J - - .. t. . - thUImdat Monmwoi,.iin!--iJCwK.iru TIIR HI XT" VTAKD RKRKNA11INI1. The Rhaerr rao nf th Milk ward, faarlna fohltant ifr UilorVna victory ,UT MhlftMN Monday, lael Tea 5U rMlhnM dMfcag14tJIA MrilMl la ft U1M MatiW. and tke thr-d ITt 1414 served n nii. A 1 tn ii i in a..ili na thl TTftllnnrl " - - Uta AaaY-1 eahlhttln eajuaa Via, fwMM lh Israel City, of Itoehfrnrd, 1111., ana In Jfetlonal and Jeftro-6hitnab4nTplad wtin aaok elan, th .oraat (Jlly aomlna oat ahead with both, with lb MaUonalslba eerw I tofowr.lh ! ttooela dotn U poor pUrre they bar dna thta With th JiHwhm th ar M flftaaa ha ti. and a naoh bUr straw of batting than wm dart EF liai (YaiAIIian. Tb Korea (Uf tea thl moraine for Baltlntnr to La Ui ManUada, Tha liavmakaraftrHvadlhlaMora. InndaialnppVnattr Jeaaeu ilnna. Thy will n.nonniTi.uinimnn inn mninr Hi. Jukm UMlf haa.tnat-tara. Thar t tar th ( lymiM oft r rtrtajr and lb Nalaraawa an rWlardar. H th adrarUaataama nf th lHywpd and National Tha am yesterday betw- tit AUaniW and Hey Done Hall Etaewl-er TbeetieUUonaal aaplrtted aiwl Inter net in. were iaappMfta, ruuowini m via eonr Athletic i, t.)B.IW-41 ll.rroekere ., , ,,,SS.I1SS- Mr llalbaen.of th KTtnciub,eid aaninplr. Tb Htya there nttK aahlMtwni bvowtrrow nLT1M mi, Jqa S,-.Tb c am f baa ball thla tflerrmon kaftan tb BUT dab, af Breath-, and tb I'MUmMi of ltal Umora, reenl tod aa follows i HIM. ..... llltllli BM liWFU.Maa., JC? -ndwktoct-dM health Ulppr In of, ban ball bf ft boot of toa. MretUs. rihe Ir-mrtra TJatoa. A w0ltondd iaUwfof lb Pia-einptot Ua.ue u hold U-t -.! n. at th-tr room. Wn, km I1- il renin arenae, Wwmb ITomt-ftacVarbalt aad Hah HraJ mmbra t adralUa4; amw whaaawar MarkhMn, Tb. bmUAM f3 Nfrraai and to aaairt dlaeaaaad at MM h lha Mhlta Uad waa illai iiaiil at am Untb. i oonclaaloa arrlrod at waa that th aatUarabad bal lit llatoaitet front aitha-branch of tb Hwvattimant, baoanaa. aa It wa aaaartad, all th pmmloaat orletala, aa wall aa aaoat of tb prnratnant mawbara of lha ton! I prufaaalon, war too daaply Intaraatad la tha landa that ha baaaatraaawavt aotoorattona and lodlfUaaia for aala aawf ajwaalaUoo r to anak dclalon r (It for aala aawf ap-aloo r to m. fa.vaiil ta (Jia lllm All anraad that lb ooiy way to pat a alopt 1 tbi rabbin waa to Wat tha ootrap' aJninlatrftUoa lb Ualtod Sutaa Itrol CUad U'anf ! Mnt Trrnaai. Tbal aintuMa ladlrldaal Itad Clnnd, wat il ' truy MMrj a aiauwcty, uc ItalUiMor and Obk railroad, wbo at Uckatacaaa oatlon of Captain hlablafahlpnUt itlnn of Captain titackpnl astondad aa larluUoala to ni a tmm o mmmi arnuaj w in ttaunti Arrni In an. aa hla tn Th cblat rUd tbal h dtd aott aaaa bar waa to ftaaaUal with tlraattaiher and ha bad no Um to pay th tUltolb tooib Of tb Aral Ural r aibar. Kwddrvj Iteaith. A wll known eiilored man, natnad AUiandor lUya. tllad ry aoddanhr on Taaaday araalnc from haari dnaaaa. It aaamaba wa on hta way boai and waa alrkkanaudlanly nhll naaalna ftp IQaranlh atroat. Aaalaunv waa raodarad, and B waa carrlad to hla htaacXlaUiBtrt,iiar I. wbrbasplrd within IS mlaoioa atar arrlral. Th daoaaaod waa aa old r-ai- fiaotoi tTaatnajTMatftaahaa dttradU tb Third ward lor many yaarai lark Pliibltax. A ork ftabtaaaa off yaatarday afb moorluarnd Uarkbaldt aadPop raapooilrrjr by Tatar Uraakto and U IX.waad vaanmtlnil b Pataa Uraakka and Uaw Hlitara. th ItUadall taU Uoaaa orarof Klahth latbomu, foa a ataka al ftl. MalUiar ni lha In ! tinailaa nl mi rMlcra, but taoy mad rathar a tood Afhu and aftar thro rooada, awoaryln about twawy-rahi nalaataa. 1. Uwi 'aoU aaawt," ad llraakl waikod! wit nw caiaawa aaa an J. lon.oo th pramlan. aa ilaaant cimatry aaal, by Adam Diohl, atutavad on th hladenatmra :, ovixmiti lb roatdaoc of Uark MUU.and atantial nianaar, bartnc atn ronma, with modi vantancaa. u U9 mar rouma. Thar haamariaa. aicaUant ft eomrortahla fraaa. with Br or or alan ft Bo barn, Iraykooaa, twrhardaaod traabarry bad, ylaldla: I nntuniaiuii la addith-i lolhaftwIHUaaaflorrlad by th railroad toraaobUia pramlaM darin- thaday.tb hitraa rati road to Bladaaabarr, It te arpootod. will ahortly b built In aooordanc with tb raoaat Oct f flinignwa. in J wbea oomptrtad will rna paat thla farm To ihoa da alrln ona of th flneatouaatry aaau In tba othbois hml uf Waahlnston, w would oap-cUllj eunuuand th bar to tatrlr ftttoatloa nraCila. i0K AoaJoa.Un Boat ClKrhW .-.s-lirsB ttrzsrsL nonn at 1 o cloak. rUl aoaaaat of ra-j la-ro . i7btoatotbatahvtli a aolora I nrolahad bytbolajj ! id Bumbor. tlnaof Iwoa-laof awlora f nrolahad by th lartj f rial I. . .it .i i i I i i "imfi wmmr iialai tholr faor-air-J abaU Maaaaaaart aad ata-oamd tt (t nndaratand that tb Proaldaal and Oaoatftl Sh. , . -.mtmA. ua kn 1m tbanJnh baa aatandad aTtortiaUbft to Spottod laU and hi aouo, - rtatataaj Anyll th Wharaaa la th vtolaltr af tha woat-boaa WT Ml IHfflK UIN..I "IH !. HViWH L3l with UWal racWiraUon, dlaiaanad lh oharw aa-aiaat tba acwuaad, aad ta4d that b would bold th praaa. ootlna witaiaa-aa, Waara. H. hotoraiak, Wm. rorayth. and (J II blMa,toballlU am of 3uo aaeb ta av wr at onart to aaawar tb obana f maliotoaa proaa onlhiw, Mr ttoraraon arara bail for hiaappaaraoaaal ourt, aad Momr. I SB-- and kormi th no bu araaoat warranu war laaoad for thai anwa. Mr. ftUaa waa foond ahnot 1 o clock, and a-ar bail to aaaut, Mr H....ru.Uil Kail rJtaa Bar llaaara. V if Hold ftod J. H. Arrtaoa, aahad that th baal t not roId. aa b waa raady Mat to tail aad Uk th oonaaxttMaa of any oot b bad oaouaitud. A CHrarn Cuuhuh. Dmm af nm Onwajc- MT, IB Ilia oawMi rBir uni-. k aontod a pUt4rMilnhahalfof lb African ftlathadlat r-pl-oopal charch or thla at, prayin -Mnpanaauun for lajurtaa to thalr church proparty b roaaiaa of tb ... !.. aT lh. 4 i.ltnl nnonk. Tha rhanti la In. (tMJoalbaanathwaatenrnarof rloatb Uapttot and ft atr-ata, and tb partial niUnaapof Ui Capi ud crntad baa laool tba iburob im www ui araoa, aoa rao darad It almost Inaooaaalbm la rainy wawthar Kanl nant bnlldara b bar a.amtnad U bollutoc oatk mat lha daair at aboat Kafarrad loth UommUto on Liahna. Tmt AtvTPnrr to tha- lioojr Bride by th atarr lUtUoaaaka. on Toa-day araoinc pro to b of a rery aartoua c tin mo tar Th aUamor .track, th cntrof tba apan not tb of th draw, with full for, ant tin- th lower chord In two, braahtnn all tbaappar tbabara, and prootplUUn the wbol Uto th rtvvri taaaaa to th amoaai or aonni vvw n wwv, w iiht wu endd. and will b for nm Um, tfll Uncnaa tnakaa ana nacaaaarr appropnaiinn. I.ii.mi. ullaa Ulanlar hum fanda an hanil for brida rapaira. tb lnooolne of thta aoeldant eaannc O ovar-oauroaMu, aa uua mofi a arraat man way for ail kind of otarkUa aad baUdin; attfttorUI to our oily 11, llArmraNAT!WlftBiretma -ThnMaa Of lhaaa ealabratod bkUat U oaparaU-lad U th bUtr ..f Mlirin. a im ban hf ft tUll ta hla aaLahliali matit, at Wo. 1S11 aad UU I'aataaylranU avanu. wbr iioakaftaaar dally pot apraody fnroblptaaiit lory city tnthonntry Ihla anltraUr pupiaraaadJaia baa aaaaaaafnlly Introduced llaol, and on Jl own mar Ha, tbrouflioattli land . i.aniiara inauv VT1B Diuni mtm mrgmiif rvoorn meBdail br tb moat mlnao rdyoaaaaa. and endoraad haanily by tha wbo bad abm la aa. and ar batnc ually uaoil aim 10 moat tioaof debtbtatad eon tin PTOLK r II Kit. Klin4Tt0. Th pbU oboul ittalnatlona raaurday. war a follow) Urat itshnnll Hatrlot, Primary-Pri mart Ito. It aad 11 IllaM llamlal and Kavdart Banaad dlatrtal. Koa. 11 and lJ,aleara,M V, lloVla aad Kara Third district, Nub. li.ll ami IXMlaaBaTLan-iari Vaa Utawlak.aad Mai lBUrmdlla..f. of tb rrth aohr-idbv Irh-uUiMM A Lao, itajaai. Tha amlnatlona wra ftoaarally taU aad theroaah. rally IB aad taraf h. bMparanlaaf ih.MUa, itdurlac thb)fy ann yar raa huiihh a niunbar of whom wr praaaai MTaTViibMaDiaArrrAjtaMiSL Ayoacw awimmad Uonry W IjUiaiud, lVk la tha uuifiua. aiara in um wiiraaa ORio. anwitianiy an iiiBl riailrk II ddanlydiaapaad afonday tfaawr.Mi ft5?r. K KAUrlwrft-anlotbrwath rtr aararai dara, and on thalr arrival at th Haatb atrt wharf b llt hla parly and baa nut booa atl our heard from atno. Ilia wtl an 1 fun II j ar vary ajurh aUnrtad ahoal him, and any lnftrwaUiiaoiMoeaic bla heroaboala wonM oa cooarimiy rociu oy TBI. ItUaM rrn timet. Krery rnaai to baaooaoa lb atraala f eatarda aaa (to belie inenta) ou of the Ol malurtir. and, r iortlf. and. Pr awiimii oacD in ji lunm i an i la an aa) lnu lur on of th fortr or offliaa. Kry awatiamaa iiiBaiil to nalbla tantoao hi bmbrhmbuUd fllty enrporauoa hin Uia laul iifi bycruwda, and nearly every aa la eaaftdaat thai wUlbeibcbaip iu m of tb piao tobt lor AhBiral or tub TALLArdoeA Tb United BUI r.aamar j aiiapooaa amrea at ma nary yara y war aay, aln;beaeairadfnreonr weeta paat m ana eoylnft1 (rorernmenl freight to Mew Vrk, Doe too, a 4 Aaoap- wia. i ne omoera ana erw war rnuoa eaaynaeo in not arritln bar In Uui forth etoeUna, towel of them belD uler In tba Seventh ward,) but, owlnc to th Itrevaleno of dm fee, Ihey war aoabt to rwaeb tb THE ( OLraiptA RtrtWAt dealr to romlad oar tit reatlere an aB who may t Intaraa led. that th iMifika In ronolT aobaarlptlaoa t th oepMal atoeh of lh t ulnmbla railway will b oponad to-day at h lluard of 1 rod Rooaaa, h. Bit Marbot Bpaoo, rma lh lunir uf lu o elnrk a, m to I oteok . aa. Thla bo will iiiiitw an impuriant pan or oar any aow weenea rtJwu facllifta. and ail lata aeted aheajid oom I ward proiBpllyandabaortbrrtoak A ft ha' luenttl lentarprta ItaoUtooaplialutu. Thi WiArniioTini AwnfJoLDMfttA OmMtMrattin nfthUHr atMfcaapaaled br ft aambar of 4iaUalabd ! at aaau rwaua o w. wui etara west I - day. at a a ni frw Uila Htr for WUHamebarc Pa., at thlllai!n of lh (trend f)ummwdfT af pMOylft nU to bo breamt at thalr KneampaMat, lob bald at V1 Ja" Umrim ManpM; th lb fare for U ond lripUlA ThComm rla ipvt to babant abunt fwaT day. mmuLj Rlbk. on trio to Koropo, both a a M N T&bZuSZ .baa for lb abo . J""! v" "Tl ;" "una na will pnr ''". i"w matt line, nf the I. Wew-h blm af.'Jea5 nnoai vaaivra laune. n ftapeedj Botluna. iiaedj return, aad ftiao flllTU WltD P.HUI 0t.PB.-Tll Bllth Wl Kmery Uub held ft maednc on Tbday aalny at wtildh a r larua nuniLar ni The unly btainnta UtnMtd waa th paUUm of Maura V II Jlutia (president) and U, X Blama. 'ihalr olTonc u rotiny fur lb nowan ticket ana w in kiiuttb werv prwaont. .p mvuurav ejeiui u Marry EaaaMUto M TnKfMlbftlnf lbIAlte'Aaioelaiioa of th tint Woat (HhiaTiAN AaaOtiATioai Wa - '- "Xr.?&t&& TaSrstVldd ftbA4 mail a'Jl tfthBplaCB I MOHK lAJVYKIIM, I i t.-r ";.".-. :.7.:,-,7"""r"' v.. ..!.. LI. .! I I "I"!. TM innnl nrnminiWTOinni l mum . m- m.m i ,--, nllh Ufmareatatlonal Che rah leal ntahl, was n very I Hntl-nti brilliant affair Th cbnrrbwnvrdlwUhrrtiMl r th mdulM and of Um InHUntloa. Urame- 1 ... tnHta haln. aa OanaL nf th -Mlf "!. M th (Ml fllMoni pm r HaaaUir ltarpnUt t tb brilliant array bof htm u act aa Mia ona Th MartncHatMl wMtaalUadan and nllfenwt lh noBwrioit wlib It ohtdo mnil, lln Malt. II Carpntr dallrarad tha ftrmlraratrr addrM which waa rvolat Hb boirtor andanndad tlo o th aradaala. Ill ad Ho In reward tb -lactlnn nf a IncaUon hlr la ma aatarfnln. tni ira reHd wttb tb craataat apptaoaa. iirta nnator nna:ni ton can ion or that tbrir aaanrarJlahiawat woaklb nt i niua rav Mim m taxiiBbimi wiaiwwa oi in namm, or wr . Unmmafirtn Ihwlr Brat atp In th pnrfaaatow, ha niinmrtnrl tit afva ta tha wiawibata ot tha olaaa ufh adrlo aa,hal3. hathoaabt wnM bftbn of ad- vanta- tnnJM haa nroatl nwnan n pinowo la llfa Pinaif ha armmtA aparl aa alnmal lodlaOAnaabli ! aaeaaaa. A rldl rnaai taay nlr tha klna-doraof MTf,Na ncnmnnqinui an ;" rrlaMlof bladtMwaapartllarlrirMMl It waa thla Kaavotof polbum womavi ran mis In oarAtaart aaa miUoi and inaaan btf arir raapari." laowdadlnc hratwd to th at rani Oiroaah whU lb onaniry bad rntt paaaad, aa th naeaa. alUaairfrhthiMad aad artihartwllaaaMldaoavT. of th paaaaot bortr H waa th dolj of vor man, tpalallf INalawiw.toaoalhatw ban to oar an olairt rmt fnr lhlrmtltoU(a- lr HaaiaaJ Tfrthadalirad lb addroaa la th rnl'trimrtTv u w5,jtot, i ". prarfrfwnl of th (wWa.aiWrawfWl thwrlawa aa h. nrm laaifMr lino Aaana Howdalt, With hi allra Inrka. irraoltoara(htririr.and h hla raanatnr alhnrlrd (o aoofurTin of tblaatftiinrilalawhlrh tn-otaht b- awraapwra. Aa wiwnmimu uwoiuni mpmn what h had ofton aa4 bafnravTb Innaar I lira I mot I am onlnad tbU tha priuoliwaof CTjrUt f CbrUUan moralllf Uasht la th rw Taaiatwrna are in nop of oarenwntry Thaa ai tb" foundation ofrrpob- IbtBM iHBiiintlnnB inl of nmr awimnn law Mntrll Onhiadaalhbad, raenrrlna toUila Hatemont, lantThamaht tUr praldntof thcjilrt "La noamtnal mom WHutfwaatJ paaa wlthnt rwUarttrnj thtatrat h II BflJ pnwn fH Pirm wth itti hiktit. hrpvi nnantmoaa I tnotr ronvtcUoa on thta pnlrrt. It r lh Amartraft panplo. whoa aarranta row ar tab. If any nattnn i ataiaamaa war r tboroojib atwlanta, and tharafor atapl ballTrt la thla troth It baa bran lh fathataof oar country from Waahlnion. Mo may tbnrU in rlltna i thai may doa bt aa to th 4, hrial tan. rvtarat bn 1 wtU ot do to trtfl with th Itf of ft oatlon Una aiporlinant of Ihla kind Ul of tha iMlbnlrahbnp'r'oaItooch poopla will anAtv In th prtarraaa of modar ptrUiaaUon A frank Urt, a Wobatarraay dnttbt ttll tbay bar faraaUaatodi bat hay wi r thrnoih It UI1 aaUanml On your tomrHHtoa, ynan rmtUmw. If thla td aih. "lalthlaKhrleilBn. he not (necrlbod. Ut not that dread memorial of lh " R-trn of Torn " Uk It pUoVHorkteaarWptto.'' May tb fa-. If art th yawiel ft Uaght b lb irl Maatrt b four admlrv Iaparlnc,ToanBIntlaman,thla la lh alncer! reaAnn ol all ran teacher Mar both lb Induatrr aawi Kfia annniif, aiiaw uiv virit vi lramrasii ,Ha ehtpandof awbalamaaly anarteey, whleh baa marked oar mataal lnlronaralrt th lector-rrunt b carried by roe) Into tha-offlr and th ooart-toom. la ephere where yon hereafter oun may lAh b to yon ft far noblr tartlirirmul than th diploma eta Una patharaotrwbloh w now rrrvroai thl man III epka for him. i d umJ o uiv inuuiiiv, wtw Minn vajrvm in orntir, and aa they earne forward eooh waa received with matka of apprriliaUon and floral faro from their frtandi In th aodleno. Prof JohoO Kenned then wrnl th prla,aa First nrii Foe aa au n Tha mwi eiar to declare an art of (Jonaraaa mid wraaiiiy, - wwamea ii. atanovrruie, oi i en a ihhuvw weeena pru. ror an aeaay on " Marjiay an ore " to Ueory R. Webeter, of Rhode laland Third rrUe- ror an aay upon "Tb rnloa whkh hmtld aneera eontia In Intarpretatton of wUla,"ie. t William Poire Befl. of Wailnytoo, U O Tb totcleei loet with a beoedleUua by Dr Dam Th followfnff la Hat of th cradaat Ttwk Y ladnrann. Waahlnatoni Ualhlaa 11 llaitar. llhlni PirrW Pell, WaahloRtrMi t Hrman H Bennett, N Y llenr U lllUa.Li Arthur II row nine. Waahui tnat Utnrtton Browalnf, Md t Thomaa U Callao, Waabha(tont ITelder B Cnew (lenryotown tMnrumT Ctarh. Waahinjrtno J H tleodenlna;, Mo. John K Ulltle. Ky t Thorn, A. Connelly, Waahlnctoa i tllennW Oooper, WashlncUm. JohiilA Uurwla,Tihli M 1 fJourtaey, Waahtat-toni Tm K. troarr, Mich. rLOokvr, V, Waahlutnni Charles 11 lHckeoa, nd.) 11-nryR, Pllkitt, Waalitnctoo l John Praahm owler.TaiaaiN A Poller, K Y t Meory W tJamett, Waahlnion j Wm U. Ureen. N V Wm P 1111, VTaablnatonjJnbnP Hanna, Va. s JVed D lUrrt, III ; JnbnJay HawkUa, Ind. t M IT llewett, Mil Wjllya P Hodc,WaamtifloniCnrtbiW lloloomb.TWa.fA JohaeTu iltenrjC Johnaon, WaahtDctoa.Oha. I Kaaaon, n t Itarry ami nuainrumi nni; r Kl", WaahlnftoatJ Prtoahepnr, I enn. Looie P LeVtv. (tKa. V Lewie, N Y Jam Maode ille, Wew York Rit, J UarUn. Marylaad) Rohert Maana.Ttan. HPT MerrtH, Me KdalnA -ariaara, 1-a.t i-aajfi meiaanoa, n ,jameni Bie- ralL 1U . Hohvrt W Mrfb I , Mtimrwn hid. Itai !nr obU. PhlUlM, neortetown iL Mua . W .1 (V.I "."rri'V. 'r Jnaon,Jf T Henry , Handera, If . Y t Lharlea K Bamann WaabiMtoni VViU A hbort. Pa. i bartd Blnea beach, Pa,iLaaaIaaM Tbomaa. lowai Jamee Tooiney, Pa.,Jahn A.Tooniey P.tChaa. II. Underwood, Pa. u arena rv Hon nraioara ii ntrnr, i uemn rrreoeier. K Li A J WoluiarMU-t rrank I Willi. pa.t 1 W nnoua, inq i i nomaa nooajara, ia YlrVfOI huH Y ntCK TO TBft BE MXTAftSACThMI OW TKK Rur MT. At ft moatfoa- of lh Hacwabt of th Hail ibeon Ian Inatl tattoo, held la Waahiaatoa an Lha old da ai la. Ift W rnlTdi That linn. Halmoa l t-ha. Chief JaaUee of tb United Htatoa and I hanoollnr of the Board nf Beaenta i I loo. la-naaa TrambulL a hanntnr fn laa M mt.J jUlnola aad Ilea. Lake P, laaad. UepreeeaUU from lh HUte of Vermont, b appointed to prepare th Board of Hawa to, a Lett aoorediUaa; illenn.th Urtryof aald InaUtotion, to vlalt Forort, to th virion learned In. MMletlea, aaJ pomoo La lb horapoon Prof joaeph who la aboat I BUiaUonft. eeaUtiM, aaJ penoa La lb karopoan Aooordlayly th followtaeT ha bn drawn apt The omlriowd. oheortally aoceptln th tfatj feraL dooal behalf of Lh board of rant th daty Ihoa aordlally eommead tha Uarnad and aaavabt eeer. W - iHUwaai t htaw aeaatBiratbia aad rnnMnceiM in wuw inniMir, afwieue ami parana en eeeh at rep aa oaamlrte ft ha may Bod faaaiarUt liar Haaltbanalaa wa tawadad br lha bberahty of friend and promatar af aetoaa la Pit rap wbo) ar reelded La thl mntry It maetb. wnevwiofi. HI anan mrt www Hi. ia lav iniaiOBft IB Ul RKVannv aii aau oaceaaa and ad vaaaaaaaal of i ataa and dllaatn; kwleAaa i itotthala UtaUnn, Blwaaalaa aaaav 1 wmm m nai arfxa Uia I lha ai aal ancM Et eootrlbaUon it haa otad to theeoiawoa aad dad f of th world, ar ry tersely do to lh MMt effort of Prof, lleory. who ha had Ui a tla eharw aad control W H from It lafaacy Tka Ikaard of aT aaaa le haee advlaad a tiaallna a hla ewen Ubura for th loaUlaUoa, for tbla vlali to ho-' rope ml they bop that II may b both acreeabl aad uroBiebln to blot. Ayala enmotondiaa bim I tba hoe. pluUlt of tb laarnad eavaaa nf Pap, w bar lh haararVepaheerlbeoaraalva, Ar . thtinod) CblelJ' oolaajni JaaUoaUaiUdBUMdCbaaoaUarelhmlUw naUtaUoaV . U oiled Htatoa HnM, Ult P. flMBTL n TT.7 I-7 ITTZT?- iwiHTHitayn iran i Oai IIiiX OmiBTKaT -Th nnnJ report of th Peard of Maaager mt th Oak HtU Oemetory Oonv at thalr th nband April , a,e,BliUU43i Ita, BlliwjT oaab l,Ltt1JB, waolptoTromealeaof fot eioonditwree, lljsLuai Inveatmenta, oabftpd BUM "ft ateok aad bondal paoy. ' dar)oU aboeria an laereaao of the Inveeted fund r of BllUl In vlw of thekryeatuw r ld on the parchaaaef lota, amoaatlnc rj tw, with Intoreet aooraed theraoa, lenm tw.w,w onani ph oaniwouaiy aeirmiaea, wita nMMorvUoa,tordotbaprio from B1JU to 1 pee lea, nod eeil only for eaah. rh prio of bound Ptenea haa ale bean red need from tn Bt, ihaeLhlraupplleoath tpouthe proooad to go lh traaanr ni the enmnanw An biin ralliaa h.a bft rootod oa th whole troal an Road and Aloof blub, will add much I bnty of tb ewmetory Hntli tha ralllnv anit mm. aitt nl Mr Laxmi. A aabiianllal wall, oa tba Koch creek front, wUI b balll dartn th omtner, wbea tb water la th creak la lower, Carb tone hoe been , aad lh footwara pared, oa th enure mmt oa luta ua atoniTomry aireeu, ana an appropriaiaia haa bee made by tb eorpuratioa for tit araIlB-of lloadalreaL Tba PutoniM water la now blnclntrodaed,wl(lob will prove aireal oanvanlane. ITai, BartrrKThiorof WUILatn T Walker A Bra. at thnrner of iiaad Klntb etreeta, wa rolibdoTaadanihtnf aboat BlUI worth of prop ert Kn clu to th burslara. Mr. Martha lleaaley, realdin on K atreet, near tha Hotter market, aaalaiftad eorlou laMrioa na Too. day alht by fall in down a dark atalrway Ir Bren nenuaa rendered ail poaalbl modlnai aaalitiana. W A Heotl waa inoM yeterday oa lh chanr of aaaaultln JohaBoutL. lUaaaheld la bie awn rem nU too if keep th po Ceaeo- th reoent elea- rnerVMtth Waahlnytom Kmery el uli leolnred) eel' brAdthBietaaarthlr anddrt fur Mayor by ftraod ball na Taeedty alac Aa LntcrwUn Umo waavnJnyeiL Mr WUlUmMarbarTtof neormetown had bla luket ptrkad of BlUoa th Arenu yealwday 1 he proierty clerk of tb Meianpolitoa polir fore which baa been TT 7. ""- ftmtuwvmf a aii an, in ou iruca o for all mnntha iaat. jus meeh damaa Look Hmiih Bwoa'a Die I 'k waa corn in 1 1 re)rdar oa tbfar-f ae WaehlBft-toa Aletan-tt and fleornW Hamphrera ere eeat m fu, enargea wun illegal roUay aU retie- II ar miuM nw eara Mifnh.i, liiwu., vH.,jAr II I haa who nloaeed Iheau men did anonlyalter rood irtiy had bn offered and accented. aa Ihe lafl In lha ilUmmn traJa 1 a. After thntr relaeee they !ef l In lb aiUmnnn hvdwhiMthBairdof PoIWwwaa Ineo-olon. W iuerwroi much In J attic L Mr t-li. Ptjor T. A Oi. dU-nete and pejmrirt. lrf th "Balm nf life" enrew of Nlth aad I fair. a. ha la Taad the Ota of thbvtue eonUlnln hia popular ,--.., Hvsn ,.un 'twiwi wiuiowtan ia " I'm e uiiiwiiuui pi nil iMim, R. PirtTOV A Co., pawnbroker, ITlnta t treat, near PenaaytvanU , advartla fur an r ngliah girl to w, a a. aw aiaa ainruw lur Beta lOBuaaiUUO- Ula la complete order , .ieo, a open top baggy and duubl barn, Muittft. W M "n-UfTE A nRO,No,lPny nta ftiaiHft. aall Oi. atl.nllAh.1 lkal.4lu .U- Uautet to thalr full Block of black Uo potato, whit " r"" . ' aa tun, aiia man nmr BBaannaoi dram gtoda, which they ar ortertng at popolar price, Mratfta.J W norrtaa a rtwi nTn omp.m...i-. ni arena, betwee Hlnlh nod Tenth etreeta, ha for aal lh Amricaa bMlr,onof very boat boilerant diaor4 for cooking meat. Tg wILJ be ! fMUvftli tt Kvndan cbtpel, oornerof ThlLrtoea-and half and JJ atret eooth thlalng, wtU moaie, cream, and ilrawbarrrM, hUmi, A , to II P WaOOAMtV. aaaeaaiBr to Wuiunu A (in. dml baa an tared Into o-prtaralilp with Joeepht PwaTh Tba huaUeaa will haraalavljaannllBnail ! mmw Hvas wai lai v. ajiajai a AI MraaaUft. fI(HlM A WrtJ. Una lolft aaa lill tunnih atreet aortliweat, have enUrwedlhetr plae of bualnaaa and Inoreaaed thli ainck of dry goniia, and ar olturlng mi porgatna to to lauto uia uiairlct. Ho I FOR StThniEB flctlL' Fnrnflilntr uwm iur utn luiuiuaj, auu cucapor UQn erer. YU i UalrahlrtB and Drkwera. 8L 60. 110 anrf 73ccnU. Whlt Sblrti, T5 ftmi t ccnU, (1 aiui vi a. ejiiuauiariicjo,il-iiiieaiOnOm, Whrrunttd. tfJ and fttLfiil lfandlrarrI.Ufa airtM j uemmea, is cents, uontj Bock, ihrco pBlrfiiria uenU. E.ccUont Taper CollBm, tluili lUica button-hole, 10 rent per box, Th ftMJgt rBlier CnlTa. A r-onta 1r nr M wnli u SrlftJB. CBUBndrorjTlofTJYoareclTCB. rjuiio jCkrt.iiMAh-.No 4098cTCDthitrccL ltweca D tad . BD1 MftrUo HalL Nn. VM Rnranth Blrrtt, oppnfllo Patent Office "AIUMi IIlTHi AI0 OoDUeracn BtrBw Itu of cycry tle- avfljilttf", JJlracli! And Trimniud. AtA-T WMUtv , ftH PaniiajrlTBuU avBu, ovatfi amo, virrcvu vm, ami avwi hi. IOMiannlld ) C'lut la lb f lrfYrt. , prnrroft nr aa Tatnrwi Jttr Araaraao Arllnxton to aaalut la airawlnji flowar on th naparHxl anwiara. wnu atHl black r laarnad that th black aiflnwu , pomllUMt to root what lb nowara war atrawn, I that hla ronaiaa wrara olaoad In ft oornar. br tba rajrakl On that oeoaaton I protaatad aaalnat tha diooadlarrtmlnaUontand waaaarad that It ahontd b diflvrant thla vr, I thla a K honor in daad. but ki mi rad that thai war tn b V I thla wrk aaaln onnlrlhnlad f aT" ranrunuumi ,wn dlatlnal ordora of rrla. for lh whit and on for lh colored aldlrai tw9dlehriot artillery, the etelaee for thablacla to UhepUoe, a th paper elated, "at th cine at lb teniae at tb HaUotial Ueraetery at Wwrit,ailr th flrat eetebraUon. to lh hollow where lay th depled hlark h-rn. with a flc. an trrhy,noinonnatrntUkethnwhieh mark th apot wher th while hem Heat nothln; bal a enramnn, broad. tlt Bald of arth. -lib. head boarda.marka th deardat apot k no aeaU wer there, no tor, oo to, no land for apeakera, eoch aa waa i rovklod for tbne at lh rmetry for th while, fftt whit lei tor r. paired to th abrine to atrew flower over tha black aoldleraa-rar, a half dostt lndlnnt ttermana, who, (lodbleea them for tholr baart. Weed with an dnepleed eolored people In their monrnlnc I feel that I may b pardoned for alladm to thU elf eatUao, bat black men feel a well a whit men (1-CO. T, UOWHlaO. WiA-nto-rat. May IL 1, Th fthoT b) ealtfnUted to do toa Injaatlc to th (I rand Army of th Itepahllo. Tbr U ant th r1(htt a-round for th Implleatlon thai ther wa any "odlont4le(irtariltMllonnln th matter of lh decoraUaai of aoldlera' raa, etifcrd i,r hlt,o lhthday of MayUat, Aat th "two aiatiaetoraertar etorolae, no for th wbll and on for thonloroduldlera,Mr Jowaln4 laeqnally nntorttmat lnthwantof yroaod for th ertlon Th fftcUof trmdeeoratlm ar almply Iheawi Th plaanlna tnd ptneecot Ion of th work of deenrit la th era of UakM tuldleri wa don ander th ftoaplea of lh(lrand Army of IhalUpabUo. Pot th parpoa of faoUltoalnc th tmrh, al ovmmllteoa, with peeUl doll aanLyned to each, wr ftpptald. In th ptnlntmat of tone Coram lit colored veteran warn not lnord t la fact, th dnlnd was honored with an appolBtmnlaM thro of lb mnel lotporUnt onrtnlttM. vli Plntae. rienUtt aad Xemtlon, Ther wr ftlaa Iw colored veUrani en other ftnm mitt TbaUrandArmyot thRot-abH elted lh mm eierron Arlinarton lleUhta M th moat annroortata pbic forth mala irtM UUkpLao,whiah aaab readily a&deratood wbea It It koown tool th abo ometoiyeanliMmorjaecif Uabwt enldlertthaa any other In th ooonUy An unmnd the city of Wh Ington ar other cemeterloa, eontalaln- lhrrof UnnnftBlr,caVrdandwhlti It waa th dealr of thcflrand Army of tb lUrmbU that aU theo-raetorie h rtelted and lh vre deeoratod In order that thl ahtvaht b down. It waa deemed adriaabl tn aaatira to dlffaroat, .wata omalrla In which the had enma tn torai t lha, th poet In Oenrirtora waa rnotd. to deoorat the crave tn the tinrilowa cmetcTiei to lb poet at tb Wavy yard waa aalned thaaonnrof eorvi- tt lh Oonsreealonal emtorr, and th port of which lh and r tUtned haa th honor to b ootaaiander, waa aaaixnod th duttea of demratlnit tb Krarea of th lord eiddler In the Proodmen a eemetary, near Ar linaton HelyhU. To each port aaalned to tb abo pparual dniy, was left the Urn and manner pf perromv in lh 4nty aealsned there Thdlrtlee order of i order f mm lh main eiee, rUae,tbe reader will eaallr underatand, waa oot b. ane one waa for while and tti other for colored aol r) tern, but bocaoan they took plae In different pUc. It woaM b eqnalry jnat to ehante an odlnaa dlacrlmb nat-na"' earalnat tlie irAe of eohtlera at Oaorvetowo, at th finraalonaI cemetery, at tb Hold lrar linen, and at the other emtrte In thla rMnlty heoane no aland for apakr waa erected, no lee-water fnmubed. aaer waa inmni.iig ra wratt aainlaa were Bred Aato thcabaene of wfalto! la eon r in Won, tn tjnoenuyneo lapieaaeo loeoethf latrat Mr, Dnwnlnf take In th araveaof colored enldrara. and hop thai h may biin; Into action what ere Inllnene he may ha to aeon r their removal to thoir proper plae on ArUajrUm Ilelxhla tftwuH IhJfoLAM. Altn4rU iffftln. TIk) ilazttt of yelcrJaj cctilny htutb fu)hwtnK hcwb lUiiiai Xuosa Uio rcrcipla of produce At thl tlj ty th OrBiiftto. AIcxbi iHina and .Manaaiii railroad last vrick wcrot of corn, 11,773 btulieN. whctL 7.250. rvc 4-fli 1141. ftli. rorn iocl, CO; flilur, SKI tbt.) tolmcco, M botn; M boxen of fowl, 1 W cows and ralrcs, and 14 car loads of cattle and sheep. Durlne the sauna crlod, biiiomk the other articles of freight rcwivr-d hi.ro by the Alexandria, Lou doun and UainiMhlre railroad, vrcro i of com, ,' DU8QC!, WllCai, 0,001 OBIS, I,UOI! ICCd, no. potauica, iuo; nour, Dia onis ; tmtter. 114, tinra. &5: taJro. 67. fuwls. 1A bote-, ami 3 ear loads of hay and 3 rattio. Tns hodt of the late Mr. Isaac PeTcrlll, who Ml oterboard from the steamer Fairy on Friday last and was drowned, was dlcov ercd yoiLcrday crenlnjf by tho hands of that ateanicr while she was ou her way to Farm Inrton, fluatlnfr In tho rlrcr nrar the place where tho accident occurred. It was talon on board and carried to Fort Washington, where a coroner's Inoucst was held upon It, aad a Terdlct of accidental drowning rend cred. After tho Inrjucxt tho rercain vara taken to Fanulnfiton, but were brooht back to tins ruy in a row boat last night and were Interred hcie to-day. Tin erases of Uic Confederate t4dler In IxStiunrweroapnrorriiltelT Jnnratnl renl-r. day ctflnlnj;, and at night 1M was raised at a itrnwborry fwtUal for tho nurixise of enxt og a soltablo monument to their memory. To-dat United Slates Marshal S. N. flsr- shal f ), Y. Parker, colored, commenced taking tho census of tills county. Thp thermometer In the shade, at 1 o clock to-day, stood at clghty-ono degrcca. Tub crand procesxlan of th Froo Masons ycr-terday morning In New York was In every resnect a decided succe. Tho weather was ahirlotis, and tho icround pleasa nt f or walklntr. Tho column formed In tcu divisions. The cere monies of lajlnir tho coraor-ntono then com menrvd The dilTe'cnt lodge, with their In ixnla, presented a splendid appearance as ther marched through Lbaalxori. arul ltvl the admiration of the multitude whleh lined trie r-trocls alone the line of march Tho pro- evasion is eonaiucrea uio nncsi aii a ov um Masonic Order erer wttnCMcd in Isew York. aud more than 40,000 Masons participated In It. A pibb at nno o'clock yesterday inornloi; In Newark, X J , destroyed W. P. Vail & fJo.'s hstfattory The lossls ostlmated at I00. 000, and tho Insurance U mostly In Newark ofllces. About three hundred workmen are thrown out of employment by this Are. WlUlvn Dodd a hat framing and blowing ma chine Hero damaged to tho amount of 3,000; InsuretL A fireman named George Warren m as serlonsly Injured by a falling wall, and John Poydir, a private watchman, was sort ouely Imt not fatally burned Woipp'b Continental Telegraphic Company, of Ucrtln. with snb-agcnelcs In the principal titles of Kuropc, know nothing of any recent dlnturbamc in lloumanla. the manarerot that company deelana the telegram of Vdulph Crcinlenx to In an exaggeration, and says all rtnorta touching tho slaughter or banishment of Roumanian Jews Is batcles. Diligent In- 3 mric in lAHiuuu nnu un tuu conuncni lau to Ucnvcr any foundation of the terrible stories whtih hatu becu publUhod In the United ounce. navTiaTMBirof tortoand fahlon who can npprcclato an cosy fitting gaiter or nalklug sIiimi, aad at tho samo time ono tiiat combtnes elegance of appearance, will bo pleased to learn T 8. Oartrcll has lust received at Ids popular cstabllahmcnt. No. 000, corner of SctcnthAnd I streets, a large Invoice of fine seal and Frcnth calf galurs and low rut walking shoes; also, e cry conceivable variety of shous for ladles and children Ills stock Is complete In all Its departments, sttoitod with Uio utmost care from the best manufacturers In this oountrr. It Is com tan 1 1 v ladntf rtr.lrn. Uhcd vi ith all tho HuiaouaUo noteitles, and niwio ui giMxisnrc in ino inoni ucnirablo qual ity, It I an Important fat I well vi orth rcmcui- ocniig uiai iiu prices aru cxtruinly reason able Foit Huts Until Drill Pulu, i 50 Unen I hick Hnlfa. t3. A few Uooltn BulU jet on hand, from (5 to wo. Turrhascrs villi tall early Geo. 0 lIcifNiNu, No 410 '.lh street N W llUr TUURSTUaWllATH.WlttTBT8lllRTA.irN deb Clot u I no and Tiu-kkb at Lewis', W0 oeTcnui sircei, uetwrun 1 ana K. i'jO dozen Btraw Hats, from 15 cts. np, Trr our Linen Dosou Biiikt. ai tl .'!. 100 Tudmkb In store and new ortna coming The Finest Goods at tub lowest pucks, "" "" "i aui ecu iur jvurauiTC. Oooprlco only IkduCiubnt to But (loon Bguriwn Mt. cniME. WUcox it Glbbs' Sewing Maclilne. mo most aunpio and best ronstrncted sewing machine, will hereafter bo sold on liberal term. Innulre at lha inrnrv. Ilanm'a iwa and hoopekart factory. 4J ScTvnth street, to- tncvii J auiu Cm Tub Laxqbst amu bbbt belbctioh of Neck Ties. Bows and flcarfa fur the aiimnir-r aeoann lust received at Faabc A UoLUUiVi Popular umu rurnisuing uoooa nioro, no. tuutSCT entJi street, between D and E, and Marble Hall, No. 007 SoTonth atroct, ppposllo ratent aiuvi. .Oa tba betltia af llraav Voultii. 1 Hai..h.ia Klaaducaof Wartembars, flenntnr, prertnc for the e tUntkav nf a Ptat irttUd ie bera aa tha lta d j of Aesaai it. liel, for a JBpreiaaIaAdaulac Wood Ptbree to I aper Palp It la ordered that th UaUaanaf In lh eat b elo-ad on th Miadurof Jslr att, Ui toe lira foe aiia arctiniant and U. aaaaaiafw a reparl b llaiHlad to Ui tfafr-SKJ a"1! Lfrf " r Aaf perao laar oppoa liila eiteaakt. mss-Tia naautii B, ruilltK. Cornmlaalonar of I'ateala, TTflrTKD STATPJ" PATKNT OPPICR. SL ... . . W"HDtOTO. I Ma fl. IS70. . On tb paUtfm nf WlLLLtM A. KIHJIT. nf Antmn Jf j Yerh prajrn for the eiUoatna of a patent iran! !?ilLp?"'.yt0! PtMbr, ltt ralaaiiMl thlUhdayof Mareb IWi and anla rHaraed la I iuhnMljMmXTzJTlSeiil' r'w a'1 ,,,w H ,h vettln ftlarhlnaat IUerderdthattbftfniarilalh aa b eloeed en tb Sd daf of Attfost aeil Uial tl lira for filla trtTiipant aad tb KiamlBers rJort be limited to the UUi Oar f Aocuat aeit, aad that aald petition be heard (MtbslTthdaf of Auraataaib ai ftwrauaj noarpimee hub riimni 11 ARCHITECTS, 4f Btrftt, tfBMlU Pit OHfr DsArtsif (orncuul latth or THRiirr rtatct rasl at Rfr)d kmIob f rrtf(lrt Cagr. PUBUO-O. W.1 t Aw Act tn amend an art entitled "An act pro Tiding for tho sal of a portion of th Fort Gratiot military reservation In St. Clair county, In the State of Michigan, approved Jul twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty elghL lie it mficfcrj oyfAe fknnfe find lhcof lteprfrtnUtti tf Ihe fir-I 9a7ra o Atmr m tn Vtmjiru tusrwiWrd, That an act entr lied "An act providing for the sale of a por tion of the Fort Gratiot military reservation In 8L Clair county, In tho Slate of Michigan," approved Jnlyitwefittcth. eighteen hand red and tlxty-c Ight, be, and the samo ta hereby, amended by adding to tho end of tho second section thereof tho following, to wlti "Vo tf'tof. That there shall be, and Is hereby, granted to the city of Port Huron, In per petuity, for public grounds, to bo designs ted and known as 'Pine Grove Tark, all that portion of said military resenre known and de scribed as follows, towtu commencing at a point mi Uic Sl Ualr river bank, being north slxtr degrees and flftr-flve minutes east, ono chain and MTenty-flve links from tho soathat comer oi ron uranoi military cemctcryi thenco south slxtr drurecs and flftT-flrn mln- ntes west, eleven chairrs and fifteen links, at right angle) with and to Intersect the east line of Harrington a roue, so-called; thence south twcnly-nlno degrees and five minutes east, along the east lino of said avenue, twenty chains: thence north slxtr degrees and flftr- flre minute cast, at right angles with said atcuue, to tho United States boundary lino In tiro St. Clair riven thence northerly along said boundary lino to a point at which tho nonneriy nno oi ino auovu aeocnucti 'rine GroTO Park' extended In a tight lino easterly would Intersocl tho same; thenco westerly along said extended northorlr line to the nlace of beginning. Containing twenty and ninety- nunannui acres) oi tana, togeuicr wnn mo rher front adjoining thereto, Approved March 13, 1870. (Public Na 83. Ait Act to confirm tho aitortlonnicnt and amend certain, laws of tho Territory nf Ari- ronit. IkitcMcMbvOvR'naltntuUhtHMtofllrr rrseniafresofA VnUnlfitittofAritvin uonyrrn niwmwoi, inn ine apportionment nf inemlicri of tho Legislative Asscmtillcstif tho Territory of Arizona, elected and eon rcned In the Tears elirhtccn hnndrod ami sixty-six, eighteen hundred and slity-vcti, and eighteen hundred and slxty-elglit, made by tho Governor In aecordanco with the laws of said Territory, ho, and the samo Is liercbv, declared legal and valid under tho organic new Sec. 2. A nl he it further etmHnL That an election for members of the next Legislative Assomblr. and for all tonahl. countr and dlstrlut officers, and for delegate to tho Forty- pccotju tvungrcM oi tue umica oiaies, snail do held upon Uio Tuesday after tho first Monday of November, In the year eighteen hand red and seventy, and tho Governor shall order such election by proclamation to t Issued not less than two mouths previous to said day. In said proclamation he sbaU declare the num ber ot members of each branch of tho Legis lature to which each county or district of said Territory shall bo entitled, and such appor ment shall bo based unon the noonlalliin aa shown by tho census to bo taken fn tho year eighteen hundred and seventy, under tho low of the United States, and If such census Is not completed In time, then the apportionment shall be made according to the population as slrnwn by the best Information to bo obtained Said election shall he conducted Inconformtty to uio laws ui tue territory no a ot t,ongrcM( and the term of office of all township, county and district .officer shall expire upon Uio IhlrtyHrat day of December, eighteen hundred aud seventy, and that of all olQccrs elected as heratn nrotlded shall bcrln unon tha first da of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-ono. Bee. 8. Ami be it further rtuuit. That tho persons that elected to the next legislative as sembly shall meet at the Canltol ou the second vtrancMiay in vanusry, eighteen nunarcdand seventy-ono. Bee. 4 And be U further enacted. Ttist thit governor shall fill by appointment all vacan clos In township, county or district ofllces tn said Territory, until tho thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy) and until the soma Umo ho may remote town ship, county and district ofllccrs, and fill their places whenever In his judgment Uio public Interest will be promoted thereby. Sec. 5. Awl 1 it further ennrifil, Thzi Jus tice of tho peace In said Territory of Arizona shall not havo jurisdiction of any matter In controversy where Uio title or 'boundaries of land majr bo In dispute, or where tho debt or lars. " "" Approved, Jlanh 33, 1670. triTBUC No. 24. An Act prescribing tho duty of the Secretary ot tho Treasury la certain ce therein named. lie U enacted by the Renal ami limine of M7rT"rrMttiwa vj uus tjnwnrUUM 0.inrr tea in Congrett aitnnbled, That whenever any State shall have been, or may be in default In th payment ot Interest or principal on In vestments In stock or bonds Issued or guaran teed by such State and held by the United States In trust. It shall be the duty ot the See mijtr of th Treasurr to retain tha wholn. nr so much thereof as may be nocecssary, ot any uruui-j a uuv un uj aiiruum irum 1110 ImlOu States to such State, and to apply tho same to the payment of such principal and interest, or cither, or to tho reimbursement, with Interest thereon, ot moneys advanced by tho United States on account of Interest due on such stocks or bonds. ApprovcduMarch 25, 1870. rriiBUcZNo. 23.J Am Act iwaui to acknowledgments of deeds or other Instruments of writing In the Dis trict of ColumUa. At if Cftnrfcd by the Senate ami llonto of ItrprfMBjaUvttofthe UnUedRaieM of America, ft Conyreu a$etUed, That from and after tho passage of this act tho acknowledgment of any deed, contract, bond, or power of at torney, concerning lands in the District of Columbia, hereafter made before one justice oi tne iM-ara only, cither In said Pittrlct or any Slate or Territory of tho United Stales, shall bo held and deemed as ralld and effort ui f.r all purpose-, as through such acknowledg ment had liocn made before two or more justice in mo iioacc Approved, MarthSS, 1870. ruBUoIlNo. 85.1 Am Act to extend tho Umo for the completion of tho lateral branch of tho Baltimore and Potomac railroad, authorised by tlie act an'iuiw 4-uurunrj mill, eiglllCOU UUIiarCU and sixty-seven, and to change tlie location In tho tltyof ashlngton along tho bank of tho canal. bcrcos a charter was granted by an actof i uvrvua trjiartcr was gUMUM UJ an BCtOl igress, approved February fifth, eighteen drcd and sixty-seven, giving to the JJsltl--o and Potomac railroad Company tho vuiif.wi, a, nunarcc more ana ruioraac rauroan L'umranv privilege of constructing a lateral branch of their railroad into the District of Columbia aud the city of Washington, and hcrea under 1 ho said ait tho time for tho completion of said lateral branch was within four years from tho possairo of tho att, and as Uio work on tho Hue of tho road within tho city of Washington Is very heavy and will consume a long time In Us coiutnutlon, and whereas the work has already been delayed In submit ting tho plans and location to Congress for thur approval therefore, lie it n sored by the fvnale and thane oflbv rcM-nlatirtt of the Untied Nate of America in Connrtaa$MnjJtd That the seventh section of tho act to authorize, the extension, con struction, aud una ot a lateral branch or tho Baltimore and Potomac railroad Into and within tho District of Columbia I and the samo Is hereby, repealed, and Ihe ihno for tho completion, of the said lateral branch of tho Baltimore and Potomac railroad be, and tho same Is hetrby, extended to the first day of f ebrusry, eighteen hundred and seventyfite. Sec a. .And bit it further macteiL That tho said company, If It shall so elect. Is hereby aulliorixud to adopt a lino In the city of Wash ington, from some point west of list Fourth street, In the line designated In tho act of Congrcas, approved March eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, as passing along South K street, ai d thence crooning to and pawing along tho onth bank of the canal, to South Capitol sue a, and thence nortwestward ly to Irglnla avenue, there Intersecting and passing along mo line described in said act approved March eighteen, eighteen hundred aud sixty-nine, as phig aiaog Virginia ave nue northwestwardly to the Intersection of duuui v aou " vt ii min sirecis. Approved, Marches, 1870, PuBUOJaoetT.l ; Am Act to lueorporatt tho WaahiugUu Mall Steamboat Com nan v. JJe ti enacted by the Senate and iAiUM of Jte-rrrsTirtPr-s of the United Motet of Africa In Conjrett nssmtftW, That Charles Spear, rauiDtovcns, vv ii ienney.wiULamL.Wall. William H Fillip, George IL Hant, J. L, Bar age, I. C, Forney. )L Kllboume, 8. P. Urown, Akixander Rav. A. IL Herr. John Praram and their associates and successors, or a ma in uicul, mm ucrcuy creawo, and con- stitulcd a body politic and corporate, br tha name and style ot tho Washington Mail Steam boat ianpanr Sec. 3, rwfceffUrArTerwieiVxI. That tho capital slock of said company shall not bo less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars nor more thaa five hundred thousand dollars, to be divided Into hares of one hundred dol lars each. And each corporator shall ho lo- uiviauaiiy name, oaring tuumeae I a stock holder, for all debts of tho company, to the amount of his stock thersln, and or oao rear after any transfer of Uio samo Sec a. itd be it further enaclal. That said outuiMtny Is anthorUed and empowered to es tablish and run a line or lines of steamers bo tween the cIUob ct Wuhlngtou and Norfolk and other ports. Sec 4. And U U further enacted That laid compuT U alio (UtorUed, (a bar, build, charter, or run steamers, and to purchase, hold, and grant such real, personal, or mixed estats as may bo necessary to carry Into effect tho purposes of this act, and to build all neces sary aw., Tt narToa, aim uunuing uicrvun for their own use) may transport passengers and freight of every description, subject to tho rules and regulations and laws of the United Bute may uo and In) sued) may have a common scat; and generally may have and ixmsoss the rights and privileges Usually Hc-scd by similar corporations, or granted nndcr this act, aud may Issue Ironds of the denomination ot not less than one hundred dollars, in an amount not exceeding one halt of tho capital stock of said company. Sec. A. Anl be it further enacted, That tho affairs of said company shall bo managed by such officers as tho stockholders In general meeting shall oloet, and such agents as nay bo appointed by the board ot directors. Tho persons named In tho first section of this act, or a majority of them, may call a meeting of Uio stockholders for tho parposo of organis ing saia company at sneu time ana piaca in the city of Washington as they may deter mine opon, after advertising tlio time and place of such meeting for ten days In ono or mom newspapers published In tho city of ttashlagtoii. Tho ofllccrs of said company, onco elected, shall hold their ofllces for ono yesr, or until their successors Bro chosen SccO. Anl fff further enaeie That tho board of directors may moke all necessary rules and by-laws for the Issuing and transfer of the stock and general management of the business of said company Hec. 7 Ami be it further rttactet, That thl act shall bo enforced f mm the passage thereof, Sec 8. JmtlV MrtArmrtcfrxL That Con gress may at any ttroo hereafter alter, amend, ur repeal this act. Approved, March 25, 1870. IPnni.Tf! No. 28.1 Am Act Ui Incorporate tlie W asiilngtoii Gene ral Hospital and A'ylamot the District of (!nlnmbla. lie it rnactrt by the fienate and Ifouer of lieprtnentattvceoj ine i ntrru ivnfci tjr mrnra in wfjrtM astemiHCti, inat ouaa ajiuui, Itobert Reylmrn. Harrcy Llndsly, Uyron Sun derland, U. O. lloward.Saylcs J Bowen, D. W. Anderson, Lewis Clephano, Ocorgo A. Rtllock, iJifayetto C. Loomls, Joseph T. Johnson. S. P. lirowtuand Charles S. Fngllsh. their assMKlatcs and socccssors, aro hereby niadn. dfwlsrrd. and ctmslitnted a corporation aud body mUUc, In law and In fact, under tho name and stylo ot the Wasldngton (rcno ral Hosplul and Asylum of tho District of Columbiat and by that namo they shall bo, and are hereby, made capable In law to pros ecute and defend suits before all proper courts and tribunals to have a common scat, the samo to break, alter, and renew at pleasnre t to purcnaso, icaso, rccoirn, noiu, lmproTO, possess, and enjoy, and the same to sell, grant, demise, anddispooe of, personal and real pro perty, as they mar deem for tho best Interest and welfare of tho hospital i to have full power and right to make and ordain all by-laws for the government of said corporation and hos pltslnot Inconsistent w lib the laws of tho Uni ted States i and to hare and enjoy full power and all tho right of opening aud keeping a hospital and Mjlnm In tho District nf Colum bia for the care of sick, wounded, and Invalid persons and children i ProeMff, That Uio annnal Income of said corporation shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars, and that all the real and personal property of said hospi tal and asylum shall bo held, used, and do votedexcIiislvcltothcpurioscslK:forenamcdi And provided farther, That this act may bo altered, amcuded, or repealed the pleasure of Congress. Approved March 25, 1870. (rt'DLicNo. 3D A Act amendatory ot tho charter of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the District of Colombia. Ite U enacted by the Ornate and Hottec if Itepremtiativee of the Un ited State of A nteriea in Vongrtti rusrmUnl, That tho act to Incor porate tho Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the District of Columbia, opnroTcd Janu ary ten, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, bo so amended as to authorize Uio Interest on the premium notes held by said company to accn initiate to tho extent of one hundred thousand dollars) and also to authorlxo said company to acnulre and hold real estate, not exceeding fifty thonsand dollars, cash raluc, at any ono lime. Approved, March 25, 1970. rtnuc No. 30. J Am Act torenewand omtlnuo In force tho charter of tho rotoiuac Insurance Company, of Georgetown, District of Columbia. lie it mnrfed by the Senate and Uouk of Hepreeentativeeofthe United fitah of America 'Aa"TT:incofpofs,ti ViH itfvmncYtW fanr. In Georgetown, In the District of Co urabla,' hpproved the second March, eighteen hundred ana thirty-one, and the act entitled "An act to amend the charter of the FuUnosc Insuraaco Company, of Georgetown," ap proved tho third of March, eighteen hundred and thlrty-seTeni and the act entitled "An act to renew and continue in force the charter of tho Potomac Insurance Company, of Georgc lowViapprovcd tho twenty-screnth of Janu ary, elf htoeu hundred and fifty one, bo, and thoaoMae are hereby, ro-onactcJ amoxtoiidcd from tho dale ot tho expiration of tha ist lucntlonod act, until tho rc)calof Uilsart tfr.u.3. Atftbe it further enacted. That so much of section eight of tho original charter as restricts the company to having Its olUoo lu Georgetown, District of Columbia, Is jicrcJiy amended so as toicnuU,lho company to re mote Its place of business lb tVashiogton, Dis trict of Columbia, If It so elect. i Approved, March H5, 1870. PumucNo. M.3 Af Act to admit the Stato of Texas to repre sentation In the Congress of the United Htatc. A hcrcaa the 30plo of Texas havo framed aud adopted a consUtntlou of Stale govern ment which 1 republican, and whereas tho legislature of Texas elected, under said consti tution has ratified tho fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to tho Constitution of tho United Htatesi and whereas the performance uf theso several acts In good faith Is a condition pre cedent to tho representation of tho Stato lu CtNicTCSs: thcrcforo lie it enacted by the Sttate and llouee of trj'rrsrruruirr vj kit t,,Mrc ornir j yifiicr- irrt in vongreee ateentiMca, iiiaiuiosaiaeiaio of Texas Is entitled to representation in tho Congress of the United Btatcai rrovi'kd. That before anr member ot tho lcirlslatnre of said State shall take or resume his seat, or any officer of said State shall enter npon the dutlos of his office, he shall take and subscribe and file In tho office of the secretary of stato ;f lexR, ior pcrniancni preservation, an on in or adirniatlou, )n tho form following i ''I. , do solemnly swear (or atHnn) tiiat I have ocTcr taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of tho United States, or os n member of any State legislature, or as an cxccutlre or judicial officer of any State, to support the ConsUtotloQ of the United States, and afterward engaged In Insurrection or rebellion against tho samo, or given aid or comfort to the cneinlos thereof, ep help mo Oodi" or under the pain and peaalUos of perjury, fas tho case mar be,) or such person shall. In like manner, take, subscribe and fllo the followlng-oath. orafttrmaUout "I. - , do sxdcmnly swear for all nn) tiiat I have, by act of Cougre of tho Urtltod States, been relieved from Uio disabilities lmNM.d upon me by Um fourteeuUi amendment of the CtBistltudon of the United States, so help me Godt" or under the pains and penalties of perjury, (as the case lost Ju) which oaths or affirmation sbaU be taken before, and ccrtl fled by, any officer lawfnlly authorized to ad minister oaths. And any person who shall knowingly swear or affirm falsely lu taking either of such oaths or fiffinnaUons. sliall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall bo pun ished therefor 1y imprisonment not less than one year and not tnoro than ten years, and shall bo fined not less than one thousand dol lars and not more than ten thousand dollars. And In all trial for any violation of Uils act. IhB certificate of the taking uf elUierot saia oath or affirmations, with proof of Uio signature of the party accused, shall bo taken aud tvsld as concfusln; evidence that suck oath or affirmation was reguUrly aud lawfully ad mlnlstr by compcteflWauihorttyi And pro vided further. That every suich person who puu negiect ior uie penou oi luiny uays nexi after the Daasairo of this act to take, subscribe. and file such oatlt or affirmation as aforesaid, hall bo deemed and taken lo all intents and purposes to bATe vacated bis offlco i Andpr vwev jvnnert isuuv dwdi tuti is ai mltted toreprascnutkiau'Cvrigress as one of tho Bute of tbe Uoioa upon the following fundamental conditional First That th eon stltnUonof Texas ahall ntn tr bo so ainendcd or changed U todepilTaiyclUxeii tor class of dtlzuus of tho United ftUtesof the right to . Tola who arc enUUed to vote try the vjoaidia Upn hereto; recognized, exfoepl M a punish ment far audi c rim Ad Ma in 'now frtlnnln A commoa law, whfjrerrt they shall havo been duly convicted under laws eoually am)ivabea to all Uie InbablUnts of said State! Promled. That any alteration, ot said constitution, pros pective la lu effect, may bo mado to regard to tho Umo and place of residence of voters. Second. That U shall DOTer bo lawful for Uie said State to deprive any citizen ot Uio United States, on account of his race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude, of tho right to hold office ander the eonstUution and laws o said State, or uixin any such ground tn require of him anr oUier ouallAcatlons for office: than sach as are required of all other cltisens. Third. That the eonsUtutiun of Texas shsll nerer so amaoded or ehanrd as to depriro any dtixen or class pf citizens ol the United Stat s of tho jchcol rights and rrtitlages se cors & try tho consUtutlon of said otatc. Approved March A), 87o .JPjiUo.83."Ltl, , , Ax Act frMaK Uv ro-cnt of the I'BUsJ Btates to Uio eroetlo tl Atbrldw Across Uto Delaware ij,ev Wtwea- J,Wlalulj'bla fCml uamaen. lie it enacted ly ihe Senate ami Uouh of lieprfreniattvfe oj mf irnca tw y junen irrtft fJlMffre AaaamMarl Thai tit a iMnnt of Uie United Kl.ts. h htfjH, givoi lo J.mo. Pollock, Morton :unichtl TliomM . r W .. ""- iuiw.ra iwtuc, iicn- CWbelL I DftUrlnk, JaneeTrage, II. M PhUlW John 0, Tatuni Hector Orr. Oharks Cot, Thomas Shaw. William NlchotoW iter- ucii uoaies, jsmes ii. umo, Kdwlri 11, ,w. William Mr Kerne, Nathan Hlllc, HtAiS Randall, Mannaduk 11. Taylor, Slnnlekaun Chew, and their associates, first having ob tained an act of Incorporation by cither tha State ot Pennsylvania or the State ol New Jersey, to direct a bridge with diverging rood win sua auuuia uniwH, otht una trnai uil Delaware river, between Uie city of Philadel phia, In tho Stato of Pennsylvania, and the city of Camden, In tho Stato of New Jersey, at any Umo within six years after tho passage of this acti J'roct'i'd. That tho said bridge shall bo so constructed and built as not to ob struct, Impair, or Injuriously modify Uie nav igation of tho river t and In order to secaro a compliance with these conditions, tho conr- Jiany, previous to commencing the construe Ion of the bridge, shall submit to tho Secre tary of War a plan of the bridge, with" a de tailed map ot the rlv cr at the proposed slto of the bridge, together with all other Informa tion touching said bridge and river as may Ihj deemed rciulslto by the Secretary of War to determine whether the said bridge, whoa built, will conform to tho prescribed condi tions of tho act. not tn obstruct, Impair, or In juritmsly modify tho navigation of tho riven Ami proriiUtl aho. That tho consent of the aald Stales of l'cnnsvlvanla and Naw Jersey shall be first had and obtained by actof In corporation or omcrwisrj. Sko. 3. Ami be iturthcr rnactol, That Iho Secretary of War Is hereby authorized and directed, upon receiving said plan and map and other information, and nnou being sail. (led that a bridge built on suth plan and at saiti locality win comorm to tuo prcscrioca Ctirmiiimi ui tine nit, n u uueu uvt, iiii,mir, or Injuriously modify tho navigation of said river, to notffr tho said enmnanr that ho ap proves tho same; and upon rcceru.gsucli no liacaiion me sam company may procccu to the erection of saIdbriJge.confnrmIngstricUy to tho approTod Han and Vocation. Itut until tho Secretary ol War apiroratho plan and ior ii on ot sain uriugo, nnu miuir nant com pany of tho samo, tho bridge shall not bo ouiit. ,A proved, April 0, 15TO. t Pl'iilic No.aJl AK Act auUrnrlxtng tho corjwrathiii ot Uie tlty of Washington to set apart jtrrtlons nf street and avenues as parks for trees ami Ikilcnartct by the htiatc and Itouee of Jhitrtuwntatlmofthe Unitetl Statteof America in Amirrrsji atminMrd. That tha corrMiratlou of tho city ot Washington bo, and hereby Is, authorized to set apart from tlmo to time, as parks, to bo adorned with shado trees, walks, aud Inclosed with curb-stones, not exceeding ono-halt tho width of any and all avenues and streets In tho sold city of A ashlngton, leav log a runaway oi not loss man ininy-nro icci in width In tho centre of said avenues and streets, or two smu roadways on each side of tho park In tho centre of the same; and said corporation ( hereby authorized and cm powed to lev y and collect special taxes In such ciual and Juit manner as said coriocatiin may detcnnmi, tn particular wards, part, or sociiunM of the cltr. or upon all iroicrtr tmr- deringiipon avenues, streets, and alleys, vilitth man nave ioeii so lmprovco, suoicicnt in amount to pay the actual cost thereof j Pro vltfl, That nothing herein contained shall be hcl to apply to Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Indiana avenues, nor to Four-and-a-half street Ktwccn the City Hall and Pennsylvania avo nuet Arul pivriVfnf further, Tiiat nothing In Uils act sliaJl authorize Uio occupancy of aoy wrtlou 6f tho public street or avenues for prlvato purposes. Approvco, apru o, ioiv. irnLlc No. 34L An AcTdoclstlngthoconetntof Coagrssslo tuo erection ni a cnu in uiko crie uy tue city of Clci eland, Ohio, for the protection of an Inlet for a v atcr-works tunnel about to 10 constructed by said city Be U enarUil by the S-nate ami lluuee of llimvM-ntatlrtecfthe Untied Nate of Antrr ira in OongrrM rissmiMcrf, Tiiat tho consent of Congress 1 hereby given to the city of Cleveland, In Iho county ot Cuyalioga and Stato of Ohio, to erect and maintain in Lake Krie, at sueii iii'tanre trom mo snore morcoi as may be ucecanary, a crib for tho protection of an Inlet shaft for an undertake water works tunnel about to to constructed for tho purpose of supplying said city with )ttra -.ten .TroaMot, That said crib shall bo fur- ngufeW'&o tciojutelTal hfl'.. Vasaa and hours as Iho light on tho pier at Um etv Iranco of Cuyahoga rlrcr. Approved, April 13, 1870. rrvBUo-3o. 311 At Act to supply deficiencies in tho appro- nronrlBtlons for salaries nf United States All ulsters for tho fiscal year ending Juno ttilrtr. elirhtccn hundred and seventy. lie it enacted by the Henate ami lloute of itrprrtenianvrm- oj me cnurvi etatrm qj .1 tnev iea tn Conyrte ossnttUcrf, Tiiat Uie sum of one hundred and six Uiousand three hundred and scYcnty-flvo dollars Ihj, and hereby is, a; proirIated to supply a deficiency In Uio ap propriations for snlsries of United States Ministers, for Uie fiscal rear cndlnir Juno t thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Apprutcu April 10, 101U. PtJiiuc ResoLutioh No, 13.1 A Resolution to posa to the credit of Uto National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Uie funds belonging to It for Uia relief of sick and wounded soldiers. lietolccd ly the ftiwle ami Vouta of lirpre rntatiie of the UnttM Mate of Mneried in emtattie v Connrve tuaemJiUtL That the unamended balanco of Uie fond cttaled by tfit serwitotiita section of (ho act approved February twenty furth, clghtevUimidrddand slxty-friar, for tho benefit of Uio sick and viouiidedwildlcxs. shall be transferred to tho National Asylum fur Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, for the sup ptct of Its beneficiaries. Sec. !S. A wit it further rrmltctl, That Uie moneys withheld beeauseuf Uie desertion of any person from tho volunteer foroca of the United States, who Is borno ou tho rolls as a deserter, shall not bo paid to him except tho record of desertion shall havo been canceled on tho solo ground that such record had boon madocrroneousW and contrary to tha facts. but such moneys shsll bo and remain tho pro perty of tho National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for Uio support of Its bene- iieiBjue. Approved, March 1, 1870. fPuuLio Resolution No. 14. A nr solution in relation to settlors on the late Sioux Indian reservation In tho Stato of Minnesota. Iteeottrd by the firnay cwl Ifouee of Hrpre rentatipe of the United State of America in CongrriM ateembtcd, Tlrat tho act of Congress approved March six tit, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled "An act for.tho relief of set tlers on the late Sioux Indian reservation In Uie Stato o( Minnesota," be, and the samo Is here by, so amended as to allow Uio setUera therein prov Idcd for until the first day of March, anno Domtul eighteen hundred and seventy-one. In n hlch lo make proof and payment fur Uwlr claims. Approved, March 14, 1870, IPlduq Kesolutio) Nd. 15 Joint IIfsolutiok maklmr annronrlatlons to supply deficient les In tho appropriations for coutlDgent expenses of tho House pf Kep rcacntutives of tho Uuitod States for Uio fiscal year ending Juno mlrUctb, eighteen nuoaruu ana soTcniy. lie it retotted by the frnatc and Uvte of twrefieiuaiivei pt inr lhih-u ivaics or Jitnrr ica in Oongrea aiaeotblcti. That Uio following minis he, and tho samo Is hcrehy, appropriated out of any money in Uio Treasury not other wise appropriated: To defray expenses uf folding documents. Including materials and labor, thlrty-smtn Uiousanu flto hundred dollars. t or pay of three mail carriers, at ouo thou sand and nlncty-flto dollars each, three thou sand to hundred and ehrhty-flve dollars. For iy of laborers, six Uiousand ouo luin drcd And twenty-Ao dollars. Approved, Mareh 10, 1B70. ITbtJMO Resolution No. If3.1 Joist KsiciurTioa rtJUWl3((llsLitjfsiid of Washlntrtoai TerrltorT. Be it retolred by the Srnnte ami IRmae of llrprexitfaUcea of the UnUeit State vfAmer ica in uonjret nsarntCHcu, i uai mo approiri atlou of twche thousand dollars "for the ier diem and mileage of Uio members of tho tcrrl- lonai asscmuiy i me lemtoryoi ivasinns ton, at Its tot ond blenolal session which meets 1 pn tho first Monday la Doccuuer. elirhtem Ijiundrcd and sttty-nfne, and for Uie lui Mental exN,nsooi tue same, ' contameu lu uie at i to suiily deficiencies," approved April tcu tb, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, shall bo ap plicaMo to tho payment of tho icr diem and inileago of the members of the territorial saw scmblyof said Territory which meet durtmj Uio month of October, eighteen hundred aud sixty-Dine, and uf the incidental expenses uf said session Approved, March IS, 18704 Q'tTBUo IlEsouJs-ior JJtk 17.1 Jo ht iUtsoLUTioi irraaUng chnduinnoil euui to the National Asylum for Disabled Vol unteer doldlers. ' tie it retotted by the Senate awl 7Vu of Xkpretentatlve of Ihe Unitetl State of A mrri ean in Conor tueentUed, That tho fiocrcta ry ot War be auUiorlzed to turn, oyer to the managers of Uio National Asylum tor Disa bled Volunteer Soldiers at Dayton, Ohio, sach number of condemned Iron pr jrnnno ijuna on hand, unfit for army purposes, as may bd de sired aad sufllclcnt for ornamentation of. Uib cemetery and soldiers' monument at thai In sUtuUou, Approvi1, March S3, 1870 -3 fPcuLld Hs:stt.nTinM.Hn. tfLl A Hesoi.tjtiob to transfer an apiproia-laUon , tor tno iruoiio pnuung. Itentfried bv the Senate and llouie of llcon tentative of the Unitetl fttate of Atiuricain Congrei attembled. That tho Secretary of tho Treacnry lo autiwrlsed and directed to trans- ier irom uie paper iuna, unaor "appropria tions for printing and binding for tho year one thousand eight hundred and slxty-nino, as followsi for publlo printing, xdnoty Uions and dollars) for publlo binding, sixty thous-t aad dollars! ,. . Appruvod, Marrh 3lr18TO. trtTBLIO RtSOLUTIOM NO. 10 "oirt Hbsolutiok lo rclstlon to Uie con- SLnir-tlm .t. t, i. t.i.a v.i.1. j.r -" tn iuna isiaim uiiumv bi..1 d. V?.5 1. ?"?, th. -."v - '.- - iwww to con' struct Iho samo for a single-track railroad only, and to place tho wagon-road Mow iho railroad track.a recommended by the Chief of Kuglnoerst Provided, That In no case shall tho expenditure on tho part of tho United States exceed ono mllllou dollars. Approved, March Jtf, 1870. Jt'UBUO nBSOLTJTION-No.90.') Joint IIbboujtioi cxprcMhur Uio syinpathy of Congress si Uio death of Major General riamwn II TliiMnaa D$ it rrsof red by the rknak and ltoue bf ItejHreentattVraafthe UnttcilNatci of America in Congrei tuecmbtcd, That IhO Senate and, noting in ikcprrjecuututcs hkto uonru wiui deen mrret of Uio sudden decease of Major General George IL Thomas, endeared to tho country by a scries of unbroken paltlollq scr- ticv uuriiiK n ltriuu ui iiuiij jvar. Sec 3. Ami tie it further rrsofeol. That Ills distinguished: career tn tho defence of his country against foreign and domestic rno mlcs. Ids never-faltering fallh and zeal In tha maintenance of tho Union and tho Integrity of tho GoTcmmcot, and his stern execution. Of every trust confided to him, constitute, a rec ord In life made memorable In death. San. 3. Ami be it further rrsotocl. Tint Uio rresMcnl of the Senile and Uio Swaker of tho House aro hereby authorized to mako such arramrcments In connection with hla obMxmlcs as will attest tho sympathy ot iongruss ai uiis national Dcrcacuioni. AfrTUU, April O, 101U. ll'UnLIC ItEBOLUTIOM No.21.1 A lUsoitjTioii directing Uio Llbrarlsnof Cou- crrssi to return 10 uio Bxccuior 01 i nomas Jefferson certain prlvato papers. iiVsofeiil bv the Senate and Iftnl of Htm. mtatite of the Unitd State of America in Conyree asarrnUnL That tho Librarian of Congress bo authorized to return to tho ex ecutor ot Thomas Jefferson such ot tho papers ot said Jefferson now In possession ot tho (lotcfumcnt as upon examination sh"U he deemed of a'prlralo character, reserving such as may bo regarded public In their char acter, and report Uio samo to tho Committee on 1110 Murary, Approv ca April u, 1970. Wflfljtl VBHQflPHB0rw 1 This TftABT POWDKR U ravvaJnt. oooowikial aad aboleem, Trf It, if rsi rUh a Br lis euperi. rHr mo oah aver thr ltakln Pewd, fcat t ta nmatonj raethodsaf ralalng daaw fvr making " -Hf and arHff- II laool L, RoDa, Oera Bread, Back wht, and o4br (vlddW eaaea, sod Cake aad Tastr nf varletr Pal on In ya.atflaL aarear. aud. For sal by croesra Ihrooshoat th Uoftad Put. MsaofaeUrsd by IIOOI.KV A; nitOTUIIII. rrnpitaUia, mhtiaaJai SO W str . Ww Terk. th it a nirr i FrrtiTiiiiirrj BcaauoorromTMSiTTaDRsxiuiToa, j WaaBUKiTUj,Maat.). Hmlfiil rniniatti fin f Uhliia AaUvanll (WaTlua lh Har, to daUearoB dartnc th Haeal rr ooitbiat Jn Sd, IS7I. wtU b rMolrl at abU hra aatil W a. Til an iimaala aaaat tt ' -- " - - ta An threat Coal hiratoamers' na. . Tb af er taasl b- for Lha dUvry of rOJW) ton, of IS") patanrta. tat V M tlie peet nark MMtntalS or rnerv ltatUi. ar af klml equal In them In all raprt, whlrh naalltriaUl r determla1 bf a hoard appotaUd hy wi aperviarr oi uia ntrr, art wa reonnanavt in bid. Th aan of tb anal prratoaM La b furalahed mast a ftUtod In lb aRer u Utabdellered la laanftai aaiiabfta alia ror aaavj aiaaiam. u. ar ani forn rraaUt, aelaeted fre fn Impariu, enitalied, oeat laaitaaaatogaaiiv ad aaanUtr.ae the Be re) raai dlreeL, TtaveaJ nral loall yaaiewtaba Sat) lataetoryuth ltt-peir, who f bUi rUhtof p-rpWr rejection. . , TbarlcraMUw0erdJrtr-3UlljHllat. FbU.57Jrd 1S) lalaod, aad plaaed In urU provMedbrth Ooeeroraeas ib narr-fard wharf. M a braird of vwaale at eeeh tmtnU erlthl eli ntlee H tb aald KlnJwl aa an aa ifaalaaataa a tS. D,. . and alt rMlrerlee aforeeald ran Mb at the uatratoe raaB)eip-na,aaawiUftaiay , narc!' Prnpnaala win llkvaie be roHd ft tb deUrrr of LIU - thanftqaalltif final, to bdltred In tha mini Naw Va.ia knul nJ h. .iik. atrr-rard there, a at Ibiladlphta. aadr Lb sua oadlUoo. iree la which lh n urea a j in th prompt dUvn of , will ba ddact4 Iron la of fallar tn deliver th el In freper an j (ool etraedlrur M ion per day,) r proper quality, and at te proper lira aad plae. th Bar rert Lb rlaht let tmrehaaa fnrtaaHUi ak Ilia a1iwIiiP rf.b uariFmniuiviiwa may teem aeeaeamry a supply ttda1ncy r " ft . j j , fifTll IlUah farms of S, Wtwurnt. -Afl Wil' omVsB o appUeadoa ta UiBrar avtl,w - ' T - i , linoPOSAL- roaooifSTiutt'TWiii up'TiinitK x rovMfvawiiAwvt. iaaaariIiB3IlTXltaT,l . WaSatllOTo, p. U , Jaa j, 187 Bepcrol sealed i mpeaals wlU be reoelred at thla I. ranl aaUltllavhMk TIlUnJIDAY.slanei At, fer watUMaTihr altunr for fttUvnu Maria r- Oa propeller f Iron. taaa ft. n Tw ProWlera of Iron, an too a. a. Maarmal for tMiaa neeordtnc to old boa rule, taklo th lenath on bind fit from part of atera la sier part of frwedftoni-pot. ai aoaia aaLaarj7aad aunk fSiaw ftaadav airliJ brdlat tMeJeaiUu ae, eiiannoaUon for lb alar Toaaels wUI h hlddera on annltoaUna at th mnion tiimn ftflouaj) new itara. rBiiaaeaBaa,anaa uaiuaaar. lead apead ot U boot on trial ertof Blit and IS knnt Bar all oooaeoaUv boar, will ba ftlrad for thaat-kaa -- , kBn4- en . .J.I nor of on nitkv aad it kaota kr al onaeU boara, will ba required for the eaeels ntxm tonei favor. M oraaderatlon will b trea t bids la ardajB lb wfe will b arrld on ander lh penoaal a pnoeii f oa ajreat ol th Ttee-an Deparlneat, and all faolUtt taoat be afforded bin for InepeaUoc th aaalartalaadworkmaiiahlp. Hooh part of ettber aa ar NebldwOI b raaMrd fr LhaaAleeeaSls'aSeept fror partle ralarl oaaaoW ni tana M lebwildaaa, TU Dprtaat raesrre th rlaht to rajeol any aud KbUdnaribaefntBid1br wrttu caar Lee. aUad by th bidder aad cmtnpaUnt surelr, (oertl B4iflnenbyonMoAer kanwa I tha Traaeary iaparurMie.i a to aoot as vweaty MiuatpM ouuarSL SaJWt,thtl tb nt of tha aeptnoaf seh bid, to qaneeaary trt wtU b alrd Uto wathoi Ua daf Sfeer notlea l at by tb liartmnl that sarh bid has bee aooptd. J ThtM ahoaldaut thoaaot SoraUolt Mohveel will b earaplatad aa aloaeaald. . He aaoatha fror tb Um of at In- tho eon tract wlU b aUuwed for th oarpll- oi lb veeasla, Aetv nf th plana and suvciaoaUua raaat b la -adhlaUdlMida) a U th abjaat sd ib l?Pooaaittel ba lcnd. eeaUt soil Udeeaed frepueala far Rereem Btei ire." and Lalaad taan eavelope addreaaed I tb neraary of lb Trrya VYaahlag-to. U. U , ' j - - - - - kali 4 ftaafilliu ta - - ' - liuyd S poeiaoaUona for A No. I Iron ter wadr Mara. ( lliTj. -111 ft-. .Ul.-J L. tft. L .L..1. LIJ.- DHiuni wiu in mnw af ina, fihi wiai laiiw a iwUlbrilr - nod eiprsl ta UaVUftam raajreeBaB,whthaTtaw ebUU AibldlavaayiatantaadirllaMUa p4i at lha farUaawl raernak ai Mblda ltabl ids are noeepUd will b rqnirl to aaoaeia, wita aewuiea epaoiao. UfliiB. hafnra atiailna ootitrarla UKululKfA BODTWKLIa MTuTbtd hecraUryof lb Treaeurv -rRAPivtaiJi vrin rinNirTRtTrrrifinl 1 x -irrrl I WIUfKI rirr-AMKROU" WOOJ fUIt ttKVK- nftHUajllip. Lr, u , ftf WWW I, 104V lUpsral sealad rtropoaala ertli b ioald at thn p. KrtineataaUIHUok tTHDAY. July lino, (or ildlaf oae ide-bel alaarasr of wood, of U0 anas. ft. nfortha Rereau Mart Burrlc for th t'oeiHo loaat, lo b delivered at th port of Han fraacteoo. Meeuraau tot Imdim ta b aeoordln to old eaatota-Lwiaae role, Uklnc th Uncth n kd lie from forward part of aaam ' to- oiaar pari of alarm pa, breadU) of beaaa atolded, aad death from aade taut f deck topof feUlBW . .... Ueaeral aaenUtaatiQaai lor th aba el wtU ba faretehed bMdee oa lkMUioa at LM aaalaaoae at JtoaUaa, Hew Yrk, fhiladelphla. lUltiiawrv aad il-pe-d bf aot aa a'Mal eoutes ft en ntU. and U knot IaU eooaeeaUv boors, wUI b 'Vavonbl onaldratlna ADI b gtin to bids la . a rim um rata tn auaei qua i ut uw rate abo aUpoiaUdV , , worVrmiarrtde) ander -pereoaal ea lan of aa aseataf lhTrairf lJpat4aea sod iflMaaaaBalha aSordad him -for InapeoUn lh Th work artll allTftTimVeasBaafi ui d rk-.uft. jHi" j sar.s Mil ooooraaao wim ura--a--- -,-.-- wuTb reyMUd, end ba ad cood by tha Ji Ud will U eontlder! for thta vaaael Siospt from s-llerwbrV bi,fllUiS, ThlprVaaL reeerve lb rhiht la rol any and naiie raaolarl Thl)irlav all htda . . . Keen bid oet b aeenmpanlad bf wriKcn fiurajt Miei-B4WUhlihlaf tint oftnipSUffl Mrr4t-Usr umo to wm warm ur m ant.1 IS Ihe eon of ity tbouantldullara.(BlUUU,) eoeptaoc ot sooh bid. lb entered Into within (en date that Lb th ! f the aeoei oaaaary OMitraet will be ntrd Into within I of Ur ooUo to glr by lh pprtaa. Utst I but talll Id ll.&l tm hm Miliif.a r.f lki kudl A enpy of lli plana and spolAoMuM t"Jl b In clodwlihthsbU,aabns MtkUijeof th All prepotala moat b abjnad. sefled, and indorsed " Propoaala for Ken Btearaer,' and Ineloaad in on envelop addreaaad, ta lb fief ralvy of (J'rMSMr, Anjrrda'rMay bPrat and wIUms Lbs opnln of th bids. t k ui.u iit W umll L fnmlak wlfth that tilda a IMMtl pUnand LetaU,ablii UJ lnteenalan ranaeatont, with nrlMutin u, voataiapoaiiun Fle7wtiotrvidi sr aopUdwfllbrsqalrto teBUb aoaepUbl Tb vaeal moal b belli aeeordlnB la Uoyd's pact' floaUoasIor A N1 wooden veaaelali r nine rear. Jel Ttil Hips pariari m ut roaaurr, TirVbO WAHT JWVKnAOVi, PAPlft MAaB. LSneMeiltoTTi: Groceries. THE NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEEY JH'IIIOOAI 1 ESTABLISHMENT: BefnardHayes&Co, Np. odl)' ScvonthStriwt Iletwooal mid 1C, II Tift UKBAT 1NDDUE.HBNTH i, '.',".: 1 ft 4lH f tf O . f . i ie TftBtfdSwlstofnUUSaa4 heaeekaerir. W1 ora iaity ronlvtac lara eoaaLf ainU f f ., i i w m Fresh Goods, Amoorrt Ihsra ehotos tola of OltANOK COUNTY (NKW YOUK) DUTTKn. riWNHVLTANIA KOIX, rrwo, a4 ettiktg it York Brloss. troooDM DfcuyitaRii to any fart or TUB CITY IHK-t Or OBAROK, Bornivrd Ilnycs & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, W. Mf Hcrrnlh HtrreCa Brtwrcw I aad ft E. M. BURCHARD, CR0CER, UI !., St., rar. rsarst4-a11airstrt, (SOocssaau TO Ktimwso Yiwao A Co.) WaaU rcTtrlly csdl suieattoai i AFVU, XJXROt fIlOICKflOOIH,KOUfJAKII ONLY. SviTI lOUi; l.t Q UO RM. TboMWhs blit I lh OAtrjJ BYBTItbt or r Ktadod tbt Ibis la th fy Star lalb atty otoot all or traahtd aUk. and GOODS Sold for CABII OHLT BKUJatOROA8H,IUlUrr arU abl to, and aWtseUebeairrlhajiaythart. Isbailolat ta keep LaMGandy on hand fan -anrwl of OROOCttlWI rolaaaJIIJn' qUAUTY. I shall m4 ADTKHTBK IIOlbwtaeUALLaiTfnXKJC'al th 1JOWE8T RATKS4 - l " Qds peoMiitty dlirard:'- - f K.M.DUnClfAltD. jeVSt Jf'aiaai f Irar RIltAlia tXHJRT. ilSh" Biw. la. ttt HlftiH llUilimil a1alMaMi mJ a. a, w tm rr ami n. aiaqi au, i nu a. . a. awiraaain noa, wiu) u Urnhaaa fVmrt of WuhlnainM with th ptBb4loa mt lj ilnloi eoantr sfnreeali. P- lb tlat. A.TA IMS, far La pofaudniKHDir, Janet Hat. A. TA list, far Baal a.imdmAlMimtimtlmmm4ik4pmiwimmimM of said deoeaawi, nadTf th seeeul hand. a faro the earns hare been onlletd and trud tni aaoa 1 wbea and wher all th eradltor and btr oabl deoeaaa ar notlned U attead, oith tholr alab- prep. riy roaahod, or they nuy othrwl by laa b aeladed frora allbeueflt la said dimaeadl Utr pavtdd epr of IhU rdr ba pabliabad oa a wk far thr weeks In the Ntiol Karcauoaii prvvtona U th aald day Tati jeiwsw AwKBirrKii;nwirfwiu. I I.I II II . I I THIS IS. TO fllVN NQTIOb. TIIAT TUX BUD w f"' baa obUii from th Orphsaa' Oourtof Waahtnaton roan (7, In th lHatrhn of Columbia, 14. intarr onth paraona) aetata af af Waaalmlaa ....I. . I I KLTAMS Ua f VYnabinftog AU pereens bar! a elaTaia 1 pereens bar) a elalaii netoby warned to hf to ahrbUlhs sam. wrth th voaebv enhanrlhaa. aa a halaaa Uu Btaftaa nrii lb re thereof, to th Mbeertbert of Hayaaititheytnay etherwla by Uw b ialnded fmtnulbeaeBtol th aald eel r'u a.. unTMa m uw aaiq laiafta, Ue uador my band thla Hat day of Way. 1SW. iel-Wt ,., JOH.tl ItXVAJBIbVitsMatar. THW I1Q OfV HOTICK TIIAT TIIR BUB tyUKlllRRbaaobtalMd fnm th tTdinBC-irt of YVaahlnstoa oaanaj.tn lhIarietUulaaibU,letMr of adailnlatraalort on Lb praoal ut d PmuAr Mcra). lau of flraaaay, deeeaaad. All pereona havUty alaltr aslnat lh aald daoaaaad ar hereby warned toattdhit ton aoat,wlth to veoeher ther. of. lath abeeriher, on of befar thlletday of at ay Mit. they may otherwt by Uw b ulded from ail Mf.ait Wft 9mw bkbii aaiaaa 1 liven m jtw K T11R BUrUKMRJRTTlUt DISTIUCT f Oalhcart , OatVoMt. I r-JlrI-staa.t. AJrdMiLTh the aJw aud and rvaorUd by R. R. Oratard.lrnaterorthalof th ralatiiU th Sadanatasal4eaaa saantha-ad itbeiebeea nsvl to KxJU J (JarHCAnT brModandoavad, nleea Miia to lh onntrary tbrof b ahw on or b. for th fifth day of Jnly nt, provided aenpyeftbla order b Inaortod la aba IIail. J1tTKaiAi.rUriTBXjcAM ooo In h of the tuwcfaalT wonka botars th raid arthdayof July aeit. , Tba roport aUtea th aaanaal of kale to b Btelbl, UK (K)LUfclL7Vif hi'KCULT-UlM, A.lrkalCvarH i p.Ur.n TlTWA el , h U, Uia lid day of H ar, A. P. 111. ordard that lh aalea toad a and reported by Ubatia Walvar and Jaaaa U CUpban. trual her toor afipolnted I thl vana, to tnak aal of Lh real eeUle of LbmjvbX O, Rvsmtt. doaad, b railSed and oonBratad, galea rriSiSlST7 f.'ffiir-Srr: obi aar bafnaa aoonyof thla . k l...Mf 1. lha lf.nu,.L lfx.ti.Lir... -. nn j' ?rp." v -". ntai tkafora UI .-;r;w--.i-. u. u..i m wi, ttlw tun n, UsTra, J.-T.'-CY'- ...-- ""a. ZL.. -.S-r" --if--7r,j U.eT.alRIOS,arh, 0UPHAB3' pQURT Mat ti. UTS. JMatrfaJ , Afft-nM. ntaara-.ew sewnfy. N 1 th aa of Joata T Powxtx, and ! A. V. Bturut,! eiacDtara of (laarroa rowttx, deeeaaad, lh locators aforesaid bare, with the apprubatio win varaaftf um- aatst f ie-d daneaeed. Said f ah aaaet fen aaod, a ar ti ttt aoat hv bA lbwd and tnrned Into money wben and wber alt tb eradlters and btr of miiiA Dt I briber h Waablastoa eoualf, la lha iMetrlet of Coiarnlftli treUmeoUry on the pruiiai ealaUof Uhai Kitiii l.lanf Ti.hliifl..aiMaml.il..ra..Lr.li All paeaians batlni cUlma acalntt lh said deoeaaed ar Wahf warned ie eahiblt Lb ear, w.lh lh voacber f UbrvA, to the eabaertber on or betura tb Slat day of Afa naui they may thrwU by bf b aaladd 01 all keaefll of tha sold ettie.. . , (liven ndr my hand thla ll.idAr of May, UTO. Jai-Tha OKQ. li IfKAL. J f,1 ""y UniTKDVrATRB PATRNT PflfJOf. . WsKiHurow.U ti.Janai,ltHi. Ua the petition 0 J.Mrs Arrmnxxand Wruxtit OussvLP, ef thiibrtds, Ure Urtuln, prla fat lh ntetialoM e petoat yraatod to toet on the Bd day of Uentbr, I. oA ento-daWd todatoof Ko llah patent, Iloea.br sth. I1U. for an InprovMnent f Maablnery lur pret-Mias tnbrotni ftabalanoa fr bphv ltliOrderdlbithtUuwnyla tbseMbolod oa th let day of Ifivmb- n it, that th aba for flllns: areuaMM sad th KiBanlaeri report b UmlLM tLhllludaf Movewbee neat, aad that saldisUU Uo b baavrd Lb loth day of Novambsr a It. l-"T ""rr .aBuiSS; rajiiK, 1 ea.y oaDnaapn ara ajuiav wj aftvaau. wiw wa.r nim. 4fflStflSiSftaB? 1 Tmnrwia j T 7" .. .. . jj 1 ia.-a a vvtft mot I th mU ta ULS Rll MI1L UirDDUt an arnioa to Lb l 1 day. Teeti A. Vf AHBTflt, tolfWBar BanJator alWlHa. nvnivM worm that tiir aim.