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THE DAILY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 25. 1873. T II K WOKIUNGMhiY MEETISfl OP Tilt LIBOR COtNCIM A There neb Org-anlznllen I be retire, r.. AUfl'auet lobe rrewned lwo-Tlii Itepaullcan Fallr ImloneJ-IInlatone Repa-.late.t-P'Frtehf br Member of the Order Tbe Natlontf Labor Council met Uit nlffbtii their, on Louisiana avenue: J. B. .Matter In tbe chair, and Mr. Roberts secretary. Mr. Wtilaras moved thst a committee b ap point M to draft a platfcrif; an t the Council then to adjeurn nntlt September. Mr Loir said ibe time hid come when all me chanic ehoul 1 be united. lie advised the mem bers of the Council not to touch the Ketntna star newt piper, bat subscribe to the Riitvucan, u the Star has been the enemy of the workingmen lie atrontly favored publishing a platfor i. Mr, Levi aald the member of the Council should try to win the Star over w their anppnri. Instoa 1 of making It an enemy. He was epoosed toflgMlniMheprcM Mr. w ihlania said he could not on lerttand hew It was that one brother pitchel Into the Star-, ana iDnncr ucienucii ii. lis ueniru idii it was ever ft friend lo wot kinsmen, an I more over, at thetinioot the great strike In New lorkthe star coal 1 not ay a irood word ahoni It. lie ran buy this paper for anv price It has no policy, bat always Jumps to the strongest side lie ha no desire to not papers only when inej flffht him. He had occasion to take an a ivertiaenrcnt to the Mar some time ago, andbewascherjr.-i twice as much for hiring it Inaerted al he paid the other pipei As -lor himself he did not ask any ravors of II r. Noes, as every lirae he struck st the working-men he loses subscribers, and ere louche will not bare a incchanitias a anhacrlber. Mr. Levi mored to a ljoarn until too next teg- Mr. ltobertssaii he bad seen during the day twelve membera of the council, and the? ha 1 In formed blm that they would not be able to at tend iheiueetlnrs of the council until after the busy season, and they were in faTor ot adjourn ing; utrr uutii Bcpiciuurr. moTedthata commlllee of tire be appointed to visit the dinerenttralea aocletlc, an l urge them to send delegates to the council AdftDted. Tbe ihalr appointed Mes-re. Offlit, WiUam, Low, hitemore and Levi on the commute Mr. ORUt alao moved that the same committee r autnnrued to uiaita constitution ana iy laws. Adortted- Mr. Williams mored thst an address be pre- rareo repudiating iceoswne, anu mat me same e inserted in the pipers throughout the ronntrv. Mr. Mickey said he was ao Insignificant that there was no use of taking any noti e of bun Mr. iioiicmoreuuivrci wiia jur. aiaciej, mu thought he was a wau calculated to do the work logmen great injury, lie favored branding blta as a traitor to the working classes, Mr. Levi favored publishing a full description of Hed.tone, Including the color of hi hair, eyes an I complexion. Mr. Low aald the arrival of Redstone In Wash tngton waa the beginning of the wotklngmen a troubles He cared nulhiug for the worklugmen lie ha bl agent all ov.r ibe south, an l is en deavoring to send deleestes to the council la or der that a firebrand may be thrown among us He baa already thrown a dark cloud over the workingmen, and an effort raut be made to break nun up, as we want no politician In our orgauizauon Mr, Huberts sail the action of the council governs the mechanics of this District, and if the council, In Ite proceedings, falls below its dig will do Injury to thecause. Thetnechau Ira must bo bevond anvthinir of a low order. He then made a motion to the effect that hereafter there shall not be allowed to be discussed by any member ant th lug but what appertains to the welfare of the order; nothing ot a personal na ture ahall be const lered Mr. Ubltetnore Uvored the motion, and was willing to do anything tor peace and harmony. He was onnosed lo slanderlne the press or ob jecting lo ibe members of the Council tsklog any paper they please. By the adoption of tbi motion it wLI be the means of keeping the mem bers more united Mr HUems had no detre to fight mechanics, nor had be ever sal t anything detrimental to the workingman. He was working for the Interests of the Uoonngman and the advancement of his raoae. no cuargcu tnai ine men oi ine iuiner roasters' department are workinir ten hour with. out the knowledge of the proper officers of that UTi'iiiuiruw The motion waa then adopted. On motion, Messrs Mackey, Levi, Low, WU Hams. Ubllemorr. OtTiitt. Crown. Itotiens. Daniel and Lackey were appointed to investigate tuv imvi iu(m iticu woiaius; vicr noun. Adjourned. THE IN VENT 1(1 A TIM!. COnillTTEK. A Metbodlst rrearaer Pliche the Fornl. rare of Teuaat luto the rtreet Consta ble Mary ma a Uefeade Hlmaeir. irginia avenue, near the Navy ard, waa the acene of a disgraceful and humiliating occur rence about ihe 1st of July, It would have been bad enough II It had not been advised by a Jus tice of the peace, and executed by a minister of tbe Ooapcl. A re sped able-appearing colored woman ot more than urdinarv luteliiittnie.nauirti Mary Minor, complained to the committee that about the bin of June she rented premises from Iter. Mr. Croes, and paid him one mouth In ad vane About tbe ll of July be told her sbo could not live there any longer j she must "clear out," She told blm he could not put her out till her month waa up, and not tbcu if ahe paid her rent, returning from a naruaij waBuiDg, idsioudu ner "uiingi" in the street, and on innolrv learned that the cleri cal ffcnUcmau had bj ihe use of a false key en tered her premises and emptied them of her fur niture without any legal notice or procesa of any kind Mary re-entered ber abode and re- ilaced things, but on the next day ber clerical andlord twice repeated bis summary ejectment pniccu, wnca bub gve over ina,t ptrt oi ine Sghtaod "took thelawof him " Justice Martm anda lory brought hlro to his senses to the tune of fil damages and corns. uui even tuere ou ine tnai ine retercn i gentle man, true io ine instincts wnirn nai cnaraiicr lied him In tbe preceding Btages of this affair, Adam like endeavored tu bhlft the renponaioility from hta own to other shoulders He awore tent Jastlce Ferguson hs I advised him Uget rllof her in that way, but gave blm no paper author izing him lo do ao. Mary, beanug ibis teati mony, thought the Investigating Committee nuirht to Ins made aware of lha fact tht JuatiLa i ergusou was preserving the peace tu this uau ner. bcilikeagiMxl woman and a good cttlten she took the trouble to come up to the city and tell all about It Conatable Horatio R. Maryman waa the next witness. He came heavily backed with some of the solid lueii of tne District to ludorse blm. ihe reader or tbe JtaiXB ijcam will mccllect that aome dava alncti Ur. rtidney Mcfarland, marketmuter atlheNonb erm uiarkel. LomoUinnl that LonaUbla Marr. man bad attempted lo extort from him coinrol- moos, coats ami ieea mat were uiegai, oecauio never earned, by threatening to levy on hix furniture Marymau nentea an mis ft Mo He admits that be bad an executlou against McParland, but aaya ibat be treated blm very tenderlj, as Is his wont la use cats, told blm he could oav aome now and some bv an 1 bi. or give his notes, and that Anally, on bis sugges tion, Mctarlaud went to Iloswefl and settled by giving notes, ant then wanted to paj him bis live percent., oui ao woutu not letnim, lurne had a contrail with I km well for such business, and be woul I not suffer McFarlan I to pay LI in anything, Ikwwell pud him, and he believed McFarland paid Boa well. Mr. F. A. UoBwri), the plaintiff In the ault.lo a letter confirms MarymauH statement, an I iirsaia b. u uiuc uit i , i niurwu ion .run a LruiKsnaoK.eais, concur m the opinion that as Mr Itoawills siestbere Mr Mervuian' con duct is legally immaculate, and now Maryraan Js happy, and MtFatUud la no longer a uanyr. FIN EH At. OF FATIIKU MEHt Her moo by Her. Dr. Uklie. Tne fdaeral of the late Rev. Henry Myers took place yesterday looming at no clock, from JH Vincent chuab, Biiumore, Requiem uiu waa celebrate I by Rev. Fit ber Lyman, of (fev. anaiown. The funeral sermon wis preached l y Itev Dr. Vi hiu, of tin utr, who, after regret tingltieeuamceof ArcbbUbop Bijley, who he knew would have officiated on the uccaalon had it been positje, proceedel to euluglte th4 charity, fidelity, seal ant faith of the deceated, Ida devotion tu that religion which waa lntuae l into tils iniud while young in years, ami to wblcli he cluug with unwavering fidelity io. the hour of death. Father W bite gave a aketch of the tuno when the deceased was educated at his boim, an I how he was inspired to enter luto the holy calling of the mialatry Ibe choral part of the ceremony consisted of tbe Uregoriau chant, followed by the Miserere at Ihe conclusion of the solemn ceremoulea Inero waa a crowded congregation and a very large proceaalon, m whkli were three hundred urpnaua of Ht.iucenis asylum. The remaini were Interred la tit incenls cemetery. Most nf tbe Catbollu clergymen of Ualtluiore an I aahlugtou were preaent at the obsequies, tiin(;nof JiuiNt.NiiiFJin. He la Io tblragallli m Hrollier-ln.taw CapUlo J, Tyler I'owvll, brother lu law of Mr. John C. Khafer, whose snldea disap pearance from asningtoo gave rise to the re port that he lial committed sulci ie, re- eivedyeterduy a telegram from Mr Frank leal, euoincr oromer in-iaw, resiuiug jq cm cago, saying "John Is here, all right. Tw k Will write ' bubserjuently Mr. abater, himself, telegraphed to his wife lure. It would aooear that he left this our In a nt of iWapondeuiy over bis fluaucial cniDdrross meuta 1 he report that he ba I put the name of bia witiitouotesof Indebted utiiMt without her aulhoniy are unfounded, but on the contrary he w aa amy autnorixod ao iu aa, au invebiigAiiuii shows uaatiiunlHteen hundred dollars of floau iuglnlebtelnebs,aiid some four or Ore thou saud duilars of uous coming due at various limes ahead. UUtj his U airoLt buuse. alone. 1 worth from fourteen to ulteeu thousand dollars. Mra.bbatcrupajing mi i bo current indebted- ucmm iu ML.riaiueu, an 1 win, aa aoote slated, pay the noteaasibey come due. TIlUPlUFfTUKUUJIUANUTHF BLIND. A Pralaeworiby Project It is a remarkable fact that among all the Catbolio Institutions of charity tn'this Dutrk-t and tbrougbott the country there Is not one especially devoted to the Interest of tbe deaf. dumb au 1 bllu I ot that large class of Chriatlana Rev, Father Walter, the energetic imnuir of HU latrltks ciiUKb, proposo to aupply thta umluion by loauguratlog a muveincm looking to the eatal UabiueuU at aucupiaioa may be iletermiued by tbe buhepe ef the Uuite I Htati a, of a catbulio aayluiu for the care and Instruction of the deaf, dumu and Uinl, to beconductel upon Ihe tame plan as the celebrated Institution of tbat kind In Urusael. Ills a praiaeworthy project, and will uo doubt enlist Ibe generous fcyuipaihleeaud liberal encouragement of the various cathollo communities throughout tbe land. Ttjsrf could be no more appropriate place Jhaa IVaJhinitoo Lt; (or mca aa uuutmica. c oi (in i. ii Hutoot, rimrr. Hfii.ll.le Irltrr TreiTllne Who Knena Why Mr. flreener rhoitM Mot be Iteln stnted Color er lontli rm llrrlt In tlifl Hnceoriire. The to lowing letter from one ot the moat ln teiiigcnt colored men in tkis city, which divl meiurtcrnian Pocioty, no t.wiu roiiaspo mei the pending fight ngsjnat thenard of J2WfinirtnnirtiftiLftrrollhiniorttoirlbutt Tru.tces of Colored Schools, Is worthy of pcrural. I ui) tor ."!? wpn" Pit ThewriieKviintivkit.wphrr h ,.wL.Tho mntrlb itloa cf tbe nongregitlon of t. Vi.Tv.fc! w.V . .. . ". ' rrck a chore h to the 1 aPa' fnn 1 (not berclo- 1 ho "ach h flgit," t a'eosibly au agitation lo , fore announced) amounted to f mo. i scenre rolxetl schooh la tbo District, la la reality a mere personal "ontrurcrsy. The recent anresa of the commlltee to the Governor was bitterly pcrional and abusive In text, design an I tendency, It made no allusion whatever to mixed cnooir. rrnt askeu ror ihe restoration ot R. T. Orrener and the removal of the enure colored school board, especially of lie prcaldent. Mr. Henry Johnson. Should Governor Cooke pander to their personal spite by tbe re moral of the present board tne agnation would cease, anfl, for all these noisy babblers cared, the separate school aystem migoi continue eter nally. The co-nmLiieeawaileJ the education and In telligence of ail tbe colore t school trustee, and yet no fict it clearer than that the board, taken t an areraffn or Individually, la tODeriof In edu- ratl in, wealth an t character to the committee which aued in) uorernor lor ineir removal, me tact Is rmtent that the malorityof this committee wereaspiranta for poamonson the ouar I, an 1, furthermore, that this msjorliy are duclucated men Is tbe clearcat qneatiun of the whoiecontroreny. 1 he relnaiatement of Mr. (lrcener WOUl 1 hit. ard the order ant good government ot the schools. He has entered with aocn fierceness lntoino personalities ot ins ngm mu uimno character, abilities and motives need be inquired Into. The man who bssts ot fighting three hundred at Anuover ao l eiini nuudrru at uai bridge, and of Dghtlug ad his life, aul wno la now on the war path mthe D strict. Is bx for midable a hero for a school teacher. He should be promoted io aome military position, under the simple provision that he never be given a larger cummin 1 thau the one he la now leadiog, fortneaaeof a long peace bis fighting proullvi tlesinignt cause bun to wage war agamai our entire country, . Whether his conquest of An lover tnl Cam bridge waa by worda or anownalla hedoM njt pr.Klaim, I nt It ty either It speaks bidlr ror his avhooimates The bout atnecka Falsiatnan, and reminds one of tne liou let loose from ibe tower of Lnndm to deatroy the Protes ait religion. He will On I that tne stout wills and aoberjulg mentof the colored athooltninSaaaarenov the caprices of school boya, tiut tbe well-matured re emu of reasou an I experience. That Mr Ureener Is a scholar his conversation glres ample proof lie literally 'ta ks Latin" If you ssy money he trsnalatea rvcwnfn If you would aay poor, he, aa a fellow-eimullunltt, as Is aald of Alexin Irr Hamilton, would aay ' suicxea witn luipctuntosity.' IhstMr. Ureener li a gentleman cannot be proved by Emerson s rule that "a gentleman lUBfcra Dun ! mum in uj tit-, . .v invinitth rolore.1 achtml trustees aid their superlntcn lent. He took advantage ot hia pow lion as cuiior Vl (lie rra auu inwrn iuju nm boanl and denounce Its irrillent as Igaorant, larAttahle an I diahnneat. He Cilia t outlUStllV furiiiM immiHllale removal of the tircl lent an I created a apint ot inaunor unaiion in ma m nooi. make tbe necessary advaucement. be insisted ou oeinsrreiaineu. nunirmrii to the front" WSJ bll bitlle-OtVI and, aure enough, men with n other qualitlca- inii inin mil inp, wern tuuui. huu iicu iuuui blm aome Just out ot school, others Just in; one m kin it a t 1it1 arffiinivnt-" POnalallna lu IdVa inir that aointtbiidv waa looorint. and others. being Oiled with liquid damuation, still called on more paneineuiai pinia." uiu, w inn t'.iAii 1 .ii. (.ill fiha mmim .Ct,( L UltlU X.V, Ml. M BVIW w. .-.-. lactions) ii sept an to wnn hhihji ujuc, nolae, paaaion, personal abuse, the scnool fight a i urccucr. , The aiMilltlnn nf the aenirate school STBtem Is certainly desirable; but men who maintain color distinctions In bartersbopa and newspspers, and inaiii on msatng a rrprtaeuMUTo rcapuuaiui only to persons of hu color, are lll-choaeu leaders of the movement. Why shout t Councilman Brooks In mule responsible to bis rolired auy more than to hta wblte constituents T Where U the conaiatency of mixed schools and separate repreaenlation t rbesa men, who are ao blatant itout tbe abolition of color distinction lo our Bchoo) syatem. It Is understood, have organized iu uuidiuiis roiorvu iuu iwi vivugim, muwi hla color hla orlmal aualiflcatlon. Una of their leaden declareil t hat he would never vote for a wh lie man nhtT Are an wnne men euner Incapable or dlahonestt W hy organize In put. tin t.i iliatrninliir In lha achoola. While at the same time aerretiy comblniog to maintain it at tbepollat Ablackfaoelanomoreapaasportof capability and worth than a white one, nor doea me kciiua ui euiireti vumitmuvu viw.n . the Itbertiea of mankind are any aafer In their nan la man in lha hand of tthlta ConffrCBSmen. W tonal riae above mere considerations of race. Men whs hara no other merit than color or youth have none at ail. i-ovwa aoiix. PArihlMI AWAY. Herlosa Illness of .llr. William A.Oevdoa Mr. William A Gordon, of the Quartermaster General a office, who for tbe past three weeks haa been sojourning at Deer Patk," a beautiful mountain retreat, about forty mllcz beyond Cumberland, Md , with the hopo of reatorlog hia Imi aired health, returned to hla residence. ho dfitUy atreet, Georgetown, on Wednesday nisht. in a condition or great pnjucai ucouut. deary Indicating that the sanda of life were fast running tut, and mat nil tuatoiuuou migni ue expected at any moment. When Mr. Gordons aerloai Illness became known to hia relatives and friends lu this Dis trict Hon. A. It Hhepberd at once requested Major George H Koontz, of tbe Uaitimore and Uhio road, tu place a Pullman car at the service vi ino reapeiieu lUTatiu uu vuv u ma wu.. who acctinipanied blm. which was promptly and obligingly done, and when, on W rduendsy night, the tiain reached a point at the interwvctlou of K street, where a carnage was In waiting, tbe tar wa deisrned, ana nr uoroon, accoiuiiuicd tybla two aoua and a few Intimate i-roual llieun", "Hlliciun; itUHnni u ma iinniuii ii ibove etated. ihni voiding Ihe none em conf ual n that always prevail at tbe depot on me arrival oi irama Lut tie Din ir. althonirh somewhat caaler. Mr Gordon waa still very much prutl rated, and no nopca were mirrumra ui nia revuTci; uj vn, Tiler and ttllev. the Dhv alclana In attendauce. liuuol at all improbal le, tberelore, that be fore three llnea are read thia morning the Buffer ing invalid wtu uave paaaeu away hi ine spirit lauo Mr. uoruon waa noni in uaitimore in iwj, ana la rouatnueutlv in bla vear. Wjen eighteen years of sge, having received a liberal ctmcaiiou uear j iiuuurd i -., no w iuiuicu from Marvlan 1 a cadet ui Uim Mthtarv Academv at Weat Foiut. AHer remaining there abmt two years ne cameioiois ciiy, inn on inexom of Auguit, Hit, was appointed by Gen Jeaaup nmiai cicikoi me uaiii-iuaat-r iKuiru i Omce, being the drat civilian clerk appointed In tbat military bureau Here duilug a cerlod or forty nine yean tie has continued loaeive with Diarhcu auiiiii man a irinj. Ki-iuniiK alve dlatlngniahctl chlels, an I wlontng, by his affable uiauuem. the respect of all w ho bat per- aouai or uiutiai imeri-wuiav mm uiiu At the outbreak of ine rebellion ur uoroon waa Invited bribe rebel authorities to accept the position of qustteimaster general onder the Conlcduracy, but he uuheeltatinglr declined, patriotically remarking that he had been edu uated by the Government of the 1 ulted H tales, hul been supported by that Government, and wuuiu aiauu vj ii luugr-a tune wbbiiic iu uiui. Id couaeoueuLa of advancetl aire and his Ions and arJuoua servl, the heslih of Mr Gordon became omta feeble soma two rears aiuue. and It was deemed expedient, ujh n ihe creation of iheufflLe of chief eleik of the Uuartermaster General a llureau, by the act of Uougress of July 1. Isll. to entrust the heavy and reaponslble du ties of the position to younger and more ener getic banda, and thereupon Mr. George Finckel, a comparatively young gentleman, but an exne rtent cd official, waa appolntel chief clerk. Out tho tjuartermaater Oeueral, highly appreciating the iatt services of Mr Gordou, retaiued bint In the office, and aaalgned him to tbe dlarhsrge of imuurtaut but lighter duties, at tbe big heat rate of clerical cumpenaauon allowed lu tbe bureau. When Mr Gordon a health began perceptibly to decline bis aona draired blm to resign, prom IaIdb. with true filial devotion, to amnlr Drovlde . r: i , ... ...... t'... ...i. si. -.... luriiuu ao iouif mm uo nni, uui. wiui iu anii. vi man i j inuepeuaence wuico nau aiwara maraeu nia couduct, wnueneepiy rooveu 07 me gener ous proffer of hla dutiful children, the old gen- iieman repne 1 mat as long as ue couio wiom ine pen ne wouiu never eat ine urea 1 01 luieueaa. Mr. tlordnn. bji before elated. Lib two anna. Meaara. W lliiam A, Jr , an 1 J. II who are en irased iu the legal urofeaalon in this District He has aiao a daughter, who married Mr William II Sowers, ot Germantowu, li,i prominent merchant of I hlladelpbla. He has likewUe three survlvlna brothers, two of whom real le lu Flttaburg, I a , tbe other being a citizen of Mus catine, iowb, au 01 wnom are pruaperuua Doai utHB men Ihe subject of this brief notice now so near tbe eud of bla mortal career Is a gentleman of one business capacity, ana, oau ne emereu idio buaioeas puramta, woull no doubt have made both reputation an 1 fortune Many fine oppor tunities 01 mis aiuu were preaenieu 10 mm in early life, among others an Invitation to become tbe aaaociate la bualneaa ot the now eminent MiiiantDroDiat. . w. tanrcoran. esn . whose in timate personal friendship an t ronndence he haa enjoyed through a long series of years Hut, like manv othera. he waa fascinated br the bonora and charmed by the more quiet eaae of official poaltlou an I ao he will leave behind him, If uot a large fortune, what are more honorable to blm and dearer lo bis children, an unblemished Dime aud memory, THE I OM4 CUJI1IITTEE. I oniplnlnle nnd l hnraaea 1 eaterdar. Tbe Legislative committee to Investigate tbe manner In winch Jimncs of tbe peace and con, atablea transact luslues at Iholr session yester day, examiued Mary Mimr, living on Fourth street eut, bo tcatiUvd that early In thh month she was a teuaut f one troas, a minister, and paid the rent in advance, an I suiHequently he en tered hr boustf hy meius of a IaUu key, and put herthluEsln tne atreet without anr ieirei nro cesa, an 1 stated tliathoactclon tbe vorbala. vlcoof Jualtce J'ergusun. Three several times dldbd put ber thiugs in tbe street bhe tnen brought suit agaiuatCrcaa before Justice Mor ton for treapasa, aul obtained Judgment for 831 against him (onsubleMerryman testiOeJ In regard to tbe charge made agaiust hlra by McFarland, deny, ing that he exacted any imuuaaiou from him, but collected theauuie from Jliwwell, He also suttmitted lettera or Mr. Iloswell, L. u, lime au t it, utueaon approving of hi action In the Ktimuier IkMprovrutrula 11 II Warner, real estate broker and auc tioneer, ha Ti'j SeveutU alreet, baa taken a 1 vantage of the temporary lull In business, owing to the absence of purchasers of real estate at watering places and mountain resorts, to make extensive preparation tor tall Bales All par ties wishing tu dispose of ibair properly to ao TiatigiB0iU48ecurbiaitmcil, , JI IsKAI 4'lTl .IllUH. esterdav an enhankment near (ilenwotnl cemetery cavNt io, an 1 injurl a laborer named inhn Kcefeaerlouily, M Unghorne, rst attorney at law, 1 as re move I from 1 blrteenttl an 1 Honndary to Xo. 72 Iwelfth street northweat. The following waa the range of the thermome ter at Hemp cr s yesterday t S a. m , TS, to a. m , m, ii in , w, f p. m , t, 4p,ni w, e p m , es, 8 p ntt a,. The society of St.lnfnt .leTanl, a charita ble organlitllon. whka has branches in the va rioust athniio parlihea nf the District, has en tered the list as a competitor for the orphans' prueOag. ' Vlorlan Tills nold on e)neslay to Mr. Michael McCorm ck the atore property on renn. aylvanla avenue, between Second and Third etreeu east, now orcuplel by Mr, Mctormlck, for raab. r ' A colore t bny named tVra.Fitthuah waa aa. faulted and beaten by a party of colored roughs, Metloeaday night. In tbe county, an 1 severely Injured. Hergeant Ferry arrested Phillip I nger font an 1 Doner Motion on the charge of com mitting the assaniu The Active base ball ctnb of Capitol nil) reor- fanized on Wcinen-iay tie ail mat., with the blowing omcers CimH mrt. Ad lit, Evans, Mcdulgan. an I Itts. The clnb la In trim to rope with the Inmorbasunail fraternity of the A rnnnlnir race fne a nnr nfltftilarlll rnm OfTtoday auorlock at I'iney Uranch The fol lowing entries hare been nnlei It. 7 Loeber enteraa g t'riniot Mr.Jinrgloff g gMikeCral gon: U M. Darker b. g Btar, and V. U. Mills b. a Fendennls. At the annual meet In nf the Anincrtnn Tnm. Pike Company, hell Wednesday night, tbe f d lowing ontcera were electe t for the emuiog yean II. D wight Smith, president, Jas C. Itoacn, aeo reury, Jonn It Johnson vm A oung, uV. Crocker. H B. Comet, 8. D Mbert, Harvey Dal ley an I MUea U. Munson, directors. The following permits to build were Issued yesierdiv i T. 11. Donobue, for a two-atory frame dwelling on II street, between Twenty-thlrd and iii.t vuitii.ui'THiiiirtniiriii uiirrr VTDiie, d- on Samson street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth a tree is and E, A. oodwerd, a three story brick on ermont avenue, bet weed N and V streets. Detectlrra Sargent and McKifreab yesterday arrcstrtl Martin Marr, a well-known sneak thief, charged with stealing a watch and chain from a stranger. Tbe chain waa found In bis possession, ui he was 1 icked up to await a fur ther bearing. The chances are that Mama will soon begin anapprenticeabipat the ahoe busi ness In Albany, PIDLIC IVIPltOVIIiIENTH. Order ef the 11 ard frobllc U avke. The following orders bare been Issued bv the Board of Public Woikafor the construction of sewera t A 8-foot brick one on Tenth, from R to T streets, and a I f oot 6-inch brick on T, from Tenth to Thirteenth atrceu northwest. A lft. Inch pipe on west aide of Eighteenth street, from manhole near T atreet to the northeast corner of New oik avenue and Eighteenth atreet; thence along east side Eighteenth to k si reel, along north side ,to connect with tbe Seventeenth street sewer, also, a IS Inch pipe ou north side i' iun aituue, iroin Derenieeum to eigh teenth street nonhweat. A 18 Inch pipe on north aide I, between Seventh and Eighth atreeta northweat. A 12-Inch pipe on both aidea otM, between Twentieth and Tweniy-flrstatreeta northweat, and a li loch pipe on both sidea of U, between Fifteenth and ikventeenth streets, A it-inch pipe on north aide 9, between Seven teem auu irum iircu uonnweai; aiso, an ls-tncn pipe north of O, from Third to Fifth streeti and a ltv-lnch pipe north aide of O, from Fifth to Beveuth atreet northwest, a i foot brkk sewer on Dm wcit airt nt intn atreet northeast, from lennsylvanla avenue to the north side of south Carolina avenue, an 1-Inch pipe from Booth Carolina avenue to B street aoutb; and a 15-lnch pipe from B to hut Capitol atreet; alao, alt-Inch pipe on the east aide, from Pennsylvania avenue to East Capitol i iiiuiu "i iu aucjain aqnarca msu IM, 80S, 884, and in Double T alley, in aquare MI, also, in F street, from Columbia to Eleventh atreet northweat, and IS inch pipe on north aide and a 16-Inch Dloe on south aide of K. between MXteenth and ftcventeenth streets northweat, a tl inch ilpe on west side of Seventh strtet Bouthesst,fromDto E a 19-lnch pipe from K to (J, and an 18 luch pipe from U to I, also, a 18 Inch pine on eaat side, from North Carolina ave nue to Pennsylvania avenue, and a ii inch pipe on east side, from Pennsylranla avenue to I atreet. The board bave ordered the curbs lo be set, sidewalk laid, and the roadway paved with blue rock on Maryland avenue, from He vent b atreet weat to the Long bridge, the street to be parked to the centre and tbe railroad to pass through wi i'"i, piik ui ue proicctcu or auu atautlal fence, leaving a roadway of thirty feet on either aide of the park. The railroad com pany bare been notified to a IJuat their road so ea to conform to the new grade. An order haa been luaed for the grading of Twenty-aecond trees iiuui n unci ui jtiuicnuKiu tcddb The auoerintendent of roada hu been direr ted to have a tT-loch pipe culvert put In on Sumner avenue, in tbe county. The water registrar baa been directed to lay a ft-lnch water-main m Sam eon atreet, between. Sixteenth and seventeenth airccis nortnwest. FIBE DLPAHTUKNT. Meeting of the Board Last Mght Compll meatarr letter f the Brcretarr af the Nary, A special meeting of thoDjard ot Fire Com missioners waa held at their rooms last night, ail tne members preaent except Mr. McDevltt, W. II. Lewis, Albert Dodwu and Win Hunt recently appointed as members of the depart nient, were confirmed. The chief engineer was, on notion, directed to dlapoeo of tbe unsLrvlccabo hones intbede- nr,minV ' charged with diaobeying orders of the foreman, waa fodnd guilty, ordered to be reprimanded, and deprived of his leave of absence. The 1 a ot Foreman Robe Johnson, of the hook aud-tadder comianj. charged with Inca- 5vii, ww nun vpiui, vn raocion, waa re need to the ranka byanuaulmous vote or tbe board. After the transaction of some routine business the board adjourned. The following letter from the Secretary of the Navy was received br the ar-tlmr chief tnir1ner J i.U.j( MAVV llVPABTMtltT ) tfrtr lrpHmtt, HwMajHM ( MK. I b if Ui acKUbWletlvrt Llie rmlnt nf fnn, communication of the lth Instant, aabmlttlng your report wade at my request, iu relation tu hhj ma wuicu wiurreu on iuv morumg or tne 18th lOBient at tbe Ptsvy Department. I avail myaelfot this opportunity to express to you aud to the flra denartment nn.W wnnr charge my appreciation ot the efficiency of tbe iieoartmtut,aud to thank yon and the firemen uuitiuururueniur mo very prompt and vai uahie assistance rendered td ihe Department and to the Government on the occasion of the ery respectfully, your oiie lient servant, IJIOKGI M. K08KHON, secretary ot the Navy. DR. MAUV UAL KI.ll. An Acre ant f Her Arrest In BalUanerc. The Uaitimore tiunot vesterdsr has the follow. Ing account of Dr. Mary E. Walker a actions lu tbat cityt "She had gone lo the star hotel, on Front atreet, Monday afternoon, to call for an old lady, her companion to Baltimore, who had become fatigued and stopped In the parlor of the hotel to rest. Tbe policeman, Aarou Koaa, told ber ahe must accompany bun to the atatlon- uuuav. nu uiu io tc(j quictij, ana on tne way rcmaiked that abe bad generally been treated Well by tbe bollctv thoiirh ahe niiulnnillt n. countered a fool.' When the policeman made he Bald that he had arrested hte hwanaa aha a,. collecting a crowd In the atreet. Dr W alker re- I W vo cegua your araiemeut with a is. nuuvHjiiuui uuc, iur ou arreaujti me In the parlor of the Btar hotel, ouatnrat viuacu m uwr, ilj ineu io aecain me, until l commanded you to releaae me, and then you arrested me Where lvunroiii rnni.i nm collect,' This was a knock down throat, aud consequently Mr lleggerty, tbe police Justice, at once diamlued ibe esse, Itoss making a kin 1 of apology by saying that lie did not know It waa Dr. Mary Walker when be arrested ber To ibis tbe Doctor s ready tongue had a prompt retort, replying Ml ahi uld mako no difference who I am Any woman haa the right to wear this coatume, aud an woman decently dresaed aDd deporting heraelt ihould have protection without any ciueelloa aa to who or what ahe la." Yeaterday morulug ahe went to the marahal'a office, aud laid a complaint before the police commissioners agalnat policeman Koaa Her ac count la that the pollcemau came into the hotel and locked the door from tbe outsl le, fastening her in the room, abe ordered htm to unlock it three times before he comnliml Him than walked forth, and when ou the atreet be re- ijuvaim ner io gu io ine aiauoa nouae unaer ar rest I ne charge against Koaa was entertained by the board of jolice commissioners, anl a hearing of tne case was Hied for io a. ui to-day. Dr Marr W alker aava ahe weara a. tnmlaut dmaa an 1 cannot aee why a woman Is not privileged to wear clothe of the material of bers as well aa of uiuuiu, no . iuu wane geanemen win carry their excellent wives awl daughters to see women lu tights, they are shocked at seeing a woman with ber limbs entirely covered. Arreat of at New lark Hahber. Detectives Coomee and Miller yesterday ar reate I a young man nam! Charles Juiien at the Cjruerof Pennsylvania aveaue and 1-our-aot a hilf street, on the charge of robbing the Jewelry atore of Alfred Picanl, No 4(J9 Bacon 1 avenue, New oik, about one week ago, of Jewelry amounting In value to about 1 1 ooo Tbe oOUera afterwards found two satchels in hta room, con-lamina- a larce amount of foods which uorre. spun I to ibe articles lout. He was recognized by the oinvcra by a email photograph picture sent theia on a postal card lie acknowledges the robberv. and baa been locked no at head quarters to await the actloa ot the authorities of iew iorx( woo nave oeeo nouueq oi tne arrest. luetallatleo. The following officers of Columbia Division. No tt, K of T , were Installed on Tueadsy even ing at Wlthoffe hall, on D and Third atreeta southeast i W. P , A. N. Thompson ; W. A , Dr. James W alsh . It H , Dr. Win. Tin till ; A It. S., James Edwards, P. H Wni Covington t treaa- iii rr, ii iiuiisj i uapiam, auiiisw Ajjocq I C , t, J'.taaey I A C, It. Edmonds 1. 8., J. P.WIU son ( O, B , Vm, Overbury, tlooj lire la Copper Hod Fountains, Dr. lllckilng, the celebrated druggist, Third atreet and Pennsylvania avenue, baa sold all his copper soda fountains, and la now drawing pure aoda water and Hanbury smith's mineral waters from Palmer A Qr ea' mcl fountain i. (1IHW HEFORM FiCnOOiV. D t crilag T the Trosteee RealgoalUa of tienrral Howard Ala meeting of tbe trustee! of the above in stitution held yeatentsy at 8 p. m la the parlors of the V. M.C. A , the action of the last meet ing waj reconsidered for the purpose of testing the wishes of the entire board In regard to the aloption of General Howard a amendment, which was lot at the t meeting Colonel Florence, Hating dearly that there had cea ho chaige in hie ow Vlewe, moved tho reconsid eration of the retotntioa aitbonung the pur chase of fry Hail. The motion waa adopted. Mr.schant, tnen stating also that his views were unchanged and that he merely wished a discuaaion of the question, moved to adopt Gen eral Howard amendment. After ft fall discus sion ot the whole subject the amendment was then unanimously rejected. Colonel alnrenra (nan tnnwa.1 that lha. hM.i. dent be, and ahe la hereby, authorized to make the purchase of Ivy Haft, aa proponed by Mr. He ham's resolution adopted at Uie last meeting The resolution waa then najMd h m nnanL Qon vote ine touowiog letter, submitted by General Howard at a nrtvlons meetlnr. waa rat Mr 8 J fipmnttr, T-iJnt a Hrh t-trtrtt Rmt Dlia AtADAUt I feel rnnatralne,! h an nnnanal pressure of duty and responsibility to resign my rMiuonaa corporator or trustee of this home. Fal rraat Iniuut . k.. .-.. .. .v.iunsiniiiH JU.I IIUIHUtt eUlQTllC, and hope yon will have abundant success and God a bloasLng. Anr,tnilT' . O nowino. LoL rlnrrnr no 1 1 an al Annan, tit.n iu. Howard, and Mrs. Spencer and other mem here of the board expressed regret at being obliged to part with hla valuable services. Hev. A. U. Hall was preaent at the requeat of Gen. Howard to urge Imme bate action upon the resignation. It waa acoepted. The members of the board objecting to the presentation of the resignation of the president mm vfltuuciij. Ipon a discussion relatlna- to annnlrlna the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ot Gen. Howard It BDOeareat that It a wiah nf a ma. Jorliy of the whole bonrd tbat the vacancy ahouid be filled by a lady. Inaamuoh aa the enter. yuan ! iu ucnau oi women ana cniiuren. Notwlthauoding tbe relecUon of tbe amend ment relating to subscriptions the president baa alreadr atarted a anbaffnntlan Hat. and ka.a evU dence of an Intention on the part of the citizens w nv enierpnae uoerai soppon. ituis report was tarnished by Mrs, 8.4. Spencer aua is puuiuned aa aa item ot newt, witn ue further statement that neither the press nor public were notified that such a meeting waa to be hel 1,-Kd 1 laNDi.onn and tenant. A now obi RKtrevtlrereoeoor Oelotea Drtweeai airs. Keroo o.d Mr, Alorehead - Rolotloa of the DIBKelir. lAt night about 10 o'clock tbe residents of B, oetween niotn and Tenth atreeta, were startled by the cry of "Murder" several times, and the collection at house No. lit on that atreet of large crowd, Ipon Inquiry it waa discovered mat a woman named Mrs, Kesne, with many allele, bed endeavored to force her way Into the house mentioned, and on Investigating the matter It waa gleaned that aa the 1st day ot May last Mra Keene applied to Mr, Morehead,the rroprietor of the house, to be allowed the nae of be front basement room, a request that waa compiled with, on the written agreement that Mrs Keene woull provide board for Mr. Moore head and wife for tho price of tbe room. Lverythlng went along pleasantly until there was a failure on the part oi Mrs. Keene to fully stand up to tbe agreement, when Mr. More head spoke to her about It, and elated if better meals were not furnished he would be obliged to vacate tbe room. Mra. Keene claimed that It would be necessary for blm to give ber thirty days notice before she would leave, and Mr More bead told her to take what he bad aald for the notice. Last week she removed a portion of her furniture and le ft the premises with her son in charge, A ahoi t time after her departure the son bolted tbe door on tbe Inside and left the house by the front doorupatalra. noiuiDKmoro wai aceaoi nre. neeue unui tut night, when ahe returned to the house, where she found Mr. and Mrs. Morehead aituog on tbe front atepa, and walking deliberately up to them made an effort to enter. This was re sisted by Mr. and Mra. Morehead, who aald aha had no rlgbt to enter by this door, but there was no objection to her golog into tbe basement. Mrs. Keene responded that the door below was fasteued, when Mrs. Morehead Informed her tbat her sou bad barred her oat. She si 111 losiated upon entering the front door, bat her efforts were strongly resisted, until tbe appearance of Officer Dtnsmore dampened the ardor of Mrs. Keene, and ahe discontinued her efforts As tbe woman waa not violating tbe law, the officer did not arrest her, and ahe shortly after returned to bouse No. w on the same atreet, and all again became quiet, Tbe Impression Is that the wo man waa nnuer too muuenc oi nqaor. imt'TAt. AFFIIAV, "Sooay" Wrd Realeta Oflieor wo U What. lestcrday morning ft notorious character, named George, allai "Sonny" Ward, waa ar rested by Offloer Block on tbe charge of being disorderly on F street, between Ninth and Tenth streets southwest. On tne officer taking bold of uiiu ou Ionian! auu auceouoi in getting away, aud runnins into the hooas brouvht out bull. dog, which ne set on the offloer. Block drew bis piatoi ana anot tne uug, auu at mis time u racer mar wwii tiuo io tue auMiBiauc oi diucb. Ward then atruck Mark wood with ft nktcher. cutting bla Up open, and the officer, drawing hla pistol, shot Ward in the arm. The policemen then succeeded in tsklug him luto custody. 1 ba wound left Beah wound, aud la not dangerous. uuncr uiuva a 001a bis tega oaaiy oiiicu oy tug uuuHjuy, NOTICE OP NEW ADTKRTI-lK.lIKNTrt. The Ann of Bishop h Hazard hu been dis solved. J, W. Selby la eetllng boots and alwoe at heavy discount. A gran J temperance excursion to Olymonl on vteueauay, tfuiy b. A grand race will take place to-day at Piney orancn race course. A. J. Whltaker A Co., dealer In municipal oonu,iwr street. Tbe members of Hope Lodge, No. M, F. A. A. w , wui meet this afternoon. Office of the agency of tbe American sewing macniue, no. iviu r acreei nortaweat. A cheap edition of the acta and resolutions of the regular session of iheLegtalatlve Assembly for sale at this office. Proposals will be received for cut atone work, Bagging, Ao., required In the construction of the new Jul for the District of Columbia. The aale by B. II. Warner of valuable Im proved an I unimproved real eatate la Talon town, D. O, la postponed until Mondsy, August 4, at 8 0 clock, p.m. li it. Warner will aelL on Wednesday, August 8, at 8 o'clock, p. cu, valuable Improved real es tate on Colombia, between Ninth and Tenth streets and Bbode Island avenue and! ttrett northweat. LuttrelloiDaftnlngtoQwIll sell, ou Thursday, August T, at 8 o'clock, p. m., vain able Improved real eatate on T street, between Foartoeaih and Fit taenia atreeta northweat, conatsUogof two new two-atory brick bouses. Luttrell A Dunnlngton will sell, on Tbftrsday, August ft, at 8 0 clock, p.m., valuable Improved real estate on T atreet, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth atreeta north weeu-eoaataUu of aix new iwo-etory ortcx aweiunge, Luttrell A Dunnlngton will tell, on Thursday, August T, at 6 ao 0 clock, p. m valuable Im proved real estate on T street, between Four. teenth and Fifteenth atreeta northweat, constat- ids vi eigut new two-atory Dricx nooses. Tbe CUI4reo Earn rate a The excursion for the benefit of the noor cbti. dren of tbe District, Inaugurated by the Care. ttt, took place at Giymoot yesterday, and al- tuougn numerically 11 waa a success, aa an ex cursion for tbe poor cblllreo of the District It was a decided failure. Fully one half of those presont were adults, who crowded the boat, agatnat the win ot the managers, and Insisted that the possession of tickets entitled them to all the Crivllerea The am mm mama nf iti. committee for taklag care of au who attended nrro auiuto, uim pruviaion oeiog aimoai princely, but the right class did not avail themselves of the Draff e red treat. It Is in ha hntuul that th. occasion of the next uip there will be a better irangemrut msoe 10 soonre tne attendance of poor children to the exclualoa of basket parties Alarm or Flro. Last night, about 11 o dock. Officer Loans, of the Fifth police precinct, discovered amoks Issu ing from the cigar store on the corner of Kiev emu and v streets, and be Immediately turned In an alarm from box 89. The Ore department promptly responded and Boon anbdued the flames. The store was the property of Mrs. Hannah Hecht, and ber loss la estimated at two. fully Insured la the Germanla Insurance Com- Esny. ihe origin of tho tire was from a a-as or tier. During the Are Mrs. Hecht was taken suddenly 111, and waa removed to the residence of Mrs, Korn, on tbe next corner, where ahe shortly after recovered. Tbe Irvlog IIoobs. Lut evening Maura. Balcom A Johnson opened to the public tba Irving home, at the corner of KIghtn andD atreeta, which haa for aomo tune past oeen in process or reconstruc tion U la now a oerfect bitou of a hotel, and leader the management ot twu such experienced iiuiuuh vmuui vui jiruTw success, on mo occasion of the opening they were visited by a large number ot their lrieou,and on all aides received asanranoee that their enterprise would isana tun vuvuursgeinaui n mBrueti, Pollen He dies. Tbe Board of Polite, at a recent meetine. de. elded tbat they would bave a badge for tbe offl. eers 01 in department and the members of the detective corps different from tboia formerly used TbOSO Intended foe ihedatrllvaa war. presented yesterday, aud are certainly ft great Improvement on tbe old ones. .They are a shlel I of solid silver, about two fon and a half inchea, handsomely chased with aa eagle, and fmtao Police, DUUlct of Columbia. K Plurtoua num " Dralh ofJoba II. Jobason, Yesterday evening at T o'clock Mr, John II. Johnaou, the well-known lawyer and justice of the peace, died suddenly at bla residence, No BOH K atreet northwest. Thla iritniim haa lived In tho community during a lifetime prolonged to the allotted average of man, and leaves a family to mourn bis lose. He haa served In Mveral capacities of honor and trust, and waa wall liked by all a ho knew him. The arraaiamtnta for hla lateral will be RDUQUDced fas Witt r, Tim nrmiTH on n htrbkt poi tii KHT. Ifore MflnlrrslAllone-Farilcnlars of tho I mat Hen nee A (loltnr Flensing In the Another pr.vate seance was tUcn br Mr. Qnnnell at his roaldence, M a street south- west, on Tuesday evening of this week. The manifestations were In character similar to those reported In tbe IttrraLtcax a short time since, with oao or two exceptions. tbs uetng committee Mesrt. tl and b. of the Government printing office went on duty about nine o'clock tnl lashed the medium to the seat In the cabinet. The ropes appeared to w 01 common td cord, each three or four reet in teogtn, ana apparently strong enough to thoroughly secure man possessing much mora than ordinary strength. Determined to profit by the two weeks of con sideration allowed him since tbe laat aeance, the writer had reflected long and earnestly upon the possibilities of ilecfotloo. and carefuilr thoua-ht over every auggestton made by persona who hinted that they knew how the "tricks" were done. The cabinet waa tborongbly inspected. the tieing process closely Bern t tolled, and the varlnua rnnlltlnna1 renn Ire I ffir the aeanee orwerved, to detect. If possible, any semblance UI IIIUUi 1 be cord was brought troun 1 the wrist and tied, lo what la known aa a square'' knot, so tight that the neati waa swollen above It on either aide. His hinds were placed behind hla back, the onconflned wrist was laid flat upon the knot, an 1 there aecured by a atmiiar one. Then tne rord was. passed aroun 1 both, fastened hy additional knots, and the free ends of the cord down through the holea In tbe aeat, and disposed ui iu mo hiui maimer uu mo previous vrt-a- aion and wrapped with the copper wire. The position nf the points of this wire waa carefully noted, without the knowledge of the medium, to see tbat do movement waa made by blm during bis occupation of the cabinet. Just aa the door closed the ringing ot the bells and the pounding of tbe drumsticks commenced. ii rraoK waa toose ne must nave aisengagea himself within iheaoaceof a second nf time. and he must have tied himself again In halt a Beoonn, lor wnen ine aoorawung open ne aat there apparently aa securely fastened ae ever. Occasionally the hands would appear before the door was f ally closed. During the dark aeance the gnltar, which had been marked by phosphorus, ruse in tbe air and floated about, tbe strings all the while being manlnalated aa If br human Ana-era. At this lime Frank waa presumed to be lashed hand and foot to a cane-seat chair, In aa secure a manner aa ue tying committee could devise, to detect any movement the medium might make during tbla performance hla feet were placed upon a sheet of white printing paper, and a Una drawn around them with a pencil. la each Instance tne feet were found in Ue precise spot la which they had been placed. ' Ihe writer cioaeiy watched tbe tletng of the thumba, and the operation of transferring the Iron nogs upon and off the arms, and the passing of tbe hands back and forth from one aide o? the body to the other. This was aimply mar vellous. The knot seemed to part aauoder, the hands deliberately opening squarely to ike right and left, and coming together agaiu In the same manner, wken the closest Inspection would re veal not even a thread of the cord rilaolaced There waa no twia ting of thumbs to give "alack, au iuws wiwu tuw uugcre. j av Junius; waa of inch a character tbat no relaxation of the cord seemed possible. To gratify me eurtoatty of aome of hla viaiLnra. Mr. Unnneil eanaatad tbla performance in ao deliberate a manner that an u mots Ri hi iu eairaoraiuary character were removed. Bo tar aa the writer e ul I observe, the medium seemed willing to submit to every test that dil uo interfere with the necessary conditions'' of hta seances. It la. perhaps, safe to aay tbat avervone in hla little audience waa nrofoondiv astoulabed at the curious scenes witneased, how. ever much one differed from the other In attrlb- uiing toem to causes, mundane or supermun dane. lu lattice to tht young man. It should be etated that ha denies in tu tbe msiuuationa made In a communication recently published la this paper, to tbe effect tbat he had "taken lessons from any one elae. Ue atatei that tbe entire range of the phenomena with blm occurred three years before he apoko to tbe Davenports, and on tba occasion referred to tbe latter merely paid him a fraternal call dnrina- their visit to our cut on professional business. Besides, the Davenports only give cabinet seances, and are not attended by much ot tbe phenomena occurring in tbe The medium a father la atrongly orthodox in hla religious views, being a member of the Bap tist Church, He does not believe tbat human pints attend his son, but admits that tbe phe nomena Indicate the presence of ao agency, pos sessed of what teems to be human Intelligence. Tho Fomd Quest lea. f ( Killer a A JfmtUmmt Ktpmhltfnt Sia. The report ot tht Board of Health on the water queattoa appears to bear evidence of ft determination that the people ot tbla District ahall drink Potomac water whether they like It or not. It la well known that for Are or six months In the year Potomao water la unfit for general nae. It le very often in ft muddy and dirty condi tion, and not flt even far washing purposes, whilst during the summer months 11 u warm aud nauseous, and uoflt for drinking except when used with Ice Now, there are many poor fami lies who cannot well afford to buy Ice during tbe summer months, expeuding five or ten cents per day for that luxury? neither are they well able to bear the ourden of an annual tax for the privilege" of using Potomao water, and ahouid not be debarred of the Meetings Intended for nae by Almighty God. The springs In the bowels of tne earth are ao many bieased arteries flowing from tbe munificence of Uod,aud designed to supply man with water, one ot th chief ele ments of life, and the generations from the be ginning hare acknowledged with prayerful thanks tbe great bieaslogto tbe world. To be told at tbla late day that apnng or pomp water la poisonous or unwholesome is, la my opinion, " the very error of the moon " If anything ha been discovered wrong about the water troea the pumps, I think 11 may be rather attributed to a want of attentloa to the Gmpa on tbo part of those whose duty It Is to after them aud keep them In good condition and reoair. They are for the most part and bave been foryeara In a neglected, dilapidated and rotten condition. The rotten truokaand patched anl worn-out suckers must. of course, injuri ously affect the purity and taste of tho water Heniove theoldruuen one an I put down Dew Kmps,aad then let fhem bo uroporly aueaded anu 1 am aure tbe Judgment of tbe wnole community will be given In favor ot the pumps an 1 apnng water. Respectfully, J. P. JctiKilJ.' Take Core of lour Talaableo. Call and examine tbe fire and burglar proof vaults of the Safe Deposit company, corner Mew Vorx avenue and Fifteenth street, for safe-keep Ing of sveanuea. Jewels, aiivar-ware, or other valuable, neuta, from ten to aixty dollar per annum, according to size. Ho business man can afford to do without them IkktmMrnUignmthsCktoagoattd Ho4tHrf, f J. II. Mi aler de Co. Bankers, No. 1418 Pennsylvania avenue, pay 8 per cett on all deposits, Tho Wmshlaatoa Lit Muvloca llaak. corner of Seventh street and Louisiana avenue Gjae per cent, interest on au aeposiu Depo can bo made and drawn at wUi. t Paxvnrrrva or nrmuiriiriaia in tn rm uu uuj m uiuaaio iut out uuk TbtLatvs ftheDlauht. W e bave prepared In a neat form, the acta and resolutions of tbe regular session of the Third Legislative Assembly of the Dlatrict of Colombia, The book la gotten up In such a manner aa to be both cheap and durable, and will be aold for the iow sum ui zu ccuia per copy, ror saie at tout office. Natloaal Bavlogo Daak corner of Hew Tork avenue and Fifteenth atreet, pars 8 per cent per annum on deposit for each calendar month. Banking boura 8 to 4, Hatur days, t to 4 and 8 to a. t MCIK'YTIFIC NOTLM. Diaixa the partial eclipse of the auu last May, M, Wolf obtained In Pari a aerlea of admirable photographs of lit successive phasee, using the ''Hiderostaf apparatus and rbemlcal proceases, which be expects to employ In the observations upon the coming transit of Venus. Everything worked satisfactorily. Tbo Japaneae embassy are said to bave been present on the occasion, watching tbe operations with great and Intelli gent Interest. Paor. B. F. M 104 1 haa been for several yeart ftaucceaaful explorer of the cretaceoua forma tions of Kansas, bla adopted Slate. He discov ered near Fort Harker the remaina of an entlie flora, chiefly represented by leaves In a beauti ful state of preservation. Tbla flora haa been determined by Leaquereux as distinct aa to spe cies from any other known Among it common forms Is a buantiful sDecies of sassafras imf Mudge obtained from more western localities eight apcclea of aaurians, of sea going hablta, aud ft great many species of osh Borne of these are of great size, and with huge, overlapping conlcar teeth ine rorthevis is related to tbe herring and salmon It has tbe mouth opening directly upward, at tbough to seize swimming animals from below. On the back part of tbe bead is a high crest, giving it the form of a com pressed rhorno, with the chin forming the ante rior aogle Prof Mudge also discovered the Icbtbyornis, of Marsh, the bird with teeth and oiconcave vertsora;. Foa along time a curious Irregularity In the proper motion of the bright star Procyon hu ueen weii Known 10 astronomers, and in 1931 nuns,-, u... - uiaiiitniaiiviiu. auvvvcumi IQ showing that It inlgbt be explains I by aupposlog n an orval orbit, with a period of about forty IU. v -fcn-u.a u. i.i, KlTHiUima UITI ever since been on the search for this disturbing tvA.lw fri, MlttiAi.t mini una ...till w ... ..i " inwi.uui "luu .uw, UUUI TBI ICUrilllT, On March 1, however, It waa at lut discovered by otto btruve, the keen-eyed director of the Pulkowa Observatory, with the great refractor of tbat establishment, it la about IJmlo dis tant from I rocyon and In IU position sgrees very closely with the calculations of Anwera Our Alvan Clark will tie not a little diss pointed, for he wu very confidently reckoning on finding the little stranger blmeelt u aoou as tho great Wublngton equatorial abould lie finished. It Will be remembered that aome veara svn he alir. nanaed the completion of the great telescope now mounted at Chicago by discovering, under almost precisely similar conditions, the little coin pinion of Hlrlus, and received the Lalande medal of tbe French Academy of Hclencea aa the prize of hla discovery. A letter from Yokohama, atatea that mtat nf the American squadron wu at Shanghai the lata ter part of June. Lieutenant lmfrer, ot the been sentenced to two years bus pension for bad conduct. Commander Wilson, of the antic, Is being tried for drunkenness, and Lieutenant itowland la to be tried for ob taining money under leiae pretences. Tub Naahrllla Jlannr bstsi "flaneral Ti If Hill, late editor of the 'Land we Love, who ba been chawed up by Parson Browulow. compares the 'flouth' w Poland, despises the 'Nawtband sends bla boy to tbe United (Jtatei ntral school ItAQaiPOUl," A STANDARD OF TIME, Wiyil.NOTOVTlMEAMiOVERTnEUMOX The Niutonid Observatory Connected With Neiv 11 k-A Uniform Time ProsuUed Throuabont Ibe (onotry-Tbo A ven tages to be (Inlord-rrevrnllea of Halt road. Aerlaleate, Ac A nesnarkablf la veattoa The Trflvn or yesterday contalo the fol ow IhgiThe arbitration of the reaourree of the National Observatory at W aahlngtoa to the dis tribution of accurate atandard and uniform pub lie time has been at lut undertaken by the Western Inton Telegraph Company, which prom lies to furnish to all the principal cities of the Colled states, aa frequently during the day at may be reaulred. the exact tlma u coronated by the Central Observatory. This subject haa I een talked of for years, but the lack of facilities for diasemlnatlnf tbe time, and the chance of any great necessity which called for lu dlstribu ;ion, failed to can forth the requisite Inventive genius 10 accompuan tne purpose. Hat wnat was looke I upon twenty years ago tt desirable naa come to ne regarded at inli-nenub r neces sary. The Joining of New Tork and theEivt, oy a continuout lint Of railway, with Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and Ban Francisco, the Intimate relations of transit exiatlng between the Canada bonier and the cities of the South, and tht In crease of tht arterial lines of Intercommunica tion between distant parts ot tht country, re quire tbat a uniform time ahouid regelate the running ot trains, and govern. In a manner, tht banking and mercantile Institutions of the na tion. Tht first practical movement In tbla direc tion waa nnderukea about tu months ago by Gtu.Ackert, of tht Western Vnloa Telegraph Company, It being evident that to Insort unfail ing distribution of tht time tht wires of thlt company must bt used, as tht communication of tht central time calJ not depend for transmit- slon upon tht wire atone, which la liable to bt broken or disturbej by storms or other Influ ences, General Ackert and Mr. Brown oaallraareed upon their plan of action, and arranged with tht authorities of tht Washington Observatory to tend their time at meridian of each day to tho main office ot tht Western Colon Telegraph Company la thla city. The oodoeetloa was ac cordingly madt between tht Observatory clock at W Mhington and a large ohroaometar la tht teiegrapn omce ot this city, 11 wu made in thlt manner! Bsoeatuthenenlulumot thtObierva tory clock la located a gius cup, la which la piaceaagioDt 01 mercury tufnclaotlr eltvated above tba edge to touch tht bottom or the bib. Qummasit vioraies to ana iro. From to s bot tom ot tnt cup a wirt extends to a batterr In tn 0 Observatory. From tht top of tht pendulum ft wlrt reaches to the telegraph offloe la this city, wnvre it is connected wiia aa oleoma Dell. Tits bell Is placed Immediately la front of the obro nometer, and every timi tht bottom of tht psu duium of tht Observatory clock touches tho bail ot mercury, which la, ot course, every second, me eiecino oeuia wis city gives tat informe Hon, By comparing tht strokes of the bell with the movement of the pendulum of tbe chronom eter behind It, It la always manifest whether tht time-keeper In Broadway Is galnlag or loilnr. or It running In uniformity witn Wuulngtoa time. tut 10 Ktep tht belt in ccntlaual operation would monopolize the use of aa entire wire be tween the two cities, therefore the company ar ranged to receive the time only at midday, Thie wu begun oa June tl, and experience bu anown tuattnedaiiy vartationa from Wash log ton tune will not average over one second. 1 a difference la time between the two cities 118 annates and II seconds. it rirg KiNrrct izroai moox at wiimxaroit ail busineu la suspended on one of tba wires of the company extending between tht two cities, and at two mlnutts befort II 0 clock tht wirt wbirh conuevU with tht battery la Joined to the bottom ot the pendulum, making a complete cir cuit every time tht pendulum vibrates, and thus ludieatlng the seconds on the bell lathis city. At the exact hour of noon, by an adjustment of the pendulum, two stroke are made upou tbt bell and tor sixty second afterward. 1 ue wire Is then disconnected and the nsaal business transacted by means of It, W hen arrangement ahall bave been made with the railroad corn pan ie to furnua tbem with time at tne principal citlea along the route, tbe connection with the obaervatery clock will be maintained throughout the day and night, TE fluctuations of tht clock In this city have thua far been obviated br mechanical mean and tbecbronometer regulated by hand. But an ar rangement bu Just been perfected whereby tbt clock will indicate tht time automatically. Two ateetbara are attached to the aidea of the bot tom of tht pendulum. 1 hue play at each vibra- 11 uu tuiviua ueuuivi spuvioi uui wire, insoo colls of wire, which art magneta completing tht circuit wim TSI WAtaiMOTON OMHVATOar Clock, regulate tbe movement of the pendulum, making 11 uniform with that of tbt Wublngton clock, and thus preventing any difference be tween tbem. Arrangements aro now making witn tnt pnncipai railway compamea to nave clocka located at aome of tht principal citlea along tbt route, to bt connected with the clock of the telegraph office In this city la the manner idcduudw ouove, anu ine time lfom mo uor vatory aent every three or aix houn during tbt hi mm uiaj in uuauj ugwiUUHCU UVUD. The clocks will be located at Albany, But faio.rie. Obtcaxo.HL Loul. Cleveland. Hem. rbla, Milwaukee, and other leading ctuea, while rom them connections will no made with tht smaller ciue aud towns along the routea in th aame manner, or by meana of tbt magnetic dial. Tht latter l a simple and cheap proowu of com municating ttme.and is Illustrated aptly la the Western Union Telegraph building at Liberty ttroet aud Broadway, where, in the upper ator. lea numerous face of clocks look down upon tbt Visitor, feoord the exact titneof the day, but art entirely destitute ot works. These are all operated br an elootrlo-meguet, which operates f rom tht enrouotneter la tbo room below upon them. At the top ot tbt circle, la which tba second-band of the cbronomeier revolves, a wirt projecu sou to come in contact with tbt second band for a second only, Tbt other end ot the wire la attached to a magnet located behind the different clock facea tu the building A wire also extends frem tbt other end of the second-hand to a galvanic bat tery, nnio me poioioi mo revolving second hand comet in contact with tho projecting wire of course ft circuit is established, sod toe hanria la lbs electric dials Dove ahead a distance indi cated on the dials u a minute, thua furnishing un uuiv ccij iuiuum w tucse aiais wnerever located If half minulea are needed, another projecting wire placed on tht chronometer di rectly opposite the flrat one will mate the cir cuit of electricity again complete, and Indicate It on tht eiectrlo dial. Seconds can also be Indi cated by adding the necessary number of pro jecting wire. On battery la BUtaoieat to ope rate iu this manner dials la ererr house in thla city, and arraogemeot hart already boon per- icvieu wiui some ui too osnaa auu Danaiug in atttutiona to furnish them with tht correct time In this manner. It win be understood that tht chronometer of tbt telegraph company turnisbea TBI OXIT COXftXCT NIWTOIK AND WAJQINOTOtf TUX, u two set of hands art to be affixed to tht clock, it mlnuua and II uconda apart, but both Bete will bt operated by the tamt movement, Thla plan. It la stated, wilt bt followed In all tbt principal cities u toon as the Observatory lime la established u tht itaodard time, and thua no Inconvenience will ensue to travelers. In con nection with the eiectrlo dials a wnnderrnl ma chine has Just been Invented by an officer of tbt telegraph company, which may be connected therewith and operated la the ume clrcoit. vj wia au-raiiBeiuea tne year, momn, uy, hour and minute 1 minted. acUna- either aut. uiiuiui; ur ujnauu,M may uo ueaireu. ine electro-magneilo time-printer la an Invention lo la an entirely new direction, and being worked by an electro-magnet, use does not impair the works of tht machine nor affect tu 1 time keeper. Behind tho eieutro-diat, which it of , anu iijuicsicb ins ume, in ore- is an adjust ment of wheels and machinery (oot mechanical, but entirely magnetic) connected with a amui battery, ana above all a email nreaa. in annear. ance auch u 1 usually used for canoellng etainpe. receipts and like purposes. By placing at any hour of tbHtlaya adpof paper beneath the fact of what appeara to be an ordinary die, and pressing down the handle, there will appear la.iaumusuuuj, yiiufceu IU VI ar CPB, IDO JCST, month, day, hour and minute when It wu done. Tbla acta automatically, needs no regulation, la always correct, being connected with tht chro nometer, which la reirulated bv the Waahinwton Observatory, doea not get out of order u no iricuun uuours, auu ib auoui to oe put into gen eral use. 1 be whole apparatus la not larger than an or dinary mantle uma-plece, and la easy to handle. Ha advautageaare said to be manifold. It la to bo naed by persons tn charge of railway atatlona, who will be required to obtain an Impression of ius uvui wueu trsius arrive, pass or leave tnt depot, tbo s tending to prevent accidents, and to hold the different employees to a rigid responsi bility, and placing the blame of failure In duty or accident ou tbt proper persona. Ill aald tbat It will secure vigfisnce on tbe part ot watchmen, who villi bt required, at Intervals during the night, to obtain impressions from tbe eisctno timekeeper and thua give evidence of their fidel ity to thetr trust. Itls not peaslblt to manipu late the machine ao tbat It will record other than tbe correct time, and It la aald to ba a faultless sentinel of tbe passing hours. For bankers and builnea men it la elated to b of great value, and u an ingenious device and an evidence of what elactrtutv can bo mad torjerform isnar. tainly marvelous, Fbe officers of the Western Union Telegraph Company atata that tbe record ot time obtained at Han Francisco br electrlcitv from thu Ohaerv. atory al Wublogton will bt exact, u the cur rent passe instantaneously. The loaaof time, or rather the length ot time occupied by tbt fluid la traveling seven thousand mile la only three- tenthaof a second, which it for all practi cal purpose a Inatantaneoua and practicable to operate throughout tbt whole extent of tbt Union. A llolaaleal Cariosity, A lady la Nevada city hu a botanical curiosity la tbe Bhapeof anlght-bloomlog caclua. The plant la round, and about six loohea In diameter. Once a week it blooms, a atem being ihrown out from tht body of tht cactua about eight Inchea long, upon the top of which la a beautiful white flower, ihe also of the ton of anordinarrteaonn. the aroma from which Alls the whole house. Tbe flower begins to unfold Itself about T o'clock In tho evening, at 9 0 clock la In full bloom, and re maina bo until 8 o'clock la tht morning, when It besloa to clou no. ajid br noon bu .ntlrelT dia. I ppiuad. TB.Ao.Jir upon lb, lUm only Moonu oa, nd bat pa, item I, mrown pu ) I ' ' TIME COUIIT8. "Jpeclal Term Mr, Jostle Ilnmphreyo. Thla court made the following decreet yeater day, besides a large number of interlocutory or ders: Darrowva Hultxnim. n filer dliLhsrclnsT re- a training order Hsrrett ra Thomuctftl. Dccrctc ntlnulng restraining order. - U'0C CAM. llanr TlaalAi. ti..h i,..... ni.i- I, m l.t I for a divorre. The cue wu referred to tbe ex aminer to take testimony, Llnrllle VS. Unrtlock. OMr ennnrm1no re ceiver report. aKorncn PtvonCi cask. TlOVa VB It ft, a imi, .linaliiB fra VfAa f too for counsel fee, to be pall to her by Mr. j mt nu;vuiucu Pollra Coort Jodge Daweoa pro tent. kfarv tfatnltl Ia-I ,.4 i,.i.i.un. a ii.a charged with profanity) s. Richard Hammond, rharged with driving over D atreet, between Thirteenth and Thirteen-and-a-half etreebcwbilt itaw",be,i,?,PmTeiK'ereby injuring tbeworkt fi. Mary Tl Hheaban, profaultjt U Patrick -jagaawufluediiror bathing la Tiber creek between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8. p.m. Jaa. jHin Ion, a fast-looking youth, i.bsrgM with ma liciously injuring the shrubbery la Franklin aqnare, t Minnie McOarley, profanity: ts. rredenckPtromljerger, loud and I noisierous ao. sine., yivimunj in inoconniy: u, vm. Hon Men, same charge in the county; THE tTKST FASHIONS. rosTuvrj. Each year finds dark costumes more tin favor at lha summer resorts. e hare already spoken of tbe various ways In which velvet forma part of the promenade costume, and wt now add that dirk alike are alao worn In the atreeta and drives. Theae silks art not necesaarlty heavy, nnt 11 1 true mat somore anaaea 01 piom color. blue-gray, reseda, leaf brown, grisaille and blue black hart entirely superseded tht medium light-blue, gray, pearl and green Bilka formerly worn at midsummer. Costumes of plum or smoke-colored alike, ao dark that ther art acarcely diaUngulabablt from bttck, art made wnn two Bimpie garnered nouncea on tbt skirt and a tlght-atting polonaise with plain edge ur iringcu, coat sieeve and nign ruff, w lib auch a dreaa there ahouid be a ush ot the same, or else unique oeit 01 some una, either 01 ituaeia learner, witn auver jointa, ciaspa and chatelaine, or a velvet belt futened behind bv a pearl or an. Uqntailrer buckle, or tlae acanvu belt with bin ling of btut or red Rassia. If all black la prefer ted glossy taffeta silx le selected, or else summer groo-graia worea la amait reps, with high lustre Ibis la also made simply with a tight polonaise and deep kilt pleating on the akirt, or cue a Jockey basque an 1 abawT-ahaped upper skirt plainly pu e, or perhaps edged with Jet fringe. The klit pleating la the skirt Is ueanj a iaru ueep, ana is neid in Clusters three oleais la each arrouD. and a srice between There la a fancy also for black and white cheokedtilka tbla aummer. A rrench caorica shown among late Imporuuonala tbat of using checks ot three or four alzes from pin heads lo halt-inch block in a single dress, mmple and tutefut afternoon ami are made of pin-head checks alone, the skirt bu two clusters of three narrow lapping gathered flounces, piped with black, and each duster headed by a pnff, the aprou overskirt Is edged by a puff and ruffle, and tne buque is a Jockey piped with buck, aud IIUUHI TtlfcU iivu auu VU4I. BftaixrAiT nauREfl. nhittauita are not universally worn, u they formerly were, but are etui preferred to ail othera for Bummer breakfast dresses. Fine, soft, vellow Whit French nainsook Is now rhnaan for these Instead of tne heavy piqnes and stiff biue whlticioria lawns of laat year. Thedealgo la invariably belted polonaise and skirt. For trimming, tnt front breadth la formed of length wise cluster ot narrow tucks, with a row of Hamburg or needle-work Insertion between eacn ciuaien two gatnereo; nouncea, with a row v. au..wu .Wll at UIU. IUIIVUUU tbt skirt, tbo coat aleeres art made 0 tucks and bands or insertion, cross-barred nainsook is nsed for plainer suit. Two kilt-pleated Councea of piaia nainsook tnm the akirt, aud ft narrower auepieauug oageo ids potonaue. dim Haa ).. Ltftht Bilka and Cnauberv nines abundant! trimmed wiia lace are reserved for dinner dresses A muuo gray silk half covered with , iivauivuuu uiacriiuii auu leie naa jubi oeeo aenttoNewoort. The akirt hs three s-athered scant flonnoe each tbree-elxteentht ot a yard deep, and the middle flounce la entirely covered by a flounce ot Valenciennes, the shawl over aalrt, with pointed apron front ahaped by a Beam dowu the middle, on which bowa are placed, hu many row ot Valenciennes insertion placed lengthwise on each breadth, and a lace flounce ou toe edge; the buque t merely piped on tbe ease to snow it gracciui ouuine, out 11 is aiso Binned downward with insertion, and aimilar trimming extends the whole length of the coat aleeves, try narrow lace edging 1a placed each aide of the Insertion banda, two deep frills of lace, wltb an inner pleating of crept lisse, aur rouad tbe neck and wnat. Light airy puffs and ruffle of grenadine or Iiuiv auoum not ue gamerou on oorua, as inn five a clumsy look. For these very trimmings reach modistes use effectively a sort of gaug ing made by putting tworowtot gather quit Close together. For Instance, the biu miff with narrow turtle on each aide, ao much used tor trimming grenadine polonaises, ahouid be cut ai luuuea wiuc; mo cujfe ueeu uui ve ueoiuieu, but merely turned down the width of the tiny ruffle, thus uakluglt double, and gathered bv two rowa of small stitches set aoarcelv a Beam a width apart, and tbla will leave a pretty puff oeiwccu, D1II BltTft ITOIV. Dark blue linen growa in favor, and can now be purchased for fifty centa a yard. These blue suns are moat atyiuh when mad without any white except tbt large peart button that art placed down tht front of tbe polonaise. Tht skirt hu ft kiit-piestod flounce about three fourtha of yard deep, and the long belted Klonalat hu merely a hem, with revere, col , cuff and pocket. A morocco belt and bag asuau use ine piece 01 a swan witn uncn suite, WIDOW'S DHK!W AMD CAP. Tht dresses worn by widowa appear at tht but uoon inspection Drove to be bombazine eov! trod witn crape Their design la a buque and single skirt, without rufflea or f wide. Abomba tin skirt of ordinary ahape la flrt made, above tbu there la aewed around the blpt a crape akirt made of width cut precisely likotboee of the bombazine, a Anger-deep Aexa aroutul the edge. uu uauiiui acuaiaivij iruui ioe uumoexiue, though naturally falling luto tht lame folds. Doossqnoi longeuougu loconceai tnai of the bombazine not covered with crane. ' baauue 1 of beavv EnoHah craoo. nlaced amvotblyon ft thick Bilk lining. ItUof simple ahape, with coat sleeves, a piping of crape around tbo bottom, and a revet collar of doubled crape extending down the front Around the neck and wrUu 1 a aide pleating of black crepe llaso, with aa inner pleating of w bite lisse. ttuiall butiou-moid covered witn crape fastens tbe buque. Wblte crene lisse and mora deenlr crinkled crape are used for tbe capa which form part of m wiuun a ufoaa m mn uimim, niuows' capa Imoorted from London are ore f erred here. as. Indeed, are all English morning goods and cue- miuib, in ate an ui iu laubiiui reuca rauarmug These lisse caps are banda, pointed toward tbe forehead, edged with ft email crimped puff. passed back under the coll of hair, aud finished with wide hinfflnir enda behind. Himoler cans for mourning art Marie Stuart squares of tarie- ituurui soueai tawu, wunioiou nem piaoeuoo the top of tbe head, and aecured br black ribbon Btrtogs, or elae by a narrow fillet ribbon passed around tbt head over tbe middle of the cap. Old ladle wear tht large-crowned Martha W uh Ington cap. trimmed with milliners' fold and uny pieaieu rumes. ULI1I UU UUUI. A mixture ot oxidized silver with void 1 the latent noveuy id jswciry. necaiaoea, locasta, croues, chatelaine an 1 ball ear-rtuga art shown latbianew eombinatloo. The necklace have long bar Joined by link, and prettily engraved, Wich a Deudaat locket auch necklaces euat Ban. There 1 ft fanoy for antlquelooklng chuiagon silver and gold Jewelry, blight vmet and dolt cat etching of slender f era leaves, lily bells on long nodding sterna, and many flowers ot which the merest outline Is traced, art the favorites for ornamentation. Heavy chain of pur oxi dized ailver art told tor neck and fan cbaina for Iloht monrnlna and for traveling nrlce ftsa. Ina fashionable void ball ear nnss. bullet in. and quaintly chued. coat HO. Oxidized silver ball ear-ring and silvered chatelaines art much worn with black dresses, both for mourning and vj lauica imv web vuiwia jiitrpara umtmr, FOREIC.N II0H8IP. Ah irroRT la about to be made la English ciuea to eaiaoiian targe number 01 provident medical lnatltnilons for the clan of nnnu above the condition of pauperum, who, while anauio mi pay 100 urumarr lueuicsi ieea, are yet able to make amaj periodical payraenu for medi cine and medical attendance. Tht schema hu already been auccesaf ully trted m amall way iu iwuumi, ivituuiiui uniboakvc auu ivivulfjt It wig once remarked by an American humor ist that bt found It Impossible to cry over the rencs in tne until n juuseum, owing toanun- hiwiuii v !, aiuu uun, BttuiuiUaT ine i4in- don VudJtr, the world buoeea doing what the humorist could not, It hu wept over the famous Tabard Inn, supposing It to date from lino, and having lo Imagination Been the father of JEogliih. poetry taking hla beer there. It now appears that the rmihui wu wasted flir n Wrn uit the first atone of Bt, Paul Cathedral la the year of grace 1818, which may -fairly be taken u a weJ-deflnel and accurately aettled renaissance art date. ThertU no evidence whatever of any atyle In tbla inn, renalasance or Gothic, older than tbla lut named date. The band-rail and Dsiuiura rouna lha sraiierr. out or wmun ma small quaint bed rooms open, and tht fireplace, with their square molded framea above, and with other moldings visible here and there, can not possibly oe older than Wren' Ume. Tbo New Itooteo to Waahlogtea, " U Is announced; that oa and after Thursday next tho route of tbt to-called "Pennsylvania air Una" will be changed, and tht through trains will run over tht rbiiadeiphia, Wilmington and Baltimore road, connecting there wltb tbt Balti more and Potomao tunnel and railroad, that making tnt tnonesi and most cioseiy-connected routo between thla city and Wublngton. By thla arrangement tnt Baltimore and Ohio road IsubliredLu seek an lndeiundent rnnta sri, own between this and tbt capital. Accordingly tu manager bu Joined hand with Jay (lould lui iiu, usmvcu tin vitj ami USlMIUOr 110,0- fendent of existing line. By this combination t la proposed to take puseugero from tbla city taHsndf Uookbv ateamer. then acm-a xi Jersey by rail to Bay Hide, on the Delaware bay, at wnlsh point another steamer will connect with Bombay Hook, on the Delaware aide of tn bay. Ther the railroad will again be brought Into requisition for transportation acrou the Ienlnsuu of Delaware and Kutera Shore to lock Hall, in Kent county, Md , and from thence ateamer. will laud naaaauirar. at lui tmrtr. ta .n Uoatb over ths IIAliurior, run Oblo road. UU QDdentood tbat Ur. Jay Uould la to aupply tb. tb. n.itimnp. .ni muiwi tk. i.... m. .vuunuu.1 .u nw,a iiau. .uu to, ui.n.,ar. ur tnenc, to Intimate. Tbeie inuniiuu tr. to bo pirKcted by lb, HI o B,pienH)er.V. y, Tlrnil. CITY IT JIMS. TTlVtfVnw a TfniMl la rfalnla tha kn.t house in tht city for Slat an 1 Marl le Mantels, .uu,v,uiii, irnio ami vryaiai luauiirueia iu great variety, and as cheap as the mannfac- tnrle a. file tham a fn!t V. f I' A 'Vlntli ndD. 'eoat Hammer llrtoks. ItBBDberrT and lmnn R.nin at JTA Vrnaal. Vanla avenue t Iim m, Hiin.i on . .n,, bottle. -. t Krdarileo la Prices. ThOie Who tre Intereafeil In th. nin-hiaa nf children a auita and boyg clothing, and desire something different from, aa well u superior to, that ordinarily told at tbe ready made clothing atoree, Are rrspecuuny invited To an examination of our Btock of TJova and children's anlta Thin caealmcrea and unen jacket tnita. Blouse anlts, shirt nodleaytc., AC Cll renn sylvan la avenue, between fjixth and cveuia s tree is, (Ireat Itedarllon la Price tt STOCK mitst tin! itrtm run Tn uurn IIOOM FOII 1MPROVFMKNT8II We have this risy MAUKKD DOWN OUR KN TIRK HTOCK OF BUMMKH QUOD!) 18 to 10 per cent 1 1 we nave atm on hand, anl receiving dally, ft LATtOR AND HANDSOMK BTOLK orMKN'H, POTH AND CHILDREN-H HTItAW HATS, K?!JI5K.D OO'KKD BUIIlTfl. (all attic LAHS, TII, HANDKEHCniKFS, AC1, AO , which must be not i , , nJH OAIIII nNLT A lareit etiw-h- nt i inui amt nvvtoi TRAVJCUNtlTRUIiKS. LEWIS, ... - 90 Seventh street. Branca at 1881 Seventh atreet, near market. CASTA KI A I mnra than a ankatltn.a r.m p..,.. Oil, it is the only aafe article in existence which k7'""i " reguiaio tne do we is. cure wina choito and produce natural sleep, it l pleusnt wtake. No more steeple mother or crying NaoaPa CeataarlJolmcnt IIu cured more wonderful cases of rheumatism aches, palna, swellings, frost-bites, caked breuts, burns, scalds, aalf-rheum, Ac upon tht human frame, and strains, spavin, gaita, Ac upon animals in oat year, than all other pre tended remtdlee have ainct the world began. The recipe of the Liniment anl cert locates of remarkable cure accompany each bottle, and wiu bt sent gratis to any one. It la no humbug. There la no pain which It will not relieve, no aweUlngltwuinot iabdue,or lameness It will polcure. Kotsmflyor ttook-owner can afford to be without Centaur liniment. White wrap per for family use; tbt lollow wrapper for tnU mala. J. a horn h ttfc, r Broadway, New York. Tin GaiiT KNOLtsn ItiaTinT for Oout aud Rheumatism. AU sufferer from the above com plaints, either of reoent or longstanding, are ad vised to nao Blair Oout and Hheumatlo Pills, They can be relied upon u the most safe and effectual remedy ever offered to tht public, and bave been universally used In Europe for many yeart wltb tbt greatest auoceaa. Prepared by Pkout A iUmunt, vt strand, London, Kngtand, and told by ail druggist, Tflgai no ixctm for those who drag their weary and disordered oodles into onr company, when a few doses of ATI rUtuuraitllXA would cleanse their murky blood and restore their bealtb and vigor. 1 e muddy victima ot bilious disease, have aomt regard for your neighbors, it not for yourselves, eo Dr Wtrraal Bauuif of AMtD Cukrut la "a combination and a form indeed" for healing and coring dlaeuea of the throat, lungs and cheat. It caret a cough by loosening and rleanalog tho lungs, and allaying trrnatlou, thua rrmorlntftk iims. Instead ol drying np tht cough and leav g the dlseut behind. log TM hiw Coi-OHMiftg noTkt, on Chestnut street, Philadelphia, la,, la near tbt different Libraries. Dlsrlpllao Ibe IJver. Tbt liver la truly aa "unruly member." Bome tlmea it la torpid and secretes too alowiy, at other time It (a unnaturally actlre, and aends forth a perfect, freahet of bile. Ungulate thla organ with HofMter Bitters, not with calomel or blue maas. Mineral excitants, in stimulating the liver, poison the blood, and their ultimata effect is terrible. The Bluer, on the other Baud, have a vltaiixingand purifying, u well aa a atlmniatlng effect. They not only regulate tbt flow of bile, but infuse new lift into tht whole system. A good appetite and perfect digestion, a regular, natutal habit ot body, a Bound condi tion ot the nervous syatem, vivacity of spints, Increued bodily strength and power of indu raace, and refreshing sleep are among tbe bless. Ing they promote. Tht temperature of sum mer la a severe tax upon the dlgeallve and se cretive organs, aud tht Bitter are never mora Indispensable than at tbla period of the year. WBtrrt, clean, sound teeth, au iraay have by using daily TtroBaroMis Ivory Pearl Tooth Powder; price 48 and u centa per bottle. Burnrn, tort, glossy hair, ail deairo it, all may have it by conatant nae of Tnoareoxl Pomade uptime. Price, to tad co ctota per LtonTCotOaibKldGloveaarevcry stylish when not aoued, JorjvkM'a inodorous Ktd Glove Cleaner will renovate them thoroughly! price sa cent per bottle. AU told by druggist and wwsMicntn-trXiV STaiKonnrmNa piaa- DRY GOODS. REDUCED PRICES TO REIDTJOIS HTOCK, Wlahtur to clou our stork u ar aa immIU by thefiratof Jaly.we a ball from ibis tin offer our rtrtieut at very rrduced prloe. N aud b)tltllD tllLtSablNIS, eta. IKMIHIIlill I MM ai da ttfOA LAOE. BTllltED AND riJIM tiATia-rr i. . . -.---, ... ft1 fiki ia,i inr:ii,awNs,ncu. V VIIIITfll aV. iiLiilfT(i7 a...- THVHftrFrstvTM???" ., . rredaeeflTiwtea. . . .-.-a miWAVi" .VJl r?r Traveling Dr, cheap. PER8, IHjLbNiSIRk, MlLaai.SU BACXh, ClifL- HPLENbPlJLLAM OAPEH, PAJOABOlrl ruii Btock of wourtNiNo oonrjs. tail tltock of HuUbK-ktU ISO UO0P8. JOHN T, M1T0HELL, P31 PtvmiBiyl-vauIn uve. TWENTY PER CINT. DISCOUNT. ffilL???" Mllln1 tb above discount on Ur tioBVof "" audconllnus to July M, bla au. Ladles and Children pi esse. Llama rolcu, Bacuue aud Cape. tteai aAoeaoiaii linda. Bos nets and Itonud ITsts. lowsra. m eatuers suqiiibtxiui. , camera mui niDDOIU. Baabee, Uelu, Fans, Ac, Ae. On bla large and eholee Talirb lTtiilaftfarninia. Vtebcb t MBOTrmentor Hand mad and J li. 1. Oor-ta ad. WIU b alloaod. AU good daetlon of Tan Tl r flanl. naiiw ui iiaia ngurse. nr. wii.viiw ItBOlm OOT reaoaylvaola ay ea ae. AMUSEMENTS, EXCUItSlUXS. ETC. VOORTII an IMI TE.UPEUINCE Et'lltSION Toax.vuosT.bjrnainTBir.Ho.ij.Lo n. WIDNESDiY, JULY u, ua AdaIU'UokvU.I)MitU, CbUdra,UeDtt. lbt,ui4rW.w.i.iwiuiv.uii..n(i.jfH.. whwf .tlJtf..ia..n.Hn tn Jrtt4t A QRANO RUNNINQ RACE It I Los P. Ii. Uil JOUT1I MAHMIM.TON Th. itkni.r Arrow will )... R.v I . MTi IT i. it,.mr Arrow will le.v. whan ki hi a nln.. . n 'BtbatrMt wbtriuluooloch. iu ladaBUtaV o c ool i. m Adu U tlckU hi ciU, cbUdrwl U reui II f KTUOPOUTAN T1IEATHE. lllt$m7SS ""-."w. IJJKKf- MOSuaV tvrltlHii.'riilral l-w ib.' miKS, .tlogtr, ' 11(11. lnl wltb . lawful CMt, lutruduolnir rur .Ire.dr ruttmm tb oomi .nlr. Mta. UmiA, ur.r, tvra.i. b.ajoUTt, ull. Ifrr j, tb. U'TJuno Bl.i,r. Aonl. ltccbfort llMi, Id.ird.. JU. Uudd, if.rry rox. (lurumliiir. .Dd Turner JunuronarMdiitben. frier, m uiu.L lYtui' N TI UK. Tb TUESDAY And rrtinnv ri-rvrun vw. OUltSlONS of itMur HErpnnr win i. . ttousd auui furlbcr notle. on account of m!r, to turner WU II lllLEn. i.,.Y irtlf Wnu.rlv.nla a.anu. ..51 OnBiklbliU. raiwNo. tram J at I Tru sr. .. .. JIIAUKUITBIl'r., Io.t8entb iLbiinra U.nJ K alreela, el .bt lao, lanreal etofh li-erbawrTiip-, Vtli, low n1)".". - litiire. lirturs Oords sud fas. Btlll It II If Nralla i. In .! lil.lrlAi I -TlUU.-fJAllV rlew rwncmber Kam.aDdNunh.r leW-lr won OH BIOUNT TSUMON. KI5"f"Jn',f akbow. Uanaln Fraolt nmllnn bad. barlur bMn r.buill .nd .uUr.Ir robtUd or buirM.ntovn.n.wluleavaherwbarf, ' TOOT OF BXYKNTU HTItEKT. DAILT,(.rJU.ffjgc.,iAT10jOOIAOI1l0B 1"' OnRnWJSlr.".; i!l,fi.,tH9!'ii.,!rW,!".Rl n'Pi. yiNDOW SIIADEM AND BEST riXTUBU lx I OS fl AND CPWAKD8, , . . noTimocH'ii, JpJJIf laiiriotailriiVeppoili, roilOBn,