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Matrimonially Successful. There is now living in Morrill tou, Conway county, this State, a woman who has been married fourteen times. She is now sixty five years old, and, matrimo nially speaking, she has been remarkably successful. Her i'Hirieeuth husband is now living !mt it is'not known how soon he m iy drop off, and, considering the epidemic that has raged /tinong his predecessors, his po nition is one of extreme danger. In the hall of the house where the lady now lives there are thirteen pegs driven in the wall, on which hang thirteen hats labeled John, Tom, Abe, Bill, and so on. The lady is well con nected; in fact, she has been ex tensively connected, She has a great many relatives living in Conway county, and some of them are the leading meu of that section,—[Little Rock Ga zette, DOT ISH SO. An attorney of Boston a few mornings since, meeting a Ger man friend who is not exactly "op" in the ..mostügapproved "Kings' English," asked him if he heard the news from Maine. "No, vas is dot ?" "They say that Maine has gone Democratic now the vote is counted, and the Republicans say that the Greenbackers and Dsmocrats stole the State the way they stole Louisiana." "Ish dot so ?" "Yes, that is what they say," "Yell," said the German gen tleman, "dot gheckeos comes home to stay all night, eh !" Cleveb Recovery —Just over a year ago two fifty-pound Bank of England notes were taken from the dining-room of a Mr Terrett, a tradesman of Bristol. A servant was charged with stealing them, and the charge was dismissed; but, on Mrs. Terrett searching the ashea of a fire-grate, there were found par ticles of tinder which, when sub mitted to ajnicroecope, were as certained to contain numbers and trace of the water-wark of the notes. The ashes were sent to London, and there subjected to further examination* with the result that the bank has at length refunded the money. The Cyrenaicjgold coin, which ; is likely to be taken by the Brit ish Museum, was brought to Capt. Gorringe, United States Navy, by the Arab who found it, and who said he could not pass it. The Captain handed him a piece of 20 francs for it, and the man expressed his astonishment and gratitude by many protesta tions of thanks, and by kissing his hand. The intrinsic value of this stater is about $5; but, for its extreme rarity and fine con dition, it is expected to bring $1000. ... t . ! m m The completion of the canal across the Isthmus of Panama will reduce the distance from New fork to San» Francisco, trom fourteen thousand and ninety-five miles to five thousand Oa going to the East Indies from New York ten thousand miles are cut off; to Japan, eleven thousand miles. Near a blast furnace at Ca rondelet, Mo., is a reservoir into which the exhausted steam and waste water from the boiler are sent from underground pipes. A tramp fell into this terrible hot place and was boiled to death so quickly that he did not stir or utter a cry. It is said that 5000 negroes have gone from Texas to Kansas this winter, and they are suffer ing intensely trom the cold and from hunger. Many of them are return ine to middle Texas, and many more would come if they had the MKS. BLANK 'S PIU'S-HEA!> Last Monday a lady of Zion commenced thinkiug on family economics, and the more she thought tb<* more evident it be came that her girl, who'had hith erto done the marketing, was extravagant, grossly extravagant. There wasAiO reason in the world why a few cents should not be saved each day, and in a few years when dark clouds of disas ter hovered above the horizon, or Words to that effect, a nice lit tle suftf would ba^savel for her and her Johnny to live upon. There was a firm determination in her eye when she announced her purpose to hereafter look after the purchasing of provis ions. She stalked dowu the street like a woman with a fixid itv of purpose, and shot into a popular meat shop with the in quiry: "Mr. Nannal, what do you sell your pigs' heads at?" "Ten cents, Mrs. Blauk." "Well, send me one." "Do you wish a large or small one?" "A big one, of course—the big gest you have," she replied, de termined not to be cheated. That night when the husband went home he was dumbfounded. Head cheese was everywhere. No chair c^uld be used for its proper purpose—head cheese on it; refrigerator, tables, piano, bar rels, all had head cheese on them. The wife had a triumphant air ing spell, and then explained: "Bargain of mine, Johnny. Bought a splendid head for ten cent from Mr. Nannal. Didn't pay, either; told him to send in the bill at once." On the following day the bill came. The husband's eyes were like saucers as he showed his consort.the paper. "Bless me!" she exclaimed. "What an old fraud he is, and I just won't stand it, now! 1 made a special bargain with him for ten cents, and he has the impu dence to sand in his bill for $9 oO. I'll go and see him right away and give him my opinion, now you see if I don't!" A few minutes later she was face to face with the butcher. "Didn't I make a special bar gain with you yesterday for that pig's bead?" I don't know,\I am snre; but if you say so, I admit it." Well, I do; I bought it for ten cents." 'Yes, that's right; that's'what we sell them at. You wanted the biggest one, and I sent one from a 1,000 pound porker, which weighed ninety-five pounds, and at ten cents ajpound—" Oh, bother the pounds! I said nothing about pounds!" "Did you expect to get ninety five pounds of pork for ten cents!' Don't say anything of this to my husband. Let him pay the rest." "I won't," replied the butcher, "but there is a Tribune fellow coming here often for items, and I'll tell him." "If you do, I'll kill you and him, too, the wretch!"—[Salt Lake Tribune. Remarks a writer: "A gentle band can lead an elephant by a hair." How, what foolishness that is to put into the minds of children. Why, ble>8 you, ele phants don't have hair, they just have hides, that's all. Perhaps a gentlejband might lead him by the tail, but mind you, we have our doubts even of that.— [Rock land Courier. Which is the most contemptu ous bird ? The owl; he hoots at everything. NOTICE Laud Office, Now Orleans, La., | January 16, l«o(>. ^ Notice is hereby giveiftlîàt til© follow ing named settlors have tiled notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz : Èmanne! l Jones, of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, who made homestead appli cation No. 277 f r north half of north west quarter of northwest quarte.t of section 22, township 20, north of range 5 east, Monroe District, Louisiana, and names the following as his witnesses, viz : Gns Jackson and Sylvester Jack son,of Bastrop, Morehouse parish, La. Also Jphn Jackson, of the same parish and State, who made homestead appli cation No. 354 for the south half of north west quarter of northwest quarter and southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 22, township 20, north of range 5 cast, at Monree District, La., and names the following as his witnesses: Henry Jackson and Cato Hostlovr, of Bastrop, Morehouse parish, La. Also Luke Fraucis, of same parish and State, who made homestead application No. 9, for lots 23. 5, t>, 7, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section three, township 20, north of range 5 east, at Monro« District, La., p. id names the following as his witiv -mîs, viz; William White and Wm : !:'.:Uer, ot Bas trop, Morehouse pari-h, La. WM. JV1. BURWELL. jan23-5t Register. U. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. Timothy B. Edgar vs. Miss. Valley Nav igation Company of the South and West. No. 8585. In the United States Circuit Court for the fifth Circuit and District of Lou isiana. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to me directed in the above entitled suit, I will proceed to sell to the' highest bid der on SATURDAY, the 6tli day of March, 1880 at 12 o'clock m., at tire main er trance to the court house, in the town of Bastrop, parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, the following described property, viz : In township twenty-two, (22) north range seven (7) east in land District north of Red River. The north half of south west quarter, section (6) six, also in township twenty-two (22), north rauge six ((>) east, in same district. Lot eight (8) and the east half of southeast quarter of section one ( 1). Also lots 2, -, and 8, aud the south-west quarter of the northeast quarter aud the west halt of the southeast quarter and the south west quarter of section twelve (12,). Also the southeast quarter of section eleven (11.) Also the north half of the north west quarter, aud the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thir teen (13). Also the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, aud the south half of the southeast quarter of section fourteen (14). Also lots 5 and 10 and the east half of the southeast quarter and the- southeast quarter ot the northeast quarter of section twenty-one, (21.) Also the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22.) Also the west half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section tweuty-six (2(5). Also the northwest qnarter aud the west hall of the northeast quarter and the south east quarter of the northeast quarter aud the north half of the quar ter and the southwest quarter ot the southeast qnarter and the east halt of the southwest quarter aud the southwest quarter of tfte southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seveu (27). Also lot one and the south half of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the north half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion twenty-eight (28). Also the north east quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-three (33). Also the north west quarter ot the northwest quarter ot .section thirty-four (34) in all 2421 69-100 bcres. Seized in the above suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. United States Marshal's Office, New Or leans 20th day of January, 18t0. JACK WHARTON, United States Marshal. Daniel Ncuwirth, Bastrop, Louisiana, BAKER and CONFECTIONER and in Family & Fancy Groceries, Consisting in part of Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Butter, Oranges, Apples, Raisins, Preserves, Jellies, Spices Sauces, Almonds, Pecans, Butter Nuts, Walnuts, Oysters, Lobsters. Salmon, Sardines, Canned Fruits, Stick and Fancy Candy, Fresh bread and cakes always on hand. Call and see me. I shall en deavor to make my prices suit the times. nov22 DAN'L NEUWIRTH. ESTABLISHED 1871. W- BMBljIlNrG'S Bread and Cake Bakery, BASTROP, LA. w. Embling's bread wagon delivers fresh bread in town, Prairie Mer Ronge, Bayou Bartholomew, Lmd Grove, and Gum Swamp when regular orders are re ceived. Special attention paid to the supplying of fish frys, barbecues, public dinners etc. Wedding cakes made on the shortest notice. june.28-y 'STRAYED OR STOLEN. From the subscriber on the night of the 18th December last, from Oak Ridge, one light bay mare mule about 15 hands high, branded on shoulder with letter D. Had on a Texas saddle and bridle. 1 will give a liberal reward for same. S- BOOZMAN. r?Wa tches 13 to $7. Revolver«. 12.5ft. Over 100 latest NoveltJee. 1 — J® A * M w *a ts '" SO'SttppljCo.K&afcviile.Teiin. E. Silbernagel, Sr. - DEALER IN And General Merchandise, Bastrop, Louisiana. We have now in store the largest an ! mo?t cornp'ete a -sortaient of general mer chandise ever brought to this market. Gentlemen?' and Boy?' Wear, Ladies ami Children's Dress Goods, Sheetings, 1) ii'ieptjcs, Kersons, Flannels, Drillings, Blanket.- TL kings, Jeans, Boo's. Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Wood and Wilicw Ware, Etc. Returning thanL'S for the past libera! pateonage received fron the people of Morehouse, we hope to merit and solicit a continuance of the same. J ames T. D alton, -Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, And Plantation Supplies, Bastrop, Louisiana. Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of goods consisting in part of *Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Shoulders, Pork, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Coffee, Spices, Soaps, Candles, Sauces, Pickles, Candies, Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Whiskies, W nes, Tobacco, Cigars. TIEDIE SI3STQ-Sj?t v ■ . ~ Sewing: Maoliine Acknowledged to be the THE BEST NOW SOLD. Beware of worthless imi tation machines. 3VE3FL- II. J. 3" OWES; is selling this celebrated 'machine in Morehouse parish, with headquarters at Bastr«p. Persons desiring the genuin« 1 machine should call on him. Machine» s old on the installment plan. DRESSMAKING ! Miss CABBIE WHITE and Mrs. M. A. B TN FREY, Having formed a Go-partnership a-e now prepared to Cut, Fit. and make orce in the best, style aud on shortest not Am also prepared to do S ^ »ping, ai..; have a. fine assortment of fancy goods all at cheapest possible rates. JOHN HANNAH, HOUSE & SIGN PATS TEE. —AND— PAPER HANGER. BASTROP, LOUISIANA. r^Stock taken in part payment for work. "WANTED TO KNOW ARE THE BRICK WELLS, Made by A. Curtis What they uro Represented tobe ? We, the nndersignod, who have had wells mado by Mr. Curtis are satisfied they are tho best wells now in use, bricked with good brick ami mortar. They are everlasting wells, cutting all seap water, and if we wanted a per manent well would prefer this to any other, and consider they would cheaper than recurbing an old well. We have been usiug said wells from one six years and are perfectly satisfied with them. G B Marable, M. D. J L Pratt James Bussey J Wm Brown Wm Lawhead A Fried ham J Lee Petti t Re.nj Silbernagel Sr E K W Ross B V McDonald Henry Schneider J Heurv Gray M D B C Hall H II Sanders Win P Douglass W E McMeans I could get twice as many names within two miles ef town. A. CuRTIS To those that wish to go into the bus iness, the plain facts are : I am liO year. old and cau dig and brick 30 feet in sand i in 10 hours with the assistance of two | common laborers. This is a weil three feet in diameter, requiring 30 brick to the foot. The price I a->k is $2 per foot which no one, knowing the cost of dig ging, etc , and the disposition tol»e made of the profits, can say is too much. I patented the well for charity's sake and will put, them down on the follow ing terms : 1st. Ten per cent, of the profits shall be deposited with the au thorities of the town, city or parish in which they are made, said fund to be ap propriated' to the benefit of the poor and helpless. 2d. The balance, 90 per cent, to be deposited in any safe bank subject to my order or my agents order. The reason that so small a portion of the profits are left where they are put down is that there is not more than one tenth of the United States that they can be put down in. It is a plenty and will clothe the naked and feed the starv ing wherever they cau be used. Not one çent shall be appropriated for education. While I doii't wish to 4 sell territory I can give employment to thousands for a roy alty. A. CURTIS. IMPROVE, STRENGTHEN .and PHt.SERVE the EYES —JJY JUSING— Wendell's Perfect Fitting SPECTACLES & EYR-G1,ASSES. —FOR SÄHE BY — jp. S. ROLLE1GH, JEWELER and OPTICAN, BASTROP, LOUISIANA. Spectacles and to suit any eye. Gold lings, breast-pins, shirt-studds, brace lets, cuff-buttons, watch-guards, and everything to be found in a flrst-class jewelry shop, inctnding the celebrated C alendar C lock , price only $15. Spe cial attention paid to repairing. All work guaranteed. Country orders promptly attended to. Wedding rings made to older. jany P. S. ROLLEIGH. OHAS. WINKLER WM. OHLK. WINKLER & OHLE, Blacksmith and Farrier Shop. BASTROP, LOUISIANA. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that tnoy have opened a shop at the Closson Old Stand and will do all work in their line, such as repairing wagons, buggiei, plows, etc. Repairing machinery made a speciality. We are also prepared to do all work in the lock and gunsmith line. Satisfaction «"""""d- WINKLER & OHLE. M. PJIXTOJY » Co., ÎOÛNDER8, MACHINISTS AND 25 ANUFACTURERS' AGENTS VICKSBURG, MISS. Tbis firm carries in warehouse full •ek of Plantation Machinery. Engines, forse Powers, Gin Stands, Grist Mills, ottoa Presses, Belting and Packing 'md ail kinds of fittings, etc., etc. And : n addition, have every department of idür large manufacturing and repair establishment in full operation. auscnet30-3m Grapes ! Grapes ! fJiRJETIES. f-riep—25 Cents Apiece. Apply to JOHN L PRATT J Harvey Brigham Isaac T Natt' , D M Evans (tiles M Croxton John R Brodnax W T Hall II II Naff J S Handy Jeseph Levy J T Dalton T [H Sparks Mat Levy W RMcCreiglitMD J H Joues A L Anderson J G Flewelltsn the A Weekly Newspaper Published BASTROP, LOUISIANA, Offers Superior Inducements an Advertising Medium, We are Prepai d te turn out as good JOB IVO IIIV AS ANY COUNTRY OFFICE In the State TEEMS OF St'BSCHIl'TIO.' One year in advance 2 01 Six months i 1 .'(> Three months 7 Reasonable Discount to Those win Advel tise by the Year. IT IS INTENDED TO MAKE Tlie Clarion A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE The Hamburg High School After a recess for the holidays, our ex ercises will be. resumed on MONDAY, JANUARY nth, 1980, and continue six and a half months, or 26 weeks. This school is now in the best possible condition; discipline strict; instruction thorough ; and payments prompt. Ail persons with average children and ready money are invited to send; AND NO OTHERS. One bundled and thirty two dollars will pay all school expense, except books and Music, tor the entire six j,and a half months in the house of the* undersigned. No reasonable man can complain ot the charges it he will examine the work done. D. C. 11. CONNEKLY. J D. HAMMONDS JOHN M. OADDIS .1. fincknky smith. Hammonds, Gaddis & Co, COTTON FACTORS, —AND— General Commission Merchants, 65 and 67 Carondelet Street, SEW ORLEANS. Will make liberal advances and sa" on consignment, cotton,sugar, molassei% rice, tobacco, wool, grain, live stock and country prodnce of all kinds. Havini? favorable connections here and in the West for the puichase of supplies, nl 1 orders will receive strict attention, an^ J the interest of patrons will be c.ost'V ^ guarded in t price, packing and Ireign t ontract. aQ ^ ^ S. T. W. Meek's GENERAL AG ESC 1 For portable and stationary engine« of different styles, saw and grist mu' cotton gins, wagons, buggies, cane an a sorghum mills, evaporators, and i in pre) 1 ed agricultural implements. Persons u 0 sirous of purchasing would do well, ar receive advantages by buying throuj , this agency. Address,^ Hamburg, Ark., by letter, who will promptly respond person. Reters to Messrs. John Bus« . ' A. L Bussey, W. A. Harrington, Loi. Wm. Brown and Hon. Jas. Bussey. COME AND SEE, Mr. A. CURTIS is offering his best brick for TEN DOLLARS ™ ^L, SAND. Now is the best time to « >p"ff your side-walks and nnder-p_ y houses. Call and examin^t^j^ ^