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THE NATIONAL EEPUBLICAN. TUESDAY MORNING. APKIL 10. 1877. . A MXMKMKXTS TO3Tttl TTT. NATioiAtTu.,ntK-Mr. E. I. Davenport It Vtn'tVmt. Avtrtca TnaaTta Variety entertainment SI Sttn. TcttrnoKi Oovckrt at Lincoln halt. Babocrtptlon Rates, Dally (IpaiO brrairlrre,.! crate per a-oata. BrinuU tlputa, tSpecyrerttl for mi moiUi, ftodftrof UrM moaths, TimiUTUUUf u eo Advertising Kates. DaUy-tSreat a line for ordinary tdrmuiif OafdltonupM,!! per line, nm page, VLH Notices We beg leirt to lists that we decline to rstarn rejects Ucmminleatloni; and to thla rule we can make do exception. Indlr Alton. Part eleujy or tlear itStr, w.'ftAJ briih northerly f Mtr1u WiZ, siWy risix; iWotrrfcT, end no decided tag in Umptra Ur. THE HAir.T NATIONAL KEPUULIOAN CAN 11C UBTA1NEI IN NEW YORK AT JIB TNT A NO'S NEWS KMl'ORIUM, 39 UNION SQUARE. THE DAILY AND SUNDAY KKPUHM VAN CAN BE PROCURED AT THE 8TOHE OP MARION A. CROWN. NO. n WEST 1AYETTE STREET, AND EUTAW HOUSE, 11ALTIMOUE. gjtottorctl ginMta XT. J. MCICTAOn..., .rnorniKTOK. TUESPATmntiimtimimmmiArBIl, 10. isrr. this xonxixa: .yeitj ix bbiei: Tlit Treatnry Der-Mtmeat it Inveitlgatlag tke euitomi eervlee. Th. Prettdtat hn aid! tk. lire, to th. Nerel Aeaaeny. Tbe telepkone esklt-ttlen nt Ltaeola hall last cvealng wat entire j saceettral. Tb. Pretldent hee not reeelved eoj Informe. tton direct from tb. LontilaQa eorntnlaalon. Te-day U tb. day appoint! fortbe withdrawal of troops frets th. stat.-boat. at Olambla. Tb. Prealdent hu appointed Mr. Alonio fl.ll al Altlilaot Secretary of tba Interior, vice dor. bin, resigned, It II rerr probabl. that MenteBegro will baata tioitttlUee agalnlt th. Turka at th. expiration of tbearniitlee. Oeneral Oortlna li now la tbo hands of th. lHes Government, nnd bai been taken UVera Cnii for Intprlioameat. Tb. Tarklih Parliament will aoon patltlon tb. Faltan for th. recall and trial ofMldbat Taiha, tbo banished Orand Vltler. The annual commencement of th. Ifew Tork Medical College for Women took place tonight. There wer. nln. gradnatea. Frederick Zlaamer committed inleldo by ahoot. log tilmietf t brooch th. bead, at hit raeldeae. on II atreet northentt, laat evening. Nothing farther tai been developed la tba Jewett tregeey. Awtde dllfereneeof opinion ex. lata between the coroner and pol'co aa to th. real came of Orrille P. Jewett'e death. Th. Louial&an eommlltloa had a tall eonralu. lion among thsmaelvea yeaterday, letting three boora.dur'Dg which time the ctoora were elotod. The balance of th. day wal taken op la recelTlag the varloae delegatlonl that called npon them. In New York yeaterday morning a xaaa Darned Cornelloa Scanloa wai bound with a rope and faVTled from a window by three Italian rag. plckera rea'ding la tbe aame balldieg, whom ha accused of Improper Intimacy with ate wile. Scanlon died almeat Inltantly. Daring funeral aerrlcea oyer the remalnaof tbe late organlat, Mr. Scbmltx. of SU Pntrlek'e Cathedral, N ew York, yeaterday, the drapery on the orcan gallery caught fire, and a aerieue 1'inlc waa only prevented by tbe .tforta of the clergy and the pretence of mlad of the Udlat lteaent. Batleii aajrt the Kcpubllcani cannotcsp tare the next House. Bat Satlib b a candidate for Speaker. t TnE cartom-honsci of the United SUteg are going to b oTubauled, and 70a can tnuk that down u the trulh. Tnins la a belligerent disposition shown by the rtral Oorernors of Louisiana. They seem determined to try conclusions bj force. Tns gluablowers of Ohio should not strike, aa they propose; for they may break something. It will probably be their sayings banks. A word to the Inflationists. Down in lluenas Ayres lithogrsphr is cheap, but it coats $9D0 per month in paper money Tor board and lodgings. A stroso movement is on foot anting the New York and Philadelphia capitalists to support Lxiido In his comlnc attempt to obtain controlof the Mexican Government. It is a settled fact that by the use of the telephone man can talk across two States with his mother-in-law, and tell her she need not come until next year to mike "that Tlsit." TiLDUt's majority In Chicago lut fall was 4,071. A few days since the Repub licans carried the municipal election by 15,000 majority. What a terrible rebuke this is to the electoral tribunal! A ri.AS is on foot In Richmond among prominent Republicans to submit the claims of the rarious Republican applicants for the post cOco to a primary election, at which all persons of both parties may par ticipate. It is hoped that not a cent of tbe several millions about to be expended for Indian supplies will be used to purchase fixed am munition. To give the Indians fixed am munition Is worse than giving s raring lunatic the freedom of society. TnK dissolving view continually pre sented by tbe Legislatures in Louisiana is interesting. Members desert their re apcctlTS Houses and return with that dull monotony which makes life simply spice leas. It would be s good idea to drive them Into their proper places with s trip liammer. Tue Democracy of the North is down n the dust, under the feet of tbe enter prising thirty million citizens who make the life and energy of that great section. It the Southern Democrats want to fall Into the same condition, they have simply toconllnuethalr alliance with this whipped! out clement The other day the President told the Becrctary of War to tell the General of tbe Army to inform Hancock to order I'.ccir to instruct Colonel to have Captain Dash csll on s corporal to take away the cuard that has been tarrying about the Columbia State-house, and the order will be complied with to day. Kkoteii Is the name of a man who has been arrested in Arkansas on suspicion of being old BEflOEB, who years sgo filled the graveyards of Bouthern Kansas with Ills mangled victims, lit came from Wis contla, tod its Oalcsg JYfnM fsja tttt If be hag do stronger claim taifcecaCaws than that be was onto a tnenaVr of la Legislature of that State, U is can to insure bis death. TtU Germane, In remembrance of Iks great serrlces rendered their cnastryraea in Paris during the Franco Praniax war by Minister Washstjuix, are asw aixisss to decorate bin with the highest order cf German knighthood. Tbe deoratioa It said to be worth fM.00-5. but oata Mr. Wasuhcekk retires from oSoe he cunjt accept. This is s temptation to retire aai give some other fellow schaace- Tnx Philadelphia imt rallies arnnl the present Administration wi'-heatlaii asm, aa followa : Why ahoald era mot rally arwenS PrweSent liana: soerg. bin In as. aaMi -ark b. fca ttndertakeA, ana ly eopce. . wet jwieo nnl forbearance aatlttiata lathe reemjIiaataa nf 1be ITaloaT What a glecieas tervamatm It weald be to bia asmteletratiea If ho cull tear tbe coantry. which he tans eUetynrtnS Sty etnSe or eecthtn and rut, tranvaUlea. landiewt Sie tioctlofta enaood, and th. rtgxoa c all eaen meat cited ead protected T HJaapnu-aUaniarorivm- a coaJBDmaUcio, and RIB the eityetrmypa trtotie clUeeo Upremet. na rvalieauaa. Tnc German papers deny that the pro posed resignation of Prince Bisvicrx eras tbe result of s disagreement with the Em peror on tbe subject of Germany's txlaiiTl with Russia, and that as UlesdeJ change of policy toward the Papacy, or the fall Ingout with Vox Srosra, Chief of the Admiralty, had anything to do with the Chancellor's retirement. Aa snwiZBag aesa to Us tu health and strength sal risk his reputation In s prolonged contest witk the hostile eleacsU which opposed hit favorite mespreacf refcmn, sad a derira for rest and recreation, are the explana tions given by those who aasarnc to know. TnE recent discoveries made by the spe cial agents of the Treasury rpetznext bare opened np a mina of fraud wakh Secretary Srebksw will work at aaia its entire resources are exnasstcd. Tbe fraais are chiefly confined to aUk jobbing gtoeues in Ifew York city, and it is said that sail lions of dollars hare been stolen trass the Government by their tanialeat trssiao Uons. When the exposure of this hot-bed of corruption has been tbaroaikly saade. it will prove to be one of the most gigantic swindles ever perpetrated cpoatheCoT emmest. The Treasury Department cfi dala are pcahing the iarrstirttraa with great energy, and the or ta, "Let ao entity man escape." Six Cart is in trouble. It is the way with all who transgress, Saxrxx is a si!t moneyman and naturally STsriciosxs. He receives fifty thousand dollars with which to purchase a Colorado mine, and faying for twenty thou rand dollars he pockets the balance. After aabUe the court steps ta with its scales of justice pretty letxl sad makes Saxczi. disgorge- To disgorge Is not so bad as to be so disgraced, bet It is said that the fining baits Sajrcxx taxe than the latter. We ronintte Surtx Cart as the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor of Ohio. Tber wsnt a rasa wis believes in soft money and likes a great deal of it. ne will Cart the Sts for the Republican candidate. Tbe Covrirr says that lbs re sult of municipal elections hddiavarms parts of the North within the last tew days does not substantiate such Deaoaatie hopes as built themselves upon (he of a great popular reaction agiisrst the Electoral Commission. There has beast no reaction at all. Oa the eoafcary the Republicans have, as a general thiag, made encouraging gains. taaiiuMrmij is Cincinnati and Chicago, where they swept the field. Why is it! Can it be that we have made the mistake of the orthodox Kentucky 'Squire, who, bred to strict coa structlon views of tbe One'rnrtVaa. re sisted tbe bridge tax, carrying his appeal from court to court, nnrH final jadgaeat was rendered sgeicst him, and "-i say ing, as bs counted out the araouat, tax, in terest, coats and all. 'There'syoartasaey, but far'well civil liberty!" Is the North thoroughly debauched in iu politocsl morals, or are we a set of 'Vlarned fooSsr Was it Hates, and cot Tixsex, who gat a majority of the votes actually polled at the ballot-box! Is Joe BaADfjsrr s patriot and a jurist, ahero and an honest tnaa after all! The philosophic inqulsitlveness cf this assures as that Watteesox stiS lives, and that is something, whea wa think how dull Kentucky will be after he is dead. the n.niiiwoT or CBAiiBrawx ASD JUS ALLIES. There is no other human weakness equal to the felly of the politician when coa cersed for tbe safety of bis position. The sanctity of bis honor, or even the salvstiaa ofbissoul, is a matter of minor importiare at such a time; and as for the secsrjry cf the Bute, that u a consideratioahe lava riably sinks Into the sands cf tbe atrial which obstructs bis purpose. Death, tem poral or eternal, is preferable to Tfri-.' demise, and the grave presents no terror to be compared with ttuyawaiagcaasa of worldly forgetfumeas. To die and be forgotten is tolerable; but to oatSve xaea ory is the horror of bis being. True, it is not agreeable to the mind of any one to pass out of the general recoEectian, trattae world cannot produce another diss which, as a rule, will choose InfsTnons racatary before honorable oblivion, lite that cf tba politician. To live before tbe public eye and dwell on the public lip be will accept the reproach and scorn of both. The ex perience of all nations aSordj -.. of Ibis, but nose so treqneally ss that of free countries, where the sverage vet aspires to distinction. There is ant a Cost gresslonsl, legislative or school district in the United Slates which has sot Its exxa pies of this class men who are resea bered only for their raistWdi la eans 1 1 become or to remain public characUrv But perhaps tbe most striking Hlzstra tion of tbe traits of the prams is la the present attitude of the multitude of exjer isgpollticiaatinlhedispatedsutea. They have for s term of years wielded the pi -eis of sovereignty which belonged to others, apparently uxmblful thattaacae would ever come whea they world be de prived of their booty. They have beea Governors, Senators, Reriresentaiives Fed eral and Stale officials of Ugh and law de gree all on usurped suffrages anl ttaVa capital. But justice bsssaund iheaoart, and tbe people have resolved that they snail ply their vocations tut longer. Yet when asked to retire from the aeeaes of tbetr exploits, and promised yvtataot tiey vobxaurily withdraw, they ingoleatrj cahibit tie rersliar rpssQies for which their etna is everywhere distinguished. like geese petty Sanssora, each particular staa sefrrs bold of the sorereiza fabric and thmlrns to tery himself la lbs ruins of tie State. Rather than to yield their risers to these who rightfully claim them, asd fas cot frcta the pubSe notice, they vow rac'staace, and swear revenge upon the ana that sustains the people of the Stairs they have filched, in recovering their own. And to accooapTua this they will step at nothing bat that which Is strong caccta to rcstraia loco. The welfare of the States or the good of the coantry is rclhiag to them; assuredly no", cbe they woald have spared them and it the plsraes of the past sad the perils of the present. And ta resolving and re-resolvisg the ter rible thbtgs they win do, they have grown will, and rnaaltcat dktrnetktt. VTee GovrraornAwrTos and bis rival were here to match their strength, or rather to place the rights of the people against tlccUbsssf a person, and the people won. as all kacw they mast and would before the bar of patriotism, the quondam Gov ernor auitiJercd. sad stated that he aboald accept the sitsatioa with the best viiesihte graces svgardiag his official career as virrcalTy ended. So also asseverated the dsttiaxoisaed sneeenot of the McDcr ncs. Pixsssis aad Brnxas, of South Carobaa, la the Senate cf the United Stales the soloaof the adopted cUixen aaipcf that Stats, sal Ug that he should forthwith abjure fealty to aS other powers, princes aad potentates whatever aad true aDrgiaace give to Han-row. But, cruel can. be reserved a rod for the Admlaistra Uoa. which a avers shall be laid on with ont stiat wlacue vtr Bs offending backbone fa3s wilhia his reaca. There was then to be pace between aiaa aad HAxno J, bat war trpca the President. Bat a change has come over the spirit of 'vf!"""r" tew a,t 1 In Sonb CsroGaa. A new resolve has Uken pewatuJAi cf the vsaralshed breast, and eeewhvilittnKtCntVt UTTaI wlfh Via. ElwOdcrBrat sad boffrtrng The asinine csrxag which was to scourge the Preai- deat tor restoring liberty to the State b itxiLlled with bovine rertpensitiea, and there la to be a strong game of in tiaa'ihtioa, played. Uaoutos is not to be ernbraced. btrt chastened with the Prtsodeat, and Notrtnera sympalhirers are to be toescned by the spectacle of expiring saisraor. At least saca as the hope. But Ucwr opinion a3 this talk of further coa UU arQ tare, oat to be the bluster that ptrcedes tie Uabber ot weakness. After to-day the tone will be miller again, and scest to aole will be heard but that of sab ssJssxst asd aaseat. It will not matter, lowevrr. If CHAssxxxAric chooses to resaaia la Ike State-hoose it IsIaAxrTOSi's iateaticato let him alone until he b ready to Opart la peace. It a only a question of time. It will be la keeping with the recced of their kiad if the CaAXaxnLAls Crisis are in tint their poaitibea belbre the penple to the latest possible moment, at the cost of diirrace asd lafaaty. If they have bo reeowa for kotsora&le deeds, they still win have mcxitnj tjrwratoinc- JTO JXiCr IS TOE TJiST CSTIL AFTKje ITXC. Beaia aad Turkey are straining every nxrveU get nady for the hastily approach, iaxaraaed conflict. Rxrttr Pasaa b for war. aad so b Goctsctlaioit sad Count SraocTaiorr. Tha CagUsh press, which has beea characterized by peaceful utter aacea for the past month, srys stow that cvilyoae thing appears certain. IfTorker yields to an lhatlitmia ever demanded, reace b asaared. If ahe doss not yield, war b IseTitshle. sad atnie? will in sD ttbtjSxj erarisifTtrei wtthin the next til weeks, atoatecegro seems determined to raSbrre ler dcraaads for Spues and tha right beak of the Sloratscha river. These dczsastcs Ttnkey win not comply with. This cakes peace between Turkey and olonteaexra impratrible. aad without it there b ao hope for peace between tha Ccrsack aad Xuasabaaa Powers. The TcrkisL acd Kcasiaa antharities fully ccopreaexd this perplexing situation; sad are actiag ia accordance with 6. The mmmamltT In chief of the Salua'a army 09 tha Danube ass gone into the Ceil, aad simabaaeeas with this rdhoventeel we find the Prnssiaa cornniaader of the army cf the frontier hiateainr. to lleriyrr PrthtoaaKimecoramaud. With this ranis tcotts and threiteaiag ma rxravre comes the cry frost Constantinople that tie war party openly resists the signing of tie rtrecioto, aad wQl not accede la any xsanxer to the deneaads of the Cxir. It is sail that aa agent is oa his way from the S-laa to St Petersberg for the purpose of cejciiatiag terms of disarmament with Krari Tab win result ia a disagree laest. asd win only hasten the rupture which rastst sooner or later take place. It b idle ta talk of peace between these Pow ers catu after war. for there are ao terms which wQ satisfy the ti.e of the belllrerest parties of either coaatry, and these parties sre now tie ruling and con treSiag elcsafnta. ont gzrxtteyTATires abroad. It is said that there win he a thorough reorgitirtath-ri of our diplomatic service wilhia the next year. From the character asd apparent lirttrmiaatioa of Secretary Evaxts we believe that be win use his Lest endeavors to Improve the ptraraasl of ottrd-prtvnstir reprfacatal.-on, Ia speak ug of this matter SVsi' Jmadjy lines atys that it would be aa objectionable feaare should oar Ministers abroad have Kane little knowledge of foreign languages, especially the French, la addition to other Hcexaary srrriixplShmtnts. In the Ger caa eooatriea it would not be a crime or a daadvaatage ahoald the Aaerkaa Batnis trrs cc CortmH be able to speak a little Gerssa. even though it might savor some what cf the Taakce twang or Western provtMsaiam. A sSght acquaintance with Iffi'e Ieratsre. ancient aad modern, gome falsi conception of science and art, a small knowledge of astory and a little aprink Eag of ialsmtfnnil Uw woold not, la oar oriaios. isjare the geaeral representation of oar coaatry abroad. To properly fin a first-claai appointment Anr.'ri require a kirk order of personal aot edacattosal sompIishraents. Occa sionally, as ia the cases of Mr. Xotlet, Mr. Rtscsorv. Mr. Sewabd and. perhaps. 1 sVsT &esl la&mia or leRtn U seat abroad, but these are rare and excep tional cases. The men who can run a Con gressional district, buy op a Legislature, drink a dozen cocktails before breakfast, elevate their feet higher than their heads with ease and gracefulness, tract a map of the Mississippi river and its estuaries with tobacco juice over their non-tmmaculste shirt bosomg, play 'Mraw-poker" all night, whistle cat calls, '-put beads" on their an tagonists and personally possets a sovereign contempt for all grammatical and polite education, are, unfortunately, much more prixed for diplomatic preferments thsn eminent scholars sad refined, cultured gentlemen. Tits sEPVBticAjf orrosirwx to TUE ADSttXISTItATIOK. It bss been stated thst President Hates' policy meets with objection from the radi cal element of the RepubltcWparty, sad tbst it win be fiercely assailed In tbe next Con gress. The opposition to It which wag expressed by Senator Blaise no doubt In dicates tbst on this subject there It an hon est difference of opinion among Republi can leaders. It can hardly be expected that Senators MoRTorf, Blaiiie, snd the ether gentlemen who prefer theorlffer in r to the ittariter i' mods, should yield the policy which they have defended ao long and so earnestly without feeling that their efforts bsve been wasted, snd that In an entirely different theory ot treatment of tbe Southern esse a reflection is east upon them. But while this may possibly be the fact, vet It does not affect the motive be hind, nor does it Indicate that the policy of either of these leaders, or of the President, is correct, Tha matter of right bnot of this or tbst leader, but of Itself. A differ ence as to iu interpreUtlon msy be hon estly held by each faction, and yet both have the same end In view. We believe that this b tbe attitude of the Republican opposition to President Hates. There b no saUgonlam to him, but only to hit) policy. If, however, It shall prove to be the solution of the problem, or even val uable la any degree, we do not think any one wDl rejoice more heartily in hit guc cers thsn the Senators aad others whom' tbe newspapers-are now endeavoring to bring Into antsioslsm to the Admlnbtra-i tion. President Hates and Senators Blaise snd Mobtoh are after the same object, namely, the pacification of the South, ir they differ ss to methods, it dees not follow that they are aaUgoalsts, and In fact, President Hates baa acceded to them that his plant are experimental, and subject to "modification. The wide gap In tb e party seen by some is, therefore, a mere -vision of the imtglnstlon. csizr house's bcrrbxder. The Sioux srtr teems to be at sn end. Old Csazt Horse, with bis fierce Ogs lalas and Arraphahoes, have corns into the agency, leaving a few Chcyennet snd Simno Bull, with a few warriors In the field. These sre ttid to be hurrying to ward the British possessions, and will probably take refuge there to escape the troops, which they believe are punning them, bat which are In reality not within a hundred and fifty miles of them. The question bow irises: What commission had SrOTTEO Tail to treat with or Influ ence those Indians to come in; and if any, what were the conditions on which they surrendered t Certainly the Government cannot gnat immunity to such s danger ous warrior ss Craxt Horse. His lut year's depredations snd hostility have cost the Government many valuable lives aid millions or money, and bis punishment should be prompt snd severe. A COMPARISON. There b a paragraph floating through the press, which announces the startling fact that during the last e'ght years property in South Carolina under Republican rule has decreased in value 155,000,000. From this fact we turn snd point to tho following truth : Property in Missouri during the last four years under Democratic rule has decreased In value over 1300,000,000. How do the two compare, and In which party b reform most necessary t This comparison caa be extended further, and quite as fa vorably to the Republican party. The municipal debt of Phllsdelphls under Republican rule is not one sixth ss Urge ss that of Ifew York under Democratic domination. Thus It U with every city In the Union. Where Democracy reigns, mu nicipal and State debu are increased with amaxing rapidity. Reform b necessary. DRIFT OF rUBLIC SEXTJUBST. The drift of popular feeling, ss evidenced by the recent municipal elections, tells the agreeable story that tbe Republican party bonce more united and strong. In the last Presidential election the large cities of the country gave Tildes majorities which were amazing: but these same cities bow repudiate the Democracy, and roll up fine majorities for tbe Republican ticket. Dar ing the past fifteen yean tha people hare never lest faith in the Republican party, snd their recent expressions of approval are significant, snd wits politlcUnt will not be slow to heed their Import, rZKSOXAL Gov. C. round, of Wisconsin. Is at the Ebbttt. John E. Keyburn, of Pennsylvania, u si WlUard's, S. G. Wjokoop, of New York, It ttoppinr stth.lmp.riai. ' General L. P. Uraaam, U.S. A., and wife, an at th. Ebhltt. ' O. IT. Perry, jr., of Lowell, Mass., ta stop. plsgatWUlard't. r Sol Smith, or New Tork, registered at the Imperial yeaterday. Geo. U. A vera, of Philadelphia, arrived at WIlLuiI'a yeaterday. Julie J. M. rugh, or Columbna, Ohio, Is registered at Ue Ehblu. Edward Archer, of England, registered at th. ArLngtoa yuterday. m Joaeph Slllfrmas, the New Tork banker. Is n gaett .r th. Arlington. Governor Thomas C, Fletcher, of St. Loula. Me., It .urtered at the Ebbllt. Major Jacob Wagner, of North Carolina, arrived at th. Eboltt yeaterday. Gen. Jodson Kllpatrlck and family, orN'ew Jersey, hare roema at tho Ebbllt. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Thompson, of Mew Tork, have rooms si tb. Arlington. Dr. and Mn. Alex. TnnaUll, of Norfolk, Ts-, are sojourning at tbe Arlington. Oeneral John G. Mitchell, of Columbus, Ohio, la among the gaeeta ef the Ebbllt. Mr. E. L. Davenport, Wise Geraldlno Itaye, aad airs. May., an ngutend at th. Arlington. Gen. James A. Dutnont, SuparvtsfuE; In epector (leaenl of Steamboats, It qnsrtorod at the Ebhltt. D. Moore, New Tork: J. L. Webster, New Otluna; J. W. Lnwlnr, Naahvlllei J. E. OslH. more, Itlrktnmdi A. War.. Phliadelphlei K. toasastr.BgjuataTtjaa.UUIiasex, s'wiMtlstiaj' A, tawrence, K.w Y.rk. TV, 8. Herbert, la. dlana, and vr. It. Jaekeen and wife, Manchester, arrived at the Imperial lletol yesterday. Prof. Elltha Gray) Sobers Strakoaeh, One. ItMlhitid. Big. M.Tetllapretra,s. Trebling and Mite Kellcgr, or tb. telephone tnnpe, wen regutered at Wlllirl'i ytiterday. Charles Amorv.'Doetnn! 8. Sherwood and C. W. Uaert, New Yorkr Cnarltt Fill. Kew trr. leent. En.! Mr. aod Mra. William It. t!rocker, New Tork! II K. Vatlenllne, Ilreoklyni K. W. nan a4 lamuy, Whitehall, rr,r.r-A. auataar.. New York: sir. and Mrt. II. N. JtOt and II. It. Ionderback, Philadelphia; end K. V. Malhew. aen. Holland, an among the arrtvale at the Arlington. Among the arrivals at the F.bUtl yesterday n NewYortiJ.ilWnke. neld and J. linnben. Cleveland, Ohtoi J. W. Iarjee, New Yorki E. II. l'artont. 8tlt l.eke Illy: J. T Iong, Indlaoapollii E.1I. Iord and If. tir-edon. New York: A. I.. Uongor, Akron. Ohio; Slontromery la. Parker and Mrs. rt. Wneelon. New York Oily: W. P. Ilodcet. SI. Eonlt, Mo.; D. N, Ilertolette, eel II. U. I'orMo, V.8.A. lion. J, W. POopcr, of the old and wealthy German mercantile boate of il. Ilaekfeld A Co, Itonelnln. Hawaiian lalaada, nnd eontnt rer Rat taatthatport,haatieeia geeit at th. Ebbitt Hoot, for aomedaya, having .Blriat tmalneat with tbe Rnttfan Mlalater, from whom h. bat rrc .ived ometal and personal ronrtetlee. Uoaaal Pflager vltlte New York, rrtn Ihenn will retnn I. Men FranclKo and tak. the ateamer Ut his besntlfnl Itlaad home. Mr.It.W. Mitchell, the well-known "Rob t!rolghton"of the preaa, baa been aelecud by Secretary Sebnn aa bia privet, secretary. Sir. Mitchell It one orthe Bnett etenographere la tall eoantrr. He terved na eteaonvaphor to thoOonrt ol Alabama Ulalma lor two yeare aad n half. At a writer Mr. Mitchell, nndcr th. cognomen of "Hob Crelgblon." baa wen well-deterred celeb rity, and aa a bumorona pangnpblat b. ts th. Iter or !pwtt, Irardotte, Ungorr, Uatlin aad llalley. Mr. Kcbon will And la Mr. Mitchell n competent and able private aecnUry. J. W. MeKcnnore, Philadelphia: A.W.Tin, nay, Uroeklyn, N. T.I Wellealey W, llage, Now Yotki Ukarlea Klela, Philadelphia; Chattel II. MnUln, reantylvnnlat J. P. Woolman, MonUna; Ueere. K. Ayera, Philadelphia; Amos Rattey, sad Ueon. It. Smith, New Yerkt J. M. im.k. h.ld, Iond.n: John U. Pure and rraak U. Out. ton. llotlon; U. Stapl.t, Newport, K. 1.1 E. K. Parker, lloaton; Charlee E. Cemn, Maryland; Thomae tr. Walter. Pbiladelpble: William J. EMnaeil, New Jerteyi Oeorge A. Balet, P.n. eylvanla; William IL Clan and wire. New York. and J. H.Stnralta nnd wlltj, Michlgnn, an among th.anltaUatVuiard'a J jr.i.Y notXD wirn a jtoi-k .ixn ItVItLKD MOM A WiXIHHT. OmtnUnaBeaalnn'.TniTlknEnil I earring tan KanUly nglUUna Bnckplt kare Lnynly Wntuan, na tTenni. tBrTeltgTaph I. tbe KatUatl Itepebllcta.) New Toss, April 0. At 320 o'clock this moraine, as officer Nation, of the Fourteenth precinct, was pslrolllnx; Mulberry street, when aesrly opposite No. 41, an Italian named Dominique Wymaa,a etnet swe.per,csmo out hurriedly and Informed him tbst a man lay murdered In the yard at the rear of the alley, way. 1 he officer rapped for aseletance, and en entering the yard a stnnge spectsele pre sented Itself a body almost Inanimate, with the aide of the face beaten nearly to a pulp, and Barged with a clotheall'ne It was securely bound band sod foot and nndered Incapable of movement. A few pul satlonswen still visible, bit there wss com plete uncontclouiaeis. The body was con veyed to the sutlon honse, sad the omeen returned to the bunding, which Is a rickelty tenement, and went up sUln. On the third floor a door and et fndow were found open, and Catherine Fox and Catherine Session wen found awake, aleeplng fa different apartmenu. On the next floor below eight XUIIaas were found eegsged In a lively conversation. On Inquiry It waa ascertained that the In. jnrrd man was the husband or Catharine Scanlon, and the rope waa traced to the owDcnhlp of three ILaliaaa named Angelo CLUela asd Felix Chllela, cousins, and Angelo Guaroo. Cfrcumstsnces pointed to a rout murder, as It waa known that the woman Scanloa was carrying oa Improper relations with one of th. Itellsns, An-elo Chllela, and she did not msnlfcst any perturbation oa be. Ug aroused by the police. Wymsa'saKI he bean a heavy thud as orthe sound of a falling body UXore he went lata the yard, and that he lelt aatlafied that CalleU waa an aocessory at lca't to his attempted murder. The oreti window atl the piece of Its frsme by which Session's body was tied suttalned the theory or murder, Alice Wall, residing U the nouse,conflrmed Wytnan's story U all Its eeeenUal partkn'ara. Tbe three Itallsns, with the witnesses, were arrested. They were brought before Justice KUbretb. Angelo Chilela and Angelo Guaron are man orswstthy complexion, low la etatute.and re- Jiuleavo ra pLyatognomy. Their elodtlnc and area wen filthy. They were unable so apeak English, but plead "not Entity." While tbe investigation was (roUg on word was re ceived from the Chambers-street hoepHst that Scanlon was desd, hsvlne died then at 10:16 o'clock this morning. As he wss uncon scious from the time of his entrance Into the hot pltal until be died he made no anit-tairtttn atatement. Justice Kllbrtth directed to bsve the pris oncn remanded to await the production of farther evidence, and the oftieen are now engaged In that way at tbe scene of the out rage. MEXICO. titn. Cortina Taken to Vera Craa torn lm. prlMnment llle Eir. Dell.end to k Sr. in llm ILnnde of Dial. tBy Telegraph to the NeUonil ltepohtleta.1 MlTASioKAS, April 9. Gen. Cortina left this cily lstt night with a Strang escort for the mouth orthe Bio Grande, where tfcesnb. qucatly embarked on the Mexican man-of-war Liberia, to be conveyed to Vera Urns, where, It la believed, he will be placed in the Castle or ejan Juan d'Ulno. His friends sre rejoic ing Uat be is beyond the control of Csnalea, snd feel conOJent his life Is ssfe In the hamlt ot the Diss Government. Trouble Among Ohio GUee ISlowen and Cone Miners, tnyTeleertpbtothe INatlonal Republican.) New Tour, April 0 Advlcea from Zanes- vllle ttat. that th. wiad.w glatt btowen of that elty have aotlned their empleyen that they eball atrlke unlets aa Immediate adraan le made In their wagea. Tb. arm of Karne a Uerdmaa. which employs one hnndred men. will ahnt down their workc le-dny II n compromlt. ennn.t be efleeted. They eute that the workmen an new abla to make from alx ta eight doltare a day, nnd that in the present condition of the market any higher ecalo or price, caaaotb. paid. Tbeywen able Friday night le pnvall upon the men to blow oat the potl nlnady melted, bat farther than that no dltpoeluoa la manifeeted by either party to make eoaeeatloas. The nndentandlag at ZaaeavUlo la that the etrlae la to beoome gen. enl thro.gbont the coantry. Labor tnnbleaof n aerioat natar. en alto nportod mm the coal-mining ngloa of YeaghU gheny. Gate. Cnry In Trouble A Caen or Mitplaend fBrTelcsrephto the Keueoal Bepablicaa.) CiitcixnaTi, April P. A case of some In tentt. Uniting the chsraeterof Uta. Samaal r. Cary, hat jatt been decided In the nnrta ben. The auilwaa baeed npon n ebsrge tbst Uen. Cary had taken adranug. af th. ooalldenee re. poeed la him by n nnmber of indlridnala who mod. heavy laveatmeats In n Colorado mlae. Tbe court found thai Uen. Cary bad agreed with hla ataoctatea and partnen ta the eoterprit. u bay lb. min. for their common benefit for S50.00O, took tbe money to bay It nt their agent, boaght It for SiOOO, end divided the belann betweenlilm eelf and bia nephew. The balanroof Sa,ooo tbe court decided matt to aceoanted for by Cary to the aubacrlhen of Block. A Itoaolutlon Eapnatlvo o( Gratitude to rrntMontllayoannd Wife Ad.pted by Urn Nate EngUnd Conference. tByTetrgrapb to tbe MaUoaal Bcpubtlcan. Bostow, April . At tbe session of the New England Conference of the Melhodlat Kplt. copal Church IrMlay, n reaolntlon wat adopted eapretilvoofgntlladtto Pnltdeat Ilayeeand lady for banliklag lienor Inm their pabllo and Erlvale reception!, and it waa ordered that a copy e tent to the Pnaldent. Another DafeeUvo llrluge And n Fatal Acel. deal oh. BoaattTboro.f. fBy Telegtanhto tbe NaUoaal Bepablk-aa.) Cxevrr-iKD, O., April 0. A faUl accident occurred to-elght en the Tnscanwaa breaek or Ue Clereland nnd Pittabnnr nad. Aaatnla was eneeteg tbe beidgn nearMalvtn, the brldgn eve war pteolpilaung tbe engine lute the one a, 11111. the firemen. jeaaooHham. and tarlautly ( tpjaitsf taxtaseratarfe ltMra, A GERMAN'S COOIiSUIGIDE A. lilttArrOtWTKI trttCK-HKKKXM rvrsA tiVLT.r.TZnntHnxAn, End r tl. TrenMM f rrtl9rlk Xlmi Ilttl-ttftt ant. Awl UiwAittl Tracle lemth mt IJ Owi Ttirntweslta. A ud wUtcUe. rtmarkkUe for the aellbenvte rrtOiirf wilt, wliiefc It vnwmkt.vittfCM the lohabittoti of tbe thlo.y-rtti& Bectkra af Ihecltyhitbf p.tjhLbOThcod of ElcrraUi unfl Ffttreeti northeMt lut rrenliifr. Mr.rrrft. trick Zlmmer, mldiog at No, 1113 F street Dortheait, aboat 7 o'cloct, came to Ihofnnft door of hU bouM, and xalllsuc nelcblior m to htm ld : 'V tbow yoa how It i. flnnt.' With tbla be rrotluoed ft rrrolTcr, anfl plactnc It at Lla own temple fired, and fen a rnrie aeroM thethresfaoM. 7lmmer1iadlaeodrlDta Imj durlntr tbe day, romtnjr home towarda night. lie haa ltred alone with tU wlte la Tnx morn where he tame ao trastcallr to death Tor aev. eral yeart. It la a am all tw 0-40017 &ame house on tbe north aUe of T atreet, -near M.rjland aretitie. Tbe ft rat floor, front room, h fitted op aa (ftttcerr and TartiMy ton and the rood wlfeofthebonaehaa, la addltluato her hooaehold dotlea, manacd the atnre aoQ built tip fjnlle a comfortable little trade wUh tbe Ddfchbora. In tha rear of tbe etore la j. little ahop, where Zlmmer, whs la a hoe maher, haa piled bta trade and bent Jila form o-er tha dilapidated ahoea oftfce reaidtrataiif Eart Waahlnrton. Zlmmer and hla wife tiavr In thH way ied ladnitiiona Itrca, and -peace and bapploeaa bare relrnel In tbe little -ra-liety store and the contracted mnoe ahop. About a month ko, or about the time of ibe cbanf la the atdmutstnttoa, Zimmer became rratleaa and dUconteated, and made avrruciTiOK won k. Qomsuzvr ranriei. of eomtklnd. He baaed lile claim pon3iia unite In the Union army d urine the war. Detns an oceurceacful cJTioe-arelrer lii trlenda attiibnte hla anlctde to dUaprtractTit. Slm the time heect the ofllce ferer nlaawl nnfi hammer hare lain Idle moat of the lime. Within tha put twoweekahe Laa been con trolled by an uoaoootjntable frenzy nt timet, and waa apparently labOTinff tinder an aberra tion of the mind. He haa been violent and abmrre, and laa threatened to km hlmaelf and wffo. HI poor wife hardly bettered that lie would carry troy part of hit threat Into exocmloa, sat the tragedy of laat night demooatratea how tin rlbly In earnest ha waa. When he came name last ermine there waa avothtnjjx inmsnal mboot hla appearance, except that ne fcal Jretm drink laro Hla wUswaa not awsra that lie bad coUen the pfatol. The first ahe knewf It waa tbe load report. with nbk-h Zlmmer shot himself waa a CaltH larfie armr rtTOlrer, carryln) 1 ball of larfa calibre. Three of the chambers were loadad at the time. He placed tbe muzzle f the -weapon cloee to hla bead, hlph u over the right temple, and the bullet cntfah-dtnrotich bia akull, Ulllnj; him Instantly. Tbe .report or the pistol startled the wlrht0Th0Ail. and a wocdettng and quesUoiiIiuT crowd -rapidly col lected about the house. Tbe body -of the aui eldewas carried from the dooratcp, where It fell, tnto the bedroom Inside. The poller -were quickly Informed of the occurrence, andlsten. Unant Kelly made an lnVeMleatkm. JLn .In quest wil 1 be held this mornlnx. -Zlmmer waa a man of about -fl fry yrait fir age, and quite generally respected. He wax of rather alender bulld,wUh hair iijiTlnk3ed with tray, and ajwt nupleaaaut face. He baa llred alone with hla wife lo a house onF atretit for a lotia; time, barloi a rrown fiautbter 3n te dty married to John Gild, a ivortlrj butcher, nia disappointment as jin nfllce aeekerls pruersUy gltea by his irieiids nstbe cause of the suicide. A Decoration Taaderetl t Klnlkvlvr 1Tb1h bnrne BrTcltMmih to Ue ItsUoiiiI ItsTpiiliIlraii. Nnr Tonr, April !. The German Oomro ment,thronKhtU Ambasiador at rarla,baataa. dercd to Minister rashlnrue the dsoorationar no or the high ordera of Oormaa avmicbtbwut. m a reccmltloa ol bia aerriooa to tbe saflortDc-ar. mans In larta pondinr tho aviotro duntnc tno Franeo-PniMlaa war. Jtr. Waahbarno Jua dtn rormed tbe Uennan axiaister tbero that waller tba OonitltaUoa of tbo United lstateane easnot accept tbla docontion; but tho MUiatftrTotttviai It for aalm. In cast be ahoald decide lo rotiro inna office, Tbo deooraiion is aaJd to bsve out HWica, aad to coatala costly tliamoada and otber preetoua SpottM Talls RotwirnSarrwttitlor ml Ormt none and Bis Batttt eif lftt Xadlautav. tBy Telraraph to tbe Kstloul BcpubllCaUaO New To a a, April .'.A Cheyenne fllsjiatch ol the sth tays t Spotted Tall has arrirad oxtnia SKeacy tromthf mlaalontotho hoarUlcs, rtnctnc- witb bin Crsay Horse and 1,100 matiuwomen and children, who hare amrradered. Tbla lemTw oalytbo Obeyennca eatatlUontfae warpatn a tale department. A larr Torre of tnaina baa ttetnciaUatedat the agencies to brtnx tbern ta. Tbe Sluux war !n that department of the riatte acems to be near a final termination now. Aa Attempt ! Start a Crooked WUsVySUll la Brawokljat, (IrTrlrcriphtothe Katloasl ltepahtlna.1 Nrw Tone, April. An attempt to start an Illicit wblfkydiatllleryat thoconiaTorikrDaa wayaadMlddletimatreeta. Brooklyn, waa frus trated to-day by United States deputy eollBotors, who made a doscest on the plan and enpiand 3,rtlIooaetmaavh,tab4 and other iiarartbsr. naliaofUado. Tub ITosTas I xuitK. General Sherman yeaterday seat tbe Mlewlacrepsjtotbadiajpatab trom Ocniral Sbertdan, aanooneina: that some l.tVOO besute Indians wore eemlns; la smdertbo euidanco of Siottod Tall aad tbeseont C.Ttlle: lliADq'aa Aavr or Tne TJitTren SrsTea. . . . WAamoTOK,AiirUi,18T.. i OfHtrml r. II. Skrridan, Ckionpo; Your dlipatcb annoonelnr tbo comtnc ta nf the Indians la received and fnl&Us your iirodlstlon. Now will there not be too many at lied Cloud and SgtotUd Tall aceneioi to bo fed and mardsd cfonomlrsUy? Oaght not these areacles to te ttOTedrlcht away to the netebborheod of Fort iCindall where one dollar will m fBrtherthan three or fonrdollara will at the aaarmeiM ii I alder, these two ag-eneios are in JN'obrmsta and most he mored sooner or later. , . . W.T.&HnMSW,Oeneral. Ibe Inalsn Bureau would favor an immediate removal If there were the neceaiary worehousea. ate., aad It Is possible that tbe War Itapartmeaa may bo able to furnish tno-aeMnamoiiuunis. Commissioner Smith and Uoneral Sherman will bare a conference on this anbjoct ahartlr,and there msy be some arrancement made for Uiot. moral of the Indiana to some point where aup. riles ran bo forwarded hy water Umntnartatloa, boa aavlng- larce expenditures lor land cmrriae. roouxa nrn xorzjzs. now Shm Arelded a LwaaveTaUac Soea wltba lMoreWAjtammJrv. Last Sunday night a number of young men dressed in fsnltlass attire, purple vesta and Ana llosa, were gathered at the depot t bia a tearful and a ffoctlonau farewell to Visa JeOrer-lu, a lady who, during ber one week's engagement here, had managed somehow or another to cause a large number or yaang mem, and soma old ones, to become wfortunate TlcUma of a Ttolant mail wsll-stabllsbed regard for ber, and, tntrmnaly entvuth, each Tletlm ivllgteualy boliorad that bia psiilon was reciprocated. When tbo time r rlred for tbe trslnto roll away trom the dejiot each of these admirers strained his eyes and atretehedhleneek up Union atreet to catch atgtat ot Min Lew I , but la rala, and for the best na aon In tbe world she did not turn up. At least halfadosen meawbo expected to take bar to dinner at four o'clock were there to reeolre a bnal tnterrlew and an ezplanatloa, and nstbey sooared up and down tbe train in search of tho ob)ettf tbelr admiration, they preseutsadatbar eugbly enjoyable.slgbt to numbers of persons artuaIntOtf with the emnmstanoes. tmeoldlel low SHi red tbe engineer that Atlsa Xjewlswaaa little late, and offered bin $10 to delay the train UTsmlBQtoStto wbieh the prMoiedriror only ro plled, "Ob, yon be d d," and iiulllng open tba throttle vslrs of the engine, started oil oaTefu. Istloatlme. Vsiions reasons were aaaOgnedlar tho non-eppesranooor MUs Isewla. Isast nlrtrt ttwas reported that aha haa walked ta Ould 11111 tosToid tbe bother of bidding number uT Inastlcs goodbyr and others, who prolssasod to be posted, said that abe was driven to Ueno wtth ber agent and took tbo traia at that place. Tbe real foots sre tbst Hiss aUewis, dstermtaad -on a lark.'areepud twelre Inritattona to dinner, and then, dlagulted aa an old woman, rot on the train unreooa-nlied by any ena,enjoylagtbsfun t broach a jir of silver rimmed naotaelee. Never mind, bora. Kin Jean Clara VartersJs eomtngupthls week.-r.rrra' Crenr(e. A portrait ol tha Hon. Oeorge B.Loringls aboat U be placed wlU those ef the otherea CwW'titi of the MiMiphuwtti SfttjUs la Ha auvijifltBfttpH"v w 9 ,8 JMwnxnr TlteSWITawuihihcaail-rseai sttimwftnlaTr. WBiitaiAwtthaanttamaaqpimeaaas ttiasv TChe stlmwra itaTaawr tPwawii, flu U afthw .lsia ewn, TEd Daiisn -e ens' slattriRr Ba niiw beirome Ipartty ametnTOOiatanwIL Tbe city aff CliMumifHttiTjfh- has tBimr honw tlnta ariB tottff HLfOnauimtm atuwxnui anit tnit-t-ntw S.lClmUTUM.CHUTlttll. v--.vunw. ziSJXKltismnwLv&vatit TttrT'iTTiTTfTt'niffiii fin me is Tnissnie. ffttttouufaiint air iirw tumn aasaesamuawl tTj viuraifsB jynung .UnSta. .nnilianill aft, wTescern. ellir' m HmtUty BiMrmUn tUfcairiTUlsTCTn, ttan Bw Bops tana snmi ntTtiinnimaijjffivMrfwtlJl &SBlnKrtwtUlia r WtYfWW? LtlWDC. n asOTtfflls-nariiB Hn ZanMimM sre a $mm nnrwnnd ttTneUta; 111114 nuMB UxtSlw tTUItahlaAat.tiaw and emauTUMtwaeas tsawrw BaMUQiBUaill Ttt imsstu.ji in tbe ftjarmtatti lmtpu. TiMijniisUiiT gllBnnActitrw anr tUtt DtrwC airwyfilhr iln ttlie mittiiOTdl Uiiwiwuiutnu Onn Et la SrwiBithinaMiawg tar Bitw. atr outatr ww ttw msv nhwntoaaannaiifcStt miar ) toemtetnti tntta Bar nry. flnTSwvTwtsbraminiall umithrttlmt of Wit riovps .aatsnnjuui JmamBaairv wtTuavBec, tbiawi. ("yO Ira u m, THn ""TrfflririlT irltrniaerm ai4itlaj Ahnux Pivcou eeiEnai-me ace emQlbyeiB lm Cf tmatraiactun. Tbe 4itu-3 DwtrofivJliia, atTlThrlsv arnmUliit taThBnwnmajimflsfisiTiBa wnBj, atr trwn. bonttv. t ""'I, " jtsjiTiiiarn; rial lfT(i Wwta uiUM,iitK a awliTw) Jlsn aTlTtirninn DwraUn SsTS - iVtTHratt ejnxnmlfaTinD 3Cnn,w saws TTuut Uusa, WMna tmiiuiiUiatiteiT aaft eJ.ritiWoaUh 'rwntlllj - tWIIUaWal tt tCba. ViniUllstltlK ifl Ulwr UUnaW tv3tJaTiIltsttJ7 Tt tTaaTsf H gkssak vJUfc Tfll l BO ML sTe tan etTn. IKa,awneac. 3n nC(P lltnsdmlswrTTriwoC fXTTtslWllr tm amc trnrntMirituBiTrexaL ire tm iv n sujtSi: dn Bucx, xswwiiwetlm ntrni, A3Lattaurini 9qi.;vwKZ.Makymivnx: amB in . Tbe e-timi'Ta-at acrmnauilh na Ute Simtth Wnl fMmmOmtkm&xJL.'CCltlom. toevnainati,tai).nu' fjTtmiULtaimmrtnaatiatOmwmaim1tumtm n tm iw ! tto tsiae suubs IklUXhtTlOO. mmVMW We xn ttrild 9y CWbmra thai. SpteoaaL W.iWJUta.HftaTfltein.a JBaTT. teitltifaaw'llb tniae iwut.slsTic.atr wooUS aflfnw ttt-aa 3ntn tcbe rijuanswaiastvUaisVltm eintitaalle B (On wnmOatt ulatt lln. suBtauaaas lmn iiad emviia. TbcaMTrUteit-jeTOralbff h th the 3nrmw Wmtar,myiiltiiStnmwmI&,Mluetk oaota. iTHilUirtiiiTimaewrjitT. TtaaoonitaMt rnarriall iwi tBe titxs flVlmJmrmwn OKnmnB&nJIM4, wtUdk I aiinr en ft aRb rearx. Tbe wtanmrn off Vhm Wwticm Ameefaaa Avntosana KkumvmOm Tannniiiiniiwinnaii ore BtndltimBnTwllliTag Bbe lTraatlDamaiiiwnniwkQi, Snatts; S3ie DoiuuiitiunrastiVDUaiB tts EnJtwbll Br Knesmna mnt Ammetomm-mwrw Btatit fc tfcX A 3cw thrvt apn a wnrr llaDjltouisi' ChlVeuv teStlliaaittTama fltii-jriatrwBilvea'Mhiwtj' Tb -f-olRe tnioct tetmwltiamTCiiT BwaxaoiB lamaihrnt siirtiitewsY aa Sire SwKmeas. 1 , boji&wawe a itiufU ana a yma eo-riCM wrea tn tnulw.. Tha j'nuhg snauwnitt flm laaaxnaauziui KOwtalast Uniaaatlv istteiy, A tUsH rmnrflTl ttnlt uDic aft lTiratl.taH.UL fncrj,f amarprrTWJuai iiiwonUBigBwa ICntaraLrfatL wtupar awr BTrtamr afiaiirie' eswina aanijrdia--tanne writhmtt nitc&K TBe offlmr iiiiinWilLDi srtnm tn-ic, am SHi Biuno'fc BatnaJiwaasaSiiaBnnaaaV aomety. na lurrwjjbailt UHiat; Bin Biicm U a dlUb BtaattaiT b iwtaitfAitun vnofta. Trws atr hie trtaiawerw iBsmMtaqHratiaiwjrUmisnw-bill tma ineflM ewnMB.. Oonrm, atr, Op-no 1111 tQ, am ooi0iarr4wwsaa 'aWOaBX. 3ita.a.aT,lrlltwtl, ITflss tasttnwHttwtsi ntaj jy. atjtreeasaibiar Bs11hTTana(7uidMI)sa feoitraaftfi to market tn tmn ItsUTfiiSaa. TClat attaQ BBrBan) IjTJWaaJaViTTjtganminii ittalhnitt aULOUi rjutliMn.oC wrtiteb3a1llitztim italic a &titSs3wVaiZ xtamtitm, tta -Vtpwtn. aJhms auitm thrtaUir. Th wmtLnawa an Kim Dnrnmsaamiat wrirte miire tftaaU tuiree ibinini diM wii&irac, ttjim. ot. ofl hwae: jaoUrjiuiiL '" Th ITlnrnhilmi aifagimfrB sratf-frniafrr,. If area at a iimn XJtiaBa Jirsaar rallatar,, lmnw-r arfiatq- -lajf of i-hm nr sntitvvTTnjiiiffTiTi tttsDii affltnluitl Df par 'chasr riTiimtcto auiabum Bat? s1,ftpjt, ".traais; TTii.oini.000 aBmc TaTtaiu: j7ixtnuieSw or soiiC u b arritainumn itwrte wntb wtmmiiia 1111 ftttwratoie atTaWUas-atM adTCaaaaaan feIjTaVektSwt -X ufw Qnflt)i ftn tto una ait dinsezs Ting JuncnmerimotsWeiasTlBmtH. UaUB ta weaaocsC a annallBiuntmiiiTBTiigTBnM sbotntvtix jUtitWiiafgbraonganstflTBnnw aonsaira. TCba alktwielUa aoa DDinjnaea,ieiLiw rm mictnine. guinlse am ttlat etfiatTiiiir mlatftB on DMsTh. TJriliats ssre Dumfli warnuaoid asakasMsawt areas. justi'vTiTfivncta, OaLafzitiaCiluM QttaUia SiBimuL tiu. Txis. r Thai frltTTjisnans, aif Itvyt. lTfSMrttvT.r na, Wrtlll1n MrrtCfT OC WTsTaMTB- afrmrjAa tetie wicuo sw en OtniwiicarsRiaTnv ttlte jrxaamtta. TCllae tttm Bact-w w-Uu SaUtl ttnm. 3aaazmfBltiMailUa-uBw3l3ll ir-nc tBaV- tMu lln tem Chan a gwat. A QUrncw,. tarrtzuaaata ar vxpeTaasaURa. bk&& a aUatfl off teinuenanti uaLaVaiiAara. wutbeimBuiBrta. Tbe agT;Trrntt off Trbamrih wmmaitagctoC rnman gwiTwtita,aMatnfBLviaatt etraa tust-tuam uTOi ltaoM.wniiibfBm atat waiC banaa. a fmnwaiitmm ttatm&aaUnrr M I 1 liwettLg to itrrncUiiaT ihi" iiiina.aiiti a tavsiiicw tar titjUs3tTaa4taAAi tnAllUAl laauirss lUaaaaUtaal pilai nirwpi wjnswwa- do Tint BaBloiic ttotctie VbitnrsAaBailL IZIutw iram. a-BagTrtllaTJ MryXTtmX ttaaBaltB ttg t-fl If WTllt Wbnn a wrrnnc mam ffanm HliceaxZ la aafcea B llwwtlf.l-!TQvBiTiTBartIbtawBed ufwavtit. Win a tfaiiilk 9mtm?r, Stiltnu Bamasn. tltejditniidtHia.arTiBBatCT ewolito- tionJriiwa (Cbo "'"irTnTiiwfl wrnirnc ua gntiK SdasmlannT-ittiim huB aawiroouiB Bnoituotr too arranir iiU? ttlam Bit tnxtpiMs; Inatt?iiAUjj IT tlmre sae ta "M Banana aAann OtirBiiaaeu SuQire IhDifi,, wlta, witontyB Xifl anunai suMUtus3itl, atP alfeaTaiaaaa1 aatlrlliT ffwiill'alalty. But wtOion Bw woia IWH fGUla?' JLnB Psa JtlilsTlsAtMll IWITIalttt'sI plf, Tbore an ITS slmmaiEs iictllSiriiisTsbctiLe eucves'unne AT iwJ4ro?wn?i,a) iiavrjni staaaunoevs BieBm.TUsTsanHXjnaMmiigB DiaineWoww tfarja anB ttatmunn. tb aaJ3Uttirai,taIlsWttTtUa amdaiomtwwnjwur)uBttBi. TUanmnerinsaent; isviubfftbeiniaiErtfliaT a iiutltiiT mstoBetarvaaia miAiisyac itvibmcrmc n ttnc swiriniictpotrtBe olat4iUxm.wuAfcwUus4jam33i ttlie wtwi tnrnnprJ1nf;n .ajTjfj jjj (jjijj. rtai-faki t1.(l))nr lannoeaBns, Tbe anrarancitt off Sim mriniri) witaia. nue year tmim a ahirSn QkUtT qc oxa ta ssiit to amnudtaa lHuiTWLBmCitgrlttmmnrrTaff tfltf raAOib ts mill man mnaauim. trun aaao. off tne oni 3mc suattrtqwQs usins tai uixniui&Trm jftrto.iA, or wiiiu auit.tifl wftiuib an fa aaJtratwta rnry motmmi nvidUuara tfluiiu etrx eeiTdayjuitL cant tnu me our J""t """Tthy. p utw aKuniartw lite numiasr it icujsii-a numOfrrtbxeacayiiditt that iffBUunaO iy jug- kaanoe i-ti '011., vL uitiatnuni wjmatUi a orixatar "-lrtr a fflum -rtiidb lie OjbB nc-ntiiiiialSr leaitaiiv and: ev Inaximre a ifliiaiisinitttiiBB Biol.U)r mnat urntuc TnnoUsjaurtft.w-niCaTj! amB saith nrBirru-lIiiir lii.yirudQ': atCUmtBBiBiwwiTmpraiBetbim. atF laskwau piuir iiTi.nier' 3Ey ttsitnar' Prturnoa Tike mian lurrrajK, Mil Mm Alhxiailmt til Ureac " iriw,aaiBiiaie euniat,wuui smiitatnly' nnttTTstv laaTistiil auri-iTif .fcv-taisr r..n -mnsatiiiia wtth. ttia man, Vim Uattt stDit A woe Aorv wjui wara Sc fdlT' Tea. etr euuewa.' tatr muni mJne uicsqy, -Mtuu Oiaa waa By laltottwlle.,' --tlarjitain .JlnbnainKla wSliuiTeaVltanr ttaHtur urba mat ttmir mgn anuawaQ mm Alan-fltr uttief QjllCsgmmmia.'l, IM -aOlllttl tat, tr-wtllftlp BinUvl "? ajtobottsoBiaattmbtmc riTjaiiiQtiaaim. wsBeshia arm eras mrmf mmma at, ItaiieTWawam eanMaad: hlav wnw.ll1 , aTTTlH rlirtieisavas waaaaa. rShSOm UltXl 1 Tl TT Aa aaoa sCUiaaO hub auatti, iiTiti rtrnwr' ttttrB nf nn agWattionsautawlt,emflaita eluelt grUB'-'t; Cataia wttsxnunlMr, Bib wb swOjcuinnBaB aatvlawltilnwitat tjrtc.wtbiiai atonUinft Bins wUm tnt. tme Be amtxlaBwiiixaaSsXBaxr Xx, Aaiiswfliwv, aTTiftt turimuJl s Htorji slanaUaeVeiiiirmnuu Stoeaaucuudarmafl(aaa nwa Kjtirrojsnay.sw-waimaKa punoter. THiiitiiiiTmiw wia iUua.tnapiBBsti eantaty to xbe arninuailb ad Clat OntfimaJl ilTitHfni ac 3Uadfatila, AliitTtf Ssaaiar Omm aca eftJDpeut QDXatClUlltaaSftHlaat. lltI'JMatltdafllCsJxOUl suimitramittaattittiin'wnnllBlCte tboa -ta lepaa Swilllnni araiaBiOBfl Wjjuui lm a iax. aoat ttsabrbfielieiaBfl dan waa ami aaiea Uiasm ltw van. fiiaVBexlm acmRBtQ off Onwlsnitea tfirn attw iianialaaeaBsBimnaUBitetott Drtow as twe or Vimt grnmnka eaottc tsnntinailaaaaaaiir tbe ibitiiarnauitTitaiB ltwaa fa mitt aumniBCaC b 0k xrnofl a3ifln2btise Us ailarjiUl off a laaty avt a K.TCT whimt artMa amB ttwrrti tirm itaitTwstaas, jiiC fnra duniar aca aUtnttiMir tialaVxttaLtiauraltuwvr tnun lib tauntmJbilse. 'irtiJBtlliwMis. tnir lautanoat litabmBiOmitliiwiuBisstioBaaiU oia.. Just ttben Clay wnnu tftnem tu dUmunWitli tbsr itransltmiBn tthntiiJttt Ba BaavBauidifeaatitaajrlt WtStlWllTw arwnaajiiTia Omm M. QtalltlWA XU iBilw bad aiua ooai BjarBaiJsTOoiiirtatuna aaUitaluUBatisa. liamgimtatwma mmitt BsucrjL Ett aogeaca thivfi tbeaaieat ataHaitnn dafftttbui ltaillaf tiivsiiwara in aa ff-jia3sttisigtiisiwTOira Tua 31m tat ta stUawqp Hie OtaBBiT la BAMptniaatTattaLfe tne "TirtmmtTijt rnl1ta-itiniffTTnipiiTiniaTjT) 3.ctBjinmi1rjC ttwtanaoat, tEcaflv Arit. aad SutUwMfdBiia-ommmxBmxit ettfier Bluov tdalabeiairauiiaiVwakuJiiDSB naasa aa a pm. tnntamieisT wsoaVsa eqra iyQsyTi tiixm annlaaautc ffenttui evil,nnat(a,aniti jnllnwr Ugne. urj the aanB jffBiiiniie, aranrrita m. mntamnnarr Wu trytnz oiiiiillitt-waumuif'm aff mmalML CaDiL: aiidf;aiiinyDiAriiMslrfksM aa Wkaill aa wa oniiaT eta bo iilwaaamity miuuitimfl By axm nam at Mi ehttmuortm-artlQmmaaeatiaiiatXtr to evltasfltlfJB ws tChe nigim ailajrwa a acne aftx aaMMam mmm. Jk awttr aoBaaicBa tu a Uaha aa eBaiiwiiaaAAaasmiBBlaW leVaT fjiysal SuIbU BW a illano'wuai aantmBwasSattit a UirlUw- tsBir wfnCBaUlWaanaVaUavaa t-ySleuyL 1 aaBainrnt y Uaaanrj " -.yni-1-nT.-tT-w in m...r. .. i-. ...,.rir. : waa-vaiaiA