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XfcLlii n&iUvnAlj liiifDJBiaUAxOJEBPiXOJKNRG."Mr 25 ri87I)0IJBIBiyHilE'J Ml ,r 1UI t V AXO RirOET. Circle P sad Nineteenth limit. The asphalt carriageway, tt measured by Mr. Bllckensderler, li 11,899 lanere yirls. .tT.i.i. "fi" P"P" there art 6,773 square yards, being the iniu olroaailereaoo or the carriageway wltlplledby the width. U feet, and divided by V. -v e private property fronting on P-street olroU Is u folio wi: fwwrio.iiB ..-......-...... ssl.llfeet. KSSS-ffi- SISS: 2!i?3?J2 "??' 5"" ' ,w -' . - - - - - - 52"" &-" Total And the total carrlasroway In front or private property Is(18x ; 8) to square yards, of l-o it chargeable to private properly an J toe balance 10 the United States. Aad the total tt .Way chargeable to tnii United Slates li as fellows : S.W9 square yards, essl-, 8K square yards Balance of carriageway In circle (0.174 3,080) . Balance of carriageway hl.e8 ,n) e,l yards, Total carriageway ehargabte to the TJalted States And tLe eitlmate, using Mr. Bllekensderler'i quantities, will be as follows : Asphalt carriage-way -Wood oirrlage-way Ijeat une-elxta - 10,513 "IIS IB t-Asphilt sidewalks . . . -. . 1.83T Iiess one sixth . 30s 1,530 M US WW irm ivBctck sidewalks TJtu one sixth - Tlsjr s'dowalks &tral:slit curb -Around the circle Balance or curb Isua one sixth Olreultrcurb . Leu one sixth 7TJM Sewers . . Ltu one sixth 1,803 109 Parklni; .-.... 'Oradlng ....... Total -........... Add for brick sidewalk which was laid when I measured the work and which was taken up only a short time betoreMr.BUckentderfer measured It - ...... Add for 1.213 lineal leet or curb around the circle proper, estimated by Mr. Bllckentder fer at tLSO per foot, proper price X50 per foot, difference, 1 - ...... I Total 78.813 14 Charged to (he United States - - 18,840 19 Balance due board .............. . 02 9 Scott Square. Snr. Bllckensderfer's estimates of asphalt carriage-way ...... 1,812 square yards. . Deduct ....... -1,112 square yards inside of tqusro. 6,500 square yards around the square. IrfU 14. ...... J.0S3?; square yards. B,418U square yards. Total ........ e,523 squaro yards at (3.20 . g3,80 69 "Wood carriage-way ..... - 2,221 square yards. , IrtSsl-8 ........37014 1 1.850 5-8 at (3.50. . . 8,(77 1 I Brick fldewalk ...... 4,000 squaro yards. I or which ....... .1,492 square yards adjoin the square. li Leavln; ....... .2,833 on opposite sides., Lesjl-e ....... .423 II 2 t H Total ........ 1,482 - W ' 8.577 square yards at gl - ,S7T 00 H Afphslt sidewalk ...... e5 square yards. V Xes3 l-G - - . .10 3 8 I 6418 square yards at l-3o . IS 12 Parklnjc. ..... 1,883 Tqusre yards. XjCSs one sixth, . . . 311 3-6 square yards. 1,857 1 2 square yards, at SOtentJ, .- r 778 ts -Curbing, 3,coo linear feet. Deduct, ..... 1,802 linear feet, in and around squarfc ! nciTlEc. 1,877 linear feet, on opposite sides, v Xiets one sixth, . . . 179 84 linear feet. fl.S971.a Add, .... i r 1,992 linear feeL Total, 8,389 18 linear feet, at 1LW, 1 e 6,03(23 Sewers, .... 1 1,402 linear feel. Less one sixth, . . t 233 24 linear feeL 1,183 14 linear feet, at 14.70, ; 6,(9119 Jron renm, , sos linear reel, Less une sixth, . ( 133 64 669 14 linear Teet, at $3.80, ... 2,34108 -Oradlng, .... 2,250 00 Total. ... ......... UOiK Chargod to United States, .......... 49,042 90 Bxccsr, In estimating at Scott square 1 estimated sewers on the four sides one In each street. On the map furnished to Mr. Ullckmsderfer by the board engineer no sewer Is shown on the west side or the square. There is a sewer there, but it now appears that It was not built by the Board or Public Wcrks I measured the sewers between the iron covers as they show at the surface of the street, and had no reason to suppose one of them was not built by the board. Mr BUckecsderrer estimates the total length of sewers 1,402 feet; my meatoremeat was 1,886 feet; difference, 484 feet, which will more than account for the excess of 62,077.97. Eairlfnt Mr Bllckensderfer's estimate of Asphalt carriageway Iss one sixth ... 3,211 635 2,875 3,033 616 Cobblostone carriageway Less one sixth 2.581 (4 1,685 1,87c 31124 BrlcV sidewalk Brick sidewalk Inis one sixth 1,558 14 M 14 38 24 1283 1.5S7 25912 Asphalt sidewalk . Leu une sixth . Straight curbing Straight curbing liess one sixth 1,2(7 1 2 69 664 Circular curbing less ooe sixth 49 1,172 1932 Barking iiess one sixth Sewers . bewera Leu one sixth 685 8-6 en 11154 Wood fence -Iess one sixth 659 Add wood pavement, omitted by Mr Blickonsderfer. at intersection 01 E and Eighteenth streets litis one sixth . . . . 97 16 80 Add grading ... Total ... Charged to the United States Balance due the board - To this amount should bo added the value of the brick pavement whleh. Mr. Bllekentderfcr states that he left out, (see page 2000 or testimony,) but he does not state how much. He gives two estl 5PIJirJereLte'oVa'l!l63ei6 I tt"t,"1 PaS 1983,1s g22.2io.Sl; the second, on page 2001, U 23,773.(7. Kev Hanjthlrt avenue. I measured the grading done on New Hampshire referred to the grade book In Mr. Forsyth's olffce. 149 484 cubic yards. Iau one-third 49,tC3 cublo yards. 99 cs cubic yards, at (0 cents .......... t39,t62 40 Tio haul Is charired. for the reason that excavation and erabanlrmMit ware hath inelnAiA T w.a informed by the board engineers that the embankments were made mostly from the excaratlon of Mr. Biiclenider.'er estimates the total quantities J.es3 one-third ............ In his estimate he does rot Include the embankment between PenniylTaala, avenue tad I street, jind the embankment between Sixteenth streit west and the Boundary. hefcrmer I estimated .' . . . 4,tM cubic yards. -The latter 1,716 cublo yards: Total - - - - - - .. - Mr. BlIckensderTer stated that be had the benefit or profiles and erosi lections, with the excep. Honor the excavation I and H streets. lam Informed by the board engmsert, Messrs. Forsyth and Oertly. that these crore sections were taken after a considerable portion 0jtSewrtFwidMe,4ipeelaliy Jin I ha rtrtnMfBl eirnTivaTtlrmaent KslW(aaitja f. anil Ar a .... -. Z 2E. A ev -a... - t- - . . -w ''r2?'v ., "-.v MaewuMav U WAtU iUetk B i(AO OWVUlie WI raTtUUIg UU 1Q1 mtAb without tbe orlslnal crosj lecUocj, would mfcnis or excaratloos. Mr. lleki&sderfer admits iUtt Mr. Bacner botveeirLiaxidSlstraeU tetore tbe crois-icctloni oenL It Uui f PPean t&tf or tbe beirr eicanllon tttwe A I and & mattt (It U from to feat; deep at H ttreet) tbere were nQcrois-seetlons, and for the faeirtut eabankaist. iHtween Zi and M. In regard to the excavation of Virginia avenue, 1 was tnrormad by the englnee.'Meiri. rorsyft aaTOertly, that Virginia avenue had been cross-sectioned and the quantities accurately calculated. I therefore availed myieir or the sise, adopted the result as glrta to me by Mr. Oertly. which U as Grading 104,000 cubic yards, at 40 cents Haul iJ4,ooo cubic yards, at 34 cents Total . Lesone third O street northwest, between Twenty-fourth and the ground. It included tbe reservations formed -Auip4ixe avenue, 1 maae uie amounts as iouuwb ; Grading on O atreet Grading on the reservations ..J?11 Which was charged as follows: g'oSWeobTo yards, at 40 cents Haul 33,609 cable yards, at 33 cents ....... Xesi one sixth --....... Tald by tbe TJnlted States . . iLti.'izZJSfQr.Ir? m a inveiujeiions made or this locality by Mr. BUOkeasatrreT. inat tne cross I Sttloni of Virginia avenue Include that portion orNew Hampshire araaut between H and O streets, i.;5l!.Sf.,IJZSr,?,lW.Ml?,ricUaa, of th" Tenuei with Oaad Twenty-flflhstraeu, Iwu xwer Informed of this till a tew days ago, and I do not beliefs that .either Mr. Oertlr or Mr. For fcth were aware ct the tact. The result is thtt apartoi New Hampshire avenue and the reserva ons bare been estimated twice, and the total quanUUes of grading etutfged to the UalUd Statu Virginia irenue ...... .. fQatraataadieserratlcrii ...... -fjett one third of Virginia avenue ". . Xafi one sixth oC.t tuett and reservations cjjvjvej.tajaaTiha2ft . - - - - w sei.izieet. ue-itfMt. ----,... ia-ufeot. AM feet. which earrlag. . . . X 51 - - iC 1.TM51 yarts - - -e,uvB yarns. . . 4.100 M yards,1 10,5a l-s yards l - o square yards, at PJ1 . -.,.T. ,6aj S3 square yards. 14 square yards. - square yards, att&H square yards. e SS8 S3 ' 1.0MCJ "S7TM . 'j,613W I . 1,151 J 14 square yards. square yards, at tLM square yards. - acjnari yards; tt l - a. 1M square yards, at fix ,J' linear feet. , l,2iUasarXMt,atl.M 1,481 Unearleet, 2MS.0 l,atl-a linear feet, at 1. 92T linear feet. 1543-8 linear feet, at Z50 1,031 li linear feet. 1 3 linear Teet. 902 141 linear feet, at 11.70 -139 square yards, at M oents 4.W1T 63 00 4,325 00 T7,2W64 t50 113 oi 2,077 87 Square. square yards. 14 square yards. 64 square yards, at 13.20 24 t),2B6 square yards . square yards at II square yards at 1 1 1,419 SI 1,683 00 square yards at tl square yards. square yards. square yards at L35 . linear feet at $L50 . linear feet. . . 1,555 33 49 50 1,032 00 linear feet at LM feet p 1,945 25 14 linear feet at JZM square yards. - 6 e v 12291 , 976 24 square yards at 60 cents . 315' linear feet at M.79 -1 et9 linear feet. . 11314 483 33 1,430 60 linear feet at 14.70 linear rest. 2,659 12 14 linear feet at 33 cents 167 TS 22,072 56 square yards. 14 square yards. 64 square yards at 13.50 283 PI 1,712 00 ....... 24.047 (7 gj&i - 1,703 T7 avenue, on the ground, as near as I could, and also I made the total amount ef excaratlon and em la this avenue 132,612 cable yards. 44.170J, cubic yards.' - - - - - - - rtv,M... iirticn; anu s, tm miipnw d I am alft nxrermed by the paymaster of done by days' work. My estliute being he wort erer doit oh eitatx tie embanfc vVTeOUB Wall U( l&eluda til the trs.Tn Mm , it .mnwttv nf Atit wfr tirm AtTt . k.i.-ii,,.,, ihitin ti tta . 41,6O0OO . 37,440 00 . 79,040 '00 26,646 69 12. BOS 11 Twenty-sixth streets, I estimated the grading on by tbe Intersection of Virginia uranue and New Onbto yards. -. - . - - . . 17,216 ........ 16,693 83,808 I13.5SIB0 - U,171"2t 26,694 U ,9W7 . ....'. . 21,411 37 -137,80 1 11 1' Cable yards. . w.otwxa 6,634 64 U.301X er,50iM .1. J . . Mr. BUekansderler's quantities an as follows: Oublo yards. ' Vlrgtau areaae - - - - - loioJI Doduot amount Included la New Hampshire are- aue .-..-.. . 33,279 ....- " ' T,71 Leu one third . . - . . ... 9o,t69U . . B.SUM 0 street .--.... 11.46 Less joe sixth .. . . . . . , , t,oeT Difference . ..... .. M.liJJ-o' In regard to the overcharge; for lewori la.Q street, I measured the length as shown to me on the Sound by the board of engineers On the map given to Mr Bllaksasderler by the chler engineer bf e board, It appears that the beard built only ISO fseU The United Stales are charged with 2,069 linear feet, less 1-3, SUJ making MUK Uoear test, or an overcharge or 1.11ZH linear Teet. i t Jfcryfsni awaw. X measured the grading of Maryland arsaue from First Street east to the Boundary, and I bellere 1 measured It eoectly., T The amount of grading Is S38.S43 cubic yards, I also measured the grading at Stanton place, and Aula the amount 12,833 cublo tarda, or a total of 151.515 cuMo yards. Theaaoint charged to the United States Is as follows: OradlirS38,M9cubTo yards, at 40 cents, -'-.. .$35,17520 Haul 5,au cable yards, at 15 cents, ......... aijTJS 45 ..... iToial, .......,...... Ul,It 05 Leu one third, ............ 43.UT 31 87,8U44 aradlngsascubls yards, at SO cents, ....... .20040 Less one sixth, - - .-..-....3440 - in 00 Grading 10,144, at 30 cents, ........ s,8 so , Total charged to United States, ..... .'. . . sai.joa M Sir. Rllekasiderfer atalea that-tne amount -Charged to the TJnlted Slates Is,' 57,7S3, cubic yaras-isee pages iwiw aaa,3av4 oi4HHvnj hji. 3,177 yards or sock, at 70 -cents, teas one third.' maxlisLtoUr charge to Uia.UnHe4.3UUS tA, txst. . . . ' 1 The total amount of ; grading charged to the United States Is 281,679 cubic yards. less.79.683K mhia Tarda leartnr 1T7-S12K cubic Yards, jud not. 257,786 cubic yard as stated; by Mr-i'BueSscjdtri ler. iiooKexcaTaiionaoesnoiappearsnaayiian, 01 njj liumilil, uniiiun ociburutui.u,i estimated, nor ebargedifor any, and It "would nnzila Mr. KllekenaderferA oolafout. either" In my estimates or la the QorernoT't answer, this llm ofltrr Tarda of nek at TO -cents- two thirds 01 wniou ne sia wa naa Deen cnargeo. w ub uoiteu Statea. He has ertdenlly got.the contractors estimates and the United States esurcates mixed, and his testimony as printed is theArst and'onl place where 1 nare seen inis item 01 rooa exoarauoo. In meaanrlnr the irradlnz of Maryland arena .1 took the sides of the arenue as I found them. 1 had neither profile nor cross-sections, and I am taformed by Mr. Qleason. the contractor, that he did a large amoant of grading before the cross. sections were taken. My measurement of this arenoe includes what ever excaratlon was done before the crossectlOns were taken, whether done by the Board or Public Works or the old corporation of Washington, and I bellere It Is correct. In regard to the reservation at O and Twentieth streets and New Hamnshtre arenue. Mr. Blink.' ensderferdoea not kIto the details orhls measure, menu Onpatre 1903 or his testimony he states mat tne orannarge 19 me uoTBrumsai is n.v after deducting 8714.87, and that taking the same basis that they (the engineers) hare, the differ ence Is 6353.?3. The measurements and estimates of work done opposite and around Government property and Government reservations, " made by me In consequence of the following acta of Congress: First. "To enable the Secretary or the Interior to pay the expenditures made by the. Board or Public Works of the DIstrlot of Columbia for par. Ing roadway and curbing and paring sidewalks. Lawsol the Forty-second Oonrreu, third sirston 1373. ch. 18, p 405 ) Second. -To reimburse the Board or Fnblla Works for work done around Government reier vatlons, not heretofore paid, $108,533 " Third. "To complete the Improvements 01 streets and avenues now In progress opposite and around Government property, r91S,t9758.M (See x.arra Dl ids r ortT.aecuou uoagieivj kuiiu hmihu, 1873, ch. 227. pp. 626 and 627.) Neither of these laws states that one sixth or any nther proportion shall be deducted, but before I commenced making the measnrsment the pre cedent bad been establlshedor deducting one sixth or the cost orimprovements pertaining to private property opposite Government property. Mr. Forsylh and I accompanied Mr. Bllaksss derferwben his assistants made their measure ments at P-street circle, reservation at G and Twentieth streets, Scott square and Rawlins square, tad at my request Mr. Forsyth explained to him fully the method of measuring that had been established; stating that we had measured all the improvements wflhln the building lines, and charged to tbe United States all the side walks, curbing and other Improvements In front of Government property, and, five sixths or the sidewalks, curbing, carriageway and other Im provements In rrout or private property. There was co disposition oq tbe part of Mr. Forsyth to withhold information or to conceal anything. He offered Mr. Blickensderfer the exclusive use of a room In his offices at the City Hall, and told him be could have access to every map, estimate and paper of whatsoever nature la his possession. He gave him a complete set of CHU Of U6 entire olty, and a printed table showing the width of every street and avenue He also tendered to him the use of his two horjes and carriage. Neither or as was with ?' Bllckansderrer when he estimated New Hampshire. Virginia and Maryland avenues, tor the reason that be did not notify ns, though his assistant, Mr. Elmore, promised me the day he finished the measure ments orltawllns square, that If ha measured any more work he would give me due notice so that I could be present, ana I understood It was the decision ot the committee that General Babcock should have the privilege ofhavlog his engineer present on any work that was to be measured or examined by Mr. Blickensderfer. Qenefkl Babcock was at Scott aauare the day Mr. Elmore was taking measurements for Mr. Blickensderfer. and General Babcock. in pres ence of Mr. Blickensderfer, directed me to give Mr. Blickensderfer all the Information and as slatanoe ill my power, and ha -told Mr. Blickens derfer that any Information be wanted he bad only to ask for and It would be ebaerfully fur nished. Mr. Bliokensderrer torn mainai ca would, ct foro submitting the result! of his measurements and calculations to the committee, lot me aee them. 1 called upon him a number of tlmeirthe last time I told htm I had called at the 1 oquest or General Babcock, (It was the same day that the Oeneral called.) He then showed me the cross sections or Virginia avenue and G street, snd the result of his calculation! or the excaratlon or New Hampshire arenue, Virginia avenue, and O street, but did aot show me his calculation of any other work whatever. Tjopobb B. S axo. By the Chairman: Q. Ton raetsured all this Government work, did yon noil A. No; them was one measurement made before I mesurtd. That was the first measurement made In 1873, before thU 11,310,000 was a y nronriated. ' Q. Who made thatl A. By an assistant en gineer on the Washington Aqueduct, named Mr. Aldrloh. Q. What Instructions did General Babcock gtre yon with reference to these measure ments! A. To make them accurately, and to be as careful and particular ai possible. Mr. Mattlngly. Will tbe committee allow this testimony of Mr. Oertly , u to Mr. Rive's testimony, to be printed! Mr. Christy. We should object to that, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Oertly bad better be here. Mr. Uattingly. He will be hen on Monday. I desire to tret it in orint to that Mr, Sires should have an opportunity to examine it. lie desires that it .should go in. Mr. Christy. If Mr., Oertly -nill attend for tbe purpose ot being uierrogaiea in regard to it, I hare no objection to tt. The statement of Mr. Oertly U u follows : '! Fori Jtennt. Mr. Btrss presents, on pages 2024, 2026, 20S6 and 202T, various Ugures en twa arsaue. The reialis of the same sum up as fjllowl: Ufafe 2056. That, the Gorernment pay ll8,. 215,80 1 for the avenue from Ninth to Filteeaih '"raiwsf ftuTh.'onftsnra.. lltiU, or 416,047.94 more. than the entire cost or ino sir sit, wnica s iuih aw,eTLis. io WIS may be added hUTcrmer statement: 8, page 1307. That tot Government overpaid on this avenue S1M62.B4. t t- t i Naw,.Mr.Jures'-sutemanteC. Whatih4 board did receive for New York avenue, between Ninth and Fifteenth streets, lsineorrect. It is clearly enough stated la the Governor's answer, pages 413 and (14. The measurement (413) of the avenue from Ninth to Fifteenth streets roots up $117, 62.80. FromthliUdsHuaUd. (loea to separate the portions of the street oa whleh five sixths or six sixths was to. be paid,) page 414 sBeserratlon at Gurley'i churcb-To-,U1 amount of ressrratUn, 8739, of wtlchli chargeable to avenue, J 5,717 70 t.tBeseryatloa at.Xwelfth itreeL To tal amount ol reservation tll.Hl.75, of which chargeable to avenue, 6,43133 e. Baserratlon at Tenth street, . . 760 40 A. Beservatlon at Tenth street. Total of reservation tl9,l49,of which charge able to arenue, ..... 7,000 00 The reservation at New York are nue, Thitteealn and H streets has no (rentage oa the avenue. 121,939 45 137,672 60 Total of avenue, 116,631 36 From this one third Is Deducted (414) . -86,64(46 Amouat paid by Government on the avenue, on these portions bordering on private prppertrnUrely -, . 17,058 90 Amouat paid oy the Government oa the avenue, on prrrtlmis bordering on -rtiervetloni the above) ,,, ,. sist 45 Total amount paid by the Government, jnjaii 6 Total cost or avenue to board (see table 34, 1872) 121.471 84 rMrRrree (pagt 303) refert Wlhs fact that In the above table of 1872 the Government was nlv charged oa this avenue -witbllt,939.43, and that men amount oraa scnfcxo tue rnnm&b a toe true amouati also, that I prepared that table, jrhica Is taoorreet.1 4&ri n? o 1 -tJ Mr. Elves forgets that the law, making appro. frfatlon for avenues passed, March a, 1873. ,Iq ST2.when the amtsmenr-f beet (table 241 en prepared, iodtenoo,knowleda;cioom be bad of ernmeot was credited Tllh (17,210.65, aad not II, 939,46, J p j 1 " ?nn(Itannriir. - "' Pages 20W. 20252320, also 1307. 102. - I am unable to state the results of.Kr, Rives' figures en thy avenue, I Pais.h!uiea that tbe aoreromfif overpaid ffljBJO. , In my state ment, pages 072.73, 1 said that the Government did rjol orerpay, but" that 'there wa4.abaance titually due on .the renner.ll.lSoJs. t liprt aantad in that Statement the onlv true mtthbd te aiTlro at eorrsettndsatlslBctory results, the a- iireexpeaauurssjor meworauieo teiug-aaown. Mr. Elves does not find fault wlth-itbe-mathod, but polou tut the following mistakti, as be terms them- 1 r v . . i " 1 1. Pageant: "And .again, ha (Oertly) hu charged, if yen will eiemfni'tliat table take ,for Initance, page lS7Zaorth ef Flfuetth ttreet, six teeth I or an Inch, 69 feet. That is oat of these Government spaces, what they., call tech. Now, that Is "entirely covered by wood part, meat," i The tpaee referred te It northof square V, iai not Fmeatb.atrvandlsnot.eoveTedby a wood pavsmant.- Mr Bives wlll,-frad-brisk Jootwelki all Around.IVaBd-lh'entre,D4rt ad. It ha. will Uke the trouble to luiptet the Heallty. I . J A TJa ja StJTMSrT rlT Kf62 aa.. -M a IS..-.ILI. -e. wk,ui.B7si-xru.raauiyiranui arenue, for tnsunce, la the tesUmoaypage 1173, he. hat est 6,987 leeCoCpytntte jveferty. The total amount of private property is. etOUifect 0 inches.'' 1 , My statement was derirtd tt$m th useiiQent table, (table 24,1172,) and page 155, board report ?7S. and the latttrjare undoubtedly correct. The difference occurs In square west of square J,aadt tquar north ot aquareS, .If-Mr.-Elves will measure the (rentage orthoiesquarea, as tbe same new are, hIU find that tbe lengths given In table lUnVTlxtxquare-north or square 4, 233 feeta tuenoii square wait r 11.176 facts inches, aratbel&mruia from .TwanrjivtliiatreAe west to the Aqueduct bridge abutments. The balance of iwv squares was -ansoroea oy tne unuea otate j bridge and Its abutments, and certainty cannot bo assessed for street' lnnrorements to which the Property has noaooess. . Mr. Blvet also states In this connection that on New Toik avenue I left out the square west ot Fourteenth street. This .la positively Incorrect, lglra the- same distance, as given la assessment sheet 24, 071872, -aadKMr.Blves will rerer to that he will find the length or square 222 given at (03 feet 2 Inches, aad of square 223 at (05 reel s Inches. Both squares are west or Fourteenth street. Connecticut awnus. Tbe error of Mr. Rivet in connection with this avenue is, that he bases all his figures on the as sumption that tbe whole cost or the street was 1110,575.13. This figure Is given, (board report, 1873, page 84,) but not as-'the whole oost of the street. It was a partial assessment. Tbe whole oost of the street, as given to me by the 1 134,773.61, and my statement, page 1678, is eorrecu ,. , Page 2023, Mr. Rtvei states that I deducted only 23,451.3) from this avenue for P.street circle, whereas two-thirds of the concrete alone of that reservation was charged with 629,000. (Page 29,i Governor's answer.) But Mr. Hires forgets that the charge,page 409, Includes P street and Masta. ehusetts avenue to Twentieth ttreet: that Is, op posite to the triangular reservation west of the p. street circle. In mv statement I could onlr deduct so much or the ' P-street circle at the auditor had charged to and Included In hit statement or the cost of Connecticut avenue; It would hare been wrong to deduct more. McitacAuttHsaesnut end,Frsionr arenas. Mr. Blres,page 2024, does not refer to my state meat or those avenues pages 1673, 1674 and 1673. He merely refers to errors In tingle Hems, wheroas I bars shown, conclusively, that despite these errors, there it dearly a balance due on Massachusetts avenue of (53,016 (7, and oa Ver mont avenue, 61,478.33. Twelfth itrcet ttuthvtet. Mr. Hires, page 2024, says that $12,929 03 was charged to private property rot tewer, whereas the Government paid 67,060 ot.the same. This Is Incorrect the (12,929 03 Is entirely for sewer be. twsen B street south and the Potomac river, and B ttreet north and Pennsylvania avenue, whereas the charge to the Government Is for a tower across the mall. Market Space The assessments, as per table 10 of board report, 1872, were prepared lopg betore any appropriation Was made Tor the rastrratlon abutting on Market space. The proptrty-holders, as he states, ought to, aad undoubtedly will, receive their just draw backs. Mr. Blres refert to overcharges oa sewers on Seventeenth street, (page 2025,) Olty Hall reser vation 72024.) The overebarzts are all in conse quence of the assumed average price, K.T9 per linear ioot,witn regard 10 wnicu a respecuuuy refer to my sewer statement, (1169. 1170, U71,) which shows that there is still balance due to the board oa sewer account, aad whleh statement Is correct. B. Oirtxt. TH.0UA3 D. WINTSn 8EC1LLSD XT TH8 OWN KIQ17SST, The Witness. I would Hfco to make a little correction before the committee adjourns. Mr. mey has called my attention to the fact that that it was for training dona that bit Sire that account. I thould bare eald for eod ni to be dose. The committee adjourned to 10 o'clock a.m.. Monday, 5th Instant. HATS AND CAPS. MACKINAW STRAW HATS. HACKLUIY STRAW HATS At prices to ault all, at -WIT.LETT 3e B.TTOn"S COS rZMNSYLVANIA. AVENUE, The Largest Aasortment of MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S STRW HATS IK THIS OITT. - .FJFTH AVENUE STYL? CASSIMERE ' DRESS HAT 2S21 -NOV RADYt NW ftnd StylltBi- mra-Jt -TV Q-ATBI ECATBtt prATs-jihosofi felt. XfATS-Qcatlemea's dress cuatmere. XXATS-Maeklhaw and other straws. gATS-Childtta's saUor, to match sulu. AT8 Boys' school, in felt aad straw. TTATS altered and rep'alredat ahort notice, BTtKEUXTZ. Batter, 187 Pennaylranla avenue, near corner of Thirteenth afreet. niy.t TEUNKS1. BUY TOR CASH AT REDUCED PRICES. DBESS TBUHSS, SOr.E-LHAT'HER TETJNK8, EKOtiatliNDPAOKlKU THUNKS, LADIES'SATCHELS, OEHXS' XBATErJNff BAOS, POOKET BOOK3. VALISES, DUUBLEAHDJsINOLE HARNESS, WOHK KABNE3S, SADDLES, CAEB1AQE J10BES, UOBSEUOVEES, WHIPS, Ste, At the t OLD AKD FBACTICAX UANCF ACTOnr or James S. Topham & Co, Ho. ab Seretith' street, ndjoinina; Odd Fellow UtUl. XBUKKS COVERED, AND TBTJMKS AND riAB - XEXXPAIBXD' - prslrbrSrstelauwersJaeB.r'T- (ded2-tT , A ' -.-!' - 3uotg;4- MABXsUAfcD yBEBSTQNEM. fc H. CO. Tkis eompanr u sow praparejl io furnish the brat Jtabble Seneca 8 tone, far walll. Foundations fLsamnvauHownTtrriOTrBrieot. ceiiverM Uy at,Mlsarf,erpr-X-nd-Twetitvr streets, Book creek, Bulla era tie Invited lo oaee aa loottt tti atone Jhow landlar. 4a-. . . J. y. AlVJBDf rcaMent. DHOKEASHO, - Woo! Mile ana Rj tall B a A l. a; m o in i. iue. tm 1 earner E ahd worth Capitol aytl streets. Luinl) t ! " Xamber ! C6SMEB OTB'VmuAKD i 8IBEJET3 - - K0BTHWE3T, AND - . If.'Wa.TEB 8TBXXT, OEOKaETOWX D. C. ' UlJi- f , (i -Malaga JFruit Company, ko9 irnsrga: t3HT. TllEIAI WINES ANjQ . 10 BLS. FINE CATAWBA WINE, " $1.50 PER GALLON. $1.50 PER GALLON. ' REAL 'SELTZER WATER, AFOLUNARIS SPRING, THIS YEAR'S FILLING, IN HAMPERS, AT $9, 50 JUGS - IMPORTED GINGER ALE. ANGOSTURA BITTERS. FRESH HAVANA CIGARS. T"i3 3MC A. S. 1ZL TT & & ES X. X, TTwT"fJOJHL'.L'JgCgl. OX1 OLD WHTCS, BBANBEES, &c, 1213 Pennsylvania Avenue. SHOQMAKER & HERTZOG, Sole Direct Importers of the District, JL88X an.3. 1838 33 Btroot, xa.our t3a.o UnporlaL REDUCED PRICES I GrEOBQE C3-OXTXj2DX Ob OO. THE BEST AND TIITEST (Jlf AHPAQNE IN THE WORLD. 30XJOHEmLS 3fi CO.'S mTA "M-p a 1STE3. NAP0IiE0N,'3 CABINET, DRT VEBZENAY, . Mperdoien,arrener. To arrrre, at tu, gold. AJPOISXnSTJECLS SELTZBB "W.A.TEa, 813 PEK HUNDRED LABOE JUOS, $3.80 PER DOZEN. IPTjrXIsr.A. BTTTES "VrA.TER, THE BEST OF AM. BITTEB WATEES. X?il!??Srl?.lrV.ln,e11 sell cheaper than anjbodr else, and have alnvs a TOLI, STOCK OF ALL Uvl7 u, HAND. BtGALLlBBt!r1ANSrCAar. DESHiiCOBl'11 f " " VICTORIAS. SHOOMAKER & HERTZOG, Sole Direct Importers of the District, jnhiuf 1331 AND 1333 E STREET, NEAR THE IMPERIAL. SENEGA STONE. &JEnSTttGJ. STONE. The Maryland Freestone EL and EL Company is now ready to receive orders tor STONE, either sawed or rough dimen sion. Under a new arrangement the above stone will be delivered promptly and in any quantity. Send orders to Company's office, CORNER K AND TWENTY-EIGHTH STREETS, ROCK CREEK. J. W. ALYORD, DRY GOODS. A CAB D. We call attention to our large and attractive stock or elegant BLACK GRENADINES of Lu pin's celebrated manufacture. It la a well-known fact that I.TJPIN'S BLACK GOOD3 are tbe very best Imported, and aa we make It a rule to never recommend anything that ta not reliable, we Invito an Uipeotlon or our complete atock of the above good,, knowing that It would be to our mutual advantage. OXE PRICE ONLY. TT. Kt SntJSTF.R A BItO., rov2Ht U Pennsylvania avenue. OSCZLcXX BOGAN DRESS GOODS. - SILZS. A fow Cbo! SUMMER SU. vn1. Choice Striped am, (1 per WYLJJG, Ho2.1018anai020 rkyeath Street Horthwest. IflA bUUVAbU euaUkttLW, trK sllka verv ncao. fromtfX cents and Jt up to trooper yard. ONB PRICE TO ALL. WHltE FRENCH OBOAND vv so cents Preach yifured Piques. tJ eeata; wortl DreiJBooaa. IS, i l. Wand JJcenta. Hnrttiat.U CadUa' Spring Suiting nan. onrce Silks, 50 oenU to (i. rencMamrfiarfillka, at; worth more money Silks, woenu to tl. .tin ftlrtn.A Anrf f r.h nrenftdlnea. rjiaan rhlta Qaodi In Flcues. Victoria Lawns. Ac Linen and French Lawns, . . Stock of Parasols that can't be excelled. OUeavt Lino or Caaalmerea In the city. Straw alattlagifSS oents op. t. h. irArOAnr, myl5 3 Pennsylvania avenue, nath W. K. BUTJBTEB BSOTHEB, DE4J.IHS IX FBEXCa. GERMAN ffflffifr AHD AMERI- R'o. 018 Pennsylrinl avenue, Washington, D. 0., Call the attention of their customers and the public to their elegiut stock ot DEW SPRING GOODS, whleh has been largely lucresaed within the past week with a great many new good- from the late large auction tales taNewlorsywherewepurcbaied largely at tow prices. WehtEU. EUa-ant Clact aad Colored lllks. Gray and other Faney;ttpesiPoulardandv,apanaeSllkj; French Organdies aid Ja,ooaeta; LJnea Lawns In great taxlttyt Linen BittUts, a (lain and satin strtpea; Drey Silk aad Wool Serges; Oray and otber atohalrt andPopllna; XOOplecea Hew Style Percys, and tbe rhoit suparb assortment of - LUPINS BLAJK SILK 'AHD WOOL GREHA- CTtroTrcdlatoUblrVcTra'nj at lew aa the aame quality can bo procured ta Kew Torkor elsewhere. ELEQAKT SATIN STRIPED ORENADINES for Polonnatee, al widths; Lace Points aad Lace Jacket., warranted pure fclama. V" One price only, W. M. SITJSTEB A BRO., myiHt . y fl9 PennStylvanla avenue. HOOE, BRO. & CO., HOOCS HEW TJIXPJIG, U8S F BJ. HAVE JUBT OPEN, I0ME ASSORT- rOBfilSSOT) DOMKTig DBT GOODS, HOUSEKEErMNQ OEPAHTRENT, SBEETINQ8, DOTLISS, Ac Carpets, Oilcloths and Druggets. Also a foil Une of CAitToir MATTures, bc-lbrwrilte and fancy, of choice quality. novlS s UPREME COOBt J3T THE UNITED 8TATE3.-NO. XA, OCTOBER TEKV, 1171, Ifoyes L. Avery, aijignte. Acs, plaintiff la error, -- - jrfcJoiaoBB. Uacklayetal. The death orjoieaall. Ilsekler, one of the defend, ante la error la tola cauae, having heretofore been suggestd,ltlsnowhere,oamotlbaoriIr.W.r.alat. tluglyvoudunteL for the plain tie in error, and In pursuance of the Utb rule. Ordered by this court, that unless the proper representatives of the eald Joseph IL-Haekley, deceased, as arorssald, shall voluntarily become parties within tbe Brit tea days of, the catalog term of this court the plaintiff lu arret ahsll be entitled to open the record, and en hearing neve his cause reversed If tt be erroneous: Provided, that a copy of this order shall be printed In iooo newspaper at the seat of Uorernment, tn which the laws of the United Statea shall be printed try authority, for three auceesilve weeks, at least sixty daya before the beginning of the term of the Supreme Court next enautng. tTuiiar. UM. True copy. Teat: D. WVMIDDLETON,. mytvdjw Clerk Supreme Court U. 8. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF OF COLUMBIA, MAY, 1874, SPECIAL TERM. Uctty et aL vs. No. 873. Etulty DoclX Getty et at. -. . It la by tbecourt thlsMth day of Mayi A.T.iSJ4,ot. dercd that the sale made and reported by W.D.Caa- Sln; trustee la the above entitled cause, on the uta ly of May, A. p. 1874, bo ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or terorc'the lithdarof JUNE, A.D. IW4: provided a cony of this order be Insertedin some newspaper published la the Dlatrlct of Columbia once In each orthree successive weeks before tbe said Uth day of June, A. V. lrfl. BY the Court. A. WTLIE, Justice. True Ooffr, Test: R. J. Maios, Clerk, etc rayl9-Tuw . Hoi'lBLS &itESlkAUIiAN'jtS. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL, - JAMES STKES, Proprietor. FRONTKO BEltHSTLrAKIA AYENUE, Bet. TblrteeBtb nmdt FoarteealtistfM ,'uS-tf WABBINQfoN.D.q. ;WIIiL'a:rp?s . hotel; ' WASHlKaTOM.D.O. EEU0lSEf:rjvisTtr3NlSnED.' - " FlPir. PEITATE BATU'ROOUS o -.l -t.1ii'iLKVAJOR ADDED. Open November), Vsn. oclit-tf J.g.-OAEErProprlctor. l q. -p. .4it;t;ARDr :EIto"oitt IBIo-li. e, WASHINGTON, D.O. aoU iiiSlLs- nt-i .AIJCHITJECT - - 710 E Street, Oppoalto Post.Oivlce) pet jum pnrxment. tmr iiqu;obc WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN BECK & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, 631 LOUISIANA AYE. and 630 D STREET. tpT-fca lVOlROHANt " JATjffitS.' SPRING STYLUS I DEVLIN & CO., . NEW YOKE CLOTHIEKS, A'lE NOW BEAST WITU TI1E1R SI'H.IIirG- GOODS TOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Samples of their Entire Stock at IIOS I?" Street. MLEHICAN-yOKE SHIRTS, WaHRASTED to fit. PllICES REDUCED. SjcV1VFEIjES of Rady-Hade Spring Overcoats mhiyfta i 3PTT3-2 SON, MEQHAOT TATXiOBS, Xtu ins Fosurteeotti Street. ITava recetrad tbtlrjrst lastabtM oj Spring Oooda. WOOD AND' COAL. XITOOfJ, CifiJrttJtiay, eioAxT enave oa nana a 1 kindi of- ;AL,theLTKENB kfhl LES.for dbmeatla uae. i,rorac IN IF fcaatara and amlthlnr nilfrVilaatL. AIM. OJ at and PfNBWQdDTTn the In'oZ -ic. or hweia init ipnv wi v.i t -i . .m 1 a" - ad tpltC Oak and Pine Klndllnga the cord, at lctreat market ratea. Old or or PTEPHENSOS A BROtntB, Tranrj-Tiw "haylvanla avenue. MmlyiJjrevlflreet-l,Vharf. jjyH T. EUW. CLA.BK. 1. D. CB053, JH. T. EDW.- CLAf?,J & CO., SKALcnsiir LCMBEB. VTOOD A9D CO. DOORS, SASU, BEI9TDS, MOULDINGS, etc., ice. K Our slock of Wood and Coal Im larra AAA well ae .... ... ,,.. 'j ... . ri"T. i. . - iccbcu. it ma hww sua apui ana m in, iected. .' Or .en ders rt' r a'"a 'liner vara i at either varaarat ant fl LOUISIANA AVENUE. CI A &VZ.IHU . . .vvr...j.: -. .. 2. , 'under the Beaton Hou.e. I ie Beaton Uou.e. tlon guaranteed wUI be prpmptly filled and eatlt (uaran it of vuaxft vepct ana fiauug i i fool ourth str Yard-f onrteeath aad B streets 8. W. jill-tf WOOD AND CQAL. WOOD AND COAL. Wc have on head a choice lot ef the eallNtri Xykena Valley, Ear and Store alacLalao, other quailliei Ol iteainu iiuihauuwi, afCUVeredlO all parts of the dry at lowest rates., THOS. W.RILEY ti SONS, OBee 304 Ninth street, one door north of Pennsyl. Taala avenue. Depot and yard. BUey'i wharves, foot Eleventh and Twelfth streets southwest. 1 an PROVISIONS. Cestui; biabkkt ataxls. NOI. , ens, e9. cso. JOIULB. KELLET, Bntcherand dealer In choice meats. Invites the at tention of thr public to his choloa stock or meats, contlstlug -of Oeef. Lamb, Mutton and Veal, Ite oSerenstnliiasutthebcat labia Une, and fuaran ua tatufaciloa.. Muketlaz delivered te alt pans of the city free of charge, i" mha-lf PAEN.TIN(5. wMaawMaaaA.waaWaaw- o. jx?. TTsTSEXra. HOUSE, SION AND . r ,. OBNAME5TAT. PAINTER r , - 'AND QLAIZEB. No. OSS lAntstanja ATeraex) Imitations ojall kinds of wood aadmarhle neatly esecuted In the Jatettaad most approTCdalyfci, .uasuu PB0PTI,T ATTXNDEDTO. PIANOS. rpU UELESnATED KNABE k MoOAM- . Pianos Crpm various faetoTtes, la all styles and at all orjcls, for aalt oa moathir lulalmsats, aad for "ttllitA.atemrrrc. . TyHje?n't gr-t t Eleventh .street.- - !Mtila'giTrit,06inpiAy, 4foa 3TXTyrKC"BCBrBs'rf sltavenctatsperbittS(t,cartsnextra. Orderillft .tthe '6A8UaitTmOE7 Ker U Teatb . treat 1 ati Til -Pp.t atreet. aaatbwsiti coraer Third and E streets, or 110 LrliLje atreet, Wti91fB W te ((OBisUv sjed. caaU-U conattug oisuperane otagonts, rsreign ana vo rleBtle OMilffare., ana anall TJctSTe weekly during the season, WTilca they are prepared to nuke up la the latest arMea. . rr" tatt-tr jt'Ii',Wbuii I'lTT rt7-,lnmVi i JO PfilNTINq. wMw i J JiaasaJaWeaesaayaii TW Plain and Fancy PLAIN A1TO FANCY PLAIN AND FANOY PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING JOB PRINTINa JOB PRINTING JOB PRINTINa JOB PRINTINQ Printing in Colors! PRINTING IN COLORS PRINTING IN COLORS PRINTING IN COLORS PRINTING IN CQLORS BOOK PRINTING! JOB PRINTING. job ram xim a. JOB FMXTING. Pempbleti or all kinds, Conilltotloss, Bj-.LaTts, Catalegac?, &c. Law Cases, Cardr, Ciroulars. BILL HEAD3, BIND BILLS, P03TEB3, D0DQE2S, LETTEB HEAD3, IN70I0E3, STATEilEHTS, OHSOKS ?JPP, !, E0LI0EE3 KEATLr EXECUTED AX I Tha NrfUonfl RopuDiioan STEAM JOB OFFICE. Cor. Pennau Ave. stl IStli'Etreot. .L.Me. i-rtS:f !- - iS.l,0,elfi AlujeAjienmistor Jib Type, .. ITS nTv . - .- Plain x andOrnameRtal. ,, t i ' a Order; bj waU f rpUy &tteBeH4 to GROCERIES. COFFEE DROPPING. Te are glad to offer ear customers still another rednctloaintheprleeofC07TEX,aadauetei -OLD OOTESNlIEnTJATA.Cholpest.aWet. OLD QOVEBNMENT JAVA, eaVloest, roasted.... ... wSets. OLD QOTEBKEirT JATA, good....JWott. OLD OOTEaNMENT JAVA. good...fifi etk. HaSAOAISO A large lot of the nasal ever brought l rata aurket. J aat received ; prloe low, LAaTJTA-Whlt. Siutoa. Wo, c, at remarka bly low rate. '", ItOOHA-We are also jart ta rtcslpt cf a nIos ef Ihlt variety, whleh we guarantee to be ef supe rior Quality, (Near Tetrk Stsndsurd BrsuteU Oaly.) Metwiihstandlag the advanced market we eon tlauetoaell: CRUSHED LOAP SXiot-fcrftl QHANULATED ,..,..f...;...Kltt for 1 -A" (olarltted) ".... j lbgftr ?1 LIQUT BIIOWN (nearl alte').10M vbs,frt XT. A S. We have recently added to eur stock la- this de partment by thepurchaaeofaLABQE QTjASTirr or NErT-CEOP TEAB of the dUtereat'varUttos, and hence we are bow prepared te : special in ducements. Bee prices below: IMPERIAL, Near aad Sweet IMPERIAL, " ...300. ...7ZH 1I1PEBIAL, Choice ...................S".HM ..... ........ .....91. 93 IMPERIAL, Extra Fine JAPAIT.Oood JAPAN, Choice..., .100. JAPAN. Extra ftae, HlTer leaf. f)l,33 oolong, New, aad best la this market "PT'ee I....0OO. OOLONG, New, aad best la this market i ror price .n,,, OOLONO, OhoteeQoods- too OOLONO, capnot be surpassed In quality tL35 ENQLIsa BBEAEPAST, Choice New I Goods 1.00ffi8L23 OONPOT7DES $1.00 QUNPOWDEB, Choice $I.a!l GUNPOWDEH. Extra Fine 8L30 WELCH'S BEST PAMILT, per sack ....93.7s GOLDEN HILL FAMILY, per sack 4a,30 BURNT MILLS FAMILY at lowest rates. 1SAAO WENOERtJ FAMILY- ' A. ROSS RAY'S FAMILY " EXTRA FLOUR at aio. A aad 3 pjrn:k STT3X)I3S. F. B Smith A Co. 'a CBDSHED WHEAT and GRAHAM JLOUR, Juat received freah from the mUla la Brooklya, N. T., aad for sale low. Also, aobthtr bogahead (nearly a ton weight,) choice new TURKEY PRUNES, which we sell at U cents, or aevan poaads for ta. . tn ahort. our atock Is now large aad complste, snl wa are telling low. ELPHONZO YODNGS & CO, GHOCEHS, j&a&so22JLo Toxtajalo, MNTH STREET, Oppeafta U. 3. Patent OJtia. ELmONZO YOUNOS. J r. JOHNSON. pt-lt STANDARD BLACK fs 50 CENTS PER POUND. ' WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. 2tOTHLe LIKE IT SHOE 1863. nrr N. W. BpCHELL, M? ounit We are now Manufacturing iia ft ca bi obtained of Grocers E7tTTOher& 3.e Aralsese 'It &'JffisiE8t acu iipronaauaaa uycocinaMnt M3je W BUJ TE. WiCTN tOS DUD11G Jomt.tlc rnanuxiqturtrs. B tasrass n-i.ntn W?&Pf?& yW&tiMVmv&. your grootr eaa get It if ha will. W. BaXEB 00., Doraiestcr, T3TABLItaED 1TO. alanulicturtrs ef the tTwleBrat! tlefinted Baker's Chi Cocoa and Broma Pr) "a parattens, aad tnwa'y wmwfc jvsutia, dFealolowbr Ss?ya33. Bro., KOt 009 finoiTiTaaia Avanuoi pj, 2c. aEiES-faL, J 4ii 91T; ,. . FINE GROCERIES PUEE ESAHLIi W1HE3 AMD WHBHES, AT Wholesale and Retail CHOICE TEA5. PUDIECOFfEB Easttedsndgrounllallr, 3iJp EC, S23IE3 aveaae, iar Ceveath iimt : CARPENTERS. J Ul IH-II V 1" WJI. D. MORRISON, OASFSNTEK All Bandar, atwp ooraa of rourtasntli .aM, s Abode Island avenue, wishes to InftraTiU Jilaa and any SsV!aUatMaalO0skeitB3rioec talM aueasoaal DENTISTS. TWTiaTST.-CvajrOBTEB,JLP:, FOB XJ miriTaai a Dental PractinoD.r ta Panadel tbal Tall HawTorS. attend, to all Breneaetef hi froraaaeaalHoi,li New Terk arenue ' , Jfeaaiiful uta of teeth oa aUtlaa, ald aad Lothn wntartaS oa. the most reasonable terms. nos-lf DRjK.S7ifiROWN, 4 hTO m w-vac mp. 1HJ Hnsaettniettsi Areaae, betrreera TaiTtajeatai aaa oarxeeneQ suee te. PaBappererleweieet ef Teeth sjj tartaal" " 4tVl Tetih utraeted by the see of puraQaa......... (l laUi aailiuoaal Tooth, same altUag W 'Kcditga-Frtiit' Company, 403 "3!aJ STBEBX. eesoacjital laioit is ooSeSH ? trMVJToaiJoitacr ltiili asbecialiv dflRrantaT roVVriw aawliKSfaltVcjiioh' .3. and taaaa AUevl w-Au.A,a,aa.Ai CANNED GOpBS: JO a WHlTflHBATH PEACaJ64(IaaIl i fflMterpsAs, tj " See wTak1:oiiaiu3, li jii. rRESHSALri'ai rARMOWHCTATEBA fpoaal tlav frost EBFLAABAarWlnUaK Wffimtess'-' STOVES AND TINWAEEi isii 1 Ji I I I "I -aa.ewsia,tsaaiwaJ.Jwa,swtigeweaai.a leefc m JUU, AJWJRTilE(OOOuliJ'UlCiliSlSO