OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, March 22, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053572/1870-03-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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Atlumit iujiUirilfflU
I u0ll .1.II0
MoDir M&kca si, mo
fnc of Cimmisiioner or ma """"I'""'
Ueael. to nil an cxleilng V aMney. Th rulfC
wertcueieail.-. "J Waiuere.ieftrmetl.
Alei,tanwiinea.T ble approval of ACISJ1, en
lltlrtl J.tint reolutlua of reouest to the Oan
e,recc otitic United HIM." ,
AIo, fcomlaatlna; Francis A tlethert at, J
Edward lnwin tf the upstllon of lamp.
Iicbier. to take elTVct April 1st riett,botb ot
which nomlannona wereeonflrmcd.
A enmmutitcatloa M received from the
lord ol kol trustee in reeiiie to res
olutlooof Ihle Board, eai-lanalory of the fa
aooa whir th annual rerwrt uf lht hoard his
not been pi stated, as. V seta forth that be
fore Unreport due In Seiitember. ISJ, soul'
be prepared a new hoard was eru-oiateil, "
thatauie waaihecaae In I. 9 in bath eitee
Iheeemnllaeeewlin the orcanie act which re.
quite m annual rejwrt we .hue J""1
Iwpoa.lM. Ioneltber,rwM "Wf
reatpoleted who bad beemleaUeaied "..!
th annuel report, and the board trusts that
these Ctfaslderatluea will aaow that Uev nave
not bwu respnaalnle for the failure to lurnlih
theOounell HA theJeelredlafariaail'ia.an.t
add! MA committee baa been appointed lo pre
pare Ihe report for the currant ear, iw we
shall be Able to present II lo du aaaaoo.lr tiol
pievenied by reeurreeee of '! casualty
above referred to. Tbla report will lira auch
Information ac oat ha obtalnedaoncerntDg the
operattoaaof tha ihreeprevlouo years" Tbe
board alio recommend tha pauage of U
unlltr-g ihe offices of secretary and treasurer,
wiib a alight Addition to helr aft regale cala
rlca, ifat apnoiutnent of lb'1 yrne.r 10 be
vested la said board of trustees Referred to
tbe Committee on Public Schools.
Tbo following, received from the water
revtitiar, wao ordered to ba printed la tbi
Aria RiJisTaaa'B Orgies, Off Hm t
Aania .tow, l. - , Mrcb l. lTi I
T 'to Board if Attttrni V Ctf Tatk
Mian, n i mm . - r ... ......
uniHiit la reipooaa tolhe raiolutlon
ratd by your nooorabU Hoard on tha lib
nilint r(inatln mm In (lata arhalher t&O
rotomaa water tbroufh tbo reaarrolr and
aqueduct, aa ml prtaant eonatruoled, aao be
nag a RTauaoia ior manuixciurini puipum h
tblatltjTt and If not, what nrMucancuta are
neaeaaary In order to renda It nval labia for
tbla purpoio tbroagb tbo teaervolr ftad aiue
duat, 1 bare the boaor to report that tbo roto
mae water, aa now dimtbottd, la uacd aa a
Reneratorof ateantonoit,Unt all.tha iteam
oiloeirrweted la the city. The loftdequety
oi theeuitply for ordinary And neeeaaary par
pierei.dera1tauieaia dlreel motive power,
itqnlUnf irfcr quantity cf water than
w.tiia bo nfrdfd to aooompllib llieaaoetfld
by tbo uuf at1), out of tno queatloa.
The ituly adrqui riaedy for the aborlaf
uloureupply ia ll.i Inylnc.of a aaw main, of
At leaet thirty laoni diaoier, from the die
trlbutinf reaerTClrto And throuih tho north
trn iMttun of ihe city. Hut even lu that event
it could notbeexpeeted tbat maouratturlnf
eon Id be eanled on !y aquedutt water uied aa
a water power in the uaual aeucpUtlon of the
term, and by the ordinary Appllaneea, nor do 1
tblnkit laibua uacd, to oy eomlJerable ct
h nua of our own eitlttna. Mr. Jotepb F.
Kelly, by meana of whlon n molt re power can
beobiAiatdby the How nf water throuihtbe
u.imt in ttm brilltiAI eOUtit. WtlhOUt
wnate or obatruetlon to Ua how. If tbe reao
.knii rrrn.t Inhii thli lnf BtlOO tQ
view. 1 would reapcatfully lay tbtt 1 thlok a
n.nr Aumntu.Lllr mar bo atforlcdto tat the
alalia i1 tbta tnveutloo, and If they eo be
eatlaiaeioriiy io(iiui m rui !.
.. M. n.,..iirj. ma bo available for avaou
faeturioa-purpoaea i but until eueh tait aball
do niauVi mi woim inw - -
uorid novelty 1 am unable to apeak more
V ery irpet luilr, your obedient aerv Ant,
' m. k llmo. Water nUtrar.
Mr UatIc Introduced an aet fur the eon.
truetlooof n bride Heroaa P atreet north,
beiweeartaventoenlb nnd Klhttenth atreeta
weat. and appropritiinj f-.' '" "-' Jur-
noie. Kelarteu. . , ,,
A.lao, an ai for the tn&attuettoa of a brldae
Aaroaa CooutctiCot Avenue, between L and M
atreete north. And appropriation. 4,009 for thai
purpoaa. nvinim,
Aleo, bill, Acrompanlad by petition or Tlioa.
F. llarltuaaa mt othera, thai Allye Iniqare
iTn h mimlrmuiJ AD J ODAOed. ltaferred.
Mr Stait introduced -o act toeonatradt
t A.foAt b.irak aawar la I atreet north, fron
Eighteenth atreet wcat to rBOirlr-nl Aie.
nue. Keferred.
Alio, petition of the eieeutlve eommlttao
OI ino flA'lona imwi""i immyn,.!.- .--Bit
tbo laca on lata Noi 41, 3, 4) aud 41, la
BQUar 110. AQO pari oi lot a, u nirn u.
Amount loi toWl. Keferred to the eVelal
commltie appointed to conalJer the enarap
ii ( nMtitavf frnni laTAllHD.
Air. Crocker Introduced ao Act toeonplata
the irAVCIinr oi naoui iridu mu,
twee a t'ourtentb and Fifteenth atreeta weat,
And approprlatlny; l,TM for that purpoae.
Alio, preaanted petition of Thanaa B
Bryan nad othera, aatlng that a two foot
ewerbeeooatruotedln I atreet north, from
'Xwtlfib to fourteenth atreet writ t and alao,
n two foot aawer In Thirteenth atreet weit,
from Maaaachuietta avanuo to I atreet north,
connecting with tba former. 1( (erred.
The Chair read an Invitation from W 11
Smith to Attend tha publlo meeilnx to be held
at Lincoln Hall, In bebalf of tbe oauae of
OeorglA. a-s , tbla aveolng, Itaiah 22.
m. M... r. thanehttbe mac tine- of A Ddlltl-
aalebaiAcltr, and tha Invitation vr.va out of
M.'nnaiinll AAAfurrfd In tht VltWI flf Mr
Moore, nud aaid be ahuuld object to tha Uoard
accepting the Invitation ....
Mr, Stewart aald tba objret of Ihe iaeella
waeto atrengthea tba bod of Uongren in
upboldloe; tbo cauae of Unloulate of tbe
Booth, foe Mayor wee lo prealde. nd It waa
proper the KepublieAU niambera of iba Board
ahould attend and five their eoubteoanoa lo
tha neanng. .
Mr Coonollr aald thl Mr. Bowen could
.(i. .,1 in hla aanACllv A clluea. but he
would hardly go there In tbe capacity of
Mayor of waeniugion.
On accepting the Invitation tha taaa and
ttaia were ealle! with the following reeult)
Yeaa Meaara. Baker, Champion, Chate,
Clark, Davla, Knight, tile wart, Slater and the
FreeltUDl-9 w
ft mJ Ueesri. Co on oily t Emery, iloore And
MoiaeII-4. , , ,
i kj invitation tvaa ACtordlatlr Accmled.
A commuolnAtlon wa rrcrived from Jama
J Campbell, Ittc comm1aloer nf the Fourth
ward, lu which he takea tbe rcipnntlMIIty of
locating tha abutment! for n brllga on M
atract north aud Tiber creek, which the city
urveyor eaya are twenty feet aouthof tha
centra of tba atreet.And were looatcd by tha
late Bufveyor. William foray lb. Ordered to
. -...a.., ( Yim Tnurnal.
rff UoVmHJ preaeotcd tha felltlon nf
AHaandar Moore for ihe privilege of etend-
Mr MDiaell Introduoed jnlnt retolutloo au
thorlitag Jmea 11. Collina and Samuel V.
NIlea to plautaucb number of abade treea aa
they Day desire outalde the curb and gutter
Hi a in front of their respective premlici, oa
the north side ol U atreet onrlh, between Sev
eiiteeotb and ghlcauth alreela weat i'aaaal.
Aleo, prearntcd petition of William L).
Caitlu aiati.f that an act be paiaed requiring
aMe4lk"u tl atteat ruoalng froml'enn.
rlvHini t'rttu to the obtervatory be laid,
a ihe fclr. er grvlcd and graveled In conform.
y tv.'u I if .a' a blia bed trade Referred.
fdr Huore ofTflid leaolutlon tequeatlng
Ilia Vlrtt Ktinoal iiaolt lo obaerve the rea
lui'.nn adoptwlby thta Board to slva to their
u...bij ii,imnl ilie aineunt nf monev at
may p hai.i1 i ig to tlio credit nf tha clnlclrg
' the rcltinpti n of the ten year boud.
,uery Inlr-'uord a blJI exempting
elrvnia entcudlcg tbrouth one cquara only
from the pruviBlouaof lh bill approved No
veinberM, l', regulating the nuiwbeilng of
bouBca, it orei and idacea of builncii In tba
atrrctanf the city lUlerred.
Mr CUikpre'.) dpi Ulon and bill la Ac
onrdance tbeiawii ., uiaUyhfu W Uaxterfor
fiernitacioa to al"J " i,oa ate acveu
cet from the building line at hie rail Janet,
No C07 SnUth A etieet. Hefrrrol.
Aleo. resolution ut Inquiry req letting tha
aurveynr to eatlmata the number of cnbid
varia of grading and tba number of aquare
varJiof aiAtelUig, And tba cost of theatme
beoctaary to pu north F atrrat, from New
Jeraey iei ue to .Mai y land erenun aodFouith
atreet e . i.om Maryland avenue to north U
ctra t to 'tie ' roper grada. Ad tp'ed
Ail", in ii ' mixing aoeppmprlatioa to pro
vide tui tfli l' il h1"1 ol printing in tbe o&w
,.f I 10 .Li) wIU'CCT, AOiOUUtlu to IIUUO
Alan i itijjni J K. II. tviUeos for the
i ir.. ' lu ! piasengeie Hter. l I
, r It k r ntuu Need a b.ll eeruitlng tbe
E- ie'' li,iia knuicu iti ( uu in
inaltiS K It-rrett
j..., . tr.,r. J a reoIuMin reiu'ttloff t
ch from a ta uu water I
surveyor to examine Q tlreei, beiweeu Nil
, nil lrnth atrcela euulliwett, and report I
opinion ac to tbe propriety i 10 altering 1
grade aa to cause a Mj lu tbecco'reof c
r. ..- lilnntfll
Hi Kutc'it liit'udjoed a bill intklog an ap
propiuiiui. uf fXu to repair buao carrltges,
Juiut resili iu (U C) In relation lo Cen
tre m keiai.i tt.UJlng tha comailtlet of
both Boards o 1 a alter the interest of this
corporation betme Congress, to oppose the
passage of the bill giving tin valuable fran
chise of Ibe Ccmre maikct Into the hands of a
private compauy, A 1 , was pint J.
Mr G&aie, fruui ihcCiminlti(e on Improve
ments, reported favorably ou tbe following
bills; Toeet Ibecurbttouce md pave tbe fjot
waya aod gutters ou tbe writ side of Seventh
street weal, from 1 etreet north to Uouadtry
ttreeti oa the west side ol Nineteenth etreet
west, between N and a streets norlht on tba
cast Bide of Nineteenth atreet wcat, from N to
T atreeta north) on the aaat aid of Heeond
atret weat, from F to M at rests north) oabolh
SUS of First atreet eatt, between 11 atreet
n.inh and Ueorgla avenuei ou the aouth aide
of rtiundaty atreat, betweau Ninth aad Four
taenia alreata weiti on the aouth aide of
Boundary atreet, Irom Uf h tireel eastward
to New York aveuuei oa Ihe vaat aide nfLUhlh
atteet west, 'rum P street north to II umlary
.....I, . the aouth slile nl II a teet. I mm
Ptiutleii'li 1 ft1 wi tu unrth P atreet ion
the ' u ' e "" st'rei wnt, between
prtb i iu u ' it 4'rtett un tite
a. .tua a Bite 1 woi'li V a'leel, from
Vvriaont iv-u u itouudaiy at reel 1 ou ibe
aouta eld uf North Caruliua aveu. between
Bcveath aud Elibtb treele exit) oa both aldcc
fifO atreet aouth, bctwern Teuth and Hlue
eeatb streets easli on ihe eatt clJe of New
Jeraev- avenue, from C atreet south to Virginia
avenuei os. the 1 east aide of Sevciltcuih atreet
Jrist, fivm M to 3ouadsry sUseis, on lb west
linftril f .lrt.rin.i.
Ta.tful.lw.,lr mtlh.or Ihr Uo J ol
Al.l.rm.u h.la I..I ll,,5'" p!.ili
Inl (U. J. . Ctock.r) in l '' '""'
Ala. Aiminlto Vut J .W'V. J?'!?'
Ida of Tenth ilreet eait, from Eatt rplloto
Marylaad Avenuei ) norlk '-"J!' .?"!
of Kitreet couth, between Bltth atreel and
Wata. atn-eti no the weat aide of eeooml atreet,
from Virginia "-' i V'"'.:". " .1 '
ah theniVrttt aide of I) atreet eoutb, from tbe
wcBtBldeof Fonrlb i treat etit to tha eat
iMe of Second it real eoutb entbnaoulb aide
of W atreet, from Four aad-A-half to Third
tree roathweatj on tba weat aide of Twenty
fourth etret. from t toll atreateion tha out
mldeof thaairrlafway nronnd tha Circle,
1 the tnteraeetlnn of Connecticut, Mnahu
Ml and New llamnahlra avenuei and Nine
tcenth and r atreeta Dorthw-at on tha eatt
aide ii f Tenth atreet aat, from I to K atteat
norlht on tba north aide nf II atreet aouth
from North Carolina arcane to Flra areet
eait nu the aaat aide or Twelfth atrt eai.
from E (. O atreeta a-tuthi n th aaat tide ot
reload atreef, from Uto it at eet eomnweiM
on lha north aide f MaryUnd avenue, from
Fmr ao-a-hlf ti Third llreit aoutbwect on
Ihe north aUeof O atreet, from Firat to
ondatreat aguthvaart on the anuth aide of O
atreet, from Firat to third etreat aouthweaM
all of which were patted
Aho bllla to grde and travel Hnuth Caro
lloa avenue from 11 atreet to (front I avenuii
IC atreet from Sixth to Wtri Tweatf .fifth
from rcooalvaulA avenue to Ilwk Creeki
Heeood atreet eatt, bctveen 11 and C atreeta
norlht to lay a flag footway I o rhlrtceoih-and-A-htlfattce'i
lati. ooith aldeol II ctreei
&orllitbtwenseoond and Tlilrd ttrcttc eaiti
to complete tbegra ling and graveling of Llev
estb atrrat weal, between N and Boundary
atreel to trim and gravel Twenty-fourth
treat wett from N IO.UatrealB lo trim and
gravel F afreet f on Four aud a half to
twelfth wnfj lo trim pud gmel It atrcat
oirlh from Savcnlhto New Jeraey avenuei
to renew an act tii gravel Twcltbatreai wetlt
to grade And gravel O atreet north from 1 if
teen Hi to Hrventrenlh weat to pave oarrlatr.
way lo rlfleeuth i treat weat front II to I
nntlhi In anmlini Bfiil AMI Alietl In tQJarCI
IMAAdTSJi for tha relief or Patrick Sullivan
and lluihard Waahlogton) Jamaa FiltuAtricki
naming the epace formed by lutaraaatlou of O
alraat, MArlad and Maiiachuaatta nvaauca
Staunton Plaeei to cooatraal a temporary
brldce At tnteraeellon of O And TMrteanth
atretic weati to auipand aa act to lay a pave
merit in M afreet aouth from second to Scv
nth atreeta eaat to omit publication for laiet
q a are 1 T to repair e ulverl la U atreat, be
tween itvaaiy nraranu i wcuiytevonuaireaia,
all ot wblih were patied
Adveraclyoa bill to revive no act to wall
ribtierreK from lodlaaa avenue to Ptnntyl
vaaia Avenue, And to arch Tiber creek from
Mattaehuietla aranuato P(.ioit1vaoIa arc
nnej to reguUte the payment! on all aoatraetit
autnoritlog tba Mayor to caaatrnct nrehca
aodbrlJge la certain aaacii to gr Ada and pave
alleyi ta aquArci I and III In reference to tbo
tl alraala anuth
The cjranlltae were dUcharged from tha
further eoatlderatloa oi ihe bill lo erect a
fnuntaia and Beala In tbe weat part of the City
ttau to,uar me paiinonoi n. n. itinpraivti
lug against the paving of Fourth atreet, be
tween II and It to legallto Ihe clone from Pt
aav Itraneh nuarrlea.
Acportvd favorably on bill to put up the
aamea of atreeta on coraera of houiia where
there are no lamps. Pat i ad.
Mr. Stewart introduced bit) to grade and
pave thecarrlagoway of 1 atreet wrs, from
Eighteenth etieet west to ta Intersection with
PenotyfvAnU avenue. Keferred.
Common Couuail Joint resolution of (hacks
to Hon, A, M. Clapp,llerernment Printer waa
reierreti io loiugmniiifion iiyruTiTui.
Tbe John Banovaa CJntroi bill) to PI
Uouovao bio 3.tM for ettrt work la gradloi
anilrr1ioirerralo atreat a. hftoa- tna inedlal
order nf ihe evening, waa taken up for eonilJ.
rhahillauumarAtea E atreet not Ik. between
North Capitol atreat and Its eastern bound try i
oa t urcii Bona, uriwriu ! imii iiuitt
and First atreet eatt, between U and II atresia
north, ai par contract dated February 21. lIMr.
Mr. Couaollr. chairman of the Coinm'.tiee
on Finance, la brcicntlng the report desired
io oe uuueraiooa a noi yrau'ic it wtia nnj
rceotumeadatluo. The committee bad vakcu
everypalnsto aeeura tha proper pert, and
tha Board of Aldermen were the beat JuJgta
of the merlla of the claim.
The Chair aubmtttea a communication from
tha City Surveyor, In which be atatea that tbe
final eailmato la M.011M Wet than Mr. BlUs'
original cellmate ut whtt tbla work would
Amount io
Mr. MeCathrAn opposed the claim Atunjutt
lie reviewed the evidence of tha icveral wit
nestas, who bad made aSUavlta ta refcrrenee
to tha Amount or earth washed away by tbe
fretbet, and Ihe measurement of tba rock a
blasted. It would be Impossible forth Board
to abI Intelligently unices a copy vl the con
tract waa 1'irolahcd for ihe guidance or trie
members. He should vole against tha Mil on
thataecoDot beotuac Ihe Corporation daea
nnt out tha amount eUlmedi because oeilher
the Corporation Attorney, City Surveyor, and
Committee on Finance had met tha qits-
tinnt mvoiveu snuareiy nua lamr.
T.ie motion of Mr. lHvIs to postpone Ihe
further consideration was lost by ibe follow
ing voiet
Yeas Mcstra Biker, CM if, Clark, Davit,
aiewarr, ana aiaicr a.
Nata Maura. Cbam&loa. Connollv. Emerr.
Knight, Moore, Moraeil, McCatbran, and tbe
t'retweni, mrotur-t i
Mr. Clark, from tbe Committee on Hall.
roada, reported favorably a bill requesting
Congresa to grant the Corporation of Wash
tngtnn authority to subscribe taOO.OOO to Ibe
capital stock of tba UtlUmore and Poomae
liauruan umngiiuji iiivtiutii irnit inu iuv
irliitiou aball beeaiended onlr to Ifcb com.
pany for the work to be dona wltbtu the Hla
trtct iimtrs, and as tnai wor emu progrris,
Tha Botrd then adjourned at 10 'clack, the
Donovai eoatraet being the apeclal order for
next Monday night Immediately after tbe call
OI inr war.ie
Ilird etrCovnuiejti Ctnnelt.
The Hoard met at tha usual hour) the prril
dent (Joseph Williams, eeq la the chair
Tbo iirctldenf laid before tbe Board a met
aag fiom the Ma)or ADoauootng hla approval
of certain acta.
Thejolot reaolutlnn (II. A I In relalloa to an
air line raiiruaa iron new iwiaiu n eaninx
ton waa patted.
Ha million of Mr.Oalaei. bill f II A lit iro
vide for lb prompt payment In Caih of the
laborara of the corporation was passed.
ua monon oi pit. uqtj mr umi ( h. a j idi
tbe relief tbe Unleral Franchise Aasoela-
linn waa lalit m Iba table.
Mr Taylor Introduced the following Joint
resolution i
Whereas we. the Biard of Aldermen and
Ilmnl of Common Couneil of Ihe all nt
Washington, have learned tbat tba llouaa of
Itepreseoiaiivea oi m uaurg niaiva nave
fatten n out arinnujf iu privai company
he very valuable franeblss of erecting a
market-housa and other buildings on tha cite
note known aa the Centre market i therefore
Rii9if4,i-e. inat a joint eommltfeeof two
member oi me jioam vi uoomni uouccil
and Ihrre members of Ibe Hoard of A life mca
be appointed by Ibe President of each Hoard
to irqueit tbe Senate of ihe United states to
siayaclloooo tbe paccage or aald bUA-untll
Ihe Senate may bar a bearlog from tbla com
wit lee and oliiers.
Mr. Pliter cubutltlfd the following na A sub
RtmlNi. Ire. Ttiat the Cimmltte to rtnre.
sent tbe lutereata of the Corporation before
Com rats ar hereby Inetruetea to wall en the
aittll lBtlOHlW IHV UIH Vl W1IUU
tola. Ana rctpeeiiuiiy, nua arneeiiy, reqnett
them not to favor tha bill which passed the
lloute oi ucpreaeoiaiives on ruaay last
in tha valuable franchise of tha Centra
ket Into the hands of a private company, and
increoy raiauiitu o ujvbuj'i wmtrrij ton-
irarytolhealmotl unanimous wlaheaol our
Riiolvid. That tba tild eommlllee are also
InttructeJ to requett tbe committee to secure
the passage of a bill befur the adjournment
or ihe present Congress authorlilog this Cur
porattun to issue ho&di to tbe amount of one
mllllonof dqllsrt, at ao anuuallatereatof aix
fxwv.w.w & i:sitr M!:z& -.'
Inaa to b known aa the market-house fund
exolUBltelyi aud, further, to request the psa
bgeof an aat to enable this Corporation to
erect a aultabla bull ling on the grounds now
oeeiTpiea oy tjie ucnire tuarxar, iae came lo
ti completed by auch time as Congresa may
Mr. Taylor accepted lb aubitltule ot Mr.
Piper, and the resolution wee iiaael
Mr Fardon Introduced a bill tn incorporate
a markH company to be called the Cvn re
Market Company of Wash Irg ton, Ii C 1 which,
after debate, .Mr. IlallTroso to a point of order
Ibat Ibe came bill had been heretofore rejee
ted. and It waa not In order lo consider II now.
Tbe preildlba odccrfMr. enable) decided
that tb pnlat waa well taken.
Mr. Kardon introduced a bill to e-rada an
alley running through square 111, from SU-
! !", - " -..
Mr Taylor presented the petition oT Oxen
MeCabe, for the remlttlou of a tine 1 and peti
?'". ....
tion of James Ulgglac for abatement of la act.
Alao. an invitation from W. U. Smith, ehalr
man of the cnmmltle nf Arrangements, Is.
ma ui iiiw .iiuiiiiiiiw. ... ii,.iaiaii, ic
vltlne- the lloard to atteud a erand RanuhiU
.-AA. .-,l..lAt.AhAl.l A. T.I...U ll.ll.kl.
iiia-B-masiitiH nw - . u'aiun i-n mil
( rV n'?. T.b'liiti'.j th2fofi-wi.iV.iPS'Jl -
lunon J
Retolvtd. That Iba lu..kc of this Coruora '
tlan -ra auilucnliv due. aud Are harahv tan.
I...I . II . .f (l.n,. II.- ...,...
punter, fjrhic able dercnee of tbe laboring 1
IBB( -0a far bi action la amployleg man '
iihoyuuiincllon .f race or color lo Me d" ,
'" iwwu '. I'i'i iuifriiiiiai '
nrtmentt,r tha oublla acrvlca
iiriaitvj, iei ui tajur oa rvquesieu 10
tranamtt aenpy of ibctc resolutions to Hon.
A M. Clapp
Tha resolution after debate was ptiBCd.
Mr llurgett lutroJn-c I a bill tu set the enrb
tonet aoif )v the fuuttvaycaud gutters nn
tbe eaaleldeof Veraiiat avenue, between Q
aud llu'indary atrtats uorlb, and a bin to r
ylveanact tn lay aaler maloc la Kourt tenth
street west, V street north, a'ld It street north,
R a ferret).
Also, tbe following resolutions, which were
agreed lot
lc hereby, authorised and requested to furnish
In ibis board at He next seas Ion detailed plauc
and estimate fjr arches or bridge or proper
dimensions, workmanship aud materials, to
be constructed la Eighth street west, from
bulldlbf line to butldlog line, Across north
It, north H, north T nnd noith Hound try
AfOJcve, nas toe ciiy eurveior do, ana ne
I hi ruby, authorised aa J requested lo furnish
in ia 11 inrti ai 11a neai icitivn huh ma ceri
nateof tha costof trl riming aod graveling
Tenth street wect, from North O atreet to
llundary street) also Vcrmoat avcoue, from
north 11 ttrcct to north lUuoJary atreel,
Mr Halloa Introduced a bill to enuae the
foot way i, he , oa tbe aouth side of K atreet
noilh between Hlaili street wcat aod North
Capitol ere, to betaken up aod relald, U.
f erred
n llrw.ie introduced a bill authorising
I1.1 patntlnif life Blxa portrait or tbe let
11 u bUIn M Siantoa Hefrrred.
Mr ltideu mhmltted the foiluwlat renilu
llontt which war afieed tot
RVttll ",'IiSJ.S'.,';T,'i:,,.iV.'iff.if ."
tbe cost or eipente for th erection nf a sea. I
nrvcu, (uu, mi eurveyor na. and be la
eatcntllurr Irom Unal atrial t 11. 1
etreet east, oa tha sautb tide of Ocorgla avc-
Jlfiefrre, TJut the lurysyor be, ana he ts
barcbr. rcauested to Inform this BoArd Ihe
TirobAuleeoct of trimming And graveling Third
treeteatt, from South Carolina avenue to
u"t('VVM'.....1.. .,..-,
iir iiicrvnigniBupiaiuru lu.iuuwnni n-v
Utlnni which was agreed toi ,
Dnofrfi, That a committee of three be. and
they at hereby, Appointed logo beforoc
gress and urge those hooorable bndietoea
act tha accessary lw for lb purpose or
widealegAot deepening the ehaaael nr tb
Potomac, ae per the iecommcfcdHoaof Aoatt
ral Uahljr,ien,commaadtotof the Washington
Navy Yard ... .,,..
n I'rciiueni xyyoinmv t.i,. iin.ii
Drown aad Hurgesa as Ihe onmaillte.
Mi UnKnitht latfoduced Mils fir the relief
of Joseph Bishop and Ttmmaa Amallwood.
Referred. .....
Mr Venabl Introlueed a Mil to par tor
binding the bocks of thctatelcrk nefertcd.
inr. liayd intrnuucio a dim to pare swr
nJa.hair atrrat from thectoal lo the nOflh
aide of II street south.
Also, hill lo grade and gravel F clrcet couth,
from Four Anda halt atreet to the canal. Ke
Alan, a hill Inaania Unillnr.li and others to i
ventilate their houace and publlft bulldlnga, ac
Be ff cnacfeJ, t . Tbat from and after the
passage of thlc Mil It aball not be lawful for
Any person, person, or any company or com
paukes, within the limits of this city, to build
or cause to be bnllt any house or puVllc build
lug, unless such house or building shall have
an aperlureof not less than Are, and may be
twelve or more Inebee lo diameter, or fifteen,
Ihtrli-alA or more Inebee in clreuaiference
Immrillalalr eanneataJ with the flua or
chimney of every houie or public building la
every room In eueh bouse or bulldlag. and
place In cash aad every auch aperture above
named a ventilator of a kind that any adult or
mlanr may easily understand and open or shut
at pteasuret and that a fine nf not lets than
3o. nor more than tloo for each and every
failure toco ventilate each and every apart
meat eo named i aad for each and every month
thereafter having been found by the provision!
or tbla bill, to be collected ac all other flnec are
collected by tola Corporation,
Mr, Be all Introduced a bill t pavadefl.
cleney In the appropriation for building a
bridge at the Intersection of Third clrcet weat
and P atreet north, Beferred,
Air Tarior, from the Committee en im
provements, reported bills (0 A) making an
appropriation to pay adeacieney 1 grsdlag
Tweafy4ouru ctteet erect, aad bill to take up
and react the euibatones and repave the gut
tare on lb wed aide of Tenth atreet writ,
r-om Virginia avenue to B atreet aouth.
Pat aed.
Alao, bllla lo grade Sat con atreet, from Ftf.
tcenth to Slileenth atreeta weati to grade and
gravel Ntw Hampshire aveaue, from Pennsyl
vania avenue to Boundary cr Jet i to grade aad
pare Turner atreer, between P and U. street
north) bill to pay for Ailing, backlnc, lie., tbe
arch'brtJge atthe Intersection of North Capl
tol and K atreeta northt bllla to act the curb
ctoaes, Jtc,on the wralaldeof Flrat ctreet
east, between B and C streets coutbi on Ihe
weal aid of Delaware avenue, belweeaa. and
U atreeta norlfai oa the weat aide of Fourth
street eaat, bttvcen L street south and Ueor
gia avenoet nn both aldcc of K erect north,
he I ween New Jersey avenue and See and atreet
east, ratted.
Mr. MeKoliht. f,om Ihe Committee on
Claims, reported bill for the relief of 8amuel
Stcttlnlua, Noah Herbert, Wm McCuichen,
Jat. II. Logan, S. S, Parker, John McAdtlly, :
John Lieligcr. Passed.
Alao, bllla for lb relief nf Theod ire Pletf,
Itudolph llllfus and John Thomasi which, on
molloa of Mr. Piper, were referred to Ihe ,
Mayor, there being general lew on the sub-
Ject anthorulng the Mayor to refuel money
topcrtonBdeiiotlltng mo.tey for a reataurant
llceos whlcb waa aubscqueully rejected by
tbe police ho aid.
A(s, Adversely on the bill for lb relief of
Oeorge T Kaub, Ueorg Buber, 5. Btrca, I
Ac reed to.
Mr. Umwne, froji the Committee rn V ilioo,
reported Adversely oo bill auth rtalng the
Mayor lu procure a certalu no lot ueri bill
J ranting ceitala prlrllegea toTlouipaoa Nay. ,
or) resolution to empower the police to make
arrests In certain cairl bill granting eertaln ,
privileges to J. M. rhompeoot bill to prercnt ;
theercctlio of dead and wath homes on any
of the public atreeta, alleys, ki wllhln the
llmitaol tbe corporation! Jolot resolution to
.date a nuisance on Q atreet north, belwcea
Slatb And Seventh clreetc weat. Aid petltioa
nfhalrdrciiera. CoAimlttee divcharged.
Alto, reported bllla granting certain prlvl
leges to t) A, l,net bill granting certain prlv
Urges lo Dennis O'Neal, bill making an ap.
Croiirtalloa for tbe section of ihe Western
urlel ground, raised.
Mrualnea luqulred when Ihe Committee
on Police would report m ihe rasolullo re
ferred to them In relation to certain charcee
agalnat Wm. A. Cook.
Mr. Brown repllel that the committee had
taken come testlmonbut were not yet ready
to report Mr. (Jalnca bad been requested to
appear before the commuter, out bad deeJIned
to appear.
Mr. Brail maved that the Board lequest Mr. i
Oalnce lo apiear before hat cAmmi'lee na
Thursday nig fa neat at TOO o'cleek. Liugh. I
,el) . . ..
ini raaiinn wi agreru io, .ur uamcB vol
lee In the negatlro.
Mr. Fardoo, froa tbe Committee on Public
Schools, reported a Joint resolution la refer,
eoce to the erection of a school building In
square No. 4B1, la Ibe Fourth school district.
Pa SB J.
The bill (B. A ) to trim and gravel Twcoty
fourlh street wft,fioa Land M streets nor lb,
waa passed
The bill (II A ) making an appropriation of
(J,0 to pay for putting up the narara of
atreeta And arennee on IB corner of houses
nod lamps was referred
Mr. Venabte, from the Comnlttce oa the
Fir Department, reported a bill making an
appropriation for Ihe Fire Department, a bill
0 tin st Ihe compensation of the men designa
ted as prlvatet In ihe Fire Department al J0
per month. Passed.
Mr. Ilotden reported bills to erejt limp,
posts In vailout Inealltlcj. Parsed.
Mr. HoMca, from lb Cnmmlttee on !
prnrements, repwrted a Mil lo act the curb
stooea and pave Ihe footway and gutters on
the eaat aide of Slileenth etreet weti, between
Mataachuiettc nteoue And Boundary atreeta
Mr Detrlck.from tbeCommltleaon Ueal'h,
reported blla for the relief of J. H, Jo net, A
Ktoebiswtkt.Samurl E Tyson, IC. C. Llnca.
weaver. Pastrk,
Mr. Delilck.rrom the Committee on Ways
and Meanc, reported a bill (U A ) providing
for recopyiag tha bookc of ta aalea In the
reglater'a offleei alto, a bin to purchase math
cncatleal lattrumeate fur Ihe eurveyoi'e offlce
On motion, at 12 U this moralng, tba Board
Tm Akcwiui TOAccontxisT. VsLat
recti vrd tbe folJowiDgrAddlilonal answer to
Ibe qaer lion for accoudUqu lu Friday 'e Rg
'L. X, W." maVca A'ccadIuI at the elota
155,773-20, B'e $55,878.20, C'l I55,2T8 20.
"ocoooi bo j" maiea ld gain 9iUJ,uvo vo,
A' cai-Iial at eloee S0.86o.tO. Ba tSS.
tW.85, Ce 3Sf365 S3.
"tt. . narurct A' nc capiuu at ino
cleatS7,2B.20, Ba and C'a I80.T3S.20.
tbo total rroflt belor f W,7l 00.
"J. n.&.'letkla clepartraeut, openc a
full ledger aecouot of tbo transaction and
divide tbe rcioorcci at clotlng ae folio wit
A 137,5m 03, H $37,051.05, U $27,724.09.
J. aeoda twoaniwcr.
fiuppoelpg iba amouDt aold oa commission
Included la tbe arrrfcala ralea. A.'a ah a re la
at down at 131.857,45. B.a l31.VJ3.7fi. C'a
$34 00110
tf ik.1,uf,r1immli.l,1.1.ilMi.
, U li'1pU"Iut"l''0rtJOtlnclQdd
''Ut only tha three per cent, comuilliloni Ibe
following la given Aa the result 1 A.'c share
$51,073 10, ll.'e $40,532.80, C'a $59,1)22.70.
Bookbinder" to let llnir.ltal Rirril
-.5u,Sd. S ft. t'.CSHJJ
following t
Total Prcfl CaiiMfC
A 'aabtre laclud bglaveat seat M.MI S
H s " ' ' M.IM,
"Xavj DcpirtineDl" cenda the following.
and If cornet will send ibe molhod or arriv
ing at It.
A ' rrogt , M,4rS
H.. " .su evs
C-'a ' ,4 S
Total profll , , 03,704 00
CoastxiuTioif op a Ntw CguiTgnr.
Friday next, 3Mb Instant, occurs tbe feast
of tbe Annunciation, aod this bas been se
lected as the time for Ibe cou secretion, of tbo
u. - etv,; rtSK'sr uuivs
1 1 .t. : .l . n. ..
airauKcu vj ua cungrTAjauoa 01 01 nmrj a
VucTiuAiij vuvuvuq kuutvu, siiba ctrceti
Ibe dedlcntory services will consist of re
ligious services at toe cnurcu, a procession
with mailo, la which tbe following; organ)
tattoos will take parti Toaog Men's Bt.
.I--.I.A..I...H .L.aaL-1-LII. .- A.
AlOTtlUA DUtlClT, tea 1CUOOI CUliarCU Ol Pt.
"''' churcbt a"-1'" f the church, fit.
'0MPQ'. 8l- Nicholas' and fit. Bonlf-ecs
8Iet7i t)d others, the Catholic clergy Of
tbla cltv and BaUlmOYa. Tbfl Vtrvi-aatnn
. ... . . .1 1. . . . . '
win rorm at toe courcn at 1 o ciock d.
Qd tReoce nrorecd lo the cemeterv which
, . . . P"60 w ,M cemetery, woicn
I,',tIcalod oa I,ntO Tenue, near Wospect
After the btesalog of theirround by Rev.
Matthias AUg, pastur of Bt. Mary's, tbe
Rev. Father Magulrr, president of George
town eoJlege.wltl preach lu English, and
Rev. Father Wlrtb, rector of St. Michael's
church, lu UiUlmore, will de.lver a sermon
In Oerraan, This will conclule the ser
vices. Missus, Ztraovio Yovnat A Co., No.
3.H reoosylrauta avenne, corner of Four
and-ahalf street, basjust received a Isrge
lot of fresb groceries, whlcb they are pro
pared to sell at greatly reduced prices.
Those of our readers In want of first-class
groceries at moderate prices would do well
to give Ibis firm a call.
luag Ar.a CiDia. Tbe Northern Pro
duce Company, 1007 Pennsylvania avenue,
bavealatge lot of pure apple elder, from
Ohio, wblcb tbev are lelllog at retail at tbe
low prlco of .tblrty-flvt cents per gallon
an excellent article for tue season. 1
rung ArrLB Cinait. Tbe Northern I'ro
duce Company, 1007 Pennsylvania aveanet
have a large lot of pare Apple Cider from
Ohio, which they are selling ol retail at tbe
low price nf 83 conts per gallon, an excellent
article for tbe season. I
RssuurD flrxctn Pithht at Bauer's
B..llnr M. nd.r Metro,llt.a UriL
Risouid SrgCfi rxiuanTi at Bauer's
Bowling Saloon, under Metropolitan, Hall
Mr. C'tiarlea II, Read' Nenncea A I
Fnlr Propoaltlott la Espoto in
Alleffexl llitnibna;,
We pQbllih by rtqoeil the follow loj com '
m ud) cation t
Te fee filtfep tt Sottenal Rtpultleo. .
Slat Helicvlag your valuable paper to be
IIT WIIMD III lini ! lailllflll 1U 1HWI--
posure of fraud urin the nubile. I recneelfully
request tbat 1 may be allowed to cay through 1
lie ealumna that 1 waa at AMeeanea"glven by
unnriea it. Koan at tn reciiieace 01 ur. pi.
Mckwea 00 Saturday evening, March 19,
1170, At which time end plac cald Read pre
tended that while ble haade were eeeurely
tled,tlngB,ebairc,4ie, would appear around
and In hla arrae aad the cord a by which he we l
tied, without hie hands be log loosed, acd
while they were tn the came position they
were whea lied. Thl I proved, to tbe entire
satisfaction nr the unprejudiced portion of Ihe
audience, ta be a deception and a fraud, by al
lowing mytcir to be tied aa he was, atdsllp-
iin iae ropca irem any naaue, ana again
replacing them ta the aerae position after put
ting a ehalr aa ray arm, aa he dldt and I aleo
explained totheaudttaca the maancr lo which
1 believed hla other trlekc we performed,
and then offered to bet bin W that he could
aft perform ny of ble trlekeir be would allow
mi lo tie or hold him, which Vet be In a very
discourteous and disrespectful manner de
alined. Inew unwilling to bet laothttirhe wIlU
allow blmtelf to be tied ae I direct, or alttw
wtm 10 noiu nm, anu inc int ariieiCB ntV or
him out of his reach, and no confederates a I.
lowed near him that no raelfeatatloia adrer
tlsed by blm will be made, t alto have to re.
queal that jou will publish the enclosed cer
tlocate. W.H.aataa.
Thta is to certify that we were pret at the
realdeaaa of Uf. McGweaoa Saturday evening.
(Ith instant,) aad witnessed the 00 railed
spiritual mantfectatloaa' of Mr. Cbarle II.
Bead. That Mr. VY. M.Oalnee, who wee one
of the eommlttee appolafed t tie Mr. Read,
made an exposure f lb ropt-tlelog feat to
ear entire BailafactloD I being tied In the same
maancr and by Ihe earn person tbat tied Mr.
Read. Mr. Oalaea performed the marvelous
feci" of withdrawing bla band from Ihe rape,
C lacing tbe ehalr upon hla arm. and returning
la band to the knot. All or tbla without the
aid of dark nets.
We alao certify that Mr. Oalaca'cenduat nn
the occasion waa aaeoarteoue aad geetlemaoly
aa the elrcumataneea weald art re If, while that
of Mr. fcead wan rerr aiscaarteouo and ua
W. P.TllBiLU. 8, Supreme Court.
. j, iiiiti, 1 nira Auunot'o urn to.
Wat. MiilaAjThtrd Audltor'c OOlee.
I. Witeov, Third Audltor'c Office.
P. S. OABKeTeos, Register's Offle.
Local BftiTiTits. Alexander Ifarrli and
Michael Fltiftrald wera flaed bj Jaitte
ocomiat ior watcnuf tneir novate whdio
. uiioon ior 01 a immn.
I John Yoaoff, a colored boy, paid II to
I Jnitlca Merrjman for throwing; tonec In
B9 airoci.
Uonaekeenera ahoald b Mrtlenlar tn aa.
curing; Ihelrdoorf, Tbo poller) report nightly
J a Bomber of doors found open at a lata hour,
and eccnred by them. Burglars are a boat.
( Arthur Joue paid gltoJmtlco Wall for
stcallue; Pigeon 1 from L. B. Nje.
! Wm. It. James, employed as a serrant In
, the St. Cloud Hotel, who bag been In Jail for
, soma days at tbe Inilanca of Mrs. E. a.
Pollard, who charred blm lth the theft of
jBiiaarcsa Tamed at f 35, waa released by
Janice Walter, the prosecntilz falling to
appear against him.
There are now only about one hundred
men on dotj at the Marine Barracks. Tbe
Monday inornloir drefa rtaradei are tithed
each we-k by fashionable eompanlea of
Muica aua jEeauemen necrnuion; ior ilo
corps progresses slowly.
Tbe horses attached to tbe carriage of
mt.o. a. 11. mates ran away yesterday
afternoon In tba vicinity of the City Hall.
Tha driver was thrown ont, bat tbs oeea
pant, a 70004 lady, was uolojnred. The
animals were stopped by Alfred West, the
vehicle being not tooch the worse for the
Constable Charles A. Kim met I left hla
home, In the Boreath Ward, last Tuesday,
and has not been heard of since.
The Waebl&Elon Cltv Gas Com dab v bava
made arrangements lo lay down daring tbe
preeat ceacon about four miles of gas mains,
distributed la various sections of the elty.
Last year tbe amonat of pipe laid was about
biz ana m uaii mucs.
j AManiOAN Umoif Acadxt or Luiti
ic, ociescnAKD amt.-a special meeting
of the academy was heldt&t eveolng at lis
j rooms, In May' bolldloifl. Dr. Samson
la the chair, and Jotepb li. Will, esq., see
I rctary.
I An exceedingly Interesting; paper 00 me
1 teorotogy was read by Jadge Israel Dllle be
I fore a goal number of Us members and cltl
, seas, hxth ladles and gunllemeo.
1 Among the visitors were many ecleatlde
gentlemen, anxious to listen to tbe reading
1 of a paper on a subject of great Importance.
and alio to meet Captain Ilatl, tbe great
Arctic cxpiorer, woo wnc present at ineinvi'
tallon of the academy.
After tbe readloi; of Jndre Dillo'a narjer.
and a vote of thinks offered tberefor.a copy
I certainly ought to be, for It presout 'orlgl-.
uai vinwB wuiuu are 01 unouc lUJDoriinca in
regarj to the precerratfon of forests and of
tue waters in oar mere.
Carta la Hall, In a cosrercatlonal way, ad
dressed the academy, much to the tnstrue
tlouind sratlfleailon of lu member. UU
Esqalmaux friend was with blm, and an
swered bisqncsLlonaregardlagcertaln points
proponnaea ny memwrs. Aiiogeinevtae
meeting was oue of the moat agreeable and
lively that bas yet been add, showing that
U Is really becoming a lit lag Institution.
Next Monday a regular meeilmrwill be held
at tbe Colo ut la Law Building, on Fifth-
street, when the Hon. P. Van Tramo will
addrea tbe members on the great elvll war
In England, and the character of Ollrer
cromweii. j ne pnmie are lovttea.
Rev. Da. Iliua Lectobb. A select and
Intelligent andlcnce tboogh not as nnmcr-
on as coniu do aetirea aeeemoiea iaii
ereoloff. at Lincoln Ilall. to bear Dr. Hall's
lectnra on tbe "character and services of
lion. Edit la M. Stanton." It was a forci
ble and graphic pauegyilo upon the great
war "minuter, and received frequent ap-
Tbo sneaker waa lntridneed hv linn
81mon Cameron In a short but appropriate
speech, glren his estimate of Mr.JJiantou's
Tbe reverend doctor commenced with tbe
ancient remark of the (J reels 0 law-giver to
the Asiatic King that "no man Is happy till
be dies." Ifa described tba oondlUan and
feeling of the people at the breaking oot of
tne war, ana oncny out forcibly sketched
Mr. Btsatou' course and motives dnrlng his
whole official career, and spoke of bis social
ana private cnaraeieriaucs, ana awcit npoo
his stern lntrirrltvand patriotism.
Among those present we noticed the Ties
rresmcni, ex-oeeretary mcchiiocq, Beoator
iiiauu. ihrccuiKiiT Uiwtii ucua. uov
ard and Eklq,and several other Senators
ana iiepreaeniaurcs.
Vibit or ma Coiiuittii on Arraornu
tioss Tna Kisvlt UaaTiryiMiT All.
On Saturday last tbe Commllleo on Appro
priations of the House or Representatives In
company with the Board of Visitors to the
uovernmeni Aijiura for tue insane, visited
that Institution, and anenl aeveral h An rain
Inspecting tbe boildlng and ll plan of gov-
.rntncnt, wivu e. view 01 aatisiying tnem-
selves as to tbe nt-eds or the insulation.
After a most com pi to Investigation, the
committee attended an exhibition given by
tbe patients, which was peculiarly Interest-
log and gratifying. As tbe visitors were
about to derm tt they expressed tbemselvea
greatly pleased with tbe arrangements of
tue aayiuru, ana aisurca tbe visitors and
Dr. Nichols, tbe snrgeon tu charge, that
tbey wonld do all lu their power to procure
tbe passage or tho appropriation asked In
the last annual report 1. 1. tCO,000 for the
erect lou of an addition to tbe building, it
being apparent to tbe committee) tbat In
creased accommodations were necessary,
there being sixty patients more now In tba
aayium man me capacity or tbe present
structure should atlo.w. The committee re
turned to the city about 11 o'clock p, m.
call attention to a not lee In our
columns of a business mrctlng of the Ohio
Republican Association this evening, and of
twtauia uu icvcc 10 dc gircu on i oursasy
A rare treat awalls those who are so fortu
nate as to receive luvHatlous to tbe levee on
Thursday evening.
" " . .(. u. . ji, I1UJCA,
icai caMikQ ngem, sat aoia ior 11. I. Uregorj,
civ., vath uit ui tut u oi wrauiey s suooivi
slon of lot of square 103, Improved by a
three-story brick bouse, lo Unjamla F.
r uncr, esq., ior a,ow
i. w. muiii, at uia maoiiuotn carpel
furniture, and bedding emporium, corner of
Seventh street and Market Space, Is selling
off thl large stock of goods at prices tbat
command attention from buyers.
Akotoeu large consignment of fine New
York batter Just In, at Bplcer's Butter Depot,
Ninth street, between and F. Bayers, look
to your Interest.
-i .. ..
R. roBTfia's Vienna beer Is high) re
commended. A list of tbe places where tbla
beer may be fonud Is published elsewhere la
our idvertlslDf columns.
Matiarai of Metropolitan Division, No
19, S, of T. will And a notice la our Adw
Using columns.
Ttf tl -. -. it- ..
LatestTelegrapbta nrevtlles,
Qovernor Stevenson, of Kentucky, bag or
derail an ejection la Ue Third Congrteslonal
district on tbe 53th of April to fill' tha va,
caocy ocoastoned by the restgastlon of Ur.
A council of tbe Choctaw nation was
called to Assemble yesterday to consider
metiers now sgltatlng tbe Iodlan people.
Tbe bar of New York proposes a public
baaqoet to Judge TollertorJ.
The cor pis bf Jaraes Foxlon U( United
Biatet consul at Coracoa, has arrived at
New York,
Tbe wine merchanti of New Totk have
organlxed '. league Jor proltclloo Against
The will of James D. Long, 'of New York,
leaving tbe bulk of bis property to Ibe gene
ral synod of the Reformed Church, Is con
tested b) LU relatives.
A father and son named O'Donnell bare
been committed for trial In New York, the
former, charged with fin attempted rap of
tue son a win, and tue son witn oeatiog
her aod driving her from home oath Tacts
btlog made known to blm. 'fc '
The new steam collier Arcblllee, built for
the Reading (Ta.) railroad, In a trial trip
yesterday made sixteen ntlee an hour.
Dallard and Oiegory. two New Yotk de-
uetlves, who wen arrested oa charge of
"kldnspplog a Clnclonatl merchant, have
been released on 13.000 ball eaeh.
Tbd Marquis of Bonneville, French Am
bassador at Rome, bas arrived In Paris, ac
companied by two French bishops.
The Mobile municipal troubles do not
seemtobaovoyet. The Board of Alder
men want to elect city officers bet the Coos
rood Council refuse loco-operate.
Billy Forrester, with several all asm, wm
arrested yesterday for being engaged In the
Wllatstown bank robbery, but rubseqisntiy
escaped from his captors.
District Maltero1 lei Congreea.
Niw iKiuaaHca Comfaht. Mr. Boise
Is trod iced Is the Ho a so yesterday a bill,
which was referred to ihe District Commit
tee, Incorporating "The National Metropo
litan eire ana narino insurance voni pan 7,
of this ally, and naming aa corporators
therein Moses Keller, Wm. Wall, N. Aeker,
Wm. Orme, W. B. Todd, Henry Semken,
W. O. Metierott J. Y. Davis, Job a T. Lei
man, Oeorge F.Qnllck, O. II. Iloldeo, and
Geo. W. Cochran.
Tm FauBDMgVa Birixa amd Trust
CovFaRT-Mr. Cobk yesterday, lo the
lion so of ReDreacutatlvcj. offered an amend
menttothv fifth sectloa of an aet entitled
"An aet to incorporate tbe Freed rasa's Bav
ins and Trust Com oan v." of this eltr. ap
proved March 3. 19M, adding to the end of
the bill the wordst "And to the extent of
one-third thereof la stocks of any Bute or
or any incorporated city 01 tue u nitea Dtaice,
and la tha extent of another third In bond
aud mortgage on real estate, double the
value of the Joaoi .and tbe corporation Is
also authorised to bold aud Improve the real
estate now owned oy 11 in tue city 01 tvaen
. . .L.-..I k.ll.f 1 I 1a. a A a
ineivoB !. e-, tue uaii wi aw 0, iuta ,w.
0, T, a.nd eoutb half of 8, square til, as laid
out in the original ttlat of tb clfr.'- The
amendment was referred to tbe District
Btatss Bcraiwi CochT. tn the Senate
yesterday morning Mr. Ilamlln latrodacad
a bill granting appeals from and authorising
tbe Issue of writs of error to the flapreme
court or the uutnet or. iftiumoia in certain
cases. It rtrovldes that when anv body cor
porate shall think Itself aggrieved by any
final judgment nr sentence of the Supreme
Court of tbe District, whereby said body
corporate shall be adjudged or sentenced to
oa aeprirea or any ngui, prvpcnj or irea
chlsc, or to psy any sum of money not less
than 11.000. and shall deslra that the ludff-
mont shall be reviewed npon a writ of error
lo ibe Supreme connor tno united nutes,
such corporation may prosecute a writ ol
error In like manner aa Is now provided by
law In reference to other final indsrments.
orders or decrees of said courti Referred to
tbe Judiciary Committee.
Wo IS TO RXCIITA Till 8 A ill Tar ai
Mia ron Similar Woai. In the noose
yesterday Mr. Arnell Introduced a bill.
wblcb was referred to tbe Committee on
Ed a cat ton and Labor, providing that here
after all clerks and other employeee In tbe
civil service of tbo United States shall be
pald,lr respective of scx.wlih reference to the
character and amount of service performed
by them. Tbe socond section prwldes that
ia the employ m-nt of clerical labor lri aay
branch of th eh 11 service no dlscrlmlna
tion shall be made in favor of either sex,
The third section provides that where ex
a ml nation t of candidates are prescribed by
law or by tbe beads of departments, the said
examination, shall be of tbe same character
for persons of both sexes, without distinc
tion or preference. Tba fourth section pro
vide that tbe designations, chief clerk,cblef
or neaaor ai vision, cniei or noaaoi section,
clerks of tba foortb, third, second and first
classes, copyists, messenger, laborer, itnd
an otner aeBtgnanons or employees in ex
isting acis of Congress, or To use la any
branch of tbo civil service of Iba United
States, shall be held hereafter to apply to
women as wen as to men, ana mat women
tuAii oa rcgaruea cqaauy eiigioie wun men
to perform tbe dalles of the above desig
nated clerks aud emptoyecs. and shall re
ceive tbe compensation therefor prescribed
by law. Suction fire Prescribe tbat this
act shall uot be so construed asto require
is aiapiaccmeni or any person now em
ployed, but shall apply to all vacancies
ntreaiier occurring tor any cause,
Navy Yak Avtaiai. An effort will soon
be mad by Captain T. 11. Palter eon, execn
tire officer of tbe yard, who recently took
charge of tbe bureau of yards and docks, to
bare Ihe funds of the other bureaus of tbe
yard transferred to tbat under bis control, la
oraer mat too nor a ia sn yard may m con
tinued. Saturday twentyt-flveyard laborers were
aiscnargeo, inero oeiog no wore: ror tnem.
Tbe number of men now employed In th
yard la about 700. Tbe number of officers
detailed for duty Is thirty, about tbe same
number s when eighteen hundred men were
Quite a feeling exists among the workmen
reccotly discharged, who asssrt that recently
a loan was put to work who, by bis own ad-
mlssloo, served three yrars In the rebel
army. A number of tbe men displaced were
honorably discharged soldlsrs and sailors.
Certaloly Admiral Dahlgren docs not know
of tbe existence of such a state of affairs la
uis "Dainwics."
A PliaustKtibtaihhxiit. On Friday
eventeglast a number cf the member of
tfyiana rnepei u. n., cnurcu, oa toe arrival
oi uev. sir. van wrier, toeir new paiior,
nuu uia laiunj, wmuiiu i iui iaiauug,
where a handsome collation was spread, of
whlcb the entire company partook. Dnrtnr
tbe evening be delivered a neat address, ex
prceaiDg n appreciauon oi tne warm ana
irienaiy greeting n naa received, adoui
fortv persons were eresent.
Oa Sunday be delivered two exceedingly
lmnresstve and lnstrnctlve addresses.
1 be conference year Just began bids fair
to be one of great prosperity lo Ryland
cbapcl, Tbe school now tinmber about 100
cmidrert, with an average attendance of 800.
Tbe cbureh numbers about 973 members.
The church aud school Is entirely free from
debt. Mr. Van Meter begins his pastoral
car nun a omiotf ana eocrgeuo congrega
tion, and great results may be anticipated
OxoaeiTOWN ArniBB. A oraud chios
public tetuperaoou meeting under tbe au
spices of all the temperance orgsnlaullons
of Georgetown, will be held at Furrest Hall
to bight. Senator Fomeroy, Ur tovett, of
uaiitoruia, ana oinerweu anowa gentlemen
will address tbe audience.
Tbe Merchants Excbanxe Is probablv a
defunct Institution. A few of tbe members
assembled yesterday and passed a resolution
adjourning lodsSnltely or subject to tbe call
of tbe president.
Mr. John J Be joe yesterday sold toBcol.
F. Moxley the large three story brick double
bouse, corner cf FayiUeand Third streets,
now occupied by Benator Scott. Price paid
tlUfWU HUi
A llfilX HXW COTTAQl la Offered for rent.
Alii iiei a mixes
FUmbiDS aad Oag-glttlng,
it i CVKiu i.
U riilnrtii
K. M KlaU url,t.l.iii D .. It.ala,
. w.- .- Il.llf. r.l.k..l.J .kl..
vaakaaict. UM
J AUseai TceaSl. trmm ,,
Week ie aiale see4s aevl.
City Property to be Sold for Taxes'
"was lima tom, d. oMAMHii,iiri. i
Commencing on Tneedar. Jrra 14th. 1870. th
wUl U sold by public auction at tbe City Ilall, (Aldermen's Chamber,) Ia
tb city ot Washington, D. C, to satisfy tbg corporation of aald ckyfor
taxes doe thereon, as stated, nrileca tbe said la see be previously paid to th
collector, witn aucn expenece anu irve ac may nave accrual t uie warn oi
Sal to cutnmenea at 10 o'ebwk a, tn., and to b continued from day tn
aay uu compietea.
Term cash. F.
cUetpartof 1...
Amea, Andrew J, .,.,, .
iax ror paving carriage
way, oa inivrvet rrorn
Jaauarvao. I860. tta.V-
Udrur tbs north' two feat
ten inenes bv aentu oi lot.
ifllW ,
Tax (or paving carriage
way, on wtereei iron
Jannarv 30th. 1800. t9.Bf
veing uie aouu iweaiy
... .r '.t .':.
one iee i two locne ny
tart o Vol ii
toe arpui 01 tan 101.
Aberi. Char lee ftruatA
iHginniog at ine eouui-
.J,. . 1. ' .L
weet comer oi oaia lot
and ruanlag north forty
fir feL ihraea aaat
tweniy-etx feet three
lnehea, thence aouth tor-ty-flye
fret, thenca west
twcmy-eix icet tnror
tbe hAe to th bf rnnnmsr.
fflilsrjb. 4t...
Alexander, Charlee M...
Allen, Cbarlea, ...'.....,,
BOOJpart 'of aTlOltto,
and Imp.
Being tb weal frmrteanj
feet front of said tot, ran-
Blag back the same width
tna aeotn uereui.
Hand Imp.
Ditto i.,
Being th weet twenty-
three feet four laths
front ot cald lot, nanlajH
bsek tb same width thH
OeMh thereoL
g-40Unb. D.
4001 west half lMDltlO..,
and Imp.
t.i for imr wo-SB
Tax for 18M M.ST
T.x for rtpilrlog. w
n.ni. u.ciso.r Ann,
r ana,
JlMw-meDt for
traL 1BOT:
TU Wandlmn.
7X14 and Imp..
mmo ,
ia ana imp.
It and Imp,
part ot IN
ana imp.
JI0( la. Mat lnl;-lr
INI roni Ol ..1U U.I. Bji
loo d.ria toenot.
giMiab2S and lm
Tu for 1800. la nun. of
J. O. WoUlniiford . . W.K
T.x for cvblof utd p.r
inc roow.T( ia ui. bus.
of i.O. Woilliir,lord,o.
lntfr.it from JtonlitlS.
1847 W1.&
niTtox. front oa VlrflaU
.T.DU. flflMB fMt OQ
ftnd one-hf loch, Irtlog
tU of M lot IjlBff WMI
of UM drawn from In,
ocntr. ot ta. front Un. ol
uld lot aod raaolac
thent. .t rixot aagto
1lb laid arrau. loaorUi-
so nth
.ralla. or rear of Mid lot-
of CIS
Anuilroox. D.Tld..
11.. II..
033 part of 3 andLAdams, Eleanor A , .
First tajtaUnieol of tax for
Rvtng alley, oo lntereel
m July 16.1809 .tiaoo.
Being the north thirty feet
front on Klgbth street
east of said lot by the
ueitu locrcoi.
eon thl
1. rartUllen. Edward 8.
of 4AJ
Aaaeeemeni ior raroing
and paving footway, oo
laureai mru wune'iv.
1800 swo.ia
IA andJAbner. KJward
Tax for ifetyr i.
Ditto.,.. r.
fEaupartof 23and
iMiClnulog at Uie north-
cact comer oi aaw tot,
lbeno weat tw4uly-pne
feet, and. running bach
that width one bundled
and fifty feet In depth
TuxfoMMT th.X
Aaa, Earl 8
PeglnBlnjc twenty-one feel
two InrhM fiom the
Sorthweet corner of said
t, and running cut one
hundred feet, tbeoce
aouth sixteen feet, thence
wre. one nunarca leei.
thence north alxteen feet
to the point of twinning
Tax rr paving carriage
way ou lutereet from
January fl), 16o,.s&S7
Having a front of sixteen
ioc. vn cevesu cmei
West, adjoining the soetu
twentv-one feet two In
ches ,of said lot by the
ucpui uicrvwu
Utrtef6audAdeiiis, OMnre B.
sax ior louo
Tax for 1807. .
it the south twe&tv.
eight feel trout onKlcv
enth street weet by the
dectb. of tba LuL
Aaaeasment for lighting
the atreet. 1807. SM.lI
IttipartrtaH... Ditto......
in ior iouu,, anju
Tax lor 180T I Si
Aaeeasinaot lor llghtl
street, lttttt 10.
AserBament for UgbUog
atrceL 180T 60.117
in rur iwrj evcv.ex
TaxroriBtTf o.vs
Aaaeeament for Ilghtlei
the street. Ib03. ...!.&
Aaaceeraent for Ugbtlag
tii iMl tM7 at itf
hfl Ditto
Tax fori WW fl8.4
TaxforlMT rlJK
Aaaeeanicut for Ugbtlag
the street. 16YB....tl.b
AaaeaatiMOt for HirhUac
ItHe street. 1607. . . 7.tl.S
mbl Aucr,ueorge
Mcond instaurnent of tax
ror carting ana iooi
vavewent on Interest
from Jane 5. lflfiS.tao.fi,
Ob 4..
ubfi .
mb 8..
nb 0. .
nb 10.
aontb half of Dllto...
i anaunD.
res, 10 part of 1
aaa imp.
Imrululiie fur aalJ Dart of
Slat a dUtaoee of iwrnty-
nve irei irom ui corner oi
Pennsylvania arruue and
rimr-ana-a-nau street,
ana si tnc une aajoiuing
tbe brick bouse formerly
tbe dwelling of U. U.
Morfli. and rnuulnx
thenre westwardly along
the line of said avenu to
tbe corner ol said ave
nue and Kour-and-a-bali
street, tbenee northwest
wardly along tb Une
of said Four-and-a-ball
street seventy feet, thence
eaatwardlv at a right an
Hi) win rvura-au-et-uau
atreet tblrt v-nlue feet six
Inches to the weet line of
Martin Murphy's proper
tv. thence south ward v
along tbe weat llae of
Martin Murphy's proper-
ly about fifty feet up to
Ihe corner of tb brick
house formerly th,edwtU-
1QA Ql li. M- Atorflt,
thence soutUweatwardly
along tb line of tba said
bricA noose) up to f eon
svlvaulA srvenue at the
point of beglunlog,
Adam. Oeorge K, Mister
ipart of 14
CU1- HI1,1.
ifeclonltlf atAlxiInt ten
fKtslx luehee from the
northeast corner of said
lot and running west
Dlaetv-three feet four and
one half laches, thence
touin nneen feci six inen
es. tbenoe cast ninety.
three feet fonr and oue
half Inches, tnencw north
flltaeu feet six Inches to
the point of beginning.
ewiub. mim
Undervoa, IIsnljf
nivv (lt
following list of croMrtr
A- EOawaXL, Collector,
Yauas Ddi.
6rM aad Imp.
S3 00
hm nhn vri
90 B0O Mhlg tS
ill tTtui niios e9
Bead Imp,,.
cue. i.
insniM mxih
in lihra nCT! to
401 part of 1 and
its tmtn 71 ut or
43 1
st es
89 K
07 U
bar I of
aad Imp.
18 04J
IT oil
hi. a.
JOttnorth half
a 10
1 03
1 48
1 73
8 bf
wuo w m
S7jparte ot
cmd Imp.
a so
s se
8 11
10 80
87 11
part, i
part Of 8. J
4K4inh. 10 and
nia rotas uioM it
i I
OaKpart of sub.
part of cub.
u vn 17 so
U 071
I 117
14 73
11 40
II 7a
II 70
II 73
8 37
11 40
ferts of
11 44
11 4M
aw unp.
8 177
It 4o1
ii r
141 M3$ 80r490 IS
wo u 70 exsaa 9j
sWpe of 4S
ana unp.
Wtf trub.
Eaa-Md imp,
rab IBw4
Res. B part at U
anu unp.
TxAtu Dei.
Aeton, llenry.-.
urainniiur iranoini aev-
euty feet from th southr
wet corner of Sixth weat
and South street, being
the southwest corner oi
said aquAr, and thence
running eaat with the lint
Ot B Ataet aM.tn faot
theneh north ninety feet
BvAilnebea, thence west
sTwt?i. feet, tbenoe
BOUth Bin At tmmt
inches to E etreet ta the
pine ox ottguiuing, .
illm, Hannah sod WQ-
74 ed
u am. owner.
Seeuod Instsilmant of tax
for curbing and foot
pavement, oh Interval
urno .
14 7H
Havtwid inataument or tax
for curbing and root
Ksveraent, on Interest
Beginning at the north
weal comer ot eeld lot
and running eit nine
teen feet seveu and a half
lathe, thence aouth sixty
four feet eight Inches,
theaec) weet nineteen feet
seven and one ball inrne.
thenca north slity-four
fori eight Inches to thr
point ot Deigtnning.
loama, John......
Atchleon. Julius..... -. a
87 TH
9 m
lAdama, ijohn O.,. ....
S9 14J
Tax forism ta name of W,
BcrlaAlnr at a eolnt sev
enteen felt five lnehea
from tbe northeast corner
of said lot, and rnrmlng
weat nnyionr icci ttm
.ache, thence) couth ten
fact sit Inebee. tbenee
weat Cttv-tour feet ten
wcon.u)cioe eunui eia;B.
feet nln lnehea, theoeo
el on hundred and nine
feet eight Inebee, thence
north nineteen feet live
lathe to the place) of b-
13 04
97 06
45 77
47 93
DUtOf. .
Ditto .
15 84
97 W
IS 00
43 77
47 93
20 BA
UillO... ,-.
188 08
183 08
Being the eaat forty-four
iei oi aaia io ur win
Having a front or miny
feet adjoining tha north
inny-ecvcn irni oi eata
lot hv me aeotn tnereoi.
vemg tn aouw eiitecn
feet of said lot by the
depth thereof.
Ilrst installment ot tax for
curbing and foot pave
ment, on latere! from
Jane lSia. 1800.. ..10.W
Tax for ions, la name oi
pamuei Biarxi
Tax for lSflS, in tue namej
of Samuel Black.
Tax for 1800, ia nam ot
BAmoei msex
8 01
0 01
of Amrela, John.. .
18 Angua, Job W.
181 sofao 83bH Wv
TaxforlS07.... ,111.16
Aaaeeament for lighting
the street, 1807., .fl.Ta
Having a front ot twenty
fire feet on I street, and
running bats, th same
width on hundred and
thirty-two feet tea and
ona nail ineuee.
Adams. Joeeph M,
axiorioof. .forwi
Taxforl807 fl-ta
Beginning on Third streed
act one hundred aud f.f-l
Un feet aouth from. tbeJ
nortowesi corner olaaidi
lot, and running uontb
tweuty-one feet, thenre
eaat eighty feel, thence
northwardly twelve feet
nine lnehea, tbenc wet
elcbtvslx feet fire and
one half larbes to the be-
jAdama, Joan R... ,. ,
prtoOfdonn ji ....
MaTinnioaT on eoutn r.
etreet slxty-aeven feet
from the southwest ror-
ner of said square, run
ning thence north nlnctv
feel fir lnehea. thence
east three feet, thence
south Unety feet five
incnea, tacnee weet uree
reet io tne bcffioninr.
WM1. VIU Dii..iiii,..i
98 IA
first and second install-
raauta of tax for enrblug
aaa xooi pavemeus, eo
interval rrorn auguai wj,
180S. f ra nam uf J. X.
KcAdallA 433.41
Tax for tans, la nam of
jeoAft. suvaaa.
rirct and second lnstaU-
tnents of lax for rurblnx
aad foot pavement. (In
muna. ot J. X. Kendall,)
on lalcresi from August
B7. IBM.. t&41
-"IH..t. ,..,,-,
Earing a trout of fifteeu
reu oa u souia. aojoiuuii'
the east twenty-two feet
sax incuae oi said lot. and
rmanlag back; tbe depth.
UMtto v,
lAmariraa MlaAlouarv 1.
80 fid
7 81
Tax for lfift3.,....a4.oc
Tutor IM0..SS
Tax tor 1897.... , fl.ao
VVglnoJag at Vja couth-
wmm cvTHr ui r aid IOI and
rnaaingBonu with Third
buw luvrism feet,
thCAO eev4 tbo depth of
width tf fourteen feet
JtttiO ., .,
ana lqa aatnib rr asii iAi
Tax tog 1805,, . ,87,87
Tax for 1800 . . 8.44
Tax for 1807 b.sl
vraruuiuiBT ar. ra doihk in
said lot forty feel weat of
th southeast corner ot
acu4 tot, tneaca noru
twelve teet nlaa lnehea,
theuee west twentV feet.
thence south twelve feet
nine laches, thence east
ts. Ilia tcrlnntrfLP
BlAibford, MsWoiiT and F.
17 ITJlll BOtttO 'jrvu
vr. Jones, iruateea for W.
K. iiamuioa.
Tax for lighting street, (Id
nam of II. TV. 11am-
utonj.., 84.71
Tax for 1807. (In nam ot
Beginalng on south b
street, clgbtorq feet fro
th northeut corn'f ,!
aldlot,and rauPiasTweei
5 ? ,l tW-ionr
feet, VxrjcttUKaW sixty
ftVtrgUI venue,
'-lencu ejastwardly along
lUTiua avcbuc any
seven leet tea lnahee.
Uieac north to, Uie be4
Ish, MatUiew
tw I . 'l.' '
ill.. u. ra
aipi, ipauuimpuv ol tax
for curbing audi
fogtwav. oalulerti
alylo, 180V... ,s)14 8x
Having arrouioieignteoB
left on south JE street ad-
lolaluiE tha weatthlrtv-
slx feet three lnehea ol
Mid lot, runulag baceX the
earn wiaui we wis '
twenty-shre feef eight
Adamc. RtAert. .
Being tbe north fifteen f eeu
tOO, SOU UU ttMl t,7WJl
front of lot numbered
sub-dlflsloo twralytwoj
HiWrt, B. Ttajen . . ...
.r . .h.. .-. ....
soguuuoK ai in. nonli'
WMt COrorr Af lAf nnn..
bcr iwblret ad niBolox
ail ulrhe. north on Sixth
Itratt Mt, tbenc. ea,t
on. nnaaroa imi io ta.
Mil Ua. ol lot nurabu
iwrw.0. uoonaM dt as
nil on. Immlrod M m
ai 87
a ioJ

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