Newspaper Page Text
, v r The National Republican. VOL. XXII. NO. 95. WASHINGTON, D. O., FJRIDAY MOENING, MARCH 17, 1882. THREE CENTS.4 ?' .11 f'fc I 1st THE GOOD PRIEST LAID AWAY AT MOUNT OLIVET! Imposing Funeral Ctremonlos it (lie Enrlal of Father Bojle-ktqulilteSIaglng at bl. llatthen't tliurcli-A Touch Ing Sight. Rlncc the death of Puttier Boylo on Jfbhdny Ms Ul tesldeiico has bccnvlsltidby thousands, who fame lotakon last look fit tlnlr beloved pastor, long beforo cltbt o'clock )cstcrday morning n largo crowd had gathered In front of fct, Matthew's Church, aud bytho tlmo tho doors wcro opened, it hntf-pnst eight, n denso coiicourto had congro gated, patiently wnttlng to gain admittance. Tho church wns soon filled, hundreds holug turned way unahlo to effect an entrance. Onco Insido tho church thosccno wns striking. Kvcry pillar, from base to entablature, was swathed In gar ments ol sable hue, tho galleries being hung with the same sombro material, LoiigfUtoensdroppid down and wire caught up with black rosettes, ex cept In lront of tho choir, where whllo was used. The altar stood out In all Us purity of dazzling whiteness, lis edicts seeming to bo heightened by tho baso being draped In black civet, looped up by silver stars, nud bearing on Its front tho letters "LlI.8,"iiilortwlnedlnsllvcr. Tho sanctuary was heavily enshrouded In black, tho purple Lenten xoll mixing with tho mourning veil suspcudid from tho gold crucifix. Ill tho sanctuary sat A PLLIIMTlON OK IXHITY NHESTS, representing churches and societies In Ilaltlmoro, Georgetown, and Washington. In front of tho acilsly rati tho catafalque was erected, ono end of It slight!) Inclined. Tho casket was placed villi tho bead toward tho altar, so that tho con gregation had a good vlow of It. Right nud left tat sixteen members of tho priesthood, forming (be guard of honor. Tho catafalqua was sur rounded by wax caudles and tapirs, call lilies being Interspersed among tho lights. At tho head several were bunched together, and on cither sldo were tapers burning, as Is customary at funeral ceremonies. FLORAL TMBUTra. At tho foot of tho casket was a msgnlflccnt floral design, tho gift of tlio pupils of tho Convent of tho Holy Cross, representing tho "Gates Ajar." Tho gatos were composed of tube-roses and other exquisite whtto flowers, across tho fiont being tho words " Our Pastor " In vlnlitt, and ovir it a wlilto dove with wings outstretched. Depending from the tapers, completely covering the luskct, and on small tobies surrounding, wcro tho most lonely specimens of tho florist's art In tlib rarest and most curtly flow org. t. Peters parish sent a crown, crcs, and w realh ; Mrs. Very, a crown and Cross; tho Clan-na-Gael boclcly, a harp: Mrs. Hen llolllday, a crown aud cross; Mrs. Ad in I ml Bands, a wreath of violets: Mrs. Dahlgron, a cross; Mrs. Thacknra.n wreath; and many othcis showed their respect by similar contributions. To tho right of tho catafalque was tho pulpit, draped in black velvet. Above tho subdued hum and tho low sobs of women weeping was heard the bell tolling la sad and mourulul cadences. THE FtWnur. CFllKMONIM. Buorlly after nine o'clock l'athcrs Do Wolfe and waiter, fullowcd by about thirty priests, en tered tho church by the cast door chanting a sol emn mtrrere, filed round tho altar, and took scats Inside the rail, tho mournful wull of tho bill founding as n refrain to the dlrgo. When tho chant had ceased n procession of nltnr-bo)s and acolytes appeared, who marched two and two, clad In thilrwblto robes, aud ranged themselves tiiforo tho altar rail. After them lollowid l'atlier MiNnlly.tbeiclcbrant; 1'uther Gallly.tbadeacoti, Father AlcMauus, tho subdeacon, und 1'athcr Foley, master of ceremonies, who were richly at tired In canonical tcstments, nnd several other priests. As each priest approached tho altttr ttcp flie knelt aud spint a moment or main solemn 'devotion. Then tho chuich was tilled with a burst ,nf melody as tho llrst notes of Mornrl's Immortal Requiem Mass pealed out from tho ojgan, tho or .ubestra, and the choir. As Archbishop Gibbons, 'Bishop Kcanc, of Richmond, nud their attendants entered too holy edifice tho music ceosul. The rprolates knelt In lront of tho nltar, and tho (assembled clergy around the altar followed tbelr example and passod n few minutes In client prajcr. It was n most touching sight. In thecentro tho catafalque, with Its sacred burden, 'tho priests around In tbelr religious robes, tho church In soml-gloom, tho Irngianco of the dowers ,-jalngllng with tho heavier odor of Incintc, tho reverential attitude of thocongrcgation, nil i.eumod to bring tho fact of death mora powerfully beforo rthe Imagination. When tho Archbishop rose and (took his scat tho mats proceeded and was reu lUcrcd In a most maslirlyinuuuerby a full choir and orchestra. At Hi conclusion the Archbishop ucended tho pulpit, aud, in tones shaken by emo tion, DELIVERED HIS SLRMON. illepald ft glowliigtrlbuto to the deceased, eulogized llilin tor his uoblo qualities of heart uud mind, und I held him up as a shining example lor his bearers to follow. At tho conclusion of his sermon tho iholr sang tho anthem, "Itest, Spirit, Hist," The solo by Miss L'va Mills was exquisitely rendered, tho pure, sweet oieo being tremulous with au emotion which brought trears to tho ccs of many, .both In the congregation mid choir. Ihe arch filiation, thou descending from tho pulpit, wns vesteitJiYlth the mltro nud copu and pronounced tho absolution ot tho dead. Tho acolytes then pro tceded down tho utile, followed by tho priests, next came acol tcs bearl ng n cruclll x and iens r, tbentho houorary pnll-beurers. Tho casket fol ilowed (Immediately nflcriinril, borne by Calvert Ford, Lieutenant biurdy, fct. Jullcn Dopray, Al bert (I. Hall, W llllatn Cogan, Francis II. Moliun, J. Jtedfern. and C J 'Denionct. After tho casket wero tho honorary pall-bearers, icpicsentlog tit. Matthew's and fct. Peter's Churches, ihe mourners, bended by Father liolnnd. aud Includ ing the brothers iintl slstersof the deceased, closed the proccs'lon. When tho sidewalk wns nuched tho priests divided Into two lines, through which thorotUu wasboruo to tho hearse. The pooplo standing in tho street reverentially bared their heads, and remained uuiavtred until thccoitego had started. A long Hue of slxty-tlireo carriages followed tho remains to Mount Olhet Cemetery. At tho grav o til o scrvleo for tho burial of tho dead, ns prescribed by tho Cathollu Church, was said. Tho cofllu was then placed In tho receiving Mtult, and will bo taken licit week to Bonny Brao Ceme tery In Ilaltlmoro. A LIVELY SCENE, TVlint tVus IXivrlopeil at tlio I'lflli Pro iliict IHIntluu Jtarly Tills Monilnir. Tho Fifth Precinct Statlon-Houso wore qulta n lively and fcstlv o air about one o'clock this morn ing. Shortly beforo that hour a fracas took placo In anotcd bagnio south of tho Avenue. It appears that tho fair but frail landlady called ono of tho cyprlans it unmo which Is not used in pollto so ciety. This roused her so that tlio threw tho con tents of a beer glass In tho landlady's faco, whereupon alio turned aud proceeded lu tho most artistic manner to frcseoc tbo face of her "star" boarder. A colored domestic, scored at tho bloodshed, rushed out, and, (hiding Ofllcers Bailey and llomc, requested them to render as sistance Ihe ollliers took tho belligerents to tho Ictiilloii-house, wheio they spent tho night on rather harder couches than thcyaro accustomed to. '1 he landlady resented tho indignity of being rlocked up In u cill like " any common person," nd made thlngsllvelyforthe station-keepir for a As bile, became sho Was stout and he was thin, XVhcn tho cxellenient occasioned by the little luTvcrtlsomcnt had subsided, Uluccn Home mid klialley loll to resume their weary tramp, but ro 'turned in a few minutes with a couple of Jack liars who wcro heavily loaded with n cargo of .whisky. They raised Cain before they could bo '' put back," and their answers to tho usual Inter- renditions were slightly Incoherent. Vhencamo Officer DuuU with, a scml-drunk- f:ot-no-homc-muu, who wns accommodated with odglngs. At this Juncture entered a long, lean specimen, pvhn presented himself at tho rail and esLid for lodgings. In answer tu the Sergeant's inquiries, liie said that ha was on tho trump ami had no Unoiiey. Ho had met a man on Thirteenth street to whom ho had Intrusted his overcoat with lu itructionslo"soui; ' it. 'iho man Kit, but neither overcoat nor money has slucn been set u. He said lie had typhus fever. 1 hestiitlon-bomo u as cleared In a moment and the reporter hastily left. Lynvlt va. (Iinliui'ra- In opentug his argument beforo tho Elections Committee of the House )cstctday Hon. Casey Young, of counsel for General Chalmers, paid tho following well-merited trlLuted to Mr. I.yucU: "I wl.lsjy for tho contestant that his preaanta tlo l of his own case beforo ihls uommlttee ou yesterday was so forcible, able, and admirable that if tho argument had then closed without op lKirtunlty lor reply on our Ide, he would hato s nlued un easy t ictory, I will sny further lor Mr, J.jiKh, trom what I know ofhlm and what I hate heard, that lu point of Intelligence, character, lioncityof piirpiue, and mental calibro ha Is without a doubt Iho foremost man of lilsracoln thlscouutry." Tho argument of Hon. etewart L. Woodford, Is described as one oftliu finest dlsplajs or learning, eloquence, and logical reasoning ever listened tu within the walls of the commltteo room. As one cf the members of the committee afterward re marked: "It was clcctrllylng." lie oxposcd tho uuumuv-u ui iui- utiu uy wiiiiu too roniestee ueia the teat with a force that swept everything before It. Many of tliosa who wore preseht describe the speech as the ablest they ot er liea;,'l. i The Ciialn Itlrit ilurttjqunkr. I'amaus, March 10. An oarthi Jiako Is reported in Costa Itlrs, extending froidl Cartago, at the dividing rldga between tho two icons to tho I'a clfio coast. Ihrco churches al)d n number of (Ivyclllng-bouscii were mined In.Cattago. In San Jo.-e, Alaluela, Qrecla, aud San TMmon pnblloand private building woro shakon duim or otherivlf e Jiamagid, and lu l'antarciias, itpotton the Pacific tho uilnutnl occiuloued snmodorisge Hio fani litis volo no, Irazu, which lias bojrjqulet forycari, ultliough Willi llios iivrnully smtUldcrliig in It irator, is credited with this uuwontcd disturbance, IJj lo&s of llfo Is icportol, Miasttti -tslfr frtVTsiriftfr i,r li, Tl iiluul THE TODACCO COMVENTION. The I'roccrttliigs 'cltrlny-Tlio Itrsolu tltma N(ccli oflsi-nrl Kimball. At tho meeting of tho tobacco Manufacturers' Association yesterday tho commlttco on resolu tions reported as follows: Tho commltteo on a memorial to Congress not being ready to report, Mr. Soldier, of St. Louis, submitted the following resolution from tho committee,, with tho view to testing tho feeling of tho contention: "J'ffohnf, 'Hint tu tho ccut of tho pasngo of the free leaf bill by Congress, It becomes tho imperative duty of tlio National Tobacco Association to vigorously agitato for this entire abolishment of nil Internal revenue taxes upon tobacco In such a manner as not to ntlcct Injuriously dealers therein, hereby pledging our nulled Individual iffurls, both In and out (if Congress, until ultimata success Is achieved." Considerable opposition followed tho Introduction of this resolution, and u wlda dincrcuca of opinion seemed to pre nll among tho members of tho convention. Iho thalrman said that beforo a tola waStakcu on tho resolution he thought It would bo wlso for the contention to listen to Iho opinions of n gen tleman who, oulsldo of the association, hod gltcn the beet) cars of Ids lire to tho study of tlio tobacco-tax question, and ho would present Mil. ISRAEL KIHDVLL, OP THE INTERNAL MAkNUK llUliKAU. Applause greeted Mr. Kimball's Introduction, and ho proceeded to explain his views upon tho pending resolution. He laid ho was satisfied that tlio present was not tho tlmo to secure n gen eral npcal of tobacco taxation, and it partial re duction was calculated to do moro harm than good. Ho notnted nut tho crcot dnnrers that threatened manufacturers front tho Irco leaf bill, traced tho Inception and progress of mo rrce-lear agitation, and detailed tho efforts inada b hlmtclf, Senator Heck, and others, to keep tho sections protecting tlio manufacturers in tlio tariff schedule. He ended his remarks by tho assertion that if Congress should rcmov c (hero restrictions, and pass the free-leaf bill, ho wonld ucwnu mo assoi lauou, Dotty ami soui, lor too rcpcnl of all taxation on tobacco. At tho con clusion of Mr. Kimball's remarks tho convention refuted to refer tho resolution back to tlio com mittee, and It was adopted, as ixprcsslng tho tlows of tho convcntlou. Tho committee on a memorial to Congress was granted further tlmo to report, On motion or Mr. 1'. II. Mnjo, of Rich mond, n commlttco was appointed to Investigate tho charges made upon export tobacco aud export stamps. Iho convention then unanimously adopted a Tote of thanks to Mr. Kimball for his remarks. At tlio afternoon session Iho commlttco reported the following resolution, which was adopted: JfWoml, That the action of tho Republican caucus, representing the majority In (Xmgress, III declaring a reduction of the tax on chewing ami smo'tlng to bacco ami sunt! nnwls and Incxuedletit, settles the tx agitation, and, In the opinion or Iho National '1 o Imcco Association, It cannot bo again ret It ed during this Congress. A memorial to Congrciswas adopted protesting against tho passage of the leaf tobacco bill. The convention adjourned until to-day. VIRGINIA MATTERS. Tlio Clicaniienkcmifl Otilu Itnllroml Klrr tlim ?Inrilcr nt Sen. niCMMOVD, Va , March 10. Tlio annual meeting of Iho stockholders of tho Chcsapeako nnd Ohio Railroad Company wns held hero to-day. Tlio re port of the president, C. 1'. Huntington, of New York, covering tho operations of tbo road for tho past fifteen mouths, show s that during that period tho extension of the main lino to the deep waters of Chcsopcnko nay at Newport News and tho con nection with tho southwestern system of railroads, by means of tho niiznbethtown, Lexington, and nig Sandy road, have been made two ovents which will have a very Important bearing upon tho future operations of tho company, opening as they do continuous connection with Iholargest Western cities of tho Ohio Vallc). Tbo general tenor of President Huntington's report shows a prosperous condition of tho aflulrs of tho company. Ihe gross earnings for tho fifteen months are put down at S3,S7.r,8, cxpciKcs, S2.7J3.-I30, net earnings, an.J,.'37. A resolution was adopted authorizing thu directors to con struct a branch road from Newport News to Old Point Comfort. Tho old board of directors were unanimously ro-elctted. a MURtirn at sea. Fen Rsuunn, March 10. Information has been rccchcd hero of tho murder of James MacAulcy, mate of the British schooner Vo ageur, by Itobcrt I'lshcr, while on a voyngo from Richmond, Va .to Pcrnamuuco, tin England. Tbo prisoner wns committed to Jail at Southampton Borough, Eng land, richer Is known lu Hits city. A NiiritrLrt! PJillmlcliitila tVntclminii. Piiilidlltiiia, March 10 Whon tho mall was dclltcrcd jestcrdny at Dliston's saw-works n packago was handed to John It. Baker, who Is employed as a watchman In tho establishment. Tbo envelope bora tho imprint of tho United States Treasury Department, Washington. On opening it linker was astonished to flndanoto stating that tho package contained checks In set tlement for bauds that had been sent to Washing ton tor redemption ; that they would bo paid upon presentation at tho rublrcosury In tnis city, auu tnnt no receipt lor mem was necessary. 'Iho checks Inclosed wcro ono for $30,000 and two others for smaller sums. making 810,000 In all. Tho surprlacd wntchmau, wno uas never posseBsea n uoternment uonu. took the packago to a police magistrate, who scut him to the post-otllce, where the Icttor and luclo surcs were handed to tho assistant postmaster. It seems Hint there are two men bearing the namo of John It. llakcr In tho city directory and the pack- ago nnu uui'u em ui inu wrung uuunw. ino misiako was rectified this morning, but It Is stated that the porson whom tho checks wcro delivered to In the first place could bnvo drawn them only upon crllflcatlon, nud that gicat trouble would probably have been experienced In securing their return to the proper owner. Itlioitn Inliiml ICepnbilenii. PnouumcE, It. I , March 10. Tbo Republican fctato Convention met here to-day, every town but one being represented. Hon. John r. Tobcy, or l'rnt idence, presided, and delivered an eloquent nddrcgi. 'iho present State ofllcers were renomi nated by acclamation. P. Colt, of llrlstol, was nominated for attorney-general. Tho election takes placo onhc 6th of April. . Tlie Jersey ltlue I'rltlc. Tremov, N. J., March 10 Tho sliver aso which was presented to the New Jersey battalion atYorktown will be presented to tho Mate next Tuesday by tho battalion, who will bo present in foil uniform ; after which, between tbo hours of light nnd ten p. m , tho Governor will give a reception. TELEGRAPHIC TWISTINGS. Jesse Raylcs, a printer In Iho office or theWoon socket (11. 1.) 2Urtol, committed sulcldo Thursday morning. Itev. I. man Coleman, D, 1)., professor ofLntlnbi Lafayette College for twenty years, died nt IkiaUin, Pu., ofparalals, Thursday morning, aged elghty-llvo ears. It Is stated that tho Hon, Hamuel J, Itandall has Indicated fits wllhnjncalo accept the chairmanship or tin Philadelphia Demoirnllo illy oxocuth o com mlttco. The widow or President Lincoln drew from the pension agent In Chicago Wcdiusduy $11,000, being tho amount of the pension rmntly granted her by Congress. A Ilaltlmoro paper has placed on Its counter a nickel subscription paper for (be benefit or Ilia family or Sergeant Mason, wblch Is being freely re sponded to. A resolution was offered In the New York As sembly Thursday nskiug the Prisshlont of tlio United States to reduce the puuUhmontof Hergcaut Masou to dismissal from tbo army. It wustald on tho table. Mary Ann llesmaun, an Inmate of the Asylum for Hie I nsane at Charleston n, Inil , died Wednesday, alter remains to toLo food ror tilxti-three days and twelve hours. Hbe drank water fieily, llerdeath was painless. Sergeant Mason, untcncrd by court-martial to eight years' Imprlaoamcnt lu the Albany penitentiary ror aliootliig at Uullcati, arrived at Albany Thursday inornliigliiihargeor bergeant baltax undnpilvata or Iho Second Artillery. John bwlnto'u, Philip Van Patten, uud P. J, Ma gulre adilrcB-cd a Hireling of three thousand work tngmen at Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia, last night. Thanks were adopted to tho United Slates Senate for the passage of tbo Chlneso bill. The Berlin correspondent of the Loudon 71 nut sasi "Count Von SI oil I. c Uldef Mars ml of Iho Ger man Umpire, w III shortly gi on n furloiuh to Hw liter laud. Tills la considered nsati important sign that tbere nre no furs of peace being broken." Ma) or Kin, or Philadelphia, has vetoid the ordluanott,whlch had bieu appi oved tiy both branches or the Uiy councils, granting to Ihe National Under ground Telegraph Company tbo privilege of laying their cuudults on certain streets. Thu charred and blackened remains of It. B, Watson, the cotton broker, were found Thursday morning beneath the debris of the largo flro of Wednesday at Macon, (lo. ins evident ha did not leave Ids bed, being suftoiated by smoke and then burned. A miscreant attempted lo murder M, Bavlgnot, Inspector or the National Insurance Company, by sboollug hint wltli n retolver lu n railway carriage nour the Aries Junction, ou the 1.5 oils Hallway, Franco. The would-be assassin robbed M. Bavlgnot and mado his o cape, The London Mawfitnf, In a leading article yester day.uildi "WeeauatDrin that the Porte actually sug gested to Prluca DUuurck the expediency of Iho oc cupation by Turkish tioops, and llul Prime Bismarck replied that such n measure was only permissible on Ihe remote, aud violant hypothe sis that thero wonld be nunietliliig llko a louccntra tlon of ltusalan troops ou tbe northern sldo of the I rau.o." fiijianiiiMiaTliTlisiiii'ililfiriiii'ii in 'iSi'iiiimiii'i'i ir m -i JOHN DANENHOWER WRITES A LETTER TO HIS MOTHER. Hoir 1,1 ro Is Knjojfd at Smiiljr Degrees Ilelow Zero Siberian Devotion lo Holldsji Somo Amusing Incidents When llelleard the Jitns of G irfltld's Death. Tho heart of Mrs. W. W. Dancnhower was mado glad n few days ago by Iho receipt of tho follow ing interesting letter from her gallant son, Lieu tenant John W, Dancnhower, of tho Jcnnnctto Arctlo Exploring Kx pcdltlon. It la not necessary to'atlcmpt to plcturo tho Joy of that fond mother when sho rccchcd this lot Ing message from her far away boy. Every mother's heart will throb In Joyful sympathy with that bravo mother of it bratcson. It will bo noticed that ho was fearful whin ho wrote tho letter that his father nnd mother might not ha living. Before lhl no doubt, John has received tho gratifying Intel ligence that both his father and mother are lit lug nnd nro proud ol his achievements lu tho far nw ay lauds of Ico nnd darkness: Yakvtsk, SinctiM, Pec. R0, 1M1. My IH-AK Mothi R It has bi cu it long tlmo sluco IliBVo written to yuii, and this morning my lyes arc fcolliigsii will that 1 want towrltoyoun long letter to Co bv lo.momiw'a malt. 1 hoio Hint it will find ou will nnd prosperous. The events of inu last iwnanuauaiijcarsarcoicoursounanowii tome, audit Is with mingled feelings of doubt, hone, nnd fear that I wrltu tills letter. Perhaps j on nro all well nnd fare: perhaps somo of our lotcd ones hno been gathered to their fathers Hut I nlwajs hope for tho best and I am disposed to look upon the bright side. Ihat sort of phi losophy, has carried mo through cry trj Ing ex periences during TltK TAST THREE YEARS, when there seemed to be n t cry forlorn hopo for me. Another week has almost passed, nnd Mel- vine has not ct come from llulun, but I think ho Is on the road nud will bo hero soon. We nro pass ing thu tlmcqulelly but Impatiently. I wlllglvo jou an Idea or how wo Ihe. It Is da light hero utabout light a. in. Wo get up and hato break fast nt n llttlo hotel that Is handy by. Tho foro uuon 1 spend In reading it little, writing a little, and In attending o any business thin I may happen to hnro nn hand. About two p. in. Guuernl Tuclicrnlcirs sleigh nrrltcs nnd I go lo dine with him; generally return about tour p. ra . und If I do not hntovlsltorsl take it imp nnd kill time nsucll ns I cnu until nine p. m.when wo hato auppcr at tho Unto hotel nud then 1,0 to bed- As I hut o told j ou be fore. I have found nleo people In ct cry port of Iho world that I hate visited, und this ploio Is by uo menus an exception. Lastetcnlng, for example, was spent very pleasantly nt tho huuso of n Mr. Corrlokoir, on Irkutr merchaut, who entertained us t cry well. Hlswlfola A ClIAnMINO LAPY, and It was very pliasaul lo rcc tho three beautiful children. The) hate u lluo plnno tho llrst one we have seen sluco leaving Sau l'ranclsco. Hook our sick man (Jack Cole) with mo to give him it llttlo dltcrsloii. Ho behotid tiry well, and tho visit did him good, After my cxpcrlenro of tho night beforo 1 wits very glad to hato him quiet jestorday, Somo time niter midnight I was nun t cued by it nolso lu my room. It was tlio "old man " looking for a match I took him lo task xharply and unt him to bed. Ho wcutqulcilt, but alter a llttlo while I heard lilni go out bo I waited tlto uiluutu, nnd in lie did not return, I nwoko the Cosaquo nud seut him to LOOK FOR THE "OIB MAN" Ho returned w ithout finding him, so I Immedi ately dressed nud went to tho unite of. lliopollco master nnd had the town searched for him. 1 was afraid that ho would llo down on tho suow us ho did ou one occasion lu the mountains, llo was brought back In about nn hour Willi his toes froron. I Immediately applied snow lo them, and got tbo fro-st out or them, but ho will probably suffer from chilblains for a long lime. Ihe next morning ho was quiet and reasonable, and hp begged me to hato him well guarded, for at times ho Is out of hlslund. llo Is a t cry worthy man, nearly fifty yeaisofage, and hashoeun tery excellent man In his time. 'Iho great trouble nt present is that he has In bo idlo, thcio being nothing for him to do but kill time. At three o'clock this morning I was culled by ono of tbo men, who tcportcd that tho "old insu" had been singing for lour bonis, and that they could do nothing with him. Sol got up and found him all dressed and apparently rcad foraslart. I went up lo him, uud, putting my baud on his shoulder, said . "COML WlTlt S1E" Took hint across tho room tohlssreeplngplaconnd said j"Tnke offyour clothes." Hedldso prompth " Turn 111 und don't citun until 1 tell ton" II id I" Take off your clothes." Hedldso pronipih. 'luriilu und don't git up until 1 tell ton" llo turned In nud slent nuletlv until cluht (VrlnrL Fortunately, 1 have tbo upper hand and can con trol him, so I bono lo git him homo solely without hitting lo lock him up. Yakuts Is it city of r,ouo inhabitants, and Is situated on tho west bunk of tho Lcnaltltir. it Is tho chief city in THIS FART OF HIIHIIA, and Is tho rcsldtuco of the Govcinor-Gciiernl. Ttcboriilcir. Tho houses aro built ol wood und nro not painted. Tho streets ore very wide, and each hono has it largo nrd or court. Tho prin cipal trndo Is In furs. In summer n great den of Iresh meal Is sent up tho river. This Is a very cold place During nine months of the j car snow and lia ubouud III tho winter tbo thcrnfhmitcr falls ln70 below zero. Slncoournrrlt ol It has been CS3 below and to-day It Is only 06 or Ihircnbouis. In tbo summer tho temperature rlsis as high as 9.'i P., but tho nights arc cold. Thcro aro many horses and cows In this vicinity Tho iiaUics.lho Yakutzs, cat horse meat, but the Hussions eat beef aud tiiiison. Potatois, cubbagc, nnd a few other t cgctablcs, a few berrlcs.whcut, and rye aro grow n lu this vicinity. There nre n few shicp aud poultry also. The Russian Christmas Is twelve dais uftcr ours. They have n great round of fistlvitfcs dur ing tbo " Prasnik." In fait. It Iras nlrcady com menced. It Is hard to get any work done. I went to tbo tailor's lo ULT SOME CLOTHES MADE. Ho refused lo take any moro work. I have been able to get a poor suit or read-moko clothes. Last cvenlng,wlieii I tossed n little boy toward thu celling, my coat burst under both shoulders, and when dining with tho Gotcrnor last zuiuday tho trousers burst from " ilow to earing," nud I had to have tho teat of them renewed. I nm growing stout. Dr. Kapello has examined my left c)c nnd ho saj a that n t cry ordinary operation Is required lo in uko it it tcrycfhcliiil eye. What is mlltd an artlllilal pupil will havo to be cut In iho mini brnue that now clouds tho vision. Ho advises mo to wait until I get homo, for after tho operation I will havo to remain In a dark room for a mouth ottwo. My general health Is excellent: lam stout and hearty. UI courso there is tery llttlo Aunrl can news In this far-away place, but 1 hao been able to pick up a few bits of ithiroaud there. TUP DI'ATIl OF UAltllKtU Is a topla often mentioned, nnd fiom tho accounts hero 1 learn that ho was shot by Gutolt ou tlio train near Long Brauch. A great deal ot Interest and sj inpathy Is manifested by tho Hussions. Last evening I sawn Tomsk newspaper which said that the Alliance had made a irulso lu search of the Jcannetto nnd had reached latitude eighty degrees lllly-llte minutes north ou the west coast otbpluborcn. rind our ship held togither ten years sho would probably have drilled out In Unit vicinity. About nluo hundred miles south of this place tlicro ihcs an J'lifilishmim named Lee, and Irom him I hopo to Icuru it good deal ol now s. Now, I must closo this long letter with lot o for all the family. I am very anxious lo hear from you, and as 1 near homo my tnipollcnio at any delay will Increase. Give my lot o nud kindest regards to our Mends who ask allir my welfare. lam anxious to hear from you ill). Affectionately, tour ami, JOHN. Written on a separate slip of paper and dated tho next day Is tbo following postscript: SATURDAY, Dec. Dl, 1881. Mclvlllo arrived Just as 1 finished my letter jes 'tcrday. He made u Journey lo uoith or llulun In search of Dolling and party. Ho found tbo ship's log and Instruments ihntwcie stowed near tho placo where they lauded Did not Und Iho peo ple. Tho search Is now going on and Is limited to h very narrow strip of country, tu which tho part) has been traxed. To-day Mclvlllo telegraphs foi permission to remain In this region and for mo to return to the United Male with Ihomcu. Mo go tolrkutx In it fuwdays. Wo hato 4,100 miles to make beforo reaching tho railroad station. I-ovo for all. JOHN. THE RAGING FLOODS. ttllmitlou or AUulr lu Ibo Oteifloneil District. Nlw Orllakh, March 1C Iho river hero ro mains nbotii stationary, eight Inches below tho high water of ltH, whllo tt Vlcksburg It Is S3 Inches above. The hopo Is cntoi tallied here that the licuvy rue at Vlcksburg sluco Saturday will be dissipated by the crevasses below that point uud bytuo heavy current wuicli eel lu from tbo Ulwlsslppl up tbo mouth of the Red Hlver nud through the Atcbafalaya, relieving In a meas ure all points below the mouth of tbo lied Rlvor. Vigilance and hard work have so far successfully protected Ibo section below Baton Itougo from crevasses. Tho steamer White to-day took thirty eight barrels of Hour, thirty-eight barrels of meal, aud sixteen cases of meat (Government rations) to New Texas Landing Tor tho ovorllotv sufferer. Mllllken'a Bend let ee remained Intact at last ac counts, but thu peoplo aro working on li night und day. The levee lu the rear of tho Delta gave way yesterday afternoon, nnd tho witter riuhtd through with such lorca that several small houses were carried uwny. Rrclstcr Bruco has received Information from friends lit Mississippi that, although tbo Govern ment Is furnishing assistance as much as possible. It docs not meet the needs, Tlwgrcst difficulty to 10 obtain small boats to oxploio tae Interior or the couutles, where the populaco ore entirely cut off by the Hoods, l'.very day word Is received of ad ditional deaths from exposure and starvation, Tho ritor declined ono inch, yesterday, at Mem phis, and has fallen eight luchenfipin tho highest point reached this se-uou. ltepotlA of great dis tress continue to bo received from those who dwell In the sunken lands on the Upper Et, l'rancls River. A small lot of provisions was sent them this afternoon . but It is a difficult matterto reach thorn, owing to their Isolated position. !' - J,,jtt.u.i-.s.t u,j.. .-,.ji THE STAR-ROUTE CASES. Yrtriliiy' Ilrlrf Vrocrrilltizs I Posts ponciiirut for One Wrrk Slrnnlcit. The star-ro tito cases came up In the Criminal Court yesterday beforo Jndgo Wyllo, when It wns expected that tlio Indicted parlies would bo ar raigned, nnd counsel Would then develop Iho courso w hlch they Intended to punuo In tho trial of tho case. Thcro was but it limited attendance of spectator, tho morning being qulto stormy, nnd tho proceedings wcro brief, 3tlcsrs. Shcliabarger, lotten, Williams, nnd Judgo It. II. Cnt'pcntcr, of South Carolina, appeared for Iho nrlous defend ants, whllo tho Government wns represented by tbo District Attorney. Mr.Totlen said: "Moyltpleao Your Honor, wo proposed last Thursday tbat w o wonld como in this morning and report progress, I (into thercforo como hero to tell tho court what courso wc intend to pursue. Tho Indictment has been printed nud It Istcry voluminous, and wohato not had tlmo, In consequence ol tho sickness of somo of us, tho nbscnro of olhors, and other engagements, to get this matter fully digested) ami wo would there fore llko to havo Your Honor pass Itotcr, in tho tamo way, until next Thnrsaay. Wo will try nnd bo ready then." Judgo Wyllu Tho cnio has not been set down for hearing. Mr. Tollcn But Ihls Is to Indicate tho course wo Intend to purse whether to plead or make n mo tion. Wo will try and bo ready to ndtlso tho Court on these points by next Thursday. ino lMstrict .tiinrnov t?ir. uorKiuiii inis wns the day fixed for tho arraignment of tho parties nud to hear the statements of counsel ns to what courso the Intended lo pursue. Mr. Illlss Is not here this morning ; whether he Is In tho city or not i cannot jay. Judgo vtjllc I sec noi reason why tho post poucmcut should not bo had. All the parties have been balled. Mr. Tollcn Wo w 111 como In next Thursday and 'Inform tho Court how wo nro getting along by that time. Tho District Attorney Then on next Thursday thcro will bo tho arraignment? Judge Wj lie Whether tho patties are arraigned or not depends of courso upon their prcteuco here. Mr. Williams I liavo been lo Iho Iroublo of read ing all this Indictment to correct tho proof, and It took mo nearly lite hours to read lusl think, being n misdemeanor, w e might agree to w alve thu arraignment formally. Mr. lotiuti rbiu is a matter of formnny way. Mr. Shcliabarger Certainly. The defendants will he ready to wait e It nil. Judge Wyllo If I remember tightly tho counsel for tho Government, In reply to n suggestion of Hint kind, said the) did not wnnt to tnke any risks about It nnd they had rather hato n formal ar raignment. , The District Attorney I made somo little ex amination of that matter lu, and I did not foci ol liberty there to waive an arraign ment, although It was a very lung liidlitment. Whllo tho rinding of thol Indictment may eon sumo n cnnl dtmt of time. It must bu dona, hu ns not to nllow any slip Of course wo desire to nvoid any unnecessary consumption of lime. Judge Vtjllc it Is rather to bo regretted that thcro Is not nn ofilccr or tho Crlmlnnl Court to whom pleadings of this kind might bo referred for tho purpoto of having the surplus matter stricken nut. Mr, 'idlton I want to suggest to Iho Court that the Constitution of tho United stales prohibits cruel and uuiis'inl puiiMimcnts, and to maku n man stand nn nud listen to the re tiling of that In dictment would bo clearly wltliln tho pioblbltlon contained In Hint instrument Judgo j He I will set the case for next Thurs day, but It depends on Ilia nil! of the defendants whether thej appear or not. Iho Dlstrlit Aliornej If thc do not appear thcro Is it way to get them hero without any trouble. Judgo V Ho Tbcy nro under n recognizance, nnd tbat Is sufficient. ANOTHER FROM MINISTER LOWELL. llo Iloldl.s Ilcclnica Hint "Tills In ."Hit, llosrrtcr. 32. Opluloii." LratnoN of Tiic Uhitmi Siati.h, Lo.NEbv, 1'cbruarj 10, 18SJ. 11 A. Mr.niilTT, Ponsul-Gencralof the United blntos, U Old Broad Bticel, London, K. U . Hut. I hato tlio honor toncknowledga tho re ception olyourlclteroftho 6th Instant, In rela tion to tbo case of Michael Hart, now Imprisoned In Cloiimcl Jail and its Inclnsurcs viz., n letter from Mr. Da,vvson, United itttes lcc-ionsul nt Qtiecnstown.ono from Mr. DarttoMr. Dawson, aud Mr. Hart's ccitlficnlu of nnturallratlon. Mr. Hart lias Uai arretted undo the to-called "co ercion c," nnd he appears lo VitnK the fiirf o(hi) he inj an American WktnenUU&s htm to immetltaJe if- This Is not, how ever, my opinion. Tho princi ples upou which I hate bnid my action In all discs of application like that ol Mr. Hart's nro thosoupoii which onriinv eminent hnsneted, and, In caso of need, would act ng tin, I think It important thai ti' Mich pcrtoill lliontd he mode la uiiderttnml ilMlnitlv that tiny turmof be Irishmen aud Amerlranv at the tauie fiiir, us the) scorn lo suppose, nud that they nro subject to tho operation of tho laws ol the country In which they choose to Hi c. Thotlce-tuusulat Qucciistovvn should Inform himself of the facts In Mr. Hart's ca-o and ascer tain whether thcro be any peculiar hardship ot it which would make It nil exception calling for Iramcdlalo uud cmrgetlc protest lu lhatcwut it would bo necessary for him to scud mo u foil statement of the case, w lib w hatcv er confirmatory nr Illustrative ivldcnca it Is nossibla to obtain. But II his cuso Is like tbat of tho ordinary "sus pects," I see no reason why I should intervene. 1 return Mr. Hart's and Mi Dnvvsou'a letters nud Mr. Hurt's certificate of naturalization. 1 am, sir, j our obedient servant, J. It. LOM EM, Ulrasra. ftlbamt mill Cook. A.M. Gibson lias formallv withdrawn from nil connection with tho slar-ioute cases, the duties for which ho was specially employed having been completed. Colonel William A, Cook, of special counsel for tho Government intheso cases, will nlsn, it Is said, withdraw lu a few dnjs. Inquiries at tho Department of Jusllio failed to rmroborate tho rumor as lo Colonel Cook, nor did Colonel Bliss hav c any Information on tho subject. A IClliuor. A rumor Is afloat that Collector Robertson, of New York, has icslgncd, or Is soon to do so. No reason Is assigned for this action. It is said ho Is to hav e a foreign appointment. CAPITAL JOTTINGS. Mn J, II. CohANT.ofNev, York, Unguestat Wll lard's. ltovCHAUNCnv M. Dki'lWi of Niw York, Is at Wlllard'a. U. S. (I n ant, iu,, of New York, has rooms at Woruilej'a. OuNi'.nAi o. O. Howard left tho city last night lor Wist Point. H.W lIUNTtii, of Warrenlon, Va., Is reglsleiedat the Nattonul. D. T Mir ui, of Boston, and I'. W, .Sanborn, or Niw York, aro at tlio Kbbltt. T ILHiioavk and Jfr.and.Mrb. J. II. dould, of New York, aro guests nt the lllggs. , J W.Huam, editor or Ihe AVtoniAiiAVin, ralrlleld, Neb , tarries at the National. AAROsrrnira and A. 11 Huntingdon, of Philadel phia, am registered at Iho Itlggs. II. D, BhNMUCT and KB. Underbill and family, or New York, hat o parlors at Wormlc) '. W. H. l'oi't, or l'lorldn, anil O, C. Wharton, bl Louisville, Ky ore quarlerrd at WllUrd's. John B, Diukf, of Chicago, the wealthy hulel pro prletor, Is at the Lbbllt Huuso with Ids family litARiEo W. C'urrnNii, orNew York, und J. W. Bobbins, of Chicago, are located at tho Lliblil. I)u. 1'. TEHTiVi.KuuivoKi of Ibo Now York (jmtator. Is slopping at the Metropolitan Hotel. Fiiask A. M. Km. if, of the Allegheny Airnpip .ViiiV, Is In the city, stopping at thoOvvui Homo, WilJ IAl UliAV , or Boslon, and 1'. T. LTiumbers, ot Philadelphia, are among tlio reeeut arrlv alt at Worm hys, HiiNiit J. Johnson, of Cumberland, Mil , and W, M I.i dwtth, of Jacksonville, Fla., nre slopping at the H r-bbltt, 1', A. CnhNitiJV, advance agent or the George Thatcher Minstrel Troupe, Is stopping at the Na tional. C. E.Ountv, John Handy, Mr, and Mrs. Uunry MJller, of New York, are among the guests at Ihe .M -llugton, TiiKGcorBeTbalcbcr Minstrel Troiipowlll arrive herenot Monday, and hato secured quarters at tho National. T, W. ltuastil I.. of Hartford. Conn., und Herman Veeder nud wlfti,orCaiiaudal4iia,N.T.,nro located at the Arlington. lL V IlAUhAnn, of t-an Autoulo.Texas, and Dr. J. I. Uabell.of tboNatloual Board of Health, are quar tered at the lltggs. lit Invitation of Ihe President, the members of the National Tobareo Awodatlou will call ou him at eleven o'clock Ibtt morning. Joaurii I.KoVAnn.Illimau.and N'lmio.llireochlols from the ludluu Tenltory.aro guests of tho National They como here tubavo apow.wovvwllh tliedieut l'ather. J, It IUVfc,of Vliglula.ibalnnanol tho Republi can State Central Comiiilileo of Virginia, who has boenlntho dry lor soviral dnj past, leavm lor his homo In Lynchburg to night, lUtrnmiNTAtivr. Aitissr pawe.1 tho day mot comfortably than at any time during the past tun weeks, and Ida ph)lclanu report it slight Improve ment hi bit condition la.U night. RM-nRMi-MTATivu BwcK'a oonlIlloii at a Itto hour last night M not to favorable as tint night be fore, 'tho sllglit Improvement obscrvod Woduosdiy was lost yceterday, and his pb) slclant now regard his , casa as extremely critlval. ,:'Aisii, -iii.'Uilk,J CLOSING DAY OF THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Interesting! Innlllriiorls-Conctsf Statistical (state ment Iho Centcnnary or the Organization of the )l. 1'. thnrch to llfttls-. bratnl Appointment!. Special to The llr.runi tctv. DAtTiMonr, March 1(5. Tho dcvollnnnt exer cises were conducted by tho Rev. J. B. Wheeler. Tho 22d h) mil wns announced and sung, and followed by earnest nnd fervent supplication Tho Iter. Joel Brown presented a rej-ort upon losses of church membership by probation, which was discussed byRctf. W T. D, Clcmni,J. W. Hedges, I.. M. Gardner, nud C. II. Itlchnrdson, nud then adopted. 1). II, Carroll, agent of Iho book depository, was appointed to rtcclvo nnd publish tho missionary sermon preached ou Monday last by tlio Iter. J. V. (lonelier, Tho commlttco on tempcranco noted tho great battle which was be ing waged ngalmt tho greatest evil of tho age. Iho American Blblo Society commlttco reported (ho full amount of collections for tho Inst j earns J707.H, which was ordered to bo sent to New York. T lie following licentiates, Revs Gcnrgo L. Cuddy, George M. Cllckucr, and Clarinco !. Ken nard, were admitted ou trial. riiriusiMimrasHinnvriioiuFiiVAM.'ri mado an Interesting report, lu which they ar raigned cnmpmcctlngs w hero conlrncts wcro mndo with railroad corporations to desecrato the Lord's Day. Tho report, after much discussion, was adopted. Thu Bov. C. II. Richardson offered it resolullon condemnatory of the Washington Orova Campmcctlng Assaclttlou because of Its action In taking rcbalo from the Ilaltlmoro and Ohio Rail road for traveling on tlio Sabbath to their camp ground. After soma discussion that It was too personal, at Iho suggestion of tho bishop, Mr Rich ardson clinngcd the resolution to ns only to allude lu a general way to any campmcctlng association, and In that form It was adopted, Rev. Mr. Mar tlndali', of Wilmington Conference; Mr. Richard son, presiding elder of tho Virginia Conforcnco; Mr. Lnndslrcct, of M, n. Church South, andGcorgo R. Bilslor, of tho Newark Contcrcnce, wcro Intro duced to tho Conference. T hotnrlouscorainltlccs for tho ensuing eur weni appointed by tho bishop ana elected uy ino txinicniico. ino mv. moma' Guard wns selected to deliver tho missionary sor innn nttha next Conrcreuce. The ltov. J. I right asked permission to send his npoit to tlio secretary ou tho endow ment fund of Drews-em-luiiry, It hating been audited by Rev. D. II. Car roll. Tilt-. STATISTICAL COMMITTkR mado tho following report Number of proba tioners, Hi'kVi, full members, l.', US, local preachers, I'd; deaths, SOU, iblldreii baptized,. till I, adults baptized, '.Ml, number of churohc", :M; value of tho churihcs, tUXiOKi; number of pareouagos, 91, taluo of the parsonages, MVi,1H. paid lor churches ami parsoi aces last jnr. $KVUi0 75, pnld iiiuibie-uuissoii cuuriii propen,iiiM'ioui, pres ent Indebtedness mi i hurches, Soil il number of hiindnv school", 3TJ, number orollliersnud teach ers, 5,loO, scholars, uf al ngts, 39,071 nilssloiinry couiriuuiions it om ciiurciics, ;s,unw missionary contilbutlons from Punday schools, S10.ISI 10, total missionary collections, SWJSn",, Woman's 1-orelgti Missionary Society. ?J,78IW, board of church oxlcnslon.fl.riOSY.nractPocIely, t.11171, Sunday fJchool Union, SSUtiii, 1'rcedinnii's Aid Sooiclv, 81,011211: education, SITSoS, tmcrlcaii Bible boclcty,f717"i; other collections, J7,U07l, for supivirt of patinrs, presiding olden, nnd hlshnps, SlM.c.tO1!', far conftrciico claimants, $0,120 B.T, nnd current cxpousesof all tho chtirchif, SG12707L Tho lollnulng commlttco was ap pointed to preparoRomo plan or CU Kni'.ATIMI THE CFSIKSIARY orihc organization of Iho M 1.', Churchln 18S1 Minister. Hevs. L. V. Morgan, J. II. btlll, Joel Brown, V I. Gibson, It. N. llaer, C. W. Baldwin, and livmcn. P II. Hiss. It. rornellus. J. T. Mllcli- ill, J. J lletzol, and O. W. Corner. Votes of thanks wcro given lo inu trusiecj ol tho chuich lu which Ibo Coureieuco bus been held, families entertaining the ministers, thu pastor of the church, secretaries, reporters, and railroads ror extra accommodations. Triors or nppents wero unpointed us follows. Revs. W, 11, Lduards, J, Fiance, W.l'.Kpcake, A.8. Hank, J. McK. Itclley, John Laiiahnu, aud A II Amis; directors of the book depository, J, K. lioueher, J. II Milt, W, S, Edwards, II 1'. Parlctt, L. II. Colo, nnd P, II, Hiss, board of church extension president, G, 11. Hunt, vlco-prcsldent.W 11. Chapman ; treasurer, Joseph Itobb: recording ncrtUuy, W A. Icllili; corre sponding secretary, J It. btltt, additional mem bers, J, 1. Oekcrniaun, Thomas Dougherty, G. (I, Baker, J 1' Goucher, 1). K Bennett, It. II. bluclalr, and Willluni Carson. COVIJIITTEK OS JIIJI0I1 SJ Rev. J R. Cadden, A M. Courlue), A II Ames, W. 1. McKcunoy, nnd.C. Baldwin , commlttco on dlttrlbutlon of tho pnncheis' nld flitiil, B. I'. Clarkaoii, W.T. L. Wisch, O.W Coopoi.W. Downs nnd It l.HUliop, managers of tbo Preachers' Aid "oclily, I- T Wldiriunii, J. II, Brown. W. II, Chapman, U, W Cooper, W V Hninke, Baldwin, It. Cornelius, r. A Crook, nud ti. J. Hooper, cleri cal stewards, H. A. Wilson, J. It Wheelir, V I' Ppeakc, C H. Richardson, nud G V. Leech , visit ors to Kilso Homo of Orphans, Ministers i: D. Owen and A M Courtney, Lnymcn 11 V. Pnrlitt nnd T II Morris, candidates f iriidmisslon tncon lirence, A 8 Hunk, W. A Knonl, J 1' Ockcr mail, J. C. llngc),nnil II, H 1-rauie, candidates uf tho llrst j tor on trial, J. 11 Dathlcll, A. t Ritdl sell, J B, btltt. It N Bdcr.nudB G.W Held; can didates ol tho sitond year on trial, II !!. Norlcr, IikI Brown, C H. Richardson, A. J. Gill, nnd it. F Bishop, candidates lor third )iur, Jusirdi irilliv, 1'. .Tinsienei. it 1VU1U, J H.3I Haslup, ondW Cnse, candidates of fourth vial, J MiK llelley, J.N. Davis, G.W liejdc, J 1'. Wright, and C. I: Young , local deacons, L C. Mullei.W M l'ergusou, and S M Hartsoikj local olden, W.T D. Clcmni, J L Walsh, and LA, riililkcld. By motion tho Conference stood ad Juuiiietlrfiieclfe alter Ibo rending of the appoint meiils. Thu bishop made somo pertinent remarks in regard to the reappointments of two of the old presiding ciders upon dlfft rent districts, ns well as tho many disappointments Unit tome of the lniuls tcis w ould experience lu hearing ot their new up pnlntmcuts. Tlio appointments woie then read by the bishop nnd the ministers sointated. Thu only appointments which particularly interest ) ou arc tnosu lor TIIC W ASIIIKUTOS DISTRICT, which wcruas follows, J H. Dcnlc, presiding elder ror three curs. Washington, D C Foundry, W F Maid, Wnley Chapel, W, I. McKintity, (G. II Mvlengcr, supcrnumirurv), Metropolitan, It N. llaer: lourtli Street, Jusiph France, Tweinh b.ticct, T, A. Morgan , Mch'endtee, C 11 ltd hard sou, Union, W. T. L. W'cccli, Ityland, It. Nntrls Gorsuth, W. It Lancj . Waiifh, l. Downs; Main lines. M.llaitsock, North Capitol nnd Memorial, W. II. Reed, (G, O Markhani, superiiuiucrurv), Grace, J. C. Hngoy: Mount Ion, L. M, Gardner. Annapolis I Irst Church, W. B Udwords, Wesley (hapcLG W.llovdo Baldwin Memorial Chiinh, K. 0. i'.ldrldgo, Bladensbuig, W. W. Vim Aradalo, roicsltllle, U. H Foit: ruderliksburg, bo suppllod, Georgetown, 1). C, J. J. II Webster: Lionardtouu and Charles. W. 11. Dell, Montgom ery, it. It. Murphy, E. L. Watson, Rockvlllc, P.J. Cross, yi Marys, B N. Wooden; bovcru, J. !. htarr, Koulh River, L. A. Thlrkcld; Spcncervllle, J, S. M. Haslyi , 1 inimll low li, G. M, Birr) , Union town, J. II niiiud SMALLPOX RAVAGES, Tlie I.'iililcnilc at Ilollilclicm' anil Iliac wlirrc til tlisi Coiintrj. Tho National Board or Health Thursday re ceived reports showing that during tho vveik eud lux Mutch 11 thcro woro IJcafoa of smallpox aud 2 deaths lu Brooklyn, N Y.l Jewel and 2 deaths In Itlchiiiond, Va., ltase In Galveston, Texas, aud 4 cases and 2 deaths In Index Township, Texas. l'liiLiiiKirniA. Pv.. March If, A siiclIu! lira Beading, I'a , suys " Kdwttrd Mcllvalii.u student or Lehigh Uulverilly, at bouth BilbUbem, lias Just lelurncd home, ami ho says that tho descrip tions of the terrible smallpox scourge In South Bethlehem cannot bo overdrawn. There wero up ward of one hundred and twenty casts when no lc It theie, and tho number was hourly increasing. All this progrtss lu tho cpldeinlo has bten mode lu tho short spaio of four day All confined lo n small spsro of about two blocks, Immediately adjoining tho uulvcndly buildings, tho neighborhood In which thu students baaidid He snhl that all aronud lliein wcro placards ou tbo doom aunoiincliigihat ibo dlsiueo was within Hut ono ot the students, up to tho tlmo ho left, had taken tho dlsmso ayouiig man named lMwii, Irom New York, Ho was taken to tlio hospital of tho Untversily and placed lu charge of professional nurses A second escaped from bis nurses and has not slncu boon lound It issuppoved he raiilntollio river or fell down and pcrUlied In ouiomU-oMhe,way placo. A spoolal irom ItetlilDlieia Ihls morning (ays the dUeaseia Still ou the luorca'c, with elghty-llvo houses quar antined. Amillier Alleiujil nt Aaaaaaliintloll. Colonel Corkhlll has received tho folloiving dispatch Iroui tho wife of Dr Gray, tho leading expert In tbo Gulteaa trial, who left here latt nlglil, alter being heru fur a week examining tho medical feature-! In tho bill of exceptions filed by the defense Cor os l.i )l.oitdi II. toiiKltiu, DWrlct Attorney, VVaslilugloii, li. Ui Alleinnt uiade to ussaxslnate Dr. Oruv this evenlus: wuutHlisl In thu lace: not dcuniad isrioua, Alan patifitit. -AOtuiug curiam auout mouva Know n us yen M, 11 GltA is. Jly Astfoiluttsl I'j-eiia. "ilia, x, Y.itaiclilO- Dr JohnP Giay.oriho htato i.uuatiu Atyium, was suoi in uu nrivaio othcu to-night by a iuuiitlo. Tho wound, which Is through tlio ibosks. In not fatal. The as sassin flieil two or three shot at others who attempted to detain him, Two hours after wnid ho goto himself up ul tho Jail Ha told tlio Jailer's vvlfu that ha had shot a man Hills name Is llenr IMIuishaw and ho hat been Insiuo about eighteen minitlis. On him wtro a single birrcl instol.a rcrolvor a dirk with nkavirs, it bottle of chloroform, and nbout thirty bundles of (.artridges. Ho It lull)' Identified and will bo cared for, PERSONAL MENTION. A large assemblage of Potomac I'riill-cirowcis gathered nt tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Ford, No. til Myrtle street, a few evonliigs ngo, to congratulate them upon tho fortieth anniversary of their marriage. This ngcil couple, now neatly cljhly jenrs of ngc, still retain the vigor amino lit Ity or young llfo to a rcmnrkalto digric, nnd they entertained their friends In n manner tery enjoyable nnd satisfactory to nil, A notable ct cut of tho evening was Iho presentation of n silver salver, beating beautifully engraved Inscription Indicating that It was from Fruit-Growers nnd friends lo Mr. mill Mrs. Ford. The rrcsenlntlon speech was by Dr. McKIni, In hlstisuilly felicitous stile, and was welt responded to by Mr. Ford, though they wero ovldenlly lokcn completely by surprise. Among those present vrcro Mr. und Mrs, Tnylor, Colonel nnd Mrs. W. II. Chose, Dr. nnd Mrs McKIm, Mr. und Mrs. II. 11. Moiillon, Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, Mr nnd Mrs J, II. Phllp, Mr nnd Mrs Anderson, Captain and Mrs. II. 11 Weaver, Mrs, Morrell, Mrs Cowling and daug iters, Misses Wrcnii, of Georgetown, Mr. W, II Main, Mr tl. C. Clwj nue. Mr. and Mrs Fletcher, Mr nnd Mis. J. Ortlllo Johnson, Dr. and Mrs, Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs, I. It. Trembly, nnd many others .IIon Alexander II Stephens, of Georgia, goto ono of his delightful dlnuir parlies hut evening nt his quarters nt tho National llotil, In honor of Mrs, Chnpman Coleman, daughter of the lato Hon John J Crittenden. Tlicro vtcro presold, besides Mrs. Coleman ami her diuglitor, Senator Dnvld Davl, Attonie) -General Brewster, Senator Brown, cflicorgla.nnd daughter; Hon. Boverly Tuclcr, Mrs. Fncad, of tho Loulsv lllo Ontrler-Journal, and Miss AtutlnoSuiend, C. N. Ironside, of tlio Craw ford v lllo Democrat, Mr. Stephens' prlvuto iccre tary;Mrs Dr Culv'cr and daughter, of this city , Professor J J Darlington, or tbo Georgetown Uni versity law sdiool, Professor Richard M. John-ton, ol Ilaltlmoro, and others, Tho occasion was a t cry cujoyabto on. Mr F. P Burko, ono of tho most popular nnd genial j onus business men of tho city, who has been absent In Ireland ilucc November acquiring tnluablo real I v and an amltblo bcttir-hatr, le lurncd to the city last night with Mrs, Butko and n largo box of sbamrccks. llo and Mrs. Burko nro domiciled at Nm Twelfth street, w hero con gratulations will bo duly received. Tho wife of Congressman Clark, of Missouri, has been lying at death's door nt tho house of a friend in Philadelphia, and Is dependent upon tho char ity of friends ltetliii-lloii nfln(riiiil llcvrniif- Tnsica, Tho Houso Committee on W'nvs nud Mcnni on Thursday grnnlcd it hearing to n delegation of Western distillers, who urged tho Indefinite ex tension of tlio bonded period on w hlsky nud ndvo catcd tlio proposition of extending tho present leakngo period to eight j cars, with n provision that whatever shrinkago may occur after that time shall bo at tho owner's loss. Nn action was tnkcu bv tho committee. Much to the astonish ment of several members of tho House Commlttco on W ci)s and Menus, the subcommittee, w lilih on W cduesday agreed to report to tbo full coinmlltco lu favor of general riduitlons In Internal rovenuo taxes, was not willed upon for Its roport on 1 hurs dav.uud tho subject of reductions was out) al luded to In an Informal manner Chairman Kcl ley said during tho brier conversation on the subject that tho action of the Republican caucus Wednesday night had had tho effect of modirjlng to some extent Iho vlcwa of members who havo heretofore stmiiElrndtorilcil hcavv reductions. During tlio Inlormul discussion of tho sublet t of retiming Internal revenue luxes Mr. l'.mory bpeer, oi ucuigia, wuo nas strongly auvocateu a reuuc tlon of the luxes, with a v iivv to lliclr final aboli tion, was charged by ouo or his colleagues with being tery thoughtful, "Yis, ' responded Mr ttpocr, " tbo nitlon uf Iho Republic tu caucus lust night will make any patriot thoughtful" Mr. Kasson said. "That Is true. It made soma or us thoughtful lkt night" The representatives of ino tooacionuu liquor manuiociorici and uiaicrs, who wcro Jubilant over thu action of the iiibcom mllleo Weducrdny. becamn vm tlesnomlcnt ves- tnrday when they discount! tho results of w cduesday night' mucus. .1 Inlrat Agulnal llriiiiltvii Ofltcvi". Mr Anthony on Friday presented aud had read In tho Scnato n memorial from three hundred ofllcers, lino and stall, of the navy, representing ml grades of rank, from icnr-ndmlral testing against tbo restoration of officers who have been dismissed for drunkenness, bieu forcibly re tired, or who havo resigned to escape court-mar' tial. Mr. Anthony said tlio paper sit forth, lu it masterly manner, tho evils of drunkonucta among ofliccn Hi command, He said ho regarded Inloxl cation ns olteuer it dlseaso than a tlie, and ho would not liirhish the unfurtuiiato victim of It. but ho would not place vessel pinperli.tho lives of seamen, and the honor of tho ling in the hands of mummies . uu iiiemuiini hub unmet primcu ill Uial'rcont Mr Ldinunds inked that tho names of the petitioners nlso appear there, w hlch was so uriiercu. i UIi li( Miisoir. Counsel IV 1 1 1 !. Mr. Blgelow, counsel for Sergeant Mason, savs that ho Is determined to Investigate the subject of Mason's prcclpltnto transportation to tlio Albany penitentiary. This ho will do with nv low tons coitnlnlng by what authority Mason wasliur rlcdlysent off whllo amotion for the Issuance of tt writ of habeas corpus was ponding. Hu will also endeavor to discover whether an Intention on tho part of any authority existed to deprive bis client uf tho benefits of such it writ Mr. Blgeluw intends to call tho attention or the Adjutant Gen eral of the Army to tho matter. Ha had a long Interview with tho Recrctary of Warvcsterdny in tlio interest of his client, ami the Secretary prom ised to give due tousldcrotlon to tbo case. Tlio President hits received a strong appeal from Ohio for tho pardon of Mason. ltllls NlciiPtl I'T ! I'icsliloilt. Tho President has approved the act granting a pension to Olive .Stephenson, tlio uct directing tho Issiio of a duplicate check to William J, Anthony, n pensioner of tho United States, tho act for Iho relief of Frank I). Yates nnd others, thoact for tho relief of Chillies Collins, the net loi tho relief of it. Itosciifclil A. Co, tho net for tho icllcf of Paulina Jouis, Joint resolution to print certain ouloglii de livered In Congress upon tbo Into Michael P. O Connor. Tlio President bos approved tho net granting n pen-Ion lo Iho widow ot tno lato Hear Admiral Goldsborough. A full liil is ftrvi t'diiinillls-i-.l Tho following call has been Issued by tho Re publican National Committee Thu Republican Senators and Representatives, and such others as desire to co-operate with them, nro requested lo meet in the hall of tho Homo uf Representatives on the evening of Monday, tho Snli Instant, nt light o'clock, for tho purpose of forming n congiisslonnl committee. Lnch dele gation will be ixpeilcd to namo ono number lo icprcscut It on such lommltlee. JAMLS A. HUBHRI.L, Chnlrmnii. Kdw'akd MiPhki-so.n, yecntary. Tlir IIuM1 Uiiliiii VtL'Iriiiua. Mr. Voorlicos, In tho f-enato Tlnnsday, Intro duced a bill to Increase tho pcuvlons of certain persons who havo lost a leg or on arm or been permanently disabled In Hum lu the mllltarj or naval service It Inert asts Ibo pensions of such persons fiom 83o to $IH per month, and provldis lb at the) shall be pnld tho cl I Herein o lutiveen raid sums montbl) from Fibriiiiry i 1S77, to tlio tlmo of tho uppiovuluf this act l'or (tic Itclli-I'ol't'lnik .stills. Mr. Wludom, lu tho f-ouatu Tliursday, Inlrc ducid it bill for Iho rollef ol Clark Mills (Identical with that recently Introduced In Iho Homo by Representative Orlli), authorising tlio extension of Mr. Mills' patent for "nmislo of taking costs trout tho face of 111 Ing perrons " DEPARTMENTAL DOINGS. Wallack A Caiiii has boon appolntod Internal ret nine ganger fur Ihe llrst district ol Ohio Till Pitjjdcnt will give another social dinner to a part) of twenty ou ivoduokday evening next, Collutoii lloiiKKTsnv, of Now Ynrk. was at tho Treasury Deportment yesterday, and had hu lu teniiw with Recrctary Polger ou oltlolul buslncs Tiil Comptroller ot tbo Curroncv has authorised tho C'itlicn- National Bank of Porkirhury. West Va . to commeuco business with it capital of 100,000. Tiir recclpu trom Internal revenue Ihursday wero 1 MD' nud from nisloms StTCrj.787 1& '1 ho national-bank notes received lor redumption amount to (.'73,000. Till temporary quartora of tlio Money-Order Oillco of tlio i'ost-Ofiito Department aro being rapidly titled up. They will probably be icady for occupation early In Apill next, Tut: Tiensurv Iloimtnnent is informed or thu aru-stat Detroit, Mich , ou Vtcdmsday, ol Charles A, Nesbltt and Chnilcs II, Chapman (or mauiilnc luring mid passing counterfeit sliver dollars PoiTMAsrui-GiLS mul Him K has promoted Postal Railway Clerk James II Brown from scrvleo on Iho New York nnd Chicago line to he an Inspector of Iho I'ost-OiUie Department Mr. Brown la it nophow of Old John Drown FosTMAKTKit-Oiniiiut. How R will leave for New York to-day on private business Ho will proba. bly return to Washington ou Monday nett Dur ing lilt ubteiicu first Assistant Postmasler-Ueiiorul llulton w UI net ns Postmastor-Geuera) Tiik 1'o.vtmaHtor-acucral has Instructed tho pukimnsier t Butler, Pcunsyltuula, lo roluso tho payment of money ottlera, or Iho cry or mull, bl) 1. Selilon Koldoti Is it telegraph operatoi who Is chawed with fraudulent ml loiue In ondlng out iH-tltlOiia for relief based on tbo (also pretense oi nisnaviiig oeeu siriCKeu vvun blind neio. Blmllar Instruiltoim havo beenlwuedtn the cam ot Wvnkoon & Harper, of No. 18 lllcccker street, Nov. totk This firm Is ohuigul with at lomptlng to durraud tho Post Otllco Department by Mleinplltig to clrculalo Chambers h'uciclo lcdla uuder falsu prclonscs. MISSING LETTERS. WHAT A rURTIIER SEARCH LED TO Ono of tlie Reports of Horsje . Usher Torpedo- Hosts mul Other Jluiillluns of War for l'cru-"Thp spectre or IhoPc railan Cauipau;.' The report of the circtoi of Ptntc, transinltlce; to Congress by tho Prctldint Thursday, Is as fols lows : Wasiiinotosi, D. C, March IB. To Iho I'M MUST Tho Secretary of fctote has tho honor to report that, since he has laid lufoio tho President, on lha 2llli of January tost, Ml thecnrrtspondenic foniul lu tho Department of Htnto coming under the call iff the Senate b) (Is risolutlonof ilio ltili of Do comber, ISSI, fort nrrespoiidiiico touching affairs betwoen Peru audi hill, n fuither search ninong tlio files lias resulted In lindlng or ono of the re ports or Mr. Horace N. Usher, mintloticd rm pogo 7si of the printed publication of tho (orrcifiotid ence herctoforo trnusmltted A ropv of tho pnpoc tlins lound, telng Mr. Fisher's letter to Mr "cuard, or November 7, 18S1, Is hcrovvlth stiliinltlcd ,st relating to tho snme subject Iho hecrctnty of stato Iransinitsiicopy ol n letter of the 8th instant hum mii iioitAir v nni n, with which ho sent hlllicr copies of two of lha papers hcrttoforo reported ns missing nimelyi his litters of July 11 and Jut) II. 1S7!, rcporllng tho coursonf ovents on Iho l'aclllc Const It will bo obscrvod that Mr Usher Is not oblc In rcpro. duio his letlernf November 1K7U, havliigretalucJ. uu cony thenar, bill, tho origin il Utter having been found, luoxplnluid above. Iho series of Mr. Fisher's ictleis Is now complete Thetccrctnryol Stitoalsotransmlls ns coming npinriully within tlio purview or Iho Senate's resolution ft tersonat note or tho Chilian Minister, Mr. Marllncr, lo Iho late Asslstur.t becrctar) of fctoto. dated November 2t, 1M. This paper secnu to havo been over look! d by the clerks who collected tho corre spondent o pre'! loud) submitted II Is now laid beforo tho President fur transmission totlieKenatn In order that tlio nsnono of the Department of tftato to tho resolution of December 13 may. bo as cempicio as possioic A lllVIKWrD AND KXltAl'STlVT. rXAVfls' ITIOV of tho files has filled to show that nny other pertinent papers had been rccitvcd prior lo tbo date of thu last transmission, January 21, 18tt2. or to discover am of tho missing papeis save Iho let ter of Mr llsncr or November 2, 1870 In hi' flrt letter to Mr. Seward, which Is dated "08 Guatnqull, July 13, 1870," Mi Fisher suvs Hint upon Ids arrival at Asptnwnll ho nntktd somo largu boxes on the cars, which attracted special attention as being at least suspicious. Subse quently ho heard that the captain or tho s'comer cu roufu fiom I'anama to Culloo had refuted lo ro echo the boxes on board his vessel, lit causo ho heard that the) contained it torpedo boat for the 1'cruvlnn navy, although Invoked as n "launch" for the guano company at Citllao Upon being In formed of Ihe suspicion which existed the Brllleli consul orderctl n Ixmrtl of survey. "Objection wero mado to opening Iho cases In qiiosllon,nit tho ground that thej contained Iraerlenn go-d, and out) a 'guano launch,' shipped bv Grace Si Co , New York, to their noisK tv cut. to. But tho boxes wero oucucd anil found to contalii n cigar-shaped torpedo-boat, built by Minims, or iiaiuiuorc. ino agent in ciuirgc. mining inattiia Irsul uasdlscmcrotl, ndmlltul tho fad, and salt! Hint six other bunts wcro building, nud would bo sent to Peru by way or the Isthmus" In connec tion with thashlpincut of thaso boxes, Mr Usher ni)s, "As the boat was fully comnlete, icnuy to uo put maciuiT, it seenn to mo to patent n groto queMloit whether such shipment Is not ft viola tion of neultnlll). it i mo ol culpable mi.ll genco on tlio part of our Government and Its old i litis In New York, If not of those or Hie Isthmus" T he letter further stales that it was a "notorious fait at Piinainii thai munitions of war reported to liicliido S0,(K brccch-loadlug rlllet and cartridge from Ibo United Stales, 'wore car ried from Panama la Callao by a Peruvian steamer. HON THIS ioint Mr. Fisher sns "Whatever ma) be tho precau tious adopted by Ihe Irtamr) Depnrtmiut atour fei ports (nud In nddltlnu thcieto our ollliluls nb" tho state uud Treasiirv Departments on tlto Isthmus may perform oillclont scrv Ico us pnclfciy nstliuiHirls of Aspluwnll nnd Paiinmii nre frco lsirts, and to ascertain ixtuul exempt from tho, Jurisdiction of the United states of Colombia,' which, In Hie present disturbed Hato of their lr ternnl ntinlrs, linve llttlo or no control over tho Hate ofl'iiunma), vvheiiwocoiKlder that the Pat ama Railroad Company la united nud operated hy tiuorlt-ius, tbul Asplnwall Is owned bv tnoPnclllo Mall "tcamshlp l oiiipanj and Hint tlio contra baud goods a ro shtppod under our Hog nud pratti ciiliy remain su until liati.thlpped at Panama, iho question or icxpoiislbillt) lor such contraband ol war set ins to belong more to New York than to any other country." Mr. I IvhtYs sitond commu nication isuioreli adetnlhd ntcouutoftho sltim lion as lie found it upon arriving nt Gun)nqull, mr fisiirit'it inn it dated Llgua, Chill, November 7, 1S79, nnd ml dnsscd to bow nrd, fa) S, "Die (luvernoi of this, province has Just show u ino thu dlspatili of Scuor Santo Maria. Hie Prime Minister or Chill Thla dispatch confirms ullli lull) the successful landing of the Chilian ntmv nt Pisagun, lu Porn, nud tho operations thorn. By last week's moll I wrote lei my old General, A. McD. MiCook, at iiriny head quurtcrs, explaining my views, ami mak. Ing somo important suggestions I ros questid film to loufer with General Gar field, uud thin. IT )iit both approved tlio stiugis- Hon, lo present the same to his Minds, tho Vreii- ucni nun uencniiMiermau, nun nisnm.str secre tary l'.varts It )ou show Cieuoial MeC'onk this letter nnd ask him, he will undoubtedly show II to you. Thov lews tlniu given nre confirmed even moro strongly, nnd hud I tlmo before the mall closes I would nnd )OU n topy of It for jour In formntlon. In my Judgment Iho crisis of tho war Is closo nt hand, and Ihonpnortiinit) alluded to In my letter In General McCouk should bo care fully considered " Mr. Martinez, in his letter to Mr. Illlliiuderdala of Ligation of Chill, Washington, 1) C Nov em ber .'i, lfcSl, says. "Ifoigol yesterday to tell sou what ono of my friends in Nov York has communicated to uu-. Ho tells me that Mr. Adams, Minister of tho United Btatis to Bolivia, had given out Hint he carried instructions or great sevcrit) against Chill, and that hu hated thattnuiitiy lie added that in his opinion Chill should not ask tor an) other terri torial nuuaxntloii In the deicrt thou as far oa tbo tvvi-nly-thlril degree, and that It was i occssnry to havo thu guano nnd snll-pclro workid by am Aiuiilcin company. I till von what they hav ti told me, but I nlwa)a find, 111 the Information thiu reaches me, tho spectre of Hie 'Peruvttii Corn company,'" Thu ItllliH' I'n I r. The attendance at tho fair of the National lllflci last evening was cxtrciuel) largo nnd tho receipts wero proportionately nattering. Tho voting has. already aroused an Interest that will lu tho t lodn;; daj s of tlio fair bring it goodly storoof cash to the. cullers or Iho Rifles, At tho tplunliu Jennies Ld. Hay nud J 0. Mauson made things pirtkulnrly lively nud collected lit coin with comfort ublo nud comical casts of loiiuteiinuce calcu lated to call forth uiihlnatloiis from tho crowd. Hie commlttco havo announced Hint tlio fair wilt cloao licicaftor lit eluvtu o'tldik. Iho following nights have bien selected b the soveral military nrganU illoiis ol the illy for visiting thu fair: Mondft) night. Union Veteran Corps, Tuisdny iilglil.Wiishlugtou LlglitGuard, W'ednesda) night, Wiishliigton Light Infantry Bnttullou. A hand 6omo silver pitcher has been set apiut as n prim nud will bo pru-iiitttl to thu most popular pints printer receiving the highest number of votes, Slilrfinulllil'.s Cuutlllltm. The last number of thu i'onifori l'.ngtnecr gives li second paper, ombrnclng it revlow of tlio sanitary coiidltun or Washington city aud tlio necessity of taking measures lo relievo thu city of soiuool its most essential sanitary defects, It dlscii'ses tbo plans of Civil lhiglnecrsGmiavinKnrivlcso and Benjamin Hoi crsun, und lu the next nrtlclo will discuss Unit of George i: Waring, Jr Of the plan of Mr. Hovoron tho Solidary Hmjlnter ia)s . " Wo regret not to Hud any valuable suggestions lu Mr. overtoil's plan, which It a document tilled with superlative, and display Ing u sad Ignorance ot lLo elements of h)draulli. ' Hie llxoiliii Muccr. Tho Great Original l.xodus bingors, assisted by Madamo A. bmallwuotl, tbo talented prima donna of this lily, uud Messrs. Dltou aptl Powell, ol Plilladclplilu, and Professor Blschoff, will given grnud concert tit Congregational Church thin ivcnlug. Hie progtaranio will coiblst of solos, coiicirti-diuiisli. and "Liodtis" silectlous, andJ judging by tbe last performance of this company, triirbc an attractive one. Tliuiatlny'a I'uiilliniuiluiis. The Senate, tu ixecuilv o session Tliursday, con firmed the nominations of Willis M. Haycock, collector uf custom, district of 1'iusouinquoddy, Maine, II M Putney, collector of Intermit, levcnue, district of New Hampshire, JJlin B. Weaver, or aurlh carolliin, coiiml alixiilaj II t Paikur, uf liidlaiia. iiinsiil ut bhcrlirook, Canada; Robirtsoii, ,ji. pustiiimiir at Troy , N. Y. Tliu Itnt 1'iusa Tieiitlra. 1 he 'eiiale In executive sessloiiTTiursday unani mously ratified a declaration submitted to it by President Atlttur, on the 3d Instant, that the United btatcs nccedalotho Geneva conventions of Au gust 22, lhtvi, nnd October M, 1W, " for ibt aiueRo ratlon of iho vvouudeil of armies In the field' coinuioul) kuovvit as tho "Red Crusa treaties." i . i . Tlliiirsilus'a Noiiilunllons. Tho President Bent tho followlug nominations to tlio Scuuto Thursday: Henry P, Farrow, col lector of cuitomi for the district oi Brujisvvlok, Oa , Lewis M Pleasant, collector Internal vnue ful tho third distrlot of Otiorgla. flU-Jfoiiii fuller. Mc. Shcrmnn, In tht bonate Thursday, pre, Edited a protest from many ex-Uslon soldiers aialiist iho passago of any, bill rsttorlus to lbs. rolU of Iho iinuy J7it4-;hU IVrKfi