OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, April 05, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053572/1870-04-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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Hjntionnt gUimMimn
Board fAldirnn.
The ttfnler weekly session of the Hoarder
Aldtrmtn wii held l,tt renlnf,the ryes!
ueni, rar. uroexer. in me cnam rrr,rn' "'
Uemmunteetloae were received fro "
Mayor, transmitting etafe-neat (
count of tht Vint National
bowl baler.ee due Ho" " eornoratloo
AUo'w'.'i-t'rtoft re.olatleo of this
IloVrt'f" i"orV"l oeder wMI .uthotllf
HlrtaVr Wrrlnl,flfrfc of Centre market,
Sid. fhioD(rii wild La'areM JB ae for
h uli lmproTtoi8is la eald market. He
ttt-e tbtb knows or ao authority of "
for the aet, end II w "ear appro red by him.
lit alto sarai Upon n minute examination or
the roof orer the eonthera portion of the
market iotni time lul fill, the eomalssieoc re
aedmrseir eoaeladed, from thedeeared eon
dltlon of the lumber, the createst danger was
to bi ftpprthtarit d fromltB liability at HUT
hour to fell and eruth those beneath tt. In
deed, II la surptltter, that II had not fallen In
bafore, to perfeatly rotten wae tht material of
wbteh It wfti eorapoeed. From thla dream.
itinu we deemed Jtuowlse and unsafe to per.
ratt It to remain any lonxer, aad so orders J
that ft bow roof be constructed without delay.
, It waa bettered the ineroaeed rerenne from
the rent of stands woiM aoon pay the eat of
tbelaproTeaieat. besides rendering- thtnmora
so tutor table by keeping out tha lain, from
wbteh they had erjellfatproteel.oo, ltwai
for these reasooa that tht work waa done, and
1 doubt not tha Oouoclli, afttr exanlntox thr
tame, will arnrere tha oxoeadlture.
Mr. Moore aald that It waa very at range tha
eondltlo waa not diaeorered before. II a be
ttered that fraud had been commuted at that
marker, ana no eoaid esiBDiisn wnai ne taia
Tha eommanleatlon waa reterre 1.
ine inienaan oi ma waaniagion iiyium i
0nJ:,,?.,lHli'f,r.r.i;n. ..
Tht inttnaaut 01 the wash lag ton asylum
or March. Heferred. I.
Charles 11. Ullsa.aupetUtaadent ot sawtr,) j
assrsted on the property of Or. E. Woodbury
on acaount of O street icwer. reaommendleg
aa Mr. Vt, had paid for frontage on bis lot,
that ha hm VtllTd front ha na van ant nf til 10.
In the ease of Hon. Peter Tarktr and othars.a
n nmi no nini qi a,uy notify piu. inaj
mim an lauii vjisioa VUIIIIVU 17 TSIIVI. !
tuviiir iiiiTiiur,!! anawrr id h rrxjiuwoB,
saye of Tenth atreet west,betwaen N street
, l)avla oBatawl a iiuaiifHiil muIhIUi
for theepnolatmeatof a committee to select
a cite for the Western Market, consisting of
two members of the Hoard t Aldermen and
wo di tam uoamoD uouneii io act in conjunc
tion with the Mayor, with the new of baring
the BMrket remored from the centre of K
atreet north, and to report by bill or otbtr-
"" """ iwiaiuoiBBHitioii ai areata.
Alao, latrodueed ft bill to sat thocurbstonea
and pare tha footway nnd g nttera on theeast
side of Twantr.rourth, street wcat, from E
I'."1 .STtn ! .K tnt or,fci wen
aide of Twentylourth atreet wear, from K
street north to tt street northt and on the east
side of Twenty slmth street, from l atreet
north Io K street aorthi and on tba north side
of X street north, from Twenty-four to atreet
west to Twenly.scrcnth street westi nod on
the east side of Twenty fifth street writ, from X
atreet north to Penosylraola arenue. Re
ferred. Alao, an aat to grade and pare an allay In
square No. also, an asl to par an alley In
square No, SSj both or which were referred.
Also, latrodueed eoncurreat resolution to
amend tbe act authorising tht grading nnd
vrtrelUg of Twenty firth atreet west, from
Pons Irani araaoataltAak ataav. ir.u..4
March n.UID, eons to autborliotbe work to
fee dona br dar's work or contruit that it
Mayor may causa It to be executed In the
uanatr that will bo most adrantageouc to the
On tha adoption or tba resolution n spirited
debate sprang up, and It was opposed by Mr.
McUatbrao, who said that bt waa surprised
that a member of the Republican party should
arow himself ta faror of the contrast system
on any terms.
ar. Mvvrv, iniaiTupuaa-, cam inai the toal
wao greater at day'a work,
Mr. MeOathran arrued, If he eould hart the
away tintrammelcd, he would prore that day's
labor waa tha moat eeomlcaL
Mr. Darls said he had.no tt mhtm a mi
eontraetor la tha First ward. The work to be
son wauiu reqairt m great at a! oi cutting,
and If the Mayor eould, for theadrantage of
iuxiij, ! m mim uiijtia gr B9 e
ecuMoaof the work, he ahouldb allowed
Mr. Moore, at come leogth, rerlewed the
corporation history for tbe past two yetrs,
and Mr. Urocker defended tbe conduct of the
Mayor and tha action of the Hoards la urging
fha InDrarimtali airaajtv naila.
Mr. Ohase also sustained tbe record of tha
Mayor and the corporation. The Intimation
that the Mayor had been running tbe city In
daht waa not trot In ur mm
On the adoption of the resolution the rote
was luuvwa .
Yeas Messrs, TJitIs, Emery, Moor, Mor
cell. Stewart, and the President -fl.
NiiiMm. llakaa. IlKinalu KL...
Clarke, UonooUy, Knight, McUathr'ao, and
Ha the resolution waa not adnnta.l
Mr Hlewart hoped come one would more
Mr. Ohaso moved to roconctdep that vnia
Mr. MeOathran stored to lay that motion
on iuw uvifi
On this the yeas and nays were called, and
me nouoD io iy no ion isdic prerailcd.
Yeas Meiers. Uaker, Champion, t'Urk,
Emery, Knlht, Moore, JXorsclJ, MeUithran
and Slater-o.
rvayaMescre. Ohase, Oonnolly, Darls,
Stewart and tha President S.
Mr. Darls alao offered a. lalnt mnlnllnn
that tbe City Register bo requested not to re-
nncrlranlft arenue, near the Ueo rial own
bridge, (when tht llceatee now held by them
will expire,) or to Issue licensee to other per
Mr. Stewart Introduced an aet to grade aad
part ao alley ta square IBS. Referred.
Atv, - mi vi aa api 10 reor
gaoita . ui uriifBi,ig ae loproriue
ion i iuiH .u.ii f ib power io ap
point all of tht men employed la the tald de
partment br tbe consent nnd with the adrlee
or tht Hoard of Aldermen, as other corpora
tion o meets or employees art appointed and
confirmed. Referred.
Also, oiTered a resolution, aa follows
Whereat Ihe trustees of public school hire
cauted to bt fitted up and furnished a room on
fifth street, which Is used as a plaee of meet
Jag for tbt said board : therefore
Xetefred, That the Mayor be requested to
Inform this Hoard at Its next meeting with a
detailed statement of the cost of fitting up and
furnishing of the said roomt also, that he be
requested to Inform thla Uoard by whet au
thority the sub-board of trutteea for the Klrst
achnoldlBtrlelcausedtobeDuttntha frank tin
scoool.housa docks, costing this corporation'
the cum of two, more or less) also. wha4 ute
Is made of tht school house at the corner of
U aad Fourteenth streetn oertb and what
amount 01 rent in receireu ior 11 ana 10 whom
Mr.Crocker,preaentad petition of At bury
Xdnyd nnd others, property ownere on Massa-
IBSIIUI aiaawv, vyyvmtuf iu ooairueuoa OI
tbt proposed sewer In MssBBchusetfi arenue.
I root nisuiu u iuiiu ittiii irrai. fieierreu.
Mr. Connolly presented petition or W. A.
Tlarrts for certain prlrllrgce. with aettoaltow
htm to erect a bath room oa his premises) and
tbe bill was passed.
Mr. Connolly also offered Ihe following t
Mttolvtd, That the Mayor be requested to
oommunleate to this Hoard at Its next matting
aeataloeueof nil tbe Imororemtute now au.
tknrliaif bv law In tha war of cradlnr aad tit
grarellog or paring tht earrlagewaya of.
airvv.a khw ,, ... wv. npiH ivcituu 11.1
Mr. Moore offered the fol In win
Hfoi94t That thla lloard la unable to per
eeireiae untmij ivr uno uvri not approre
the eatlmate presented by the clerk of tbe Cen
tra market for tht amount of J,1M, Bald to be
required tot the Improre jieat and cleaolag of
tbe Centre market.
Mr. Crocker mored to refer It to tht Com
mlttee oa Mark etc.
Mr. Moort opposed thla motloa. Why send
It to tht committee and hare It amolneredl
Tht report or tht clerk, printed In thn Journal,
showed an enormous expenditure, and that
work had been done without authority of law.
Ifn committee of InreaUgation was appointed
and he waa named oae of thatenmmlttee, he
would prore that extortloa had beca fraetlced
at the market. Nowthaqucstlon waswhetber
this Hoard will approve the actl of tbe clerk
of that market,
Mr. Morsel! said as a member of that com
mittee he hoped It would not be referred, lie
waa assured that there were Irregularities In
tha manner la which business waa conducted,
and improrementt made at the Centre market.
nr, urotttr oiiciucu tnecicrx 01 ine centre
market, and after some debate tht resolntlon
was referred by tbe followlog rote:
Test Ms sir a. Uaker, Chase, CJnrfa, Con
nolly, Darls, Knight, Htewart, HUttr and the
Prealdent .
Nays Mesart. Champion, Emtrr, Moore.
MorteM and McOathrao-ft.
Mr. Moore offered the following!
AfteiW, That tbt Mayor be requested Io
communicate to thla Hoard all the bids or
copies thereof made for Ihe aettlag of curb.
atouet, lariat: of gutters andptrior of foot
wsTB In the First. Fnnrth and Hlth ir.nl.
TheChalr decided that tha question had been
VTr. " ihhi tot inai Besiton,
and this resolutlou was of tbe same teoor.aod
he could not receive the resolution.
Chair, and that O..lil00 Wa- not suttaiood.
Xttt" m'-V; H,Khtr V'"- "' -' r-i.
-WajtMtaiM Ubamplnn, Chase. Connollr.
Darla, Emery, Knight. Mnoie. Morssll Me
sjalhran, Htewart, and He PretUeot-ll
Mr. btewart mored to lay the retelutioa an
tbe tablei which waa carried. "",l"-a an
Yean Meet re. Hakcr, Chase, Clark. Oin.
nolly, Darls, ij tew art, Hitler, And the pVest.
Nava Meters. fJhamiloc Kmerv v..t..
m... -.t..all an.t Xlal)alhra,.a ' "'(
Mr. Moore proeeriUJ tht petition of Ueorxe
Hamlin for relief. Referred,
Mr. Moore nreeeated oetltlon for latin
sidewalk oa tho weal eldeof First etreet west,
between U and H atreet north. Referred.
Also, aet to Improre tht drainage Pf tho
south side of K ettett north, between North
Uanltol street nod Fifth atreet. Referred.
Mr. Entry offered ft resolution ask In the
Mayor to furalsh tht Hoard, al He next meet,
lag. tht actual amount that has been niM lata
tbe slty treasury from the receipt a of tbe Can-
1 111 iron juiy if isuVf 14 MarcA
Mr. Moore mored to amend by Including tht
lS!!i,.,,Jp?i,"ft tat "ttta, Imprort-
a?fVaViaJr;.t0,h;doV.,:vJ,,-r" oa
-.ftf.':- M.'?VaY.v,a. ' to tbt Com-
Ikltta 9 Market.. 1,0.1.
' Vise-Messrs. Daker, Darls. file wart, Slater
"J.,PlHVa,art"lot,aniplM, Hhaie, Ol.rk,
rIThrtiolutloo waa passed, those Tettog la
lheVei"ire worn Messrs. baker, Stewart,
8lItdtbo .'resident. Abitof, Mr. Ooo-
'?.' OUrk latrodaeed jolkt resolution or
.L..k. tn the ViBhln-ton Oeslla-ht UomDBar
ror their e-eeerouedoaallooef Ten thousand
huihala of soke to the poor of tht alt? durleg
the naat winter. Passed. .... .
Alio, an aat an then sine the trailers of
paMle schools to establish four ramale later.
mediate aehoola-ene In eaJh district) alio,
ao aat euthorlilng them to establish font male
litcrmedlate aitiools one In taoh dlttrlet.
Referred. . . , ..... ..-..,
fortbaramlaalonof aflae. ReTarred,
Alto, preaanted patltloo of Mra.Joaaphla
S.drlffloir for eornpaaaatloaifor aaalttlni tbe
por, aetiuc forth lhat from tha rear 1US
;..tll kla lima ttarvntlro tlmft Kftd Dertonll
etTorti hare been f tren for the rellaf and ale.
Tatlon or tbe poor who ia eooaequenaa of tht
war hare been broujrht Intotbo ellft that alio
groat n numbar of daalltute peraona eoultl ex
peal no adequate prorlaloo from the city for.
eminent and from the national Treasury, the
has reealred for their relief till 000, whlah baa
been piaeeti in inooanuaoi puvii Dicr in
oeetal apnroprUtloea, and espeoded for fuel.
blankets, and other neeeiaarlea or lire, laret
portion or whleh.eafltptlur the leaf WO.txJj,
baa been distributed Among all elatses by her
aalfaod daughter, and for these serrtaea ren
dared, aha rrquasta a remuneration suitable to
the character or the ter rites rendered.
The petition wastadoraed brettliant, JuOje
Ed a u ads. Judge l'ltner.Uen. O. U. Howard,
Henators romtrof and wtlsoi, and Oeo. W.
Julltn, Member of Uoogrcss. , a
The following Is tbe todorsament of the
Mjirori The atrrlcea of Mre. Urlfflag hara
barn rendered voder my aeaerratlooiaa pree
Idrat of the kVeedmaa'a Hellaf Aasoelatfoa,I
fPMinaittl nnaaillltxl h Mrt.U.. ftlld Illtl
Lnml do beat erldtnee of her dtatntarc stedness
in iptUbor in wnien snt was vacaxvu nai
mi ..nil ! eaAmitllthd. I know of no
"" "7L ,".. r-J . I"-"..... -. ...
Zi- n.ir,mJ ihtnhtn
mora wormy ir nntrini mi i-
Deraarrisea. tn
t. ripaaanlml tha rn
llnrdette and twenty four others for the also-
tloa of a suitable public school hu 1141 or In tht
poriaern eeetion oi in cuy. ueiTr.
aia. aiai lainvaa nntnu idi idiidwidi
Rttetwt. That tht Mayer be, aad he Is
hereby, ad r lead In all future adrertlaementc
I Of wora, IO vw ivuiikixi ivr v; aa suiltvii-
tinn thai Itwltl be eioeeted of aueeessrur bid
ders to allow the same rate or py and hours
of labor as now is graniea io tno men unuer
the cba'ge of tbt Bcreral ward tommtetloatrs
In support or the resolution Mr. McOalbran
addressed the Board at come length, but Mr.
Moern objected to Its passage because It
would not amount to anything,
Mr, Emery stated that as a contractor or In
Ma bualneac relations he had always paid the
highest wages, ana naa ieu on in in mm
hflin nnfuifni. rcnulrlne- hie workmen tc
labor but eight hours. While he waa In faror
of the principle he woold hare to rota against
tha raaniuiion. aa the Uarorhadno authorttr
io require it iron coiirmwri.
YtiLkimri Raker, tfhamnlon. Clark. f)v
via. Knight, Meuatnran, niewari ami in
Ntfi-Miiiii. Uhaae. Emerr. Moore and
Mo reel 1-4.
Mr. Knlghl oiTered the petliloae of P.Oor
co rats Thomae NeWllllam, John Cameron
an.l Tnhn r.. Iliniron. atatlne lhat fdP veari
they hare been paying taxes (oa original lots
not, a, a ana o 10 square t ana bihiitkioii
of same, all fronting on D etreet south) on oo
feet more than was erer In said lots, nnd re
quest that tht city aurreyor shall record n
plat of the alley condemned la that square.
ana 10 nm Dili retuaaiag buotj
for text (with city taxes aad water mala)
erroneously assessed since ltfl. Referred:
aiso, latrouuoco an aei gramme jonn imeria
tha nrlvlleea ta area! a bath nnd a tor a. room
addition to hit house, situated 00 Sixth street.
miwni oiarjiana inim iiu u imii wuiti
Mr. Uaker latrodueed an act to grade and
rraral Water street, from Scrooth street to
ta Intersection with P strest south, appro
priating biv.bw ior inai purpose, ntitrrtu.
Also, an aet authorlsina: the Maror to Dur
chase water mains, s top-cot ks. fcc , la open
market, not txceedlaa; twenty fire thousand
feet, with the atoneocke aad other material
necessary for laying end tapping the nmt,
which may be required for this corporation
(or tht year 1S70, and appropriating a sum
sutnelent for that purpose out of tht water
I una. MwimTwwt
Dill for the relief of D. F Darker, harbor
master, was passed.
Anumberof Common Council bill were re
Mr. Darla offered the following resolution t
iniiin iiiw di oroiPNi 01 tarn imniunia
construction of a new market house oo the
site or the present Centre Market bulldleg.tht
commissioners of said market are hereby rt-
bt built la connection with the
freaent 1
a make
market house without tht consent of tbe
Couocllsi and tht Secretary of thle lloard le
requested to furnlth tbt commissioners with a
COPT 01 toia raaoioiion um. auppiru,
Mr. Darls, from the Committee on Police.
reDorted faTorablr on bill reaulrlnr dellnaueni
wharf tenants to racatt premises within thirty
uarc 11 ih rent ) not paiu. raiira.
Atl o'clock the board adjourned.
lloard of Common Jonnel!
The Uoard met at the utual hour. All tbe
raemotrt present excepi air. jonaton.
The aeerelarr Aanouoced that the President
waa absent, and thai It would he aeccetary to
alMt a Praaldant oro Itmom
Mr. Hoyd nominated Mr. A. K. Browne.
Mr. Thorn neon nominated Mr. A. P. Fardon.
Mr. Holmes nominated Mr. Oeorgt W.
Mr. Piper nominated Mr. II, A. Hall.
Mr. Hall declined.
Mr. Ms Knight nominated Mr. Oenrge Uur-
?. u . La . . ... ...
atr. ni-ivniant noun toat in election SO
maae or oauoi) wnicn was at rcea 10.
k ne iora proceeueQ 10 dahoi, Ditttri,
ior man tiaawj avitu b iriivri, wim ipa fol
lowing result: Mr. Hrowne, li Mr. Fardon, t
mr jsanaon, it iur. iibiiob, J niana, 1.
The secretary announced the result whole
numncr 01 roiee cast, ioj neerstry to
Mr. Hall rose to a point of order, lhat the
blank rote should not be counted.
The secretary put the question, "dball the
pinna, tqii v counirui - waioa wbb agreed IO
yeas Id, nay I. (Mr. Hrowne)
Matsta. Fardon and Helton were appointed
to escort tho Drecldent ore tern, cleat ta tha
lite president pre mm, iook tat chair, aad
thanked tbt Urd for tht honor conferred
upon him. and called tht Hoard to order.
Thn 1'realdent nre ttm. laid be for a tha llaanl
a message from the Mayor, encloeleg the ne
count of Ducket at Co . for medlelnea Turn lahad
tht poor of tht First wardi also, report of
tha onmanlialeneta to mrvev the rtiita at tha
'Mnniha-n Mart la ad rallraadt nlaa. tha tenert
Of Ute iftieoaaui 01 tne aayiuoi aiao, nommu-
bieation irom aw aurTijar, turn trNiion 01
bridges at U, B, and T streets north, In Eighth
street, to cost 1,T00 each, aad a bridge at
boundary etreet, to cost ll.ftia.
Mr. Fardon submitted the follow Isg rtiolu-
lionn, wnicn were agrenu to 1
Aftolaai. That the Cllr Hnrrevor ha. ami ha
la hereby, requested to furnish this Hoard with
no siimnie i ip coat 01 grading u Cireci,
north wee t, from Twentieth to Twentr-eeeond
street, northwest.
totvd That the Olty Regltter he, and be
Is hereby, requested to furnish thle Hoard with
netatement showing thn amounts paid for
grading and grarellog Q atreet north, from
Fourteenth etreet to Conaesttcut areaue,
northweati also, for reading and nrarellnr
Sixteenth atreet, nortbweat, with dates of
pajmaoia mr in Hi" uofi aircvie, nan 10
tthnn aneh narmantn wera made.
Mr. Fardon submitted the, following report)
T V Prfldtnt nftk Boaitlq ram Con.
As n member or tht committee to represent
the Interest of this corporation before Con
gress, I hare the honor to make tbt following
rsporl: In accordance with Instructions from
thla lloard, I, In company with hie Honor, tht
Mayor, appeared before tht Hepata Committee
on Public Buildings and Orounds, on last
HIUQCiuirrnniii, bm taw oeioro I asm IDS
Joint resolution of tha City Councils protest
ing agalBBl tht pa it age of tha House bill
ran Hoe to a nrl rate eomrjenr the around unar
occupied by the Centre market, for the pur
b.a. r aaaal.a-a MaaWa, ..... .1..... "
The honorable aemmlttee nttentlrely lis
tened to the argumenta made by bis honor tbe
Mayor aod myself against tho bill. We pre
sented a bill aathofUIng this corporation to
Isane bonds to the a mo net of 1,000,000 for tbe
purpose of erecting n market-house building.
Tha said building not to be Inferior la appear
nncc ttu ueaign ig i piBUB BUDmiliea to tbe
committee by Mr Class nnd Starkweather A
Plowman, architecte. Aa argument waa made
by Hen. A U.RIddleonbehaHorthe Halt here
Association, against tbe House bill, aad In
faror of a bill authorlsloa theearnaratinn tn
erect a market-bouse, the whole of tbt first
floor Io b. u.(J for m.tk.t purto... oolf" I
(lor.r.or SU.too, II. o. I.aoY, ..0 1 L I
How., bill VoJ X.I..I .llowl.V Ui Vorpoil
tloa to lonrer retain no tat ail on of the t-raaad
viiuyisu vy in. vvu.iy hiiiii, nu IB eftCI m
uiiADi DiKitvi duiii.iuk luereou
Respectfully submitted,
Tht bill (II. A.) to repeal an act to lay cer
tain fool paremeots na the south side of
A. Jl. fiRDjI
ugunutrT aircei, irom w ourirenia sireet west
ward to I street north. Pasted.
Mr, Taylor presented thtpetltloo of ilobert
Mutr. Aiklne the remlttloa ot a fine, anil tha
petition of Jobu Fletcher aad others, to open
na alley. Referred.
Also, a bill granting permission tor J. II,
Moore to erect a frame house. Passed,
Mr. Hatton aubmltted the following resolu
tion which was agreed to .
Rttolrtd, That tbt clerk of tbe Centre Mar.
ket ha. and ha la hereby, dlreatad ta l.fn.n.
thlg Hoard at Its next meeting how many men
hart been employed In tbe Centra Market,
with their names, during hie term of office,
and what compensation they rocelred for their i
labors, and also in what ward tbty reside.
mr. aiurgett luiroauoea a 0111 granting per
minion to Jamas C. Kennedy to erect ahar
..uun iivui u( ma liifnuip, ami 10 ex
tend the tarns four feet beyond tht building
Una lr a ?..! "
Ml ht U'l.l.kt ...... t.l . L .llll
-,' , -"-a" inri.uifu in I'aiiuou ui
Theodore Uhecklcs, asking the refunding of
m" Vf,V"01,,-r """d. Referred. ,
ir -IcKolght, fcom a special committee.
renorted the Cm inn in, x 1.T.11 . .Trr"Tl
fro-th.VJ1.0,lU,.!,, Ut-WMttrledllittlM
irom lha lalaraaatln.. r.1 ,k. ... . . . iTr
a.a.l .11 .Z ii V.""- -. ."" - Oi at ,
.a5-- U. '"i wnicn on motion or Mr.
Fardon was postponed to oext Monday eren:
JtMoftW, (tht Hoard, of Aldermen concur- '
,, Tw, ,h amUlM ( -h?m1.U i
..".-. """. ""u" to est the aurb. I a v.. ni..i i..inn.Th. .n.tM..iat.
llUitO .treat MhUiRS 8?:,h,0,!? " QMth. Kl .1 Sixth air'e.r will
ilAt"ttil"ta,l. H.Ujr'er" 8'Eth n1 e that etreet acroa, Iht mall (already
I air. Nlmms submitted the follow Id, lti0i- "'i f?tw'kl ltd. aal labia
I 11... Uki.H ..a ......I ... MW,BI reaoin- , tiartl. The brldee will beaolaln.BtibstantUI
61 Iht IwO Hoatds ast In eonju""? B
eommlsaloner or tht Ninth ward and Iheprop.
trty-holderc on Ninth etreet eact, between
south lit treat and Maryland arenue, to ex
amine tht parement on tbe west sldeofeald
etreet, from couth II atreet to Maryland are
nue, and report to this lloard at lie next ;
Ing whether In their Judgment that parement
lalald aecordlng to law( and H aot done at.
cording to law, report what further legisla
tion la needed to secure the people la their
tloni . . . ,
Jtttorrrd, That Iht Mayor be reoueited to
furnish this Uoard with a copy orall tht bid
made for the etttiog cfcurbstooas and paelag
of footwaja and gutlere for the Sixth ward
for tbt present year. In order that tht tax
payere may be eatlstled that Mr. Ourby Is tht
lowest responsible bidder, . , L ,,
The resolution was tot afrted Io by tbt fol
Hatton.llolmce, and Slmms T, ,, ....
Nays Messrs. Ucall, Hall, HoUea, Nutter,
Piper, Taylor. Tbompsoa, Tlnnty, Yenable,
and tbe President 10. fc
Mr. Ycnable Introduced a bill to ect the
cutbstonca and part tha footwsy on tht west
aide of riflrr street east, between K and I
st ret I e south. Referred.
Mr BlmmftotroduesdthefolHwIng teiolu
lion, which was agreed to t ,. .,
Kuoletd, That tht aurreyor bt respeetrully
requested to examine tht properly on Screnth
etreet east, between U and D streets north, to
aee what legislation la accessary to sare the
rroptrty oHbe people In that square from bo
ng washed away by water caused by the
grading and grarellog of tha aurrouadloK
streets, lie Is hereby rttpectfully requested
to attend to It aa tooaaa pisilblc.aa Lira la In
Alto, bills to grade aad part alley la square
Mo. Tlii a Mil to ravlva an net to trade and
rarel Screnth atreet tatt.frem Penaeylraala
o MarrUad arenue. Referred.
Mr. lloyd Introduced a bill to grade and
grarel II street south, rrom South Utpltol
atreet to the rlrcr. Uelerrtd. , ,.
Mr. Wllltami Introduced a bill to set tht
aurhataaea and mts tha foot wart nnd sutlers
oathe west slit of Sercath afreet eaat, be
tween R etreet sooth aad East Capitol strett
hllllnln awatavaaalala Ninth al ratt west.
between D and Ketrtcte south, aad a bill to
resstaad relay tbe footways and curbstones
on Kerenth street west, between R street
south and Maryiami arenue. Heierreo.
itatw a
Also, tbt following- resolution) which was
-:."".W .......... ... -.- ..4 n
nrvotpco, id.i mi cur il "" -
N. Mlehlcr be requested to report to thle
Hoard the feasibility of deprtssfcg the grade
or New Jersey arcane, between It and b
streets south.
Mr. 1111, from tht Otumltlee on Wayo and
Means, reported a bllt appropriating money
for tba purpose of binding the books or tht
tax elett t a bill to pay a deficiency In the ap
proprtatloa foreonstrootlng aa arched bridge
at the Intersection of Third etreet west aad P
street north. Passed.
Also, joint resoluttoa Instructing the city
collector to omit tht adrertlslngof square No.
811 for a spetlal assessment tax. Patted,
Also, bill authorising tbe painting of a life
size portrait of the late Hon. Edwin M. Htan.
toni bill for the relief oil!. A. Pierce. Patced.
Mr, Hoy d latrodueed a bill for Ihe relief of
R. M liarker. Referred.
Mr. Rrowne Introduced a bill for tht relief
nf Lafayette Jeffries for Improremeot la tbe
Centre market-house. Referred.
Mr. Hall submitted the following resolution)
which wns Uld on tba tablei .
v.Af4 TK.t.rir tha nreaant aesalon of
this Council It shall bt tht duty of the prssl
dent to adjourn tht Roard at 10 o'alock p. m.
Mr. Hattoa submitted the following rstolu
tloni Whtreaa we learn br lha newaDApara of our
city that the Mayor, In connection with cer
tain other omeere of this corporation, hart
been before ihe Senate Commtttet 00 the Die
trlcttf Columbia tor the purpose of urging
lhat honorable body to pass a law prohibiting
the salt of Intoxicating liquors in this Dis
trict) ana warrens wt neiiere in ine rigot oi
man to buy, eat and drink whataoererht
plaates and we farther btlltre that tht paa-
age 01 a law v loairarf war win
the spirit of our fret Insulations and In Use If
tyrannical nnd opprectlre; and whereas the
corporation reetlrts a large amount or rare
nue from the atle of Intoxicating liquors and
floes Imposed oa drunkards) thsrefore,
aViolMa. That we eater our eolcmn nrntest
against the passage of a bill by Congress pro-
niDiimg inn saio 01 inioxisaung iiquoie in
thla lllatrlat.
Mr. Ilcall mored to lay the resolution on
idi lanitt wnicn wae agirra 10 py ine ioiiow
logrotei YeaaMeisrs. Reall. nrowne. Detrlek. I lot.
den, McKnlght,NMttcr,llpcr,Taylor,Thomp-
on, iiairi, i rqaoic, ami mi rrvaiuaoi (a.
Nays Klesirs. Oalnea, Hatton, Holmes, and
Slmms 4.
Mr Williams Introduced a bill to set tht
on ooia ! ! ( uiii,nWMn
atreet wait nnd Water atreet. Keforreil
Mr. Taylor, from tht Committee oa Im
proremema, reported bills to grade and grarel
ac follows K slreet south, belweea Hlxih and
Water etreetei r cireet soutn. peiwsen tour
and.a halt atraat and tha eauaii K atreet anuth.
between Stat h and Third streets westi Twelfth
street west, between U street couth aad Water
street) Twtnly fifth street west, bstween
l'ennavleanla atenue and It oak areaki I at real
aouth, between Screnth atreet west and Water
Street u eirrci louu, o-j.-rean oerenin etreet
west and Water street) bill to pare Fouraad-
e.Qtii sireci irom tae caaai io 11 aireci aouin.
Mr. Ueall, from tbe Committee on Drainage,
reported a bill to amend to actenlllled aa act
authorlalagthe coattruellon of a sewer ta
Penaeylraala areaue.between Fourteenth aad
Fifteenth etreetc west) a bill to construct a
sewer in aereuin street wett. irom ion rircr
to the aouth aide of Virginia arenue. and
branch sewerc In sundry streetc. Passed.
Alto, tht following r. solution, which waa
agreed lot
Jtetofeed, That tht Surrcyor be, and bt la
hereby, respectfully requeued to examine tht
eoetract made between tha Mayor aad Nelson
O. Reynolds to build the sewer la Twelfth
etreet wett, for the purpoee of submitting to
this Hoard an estimate of tba amount ofextra
work, U any, done, and tht tost of tha same,
Mr, lloldeo Introduced a bill to pnrehasc
Llttlcfleld'sllaeengrarlnf of tht late Presi
dent litnooln. Referred.
Mr. MetCntght, from tht Committee on
Claims, retorted bills for tht relief of Jl. M.
lltiker, Joccph Ulehop, Julia A. Tarlton,
Chae. West, LtepolJ Kolipsklnskl, Robert A.
Nawttt and John Hnales. Pmid.
Mr. Hatton submitted the following reeolu-
Whereastht cttlteasorihls city hall with
Joy the adoption of the fifteenth amendment to
the Constitution of the United Slatee, nnd as
an expression of their Joy nre making prepara
tions la the ssreral wardc for a grand clrlc
procession on the 10th day of the preaeat
oath) therefore
Mttolttd. That the sum of three hundred aad
HUT uoiivra uf,.nii naam ia nertoy, nppro
nrtatad out of the etctral fund aa a donatlaa
by thle corporation for that laudable under
iiid, hut uviiik iv if m mi B.aai
allka nrealdente ol each ward oreanlaatlon
IO pttf mfn iipiiam ivr mi furjioia noort
ate. nxaK.nieni morea to tnita. en mat tha
money shall be disbursed br tbt Mayor and
mm rnvwiiwia 11 1 vain ov.iui
Pending tbe consideration of the same, Mr.
Hatton wltbdrtwhtrecolutlon.
Htr. uaaii.iroiB lua uuwmiiire on 1'Ollce,
reported a bill granting permission to James
C. Kennedy to erect a bay window, Jtc. Patted.
Mr. Piper, from the Committee oa Police,
punvu a uui iu u-w mi aiaaa lormea ny
the Intersection of C street north and Mary
land and Massachusetts areaues "Stsatoa
Plaeei" bill to amend an aat aulhorlitaa a haa
etand In Vermont arcane, opposite the Ar
liar too Housa. Paistd.
Mr. Hatton, from the Committee on Police,
reported a bill to regulate barber-ebopa and
halr.drttilng ssloonai which, after debate,
Mr. Beall Introduced a bill to erect lamp
poet at the southwest corner of Eighth and it
etreetc. Referred.
On motloa of Mr Piper, at 1S.1I a. ra- tht
Hoard adjourned.
Dbatb or A HianLT RxspKOTaDCiTiiin'.
ne are paineu io TBooru intaeatnor Henry
Queee, teq , a retldeot of tbe county of Wash
InrtOn. anil at the lima nfhla dt fiHi...
of Ihe grand Jury of Washington. Mr. Queen
waa a member of ootof tbt oldest families
of this District. He wae aa uncompromising
Union man, although his coaaecUeoe aad af
finities were Hout hero In their character, and
he himself was a slaraboUer. Appreciating
tbn situation he atrtrthelese laid aside his
rrjudlcee.and dsroted himself to the clem
on of the emeaalDtted race. He waa tha Brat
commissioner or schools for the county, and
labored icalomly and efiectlrely for their ad.
Tanaemeut, His ssbool Is tho pride of tht
enuoty. Ia Ihe eoelal relations or life he was
all that could be desired. A faithful son,
brother, uncle and friend, be demonstrated tn
his life the eoelal virtues for whtch he was
(Istlngulsbtd. To tht poor of lha neighbor
ood his house was a poor house. Honest,
faithful and Just, he was oae of aaturt'a ao
blemen. We look with tha deerjeit fcellnc al tha da.
oarture. one after another, nr thnu r. a
period of years hare dwelt among us, aod to
whom we were attached by the tendeiest fctU
lags of regard. The death of a good and true
man Is a lots to any community, aad In the
!". ?v ". V0!? " "' M
d,l ",' "' l.V"l "."'' k" .u.Uln.3
J!'k. '"" " '' rnlJ...., lluok.r IIIII
Local. IlntriTixs. A eolortd man named
James Francis wae arrested oo Sunday night
by COlter Hetfosr la attempting to break lata
on of the stands Io tht Northern market.
1 1 ear j- bsoii, n icauer or a gang or colored
tblcres, was arrested yesterday aad seat I
Jail for court on tht charge of being coo as rood
la the larceny of a brick machine heretofore
Lewis Hcllbreun Is held for a hearing be
fore Justice Schmidt on tht charge of de
frauding colored men by charging them a fee
of ) for which ha proresied to bt able to ob
tain them employment.
EtEX'Tioaor Dimctou. At the annual
election fur sereo directors of tht Washington
Library Company held yesterday a He moo a,
tbe followlog gentlemen were elected t W. L,
Nicholson. W. i) . Foraa. I., tllanhaaa A U
Hhcpherd, J Melge, F. II, Smith aad J. U.
Keasber. ThealJ Llhrarv nharlarad naarlv
sixty years ago) contains some tea thousand
rolumea, a large portion of them choice and
Standard works, and tha new and nonala-
books lately piajed 00 Ha shelrea girt It rresh
Tn 1 0toaaKTowjrOaiiat-.The canal, from
all acceuats, will not be la thorough working
order for some days yet. llcsldec Ihe break
oo the nine mile Icrel, the superintendent of
idi uioriiiovn niriimi ininira ma a.t.t
will hare to be turned off at tha lower lerel
1 uarii nraniiuif. 10 aiiow 01 repairs, madt
viiiiim 11 1111 law 1 a ma.
SlVi. - ?!!? W0SJ.,,UhJbIi.,p.V ot H'"1
2?! flU;";..! iSti8g""
Thl'rTr Wnrt RcmU? .leVViieeu
Pursuant to adjournment, thla club met
Itstcrdav at U o'clock at Wltewall banacks
X leetraermaaaat tfllcers. for tht enintnf
year. tong before tht horbf biectinftbe
bents were marshalled along tht streets can
Tasslngthe merits and demsfltc of tht. pro
posed candidate! for the p reel dtp ay of the
slab, Erery ward In the city waa fully repre
stated, probably not to lake part In the pro
eeedlagt, but to keep antra oe things as they
"miiudwu. tni iriil iiepuoiioaDC war
there, Ihe Re for mere ware there, aa were alio
the neutrals, aad rep rtt at Urea or lha Work
loemtQ'a t'lub of the Third ward.
. .The meeting was promptly tailed to order at
1 O'clock by K. J, Dealt, eaq.. president or the
b, nnd William K. Waft, est, read the
Inutec of the meeting oa Friday night.
Tha IlKala alit Ida Mm tnai.ua ai.Hl,l t.a
- - -p... w.v .hv .-.a. vwa.BWV www. ..
to elect permanent oRlearf for the aaaulag
Mr, Anson Rutssll rose to a prfrlltgeJ ques
tion, which waa granted, when at proceeded to
state that many persons had attempted to
rlllfr him, by circulating baae rumors against
his Republicanism, lie thea read report or
Mr. President and tteatltmln Tf tht rint
Ward In Mass Meatier nssembledi We. the
undersigned, represent leg a minority of tbe
nominating nommlttet appointed May o, 18M,
by the Republican voters of the First ward In
mass meeting assembled for Iht purpose of
oomtaatlng candidates for tht Hoards of Al
dermen and Common Cenacll alee na nssetsor
dissenting from the rlcws or the majority
uinjutiiumtvr mi iaiiuvD oi aviuarano,
Uommoa Council and aeaeaior for theDlstrlst
oi" Columbia. .
Wt do most retpeelfally subiall for your
consideration the following reasons that hare
actuated uc to purine the court Indicated)
1. section fire of the Chartero( tht District
of Columbia txnltcltlydeaacc wtro'sr ellgl
bte to be elected to the poiltlone aa members
or tht Hoards of Aldermen, Council men aad
ateessorsi It declares explicitly that a person
or fierenaB A n alidad for ton abort named nail.
tloat shall be a tree while male cltltea oft
United States, shall hart been a resident of
tht District of Columbia one year next prt-
Minr tarn oaj 01 laonua, mbi aatit sate i
talaed tht age of 14 Mars.
All aoiwiinsianuiBg ine rariouB a menu
mente enacted to tht charter of tht Dlstrlsl
of Columbia by Iht Coagrtsn or tht United
ntatee. there has been no slants or section
annandad thereto to remora thlsunluit dls
erlmlnatlos. Ton art all aware of Ihe attempts
nanao or idi preient uodiiih on .wooes
alone to atrlke the word whlle from the
charter of tht nielrlet ot Columbia, aod you
art also awara of tha eaoit of tbtlr failure to
ccome a itw, ana in eonteqaence 11 11 unoe
ecuary for us to recur to It. .
We hare also had nreseitted for our ttertltal
a maautcrlpt containing the opinion ot Mr,
ffn. A. Cook upoa Ihe question, from which
weoistcnt irom leemajeniy 01 uc now mat
ing committee, aad la hie opinion he states
that the quasllon referring to the
eolored men for elcctlre oosltlai
tries of Columbia le yet unsettled. Uetog
controlled by the Uw aad foots si presented
ny a minority ni tow nominating commute,
wt art unwilling to allow our names to be
appended to n report that has placed In nomt
tfon men who cannot take or occupy their
petitions H elected to them.
While we nre aaxloae aad wlillagat alt
tlmea ta elevate ta tha nnat nramlaaot imal.
IIoob that they may be qualified to fill and to
aa ranee ui iniereat di our race generally, wt
wa nre unwilling to do It In dtOaooe nf law,
but on Ihe contrary In aceordaaee with law
Respectfully aubmltted br
Alto nratkLL,
Tnoiiaa Matt tin,
Wh. Dax.
He stated further that eharvet had been cir
culated agalatt hlm,treo by the Uommlestoner
of the Third ward, all of which were folic.
He did not deatre a dlaseasloa la the ward.and
dkf not want to be tha presiding oflUer or the
dob H It would create distension.
.Mr.cooasaia mat mr, uook tried lobar
hlmi but that he waa not to bt nought.
A volet. Cook thought rottwasUcUIslUo J,
tObeerc '
Mr, Reall atated that he nertr cough! to bt
re-elected aa president, aad an be aaw there
were other aspirants, bt would withdraw his
name for ihe potltlon, aad hoped tba friends
that intended to support htm would throw
thtlr rotes lor John T. Johnson a. president
of tht club.
Atthtcaanouocameot Dedlam broke loose,
with crleear"! wlH," "I won't," Ac.
After order waa restored, J. W. Freemai
eald ha recognised but oae club, which was
Ibepreeeat one, aad ha mored that tbtalab
adjourn, and tbe executlre committee meet
to consider tbe good of tbt club.
Some dlsstlsfeel!oa being cxhltltej, Mr.
Freemaa withdrew his resolullrui.
Mr. Cook Inquired or Mr, Coaa when aad
where he offered to boy him I
Mr. Cooa. At your oOlco on FrltLty olghL
aad Mr, JJeall wae present. H
Mr. Ucall denied the assert fen.
Mr. Cook then proceeded to address the
meeting, but the yelling and cU rapt eg pre
rented most or his remarks from being heard.
Order again reigned when Mr. Cook said
he requested Major Rlcbsrds to scad a police
officer here to maintain order, ns he saw pres
ent people from ereiy wardi aad obserring a
policeman present he requested him to step
forward and do his duty, Mr. R until, he
eald, did make a minority report when John
F. Cook wae nominated agalntt him.
Mr, Huetclt- llwai beted uponyouroplalon.
Mr. Cook eald lhat wbea J. F. Cook waa a
candidate In 1SUT ha waa ant of tht few wbo
voted for the eolored man In the eoorentlon,
aad to thle day had aerer refused to rote for
his deration, if the Third ward Republicans
aaaaot control their owe affaire he hoped that
no election to-day by outsider, abonld be blad
ing; oa tht Third ward.
Oeorre N. Uoston atteeanted to aitdraaa tha
meeting, but he waa hooted- down bycrleeof
Russell," M Johnson," " I lost on." "lie a II."
lhat the club proseed to the election of off).
mi. ituaavu. wnan oniar waa rriinrM. nni.ii
The question was put and carried with deaf-,
enlng eheerc,
Mr. Truman mored that as Mr, Ucall had
declined to be a candidate, that he racate the
chair to the vice president.
Crlca of'-Oet," 'Oat out," "Shoo fly,"
Mr. Heall declined to retire until hi. .uccas
cor le elected.
Pandemonium agate broke loose, and loud
erlss for Johnson, reconsider the rote to go
Into election, and points of order) and tha
question being put, the chair decided the role
reconsidered, aod larlled J4hnT.Johneoa to
address lha ia set log. T T
Mr. Job. mo a then stepped forward and said
ha hardly knew where to begin amid eo much
confusion, but aa a man aad an ladlrldual he
waa aa Integral part or the Republican parly,
aad would not barter tht prlrllsge. enjoyed
by his race for tht last three years to his
enemies, lit stood not ram mailed, not foe oao
man, but the good of tht whole party, On
that platform ha would stand or rail. The
whole difficulty grew out of the p-trty fight for
the otrtea of president of tbt club, lie would
not am Hate with N. II. Mlllerj he would not
trust John C, Clay, aad ha bad to faith la
Thomas Lewis, lie then appealed to his
bsartrs tostandby thoanwha hara worked
aad been true to them, as agalnat those wbo
are aew centers to the raakc of Republicans.
Ut had been lnformed,that tt was the Inten
tion of tht dlttcntera to make a row and affil
iate with thote he named if certain officere
were elected to tht club. Let them go, ne the
rcrty would be strengthened without tosm.
le wae ao eaemy of Maynr llowcn.or aby
other man, H he proree a good Republican,
rcr himself he wanted no office, and If others
desired to break up tbe club tbty could do aa
theyehotct but,forhlmself, he would remain
with tbe club If 00 ly three othera are with
Otfaere attempted 'to' apea'k, waed it was
moved and aaanndad that tha ilnSHi.i. .-
election for president.
At 19 o'clock tbe voting proceeded, amid the
R rentes! eoaruilon or yells for Jehosoa" and
Rattell "
The sees Juries; theirotlng was eerr ex
citing, Mr. Heall qusstiontng nearly erery
other man wbo presented htrutHf to rote as
regarded his Rtpubtleaaltm pr bla plaet of
reetdeoce. '
Meetrs. Brown and Thomas acted 'aa tellers,
and tht result of tht ballotlag was announced
a.folLowei JohaT. Johaton.lMi Aaron Bos
aell, M. So Mr. Johasoa waa declared elected
prealdeat of the club for tht eatulog term.
Thaaanouncsmcnt was recelredwlth loud
!k "?' ..? "' Johacoa being latrodoced
thaaked tbt c)ub for the honor conferred, and
addressed the club at loagth oathe political
toplec of the day, enjolnlar hit hearers to
slaadarmtotht iruoaod tried ad rota Us of
Hepabllcaalctn aad liberty. In tht tourst of
Ms remarks ht said hex waa ootTpladged to
Mayor lloweo, but ho had known him for II
rears, wbea his haute wae an asylum for tha
black man. Three cheers for Mayor lloweo.
On motion, the club proceeded io elect lha
ramalnlna otfiaera. raaultln aa rnli.a. 11 t
Heel), flrit rlce-presldent) Alfred Melatosh,
aeeoad. rlet-preiMent) yjnoch Klmonetoa, ate
retary,nnd JamaeColeman,treaiurey. tit
.. . 7 . """ "Feaiaeai aanonnct
at a foture meeting tht executlre committee.
The motion eaea elaa tn h.uk .i.k.i. ..
things began to get warm, when '
ea.MiJ,,iJL! B.'d motion Io order
that the Chair tonidteleet good and trie men,
ae last year It had a traitor 00 the committee.
tjono u. ciaryi) he wanted no mora traitor
in tae club,
1 tr,fcW.A.iUol,a.4 h "" M otaMtwt
In John C. CI try. but he had In John T. John.
Chair '""' " ppumimcBi ny ttt
-"" 't farw.-t. mi tuiflwniri,
At 4 o-ctocn me club adiouratJ,
WoaKttawaaU nnmiKi. M. . ...
v.....ir..v '.":r.T""r"i-. v" ?
Was held latt uteht. at tha in,... it ......
and new Jerssy areaue, aad was sailed Io
Wjbr Hr. J.O. Wall.fomporirVpreaide.t.
who u. fLennei. aa taaraia-v ' -
The Object of tha ra-atln i. .I..t .
manant Affl.... .e u. .it.l ... "".-
..Ta.Vl". .k" '"."..a". ?." "" eonaiuer
Mr. J.U. Wall waa il.il.l .....li.. ...
IMUM, vie. pt..l4.Dt, .. li.., Il.rloS, .""
1 n. .oiiowi.t war. pB0lat.4 .. .....tlv.
.o.?llt, Job. Bur.,l.lh;,".y, Yii
I. Uooi.r, D.a.1. Quill, aad tlotbfI.r.
JF?!l'V' 'L,,..a "1, '" n"Hf II
7uu ."J".'1 '' aolorl man .ould Ala
lb. alub, bill tba na.lla, .JJo.ra.4 bVhn TUi
atltutlon th.r. w nothlar probtbtltac a.U
"f.'i. '' Jolalanba "lib, 11 ' ti .Si.
fli? '",",, 10"t.t. ol lb. aoWlt".
Mr. K.pp.1 uoT.d tli.t at h. o.at na.tloa
l0."?"t? u fP0'aU4 t ' .."..."1 1.
Mr. ..!. ...In. 1. kao wb.lb.r'a.
!:'?.,S.,Wtt,"" "" " "P-'
The llhalr aal.t lha m.a..i ... .... .a.. ..
to debate the o.uesttoi.'as the tommittyaJd
not be appelated uatll the sett aeVllsg. bit
ht recogalied ao Republican Jliiiu" tht
prcseat, whisk wae too genuine tna. 1
a. Oh'lr n-ouneed that taleated speak re
had beea larltedto addrese theclub whuwooW
bt present tt tht next meeting. wouiu
Van meetlna-nf tha Illlaala D.n..t.ii ...
saelatlon wlir be kald .'.T '".'.,? ."'
UhU, lorntr tf .ereath aaX iirtet., "'
Tho 'wiahfition altttl A tezfta el rl
, Itallroatl Ituhrtgll ,
Tht Shoemaker dlreetotf. agklaa't whtax
rulee wera leaned byijodgo Hill oa Saturday
fast, returnable this morning, to shew eanse
why they ahoold not bt attached for tontempft
la ratatalagBossecsloaof tho Ataxaadrta aad
Wasblagtoa railroad, aot aaaklag 1 their 'an
paArAneethlataornlat at -the appolaled hoar
MetsrcUetrto W. Dreot and Reoetl W. Fa lie
wera arrested by tho ahertr aarriad to Judge
Hill's tfflee. and feeegalted It appear there at
lo'elosk this crealag. ' T
TheFrcashdtrttrocyJ atalmt, wheat ralaa
were alio Issued on Haturday.lut by Jadgt
Uaderwotd, to snow aaate whr they ahoold
aot be -attached foe contempt (is later feting
with the BRalrc of the read, appeared at the
United Stated District' Court room al 10
o'clock thle mora lag, bat oat ol their counts!
being ladlsptsed tbe taaorraaaat for Thura
day morelag,
Mestre. Urtnt and Falte, uade arrest by or
der of JuJee Hill, ware brought before Judge
ucatrwootioa a wtiioi aaoeee ccrew issuea
brhlarand discharged, Tht Judge la die
aharelet them took oaaaalon ta aa that the
whole matter at Issat bctweea the Shoemaker
and French directory waa still before tht
UaltedSlatet Circuit Court, aad would be
coon disposed off aad la hie optelon, founded
upon waai 4iiui urmi naa 10m niai.iBere
was not much) doubt as to that dlinesltloat
When tht paper was put to prate thla ere-
nlag. atCNo'eiocK, jnngt mil waa waning
la his office for Ihe appaaraace of the parties
ne naa reeognueain toe morning loarpea
l n'eloek. n. ra . as ha still aanatdered laem
charge of tht atari ff.A Jen. airf Oecrrle t
In addition to tha abort, w a last Bight rc-
teiTcu in loiiawtDgaitnaiani
ALaxmpau, April 4, 1PT0 At IU o'clock
Mestre.O. W. Breat, White aad Hrn. Falls
appeared before Judge Hill, relic wae die.
charged, and Ureal sad White fleedhlOOeeeh
ror contempt ot tbt injunction, or 10 ne im
prlteaed In Jail for tea day. la default of tht
payment 01 (ne one.
Son or JomaDAb Deeptte tha drlrlnr
atorm Odd FcIIowb Hall wae completely filled
at tae musicaiaau aramauc en
firing under tha empties aad for
tha benefit of Pioneer Couaall, No. 1, Boat of
Joaadab,aaort;aaliallon which haetskeaa
prominent posit ion among tkt temperaaee ae
soclatloa. at this city. The programme waa
selected with great care. aad reacted math
credit upon the committee of nrrangemenlc
The opening quartette by Mr, aad Mre. Crane
andMr.aadMre. Tlliey was very finely ree
dered. Tbea followed aa address explanatory
of tha objects of tbt order aad Ita pee ul I art t lee
aadtltlagulsbed rrom other temperaaee organ
Ittttoot, detlrered by Mr. O. K. Harrle,
A solo by Mrs. C happell waa glrca with ex.
qulsltt expression and feellar.aad ells I ted a
hearty taeort. Mr. F. M. llermoad (art a
recitation, which evidenced much dramatic
ability. Mr. Jacob- Tabler, welt known to our
musical people, caagthe ''White 8c.aall"eg
aatlooily, Mr, J.tt.Slkkaa, by rtqucet.gart
some "Spiritual Mantfeitatlons.'' prefaclag
hlsperformsace howerer by dleelalmlag the
aid of anv anlrl lual neeaer. and asscrtlnr that
hie entire tricks were executed entirely by
Bieignt 01 nsau, rar. ontit waa iim id ib
aamt manner a. was tht notorious Resd aad
untied hlmtelf with equal ease, aad also per
formed all the other -"msnirestatlena" which
Read exhibited.
Mr. T, Harry Donohne, a prominent ama
teur actor, aad oat who has orten been eeea
upoa the regular etage, recited Lorct'a
8l.mue O'HrLen" In the most artistic man'
ner, and la recpoase to tba voctfaraae cneere
ht gtrt aa Irish song aad daese la a style
which would hare done credit to tht most
accomplished Irish eamedlaa. A bajo nolo by
Hatty U Clarke nnd ft coo and dene by.
O. Laurie were well tendered. . ,
Tbetnttrtatamtnt coacluded with tht rep
ressntatloo t( the domestlt farce .aatltled
"Who Uptake First." Tht chsraaters wart
well sustained throughout by Mr, M, MItshall,
Mr. Jos. I). Harris, Mr, Charier H. Maxwell,
Mlta Faaala WIlklne.Mlta Maggie Ma Da aid.
The excellent plaho, presided orer with su
perior ability by Mrs. Martin, waa from Iht
music store of John F. Ellis.
Altogether tha entertainment was highly
ancceuful and waa em I nee try aatltfastory to
the large audience, aad tht largest ameual of
praise should be a wanted tht committee, torn,
posed of Mettrs. Wm. W. Harne, Wm. II,
Young, Joa. D. Hants, Wm. H. Notion, Chas,
lURxaaConrtja. Yeettrday morning Uaill
Comptoa was brought before Judge Fisher
oa a writ of asbrce cerpat, when amotion waa
madt for his discharge by bis attorney, Mr, K,
C laceraoll, oathe grouad that the afJUartt
00 wblcb ht waceommltted to Jail dote not
enffltltatly connect htm with tha crime, aad
that tht commitment dare not ect forth that
ha 1. a fugltlr from Justice, Comptoa, with
le and Abe Johnson, were arrested oa aa
arndarlt that thert waa good reason to be lie re
that certain tiork and wood atotea rrom John
Johasoa, of Montgomeiy county, Md.. wae
101ID dj mfOi ana may wvre iganuiwi io
await areqiilflilloa, Tht court ordered the
dlcoaarge of tht prisoner 6a tbt ground that
the papers were defretirt.
UaunokTOWR MnapnanTa Ei-dnnna.
Tlutineec wao quite brltk yesterday, there
followlog galea t 100 bushele at (lilt Ml al
eiJ0 1,800 at II 30t Id at ei lit CM at 1 Mt SOO
tiiiiNtiti w, nnaowat ft t tnt iwo
inai jgia atriaiiyauoiee.
Masana. Iosawo AHaaoov, No. 400, corner
Ninth and D streets, art In dally receipt or
uiKHiuiinioiiuivij iotoi igriiiiiimiii
wear, and are madt up In n elite To giro ea
tire aatlafactloa.
How. O. P. Monro at will deliver a lecture
00 "The Miction or tbe Republican Party,"
under tht aat piece of Ihe Indiana Republican
Club, at Lincoln Halt, this. cTectog ntfjo
Mrssxs. Out A Noras, merchaata aad
Doiiermaaers, umdi arenue ana rnira street,
hard oa head and for sale, new and aeaand.
hand ateam engines and bollere, from fear to
Hiij'nuri wr
J. E. Ootrnoa te prepared to fnrtlih 'our
ettlttas dally with tht celebrated JEmted
at re an, manuiaciurea ny v. 11. ruiicr. uaill
Tna t. ttd.Bans tk. .tt I ..
a.wvK.avai aaiMua-, iu, wiiriiHwn printer,
corner of Ninth nnd D etreetc, girts special
atteatloo to briefs In law caeca.
A iaroi xoMBimer ward meetlcgs are ad
re rtl ted for to-night.
San biwabd offered for a gold eye glass,
OlNTl.ii.1 whowanttoiocnre tbe floeat
ana most desirable quality or boot., ihoet
aod Ratters, from tbe vtrj beat mannfac.
torett. will tbank hi for recommend lag
them to catt at tbe fwtraiar boot and afana
store or Mr. T. 8. GAilrell, No. 000 Bore 0 lb
street, corner of I, wbo baa lost recelred a
foil Stock of .Ptins? roods, lnclndlnr Con.
Cress celteri. KtikTUU walkloff shoes, .trap
ana uimnj saoes, iow cut waigiDg; IDOea,
fovton. umou, naa otoer noreiuce. Mr,
GarUell also keep apleodld and complete
lock of ladle, mlisea, and ft Urge assort
ment of children' aboea, all colon and
snjee, lacinaiDg uorx'i ceiehraiea matin rac.
tnrCf and all tbe good. perUlalog to ft flrtt
cbua e.UMIabmeot. , I
In mama ut Bitxhto iTftrrr we noticed
tbe toro or one friend, HTfae Original
Franc," crowded wltb en stoma r, nnd at tbe
lam- time we oUerred other .tone decided!
in waotoi.pavinrDagn, L 10a qniy reaaoo tor
thla, to tbe beatof oar knawladco and belief.
Is that oar friend. Mr. Franc, Is KlUog
goodi at such price tbat tbe botlog Com
munity find It to their Interest to pxtroolic
tbli ao rery popular Otnt.'a FarnUblng
Store. For tbe beneOt of etrftngen we wonld
add tbat tbe new number ia 431 flerenth
street, between D nnd K ..recti, t&ree door,
abort Odd Fellows' Hall alao, we wonld any
it... t.. ..- - - - .. .
a ia uh uu vitacu etoro
r n !
Tna Auiricik Til. flTOsi, coesk Bar.
UtTd in I Bnm. JM1THWMT. nenvr
fo CorrtipcndtntirVfe bare been hiked 10
many timet by eoirrjepondenU where tbty
could purcbaaa lea. fresb roaated coOee. and
ingtf at New Tork. priced, w now .Ute for
tan ueacac ot our Teaatre iot nt American
Tca Store, corner of Sere nth and I ttreeu, If
tbe only placn lo .blldtr wberelgoodi can
be purchased at' Hew Virk prWa, Un
avv(iuj. tun jjrujirtBMjr, a oca noming dqi ft
caah business, which enahlea him tn nail tnr
10 per cent, less than any otbe eaUbllab-
uvuh iu .ma j. vi o Tooommcnti oor reftdt
era 10 go mere dj all meani.
.-- a J . '
As KC0VOUT la tba hlcbwa 0 wealth, wa
consider It onr duty to remind oar fellow-cltl-
kds 01 taeiacttbht t acre U a ratt differ-
roco in we price charged by oar tereral
nercbanU. Many profeaa lo tell good,
cheap, bnt from oar own experlenc wt bare
to aay tbat we never boogbi onr Uent'e For
nUhlpg goods more roaaonablo than at Ibo
tvorooi me one-priee Jrftnc.dSl W Tenth
etreet, between D aod E.
Miciina. Wllcoi A Qibbe' Bowleg Ma
enlna. tbe moat ilmple and beet coo .Uncled
aowlog machine, will hereafter bo .old on
liberal term.. Inquire at tbe agency, flaom'i
tuiac tan uoqv nun ractorj, lira Deyentn
atreet, between D end E. fl
T11,- CorrM, Splcee, Chocolate, Cocoa,
FUyorlog EitracU, Rice, Corn Btarch, Ac,
Ac,, bold at the TeUo and Teddo ta ilore,
iU Ninth street, between D nnd K itrceta.
For tui but and pureat Tea., Coffeea
and Bplcee go to tbe Pekln and Teddo tea,
store, 434 Ninth atreet, between D and E
JaVa Corm. freablr roastad. for sit
ceoU. ae good ae coffee aold for 40 cente
elsewhere, at the Fckln nnd Toddo teas .tore,
434 Ninth etreet, between D and B atreete.
Bor toch Tin, Coffee nnd Bpla. al the
oM eatabll.hed Fekln and Teddo test .tore,
434 Nlclh street, between D and E alreeli.
Oorrtt roMted br onraelrea teen-dee.
and ground to order At the original Pekln I
and Yejdo lea, .tore, 4 J Nlotb. street, be-I
tween X, nd X itrtoU.
nz :sb
City Property to be Sold for Taxes
., COLLtCTCR'3 bmOK, WEST W1N0 OITT ttktWi
WASTllKnTON-. D. O-Kaiob'm.Iit.
Ccmuntotlng onTueeday. Jan 14th, 1870, tht
rXil bt lolJ bt tmbllr? auction at tha Cltv tTalL
IheCUyotWMbJhftoa, D.C., tosatltty tht corporttlon ol said cltf tot
taiec ds fJiereorj. as sUtcd. nnlrss the said Ureal rreTlcrail r pall to thr
coilcetor, with eucb expeotea and free aa may
8m to commence at 10 o'clock ft. m and to
oar uu rompineo.
I oab. , lt. FDOaWKIX, OoUoctor.
to whom Aaarssko.
41CJrrtof 1 I Ames. Andrew J
1 ax ior PTinK carnage
war, on laterest frtm
JanaaryM, 1809, tOXOS
Being the north two feet
ton incuea uvaora.n 0.1 uu.
part of. ft and
las ior paring carriage
way, on Interrat from
eanuanraoth,1809, $460
wiK tun eouui iwcniy-
4. ., . J.thedepihotlbelot.
tart of lot 91 Anert, Cbarlet ftniat). . . .
inu iari xwn mrnM ii
ueginmng at the aoulb
wrsl corner ot .aid lot
and running north fortr-
flye foci, ,thence eaat
twetitT-alx feet ' three
lnehce, thence aottlh for-
tjMiTo iocs, inence west
twenty -tig feet three
itwnee to trjercoinnmr.
Oaileab. 43...
Alexander. Chariet M...
lAUen, Cbarlet
Ditto ,
OOOlpart of S7i
and imp.
Belnsr tho went fonrleenl
feet front ot said lot, rnn-l
nmg dock me same wiatu
ine uintn .nemt-tT-
13 and Imp.
part of Sand
itting tiia wcat twenty-
three feet tour Incbea
front ot said lot, mnnlnjd
Darx mo tame wiam uic
actitn thereof.
weet half IM
and Imp,
Tax for 1967 tmafl
T for 1800 84.611
lax for repairing pare
ment, December 90th.
1801 "...AM.
Aaseasmcnt or lighting!
743 a) and Imp..!
Ditto,... ,
Ditto. ... ......
Tri i ana imp..
IS and Imp,.
14 and Imp. .
part of lHDitto.
aau ini.
Balnft Ihe cast tweattwo)
in, irow 01 aaia. ot, nyi
sobJ and lm
lii. u.mn mrmii.
Ditto ....;.
Ditto .....
Tax for 1800. in name of
J. O. WolUngsf ord. . 0.07
1 ax ior cnruing ana par-
inr lontway, in toe name
of J, O. Wolllngflford, on
Interest front Anguet 19.
18fl7 ftSIJOS
HaTlngafrontmi irglnla
arenue wioen iocs one
and one-half Inch, being
ail of said lot l;tng weat
of line drawn from the
centre ot the frontline of
said lot and running
thence at fight angles
with said arenue to north
ern line or rear of aald loL
Ditto , ,,..
Ditto .
Ditto ,
Armatromr. David
Ditto,. .77; ,. ,
Ditto ,
Ditto ,
Ditto f
Adams, Eleanor A
a lrtt installment of tax for
paring alley, ou Interest
from Jnlr 13,1800, 10.05.
Being the north thirty feet
front on Eighth atreet
east of said lot br the
deDth theronf.
4TS.nb. 18 andUhner. Edward
Taxiorltn7 1.04
Beginning at the north
east corner of said lot,
thence weet twentj-onc
feet, and running back
that width one hundred
and fifty feet In derth.
Tax for 1807 Al
part of S-.
Ash, Earl 8.
rjcglnning twenty-one feet
two Inches from the
northwest corner of aaid
lot, and running eaat cane
hondred feet, thence
aouth sixteen feet, thence
weal one hundred feet,
thence north sixteen feet
to Lha nnlnt nf hio4nnlnir
Ditto...; r.
Tax for paring carriage
way on Interact from
January 30, 1800.. M8.S.
II it I tiff a front of sixteen
feet on Berenth street
weat, adjoining the south
twenty-one feet two in
ches of sold -lot br the
depth thereof.
part of 0 and
Adame George r,
1 ax ior torn fflosi
Tax for 1807 08.04
Being .tha aouth twenty
eight feet front on kJoT
enth street weal nr the
depth of the lot.
Aaaeasment for lighting
IheatxML 1M7 fciifi
ma.....:;.... ..:..:
rai lor I8o. ...... . . AM
f-.ur ,9t..Ms..,.tAjn
AUcaoouDl Ior UKbUflK
atrwt, 1865 ..0.
AMeaament for UirhtlD.
itnwL lfifl?.. teist
Tailor lH...,...fW.I2
Tat Ior 1807 43.M
AaaMraienl for IlfrbUBfr
111. atreet, 1B0S.. . .I.eS
Aaaoumeot ror lluhtlni
tha BtraaL 1DA7 aij
Ditto j. 1 1.
Tax for WM ...ia.M
Taxforitier..i.i.. tun
Aaaowmenl lor Usnunf?
Um alnal, lB63..l.tf,
AMcaam.Dl ior lurouoi
AUer.Ooori. ......
Second Irutahmenl of tax
Ior curUoz aud tool
parcmeat on laurel
from Jan. S. IMAlaw.m
aba. ..
m.J. r '
Ditto, '.
MQb a. . . .
Uub S. . . .
tub 7....
aub .....
ab . . . .
hub 10...
tf&aoulh lull ol
1 and hud.
na.lOWt ol 21,
MWhl,..!,,,,,,,,,, .....'.
.nu imr
iMuvnnlo-; ior nil part ol
si at a d!.Uaca ol Iweolj
fliefoutfroulUieeonierol Vvnn.) Iranla arcoue ao4
four-aod-a-ltaU atreet,
and at the llM aJJulnlut'
ui. onra nouut ormarlv
the dvelllne of II. M
Morflt, and rnnnlng
thence veatwardljr alona
the line ol said avenue to
Ike corner of aald aye
nn aad rourand-e-ha!
atrMt, tlienre northweat
wardljr along: tbe line
of aald four-and-a-half
atreet aerentr feeL tlieeec
eaatwardly al a rucal an
gle wua rour-aita-a-baii
atreet thlrtr.ulne foci all
lochci to the wcat line ol
MartlitUiuphj. proper
ty, thence aouihnranllT
alonjr the weat Ihi, oi
Martlil Murphy', proper
ly anoui diij leei op u
the corner of to. trica
hona. formerly the dyell-
Inv nf II. V. Morflt
thence aouthweatwardlr
alona; the lioeof the aald
one. nonae up vt ITnn
aylranla avenne al lh.
poini oi oegioDioR;.
Adama. Ueorro IL, truatec
part ol Ul
ana imp.
ior Cm u. uowujur.
Beainnlrgr at A point two
mi .ia iucjh. irura im
northeul eoniu of aald
lot aod running weal
nin.ir-ll.re, eel lour and
one ball Inehea, thencr
outli alleea feel alt mchr
e, thence eaat nlnety
Ihrae feel four aad our
half tucbea, thence nortt
micen iee aix ukdo. k
tha rjoint of beinnnln.
ClWiub. M..
Anderaos, Uwl'f. .
part of 8 and
foUowlnx Hit of Droptrtr
fAblerrr.en'a Chamb'i' In
hare accrued ht tbe time of
be continued from day bn
TaiM bvm.
ma and Imp.
Lrart of
ana imp.
98 All
23 Ml
im nl
IBO 731
eo xiiioo 6it
180 TN
I .a.
its trim tStm v3
law. . t . . .
238 3.:.,.,.,,
11 and Imtv.
I inUl.....
401 part of land
IS 711
bart ol lnDitto,
190 HI
in aim itu
and Imp.
IM 1
iso an
:87 71!
43 14
44 03 W)1(J
90 Vi 87 IN
is aol
13 M
17 03
400 north half of
BUD 0011111 . . ,
parte of WAngna, JohW.
, and Imp.
1 TT.
3 K)
9 10
1 IB
1 48
I 73
8 8Ti
7 SI
8 W
8 M
8 11
6 11
10 OS
97 14
part of tf.
suit, 10 and
us oiitw astoii si
Wii and Imn.
, . ""P'
,14 OT
' tBripartlf)f tnb.
M 1J 81 4ll
18 sti 1 1
part of eub.
SOS 13 07
It 06
3 W 13 97
8 wa 18 97
17 tt
8 97 If 48 14 78
8 97 11 4(1
14 73
8 17 It 40
8 97 11 4
14 73
14 TB
parte .of'
ana imp.
8 87 11 e
14 711
141 14 978 B9
860 14 370 83
530 97
,4fl6part of 3j
auil liup,
fi3tlnart:f aah.1
ui ana imp.
Res. fl part of It
ana 'Dp,
1 1 CM
! iH
Yum Dos.
to yito iktebsp:
Aetori, Henry,. . 1
ircuinniTur ntartoini ner-
etilr feet from the south
west corner of Sixth weat
ana Bontn k street, ting
the Bonthwest comer ol
Miaeanarev and thence
mnnlngeastwlth the line
01 1 street acTenieen feet,
thench north nlnetr font
Are Inches, thence west
eerCTitcen feel, thence
ohth Tilrtet 'feet flrr
tnehee to K atrnfrt tn th-
place of beginning. -
74 OT
llam, owner.
84ruod Installment ot tax
for v enrblng mnd foot
Rrement, on mwrwi
-ujintto ..
Htvaiml lnitanmrjiil or tax
toi curbing and foot
Datement. on Interest
tVo.aOot.aO. 18tM.tl4.7H
beginning at the1 nortli
"wwt corner nf, caM lot
and, rnnning1 cast nine
teen feet aeten and ft hall
lnchee, thenro aouth sixty
four 'feet chrht Inchon,
thence weet nineteen feet
eeren and one half lnchee.
thence north rixtr-foiu-teet
eight lnchee to the
Adama, John... v. a
Atcblaon, Julius.,.,.
noini nr ixwinnmir.
67 7M
8 CM
81 871
Auaiua, wuuii ir., . . .-
Tax for 1808 in namo ot W.
J. Herbert.
lkfrtonlruT at a Dolat tor
enteen foet Are Inebee
from the norm cast comer
01 said lot, ana rnnning
West flftT-four fret ten
lnchee. thence sonth ten
feet six lnchee. thence
weet flftr-foar feet ten
lnchee. thence soath ebrht
feet nine inches! thence
east one honored: and nine
feet elirht Inthea. thence
'north nineteen feet fire
lnchee U the place of he-
93 90
98 20
Ditto.,.' .
15 81
18 84
87 08
D 94
13 00
13 00
49 77
90 811
43 77
47 03
90 8(1
Dclng the east forty-fourl
inct 01 saui 101 vj me
ucpin utereoi.
llarlng a front of thirty
lect aajoimng ine nono
trrrifJIATMl fnt if aalit
' lot Lv the deolh thercoL
1 73
I'lUO i
being- tho ennth sixteen
reel or raia ior, ny me
ilMk ilranf
lirsi.MlJiUmeiilof tax for
ranting ana toot pate-
mcaiaiOai inwreat irrnn
Tax for law, in tiatne or
pamuri xuacK.
Tax for Wit la tba narael
m oamitu iukk.
1UU. ..,.
Tax for 1808, In iame of
natanei iiMrr.
DUtOt... ,. .
n oil
8 01
90 7
181 aomo ssL'M iu
Tax for 1807.. . .tlM.10
AeeeMment for lighting
tbestrort, ltW7..tl.7S
IlaTlnirafrontot twentr-
flTO ft on I atreet, and
running bach the same
maw one nnnorea ana
thlrtr-tito feet ten 'and
rma nail incurs.
Adama. Joaenh M
70 081
fiiirr ..f "T" ii iA
laxiuriooi.i. .TD.IM
Taxforl8fU A.80
Tax for 1807 O.03
Beginning; on Third street
cant ono hundred and fif
teen feet atfuth from the
northwest corner of saw
loL and runnlnr eouth
twontv-ono feet, thence
eaat elgbtr feet, thence
uunnwarair tweira icct
nine lnehce. thence west
eight?-. feet lire and
ono half Incbea to the bo-
LAuama. Jonn It..
Acton, John II $7l
beginning on sonui "K
street alxty-seren feet
from tho aontbwcat cor
ner of laid eouare, run
ning thence north ninety
feet flea lnchee. thence
etui inrco im, mence
'south ninety feet five
lnchee, thenoo weal three
iect to luo uca-annaUiT.
launu. eiuiii. jj. . . .. , . . . ,
tint and aecond lnstall-
menU of tax for curbing
ana 1001 paTemem, on
Interest from August 37,
1803, (in namo of J. K.
Kendall. 1 XL4
Ditto, , 54M
111 lur iwo, in name 01
joun n. tiTaps.
First and second lnstall-
m?nu of taxforvurUng
and foot parement, (lit
name of J. K. Kendal!.'.
oa Interest from August
a-7-lWa .t3J.41
11 Ml 11 M
UlkW...H.a.......44 .e
lUYltur a front of flfteeu
feetoti U aouth, ail joining
-me eaai'iwoniT-two iect
six Incbea of aaMIof-'and
ronalnjf back tho depth
80 88
American Missionary Ae- 7 4t
7 81
Tax for ISM 4.9e
Tax for IBOd B.4fi
Tailor 1807, 8.30
.Beginning JU the eocth-ea-t
corner of aald lot aad
runolnff north with Third
atreet fourteen, feet,
thence cast the depth ol
the lot, aald lot bctug the
width of fourteen- foel
and tha dentil of aald loL
Ditto...-....: it. ub
4 ax ior iwn...A .97,07
Taxforiwkl. . . 8.44
TaxfoM807. ,, 9.1W
'Adams. Marirarct.
ileal nnlnir at a nalnt
.said lot forty feel weet oil
me aoumoasi corner oil
aald lot, thence north
twelve' feet nine lnchee.
thence weet twentr feet.
thence south tncltofect
nine incne. tucuee eaat
to me oetzinuinr.
Ashford. Mahlon,' and F.
t f 4 (fliee, inuieca ior Jr.
F. Hafnlrfrm.- '
Tar fur llirht Int? street, fin
came of II., V. Ham
ilton..,.. .a4.77
laxiur 1W7, fin-name 01
II. W- HamUton), fCO.ai
UoglnnlDg on aonth 13
ttroet, eighteen feet from
the Starujeaat corner ol
kald loLand runnliur west
la eaki atreet Afty-foor
feet to Virginia arrane,
thenre eastwardly along
r Ylrglola avenue Afty-
-u,..n fimt tnt, In, hiui
uience norm to in. lc-
3 in)
111... U..M17
,. 'v'. "r"."
rim inuoument ol ia.
for rurbtmr and Daiuu
footway, on iniereat from
Jelrllf, 18119 814 SI
jiaviog airontoicixhleen
icei on eouio n atreet aa
lofobiir tho wot thirty-
alt feet three Incbea oi
aald lot, running back Uic
,ame widtll Ihe depth oi
twenty-three Iect eight
incuea. -
Adama. Ilobert
93 U
M ml
ueing ine norm njteen leei
tea and one halt Inebe.
front of . lot nombered
eob-.lvl.lon iweniv-iwo,
oy ine aroin ui ui. lot.
Atari, B.Tuayer ,
Anatln, Darab
130 8)1
tiegiiimng B( mt uortn-
wuai corner 01 101 num
ber twelve, and running
thence twenty-aye feot
all Incbea north on Elith
treat weat; thence eial
one hundred feet to th
aat Une ol lot numbei
uuneen, uounaea bv an
auey,tuenre aouth Iweolr
.1. t.A. .1. )..k.. 1, '
H. ... -1. WIVX.Bj .IICUCC
weat one buudrcxl feet Id
ine ueguuuiuj,
(C(,nw4 la Stfflmmil
87 781 87 !8 y
o 8IH'
407 K
s ml
97 13
110 to

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