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10, 2 JfSi1Si-jr--f'sltt' rrJ'-'i-i-lMif.ow- -9ftscsseSi y s3?- i . iriiirn . w s I I?. DISTRICT. INVESTIGATION ooKTiauATioif or rnx xxaiXEXBs DimSBBXCES, E M ADOLF CLU33 DEEPEWS TKK OBSCUKITTS BT FUBTHEB ATTEMPTS AT XXPLANA. TI0X-WHAT COLONEL SAafO DID AND JDU NOT INCLUDE IN HIS CALCULATIONS "" THK DATA -WHICH TJUCKESSDEETEE DID" NOT OBTAIN. T MOX DAT, May , 1874. . Committee met at 11 a, m., pursuant to ad journment. TKSTIMOST Or JOB W. AKQUS. Job W. Angus having been sworn, testifies as follows: By Mr. Wilson: Q. Where do you reside! A In Washington city. ' ' Q. How Ion; hare you resided here! A. For twenty-five Tears, with the exception of the , .last two yean, for two and abalf years I hare been In Chicago. Q. What officii! position hare yon held, If any, In the Dlstriet of Columbia! A. I waa as sistant commissioner of the public building ' tinder B. B. French. Q. For what length of time! A. I think dearly sir years. Q. State if you know, whether during thai time any work was done by the United Stales on any of the avenues of this city; and if so, on what areunes, and how it was paid fori A. There were appropriations passed every year while I was with Major French, for repairing -and fixing' the avenues repairing of the pave ments, grading, laying flagging, etc. I paved Pennsylvania avenue, repaired It its whole length, for that number of years. I laid new Bagging from the President's house to the Cap itol, or from Fifteenth street to the Capitol, on both aides of the avenue, the last year J- wu with B. B. French. Q. Did yon do any work on any of the other twenties! A. I did a great deal of work on Virginia avenue. Q. What kind pf work did you do there! A. Mostly grading; cutting down and filling from the Navy Yard to Four-and-a-half street an 1 Seventh street along In that section. Q, Any other avenues! A. I did some little grading-on Maryland avenue; not much, how ever. I did considerable on South Carolina avenue where it Intersects with Virginia avenue. All I did waa grading on Virginia avenue and Maryland and South Carolina avenues, and cutting and filling under B. B. French. Q. llld yon do any other work on any other avenues than those you have mentioned. A. I believe not, sir. Q. How was this work paid for that was dona by joul A. It was dons by estimates every month or every week. I signed the bills aa correct, and tbev were paid, bv Major Trench's approval, by the clerk of his com- nuuee. Q. They were paid out of Government tnoheyr A. Tes, sir. I paved the sidewalks on the avenues. That Is all the navlnz I did. ,! flagged both sides of the avenue from the .CapUo to Fifteenth street. , B3 the Chairman: Q. Did you pat any foot ways across the street! A. ies, sir; tnatls all I did no pavement, just crossings. Q. Did you Jo this every year that you were assistant superintendent of boUdlngs and grounds! A. No, sir; not everyyear. Q. How many years! A. Whenever they were out or repair! repaired them. The last ' year I took them all up and pat entirely new ones down. Q. When did you cease to act as assistant superintendent of public buQdlnzs and grounds! A. Too year that they abolished the office of commissioner or puollc Dullaings end put Uen cral Humphreys, or rather General Mlchler in charge. The ofllce was abandoned. Q. What year was that! A. I do not know the date. The records will tell you that. Q. Do you not remember when you ceased work In this dtyl A; No, sir; I cannot say without looking at my books. It waa the second year of Andrew Johnson's administra tion. I think. Q. That would be about 1867! A. It was somewhere along in 1837. Q. Tou say that you did this for two years! A. rive rears Q. You did work every year for five years! A. ies. sir. Q. In pursuance of appropriations made by lawi A. ies, sir, Q. Do you know the amount of those appro priations! A. l ao not. Q. Do you know whether you expended them! A. Yea. sir: they were all expended. Q. They were all expended! A. Some years there wss f 3.000: I think the last vear there was eight or nine, or maybe $10,000, but tho commissioner- omce wut cave tnat au in; tne report, mils, and voucners are mere. Q. Then, while you were assistant superin tendent of public buildings and grounds, you spent upon avenues and .sidewalks whatever appropriations were made by Congress for the purpose! A. lee, sir. Bv Mr. CtinatT! Q- JT rm"'1 h in- - . i alM. niincctcd Wltlfc 4h-iin provements of the city since the organization of the present District government! A. No, sir. Q. None whatever! A. No. sir. Q. You ha,d no connection with any of these maiiersi a. rno, sir. By Mr. Stanton : Q. You have not been re siding here tor some time ! A. Not for two and a half years. By Mr. Christy: Q. Were you here in the latter part of 1871! A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you have anv conversation with John O. Evans, Uallett KUbourn, or William S. Huntington, In regard to the formation of a comDination or ring to lay pavements under the Board of Public Works) A. I had none with Mr. Kllboum. and not ur with Mr. Evans. I hsd a little conversation with Wm. B. uunungton. Q. Did you have anv with anv other nersona on that subject I A. No, sir; not in relation to that matter. Q. Were you one of the bidders on the 1st or beptemDerl A. res, sir; before the Board Of Publle Works came Into cower. Q. I mean on the 1st of September; that waa iier mey cama into power, ana It was the proposed lettfng of contracts! A. No. sir: when I bid it wu under the commission of Werner, the secretary of the Interior, and the major of Waahtsrtoo. Q. Did you meet any other persons beside Mr. Huntington on the- subject of this comb!- nawai a, no, sir. Q- You spoke to no one eke! A, No, air; my "" were au wim jar. nunungwn. Q. Did Mr. Huntington explain to you the existence of a combination at that timet A. i, sir. The Chairman. You need not state what Mr. Huntlngtou told you. llr. Christy. He says Mr. Huntington did fpllin tohta there was a combination. The Chairman. I sty, that ha need not say WOII Mr. UUUHC7U7H VSJU. Mr. CnrUty. Well.I desire to be heard on thit enbleel. Mr. Hamilton. It Is a subject which has been pretty, well'ventllated, has it not! We cannot take time to go back Into it. It seems to me, Mr. Christy, you ought to bavs exhausted the jorcect -wiiiie we were noon b Hr. Christy. There has been testimony, I lace u, ooerea upon noia- siaes, ana were nas been no very strict adherenco to rules. Mr. Hamilton. We want to -wind this, exam ination up some time. We do not wast to continue it au summer. Mr. .Christy. I desire to show, if I can, an alsiUslQD reads by Jlr.ainnungtoa as against his co-cocsplrators. -The Chairman. We cannot permit that; you can see that ha could not bind anybody, but himself. Mr. Christy. But If we can prove the exist ence of a conspiracy we may prove the acts oa-acciarax:ons oj eacn. The Chairman. For myself I only speak now, and I doubt the propriety ot that. Mr. Stanton. And Mr. Huntington Is dead also. Mr. Christy. Well, that Is not material, I presume; we will not, however, press It. By the Chairman, (to witness:'; Q. Have you anrpspers. letters, or documents of sst kind on that subject! A. From Mf.'Hcnting- tnnl " Q. Wen, from anybody! A. I had twolelters In relation to the matter from Mr.-Huntlngton,- Kn i nave out-one oi uienLvoWi q. Have you It with you! A. No; sir;' I have cos. Bv Mr. Wilson: a. Where la ft! A. One letter that I presume I got i from him; I. think 4s home among or muers. I bare-not seen It lax the last yearor eighteen montbjj X)oth4r. vco i uma i gave q a-mena-oi mine coneeraea with.cna.Ia. the Uddingl He'.sad also oie or two, and Ieava-hfm m lttr n J Mr Jptcer. I do not know where-hoas;;2lliear4. tS",WM m " York., IJiav,noten Wtttorjwo 7tn or better. t. c. - -j nSr.ri0"61 tt0JperjKm! .A.iMr. Ww."tS S.-Aifoia" tnat jourct sot from. Mr. Huntington. --"- QHaveyou frojn awbody! A.Tirot a! leu - '-ter senrtojnt a abort time- ago-front1 Chlcaircf ln relation to Trivate matte?." "- iJr? i t Wa,'"pewogaboutwhattodrviduals -BarhvwrUtaJto youtrecenUy ij; am , lpeakmjrdf. papers pertaining to -the transac tions to which vour attention waa nH..kii. - t-aotV-A.cNone -whatever,, except cthose'wo .. ..Q.aIsalIjwi,iaTel A. That is ail-l , ,. -auuiuu uiro-.awk, oiuiai uj uiem nere '80W."A-No,alr.; . ,'i' i,- . r ' "QAndoaly oneof.themU.ln your poeses- atonl-'AVTharisiaratr. " ' BrMr.Mattlngly: Q. Do those letters relate ' to the subject-matter of your bid! A. To the subject oWijJnj tS'paveKeot, whSI wu clone bj tfcat committee of tkm. Sj . , vJlWtflatjBte- teftWtk tiK'Tfr raenty onBByiyaiiU afrinuteunaer thil pjmmlsiiOQ, before ths'.Botrltbf jPfibllOTorki wss'ojnnuea,vaitar eOTVeraiiosi tr.. -i f-i xl h.. "i ir r ' r y-t w ri v,i i.The Chairman. These twA letters were writ-- w tea before the" onranixatldn'af, the board! l5-i Yes.alr. v v Mr. Stanton. And the conversation also, he says. JTBEOOOKB J. BAMO BEOAU.ED. : By Mr. Wilson: Q. Do you desire to make any change In your testimony given formerly ae.tO.tbe. mannerlnwhlch jpumade the measurement-on which-the money-was paid by the GovernmenHf.-A.i Notr that i know; of,- air. Q- Thastatemsntlthat jvoii formerlvicavs to the committee as to the mode in which you made these measurements Is aa you desire it to remain. .Jl.i Yea jsirtil-thlck so. i ' Q. I have not had, time, to read your states IUCU WUU.U JUtt I6KU VJ kUO WLUUUkW? UWk Saturday, but, if I -understood it, you seemed to take some excewjon to the manner In which you were, treated by Mr. Bllckenaderfec, and I desire, to askyou the queatton',nowhetber he did or dld'not, after he'had 'made his measure ments, walk over the ground wlth'you with the papers in hand and ask'ydu to -point out or ex plain to him how. you arrived at the quantities' Ton hutmeasnreaairalnstth& Governmen! A. He did not, wttb,thatngle exception of New Hampenire avenue; Q. Did he go over that avenue with yon! A. He went over the northern part of New Hamp- ahlre avanuewith me. Q. Wnat distance, over it aid he'goi a-. From P-stroct.. circle to the Boundary, and', i believe, from P-atreet circle- to Pennsylvania avenue. I do. not think we walked the- whole dlstance.of Pennsylvania .avenue, but part oi the distance between Pennsylvania avenue and F-street circle. O- Did vou exolaln to him how-you arrived at all the quantities you had put down over that portion of the avenue! A. I did. u. xou expiainea ma. au to nuni &. aes, sir. O. Arc we to understand from the statement whiohvon make that the Government haa In no case been oven.-!uicJ, utad bv Mr. Bllckcnsdcrfer! A. .No; you are not so tb-uo- derstand. Q. What are wc to understand In regard to It! A. Virginia avenueand. New Hampshire avenue, -where the streets cross, there Is cer tainly an overcharge- also In G street. Q. la there any other place where there is an overcharge! A. At Scott square. (j. Any oiner piacci a. not ins. a nave ex amined. O. Those vou say were overcharges, and that the Government has been overcharged at those places, and you differ with Mr. Bliekensderfer In reference to the balance oi It! A.- Yes, sir; that is, those that be nas reierrea to in nis testimony. i. via you ten now it nappenea mat oeiore anraDproDriatlon waa made, or tiny direction was -given by Congress to- measure, this work, you-wefe sent out to measure it! A. I can. Q. What is it! A. I was Ordered to measure it by General Babcock. a), cnat is we only explanation you nave k rive! A. No: tho explanation la .this : This appropriation, aa J.understand it, of $1,240,000 wu penainginuongreas,aaa passeaiae noose, and! believe had passed the Senate with an amendment, and pending this amendment the two Houses adjourned. It was believed that the appropriation would pars,. and Governor Shepherd requestel General Babcock to bave tho measurements made, so as to be done and rn-'rtv jut ran aa the aDnranrlatlon Dossed: -: j -r- Z ..rr . . ' therefore I commenced me measuremciu unaer Gcncr at Babcock'a orders the 23d of December, 13T2, and completed them. T am speaking from memory of these dates now the 10th of Januarr. 1S73. JJ2Q. It was for the purpose of having the measurement reaay 10 ge. tne monry as &wa as the appropriation was passed? A. Un doubtedly. Q. Turn to pare 9 of the report of 1S73, If you please-. When you were on toe stana before I called your attention, you will per haps remember, to your letter given on page 9 Lor that report, and which seems to be in an swer to a letter OI uenerai dsdcock io yon; was what you did, which you refer to in that letter, also In anticipation of and for the pur pose oi procuring an appropriation, or do you know what the purpose was! A. I will '4ell you what the Intention was: Governor Shep herd wrote a letter to General Babcock to de tail an engineer for the purpose of antlmating tne amount OI woraiaai naa ocea auas nugc the last appropriation had been expended. General Babcock detailed me to do this work. This waa in November last. I commenced making these measurements, but found that there was not going to be time to make a proper measurement in time for tho Gover nors annual report. I told General Bab cock so, and suggested to him that we take from the vouchers of the bosrd the amount that bad been expended on this Government work since the last estimates had been made. General Bibcock aPcedcd to it with this proviso, which I waa to state to the Governor, that In ease Congress should make an appropriation on this estimate that he was to send In. that he. would reserve the right to remeasure the entire work. Acting on tnat, either myself or General Babcock wrote to the Governor I, thick I wrote a letter and Gen eral Bshcoek slimed it to -furnish us with po..ia-a -cuplc vi un vruciiwif Jm femve vc me Bosraoi ramie worm pertaining ioiuis work showing the amount expended. These vouchers were furnished to me the. Identical vouchers presented here Saturday, and on them and other vouchers I based this estimate, to gether with the few measurements i naa maae In the month of November. O. Now. vou cay In this letter of yours that "the estimates of work done by tho Board of. rubllc works are bared partly upon actual measurements and partly on estimates made by the engineers of the board. Copies of the latter, showing the various Items of the work In detail certified to by the chief engineer of the board, with the amount appropriated by Con gress' deducted, are herewith submitted." What actual measurements did you make! A Work around Rawlins aquare. Q. That had long before been estimated upon A. It enters Into this statement. Q. Far what reason! A. Because there was a deduction made a correction made. Q. What other work did you actually meas ure! A. I would have to- bring my booki I had that book here Saturday and took it back and forgot to bricg it this morning, If you wish It i will dellever it to you. I -would not like to ssy from memory tho particular streets that I measured. Q. I. nolle? In all this appendix none of your actual measurements are submitted in this letter. In fact, you stated in that-letter that copies of the estimates made bv the engineers or the board are submitted, but .your own measurements are not submitted. A."No, sir;" mat was simpiy my ueia-DOOK. oi tee measure ments. They were very few, and I did not geua it to ueuerai saococa. lie viuaersiooa It, however, '.thoroughly. Practically these es timates are based upon estimates of the board of engineers,. Q. You do not pretend, If I understand you, to say that these estimates- that are made by the board of engineers 'are rrect estimates! You do not Intend by-your letter there to verify those measurements! A; No-, air; neither do I Intend to say. they are not correct. (J. No, of course not. In'jther words, you do not commit yourself one way ort the other in regard to It! -A.-Just so; ana that was the ray I explained It to General Babcock, and. lie' so understood it. . , fii In. other .words, when these tables that are presented here in. connection with.youx let ter come-here to this committee,, they, do not come herewith any Indorsement of yours as to tbelf being correct or. incorrect! A.. Practi cally not. Q. You simply band them here to the com mittee r'j they were' hahdrd to you. and vou have applied .no test to .determine whether .they are ire correct or Incorrect I A. No test of actual .measurement, ' with Ihe'excepllon pf tnese lew streets luu x uju.aciuauj. tccoun;. Q: Are, 'they "embracedim'lMs table! A. Ko, tbey.are;not'mbrftcea'"nvt"elall,there. j: You do not submit tbem With your letter! A.Nci. sir: " - Q. And It was because. you, had made no" -measurements yourself that vou'recommended that after appropriations -ltadabee--f made", if any were made; the 'work' should be remeas- urea oeioro mere was' any-paynieunaaaeFor anr final aettlementl AriPartl for: that reason, but prlndpaUy tecause I had never: tnaoea anal-measurement-oroj utiou wore except Rawlins aquare. I waniea aauippor tunitv to lemeaaure all the work that I have ever, measured here, before .-making any addl uooai payments. -- -e, -. - . Q. Who furnished. you with these tables, ic. J tnat areaubmlttcawna your jenont ,a. inose thatj. ubmiUed;to iaeneral;Babcock.,do you meanlc-vr ,-.-ir - " T,y l - Q. Yes. A.. Mv, memory of that's that I went. tp. the board of -engjneera! office ,toj Mr. Clnu. Mr.fllnn was examlninff these vouehi ers and alghlng them.'lWhen'he got' through; ns transmittea uemviias ietwr. toe vice 1 president of, the boardvtl amupaakingintlrely; irom memory on tnat pom aaorme vice raafdentof tie-board ga re them-tomo. I ,, q. rnat.wau.uni.yoa nowin.Tgaiu w ttwfuwt-Aft:etiiir..0t'uytK . j. Now, If you wIU turn.tOipa:r30oC pat mmrl-rnn will ua there, an r account Aggregat- .573,Ul.7thatlr,work,dpne t. Vari- ous places, uo you iiww wuctucr a-. Ttr nr nfttt - A. 1 ieliera it-ls'A.carrcct trans. .script, f have not .realrcomparedjtljla 'with Oi Bnt .do von know anything about whether -tbe.workas Uy been done, which amounts to thai' .amount' oi money;. :w newer, .toose. things are correct or,not! -A. Not from actuaV measurement; .no, slr I .know that all thla work. haa. been done around- the Capitol here nce my. -UsVmtssurementj but I could not- cenuy, oi oourss, as to tne exact. apjimi, w instance, it mentions zj-wv lor .mo wma, around the Capitol. That I have not remeas ured yet. Q. Then I find a nrnnher of tables here of the area of Government reteryatlons, streets, THE NATIOKAIi BEPUBIJCAy, $j&J$&8Gk MAY 26, 7 SiL -' . avenues, values, (to., that teem to ha.TS.Deea prepared by Mr. Forsyfb, sumyor of UnLDU xrleVsf5oIuahda. W)oyouVtnow Jaajtting abMt ufrofoictroiHhatl v JJp tC TohaTnnT tossed tbatTqaWg-suy to utnew warmer it HSaccurBoi v r"Y "i that'lartetaWileor rotee. M i . M I uaderNpdonf , oeW arej tabtea of yours! A-ltfclok :MslettrnVli coSed flora wnat l sent ta.tUcnerxi uaococa:. x prosu that is a cop.or.a I. have never comparjd It, -SNowJieretOnpageSarthere-U tabular, that you hadj-Ajfqhv: . -statement whlci rpurpbrtTtoshowlhatlnerels o. Jou do,notprerend to hayeuyTknowI- nowevtr, 1 n4nXTt(tVltirMiWaa'TTnlteISla'i"Gfly- ernme'nt" Plom Vrh'onVaiayo(r Wt'tnanablet- if you. tntlrttTOl tJixiKOtJtJtom tmi waiu oi engineers, t cenaye.. , o. ria run recollect whocave you that table? A. I could not say-whtch-oue of them did noWf l nmlHTelTl T- -V ff J 1 J - f rt- w. it ini-e: nn br Mr. OertlV. do' you Ihtok! A.--Mr:iOerUy-ihad. somethmg to .-do. with lt.I believe.-titnimc-MMs waa one oi top papers that accompanied those .-vouchers. manner waedone!. ;A--1 cannot To rn ember now; c ;.rc- i c Tllil tou make any measurement of .date of sMarcu 20,JS7SL;You.-.wul find -ln,.tbat table a measurement ot Marcnrw, iO'J. A-Yes.slr.- - i - Qi.Did you make A a measurement of that date! A. I cannot sty .as to the date precisely, 1 would have to referjo the. data of nyrmem-, orsndum. DJ hive never been able to And any such a one: and If you have one. I wouldllke to ace ir.1 I spoae .10 mo uosexuupaiKJUtfcuai'feouicuuic ago! A '. .1 see following If 'oft,; It , Is Pcunsyr-, Vanta avenue'. Y(e,'sir;I mada'that measure1 ment. - Q.When was that ,made! A. I think (his datele" correct;, the estimate doea not appear In the .Govcrnor'a ani.werj does It! Mr. Wilson,. Ho. Mr; I csnnot find It. 'The Witness. Well, it ws h!ft. out either by the Tres'sury Department or by the public printer; the measurement snd estimate were made of the amount of work done on Fennsyl ranla arcnue. from the Capitol to the Treasury mado by me, cd I believe was paid fnrbr-tne United States. Q. it nas Dcen paia lor oy ine umtea otatai A.-Ycs, sir. Mr. Wilson. I have never been able to find itia! mAnnHinaiir a nA -T r-Anl A tflrSK f iVieva it brought before the committee:" - The Witness.- Tht estimate nu no aouoi oeen left out accidentally rrour-tbe'stlmatee, be-" cause there was another left outwhich I had to go to tht Treasury Department-myself and have supplied, and if I bad noticed this was left out I -would have bad iteuppllejU Q. You will find further down that that ap plies also to Louisiana and Indiana avenues! A. Tbey are all in one estimate. . Thcv are all in one estimate, and all have been paid for! A. I believe they have. I will furmsh you a copy If yoawant It. Q. I do net know how it happened, but at the outset of .the examlnatlonl asked the Treas ury Department, and that I did not get. A. -Well, it look -mc sometime to get the one I tried to get .from the Treasury. Q. Now, here is a measurement, March H, 1873, likewise applicable to Pennsylvania avenue. Can you tell me where, that can be found! " There seems to' be, tw6 measurementa ofJdarchlir;67S! A.'I cannot explain that now from memory. Q. Whit do you know in regard to this ad ditional work that Is In the next column of that table! A- That was from the statement prepared by Messrs, Forsyth and Oertly. Q. Do you know what that has reference to; what that additional work means: when It was performed! A. It means work performed since I made the measurements on which the Government paid. Q. That is what that refers to! A. I think so. Q. Are you aware of the fact, or have you ever noticed whether In the first column and the second column work done by the District Frior to the board a measurement March 14, 878, embraced the aaroe thing ! A. No, sir: I do not believe I ever looked at those tables before. That Is, In print. Q. Did you examine it and scrutinize It when you sent It to General Babcock with A view to asceitairins? Its accuracy! A. If this la the table, I certainly did. With the exception of J this old work done by the corporation wbicn was oomnlled from old vouchers: that I did not examine or pay any attention toi.,I;iojolcT that statement Just as it was maae out riven. O Knw tV the Governor's answer I look at page 411; did you make the measure ment on which that vouchrris pndleatedrthat is the voucher drawing 11,000,000 appropria tion! A. Yes, sir. f,Jl j. Xou maae tnoee measurements, -npw do yon remember whether in making those measurements you embraced In tbem the work that had been done by the old corpora- tin. mm m.Y.&4Ka .n almnli. .mhrtlwl tVlA work done by the Board of Public Works! A. intentionally, I nave never emsracea any worn done by the old corporation. Q.. Who was with you at the time you made that measurement! A. Mr. Forsyth and Mr, Oertlv. I believe. Q. In what way did you make that measure ment A. pj going into tne sucet. . . O. What kind of data had you with which to make it! Did' you havo any cross-sections! A. -No, sir; l nave never naa any cross-sections cj. How were'you enabled, -then to get at the quantity! For Instance, you will find 6,238 cubic yards of "grading. How were you en abled to get it toe quantity on Louisiana ave nue, for example! I only give you that as a specimen.- Also, 6,338 cuble yards of haul, and 6,319 cubic yards of grading, and 6,819 cubla yards' of haul. Howdidyouget at those quantities without any cross-sections, or any. thing of that kind by which to guide you! A. I had to rely on such information as I could get in that case, the work as it shows on the ground, and the vouchers that they had paid contractors fbr a. -similar amount. q. Which did you placo the most reliance upon, the voucher that they bad paid con tractors, or the Indications that you would find upon. the ground! A. Well, in. this particular Instance 1-placed more reliance on the vouch ers, becauso It was impossible to measure the grading accurately. " j. It wu Impossible for you to get at It ac curately! -A. res,' sir. q. Did Mr. -Forsyth and Mr. Oertly, or either of tbem. call your attention to the fact that that embraced the old work, the work that had been done by the old: corporation! A . No, sir, 0.. STouwereln ignorance of that fact! A'. .Yes, air. Q.Yoaknewnothlng about it! A. Nothing. 0. -Now. if vou. will take that table on page S3; report of 1873., I desire to call your atten tion to it, because there is a matter, in connee- tleawlth this now, -that .when the Governor was on the stand he said he;was-.unable,- to ex- flaln, and IX there la any way of explaining it, desire .to get at ths.truth in regard to it. You may now taxe, lor exAmpieLew-rfcrsey,ave-nue. Now look at that0tablerpage 413 of the Governor's answer, ind you find It Is charged up there $38,326; and' ft ,1a the samein the Iable-measurementl6rMarch" 171873." Take Louisiana avenue. You wil'-find It Is charged up , thereof 14,296-73; that corresponds. We bave looked throutrh .the whole of that, and they are substantially .the same all the way urpugn.. uyouwui400ic urougn tne wnoie you will find that' the measurement of March 14,1873, corresponds with'Ihls vouche'r,.whIch you find 'on' page ill or the Governo'r's'l-n'.wer. I understand "vou'to' say that vau drfnot know anything about this 'embracing' ork'done by the old corporation! A. Not when Imeasurod It; I did now I beve-heard since that; where I measured gradlngall over the ground, I have embraced whatever has been done. o,'. Either by -"tiifbld corporation Or by the 0... Hat It been so explained to v'oii bv Messrs Oertly and, Forsyth , that those' measurements euiuraccu tua oia worxi; a; Jiecenuv. q. Theyve receifi ly explained that to you In some'cases!;.A., Yes, sir. """ '; Qr.So.tbat" this tabular statement. 'presented 'with your answer If that Is true; ought vwu.wu .um mc. W.UU.M, uuUb.w ., UUUCr- stana me. Theoia workji simply where It Is grading: it is only rradlntr. " . q. But you see you hsye it In the second col umn. 'Therpavlngi as a-mitter of course, was' "not old work,-because this paving- andpuSing the'm'dow'n1 -has been "d6w by2thboard;;but tlWgfadlng-T-thke, :for":txaniplcLoulstana avenuej-there-la that large amount of grading on 'thatayenuel andcthat"embracs-tl.e' old rradlnjj.ahe'tmuiln done'br theoldleorpora- UoB,'thtls'mbracedin'tbo second column of imsxaciei.-Ar ies;h-r-; o- t . z-qVYerf wellpthen' ittught not to "be in that column; ought :ttt 2 A3 Th' amount that has been measured of old grading should undoubt edly bo deducted from theflxst column.. ; Q. Thenrto-that-extentrat least, this table la inaccurate; Uicnotl At Totos'Amount of the old grading estimAted. t- .1. s Q-' Whatever that :may be! A. Yes, sir;' to maiteiiua jirst. -rsnoaia ds deducted. ., i e'l r i-l rm : : i -,Q-. What tat iJ pretumet.joU: are unable to state, to tha,coaimltteel- A I am. unnble to tate. . t j.-. ; t t-r.t t Q. xoa say.ln this letter.that the work done by.tholdTOprporatlopf is copied -entirely; from tho records -o7th board - "A. -Certainly. Q. Who coplerLtliat for you! A. It was pro- psred;bytMeir,-.Fersjth and Oertly and .his .!rlr . T Annt lrnniv wlirt i.tnsllv mrj It 'I ' .Q. That, wa done" ualerlhe. 'snperyisloa. of moso'twoieqUeuiinlj .A, JthIakil.iras,.pracT. tlcally.-- ,, ."'""". '" "'"' ' Q- You. know, nolhlhr about It. exceotln? that. jL'.was.ooblod-from, "their records:! A; Nolhlhs' whatever.". v - - , " Q.'.D!d yoiir' see tbemT copy iffroni the r&4 wiu,,vi uiu,jvu-uui;ir uavu ,uieir atatciuoiu; to"lhat-effe!'.'Aljfl(I nof'see them'copy it.- , Q. You rellcri upon-Ihesn-and took it Tor granted that yb'u-coulJt re) y 'upon them, and J acteo. accoruingiyi tAi ies, sir. J. You", say in this letter, "the cstlinstes made under "yOur direction during the past year amount to over.threo and Ihrec-o'uarterf .mil: lions of dollars, an 1 havo been made generally nuue tue wur&i were in progress RJJU unun- Uhed." Whaieaiatelox!?-fW refer to asmade- durahiKtsstyest,!' Da you mean-the f l,zhTO,4hfcWy,lWAs $l,000La!Aeat3Mtia,ortwo,laHr oneslisv-i:''-r--rU . ' aa-,tM. result, ocmo- presast wm-.A ft "UtSi i.irf " J-J.t.. arani. ip', .M w tCMalaOBBt'lontl. ;A. rins"lc5tI6nUat(ftrt'aVrmadeUfat thatnsv wuwl'JoiuuaaTtthafcatatemwti-npon the faith q the statements of Messrs.. Oertly ana-eorsytu maovto-yout ra. zzactiy. - i yiJlou ao not anow tnt aetuai;amoamvtnat had beendemalrexeeptaa-therlnlDrmed 'vou! At 1 .coul.4, jbo Jtnpwj that, poslUyely witboat ByiheChalrmanf Q. Tou; liyHhltt' you went 'with Mr.-"Bllck"ensderft over NeV Hamp shire avenuet eAt Over 't part of it.-c.TC c ' -' (J.Did. voohave-wUh that time 'the resuip -oi air, iHicKenaaener.'Snieaaurement 'or computations!, .A.'J did. not, . . '".', dr Had he! - XV'belleTe'Mr: Bliekensderfer had? Fwm. not be positive.' -i s'3 '- D;Thers were; discrepant fes' between jyour measurementa andiis,- i wr'rV. thort . not! J r AV Yes, sir. " .- 7 r - - , . ' Q. Did he ask you to make explanation, with view, to reconciling. y our m'c,MUretaent and his! A. . At ofte. point, between p.tf6et:clrcl ahd the Boundary 'l.'ghadTinade a mistake', In putting down the names 'oftwo'etrecte: "I put 11 down It and .St,whea U'ihonld iaye -been Q and B. I believe, and had a inlstaki there: - - Q. State ali:the' explanatWns.ybu.mids. to Mr.Bllckensderfer at that time In 'relation to New Ham pshlro' avenue. ' aa Jvou. remember them. Aii-toTd Mr. Bllckensderfer'generally' 1.AM T Y..-...-'. llL. -u.-..ll.' '...t-tt'. liun. 4 uae MutH fc kua iubhivb, sin a n at Mr. BUckenderftr'a'-roam "at tho.Ebbltt souse waen m win mo .tnat ne. ..couiu um make this amount "of grading, between P-stteet circle and the"Boundary, ,He showed' me his detailed statement' of-that part-of New Uamp" shlro avenue; and betweejttbese two streets he said he could not find thatlxcaratlon" I told him I was , Dosltlve'. It was ' there'. .1 asked him to go out with me".there He went" put; snd I louna tnat i waa wrong .ana ae waiigat ni, that poIntmatthadptrrdasin'UjaDaniea of the' strceta wrong. .'-''' ' . "" ' - y. xoa asKca nim to accompany .you to New Hampshire, annuel' JLMIldlvan4 he tf. At Air. BUCkensaenerSiiooDi vuu Ebbitt hoase,.4ld -jousJlbtrgo over all the measurements made. by ilml-A.. All wbatl Q. AH the dlflerent computations in relation to Government workf A. I went over no measurements with Mr.Bllckensderfer what ever, except Virginia avenue and New Hamp shire avenue and G street. Q. Did be not show you all the work that, he had done! A. No, sir. Q. He did not show you .Maryland avenue! A. No, sir; he- told me how he had arrived at the results on Maryland avenue. Q. What did you svy to, that! A. I do not remember. I think I tald him how I bad measured; tnat l toon ilb eircc. i iuuuu i, and that my measurements would Include all work that bad ever been done on that avenue. O. Old and new! A. Oldand new. Q. Then he told you about Maryland avenue as well aa the other avenues! A. Yes, sir; he told mo that there was a difference there hetween htm and ma. O. And tou told him thit you had included old as well aa new work? A. Yes, sir. O. You see the point that 1 desire to get at by, this question. It Is simply this: Did Mr. isilcaensuerier m any manner bock, to wuanoiu from you the results of his operations here! A. He dia not. O. DU not he evince a disposition to give to you, fully and thoroughly! the results of all Lis measurements! A. -Only on those avenues that I have mentioned. Q. Did .he .make any measurements around Government reservatlons,'br on avenues, about which be did not commualcate with you at all! A. I did not see Mr. Bliekensderfer make any measurements. s Q. I understand. that, tat after be had made these measurementsand you called upon him or he upon you, did he net talk over generally witn you au tne measurements tnat uo uau made! If he did not, what were omitted! A. MrBllckensderfer told me that be was going tamako a tabular statement, (this was pre vious to my last interview with him,) saying tiow he was going to put It down. In one column he would put ay measurements, and In another column his measurements; but I have never seen these tabular statements, nntll I saw them In print; neither havel seen any of bis calculations in regara to any wor wnat ever except those avenues, Q. Including Maryland avenue 7 A. I do not think I saw the calculation for Maryland avenue. Q. -Well, he told yoa. generally .that he dif fered with you. and ha Stated the amount of tne uincicDcei a. icB,ir; jbv uu puu ably necessary for ms to see that. O. Your explanation was that he had In cluded work which you did not Include, was it not! A. No: my. explanation waa that I had Included all the old work, but that the cross sections Indicated that tharehad been old work done In the avenues; and fc think he ssjdif that was included it would-' probably come some- irhero in Uw .-ncisbborbooa of.tb quantity I made. Q. In other words, your mutual explanations W2re such as In your Judgment made It un necessary for yon and bo together to go oyer Maryland avenue! A. Yes, sir. Q. He evinced a desire to furnish you fully all the information he bad, did he not! A. on thoso avenues! Q. With reference to the Government work generally, with reference to tne worn wmen you yourseu naa measureai a. no, air. O. What omission did he make! A. I cer tainly eipected. when I made my final call on Mr. Bliekensderfer, which waa at General Babcock's request, tnat ne wouia invite me to see the results and calculations on those re servations P-street circle, Scott square, and Bawllns square. Q. Which he did not show you! A. He did not offer to show me. Q. Did you ask him for them! A. I did not. Q. Then you did not call for them! A. No, sir. Q. Did you call on Mr. Bliekensderfer at General .Babcock's request! A. I did. Q. He having previously communicated with General "Babcockf A.' Yes. sir. ' Q.'I understood you fo say awhile ago that you aesirea to man nnai measurements oi aii this work except Bawllns square! A. I cer tainly did. ' Q. Do you mean by that to cay that all these other measurements werjs partial measurementa only! A. Areatcr part of the measurementa tha( I have made' In the last two years have been mado while the work was in progress. ' Q. Upon which these vouchers were' bued! A. Y?ilr. Q. Then those measurements of yours, r estimates, were upon completed work; do you mean, to say that!- A. -In many Instances. ' Q. In every instance 'except Bawllns square! A. Noslr; oh,-no; Q. Tben,whe?e you had made final measure ments', would It- be necessary toraake further Bnarmeasurements, aia you tninKi a. i nave not made -flnlmeaurements. For illustra tion; tiko 'one street B'street. I would measure the pavement at one time, a far as It was done; then! would go at the next measure ment and measure what was done afterward, and so on as long aa there was any worn mere q. Bat Is It or was It your purpose to go over work that-you bad previously measureai a.- Ererr bit of It. By Mr.Mattlngly: ij Stale whether yoa have made a written recommendation to that effect!' A. I have. q. It is In tho report of 1873, Is it not! A. l lea, sir. . r Mr. WUson. I bave. pit that already into the I jn'WI ' ' - ' The Chairman. Tht lr.whst I am asking 1UUUI UUVT. , , Mr. Matthigly. Yes Tho Chairman. That 'must hare been done rwhllel-wasout, - ri .- v - air. attttmgiy, i,to ine witness.; to Hri Allison. o, I" understand, of course, that the work that has not yet'beenpaid for you were to make measurement oC; but there have been payments maqeiromyear to year, rtowi unaerstooa you awhile, ago to. say' thai' It was, your lnten- uoa to go ever taat .entire worjc, except rtaw llnl'square", and'remeasure It! A. That Is my intentlon"and"wls57iri ever have an opportu nity. - Q. Yoa say vou want to make those measuiemente Why 'A. Because ,1 know some errors, have .occurred and.I knew that before this - hteUfgatlon commenced.' t .wanted .an' oppQrtunitv to remeasure all the' i atu correct, any rrrors toil naa oeen uiaui;. , Auj.cumeer wuum want an oppor tunity tff do that after' measuring Over three minion aoiisrs or-worn witnout making nnai measurements. "" ' " 8 ' Q. Then' you mean ua' to understand that yod-had mad no final measurements as' yet of any work except at-Kawiins -square! -At xt, sir. iBy Mr. Mattlncly: Q.I would Uko to ask uuu.qucmoQ-iu.-.tnis connection. I on -stale here in the.renort of 1873. at mre-10 . K c i.iOrjc oriWAsaiNOTox Aooxduct. ! J-TbeeHlBHes ef worle doneTiy-'the Board of ..........,.. Mv ,rAVVU partis en actnat-msas- wltlptbe avmoaatathsrttatora' appropriated by Oongresi deducted, art herewith submitted. -TlftMUinatActtujameanterworli done by the oorobration AfnVaihlertnn rnti,. im.n..l.A.ft of aveones is eopltdntirsly from the records of . Thtbittoatssmadauader , Hi.ti j... In th past year, amoant to oyer threo and three quarter .mil""" .ofdollars, and they have been madeseaeraltrwhIKi'-tho several works were In Ir"rVKtOB uu UUUU1IUUU, See 1'oarllt l'ajo.J uiaiu, ux vuuy, qi estunates . maae, oy the englprs,of jtfie board.' Upplu ot. the latter, 1515 PyIl0"u K"ror . the works la detail! V fmCGKEBSt. . r "'sssTl.iii-slMslil Ifcsh'm l s4sMtrtiwest, 'lsW'alMtBt. t tte sejtlfeBtof 8jw- tfg&m&y limn T. Ansnir. 'YAH-8rWr AtiMKm&jiTi(rnoiSMBiZi no, WHosTtnui oirpvif LlCeilrtUlUfansiHCVMotUDBrtiwU- ..i....- .T-i-. . ...... ... a 0HtlMlMaiDt.sol(laa4exchaar(U, ' J I i' tSptctsUaxes patdproaiU7aa"zoaUbeeatenBS. auii'ti j a OOWT PAYaYOUFM-AXES .SAa.IAA1J.1rt FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OB SEWERM -" 'iiiixii foif Hi vs cUssultko -OTCKSON i;,PATTkRSON, wheara enablft:0ralArflBertywTOrtU market rapr yw.a;Jari tfJcoaaV -. ": i a;SXOCK.BQKEij. n. n -:iSl?E31lCrm.TA?nA;ATKirUE, L TessBeeisf ltten'twif totaVeslnieaU In all Midi Uon In rrln Bpeelal.TaxetAr iraers orotaerraprarements, whettaeryra'pmi Inwenci thowbolo sufielentwlllioal the trouble of ealHar on tht Col lector tat SOU o claims IbroM naterul. list some laslsnees aaartrn half your bllLmir be uved. 1IQBT rtB CSNT. BOJf O8alyo4 hni. iiOHectty-matl promptly arteaddto In person. . fc-rtS ! rji . N?17?5?: :a; -rr v - - JFlfleentbi Street,' ppjfitt amo 8TAcKa,iOLTairr ahd sold. """"" TUsteicV Boaroa A SrswiAtTT. SpecIiIImprovemeSTaitrenrmiircirs ' !i " --settled at lowest rates. OrdersLat toe SrocsExcnXsox promptly eze- f '"PINANCIAL. T MeWTlilbxET &CO., BANKERS -His AVriBRDlCKR-t. Kn. SiA.Sreoiit Kstloiiml Bank Building-, Seventh street, opposite Potoeicc uepaninent. transact ancru unftiur, 'jluuc and eollMttoa bnsrnos. BnjandiellgvlJ,Uoiern mentjonds. stocks. Ae. Army ofilcers pay aecouuts cashed In advance. my ' G EOKGETOWXSAVIGSnASK.D.C., II IIIOll STREET. Bank hours. S a. m. tsSTi. m.. and on Sstnrdars (to receive dposlts)ontlli p. m. Interestpald ou dnAAlta. Oenarll Kanklnv Hnalneaa done, and coUretions made on all acceaJble points. Discount H.TotlCIJmdRN, Pres't; J. DICKSOX.Cashler. Directors: H. rolklnhorn, TboJ. Dovllnr, t. T. Mitchell, Ja. Dickson,' B. b. Cropler" "red. W. Jones, UllayA.ehlnn, E. D.Hsrtltr, Tho. Knoxles. aplO-Cm J0HW SBTOKaW, JR. B. P. COOKS, JB. SUEBKAX A CO', BASKEBS, V. 8. BONDS, BTOCK8.;OOLD, lIUNICirAi; and DISTHICTT Olr COLUMBIA SECURITIES bouynt ana sola, lticninoa x.onuon iiurim. COllOCIluuS BMtua wu u yv.i.. iumwu pBEEDUAITS SraTOTsr COMPANY. IJA.ri tUal t UUUOA't "U. IMM jaeiiJAM Jl4HVJfc Opposltt United 6 tales Tre&sml-r. AVCiilUUa all ritOViiy c-itd to Df OSITO: lutrra ptd to DEfuaiiuits u lntc- t. nnl aiMirtln t? 7 imp rn(. nsrinnn INTEKEsTonuNlfi DOLLAKaiidupw&rdStfirom B jpcr cent, per tunam. lHsVllUsV U X.A.MII AUsllil OTtn fi-om UaY.n. to 4n.rn.WednMtlJ.TS UdSattir L aun 1 tie q"tHuepq"iia"iuotyj iroiaa;j m o. a -: T."5"Ts."TL-,rji"lEJ"3TksiI. " jyi-tf pOItUXBIASiBASS MOTE COX. raJI, Ho. SOS Pennajrl vauiin Avenues WABUINOION, D. C. We are prepared, with every facility, foe Engraving and Printing BANK NOTES, E0ND3 AND COMMERCIAL WORK OF EVERY KIND, Ao. JOnN O. WEtJ-STOOD, President. OKO. T. JONE9, VlrePres't and Trees. JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. JyM-MWJ"' "WATIOXAI. SATIXG3 BAKU. OF J WASHINGTON, D. C. The rate of Interest on deposits made in this hint, from and after alsrch I, IS74, will be i per cent, per annum, drswtp annum, and all money on deposit up to atsrch 1 will orvw iiKrccut. perumaia unuiwuir tverwutviu period the Interest allowed on all deposits wilt be K nttrestlnall cases Is computed and allowed for :h full extender month. , ,. . anls-TnTnS6n STICKNEY, President. each JanU-TnTl .OEBxTAKAHERICAWSAVIfVGSBAMK XTTl NO.S1S SEVKSTII STREET, f7' JOI"SlTZ. rreildcnl. TC.a:.PBISTI33,Casli,r. B7E, OFFLEY & CO., J3fvn It xsr-a. F STREET. CORNXB nPTEENTn, (Oprosite Treasury Dspartment,) WASniNQToy, B. 0.. Transact a General Baaklne-, Excnanre and Col I.ttlou H-jilnea: buy and sell Stocks, Bonds, gold and UoYcrnmenta on Commission. Bayandsell FODEIGX KXCHAXQE AKD COIIT. Bills and accounts on the several Departments ef the Government will reeelre especial attention, and prompt rsturnt made as directed. Partlculsr attention ftren to InTcstuunts. T-tf dta ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS. aTOJS. T. 3tPTsAJJ1, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND NOTABT. No. TOs E street northwest, . Wuhlmton, D. C. coaiiissioxEii or dxkds for the States ahd Territories. QEP 03ITIOXS for State courts a specialty. oca-iy . W JOHN W. PHAZEE, Atlornejtt-lJivT and irotaur Foblto SOUOITOB OP PATENTS AND CLAIMS. OSes, No. CM3EYi'TU SIKEST 2T. XT. jel-U c. apis-iy BBIDT, A'fTORNKY-AT-LAW, . 2Ce. M Louisiana areaae, Wsihlntton, P. C. TALLHADGE A. LAMBERT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. selO-tf No. i, Columbia CoUere LawBulIdlar.' DASIEIi OT. CAtLAGItA), ATTOR N E Y- AT- LAW, Room No. 1, No. J SEVEXTH STREET &0BTHWE3T. fehl-ly 1 ff OASES TRAPLEY TOMATOES ! 1UU Just Xecelyed. - J AS. W. LUMSDON, my-3t aaNlntlittreet.oppo.UeCcatreilxrket. REAL ESTATE; INSURANCE AHD TAXES. WM. L. BRAMHALL & CO.,. 607 Seventh Street Northwest, Opposite United States Patent Office, Transact all bmlnrss connected with reel estate In the District or Columbia and vicinity, examine for taxes, and pay ail taxes levied oras,eed upon UUtrlct. property, upon the mol adrauUfvous terras autico ftren. AGEXTS FOB NEW YORK LITE INSOBANCE COMrANT, (Purely Jdutuxl.) Aasels orer 117,000,000. ' NIAOAKA PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 'of new xorx. Assets, v i, wsa. surplus, fox,z. BEEUBLIO FlBE INSTBANQE COMPANY; of Aew xora. Assets, evw,utv ourpius, acuj,a.' - MANHATTAN PIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, of .New, --York. Assets, t&0S,i. oarphts, $22e,t00. ' " j NATIOKXI TIBS I2T3UBAKCE COMPANY, or Tril7ar1lnl l Urn' A au.rex A.JM iY ffeurrl.a OI.D DOMtNIOV TIRE IXSUBsiSCS. COM- rAni, oi it icamoaa. va. asuci. su.wus Sairluf. ll?.0O0. .a-" INSURE YOUR LIFE I INSURE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE I. SEE TO YOURlTAXESI Call on ns snd hare alt Of your business attendeVt to by those wholly conrenant wltit If, upoa the most reasonable and adranlaroous letmf. , WM.L BRAMHALL & CO., AOAflsle SuUdlaCr, eor Seventu street Korifiwcaf. my-lf '.irt."0 Jj"?01!TT, BOOKBINDER AND PAPER-ROLER, ' Ifo.-2Tlcj?eiroylynB1,inye., et. Teutb nd Ieventb !., Soath Bide. .Boolx elexantly or pulnly bound: Pexloll. CaJsindnewsDapencaxefullr attended. (o, Mm t"'SB9SjMBtwIMRM-AB4Ss '-& tasW Beavd irf.PssMle saaHialliiiiijH 'aiiA SaWMwT!a1C L3.ii'f . -T Boaast It. eras. j taaaa 1874 - PQUBLE SHEET. JRINTING.. , NATIONAL REPUBLICAN r III .i. .' 1 ,lli. SEASQN. 0E" 1S74. . - - -o.i : -..'J V Larg-ely Increased -FacIlitIes for "Doing; Job lTork and Book TTork In All Branches. O JOB .PRINTING. THE NATIONAL BErUBLIOAK JOB OTTICE Is uueqnaled. In Its extent .and complete eqnlp- meat, by any printing esUbUihmeM sottUoflTew York. VTe hsye now facilities for dolus" all work la the ORNABIENTAL BRANCHES Iiii3sra:i3sra-- EEOEITXb - LETTERHEADS, NOTESj ....'. BIU,IIEAD3, 0IIEPS3. '"- DBAJrTS, BCamESSOAEDS, "WEDDINO ORDERS, r ' ' YJSiTma oahdp. INVlrATlOH CARDS, UOUrOM.BO!(DS, DIPLOMAS- OEBTIFIUArES. P0STEE3 oAtALoaoEa, PB0QBAHME3, PAMPaLETS, - OlRCUIfABS, JAUOTION. BILLS, '"" " x'fiAWaES, rxsjrjrpw, NOTE HEADS, el .IsBTTEB HEADS, -"- LABELS OF' AT.t. KINDS, . coNstraufipxsNii"4x'ir'Bi r." - tai'i.vt-; iasls .- . J ' .-ti .v-s... li ' - - i- . " z-WAMtm " S . PBOOEEDIXaS OF.OONVEJiriOKS, .- :..... . -n-tlTl-ifUJtil fie) fee, Aa. PROPOSALS. , "LAi" rVBJ AL3 JTUlfr UULO VUtlls Viity wnituut '. . . i,KI- IlT L-AIXiiriU, AC, 'TUB TUB flBW ,U1 , OS TUB littTRlCT or COLUMBIA. -I f- Ortici o bap-HTiaiira AcnrrcT, ) r t t- l.'t I rinlv fiwtsrWVtrf Vr I it tewrysait,. .J? - - - . wwsm ajsrr tlunT, lOii iwrmmmis- KlfS'ftyV!? ,1, l3 of ow JII ftr the rf!5St?t!l",,ub.I-llof Ctti-siono Work requlrod Tor tho main Cornice or the Bnlldlnr. and all of tte ruffing;.,, 4e reqolrii for the Interior or th. balHlnj, in accordance wlm the Drawlnr. Soeelacatloni. and fwnrfi ..iHj,.h. ;, Tr.-sTrr.- --'i- i all" of tka ri.rrlnrn.:Tu. ZZZiZi rTZ lha InlarliiP At tVi Klll . - j .fc-f WD Coplea oil hi Drawing SpeclilatlQiu and. Sohtd-1 ule may be had on application at thU office. I Too cornica wui Do or seneoA aaa(i4tone. equal In quality to that used In the bulldlua. The flaainc wiu be selected from Senera SaniUtoueor Sortu Bluer Dlusstone. for both of which bids marbeaub- , .The whole of the Stonswork must be deUrered is rapUlys maf be eaUed Ibr by the Superiiteaiieut and required: by the prorrm of the bulldlnir, the aellrery to eommenoe, at lalesW within three weals K WUV.W.L ,., M.V WV.K lh. ,..(. nt mm mn9 months froia uma daU; and the ramajlnder of Ue Mic sama wmfinaroeu-a vuwe. ChipM trtar, lrtmn'tlfiTe months from same date; and the stone corn test to South ITHoo'mniv Ward en's Offlcrs. and Chapsl Wins .must be completed within threii m.h Uia .mftmr S&ti. nt afeentanel Df tpropottl., under ceaalty or 0 perqayfor each a n r every days dVay tejtfnJ the tlats herein stip ulated. - j i rropqws wiu ire maae ror tr.eweraasexnioitei by tea Drawlniund detcrlbtdbi thedpeeUcattons asdtalif-Irhrlnthesehrdate.- - - I ' .Ko.bUa wUlBe-rereired except ftora the owners or taseiesof.tAs .quarries Item which the stone Is proposodtohrurntthed, or their stents, or from parties wbe eojd In atone-euttrae-and wke havvtheBReejarrracilttluroraprompiaxeealUn .11.. rtti -' I'armrnU wilt In made'moulhly, deduettaic ua sue wuin. mm isaiiiaavi-r-u. perosnt, uatlt th.enI completion ot tha-eon-tret . . . -. . . All bids mast be acqompsnlsdbyapentt bond of 1 twreponlbte persons, dotlan. (tl.000,)that thufetddawUI accept and per form thj eontraet,' If awardod hlra. and execute bonds therefor In the amutunor Are ttioassnd del- intnesumotoi Jirs. (VDC0, ) the bond to be approved by the United tales district -Judas.' olerk of the United States court, or the dutricsattersey or the 'dlstriet In which, the bidder resides. - TheDeparnpent TeerrTs'therlzhtto reject any ariii'Mdj. OoTernmrnt te do so, or to aoard each dlrUlon to a to, it it oe aeemea ior ve laterest of.the dlfferrat bidder, otto order mere or lets ot anjlwm at the same rate propositi In. the 3chdls, at Us option. - . Any bid that Is not made on the printed form to be obtained at this oflee, and does not conform la erwy Tr.ectto the requirements or this adrertlie ment. .wll not be cpnsld jrtd. ... 1 1'ropuaals must ta tnrles-,a In a sraled enrilope, In-lors-d-'Bhlj for get Stous and Ftsitln, for (he Hew Sail. DUtrfct of Columtlai"nd iOressetl to ' A. B. SI U U. F.TTi myts-Ht SupersUluf ArcUiUtt. P! BOFOSALS FOB SUPPLIES. UrriCX ASSISTANT UAKTKRAsTKK I - rOKT MONROE. V., llT ". 1- I nrnrwii-ilai- In ii a A. with turn nrthta sV.rtrt!i:ment'tlMliJ, will bd rvcetra at this oiUca antll Uta. on the 3011a. Czj of JunrIJT, far tliedcUv-t-rrof Ibe fat lowing-nanirJ tupptlet at tbU pitU during tho flicil year conirurnclai July I. ls7(. at nrb tlmuf. nd In incU quantities a majrjwre Qulred. ssUbleitto the umI inspection, viz.: i e .. . iful...,l 5a7rtj y.-A JUm 1 Bested aevnta siurvuvuiamt -wvwm, (wvit; vi smvi; rioe or0k ju requlrt-d. 13,067 poands CorDt (mors or lau. ) 133,070 ponnds Hij- blcd. (more orlf3.) 10.939 Donnds Straw, biled. (more or l. in,i. pvDBUi uiw, (isoro dcico.i ThuCoriiaodOBt to be clean aul well sacked, Tbe Hit to be Timothy, ot go1 quality.' free frtm wtredir ssnd cut ta oe writ crU and batfti. Tlie btnw to to Kyc,of Ui bait quality, clean, lone eiil wall feeslM.jl l " aed well baled. Blank forms of Dronosals, with quantity urlated lh er J tt itiMrrtti. rwhlh In all rafStnii.t benrflnerlr fllletl andcertiaedto,)wiU be inmliaed-'oir apyUcxtlen lotuisorace. , ,.,., . . lTonoisls will bo uixrxed "Proposxls for' .is wm oo wiamea "-rroposxis tor-ror- are." or "Frooosais ror wood," a in ease may be, and.d.dr..d 10 ISr'j5E&EBaoK. Captain and A. Q, M. B't Jlsjor 0. 8. A. id; P mytt-et UOPOSALS FOR FOEI. ATTHEITAVAL AUAUESXT, AT XKaEUUS, MAKY- Sealed -nropoixli will be. rtoclrel until Jane So. noon, .for supplying the Kavxt Acxdemy l C6 tons Css Cost. 3,1m tons OumB?r!snJ Coal, ((leorge's Creek,) run. 7C0 tons Etexmer Antnrtcite coal IDfl red lb adli of mine, wltb fair proportion of lumps. To h dallred at rtlDDOl ' Kaial Ltex Oui leurerea t woari i fof KaTat AcaJi-my, free ofaxneatetotbeunltcd States OoTcrnaient. Tbe OaxCoi 'oxl Immediately after the 1st of July next; Anthrxelta Coal Immediately after tbe lith of J and Cumberland Coal Imi telraner tbe Utuf ri Auarust. ist. TneuellVfirror oaf a Kiua oecouun- . t .. j"..-i r .1 uou. -ins Acaaenir wui aiicaerie ex rate or not less than SO tons nsr dxr. The coal to he ot I quality, free from dajt, and tawelib t,fa6-pouadi to the ton, TIi rlgnt to reect bids for Coxt not suitable for oanikusC tne Aeadecvr tsressned. ' I'ropouls to be ladoned l'ropouls for Coal," and addressed to . . - Rear Admiral sn IBaperlntendtnt Karsl Acxdemy, PROPOSALS FOB BATIONS. IliUDjcisTxms IT. 8. alaacrs Coars, . VDAjrxxax. urricx, th April, tS74. Seeled proposals will be receli red at tlilx ofloa un- til 11 o'clock m. of TE at wis t ox m. ot xuuitsu. XI, tne itt axy er . th 4th di Jane next, for furnttntne rxtloos to the United BtaueSIarlniset the fbllowies; stations from l.t PORTSMOUTH. Sew Hampshire: CHttLESTOWK, Maxsacliuaetu; MOOKI.YK, Kew Tort; IShYiJoTON CITY? "Strfct of Columblii OOSPOBT. nesrSorfolk, Vlritntxr p-RNSACOIiA.iriortdx-' i w.h ritiniiiniSnilii nt twelve ounces of Pork or Haconi or one poaadtaud four ounces of Salt or FresbBerfi elxhtttn ounces of soft Brexd or Plour, or twtlre ouneet of Hard Bread, or ou pound and rour ounces of Corn Mislt and to averone hun dred ratios ufticn pounds of Bexnier t'eas, or tea pounds offcle er Hominy, ten pounds of Ureen Ooffw, or ctgut Manila RoaiUdjor roaitad and a itoesieotor roiiwi uu 'OSnd.and elfbt ouaees of mmndl CQBe or ona Tea; flRoeapoandiof ofir: foarquarta o xar; ona pound and foyr Qascai o; Ad a man Una or ri f ine- Star Cxndltk: tnat noaadi of 3 : thra noaadw aad iwelT oaactt of Bait, an :oor ouncta of ! MHtA ara tt ba dell Tnd ncoa the order of the comnundlac officer of xcb. Beef, either In bulk or by tbe sin ela r&tloa- of eoo lUt. Ws KSikJ ion quality, wltb aa equxl ere Ion of hind and'for IS and kidney tallow to be excluded; an an a a i yiTfiTmni tbe Pork, S6. 1, Prim Mess Porkjlh Vlour known a.lrt tnn.rfthAln tm Tnrkt a tbs tllaca where tbe stationls iccstidl tbt CoCts. rood Bio: th Sn- sr. roodblSwpHexnl r tU eautraient, eans. Vlnttxf, Candles, 8oxp, Salt, &c, and tbs to be of 'italfli rtne stttlojl. sand the pipir eontxlnlnf th nrxt Iniertioo to this ProS.3to'trtodrd''ProBO,UforBtlons,. and aSSresscd tottWiil B. 6LACX. Uajor and QnuUnauief , U. s. Karjao corps. -twmmm jP v. 8. CoijrMIooss! akb jPosi Oynci, psTtt. attraiiA, adtu x., xo.t. j I b rfelrJ xt tUll ofdMnn. tuutn.aHS'i nddsllrrlnei ndPoslOflcaatPatladetnnlA Pa., say,oos cubla yards, mor orless, of Granite or opet bard, darabl ston, broksb it BisiU of sr ben's txr, Kail IWhuU Pm vQIaBIvvvi Also, fwUexibufirp, raor orless, ef Xubb! stoae, wnion may bo ot (laalt, limestone, or otber sultahli Stone, which Is sound, durablf and bbnd. readllrwltg Mraeni or ordiasry mortar, and of nf aclenl ! to 6 clsxsMal on, two and tare mta stone, Wt thickness XTri)nt MB (ISIlaobes, lav Us clean, fair Dedswltha.frsolura under tU bxo tner, serptsdlealiy ta lb bed; at least ou anxrttr oftSequxDUrjtqMtbrie.mtntione, Alio, far 13.100 osrrets, mor ot lass Hydraullo Cement, eqaxl In QuxUty ana ttrrnrtb te the best Bomodslrf each barret must eontxla not less ttan -AltXforiscStfuHo'yxrdi, mora er Uu, clean, abarp, river bar tend. . ... .......... exmnlelof axebeftbe above materials tob sub- mlttedWltathSproposxU. . v ueiiTiry win p made at ico tuan . ejoanll! 4eetns4 iscasxary byUiSu prlateadeal xieei isia Ida er all of ' oetlon. the oft. but sl JWm An fupxrat All Mai mait bemad oafct panted form,-Job obtained oiavptlcatloa attbls offle; axob, bid to be IC. aecompsuli .fllc he a. erenxl bond of two fUSDOl ; of two rsspoBSlbl persons la . iunf ofll tbodianddollsja. (11,000, eouditiodtd tail tos pwaer TlU.KSept nq yu .rform fancy of Cesecorlty to certla4t,,M UnltSd isecaylt Is.Cl itrlol A( e. . the Unltsd Su adi ek of the united ova tes tne list! .M- tiorney or. xo uuu; re- Pajmtnt will b mad raontbty. dduetln tea (10) per cent, until the completion of the contract. rlrhtlo njectauy oraUbtdJir it be dem4 for lb UteresteCtbs Qovernmen Brery bid must be mad on the printed form to be evemment to oo so. ebtauid la this ease, sad must conform la erery I respect to th ruulrements ox this aaTUtue I' uf.S npnriAXal vnmT ba Inalesed In a aeali imenl. sealed n- elop,-inixorxa ''x-ropoexis ror i.oncrt stone, ..-.K..I... --.- -- -. i-z M.Z .- .T Kibble Ston, Cement or Saad.laslbaeu may be.) uo.iB0iui at.sroes wu "spts-Mt yoHif McASlffUBra.jfjn 'tftapsf't. TnOP09AL9 FOR ELBVAT0B3. AND JL CIMIBINED.JCLI MW$f&lTM rOKTIIKUNf AXD POST 01 iSLUSl ort tea ov ScMais-rxxDsx-r. Sexlcd procouls will ta recelred at tb oSe tbe Snperlnlenitent.unttl Xi m. of th 1st day Juae, iS7i, foe fiunlshtnr. dellvsrinf, altlnr, aj pnttlar I- nlac in EUxatora and Combiaad El v. tars and Htalrs at (laramr pxelllon ell s axhl saays-isii. Itod oa th Drawings, deseftbtd la.tbs Bpaclaca lions, or called for In the Scaadul. . .. rSctioJul may be bad oa xppUetUon L-onie er the urswirus, apecuexttons. ana aoce. . All teatroldlsf reeutred by lbs contraetoi the work la site will b fumtxbed by th 0xtrn- tnent trcoi ooxrfe, out wiu c rcta, DI traetAre. ProDasals wtll 'mad for aaah ElaeafB mbi. plfu.aoa for extb Cembiticd Blevator aalbtalr sue a,l :laretors of Dlelslant I mmjt 9 ..( -ft, completed wlthla tare months from th date o rithln tare mentbs from the date ef P'dte"!'; na Combined Kl Stxlrs VllMa six months from sai aceeptaace- or propossi. xol tbe Combined Ele. vetors.aad: Stxlrs Vllhla six months from same pave, Tha cetltraeton yffl b rsinlred u ruxrxntet werkftratirlodef two years. - - -Paymetits wui.U -mxd far exoh Elrrater oa Its Ithrfrw! I Pxrat dfSin,rlli?BW ara b,iotaftttoril cent., waicn wiu o re- .." ur en ncriAfl avr , AU tudx Bjoit b aecoa oniDi. :". "'-"-SffaL.": iSaulk bUdr wid acax ana aouaxj, i ptriorm luraaitKi iTjrW-iJ Ablm, th samHeacT of ths i yr thl United Stale Judra. tat cour!T-OTtheTllitrlct si sicaiit a uf CICEss, Ul U9 XtkBDutmat nsasvtstb tlibtto seJSclaay rtu ,5; I .TmVuoemeoSfor th luisrsit rstorth nttaaoscv-nr"' uiSpJ. xy - a nn the nrtnted. farm, to and does not'eoafona toth dvertUamenx. -ninaxueeon S4, V1WCK wu.a JUVUV.M w. inriira ..wm. sVaoxr aotaj(X(e4lntbataxafKturtif .., t.. . . . fc, - Itropexits wIU be ImdesM In A seabed ladsrsed VBtiuforBIeTators Aa,r-n4jel t- , -, - ; - 0. T. HPLBUUD, Super(aladsal. ' UB-.9.1,.J t CARRIAGES. ESTABLISHED 1845. ' -Jki ff.iIOYOEr , CARBI Atir. MJLHiCFACTCRI.'at,i diz, 414, una 4J8 Tdnrteetitt, Street. , -J.-t-'AIRINO In all Its brxuebet. Altcarrtxees ".'! !!,.W!",.!W"?'''1.' couimUloa,xre IniurS.I. v iytt;ra forJ,n"S,", .'!., lof ilrootuo street,) HrvbiTv-.c, Neirlgik. auHJ-tr V BneriaeicnpHucwt tw v lob daeredVeojpUta, m we miMlu ewer: The luflnr, torasKjstfleorarSoaUPrlwu Wlnr. I ouaiunQ' from date of acceptance of proposal: 9nne a isms' wide In two A 11 aub leeVto InsstettoB. spont?61llAraut SSttrtied y5 UntteS States dls trlctludjretoUtrlctfnBrneror eoUector, must c- CONo5p?oTOwm.nAldered.aicx.accompa nld oysucatuarsuUe. Blxnk forms of propol can bee-italseduboaaSBllcxUonatany of tt ma- HOI S&V ItenvTor'ahLlsarxbel, bxaafettxlimJl' btia nr on a a t..t..tAtx! in a. aenarxte enrelec BOOTS AND SHOES. N: EW TOBK DBANCII. On Saturday next there wilt be opened at mum street nobtive3t. Arency or to llaru ajinnr jiaehlne. On of the best assortments of domaitlo nude LAD1E3, MI3SE3 AND CI!H.DREN'3UOOT9, SHOES AND aUrr-EUS ever oaaroa in wuaiuKioa. abu iwu vh - Whohaa been morf tbia twaniyrearseagsfedla the shoe busloeu. There uro no commissions to be Koteaaltoo manuiacwrv lor inu ma . uj- ?po n.i raniun. atrcnt- la., hanet 1 eejs elletnrlcee carrrspondln-r t the times. LsJlcj,"exiulno for yuurselrcs. - t . - bi-w- pEBS QQt-ArX, - THERE 13 HO uu-Kn-iun Aiiyui u, uvi: SKLUlf rah sellgUOES s chesp, U not cueiper. gtaa r any -fothsr bouse ila tne - erty. whjr eca.uM he bare for eth snrt Ws expeojee are much leM;i.ADlE"rOAlTER3frorauptoJlperpUr. MIN-S SHOES from S anj sperpitr. He can aecommodatVtue rich and satisfy the poor. Uuea eodBoya' Snoea tnm thaleweelr price up. Cht-dran'stn all the heWco:ors Srraur Ilau in proJiilou and at'jUt price. . U-rpt'a lurnlshlna: Goods In areat rsrlety. Olre btu a call before bujlnr. No. HIS rcnnsylranU arcane. mils BOOKS AND STATIONERY. vriw BOOKS History of Amerleau Currency. By Sumner. Vtlteta Linden,' or Tbe Artist's Brldet By Emer son Bennett.L. . ThaQureaoftbaBecimcnt. A noiel. By Cath arine Klna. St. Koliau's WelL By Sir Walter Scott. Scrlb ner's pocket ell tlon. . ' Penenatl Bcmlnbecnees by Chxrtey, Ptasehete, andTouaa. By Blchxrd Henry utoddard. (Br.c-a-Brae series.) - - , TnrZlecutlve.Power.'Intbe United States. By AdolshdCbimhrua. from tbey reoci. VleterHuyo'eTJ.'-' . The Circuit BUter-By EMleeton. TbeTBeoryof the- Beautlful.-1iy Samuel Tyler. XLi Ki author of atemou of Calef Justice Taney, JpTrHbute to WVTv". Cteoran. By M.I. P. xtoulixny Wafdrre-r." A'norer. BrBertnoIJ Aaerbxcn. Famous Truis. uyxiorse. . . . .... Constantly on hand- the ftuowins; celebrated in trlaT rial or axcrariinu, wm u. rorce-case. trial of Mary Harris, Burcn dlroree exse, Beardsle-e dlTorcu eaxe.'trtaroLoweasteln for tbe merdsr of &?,? S-i ,' W rt. TT.HOItRI.snV. mrB'BooltselIertandPnMishers.rsPt,nn.arenua, E-W -BTyOKS. WAlftfiirf. 1 nnnt. TtvAuerbaeb. Adxenturex of an Attorney In Search of Practice. xCbasters on Animals. Uy Haorrtoiu The Superhuman Origin of tbe Blbl:. By nenry Boerrs. The Poetry of tbe Orient. By AUer. Atl tte new Sabbath-school Library Books. Oroquet; at all price. , , Wif. BALLANTYJCE'S. myl 3 Sarenth street. INSURANCE. TUB ARLIXGTOX FIRINSURAHGE COKPANY, FOB THE DISTBIOT OP COLUMBIA. Capital, .... 8300.000 OPPICEi Mo. IC3 O street. Vtween Ponrteenth and Fifteenth .streets northwest. PIBECTORSs . Watter S. Cnx. nrcslJent: Dr. WtlUxm P. John. ston. sice pre.ldenst'UriltUm It; Riley. Adm Qxd- son. WtUUrn P.' ill tt In i ly.-Mlliwn If. Philip, vu, n. Oi ft. KAUBt. Treasurer. XBAXK. T. BAWiIwas.Seey. f0-3m ARE' YOU INSURED? IP NOT, APPLY TO'THEOLIJ Franklin Insurance Company, h P. WA8I1I JGTON, D. C. ISCOBPOHATD BY CONOBJiSS tTI HtJ. OPFIOEIn th bufldrua- or the'.Nattonat Bank ot seKepaMlc, o. 705 D ttrett northwest. K6 charge for PoIIoler. DIRECTOR3I Dt. Jtmes O. Hxii, Joseph II. Bradley, John Purdy, - t . If. Wlltberger, I)r,J.M.lirodnesJ. W. J. McDoaalJ, Jikeywortb, , .!. MeOulra, James O. UeOuIre, 1. II. Clarke, Henry Bradley, II. O, Emery. " ' flEfHY IIUADLKY, President. CUABLga BBAUL&Yt anattary. deSOtWP This is the Season, for Fires. OUABR AOALNST JiVi.ll BY IStSOBINQ' TOCB PHOPEIITY," EITHEft JIB AL OB PEBSOMAL. IN J OQliOC1 ra TJ FIRE IlUIxiLNCECOffiPAN Y OP TUB , District of Columbia. Capital .......'. SIOO.OOO OFFICE, If o-liaPMnsvlTanlxaTeuue. JOHN T.LESJMAN, President. J.T.DYEB.Seerelarr. JxM-tf D. F.MlfflalNE&CO, GEKEBAI. UFK AND FIKE IXSLH A?lEAtJE.Ts, So. 015 Sevenlb Street HrAsnniaToy, i. . T Jfsw York LtfelnxnrxnceCompxny, of HewYork, Asseu oet tu,OJa,axi. Scottlsb Commercial's Ire Company, Aa- set oxer s,9Co,oca. Atlantic Insurance Coapxny, ot Brooklyn, K. Y., Alseis trAjxa. Black Biverlxtsunnce Company, of VTs'.ortono, X. v Y AxseU t9O,O0O. FTBST-CLAS3 SOLICITOUS 'WANTED. O -, r-a j STATE LOTTERIES. $300,000. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES. 'Lefxnxed by Slate Authority, and DRAWN IX PUBLIC IN ST. L0U13. QBAND 3IXULE NUMBER SCHEME OV 50, KX) NU3IBEB3, Draws til Last Day of Each Month. CAPITAL PRIZE, 620,000. t9,, smountlonz to 3OC,0U. WHOUTiclists, U. Usiyea, i; Quarters. 2.. .A a Orest Coablnatloa Scheme, wltb a Cs pi til xoof.Mi.ivxnii txsM Prix-. isounlls( to Strr. Draws evsty Slturday during th year. IS, WholTtsket,ti0 UsJres, A3; crs. iC.'A Addrets, ClT Tickets ana.Clreal.irj, -"DftBAY.MILLERACO. . Manaren. myz-ntvrir prB Box t at. I.o4,iio $5,000,000 ENDOWMENT SCHEME. FIFTH AXD LAST CONGEST 1ST AID OI TUB Public Library of Kentucky. JULY 31, 131. 1st announdor the Fifth and Iut cfihe wrIcof 01ft Concerts glvsn for the beueflt t tte rubtlo Llbrarr of Kentucky, the Trustees and Mxnseer refer wlih pride and pleasure to the-four which fe! ft; airesuy airen: a erst, uecamberie. second, Decsmber X 1X3: the third, J uly a, 11, and to rortb, March II, 1374. unaer ibelr cbsrur. arsnlidbTasceotxI t act of inKatMXV LeSUUture, Mtroh is, 1371, IheTrus. ts a Beutuorizausvx.'V vap. iiua, ana un 1.x UEB, Gift Conceit. With themonor xtltfnK U.NB from MsMnm, and othr departmsau are to be salaried, and endowed with a axed and certxta anbusl In. come. Such aa endowment rand I de.tr1, as will secure ceyoaa prauxnture, not only thj ..nance ot tbU ma(atScent esubllxbinent. but Its eon. tint (towtb. THEIRH GIFT CONCERT t . For lbs i parpens meutioaed, aad wtlrlf Is po-l-ndtinrqulrooallyannounerdas-ril I.AST- WILL EVER BE UIVKN UNUKIt Tilt. .! mi I1CH ' BThtl A.ND UY THE FilESENT WANAO IC- , wu coma oa in u.e rumia Ubrxry Uxll,3U , Ay., 3tfXtSLwy, .TtaLly 3X, 1874. samot $2,500,000 dlTld-it Itto twent trili.tcd xt&on j the T tboustnd plfti,' will be a. ticks t-bodus. LIST OF 0IFT3. On Grand Cub Gift un urxna yaan uin.. OnooranauaittL 1ft in in OuOrandCxsB OBOradcasb( Ifts, 3),onjeaca. ! i. laccoesen.. 5Jl8!ftf lSS:: ECaxh Gifts, x,(Wcn., fkirfGlfts: tCMeach. Ice Cash Glru. Laeeaca. ,IAUcauu.... ........ sxeaca ;.:.., KCeieB oOeaeb sn oaxn tiiirs. ,U.oScahGl:u; Grind tolxl. tu,0C9ilrti, ajleasb .naAOCQ tbice of Rickets. Wbole UektTs, JeS'l-hirresi'SS: tenth, or eieh upa, !i U whole- tliksts'.roe ta; OH tickets ll now read for ante, aad orders 4iwmt, panled br.casbwlli pro-nptly HI I. - r.lbcraf eomnlf.ft!&n wilt Ka iIIammI tn torr steals. i UlroularscoBlalalnejCullpartlcuIxra famished oa apolleailoa- , - - tho. c BnArr.ii.'rrii! Afnl and Kanager, I'ubUo. Library Bnlldtna;, JZTWfTl'f' X -l"trjf -?" 1 - SB m i ! aa. .ixt.0r Vfi alSTBIGT OF C0HJM7A nTJrBxrr to su; iifKSi,-VaJwi.,,'-5V,,rilJ', aiBemi' eolorx: t-pnnlxlux. 'Lxwn OrnamkntaT U2!!Si""1i.!Uw,lwPl' lni . P'xtformxt House HSSS?!-ee,tar,'!llila '"'1f cemented to x eiudedarapnexs; kllelieusand areas cemented and nxdeperfectlydry.and, a snrcnreventtva axalnst th Intrusion igf ru. Insects, ie.. and all other work executed- for which -PortUnd Ceiuent I adsnttil. Our Portland Cement becomes In a few dxjs superior to any of the marble or natural stone In toosnson-use. an-l.ts a sUmlrlUo.lmlutlon o! either mxrbie or stone: u mere durable, and la Its cruililuc resUtxnce with axe. iu beauty JaSS '" C H. ttOBEHTlfxIahaer. Attala flnat Concert ererrthlnr win b-upon a celeeorrespondlnxTwltbitxioorexea Importance. Th mat's will be rendered by aa cou slttlcg o(na hundred terformirs tlrc:ed for ibrtr fame In different Ixn3. end tk uunrecedcnled A 'l . N l M rsi