THE BOSTON POST, FOE 1860, [ESTABLISHED NEARLY FORTY YEARS,] HAS ALWAYS been one of the leading New« papers of New England and one of the beat modiamsof ADVERTISING. By increased enterprise in furnishing a live and reliable avirs -papnr. an d by recent reduction in firice, the circulation of the Boston Foal has been argely increased. To advertisers few papers can offer equal ad vantage» e.ther in the extent or the character of itsreaders—North, South, East or West. Business Cards and Mercantile Advertisements particularly solicited from South and West. subscription term» : Boston Post, Dully $10 per annum. Semi-Weekly 4 " Weekly 2 " Specimen copies sent un applicatloa. BEALS, GREENE & CO., Publishers. 40 à 42 Congress street, Boston, Mass. decWSm. ^ Most Unprecedented Excitement! The Store Crowded with Bayers! The Most Elegant and Magnificent STOCK OF Carefully Selected Merchandise, —AT THE— Corner of Lafayette and Florida Sts (l. bonnkoaze's old store.) OWING to the absolute necessity of departure by the 1st of February, bargains can lie had at the above place, for a short time, at prices which defy all competition. REMEMBER, it is at thb Corner of Lafayette and Florida St reetg, that you can purchase CALICO, warranted not to fade, at 28, 2T% and 30 cents per yard. WHITE COTTON, at 28, 80, and 85c. $ yard Longsdale,at 60 cts per yard. UNBLEACHED COTTON, at 30, 32% 35 and 40 cents per yard. GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, at $3 00. $3 50, $4 00, $4 50, #5 00, $6 00, $7 00 and $7 60 per pair. MEN'S SHOES, GAITERS and BllOOANS, at 50 per cent lower ban at any other store. A very description of Ladies' Misses'and Children' GAITERS, BALMORALS, SLIPPERS, SHOES and BOOTS—new styles. The most varied stock of Boys' Children's and Gentlemen's CLOTHING, at incredibly low prices. A fine assortment of NDBIAS, SONTAGS, Chil dren's JACKETS, HOODS, SCARFS and La dies' HoODS with NUBIAS. The greatest and finest stock of TRIMMINGS HOSIERY, MILLINERY, Boys' and Gentle men's HATS. A very large and varied stock of French, (Black and Colored^ CLOTH, CASSIMERES, SAT TINETS, Kentucky JEANS, FLANNELS, etc., etc. Every species of JEWELRY. French PERFUMERY. WHISKY, by the bottle, 60 cents ; half bottle, 30 cents; half gallon, $2 50. All at u Complete Sacrifice! nov30-lm Baton Rouge and Clinton TR1-WEEKLY U. S. MAIL! BT S T -A. Gr E I LEAVES BATON KOUGE every Monday, Wednesday and Frl , day; anil Clinton, every Tuesday A Thursday and Saturday, at seven o 'clock, A. M. Passengers' Baggage, over 40 pounds, will be charged extra. Passengers wishing to secure seats wili call at the Livery Stable of the undersigned, on St. Louis street, opposite the Mai ket. octl4-tl P. A. KDGLER. JYews! JYcivs!! JUST RECEIVED and for sale by package or at retail: LAUD—Tierce and Kegs, New. BOTTER— 6 Tubs Rock River. APPLES—30 barrels Pippins. POT ATOEÖ— 20 •• Large. ONIONS—5 CRACKERS—15 Boxes Assorted. CRACKKHS—10 •• Chinese Fire. FLOUR—75 Barrels Family and Bakers. COFFEE—5 Bags Rio. RICE—1 Package NeW Crop. TOBACCO—Fine Chewing. LIME—76 Barrels Extra Choice. OILS—Lard and Coal. OILS—Coal Lubricating. OATS-, '„I Bags Heasy. CORN—200" White and Yellow. IIAY—lift Bales. PORK—10 Barrels Mess. novlS JOSHUA BEAL. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! 1(1 (HHi R OLLS WALL PAPER, Av^VWV of the finest patterns. On hand and for sale by JAMBS McVAY, julyl-tf Opposite the La. State Bank. FLOURt FLOUR!! fjQ BLS. FLOUR. Just received and for sale by julyl tf W. WAX, Near the Court House. REGULAR VICKSBURG PACKET Leaves New Orleans every Saturday, at b P.M. FOR VICK8BUR«, GRAND GULF, Rodney, Natchez, Fort Adams Hog Point, Morganza, Bayou Sam Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, Donaldson»ille, and all intermediate Coast Landings, the New and •wift-rnnning side-wheel steamer tftiJiMioar, P.D. PRATT, Cornd'r; CUAS. GRATER, Clerk. For freight or passage apply on board or to A. BRITTON, No. 7 Fro^t street. •INO. t. TITUS A CO Cor. Bienville A Old Levee. WOODRUFF, BUTLER A CO., Nos. 17 and 19 New Leree. WM. HKMiEltSOIV, jnne3 Agent, Third street. Baton Rouge. SAWS ANI) AXES. T UTTLE'S A ROWLAND'S CROSS-CUT 8AWS WOOD SAWS and SAW BUCKS. COLLINS' AXES. SHINGLING and LATHING HATCHETS. Just received, and for sale by july22-tf JAMES McVAY. CHOICE EXTRA FLOUR. FEW more barrels of the belt in market, just stored aud for sale by j«lj27 JOSHUA BEAL, in of M. J. WILLIAMS, WORKER IN Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron. HAVING established himself in the above business, in this city, re-J ipectfully solicits the public patronage, Citizens, Planters and others, needing work in his line, will please send in their orders, and they will be promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. Shop adjoining, and North of BoaTs Variety Store, on Third street. julyl JOHN TILANO, WORKER IN Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron« HAVING established himself a^aln in the above business, in Baton Kouge, most respectfully informs his old friends and the public generally that he is prepared to do all work in hi»line. All repairing attended to wltti despatch Shop on Main street, near the Catholic Church, », augl-tf M. FOUSSE, WORKKR IN Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron, shop on sr. F erdinand street, OPPOSITE THB MARKET, BATON ROUGE, LA. HAVING dissolved my co-partnership with Mr. K L ko f.n dre, by mutual consent, I have taken the above stand, where I shall be happy to serve my old friends and the public generally, lu the execution of every description of work con nected with my business. novl8-3m M. FOUSSE* JAMES McVAY, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, BATON ROUGE, LA, <0, Orders left at the Hardware .Store, opposite the Bank Building, on Third street, will be promptly attended to. julyl-tf F. E. PRÜYN. robt. l. prityn. PRUYN & BIIO., CARPENTERS, GIN WRIGHTS —AND— Press Builders BATON ROUGE, LA. Orders left at Jastremnki k McCormick's Drug Store will meet prompt attention. julyl-Cm WASHINGTON HOTEL, John Gass, Proprietor, opposite academy hall, St. Louis street BATON KOUGE, LA. The best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept at the Bar. july224tf VERANDAH HOTEL, Stephen Basilisco, Proprietor corner third and la urel sts., BATON ROUGE, LA. B oard by the day, week or month. GOOI> »EDS, GOOD PARE, And every attention paid to the comfort of gaefitd He him also opened bis OYSTER SALOON, where he will keep FRE' H OYSTERS nntl FISH of all kinds, and Meals will be served at «M hours during the day. tf%. Thankful for past patronage, " Steve " re spectfully Bolitits a contiuuance of the same from his friends and the public generally. july27-tf SUMTER HOUSE. CHARLES WIECK, PROPRIETOR Corner of Main and Third streets, BATON ROUGE, LiA, The bar is furnished with the very best WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS &. TOBACCO. STAK SALOON, B. J. McCabe, Proprietor, LAFAYETTE STREET, Opposite Bagel 's Drug Store, 11A TON ROUGE, LA. KEEPS always on hand the b«st qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the market. P. PERRIIjJLAT, Watchmaker *%' Jeweler, FROM CIENH.VA AM) PARIS, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, repaired a t shor t no tick, in thb very best style. THE LATEST STYLES OF JEWELRY, always on hand. Lafayette Street, Baton Jttouge, La. COLLECTING AGEWCV. A m. CLAIMS A«AIN8T TliE u. s.qovkkn MKNT FOR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, loss of HORSES AND CATTLE AND DESTRUCTION of CROPS, &c., WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WHEN ENTRUSTED TO ME. WILLIAM GIL, Office at my residence, Bep 119-1 tw-lf Batoh Rocok, La. Butchers' and Counter Scales. THE BEST IN MARKET. Botchers saws and knives. STJSKL8 and CLEAVERS. Just received, and for sale by julyl2-tf JAMES McVAY. WESTERN PRODUCE. [HAVE just received direct from St- Louis, 10 barrels of New MESS PORK, 3000 pounds CLEAR ?I1)ES, 50 sacks WHITE CORN, 5fl sacks OATS, 2S barrels POTATOES SO bales HAY. dec2 N. WAX. Corn Meal, Grits and Crushed Corn. THE above articles manufactured by julyl JOSHUA BEAL,. r pW0 HORSE WAGONS, FOUR HORSE WAGONS, JERSEY WAGONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, CARTS. Tor sale cheap, for cash, by JULIUS C. BOGEL. SHERIFF'S SALES. State of Louisiana—^Parish of East Baton Rojijic— JÇiftb Judicial District Court— No. 841, Probate—In the zbatter of the succession of Calvin Brown, deceased BY virtue ofacommission issued and to me directed from the Hon. the Judge of the 5th Judicial District Court, of the Parish and State aforesaid, I will expose to public salo, at the Court llouBe door, in the city of Baton Rouge, on Monday, the 'And day of Jan nary, next A.D., 186fi, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day the following de u cribed property, to wit : A tract of LAND, together with all the improvements thereon, known as the"Er vin tract" bounded on the North by lands of Richard Odora, on the East by lands formerly Curtis, now owned by Mrs. Peak, and West by James Powers—said tract containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres. Terras of sale— eftsh, in U. S. Treasury Notes. ED. COUSINARD, decl9 Sheriff. Slate of Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Rouge—Fifth Judicial District Court No. 806—Probate—In the matter of the succession of Rodolphe W. Umberhagan, deceased. BY VIRTUE of a commission issued and to mo directed from the Hon. Judge of the Fifth Judicial District Court, of the Parish and State aforesaid, I will expose to public sale at the Court House door in the (Sty of Baton Rouge, on Monday, the ÜSid day of January, next, A. D.. 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day, the following described property, to-wit: A certain lot of GROUND situated in tHat part of the city of Baton Ronge laid out by Gilbert Leonard and designated on the plan thereof, as lot No. 4, of Square No. 5, having a front of 60 foet on North Boulevard, by a depth of 120 feet on St. Charles street, being a corner lot, and the same acquired by the deceased from Jacob Baum, by act in Book T, of folio 122, ot Notarial Acts, the 18th February, A.D., 1862, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon. Terms of sale cash, in U. S. Treasury Notes. ED. COUSINARD, deol9 Sheriff. State of Louisiana—Fifth District Court —Parish East Baton Rouge—No. 861— Succession of Mary A. Wilson. WHEREAS Joseph C. Charrotte ofsaid Parish, has this day filed with the Clerk of said Court his application to bo appointed Administrator of the sac cession of Mary A. Wilson, Notice is hereby given to all parties in terested to file their reasons (if any they have,) in writing, with the Clerk of said Court, at hiB office, in the city of Baton Rouge, within ten days from the first pub lication of this notice, why said applica tion should not be granted. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this the 22d day of December, A. D., 1865. L. ALLAIN, dec28-10d Deputy Clerk. State of Louisiana—Fifth District Court Parish of East Baton Rouge—Succession of Maria Hernandez—No. 85. WHEREAS Ambroise Baumstarke of said Parish, has this day filed with the Clerk of said Court an application to bfe appointed administrator of the above succession, Notice is hereby given to all parties in terested to file their reasons (if any tfcoy have,) in writing with the Clerk of said Court, at his office, in'the City of Baton liouge, within ten days from the first pub lication of this notice why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand and the seal of said Com, this the 20th day of December, 1865. L. ALLAIN, dec23-10d. Deputy Clerk. re of G. D. WADDILL & CO. HAVING purchased the DRUG STOttE, on Main St., Eaton Rouge, known as "HAYN ES* DRUG STORE," respectfully inform their city and country friends that they are prepared to furnish, and will keep constantly on hand,supplies of FRESH AND GENUINE MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, and all other articles in their line. A share of the public patronage i» respectfully solicted. oct5-tf Julius Gruneberg, PIANO-MAKER, TUNES k REPAIR8 PIANOS, MELODEON8, Ac. LONG experience in my own ^^^ 1 manufacture In Prussia, fnablcsFyji me to do the most difficult work, at • • * ' REASONABLE TERMS. Written orders to te left at Mr. Joshua Beal's Book Store, or at Mr. Goldm&nn's. june'24-6mos. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, THE undersigned very respectfully Informs, his friends and acquaintances and the public at large, that he has purchased the t»rug Store, situated on Afilca street, below the jail, and formerly belonging to V. HEUDB «Sc CO. X have now on hand a full and complete assort ment of FRESH DRUGS Patent Medicines, Stationery, Perfumery* WINES aND LIQUORS, of the best quality. I have as mv employee, PAUL BESSY, who has served in the Drug business for seventeen pears, and Wf ll known to be & competent Druggist by toe Physicians of this city. Night calls for prescriptions promptly attended, to. I return my heartfelt thanks to my friends and acquaintances and Physicians ospeciaUy , for the kind and liberal patronage they have Oeätowed upon roe I re*pectfuily solicit a continuance of the same and guarantee general satisfaction. auftS J. R. T. HAYNES. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, PEN8, INKS, SLATES PENCILS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, Ac For sale by JOSHUA BEAL.. A T BEAL'S : 50 Barrels Single Extra FLOUR. 10 .. MESS PORK. 1 Hogshead Extra SUGAR. M Gross P. & M. YEAST POWDERS. Just arrived and for sale at moderate prices. CORN ! CORN11 SACKS CORN. Just received and for sale by N. WAX, julyl-tf Near the Conrt House. 50 Plaster of Paris ! Plaster of Paris ÎÎ 5BBLS. PLASTER OF PARIS. Jast received, and tor sale by JAMES McVAY, julyl-tf Opposite tbe La. State Bank' the to the to in : the of to SHERIFF'S S State of Louisiana—Parish dt Feli ciana, Seventh Judicial Di ^ourt No. 1811—Eliza C. Johnsor & II. Perkins. BY VIRTUE of a writ 1 facia* issued on a twelve n ' bond and to me directed from tm. the Judge of the Seventh Judidistrict Court, in and for the parish anj afore said, I have this day (Noverilst, A. D. 1865,) seized and taken int posses sion and will expose to publifat the ES. day the following described ny, up on which til« twelve month id was given a# follows, to-wit : A certain tract of LAND or(NTA P 1 Court House door of the Pihf East Baton Rouge, in the City of feouge, .Saturday, the 6th day of Jatr next, A. D.. 189$, ot ' i and situated in the Parish ot Baton Rouge, at about two and onoj miles from the City of Baton Ruu taining nineteen hundred (19111 acres, more or less, buildings and improvemen belonging. Also the following describe4>erty belonging to Wm. 8. Pike, to-! 1st. A certain LOT of GROUl^uated con leven 11 the eunto • \T" » 1 ' /Vu ~ . ~i d * .n that part of the City ot Bafcouge, , laid out by the late O.Leona d|le B ig nated on the plan thereof as Loi n of Square No three (8.) measurtf) feet front on Church street, by ttut in depth on Convention street bel cor ner lot. J K c 0 i „ I . Lots Nos. 6 and 12 of Squïo. 8 1 tu a ted in the citv of Baton rf, and situated in ma euy pi x>a«>n ra, ana in that partofsa.d city laid out |ckey, Duncan and Math«r. ; • ^ certain Ll^T of îB . )U.Njuated in that part of ^e City ot Biifcoug« laid out by the late K.chard M and designated on the ph hereof at No. 7 > ot , No, , 8 ', m ^ Ur ,î n ? 6 - Ii r0nt on Third Btreet, by lüO teet m^h on , Florida Btreet, it being a corD^ 4tli. A certain LOT of GKOLfeitna ted in that partof the City oi Bakouge laid ou by the late Gilbert LeoJ and j deaignated on the plan thereof aà No. j 10. ot Son urn No. 3. nmiiHiirinl 1 10, of Square No. 3, measuriDj feet, front on Church street, (form|Muin street,) by 120 in depth, Frencli»ure. 5th. Two certain JLOT8 of ÖUND situated in that part of the City Baton Kouge laid out by liiohard Dei and designated on the plan thereof Lots Nos. 5 and 6, of Square Ko. 8, niiring each 60 feet floßt by 120 feet fepth, French measure. 6th. Acertain LOT of GROUIiitna ted in that part of the City of Bate ouge, laid out by Hickey, Duncan & Ma-, and designated on tho plan thereof as t No. 4, in Square No. 5, measuring 60 ifront on Florida street, by 120 feet ilepth, French measure. 7th. A certain LOT of GROUHitua ted in that part of the City oßaton Kongo, laid out by Ilickey, Diin & Mather, arm designated on the plahere of as Lot No- 3, in Square No. 5, lasur ing 60 feet front on Florida streetkr 120 feet between parallel lines. 8th. Three certain LOTS of öjüND situated in tho same part of the fly of Baton Rouge, as the last above d^ibed, being Lots Nos. 9, 10 and ll,iibuare No. 5. 9th. Four certain LOTS of GlUND situated in that part of the city oBatan Kouge, laid out by Hickey, Du(in & Mather, and designated on the plajhere of, as made by W. & W. G. Wiir, as lots Nos. 6, 7, S and 12, of Squarejo. 5 ; Lot No. 6, having a frontof 60 feeln St. Hypolite street, by a depth of U feet. Lot No. 7, forming the south westerner of St. Hypolite and Convention str^s, by a depth of 120 feet on St. Hypolitotreet. Lot No. S having a frontof 61) feet Con vention street, by a depth of 120 feel Lot No. 12 having a front o( CO leet onFifth street, by a depth of 150 feet, ^jnch measure. The foregoing lota will be sold wh all the improvements oil them respecfrely, and all the righis and privilege» iany manner appertaining to them Terms of sale of apprisement ued Seized to pay and satisfy the writ under a twelve months' bond, togk,her with interests and costs. ED. COUSINAKÖ nov28 Sheff. Cash, without thelbefit POSTPONED SALE. State of Louisiana—Pari.-h of East ftton Kouge—Fifth Judicial District Coirt— No. 677—Probate—In the matter of the succession of Roland McC'ullom, deed. BY VIRTUE of a commission to me directed from the Honori.ble Jtdge of tbe Fifth Judicial District Court, of the Parish and State aforesaid, and will ex pose to public sale on Wednesday, the 17th January next, A. D., 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., on tbe plan tation where the deceased last resided, about thirteen milesirom tho city of Baton Rouge, on the Jones Creole Road, in said parish, the following described property, belonging to said estate, to-wit : A certain tract or parcel of LAND, con taining six hundred and forty (640) acres, bounded North by lands of Wm, S. Pike; West by Brogden, Henry and Mrs. Allain; South by Phillips and Lacev; Eastbv Har i u: .1 :.L. _ii .i i •, ■ ris and Sims, together with all tbe build ings and improvements thereon. Terms of sale—on a credit of twelve months, the purchaser to furnish his bond with approved security, bearing eight per cent interest from the day of sale until paid, mortgage retained on the property sold until the full and final payment of said bond. A. J.BOGAN, decl3 Deputy Sheriff. State of Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Rouge—Fifth District Court—No. 617— Elizn B. Skolfield, wife, vs. James | Bogan, husband—Nov. 30th,1865. j T'HIS case having been this day taken up for trial upon insuo joined, and it ap peanng to the Court by the aw and the ev.dence adduced on the trial, that the plaintiff is entitled to „ho relief sought for, It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed that the community of acquests and gams heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant be and -» hereby dissolved; that the plaintiff Eliza B. Skolheld wife, be separated in property from her husband, James Bogan,and have the free administration of her estate, sepa rate and apart from her said husband, and entitled to the proceeds of her own indus try for tbe support of the family, that the horse and carriage and household furni ture detailed in tbe petition and testimony be decreed to be her separate property, and that the defendant pay costs of suit to be taxed. December 13th, 1865, pro tunc.) (Signed) R. T. POSEY, Judge 5th Judicial District. A true copy, December 14th, 1365.^ L. Allain , Deputy Clerk. decl9 FWDER, SHOT AND CAPS, for sale by novl3 N. WAX SHERIFF'S Stat# of Louisiana— parish of East .Ba,ton Riu 9»—Sixth I now Fifth) Judicial Dis trict Court—No. 1021—John Bird vs. II. E. Williams BY Tirtup of an alias writ oifi. fa. issued on a twelve months' bond and to me dir.ctad from the Honorable the Judge of the Sixth (now Filth) Judicial District CoBrt,of theparish and State aforesaid, I have this day (November lKth, A. D 1865,) seized aod taken into my possession, and will expose to public sale, at the Court . House door, in the city of Baton Rouge, on Saturday, the 6th day of January, A - D.,1866, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day ted in the city of Baton* Rouge, ihéasurifig on» handred feet on Third street, by one hundred and twenty feet in depth, French measure, together with all the buildings i ^ improvement, thereon, being the same lately occupied by the Branch of the Loui siain State Bank, at Baton >Ronge, and reidence of William S. Pike. The said lof being a portion of five lots in Square N«, Six in that part of the city ot Baton Rc#ge laid out by De* all. «. Another LOT OF GROUND, being a Orner lot, measuring one hundred fee frojt on Third street, by one hundred and twinty feet on Florida street, French mea , 8Un ^gether with aU the ^ uildin ^ an( J imiOT « meut8 thereon which g * d lo t f lla0 H tiön of .; ho fiv0 lot8 ttbove re , Vred t0 £ nd on which , ot built B ' - - bri'k building known as "Pike's Row." 3. Two certain LOTS OF GROUND I adjiiriing the first above described lot, forr mu)y * ied by the Branch of the Loui aetata Bank, on the north of said- lot. *ia^t ate 'Bach, on the north of said lot 8q>re No 8|Xj DevttU town> meaglir ? n „ ; t#et j ront on Third street, by oinjiundred and twenty feet in depth, ^ Another LOT OF OKOÜMD, ad joijng 0D the Ea»t the two lot« just de J 8cr U bei lot No . Twülve of t J be mill Sqire No. six, and mea«urin,r nixty feat , f r U o D Laurel street, by one hundred and in depth, all F?epch measure, to g 0 t| r with all the building« and improve me ^ thereon . The three lota la^t de j Bcrife(1 wero p„ rch(i8Bd by the said Wrn . g. j PikS , rora E / F , Phillips, on the JSÎth day 1 4 - • i ^ i l c a ot «Aiuftry. 18o4, by act piissea befote Suiu. Sk'leld, Recorder of this pari«b. i>efjii to pay and satisfy tho writ issued undr a twelve months' bond and in tho abo^ entitled suit, together with interest andjosts. T*ms of sale—cash, without the benefit of apraisement, in U. 8. Troasury notes. ED. COUSINARU, njl3 Sheriff. StaijOf Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Kigo—Fifth Judicial District Court— Nià68— N. K. Knox vs. I. A. Williams, ailniistrator, and aïs. X)-virtue of writ of/ï. fa. issued and to J3po directed from the, Honorable the Judi of the Fifth Judicial District Court, of tl Parish and State aforesaid, I have seizjaud will expo.- a to public sale, at the Cou''House door, iö the olty of Baton Roui, on T Satilay, tbe 6th day of January next, A. Î 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day, tho (lowing described property, to-wit: Ajhe right, title, interest anddistribu tiveirtion of Defendant, Isaac A VVil liat||in the successioa qf hi« mother Mrs. Hei^tta E. Williams,deceased. 8|d to pay and Batlgf^ the wrii'fBsucd in tlabove suit, together with interest andkts. Tps of sale—cash, in U. S. Treasury Not^with tho benefit of appraisement. ED. COUSINSRD, nlS Sheriff. "T Statf Louisiana— Parish of East Folici a*-Fifth Judicial District Court— N1630 — Mary E. Green vg. John N. Gp, tutor. BllKTUE of a writ oifitri facias issued d to me directed from the Hon. the Fi ffu d ici al District Court, of tho parish ancfete aforesaid, I bave aeiïed and will exp to public aale, on the plantation pf Jolrî. Green, the defendant, situated j ubdl% hiiles, north of the city of Baton Ro| on the "Baton Rouge and Bayou SarPad," on Slid»)', the GUidny of January neiti A. 1866. at 12 o'clock, M., of said day> tbejowlng described property, to-wit: Atain TRACT of LAND, containing tw4ndrod aud twenty acres, situated in Parish of East Baton Rouge, about 73^jles from the City of Baton Rouge, boqd as follows: South, by the lands of 4 Stephens, North by lands of Mrs. CoRix, West by lands of Mrs. S.D. Uiriiagen, and in front by A. E. Dm beren. Said tract of land was pur chrfby John N. Green, as per act passed befl{. S. Stuart, Recorder, oa the 14th d»i>ecember, A. D., 185S, from A. E. Unhagen. £ the following personal described prdy, to-wit: fl{ MOLES, aiEAD OF CATTLE, C BLACK PONEY, äP LOUGHS, and f PAIR OF GEARS. 8d to pay and satisfy the writ issued intbovc cause, together with interests an«ts. 1 property will be sold subject to a same to John T Landry, exe îp r0 ! ! 'sal the I cuty defendant Green on the 25th day of tember, a. d ., 1865, as per act passed beil- O'Conner, Recorder. ED. COUSINARD, i/8 Sheriff. —-f ■—i SUtf Louisiana—Parish of East Baton ie—Fifth Judicial District Court— 182—William Blackie vs. John Mc Be. TVIRTUE of a writ of seizure and »tie to me directed from the Honora ble Fifth Judicial District Court,of the Pa and State aforesaid, I have seized | anill expose to public salo at the Court j Ilqdoor in the city of Baton Rouge on Saday, the 6th day of January n«xt A .^866, at 12 o'clock, M., of said day, th i ow jôg mortgaged property, to-wit : * tain LOT of GROUND, with all theildin^iand improvement» thereon, HltKl in that part of the Cjty of Bttton ' ho called Hall's Row, and designated on ,' p i an thereof aa lot No. (9), nine, / 81 ) tW enty-o n e feet on Lafay etueet, by (40) forty m depth on North str( being the same property purchased b Regent mortgager, from William j/ j' erts peT act be P oro ' gam . 8ko i fio i d Ke(3fer , da ^ d 25lh of September, 1856. ^ t0 pay and satisfy the writ issued • ■■ • - - ■ in Vbove cause together with interests anJts. Tis of sale—cash in U. S. Treasury NotiPith the benefit of appraisement. A. J. BOGAN, n® Depnty Sheriff j . . .. . . Witw Shades ! Window Shades !2 A ARGE and choice assortment of ,riou« patterns. JANES McVAY, julif Opposite tbe La. State B*nS. I SHERIFFS SALÉS. State of Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Rouge—Fifth Judicial District Court No 760}^ Probate—In tbe matterot the succession of Lucy Morgan, deceased. BY VIRTUE of- r» commission isauod and to me drected Irom the Hon. Seventh Judicial DisUiet C' urt, of tho Parish and State aforesaid, I will expose to public Bale, at the Cotirt House door, in the eity of Baton Rouge, on Wcdnuday.lhe 17tli of January next, A. D., 1866, at 11 o'clock, A. M., of said day, the following described property, to wit ; The TRACT of LAND, on which de ceased last resided, in this Parish contain ing tour hundred and eighty (480) aerea more or less with all tho buildings and im provmonts thereunto belonging—bounded on the North by lands of Rachel Morgan; East by Amite Rivor ; South by Alexander €önrtney, und W est by another tract be longing to tho succession. Another TRACT containing one hun dred ahd sixty (160) acres, with all the buildings and improvements and appur tenances thereunto belonging, and bound ed on the North by Mis. K. Morgan and on tbe East by tho above described tract ; South by Alexander Courtney, and WeBt by John V. Morgan. Terind of sale—oh a credit of one and two years from the day of sale, the pur chaser to give his notes with approved se curity and mortgage on the land until full and final payment. Said notes to bear eight per cent, interest from maturity till paid. ED. COUB1NAR1), decl4 Sheriff. State oi Louisiana—Parish ot East Baton Rouge—Fifth Judicial District Court— Mary E. Chapmun, wife, vs. Albert J. Loudon, husband—November 29th 1885. r PUIS CASE having been this day taken A up upon issue joined, and it appearing to the Court that the plaintiff has fully made out her case by the law and evidence adduced on the trial, It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the community of acquets and gains herotoforo existing between the plaintiff. Mary E. Chapman, and her hus band, Albert.!. Loudon, be and is hereby dissolved; that tho plaintitfbe separated in property from her said husband and have again the free administration of hor estate ; and, it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said plantiff recover from the said defendant the sum ot Two Hundred and Ninety-seven 85-100 Dollars, with five per cent interest, from judicial demand, and costB of suit ; and that the plaintiff havo a legal mortgage on all the real estate of her said husband for said amount, to date from the l§th day of January, 1860. Done read and signed in open court this 2d day of December, 1865. (Signed) R.T.POSEY, Judge 5th Judicial District. A true copy, Deo. 8th, 1865. L. Allain . Deputy Clerk. State of Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Reuge — Fifth Judicial District Court— Burilh A. Martin vb . James l'yburu— No. 628—Novomber 27th, 1865. THIS case having been this day taken up for trial upon issue joined,"and It appearing to tho Court that the plantiff has olearly made out her case, by the law and evidence adduced on the trial, it is there fore ordered^-adjudged and décréed that Uie community of acquets aud gains here tofore existing between the plaintiff, wife, and defendant husband, be and is hereby dissolved ; that the plaintiff be separated in proper'y from her said husband, and bave again the free administration of hor estate ; and it is furthor decreed, that tho plaintiff, Sarah a. Martin, wife, havo judg ment against and recover from her hus band the sum of One Thousand two Hun dred and Fifty Dollars, with legal interost from tbe date of this judgment ; and that she bo decreed to havo a legal mortgugo on all the real estate of her said husband, to date from 29th April, 1859, for the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars and from the 23d May, lfS62, for Five Hundred Dollars ; and that dofondant pay all cost of sait. Done read and signod in open court this 2d Decern bor, 1865. (Signed) R. T. POSEY, Judge 5th Judicial District. A true copy, December 8th, 1365. L. Allain ,Deputy Clerk. State of Louisiana—Parish of East Baton Rouge—Fifth District Court—Doralizo V. Doiron, wife, vs. John D. Comoau, husband—No. 433. IN THIS CASE a regular judgment by . default having been entered and no an swer having been filed within the time described by law, nor motion made to lave the same Bet aside, and the case hav ing been called for trial, and tbe plaintiff having proved to tbe satisfaction ot tho Court the justice of her claim, and the law and evidence being in her favor, It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that said plaintiff Doralize V. Doiron do have judgment against and re cover of the Defendant John Degrasier Comeau, the sum of Se"enteen Hundred and Ninety six 33-100 dollarB, with 5 per cent interest from Judicial demand until paid ;that said plaintitfbe decreed to have privilege and tacit mortgage on all the sroperty of tbe defendant, her said hus 3and, to take effect as follows, to wit : for the sum of Three Hundred and Nineteen 26-100 Dollars, from the 2d day of August 1853 ; for tbe sum of Three Hundred and Sixty-four 64-100 Dollars from the 7th day of Maich, 1354 ; for the sum of Three Hundred and Sixty-four 64 -100 from the 2d day of August, 1855 ; for the sum of Two Hundred and Ninety-six 20-100 Dol lars from the 1st day of May, 1858 ; and for the sum of Four Hundred and Ninety six 97-100 Dollars from tho 14th day of February, i860. It is further ordered and decreed that, the community of acquets and gains heretofore existing between piaintifF and defendant be dissolved ; that a separa tion of property between them be also ad judged and decreed, and that the plaintiff be and she is hereby authorized, empower ed and decreed to resume tbe sole and ex clusive control, management and admin istration of her paraphernal property, free from the control and influence of her said husband, and that he be condemned to pay costs of this suit. Done, read and signed in open Court, this 2d day of December, 1865. (Signed) R. T. POSEY, .lodge 5th Judicial District. A true copy, December 9th 1365. L. A llain , Deputy Clerk. NOTICE. WHEREAS, Bertrand Duchein has been duly appointed aud confirmed administrator o/ the succession of Guill aume Dupuy. .^ceased. Notice is hereby given to all having claims against said succession, to present the same duly authenticated, to said ad ministrator, for recognition. dec5-6t HAY AND BRAN! A GOOD aupply in store— prices reduced. sept-0 JOSHUA BEAL