TALKlNHllPERATOi Annual Session of the District Womans Chris tian Toniporanco Union Full List of tho Delegates and the Or ganizations Represented Interesting Reports Presented Showing the Oood Work Accomplished Through Their Efforts Stirring Aililresscs Mario nt lie nvemiib Session Slis C I Ultell lleliinrks Tho Womans Christian Tomporanco union of tho District of Columbia assembled In an nual session yestonlay morning at tho Metro politan church and hold throo sessions at morning noon and night Tho nttond anco was very crodltablo representing local toniporanco soclotlos all uudor tho fostorlng caro of tho union wliloli num bors in Its ranks many ladles of energy and Intelligence Tho woathor was propitious and during tho session tho sun now and thon Btolo from behind tho Icadon masses of cum ulous clouds which scurrlod fltfully across tho sky and flooded tho apartment through tho numerous stained windows with gladdening Talnbow hues and n mollownoss which trans formed tho handsoino decorations Into a plcturo of oriental beauty Thoornamontatlou of tho interior had boon tastefully arranged by skillful hands Ovorhanging tho pulpit wero tho national colors draped in graceful folds and beneath tho word Wclcomo connoctcd with tho motto of tho association For God nnd Homo and Natlvo Land On each sldo of tho chancel woro tho mottoes A school housu on ovory hill top and no saloons In tho valloy and Tho cup which choors butdoos not Inobriato A largo plcturo of Mrs B H Hayes graced tho contor alslo and scorned to umllo bonovolontly on tho nssomblago from Its background of flags nnd bunting whllo portraits of Mrs Clam L Roach and Miss Frances E Wlllard shono out from dense masses of potted plants on olthor sldo of tho pulpit Iiaro oxotlcs in swinging baskets woro suspended from ovory available point making tho enttro Econo ouo of enchantment In tho nbseuco of Mrs Clara L Itoach nrcsldent of tho union Mrs 0 It Buoll Focrotary of tho National Womans Christian Temperanco union prosidod Tho following delegates presontcd their credentials Womans Tomporanco union Mrs M M Chapln Mrs It E Hartwoll Mrs Anna J King and Mrs Ilaunum Central union Mrs A M Litivlllo Mrs Wm Burris Mrs L D Iandou Miss Ilzzlo Kosslor Mrs Sarah Lclghtou and Mrs Margaret Weaver Ana coatia union lira Dr A 1 Bogors Mrs S P Abell Mrs Annio Powoll Mrs Jas William son nnd Mrs Cornwellj Southeast Washing ton union Mrs Emily Moimtt Mrs A H Davis Mrs E A Mocker Mrs M Scott and Mrs Jones Northwestern union Miss A A llcrcus Mrs T Williams Mrs Harmon Mrs A J Brandt and Mrs Sarah T Grant West End union Mrs M Wcscott Miss Mary Emmott Miss Mattio Holdorby Miss Cora Gangowor Mrs Toruandoz Mrs God frey Gorsuch Chapel union Mrs S M Dovo Christian Church union Mrs Alico Miles Mrs L S Wclghtman Mrs Emma Shelton Mrs Garrot Mrs Lilllo Bridge Foundry union Mrs Lvdia II Tllton Miss Clara Ball Miss Eva Dcnhani Miss Teenlo Cammack and Mrs Freeman Capital Rnll road union MrsForry Tennallytown union Mrs G H NIcman Miss Cora Hlncs Sirs Dr Gilpin Mrs Lizzio Wcndoll and Miss Annio Brook Northeast Washington union Mrs Benson Sirs J Mullen Miss Ella Ben son Sirs Itlchlo and Miss Faulluo Stonton burg Soldiers union Scrgoaut Allen and Messrs Maglnnls Gardner Allen nnd Funk Soldiers Homo union Mrs J W Bowan and Messrs Green Alexander Forinan nud A Wngnor Trinity Temperanco union Mr TJ Hamilton Mrs Jano Douglax Sir T H Vanco Sliss Katie Johnson Miss Laura Taylor and Bov J W Valentino Asbury Tcmpomnco union Sirs Henrietta Footo Sliss Kntio Star tin Sirs J E Carroll Sirs Mnliuda Parker Sirs Martha Sowoll Young Womans First auxiliary North Washington Miss Androws Sliss Diotrlch Sliss Bonton Sliss Whcolock and Miss Llllle Sloorc Second auxiliary Navy Yard Bliss Nan Whlto and Sliss Llbblo JS Moflatt Third auxiliary Christian church MUs S A Sunning Fourth auxiliary South Washington Miss M Louise Strobol Fifth auxiliary Wcsloy chopol Sirs Cora Dennl son and Sirs Emma L Smith Sixth auxili ary Sirs Hondlov Seventh auxiliary Groco Church union Sliss Emma Broun After tho roll call and seatlug of delegates communications from Sirs Boach wero read extending grcotlugs and explaining that her absence from tho convention was duo to tho serious illness of her sou Tho president ap pointed Sirs La Fetra Burris nnd Bowan a committee to reply to tho communications Miss Jeunlo Smith tho railway evangelist was introduced at this point and unanimously olcctcu a inemtior or tho union riho ox ecntivo commltteo roported tho committees Credentials Sirs Silas Kosslor and Sirs Dr resolutions Mcsdaincs Tiltou I following Hartwcll Bodgors unapin nnd Sloflatt minutes Slcsdamcs Boach La Fetra and Mayso plan of work Sloadninos Burris Bouson nnd Footo v Officers for tho ensuing year wero then elected as follows President Sirs Clara L Boach corresponding socrotary Sirs R E Hartwoll recording saorctary Sirs L II Tllton assistant corresponding socretary Miss Lizzio Kessler treasurer Mrs S D La Fotra Sirs La lotrn was empowered to act as presiding olliccr during tho absencooftho presldont Votes of thauks wero oxtondod to tho retiring officers Sir Hannah Whitall Smith was elected a member of the conven tion Tho soldier delegates requested that Sirs J W Bowan bo contiuuod as superin tendent of tho work among soldiers Tho election of auditor was then taken up and Sirs Anna Sloulton ro olcctcd Tho troasuror of tho union Sirs Sarah D La Fetra submlttod hor annual report It showed that tho balanco from last year was 1511 Tho lccelpta during tho year woro 76517 which added to tho uiliiiico from last year mado 78081 Tho disbursements dur ing tho yoar wero S77 11B leaving a balanco In tho treasury of 0i Sirs La Fotra in a noto to hor roport ssya It is my plcasuro to acknowledge a contribution from A SI Brnndt omi of 2000 neatly printed blank potltlons for prohibition in tho District of Columbia for which ho gonorously paid 25 Till ArTEKNOON session Tho afternoon session convened nt 1 oclock Sirs 0 B Iluoll presiding Tho following additional delegates presented tholr creden tials Sirs Mangum Miss SIngglo King Sirs Smithson and Sirs Hunt of tho Gorsuch Church union and Sliss Hcndloy of tho Young Womaus auxiliary of Bylaud chapel An hour was devoted to Biblo readings by Sirs Hannah Whitehall Smith who illus trated hnr subjects lu a practical and almost pictorial maunor Tho roport of tho corresponding secretary was thon submitted by Sliss Lirzio Kessler assistant secretary It shows that thoro aio now 17 unions in tho district with a membership of 511 Four now unions havo been formed this yoir Central union Sirs A St Liiivlllo president organ ized Juno 15 1871 has lOlmcinbcrs Womaus Temporaaco union Sirs Chapln president orgaulztd In spring of 1871 has 10 inotnbors and 250 In tho Jnvonilo organization West End union Sirs Wcstcott president organ ized Slay 8 1631 lias CO membors nnd 20 con tributing members Membors In jnvonilo organization 101 numberof chlldron pltdgcd GO union located at Foundry SI E Church Sirs Tllton presldont organized Decombor 1681 has 10 mombors and a flourishing tem peranco suclcty n tho Sabbath school Tho union nt Bouiiings has not hold meetings for several months and thoro is no report Tho union at Anacostla Sirs Bogors president organized Dc 1 1 1870 has 1 1 memburs Num W of mass meetings hold 45 Slombers of Jnvonilo organization 70 Thissummeropon air mootlngs wero held undor tho auspices of this union whloh woro largely attended Southeast Washington union Sirs Sloflatt president orgnulzcd Fob IK 1880 Mom Dership 35 Thirteen business mootlngs and tweuty two publlo lacotlDgs were held Thoro THE KATIOKATj 3iEPUBLX0AN WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 26 1883 was much to encournpo tho union tho past year lu tho cnthuslastio meetings hold In tho Fourth Street SI E church Tho mootlngs nro now hold In n houso whero liquor was formorly sold Northwcstorn union Sliss Herein prosldont organized Slay 1881 Slombcrship 33 Slombcrshlp ofjuvonllo or ganization 101 Mcotlngs held 33 Chlldron pledged 10 Opcn nlr moetlncs woro hold In a grdvo near Boundary stroot ovory Sabbath for two months nnd much good was dono Flfty nlno persons have signed tho pledge Tonuallytown union Sirs NIcman presi dent orgnulzcd Nov 5 1832 Slom bcrshlp 21 South Washington union president Sirs Dove organized Oct 3 18S Slemhorshln not given Sol diers Tompcrnnco union Sir G Kolloy president organized at tho nrsonal Starch 21 IPS Slcmborshlp 150 an Increase of 75 slnco last quartor Numbor of adults who signed tho plodgo 75 Tho work nt tho Sol dlors homo recontly organized Is progress ing favorably nnd n numbor havo slgnod tho pledge Tho work at tho orsonal Is reported as having boon vory successful as woro also tho meetings hold nt tho camp near Galthors burg Union nt Trinity SI P church organ ized Aug 20 1833 Slombcrshlp CO Slom bers In juvonllo organization 35 A union was formed nt Asbury 31 E church Sopt 10 with Sirs Henrietta Footo as president Tho union has linil access to nlno colored churchos but tho lateness of tho season has provoutod tho forming of other organizations but tho work will bo nttondod to this fall Boforcnco is mado to tho publlo mootlngs hold nt various tlmos during tho year and to tho distin guished tompornnco workors who dollvored nddrosscs nnd through which much good was accomplished Boferonco is also mado to tho Interesting parlor mootlngs hold at tho Tomplo hotol and to tho rccoptlou given Sirs Boach all of which woro productive of good Sirs Dr A P Bogors prosontod an inter esting roport on Sabbath school and Juvonllo work of which sho Is superintendent Tho roport shows tho numbor of Bands of Hopo In tho district undor tho ausplcos of tho W C T U to bo 15 numbor of chlldron who signed tho plodgo during tho j car 1301 numbor of bands organized during tho yoar 0 amount of monoy collected and oxponded bv tho bands 22110 The first band organ ized during tho yoar undor tho ausplcos of tho W 0 T U was Sllssion Band locatod at Lincoln mission which has a membership of 275 chlldron Engloston band was organ ized at tho North Carolina avonuo mission in East Washington nnd has a momborshlp of 150 and Anacostla band has n momborshlp of 107 Tho numorous othor bands nro In a flourishing condition Band of Hopo moot lngs will bo resumed In Masonic templo bo gluntng Oct 5 Bands havo been orgnnlzod In tho sovornl orphan homos also in Sunday schools whero nractlcablo Tho latost band organized was worthington band which was instituted last Sunday at Worthington hall cornor of Sovonth nnd Boundary stroots with twouty fivo pledged mombors nnd tho follow ing officers Bliss Lowis prosldcnt Sirs Dr Harris vlco presldont Bliss Ayro Bccrotory nnd Blaster Harry Ayro treasurer Tho chlldron of tho sovornl bands havo begun tho publication of a papor known as tho Sunbeam which Is circulated exten sively Tho roport Indicates that tho Juvo nllo work is in a hoalthy condition also that tho suporlntondcnt Mrs Bogors has bocn hard at work An instructive nnd nblo report was read by Sirs S SI Hartsock on scientific tomporanco Instruction in tho schools of which sho is superintendent Tho roport says such edu cation alms nt tho univorsnl education of tho pooplo In tho sclontlflo fact3 which nro tho foundations of tho tomporanco reform A bed rock of solid intellectual conviction of tho evil offects and dangerous tondencios of alcohol and othor Intoxicating liquors such ns could bo established by a universal In struction of children In tho sclontlflo and modlcal facts bearing on tho subject would bo of Inostlmablo vnluo In promoting tho cause of total abstlnonco Tho idea of such Instruction is comparatively now but has nlroady boon Indorsod by many educational hoards and legislators throughout tho coun try Grammar schools high schools ncado mlos colloges and unlversltlos nro giving sclontlflo tomporanco Instruction from works on Alcohol nnd Hygiono Tomporanco Les son Books c nnd by oral Instruction and lecturos Now Hampshire Vormont Blichi gan nnd Slinnosota havo special loglslatlvo nets establishing tomporanco instruction in tho publlo schools Italso urges doclslvo action by tho board of trustees of public schools of tho district in adding to the curriculum sclontlflo tompor anco Instruction and states that tho outlook is encouraging Tho rending of this roport was followod by n discussion on how such an oud could host bo attainod Sirs Hannah Whlthall Smith favored tho passago of laws by congress making tho mat tor compulsory to which Sirs L E Doano replied Wo havo no laws horo whero thoy mako laws Another dologato said A law should bo pissed making a toxt book on alcohol nnd hyglcno part of a scholars outfit Sirs Deano nroso acaln at this point nnd said I havo Just boon Inspired Wo dont need laws Lot such books bo introduced Into our Sunday schools no law will bo re quired for that Sliss E Lowls said I think somo of tho public school tcachors need such Instruction 1 know of cases whero tcachors havo sent children under 10 years of ago for pltchors of lagor beor during recess tlmo nnd in ono or two iustancos during school hours An Interesting roport was submlttod by Sirs SI E Cohen on temperanco litornturo nnd publications A dopot for such publica tions has boon ostabllshod at thoTomplo hotol and 10000 publications woro distributed dur ing tho yoar indopondout of tho Firrt dill a temperanco organ for tho soldiers nnd tho IlViifd Itibbon Ailiocalc which aro publlshod by mombers of tho unions tho former by a mom bor of tho Soldiors Tomporanco union nnd tho latter by ouo of tho young ladies unions Tho roport on lccislntlvo and potitlon work was thon road by Sirs B E Hartwoll which showed that slnco tho last annual meeting this dopirtmont has sent to tho prbsldcnts of unions in different states pot tlohs o ho stencil asklncfor a prohibitory lnSf In tho District of Columbia to bo pro verlted to congress at its noxt sossion Simi lar potitions hnvo bcon circulated horo and many slgnora havo boon obtained Bofor cnco is mado to tho fact that tho commltteo nppoarod boforo tho Unitod States sonato commltteo of tho district last year and thwarted tho efforts of tho liquor dealers to havo tho law so changed ns not to rcqulro an nual petitions for llccnso Boforcnco is also mndo to tho fact that tho condition of tho liquor traffic to has bcon presented to tho district commissioners and rccommondntlons and changos havo boon sug gested which it is bollovcd will bo produc tive of good Last year aftor great oxcrtion tho liquor saloons of Uniontownworo proventod getting llccnso This year tho membors of this union aro making tho samo offorts and nro san guine that tholr labors will bo crowned with success again Tho roport of Sliss Cora B Thomas on youug womans work was qulto oxhaustlvo It shows tho following young womans auxil iaries Auxiliary No 1 of Hamllno roported Its organization upon Jnu 13 1881 with a mom borshlp of 15 which has binco been incroasod to JO and which has hold 22 semi monthly mootlngs received tho uamos of 15 adults to tho plodgo ottractcd 100 mombors to its ju vonllo organization and olocted Francis V Andrews as prosldcnt nnd Francis A Whco lock ns secrolary Auxiliary No 2 of Fourth Stroot SI E church reports its organization of Slay 13 1880 a momborshlp of twonty four tho eloc tlon of Annio SI Whlto prosldont and Gortlo Bartlott as socrotary Auxiliary No 3 of Vormont Avonuo Chris tian church reports Its organization in Octo ber 1831 a momborshlp of thlrtoon tho elec tion of S A Sumny as presldont and Blary B Clabaugh as scctatary Auxiliary No 1 of South Washington re ports its organization in Soptembor 1881 a membership oftwonty two n Juvonllo organi zation with sixty members tho circulation of about 2000 copic3 of tho IlViifo Ilihbon Advocate and the election of Loulso Strobol as prosldont und Jenny Bydor as secretary Auxiliary No 5 of Wusloy chapel roports its organization InNovombor 1881 a mombor shlp of oightoon tho election of Mamie II West ns prosldont and Sadie E Whlto ns sec retary tho signing of the plodgo by ten pur sons tho holding of a series of successful soclul meetings Ac Auxiliary No 0 of Qraco church reports its organization in April Iff1 n membership of twenty tho election of Emma Brown ns president nnd Bliss Sillier ns tocrctary tho iioldln g of public mcotlngs ic Auxiliary No 7 of Bylaud roports Its or ganization on Slay 22 1833 a membership of thlrty thrco nnd tho election of SInrion B Hondloy ns presldont and Tcco Cogswoll as secrotary Iu an interesting rcsumo of tho work ac complished during tho year tho report con tinues to show that two nuw unions wero formed making sovon In nil nud Increasing tho total membership to 100 Tho mootlngs In various churches tho press and printers rocoptlon tho meetings at tho Protestant Or phan asylum iYc oro described TUB EVKSINO SESSION Tho evening session was devoted principally to speech making recitations and music Sirs Anna SI Liiivlllo presided nud after scriptural readings nud prayer introduced Bov E D Huntley 1 I who dollvorcd an address of welcome to tho delegates and tholr friends Ho referred in glowing tonus to the work being dono by tho ladies all oor tho land and said they had inspired n temperanco tidal wavo which would swoop from tho Pacific to tho Atlantic Sirs C B Buoll secrotary of tho National W 0 T TJ was tho noxt Bpoaker Hor dollvory was pathetic nnd oloquont nnd kept tho nudlnuco upollbouiid Sho said that thoro aro 75000 women onllstcd in tho W C T U who nro nt work battling for God nnd homo and natlvo land away up in tho frigid north down lu tho sunny south on tho rolling prairies of tho west nnd nwnydown oust nt tho jumping oil place It has bcon iald that tho tompcrnnco women havo gono into politics Yes alio remarked with vehoraenco but tho liquor traffic wont In first and wo followod them Tho tompornnco women of Amorlcn aro on tholr trail Sovoral touching incidents of tho crusado woro then rolatcd and referring to tho Bauds of Hopo scattorod over tho country tho sponkor said Thoy comprise a vast army of children Thcro nro hundreds of thousands of thorn marshaled undor tho tomporanco banner Thoro is another army Tho young Indies of tho land aro organizing nud doing groat good becnuso when tho young ladies take tho lead tuo youug men will not bo found lar boulnu Thoy havo organized kitchengartens in nearly all tho northern and enstorn cities nnd aro instructing children how to mako homo pleasant In tho samo cltios thowomon havo gono Into police station work nnd each station is furnished with a police matron to minister to foamier prlsonors Tho railway men nro organizing too under frmalo inlluonco So nro tho boys iu blue Numerous unions havo bocn organized among thosoldiors and sailors Tho colorod peoplohavo bccomolnfectod with tho great work and nro forming organizations in all of tho southern states and wo havo ovon ponotrntod tho stolid ranks of tho Ger mans nnd Scandanavlansaud thoy aro join ing our army Sirs W H Popo then sang with splondid effect tho solo No Drunkard is Thoro nnd tho Bylaud chapel choir rondored sovoral se lections Slits Ida Bodgcrs recited in a thrilling manner Tho Drunkards Death Sirs La Fetra read tho following letter from Sirs Clara L Boach Doarly beloved graco bo unto you nnd peace from God our Iallicr nud from tho Lord Jesus Christ 1 thanlc ray God upon ovcryremombranca of you Through tho nllwho providence of a lov ing llcavenIyrathor I am absent from your midst watching by tho bodsldo of ray precious boy Your tondcr sympathy lu theso dajs of Borrow maul fested by loving messages left at my homo and coming to mo through tho mall have cheered nnd strengthened mo llio Uod of all graco Is with us Wlillo tho cup Is bitter yet If our child Is needed lor heavenly servlco wo glvo him hack to God without n murmuring word Ilnv tho preicuco of tho Holy Spirit rest upon you dear women of God during tho con vention Let all thl orb ho dono decently und In order and let us glvo unto Htm who litis re deemed us nud led us blowing nnd glory and wisdom nnd thanksgiving and honor and power nnd might forever and ever Yours In His com forting love Cuba L ltOACU Sir Snxton vlco president of St Patricks Total Abstluencosoclotyof this city was then introduced and mndo an earnest and Interest ing address Ho said tho Catholics of this country aro not indifleront to temperanco Thoy havo hundreds of organizations nil over tho United States and now ones aro rapidly springing up Bluny notnhlo divinos of tho chucli aro cntorlng upon tho work nud suc cess is almost assured Tho moeting was then closed with tho benediction Till TAX SATE What District Collector Cook Snys About It A Intgo Kuinlicr Vayltig Up You commoncod tho tax balo to day did you not asked a Republican rcportor of District Collector Cook yesterday Yes was the ropiy Wo commouced with tho As and I may sny that wo finished that lottor hut tho paymonts of ndvortlsod proporty aro coming in vory rapidly About 2000 was rccoivod yostorday audovorf 5000 has been rccoivod to day Thoro has been a bottor disposition to pay shown this yoar than over boforo hasnt thoro 1 Yos Indoed You can icadlly sco when I tell you that tho entlro Iovy was 130531131 and on tho first of this month tho arrears ouly amouutod to 17027733 Thnt shows that thu citizens aro desirous of paying tholr taxes and qulto a porcontagooi thoso arrears havo already boon paid I doslro to glvo thom all tho opportunity I can consistently with my duties undor tho law and thoroforo shall not Issue any certificates of salo until aftor tho first of noxt mouth How about proporty thnt has boon sold to day If tho ownors should pay up butweon now nnd Saturday Well I should consldor that thoro had boon no salo and tho proporty would bo ro Moved from Its burden and romnin in tho possession of Its present ownors How much proporty wns sold to day That I can hardly say Thoro wero many persons who could not bo present whllo tho actual salo was going on nnd so thoy either called and loft their bids for certain proporty or olso sent thom and to day was occupied chiefly in looking over theso bids As I havo said howovor a good deal of tho taxes on this property has boon paid to day and mora will probably bo paid before tho week isovor Thoro has been no chniigo in tho law gov erning tho salo thlsycarfroinlastjliasthoro No tho lnw governing tho salo Is tho samo Thoro may bo somo Important changes noxt year howovcr Can you iudicato what tho changes will bo Not yet Thoro has bcon nothing dofl nttcly settled and tho ideas aro at present undigested Whon I mako my annual roport I shall thon put thom into dofluito rccom mcudntloiiH How much money was paid in ponalties last yoa r About 100000 of which nt least 45000 was a clear gain to tho district This sum was enough to pay thu oxpenses of all tho of ficers in this building Doos this proporty which you nro now soiling hnvo tho bcnullt of tho 5 per cont in duction in case of paymoutV Yes this did but tho lovy which will bo mado on tho first of Novombcr will not Tho collector closod by expressing tho hopo that tho larger portion of tho ndvortlsod property will bo relieved by paymont of tho toxes by tho presont ownors and that but a comparatively small amount will havo to bo roported us sold American Wine In Europe Sir Spoor tho Now Jersey producer of Tort Wino has an offer from cortalu capitalists to purchaso all his wino for shipment abroad Thoy clulm that Sir Spcors wines nro unex celled by any production In tho world Or ders from Dresden nnd other parts of Europo havo boon flllod by Sir Spcer during tho past year and thoy havo bocoino vory popular on tho othor sldo on account of their vnluablo modlcal properties Sir Spoor refuses to soil his winos to ono firm or soil out his business his bolng tho only Oporto Grnpo Vluoynrds in tho country Ho claims that ns ho lias spont twenty six years of his lifo lu bringing theso grapos to perfection In this country nnd to maturo a wino that ho will not ut this tlmo of lifo lot go out of tho family ouo of tho handsomest vlnoyards In tho world that will bo a boon for generations to como For salo by druggists If You Are InttifwUil In clothing and who is not tako a look through our vast establishment whoro you can soo ovory stylo represented lu mous nud boys clothing Eisjsman Biros cornor Sov cutU and E WOULDNT SlAllIC Till TKEES An OM Sycnmoro 1lniitcit liy Judge llrnil Ity Cut Down Tlio Lawyer Indignant Forty six years ngo thoro woro but twenty threo rosldout lawyors In this city On a bright Stay morning In 1837 whllo n largo number of theso lawyors wero loitering about tho place whoto street and Louisiana nvcnuo meet Sir Joseph Bradley now ono of tho oldest members of tho bar planted somo sycamore seeds One of them grow and flourished until It beenmo n treo and this treo has been n favorlto among tho many of whom havo sought nnd enjoyed IU sliado in summor wcathor It camo to bo re garded as ono of tho landmarks of tho city nnd wns nursed with tender caro by all On ouo occasion it was struck by lightning and slightly shattorcd but iu splto of tills it grow to bo nearly ns high ns tho old Bradloy law build ing which was erected about tho samo tlmo tho seeds woro planted Tho younger lawyors lu days gono by hnvo climbed Into its leafy top nud tho bark on Its branches boars tho Initials of not n fow now well known names Tho cldor mombors of tho bar who did not havo tho nlmbloncss to climb had tholr iuitialscut thoro by othor handflNoarly ovory limb was covorcd with initials which in many instances woro cut so closoly together ns to ho nlmost Illegible Sir Bradloy In par ticular took It upon himself to look out for tho wolf iro of tho treo and ho has saved It from destruction qulto n numbor of times Otico uudor tho board of publlo works rule ft was marked for destruction to mako room for tho smnllor trees but tho lawyers oxcrtcd themselves to such an extent that It was spared But all trees havo tholr day lu this world and Its day camo nt last It has been cut down Yesterday morning bright nud early n colored man throw a thick ropo over ouo of its limbs and pulled himself up nmong thom When near tho top ho drowup a saw with tho nld of a holpcr nnd began to cut off Its topmnst branches Tho treo was nearly down whon tho lawyers began to ap pear on tho sccno Great Indignation wns expressed nnd thoy Implored tho woodman to sparo that particular treo but it had to go nud nil thoy could do was to stand by and sco tho heathenish work go on When Judgo Bradloy who Is 62 years of ngo arrived tho crowd drow bnrk nnd lot him soo what was bolng douo With tonrs in his eyes tho old gentleman Bald I foul as though a part of my lifo was being destroyed If I wero ns young now ns whon I plantod that treo thoy should novortako It down As tho day woro on nnd all traces of tho grand old tree gradunlly disappeared tho lawyers gathered up bits of It as souvenirs somo taking a plcco for a cano nnd others contenting themselves with more chips nud twigs A part of tho trunk was shaped into a hugo block and saved for Judgo Bradloy All tho lawyers woro vory Indignant about tho matter and said thnt ouo of tho import ant landmarks of tho early days had bcon ruthlessly destroyed Workman woro nlso engaged yestorday in cutting n walk through Judiciary park from tho door lending to tho roglstor of wills olUco to tho oast sldo of Fifth stroot In cutting tho walk two largo nnd handsomo trcos woro destroyed whllo a spaco lined by trcos load ing to tho two points wns nvallablo but not U6cd Tho two trees destroyed nro old ones and as thoro aro but fow trcos iu tho park both will bo missed Lkwisvillk In Boy J S Cain says I used llrowns Iron Bitters for uorvous prostration and found it entirely satisfac tory A Quiet Wcditlng Tho marrlago of Sir It SI Sparks of tho surgeon generals ofllco to Sliss Josio Gran tham daughter of Hon J P Grauthnm of Iowa took placo last ovenlng nt tho rcsidonco of tho brldos parents No 10 Sixth street northwest Nouo but iiiimcdinto members of tho families wero present Doth tho con tracting parties aio much esteemed and havo hosts of friends who wish thom a pleasant journoy through lifo Thoy woro tho recip ients 01 mauy nauusomo presents and in stead of going on a wedding tour will Bcusibly sottlo down to tho realities of homo lito FIIch mill Hug iFllcs roaches ants bedbugs rats mlco gophers chipmunks cleared out by rough on rats 15 cents A - Great - Problem TAKE ALL THE iidney and Liver MEDICINES RHEUMATIC DYSPEPSIA Catarrh few HAY FEVEfJ ceuts hy mall or at clmmjUta AirUIIrlJllW4Wl60 PURIFIERS REMEDIES Anil Indigestion Cures AGUE FEYER And Bilious Specifics Brain and Nerve Force Rovivors GREAT HEALTH RESTORERS IV NHOHT TAItH ALT Till iriST qilnll lie fiTiill time uml Hie bOMt ftinllllfof 11IIII11 brut JtleilloliicH f llin Worlilnutl you it 111 flml I Iml HOI ilTTiiES liutu lit litnt curnllvo innlllli mill iinrror ill IoiiriiilruUil In tliviu nml Unit tlirr will ruro ttiin niij iinillnr tliene alnclj or oiuiibliiiMl full A lluiroiiKh trial will irlvti iiiltlvi Iniof oflliU do not NToint thi kyntfsi WITH VIOLENT OATItAItTICS THAT ItAOIC AND TJliYK AND WKAKIJN TIII1 UNIOHTU NATJ INVAM1 HUT 10NI3 THK BlOJIAOir IIKMHVN THU HOWKLS ItlXlUJATH TIIU iUYjkanii niTitKsu Tin nuhves with iTVHUAN f ISIlKKVlMCllVC NlilTKIt AiiiiiKrwiiiN Tim rmsr svjutoms oriiiiNESH AiiUAit a iionunjiijauiruri iiTiiiVLHCiNr intAUuur ih jjot to hij iroiiNi and a stow ioiunt ituiwny fou DYHllSl IA JIIJIOUSNiajH CONSTIPATION nihvou hkadacuk como and omn kuai uwiimty dous Nor lixisr hold 11 v all Diiuuaism ELYS Croiun Itulm When npplleil by tho lliiKvr Into tliu nostrils will boalnorbod UHiU iinlly cIcansliiL the liciul of cninrrhul virus musing lienliliy necru tluus It iilloyalniluiif mutton proticts Din niiintmiiuMirilio ursil luiuiHiies from wMI llonnl colilu compltti ly hiuls tho nore uml rctorin nenso of tusto nuUemtU Vol a Itijulil or Rnuii A fow applications relieve A tluirovuh tuatmrnt will curr AurepAlilotnnin Haml fur circular Price no II LY RltOTIIEIIH ico wimVy Citilors No 415 Thirteenth St NW BcconJ door north of lennsyhanla nvcnuo I am ploasod to stato that I havo juat rocoivocl a special importation of FINE WOOL ENS from loading London housos roprosonting tho cor rect Wost End Stylos and havo now oponod out at tho above numbor ALPHONSE G SELTZ IMlOKTUU AND TAlLOlt KIMNCI HAllITfl nnd II VlMVS A 8IKCtAITV H D BARR Importing Tailor 1111 Ponntu Avonuo WANIIINaTOX 1 O Ihiwo now Instoelc acomploto and carefully sj lected nsssitmcntor SPRING AP SUMMER vonntisiNd SUITINGS TROWSERINGS VESTINGS They nro of my own ImporliUton nnd IncludoaU of tbo latest nud must approved stylo X I X3 BARE J A GMESBAUER MERCHANT TAILOR 435 ninth Street near E Tbo llncst Goods nl wnj s on hand Cut and Madslrt Uiuiksiatirla c3nl VTT ILLIAM r EA1UE Or SOUTH CAROLINA COUNSELOR at law Dooms 13 and 13 Corcoran Building Special attention Riven to Claim Airalnst tbo Oov ernmunt nnd to llimliiosn In tbo hupremo Court ot Ibn Unllod Stalest ulso tu Co sen hefnru thu 1ederal und Hupreino Courts 01 South Cariillim J Allnnnv nl Tnn E Ituom No ft front room abavn 111 ila cntranco War- ner imiiuinir am J street uummeat lUAltLlS CALVliHT LANOASTKlt ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR OUTICE 1313 r BTREUT rraetlcoln tho Hiiprcmo Court of tho Unitod Statm In the Court of tho District of Columbia and tho Kxccullvo Departments Special intention to Claims and Collections JiJ THE EBBITT WASHINGTON D C ARMY AND NAVY HEADQUARTERS TOUR IRON llltU ESOAlES Tcrmi B3 nnd 61 Per liny THE LEXINGTON New York nvcnuo nnd Fifteenth street rorniniieut Transient and Tublo Hoarders neenm updated JI J COLLEY rpllll SIT Alt EUUOIEANlLAN JL Till st nnd renuanc WahliiKton D C II C BOWERS Lato of tho Arlington and lort Wm Henry Hotols gT j a si i is iioti c fON THE litlllOPriAN ita k Corner Sixth street and lennsylvmilanvonuc Cnrriiigcs nn i6tii ptSTABLISHED 1833 JOHN KqDEIUIOTT 11R0S CARRIAGE MANUIACTUREItS Steam uspdl 110 remislvnnln n omie near Third uticet wet Washington 1 C CutrlnitM nnd Har ness received ou storngo und sold on commission Cnrrlnces repaired r U OLCOT1 LIVERY AND BALE STABLE Rear of 11M I stroot northwest Hnndorao Cnrrlai M for Calls Receptions Ac Ac Couuecled with Telophono ExihatiKO lluo Hnrsoi and Turnouts ulwnyson baud uud lur salo All or dirs promptly attended to AEont for llorso CllppliiR Jfnchlna Tonnn mahit Thomnst remnrknblo Remedy of thn nI i ho only preparation that will euro Him In A valuable ruuedy for euro ol Lameness Remuvus swcllhiKS and liillamuiatloini 1 lllss Spavin Cure docs not blister or blemish Wo furnish positive 01 Idonco or absolute ctiies JVouiidiinillsputedteslluionlalsolSpavlnH removed LIlliNSpuvIu I iiruttllUurf Splints und llliiKbonis Deecrlpllvobookswllhtcsllmonlali scntfroe Any SIOIitsji as leader limy seoiiofroo pamphliL Owners of lmno horses nenil postal card 10 us Hundreds or on res desurlhed In uur hook Read cnrelully nnd you will bo convinced Vo only nsk 11 fnlr trial fur Klllss Siiavln JVopriinio Condition lowdors and Hoof Olnlincnt Hi avolow iters Worm Pimdernnd folio Iowdei s All Ihiwo 011 salo nt DritK Storesund Hnrui 3s Doulcrs Price of Elliss Spavin euro II perbottlo For furthir particulars Irm books JSo lvrllo to Ellis Spavin Cure Co No 00 K 11 11 bury Stroot Jloton 9Insi Or lll Ioilrtli Atoime Jy30 ly Nmv Ynrk Ague Onre IS WAIUIANTHO to euro nil enses of ma larlal disease such ns 1cvcr nnd Ague Inter njlttcnt or Clilll Fovur Itcinlttont Forcr Dumb Aguo Bilious 1ovcr nml Ll or Com plaint In enso of falluro nftor duo trial dealers nro authorliod by our circular ot July 1st 1882 to lcfiiml tho money DrJCAyopCo Lowell Mass Sold by all Druggists NEW EXTHESS STKAM VAUKET L1N15 yon riiiiAiiiiiirA wtniiiNUioii axu AIIIXAMtltlA AIPlllMlu bAllUNU DAYS rrom lH ILA DELlHIA every butunUy Km From WASHINUION evory Monday i p 111 iuroUKb nnd proiupt tonuucllou with New roilc lloston Ittll River uud nil points North Ihtoiua Hills iJidriiitKlTon Fteluht reoelved and dellyerod daily unlU Jp m W 1 OL YD U CO aonral Aniuu IUUadolpUl JH Joiinoosj tic Co Aiits lthnudi3lh8t Wbixvc4tiW XMSiU H W WMninilon DO ftratltrs dJuir a S1 T AITIStOUU AND OHIO RAILROAD TICK itODELIAsT AND THH ONLY LINn nn Wrhv 1UIS I3A8T AND IHIJWhSTviA WASHINGTON UOUDLE TRACK1 JANNEY COUlLKIU BfLKL ItAILai LoavJ Whhlt0pnvct NDAY jrAYHHU jiSasft ai crnr f y lutrS1St0olll LouMvilIC Mid St Louis rruuh n Mi0 wtn IhmiiSU wit 11 Si MiftnSllr 10 nbovo points SaiurK dMIy to Chlnwii oicopi eoiicirHiLUilnd and HitrolvMll 111 for1lllpniannd New York nttloa m I rsrVipHV 1 P and IMOn 111 dally MiilVn Wilii tltn ntlnolinl i0ro on ikilvi S i W It 1 10 WmijAi Wa W11 1 J 511 s 4 4 6 0 7 a 10 mu p m V t0u m1 l0l Wa Sunday 0 r nt ti iu Vor snvniktlons between Washlinlnn nnd IUUI more Jiioa in 18 iupin3t4 in7 iiiit It ntp 111 liirrtnllonioii Mcliopulllan llrancn Till dally ex cuitHundiiysso mm 1 11 nnds ilp in dally for htau 11 ton Oium dnllyeiceptsundnvi fur lluiterv ccsuldrayCrlc1C8nla 10154U P Sm m dally except Sundiy 8M in dally Tinlnrrl0 from thoWest ally 0 M T15 a 111 Zi s leil p ni Fiom New York nnd riilladelphla 2H Si ftro dally nlij p in ilally txrept Hiimlay h roni Aimnjiolls Ma m JW u37 p mi Suudny I04n Km CJ7 111 1 rum siuunlnn 211 m ilally except Humtir rmn lnnlcrlck and Inlermoiliatn jiuluts 835 a m 11a 111 1 1 43 p m ami K00 i 111 dally except buudayl 10 11 111 9 p In dully Irnni toluliit Ruck lrnlnslf ivo llaltlnioia for WiMhltiKton nt 24 11 S 40 Tils Tai D nln nml lirtiln i llt Kin J jlW 5 A W I unit 111111 m On Sundu I 4 li lv 7ajn and mm ik in 1 10 4 in a ail tin and 11 n nZ imn iitini viuihiisiuii niupai jieiny aiation cxivpl 4 p ni Tor further Information nppty nt tho Ralltmorn an I Ohio ticket oillrot WMlilnKtonNtmloii on nnd mi IeuiwylvniiUnviMiiic ciirnnr ol lourtoTilh struct s hero onlem will ho taken for bniaio to bo chocko I and rorelviM at auv point lu tho illy W M CLKMKN1S U of T llalllnioro and C 1 LOUD Ql A TIS1B15s8VTVAIrtA UOUTH STLEL RAILS SIAONiriCENP I aunMErTC IN KK11SOT Ji 1 Y ISsiT r ku - TRAINS L1CAVE WASHINGTON from Station 1 ofbl ith nnd II Uriels asiolluwsi 1ilVurK d tliu West Clilciiiro Limited Er Ftr wtco Slecplnit tan at IKTiin m ilally iHc fr n 111 ilally wlih slernliiK Can from rirPturt tnntl Wmlirii imprints TM p L1I wl Iahico Cirs til Illtslmri and Ulniln oconiHi ti except Hnturilnys for tliirnco v wm 11 with Meop Kinii1rll1ritu hlrairn JInll Express 950 ly or l lisliuu nml tho Won with laloco fiLhK ar Wnnhltulmi to I Inrnen T-nil-1110111 AND POrOJIAO RAILROAD t w tinandnlKtia Rochester llullalo Nlaari vll iVlAv oxeept Saturday with Ialnco Cart liunni 0 ami HurrlburK i For Wllliamsport Lock Haon and Llmlraat 0 II n 111 dally except Untidily I or New York and tho Last 8 00 am10W n in 2W iniiil 10iin On Sunday 4 5 0 5 1 mill 10 p m Llmlioil Etprns of Pullman Par- tioriV IU1VU IS oxupt Sunday ror HoMon without cliaiiKo I i m ovory uny On Sunday Prop 111 lor llrooklyn N Y nil throush trains connect aj Jersey tlly with boats of Uruoklyii Annex nITord J UK direct trnnslnrto Vinton street nvoldlundoubla lerrlaun across Now Ynrkcllv lor lMillnclclnlila 00 n 111 1010 a m lnatH id 10 jo p in on Sunday I J and lo li p nJy Limited Lxprosuao a mitilly except Sun- lor linltlmorc 1 10 SO0 tn n A lOMOn in nnd 11 -3 iA0 c W 7M 050 nud 10 i p in On Sun I day v30 10 0 a in ijo sj 730 IM0 noil 10 w p ml Tor Iopnn Creek inv 1140 a in nnd I li p 111 dally except Sunday For AunnpoluiO 1v1nnnl 4l0p m dally oxeopt Alix aNDRIA ANn ritEDEIUCKSUUHO RAIL Tor AUxaiidrlu U10 720030 II and 11 10 a m I on 4 0 6011 in 0 s 00 and 1 130 k m Ou suudayat ISO li Si and 11 11 n in 8 Ou p m For lllchmuiid und tho SouiliUJO nnd 1100 n nu ilally and 5 00 p 111 dally except Sunday Trains Icavo Aioxundrla for Washington 0003 01 luiNnnd ioo n 111 ijo 3oo t7 5io uu and VIOp in und 100 midnight On Sunday at SO nnd 10 oin 111 1 700 nnd if 10 p in Tlckiis nnd Inforinatlon at tho oulco norlheaas corner of lhlrieintli streotnnd Pennsylvania nvo mio nnd nt tho edition whero orders can bo loll foe IhoihccMiiir or hamma to dcsilnaUon lroui hotols nnd rusldowe J It WOOD flcncrnl Passonior Agoilt CHARLES li ruaiLUaneralXdnmiicr AND OHIO RAILWAY TllE NEW TRUNK LINE TO THE WE3TJ AND SOUIHWLST On nnd nner SUNDAY Juno 10 18S1 passenger trains of Ibis routu will leavo Wnshlugion Iroru U A Bci AM IIIRUUUII MAIL dally except Sun UiiylorCluclmintlLouliivillouiid Local stations ul U t a Hy blcopirs NV bllo Sulphur to Hunt Inittou t10 1 JI LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATf S1IORP LINE DAILY Solid train with Pull man cars to loulivillo nnd Itlclunond to Cln dunnii without ibango arrlvltitfnt Columbui 4 VI p iuLoxlngtou Jy s 40 p m Cincinnati- p m and Louisville ft 15 p iil Counoclln at theso cities with throiiRh trains to all points West bonthwost nnd Northwest 10u15 p iil Nleht express dally oxcept Sundayjlbc Ashland Ivy t olumbus Ohio und Statlom on C A O Hy Pullman slicplnB cars to Whllo Sulphurnnil Columbus - 11KW 0 in for Newport News Old lolntnnd Norfolk dally except Sunday arriving Old 1olnt 7J0 NorlolkiMOp ni Apply C t 01U olllce 611 reninylvnnla nvennn VJI Itv olllce 001 lennsylvanln avenue ana II A s a 011 rULLER Oenoral Iassengcr Agent C W SMITH lloucral Manager T HE VIRGINIA MIDLAND RAILWAY UiUlHUNK LINE TO THE SOUTH SOUTH- WLSl Al WU31 Sehedulo In effect HEPrEMIlER 10 1811 8J3 A M Niw Orleans Mall dally inaklnB closo luniiicllous 10 all polnls boulh and somhmiit dully except Huiidaiw llli C A O Ry lullmaii Slut plug Cirs from Washliiitloii via Danvlllulo MoiHKOiniry and Moulgoniory to New Orleans albo ahlugtoii to New Orleans via Lynchburg nud IlrNiol 5 10 P M Loul n lllo Fast Llnodally via Charlottes Mile Huntington nnd Lcxluglunto Incluuatl Loulsvllli uud all Westiru points making dlivct iiiiutillons uud with Holla train und Pullman SkeplnsCars Washington to Louisville 10 P Mull and Express dully toall iioluta South and snulbntnt vli Uanvlllo and Iharlntte dally axctpt Sunday with U A U Ry luduiau hleeplug Cats Waslifnglon to Augusta Ma liurlntle nud Charlullii lu Moitgoiuerj lullmun Sleeping Curs Washington to Whlto bulphurspiliig Manassas Division train li aves Washington nt s 1 n in dnlly 1 xrept Sunday Warruiiton trains loavu Washington nl fsljn in and 5 lop in dully For Uckots nnd all Information Imptlre nt Com- pnuys ulllce Wl leuiisylaulu uoiiuo or at Uu on M0sLAUlIITEIt N MACDANIKL Ooueral Passenger Agent Agiut SOL HAAS Irnlllo Manager OHIO AND WIWrERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY Trains nrrlvo nt nnd hnvo fmni 11 nnd 1 Sixth atrict Ropuius follows Aecom arrives biiliu 111 dally Mall arrives Ti5 p 111 daily uxcupt Sunday Mall leaves I 11 lu dally iiept Sunday Auoiu knei I p in dally oxiopt Sunday 1 m Suudn s only a trulu will leuvo at 8 0 1 p m Oummututloii tu kern not bonnn d nu Sunday tiulns bo7v S M HltOPHY Huporlntoiiiliiit Sltiimbont iiitiJ To Norfolk ForUvss Monroo imtl iho iSoulli IMPORTANT ANNOUNOEMEN 1 OH NOIJ 01 SCHEDULE COMMENCING M0NHVY SEPT SI 1583 THE POPULAR siEAMEH GBOECrB Xj13K S Carrilng tliu Unlieil Slates mall will leavo Suvcnth streit wharf on MONDAYS WIIDSUIDAYt anil FRIDAYS UWIU p in Riliirnlng lemo Norfolk from Jloslonwharl iinTUI HDAYH I HUUDAYH nml SAIUItDAVS ut I 11 in slopping nt VINEY POINT nud CORNFIELD HARlluR inch way Round trip tickets to Nurolk and Fort Monroe I IJO round trip tkkits tu llucy lolut und Corn Held Hurhoril This Is tho ouly linn thnt rnnncrts In Norfolk with IhuROsroN and lUOVlDENUKSlEAMEltS Tu Now York 9 W lloslon nnd IroN Ideuco jli73 1 his luuluiles Mutouiom berth and minis Oiuueits nlso with Nnwlork und James rher Bleuuiuis und thn Norfolk and Wcsturiiaudsouboird iiudRuaiiokumllroadsi at Old Point nlth thudics upeiiko uud Ohio inllroud lasuKi nud rooms can bu secured at llullimnroaud OlilollrkutOlllie lour tiouth KtHwt and leuus5lvuula nveiuiei St Mnro bolili Polkluhorns next to city pmiolllrei olllie of Knox Lxpri HS slxlliMnot uud luniisylvanla nyo line and nt oinpauy s olllce Hevnilli Bluet wharf KNOX LXIltl sS lllo ill fur and ihnk baggaso from hotols niuf prli nto nsldeni is Irolghtreielvwldully uullUP nu uer W 1 WELCH Agciit General Huperlntcudout Portress Monroo Norfolk and the South Safe ami lMcsnut Steamer LADY OF TUE LAKE and JANE MOSELEY Fare 0 cents Meals served 011 tho lluroprnu 11 11 11 after Octobor 1 1333 MONDAY WEDNESDAY and Flit DAY at 530 p in Ruiurulng leavo Norfolk Tuesday Thurnl ly and Saturday lOI OMAO RIVER LANDINGS StonmerThonip 011 leaves Monday Wcduosday uud Irldaynt 7iu in Furu tt rents NEW YORIC B tKAMERSi H C Knight nnd John Gibson nlUrnuUly leave New York Ilor 41 E It every Sniurday at 4 p in nud Oiorgelowu every Fri day innrulug For Information apply at Oeneral Olllce 613 Fif teenth street or nt Companys wburf foot of Sixth street AlFRIJD WOOD Sicrotar ILO R llIILLIlS bupotlutoudviut