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DEVOTED TO POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, HOME B ASTRUP, LOUIS VOL. T 1 poirbmse fftariou. ^tblishv-^vkiiy f ^dav ^ twums oîr«bscription' S. One year, in atÙnce »f JJ Six months i -- r Three mourns , . adverting rates. : T tnq 3 uios I 6 mos | 1 year. & Oi 5 0 $6 50 9 50 8 5$ 15 00 10 Ok 18 00 20 06 40 00 40 0060 00 1 squar® a squares. 4 squares. 4 colnmn ^ column. 1 column. Transient advlisements will be in serted at the ratofl 50 per square of ten Unes for tbarst insertion, and 7o cents for each stteq uent insertion. - PROFESS3NAL CARDS. Franirausrhan, ATTORN Y AT LAW,, Bastro Louisiana. Will practice i the Courts of More bouse and West troll. Special atten tion to the collect of claims by suit before the Magistiës Courts. D. C. ATTOKNE' AT LAW, MONDE,';La. Will [practice i State and Federal 'Courts. aprilll-y SvlJMM! AErr, ATTORNE AT LAW, Bastrop. (mi.siüi'.a. Ollice—SouUi-eaacorner of Pnl>!ic Sqre. Will practice idie courts of the 14th',Judicial Diset composed «1 tli* p*risliesnf Moronse, Ouachit»and KiolilttiiJ, and in tl Supreme Court at Monroe. julylö-y J.\B. BUSSEY........ Will poictice it] Jiidici*i 1 Jislrift. ' df Moreliiiuse, OiuiU n the Supreme the Federal Courtfi Olli«*— East side! . ATTORN]']} Bastrop, Wi 1 i practice in tlè •Tiiflicial llisl.rict. cor ishes of Morehouse, Kiel)laud; juxl also i'< Vluiou, Ftiukliu, Ca *n4.Iacks(|i, and in tl *t Monroe, |joui«i»n».! -he par-" Richly-«^ nn<1 h T] y t yf 8 J SO î R Iquare; im.t. hall r I LA W, Sie 14th pho- par and (sites of taboula le Court Ttdd St ATTORNEYS ~XT"LA W, Bastrop, Louisiana. Practicc in the conrtiof the 14th Jn dicial District, compose« of the parishes ofMorehoisc; Ouachita and Richland, and in the Supreme Coirt at Monroe. Office—Jefferson streel opposite pub lic square. — S ^i_ OK. F. C. Ota 1", BASTROP, 4 ( Offers his professiodal 31 vices to- the eople of Bastrop and Vinity. Can bo found at Lia residence, or i the drug store ot Dr. A. 1 j . Bussey, win not profes onally engaged. feb9-y Geo. B. .liar ab I Jff /> BASTROP, X« VWHj- tonnet my profeonal services to Unpeople of Bastrop ,] Morehouse parish. When not professially engaged, can bp found at my residco on<i mile eas oitown at night, an&t the Drug f b9° A ' L ' y the da ^ LUÜKBER! LUJBER ! ! Having leased, for a teiif years, the sawmill of Mi. J. D. Ho we wo are now Soliciting Orders for amber. AH of the maciinery ig 0 f ti best qual ityiin the beat repair, and «will guaban?ee satisf W ion. 0rdeiï forluiriber will bo fi%romptly. W. L. &, T. j|>OSS. eus SMF cy Barler, 1 •N20E, Louisiana. ® Kindermann Bailing LUMBER ! LUMBER ! BILLS FILLED ON SHOT NOTICE AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ! Cypress a Speciality, AND AS CHEAP AS PINE Mill six miles West of Bastrop. Free Ferry at Magnolia place. W. K. HENDERSON. ESTABLISHED 1871. THE CITY DltUG S' A. I, BUSSEÏ, Bastrop, Keeps constantly on Supply ofj FOREIGN AND DRUGS AT GREATLY RED£ Chtmicols, Patent Medicine Toilet Artij Perful flCES Fine Liquors Const; I'reseriplio hours, Srind/q He manner. A. L BUSS Tobacco, and Cigar il Purposes [Hand i prepared at all ,1a the «lost relia f City Drug Store of m The ! the put we" [NO NEW. respectfuHy informs Tai cases i G. F. *0 [stTCCJCSSOK TO RAWLlNni & MCEfiKLL,] COTTON FACTOR AND Commission Merchant No. 45 Union St., NEW ORLEANS. S- 3?- BÜATT, ORAL SURGEON, Offers to the pnblie hie professional experience of thirty years in the above speciality for» the treatment of all dis eases peculiar to the mouth and preser vation of its natural organs, the teeth. Charges for all dental services graded by quality and character desired, to suit the times. For dental substitute*, from $15. $60. $75, $100, #200, up to Buatt's celebrated improved gold plate, $350 for full sets, recommended as healthy, and to perform the functions of mastication satisfactorily as to kind selected. Without previous arrangements, cash is invariably expected. Moved to new office, near the Baptist Church. Dentistry. DE. M. J. MAS&ENQILL, dental surgeon, respectfully offers his professional services to the people of Bastrop and surrounding country. All work warranted. Office—first doorsotith of F. Vaughan's law office, and lately oc cupied by Dr. MeCreight, The Morehouse Nursery, One Mile Above Point Pleasant, On Bayou Bartholomew. The undersigned is now ready to re ceive orders for fruit trees for next fal delivery. Ail trees guaranteed. marl4-y JNO. MULHOLLAND. W m. H. Graham BASTROP, LOUISIANA, Brickmäkcr and Layer. Is prepared to do all work ertrbsted to hhû quickly and in a workmanlike manner. Tombs, cisterns, chimneys and other work solicited. Orders left at H. D. Vaughan's will be promptly attended to. * aug22-6m ir. jrt. washbumut, STATE AND PARISH TAX COLLECTOR, Office at A. L. Bussey's Drag Store, BASTROP, LA. Police Jury Proceeding An Ordinance Appropriating Seven Dollars and Fi» y Cents to bind in book form thiofficial journal kept on file by Cldfc of Police Jury. Se<tioiV 1. Be it ordained by the Poliei Juryvpf the Parishof More houseat its December term, 1879, That lie sum of seven dollars and fifty «tits, or so much thereof as ma yifè necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to pay for the binding in book form the news paper kept on file by the Clerk of the Police Jury. Section 2. Be it further ordained, That Mr. J. S. Handy, Parish Mer chant, be and he is hereby author ized to have said work done, and upon his certificate that the work has been done according to agree ent, the President of the Police r Jury is hereby authorized to issue a warrant in payment of same and that this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its pas sage. Adopted December Uth, 1879. W. T. Hall , President. G. A. Spyker, Clerk. An Ordinance Declaring Henry Clay a Pauper in Ward Ito. 2. Section 1. Be it Ordained by the Police Jury of theParish of More house at its December term, 1879, that Henry Clay b< and he is hereby declared a pauper,jand that the sum of three dollars be| and the same is hereby appropria^ for his main tainance, and Join W McGowen be appointed to daw his allowance. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained That this ordinané take effect and be in force from aid after its pas sage. • I Adopted Decenber 9th, 1879. W. T. HL li , President. A. Spyker, flerk. An Ordnmce its reguljr December term, 1879, that Franci Morton be and he is hereby decided a pauper, and that the sum of three dollai-s per month be and tfe same is hereby appropriated for Is support. Section 2, Be i further ordained that Thomis Gey be and he is hereby appointe* agent to draw said allowance, aid that this ordi nance take eifec and be in force from and after it* passage. Adopted Decetber 9th, 1879. W. T. jUxx, President. G. A, Spyker, Jerk. ) An Orijnanoe Declaring Ellar Backer a Pauper. Section 1. Be tordained by the Police Jury of tfeparish of More house, «t its De«eaber term, 1879, that Ellar Pacler' be and she is hereby declared t jauper. Section 2. Be it.urther ordained, That the sum of be dollars be and the same is herefyappropriated for her maintainance md that this or dinance take effeti and be in force from and after iti passage, and that Wm. Thompsoi be appointed to draw her monthly illowance. Adopted Decewer 9th, 1879. W. T. H ill , President. G. A. Spyker, flerk. An Chanance Appropriating 915 to repair roof of court house, Jerk's office, and cfturt house qjimi^ys. B® it ordain® by the Police Jury at its regular tic. term, 1879, that the sum of $15)e and the same is hereby approprfted to pay for re pairs . on cour house roof and chimneys and rof of clerk's office ; and that the Shriff be authorized to have said wok done and on his certificate that the work has been done in a workianlike manner, the President of th* Police Jury be au thorized to Ttorant for the same whenever the Teasurer has f unds in hand on wîiifc he can warrant. Be it furtherordained that this ordinatfbe take ffect ffoin and af ter its passage. » Adopted Dec 9th, 1879. W. T.Hall , President, G. jk. Spyk <, Clerk. An Ordinance Amending an ordinance entitled, "An ordinate appointing Com missioners art Cierks of election in thft parish Df Morehouse. Sec. 1. Be i ordained' by the Police Jtwy of h» parish of More for preciiTI D. WimberT Martin be ap_ of election of No. 2, ward 2, resigned : that jl W. G. Shelton bc^ missioners of elect,- No. 4, wlu'd 4, vice sey and S. H. Stive! that J. H. McCormickJ commissioner of electior cinct No. 8, ward 8, vice Reilv, resigned. Sec. 2. Be it furthi] that this ordinance take be in force from and aftj sage. Adopted Dec. 9th, 187l W. T. H ALL , P I J G. A. Spyker , Clerk. An Ordinance Making an appropriation] the current expensdl of ish of Morehouse for] ending 31st Dec. a. d. ll Sec. 1. Be it ordaineJ Police Jury of the parish oj house, at its Dec. term, 18f the sum of ten thousand si dred and twenty-five dollars,! much thereof as may be nece be and the same is hereby« priated for the purpose the current expenses of Morehouse for tii^ Sec. 2. Be it fi< etc., That this orjj feet and be in foi its passage. Adopted Dec. W. T. G. A. Rpyker, An 0-r Making an appro]! claims jjù .ie police] ise, at its 1879, That the of eight hundred and sixty-! 5-100 dollars be and the sanJ, hereby appropriated to pay claii allowed by the Claims Committee at its regular December term, 1879. Sec. 2. Be it ordained that this ordinance take effect from and af ter its passage. Adopted Dec. 9th, 1879. - W. T. Hall , President, G. A. Spvkek , Clerk. The N. O. Picayune pulls off Its glasses and spits in the face of the Cincinnati Coipmetciâl in the following spiteful an<5 logical style : "The Cincinnati Commercial gravely assess that the news of the chimerical outrages in Madi son parish, circulated by the re liable Murre! I, and propogated through the country by Repub lican telegrammers and Mr. Howard Carroll, caused a fall in State consols to 36^. This is about equal to the Commercial's average capacity for judging the relation between cause and ef fect. That paper evidently thinks that all jwst hoes must necessa rily be propter hoes ; as for in stance, that tl^i publication of Tuesday mornfng's Commercial is the direct consequence of Monday's rise in cotton futures, or that the failure of Prof. Proc tor's meteor shower was caused by the Ute war. However, ad mitting that Louisiana consols declined to 36^ in consequence of Murrill's Madison parish out rages, bow is it that they are now quoted at 48^? On the same principle they must have gone up becaose Murrill's Madi son parish outrages turned out to be a pure chimera, originating either in. Murrill's fertile fancy, or in the invention of Mr. Wood ford and of Mr, Howard Carroll. You 3hould consider your ad versary as absent when his sen ses ^re departed,