OCR Interpretation

National Republican. (Washington City (D.C.)) 1872-1888, December 21, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053573/1877-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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Ifalhmal Republican.
Arrival of Passenger Train.
few York esereM
N V.nlaLt eipre
JMl ties a
S. AJeiajidrla
tit New iork
14ft. Aletandrla.
r iihi. teutfaern.
u. Aleaentlrla.
4JA. Aleiandtia.
scin,r4ew vorKmau,
S.3U Aleiandria.
f ,P Unioreaero
s.s Midland lrg1nle.
7M, Alesindtla.
ftn North and WmL
te.N O, Midland Va.
fft-eai tf rtinmnri
p , lei -.nana.
110, Northern lw
"Arrive dally. Others Sundays sicei led.
Worn hir lvWitfl.
HJXt Phil ABos ex air.O.TUltlmoreaorom.
lt?, lulilmort iprt-M. 4 '0 l alhmrrearrom.
e Meatsrneipreea, too, N VI Ml Hon ci,
Jejaltbrior scciim ft aeU Mtrn Mull
lU.trcd no., (Met brch.) t.7, llalllmoreacrom.
ass, luiiimure, Annapolis ", iialllmoreespn
JW,WflMn eipre.
tt Uarilnsburg and Ifa-
00, Jta
s.emownac,iMei nrrb
IMC. Baltimore acrom
mora accotu.
USD laUlmoreeit ri
Arrive dally. Oil
I n ttundaya eicepled.
tVFor tha lima of deni-fiir of Iralua. bm tdvr.
tfoeaneaus elsewhere.
Amusements To-Night,
National Thmtri-Joseph Jefferson.
I Tallmadqk IUlu Btrasburg Clock.
Ornu House Tctas Jack Combination.
Read the Christmas CbiAtnl.
National Theatre Joe Jefferson.
Dr. La Rie237 Pennsylvania avenue
Grand display of holiday good Davis, 711
Market space.
SL1 title. Brown A Co, Bigdow on the Law of
Fashion's Baaar Taylor & Uufty, 033 Pennsyl
Tan la avenue.
Notice to policy holden Mutual Fire Insurance
Holiday presents Hopkins & Bona, 121 Penn
sylvania avenue,
Charles Rupptrt KrlM Krlngle's headquarters
403 and 406 Seventh street.
Trustee tale of a thre story brick dwelling
wt side of Eighth street between If and N north
For th MuicUe Atlantic Stairs, nortKvrtt trind,
cooler, partif cloudy vealher, and higher pressure
cirr A otes.
IToote, sends New York papers In ad ranee,
These are the days when the festive col
legtan returns to his parental roof.
Why not have "alternate colored stripes"
on Hie Avenue pavement, so that the hordes wont
fall down so often.
The stand nt the corner of Peventh street
Ind Market space Is a nuUance The customers
lockado the si tew alk.
The drillers In tlie Centra Market are ln
dtgnant because the market authorities have an
p uuced Miat the market will be Lei Iln Christ
mas Day until eleven o clock a. in
Mr. Rodger, the prhato secretary of
Froidet t IIt)e ) a tendered bis eemeeslo help
tbi lades of the Wouuns limi-ernnre Lnloit to
irake arrangements for their dliuo courw.of lec
Curbstone orators who hare patent meOU
elnea. store-noluh, bran Jewelry, and other knlck
knacks for nle, (nke iotj(h)u of the space at the
comer ofhetcnlh streU and lennfylranlaacnuo
eveiy day.
Dr. J. Lemuel J Draper, of this clly, lias
been rcdihUtcd as aoslntant surgeon In Ute navy,
with back pay for thirteen jeara and ten months
having bcui removed or comie)lcd to rulgn in the
arly part of 1NJ. ,
The Hoard of Police Commliwloncrs met
at their room last evening but as there was no
puHnt-faof Importance to be transacted an ad
imminent wa jrononed and effected until the
Bnt TbursdayTti January,
The family of Joseph Oraupe, rcftdlng at
the rcrner of Eighth kn Ik streets horthwcit, wero
poisoned Ut Tuesday by eallnir poko root which
was brouxhl In the market under tlio Ullef that It
was hone raddinh 1 hey are recovering
The, you lift folks of McKeudrcn Cliurch
Suiiuaj ai'jiuui EBTti m Tory iraNiu uiuiivai lliu
lerary entertain mcjit lut night. Quito a lanre
and ai preclatf ve audience was fu attendance, and
ibandfome sum as cleared fur the benefit of the
uuday school .
The alarm of Are from box 47, about six
o'clock lut evening waacauKHl by the explosion
of a coal-oil lamp In the hoiwe of Mrs fxilimon,
to 80S Litrevt southwest. Iheenglnca did not go
utuKrrlce, as the Are was extinguished by the
neighbors with Imt trlflJug Iom.
Ycterd.iv afternoon, an elderlr ladv
earned Connelly uutaUuJtl t the corner of
feouthCapttolanlCfelreeusoutiieait She fell to
the ground and wu unable to rbe Hergranl
nucnea irocurcoa nacK auq canvejwi nir o tier
residtui e, near the Uorernmeut rlnting-Umre.
Yesterday morning a horso attached to a
buggy belonging u 1) U Morrliun, while sundlng
nvur tlieCotieivssloualO. meter. became suddenlr
Irlkhtened at some (Ljict and ran away After
ranulugaftw square he colli led wlHi alamo
Kt and tmashidtha bugiry to piew. Mo acut
tJtr Mterelv tibout tiie leg. Oflkcr Uowe
caugiik niui aim turiioa nua o tr 10 uis owner
The foil owl us officers liavo been elostcil
pj- niiiioimi iKJue rstt iu, Miauls or tiouor: vr
j 'A. jkrene.pusiniCMiurriiiumM J jaitcr, uicuv
tort A V Ilotr, vice president, UC Koyce, aula
tant dlcutor, Kdward Huller, reporur, K. W.
Clark Jr, ftnanilal reporter, H Dlnrninti treaa
urcr, Edmund Wouti,haplain II J P Wood, A.
J Dunning, and Jehu P Finch, trustees.
Do MoUy Mounted Cominandcry, No 4,
ICT.attu last reiruliir omulat e, elected the fol
lowing felr Kuighu as officers for theetnulig
Templar year K C, N 1 Lrtrucr.senl.W II.
CIsmII, laiuln-gciit-rsl 1. U Johusoni prelate
W, llarry Olcultt senior wardtu.C. I l"sueu, Jun
ior v, ardun. J (1 bright , treasurer J, C. lletun
recorder, A. 0. Suens, sundard-biarer, George
Chamberlain t sword tearer, 8 K. Thornson
warder, 11. w. (Ibeen, captain of guard, L, htod
lard,Jr, r
Terrible AwJ.lmt In is Ha wMIIL.
A deplorable acoldent occurred at Draper's
mills, curuct Thirteenth street and Ohio avenue,
fCMterday afternoon. Abnut four o'clock, while a
colored employee, named Gilbert Gordon, was lac
Ingand adjusting a belt on a pulley, hla clothing
aught In the belt, and Oordon was carried over
Vie line shaft several time, having every stitch of
slothing torn frutu Lira XI r Draptr firrtdUcov
ere 1 the perilous situation of the man, and rescued
Mm by slopping the machinery Uordms right
hip and right leg were broken and his skull
was fractured Two pliyblclaus were summoned,
and afterthey had temporarily dreuod the wounds,
the Injured man was removed to the lrovldence
Hospital Ills Injuria are sojeveru that It Is doubt
Jul whether he will live.
Adju-tlug Noun. Mlddlelon's Affairs.
A meeting of the creditors of Meurs, Noun
it Mlddletou, rcsl eUto and note brokers of tbls
city, was held last evening at the National Metro
politan Bank. This meeting rei resented nearly
Ute entire list of creditors, and afttr receiving the
report of tbe icolal committee appolrtrd tu es
amine Into the affairs of the firm. It a unanl
J usly resolved to grant an extension of to years.
taaa lUrthcr reaohed to reduce the rate of Inter
cit to six per cent, paj able Ioccmber20, leTV
A Hold lurae!tiiatelier Escapes.
Yesterday afternoon lady, on coming out
f Laiikburgsdr) tod More, was jostled agalnut
by a colored boy At the same time he grabbed
her pocket book which she had in her hand and
ran off wltl It. It was umie time before the lady
could reco .rfroni hir fright and give the alarm.
A large croud slatted In punutt of tho scamp
who m as nearly a square ahpitJ. but he was too fUet
for Ilium and (.sea) cl with his booty Tholaly re
lUscd togtehvr name but stated that the pocket
bood contained Upnardif t-0
A I'oker-U'toiu It aided.
Lieut. Austin, of the HftU Precinct, with a
number of effljers alout ten 0 clock last night
took possession of a pokcr-room 011 E street, near
Ylgbtb Tliey arrested the alleged 1 rot rlctur, HI
lam Tbomsoii, ard six men ho were found (hue
The officer found the game running and captnrtd
. alance number of cl ecks and 113 In m nev which
was found lylui on tlie table. Iruunu-on una
Jacked uftover lught lit the station and iheotlurs
were released,
" The Christmas Capital
Kelt 8audfty's Issue of the Capital promises
so be unusually bright and Interesting even for the
(UtW. ThlshoItdaytiuuiUr will luiisUtur twelve
ge and eoLtalti conlrll uttons from A, Oakiy
Hall, Mark Twain. Oliver Wendell llolimt George
M. ifutler, aud othat brtJllantand popular writers,
Ykmn tSU wtU ouniri buie a Christmas story
WbmmAiI In lauftMrr a ftliitrar Sewlmr Machine
whtffwyotsto- Thso
ac n jttfilli suesi.
s. 1 neoniy puce so ouy iue genuine is
Snpreme O art of tha Vnlted States Mat
ters at tha City llall-JIpeelal Tarm of tha
CI rent! Conrt Assignments far To-Day,
The Nat reuia Court of the United States.
Thvmdat, Dee. 20. 1877
On motion of Mr. Enoch Totten, C C
Leeds, esq, of New York city, was admitted to
Na 699. The city of Memphis, appellant and
plaintiff In error, vs. T. Z. Brown. Submitted by
Mr. w.Y.c Humes ror appellant and plaintiff In
rror.and by Mr.ttllllam M Randolph for defend
ant In error, under the twentieth rule.
No. 77. The United btates, ex rcl T. K. Brown
plaintiff In error, v.The nty of Memphis eta)
Kubmlttedry Mr Mlliam M IMndolph for plain
11 n hi rrror, mil uj nr, vt 1, j numei auu a 1 .
Walker for defendant In error, under the twentieth
No Ml. The cltv of Memnhta et ai . plain tiff In
error, vi the United StaU-s ex rol T. L. Brown
Submitted by Mr , Y.O. Humes and S P.Walker
ior piainiiu in error, ana ix nr n n nanaoipn
for defendant In error nn ler twentieth rule
No. 177 The North British and Mercantile In
surauce Company, plalutirT In error, vs. John
Howes On motion orMr, J.II Ashton, of counsel
for ptalnti ff In error dtsmUn-d with rn-u.
No, 14(1 Tne steam tug Mrglnla JChrman, ap
pellant, vs. John B. Curtis et al.
No, 117. John a Curtis etaL.. appellant, vs. the
steam tug irgtiila Ehrman
No. ")&. Tlio ship Agucee, Ao., appellants, vs.
John B. Curtis et al Argument continued by Mr
Charles Marshall for ship Aguese, and coucludod
by Mr I Nevett Steele for Curtis del.
No. ft. Washington Ford, plaintiff In error, vs.
Jamos eurget. Argument commenced by Mr IL
P Hussey for plaintiff hi error and continued by
Mr. Will T Martin for dendant In error.
No. HA Thomas S. Dobbins plalntiffln error, va
The United States. Submitted by Mr. A. L. Mcrrl
man and It. U Ingerollfor plaintiff in error, and
by Mr Anlstant Attorney General smith for de
fendant In error.
Adjourned until to-day, at twelve o'clock.
XJUtnet Conrta.
Washington Market Company, vs Suratnay;
verdkt for plaintiff for I3.M.S7, with loitrvxt. Bar
bour & Hamilton vs. Walker; verdict fordefundaut
for AS, damages and Intarust. Cameron vs Cross,
Jti Igroent by conenL Juel vs. McKnlnhtj verdict
for plaintiff for 9:14.77, Interest and protos. Bonner
PuckmannA- Co., vs. Foley, verdict for plaiuilff
$1111.83, and luienst Keyser vs Kim
mell, verdict for plaintiff 1 cent damages and
coat. Keppelvs. Kim melt Terdlit fordetendanu
for j8 damages with interest Thuntlou vs. Wa&h
lngUm Fire Insurance Company' Judgment as
per stipulation United States vs. Becrcnsrfttf, mo
tor new trial Singe Manufacturing Company vs
Roes, referred to J. J. Johnson.
Crstty vs SImmermacheretal . guardian uf litem
Of Infant defendant, C. Huysenau J Down ham vs
Martin; auditor's report ratified; distribution dl
reeled Barrauircr va. Drurr et al j guardian ad
hmt of Infant defendant appolntetl Murjhy vs.
Walker elal . guardian ad litem of infaiitden.nd
ant appointed Smith vs. Hill; rafereuco to aud
Itor. Creswell et al. vs. CYawford J motion to sup
preMComialssIon de lied Hay ward A. Ilntchlnsoit
v Brandt , sale of property ordered Warren vs.
Warrau, rekrence to Lxamiuer Other 1o lake tes
timony Ccns vs. Burgess, time Hied for taking
totlmouy Davis vs iliiyck, tej-tlmpny ordered
taken. DanitUs Applemadj rule t snow cause
St-tilnst charge for contempt by December ".
Dow ling vs. Foley , motion for InJunLtlun over
ruleil Laurie a. iJiutle, on hearing.
areestateof JohnT Norrls deceased, William
A Gordon appointed administrator re estate of
FranllMouroe, deceased AlUrcB. Monroe appointed
administratrix In re will of Louisa Devera, de
cea el ord.rof publication made.
Adjourned uutll clci en, m today
I lilted Stall's vs Lhailes 8 Jone Joseph F
brown and J IL Blaki, the llrst named late an as
stsuiit ) master In the Unllod States Army, and
the other two defendants his bond'tnen This was
a suit to reeircr a difference occurring Inthesvt
llomeuui of the principal defendant a acouuuta. He
pl;adolnou IndebtedneM but that the Government
owed him Hearing not concluded.
Burrs etfd
Equity Ule Annie Nicholas vs. Klchsrd NlChola;
for appointment of committee.
Law side PenoU Willis Abram I y decker,
eaitorari. Kate reaaley vs. Jane Mangum,T-ttoi-arL
Assignments forTo-rtay,
No 133, Morton vs. Cummatk & Ward; No
462, Taylor vs Fhosnlx Mutual Life Insurance
Company, No 473.Cantwelletal vs Morgan ct
al. No. 474 Rheam va Klmmell elal ; ho. 473,
Solomons A Hon vs. McKnlght, No. 47ft, Dean vs
Koran; No. 477, Drlggs s. Tannage; No bin First
National Biiuk of Alexandria va Hendervou, No
479 Kcllholtx A Harrison s Ititcble, No. 4ft),
Iuub!onetaI vs Gopxaga College, No 4&I, Mur
phy vs Hewctt, No. 4So, tnund vf kllbourn it
al No 4j)7, Mc In tire it. Mllburnj No. 4 tros
well ct ah s.Bowen
No fjO Zantilnirer vs Gun ton , No. 51, Jackson
vs. Ward, No M Bell vs Bradley, No M, Frells
M Barron, No 6tt Hughes vs Fry. No &7 I hltll
vs Clarke No Ml, Urosnau vs District of Colum
bia , o 69, Gersdoiff vs. Frailer, No. bU, Bod vs
Christmas Presents.
Handkerchiefs, ties, gloita, collars, Jewelry,
and every notelty In gents' (unilahlng goods or
Fahcy plaid Clsters Lis em an s, 7th and E.
Minor District Notes.
A drawback U asked for on lot 1, square 41C
The DUtrlct emjloyeeswill receive their De
cember pay to morrow,
The Engineer Is authorlaed to expend I JO In
connecting the sewerage In the allay in sauaro VJt
Licenses have been Issued as follows J II
Walling, produce dealer, Higgles Jt Hopkins ltjuor
The Engineer recommends the expenditure of
$75 for the repair of the bargent road, In the
Charles Roller calls attention to defective sewer
age at the Intersection cf Sixteenth and P streets
The teachers oT the colored schools will bo paid
this afternoon, and those of the while schools on
The crossings on Seventh street southwest, be
tween Hand K streets have been ordered lobe
paved with flagging Cost. tUl.
The Fnglneer requests that a competent person
may be temporarily appointed to superintend tbe
work of repair of concrete pavaraen to.
The following permits ror repairs have been
granted F. H Hodgson, floor Ac.tWii Mrs E.
Wcltxel, wood shed, M), Henry Scuafer, general
repairs, IJ50.
Mr GtwreeT) WintamahasnntlRpd thdDoramli-
slouers that the Judgment of UUOO and costs. In
favor of Charles D Maxwell sgalnittheDltrlctthu
Deen auiguea 10 mm
The Coramiuloners have authorised a warrant
1UT SI IMI vu uv uitnu 111 laiur ui rfoiiu mriuuii,
treasurer of the Board of Health, on account
or tne sanitary service 01 me uiatru..
The Washington Gas Light Co. say that Han
order for the erection of street lamps on the west
side of New Jersey avenue east, between Ivy Plate
and C street, is issued, they will lay tbe main
Peter HcNamara has as-lgned to Mr, ft J
Ritchie all his right iu Board of Audit certificate
No.sXj7 for IKUAifl. David KeppU has made a
similar urignment of cert I tU ale No 8783, ford,lulr
Chief Engineer Cronln, in response to the re
quest of the Commissioners, has submitted a plan
which will, In a measure, protect Columbia build
ing against loss by lire. He proposes to extend a
three Inch Iron stand pipe from the basement to
the roof of the building and connect U with the
water main In the street. On eaih floor to have
cm ka, with a hufncleut quantity of one and one
half Inch how to reach any part of the building
Ustful and ornamental an overcoat for a
Christmas present. To buy one at bottom figures
call on Sim the clolhler, Nos 463 and 405 I'enn
$7 50 Men s Listers Lm hah Bros , Ttb and .
Heal Estate Ti austere.
II. . Bmltll and S II Winisatt ct al. to
AnnaM A. HulLfurU-L'U.lotS, s-iusrtHU;T.
O. w . Roberts to M. M. Itohrer for t lot 21, square
10j7 Emily H. 1'robeitetal to Laura 8 .Cook, for
f7r-00,partof Iotl9 square 79 1 II U Allerman to
J 11 IciiU-s, fur friHi-l, loU 21 ?i --J. .4 and 23,
f7r-00,partof lot 19 square TV t II U Allerm
J 11 Klhaies, for UM, loU 21 ?i --J, .4 St
square iil, . K Hall et al, to J, 1 (urrlgai
., jiarlnf lot 1, square M8, W. Y. Hall tu Hi
UMattingl) lorl partoflotl square51H
it J.
. i . kj t hf..,l..Mltf Ktatlllkl a.A.a .. In.
ami. mi iw c. . mmiiihk'' v jw' i-nn ut mi i,
quare 118, Ann L Carroll an 1 Maria t Mtzhugh
truciees w: , w auuiiuu j imiwu, iue tw, iu, oo,
square liU.
The Latest Tarlalan Novelties
of line hoots, shoes, and slippers, Just reciitcd,
at II L. Ptrasburgcr's, JW and 80s Heysuth street.
Kngllsh Walking; Hhoes.
with Bcotch bottoms, at II. L. Struburger'f,
JUd and 9)8 Herenth street.
Fakcy Irall Ulsters. LugniHllJtoa.tTU.ai.dE.
The Natloual.
Mr. Joseph Jefferson played Sip Van Wlnlle
last night to another crowded houw. People will
nevertireor Jeneraon and -Rip van winkle.
To-night Mr, Jefferson has a benefit, and will play
Jfo jfewi lit -The Rivals." At the matinee to
morrow ' Kip Van Winkle ' will be played.
Tha OperaIIonse,
The Texaa Jack Combination Is having a
very successful week at the Opera House. The
drama Is very Interesting and well played. The
other parts of the entertainment Including the
platoon clogidaucers, are In themselves worth the
price of admission.
Life and lttcre In Franc,
At the Beaton High School, ycaterday after
noon, Mr. C, H. Harding delivered a very enter
tatutng lecture on Mme. de Bevlgne and the age In
wnicn she lived.
After briefly sketching the manners of that day
and showing how far tho study of conversation as a
fine art had outstripped that of correspondence,
Mr naming commenced speaking of the hca'thy
scholastic Influences which surrounded Mme de
Polgne aud her friend, Mme. de lafayette and
whlui bore forth such excellent literary fruits
The brilliant socUtr which filled the talont of the
Hotel d luunboullkt was minutely described, aud
some mention was made of those other assemblies
where the poets and authors of the Augustan Age
met for brilliant dlcourea and sparkling Inter
chauge of views, 1 he can which made Mine,
de Bevlgne a lettcrsso successful having been traced
to their source, the Utters themselves were taken
up, the beauties of style which distinguish Ohm
pointed out, and the graphic powers of dillneation
possessed by the wr ter fmprdesed upon the minds
of the audience. Brief allusion was then made to
Jime. Larayette s rrlcnrt and co-worker, La Roche
foucailld. whose maxims oItalre ttvk-d as Thn
proverbs of clever people" The lecturer conclu
ded his most Interesting and instructive address by
showing how greatly the French nation had prorf-
tcu ui .no nieraiure 01 uie AUgunuin Age, anu
how Immn1v IniTwirlJtnt tt waa tliat a tmxta tnr
letters should be encouraged and developed among
ui t uuu iu our uwu mur.
Silk Ties and Hows,
very nice and at prices that cannot bo ex
celled, at RaffBro 's, 7.W Seveuth street.
Fakcy Fall UlMers Fhkmam Dno,7th and E.
Marshal Douglass Lectures at Mount Pleas
On Wednesday Frederick Douglas, the
United States Marshal for this District, delivered
hla lecture on "Self Made Men' to a small but ap
preciate audience at Mount Heaiant, He re
ceived close attention aud was frequently apt laud
ed The lecture bristled with brilliant passages
and materials for reflection The substratum of
nu tneory in relation to the successes or sen made
men la that, while thiy differ in tbe warp an 1 wof
of human nature and are variant In their capaci
ties and endowments, they are ti 11 1 form In a per
sistent aud neter tiring IndnMrr. They build
themselves up slowly by toil tt hue other men are
Idle they labor. The liwson gkaned from the lec
ture Is thai all men mar r lne mora or I cm bv lh
same means, that an lmprocmcntof time a per
nistcnt ap; llrstion. Is (he royal roa I to advance
rami , sun inai in iue race 01 lire, oiner tningj nc
Inir rnual. talmr wilt alwar win. tip. Dnit-Uu1
idea of j raycr was lllustmic. byhlsonn ixicrl
ence Afterssylug that fAlth and 1 rs cr mut be
attended by works he bbferved that he ued to
firay ofUn and long for freedom, but he ticker got
t till he prayed with his le-j
llity lour Hitsliand
An overcoat fr a Christmas present at Saks',
Nos 4tU and 4U Penipyhaula avenue.
113 0 cbcoats rediicenl to 110. Eutman s.
The Women a Temperance Cnlon.
Tho Women's Tcmpcranco Union held a
meeting yesterday at twoo clock In thei lu cl of the
oung Men s ChrUtlan Association, Mr. Cluplu In
the chair
Mrs Hartwcll read a letter received from Mr. J.
M Stearns, secretary of the National Ti mm. ranee
Union aud PublltHtlon House, New ork, slating
that "their textbook of Uup ranee was wrltun
for the purpose of use In the 1 ublla schoots, and Is
admirably adapted to the purpose ' Tho some
icin-r hum rrjuy uiotieseni oy me omcu s ICUI
iterance Inion In regard to temperance text-
The Idea was thought of when tho association
sent a note to the Boir I of School Truces of tho
Dltttrltt asking If temperance textbooks could
not be Introduced Into the public schools as a regu
lar dally study
The louug Ladles' Temperance Union was dls
cuxcdat considerable length, but no permanent
organization was established. A considerable
number of new members were present
It was decided to hold a meeting of oung
ladles exclusively on next Wudnoadayevcnlng, at
one 0 clock, lu the chapel or the , M. C A.
110 Children a OiercoatA, at I7JM Euiuan's.
C A. It. Election.
Jokn A. Jtawllns Post, No. 1, Qrand Army of
tne itcpubiic, elected tho following officers to serve
the ensuing tar, vlx : Comrade George J P. Wood,
pott commander, Comrade Horace II Brower, sen
ior vice post commander. Comrade Ncwpm Terrce.
Junior vice port comhfandcr, Cumrado A. II. G
Richardson, post quartermaster. Comrade frunton
Weaver, rmet ad l u tun t. Comrade Frank T l!nw
post surgeon, Comrade William T. au Dn.n t-t
chaplain, Comrade Thomas W. Gibbon omecf of
nouay, uomraue jonn L.ngie, nmrerortne guara;
Comrade Hermat) H oss, Ant delegate to Depart
ment Encampment; Comrade John A.Campbell
second delegate to Department Fncampineut , Cora
rado William T. au Duren flrsl alternate to De
fartment Encampment, Comrade Thcolore I
ami), second alternate to Deportment Fncamp
merit, Comrade A. II G. Richardson, member of
hall committee.
0 ebcoats reduced 2o per cent. Euut an a.
Democratic Jackson Association.
A special meeting of the Democratic 'Jack
sou Association was called for la-t evening but a
sufficient number not putting In an appearance It
was decided to adjourn until next Thursday even
Ing Before the adjournment Dr. Cuher, from the
committee of nine appointed at the last meeting to
make arrangements for the proper celebration of
uiv miiuTeif-rr ui 10a uniiii 01 new urieans, re
ported that heliad called on several distinguished
gentlemen, among whom were Hon. A It Stephens
of Georgia, Hon D W oorhees of Indiana aud
Senator Jones of Florida, for Ihe purpose of Invlt
Ing them M address the proposed ru ass-meeting and
all signified their wUliiieness to attend He also
stated that Tall madgc Hall could be secured for
9Aand he was granted authority to engage It
AiKiuiiwuui jmi Bcvieiarj vj v-irreipuuu w tin a
number of nrouilneut Democrats tha meetlnv art.
97 JO 0 ircoats at 93. Eischan Baos., 7th and E.
Tlie Corcoran Art Gallery.
Ijist night was tlie second Thursday night
opening of the Corcoran Art Gallery, The attend
ance far exceeded that of tlie opening night Two
hundred and fifty persons visited the gallery last
night, and only 145 on Thursday night, the
13th Initant. Early in the evening It was feared
that an opening could not be obtained 011 account
of the gas During the day men were at work fix
in I the metre, and It was snnnosed that thr-v left It
.taxing as the house was tilled with gas
Ihe authorities were cautioned not to strlka a
light, but a plumber aud gas litter was scut for,
aim iningi were soon nxeu 10 ritni"
Two new nalutlnes bv Like one of Mrs (ln
New the otherofpotted Tall the old Indian chief
are added to the collection, aud are now on exhibi
tion The gallery will be. open etery Thursday
night from eight to ten o clock
Christmas Weddings,
The cleric of tho court has Issued marriage
licenses to the following applicants CulllnWjstt
and Dertle HIpktns, Henry Burns aud Maggie
Brown, George Derers and Mary P. Fuller, George
Gilltert sud Laura est, Henry Smith and Annie
Ilrooki, Je itobiuson and Uertle Bates Levi Her
bert and Minnie Simins, J, W. Headley and Jose
yhlne ManuaVer Richard lplggs and Joseihlne
aeksoii, welfnrd Williams and i-areh Hater Jotin
thlpleyand Kebecca (Irshsm, J M Hprlngmann
nndfmmaJ Plaskett J McMsbon and Harriet
H Oordon George II Lee end Marian Y Hmlth,
John I Ultch and Annie M Norrls II II Ihomas
and Julia A. Mallory J Jltickner and Lottie Hell,
and W.lMScala aud Isabel U Armour
A LotlerDealera Troubles
Kuhtace O'Brien uud his son William were
arrested by lleut cnon on Tuesday afternoon,
chsrged with being engaged lu selling lottery
tkket. Iu the 1'ollte Court cUrdoy morning
the elder O Rrlen furnUhed ball, William Hurley
becoming his surety, snd tho case was postponed
for a week Nothing was said lu the bond regard
ing W 111 lam O Brlen, but he considered that he, of
course, was Included and walled out of court with
bis father A little later his name was e ailed but
ho failed to answer, aud the dctcetlrea were put on
hla track, but he had made up his mind that wash
Ington was too warm for him and skipped to a
more congenial clime. The alleged lottery bus.
nets was condueted In room JO of the I Droit
bulldlug, comer tighth end streets northwest.
What Is the use of pu) Ing 40 cash for a bogus
Finger Machine when you ran buy the genuine
for the same price only at 407 Ninth street?
The genuine Singer Sewing Machine can only be
uau at v. .liuwiunh
Gnonamowx xkwm.
CTenrsvl. Dorden Mining Company'i wharf
schooner Bailie Malr, Powell, Jersey City, with
coal, Agnew's wharf-Schooner Qraca an Dusen ,
Reeves, Boston, with coal.
mtAiR aruivaia.
TyJto(7 One thousand bushels of wheat, and
too biithcl t of rorn to 11. M, Ttlbott. Three
hundred and fifty bushels of wheat lo D.
. flu Arw. Steamer Express, Barker, with 200
bushels of corn to J. 0. A J. M. Waters.
VuVrrrf Steamer Nxpre, Barker, Baltimore,
with aiworted cargo of merchandise to District
OEORorrowtt PARAORAFita.
J Dixon Reed, aeveland, Ohio; O IWam.New
iork, P K. Lubtn, Trenton N J, and J Jenks,
Chicago, Illinois, are at the West End Hotel.
The canal boat O E. V. White was condemned a
few da s since as being untlt to carry freight, aud
was sold to a Junk dealer named Drey fuss for 115.
that being the assessed valuo of tho hog Iron used
Inhercoim'tullon Mr Dreyfus placed the boat
hi charm of a number of colorvd laborers vstr-
day, who were tearing the vessel to pieces for the
Hiv wuw nit 7 ouuiu get out 01 iter
Merchants and O there
desiring Dodgers and and other kinds of print
ing fur the holiday trade, would do well to give our
Job Office a call. We have the moat complete es-
launsnmint nt the city, auu do Uie best wotk at tne
most reasonable rates.
BuiNEKSiuUs reduced 23 per cent Kbmaks,
Police Court,
District etiaef William H. Minor, a colored
pistol carrier; dismissed. John King, loud and
boisterous, t James Jones, same; 110 or thirty
days. Maria Merino, a vagrant, was sent down for
lily days. Harriet A W llllams, same; sixty days.
nuiiam ftiouiertneaa paia go rur attempting to
rescue a prisoner from Officer Daly. John rerrell.
John McOormlcx.and Michael Kigan, suspicious
cnnrnnirn wcrr reicasciion pcrwjiiat rerognizance.
William Dixon -forfeited collateral for driving
across the sidewalk. Samuel Matthews and James
Jason were arrested as suspicious characters, but
thero being no evidence to hold them they were
discharged George Shclttm paid 93 for being din
orderly. John A. King same t 9-t. George Wstcri,
throwing atones, raid 91. Edward Barrett, dlsor
dcrlyi i Juila lianks a vagrant, roiie down for
thirty days. Randall llcndermn, disorderly! 9.
Mollie Ji hnson. disorderly conduct ; tft. Irna hd
ward, dlrderly couduct In Ziou Baptht Chunh J
I'n itnt stntet raw John Kelly was brought In
on an attachment for content; t of court, but gli
Ing a sail-lacu ry excuso the iae against hi ni w as
dlsmlwufl James Jones charged with assaulting
Officer Daly, dlsmlsd he having been fined llu
In a District cae. Richard Hawkins, charged with
the larceny of a sword-cane (rout Mary L. Davis;
910 or thirty days in Jail Clnrlcs J lhnsou alias
J lies. Mole two sheets an 1 several other articles of
Ih!-c loth Ing from Benjamin F. Moore. Ufa Honor
stated Uist chicken thietea and clothes lino
thieves w ere the meanest In 4 he world, and ended
by sentencing John -on to six months in Jail W II
liam Minor, a wife beater, was release 1 on giving
personal bonds. Henry W llllams aud George Har
ris, two ) ung colored lhlcic were charged with
robbing Daniel Bon le of somo clothing In the
absence of the articles alleged to hac I eeii stolen
the clm) was continued until to day J(hn Ollle.11
pUnd guilty to making an rhmuiU on William
liurke. Ih, aiwauHlook ilnco at the 1 bird Ire
c'nrt hlatiou whero the two inenwere hHlglng
Gillcu was also charged wf 1I1 bcMlng t rank W lis, 11
niuthcr hnlger, to which he 1 lead guilty, GUIen
was on Ids miiw.le an 1 was fii e-tl SJu or sixty lfl)
1-inma IhumaaawauliQl Sarah kcniier, forwhlih
sho was lined 91 Angvlct Alle asauU 011 Annie
1-ouk for which she was fined ft. A'tule bkluner
uasihartced with the larceny of three mlr of
Mockli gi from Nellie WeM, tor which site was
fined 93.
Now Is tlie Tims
for merchants to distribute dodgers, hand hills,
porters, etc, and we wouM tall their attention to
the fact that we havetbe'mott con 1 pic to Jibcmro
Iu the clly and do the best work at tlo cheapest
tSOvERCOATsrcducedio90, hiiEAN's,7th andE
Co-Operallv leo Company,
The CVopcratle Ice Company have filed
with the Recorder of Deeds a certificate of Incor
poration The object Is to trade In Ice within the
limits of the District, and the term of existence of
the corporation Uflxtd at fitc year Amount cf
capital stock, 91 000 conslttliig of JOO shares at ra
each Ihe folluwli gare the trustees' J F, ar
nell, M II Homlllcr.W. Hake",P.Culltmauaud
Samuel F. Gsducy.
A Nice
Holiday present an overcoat for. 10 at
Saks, the clothier's, on the Acnuo,
Children i cape coats st J Eiixman i7th and E.
Hotel Arilvula
to n'X R II Bhsi on W m Cnmlnos and wife and
JOHulltvsn, N i Cll Baldwin HO, II W IW-wleV
riilladHoMi CNomn nl w Iff lira (lurch and
(latitfhttr Urt Hmlth and MIm Hmllli Winn O
11111, 1'tUHOurg a m a ewsnam wue, i"a, n rniu
van Fk HI Blown Onto; II MMlhe ml DA
Hmttb N t Mrs Coleman and dmti-r Ia, ItmJ
Itrnoke la LCoxImm Ni J Irundl W i
Dr Claud llai lev. Va. A M I Int Ala. F JIava-il and
riaigltcr llorltMler B K lletct ery, Va. J ftscklo
rHi-aiif 1 mnnnau ji, 11 muni an unuwiit va. J.
ji oner, urueyemni w w ih
Hopkins. UttsburK, and J Fits an 1
Mrotwlttn -V U MOrman snl wire, Phll-d-l-rhl
1. If II Todd and O IV Mntlih rn1 wlfr NYl
Mrs J If Jonei NU J BmellTsrlor, I'l llMirilA
J 1- I-4Mint lUlltmor- J O burn n It 11 llunrrr
r m ami wi , Adtnm. pi V tt unfti an I wire N J.
II Hiinougti, atKHtinlns, Kt It I rwd r and
wllv a,liHowlan'l MI 11 Htntot Va,JL1iid-
ley, N V, and U W UroIToii, M I.
MOQK-1 II Lsthrop Clliigo f M Tii1clf
FwTmnnell and avin Urrmantnwn II II liam.
Htumforl.Conn W JI Itav s Clncli nail HHMlUhill,
t it y h Wrlgl t and wl e, Knglrwui d J lUymon I and
wife N Yl J (1 1 U Tt re and liuly. N 1 Ilr- V r
I a km lilladdnlU. Ml-- M T Hall, Ihlladdphliu
It 1 McUnruilck, New York
J,)rtra V Merrick and wife, rjndra, J W Hi if
dei son Iloitnii, It II Wmlt- New Vi rk f hoincM,
Hhlmiond Myrrs.Hiliafli-nilft, J CrowtH, Maa
J M luforart, I htlrdtl) hla I- a Utcke, Bostt ni U It
Davi-on,Ud, HA Unlon,C1nlnrall.
Oryo ion -NTOrlfrin 1MI mint tin 11 JT
Pik Ikxtton TH Pulton, Delawartn H tt Kimlr, m
N M J tlrnson, Wert Virginia, II Ucrton Mwtorki
JITHritily Phllatlelphta, A Asplnnall, lltUUtrg- It
JI llamliu n, N i l O C Cualimbii. Ohio,
Attnohm.Y M Cullen llrtxklyn RMcriiermn
andwllv thk-ago, A liomtet E Jnrotw. Buffjlo, W II
W llllams, llilcuKO O A Dwtd and Ttlre, llurtfonl U
lirahnnk and wtf MawaehuMtU, B lAodreib, I hlla
deli.bla, L UCuvreb, Chicago,
A Nice Iresent,
One of those beautiful silk handkcrcLlcfa
at Raff Brc's, 7M Pereuth street.
910 Overcoats reduced to 97X0. Eibeuans.
Mrs, nenryWood st harming Story,
the;earls daughtfr
will be given a way with No Mi of THE FIRESIDE
COMPANION, out Monday, December 24, and for
sale by all newsdealers.
We have prepared for the holiday receptlou the
finest spiced and pickled oysters In America, Per
son desiring them will please send lit their orders
early Harvey & Holden,
Cur. Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh street,
TatTKKs akd Harness,
,Patchels and Traveling Bags pocket-books Ac,
cheap for cash, at the factory and salesrooms or
James V Topham 435 Seveuth street northwest,
under the Hia W irk Hion
Wells' Obioinal Machine Spbead Strenotiiem
i no PuurrElis.
Tbe oldest and the bet. Atl who have uscil
them attest their merit Sold by druggists. Twenty,
twenty Ave and thirty cents, according to site
Yoino peopte pay attention to your teeth Clean
them dallr with Thurston s It ory 1 'earl Tooth pow
der, the best dentlfrlte known It will preserve
their whiteness through life, trevent dstay and
toothache Hueh tain aud trouble li caused by
early neglect therefore lake heed In time. Price,
26 and CO cents per bottle
Thokphon s Pomade Optime.
An oleaginous compound of singular merit for
dressing Ihe hair lis use soon renders harsh dry
and gives ft that rich glows wltieh I the charm of
eany youwi . nee, m aim w cents per uoitte
Cl eanse tlio system and purify tho bhtod, rcmor
Ing dyspepsia slek hetulaehi", coustiprttlon, an 1 all
illhetuo tausutl liv diM.rilerikl ibimarh or lltfi.
quirk s Irish Tea 111 do It, Wold by all, druggists.
Price, 2b cents per package,
Renovates soiled gloves thoroughly aud quickly
Price. 3 cents per bottle.
Left-off clothing watches pistol's Ac, bought at
iieisoirsvinj mreei urors Htirn iei iu.
1117 rrnnrlvanla avenue lirancb atorea, 14U an
im ri.i.,ii..i. rtiuu.
Gloves for Ladies!
KM. S-llntloo, .1 73c , "1 SO, 1.7S.
Hl.l, 3-lliitton, at l, 1 SH, S3.
KM, 4-llallon, t .1.00, Bi is.
Kl.l.O.llulCon, t SI SO.
Vndr..dKlflia-II.,talSa 4-n., I.7S.
Lon.Top, inc.ccd, .t 37ct 02c, SSo.
Kld-Un.il, SI 8.
Kld-Un.d, Fur Top, BI.80 la S3.
Kl-.klil, S7 to S13. .
Gloves for Men!
Hl.l, (cadet ll01.) --Untlan, St til, S3.
Kid, (mcn'l ilm,) --Ilutlon, 81 SS, S3 3S.
Kill, Llllbroldf r.d, 3-11 , SI 7S.S3 SO, S3.7S.
C.tor Glove., 3-llullon, SI SO, S3,
Ioff-,kln do , ..Ilutlon, SI 73.
Long Top, ll.orfd, 7Se.
Kid, Hllk-Iltl.d, from St7S to S3 SO.
Kld.Sllk.llned ml Fur Top, S3 SO UlS3.7S.
Oll.r and 8..1, Slo to 830.
Gloves for Children !
Long Top, Fleeced, tSc , ftOo. ,
Long Top, Fleered Mitts, fiOe.
Kid, Fur To 1 1 Mitts, 91.
Kid, 2-Huttuo, eoctoSi, 3-U ut ton, 81.49.
Handkerchiefs I
Children's Colored Bordered, 10c, lSe ,
95o , GO
Irftdha' I'lnln Ilemmed-Rtitclied, at SSe ,
37c , 40c, 40c , at d Upward,
Lad lea' 1 aury lleimncd-8t itched, K5e ,35e ,
AOe.lo St.
Itdlea rmhriddered, Ilemnied-SUtclied,
fiOc , tne , st to 97,
I udles 1- mbroldercd Bcolloped, plain, 880 ,
ladles I mbroldered Bcolloped, fane,fi0c,
to HI .10.
.Ladles Ijiee, S3 to 830
Lad lea' Kllk, trte to 83 flO
Men's rialn-llemined, 25c, fiOe , 73e.
Men's llfiiuiird-Mltthrd, 30e, 81 AO.
Men's lanr-Hortlere'l, C3c to 81 S3.
Men's 8llk, 81 35 to 83 HO.
Men's Polo-Dane, Itutlanil, Derby.
Men's Windsor and long Scarfs,
Men's Mnffters.
Indies Imp Hear fa.
Ladles Windsor Hcarfs.
Indies Crepe de Chine Bcarfs.
Ladles Lace Hcarfs.
Indies' French Embroidered Scarfs.
Also, a large lot of tbe celibnted
putting iho button In tbe cuff D. y a pair and see tor
In endluM variety end every Ima-lnabtertenlcn. Ifade
in iuiu ciiir, lam ppiru jpi vurtu, jvi
and reueU Gold, at pi let s t anting trcm fioc. to 7,
Fancy Goods!
Jnpunese Glove Itoxea,
Japanese Handkerchief Iloies.
Jtuasla leather Handkerchief Hotes.
ltiissla Lent her tlliiva Hoses,
ltussla Leather Cuiiibliiutlon Olove nnd
1 1 and kerchief 1 loses,
Hllk Decorated CoiublnaUon Glove and
Handkerchief Hoses,
Work JlHskrt In several slses aud trimmed
n dlfTerent colors
Jewell Cases.
Oiydlied Stands rvnd Ornaments.
Feather Fans.
Ivory Fans.
rearl Fans.
Umljrellas & Canes !
Ivory Canes,
Gold-Head Canes,
Gingham Umbrellas.
Alpaca Umbrella a.
hllk Umbrellas, natural wood handles,
Mlk Umbrellas, Ivory liundlea
Our stock of Umbrellas comprises slues
suitable for ladles. Wen, aud Children.
Ladles' Ttearer Cloaks.
Ladles llasket Cloth Cloaks.
Ladles' Xlalalasea Cloth Cloaks.
Children's Hough Cloth Cloaks.
Children's Ilaaver Cloth Cloaks, rouging la
price from S3 to S0.
Ladies9 Garments!
Dal moral Kklrts, 1 23 to 10.
W Idle Kklria, 50c. to S.
Chemise, AOe. to stA,
Drawers, flop, to 95,
Night Dresses, from tjl to SO.
Underwear, from Sl.SA to S8
Iieas Hhlrts, ready-made, S9 50.
Dreaa Khlrta made to order at SJM, SSO, SSO
ana SHU per noseu.
Collars & Cuffs.
Wahava reduced Ilia prices of our Men's
Collars ami currs, nsioiiowsi
Collars at S3 40, S3 aud S per tlosen.
Cuffs, SI 50 per ilosen 40c, per pair.
And our stock of Ladles Cellars and Cuffs
Is large and complete.
933 Pennsylvania Avenuo.
The Christmas Capital
.A.. OAXBY HlXjXj,
"Tho Derll's Dollar."
Bj a Wtihlngtoa lrtx.
Df Jfark TwhIh.
B; Oliver Wendell nolmcs.
Dy Ueoige II. Butler.
Donn Piatt's Xmas Story.
Advartlrtemenls for this nnmber received op to It
o chx a Saturday night at Tilt CAPITAL omep.eu
1) strweu . deattt
C'HIt. nUI'l'ERT,
Kriss Kringlo's Hoadquartors,
,o. 40S nlid 105 NrTrnlli Ntrcct,
llctwcrn D and K Norlhwmt.
MR BTJPPERT takes great pleasure to Inform his
numerous en touier-.anci the pjblle aMie rally, that
le I a-Jttat received Inrorgh htn agents In l-raneeand
lltrmnnr th lorge-t snd liesmel 1 tt F.ncy Uoocts,
suitable tor Holiday and New Year s Presents, among
whlcli we (numerate In part
Bolls of every At s-rlptlon, '
l'onmonnaie, (jam Vaei,
nw Diaiiun, ti
Prnnnrv. '
Walk Ikiiea. IwiStlhr iaa.
' Jltrkgammon Boarrts,
Ctilna Vasea Ornaments
ltockvrtd Hiirlng lloiws, .
vtkiiiiiui an uinTipionsj
Anal also st ate thatln ordertoglve mycuaomer
Inerea-ed sulvantages and ficlllty fort) eexamlra Ion
ulmyitx-k ofg'MMla, liare fitted up a lame apirt
inrm 00 Ihe tewnfl Hoor,ilireet1y over my store.
where I wtli stall tlrrw takeziMi nlCM-tir In wait
ing utvnn inntte woo mty mvor nia wiui a etui
dlMeoniMnuiailnsT h tldin filn wuuld do well
to examine myaiockt before purchasing an) where
Tl oe wfaowhhlo avollthe tisnal crowd are ea
wtl 9 Invited to make their selections as rarly as
com anient, dr-l-st
Tin Market Space, corner cf Flghth street.
continue of Trays, Plates Maticen IlowW.Jkixm.ttc.,
tvft stwii auu -.vniraoi-i huoui, ivw i)(i(T m
KritLiiii- tw st nny er rni. in-s man remnar
irieeai 1 luln and l1ored Iktnlsiel Item-stl 1 1 eil
IIani1krrrlileisotgrtatlyreliiceIi)rtcea. Emhrotdered
HanOkerclilefs, luteal style, at UA Via .
1 ADIfW NK KW KAn, Iu areat varletyi frE
iii(ii r rtlirr iHinn, nmisKnnuuiominii
HANUKUU 1111- W. at all prices, at DAVJH
1 been as Mine qnsllty of goods can be bought In any
Xiif , o v,i mi ri !-, 7Ji a
IXrT , JAPANESE CADIMl?rs, all aires very
CHIMP, BVk 'A in,
71t Market Bpace,
rielMt Cttrner tlghlh street.
ON Ttiie
and Iho rrcce4nr pfrtntnjt to ti lUdnn ihtnot
dtCUt aro. bhwii. ft.
tt Pii
luotlntlme Ite-t hel and rheaixt In tl s dty,
No, ill ptmns) IV4Uli avmiie.
Relief Plelnres Fancy Papers. Tree Ornaments,
mnreirian five hunlred new natitnis,af one-half Die
old rales. Altum- Ai tocraph, PIo o.and laslal,at
owtof binding j nnd HkiLs, Buttkniery, tc In any
quantity and every grade losuiialL
Teacher-.' Ftble and fbrtv Other str as Iraver
Books, Hymn Books Clinrcti Hooka, Aa, llertlly
r Tm nayt and some Family IllUes m lm than c st
JIUIIUAY rniHENTJ-lars-e aupply, lale-t anl
Iws , Jn-t pi re iwd lorcanh twmealnt e-half Ihelr
value, and wUl be sold cheap acrorllnvly
decll IU wo. 121 lVnnajlvaiilaaenee
(fWaslilngt on that lis la-prenared to cu re Dropay,
luiin-r. j-1 nutria. rH.'ruiuia, i uun ra
na. i ii nu ra i4ntn iiiiia
and Clironlc Jtheuniatlani, NeuialfiU Djsj
mi mat f SnniDlalnls all Uterine lllea.uteiinr llm t
rotstMM.anl tleneral lMdltty of the Nervous
ny an Immire slate
lurk. Iltrila. and
llerltm DlMensr-sora nrlvalA naiuro nirul In Km
days. tt)Niu i a riopt ntrjc
Private larlirafi r Lidlea. UUlce hours from 10 to
1, snd from 4 tot Hun dai UtoX.
tiillceand Parlor No. iff rannaylvanlaavenna one
door east of Parkinson llousfl. dn21-in
Simms, Tollot Cologne,
Try sample untile at ZS ot nls
Holiday Goods at the 1-me-l fmIi iirlces.
tl U.&MMHa Diucslst,
corner New York aveuue and Fouricentb street,
In Engraving.
And M Specimen, at
NolomoiiH Ji Chapman.
de20tf fill I'.nu.jlT.nln .v.nu.
Therheai-ia' and best collection of JU'ENILES
and TO V lioOKH in tha city la lo be found at
miii.t.tsaros'n book jstokj?,
Onrmr of lour nn t a-half slrueland lsnna avenue.
I'llATr It l"tl.B
ltri Kl-T KNIVK8 and GOLD PUSS.
DIAItll-39 In vsrloun styles I'fblr ding
FANCY HTATION'KrtV In the newest styles of
111 nr jr iufi
1 r AY1NU CAUDH of !! orta and quid it lew, at tbe
TK.r lowest prices andofthsbift quality for the rices
ilTfliiiAn- riArtir-iujiia rur is n.
1 i'
jiint oii:xrn.
ovITIr- ofallkimmai tavr rRirFs.
DreMtlloutl. ft t brt.Jiu., nvwhlylM, rhrepvr 0an
All gutxU n.arkl til pi Jn llxur a.
d-OMt Wl PnuyUar la meitue.
M. W. GALT, BRO. & CO.,
WAtciira. nyK jfirKi-r, silykii-
t1AIIJ,A&IflAXVl uuova,
In the prloe of Gold. Ulvsr. aid Labor, they are en-1
abltd lo Tee prlees much lower
delf tl TUA KVJklt iUaOAJu J
?T0arcl toJhe-PuBIfc?
Va have on hand upwards of
Matolasso, Silk, and Beaver,
All ef which bare been
Manufactured on our Premises,
Under the supervision of
MR. c. w. sTanxard.i.
whshosnwoverone hundred hands employed on
- "" pur wora room
Every garment Is artistically made and handsomely
Imuiro. Whlta th a iwnuinalmiervllijnnr tha Arm
ren lers Ibe work superior to that of Northtro nianu
rnoiurera. Our axunstve 1 urctiaaefi enable us to offer
thm at prlcea Uiat must prove very attractive.
The attention of UerahanU is Invited t
as a comparison with New York prices, we awrt,
without tear of contra diction, wllUneluos them to our
chase or ua, "
104 .nil 406 foir.ntti tlrnl.
Branch -tor. liCTBcTtnth ttmt dOMt
HOIjIDAY goods
We offer an Immense stork of
eoodprens Ladle' and (leiUlemena IIANDKFA
uiinvrn inpiaind, liemsUU-be, 01 lored borrten,
scalloped, from M cents up to lech Also at
lot rutuuln rancvnoiea haird ton in Mrh hni
CUrFH. (11-NTM hCAltTet and Ilka. OLUVUtl
lUWllJlV. JIHUHlpW ud OOM1W.
A'-o, rinrt nil kk, CABI1AI1 IUA NATlfa
LAhwi, KNICKKltUOCXKim Ac, --
. Also, a lira- lot or IaADIEB uOATH, made of
Matelassea and Dearer Ctolha,
Unear upper floors oaa be foond tbe largest stock
of CAltPKtfi in the cliy.
W. W. Burdette 8c Co.,
Noa. BS8 Smnth and lot K atr..t. north
w.at, WaahlnKtou, 11. O.
rrn ij r.ivi.i iinzr,
i-iiii aiii.i I'liiA rnivr,
aii.nf na h a 1.M1.UXI.Y,
ami Fitr.Nii i:cj;n.
FrAtn nHtr-br countlaa, all or wli'cu w. ofTcr at
Uiw.nl prlcn.
QEO. M. 0Y8TKR & CO.
BUU a.S & Centre Marketi
'l 5 Northern Market t
au, t-Mster n Market
Cellars SIS and m jut Capitol street.
from London, Vienna, Paris snd Jrpaa, at
Domestic Manufacture.
Our rr..enti are 1FH1I, n.U a. OIINA.
and adapted to tb. Tartoa taateiof OLD. ndTOUKO,
No, Oil reunaylvanl avenue.
Holiday Goods Without Cash.
Having been Informed that there la a large clou of
mir population that will not be pakl off prior lo the
SUdlnsl,, we rfS,wetfUlly Inlcrm them that we Inrlte
ihsm to visit our establishment and select what coods
they may used. Wo will pack them to ordr and de
liver them on day or payment thereby giving tboae
lhat do not have thvcaali a chant? of selecting choice
goods. Our regular cuatomtrs are requretra to gtv-t
orders In person, via rental or poner, prior lo the 3M
luaia, lo MTt vjiiiuan'n,
declUt l.UFhTRKKTN.W.
unoNzia, a,
Jo great variety, at greatly redaced prices, at
dellvf Hetonta Temple.
Japanese Oocda,
ware iur unvrmini, -
Candles aworted colors,
Italian Chestnuts
pampav OraM, several colors,
lady Apples.
IMeaMi eall and a.mma nur larva anil ivirnnlct
atoek of One goods. ,
del? lw 1U8 F .srset
- Ml Pennaylvanla arenus, Vemon Row,
Invite the attention of their friends and tbs public
generally to tbetr large and complete stook of
and l'ockal lllblra Prayer Hooks, Juvenile aud lor
ItonkB Album-. Wrlllrjr DeirliB. W0-kLa-.11 Hi
kerchief aud Glove lloiea. Jtwal Mo.es, Ureanlng-.
Cacs Ac
Fanev Goods and Nowllles to suit Ihe taJUa of
every ooe dealgnlng to make ilclWay itesents at
dell Ml Pennw) Ivan la av nne, Vernoo f tow
W. H. & 0. H. MORRISON,
475 lVnnsiylvanla are into,
Have opened for the Holidays a line of choice foods.
ItUI 1DA HOUKtf, comprlaliig eUgsmly Illus
trated Hooks InUulh. Calf and Murpcvo lllndlngsi
audedttrunsofall styles and prices of the works of
the best authors In loetry, 1-lotion History, ltlogra-
(hy, J-Msyt. Tru.eU, Natural IIUtory.Hclenea.tfia,
4K)elupHHllaii Art Works (JallcrleanfArt. All va
rlvtlvslnltUtSHl IKAlllKIl fldODM. rhotOKianh
Albums. PuckelbiM ka, Uard Cases Jrranie. Work
biiQx, Writing Dsnks, Olove and llandkenhlsf
llusea. Toilet and DrcsHlng Cases, and Travel lug
A fullan-orlment of lllblra and Prarer Bo kit and
Piateisandllyniialslnonse. 1-ancy WnerWelgl u,
Clrlstnissaid Niw Yeara Card, Hcrabook PIo
titres panel Itcturea Ihui'i arloul Fran es Cribleuge
Jtuards Onvua IVrtiolloa, (Hmm and llruilss Ilk
siauds Climsinen, Dominoes llierkers IlackKammtjn
JUwrds Plank's Plinmo4 and tlluinlnated texU,
1-alrcullds tlold Iens and Holders, MilUreu's Toy
Hooks Uamrs and Toys, rancy Box (Stationery We
kava 00 our shelves one of Iheliaiidsoniest editions of
Dickens Works ever tabllnhed Id thirty volume.
In lull tree calf, price. H hj tlv m our customers
to viaiDlns our slock before Ibe ruidi dull if 4
jqka80naule and tlrice.bue
AU the Novelties of the eessm.
latid s uck lo s?lct from.
HTKINMKTZ, llatTer and FurriO,
Na 12S7 PennsylvaiiU avenue, neit door to corner of
blrteeoua street, dtoit tf

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