Newspaper Page Text
?TO3T . . ; -i. . 1 w THE NATIOKAIj BEPUBUOAK, TUE8DAT MOBOT&G- MAT 26, 1874-DOUBU5 SHEET, '"'- -- . I- IT i i , i, , I,- , r - - . i i i i i i ii i '- 3 T? H- V. . rjuSK'ncaxi BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Conlnlnlnir Cards or riret-ClMa Eat" llthmrnts In Ml BrnnrrieB of Bull- ani la tbe District. BT. fVPUVnumr BuiniT.-n rmNSULT 71B D1RFCTORY BEFORE MARINO HIND OF ISUblNEfcBlN THB DISTRICT. AtaDICULTURAL WAREHOUSES. J.A. S2B.Efc.rc La.ave., Del,ttb AaClhsla. ABCUITEC1. HEJIHT K. bEABl.r- Tit E it.. p I O. Dept. union l-i. CUab.T.JIayibA ro..C.s;tlin.,cp.FAteutoace AMIDEl'On. , Bam'l. 1'aimkk Merscv'e I'hila. Ale. Oeo'twn. ATroRKn'S-AWAW. W. 23. Tt LC. Columbian Building. 8th street a-DWABD U lKGIKfOl.l- OD-Cltjlimll. ugoBGsx.AKiaa att.,455 'aomtiana avenue. C. eTohf-. 1 Fittm near iwi. StsrtNULi. rejDst., oip. ore Hill. jTcnr J.MCRKAy, JiSlSitiMtDorliiwcst. p. n. vcoHHtrm 7i io it., orp. ritnatoiaee. C.T.3AIAXD. lCSFrtnet. bt. MtUaadlailh. Orp. w . im.w, tit Mhetnottu or Patent otace. J.T.X.Piakt - E ttrwt'.J.P.. Notary, Com. BAKERIES. O. P. KBArrr. ". E. cor. ra. eve. and isrh it. C.LAxr,.it'lFle ABt'd Bk'T.aE.Car,ltot st Vm. MAOWlLUAHkNcir York llome-Made Bread and Pie Bakerv.ns 13th street northwest. B AKU8 AN D BAKBERS. co.Binxcre. No. in? P- !"; .Ml per cent. on all Deposits. r7 of Army OBceia cashed to adt ance. . . MUUBtLV. JJHCTII'tlttMi'"r",J alR-Th I1JUH1H' "IW""..".. n fcl TrrAaa " " . ...? ivn TB17KT li(Ulr0Ii On. bigiiJjw. B Jth it., otjmi Ptent oaice. BATIISt. . TrmooREEnAX BATn. ICSE itreet, near tth. hELlHAKUBKS,lVOCIUMiTn,c. J -, a-. - .. .. m -., Y" a, ...4 r2 .a, y. jt&ed. -tscxb, o " ., wt ' Bit!. POSTERS, 4c. I tfoxixT. c 10th iu n. Tr., tbe only one in elty. BLEACHEBS. t '. A.T.Wnmica.ttnwh'tanab'ttleacher.SMPa.aT. BOOK BINDERIES. TTM. H. Nitl-rr. . tr. cor. Stn and E ita. BOOKSTORES. PBlir Bolomoxs' Metropolitan BookitorctU, bcuttli and loth iu. ConitantlT on trrtllicr.wcit and mott fuhlomble itjluol Plain and lancy Hatlonery. Card plate, "at tome." and weddlnc InTltatlona engraTed In UeManettttyleoftbe art. All tnenewpttbll- utitmreeelicdaipfonaalMoed. Wnin i-BOATX A Co., nnKlaM Book and SutloiierTttort. Hl3'cDni. arenne, cor.lCUiit. D.Jk. BoeSAjr.(Cailiollc.)B80 t..betttbl()tn. BOOT AKD SITOE STORES. 11. Inn k. Co., mPrnna. aTennc. near ftb tt A eonnlete etock of all radea of cooda for mtn wonen, mUcca bora and cblldreu. Cat FCBLOSg. 38 Wat. Makea to order. . BOWEI5Q 8AEOOXS. CsaS. O. ECXLOIT. ia E at., be tttb and Utb. BRASS WORKS. atiohal Bkaes 1VonK. He, 18 and SB Wtb at. n'..; Tuot. FobhttUIc, Jlannfacturer of all article! need In tbePlnuiblnitand Uaa andEteam Kmlnr Bnalnrta; a complete aiork of Plnmbera' hrjrpiu. Ac., conauntiT- on hand. Wii II Uocolam A Co.. JOB C it., cor. 10th; Bran Founiera and Flnkbera CastlnxdUlr. BTJTTEB, EGOS, CHEESE, Ac. 0. w. c. Rgnxxs, a. v. cor. sth and D atreeu, Oeneral CommUelon Merchant. CABUf ET HHOPB. Wal. tVALTXs. lai ttreeu rear 10th. CARPENTERS AXl BUILDERS. Sixtt kTmtTmirT, Etalr Bnlldera, cor. Jth and O rtrteta, near l'atent OOcc n.B.UTcarin.n. n. tr.cor.ttb it.and N. T. are.. farpenter and Builder and Oeneral Contractor. CARPETOrcs. OILCLOTHS. Ac. TTM.S MlTCSaXb Co., tltra. ar (Uarketrpace), Importer! and Dealeara lncarpeu andhootcfur- JiUMer article!. C. o. D. CABrET Uorsr. KM Tth it., bet, I and E. CARRIAGE FACTORIES. HCBT. II, OXAIIAU. 410.412,'W. iCBV f.D. J.P.l) ucuxjUfOTT A unof .,O0l'a.aT.,ncjir M it. KCH1HTJT A Co. Xlfl ltth at., bet. I! and D. DEXXIE. Coach Maker, mi etn it.. near l' jvt pairing cone iriin cujpaicn, at cneap raies. CELEBRATED CIDER JELLY. CuiTn OOosxo, 111SE n. n.w.; Uneit:-Jed,Ex-tentTel-r Uaed, Pnrvt, Cheapen, Beit. CXOTHDia STORES. WaeuBOSIXsoxACo., tei Penna. arenne, Mer cant Tallora; ,ne clothinx for men and bora. COACH FACTORIES. JOBS McDlEXOtl A Hmu 210 Penna. arenne. COAL TAR AND ITS PRODUCTS. FACE A FLXTCIIXB, Itlitllleri of Coal Tar and Be- finen of coal Tar Product!. Offlcc, 13CS Penna. arenne. Bzitbucax Bulldlnc. CONFECTIONERIES. F. 6TXIXLX, Ill Pa. ar. b. E., and 114 B it. 8. . COSTUMERS, &e. L. Uoxlet, ainh it. n. ir. Alio. Illll Poster. HOHEOPATHIC PHARMACY. E. J. XIcPhesfox A Co , Wellington Homeo- paihlc Pharmarj, ho. 614 Ninth itrcat north- wet. DRUG STORES. V P H1CXX1XO. jnra.aTe., cor Wit. Prlceilow. T.X. DooLxr, pjPa. ar., bet. 2d and Id ill. eaat. DRY GOODS. Booax A 1TTLIE-.OnPrice; 1WI A lcaTJthit.N.W EXPRESS OFFICES. Kxox'e Exrxxas; main offlcea, K3 Pa. ar., cor. 6th it., and cor.Stband K ita. a. e, Washing-ton; 110 .. ..-..; x.m .r. 7 zi . . .vt: :. . jinagriu, ucurgxiown; auu n afcmngion It., Alexandria. FURNISHED BOOHS, JJKt. Bbadt, (03 Dt., rrlth or ulthont Board. UAH FIXTURES, etc Alex. K. SnuaiEU A Co., no Pa. ar., bet. tth and ltth ita. Conatantlr on hand a Ter; large rt or k of cTCTTthlnc appcrtalnln rto the Plumblnx and Oaa Flttlnr Euilnetl: Trade Sunnllra. wholesale and retilli Chandellera, Blading LlpLtB, i,juickcu ana Dim A JUantcls. in Imrrc rvi aasjraia, suju va tur, IK" cok AJi ;, aaanj. uu(r hisk Crystal Chandellen and Clocks. All uae- g-enro nt and of tbe oewect ptttrm : aUfco, nand- zul noruues received as soon aa oui. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I.. C. C AatrBEEL. C01 Pa. ar., bet. 6th and 7th its. J W. Kexkedt a Co..ei2Pa.aTe.,tct.etb and Jth. XJARNESS, SADDLERY & TRUNKS. Jake 8. TorrJAV A Co., a Tth St.. next to Odd Fellows' Hall; Donble and Single Harness, Sad dlca, Bridlea, Whlr, Trunks, Vallaea. UORSE-SHOERS. J. T. Dobax, E it., bet. tth and 10tb,and 1SOD it. Hones shod according to natural shape of foot. HOTELS.. Et. CLors Hotel, N. 3. HUlman, tth and F ata., American and European; near Patent and Post OtEcci; most central locality In the city; Inren tcrs' and Business Ben's lleadquarten: btreet n Can toandfromaUDepoti,PnbUcnlldcs,Ac. TVOBiiEET'E Hotel, corner H and 13th streeta. INSURANCE OFFICES. National JlErxoroLiTAX Fire IxstbakCe Co. of the District of Columbia, voe3s Penna, are.. between Wh and 10th sts. TUX ABE1KGTOX FIBS IsetTBAXCX CO., 143 Q street N. W., near Uth street. OutaiAXAM. FiBXIxi. Co.,Law Bnlldinr, tthst. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. C.FllCllER. tvz. InitrnmeuU, Trusses, CJ 7th iu IRON FOUNDRY. DAVQBTOX 7STIX, cor. sth and N streets, (old isT) Castings of all datcrlnUOni c- sasn H eif ns on nana asoweii rate. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. E. C Weavxk. Justice ol thePaace and Conrey- ancar. CJtthst N.W. E. J. KLorruu as La. are. Also. Notary Pnbllc LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. Love's, ellalarket space, and 83 Penna. arenne t.UIE. CEMENT, PLASTER, Jke. A. W. Kibk p fjEnoji ft; Ut. C and La. ar. xjtiIo3raPhers. KOKSitPrrrBJ, 458 Pa. aTe., near fX t. Pl.o- to-Llthognrhy a specialty. 3. c. ExtwistlxA Co., cor. lib st. jnd La. are. LIVERY STABLES. Ketib A Co., cor. 14Ui and D sts. Close carriages forwefidtngcallsand receidlonl. Boardlngand llTerystablii, Wlllard's hotel stables. Allisox h Alton. JR.. south side Pa. are., near 41 1 at., opp. 1 mpcrlal sLtl lllards'. LUMBER YARDS. NatiTl 11. FbOirr, 13:h aUect and Ohio avenue MARBLE WORKS. T. Tolmet, Wathlngton Eteam Marble and Plata Worts. 1U2 E it., near Republican building. MINERAL WATERS. Sai Et. rAL'i'X,cor.Uiy and Green sts.,Gcorgc- tnwn;SodaWaterlnbluJFoautalntatpi.'claIty'. MODEL MAKERS. " . orrxBXAX. tSU street, UMrTth. MUSIC STORES. JcnxF. Ellis A Co.. tH Pa. ar., neanothst. NOTARIES PUBLIC. A.E,L.EEZ!X, Also, Justice. OPTlCtANS. B. II. IlEinxXR. 453 Pa. ar., cor. itfit. PAINTERS. Ctjables A1D.CK, W6 D it., near Sth. Plain and ornamental minting in IhebeststyU oflheart. Fatx) slam in gold litterand colors a ipcciailr. OtdinfJlid with dispatch at low rates. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Ac. Czo. Rtxeal, Jr., ess D st., bet. eth and Tin, Dealer m all kinds of paints, oils, glass, putty, lsn.ES, brcilics, Ac. Also, always ou hand a . lnllllne pfartlits' materlali. Orders from city orcountrr promptly ttended to. PAPER HANGEIUS, Ac. DO-CLAts JIoobe, 3 t oth St., bet. D and Pa. are., Practical Paper-Hanger and Upholsterer. Wall papirs. window ahaaei, carpets, oil cloths. Ac. Xllorders for wori in elthtr branch of the trade executed with skill and dispatch at lowest rates. PAPER WAREHOUSES, Bobzb B, L vrrtr-w. 813 8th it. T. VTar-.. Xtmrfrn Rrl ih..l ta..) cor. rib A F. op. T.O., f',a--aSr.r7.(mta fr,r 1'nt.aii MnatneSS. Trv,wV VBkvmvm Miv ar neir- Patent OQloe. ill 8. 1 A. 1". 1.J CXT. a Tth 81.. OPP. r. O. pept 136. W. Dtxb, 709 u tt., north orrtent omce. t.B. Varka. S th st. : U. 8. ana FortlgB Pxtenu. PHOTOGBAPH'OAI.1-EHI-ES. Bcncxsa ACO.. SueeesseritoBradr, 0-7 Fa. are. Negatives retouched by a nnt-clais anut. E. J. Peiuian. 835 Pa. arc, over Ted's. Johx qoLpix,eiP8.avr., one doorjxit of Perry a. PLUMBERS AND GAS-FXTTEBS. Airr.H.lflErHtRii ACo..t.0pa.ars.,bet. (thand lCtb sts.,lactleal Piumbtra udStiam and Gas- out l orders from city or county for work or goods 'ompiiv BiienoeG to at the loweit rates." - a ryopxw ar, wbD street, bet- tth and lOUu "... a-a a. PCI. al. Ilwl ' P.DALT.Plarntir.GilA6teitoI.ttcr143.,Uut.n.w. FBIXTZNO OFFICES. Jctid A DaTftiLMt. eor. Pa. are. and lllhrt. llEAXCILXT A S.tOD0BAt,CJ A 8th. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. E.B.Yocsos.Weitern Product Co., 4-2 Pa. are. BEAL ESTATE AGENTS. 2,OCB8S A Ml91)LXTOX,aa3 UtHtUop.Tma.Dept, BESTACRANTS. Son VTxicxxx, Uth n., bct.,X.Y.ave. and H su SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. yTASmxOTOX Br31XES8CotXEGE.coT. 7thandL tts.;H.C.pcucer,Preiidenu bcadforjlrcular. fTEWING MACHINES. P, 3. 6HXX A Box, 8i Pa. ave., bet. H and 6th sta.. Agents W heeler A WllsonlmprovedFamlly Sewing Machines. These are really theslmplest, tbe swiftest, and lighten runntnrof any lock atltchznacbineserex yet made. They have no shuttle, and consequently they need no tension a. 1 --. -, t !) itft-tattln. n-.a Q tXfrvr ,,t. l a... -J Ta Ml ... J.XABB, tPa. "-. Afent for ITow-., ni-n- WTtilELipg Ifiga HVA lte v t ,-AU j SILVER PLATERS. - Bcst. A. 'WniTXUAXD, tot D. at., bet. th and Kb. STAIR BUILDERS. Bnvrr A Pcjrrnnxr, aulr Balldera, cor. tth and o ftraeta. near Patent OSce STAXPIXU DEPOTS. Bae. zrmxxmT. HI Uth at. Alo,Drea-miilni. STATIONERY, Ac. Bvf: T-IK'5"Zt' niahat..nnerKt.'Mrojoi ltan Bank, 8UUmery, . a apeclaltr. . iITA? JLSJ a AB wnxRs. - - Aixx. 0 . 8nxranu' Co.'. tlPa.-aT.. beuttt and ltth iu.,E Plnmbera and baa Fit ten TOBACCO- AKD CIGAR STORES. J liTA"-AC't- Hlh at.,UtnandKs:that.K. VT. . TRCKKS, C. Jami 8. Tornaie A Co., C5 Tth it., -next to Odd FtUova' llall. Tine Sole Leather and Srcaf Tranka. Vallaea, Trarellnx Bagi. UBBRELLAS, CASES, , fna. O. Peabcx., bet. Hth AUthj W Jl. Rookhk, J) 11th at., near Pen no. -atenue. TTI.NE.SAD LIQUORS. , . , 1. 8. HexacltABOX, Importer!, 109 Kit, n. w. WOOD AND COAETARDS. T. Edw. Clajuc A Co., tt Loul.Lana arena. RAILROADS. . TyAShlKQTOXAHD OHIO RAILBOAD. 8UMBER AKBAKOEXIEKT TWO -DAILY TRAINS lEXCKl-r SONliAYlBETWEEN AC- HlHu MAI a. 1174. Waihlrigton at a. m. an 1 4 p. ra.. and Al exandriiatfOOa. m. and4:itip. m. Pataieiburr (golcwrttwrd)atll33a.m.and 6:34 p. m., and arrive t Purcellrnle at IS ru. and 7p. m. Leaie PurceliTllle ati:X. ra. and 1:"0 p.,ra.; pan Lcuburg (frolDgrattward) at a a. tn. and i:l j. in., andarrlreat Alexandria at m a. m.' and n" m" " l ahlnt0 t 1:80 a. m. and ax webgrri from Waihlaxton will takt tbe 'Waih lngtoa and Obis can at tb. B tJUtnorc aniPutomao railroad station at Ba. m. and 4 p. m., and go throerh to Parrellrllle witbcrat chitTre of cars. Tba:10a. tn. tnln from Alexandria and U:Xin. H.lrxi? trtm ruroellrllle connect at PurceliTllle VSHf 'adjllTltneofcoacEeaforSnlckersTlllc. StrryTnifand-wlneheater; alio with Keamer'i TO. foaebe. which leara liesbnrg diUr for Aldla and Widlitburg. Commntatlon tickets, three cents n-r mile. Ar.csal tickets, Mo. X. 11. I!AENKER. n rs-tf Uenenl Ticket Agent. gALTUIOBE AWD OHIO RAILROAD. EUXDAY, WAT 10. 18T4-5T. M. . FBOX WASHINGTON CITY. JOT a. m.. Baltlntore and a'l War 8t itlons. allviarSi'il " Annapoiia, 1'lediuont and to , m.. PittaDarr. Chicago, Cincinnati, Loula '"Je. St. Lonii, Colutnbui, Sandusky, Wheeling and the West; BockvUle. Frederick, Btannton, S.n?i 'Lotttlona on the Washington Conntr and valley Bnnohes. Pullman Carl. DlnntraiCum Krlatut. Svnerat Oraflan. :10a.m.. Sew York. Philadelphia, Boston, Bil tlmorkaodBrUr. 1:15 a. in.. Point of Tiocks and all Way Etatlons. ? ta., Baltimore, AnnapoiU and all Way oiattona. 10og a. m., Baltimore and Belay only. jl-00 a., Baltimore, EUlcott City ana an my Stations. 1;10 p. m.. New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk Baltimore. Dinner at Btlay. . p. m., Bsltlmore. Laurel, Ilelar, Frederick, Hag eritowp, Winehritcr and all Intermediate Way Statlona west f Belay. 1-43 p. in., Baltimore, Frederick and all Way Btat'oos. 4-DOD. m.. Poldt of Rocks. Frederick. TIsvpm. town, Winchester and all Way Btatlona. .13 p. m.. Baltimore, Annapolis, and all Way Stations. aXlp.m., Philadelphia and Baltimore. Supper at Belay. 4:45 p. m., Chicago, Cincinnati, LoulsTllle, Bt. Louis, Columbus, Sandusky. Wheeling, and the Weit. Pullman Caw. Brakfttt al Grafton. IifOD.m., Baltimore and Relay. 7.MP. m.. Baltimore ancVali way Stations. 8:45 Plttiburc Express. Pullman Cars. 10:00 p. m., Baltimore and all Way btatlona. . SUNDAY TRAIN!,. 1:00 and 8:33 a. m., 1:10, !::5, 8:43, and 10:09 AU Trains Stop at Yladnct Hotel, Belay House Sta- - tlon. rJ.5,K,'t!tr-I"orm'l,n PPlTt the Baltimore and Ohio Ticket OOcea, Washington Station, and 435 Pennsylvania arenne, where orders will be taken for Baggage to be checked and recelred at any point L. M, COLE, Ocnersl Ticket Agent. J?SS B-,?aA,- JftJiS.": 5jnrporutlo-i. 8. KOONTZ. General a rent. T3 ALTlilOBE AND POTQ3iAU"BAaLROAd: DEPOT COBNEBoITTJfiAND B BTBEET8 After ArniL is', m. trains will ran a follows: TBAIKS LEAVE FOB TEAi ABKITE AT BALTlJiortE. I WASHINGTON. : . Elmlrj MU1, 8:11 a, mM New York daiir, except afoaday.f Expnaa, dally. 8.w St. iu., AccommoJa.8.w a. m.. Aocommola. 'tlon," ildrV.' :3a.m.1, Ne :- . . . ,.,iSn' "Pt Bunlay. ew m ork Llm-10 40 a. m ' n2it v.. iiru I Knrefa. dallv t-I Lin. iVmi, gfm( iia": ."":. . ... ., ? 2 J'-?.- "Vj . ff-. z L r.T-"'"',J." delnhla falo and Weal, dallr x-i ilal houtnem cept Sunday. day.- ' ' 8.0 p. ra.. Accommoda-!4:(8 p. m.. Waahlsgton Va, aauy excrps sun- i,imitea sxcreas. cTallr . ?r- w.i . . except ejnnday. except ejnnday. Oj D. m.. Aeroi m., ruupara; Ex-eoj p. m., Accommola- press ror ntlJDurr, I Inn, Hmnt finnrl, cinnitl and. eoutbwe.t. 8 .10 n i . Miiwuii, vin- aaa. eoutu SWd m.. 1 outbwe.t, io p. m.. Dally, from dally. 6 Wp m Plilli-, BalUuiorC; delpnla Express, duly cep except Sunday. I Wei re: dallr. ei. t slundar. from 'j.tSn V.,lli 0:01 n. .Dally NewU-08 p. in.. Southern ork Mght Express. Express, dally. 9s p. m.. facin EX' press, daliy. XX- rams tearing Washington at 8.00 a. a. on xton '. Wednesdarand FrlS.r. and n m. d.tlr oy. except bundar, connect at Bowie with trains for Pope's Cretk. leaving Bowie at 10:03 a. m and 5.18 p. m., arriving at Pope's Creek at 3:03 and 7.3S p. ra. Tnlns leaving Washington at 8:M a. m. and 3:33 p. m. connect at Odenton with trains for Annapolis. Trains arrlrlng at Washington at 10:40 a, m. and 8:3Jp. ra. connect at Bowie with trains from Pone's Creak line Psssengen leaving their orders at Ticket Oflre, northwest corner Thirteenth street and Pennsyl vania avenue, northwest corner Sixth itreet and Pennsylvania avenue, can have their baggage oalled for and checked ax hotel! and residences to all points Itorth and West. Throurh tickets to rHnrlBnatf Columbus. Indianapolis. Louisville, Ht.LouU, New, r'lilfaa'A- tin,,',, k.n ?,. t.n .j ,, points East, West. North and t path. E L. lit BARKY, GrnC buperlntendent. E. s. YOUNG, Gen. Passenger Agent. fw vork'and washikoton 1 THR"i;Gn L'V TO BALTIUOBE, cutuaii.itfii I a. NEW YORK. BOTOV, ALL POINTS IS TUB NEW- ENGL' iLAND THROUGH BETWEKN WASHINGTON AND Nl,r YORK WITHOUT HI ANOE OF CARS. The equipment on this line is new and of the molt firHBI anil iiiiurv,cu nnisu. t: UA.IJI LFAYISU AT :3 A. M. IS PULLMAN 1-AKLUK CAB TRAIN EXCLUSIVELY. rULLHAN rAJAVR.JP.T,,!;Wu CAKa 0M On and arterBUNnAY. Anrtl m. IE7E 'aa inaif, TWO TRAINS bA.LY (except Sunday) will be ran over the Pennsylvania Air Line, leaving from and arriving at the depot of the Baltimore and Potomac rallroia. northeast corner of Sixth and B streets, aa follows: New x ork limited express, leave Washington at 8.23 a. m. dally, except Sunday. Leave Baltimore at 10 JJ a. m. daily, except Bun- LenWett Philadelphia at 1:25 p.m. dally, ex cept Bundav. Arrive at New York at 4:10 p. m. dilly, except Sunday. 5:50 p. m Philadelphir Express. Night Express, lean Washington at 8.08 p. m.. Leave Baltimore at 10:43 p. m. daily. Leave West Philadelphia at 2 3ia. m. dally. Arrive at Jjew Turk at 8 00 a. m. diUy. oZ., - . DRAINS BETUn.MNO. Philadelphia Extiress arrive! at 1:35 p. ra. Htiuti, MUIECW ISIIIlliAla.lO. Arrive at wa-h ngtcn ill tap. m. Mght Express, leave New York at 8.55 p. a. Arrive at Wajhingi on at 3:Ua tn. Connections are made in New York with itea' aaen on Bound. New York, New Haven and Hartford lonnd. oadx, ipi w New York Central and Hudson Elver rTvVr'laai" and ateamen oa ii union age: FXSIV is low si hT an r other route. Baggage calledToranqcherxedat hotel! andetl Tale reiideneea oa orden left at the fpl.oing oacei, where ticket, and Information, cn ba ob tained! Kortheait corner of Thirteenth atreet and Pennsylvania avenue;, northern corner of Sixth, trcet and Pcnnaylranla av-nui; pastcnf r station Baltimore and Potomzc railroad, corner tilth and II streeta. , lb. B. XOVSO, ap2i-f. GenenlPassenf r Agcst. As-EXANDBIA A N D WASHINGTON ii. RAILROAD AND ALEXANDRIA AND , yHEDERICKSnUHO BAtttA'r-J-tl, DEfOT CORNER SIXTH AND B BTEEET8. Local trains for Alexandria leave as followsii.8.t3. J, , 10, 11 a. tu.. LI. 4. 8, 8. 7. p. m.. and t a-tn. and 7 p. in. to Alexandria dally; all others dally except 6unday. - ... - ,. Local trains leave Alexandria as follows: 4.7,8. 8,; 3. 4. 8, 8 and 7 p.m.; 8 a.m. and IP, in. from Alexandria dally; all other1 trains dally, except Sunday. .Trains marked thus connect with tralni on WeiliiiitiAnandOhlo railroad. VUAraTico accommodation leaves wasaington only, onir. R flimnnX. i,aica uasntngtou ii:s p. m., aauy, except sun Through tickets o all points South and Boothwnt for sale at the utnee corner Sixth and Fenna) Ivanla avenue, and Thirteenth and. Pcnnsylt aola avenue, when pasicngers can leave orders for baggage to be checked at all hotels esd retldencestnrdnghto destination. " E. 8. YOUNO. mhS-tf General Paisenger Agent. GREAT PESSTIaYANIA ROUTE TO THE jOBTHWEST, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Onand after March Js, 1874, trains will leave as l aahlugton.... 5.33 a. tn. Baltimore.... 8:23 a. m. " ....ll:X3a.n. .... l:Up. m. .... S.iop.rr. I ..70p.m. ".... 8.38 I " THE GREAT DOUULE-TRACK ROUTE. with elant Scenery. Talace Stite-roora, day and ulsht cars, with modern Improvements. Turoj liuudred miles saved to Weitcrn and Central The 8J3 a. tn. Elmlra dally, except Monday; the 11:35 a. m. dally, except Sunday, uorthwen: 3:34 p. m, dally West and tvonthwest ; 8: p. nx. daily WJf- MAKE connections: tlirough from Washington to Pittbbitrg, Cb cage and Buffalo without change. comer of S aicaeii uv inis route can imp:uicw a, im ocice. sixin Itreet and Penniylranla avenue, i"here iiiEi. inSSnatirtn will 'be Vlven it ill tlmt. . .AS-rf.,-. a i. -sa Paisengcn procuring. tickets at thue oslces can secLrc xcconiniodatlotu In palace,Carsfort. Louis, Culcagoandilntralo, ? .. Corner Thirteenth at. 8 nd renn. avijne. D. M. BOYD, Jn., Gcneral.Paucnser.Agent, doiv - ' -Pliliadeipnir. j . . :u . fi i ;a ,, aiiuiiaiuii, if. v. r mmtfmr r-wn v sRtnrt tTi . The Celebrated Stein Sanaa, Tavrlefy of olbar Caiaketa n(ICr-flnaortlielateitptittena.-sc ,. Robes and .Shrouds. 'ata-Bodles XUBALMED and prepared' for tnnsa portanjmlJrWtnotjoe. ; c ray21j -REAL'ESTATE AGENTS." RICHARD M." HARYEY, " BEAL ESTATE K0TE BB0KEE, NO. ldl BTREET NOBTHW'EaT: ap4-tf Offlce nOurli 8a. m. to 4 p.'m, INSECT POWDER IBULK, For tbo destruction of Roachei, Water Doci, Fleas, Moth, Asia, Act told In any Quantity from an ounce to tb barrel; much cheapix-thxn that told in little bottle; perfectly harmless to ail except the insect tribe. Also. Bellows, of various' tliet, to blow the Povr- derinto the cracks and crevices Z. B. GILMAN. Bja pwelt, IS? rfB.8. ayejue. lly VJ -PRQEOSA-LS. - DBOPOSALS FOR SUPTL1ES. '-'. ' RRAL.ED once until It o'clock of Jspenext, for fdruiihlag to tbo MarineCorpi, during tbe tso-inat enSlnr-lcIboI June, 175, the attheomteof luuowing luriiuies, to oe aenrena the Asil.tsn Onartensuter Marine (terpa, Phllidelpb! fm. TaV.. fW r attr-t-iaM'at A il United States. ' " - r The dellreryoflhe article! eisbriced la olassei Not. L, z, and llo commence wliMn irrenty dtyii In classes 4, (, and 8 within forty daft, and the en tire Qnantltr. of all classes, to ba dellTcred within six month! from date of contnet. ThU offlce reierrei the right to accept bid! for the wnole, a part, .or an article of a class, a may be deemed best for tbe interest of the tiotcrnrcent" M . , CLASS No. L ' ,000 yards sky-ble Kersey, all wool, M inches wi V, (excluslTeof aelredga.) to weigh 32 oinees to-she yard. (Indigo wool dyed,) with white woolen se.reJreV i,C0O yards dark bine Kersey, all wool. 84 inches inches wide, (erc.u ire of selredge,) to weight Uosnori to the yard, (Indigo w dyai.) with white woolen irlyedge, SCO yaiMs Scarlet Cloth, all wool. M Inches wide, (exclusive of selvedjee.) to weigh w ounces to tbe ya-d. ( dyed,) with white woolts seivedge. CLAS1NO.Z. 2,800 yarda dark blue Flannel, for OTersaeks, all wool, (Indigo wool dyed.) M Inches wide, (exclusive of selvedge.) to weigh 11 ounces per yard, with white woolen selvedge. 8,800 yards dark blue Flannel, for shirts, all wool, (Indigo wool dyed.) 27 inches wide, (exclu sive of selvedge,) to weigh 8 ounces per yard, with white woolen selredge. 00 fray Blankets, all wool, to weigh a pounds each, to be 7 f.-et long and t feet wide, and free from grease. 8,(00 pairs woolen Bocka, three alsea. properly made of good seece wool, with doublnaad twisted yarn, to weigh Irjsunds per doxea. pairs, free from grease. J CLASS NO. 8. 4, (DO yards white T.lnen. for pants, 80 inches wide, to weigh 13 ounces per yard. 8,000 yards white Linen, for shirt ,,80 inches wide, to weigh 11 cmnces per yard; ' 10,000 yardi Canton flannel, for drawers, 27 inches J wide, to wetirh Batuneas Tier vard. 2,500 yardi Cotton flexing, for bed-tacks, 88 Inches wide. CLASS NO. 4. fiCO uniform Cape, complete, except pompons. 800 Pompons, red worsted, bill-ihiwd, and 3 inches In circumference. 2,4007stlgne Caps, with covers, to be made of blue cloth, (Indigo wool dyed,) vlth orna ment!. 1,000 Stocks. 250 Fatigue Cap Ornaments. i LASS No. 5. 150 gross Coat Buttons, (eagle.) 63 " Jacket Buttons, (eagle.) 24 ' Velt Buttons, (eagle.) 800 sets Epaulette Bullion, (privates' ) l.tno yards Yellow Binding. 2,(36 " .Bed Cord. 10 swords for muilclana, complete. 10 Drums, complete. 100 Batter brum Heads. 73 Snare Drum Headi. 23 Drum Cords. 40 sets Drum Snares. 0 boxwood B Fifes. 30 pain Drumsticks. 400 balrsCresccnt and Scale Straps. SO Bed Wonted 38 sets Epaulette Bullion, (sergeants'. ) 10 Bword Bcablards, with mountings, 28 Inches long by X wide, and H-inch thick. 10 Bword Scabbards, with mountings, 24 inches long oyS wiaand M-ln thick. 8 Sword Scabbards, with mounting!, UMlnchts long by 1 8-18 wide, and H-inch thick. , 6 Bword Scabbards, with mountings. 28 inches long by 1 8-lt wide, aud t-18-Incb thiol. CLASS No. i. 8,000 pain Bootes, (infantry pattern.) CI.AENo.T. 400 Cartridge Boxes, without magaatnes. X$ Bayonet Scabbards, with frogs attached. tOOCaftrldge-Sox Belts. vm aiss reus. SO sword Frogs. 40 Cartridge Bo 40 Cartridge Boxes for Eergtsnti. too Knapsacks, tTalft PlBtaL (With the prlvutge of increasing any of the above quantities, not to exceed one third.) CLASS So.. .. 1 or miking and trimming the following articles, Thatch Coats. Uniform Coats for sergeants, corporals, musi cian and privates. Fatigue Co its for sergeants, corporal musi cians and prrrates. Woolen Pants for sergeants, corporals, mnal elsns and private. Linen i'anta for sergeants, corporals, musicians and prlvawe. Flannel bhlrta. Linen Shirts. Itrawcn, IMannal filrVi. ed and Blue Jackets for Boys, ajt aafaa. Tiie above mentioned articles must conform to the sealed atandard patterns in the offlce of the Quarter- mailer, Marine Corps, Marine Barracks, Washing ton, b.O.: Aiiutiht (.uartermaster'a once. No. 2W South Fourth street, Philadelphia, and at the liarlne Barracks, Brooklyn, Ktw fork, and Bos ton, MsMtchusetta, where they can be examined; and whenever tbe articles named above, or any por tion of them, shall ba conaldered as not fully con forming to sampler, they will be rejected, and the contractor will oe nouna to xurniau ouiera aiiai required kind at once, or the Quartermaster will nil the daftrttner at tbe expense of the contractor. Pavmenta will be made noon accented deliveries. withholdlngten per cent, from the amount of nrat acrottnt rendered until second delirer; li nude. ant. from tmonnt oi eecootl tcconnt rendered until third 4eimi7 ii u&a, anaoon nnsu contract u com- lili-taFida A rturantee, i'rned dt two tierioiu, wnore re fponctbllttTmntie certified to lirs United States district Jnajre, district attoraer, or collector, mntt accompaiiTeixlipropotal, otlicrwUeH -will not be coQiiaerra. Blank forms of proposal can be obtalned-npoa ap plication at this offlce, the offlce of the-AiiUtsfat vamriejTaaticr, x uiitvutaALuisa, mi -- oucf oi wo Afilstant Qnarurmsster, Marine BaiTacis-JIrook- NiTwmaDcrs antborlzed to Dnblisb the abore will send th paper containing tbe first tnserUon to this omce.orcXaUn.a.tva. ThebWd-r's place of bntlnws or manttfactarlnff etbUhment must be stated In the proposal. Proposals to be Indorsed n the enrelope, "Fro- pojsriri;iassitiOa-ior wia ausnni worpa." ua aaarcisea to MAJOR WILLIAM B. SLACK. myl Qnartermatler U. B. M. C. )ROPOSAL3 FOB FUEL. Headouahtxes Mabixx Coxrs, .Siil uuanTzriiii.TXK'1 umi WA8HEHOTOX. May 4, Sealed proposals will bj received at this office un til II o'clock m. of FRIDAY, tbe nth day of June next, for lupplylng Wood and Coal to the United Btatea Atarlnea at one or more of the followlnc places during the nacal yeir ending 80th Jane. 187k . The Wood to be merchantable Oak. and to ba de livered, plied, meaaurcd and Inspected at such point! within the limit! of the Marine Barracks as may be designated by the commanding Marine Offi cer, tree oi expense iq ine untied staiea. The Coal to be good white ash anthracite egg Coil, free from dust, and to weigh 2,240 pounds to the (on, to be Inspected by tbe commanding Marine Oncer, and delivered at such, points within the Timlts of the liarlne Bsrrscli asmay be dtilgnatadby him, free of expense to the United States; and both Wood ana uoi to oeiarnisneaupon the montniyorqi terly requisition of tbe commaadlng oOcer. in oar- ow- ing ine quanuiiea reqnirea in accorquce witn reg uUUons,vUl Xt . PORTSMOUTH, N. H. 100 tons of Coil, CO cords of Wood. CHABLESTOWN, MASS. 13 tons of Coil. 0 cords of wood.. BBOOKXYN. N. Y. (inetubUng Asslrtanl.QUarUrmaster'i Omce.) loo tens of Coal. L0 cords of wood. ioo,oafofCP,HLAl)ZLralAFA- ISO cor Jl of Wood. cori ncl (Ine! uaing AiiiitaniuusrieTmaite WASHINGTON, D. C. Indadlng gnxrd alNavalMagi termaster' sOWce. ) (Indadlng gnxrd lagaxlne,) law ivuivi yvai. 800 eordt of Wood, ANNAPOLIS. AID. CO cords of Wood.- , J tons of Coll.- 80 cords cf Wood. PEN3AC0LA, FLA. SO eordt of oM. "Z. , HAtUa UUUIV, UAlu l-JtonforCosl. ru oan-us or H OOa. (With ta prtvmga of lncrextlng the quantity The vf ood ani Cat! furnished at WaiuWrtoadlr MeaTi tobetatafured, vrtlgbtd tad eertlaad by fheGov erhmeltt la;iector ppointiibTihaMafyDenrt- L'SSSS? mad ilhZii th, retelfit dfec- couats dnly autaJStletlf d by tot corfman.teg OB, cert of the potts which the "Wood t Coal nai bfadeilT-re3. Tbe rtghili reurtfdro leJectaU bldsconilderednnreatonab'er , J '? T A gueVebty, M be tUrnMbytwinRiollslblePer soBs..Thoie .reiponilsllty iutt e omlSed ttTbr the UnUM ItatcJ DUtrictAttoJne7. or United Btatet collector, muit accompanyeach propoiii, otherwise It will not be eoaaldircd. 'Xobe ladarted "Prpposili fgx Fuel," and ad dnsted to th.nnder.l.n-K- Milor and CurUrsuttgiUiilted BtaUa Marine vorpa. . . Ceplta Of. tht Diawlnu, 8pe dncatloni and Bche dule mar be had on kpnUcstlon at tali office. pus (rt- trtetofi. -' - Proposals will be made by the piece, at called for I in ma 9neuB4c, The work will not be isb-dlvldei anonr different bidden, but will be considered In the efrFcrite. tbf?J ddnlhi from date .of accept ic of. tbe pro- i wneie or me wora mail cs complettd within ,SSfe& eent. un AUbldimiht t biKoaTptnledby aplnoni, in the sum two resnonslbtarjraons. tn the n dolUn.'ULKSrfthat the bWder-wlf ?I.Te m Tna rianirttnant reserves tha rieht io relent ehv or all btdiTif tt be deemed for the uteresf of 1M Government to do to. i Every bid aul be made on tht printed form to be obtained, at tblt oflce, and muil conform fa every respect to tbe re.uirementi of thlt adrtrtlrtaent, ir 11 Will BBI n,VUNUM.,M . a 1. " Propotala will not ba received from partlei who are not theaseivei ntS tn the mstJuficture of cast-iron work, and hd have not, the tiecessary cast-iron work, and raciutiesrorgnwng"usiewwa.i v r , ,- All bids mustbe ihciosed In asealtd enViloM, and Indorsed "rropossli for Ct4t-lrpn WorB" el Booth Wing New State, War and Navy Dspafiprnta' Building, Waialagton, D. 0.. and JWgU) jtyO-Mt1 ' . Snotrviiing Architect -pBOFUSALS FOB MIUTAEV SUtFJilES - orrtci Citixr OtJABTEBXAtrxx, TntBDpuT.UtxrrABYDiV.AttaiiTio, PiTiLAPELtnu, Pa.. May It, Art. . J. Sealed p.-opossTi. (tn triplicate.) ander thannal cosdltloui, wljlibe received at this 0oe, and alio at the offlcei of the UalUd fitatet QnArteTaiaitert at theasrerUppfU named beloWaVntli 12 o'clock a., a eft, nDXIl, .41 -a. .a-a. ..L.ll... as. aA vu ,,a.9af fI, Itiai IIIU Ull u -aur, aa... av, ine aeitvery or Mlitfi Bids far anv nortlnn fir the aurmllei will be enter talned. r The Government reserves the rlgbtto reject any or all bids. Blank proposal! and printed clrenlar inowlng tbeeitlmatedquantltlei required ateienpoit, ana glrlog full instructions as to ibemasaeror bidding snd terms of contractand payment, can be obtained by personal or written application to tbeQnarter misters at tbe varurai posti. or to tbii offioe. .C.O.BAWTELLE. Quartcrpu'er U. 8. j., anBrXa fill. Geo. niAEOVAsTiat'MAHixi Cpkrj, jt QuijTBanAsTiE'a OriCR rROPDaAYJk wllV h. riTiV f Sla ST- nfTTTfc4ItAW. ihaHhd. t)nftd fetites , 9JT PROPOSALS FOR CAST.IBON WORK FOR THE SOBTH WINO -Q JHE StW 8 TATE. WAS AND SAJT IDE APART MENTS' BUltDINO, AT WAgnnfftTON, D. C.i II -as - I ! ttaaaaX. 'f oxricz or BnaTUixaXagnefS,ij- . . WashiSotoX, D. P wlyWiWVy-' Seal id pronoiabi wUl be received at til. oflce nntll a in. of the 8d day of J uaa. irt, for fnnlih Inj, dellverlngrdtting and phtting la JUcl tht Cast-iron TrtiSmlngi faqnlrtd fofthi rWoiaand wind-wt or the South Wing of the New Stye, Wtr and Navy Departments' Building, it WaiUair iDn. im. u. Sllfla poformihe eontrict, ix. atrayaja ?!?8,fe&lwJ!wV ISlateiCoiirLor UUt'wktntatM rr-BBpniies auriiaa i IKS, asToUowJt Fuel. Forage, and Straw V the foliowing.namdpoititahimere.FortMcUenry, and FortToeta. Marrlanil. fr - AUCTION' SAITeS Tt Baqr.'i Y EATJXER 4 CXEAB-J,: ',, V r Anctlonetr and Jlesl EjUta'B roters, ". Southwest eorner' Pens. tfBo aaa-BeTexOi St., , i ttar Offlce 3alldlif,, , . OOTXBR-dirENi1 BiiXEOr ABOKra,'RO"B8E.' UJ TUt-SUAT.A-TJSKaU) QK.tklav.-tE. all aXX c'clock, we shall aell US. HEUUIIKU. IUliBt Uia.IUU.Kl W'. .,, i.... . U....-B !.. 1 ral'a Office, eorn-rof Flaeenth and? streets Borth- reit, superior Baddla Br";.' uaiia A CLEARY, AucUoneirl. aya-n BY IO.TTMEB- CLEAR Yt Anetloneeri and Beal Estate Broken, Southwest corner brPennsjlTauiaaTenua ami Eler. cnth street, BtarOmee Balldlac.- E OF A 7HnEE-8TORY BET- NOHT1I--FENTH AND BiCK. DWELL lit S'O-ON I :s THl TREETrS I It EE ibtfent: OUKTEENTH .TELY OPP06I :, AND I4nr-.DI- AT1CI.V OPPOHrTR.rRANICLIN RnnARC. finder and br Virtue of a deed of trust, dated March 14, 1371,'and dnly recorded in Llbeaeai. folio IT niunsiva ID" Will ipa. K II ., VHWUV WNUVUfUUNK VICOIIIr.VU lUlif tfAl, iueiB aiy oi siay, isia, at eo'cioca, p. m., the eastern pert of lot numbered twenty. (30,) in square nhmbered two hundred and flfly, 1150,) bar ing Brou.w risaiccu icvt vua locu pu iiyi.u a street, and running back with tbe time width to tfa.wthwii BrrMr lnu of a,ld tat- together with the Unnrorrmcnta tberron, eonaisting ofB,well bnlt three-story brick .Dwelling, With two-story Rack Rnfldlntr. rontalninv In all about ten rooms. witn, range, nos ana coia water, maroie -r.: This property Is situated in on of the most con venient and- pleaaant locaslous In tbe dry, and should command the attention of persons desirous of securing a delightful "oat. Termst i unci at fourth; rssldoe In twelve, elrh irafonrajld Odftr montha. with Interest teen, twenty-to iromaayoi lajeasscn per ceou per annum, aii conveyanclnf st,ft ofparohaser. Threehundred dollars dow at tlai oTtitr If the urns of sale an not aomp'l'd with In ten daya from day of sale the trestee reearvr the right to resell the properly at the risk and coit of -the defaulting purchaier. alter giving five daya' notice In aoxue newspaper published in the cttv of Washington. c SAMUEDCKtsilnrvTVTnrTTniree.' , latimeb a cjCeabt, myis-dlds ' IStaT) - Auctloneere?- iTT" i " - . T- . - Z. Z BY B. H. WARNER; .Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts.N. W. ASSIGNEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED AMI IINlMPRiiVPI. itCAL -iStite iS BOUARE 4S3, FROKTINO ON FOUH-AND-A- HALF8TREKT,BETWEEN e AND VOTRbETS v hth sirn BTWEE BllllTt ruwitax; un p bTKKKT, between STRKET. FOUR-AND-AHALl -1JWr8t!fflE SOUTHWEST; ON If-", fKEN K AVT1 Ei r. HhETS fUU JJtWEST, AND ON-E1TBEET, BETWEEN FO jx if f, x iijffjfifi, nf.i ,, s.s.1, m vyAan if ALMI, ON THE- SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SIXTH AKD F, STREETS MOUTH WEtlT, IN SQUARE 4M, AT PUBUtf-AUCTloit. On TUESDAY, the 28th day of May. 1871, com mencing at 8 o'clock p. m., ani on each succeeding evening, commencing at the tamo hour, until 11 the property is sold, we win offer fol u'e.ln front of the reanectlve nieces of nronertr. lots 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 10, II, 12, It 14. 13, IS. n. IS. 18. 20. p, 2E 22. jhe well avvta icvi irons 01 101 n, ill qi i, w, a, lue weit eighteen reel front of 1 all of 84, tbo south twenty feit front of 38. all of 89, 40, 41, 47. and the north eight fe-t eight inches iron t of lot 3,1a squan 4.13, with all the Improvemcnte thereon; aUo, sub lot II, in MOlrfiSr - TertnTof silei One third catht the residue in one, two and tbrea years. with Inttrest at eight percent., piyahlc semi-annually. All conveyancing at pur chuer'a cost; $10O deposit on acceptance of each m' JOHNHITZ, . k BRAINAttD II. WABNEH, Aitlrnecs. JAUES B. EDWARDS, ) 3. T. COLDWELL, myl3-WF)IAd,s Ealesmsn. BY B. IT. WARNER, Real Estate Broker and Anctloneer, Federal Buildings, corner Bcrenlb and F sts. N.W. TRUSTEES' BALE Of VALUABLE IM PROVED PROPERTY ON THE NOhTll WEST CORN CRor FOURTEENTH ANDX BTREETd NOUTHWE8T AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated April 30, 1873, dulyrecord4 In Liber 713 etaeq., one of the land records for Wash ngton county, in the District of Columbia, an i at the request of tha party secured thereby, we will sell at public front of tbe premises. on TUESDAY, Marts. 1874, at 8 o'clock p. m., the folIOTlng described real estate, situate in Die eityof Wasniniton, D. C to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of ground known and de IcrtDedatallof lol namberea one, (I,) la square num bered two hundred and five, (2J5,1 l tbe tame li lild down on the plat or plan of aaid iquare, aall lot e renting elthtv (A) rest on Fonrt-entn itreet wen y one hnndred ( 1001 reel on T itreet north, together wltt the Improvement', comlitlng of atwo-itorr and basement fr-mo antlllu and a ono-itory brlcx store. Terms: One third In eisi. and the balance at six and twelve months, for which the notes of the pur-eha-er. bearing Interest at ten per cent, from the day of sale and secured by a deed of trust on tbe property sold, will be tasn; 810 will b required as a depiielt at time of sale. All convey mclng at me expense oi i .e purcuaf er. si terms ui sue are not eonip le i within scrtndiys, tbe trustees reserve the r g it to ns-'li V e property, at therlsk and cost at th defaulting purchaser, after dve days' adver tisement. WILLIAM 8TICKNEY, I -.,. OEoHUE H. PLAN r ' Trnatees. J.T.U-.DWELL,. mjTt-Tu.TliEa.aC't Saktman. BY THOMAS E. WAGGAMAN. Beal Estate Anctloneer, 5U Seventh street. CHADCEBY SALE OP A VERY VALUABLE LOT ON NORTdWEsTCORNFR OFFIGHTII AND-K'BTREETS, OPPOSITE THE POiT i'FFICE. )y virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District a.'Columbta, paitedZM Jane, 1871, In equity cause 'No. USB. the undersigned, truree, wlilKlI, at nubile anctlocw in from of tbe premises, on TUESDAY, May 28, 1374, at 6:30 o'clock, all that part of aouare408. beginning at the southesst cor ner of said square and running thence with E street 50 feet; thence north 87 feet 8 Inches to an alley; thence east to Eighth itreet 50 feet; thence south to the besrlnnlnrt7Itteiaehes. The above property ebon d receives the especial attention of cnltsllits an 1 others on arronnt ofltl proximity ta the Post Oflce and Patent OSce nuiiamra. Terms of aalei One third cash, and the residue in two equal Initallmtnts at one and two years, to beir lntvraat frnm thtdavof tal. the. not tit lb nnr- chaser to be glrrn for the tleferred. payments, secured on tke property told, or all osih, at the option of purchaser. A wo UBnarcu ooiiin arpoii, rvquirca. " ""' w. E. EliMONSTliN, frns ee. THOMAS E. WAGGAMAN. mylt-TuThSldt Auctioneer. Fntnre) Daya. BY LATIMER A CLEARY, Anctloueen and Real Estate Broken. Southwest corner Penn, avenueand Eleventh st. Star Omec Buildings. ABINGTONPAKK HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. GEBAT SALE OP SUBUHBAM PROPERTY At Public Auction, ON 'THREE YEARS' TaELE. This Tovn hu been surveyed and laid out by Mr. WILLIAM' Pa TWAMLEY, Topographical En gineer and Landscape Gardener, after the manner ofNOBWOOP ip'dBipLEYPABB, narPhila dxlpUsa and HlOHLANDPABKaBtar Baltimore. TTialoti are ono hundred and fifty by ont hundred feet;'' the streets are tlxty-slx feet wide. THE POTOMAC BOULEVARD, ' connecting the Waihington turnpike with the Georgetown road, Ii one hundred feet wide, form log adrifeof oneth'oBundysrds. TberoliubetdxreaiUbenUty In, laying out thlt Town. There ire levsrai public) Beiervatlona and Park. On the heights, two liundred feet abore the Titer, are the VILLA SITES, bf four acres each. Thesr!ew from these height t It oneoutled by any oa thlt coxtilnent. Tbe tcentry It Supertvtnd there can- beJSe'en In varied beauty the rolllog country of hill and-YtUtT, dlveriLnod with cmes, towns, hittleti, coSaJrseaU and for ttit', llh tht Pctomie river vlajfra.for oiiet. To ell deilronj of etoiplngtho excciiive taxation of tnaotty, andsecntlnr Bexetlful Homat,-tblt oSen advavitaraa ttninrriaiiDd. Thlt Valuable projWyi'beloniintto ALEXAN- DBB HUNTER, etc-,, lief between the two cities of WathiBftoti tod Alexandria, two miles from lhf National Capital, imniJIately on the Washlnr tft Tarnplkt and Billfold, tadwiinln a stoat's throw of Hunter's Btailos, where quick trinilt can be bad to either city.' Faff, ten cents. Tlitr tale will take place on . THURSDAY, JUNE 18- 1874; J At Tito o'clock p. it. Excimsios TiuixSj.waL sis sua', COLTjATIOX SERYED, and mtny lnducemend offered. " ' Mips and Uandbllli thlt week. LATIMEB A CLEABT, ppWTm ' AucMoityi. A(I0N4JgQ'- '".. t-T 77 .rgHttVfc-BAYyrr ?, nwn aa MIVlr Jt Real Estatsr Braked ahdinetioneer 1 Federal-BUldlags, cor. Brrtnth and T its. N. Tr. i sir 7r ' a- 7 e" "" ZBUbTE BALE OF VALUABLE BUILDING fa. . . vf,,wii ixntAriAoi niAfAf. . .?T.Tlrtua of a .deed 9f trust to Daniel E. Eaton dated November 17, i ,7, . s D157Vnd duly recorded 1U Elbruz, rouo Met sea for Wahrngtpn connfy.'in thaDlstrlrt of Colam' one oi tnc lana recoraa bla. and also .wui,, ih iu,vaiiiTkvi vumyi' Ttrtuaor a decree etf tha Sonreme Cjurtoraatdl strict. etialrycaasaNo.aBI, docket U, iuhstUutlnirtbe undersigned trustee in place of k.u l wivn, laK1lt mU 11 IUEIT1iUt.K ofi the party secured hvtald deed of trnit w.wlll sell. In- front of the premises, on the md lesllnr from Georgetown to in Fonrfnenth street road, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, Jane J) com mencing at 3:30 o'clock p. a., the following de- scxiircu xoai rsLate. aiiraie in ine county OI Wllu- Inglon. DUtrlct of Columbia, to win, All those pieces or parcel of tind known and drilrnated as aouara or block nnmb-red thirteen, (lMcontatnlnc sfxtyaevea thousand (87,(0 -)squan Act. ant lou nnmberel nspwctlvely one. (I,) two, (t,) three, It) four. (O nve, (8.) six. (.) twelve, (It,, thirteen, (13, irohrtecn. (It.) art-en, (iMan. six teen, (it,) In square or block numbered twenty-one, JS.) containing eighty-two t'-outand live hundred (12,500) snnare Teet. according to Hall and Xlvan's recorded subdivision of thifceTUia parcel of land known as Merldtan Hlti." as surveyed In Beptem ber, A. D. IS57, by Charles H..BIUa. surveyor. At the street line of railway will soon be extended to "Mount Pleasant," 'Terr near this property, a. faroiahle opportunity wl'1 be offered to capltalls'? oi-cirraawuniua-io p-ovtae inemseivet witn sues for suburban residences. Terms: One fiurth cash, and the balance In six. IW'lre, and eighteen months, for which the notes or the purchaser, bearing Interest at the nte of ten per cent, per annum from the day or sale, and ccured by a deed or trust on tbe property, wilt be taken: JiOU will be required as a deposit at time or l ile. All'conveyaneisf at tbe expense or the pur chaser, ir terms of tale an not compiled with In sevenaUys thrtrustee reserves the right to readl tbe property snhe risk and cost or the defaulting purchaser after BTed-ys advertisement. j wiimwii ,r. eiiLAnai. lrn,,iaM JOHN W. Al.vimn. Trustees, J.T. COLDWELL, Baleanun. mjns-M,W,F4tls YYB. H. WARNER, J- .Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer. No. 73 Seventh street, between O and H. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A TWO-STORY FRAME PJfct,kl-1NS J?.1. J"E -sT ?DE OF FIFTH STREET, BEWEEN K AND O STREETS SOUfHEASr. AT AUCTION. By virtue or a deed or trust, dated May i. A. D. 1871, and dulrrrcorded In Liber No. 711, folio 483. and at tbe leanest or the party second thereby,! wtllaeii. In fipnt or tht premises, at public auc tion, on TUESDAY, June 2. 1974, at 8 o'clock p m., the rotIcrwing-descrlbedraletate,altuaie in Wash. lngton elty, D. C; to wltt All that certain piece or parcel or landaletcribed on the around nlat or nlan or aald city at apart of lot -numbered ten (10). In tquara numben nru Jl beginning st aroint so fet-t soath' froai the nort'j wcit xorner or said sqrare, and running thenee south 30 reet; thence eiit 82 feet 1 inch; thence north toreet. end thence west 82 feet and! Inch, to the pises of beginning, together with tbe improve ililXffSmfi -v two-'to,7 rrame dwelling. Terms tw,wfth Interest at tenser rent. from Febrnsry it, let, to dsy ot tale, and expmse of sale in cash; balance In six and twelve months, for which the notes of the purehaser, bearing Interest rronidayor itle, anlre-uredby a deed of trust on the property, will be liken. A deposit or $53 will be required attune or sal. Irtenns or sale are not compiled with In leren days, the trustee reservei the right to resell tbe property at the risk and co.t of the defaulting purehaser, after ave days' adver t'eement In some one or inore newspapen pub llcdlnWason,ac r3g(ee -WV..WR- J COLDWELL, ap30-TbUtds Salesman. BY B. II. WAn5ER, Real Estate Broker and Anctloneer. Federal BnU-Ilnr;a, corner berenU, and F rts.AV.W. TRTJSTEF.8 8 VLEQF VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED REAL IK U.NIONTOWN, D. C , AT AXfoflOXl UTTirtacofa daed of trust to Daniel L. Eaton,, datdd JanuarrU, A. Dr 172, and duly recorded In Ltberls'o. 6T3. folio ill, one of tbe land records for Washington county, D.C.. and also by virtue of a de cree of toe Snpr-rot Court or the District df Colum bia, Equity Cause o.tl76,Doc. 12. ubiUtatlDK the nnderiirncd as trustee In place Of Daniel L. Eaton, deceased. I will aell at public anotlop. In front of the premlsea, on the Ridge Road, and adjoin. nx the church near Uood Xlope," on WEDSeS DAY, May 27, 1874, con-aairacliig at C o'clock p. m., all that piece, parcel, or part of a tract or una lying ana Dtinr 10 ine eoantr of 'WasUlngton, : south of the ! of the totomac rlVer, and known as the Chlcfce- DO, X). pranca ter,be'n2 part of the land conTtyed try Enoch ADCKeriOejonn jrox n a,n 101 iohiqtoi y, deed,dnly recorded in Liber f A 8, No, 7, i jiio U4. e., or me lana recoras or aud county. oermmna iot ine iimt an a twiiu. in ino in the arorer-alrt conreyanee pf Enoch Tucker, twenty one hnndred and aercn (2,107) fret south east from the beginning of satdtMrd line, and being also a corner In the dlvlilonbr this lana and tha landof the late Benjamin B. Smrth, the said point of beglnnlnff tM.lnjr also at the smutneast corner of a ten( tO) icre lot 1,010 ujejooa f ox h ot. 19 uwaricii, i-a runoioft: thence along and with tbe said third line south 47M degrees east 18M feet, more or less, to tbe e-Ige of tbe Ridge road,' being the end of eatdtnirailne; thence south 12'degrves west 120-1X perchtstoa mirked white oak, or the stump thereof, by the edge of asJdroad; thei.eeoathlCKdtra tlitnee south H degrees east 11 30-100 perches tQ the second ont lino of the whole tract; aoutncti degreec west M2S-1C0 perches, with said out line, to a stone endortnesametthencenorth 7Mdegreetwest2,Cel fct: thence at iiaht anclea north ! derreea east 273 feet, to the centre of a O-foot road: tnence nortn Z7S aegrees east C73 rect, to ute soutnweit Corner of said Goodrich's lot, and thence north 424 degreeseast M2feet, to tnepl.ceof beginning, except ing a one-arre lot conTeyd by aald Enoch Tucker to ueorge v . uiidiip a at. ior cuarca, -ina ezcepar- Ing al-o a lot of three and one-half (3W acres or inereaoooia, lying in ine corner xonnea oy ine ena of the second ont line and beginning of the third out line, laid out br a tubdlvlalon bv W. Durall at lol numbered six ty-teven wu for a ceme tery. Thlt tract to be told contain! Qoacrsa, more 1CM. AIso. 10, Immediately after the above, will be told, Irtntof tbe tame deed, another part of "Chl r,1 embracing lots numbered 705, 718, and 789 by virtue eester." f to nt, both Inclusive. 7M to 792, both inclusive, and lot marked George w. Dnvall, fronting HOf.eton Johnson street and 113 feet 6 inches on Monroe street, areordlng to a plat of tubdlvlalon and re- uoui.iiiviioi paiivi luu irai, rvcuruvu iu afiifcr 8-n, folio 141, Ac, or the aforesaid lind records, to-. feincr witn uie lmpnrremeni-. coniiinnc oi inree wo-itorr frame dwelling!. The attention or pur cbaien It particularly ca'Jed to this ssle, as It offers rare inducement for profitable investments, kndjiartLrs looking for sltea for suburban residences ciiaTot fall tot-e idled. TERMSi One fourth rash: balinee in one and two ycareaWlth tnterest at 9 peretnt. per annum, pay able seml-aanuallyr to. bo secured uy a deed of t rnst un uie proprny. vh nuuuicu uouui uown oa each lot on day of taU. If tht lermi of sale are not compiled with In aeven days after aale, the property win ne resoia as toe niriaa cost oi aeixuiung pur chaser or pnnhasere. Conveyancing at coat of pur- altaaar nr nur'hiliri. JOHN H. COOK, Truatee. 3. T. COLDWELL, Saleiman. my8-YMWatdi BY D. XI. WARMER Reel Estate Broker and Anctloneer, Federal buildings, corner Seventh and.F it,N.W TRUSTEE'S BALEOF VALUABLE BUltDINO LOTS ON NORTH CAPITOL kTRERT BE TWKEN BAND C BTHEETD NORTH. AND ON C STREET, BETWEEN NORTH CAPITOL y AJAj A I JCa Aj tw si'iua aa una 1UM NEW JERSEY AVENUE, AT AUi.aiUr and sUo by a decree or the Supreme Conn or said DUtrlct. acuity cause No. s.l.1, docket 12, substi tuting the undersigned truitcet In place or Daniel L. Eaton, deceased: and at the request of the partv secure 1 by laid deed or trust, we will sell. In iron I or the premises, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, June 10, 1874. commencing at 8 o'clock p. m.. all thoie pieces or parcels or ground situate la the city or Washington, D. Canown snd described on the arrOuna dlau or nlat of aald city as tors nomoerea iweaty-eigiii, ya.) iwe 'enrr nine, (29.) thirty, ( thirty-One, (3t, ai,f aaiaiif a laLlthlrtr-I l tui Irty-two, 3a,i miriy-mree. i u, ininyiour. (axitniri Iblriy-tlx. (,) thirty-seven ,37)aod uli . (kO of Charles Wilkes' labdlTlslon In me irty- tlgDl. (XI numberei square I The xredtlxnundred tnd Ulny-foar, (est.) lotsoa-NQIlhOitrita ba' Tea front it of twenty (SQ) ret each, ml those on North C front of ationt twenty-four (54) re aptioi Btrecs a s one or thejlnest opportan! the oltv . or waalrlnalon for racn. s ait property oners one oi ine ipOTiania. tics ever a tiruiitauiv lUTca.iMcti... -. . ..... Terms: One third eaiht balance tn itx. (.) twelve (12) aad eignteen (if) stontha. rex which the note, of the trarcbiser'Or purcntsera, bearing. ten per cent., teourtd bya deed or trnit, will be taken. All eopveyanclBg at' the expense or the purchaser or mrchaten Ont hnndred dolltn will be required ai a deposit on each lot at the time of sale. If tie term! of tale are not complied with in tm dayt front the day of aale. the trustee reservei the right to retell tbe property at the tlsk and cost orfie defaulting purchaser or purentseri, after ten days' advertisement in-someone or store newtpa- ytrrs puuii-iiu iti JSLajsi'o1, " jri'irie iuB " y-ftva jin.-.i,.ft 1 Trustees. avun m AJjvunvi myS-WTMAes t. T. COJfDV ' COLDWELL, Salesman, rtij- BY EDWHf J. 8WE1?T, Beal Etute Broker and Anctloneer. No. 811 Beveatb street, opposite U. B. Post Oflcs. By Tlrtne of a deed of fruit given to the under signed, dated Oetober 27, mi, and duly recorded in USer ito. JBtV foUo one or th landrecords of Wsjhlngiqn. county. District of Columbia, and oyjeouen or the party- ecurea.-i witi ten. on nil lAl, ta. eta aay en b the eth day of June. UU, at 8 o'clock . ..a- .!-. I.mj lt- fnllnal.-jAi p.m., Inufrrat f tht pr ir.the tSretnlset. the rollowiagile- I'imt.WSoSidh ItlllltU rval trlof Of CoV area tpq .cfone7l0lll In the. tquar. numbered lx han ire I57J1. ascordlnx to B. F. Gil dred and seventy-Are (57J), according bert's tubdlviiien of saidsqnsre, together rflththe lmpr overfeuu thereon, aald lmprorfOjenM (onsliia Iheof annnanlahed twotarr aad DasEmint brisk v.v. li 7-:. . r?sz- '. - -,1 UaUSEa, ilaa-jgaSf-.".f m 'ZT ,- i-ont hundred ilfara mail fa. nald at lha time of aale. and ithereta uelu six and twelve months, with Intersil tithe rata M ttn net eent. nar annum f rorh data of aale. payable teml-annually,for hlch notes malt be given, leeurtd bya deed of trnit on tht propc i property SOIU If the terms of sale are not complied with within nte dayt from the day of tale, the trains re reserves the right to resell tbe property for cash on ten days' fjnWlc notice, at the rlskaod cost of the purchaser in default. AUtvailJaBCaBI mail W at,"2.Kue ??? '". C. N. TllOM, Trustee. myll-MWrAds Z. J. BWEET, Auctioneer. BY TnOB.'E. TVAOOAKAXi Veal Estate Anctloneer, U9 Seventh itreet. TBCBTEE'B BAtBOF VALUABLE PBOPEBTY, dou ini.A3r WSfrii f-al ur u say xse- By virtue of a deed of (rust dated Jlsr 29,158, and "Ea""! uinaraTSn. Tensiortajrt Onetalrdcaahi balance In oneand iwoyqarsraecuna on propariy -aoio, ana to rcai lntereftrrom dty of sale,- ir all. cath, at optioh o, purchaMr. -A-deposlt.of C0 will braqnirsi, and terms oi silt Iheiruitcei coitofllfai myl2-Tn,Th,SAds- Anttloneei. Try hatikeb CLEABY, Aaotloutera X and Real EltattBrokers; Southwest corner Fens, arcane and Eleventh itreet. Star Offlce BuUdlBg. - ASSIGNEE'S fi. TITHES OF X OtiTHURBDA I will tell, .at No. Eleventh and .lha entire coutentl thereof. eonititls. In cart of th. aiuai assortment of Dn rugs tnd Cbemictli found in a Ont-claii establishmenti rerrumery, Toutt ana fi sxxyAttlcitf. SrasiesTShouider-hrteet tnd Bnpporten. arble-ton Counterst Prescription tounter. TBree-pitle glass and silver-puted Show-cses. Carved Side Cases, Dravrera, Ac. One-nearly new marble Soda Ansaratua. Tnfl'a rateni sisojciuei. patent. . itiuuw inu, aiuatira, wiui vivuii titaeavaa, Kheir Bottles, with gUitltblei. Superior Counter Scales, 4e., e. . The abore win be offered at a whole, and If no sstlilactorT offer la received it will inenbe told in Oiall. . . TermL at awaole. mad. known at time oi sale; In detail, cash. .. . . N. u. Thlt it an excellent opponunity ior a.y one dealrout of starting thl drug business, aa the stand bat been long eslibljihed, and It well known. ' MILL8 IJEAN, Assignee. .B JJCA lEABY, 1 . LATlAir.K tLUKI aaUCUOnCUSI mje-uxiu loiar, a., one oi ine isna rccoras sor lYatDiBgion conniy, v. i;,, the undsrugned trnstee mil -fell In front of tbe premlset, at publlc-aactlon, on THORSDAY, the Ilia day of Jone.lSJt, at V clock p. m,. Lot 7, la mail oe comsnea wiib innToasys,or mitvMK"""".-' uur,w.-wrrf,rfAMi,i.r' V?A?AiRCr?oAri.01 r MORNIaTU.May J9,at 10 a'cl . Ilea Peansvlvanla .avenoe. Twaifth streau northwest JAUCTidiLTr KAMA. , i PoBrj Dayay -,.t -UY.taEORS J-f ,. Real :e Broker anrl infHMa,, ABevtulh itreet northwvst. l TRUSTEE'S BALB OF A V. 'AV.TIAlir.Vi ain WtLL-UIPJlOVrjJ COUST 'NEAR-ARLlNOTONrVA., 'BY BESiUXNCE By virtue or a deed Of trnit made to me by Ph tie- mon II. we e date tha 10th ot Karamhir. lsrs. and reeor'afl In Ltber- b. l. No. 4. folio 198, one of. the Land Records fur Alexahdria county, in tbe BUM or Vlginis, 1 will ten at public auction, in rronioi in. przioiatu, on lusiifST, the Uth day of June next, at 8 o'clock p. nt., the following described real Mtite lying In the county of Alexandria aad State of Virginia, being in Arlington towniblp, in laid State, to wlti Com- nniflnr far aam at & atnne at the aoulhwert cor ner of Tot numbered thirteen (13) of thetnrveyor Lfewis fjaroery, oi in. aiasan estate, iawc noi-.a 87 deg., east 41 poles 2) links to a stone; thence north a deg. west 19 poles IX links to a stone on the south side or tbe turnnlke road running from Georgetown to Falls Chnrcb, Virginia: thence with nld turnpike west It polrt 21 links to a stone; tbenee with said pike south 72 deg. west 24 poles to a itoa.lB the Intersection or .the west line or said lol: thenee with said line south t deg. east 13 poles to the place or beginning, containing five (8 acres, more or less. Terms or sale aret The amount of Indebtedness se cured by deed or trust, unpaid. (,02.81,') with the liraiu of tale. In eati. and the hAIane. at one. two and three years, ror which the notes of the pur- ruaefr, vrarmz inic-el irom ine oay 01 aa. aa secured by a deed of trust on the property sold, ahsllbetatrn. A d-noslt of .100 shall be reanlred rfthetnrcbit"rattImeof sale, and all eonveyanc- aaia - -f- tauiua; vi .u- duttuhci. GEORGE B. M1LBURN. Trustee. .. aaa OEOBOE TBUESuELL. mjIJ-dlds Auctioneer. BY LATIMER A CLEARY,. Auctioneer, and Real Estate Broken, Corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh itreet, Staroace BuUdlnk. CATALOOqE SALE' OF FURNITURE AND WINES BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE l.ATK IHARLE8 SUMNER. On WEDNESDAY alORMNG, June 3, 1874, at 10 o cleex, at nalate niltencr, cornry of. Vermont avenue and M street north west, we ilull sell the t ii. lnwing elegant collection brFurn lure. Wines, We ntinriii nart: r Superb Prench-plate Mantl. Mirror. uiiiirariorDuiie, HnaoiiicTca in su orociiei, eon. sitting of Centra Divan. 2 Bide Divans, 10 111- a"?, 'uivuaH.aaj a -tcxrD.iou vuair MagniOccst Buhl-work Armolre 'arved wa'nut round Inlaid Table Errwaut Window Hangings aud Cornices Xlegsnt Card Receivers and JardlnlerreT A collection of CuiioilU's and Ulrtoriea' Belies Sup-nor Wilton Carpets, Pcnlan aud Tnrklah Bagi yen et, Brussels .Three-ply and Ingra'n Carpeta Superi ,r black walnut ruamber Furniture Fine UairMattrettea, Feather PUlow.audBoIitcri. Turktth Lounges art 4 Cb tin In green rep Csrved wainut BookeiiJt Walnut Side Chairs and Brackets Walnut Library Suite, opholiterwl In Cretonne Library Desks and Bavelvlna' Chain Morocco Lounges Sofaa and Easy Chain Oak Desks anc aVK i?h1r- -..r:.,. a.H-a uiniAu ituusi. Carrcd walnut marble-top Bldetoxrd Carved walnut Exteniion Dining Table walnut DlntngChain, upholsterei In morocco Fine Wlirtow Hanging., walnut Sad. Table Carved Brackets. Raeis. Ac. A fin assortmeat or Table Linsn Fine Kitchen Requisites, etc., Ac. A large and varied assortmnt or WINES ANDLIQUORbOFBOPEBTOBBRANDS. al l. . Catalogues will be ready on May 25. Thl is one of tha moat extan.lve and vtaborate r oi to. i collections oi mmiiure ever som in wasniurion. xnenousewjti Deepen ror inspection on pionoay and Tuesday, June land 2, 187 auuia aaia. myl8-d LATIMER A CLEABY. Auctl. BY-woRJUfET Joirasox, Beat Eauta Broken and Auctl oneen. 1111 s Pennsylvania avenue. Bv virtue of adeednf flvnat tn Tlanlal V. p,ffin dated June 1, 1871, and under a decree of the Su preme Conrt of the Dlitiiet of Columbia- la eaallr csuse No. a.M. docket 12, we will idl at public anc tlononTRUR8DAY.MaVar.M,4.at5ao'cloekp.m., in from or the premisea, all that piece or parcel of groun -t situate in the elty or Washington, D. C, known and designated aanart of lot numbered Ire. &) in sauan seven hundred and sixty-three (768): glnnlnsrfortne nrneat anoint bj second street ca.t eighteen (18) feet north of the southwest corner or said lot; rennlng thenee east eighty (80) reet; tnence norm eignteen (it) reet: tnence west eighty (JO) fleet to Second street east; thence sooth along the line of Second street aait elrhtaan i til fa-t. ,,, the place of beginning. Terms: Twenty-live hnndred dollars. with Interest ai iu per cent, trom Decern aer i, iini. togetner witn premium ror Insarence and expenses oriale In cath, and the balance In six (O and twelve(ll) months. for which tha natlt of the nnrehajir. rjear.nv Inter est from the day or lhessle,-and secured by a dned of tru, ton the property sold, will be taken. Ade soalt.or 8100 will be required on the diy or sale. All eonveyanclngatcostorpurehaser. ir terms of aale are not compiled with in Are dart the truateet rrrrrrc too nxut to irsen ,DC property, ai ine nsx and cost of the defsultlng pnrcnaMr. after ave daya' advertisement la some one of tbenewspapen pub- lUhedinthecltyorWash'E-ton. 1). C. UIU. W.OTIUliMET, t ra, JEO. W. BTfftKNF.T. , Tmsteea. my7-dds WORMLEY A JOH J lIlNSON, Auc'n. ara-THE ABOVE 18 POSTPONED UNTIL TllUBSUAY, June 4, 1874, tame hour and place. is y orurr ot ine trustees.'-t my2I-dAds WORMLEY A JOBNSON.Ancts. BY D. IT. WARMER, Real Eitate Broker and Anctloneer, Fedem uulldlogi, corner Set enth and r tU. N.W. TRUSTEE'S BALE OFPROPEBTY AT THE UUKIVKU or ELEVENTH JLUli aSgUNDAitX STREETS NORl'HWEsT. " By virtue of a deed of trust to me, dated-Maretr 21, A. D. 1872a and duly recorJedln Ltbr Noa714a. fullo 120, of the Land R'eords ror Washington connty, u. c, I will sell at nub'le auction on MON DAY. June 1, 1174, at 8 30 o'clock p, m.. Lota num bered fifty-four and Arty fire, in B. R. Tracy's subr division oriots thirty-two, thirty-three, thirtv-rour, thirty-live ami tlilrty-ili of Btarr A Metcalfs sub division or squareNo. KZj Terms: I.ra, with Interest at ten per eent. per annum from March 21, 1873, with expensesof sale In cash; balance in one year. A deposit orgioo re qulrpd at time or salt, which will be forfeited IT Urma of tale are not compile, with In flvf days. nunuiu isaui.iimin, J. T. COLDWELL, myU-TuThSidi Saleiman. BTB.R. WARNER, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Fedeni Buildings, corner Seventh and F its. N.W. CHANCERY BALE- OF-VALUABLE REAL I'BVrEBIT UE.L.UNUINU TU Tilt LB TAT K OF BAMHEL U, IaATT, DECEASED, AT AUCTION. - . Under and bv virtue of a decree of theEunreme Conrt ot the liiiirtct or Columbia, passed on the 20th day of lliy, 1ST, end as amendment thereto is a certtin cause therein depending, wherein Julia K. Piatt is complainant and Moaet 8. Piatt and otbera are defemlants, being equity eausenuinbercd 8 .8, the nnderslf ned, appointed trust e to sell by the said dicree. did. on. 0e loth and 11th days of Dtetmber. 1873, cxpete the following described real estate situate In the dry of waihington, D. C, for aa'e at publ'e auction, and the parvbaaere thereorbavlng.rilled ta comply with the term, or saidaalffz Now. the-efore. in aeeordanea with said terms the trustee wUl aril, ai tue risk and cost of the dt.ran41Px pnrchasars, st public auction, said real tttit-. as follows i On FRIDAY. Junt 12, U74, atau cvci )i, w., .la auo ibkicu luaafaaiuan, H.att. dirfad. titil at tha timsof hlsdeeeaae In una ta id. weit aaia-paxtoi lot tvin siiiar.o.xi. havirg a front or Jl feet on F itreet, between Third and unr.and-a-balf streets southwest, br a deotti - .Vi V r-7-'. -TT.a r -IL a SZ1 . . -Tr. i:2 reet 2 Inches, and Improved by a two-ttory frame bull ling: and on the same cay, at tbe hourr, re ipective.y. or land erw o'clock p.m., bewillxlso offer for .ale, ai aroresaia. in: as. orLiaviaioa'i iud dlvlilon or squsn 3C7, fronting 23 feet on Tenth street, betwren N'and O streets t)0rthweit,.bya aentn oi lafieei; ana iot a. oi tae saas. suuuivisioa ofasld square 837, fronting U feet 8 Inches onN itreet, between Ninth and Tenth itreet i northwest, east of snd adjoiulng the Presbytcrjan ckurchv, . And In farther pursuance or laid d-eree and amendei ietne the tald trui'ee wUlsceat DBtllc auction, at the omce ofB. H. Warner. BealEitate Broker asd Auctioneer, Federal Buildings, corner of Seventh and r streets. northwest, ouBATUR- DAf , June it, 1S7V at 6 o'clock p. tn., all the in- terest that sail Samhe I JJ.rMatt. tbe time of hlj death la,Dd to the folio wins., lots ntT-aKQ. iua a..aaatl -taf - -- t4a t . t 1 . .HaLl BU'I V gtVIUHa TMI AV BJ, 1IA lUUM.,.! suh-lotl, la square &8; part of fcot 9, In square 140, being the ncrlh U feet 8 inches of ald lot by tlie deoib. mrt of lot 11. In an aire MU belnff the north rti eptb prt of lot 11. ln eonsre , being the north atficeuruni oysoBacpiaoxio. Ui part of lot ii In, sou are 4J aUfefet JjrakbviJiAtTTTthof lot: mb-lot ILls sauar jv. irTifli ,iie nuriru b feettry-enttr or jotriBff-iorTTi 17, hraqusre MS: psrt of lot ! si 2, in tar a front of feet 8 r i Inches on 0 ttnetsoathnextaajolnlngthewettern tnoit 12 fai 6 Inches or said loti loll. In sqnare OS: lot IE In sonars HO: loll i and 8. iiuare lBfl: Land lots 3. 4, 5. , 11. la sqnan 1C27. '' A a, ICTXUa Dt .aU. pnwiini wj ma ..cavv aua mm fbllowit Ont third or tht purehttt money, to be paid in cash, ant the realdae in equal payments in itx. twelve and eighteen months, to ba second by Uienutet of thl pur-hastr, bcartatr interest from the ear affaala - Thm VjravjeTtv will D. convevad br the trustee to the-pnrchaisr npoathtraymentof the who', of the purchase tnoney.'ana said pnr-ebss-rwill hivstho optlenof paying the whole of siiapurcnsse money incasn upon laeraxincaiion orthrailebytuecouxt.' If the lermi or tale are not complied with within five dayt from the dtr or sale tbe trustee reserve, the riant to resell the property, on inch nuhlte -nAttee ai he raav ceem best ror the interest ofall parties, at tascoit of tbeiVfjalttogj purcuaser oc iiurvnaacrs. v ucuvu, ui aaa. w.i. a required upon each lot when'tkt .tame hn bees truck offt and the txpenu of all eoaveyanclng ma5tt..i,,,.afe,M - ,nyS-YMWAdl. J.T.COLliWa-a.L.BaJ' Yfc.VAkifesii X ReU Estate Brokir am Real tau Broker and Anctloneer. F ederai Bulidingt, cor. Seventh and? streett N.W. ahe land l Of Colunj county, Dittrict of Columbia, and at the rtanejt of the pacty teenred thereby, I will jell In front of the premises, at publlo aucuon,'08 FRIDAY, Junel A. D. 1874, at t o'clock P-.O.,- the. following do- scribed real eitate. uate in aaia ciiyana District, as inez r of lot nutpber twenty- and six () inches, together with ta8 Ipprovtratuti Terms of ttlei One-thlrd caihjbalancelalli.fe,) twelve. (12,.J"1 eighteen (U)mon0i8. ror whlca th8 notes of the purohaier. bearing Interest at (en rver rent, tier annum rrom me oaToi ssie. tecurea by g. deea of trust on. the-prpptrty lold... All con vefindngatcoitof purehiac.JC depoili of flOO will be rea aired on day of (ale. If term of tale art not eo apnea witn in tea aa: the right to reiell toe property ai risk and ciitof lg purcaatcr, aiHr at least ail oaya nt tn tome -en. or mor. nrwipapcrs fltraf wulllarl.a. n. It... , advertisement tn totoe -on of von pnnusaiciuic VUULWffiWWfK rote .. T- -Mwr Bl Bslciqan. Imyg-Y.M.WAdt' y noLDifii; BPJrep & co-. AnclloneeerlinS RtilZiftteBniki sSreikerc I FennsriitnU avenue. l-RUBTEI'B vlaTTiJrTCo'riifTS VtffiaHVr: W--.-. B y virtue oi a deed of .Wat to me, dated March 17, in, rccoras' in L.199I ?w. I0I1OU7, c, one "( B recordj fort! dlrectioh of the paftt tjolftiaf part of-ih. . Bi.aVtVaV?!.., uj. uctTof-WasblnrtoJi, n'elaVk - m '.thaaraat 1anl,,tva lValt slB IneheS ofiqtnvimbeion,lBMj8riBinnbtre4 ftTtBin. dred anltweatyaafK Of taAmat orgriundpua ot the tftytr Wathllgt.n, together wltt the uopr5rt- menu thertos, bonis. r . J.. ,u tOaUHSllOg Vt "al MafaW.aaai,w fiaaa. 'ISi ca,fi.'w!; ! fourth cash, of which on, te paid lmhiedlatiiy after . Te; nuni Itle, andthbtUc ra rig, sweiv. ana eignieen eared VT aXeed or trnit on the property.' All the cMtioTesostndreeordlngibeMheeapcnaeof tht purohaier. and. If tbt.jarkt are sot complied pu.rchater arter three days'. n tie, pnblUbeU Is Tat -"'"'""atAlKAaiDHVAltSKB. I myJ-WMAds a , Tripatgj -Tl. WIUJ mylS-dids AS-THE ABOVX BALK IS POSTPONE O UNTIL AlUNUAl, aiune 1, U7i, same nour and place. B. H. WARNKR. Truatee. i-aSaLPI,Kvf pEK9. CO Awtloneeri. mmmmtfm.wi ... -a r - !TR1:T, BNl-WJEJCrT NINTH" AND TENTH i rRITMOUTrfWEST. AT AUOTIONi . : )y Tlrtne o:a deed of trail, dated March 7, A, D, Tftrt and rlnr rMfardaiT in Llher No. 70S. folio 41?. ttau ui WK5 AUCHONALES.,- -a-tawa,ai.TatSyaaya- .Tatar IJ: J.,, YTHe)XA8 R. WAOaAKAX, vfu iBUSBVl.nai ao, a, , v wav. f- an., s snauofftrrarCale, at public auction, tn front of the premisea. the above property, being lots and 29, In sqnare 187, rronimgeofret op gevenleenlh street. Teftjeday of tile. TTHOS. E. WAGOAMaN, my2tt - Aacliooeer. RTGHEIH A WILLIAMS. ABdtltra'r, A- Ho. loot, northwest cornerTenih and D streets. MHAUBALE07 PARLOR AND CHJaXtUAIS UBrll rUR, - AT THE WAREROOKB Zt AMUEL E1RBY, CSO., ONElOUTII STREET VVBT ttfTn tfaf aaVawaaMi'e- la a nt A Ttf t . Ta o'clock n. m.: thaii Mnidlng of Parlor B.-ts, a-a. SUB IWltH SW Ilia ia.a-fW . rlt.tai.a. a. j -. r-..8ws tall Boe riaa BolnWa-aoi Bcdstesdv' Ward- robais, " .T, . SCwjUU, DaUVL Lrwe-top,Bid-jboardtj Extension Tablea s. Also, lot Buck Walnut, Mahogany, f-h.iiSM' A1a ,ot Buel Waiaut, Mahogany. Ca-rry. Rosewood aad Oak Bsarda, Bcautliogaud ? i Xi'U "KSTJ!"' a aJoaras,Bcaulilogaua a lot Of Cntflna-a. f.naka' n... n. .-.... Bertwe. Sand-piper, Copper, Glut Bcltles, Hand screws and Work-benclie. to which we aik the at tention of cabinet-makers aad othen wishing to purchase a lot of good, seasoned lumber. TfPMI full Warehouse for rent. . GREEN A V1LL1AM8, ' mya-d . t8tar) Auctiouters. Y THOEAI DOWLISQ, . Auctioneer, (Q Louisiana avenue, near Seventh street. BRICK STABLE, FBAME 'HOUSE. GREEN- I1UUSE, SEflCtS.. SriKUBBUaY. J11U1T TRF.E8, C. C, AT AUCTION. ' OnTHtlKSnAY-KVr.HIVIl al.-a-- atSa'eloek. 1 sb ill sell at Savsge. aqn are, on X street, between Fourth and Firth atraata. Frama Ctwetttnar Haaf. Green-bouse Brick Stable, Fencing, large lol of oaruorcry inuj mil i recs,aii to pe remuveu witoin five days after axle. acrius caau. mr-J-d . THOMAS DOWLINO, Anct. BY WXf.Xfa.WAIX CO-AneUonOora, New Marble Bnlldinr. Nos. 9C0 and ttBPenn'aarenne, ce raer Ninth street. On MONDAY MORNING. Jim t. 1 74. ems. mrncin. at in a eioea. wa will aall an in, rnrmmra and Hous-hotd Effect! of house No. 12ati Massacha setts avenue, consisting of iac i-oa-tare xiano. rosewooa esse, uauier. Parlor Balte of walnut and gtay icp. Marhle-topTablia. lornlces, tc. Butte of walnut and Green Ken. with Leans es u,,(a.j vaaiia. Walnut and JI,rbIe-top Cb-imber Battel. nnellali Hnalr Rma.ala (lima.i Hall tnd Stair Ctrpetlng. D.nlna-rocnn Fnrntlnra. Trtenakin Tah'ea. R- rrigeretur, 8 deboard. two complete Dinner sett er French China. Plain an dOrnamentrd Cu t O lass a nd Plated Ware, l'nnch Bowls and Glaaves, WlneBets. Ar. Llbrirv Famltnee. InelndlDS-CLik tonl-esseand one magnificent Mama Parlor Bater Candela- x.n;ire jtiiciien rnrnilare and Appointments. Alsoya large lot of Linen Camel Coverlnar and Dancing Cloths. .Moth-proof Carpet Linings, and all the vartout articlea of houi 'bold ne. i ermi catn. w. l w Al.l. At iu., myai (Star) Auctioneers. RYaRERKaf.WIIfUAKS.Anelloneer, faTaWl filTTI Strttwllw-Alt aaj.afa faaw. tT"akaa.wa aaill F m . va anfua, uvi , & vviMV A.utU aAiA A atv. TORTY-TOUB VALUABLE BrtLDTlVa XOT3 nvrtiiiwi ufl jnsLfjii. l mr.lafc,E.'i H, V AND W BTREET3 KOBTMWEST, AT AUt On TUaESDAV. thu 2d rHxT of June. 1.974. at 8 o-vlock p, m. we shU sell, ont the premises, the whole ot BiUare Ko. 272, which hsrs b tn iutxilrlded into nanasome Duucung ion. neinr twenty feet front by one hundred feet deep to fine alley.. making first -class building lot, ta whlrh we ask the attention of bnrers. ml tha Mite ft noiltlv and title pet-ftrt. Plot ezhl<edon the day of sale. aiiiHvt vuciuutuiwuui -iu lUUIiViinuallu three rears, for notes te ring Interest and secured br a deed of trutt en the nrtmlkM a Aid trilrl paid semi-annually. All conveyancing at co.t of fiuiBoucrv. luiTaumrioowDOD racn lots ine lmeofsale. GREEK ft WILLIAMS, myzs-q atarj Auction cerj. BTE.J. SWEET, Real Estate Agent and Anctloneer, 511 Bcrenlh street, opp. umieq autes post once. TBU9TE1T8 BALE 07 A BEAUTITUL BUILD- INO LOT U THE SOUTH MDE OK NORTH M STREET, BETWEEN f OORTU ANDPiFTH RTREET8 WEST, AT AUCTIO.V. "Bt vlrtae of a detrds of truit. flaLtid Jun 15. a D. 1873. dulr recorded In Liber No. 72S. folio SrW. et seq., one or tne laud records ror the county of IV atari In erf m frk,ria T1 . nf fnlnmM. .! at ii --iiiiai,vLi, aaai ...- jia.ui-,. va wvi-uinaaf eawva a lhareouest of the oartT secured ihereoT. we will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY, June 9, 1574, at fl o'c lock p. m., all that piece or parcel of ground lrlns; and bring In the rltTOf Wkshltirton. lJltrli-t of Culumbls. known ana tusiinguisaca as ocing as western pari Oi : 4 oi.v.r .r.irz z. . : 7 . . r - viMgiam iw uhiiiuitu Tiintwa, i9,f in qare numbered fire hundred ana fourteen, (SlMbegtn nlnefor the same at a Mint on It tri.ei'nurth. twenty-one (21) feet fire &) Inches eaat from the uoriiswoi corner oi ia jo. numoerea cigmcn, (18.) thence running south one hundred ana eighty eight (IBs) fret eleven and a half (UH) laches to a mixij i-ui toa Biiey; wiifnce snuinwrsxrriy aiong thsljne of aald &.lcy to tbe eouihwest corner of said lot elrhteen. (U:l thrnv. north one hnndrt-d wiA falnety-four (lM) f.t MTen (7) lnchca to tbe lino of M street; i he nee east twentr-one (21) &Te(3) inruc-i to am ptcr oi orrinuuig. Terms: One third of the nurchasemonerTncash: balance at six, twttre.'And eighteen mentba, with Interest at seven (7) per cent, per annum, to be se cured by a deed of trust on the property sold. A d 'Twill of 1C0 will b reaulrpd st tlm of sait All oonveTnciuK-s(coti,oipuTrnasaT. ji lermsoisaie are not complied within seven days the trustees re serve the rlrht to resell tbe propertv at the risk and coat of the. defaulting purchaser after lire days advertisement. GEORGE H. B. WHITE. Trustees, My25-Tw,Th,8Jlds E. J. bWEET. Anct. BT B. IT. WAKaVEB. Real Estate Broker and Anctloneer. federal Buildings, corner seventh and r sts. N.W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OT A TWO-AND-A-HaLJ" BTUKY KKAAll. UWLLI.(i.o. WLOIH THE WEST SIDE OP EIGHTH STREET WEST, BETWEEN 1 AKD X STREETS NORTH, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed, of trust, dated May ft, A. D. 187i. to Daniel L. Eaton and myself, duly recorded In llbtf No. (C folio afc-cVoneof the land rorda for Washington connty. in the District of CoUm- oia. ana x ine requestor ine panr secured thereby. 1 will sell at sebllc auction, tn iront of the preu tses. on JIOKDAY. May 23. irt. at s o'clock n. m.. the following dwertbetf r-l estat. situate in tbe elty of Washington, District of Columbia, to wltt All that certain niece or parcel of around known and described 11 the eouth twenty (Jul feet from or lot iwcrvr.tia. j macraare lour niBoiro ana larce, oy the depth or laid lot. Also, the strip of s-ronnd In. saia 101 on me norm si'te or lata pan or said lot, described Ina certain defd recorded in liber W. B. ho. 113. rallo 2nfL one or thn land records nf W-aah. lngton connty, V. fl., together with the improve-m-nu as above. . Terms at prescribed by the deed of trust: Two thon-and dollars, with interest al ten Tier eent. ner annum, irom May v 1878, to. day of aale. and ez- ficnseaoi taieincasniana toe naiance ai six ana welve months, ror which the notes or tbe pur chaser, bearing-Interest from, the Uay of sale, and tccured by a deed of trust on the property sold, will betaken. ;A deposit of liOo will , be required of tbe furchiier at the time or sale. All conveyancing at he ezpens. ot tbo pnrchater. If termt of sale are not compiled with In seven daya after talethe tmate. reaerres th.rioiit to resell the nnmertvat the risk and tost of the defaulting purchaser after five days notice In tome one or more newspapers p.bllshaaWahlnJjonliDi:Cv mtaamtt rayo-WFMAd!. Surviving Trestee. ara-THE ABOVE BALE IS rO?TPQNED uuttt 8. iA.-rutf.UA, jnni, a. ia7a. same nou Juno 6, 1874. 's-me hour and place, utuitui; iv. sTiu&aiair, nrrlvl-e Tin tee 3. T. COLpTVElaL. " Baicsicam my-TnTbata LfI, av VaiaMtlkS, J- Auctioneer! and Real Eitate Br ken, id El Bouthweit corner of Fejin. avenoe and eventh itreet, star mace uuiiaing. CHANCERY TRUSTEE'S BALE OY VERY VAl.Ua RLE IMPROVED KEAfEaTATar ON SEVENTEENTH BTKEKT, BtTWEI-NH AND 1 STREETS, NOBrHW EciT. Under and by virtue of a decree of.tbe Supreme voun or lae tiiiirici or uotumoia, paa.j in a cause pendlig in' said court, .betweeA liamiat p .Bsepellal1ala, aata cc Potuetai. ani LojI : .uiucii'.iui ..OJla. X.. ATUIta et .1., IQU fill. ft7. Tfinltv rinalraf r- T tha trnftee annnlnteil tt alddecre-, will it'.l tt public, auction, on MON DAY, thi'.8thofMay,lniunt, at o'clock p. Bart of Lot 2. ln-anuar. V3- havlnar a froi m... ni en Seventeenth itreet; between B aad I streets of fifty-two (8.) feel and elrht(a) In-lm. with a depth or one hundred and 11 ny-uv e (1531, and im '.eli Dwellinar-Honse. proved by a comfortable- Br.Ca nronertv wai thi Potts, br maay.years th. chlaT clerk or the War a nis rty was the real lence of the lite John llenarlmrnt. and fa neit atlelblv situated In nelghborh oi that Is being rapidly and most hand- Thr terins of sale shall be as fol'owi : One thlrdot the pnrcbtte money must be paid tn cash, and the balance in eqnil lnstaJltnenti In one. two and three years; the purchsier to give for sttclt deferred pay ments bis promlsory note, secured to the titlsfao tton of tha tmtt and bearing lnler-it at the rate of eight per oent. perannuma. Adeposlt of .00 meit be made at tlmJ or isle, The trustee reurves the right, if the terms are not compiled with In die dayt, ta resell at risk snd cost of defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at cost or purchaser. "" -. W. B. WT.BB,Trustee. LATIMER A CLEARY. my9-S.Tu,Thids Auctioneers. aTHR. ABOVE. 8ALE IB. POSTPONED t)V account or the inclement weather until KID AY, May 29. 1874, same hour and place. JIT OlUCr VI tU. WUStC. LATIMEB CLEARY, nyaf-dAdr Anetlqneeia. B Y-A: M. SPBAOTJE, Anctloneer, n 0. la-s Devenui street noruiwesi. a. i ". By Tirtni, of a deenor trust to me, date? January 17, JiTO, recorded mLl'Mr No. HO-folloi u Ac. lone or the Land Kecoros ror ine county or waantngton, T, f, -V .Vi.,1 ullaianlill. a.ta"ln fwnnnr .ha D. O.ri shUI sell nbllc sale. In front' of the pretstsct, on eATUBDAY,'n V4, p. m loti noinbereil twenvy-rour and In'flames N. Callan's.sabcUrlilonof j ants, js7,al-o elOCJt, twenty. five, icmartsnma bered eight nunarea ana twenty nin-, or so mucn thereof .1 will pay tht amount of the onUtanaiag -iaeoiii.- . -, .. . glW with Interest from Jinoarv 17. 1170. and all the ezcensis attending the talerbtlance In llz and Terms OI saiei ouiucacai. auiuuiiB lutna lyp.r t.Hve montha. to be teenred by a deed or trust en the ptoptrty, hd to bear Interest at six per cent, per annum. All the (ipenieofdtidianiriCoTd foi to be it th, expense or the parehastf, and ft the Urm. ot tale-are not complied With-lb, ten dayt after the day of tale the tydsenrvUtb, retold at the riit aai coit of the defaulting po.rco.jier. rayr-Vd ' A. M. SPIi AO UE.iAnct. i cuae.-uuAa. UAi.L.a.1. iruitn. B -v trrnnnie TRtiKSBELt- Aucuoncerxaau cjA-i.t;.iMWa.i;r, .no, oj CCTCMwO lUCIaa, gWMoDiitAAoi AUCTION, f . a" a -Ll-aa" ' 1' ta a .1' Br tlrtne of a need of trust -t tar. g Trie iitn ilntlben y of May, At p. Ton. ana. duly fl No.842, ineianore ti& tneton eannty: IftrittoflC n.J- tha reoueitbf t can art :a m ai pQblic ancttotW ta frtnt or. the UXy,-.ane g,A,D let, at 8. that oleceor-pa: nowa.aci i caieaaaiotut recorded tub aaiornn; l tit nr(ijto,iB .ta fata ircqana aixty-iouj M.rJtOli ODltUictef ColuanMai-im a three' torr and basemtnt Brick Dw (wo-stoyy anibaseiaea. back bull lis r.i ImnrAvsmS.ta. frnnt n. nA lha firlrth aid. hisni aTifiiie.'bera Ninth tad Teolh s land aTtSue? bff Nlatti tad oHoih stiieti TeriuBrtiaje1?On." third eashi bafiBci Ho- tts? twelve siBdSflghteetmostlw.wlil lat-nif JSS'iSif of tfieasd nntU atd. at tharafcorten pjr cew. Pr Pi purchaser. con or when t aale are tale, the Truite , rtiervet Ihe'rlAJtO rntll tl frill spd cost or t. dafaajtlng po 0io.TRllESDELllfAacUO3'tt7, propertyat in. gif.,ri -jiyi3-3.TuATbAds OATS! OATS! i l.ree mnn'T of very BnDcrtor OATS, BALED MAY Aiiil STRAJV t OR BALK LOW by ln.Uftsavtaueasd uit itreet ncax u, saa or .U94 pnu P T v neai j-siai. juictioacvr, aisBercnin street. YERi- viiitLfcjfswroOVEp PROPERTY - 58 VVirfEENTH'aJTRE' BETWEEN U NOUwftrJVl IAS1"PU'5V .On TUUB80AV,.Mty 13, at t o'clock p.m.,1 wm henartt rceier arorraa y.iwo,us, iu joaarq a -amatoir or oriiinai'lou vefl (li) tncluiiv jwnwfiLyj,y?xTKii. itiiriclkin. to be malntalnedat the ot the hwsmmm bK eomBlIetJ.wltii IB BT V7 ?.&?? - aaaarVea tA. TlABl IO Tcltll IU. ntimnl tpMinm. ASSJSTHB AKD ITS BIBXOBT. , Tn. tha Canton, of Kenchatcl, In tbe long, " broad? wfla Val do Traveri, famotia for It asphalt xalnefi, is the feat of the manufacture ot absinthe. The masnfactnre of thlt penj. dons drink datea back to the lut decadea cf. the eighteenth centnrr. A French exile and doctor, named Ordinaire, who selected the vll lage of Couvet as his realdence, Is credited with the flrtt InTentlon of- abtintbe, which be em- piojea as a medicine, and at his death Dr. Ordinaire left his recipe to his 'errant girl, Jd'Ue Grandplerre. She told it to the daughter of Lieutenant Henrlod, who grew the herbs re quired In their own garden, and carried on tbe distillation, or the liquor In the kitchen. At the. beginning; of thl century the recisft was sold to M. Pernod, of Couvet, and from that period the "Extralt d' Abtintbe" appears ln commerce. 'The' flrtt who manufactured thrrartldeonalarge scale were Dubied, father and son, and their relative, Henri' Loula ler nod.ion, all three of Couvet. Of course the production of the two house was cnl; limited; the demand wss neither large Eor general, arxj tbe want of the essential herbs formed another obstacle to the development of the manu facture. Dubied and Pernod had so other sources for their Ingredient than their own gardens. By degrees the demand for the ex tract d'abelnthe became greater, and with It culture of the herbs. In 1810 the receipts for the wermnth planta tions In the four communes of Couvet Hollers, Fleurler. and Battel, were estimated at 1,000 to lj200 touts dors, and it was tald In praise cf a private grower of Couvet, that he had sol alone 2,500 francs wor h of the plant. From this time the culture of. the abtintbe plant as sumed larger proportions, and to daj the pro prietors derive large incomes from their ab tintbe fields in Couvet. The village ofBovo resse sells yearly more than 6,000 francs' worth of the plant, and Voticrs and Couvet In simi lar proportions. Tbe quantity of abelntle manufactured in the ValdcTravert at tbe present dsy la estimated al aboat3T0,000i:trei. Tbe herb (ArUmUa abtinlMum) ol which tbe absinthe Is first prepared, Is a plant growler to the height of from two to four feet. It la found throughout Central Europe on stony hills and also In gardens. Consumers of absinthe are principally found In France, England, North America, and Switzerland, although the hurt ful effect of the liquor on the nervous systemr his been repeatedly pointed out by nfedlcal men. SUMMER RESORTS. D EEB PABK HOTEL, BALTUIORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, " - j- - ---, sv- w afrv-4 a)i)iuiUvU ivi awvtUasa, iua awaj addressed at 'Washington elty. until Junel;after tbat dat at Deer Park Gem Si cuonty.Md. In addition t the very .eslr.ib.e aceummodaUona offered families ani ladles, especial arraogement have been made to accommodate single gentlemen for the season. tpy-lt ,lrj-tW.lw Warren Green Hotel. WARBENTON, YA. The Proprietors beg leave to Inform their friend and th. public g-neral!y that they have recm lyre- Surdmcd and lilted np thl, dlllghtrul Sumaer esort. Located In the mojt dellghtrai portion or Pied mont, Va., the uniurpasted salubrity or the cli mate, its views and romantic Scenery, wlih ita proximity to the FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, and the proverbial beslthlnessoritsel'mite. ren-, drrs this tbe most dellghtrai Summer s.cort la Virginia. " - Board per month, (29; per week., 112; per day, 12. 90, myi-Itn ' J. It . BiitEY i Cv. WORMLEI'S HOTEL, ROCK ENON SPRINGS, FREDERICK "COUNTY. VIRGINIA, xDRMEBLI KNOWN AS fAPPER aPKlNGB, Open rtoni Junalto October 1. This romantic and health-inspiring mountain rea son Is sltuatid iua gorge of Bale Ridge, on the westem slope or the ortat North Mountain, about thirteen mllea from Winchester. In beamy or loca tion, va-lety and value or the Mineral ,ialcre,t bias Springs are not excelled. Within the spice of a few bund red feet ntusbpringa, containing different con blnationa of remedial atenti. gn,h theeirtbi and from beneath the mass'Tei overbanglng rocky. The medicinal properties of thrsu Splines aru very marked; they are especially adapted to the remale constitution and to eblldren, building up and im parting new lire and strength to tbe enfeebled. Tbetiotel is a large and sutitantl-1 building. In the formora right angle, having wide plsitu In front, to upper and lower itorlei. the lower extend ing to a cupaclout hall, whlc i is devoted to music, amuiejient. Ac: lnrrunile.bc.aiifnlandaexteo slve lawn, with shadu tries. TiieB-tl.1 are supplied with hot and cold water: connected with them li an immense swimming pool, thlrtr by eighty feet.wlih. a depth of water fr-int thiee to six feet, and contig uous thereto are prlrata dreiaing-i oami. A good Band or Musie, superior Bowling Alley, Billiard-room,. ahandeome Pavli on, flue Croquet rounds.and ample shaded walks afford amusement or guests. Tnere aremany objects of Interert In the moan tains, accessible by gold walka. The Cacapcn river, a few miles diet ait, afi-ords good fishing. Capon Bprtnga are nuu mliea tosyuno Rock Eaoa. and frea , euent exeureloua will be made thereto, a good Llv cry being attvthed. with careful drivers, and hand some Part Phaetons, especially provided for these. cxeuTsTons. Boute Dam Waihington or Baltimore by the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad to Winchester, thenee by a good eoach over an excellent road thirteen mUe , to the Springs. Through t ckets may be purchased In Washington or Baltlmor. direct to the Springs. Prom Alexandria by v., A. A 11. raltruad to wq cheiter. t . ' Th. long experience ortbe minarer. the beaaty or the lUnatlon, th. pure mountain air, the lire giving properties of -the Sprlnga, warrant blm In assuring guests that no icpsrlor place can be found. TirmsiSiod'per! dsy. (D per week, (M per month, for June and September. Three dollars per-.dsy.J17.ij per week, ,60 per month, ror Julvand Augnsr. For further Information address th Proprietor, atll the tlh of Maw. at Worm'sVa Hotel, ftaiil puiaauaaavauufio UaaciLiTeinsuui pnot. lngton, D.C.; after that date at ih- Springs- ...- VAl.-al. at. mltaILI, 1 my20-WTM2n j - Pioprletor. MEDICAi; DB. KOBERTSO. No. 448 Tenth street Jo. 415 Tenth itreet sorthwert, near Pens anama avenue, sacs wrtm earciai treat . 1 dlieasei.of th. URINARTf ORGANS. atment oc TtOmX erleee, la both feotpltal and prlvat prac I raaTarrte.attrmaiient and radical car. i of Bpennatorrbaca or seminal weakneii.InTorontArr l I.II.I..I I .aa a...,. a .a, ..1 Bl.aalau, 1 " aaiwa a. ,., ,ui afv.eiicj , aiasiaia. aaaw yai.akai is- , capacity,. Imsedlmentt to mtrntge, do., and taa venereal-and typhliltie .maladlei. . gono: i aTTituiiti. .aoauaaiev, gonorrn ',- gleeta, ttrictures, and all dlieaset of tht iklo, incli aa scurvy.. saofulaulceTi.. boil, blotcbea. and, I Pimples oa the face and bodv; conanaptloB, CBI- tevtreand. .ta inqaecta oy avu-iaauigeuce or texaai. extravaaane. es reeenuy CDsruactecy cpro- Svnilllltln -TKttann- In aH'liaiTt intbre, to Ave ItagHiradleatedffom lha system wlthou the us. 11 mercury, nr, tetany yea and. 21 South Intawilreet. Baltfmo-e. contented tt open a iierui.nvnl omce in-Waahlulc ton. where he maybe consulted rrery WMncwdix t and Saturday in each, week, from.l to 8 p. m. JaS-tr ' ' . .J -, r consented t open a iiermtnent fttnee in-Waahi BBTXCHSSatL. aaUtnnparaUeledtpeiralaefjmpoualdetiiBaatnraaJ !aboratorTa and frum ltsmsalafiowtr tnd ninwi. . dented uhievvtnentt th most eminent, men la tht ' nauonhave-aXterathoroaghand severe- test. idlttlreonlvsoverelaTiRemedv for nni DIMiseand Diabetes; a!so auiunnary,a;iadder am Llvtr AffectlOht; alio Dropsy; minds of aanrooi claims nay m accomnllah with Beinesda-Watei mvz.. at. au tn. a. -'a- n.-. Bl na y seetn prepterouitoj( IcmgandimicontlnucitobsJlemecUcaiicictiee. lua-n aici tuat wiucii askbutatest. Do not auow vour akentlelsm tn yont perils- ii tjituisda aorrt care yon. It einno certs aa,a-a. a.... a-. w.. . a a. a jia, a. aaiiaaifl llydoyouanylnjory.. Therefore avail vour. , the most pleasant andefllclent carativ, ateni .lair aw yaa any in. self of evenoffered to suffering humanity. Tha Wateilg for salt at CHARLEg 8TOTT A c6.'S Drug lttre No. 4 Pennsylvania avenue.-. Beware or snnrlou. waters. Ask for Beth' .aa.iwr acua,.auaa For sale byBTOTTA CO snd all draaglata. STIJAMSHIir-IalNES. XAaHAavQTOaV,t.0RF0iKNEW YOBiC T BOSTON AND PBOVIDENCE, The fin Iron steamer rial ADTOF THE LAKE hir- Ing resumed mett ner reeuial tregniariririOa-.orrou.wuiWav. rip 10.1 treer. narr, arf -frtnt ? Atwth Itreet. e-rerr X sixin i iiret, every asy it ifax and THURSDAY, at 2 p. ,. touching .at the pi bin.: clpal river landings, connectln. leetlne I ai Norfolk; wii tteanuhip 'or the JI. ana li. l. Providence; with the Lorillard M. Line tar Boston a llaTil Hlem.hln ra-niav rornewrork. rei ot Lady of the Lake. Frelghtihould be addresaed "Car -ake. TlaNorfolk." . Tit TITZHUGB. Awnt. . a ...Ixth-street wharf. A. 0 PLANT, General A teat. Room N0..10. Pit hi Bunding. ah-O 4 Vl?Pim ctpi jLtanrttaT" 'J TWim aH..-aaVa a. (kg -"as. ah. V mm, 17 A ft ffc i ml t 1 i 1 k 1 sw-aTaA", ".aHfM will make BiiiUL-Vi EUNNFWVr ANURHU TOV anrl fivnbi OKK.AUI-.Jkafl.iH nETiWM. aafoiloffsi f --i-aTv-V-T-a- -L.". V.rV' t,i.ii.ii a or iron er 39 East River everyi Bat- BrdayatA 'StAn-m. 1m,. OfAreatAva every Fridar, ati a. Vf,ViS,ii6,a Alexandria the tame day , , Yorralllnronnatlnn annlwtn-R. p. A.DENMAM; a.-a.,, areai'Jjfflct and wharf. a5 Water ttreet, Oeorge- Wii aa corner vl swnK'.w aTeaae. r J.w.inv; 1.QRTH GERHAKifcOYD. RIGULAB POST STEAMSHIP TRAVEL juTWlur BREMEN" AND BALTIMORE, vta'SOUTHAMPTOS. I Tht itasmsri of the North Oeman Lloyd, 0ft.i0 Va'e bSa uewly furalahei wiu ill tin modani a.aia, ai - 1 latprovemt t.Ba, .., ..Captain LUUeahalru.- tlfla...f. ... .....a. cutaoiier. 0,..i..iwia .T..t, 4 '1 Vaa ImsteraTJi k. :..!.. frfs&WVvTiru.;i. '' rftndaetsitC- ayeVa'kREArEtabALIt- 5,aai' ir5Llu,u ,. rxoii Brsmsn. rro BAltlmort." S;"-vj--l V-'.-"-. Vaaaa rfa irav-at June is. ,' J ia so; r ,'.U ..i..t.aiay 27- JfTtnia,faUa, AHe-c itlivaiTangeaenU ar th sueAUtb.Slw t.wttasl. . J .1 inrtrmttloa eaa b, sieerialsc. tyaspl J letter to otuJAMnttf.,., s . ingoyi' ro. IO. vcnfiiau vaani for Wathlngton: a.a .W Charte StrejeKTwtltaJafd,; , ngton: 1I 1 i. Agent vaaniagion: . l . . - :. N0.84.D.ttlT.fTSr llll tSSitbtij, ,a npalplael J9-AlscsS mbmfVfy tenaiorareniar Mf(JSSS'1,TjSs'Ajf, Dirtctorand aeserallfanagtrTBethesdaBptlngt. WASUMOTOw,D.C..Iacenibera.lsT. decll-iy :fii ffiilrti awkalMa, !,. W w. w r - 1"- - a .- - "ef err Mtsraay from ouiiworo-- trcaitamito i BteBrn. 6oofctajui JtW9 aiTiJMW Cabin. .! r?rai!i C-Iisi rAwieSnn.iid tut jcata, EilC JtiMI Sllwiklfc -l -ta-t1, VT J