direction of Christ, ai Jeruairtm, This U th T.ry ": rcie rrea ioy oypritn wnto h ttyi that Christ, "la order to mialfeit uolly. hie, by hie own authority, eo pieced the on glo of uelfr that It thoald bo began from dd- Aaa axbib, -m commencement pro tom unUyiand the Primacy la glrtn to Peter that tha Ohureh of Carlstmty b tt forth tl onttnd thcehalrAtOB." Now, ihts wis don tt Jerusalem tbd not at 5l?l Ih,r 'IB0 .''"'" hr to toy tup. j!rt.rVk.?f $raeU' ultttnetloo tonfsrred on l-Vtl b rjoveromeat or tha Ohureh, for til tht i post Us wer equal In offlclil honor and power. This clear and uaamblguoua rv dene th Doctor uadertikea to turn ta hla ?.e-0-UI,t,fl,'ab,.1,,',8l' 0,Jt"ht whit Cvprlio iayt.1 tod flntllr by quoting a couple of lattera wit ten-one to Steven Aad on to Cornelius In th course or a fr iter a it corrc spondene respecting the affairs ot tht generit Churoh, Yet the Festlmooy itsnda Against Mm la All Its nillr strength, tltirlyihow. lng,notthit Piter! prlmicyeonrers toy sup' rlor power oa Mm over to other ipoiticsi nor tbit th unity rtferrtd to ltlnmerouu mtVtfy$MTlvzJtrMli'm'i L) authority to role end teich, whiehlhSutfU tommtatlBf from on, t conferred ob the whole college of tposllet. Hi ptxtproetede to bolster op tb witness Orlgeo, tad atatsa to th effect thtt, whll thle airly father was sutpeeted Of erroneous views la regard to th dlrfnltyof Christ, "a lived in full eommu nloo with a Ohureh whleh tcknowltdgtd a primacy to th Ills hop or Rom at tht tueces sor of Peter, and wit falmsslf aouod aa th subject, beciust Jerome, towtrde th close of the fourth century, waa on of hie most strsn uous idvocitis." Now, Orlg oa wit a presby. ter or Alexindrltberor tb Council of NlceL D. 821, and w shall as whit tortof a prim icy luthaRUbopof Rom was acknowledged by th Ohareh of Alexandria, wheu w cam to examine tbe decrees of thitfimout Oouaell, Moreover, Orlrea wa bora A. I, III and died A. D, as. Jerome wtt bora A. D. Ill tad died A, D. IW. Such being tht facts. It ll rather difficult to understand how Jerome could be "tb strenuous ad roost of Orlco," ualrss 1VO aUPDOS It WIS th doctrine uf Orlraann the ntbleat flf tha OT-faua whlah TarnMa a.L. voce ted, indof the mioaer la whleh Jerome ad roe ted that doctrine we ibill aoon exhibit a most conspicuous txtmplt. JJut loth mean walla wennotbut feci how truly pitiful It lb plight of th rtvtrtnd Doctor la bit aU tCOiDt to bolster tin thle WllaaaaDf Iran, wha continues to reiterate those thunder! n worde in our tin, waica can naver do stinca ty any ugnim cumor, wntn Diiti"itiittriir tb whole Church Is bulli byUodoa 1'cUr himself alone, whit will you sir of Jean, the ton of Thunder, and of each el Ike apoetlcal" eadatnueh more to tht tama Duritoaa. Uat tha Doctor resoiU to aaother method of tornlnr theaa fathera ta bU account. After cltlofthe laoruigeof Fiber, who la view ot itiiuiiiiDiiKitiiiiqi raapesiuic a prtn. tlooiof tho lllshop of Roma, otserve that -tt auuwcu ouuiiutrtpit auraooaniwat in tnoee prcteasloos" Dr. White Inform a uslhtt "It WIS Moadswacrcf alT' "It wia nalhlaa- aiorn thta Clement hid don towtrd tha Church of Corinth, and Victor toward th Asiatic blihopsl' Yet, and ha might htr also added "thin IgQitlus. who wrot from A alloc h ad Eptitl to th Komins, or thta Crprltn, who wrote from Otrthigt to Steven," aad many others that might be oimedl For If th mere feet of a Romta bishop writing a Ittttr to somebody riAlJy mikes oln a Pope, or prewr him to be one, of coarse on the ttm prineipl very bishop who wrot latter front th lly of his resident to Anybody ouUIdo thereby became a Pope and ao we htr plenty of Popea scattered all over th East at th period lnnueitlon. Now the Doctor, with consid erable air of triumph, aska ua whine th blthopa of Rom derived their authority to write letterc, "if not from th primacy of Fe. terf' Sur enourhl and wa rat ura him the question by nklng whine did tho ether bishops derive theU authority to writ letter "It not from tb prtmasy of Peter!" Aad when b bertna to talk about "Pop Olemeat and Pons) Viator of Kama." am null ha in ta talk about "Pop Cyprian, or Carthage, Pop Polrcirn, or Smyrna, Pope Irenaeua, ot Lyons, PopeTbaophUuA.orAlixiadrl, Ppe O&ryaostom, of ooastintlnople1 tad many other Podeb too nnmeroue to mention I K thua com to ae th wretched fUisr of aupe rlor teal BilaeUaAi tutborliy above ihit enjoyed byth UUhoptof other eltUi. a. w hi V-riHI ia Bnyuirio rigat orif IniUy conferred on them that la after timet laTjicquirra an aaoenaeney over to eotsld-ta-tble a portion of th Camilla Ohureh, tad over BU0& Bishops at trtatutlly earn to ae. knowledge and eubmlt to their eupremt au- thftrllr flom a Ihaaa.lial s.f tk. . i. and thus threw Around tht Dlshopa of tbit city a metropolitan Importance of which lo procest or time they wer eager to tak ad' Vintlfa for their own aa-aranilliamant. Hn that what At Brit hid, been conceded to tbem br th BlthODi of otbtr cities, throush &tfr. tnd. thty finally dtmtndod ai a matter of T-1911 aoa iniurcea oy in autnority 01 pea Tola ona aasrat nfhlalarv will aarva rnllr axpliln areryeltitlon from the addresses of mt aouBciia to tnauuuopaoi uom auriag the fourth aad fifth centuries, which have been adduced la proof of tbeRamUhpWeterr. tauBs tuurviif win iiupir atiiiri ai mri try It th time, end never intended for any LQnt centuries, tha tssumpuoa wee boldly Z"?-JT.w"V&7J""';ZZVrm ".! '""'. mounts to oothlor more than aa lafercoct that la the times of Tertulllta tht Romlsb See wti aaveaeiigin iieeuima to ao exclusive primacy. But however advancing la these assumptlAnt from century to century tbt Ohureh of Rom hid to contend with power ful rivals for the eupremacy, and tha assump tion of the title and Tawer af tin lei-rani Pn had vat even ao lata at tha Tear A. ll fioa. ta till forth one or th most withering nrotesta. lions that hit ever been uttered tgtlait ltlo anv reneritton. Iiui la thla bolstering process th Doctor hai Produced two other witnesses from whom ha firoresse to extract proor ot "th RomUh seos"of Matt, xvl, 11. On of them le Am brose, bishop of Mllio, about A, D.U1, who it quoted at saying 1 " Th Church wai not built upon Peter bone end flesh, but upon 1'e'cr confessing tbtro filth." Rut wbia watnrn totn rferena la th origin il text wafiod tb reilptsBBg to read at follower There for filth It the founditloa of th Church, for It It not uld of Peter's flesh, but of bit faith, thtt the gates of hell should not prtrall ifilnst It Uutth confession conquered ball. , and thil confession exoluded not 001 heresy alone, for when the Church, like a cood ship, Is tossed, smitten by mtoy waves, tb found tloa of th Church ought to stand igilast ill hereilei." Now, to eonfus and muddle tb Slain Import of ueh lingutf at tblt will re. ulrABubt!lyofjroIuB which w bay oo tdei tb reverend Doctor himself possesses) for when bo attempts to dnw rrom It th lo ferenc that " Pater wta In vested, with a supe rior authority In order to declare hit faith is a rule and to require conformity to ltM be most mean by thiphras "superior authority" b aupciturttr otbc viocr apaiiBB hibib par reit truth of Ohrlat'a dtviulty,whleb wistbe Iliin nai .reter ooniaaaeu. not ior nintacii only but for th otbtr ipostlas, and Indeed for an uuriaiiana, ana waica truvu " mi itu" Intended by Ambrose whtdbt iayi"li Is tht foundation of th Church," Jul aa though this great truth must depend for It nature end existence upoa tb fact whether or not oa maa should btr a llttl brief offleUl au tnority over Anoi&et to proiorioi to aim aru- cibb 01 taita. aou couipei uiu to accept inin. The very ttittment or inch a monstrosity Is ita own lufneitnt rtfutttlon. Aod vet thtt It tha r'Otttloo of the rvrcod Doctor la bis atttmpti 0 fore tb witness Ambrose into tht support or "tno Komitn. claim." flut ha haa han atllf mora unfairtunata In br! aging to th tttad th otbtr additional witnesB tbit U, Jerome, the monk ot Pales- hub. tan iiihvui ibiubt, taa alia taitar u ua- msius, Disoopot uome, it quoted ts tiring 1 "I em united In eommunloa with your boll nesst thttla, with the thtlr of Peten oathtt rock I know that tbt Obateh it built" And then, tlttr seven! Intervening sentences, he rata tea, nuuiina tn iiiiuaitwi ma omuur, (Matt, xlUJ, and Lukt, xMlii "Ha that (iiuirvia nut witit you avnttBtatu) mil a. whoever ll not of Christ Is antl-Chrlsti" and thoiheexplttniiaUowa meaning. Now, this Is tbe kind ot testimony adduced to support the Romish claim 1 tad whit It th amount ot It! Holt not spsiklug hereof official rink or of church government t all, but of thetancla of Christian doctrine, and especially tbe di vinity of Christ, which were then challcoftd and assailed, Aadb latlmitta tbtl la title rrspeat he la In communion with tho Church at Home, th aim is b Is with th chair of Peter thil Is, with the orthodox bellsf every. where, for It It esntclallr upon tbit rock of tht trutb or Cbrlsl'a divinity bt knows ibe Church Is built, aud that "whoever la not or Christ must ol course ba tnti Christ ' Rut since the Doctor hue put upon the itanJ this 1 illustrious fatber," as ba aiylcs blm, eudeav orlujr, H possible, to torture something from him in euimart of the Romish claim, w Dra, .pose, as w ba don with bla other wit ua bow he strengthens Origin tad whal ba thinki abODt this wool queaiioa 01 uaoreft nnlttv in tha auoitolla aee. and About tha growth of ecclesiastical riok and power la alter iimaa ii'Dji. 1 aria auutou, iiuo, vol p, 107, til. In Cum. oa TU, 1, Ij aUo p. IWJ-f'l, la epistle to Kriogslus.) From ihes pinifcs, aa any on may it who will consult them at leisure, w derive the following result! t Jcrom expressly Ue olis the supiriorlty of bishop to presby tsrs by divine right. Jrom ititu It aa o hlitoricai fact thtt, lo tb original MaaUtutloa of tho Ohureh, be for thadevll bad at mush lofluene ti b afterward acquired, th Ohurehce were governed by tb Joiat touoitlt of th prei- sited bv ", i. .hiiiii m a iiiia nin.a. in m.....,. ... r. " wu. All thla testlmoar. aad much mora, ma..' found well eammeJ tip In th works of Dr. V. " iwi toil i, rp. e-ani4 abo wrhit1? xh t"',y of Jrom, oo of Dr. aair .."t011 Itnesira-on whom fa hlra- Inl...'.. , 1 lUiiUDUl ogf WAV, ID, IBB iM?Klf.8-'.r,,,mu,i Wli wlthouUontrov nBia'iaVlu'A no, '"fbtdl and most l04 m'ar:-:' .5 :'."'V . rtblsW b tarth, and ther only hav th tltht to die. penae tominkfnd th ordinances "of Uadl Thns fsr we htr reviewed the pointa brought to pur notice by Dr. While ta kit at ttmnt tobolater tin anma nr lha it .... .. bit Juntdlscoarse. Tb remainder of tbete WlloaSSeS h Uhdertalraa tn fnrUf hw a. ... peil to th early Councils of th Church. I-it us, then, follow him to thla ow field of ob ssrvallofl, M Aa xcctxsutTicAt qraovrxx. Tb rtrercod Doctor bit fretted at to a chapter anon these OouaelU for tb parpot of thowlagthtt some of hit witness! ttltndtd them, tnd perhaps hkewlt thinking to over whelm the ordlniry rrider with to Irapoilua; array of names tad aumbera by eiiHmfay, aa hedoea. thai all thaaa a-raal annvnaarlnna ." Christian Mshops rrom All parts of th then clvlllied worll wtrt under fh authority aad e object to th jurisdiction oMh bishop, or, h styles him, th Pope of Rom aod tbtl by io convening and to pirtlelptllng ta those aa amKlla. II... all ....... I . a ". m a aa. - San inuBinu inu gvaarmraiBB a Roman see, That th reverend Doctor might suppose this siyla of argument would be satisfactory to the members of hla own eommunloa la nsturil enough, but that be should imagine for oo nomeht that It eoul! mislead auy who ere it tit acquainted with tbe eirly bJtttry of tht Chorea is reilly turprlilog we can only aecouot fjrltonthe obvlout lopposltloa that havlnf no teller resource for bracing up hit wit cesser- he re I"fd to IhU fir fetched, Irrelevant sort of thirtcttrlztd tt th grit vatemire of tec I si 1 titletl hlitory. W till to mind tht atlmt tloa ta whleh they wer bald by Gregory of Nitltotum, on of Dr White's own Illustrious wltntesee, who said la his old ig , tnd After long iperlene,4I tertr knew a Council to oosis to a good end" tint Is, "to come to gether end elll! not discover any end of th evils, tnd Indeed alwaya to Add tumuli to tumult, Is. ii you are not Ignorant, th grttUr Infamy, I silute these Synods afar off, X niver mor will alt In tbea asssmbllea of eranea and geese, with muci mor to th aim purport. (Opp , Paris edition, liu, vol. Itpp llO-lllandlit-) Rut Ihit w may not seem wboUyfodlflVrant toth Doctor' labora la this qearter. let ua fir aom attention toth first council tad a msty respects the most Important that which wis bell A I. 323, it Nice, a etty of inik..ia in Aala Minor. Tha Doctor atvt. for example, thtt thla council waa held uadar the preefdeaeyof the legiteaor th Popof Rome, and reiert toUtlailue la th firth, ami to Photlua lo th ninth tentorial aa author! tlta lor lb liaiainani. ub uvea nui vvuuv evldcneehascrcryAdTAntig bat that of balog tru, aoi every merit on 01 "i ;'ii aetinet Uelislus nor Phollue pretend to know anything aoout ibi bbbiibt mi wu uui hav derived from otbera before them. Pbo- tlUS. tnaeeoi, IB BO muen ibibi iuihiiiiniiii, andUeiaaiue is ao mucn iaiar tain jjubbdiub, from whos life of Oonstiotlne b literally ex. tract a all h has to say upon th subject, thtt 11 would teem to be time wtsted to pans upoa thalr testimony. Tbe essence of It It summed: up la a Ureek tod Latin version of Utltslas, ta be found lu th Act ConeUiontm. Pari edl-- tloa, 1TIS, vol., p. 3T1, and la Ae followii Iff i... MihniKif (larilava. In Rnala. Who ob tilaed the plac of Sylvester, bishop of rover tlf a Rom, together with th Romaa presby. ters.Mloand lneenttus, with mity others, wit prestnt In that Asssmbly.' Nothlog ta htr tald About tbi "leftist of Pop Sylves ter, or "tncir prraiuina stci ton tunmii." And If It be true that lloslus obtained the Blase or Sylvester, who wit tbtiDi through ia laflrmttlisor ige, there la no intimation lo thla ptssagt what "that pltc of SylvMter a. hatha 11 waa tha nlaenof orealdtal. secretary or Jsnltori whether, la fact.llwie in a r tha aonnclli and W tr left lo learn from other eoureee whatever seems lob credible In relation to ihit famous tssembly. I would therefore refer to a small work of some nluety pagee, entitled a " History of tho I irst uauiCUOl Hl, vj uaau iiwhi t 1 BostouedlllOB.llOO, and also to tht Iseturcs of Plot. Stinlsy, of Uaford, New York tdl tloa, UCl, from page lllto pace 280. At tha commencement of lecture II a full lUt of authorities la given, rrom mete worm w distinctly learn tbe following facts 1 It wis almost wholly aa XUstero not a Western coun cil. OutofSlsmembert not mor thin tea or twelve wer from Lurop. Jt wib summoned upoa tb soleeuthorlty and uadar tb luprem direction of th Kmperor CoosUntlne, who presided over It la person. Notwithstanding 1Mb fact It It elilmed by lb Romantett that ttwo.UvBaaaiii:ejbiicit.Yt,0..,lJLltt.fa.P. of tb counclli aod It li also elilmed by Thto dortt that Lustathlus. bishop of Aattoab, waa nraaldent. and bv other wrltera that Ku. aebluaofCesarea was President, ted by others still that Alexinderot Alexandria wic presi dent, and br a till othar aulhnrlllaa lhal Itn Slut Of SptlO waa praaUaal. In ib midil bT thueonflutof testimony let tah men tak bis choice, for by using the eoavealent method of Dr. White, and garbling And culling out sum statcmente ai nt tnmaa win aunnia pur pose, he will be able to show either that they d!4 or tbit they did not preside over th ooua. ClU at may picaaa bib ituij.ur, wnutturni that "the whole 311 mambcre ot th council recognised tht luprem tuthorlty of tb Pope," (meaning of court th Pop of Rome.) aad It Is claimed thit a letter of tho council received by th Consuls I'aullaut aad Julian In th following November states tbit lb views of Sylvester respsetlng the doctrine of th Trinity wer concurred la, and his tdtrlci in tha mattrr adonted. What a wondarfnl prtmscy of authority this uutt bar bal Now, upoa tblt very point of the supremely of thle bishop or uf that bishop, ol this ehuroh or of thtt churoh, let ua hit lb tes timony of hbt council Itself. Twenty canons lorinauiBBipiiaeaituBCHuieuBB wvrv nuvptBu, Tho sixth canon hat thli language! Whereas tbe Roman Ohureh bat always held the flrtt rank, but JOvfS Count koldt tk same, there for th bishop of Alexandria may Aav ewer over all, eino thla le tbe rule la respect the Romta Church. Forthtiimo Mania he who hn been establUheJ imocgtho Anti ocblao churches, tod moreover In tho oihrr , prorlDoes, tbe cnurtnee 01 tu larger euiee may bold the prlmtcy." And tztln, thejv nth canon holds this language ".Sine aa obtained, and a venerable tradition thtt defereaee should be ptld to th oisaop 01, itnat ib jccuBaiem,) mein for Ut blm retiln this, his speelal boirt" From all which It Is evident that theblUtopi and churches obttlntd a relative rink tod Fowtr, oot from toy dtrlna appointment, or rom any tpeclal relation which they hive to Peter nr to tho other tpoillei, but from tli different degreee of prominence enjoy! by Ih cities wher tb ehunhei were plaold. And aba A.I It la evident that at the time of thla council ther wer at least three Seas whlsh stood upon aa entirely equal foot l or of eeel siasiieni Antioch 1 forms us 1 aluna In tha Roman flee, because tha aou noli decreed thit for th annual obscrvane of Kilter, tb UDurcu oi aicxanuriA anouia compute the time and lend It forward to Rom tn order, is h ttrs, "thtt tb Pop of Rom might proclaim li to lb LaUrrsai ChartV" This Is About ttpetr tht truth nw could xpeot th Doctor to tomaoo such a question. Rut h foiled to cat out tbo other hair of It, namely, thit A ilmllir onmmunloitloa wai At tbe lime time to be made to tho S of An tlochio that, to us his style, tko Pop of Astlocit might proclaim 11 to th taiperM LAvrthJ So much then for tho tsstimony of tbieoutellof Nlo. nut la tddltloa to tblt, bt dsslree to prov his whol RomUh claim by a tear ting that th IM Fathers of tha Council of Constantinople, A. D.&41, wtotea letter to Bishop Damaeus, asking Mb concur re nee in their deoreee, aod h having concurred, that mikes him unl vsrssl Pope, and rendara the council ecu meal-C-.I And because Uregory and Cyril were members of tbit council, is James wss'or th council ot Nice, tod because another Uregory was ounHrmad a bishop, therefor th head of th Ohureh at Rom ii th bead or all the Oburcheat that la to aay, my Lord Had, th Pop in aoverelca Pontiff or tho world I Theo, tgran, bseaute ther was a council of 3txi Father At Milan, A. D.SU, at which Hilary presided, la connection it Is claimed wltb two legates of Jut bar I us then RUhopof Rome, therefore, thla prevee that lb lilskop of Rom wi universal Pope, end that St. Hilary so undsrstood 11 But 1 ahould thick if It protea anything, it provaa that Hilary himself wit the tovertlga Pontiff, aod not UUho? Ll ertua, baaaus Hilary wa dolnj hie owa woikt lit wai presiding over bit owa touacil at Mllso Just it Plui IX. IS it tbll moment presiaioi over nie boubm it Home, inn reverena j'ottor, ib rcauiving to bolster up bis witness, St Hllsry. by show, lnr blm as presnleat of tht touacil, bat rttlly rendtrid him good for nothing as a wltnatt tor the supremacy or th bishop ot Rom. But then them was the councilor phrsto( an bishops, A D 4J1 Now,thlscouisllof Lphe sus was one of th most turbulent, and ta some respects, one of th most eandeJoua aa seiubliea ibit ever tonvtmd, 11 telliuslhit "Cyril, of Alexandria, ind two otbtr legatee of Oeleillae. th Pop of Uom, presided over it tha l!fflMNi Thandnalua. and tlwrll waa natrt' arshof Alextadrla, tad ao mor a legal of jciesiineinao uaiestina waa Disiogate, ww presided tloo over tba first aeealooof tbe council, which mat oa the 224 of June, aad on thtt tarn dty dtpoitd Nestorlua. Th three legatee of Celastlne did not arrlre la tlm to tak any part la Ih matter, but af terward! wbea the Council met on the lth of July followlog they presented the Utter which Celestlne write to the Council .And tb Doctor would bar us " -,rli,.hi..i them mid an address In which hi haaked, tha Uolv Fathers assembleJ for tb praiaa ta!rlyi"tb.irboiy all which is aa utter uolrulhi for b tlld no iuahihinr aaltPjAiairou tba words ot tha I ariJ t.x 1 riving the ipeech of tk legit, PhllP lAclCo" I'rU WUlon, fca.) 'fft.a h e represcatcl ia proceeding with ao Atro. iMiVisOitsJ sieeoh. lo which nothlonapi ncarebutaU" pompoue gtBtrtUtllt.buk la which there la nol ont slufl word lobw thatOtlestiat,thatlibopo( Home, wi toy