OCR Interpretation

National Republican. (Washington City (D.C.)) 1872-1888, November 14, 1877, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053573/1877-11-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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paiional $cpubfat.
A. M CLAIM i i i I I I I I I i I i I klilTOH
Tho Natknal Rcpub'lcan
ta ri WW ' d 1 tescepi Sundaya) I y the
ftrpnldlean Piloting A riiblllilnjeCmpny,
(Ml ewihas lriiror rTHr vaiita AeenunM
II lit nlii ln Mirmii m In ndtniew or to
re 1 1 r uaiuih, Ui llTrrn hjr i-n i tr
Aud mm. N.V1IUNAI. IfPirPI t AN
Vvn hit (ii o 11.(1
Mr M. II rVOITT UApent Tortlieee-crlpl
tf AUfillmiiU nml Niilrrlillun4 for thU
I'nper, "11 tnr tit roltcrllcn or Ac
count Mr.!) If MrCLlfl.lMHeaUo autliorlieil
tu aollelt Atlertleiieiil
All communication Atl(mrt nr fmUhftii m
thnul t br If rj jJa h'hit" ttm an Inn't it nidV
o (Vwtprr tiimmvHieatttms Htnrrnt ixinjsW Vj Oir
hft rten.Waja' mttirlbil n I mlt nrUSt-f br
rrtirf nor rctumnl hrjrctrtt wanvrn Ipt wtU nut be re
lnrf I uur prtmntfl Tit crfMoVd tlaUttf uur en
limn timing the junn if longrt Vitlt ntUtuicVx.
WKilMllUAY I Milt tu MlVKMLKftM.tun
Tun friends of Mr IlttisTim are now
ronipl lining that President IIWF Is no
more cuisulcnitc of Ids fotllnvuind itinbi
lions than vtust'.eddeiit OlUNT IlRitrrmt
begins tu tliititt tint republics nre ungrate
ful, kt who will lo 1'rmMcnt.
fipffATORCoMvLiMi, in his brief ex pi mix
tion untl disclaimer of tlio reported inter
tiew between himself and a Herald reporter,
htut dampened n good deal of Democratic
powder und cau-ftcl nt my n fiulo on lite
jiart ol hcavily-londed idtindcrhusac. 1 lu
Cleveland Herald U now dcullng in net
- - r
tioUJ hiiiI Mlicr Coin.
Tlie dingle stand trd nieu from Ronton,
.New York and rhllatlclpbla, who urrtvctl
here jrtdenlaj to enter tbilr protest n gainst
the silver bill now htlore the h-nute, would
havo exerted a much mora sitlutary lullu
enee upon thu biisincHa interests of tht
country if tliey had ntuc-cl nt home They
ought to be well satisfied with our virtual
return to a com IrwLs, without Insisting that
the vv onl -tolnw sliall re ad L,old " In n vvr
Iwjttm the lie of credit money in
18G3 co'n meant "polel mid ailucr,"
nd m continued until our whole m
bonal debt vtna incurred and n grotl portion
tf our floating debt wan paid und our funded
debt lately reduced lu 1H7J, when Ihtr
was pjirtiaily dimoiutUetl. the dttinnd lor
coin w m so li(,ht und Us uses w drium
bennrd tliat no ccpciiul attention was(;luii
to its i (Tut in tin way ot adding difliiultiti
to utumption little thought wu thtn
glen to the Aat tlut Iheduuonetiruthm ol
fifty per cent, ot thomiten.dul vhiihMeoin"
wan lomjiOMd would utteasarily nt-uil.s
double the ahio ol that which ulono le
malntd nioin.. The ptuple of tht
United fitntis did not then dream
that the act of 1871 wmilil cinupel them, in
eflcct, through thenpprttl itlou of tho uiu
of jold, to pay two hik)i do.Iam n the h id
borrowed lor etiry one thej mldit y in
liquidation of tho principal of that debt
And when resumption ai preiMed hihI
finally nTced to, it wiw noldrtauud by the
people that tho fruition il currency anil
lcjal tendir notes wero to lie ndiemed in
goldeoi i( to the exclusion of ml er, for many
of them did not know ten that hllnr Ii id
been practically demonetized No wmmr
dll tiny liarn thU fict than tiny nil
object it! with one nivoid to any end)
iloublu contraction ot both credit and re it
money. A L,raduil return to a com UU
won what all agreed to, pro Idtil it could W
donora gndutlly ui not toi.isturb legltl
in do commercial and iuduntriaJ trint-ic-t
int. Hut when the became aware that
tht lutsirt bad Ik en changed on tin m tin
an a reft they arose In their mOitij luihl
and called n lnlt, which resulted tu the
pwae of thu nilver b'lt in (ho House
Now, If the hinIe ttrnd nil mi n
nre wine, they will jiacefi lty yield to
tl Is f(iiitable demand of the icople lat
them bo admouiHhed by tho I ito of Sn
lan K und ccuui to pret lor gold, and gold
nl, a n ntamtard Iat them be wnrnid
tn time, leM, In Mekitij the joand of HeMi,
they find that thty arc coniKlUd to put tip
with Htanipcd pjper,irrtdLemildo prom lac,
for both in tt rent and piiucipd The pres
ent temper ofthU pcoplo U duuerous to
Uitl with
Tlio Demoirits and those Republican
apostates who are in alliance with them
ore now engaged In egging the PmtUlcnl on
to nn (ien tupture with hen itorC'oNM l(t
The rhiladelphi-i 77mra entllitet ita mU
cliieous tilHposition In thin wiw.
fir lhw will fliul Mm an usl) pponent,
and hit Iiiiiim n lo blame Ih i' lie in no lonuM
alilu Uud ttnNi oikap HiIiitniriiUtMeM
muile wlic-n the re ftiriu itorv outer was tlrt
dumd, th enemv would not lime lrit In
rurh extclktit (intdltloo Kt it U the tUl
will 1m a prrtt) one Wlielliur Ietory sli ill
rent with thu arliniiiblration will depend a
jtiKtd dttd iiHt h lift hi r the admi ilmtnitloii
can Ui uiulu lu practit.e the prinelpka it pro-lckH-s
Aiiroiriutiou Itr flic Army.
We not ite llut the army appiopri ition
bill, which Ii is gone to tho Senate, for its
concurrent!. Is Wing crtlhixcd with wane
sstirit b e hio It proidis th it lour full
ngimuils of eitalrv idi ill Ik. kept In lesji
to rotect ita Mt xitau and Imliui hoiitii r.
Wo t inuot xyiuuilliire with this hue oi
tritititm While It in ly nrhipt lm u
ginktl as a btlle ditetmiteous lo (lit IVtui
dent, who b t lie CotHtitulioii i tlotlud
with Iiiil )towr to tli-Mso oi thu arm
its iln coiiiiu in ler-h) ihitt, in iiforil into
with his ii Unit ut an I tlt-kntion to eon
trio his in tlon in ui) ilfuicc li) hgid itiou,
the J t isNiiih i m iikeil iuetit Jnrproeid
iiMumph lo" our Iroutier when LpM tl lo
mid thrcuttntd 1 nn cion tlmt we are not
diHM d In th ilUr oier th it ptint I is
is t ui It bt I to lull protection, ami tor aiuht
tint we know the Purulent is lull) uliio
to lite imwrtaiite of providing tun ply for
that till t nil cu'uts, the people ol
Tex in are tery aolkitous as to the. it
frontiers, u titty lino reason to
lie, ami it is not to lai regret tt-d
that proilsiou is definitely initio to
answer their wMies Ihe army ahould
hive been incmiscd instead nt its Mug
dimhiUhcel in Itaatrcngth but wo suppose,
under the rtyime of pacUciition, tint we
ahould n-epcet, as faraa we eau,lhonuniou
that the Ktiutheni portion of ConTi-as bale
for lbe boys lu blut This is only u eon
Wtfalou suKLutttetl by the llty of pi icuaitd
nmlly at homo. It u praltfylnu to know
that the South hnsrcnctdidthci!ut hkh
has hereto'orc been nrgec., that the Presi
de nt fthould he prohibited bylaw from Mnd
ing United Htatcn IroopH anywhere within
the lenltory of tho IJn'tul H tali a, where
any rxlgtnty seemed to ekiuind their pttJi
cn. Aft IhU li'll U no ilculit the Inst t'mt can
1w obtained from IhU llousc.nud there Ls nn
ImiMrlous ncccHft'ly for llm money appro
priated, nt tho earliest posrlhle moment, wc
hojH th it the Sen de will promptly concur
In tho action of the Hnise, ni gic the
tirmy ill appropriation wahuut turther c!o
ItrptibllmnlMiii i Jrorjliu
Get rgl i If a lie public, n Hate :y ,i hrpj
tnnjor.ly when It people art left free to -tieire
the Hi lit or MiflYnge ncconbng to the
dictate a of their own ni del ions pnd judg
ments. Through otttmge, intim!ihtion,nnd
a Mnncnf detertlon ihe 1'ej ibllinn partj
in that Htatt luat 1h ccme Inert, tnnclhe.nnd
Inefllclent, until llieht ite his Imtii repinleel
as milMlanti illy IK mot nit lu Hut this Is
not the fact, lho Kcpuhllcnn pc.rt there
Is not dend, but I ma aiifhnd from n kcneril
ura1jfds of ticflon U1h tnstochow siusuf
lite. The appointment by n Kcpuhllcnn Prrs
lleut of Dimocntsto Ituttortint ponltloni,
I i-t ad of U pub' leans equally qualified for
them, has hid one good effect. It Ins a rouse J
tho IicpuhMcun ton aense of the wnm;
done their rnue by this de)arture freim ac
customed (Kithsond they arc clothing htin
aches with new energies and newnctUltlcs.
Tho Atlanta RtpubUcan width lias Inn
nn able advocate of the Itepubllcan faith
but whlc.h has lieen fuflVring ft-om acero
diwourufrementa, Ls putting on its armor for
a (roth content In ih half of the rVht, with
tho following decla ration of principles and
Iiaportant as the work utrcadr aceomplUliM
hr the UepuMirnu MirtT Is, otlurwork ImHljr
lent In inacultude renmlns to he done. Die peo
ple tntut Ito taught that the A merit an Kcpublic
is a nation, not u oonfederacT. Mfo ami uron-
ertT n.ust lw protectefl. Ulucalton by the
Ktate iiuut o jdfwed wlthlu tho reach of nil
the eoplo, Fryo i-cJi ami a free pre ta must
lio suininleed The ballot must I e gutran
teed and prutectcd. The waja ami iiieans fur
promoting lite mattriHi prmpLrity or thu tute
should Iw diFcuwctl, fuch as acrietiltiirc, com
rieue. munuructuriiu.. inliiimr. iiiUrnal lm-
proeiienta,alioincfllead,amUtrUtc.conoaiy in
tu puoiie c xpLnuituros.
The KqmUtcan will ilo conmn's service
in Inn ill of Kcpuhliuin principles and pol
icy relating to it own State and the nation
at large, and tseliwrWng of the most lib
c nil fciipport. If the polity of pat ill jut Ion
is boneMly attcpletl by tho Democitta in
(itorgla, they will enter upon the policy of
' lite and kt lhc,"mul k'epubliuins will la.
munil in ii ixuciHble exercise of all their
tiKhts; their part; will put oi Us full
strength und Morome mere, and the. State
will hecomoicac,ctullprmpc.iou3,unil liupp;.
lho Iitptilttcan now puts forth tlic
wortls of cheery promUc: "The Ilepubb
e an part of Georgia an unit for Republi
canism; It has a mUdoij uud wi.l perform
Tho IJallot-Ilo-i Molcti.
Ijutt night thn atore hnn ofDr IlAPOiirA
was entirtd nnd the Iwlh t Iniy nut) rtitia
tinu iKMiks which had l.ea left lu thero over
I'iutit wero rto'tu und no eloitbt tUsro)cd
Thlswltl caue this Im nt to he thrown out.
Die iiiuiiher nf ott )olltil lor theH'att liektt
was S77 For sheriif tll rteeleul W1
otta and Ol LLV 74. It nusonuullliu tuet
lirain futctl acts on record Aetuprr (Mttt )
Itrratit, 7th Avtvmlvr.
In oidtr lo keep the nm of htstorj and
'thu eternal fitnetw of things, lho re-atler
hhould lieur In mind that Kemjtr County,
Mi-ve., is the Ktne ol the Ckimi it in iwatri
I i-t aprln,!, nnd thnt thLs same (ItM I , who
wmls to le. ahertlf, was the leitkr ol the
muh whit h committed thin massicro tint
was one of the first brcutlm ot Lmuh
guarintie-s. Of (ourao Outl 'h excuse lor
thtte Iwirbirous murdt n was an old family
ttud'hlM juxtlGentlon ol hLs hrlganehige wrs
that his brother bad been killed on a
lormer occasion, nnd for that reason he
wishes lo bo excused, nnd claims that he
ahould be Justified for imiisacrei i, in (old
hlood, la-lore lho eyes ol their ptreiita, a
lovely m ihltn of eighteen and u hrac boy
of fourteen who attempted to shield ami
defttid their father from a violent death.
Several other Innocent parties were also
slain. Now, what tiro we to think of the
monil acntiment of a community tluit will
uol only attfTt r suili horrible crimes to be
lerjetrated in Its midst, but that will iioii
the first opportunity thereafter uominite
and lote for the ringloaderol such a mut
dcious mob lor tho thief ptatc officer ot tho
eounlj t Here we seethe jKOplo who affect
to mould uml control public opinion In the
kinity who pretend to bo jwr crcttlemc
thu class, and the only diss, ht lo ymm,
t'ifl ngular Imo(ratk pirtj, in fid
aliteldin and defending and seeking to
honor with an huputtant ofllie tho mm
ol id I others who defifs the live and who
deacrtfcs punishment for Ihe eonimiieslon of
u c-tpital crime Tiny seek to place him
where can protect hinis If Thty would
pi ice him w here be tun piinhh his c lie iiilef.
They would se,k(t him to draw their Jump,
to arrest and aalely tlrtain criminals, lo ex
ecute the aenteucea of tho court upon thoau
comicted ol capital ofltute. An I, tin ilh,
the) would even steal u ballot-box ami de
stroy its contents, in order th it he might lie
counted into this position uuliwliilly.
Ml this is dout in tho n ime ol Dcmoer-in
andplititioti It tbi at machinations an I
(times Mint ui, what chance is thru ol I he
I punishment ol tho itdon In tin LhiHolm
trued) ' Worthitl be told, no doubt, tint
all the. pu lies h ic Ihiii rtgut.nl) indie led,
tile tt mil ie((uitttd U e nh i 1 U solemnly
united 111 ll tlnsi tlhls hive been held ill
pm i imo ol the l.u ir in It 17 j.iven h)
Siullieiu m n liliiui lo thu Plctidellt tint
Iiw slio il I U (ih-nrud and nitbr mini
t lined Hut ui ah ill n t la. told tint this
I ii 'i it tied ion lv ol (tl I n, the title 1 (ill
put, to the Hiiition ol kIk rill wisatomll
turn pit "ti unite to thu iidiiilliHtl itiou ol
justiee. ( ' upon him 4i tt .ui I his I J Ion luij
amis. Seinlur I.iM l e tn goto the Pu wi
th lit, liter the I ir e ol the trills InsUtii
p!i)el, and iliiiu that the loinis of lutv
Ii iv o taeii tompllu 1 with an I It the incused
wt re ac tittul by a jury of their pt( rs ask
vvh it m ire Iiu etu d II tin ( I lint th it
he Ins I ui 111 Itil bis promise He m ty ad
mil even, tint the slurilf was nu inter
ettetl pirtv and intunlly Kiiiht self pro
ttetiou through tho iidtnlulstiation or mi)
a liiiiuhtr itiou of his o'lec, but, lor alt
Put, th it he w u duly returned as tin td
by the prop r oIHuih iiu 1 refill trt.v ii.
ktille-d into ofilce uutkr all the futmsuf
law, IK need not refer to this little ballot
l"x steal ing episode, Inaamuch as It was on
Incident, almrly, which he could not foresee
or prevent.
Ouo thing more i This nntl-Gl'MY rote,
whkh ro.dly tkfeited him on a fair omit,
was not Ui public in ae died, but was Inde
pendent, It wasanti'Ocmocmtlc, boweer,
and tint w is enough in the eyes of the nv
crnse Mtaslsippl Democrat to justlly Its de
feat at nil ImjuinK
Tothr late Provident Anikw Joiikw?c
there Is to bo a nimiumtnt erected. The plsce
selcctitl Is Orctiillle, Tenn. Tlds inonuuient
Ls to le twenty-six foet high, with a biuc of
gmnite and a nliaft of Italian mar Me, It h
ln a fit nirniento of the people of hit adopted
Plate (North Carolina Mug tha ft ace of lib
hlrth) for the tinny acrvleea that ho rendered
her. lliirnxdld not do more for Ihjwuuri
than JoiiNLON lor Itnucmee.
Ira ton of silver makes $.11030, It wenhl
tale 1,()03 tonsoF illvcr to redeem our cut
stamlluv legal tenders. Hitpposo tho Uovcrti
meiitsliould secntlv eontrict for 13000 tons
of stiver, what would bo the effect on tho a 1
ver markets of the worl IT Would not silver
at onco appreciate to a par with gold? Or, In
other words, would n t gold meet It half way
with its par, and would nut legal tenders bo
found L'leeik hr Jowl with Ihe o.her two?
Thr Phi adelpilanaraagltatin2thearho3,
teae itr question, and It Is lo bo regretted that
such a tniinasOen AdNR,of that city, pub
l'tallv declares that tho servkeof the cou
mon school Uarhctrsare not worth Ihciraalarlea
ItlslNid cuuugU to take the bread out of
thrse women's mouths on the phathat there
Is no bresid for them; but to snatch It away
on the ground that tliey do not desenelt Is
most ungracious ungenerous, and unjust. The
public scliool teachers are like the letter -
Hern, tl e hardest worked and poorest paid
people In the puhllc nc-rvlco.
T'lK latest news Is to the cfTot 1 1 tat tho Pope
Is not dead, nor la he likely to die. Pius IX
Iseiahly-Slx. He haspassodthroughasvondcr
fil reign, both rplrltusl and temporal, Mute
Ids ele ctlou to the Papal chair. For some time
last Ids death has been expected, but with a
strange tenacity heelings to ltfo. At his aJ
van red age, and with tho tuitadtesv7ith wlitch
he has been afilieted, It is not (kmh.uIo that he
can long survive. As a matter of course,there
Is much Hpeutatlon a. to who-n ttits now Pen
tin will be The Cardinals In secret conclave
decide the matter after the death ct the pre
tut PuntllT
An obcltsk h 1't nurh after all There are
fort v -odd of them aeattere I over Europe, and
wo venture the assertion that when the Con
ncet Iiu t obelisk manufactory gets into coin
lite norkl ij order that tluru will he thou
sands of the to in this country. In Koaie there
are twelve, tht Urgcst heluit at the Ciurch of
bt. Jo'in Uiterait At Florence theo twis
while at Paris, rlot, nnd Constitntlu tple there
areohclltks. Already Knsl uid has Tmir- two
at the P 1 1 ih Mutmm, one ut Alnwick Cistb
nnd one at Kingston Lic. Of courtto uonoof
theste have auvthing to d i with Pie ('lenpatri
Nrtsllo or obelUk; hut when o io duos not
know, what Is thcidltTirtnce? L-t IhuAmnrl
cm obklloka excel them atl, but i ad to point
and blcrogtv nhlrs.
fc rav dav there tranplrt-a tl e rein t Ion of
some Intldeiit In the Hie of the lato Senator
JIoaTOK that proves l)oiid dyujt that ho was
really one of tho Greatest men of Ids ago. It Is
stated that ho con d have botu a humorUt If
he had liael. In earlr life he had the art or
Inlng eiceetllngly funny with a sober fact.
When he Ugan inditlcs he madu at Terte
Hsu te nspet ch so auiuslug that Its fame iijirciul,
untl Invitations to apeak came from all fides.
Mo cton wiw troubled "Ihls Is something of
a hit I have made thus far," hibaldtoafrkiil,
' if I do not crmlt it to be my ruin I feel
the danger, and I urn going to struggle against
It. All these invitations havo poured In on
account or the op ecli thu othe r night, they all
cxpett nomethiiu witty. Now theeptcxtlon lu
my mind Im, win titer I have thu moral stamina
todidappotnt them Only thugreatest pitinten
live to nn ace, and they are gctit rally nrnt
ntl le ofttr o few months of amusement, tike a
child a old doll, and never come out again only
on stale octuKlons for a dhplsy on acrottnt of
what has been A MilllIcIau who goes Into
wit as a rcgulir thing must tx'pett tosacrlflco
evervthiug elae to IL He will gain no repu
tation ils a sound man Ho will never get
very hlti in huuura People will not dam
tho author of witty savings capable of orlklual
ing la"2e soil I measures" Wlut a leswn fur
the wits In Congress I How terrlfhally this
speaks oguliiht tho funny writers of there
porters pallery, and what will the Hon 8 ti,
C-ox say to the atwive?
Tiik Shah will Uit Lit rope incognito
MontLP has three tiutua the population It
hud at the outbreak of the war.
jn.nv. Pimuoys new plav of ' Urimea"
Is a great iueiiw at I'lilladilphia
f'XDKT MtosuiiM John S OvuLANDaud
Ulll nm H WliltUlsey have r i lud
A Hiiooklyn hunbiml (smuIim for his wife's
torpse Why not kttleal Ijwihk aluueV
A ri Itilf rof butterfliis itaacd threugh Falls
County, leias lhey nu ubcrud millions
Mica. Ixjsnous, of Roclu-ster. stole a pair of
snot, tut us k Bjiiio iter iiasuana u) uoinj k hi
to Jill.
M CiinihTOPiiK his jut cotnpleted a figure
of rortuiu, w oo et lu utouz lor tuu salon
of m.
A uinu man in Mobile was arrcstel for
putting a bhtitftovir hU head a i 1 scariti a
mo nan
Mrs S It MtWKLL,elrrk In the last Leg
Utaturuof Ivva, is uovt uiuJidatv lor btatu
lil rarlsn
dr Howaku Is going ti describe lu tho
thicatco iile tnce his march of l.tkMj miles tu
pundit ol t hlef J Meph
IUkiiv Waituir iluniea that thcrewas an)
thing ' t looktd' lu lho ittwutd of tliw ikx-toii
lla. thlUlui luit)e ir
Utit.LU II MIM.LU, of Utlii V Y, dli I
titeidrfV muiiiiig Ht) waau tuciulwr of tie
1 ut i iv i mrlh t-oiurt-.
tilt ttNNH U in tit arse of the Manlcoiia.
cam luhialnp (mti ol ht luwie ic , ateiJoiil
u Iv s inland killed 1 lutclf
Miciihrrh, a painter of the sdioid of tor
tun v, bai on exoi tilion ut tiiu Uuupll t,ilhrks
In Pint p.iuiili I irmt.ee '
A I iiievongirlHiiet.t.tdotl In getting tlirough
Ihu Mont U-iiH Iuiiim t bv Unvhia: her ail tae ut
t ie tut i me , to ht litukd obr tlid tu itiuUiu
(ii (Iucst diiiod with Mr Utah, thu
aitiat, an I attended a res.cntloii (.Iveu by
t Min bcita at a lalor hour, on Mui hiy uliit
1I)Ton merchant has dhpo4oil of his
htidmwt and ttkm liis teuu auliiUlUtl to
ditvo ill tiiu ivaj tu bt, AujLtlue, 1 la , lor hts
Iti-N Vaik nays he doesn't Itellevo (teurge
Uiihiiit,lou, in his time, ever h id a tu ira
itoiient and u.iriglit ulmiuUtratiou tliail tliat
ol lltiiiialeiraut.
Mita McTauoart, of Sharon, wife of
( hrltoiher IdeTagart, iww la butlnew
Mt (luticr, Pa, nas euatiullted suicide, Hue was
unit twenty two.
On K day hut week a pickpocket stole Lvdla
rhouiMoiiitpurtlii 'iiiia)e,eoiitatiiliigltr entire
chaiiKu ofuMtu ma lor tlia Mn,iiamLtf6,
Char(aiol ptsttl larceny,
OhSjAias HU1M.D4, the hero of three
wars, and United fitstos Benntor front two
H tales, bcturedln lltnton Id aid of a charitable
object on Sun Jay evening
A man who bulb ve ho is dlvlnclr conimU
sinned to wns k railroad trains has been lm
prisomdii IT ilea. He was caught lurerat
times i lacing obstruction on the tracks.
Tub Uev.J 8. Bhtnman, 1) D, or Idling
tin, Ky, wdl Biuret' I the Per. Dr. MoVkkar
as the recto- of Christ Chureli, Auvv York, tu
toting upon his new charge DocemU r .
At a town meet in a In Coneonl, Mass., Mr
Herbert lUdclItTe roieivesl permlssinn to fence,
at hts own expense, tho gruvesof the llrithh
soldiers kllhii at the fliht of April ID, lJV
Tiir lato Charles Hprsguo'a llbnry will bo
sol I at auction In IttUit to-morrow ltlsn
choice one, and blhtlop'tllca will bjglal; but
It isalwavs tnfu1 tosoe a loautlfuI and ex
ccllentlr-choMiii enlloctlun scattered.
A MAM In riitafaurg. Pa., advertlse1 for a
lnok keeper, and within twenty-our hours
hail 11J applicants for the pillion Bubse
qucnllv he advertised for a man to work on
his farm and had eljht men respond
Tiikrk i a u?jtttiou n Connecticut that
Mr, P. T. LUruum ih maile Speaker of thr
la'iilslature this winter The Illustrious man
would then be at thu I. -a! of two of the great
est nhows on earth Af York 7ft4aa,
TlIK ease of Mi Letkiu. danahter of Com
modore Vanderbllt, who sues to revoke the
will of the Caiiiiiiudfirc, caino to trial before
too Ntw York surrm.'ale yeslenlar. The
ainouut for which the lady sues u M.OOOutX)
Miss Fancv DwrNpoRTberan hersnuusl
etigagiiiieiit In Ht, Ijottlson Monday night, to
tne tarreflt audience or tha seieaon. Piie ap
pen re I In ' Piuuo." and had a most enlhusliis
tic welcome, ixcvivlug recalls aud flawers atJcr
every atu
"What are them animals V asked one In
nocciit of another, us they stood gLptng Into
lho tiger cage veskrday at the Zoo. 'Tint'
xeorays," was t io replr, "Oh, I thought they
were pninier." And the two stiiiluitta til
natural history walkod off toward the monkey
huuso, W ii ils the congregation at St Paul s l.u the
rai Church, at Ihstun, vis ctdob rating the
Iiu weddlns of the Itrv. W. II. McKulc'it, re
cently, a slight fire occurred In the residence
of U W, 0ip, a prominent meutlier of the
church, and Djrtlm Volkamute, htsmother-lu-
taw, was ourned t3elettth lu In r bed.
Mils. Dkllk Lynch. who.9ler htislnnd's
tieatii, antu msl thararo or the paper at ukfah,
Cat . of which he bud been editor, canuot com-
hlaiti that she Is not treato.1 with oerf.ct
etiualitv anl Just aa If she were a man Al
reatty sne nas ueen tnninea itv two lutiivnsiit
readers, ind the people have solemnly rvnolvtd
bounve ner ojloi taecouuty.
Miss Lizzie Diktricu. of Ilauerstowo ao-
couipanloil by her attlantttd, eallod on the IhiV,
lamer Jones to be aiarrhtl a I uw clays ago.
Wnile awa tlur some or. Ilmlnarles to the cer
emony, the brldu was attacked with acute and
Vlolt nt mania. Mlio was removed lo Monte-
ew IIiHpital, where her deatlt occurred last
Friday morning.
"I LL marry any girt In the room thnt will
have me," txelilniod a half luthriutetl New
Jersey voitth at a larmers' ttlcutu the other
ttiv. 'PI1 take ) on," said a bright cjed,
clear complexhnietl, plump aulprettv girl of
seventeen, and they were married lorthwith.
The ventiiiCMiun leas mild hhe heaid ho was
"a good fel ow," aud "wouIJu't take a dire,
Dukoatiovs fmm tho Chsmher of Co-n
merco of Kew York and thu Nitlonal Itotrd
ofTnvdoaul the Inirdof t'raileof Phllutel
phU areat the Arlluston, or were there yes
tontay, duiihtletts with dire Intuit to defiat
the aitver bill A limn tf the dint lugiiiiihnd re-reM-nUthes
of the gold standard Were Joseph
Mllg.nun, II. 0. Arnold. A. A. Liw, W. E.
OtiIki, Jr, W. K, Jcaxu)), A J Drexel. (Itorge
V t litl.U V Vr. ill, v f V..iv Yorlr f! IM itt
James M. Brown, J. Pi rnpont Murtrau, C. M
Frv, J H K nne-lr, VV A llalnes rtinine! H
Hibcock.J M. Fhk, J It LMK P. O French.
Willi mi fuwuseud, Ja lies A blew art, Oeorge
S nlth.
Kkv. Wiiliam Ik ArrtFCK.the eloijuent
Hi i libit h divine and ttiuiHrauee alvociti, now
in New York, lie levee In woman rulent, Iw
tause then we have pi ace aud otherwise we
do l ot He Instances the most p acefui, pnvt
H.rou and glorious riIRu that Ku dand cvtr
had as that of Qutteti Metorla, and protllets
that "the next three) cum will be the tnwt
presperous vou In Amerha here have had in a
ioiu time, aud malut) I rem the Influence of
that excellent lad v I it t io White It mi -to. who
has hal thecouravo to put her foit down on
the ute of strong drink, Mr Haves was a f ir
tunstt man to find such u wlf; he was
Proldeut before you made him so,'
i5T2I COiTa JRE3S.
tioeclkl 1on.
TrwnvT, Nor, 13,1877,
Pdllsand iMtious were presented and re
ferred iw f II w
Dr Mr COthllKlh. A roneiirrent riHtoluttnn
of il oIi;tMiiUireorMIaourI,akiugf rarepcslof
A I ti fn m the Mime source, a retoliillon lntruct
Inxlhe Kiintor and Kiircienlntlvee from tht
lutein vote for a bill kiilot thu Injii-tlceof tlie
prttci t method of UicIe of leaf tolatten.
Al from the Kimc mmree arvoliiitu atklng
fir Ihe coiutructluit of a Houthern trauscotitliieiiiliil
is II vr ay.
AUo from the tame snuree a reoluilnn urgli a
an appropriation t r the reowv al of the cspt al of
tlie united Elsies
At-o fMin the Mime muree a resolution asklnf
ftr su pproprliiUoii fr the Improvement of thu
l IIMII I e I W lOt HINhlWIf l 1.1 VUT,
UrMr HUKNIDk A i-eldlon from the wl low
of Heir Xehnlrsl euldboroUh, aklng for su hi
i rfSM? of lien on
II) Mr MOKOAN A petition fur the Imnmre
in d of the nnrl- r of M W TLiy He hl he td
lis li ett -i tj l uch t" I t to, uid while neither
h i itldiurMiiy Keore-etiUilvu mnn AlaUiinaili-
kint auyaHlsl lea'flstioii f r ilielrSlnle thev dl I
Ihlnk tlie Iminvement aketfirvvas a needful
mi 1 1 ui - rtanttiie an Ihecxpn"el a hope that It
would reee vo win ntumloii end action
ll Mr IKHiril A litlllou nr ciUseus of (VI
forulaal MigllieUtie ifih Hinthern l'a 1 He Ha I
rn id. nnvlu tinz aabit a y ei'emlon of tlmu for
tlie einitriicltnn of the Mild r nut
lit Mr JMM .ofKIa. AiMtltlon of clt'icns of
rioriiu aoittnt 'orvratii onauu tor construium
ofa rnliru I In Una Htale
ItyMr Mrnowili A I 111 tn rchtlon to ril
tl II ind r Uf I u n lnt
Bj- Mr HVHHFNI A bill smhnrlrlngs senersl
an mot for all appropriation for naval pur
My Mr JtrU.M! A Mil to prnvl le f ira Dele
gate lu (' mres fnm the lu linn Territory
II) Mr. rTOX A bit) lo proto-t and en
lour) Hie khlpplng Interest of the Unite I
A - a bl 1 to eaonitrsxe iesmnh1p 1 nca hr an
th r Jt'iijr tli-nt t srry t ie Unite 1 states mslU
H Mr I'M'IK) Iv. A bill to auth rle tlie an
(ointment of i Miami ntoii tovl-lt Km pean i-omi
If eNii lexaiiilne I lie f iru try of tli e conntrie
lly Mr IK) tni A resolution reo leMlnmhe I uit
I lent to inrtrtii ibetVnale what Iiitiirinmloii U P
lil lovu l m In irltilioli t.i the Nn IVrttii wht.
Hi iiuintxrof Ir oMaud In 1lan i uxnirvt In the
mm I lift tt f prteiutloi t It id uliiel 1!i.h
fill tl I 11 IKHIMIIM 10 or ( lllll jMtM a lo tvd
Mr. IKIOIII s W.-l t
be uxctlte'd fiont f irtliLr
m v tu 1 11 Hit Lului
llm nti 1
1 1 lee on Mailillaeturea
Vlr (' IVPPI-P tailed up Ihu reatlut'ou Intro
tlut ell) h in taxi Meek t nil u noon lliu President
r r Infiint it tn aa t win liter ihe t num I'm lit
Kailr al lm Ie tinpHid u th the lenuif lUiliur
Ur Ae. mid wimi fuitlur te hlalt muan 1 near)
livi forieatsiiii) I tut eifiheMtm lie a I lre-el
HieHeiiaieiitai ne it 1 th I 1 retail ni 1 1 tlie fiiv ira
Inomih u m 11 thu in Ir m I comiwiuv l ) nurtw
ihe tenoa f the toiilra t-an I then Mt I ith
vvhuelii tht rial hat lalle-d li etonpl)
with It runtrai t a 1 1 Hit hard-hip bill ug up u
Ihe Mltlcru at nig tin Hue iT the rnu I glv
Iiu a lart 11 1 n r if ln iiieh pr ten h Mute-iiKni-niil
nt ari liuasLrmgH yo fail, al Ig
gureatth 1 1, .itlr raiiroa 1 1 it npuu lorn fir
le t ! lu llgltlolu (barter. Hat It wn uitlng
with , I regir 1 Piliw In ihu pretnW audlinlv
lUiiteof tlitMine lit tMiiteiidel that ttiicre-n
li 1 1 tl u right 1 1 ih-t lure the e liaritr t rit Imt, and
iht lirc-d llut the li Kir bad arrived I r the (I vtril
nn nt to 1 nut I llm f He urged the a I iptlon of
Ihe rv o ut on
Mr HI.U )HtS nut to the do k and bait res 1 a
dlMmUb Juttveelveit fnun the alt rney of tlio
tul iu I'aclrle Kallnia I aettinit f rlh that Miintor
the tljettliiia nrKvl agalunt the nxtj ( Mr
l iuitkk werulu I llgatl hi and wool Immhi hedu-termiiii-d
and iraeMiliig aaaliut any scthni bv
LoiiKreMi ttiidiiig the ibxlrloii Mr Haindhii
wild he tie Iru-1 lo reply lo Mr tiurrrg and ua
not now prepared an I asked thai ihu rvauluil hi be
laid over eoordeiel.
Ur IHtUt tfaakeil lhat Ihe names of Mr RniaMN
and Mr Halts bt traiwaiOM.-d on tht l-oniiiiillw. 1 11
M a 11 11 f si tures and that Mr KuLm twdeelared
lliu e'lalruiaiiofMldiouiuiltlet bonrdried
Mr AS1HOS) liitro.tuevl a reaolutlnii that the
attune oftJtu Hrttue is) pi tee I In tht eln le at H e
liiUirMailou ed Man laud and Maati,hueitt ave-
ta on 1 olt e II lUtllinr and fin timl.
ir ceuruin.iir l'a. om.red a Jo'riretiiuiioo
utihor's u lUsr A dm I nd Merrill tumi la tnclitl
tnd van Ir mi i he kins of m ant. ,
If DlVIfc of W V nm iintlra lhat be will
sddre the t'cusloon Thurnlsyou thu freaaury
n in ii in, iiihi rrfinitt'ii n I niiu
nr nini muni tre- Hie nrnaiv on ti room
Isyou tne rewilutloii In rrirard tu thu firctUe
rtfi ue of primmer lu Tctks.
u i m ni m ui vir ha ui.ni ins mchsid k-ih
Dit Ii tieieuiillva iknwlnii an t at V. JO tlie d&tn
aero re 'pciiutlniid theHeuaie h IJournoJ
imVMK or HttvititHi.NTATii rn.
The reading of ycflterdoy's Journal oceapled
nee hour
Mr UVNK3 Intro hire I a bill to facilitate aiil
hescn traiHpMrtitlou of ptntiiRcr and freight
a-nii ut riirtiiersppniDristioti or iutiiu isiiuj or
lurrcae of the public debt. Iteforrcd
Mr rVMKMidroditeoila bill t isutliorlre Itenr
AilmtrslJ J Almy tiaitcttadcK ration from Hi
Klnit of the llswallan In1nnd. Ueftrrctl
Mr WAr.ilIifri.rctl a rwdutlrtu dlrettfng the
ceretary of U art i ascertain the rhnhlo etwt of
heremovslof the rot k n theehsi net of the I'o
t mac UMverlo'wren flenrirel ovn and the new out
let I n k f the t b -Mpeake anr Oh o O oovl and t
rcirtrt rt the next wwli'il urCaiigreM Ilcuirred t
0 nttitltieeon Oim ncn e
MrTAIKINS iiitrtHimid a bill In rrtsllonti
ateofreAlelstelu I ie Dlrtrlclof Colttmo a under
lee-Is of trust Heferred
lr I AI.IN prentud the reanlulloiis of the
Nations! II Mini of I rade In regard tu the frlgiial ner
v Ice KefurrM
Mr WlTK.of Pie Introrliired a rrtHcntVeand
reoitttI ui re Itlug lint a lame iwirilonnf Diet
aiHiriiiif opienr die tnunirr ana ett sfuihi y in
Peiinkyivsuia are unemployed sud have ibter
mftiet 1 to cnnce In atrrkliltural purmi tsaud to
Hltleou the uuidle Umhof thuWeili thai a great
iinniiertif tnfope btvet'cut ret lions l lirttttre"
repreentliifr that they cannot mire fur want of
raiifi" rtalloii, and tht re Tire, hit-tritrlfmr the
0 nntit ties on I'll hi) c Land to coimldtr aud rep ri
tttiat abtaucecan be plren by the (lournn nil
Io Hi ih who tie Ire to etn'jrntle io tne Wct ami tu
luge lu arn n tnral pitroii ts beftrre I
Mr, waiclitr Inquired what oummlttee that
TaeaPKAKBIt To Public Lands, of whlc't the
vn lie man I tiumlw,r
Mr WUKII1T There Is where It ought to go, and
1 ulll tale i are of t,
Mr.TuvsiUNW oflll.offeredarewlutlonre
QUir nglhe liankiiix and Current y Cmnnlltet to
Ci)rla Oil) with Iruwlug nstlousl bank efreuta
tlon, and tu supply lis place with greenbacks, Ht
The House then went Into Committee of tht
Wh lie o f narftt dctlcleney bill. Mr Ulackbukv
hi the chair.
mi liieJTT, In explaining the bill, called at
teuton hi the minis thnt hud been a ir prlHlod for
tliwiwy of the uavyhluoa 1KT', wlilth ranel from
eloUOno lo JM)un, and said ll wal titular that
aiona4a UtinHrallu llone came InUi power
tht amount d rounded for the ay or the
navy aas 97..HIOOUO alTiough the furrt ol
lliu navy was 1 trio let than It was In
I revloita year. Ihedcreeney In th I til
iai beeii ratuiltiB through a aeries of )ears. Al
iheflrttesluu of ihe Forty feitrtlt Cniare- tiiu
vonim tteuon Appropriations guided I yllie tight
of ex i will. nt madtf what wcJiLLmiltilajta nr nwr
and adequate appro rlatiou, and lu urdtr to e rcate
a aeot lueot airnlort ill llo ue thu lata Na reUry of
the $y withheld or reduce-d what wa ktioun a
i u nuu j(i i M) ai me nc-i iwiori ui Cniiigre'Ma me
eoiitiitiitea mid the Ilouw voted for Ihe pny of the
navy wlih utiOdOOor the amount aked fir by tlie
avy Ik nartineut. And et we are met mc told
thai llus dcric em y In twirl grow "Ut of thu lallure
ol the llitu eti nihku tlie aleuato npiiruprlatl il.
1 Iiu late eeeretary of iht Navy charged ll all to the
a lure Li in tie ) rapriatuiin, but It eon d be
dim Hi-lratc-d thai the lnteNnreurr had lu vl la
t on of Uw, tli-Mlgiitit 1 1 pre rt nt that vety iMmr
iftkeii e aht or lone mbllo n ihe Mtrp it luiitl
f the J reury. In the ve.r twin of the law
1 nu irJlh la that tho kiltie, ey arl ea i ut of an
uulawiul UM) of taney and a vliiailuu of law
Ink iik the tu t i harhablu v ew of the matter ll
im teemed ti be (he denlgu frthu la'tlewveara
ti hate liapisir Dial the lewrtiniie vnu aJiiiln
iUtI 1 r h ItMHiitoiiot tlun tl, approj nation.
when in iru h the imyiiiunl vvat made wnugrul y
I run i thu kui Iiu Inn l Utility have la-eit d nu 1g
a rami), ur lima) liae Utn il lie lor a puri-?
UiiUee ve He nip ed Li pib t w lit lil ntiiark
a cuui ei t vvltli Ii won d ii m tin ell lb rente Ira
ivvt-eo Ihe Iml tUtrntl at of llm liav y Hum u 1 he
lii thu war, when thu expenditure waa CinuiiiL-d
1 1 tlu aiuoiinU ncliially appn prlated tiider late
o inneiiioo inn iiiiiua inoi inn n uniru.il nni
t cult 1 iale bv auth it tr tlmt llm mom v lur the
ltty ni tne marine iorp. tur exmupe had bet-o
ii-hiI forotlier imrnoMW Itwa-duuM thu imi Iv
oftolncouu r llutarurilivr itiveMlxalioo uf die
ae iiiauug mem oi ine av iKxiri oein mioiii i
Iw reletilie y p ejand lu ortUr Ut tueeilalll Ifllie
araigd era coital n t U i tintheJ and lbs iuv
Lruinciilitemr there Ik ample liw is prohibll
Ihedlierloiioi fund or Ihe r witn gful lit. Hut
Miierv su ualtTr viatica lint taw, lliu uiny reruetl)
. lor tim ui "laie iei f H epeopuu tl liiti ru
p ito illy u here libel tg and Md lho itelln
laviit Urn tirict rvpoiit. diy.
Mr e.OuDK aald tlu bilwasa neees flr.snd
eany lu thu - on tiieCnumlttvc utiNuvul Allulr
rttpieuii ine euiitiiiii-uiii ai ) rt piiatiuiiauiit
iv.il It. Hubsd uudouui llirtlMiu. ll cr lllVlt ica
lion was oiii anilcil I ut lei tlil iill Ui iuve I lint
on iiihi iiiiejttiHii n c u ii luiioM, ltniieiuuru
ojHMi Ml ty ford vtrmon . rfuudah u due llxml
it MusiucM-atv liil tonaM IhU bid. lueailc Hie
olbeenihal Us.ii ayiiig heal) rait?nt inure t lr
ner, anu toer uoi i py nmt not iue uiii.i cuu
vretw cmiitM 1 1 llieir re hel
Air tiAn.Tiiii rviiwujriiHiu nvj were not
Mr. (10ODF dt 1 m t deem It necewmrr to go lut'i
liiai(iiuiiuii ii w ii iioii ii ue KMiiijeil ol li
tw-tkatluii lltlial Ilea ol ItHuver, ll vtaa Ih.
iuu u ol a ellvera t ii ol Hindi'.
Mr IIALhaai lumtali li itt ubt,de"lrcd to prca
tin on mr mere) wiu iuu Mine iujui iuu hi tne)
l. iuU lu tiui Iiu Lit I deX auuii li Uuuu
llwLiiey ane Ui4 ai itluuiau wliili! uiiurui-o
lliu ili liadciaiitliutl ttiriiitjauiae agmuii ihe
otUtMHielai) elllioavy
tne it- i of ihe j iet lit Bcintnry whlth ihu
iteutkiiiMii i-li at d have 4ud dl li tuetl Unit to
Utile umy hrfd U-eu niliiili g llir ug i murr'Uf
yeaif Mr lULk nieu unit on lo e-n in i untl i r
).irll lo lues.li lite pr.ctieuUUiLeir tu iiuiiiihI
to ineel a lemporar) item tetit y in the uuier, m d ii
tnul wu) llieltf lino i lien liven a duhlcin) III toe
imy iieial etlnticlillitli t ithe lutt Untl ehe intu
Mnuturyii u liiriuuicil a re latin, uiiereit) lie re
uii i ed a inuuliK) l uiueoUi f aee iiliil I i in ah u. i
t cud of triennial aee nmia. ll lm hal Uoi
tlie lu I onle-er lie Wasiml UiU liewmild not luvei
u l tide t Uml reiorio hlHmi ay lain tiiettu
m li tuiuivr iuikU Iruiu tne ueci nut lo ihu
utiier, but me pre-enl heervlar) wi u d u it uriiikl
tnu pity iuu I lur iuu eu re lit )er to laieiHioaciird
iinjo I ir ilieelidol tlie la-l tlaiui)iiir. Ibf t tild
navu wiiietl llial Uie late, be-erelor) ui the at)
haddoi e Ilia aiiiiitf lllllijc lilt tliultu 8.tiir U
ouw a pi nine ciiiieo an i mil ii ( uniimnni to in
vert ttaie litui Let ine iuvcaisatliiii toon and be
illvLk w u ddmy idu lutu t wuUtni Uirlu lihtil 1 1
any iuile)earauige d illar Had Utn div.' t !
I t NU HUirn iwr lHlltw or lo Miuw iliat thu lalu
Set teiar) Imd d nu Hii)llitng Cim than adlieruU
iuepriM.ii.-eu nm ifeetni ieni, mi liter uepuim
iinrtiVinCiilirOa laleid.
Mr ClUlV'tll lui t ie! uuu her tht tranafcr of
li e iui u m ia i u ii to waj iMhMtn Muitiii
Mr II Vl I. rtimud Hire that niHtier wa tain
fenctl tr i u ihu iuvel gdt nu etiiin i iusti Ihe law
tuiiiuilltve of thu II iile nitl Mr. ItoouMili In I
t Kt u exoiierateib llivdover inei t tievvr ht a
duller b) lliu trmiftr i ir ihu aeturity dema iuvl
b) liiueteietaiv vvri4 mnpe He err tu l-i another
itietuii, air llvt.4 ar i -d that ihe l lurcttau
, r t( rude lor lliu o ivy md n t dentr f It, an) nure
thuultiu l.uluro to appr pilatt I tr the aruiy le-
Mruyeii I. li oe-labluinuenlu miicLei ittii an I t
iui ij ier ine oij iiw uet 1 11 1111 milieu ) m
thai li eell jrt t j ketp It up Pocoiium II ei lj
it u-el o) nduilaloi thee uaige ihaiailna t dollar
na 1 who nun 1 u verieu tr Uml
Air DvM-eitei it t.rr ng ei 1 it pro(N)4Ttlou f tr a
new iuteak li 11 talJ tie tat 1 1 v bad I und
to tbhitf ami Jkuliupcuaiivw euiiioiliU'C would u y
ii 1 nt no
Mr itvNMhad no doubt that tha Intentions nf
ihe 1 re'CUl evtreiar) wtregum vtiun herald he
vv ud uoi lrnir luud. ll nn a g Mt tncn,
bit 11 noti d in IUj In pi t l lee He rt II mm ii Hou
lliu l rut lie The lieec IV eif elein Uncles grow
unit lour vvuy 1 1 I 1 tbiuii e the Nvnl emu
m lust lixe tne miiuiier and 1 rgnniicauoii ul Hie
inv Hji 11 uiukua nu an 1 pniiin n Ihu
1 1 piopnd on loin a lieu ihu iltlu tiiuuuiltcr 11 a
an 1 wall 1 ila fun ku iletl.eo) uiu hkiiiiiiiI i
01 toe anay to ike1 Ihe ppro r , t 011 of vvltHt
uin milt lie ik ft ,i Ug . il ile nut Hunt Im I
10 uMeitdiiii t law lumle i 01 e u mm tliii ml
11 api ro rial on jimiw I) nnolncr Hone ulll m
tbul be tin 1 1 iela indli (W Ihede 11 enc) 1 to u
'ii I lluile 1 11 jin-tii C. it 1 Unit Hubli tut e
II tl e 1I1 I a 1 tin vii ) He 1 1 p uti liti the tt 11
d lit n loe pre-H. t Sit tetuy M I I J .Nat) noea lc
Iiu pn pi eti tt Itiurii ll letal luellod- flm l-t
tin I lliu lulu htrt ie ar tat m ' ut f ll 1 1 u
110 rea ii h li) l li a ia alio lid 1 1 1 U ui lifted It J
lu h id li l ie v itt 1 1 li 1 1 in no 1 1 Ik ral niuniier
I ner li 1 1 Ut 11 11 inloii u i f i tihl e ni n e ui d tin
I -uoi 11 vvje a in n 11 1 1 know nh) iiu m n i ad
k-eii u ml iiopi i)h r y HeaMiie-d mat ettitln.et
ha I Ktn b e,t 1 ) n I luipri k r ) nm hi a d uu 1
1liutall.n1 r id. I that un-l ) tor mi aj
roMaitu vim Hkti f r elitiiliitf He event
an I uw the hea I ttf Hit el lltiiij, bateau and bei
mi el li cie nm el thing en tiah 1 ti hai U li Ihu
tbres )iam wleietit 11 a link ((p-e-el up nu I
Mtltinulhe iMr I uu Sri h old ml lavu ls-eni
t idlhai a HnieetleliiV bad t ladtbit oltiiit III
.Neil Yik fir m iv il thug He Mr Huhm-i
eui 1 iM,e liulelicf h r ll e UIn ill g elitea except
in il it-out t on ut dui t-n mt ui r k "
Ihuitlb vena tneil rend Ihi iuh an I miaine-nd
lilelilM wtiei lleleil ll ueoinlit llee Mwt and ihu
bill i ieHnUd to Hie ll( line ai d piwt
IhulloiMireoUioed tht toiuUleratlJiiof the bill
to rein al ihe n Mini 1 1 ooatt
Mr. HirS ol'eadaii mm 11 Intent repealing the
third etikui il usit, rov d 1 g thaiin msiid
alter Ihu aa,( ol uie ai I lh?ru iin I bt no turther
lautif Hit Ciietihd ng liUetiof tiulli I si bniiks
exi-eplti re laee aueli aa haieltttu muiilaleil er
deMn yed
Mr UlirTrli:S twk his poaUlon at the
Cletka dk and poko lit 1 pptmltloii Colbert
pet) Unit bt was 111 aiuLtii .the b II lef re lie
II ue wua dowurght ruputalloi, tl ildlug
a siu ireiw-ury 1 1 ttiili 1 Mr oiitThKOfCHMi I le
liwl I a Plucoetfpapvr nil ill wn M uiney It
wasadstA. It mm a (rtNUltt to pay, but em lu
fiponollme fir pnyment was flset nittlnls7n
law wai iiv-mcI tint tlie (leUUh mid 1 pall ll
IS70, lie he tt Hi tl the (I iwuneiil niu-t keep II
prombe teltli him or It btsjin the loader oi a
Hie defaii lera lu tho land lie then pretsjledt
a gue aictlnrt Ihe ll eory that thu reniiipiett at
a as rumn ll.ie for thu bard llm -s, and
th mthl thnt no one Pitt lu isiloa Wuun
nan rt Ihu fst t In the e iiirM) of h
remarks lit alio let In a peot h mans l Mt
III ACXBURfou tin eveofllieliite vlwlloit In llu
tlmorv, In whleb HlACKRlRN i aimed tie 1H.uk
t rati an Iht friend t r (ht workliutiuaii ami ah
thattheyhsl (roved thnfaet ly ibnldiy tu (oi
gnssrtni Mictlafi glhr that they oul I Ihe m x
lay repeal Ihu re umptl ut hi I nnd Ihsl the) vvoiil
llieiieti islfie tsxc by renewing the Intonte luv
il, d i vm itv Md ht U1 eml.-t.od all ti a
was lu that ipwch,
rfi. em ,i.iPV In cntrlmton rs't In
limited to nk Mr Kwino the ant nor o
the bill llrvt whether. If he owe I a mm
tr mmey w tilth he promsed lo psy In
1H7V t oiild he with li Htc-ty now acrve noiba thai
v WMitl nt niv It It eu. eet inl If be bell t
pr mbe to pay fin from h s U ivcn ment at a time
ulii ii n idiy Ma flxid an l ir the tlay wa mtt
ti lently nxed how could tin 'lovirnmcut r'tem
th m that tt wiiii Id nut ttAt wi h o a moIiiio KB idlo'
tlintlhlrl (nn the 0wru enl of the e. Ind
KUtieaafT nttore t under an Imp uailounl dipnoi
enty, and fourth how and why I It thai tveij
well dnwe Latuher, tbfrait hr no I le udlsilun
UI MiUiiil lht imiitli iniiii h hill I i the it hoT
Mr. MUNI OKoppsK.ilhetlllbecnii eltrpcftlcl
the ail anl pnvftcil tio remedy. He uud mi
unilrrrtaml how any Ittpul He an wit iMUUlnodllie
1,1... 1......1 . 1.1 t .......' I JM. m .1.- I. Ill
n , IIjIL-o l 4 II " I V IJ nir i J.
Tlie NnUonat.
risnouftto's s.iakline opcrn-cemlnue, "Je
Ctockoa de Cornevllle," which Iim li id a tun
nf over two hundred night. ... P .rK and Is
atill drawing cruwus tolhet-oillcs Dramatique
lutheFrtnch inetroputle, was produrcd last
eventnff at the Nstlenal, In FnplUh, 1 y sir. C
I) I lens fin o company, nnder the title of tlie
'Chlmos of Kormandy." lteporbs of ils re
(entsucceas In Kew York, st tho Fifth Avenur
riitatre. bad preniretl our ct.l2e.1s for an tn
Jo able entertainment, nnd It Is safotosav
mat nono were ui.eapointcti uno witnemeu
1 1st evening s performance The enst wns rx
ccedlngly strong, embracing sltas Fmllie Mel
vtllo as Mtgtkonttif, Mia. Begllhl as Qtnnmu
Miss Soarle as (7erfrtf Mr. Cattle as the Mar
qui cs Lucent, Mr Turner as Robin Moore, Mr
Kejruln as Tkn Hhrlfft and Mr CI orlea Morton
as r'araisr Qatjnnd
This opera was u hit of the mort emphatic
character, Tho music is of the light, sjiaMc
ting character which at once takes hold upon
tho popjlar taste. T ie plot Is quite lnterust
ing. dcvelopliiji many eicedeiit oomloand sev
era! very strango dramatic situations Tb
choruses were besutl fully sung; In fact, we
fall to rem cm tier a mere perfect performance,
either dramatic or operatic. Mr. Mess hue
certainly every element of succoas In hands,
and It will le entirely the fault of the puhlh
If he does not succeed with his new oranlza
tlon The "Chimes of Normandy" will be ru
pea tod this aud to-morrow uvenlug.
Theatre Cnmlque.
There wl1! bo a matinee to-day at, lJ3n
o'clock, bcaldea the regular evening perform
ance. Tho great character actor, I) S Morrla,
so widely known as "Dutch Morris,' Is the
leading attraction fur this week. He per
annates tho principal ro!e in the drama I now n
as tho " Convict' ltevcnfre." Miaslda Henton
Miss Lottio White. T. F. (Irani, and 11 (J
Allen are among the novelties In thevsrletj
combination. The Comiquo never had a better
company nor offered morj Inducem.nts to the
pleasure jfviitfc community.
tV.lH.lt 1 1. I'tTHItYAOB.
Southert Deiaenitle Congreaamen eetl Not
Ite Alarm ml
I'gHS tOOLA, PL., N iV 9, 1877
The following brief extract was taLen from
your Isauuof a recent datot
Alreiuly tlie ftmlhcni pna Is showing signs of
icnr mat mt 1 reinnu mnj un tvav erinu; 111 ni" re
fum Ilialloil ift Ibla alarm. It MHtun, via
bnmsbt atamtly bonlhern Uoinrrea men vtrtltiti
In mv ttinl iliun ia mi nuilier bona urtiflUii lm
D m k rata ami thut snJloatita had U,lter save
innr nioiiey ami remain at 1 iodic.
It Is very evident you have been mbled,as
we have a w here directly iu iKilnt.
Within In ft short time It lias tern decided
to makon change In the office of Postmaster
here. J here vtero two applicants for the
oil) ce. uue a ihmocrat or extra iiourbon pro
ellvlttca, uucomproiiilsiutr and bitter and an
ex-Cnufeslerato. 'Ihe oilier an old Union sol
dier. vvho. iu IHU. (tttered thoarmv as a 1 ri-
vale, iu one of tho regiments organised by
Ieu. U. F. Butler, and troin faithful servltta
waa siiccevwlvt Ir 1 ru noted to ser
geant, lieuienaiil, captain, major and
lieutenant colonel, aud in Icssi was
honorably muttered out. Ho settled an I
made hii homo in Honda long be lore lho or
ganization of the Kepubliiau parly there vvus
thought of When the rtcoiutructiuti acts
aeru pa.we'd he caesl his fortunes with thu Ite-
puhltcaiis. and has. since been vcrv active in
the party. Iu the last canvass he vvai eles.tesl
a dt legate, and wis chairman of the Uttariis
d legatiou at tho Cincinnati onuveutloii, nut
Mihscriueiitl) sjant his money aud labotcd
hard lor the elect iuu ol Mr. Hives
rittso were too two candidates, and out if
It has cone Ihe apilu.iuciit of tho lkm
oxrat und tu Cou federate,
M.UIJ..1: or A.ir.
A MAitSRiLLiTi stcamur Is named the Ira ma
culate Lonttptloii.
'IilK IVraiau army Is o Ulcered bv foreign
ers. A Frcm hm ui co nmaiids the engineers,
a Dane the artillery, aud two Italians and u
Frunchtuan tho Inisutry.
Tiik captain of the British Iron shlpllurmali
saya that he prevents erratio utoveuieiitsuf the
needle on baani th it vwtt t by ke-cpluy; the
compass embedded Iu a b ix of earth.
Tiik Utlca JhruUt which Is not Senator
Coiikllttga organ, utt itmji Republiciu, sptaltS
Its mind uhout the cativiess lu the Interior ol
the itate, aud iatts It " thu must sluggish cam
laiign Iu thu uteuiury of the tuiatt antiquatetl
Hilitiibu. "
1)1 Kit
Hl.Pirilf At nepn.Ulilo, 011 tie "th lntnt In
tht feiiity a 0111 1 yiar of Iter u-, life Avm M
kiniii , rtiiT y ortulaeli), uaituor o. UUMeigh,
0 Ibt lato il (J heii.
Mil L"lt-Oiilmlar tht IA hoi November 1S77,
id I Uic in . lin ISUM. Mn LIB iMlnvid velit 01 i
It M I r hi I m il y im 1 y9At u nciwe
t- HmIaI neiv -eenlltr Imu n-sldeuee 1 -trttf be-
1 wtU hi era d nl it 1 hit tHlxih -l re a s ulhwem
ud i f em ai 1 u 4 0 clot k Ir taJnoi tit ounlly nrt
rti,t-trill invited lontt ML
M WMpll-Ml )t Noffinlter 12 1STT, JoilM T
Mahhikio utiifiirii 11 iiihiiiro'liNiuti,
b mi r it v I I l ike p a t 1 1 1 Is I I ru lence HT
Toiilh irii t O it ii-in it t4i ue u k tin nnernooil
Ir niacin ie ulve aia ittijtie ly luvlled 10 nt
le t
( AltPKMK t-Ou Umtnr. November 11 1 xva
Ito'j uk Umi ksthi, d 1114011 r uf cieurge W, mid
If Hiltl.u p iner
liner ivvili nee) net nu Werinevlav nDernnnn
n 1 el w ,10 llwies Ueiiuenr her prviits o,
la It 1 a n nn utt. mnr
iuiuni-t in 1 nri 11 viT"
1 WieotiH ( 0111 e rov a HariH.Ntit ot'ier tie-
auiM ia nrt note j ii iifitni a lo,
1 uv. 1,1 tiff H ton th blieel iiuiilmea
Nn ku umimm Kriin-1 uurmKST.
' Jit ntre vniii ito in 1 11 of e
I 1 1 I I utvn if m le' rnl 1 i in 11 nt
(IfrMiitm-lliii tHHiiMMhlli eaiia iiu
in tu or e akkkis iron
1 inri eu nu a
thklltl M mill M
wiiaiuim e lotn ui 1 vaiv -"iivtiiii eoiuoi iui
(iHke-ii Cm nu 1.1 1 in it rum' Muierb b Ik t vei
Cuveieii Hiilu 1 j dunl I uil(ktt. Alri
Huriii enl i llo wihI V Inut hii I liuliaili 11 llu t
vv 0.1 roiiii 111 .r ujt I ia 1 1 tint imna. oojmi
131, nvcKi;rrt
tt :tT r e K"tjl ic :ej ie, .
Via X aihirs, N Y,
tip 11717 u 11 lull more nn I Oiilutnlu nat nl tin,
ur o 1 the wnv Innii (I - iinnoi lo Hmt n 1 1 a tin!
rift mil 1 tun ylV4i a nvens n KtiasU itilier
ptkttliotk 011 LUnlnv v. e Jit nbiverewnnl
ll bmkl uuii llierjuiuuf iht money le il is
nlttut iiotl
1211 rcaavylVNutn avenna. limn si atrrea, i nad
r.oonH ion nr.NT.
v. Ml Inn . Miliar, iti I h. liiil.IM.ilh up .t
mlH tn s.M uf Wonnl.r I. W. knr , n 1
li.Aillji.k.1., itoll W1..AH.I
IP n kit-a I rik nrk rnuii Co
I tu n An . u 01, it k nf I . .tit nnlir I
ixisii lor 1mo I io tidal, rt j, till rnnrriim
nn it lift
I 4.1 It N 1-TIH.F
I OR ItrST-PMllJ ft
mi ii n m in r-nt.lt w It li kC
ticiol a so -on I -tft eat ni vi t e, rT n
nigiuio i hi-i m n r wn. a a ori or a mil i la
item ii prTHuid iiu14 4.
i it ml pMi ia w li drene mon n i netted,
si ts or me nh- ro Huiigr sin ih it -u a a
q m i en n 4k nd Uteri ,.i inoilfio e vco' re.
Mo ti In r i eilio u.v, 1' rm Uitikr e P I it
..iy . noiAU
ijijii m Nir'ivti Niiini I'Mtioif,
I led nm. rwMlnrrwm wio'otsii't eotf
wileri h win ow fonv unit lo LJt 11 tll I
mal qui t nlv n per moi tie No. 73 Tulr
leo it'i nirtS N W i o t tiu
sop. sio'Sfjr.r:,".
"r o 1 1 ii m tl air ur crn 'i
e g-tilyfrnl Cilroe awl llr l c ab i '. Pu la
i isiuii i, v. i , .iiftnt Ui Ii r vii s umiieJ tug
terms nawiub . i troiiii
IOH UKVr-llVtANri.f Mi MlUI.VKMt
I nhtil parlors, ri a H e ir a nile, and mt nr
noma, ti ihi Mk io n V r Hivr aiiilrfnee IM rt-
in iii.niilo.nivintit loli ite i, llr u ml miiilo et
i amircd Ititn l-o n-i ei out ih die rtttrt-S
it in pa iht diM r bo li W4 N k al I H vattleeiiia
"'iVrft'-l!:' ,'.' J,1.1.' j f a rnwni. iiuHiu
aneliout boiueeti i mlo viry lam Wnn ly
und h -u r hoik (a me in iu t , iui tUi i r rw
I I I U hu li r W 1 1 Hit lln t t j-I borirU t Mrs.
KltMH Kit mij si) Vwru oil uvetiu, oppua m tl e
ArllniOmi l( ! oeJu-.T
--- """.
Si Ki '.UKrSTa
IH r IraiMkutor lierma iene u'ho uule-tuwdl.
. (andnninel I rntatM-H ramma m It, flrl-elMi Iniia
tMrd Nim.su wiiiHtHiliUniKKMIlKU os
IMMta FRANKLIN MJtJAHF, 1 11- 01 the In t
el S trie aliuailous, la all rwpfKi. tobefbun I In ihe
VATKIumttr. Hhor w iImhii IVMHfl. In in rla-
riinlhouaa,a rrounrtid by Im-n ulnd f n unUa, Ac. n
untf Ihe n oat tt alruble ajirt healhy lata of
Ihncilr AOuTnt) P U Jtox ," with iwme n4
wklrtM. nivlStf
823 ND 825
vrnwoxT AVfrxt-itoppo.
fllU tha Arl natoti hotel
For rent with board very hni diomeiy furtiUhed
o iw (i r inrra rNime on urt uw "i it or
aperte local 11 ui-'xe- plloiiable, and neeeaslnle la
aiierte local 11 ui-'xe- pi
let prlnf il1 lit ea of aoeel
rno MXMnrrn op roonra-Foit rkst,
m. atlim PMrixt northw t three rooms en s ilit,
beauUftilly rurnahjl nn aeon1 tl -or Hri-cau
nt u" wlih mo lent lm pro vara Mils, w tb board awl
lodging Hanieoins ate. ocittr
- Iht ttbllt, single or en aulie. ilf
IUiAttli,ci ner pr N w Votk avinte and Hf
i nt 1 MrwU tri. U 1 HUUrilAIL, r rnierly of
- In iern I order newly putn ed ani tstpred.
lin nil n od rn nvti l ef in noon no. r n
I m( KiMliivfoi nrr It I1 m-i nl Pileil 01e
Y Is-mtnpplyatlias.srk.eS Blmm WI I MAM It,
UIIKY, n-tia
irOR ItPNT-Tltf i R mSNCP OP TIIK I Alt)
I Mr. FUaa V. Mohr nn First alreel tt wean
Illjh nnd 1j oium (leor tow I . I, llie acid
tit 1 to to any o kin n Ant-cU-m rm1 -m I
r-et tliotllt irop riv lthm coidilm flen
Tn g 1 r Mima w nv 00 I r CO fmlenl en'l
w er iu nn 1 1 1 Hmii inlirn dueriveinei 1 In l
a"l irbr, A ' g enril ir 1 11 'al'i 01-e. flu l
wiiii ik nd fru I-rws Th a tint 1 en el ih pr m
lHnlneoii . nil aiimtigtlt m wl a-l -el of (leor e
tieip.iiia lot lot tot lent a d Hal tf Irendtnoee
liitlia Uatri tof Cutunibln. lerina apiJeio
W II thtlBT
n13 SSMark tbpnee.
txy I down t nil mnlero Imirnvein It : time
bio kn-oDi tj4j t I llr mi- J andSMju-r inonlb
to rlvlil klndo lenanlM. Iniulrttf
J a A Ut II PR,
noO-tf RoimsllAISltd ral Ihi Id iii',Tlh A Fls.
I mod r l pr' ths lnu I'll rehtleifHi known
na HllladeH In Uidoi town, h a or anklVinille
eirronli lloovtiu lamaeirM ro mi two iila s
run hIIi tMtm, etrrlit- hhimi wohI ine I en
luuie, A. ninl Iwn m-cto t ro ol wlih cuocj
fiulu liiiulmnlllti Pal e linn-1 w s. f-inf
I tlnialinl renf-n-e, oilalnot nr vt roous,
ullfifviry eo end e, r 1 il v'-rni m ar nun.
Inon I ' WM HTUSK'i.Nnl'enRlttTlngsntnlc.
citmr ofPiAcnth Mllee-t and NiW nrknv out ill
FOR HAltt-A H0"8P MNP FvR, Ot D
n ihretHipr tig iJtpr a Maaon, and llarntt al
UII kHiet-t iiurtliwiwi, nolvKeVV
rFMNniU lOI'PP- 110 "r. VOU Ht!R
C ftt ei haiulit Idi t vtry nt 11 ht -tr n y art
nlli reeilv g-i lie n I KiHiniL Will 1m Midaia
rem-onkt It 1 rlit In ivilna of
3. a OlA-flTT,
110IO Iw KImUm iMrret. Utnecn lolhtt Hlhala.
e avrn room hrk k liuue Nu, JUT liaueet north
wetil. Apply 011 pren Up or of
J a Attaint
PftVlf Pedrjl R illdlnri 'lonid I- . N Vf
- m ra mil trr dea r-s
1 1 1 1 Ki 1 1 r itr In nan r iiiti bllt'r 11 11 1 I
va. ft oil o al liar iu 1 1 lor ier , r j s.
t nt A a rtti. M Hs IIP IW A
null- Jlu H w VoiL a euue
Ilurtnuo lu 1 mint Ion, 1127 P alnit tlmlr 1 g
no 1 a r rniHlo-d nnin nl ml bonrl. At A bole
buyorMllgocdaofnnydiP r Hon In trmalh nlrve,
,oit-ly JAMlMJIJJIlU'Ac'eJi
To trav el Ponth nnd Went
ni'ilw 4ISH ven 1 Mireit north eat.
A II. WHO Will 1111 III hid
an. tl t b -nt 1 nt tli Unr lll-A-J h.
ave u l VV, eor i 1 ir a
Cor. Twolfth St. and Pa. Ava
2 Buttons
3 "
5 "
In All tho Leading Stroot and
Opera Shades.
BfMitnin.-io(ii and muiiD mT'p'u
ufk In it Luurd 414 per luonlh. a. ad li
H et I our hwea 1 uiS-llu
ni in i r -iov eue tlly
922 and 924 F Street Northwest
rrtius vim no win
Per mttiitb . , (is
Pi r iiUHiiu, 1 nukl lu n-IVMint WM . l id
1 reek M- it
llrvnk aalordliioer , -.,-- TO
limcii.M .... .-- IS
21 nienl lick In M SOI
U do do ... . , u ii d
HOMOS H(H!.-KMl.i mti uia Ui Hrtiliyt
1 vreril ei rln-MfirlmMrd mid ibua -vt tbt DuuplS
Best Board in tho City,
PgKSi Honday aud tHit Utnl for hraknol vsrrday
al ninttrilN UVU-K
Ki and tr 4 I- airett noribvieaL
N It. Nobetr, llqeieraor tulnucu ei tuiy kindaulit
'1 ll IC It K P V B L I U N
U tbt iuut(eu4aet ablUhiuut tutU Oily oUt Ij

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