Newspaper Page Text
s. National WASHINGTON. D. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 11 1877. 5XI23L TOLXfU. i . niftrw ucpubttntn. Kraciioiikismsia' , . . . . t. i .ii- -! 'JWtTl"'pJMglBJtUtWWfc M;WLmM9tXSJJiaJ?M&XrVrCEKl mimi-a iwuslC JxSJfwjak afarwj WSH. JLTOgliK. " ' I Camy i ai j. BaewaenWArKy1 oPowloeJt arraM; mmmm dl snaa Tiar- ettaeijeesnnc naawawax I coinxjnS.C&pntm.arr f 'py-yNrTfa JwThm lauruiwnaaia I JSJJLj'V M'S!rii'i7i'JriI:TT'UttomriT 03ouiavwfnL,ApxB 3D-SlaOMiliaiM mrar aa nST'ciMWfnittrtfl?umu lav- nmuwojsmTenasati emu itn- mwKiaiTOcw. waawann3an.Tte ej . TTrna-msIln- nL.C At rxeabmBaBnSaaw -tvtLJBeawai tfinOMtou H'WMH.. tT mwti pwt bc tarn ftpu welfares eg ttt "Ire www BJwi'iniLirM.iiiw Jiaw wwtwmnrjie Suns. H y t waatcee a i Xftwram !w . 3UeetkeUwi tesaioimeMmak?xaiircav nniinin ipiiin nu., n imiiik sax QMWJimEHfc iATrxjrjrjxsjr, Pe mu rtm. JtyaOtevtti em BuejpaiieB mtw ... ikl agnwTimt dwiiiw c msumtmn mar - "" . ": w i w mmittnmTBmtmm-nmamn mm mv ."we.. L ' " " " ' "-T .!" " " eija-tknwe ftwww say -B ) n paana awaapa SMntabM nawaewaewmmatitai naeumrriimi Xth wpar' tnuHKUMtlMAsiirtB sawatwawdi naaa jmj i tMatf iipmmii i immwmi avcyt. tMiwtwiMM laiciMwumw !WWlpBmill rW JftflllKHl 111 aw a-ttL-TlMlll nnilttrll lipwtUfc arifct mwwiiM arrawair naatrsea mi h re irBsaiiaaen fiiMiinwft m ia aadsa- wsewxa.waa tniriiMt'jMu i u tiwiw aipi ianrBaw.taa rmumltwF aaoiowat n m jtertsy aetata H nia naaaie littoSanrlM w iwiliailM aaTTThB TTbbim l inawt ! lanitty wtttniwiaiiMTuwnrfJinwri i mi laraiiuaw wrata iaeee tto nieejaw in iaiunpiifcvwawBipiPiiw en sanaaaai l inmwnaiwwrf iitim Ti wii'iiw Mamliiaasiii iiinnfliM . amwa mMaaaaiaaMi laiwariiaiiafliiaiiiai aiwiiiwMwaatf !!! i or nriw ihmium i i ihhwimh anaemia m MaMi MDiMiMtti nnfM. ranaOtaeeraMn uj ataoa. wtueni wrt omar oaw- IKfclMl y ill ! i -Hfcr !! i ii mi i Cfe- MttUMitB tAilBtttm.lMMfn. MMaMt ri3feaai HujiTtiMHfihHHB wMMHnOMMwr MitfviE unlit wtnwiiw.ywwiawlw-wiw! miaMmtiaaM tw ! ill TiTyirrffyi1lij mm Xbwt. Twi il Miirnw lirnm tm rnitf hi m yi ! iitiinBiiBrB-waiiirniarMiiiw atnawMqwua iBltwirrwiL- Witot " iwftunr iiiHimHtoi nwiHifl a mbu. imiMi,iiM unto wifctoratina, toyqmitiir nwii)it tr - i ' -n n tub WmigjMllWMH fUUWWBui ip 1 inwiiii if pjWI !!! I Mil 111 III II il sasasssasgsjgssags " - ' -- r wtKliwjw Mnmiiwh i u Ahmumr. Tfi iimb nir Tm iii TTIn lii i Tl n jnt wfllL ut. , jrwjimwiim3Wtfcnmiiii am ...,- , , Tn-A.ijifc it- -- - - 1 nBWfti3aMiiiaNHti AHMMiVMMdtaK MWMPBBJnwnig jmcamrwaaf CMiatut rt4BiUwtttwMtMPWiiaMKaiwia IttfftfttM SwnrtriTirtr'fhT """" c TbCBtt- 11'iiimnipSiibi miiii toi i i oQMiteKftnmvaB&tAift,anRatCsiv "t. uTTilTSlSfiS Si " ""7 lOiOuffi.iCateCtSaC.a.iiitlfemuL auC IhIt MwMhltowgiMBiitwiyrtttacm. gwMLTUliirwMiauriiiyaiatMtMkait,lf f 'IT iSST1-1"' J"?li? afsawta-ltaKk WiItHf wa- malt- wvm VftiM nar gii Mttnw. wauto am 3ucmJMcaaaiiMteE-ltertoBitiatltrmttmiDffi. 5ttUHttMAawMplHp mu illaMBiTiir (li'iiiimiMM I !W mauuii ? MMiiiwigii mtmutamm tSnrrwiiiu Tnt ny tm f ITHtlmtiT SMB 7 UM wnnwttVRHj QhP 3BTT UMUSlt 1 m2m toCMhiiwiaiatoaiaMrimjKijMMM tnxprmmiBV iiMiai Tinm trmi " Ba ttiih ti i !, irniinM ttbijib ni man " n m ""' " ID a yj B,rtti iit aoiwyiiii; J! amgrwartiijilBimiitfc. AmM ttao4tjMfritii.' rfiiw rtwa; wdinai t " r ii irr Trmfl-rM-KTirh. umtimamaiXmMtiiXtmV'mvmamammt'mammmm Trwwmyijiwwi i Tlm?Z:mSSmLmZ2ZS?ZS aimuMmhXB , Mnnn., .sartne wmrtMtotcati ., Jm."'W , i iimwwwuiii jtwmiHwnw.w wwim i& SXSSSSSSSZl iiMiiiin wiiinii ti jiiFMLuuML-wnnw11! h..MBHm...mi 3tTrr tt rtha ata a jcisuishsb a ttnrtujuvBSnat. Jto-tanr Ul OMgrHfeSI viiunuuc-mcii ims anr7 vnrmOTttiidbwocsaMBBrtBni IMQ: rwW awrjwnQTBrttt:tt':tigflttaeT.Bvgnigrj 7MVU 4JBTaD&. trteautmi wattmraoaH T'TtavJtrsaBinas: -uC tntimui'Bmta tL3iwHutizr"ciuauaiwswtida aoenj jii m wrw mi annpai iMiianBiamn Biatt-wBtriBtte. fiJtBvaaitrrnwp hmotmi naiM. niaiiiB II ilnwi !! Tm MMit W imk. fairkr-fK7artiim or 7 oatr l m Staoan 7 usanvtswrviaiaasHrjvMroBw. -fcpwfs ifwiiw.ifwiwwtw .Er il u mill aiiini 1I111. Hi Tin sian aiaiaMTi ' Hjiibmwi ij ilinioflf iiiiniw 1 auflteMM It p mnattarieasL. j. - " ttonxMl ttlwuLanin ztatbn wpirtimabawsawrarjianaawittiwBi. e4rttaadtsnmii man Tmuia uncmavurtfl aumtr 9n wmwe Mi'aac nmoaa, II .hMltlM Mnatftwrti ttnon m m mum II UUSWnUiJlty AWtowtntiai aui -lusUrwntUhMlmrth aiawmli tBaUaawJMkalSMl-tn m -btxee un iiw mil wi nun umcrwa iiarnrr wean Jim 11 illillli 1 ur trnemdhMa wrntsfa ene ananr jKucmomh. iitian.ihnimtT Sntirrsctrv tbd mtQL . nam ven mtoreunaaaw(UiarwnSaiun,raMlat m tttaiPaat-sniOuK ifmhawwtiim WV dm turn manarwiiWK. T?'anacrilgry- vaurv, aiirrTn : ttt it hinifirviilrfsaBCBK. jiuka -jm iwwa y.'ZSaTSSg tlnShnnnnweassTra7s WllWIL mu waewrw, mm asgnmt ip w i ya ja Jlutt m way aanut nt tiiim mpiminiiLyi jbv Hiss tiwaosuiTuuicTriBwenciitftsnycuiai mMsaiiswH m inarwiLlI ami. Ja eewa jatnenu'iwwiittlttarsti vjian Jrgnnv !UaaamaucticxrnanB,sn mO Manser nmu mtunsll anrrasntwi enrtU mmaMi wm 3nn3t OayniamMntattnitiii n anai.niaa. traiIiUlweiiuii. Htswxmsi mioiw awi 4owwaemrtax. HiiT) iaiwaerT1iii niiiiui Tvw?aailrr'nrttei m hito ait itimpaniic snisT m,utisrnsiieBanSkeiturf3u'aaMk. wnrwadawnraeitltiKntsuaaaaHa agasesat ib. iptml ;; witOi3ratfMJBaijyMJMwsrfaii mmi wwtocriiuiitaU.flaMwMaKnangtgiaiMniirai 1 mi um TanvsBMe B, wBWmim oiiaaarjoMi mitumm -mourn. a fc. Tnnta swrm uuiaasatieprix eunuame: gajm yetial jaoxamistsnum; wrr 7tnaanmc mnXi wmMiwi utwmwt'! wnmmipla wta ttniitiw 0 euieiip liwiSMl Swtw symxfmatffCai VMltstatl JimrvjTunmi&irsiimnmmaLmliln.-MBa-. Mm 9n an wtnewnl, aseu wanae niwaiw. Hmt9unmwmimmmamiimtts: h ,n rwMi.. (j TTraainwnerataaaijxn irtni , fulriiimiiL, l Ja4taianaiJnwws & iHaijasajj wmitfc. E ITwe Ula7mmaMaw eeasxaBal md artMRMK (CMwnwer niifi asu .nux 1 jwm dmaaiherlam fl tfnm jw 'HainsnTMiaiimn B saasn mmtuuywmjKmuammm gt I Paa Mu. niatwiir Till III I 1 "'TBT lTn iom wer no ene nm lunonw Btrmiiir"Tim P archi ies tSM aTemlB iwl m. DiwrtlMt to lewetr TMB'iWwl1 Anv ft hn ItnrtX. aoC aaotlur Bacasyiaaaat,mimaiif pie ivaav aavenci TTT jii !!! at ajflCilnrllTtfif a. vnlttnr aoac Unto" ;tfMrOaekmn takSaaJtanaow amajpaa t aal tojr jut; nua m aacszSuiiL-gaaaimaniaw- X&ar dhnar (T t aaic iEaavuaaai ntUONeuftmaa; Ql Tlata.tBi CnM: EBoaBatt 3xkc vQiu aBvaft wxtr HaEnrQUaaVTeKCtfiaatcCifaaftn. jaCJtectaaiiamaitaftHiarfUaaTteaynEBOtpar iu&. qht jam ataia a, anajmaff ac uur Buaiuing maaifia mrmattn- Tlliai tin Hniaaxiihii. Tllim av blacJfc mnifiai r nrnianaT MiaMj nwiaiaiiT tttaftoal&at Aa-tftat attack,, tait ta Jtznecsmnttta bnrauBenmaia! fox a emmst ST5mtInietn.tni T4rA rftta iathLaf ti Tlawnfiiwi ir.rienmrHLBrnec C SUult and;r TSatiailbi oraarauu aaen taw ru am oaUMtada wtlL l:mmumLtwdLjms.ZrTxlmTrlrncr - Bt I.-lsw.eir.the.lhr 2" "F S" " IaL STZT "",-' " (-aiMlt f-rt-i aaill StTTTllT'' - SSSS'lPi!S - - r".r?-T?rTzrJK - 2L'vSSXX-5S!iSS3S? . !( n.BiF nnifii ii iMm 2Eav mna Hontaejur whoI& wilT be: re- ill hi Tiwina rnst '""tx F'gTi' 'trrm ovm l dm mm.ajnL Hti)iinantl nuunt. the QntiSHeUttmTrsnDiaStrTarSVBa4inAnlxiHC KuuwiiMUfcMm. iimiiMi pnwn urmnw J tttt tr naafc mt Ta dompanr tiMili(un actuts. uaonir whiolik w i oiaoL valav.or ta rbhk wm ipi; tr un TDiat hnfflamL amC !"" plnf from, tbe Basattuat3atavffmUasjalantsnCmUia-EnaJlslL sswi ay rimrar Wailaast aob Fiarrvpaiac Ei a naaaitKsB: auc BwsninrvBtffactha' aptwacraeJiMMrLini 1' tiiiaDaffitHLac tw vnittb. Diia. (, inuuiEJ3UuauanxB.wsBXEniaf lucnanLuray .isusBasasi. alar ratner waa. ut onlf wunea n wrmnatTtimi imlimfii lur-rftnhail mnrlsil antue 4LBatmutncdnDiiinc aaut twoaonc anu. DraaJuntc nmsnaaf tamsa ceaiavC bianv k&t i!tuanteng aaacrygiaaoaL muLaeomaharxak. CI - - , 1 II - .Inns. hA jane tSsB nTtinm nnmcuiuc wauliL nst annvlnw te uuneuMt3iBaBflA.apwkilUutti sttpnttSiUuLthai tSBMC.mimatnaeiciaoD(itffettseCQrweac itttfaataeuBacr' mmnrA.Uicorfc. ca". uamwii czism tnnnemnittSuitU' iS:Matie bvhaM3toK.Uia-KrevCt.bnc. dsueQaaCss enntrawsxayr ban. been. MMnirwit miwmffMi JjavftTnwTn won hare been stsaZtttTffmfxenfi: of t&er ArllugtxuE bous, trr osam onfaviaauettbYtbeDlscricfi. w iliillthifgfbe adtndL In fbont. etftfliaJhtfafc. Tbe bneltmsm nave been re Beaxuwas3tsaiDthnwlkarttBiian: peralic 1 ourjm cnaiirUIeaiuff retainimg tnetc position In SenstuT tfia Quuse. Tbee Uddtmen deny the sajtcasTtttm Cinrmiasmnera- to abaUaa. tbe fatnBL Thmaxrer-lftoowrUftfiiytnbebnniiriit. aw a- Ibratft-Slc lanrmifaf aiternoon Officer asx7neo!3a!ifimrxn:nrtKlmitvarTi)aiBi:jQbn tfacTxnvJbaenoi ttMailnvCnmrjeB. BlacitLJamse 3faiqpfcn. 'flT- . 3ewtanv(aeargr Btrrd; and. I -Zuom. Jtannsir Sur vmlac&ixr thst back law- ; Tflee were, ccftaeadr on feairinsr callateraX tor rnefDnrtne Pulce wbnrt. Uua- MiwwVas tn3tioaL ttenabHeaa.2' SUwanuv. Skax JpriC Dfcr Taatenlay- John wjjrjwaseiTiatnetUtOunmtinniaonehajxe- iCQaBiBatekiaccwBataJinraiibuttta railraad Uck m ui mtmw,uimim am owajHiaiuK luiieouautEK. ae vuuunauaet mMier-1& e thasr BmJtwk Arte aetata (roan iiunssaraprewonit- 4,dosi aian. ;txnei Iswhby the rwanU gfawegMim.aeU! Bmjxu. uaiai BMMiAL. Bet in hsreie jaih wasuntc 2taV L ann lalrtaei na ttxaiTOryr naaOleprree ?wwmiiu"i "KS mm "Jnsa ssntt tag Msgflai laanxa twaetFitre TIiinsriaff "Tiifir- ,I t HtilSSiMraujiarVICu .fc. iscaaiaiBCOKBnn ansa, wpwesw. Jmco lavamx. MivanTr, mai ,m dhb avars.iMUBaimc'MMSi auim laaii'rnTwrTwiTe i mm eaeyP'iisaiiir r!rLrzl Ci QsaawvSatC,iiei lenwcxttkwtth;disturft iwZi-TtZT-. Il Ixag que q raMower a and, aw, t irMt -t -MM. gl aweiaweiannhu.tteiiar-, maamnctne. orU- onr ibwmvjiwv sjwm !! ti i- wnrrriTin newn ime waJmnar It mwTnTBarr AiOuiMk mmMiiitMjAu THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. moxthlx trsaiajr or tjik tto inn -TtmvUtmm tJmw M-T f Amic to BlM IMt KnMa Am Cavtat Onikr. A nxnlar DMetlnc of tfc Board of Trustee C rutiJi SchtMta w ald at ib FraakUa bmiUlaar 1 trtvlB at which were preient Tateea Curtis. (I Ue ebalr,) Baldwta, J.S. Brows Booker Carj.Zher. Freacb. LleyJ, aOtehaU Packanl, SmUb, Wblte, and Ittj bwrau. Am application from lUaa, 3Iricret Bore lamftrra vodUoa teacher In the colored ' tebaolfe waa raftirred. Tie eteretary aaaonnced the following apJ pneauoaa mr taaenerauprntaeeoiorea kdoois alac tB laae meeUnit: MIm Clara L. DfU, 3nattaa,C.Voaenllle Faanj CotlD,MU Sana. Qarrtconr Xto EdUh 1C Colllne, Ulae TldDTte CAairk all of Waabiactoii, D. C, and 3GranUsa-K.AvBaDtistofTanDtoaMa8. The nafnatloBS oxMIae Sr.VaDMfae tncoar- Is tb aalorad acbnola. and Mlse Helen HIUlDb. teacher In. the Second district, were nail and aeeapted A eemnwnieatlon waa read from tbe DUtritt Conunuakmen,. ttaatnjr, tbat .bereaiter the taacherawillba paklon tbe Satarday falling aeareat tbe end or each, month ,and that when ever hoUdaya occur near the end of tbe month tbe taacbera may be paid ou ipectal dates fixed bj order iIWI9KB0LlO4YS. Soperlntendent Wlleon laid before tbe board; ccannBBlcatkm from Mr doo&. datad March; a). 1877. renuehtlnr. In btbalC of. the Jewlab cbUdren atUmllnjc the ecnooie. Dermuaion ur aoMnce on. ineirre Tlsjona buDdajSb lie tlwealkt of hoHdaj for their Tr. a follower Paatorer. March amt 30 and April 4 and 3: Fentecoet. jitf ci ana; ivi new xcar oepccmDer, i ana 3; Carer Atonement, September 17: Feaat oBcthev3trtember33t'!3,SBnd.10. He aarat "The dajs. named are strict religloue bolldajev tbe violation of which does violence to their conscience, and, there fore f bae lajori onn lttttnencet over their moral character. wblcltl aseome It 1 your duty as well as J jwnr piBBaarv w piupmir conacrr. ' jta state tbat tbe dates marked are not consid er botldaye by tbe reftjrm Jews ol tbe Dle trtct o whom probably two thirds of the whole number of Jews are attached. One third of the Jewfsb children will be absent six session days, and. two thirds on (bar see etOBilavs - Th Bitperletendent transmitted bis order anther commnnlcatknL annoandne; tbat March 3 txr-Aprir and 3 and May IS are Jewish holiday dttxinc the present school year, and ratine that tn teaeberaof tbe schools will pvmit such, children to be absent on those usisvamtthelrabeencewlll be marked as re vnirnl by tbe roles, but It will not be counted malar tbe ntlewhkh, makee absence forfeit tbe teat of a pupil. 3c CnrUa while opposed to the recognition ot aayreDetoita bolldays sakl tbat as an act of equal justice to- all, the Jewish claims sbxmid be fkvorably acted anon AQerebrJef.dlscuniontbe saojectwaare Arrnttotbeeonimttteeon rules fo r report a tbnextmecUiiB t L 9CB00I. STATISTICS." Thar euperiatendent also presented an ab stracter iba. reports for March, lSrr.showlDt the number of pupils enrolled tobel7JS73 whttsr U,sTmv colored 5,905; Wsshlnrtoo 11, aGU. Ciinwafeee ,l,ti, eonnty-1,714. Aver. ace nnmhar a pupils in dally attendance lo Ol.- white 10,6a colored 3,J: Washington P;4SgGeoiaetDentKMtcognty 1,33d. There mage 3g gupua iBsmiaeed. and in cases of cor pony, noanibment. '' Tbe eeeietary read the fbllowlaz addltlousl appUcatbasi mr positions as taacnerar Prof. Uenry- FernBtsm, (music,) Ml Patience Breck 3CrM F. Smith and Mr. Charles Kalscy.. Tn CX3TE33I1L 1LIHIBIT. Tbe superintendent also recortedthat the f articles sent by the public school of the DI- returned table office and were subject to their orden. He state1 tbat be had also re ceived from the HonAv T. Gosborn, director cetteraX of tbe KxhiWp11!"- Minmnirii;bin in. closinge. certified copy of tbe report of tbe Judges aa accepted by the United States Cen. Timlfcl finntqlMliw, fiif rnttihrtwhy yH! which an award; bad been decreed tn the board. Placed, on Ale.. CITA3GZ 11s TEAcnzKsmra. The iubboard of tbe FlAh district reported tha transfer 0 Itr. MUtoa C, Dent from tbe nlace oi assistant tescher Male Grammar I aehoolta be teacher of Male Intermediate o. U consrmea Tbe sub-board of tbe Second district recota mended, tbe appointment of Mrs.L.B.GalvIu tan a. teacher of a Primary school In that dis tricts vice Mis Ralnh. realroed. to take effect t SUt t. 1977. So ordered. .m application lor s leacoera position was also received from Miss Grace C. Poole. Mr. Packard from the committee ou sut- t piles and accounts, reported favorably on bills imus amount ot i,diuu; wnicu were a- praveu. He alsor from tbe same committee, reported . Amount to pay rolls- and bills per last state mentv elU7,Zsi3; amount of pay rolls for March 1377, faM.Til: amount of bills ap proved. April 10, mtt itttlO.W. Total, inws.ii. Mr; Baldwin submitted series of rules for the, government of Janitors; which were re ferred Mrv French, from tbe committee on exami nation and pr&es, submitted ateagthy schedule lor the examination this year The Chair suggested that they strike out tbe certificate fbr attendance. KILLED BTTUDr. Mr. Smith, advocated the omission of a cor Uflcate tor scholarship saying, 'I know my. Mif some pupils who have killed tbsmselres by studving too banlj' The discui sion was continued at some length by MrKBrookeandothers;aXterwhich the re port as presented was adopted. Mr. Smith, offered a resolution, which was adopt ed Instructing; tbe committee ou prop arty to consider Immediately tbe necessity of makimtrepsirstothe school building No. IS, Seventh district, situated near the race-course, between tbe asylum and Gehbora', with power to take such, action as may appear to them advisable.. . Mr. Mitchell offered e resolution providing for tbe printing of the annual report for ia73-T6V Mr. Bey burn asked tbat certain specific charges made by Mr. II. W, Copp, principal of tbe First district, against tbe Janitoe ot tbe Franklin building, for neglect of duty, be re f erred to tbe committee on property. So or dered KxavaJTDZxrLAX. Mr. French offered a resolution tbat If any membcrof this board has any Information in re gard to a certain circular, sent to teachers by a. Mr- McKenrle, soliciting a percentage of their salaries, for bis aid tn getting through Congress the hoi to supply tbe means to run tbe schools through the usual term, such member be, and he la hereby, called upon to rise and explain. A number of the trustees explained their reaitiens, from which It appeared that tbe drenlarwaaentlrelyunautborised by any one, and was unworthy of further notice. The following la a copy of tbe circular, which was sent to yiite a number of tbe tracberai jfua - Dbax StAUAM. I propose to make an firt to ftava Coagrasa bpprepriat sumoieat money to eeabia tha trustees to continue the school term nar the full setuwt perioU sf ten months, tn place or eight auatna, as now snly provide for. Please eailandseemelnreferenoa thereto. If pesiihie, within the neat three days. eepentinlljv Jawae McKaaaisu None of the teaebera favored Mr. McKcn xia's proposition, and. It Is not supposed tbat lie bsi retllcril much d the pro At of bit 1 ciTrtui larettca in circniart Hr.Ctrj garenoUctttut Ue cxtmloitlon fcrXtttUrt poiltlon In the eotore scbools wonM like pUce at tU 8nmBr bilUIcp, fiaturdaj Borninf, April 21. Adjpvnied. TJIKJ.S.VUAt. EXAMMXmoyJI. rrvcramme for the STlMtas; Mentha f lli Acheal Taer. The most eventful season of tbe school jesr ocenrs between tbe presebt date and tbe close of tbe schools for tbe svmmer,and locludes tbe jcarly examinations, which btve always been of Interest to tbe citizens of tbe District, as they have shown from year to year tbe hizh scholsrsblp attained In the public schools of tbe District. Tbe proeranime or calendar for tbe examinations sod closing exercises of the schools wss submitted to the school bosrd last night by the committee on examination anil prizes. Tbe oral examination of county schools Is now tn prorrese, and will not be finished until tbe end of the month, inn wniTiecnooisor from ddtrict mow THHtVl Arrll 2U to .10 Examnialiou 1a SDelltar. city schools, April 23, third jrade; April 21, fourth trade; April 23, Arte erode; April 2d, sixth trade; April 37, seventh rradej April 30, eighth and ninth trades $ examiners, superln tendent and supervising principals. May t to 1 1 Oral examination of elzbth and nrath trades of city school ; examiners, superintendent and supervUlnff principals. May 21 to June 8 Second semi-annual oral examination of first, second, third and fourth grades of city schools; examiners, superin tendent and supervision principals. May 23. 1 p. m hxamlnatlon la Drawl as and Exhibition of Drawing and Penraanahlp To be held tn tbe Franklin UuIUln;. turn. Iner. Mrs. 8. E. Fuller. May 20 Examination , of Candidates fori jescners' rosuions anu.rromoMon exsm loerv, committee on teaebera and superin tendent. W Juee 2, 7a. m. Kismlfistlon of Camlldstes for the Normal School 1t be beld la Frank lin BoU4Ieg xsmlnettt committee on tracbers and snpsrintendent. Juno 4. o and ft Wriuea" Xxtmlnatlon of firth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades or city schools Examiners, superln Jone i to 15, Written Examination of' county Bcnoois txsminers, supenntenaent and fiurervlsing prlnHpal. June 7, 10 a. m.. Fourth Quarterly F.xsm- ination or ine normal sneooj Kxammsrs, eommlttee on teachers and superintendent. June 8, 7 W p. m. Graduating exercises of tbe Normal school, to b field In Lincoln ball, under tbe direction of tbe committee on teachers. , Jane 13, Second cemt-aunaal Examination and Closing Exercises of the Advanced Gram mar School for Boys Exsmtners, committee on teachers and superintendent. june vv v a m., sxamnation tor itcnaajj and KIoc Scholarships, (to be beld In tbe Franklin building) Examiners, Messrs. Cbss. B. Younr. John Hunt and Otis T. Mason June 14 Closing day of the. first grade of city schools. 1 June 13 Closing day of the second grade of city schools. June 18 Closing dsy of the third grade of city schools. June 19 Closing day of the fourth grade of city schools. ' June 20 Closing day of tbe fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades of city scbodls and of tbe county schools. The programme for the IUL0HED SCHOOLS . of Washington and Georgetown is as follows: ' Mtf 1 to 31, Oral Examinations Ex ra- uparintendeni aasVrioclpabu-, B May 2., l p. m.. Exhibition of Urawln Ti oe new in ine oumnar omiainr. Jane 4. 5. and 6. Written Examinations Ktamlners: Superintendent and principals. June 8, 7.30 p. ra. Graduating Exercises of tbe High School lobe held In the Sumner bell. June 14, closing day of the schools !n the Second district Fourth and L, Third street and Franklin street, 0 a. m.; Tenth street and Ninth street, 1 p.m. June 10, closing day of the schools tn tbe Third -district Lovejoy, 2 a. m.; Lincoln, 1 p.m. June 18, closing dsy of tbe schools In the First district Stevens, 'J a. m.; Sumner, 1 p. m. June 10, closing day of the schools In tbe Fourth district Anthony Bowen, V a. m.; Kan dsll, 1 p. m. June 20, closing day of the schools (Cham berlain) In theHfth district II a. in.; closing dsy of the High school, 1 p. m. jvvjto$EJurrov Jtiitnottv. The President Direct! How the Mouey Aw praprlatea Therefor shall be KxpenUeit .lattice to be Done to All Sections. Under the direction of tbe President, tbo chief of engineers is authorized to expend tbe following amounts out of tbe unexpended balance of appropriation for the Improvement of rivers and harbors during tbe present fiscal year: Hudson river, New York, 95,000, Pas. sale river. New Jersey, 410,000, Wilmington harbor, Delaware, 110,000, Hock Islsnd, i0, 000; Port Jefferson harbor, t;,o00: James river, Virginia, $.30,000, Kappahannock river, trglnla, 10,000, Savannah (Georgia) harbor, J7.000, Cedar Keys harbor, Florida, 110.000; Galveston, outer bar, (37,000; Mississippi, Missouri and Arkonssa rivers, $10,000, Pes Moines Rapids, $115,000 Tennessee river. Muscle Shoals and Upper Tennessee, $t4'),000; Coosa river, Georgia, $10,000; Etowah river Georgia. 10,000; Cumberland river, above Nashville. $3i,000. Great Kanawha river, Virginia, $170,000, New river, lrginla, $5,000, Cleveland pier, Ohio, $3,000; Erie harbor, $23,000; San Joaquin river, $30,. 000. examinations, surveys and contlngences, $1,000; making a total of $001,000, still leaving a balance or $1,600,000 to the credit of varloua improvements. Applications have been filed for tbe allotment of the whole appropriation for Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, and will be reported on shortly. Tbe President desires to do Justice to work which are of general utility, but a number of Jobs run through In tbe bill will be Ignored. VERM OXT CRIMZXAL XOTES Sentence or WooUr, the Fratricide A Wlt neas Ferjares Himself Through Tear ef Detectives, iByTelegrspbte the National Kepabllcan.) Bellowi Falls, Yt., April 10. Wooley, tbe fratricide, was to-day sentenced to tm pritonment for life. The csee of Lewis, convicted of murder, goes to tbe Supreme Court on exceptions bssed "upon the fact tbat Arllng, tbe chief wit ness s gainst him, now states tbat be was hired to testify aa he did, and threatened by detec tives with prosecution at ibe principal In tbe crime If ho foiled to do so, and he now says tbat there waa not a word of truth In portions of his testimony. A Double Herder eud Suicide Insanity Suppeied to Have Seen the Cease. Mohtmliib, Vt , April 10.Thts after noon Hiram Arbuckle, of East Moatpeller, shot George Short twice, and then, leaving htm for dead, repaired to tbe blacksmith shon of hU brother-in-law, George Bancroft, and shot him through the arm. Bancroft ran and Arbuckle pursued, shooting him la the back and the third time through the head, killing him. Arbuckle then want to his bouse and shot himself through the heart. He ts be lieved to have been loisos. Short la still alive, though In a critical condition. Two Children Drowned BvTelfErirhtoUie National IMmUlcaa.) Bostot, Mam., April 10. Two small ehlMrtnot JJr.N.Ucgbion,at ciiates, Mass, were found drowned le-day. THE 0OMM1SSIOX AIL WORK AoTMLit jst.r mrrr.vr i itr mri.yn Drug trioyn, AmK Wfhlth Waa Owe Ompwaed at tU Major and Sue City C all Wseuaf lite Caadltlee a the CltyUeveie at. (ByTelrersplitolbflaUeiui fUaaMkaa. NcVOBLKaxs, April 10-The commission net shortly before 10 this morning. After some consultation among themselves they re ceived a delegation of about thirty colored rneo,rprtientIwrsll tLs learned professions, and some of them being merchants, and others brokers end planters. Ool. James Lewis, tbe eommssderof a colored regiment during tbe war, beaded tbe delegation. Addresses were wide by tbe Rev. Mr. Brant, T.Morris Ches ter, Mr. Atwood and T. D. 8. Tucker. In general they portrayed tbe struggles and hard ships of their race and tbe necessity of pro tection. They asked the National Government to assist them, and declared that the title of tlov. Packard to be the equal of the title of President Hayes, but they ustsaated the TT Nichols waa ultimately to become Governor they would like to be heard upon the matter, not for the purpose of trsdlng, but for guaran tees of tbe future of their race.. They lus pressed tbe commission as able and faithful men. Messrs. McVeigh, Harlan, llawley and Judge Lawrence responded. Tbe interview lasted untB 1 o'clock. A delegation next appeared, beaded by ex4iov. Bsker, formerly mlltury Governor of Lonfsf ana, who, wlUT'several others, presented stalementa and opinions. A similar volunteer committee followed, composed of old Union men of the Bute. Six gentlemen came next, representing the Judicial districts of the State, among tbem Judgea Marks and Pardee, and gave their onlnlona concerning the allcrlanca In their ) several districts to the Packard government. ana ine acuity pi vacxaru to maintain n:m aelf. Mayor PUlsbury had five gentlemen of tbe city council came before the eommliaioa, offer ice tbe courtesies of the city, and presenting jnaay verbal 'and written stateaaeuta boueara log, the c cttyra'1 (OQOJWO. ine eoMuioe 01 we cuy government. Tne l97t was z,wo,otj; k u now siv . Tbetaxlistis glli.OOO. andof the State 9174,000,000. .The population ot tee ciry m YW,eoQ.- ine-raxe ei urxeuow xe ine tloa are now together 2& as U Is est the doner. The mayor presented. many other figures of great interest, showing the burdens and em MrrusmmUoftbe people, end affirmed that tbedty would do what, It coell.and had no disposition to repudiate. Other bltlsens called slnslv and ta groups from different sections of the State, and gave Information to the com mission respecting tbe situation in their sev eral lccalUlce,eia;lagtbeu- opinions on tbe commlastor. Tbe commission consented to meet la tbe morateg a small delegation of the buslnees men of tbe city, and also tbe board of educa tion or xne state, ine commiesKm neve aa dressed a communication te a committee of each legislative body, asking them to furnish a map of tbe State showing tbe various Judl tfiel districts, with a compact statement vela live to tbe alleged disturbance of tbe Kellocg ratkard Supreme Court and the creation of a. court la r place thereof by Nichols;' also a statement fn relation to the district Jodces, how many Itepublleans and bow many Democrats, with the political coevte ol each respecting which Governor he recognizes, and his acts -of recognition; sl 'wltS regard to the police Juries, who correspond la each nariih to tbe selectmen or countr commis sioners n Northern Ststesrso Tar as these police Juries may have authentically reported concerning their allegiance to one or the other government. Similar ststements were requested with re gard to other or tne omes, ana also as to me control of the various 8tate Institutions; also ss to tbe voto of tbe State divided according to olor and lo party; also statements as to taxes collected by either of the State govern ments since their organization and tbe dis bursements that have been made, and any otber facts which may tend to show the con trol of tbe State, &c. When the Commission are not tn session they are Individually conferring and advising with citizens of all parties. The Work of the CemwJenloo The HfMl neae Men lteauala xtnnovmbU. By Telegraph to the National ltcpnbllca.) Niw Orlzaxs, April 10. President Uayea special com mil lion labored for foar hours yester day with allegation of the loading business mn of this city with tbe object of persnedlng tbem toorganltea aioremtntto compel politi cian! to form a consolidated Legislature or all tbe members In both rival bodies whose election la conceded. Tha members oftbe commission made earnest speeches. The boilaeas men were, how. ever, immovable. They said thst rather than ran the risk el bavins: to end ore Packard as Got. ernortbey would resin with arms so as to make a military rovernmcat necessary.- To-day sex. perlment ends this compromise plans. Tbe com. mission may try and bring aboet aa admitment on tbe basis of a Legislature made op from tbe face or tbe pariah return This ts tbe only eon, promise tbat has the leatt prospector accept a nee by the Con erratlres j Undue; in Nen Orleans Second Day's Sleet- log of the Louisiana Jockey (Hub, Illy Telegraph to Ibe NallouJ Republican. New OiagA April 20. The following la tbe second dsy of the Loulslaaa Jockey Omh races. The weather was clear and the track goodt First rsce.'tbTse-qasrtersofamlle fur all ages, clnb purse asw: was won hv Jack liaruy.Ked. mono second, sod MarHr Barnes third. Time, 1 "i. becond rsce, post stake, for all ages: two-mile heats; bam Harper, t 1 Itnw ltatier 4 I'. Henry Owens, x C, crdigrU, 8, distanced. Time, 3-C'4, Third rscs, one mils, with a hundred pounds on each, usual allowance, was won by lion Wooley a length. Port Leonard second, and Uorlander third. Time, 1 . Molly Mecul res-Trials Still rrosreeeana;. tBy Telegraph to the National Republic. Maucu C'hcxk, Pa., April 10. In' the C6urt or Oyer and Terminer, of Carbon county, to-day the trial of Patrick O Donnell, charged with be. lag an accessory before lbs act; of tbe murder of Morgan Powell In Mimmlt llilll la 1S7L was eom. snenctd. Alsxaedsr Campbell. allow jack Doneboe and Thomas U. 1 Isher have all been eon viotedof this erlme and are bow endsr sentence. Jsmes Kerrigan, the Molly alagutre who turned Mate's cvldsnee,was released from rastody to day under the two-term rale, and left for his home In Temaqua. The United blase vs.D. W. S2hoeaein. y. Asalstant Treasurer of the Hen tTranctece) MleU (By Telegrapb to the National ItepnMlean, San Fkancisco, April 10. Suit waa brought to-dsylntbe Circuit Osnrt by the TJnlted Sutes agsinst David W. Oheeseman, ex Treasurer of the dan Frsaoisco mint, te rteovsr an alleged de ficit In tbe Internal revenns stamp aeooant to the amount or en.eoo. Defendant alleges that the it sin pi were shipped him in packages pnrportlrg to contain certain quantities aad values, several ol which fell ibort, amounting la total to tha al leged denciensy. Aaotber Defaulting FMUdelitfala Tax Offl.ce CTlerk. By Telegraph to the NaUoaaiBepabOcaa. PutLADgLrBiA, April 10. A deficit has bssn discovered In the aeooants of a tax omee clerk named Andreis Ills books are now being audited and the amount of the defalcation will soon be known. Isaae Holmes, e bretaer clerk, Isthonaht to hae been in collusion with An drew. r Arreat of Ona of the ew Vork Natlowal Hank llorglara. ByTelegrapta lo theNaUoaatBepabllcan. New Ton, April 10v Daniel Rooney, alias l)an the Blacksmith.1 has beea arrested oa sas plcloaorbelag implicated la tbo blxtb .National Bask ret eery Bead ay. Miyvux-APUMi nwicn ErKSLi XntmiiTt ZThe reectpta from Internal revenae ji'leerdey -eannmtMl te ecu rm ee, end rresn nttnwn;fini. Tor UrmtxrrTirrsTbe auitmntt off JU tleeal bank aetes TeMtaed-etukeTrecHrryDie partment yesterday ruTTedempUan-wa Vi,mi Navai. OHimnei Jamssteat Aircgean 'i, I-11. llarmea SU FraiA HL-tttepkcnsanvwnSrmi to eiammaUen 4rwmUmn 3taarwraJn TJoeettit MelieeaU U tha ttorat . WPasatitanen.TTl C FoeTuaftTtn t Atienint, "Kxw IraKr The lTeUet -ts-eey -eiisniawil mLX'Cm.t postaMftar at Aabimi.,N.yHtBUMerneanai Rirksrdtn,wlMeemsaMtianairMi Hcrebn, Bi-A(KTltLiilMXJ OrnarJarciCTr-nse Ccmmissiener of the 3jaad Ofltae 3ms rreeaat mentlfA to the Ireiilewt, wr nplTttaittuo tn Jiukllim lame dimtet,Thn4'.'''Knnio4Mi reeetTerorpadlicaseaeySfWea (lannW 'OreeuvR register. Jekl 8tMOi(rx.'3he frieaBs rff Jave !SimonRon,who wi lately Teved n hrffweteT erhnUt atIlew7arVhaeatcn tmnertantartkwj leii ef -4b Treasury u Tinairm MH etMn. tree eretety nUirry ec4imn tone reqaett. T Tilt "Wjitte Hnier TKnamwvi Among tkecalUseuiw'sitse Uteoeejreiwwsey were Benaten Koweead leey.asl aJmw. tary rhandbtri atttsmteriTnieiutSjnsalreU vita WtaiwB,wyreeimem oeeoeer dative Ttstleaaan ofOeergnu "Natal 37rwsi-?Ixm tKery Jejnmimittl roferwted tbat the 3nTwaeTrmd4U Rt.Theee Jlareh Jt,aed lalsalsTI aeuiiBmilrtaa-TMMC npam, Trmtdac. Xke jijmmtL ma aat nsafn Hours yenerday, en UaW up Ike lllulrifppl The Oisrpee waa atllaiwsw'xtaTebai. W- B. Miwr.c "Jlxxiwvxun-BettraUio Sko. saan yeste ruay 4dnwi m1ettrnotT.U7ni JB. BBeve,TeiteTtBc hnrrei the vjosuien er waiwtr etstag epeettl epeet erttSw TTiwiufj.eal mm tMlatcd JUr. A. - mmm. ita iStta atul. Mtt Nonre litlllTersinU,tiowTT,irt4lweTVtec RxrxJUrroTirruiacTfe--3re ifoltrmhtg yevrana svppebUaeem w-t-srr anew tte tjyfesrs tarySherwn W.3L 'Peoetbe.'te heauyeT'CeT the Fourth dn trial rosTrPtmte.T.J) 3ntb wc. H. Wbltemore, R. 'Cnt-UtmemauUl teS iae WC. aweie,te we eaearese ier nuwtiee id uistmt ei Oeereta ; Wf . lqwiesBsewiNi a trj.SkUireu,ttn be wtereenepere att Taturer) Ier Ubw IKeaTtti ertfc cenUsai dumeu J. Xovxj. JQcrwnm K Xaku ITunrranv en rr-rCweiBiliSlenei Kiniameini, etthv nenwvei waaea m aweistee uieeiioaa waa tkmt ml ceel Beed waseenr m 1 tnsn,rtke -meant with lee Wen wire wf tUearfllsa. TSX sioaer aiee thex .see wateat wsuhl town site, iseiiriiaa the -eeml ipatwntvewti srtae rsel eletMawi,jveeeTrean;nwi triarrentwrtmiii Ue elanaakBta, r, ta etaieTwiUiwnai eartisa Pot tor the snrmce enq Un aunrwteuit am- iwifrwMii CflrKTrwrwrnww Aitwr-rrcn bRwmttori has keen rsearvad -frem tfiwemtrve JDaaeer aat ttke csUoeeUawliaepei-DwiileeJHttteo-erUSaiejissA. arslx wrisosMrs, raeeeaeaartbeXaiixillie.Ttemtt., ieiL ehwrews mith nrewnterfetusar atiiver erl she 1 'eitwd waases -eg ti .uiw eaumetsee "er any rven aw (wwary-ow wewn 1 1 hi-i iwntae. ewamta Jar Ikaiaill Okw wmawa wena anil eoBCeeJed m than eeila. Jk tselexrwm meenUau ylaaetaas, enwmttwa eerat'ftertioaffintssaaiea Ban Tsmelsew,'tXLZta tkeesaeetfllisiiamiaeaswi SbeaaqanwSrynBi,4wreunseTSalevveiw4r swm,wiie TbjeCxw Tunc (CrriwaiOTieKr-thxiiaw porsed rnvesthretlen tatotlnnarrpe74fcat9iew York cnrstemADOxe laemUbjTrjwnwUBTe. 'Saw Treaswry 3aiwartswent Hwenaeeniisaltoaa:wweti aa Investigation,- -ea 701 4t ila met tatsn. TTiwj lnresttntsaa. 'ween vrnwred, Willi me itntn tttes awesaeaaaaaaeemfienrwiii43ewlgwk eet UMi-aonae, keu. u, Smet aaaNuseaD urteet man rnreetlsmtlnB eratatt either 3tr. JkTttnrr. ttke relwetar, er enyeneteiae. jan et ttaesa ion been no epeeine ehersroa we-amii-awry! ttleB-wO-een. bat siavprjesfewBTttleamptomterraetlTean-. Cairr-Ctanik. nr Tirr. 3KTrnim. 4sesre tary Schin vremv rn tcui earwestu tpraetrsalry sfoTcuagniTtvUwsTvteeaUtearthe nuaerter Department 31iar n.3x.Xa&weeti.wvtMifteT vni urn pus 1 am ween cdni tnw eruteuvceni (iniee,w8iyesterdayepnamtat-to thiitMlttei chief clrkil um JntTteT,wieev.tontillall.aafh poiniea Arnmni Ttrcreiarj. jejer jmiummmg "nw wuw uami anajuuimc uaewn" iilessantnets." aad subeemiantuttlie wmj- aawi aeeted wltto "the -wuatewf eenartatent ot Ttbn army, lie is wattve nrofeem JowTJk Wr T. A. Seely, of Jerois?rnuiiavaeauul jaeauk aatexamtaer lu the 3atcnt iruea win aeervr. noted to tbe ehief eierfcshtpof 4JeJw.tntirjntee, made vacant bJdajoTXaolrweti;vreaMUeu RcauciNe tux Tixpnm ur Cnjxxc2xtu. KrrxitCTLThe fuTtlMriMnsalkmtteteCmternal revenue districts tsnow bemc waesweretl ttryittse UomtniMlouer of untemaU 3ttTiu, 'who wtlti I b shortly make aTeportUtereoD St-wauiaeaTLSavaai bniiTaetleable to make -eurr further ivoxxadUi. tlons of collection dMtrrete tn ntTv3avrTti.-itMtv without Injury t tee public -esrvtee aaMelaav tionof tbenvedlstrieuTnurredrlIl-fcattdti the South Southweetead Varst. Tw Ifctwtle not take ellect until thf end uf Uiae.pTeaenuiaaal year bat the order "will twiiraeulljFared" bitllaer tn enable the OavmlatloseT liiiTWfanrtvrttHe change in tbe diatrtets to toe -oiuoU4,ieU TCar Hecretary of the Treasurj has dtreetad . isaiabll examination to bmadertUtelbvwasee- to woi. leetersol interna) -revenue lor eolteatlenef tnv enue tn tbe eereral dlitrtUH tor the porfeaeor qnailstngtUKlto"redute thy mgrrenmeeeTwaeh allowaare hynot less tnas Hre Lfwr emuimaw provided by swt or last (ja&jrrees Kin-ivALnrCorrTTrrixTurKjCTmKi Bsare the -rettremtent efftecTe&rqr lOnaaUter from tbe Interior JteprrmsntheenmmamUtv- ra clerks In theofttceof the SetreoaTTairowar to iwiinui pniuigni in inv uiwii iinnet,jiaun: tbem Air, llXJlarble tu Urn ene er ttta uerec raemberaortbearpealbeant. 3im Illnei3t Clay lord, tbe Assistant AtteTner CUnvrui tor-ttte Interior lepanageat,Trovnteu!arr UTttK.wub was acting in his stead rromentermg mpeu'tite discharge of hlrnew ouueead lie toaU-net nnali lied in that -wasa havrteetveu ttko spwamv ment as Assistant -Attorney (aewU wiiMKum formally declined the paointmem TXttlltttHe vaeaacT vfbieh haa existed in tae mnwawl anatwl for some time the eysteni ofcomptltrraexamtm. oa,'wniBB ianuwriT-jmviwMi ui um trmrenr uii Bee. is to be revived, ami the laeeilU -aweensi as a proper board ol mflutrroantmmttltuaau ok open 10 compeiUHm ojnewiaauawrnni-xnemat. cut Office aad possibly to toutUrfSTS TTmrnnrnm several eaadldates rarthe position auneacttiae principal exammers and -should outtfclerFhBmU. mltted to eompeUUon the 4wmteil3,ef 'omee teehnlealltlef'Wulit'pTabably-slve ctnv rrtxr rcn the tnilde men. Tito IVrooked -tainaeT jkrvlvOI -ui ekhr L'Atuerlque In Ztivw atUJtHe 'llnStoiwU IsremkinctTp. XByTsleaTaptiio tke'SallotuI Jtenualtau Seabeiokt, ;. J., -Apvll atlf She Ilau? s trended steamer -AaiSThjue wwi mtwdttass morning af?i& otlook, nd ils turn oreumg sip steam to vote JewToTk The Kusiande new la eompleteiysmuai weassn and the break en her suieeaa tm luuntitr meea. about foot wide, andextcndroir twrpenrse Seat above water. -Shels eyttteatly tnreeung 'to tswo last Nxw "i ork, Aprin0f-3exwaieT3aawTtnwe wblrk was Bunted ts-day. errrvwi jm ma tawed condition. hewUlbctaawnso.ttnaso'natm A CenHdesimnUniittemim-4ieiaUu'tU XoiUe 3wllee xtteeiem. vBrlclexrapbto togjMitlooaiattpiiaiteett.i St. Xocis, April 30 A noun rrvuxg Ubx nameota.'W Thompson wras xtrresseU hxene3. day ehargsd'wlth obutntug eods irroaawsxrieus firms tn this alty on false tpratanse saau arrrhxg bogus cheeks thsrstor. die -was iplaeeU ton easli at the Chestnut jral tee eutienrnadwrnissnaxecM were looking over papers round tn Atrpeiaeaueu he cut bis throat -with w. Tteoktniea,afcamr learful gash across -his lndplwe-rnuxiaetuouet. ing the tuxularem !UliaualarreeetreUyeaaa Irom Louisvilte aad DthriMmtsvwjmweeawaiim a regular conhdenee epemtox. Tlve isn iLewfiasawru.nV. . By Teleirreph to tkeUUeamt atepuaUaaaO HABBiSBtit..JVpiQ d0 A Are Ml Htm- town, Yu, this -moTumg testvevaU "WOlla jv Bheek's boiler sh4ps,two twaeatrnwetl ttjy Si lleekey.a&d twerre -stables. Ojesiaa&jeev Ira surancc unknown. Jt Utay ef Xlaaeutlau SDvanrseel. rByTclairraphtoUltetleaw;iatewdnlisett Wn-cxaBABiiF TA-JVprliaOr-iliittmsuj arOampbetl, senteaeed ttawtwrnrati tMiy Uiat napresae twurt yesteruey jtmuimj wrttnBrynn, the execetlea. UDEMT P?HgES XlfJUL. awmatt mum mamamcr accxAJgjg I -nomm w jk eszzejsugc. HwwvlanH. Ujtmmr 5tajflITli trwri?a2: JaST maeewrtliasellMrtnsra WftltStlW wjMnSlIBteuttesa a wtunei m-Mtuaateau. JSXtaMBsSLe laaii narm jw emaunxuasBvewnaB sn'Bn aXtawaWlP-taai ttwadi ttarawnrt wen ren r-weweawc TTkwJrwTsrwtll: WfTIClJ, JwxTJ 3b Saa bSmi fheaw 11 -.. . a "TTyT.. 7 Y TTm; ait. Qamrewugj naar Cnaar- tmmimtnm ttlaaTweari tctwevtaauaa "Z2matBami!3Tmmm.amz rranawnssnweserneauswaxawrTasari wwosx iimm mm 1 ibs ! am mi. ILtwmoa. Jtvwiil 3-. wsua , -KtXJieFsiiim.ieMi ti -naumwai ttjyitmitminmmM u Jr m wwt.iqxwexTeit'aijrtmy " 3natsa,tJipirI 3tSa- Tmratsraer waapaa. aMlktajwou4sn3vc Tin inamaniiaw iniS lUeTTWeuamMwrwrtXtge aim aiiceepi aUlsuaara ittrrnu. nif-asawonaft. Sif-tji TIBMTe tni-twuarss- tawasaemie- etweait 'Tfilrt. nbs. rev aiwwea h tm.Jttcwmuxmm. Jt lawMacn. Jivw uassamilncuaa gwteeea a wuu ehj inr uiauntMi! jbpi Mdltee mutt tmJtxiou.yTtrrjfmUBmt iaata Sjaatmn, aawil rneev eFwuamwrtl OitJla. nam au cwaaa, TtiwlTTuiew-KrfeiBi ta k4XrrwrnQlwipmsr mnnirTi iawiaaiixxtiasrm. etxm lasarmaATHrsr w rarmncrr mumi jPTTtftutm Hmnnnrr.wria - iimaaeeiieTrBAU z ctteritiUaiwaitcezwKU. um. 1 Tj fffi" ' T- ""-rti "mr"'tiTrei lr-WTa,txffZL-&xinn Tl. It naiinm.risi waaitaTrtniiawejiueaui aaT1 "TdUwapgineeauaTjfwer waat'itnau weHtrnwav aXSatnaaiyna weeerwBiniiiwe jwnmillle 1 iBrwa memjcwaiBxmsKxmieeajtuBweiaimim-. Dtyrxeiea-asataedai 3wwwl iBinanintaavr 3trw TStbr, , Atmadb T!hei gmAir jeariiniCaai tnTtatma wmmtm aaii j Mwrotrr rkstt Jfixea. Bb-7am istaami wear mail! laT wiajyii l JCn, waueimi aaaS JKTaatKi mmtpammm am BKaCSwC nnwaishB eia wm snrreei nwiis tbh esnamxen msrvs Tgw ntweaaeaafiwaewrUiiajjeeaiavwaaweey wwulirko flmmeisa nnywtracm. esaaiww eiteawvefwtnxsiraecrttTewcne. hum jansalncwJKnaw TSsaaasaweeierJamsa' a wsvew aa thb wf i cnt zv immmu OrfMoane, JHwrll 30u-jB.TUf. -)ejBia aeawew ttn aa ceetaaku eartean lXa XUaaauaa oewiaMaaaM. itmimvmirwmmnamjrMwimms Tdtl T 1 tlew Ml bi aiil AMewZas3S 3snr5is?acffwxwJE ipmaeaiim..inft kwiwir wfceaewaawawi.aaaa- gsewaasBawwar liwjenna, Tw warmatam rm Tiwaa-enr. eeea. m tsear-wwawawagesaeKaxeBgWL. mmtal njiy iSair Bnwn ataa. awaaweL saavmaawer VatTtflnt. leewnr ewatec 3av nsecaHaL. sstar Ttnawa as iiiryu ais na aeei m bw ibw sawaeav ! line iiiiwBBw awmss isaw leawawTes laatcT aa fwelttiBsn waist. Jbweaaww maeaameawa weasr ttwaia-wftll'Wi wa mu imiaeaayeiane waOipaaexe waj2 tewaeetiai tawwt .Tfa am3aJaaaWwoadkweai tan xSBrtBeeTnwne ww saw amwaeavaeaW M w it wheat aantaaimtsaK ur mKlirzmx8mmmmm iTninriw 1 mmiawjewi mismiiMasmasaai eaiiSBnaaUitegaiftiBitfiBa tniaeaaaawtaawwaaaaav rtenajarevamLitwrteaawaawaaeBmm Metia atoeasaaiMBeSBanaBTlBewaaitnaMBBtewiBaw sannaBBsaantaefwft jaeei warn atmae Saawa aw LSja aieaieMiaiiiMieii aaitwjBBawa eawaeawa-aw-rsewjru ajraa nsna ataJeti marmmmmmKm aw llaeweMmweow riawttt imawy, jariwr eaaeaw tswSrwefaenvowcenJesKeveaatxt wawataMaefJSJSta paetawTaari'iifawian.wiWLaaiiniiMai Iki ST hi 1 eaias liriBijawip 1 aaaaaw Saw Mpwaa BaexeeafjnV USnwwMiwnMfvee aawsanwvQaawjAtfBensaa1 iisaaaasi'"'"" laaujiiiBwisi -m mjjjmm nmmwmm iisplwaausatwex m-mm.WmZmmmmammeam iimiieB Bwaertainiw ttim 1 aa riT ,alee:artrjewBanwfiiawwaamaaaaeBn teaesv aeSLMiim,TvmiaiaBeaewaseemssxeeafcawBet B?MK1Tn'l ''em srMBBBWsst aBmrJaaaawan jm gwangrsiaaiBaMMirftaana Meriaawdaw aaaSMaMla. tSwaawrasewet mlaaiaiajieLjeaa. ngsea Oae Jaaawaw numsaaKiai.MBBimiiwaaareixaa. ttkweBrniTC 1 iwursk XfjeaSl ma-haw TtaaMivm aaiuaatteetwamrraea rmmamammmwmmmmmmm aaeesaauwaws-satt PawjawwfaaanPaMMaannncnwe inaiawTu TJwitnjaatJte JaTnau wa 3awne reeaweja txawJBaesjii awaem naiintiw t iBiBeiae ceuJeffW'tta.inemtsaL wetwtweanawawaeawwtamaa ne tlwiwililiw lassiBsexi TTnilaiiaaiBS TTamawwaewi BttsTJiyaU3. - nwrwoM ewwtll tn jsk sawriBi aweaweeaaawa, csqyf jkaxeswUeE sa. Tanweee OBnaiBpiaawanwa. mawiiauBBMBiie. au maawcnLtamTBawaasei A mm WMaaeu eeesawaVt Vejactx XSawasfl sav oat eweaeavsr nxnwauBJhaaam Oat' laaEmaiejaadlxeBBaiaBeaaBak 8MwawserwixtcxanBnaaaaak OUmvBwtvTvxanntxe Jwwn 3firJBBeasttwei-7na Ttarsaaati Omwanavr mr 9mrmom 3aam samiva tv iht 11 tm iiihimiS iT TTiaw eew WJ awaasaeB 1 bTUjib ii bi. Srrmx JitMBBsaBamg I niiiwMaiPiiiiuti" ur,naaM K&aw ( ai-0stTimrst. -mnTormaccanrajn mrrrTi arw"Tiai iwwaais rr. wanai-Trr wxmna. unwe ew.iwnav aamu il ILowjMW.JltnTirlb AtillaaatikiawaagavlwBBxHfc-. " --tbi -iTTir1 " mTTrr t-s Ftbtt t taieel Tlieittw ZZXtb TtawwniMa-rXa at ihaMvwweaaw. ttiatJawjammmvtwaaTiaCTaiiminuieaMsnaaawa-, tasraBXi 'exzawewnawrBneaaawaiaeT sawxBxeew ithBB TTm 1 1 ai riiini BaivaeisiTliaaL raaaaeiiw tl mwett-tswawcmieir"wsiuei zm mmmmmmiarmmm 11 aasaaeet Unutt 3b TSjarawAtag'taentflaaaweunneSb euu nieifnrfxwar nmunuxnum rwn tbb aawsocs m wom wrtmajMiiav. jm ji OSar iaaii riiiiinafi mi wriiir eioncsea eanaT itfmea. ntuntiqee .u wrg. aaikaehwaBrauei tan aairiama a. eawiinmamnai .mmmmxEMBEmM vbeiw eve- amaaawm. Byncri 1 xin?ll ?ft TTTai ftae .auicom SBnai Caaa TaTVirBT ii rjrrmnr ttti tian rmiiarB Wbmwm OUnaeTav-Twweavwa leryeaaMieaeML ifTlaaiBaai I aaiiaitwumeiamiasmwiMaanwnaawxeawswasl wtrjieoxq pirrti v-n exsntveemx atnxaaj 'imtxaaSaateea TrxemfTiemaaTernie ms .T, aee mum :&kixtaskev aiaiii mi itJBMisrtaiBi Tlim llnmen J. ans lewis eixtJUisaem Jrwadniiaamtaw jtresitfnxw aswafwew oniaBMgraia tawaaamst Jirw. 'TVTrTr.TTTrT't' "w.f a txsn etsstti oft fiatw zvewasm. assmnaea. tm sa haueet ei ituaaxea waa- aiiml ttaeay By tjaaa jilliij T nr - "M a y sSMawsKaawa. aauxouseuaartax-u uatcXa-Ewane wM" ajrJU. rimtotaresaiswiaesaawMgaima, wee aesaiiaetri , M.tDmmffr na nkw XTaaSae5aw3ea Ikenw, wSjeaw lUi'amMmmmtim'amjUiu xuawoluaaaw '3rm'TtxnK,rkXB&av- ift Trnwrrrg t tie Jewxiaai.-rBBa.eiieai- esn aeaa. ami aw amar VwwwiMej'rtSjBii.ALlliMS rianiaaweBm wyeaaaeew tsc!faf Tal.ASfeeaaaeBmMiiiiirinwnaBnxew' isiiawa meiiim J