Newspaper Page Text
GEO. A. PIKE, EDITOR, OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE BRANCH LA. STATE BANK. TERMS-FOB THE WEEKLY «» ftO. VOL, I, 4-i BATON ROUGE, LA, SUNDAY MORNING, MA? 29, 1853. NO, 1, GEORGE A, PIKE E P t T O It AN II t 1 ROPftlR 1 O The of ill« A*«» Wc have said il before, or we wc not now say what a concatenation events force« us to o ufteretiee "Kadi public functionary ought to provided "by law" with at bust fikl'k, empowered to «Î1W his inflate trimd to publie rio^uMPHtx The signing qffiiioJh/ oft he thotj and and one papers, twenty to ; , , . . signed, is by lar the moat importai if not the only important: duty tha, Government funeiionarles bave to dtl'r ami it; it for this re*«on that we eoi tend that each nfflelal hould have , , , ... . 1 least one clerk, authorised to suri, '•Il tiant.'B, and uao "ppalnofoffipp " Tbll was urged in eloquent language to la»t Legislature, but that en n o e n t r a t e quint-essence of the Intelligence Louisiana, eonld not find time to emii ' sider a subject of such seeming uillcunce. New wo begin to feel want, of Législative action It must not ;,e expend by il w . \ è 4 * , foveroigtts that the dignity of an! office eau be kept up by the "ofiieiaP' roninining on t!|e tnsîde of It, it la not in keoping with the cplrlt of the ago. The pplrit of the ige h a progressive! apiiit, The aneient landnmiks of tliej Hepublie arm never pointed to by the spirit in his onward maroh : be never; Mop; to look baf'k, il is o'i7 FogtyitHt. ti do po. Where (tie spirit- will halt to take bmtli, (here »■. no living proph-: et eau say ; bp goes madly forward— the reins of the Republic are in hl< hands, and the beautiful fabric of model government must be soon dash ed to piece«. Where is (ho virtue and patriotism upon which the foundation of the structure was origionnlly placed? We seek now fo find it, in vain. Vice and immorality and the corrupting ulcers off ho times break forth at the M rept. corners of ever crowded thor* oughfaro and the passport to office of "preference" is countersigned by the devil himself. _ '• P rkiurr roii K xciosioks, well aseertniiusl that a life pri«server is not of mui h service in ease of ex plosion, for this re:iSon we advise the traveling public to "beware" or that "IsHirne from whence no traveler re turtis" may 1h> reached. If Louisville is the point of destination we would advise such as desire to get there eer-. tain, to take a sldff. or travel up the I ,, ,, ' ï 1!w 'l' 0 '-îOth : instant, contains a letter from the i titivijjrnment Inspector of Ixiatsat New ! Orleans in which he sa va flic govern mont requires that fusible allov ..." * * should Ii« put in the flues of each boiler. The E cupsk and the Snor WKt.t kjL New Orleans, before the alloy w»"pr«paTvd, so that the lu $j>eetors 0|uM %ot limit the pressure ot steam on them. The Inspector savs : "If the common rumor, that thev left everything t hat could by iniss ibi! j ify be spared, even to their* lifi^boat« | '*■ , " <} officers will doubtless d- ! all that the law requires them to do n prevent the repetition of such repiv 1 heawble conduct. | C apital or Washington T KUIU - Ti ry— Olympia, at the head of |v get Sound, will, it is said, l>e the se» of the Territi'iia. Government tor tie new terifoty of Washington, A sc. entv-four can always safèîv ride at anchor within a mi'e of the bluff there ; and at certain fides she may approaehthe shore within a planks length. It is thought at the Depart , . , r — — ment ofthe Intenor, that Olymptaj L m in O^L gretl ° 0mmercial poiat m Oregt«. H |i e c i a 1 I »t I l f f> |, o H il p n e p. Hoti.vwoou, M m - 10, '63. Mti Cumrt : I would have you to I*(low that I him (lie daughter of « gen tleman who is generally esteemed Hob, and have been nil «eil situl educated in the belief, that I am a voting lady of fortune, When v>i v young, toy par etits (« piiI ioi> oil'to fi Himrding In « it as thev said lo make a fhir hui ty ol nie, Ï received what is I alliai a polite, iHiliimml'l- i i lu- oi"H . —I- *its taught music and dniieittg, drawing, Kn n« b iVe.,» I graduated *v i t h il! tit" honor, of my A - id mv, and I returned liniu with many btight anticipations. My ither was delighted to sop hip— ale Inet mo with all I ho warmlli of real Inaternal affection. She gave me n ffpi (wHy m{ mmy {Vh ^ (n H , | )( ,,. r)^rfi»s daughter, I pi, im il mv friends, I snug fut' them, I M!1w, l thorn loy father, mother tlfT' 'T'IT' ~"" sK T."? """ 1 1 ntfhteil «Uli mv accomplishments, , , , , • , . . H 1 party lieing over nn<i (.lie nnveltv mv return having worn oil' my tliÉothof asked inn «hat I mm fit ,A>. <1^ ^ 'he tin" 1 practicing one ol Jjtftdmlk;« favorite pieop«, "tlip Ibitn i ... i r ■... ■ok'' 1 to mo an,! of course gave no re inslg^^ that, she railed out at the to] thelher voi'o, "afop that plagued thrum - f"'» tbriiimrnnif. und come bor« to r" ' w f VV 1 '' 11 iHifind. for Uiî^ wîv^ fh« k nt^( 11 tu«* an! ^,„,1^,, 1( , mn j„ „ iM , | rotHm homo, 8hp«ald "Angrlitia j i ; j f |, (1 hn ., u , r , i;f j altfeitAtors, had livd all mv lit'', '!■ among book« and mn^ie and theiîT"^ «nd flowers, and now mnsf n making come tiruio t'tr)f/tr><i Mini ivant ymi to help mo," nnd im liatelv threw info mv lap. a huge ro shirt half linished, and told nie lake it, t looked at the (hick, y, filthy <ï'itlnenf and burst out » flood oftefirs -was il pi«« ilil. , I had inst irradilafed üf on,, ol'l. , , . . . , i rno'f t h ■; n't nnd f1a->hloti;ililt ! ifs in fb- C' iihfrv !|«d •irhv iiifi'd 114 delicate tapering fingers of'mine, ntliarized and degraded by tle> h fill touch of those most hateful liirts. "I wish all flio niggerx wellend I do,"' "What's that you say Alloua, you sav yon can't sew. and VoBin't know how—so 1 see you lia ween acting the tine ladv all the whivou were at school, now Mi«« I intii to tench you how fo work— how sew and spin and wash—1 intetfo give voll ;1 t'ew lessons that will I worth more to you a plague sighliaii all your music and French and linerv." Mv mother delivad . this i'.'h with much volubility and atfenB with divers and sundry nod ding!! shakings ol' the head, I I bona! her very cap. comb, hair and J fly off her be ul. < >n leav mm she screamed in mv ears ing language that ««ill haunts me cvi hour of my life. "Yes," says die. "«are loo proud to work loi azv tofork—I was burn to work - ing (hi the fol t , I ^ Tnlf ^ V ï expect; IworU till I die and mv pref : tv MivJinfend that you shall work." i Mv molr is not a hard hearted wo ! "Jan, I lev(> «lie loves me, she is ,<m 'l "'Ig^'d to alt—but sin nn.t r.-itl^r old fash toniMi—\\ sno wor<> » man ^'ys. I mnijo to the wash tub! won't, I cJ 1 wont put these deli 'ate while iids of mine into the nasty dirty soap-*|* no that I won't—m\ hands were ever made for that was born a you woul all her an old fogv. < >h ! Mr. Comiuy poor fingers! 1 have been kopl-sowing for the last week and my }Ar ling' rs are in a sorbid blister. '!> cruel needle has pierced t.hi m in iinosl pitiless manner. I cry and friand fret and cry -but it does no giil. To-morrow mv mother ly and I intend fo die was born a ly and I intend fo die i ladv. No Mr. Comet, I come to ou sir for s , ice—1 «m "perplexed n the extren ." If my mother does i-sist on mal ig me go to the wash-1 nb. what wi Id you do? Oh ! Mr. omet, just irjsgine if you. please a beautiful, delilto accomplished young lady, with sleées rolled up. frock tuck-, ed up. all harAheaded ami her ala baster, jcwele*ihand stuck deep into a soap-gourd ! ! I can't s» and it, -«»■ fevuiv*. » ; x can r s T aim iu I wont, I vow/wont, Hi jump in the ri r er fibril jommit suicide, or some other terrible tjing—or ni tell vou what I have n groat mind to do—to marry the very first young man that comes along that, is at, all good look ing. why I'll marry him if we have to run off to r to if. Now my dear Mr. Comet,, do give a poor disconso late. broken hearted gill sotlto advice, and in h^r dailv orisons ymi shall be remembered by yours, very truly, A nori.ena SlNOl.lï'IOM, ► ■* # IjjlJ .Hail 1'Arow M sir g.'id 'fi-1, A' *01 'tiligofllie ( 'oiiiillio^ioli'1° of iho 1'inton Hiioij-o ntid NiW t M leans I fail lioad held flils day. W. IV Walk er. K sii., was cfdle.1 fo the c hair, mid . 1'', Tiitiii od, appointed Heeielary. When on motion i f was HfKio't'Frf, Thai the bi-iikfl n!' Mnb scrip<ioii fo fhc ' 'a pi t ol Mini k ol llii^ f 1 eillpanv be 0)' 'lied in the city of New * Means mi flic ofiie" of »Itüm |{i>bb A- I 'o„ under tiio direction oi lie following nam- d getifleiiien. Ton ■ Ko! fi I>, Rollv, .losi-ph Menai '1 h, Mathews and II. H ilili, b«i|rs., ai Ihifou b'oijge undor ill" rlirctinu oi t), I », Avery, W H, Like 0. 8, Lneey M. 11 m r f . In, T. .1, I'tiUlngtoii and W. Ki Tnnnar-I and nnder the direr Moll of t||e following liatn.-d getlfleinetl (i(l file I 'opat, .1, If, Kleinpi 1er. ( 'o|. I', II ickcy. 1'. IV f'oiirad. \\. I'. Walke.. •I. A. MeH iffon, A.Midiiov l-foborison. t). I'', Kenner, and W, l\ Welham. Ivors, II, WAldvKK, t'hairman, W, I'', Ti N N Mill, iSecl'v, ol'l. , i ,i , • , , • i >wn went, mail on the sttlaocl, and s ( ! . , ' qiiirn W avs ,— Il has not been many year 1 » ajio. since a ^ ankee flour idied in thi" latitude, teaching largo and «mall—old and young-—-what be culled it "lirtucastertan ostein. "The win with difficulty that the people could ko p from singing bis system pi the streets. The largest mom tobe l'"tmd wtifi occupied by him— and crowds flock ed in from all quarters to learn lie Geography oflhe World in three lesions The learned genileman who had «II flin rivers, bays, sounds, cities and fowns, stuffed info his brains, generally prefac ed his lessons with a few pertinent remark»—the red flentiel bate for the multitude—and then lie would pitch info his subject, with a whining song to which he bad flic towns and cities -—friths and froths set. The audience would follow, slid the result was that music came forth equal to that which may be found at the margin of any frog pond on a summers eve,—At the expiration of the first, three lessons, of course there were sotnn who were hot perfect, and of course another series was given. At length (he time ram» for him to leave, and when he put his cotton umbrella tinder his arm, and marched out of' the town, leaving it impressed with his profound knowl edge of things, there was not a single man woman or child left to' pilch the tune, and the mora! of the song was forever lost. There are quick ways to do a great many th'ng«! There are quick ways to get great—quick ways to get rich—quick ways to get, a rep «et down, that whatever is 'accomplish ed without the labor of a long life and , » j ' » .1 , patient study, is not worth much more | utation for benevolence—by puachasc. Then» are quick ways' even to get, to Heaven. This last is accomplished by . . . , . . : calhnga minister to prny at tbecleventh hour : but after all there's no better ways than the old. If may bo safely that the cost. After Ihrce days' discussion in the Massachusetts House of Representa fives on the liquor question, a bill was introduced on the 2d instant for tho suppression of tippling houses, andre viving the old license system, where publie opinion in tW| cities or coun ties shall sanction the sale of liquor. An illiterate correspondent, who is given to sporting, wants to know when the "Anglo Saxon race," Ü0 mneh talking about is to come off ? A m I'm t? h VVoitt,n's f'oisvtsNfttiN.— A meeting was held in New York re cently. lu appoint a commit,fee to call a World's Temperance Convention. Through the interference of some of flip strong minded women of (lofhatn, the mooting split and part of thorn went away, with Miss H nanti Anthony, and M i s. Abby Kelly to liohl atiother World's convention some where p I sp, The eanse of quarrel was, on aoeonnt of ï he I'resident of the meeting refus ing lo give the two above mentioned strong minded women a seat as dele gates. The tlev. Mr. Iligginsbottom got up, ntid said he would 'nt sit in any body thiil would'nt allow the women fo be henril, and he "begged leave to retire Willi the Indies, with ibis the eonven tioii di\ided against itself end the re snli must be looked lor in another world's e-invptition. *-♦« <f??'l.f is suggested by a writer in 1,'V'I Hafutdtiv's Picayune that the t»r|"gslea appolnfeil to attend the d niphm t Vitivptifiou, assemble in N ew ï h leans, in order fo obtain an expression of the views of end), thai the Mtaie may be properly represen ted, lb lime for such a moefing is very «Ii * »rf had H been suggested outlier, there would have been room to act. Now ii is imposant to asecr- , tain who, out of the long list appnin ! ted will be present on that interesting j occasion. i Ml'MMtW.—TI - t —— o Siiîtlffîni* fairly upon us, — 1 !• i.,j I<ii| t iho llmref* hôve coitio tip •in, and at-< read) to return their immortal germs back t'i the earth to n m ni ii until another winter blows over us. The trees and ♦lie shrubs have nil put on their em or,'dd garments the merry songsfer looses the music of his voice, and flaps his wings carelessly in fbe still atmos phère. The sun pours down his con eetitrated rays, twisting and scorching everything beneath the Heavens, and time is sharpening his sickle, to reap another harvest. Life is listless iitirl Lifo is listless and . , , monoi. non«, and the philosopher re-1 res to Iii a cell to console himself with the knowledge, that, the world wears as il goes, taking all mankind with it, at an equal pace—the old and the young the rich and tho poor -all, all, rest together in flic unsatiafed jaws of iiblu ion. « . . ." Tin- Oi .nKW W oman in rtttc Wonui, —The t harleston Standard claims that Mi«. Singleton, of Williamrbuig District, H. 0., who is in tho one hun dred and thirty-first year of Iter age, and hearty at that, is tho oldest wo man in tho world. The Standard »ays : Her mental faculties are still unim paired, and she retains all her senses pldw,t decendant living being a grand J fU, * htor °!". r six ,^ Th « " rst grand-daughter of this gram - âtl ^ h l r< if now [Mhp wpnl ,j £ ov , r sixteen years old. We have not learn ed the place of Mrs. Singleton's nativ ity, but the greater portion of her life lia» Iwen spent in Williamsburg. except that of sight, of which «be was deprived at the advanced age of ninety by an attack of measles. Her bodily energy exhibits no dunm „Hon for many years, she being still able to walk briskly about the room. She has outlived all her children, her jcjrbrom the Louisville Democrat ! we see that Mr. P. T. B arncm , is oui with a traveling Museum and Mena geria, and is coming this way. Iiis' canvass is largo enough to contain 15,000 persons. Mr. B arnüm him self wiil not be tho least of the curios ities. I Lit, np ÇoMirr-- W ill you antiolirico fit the citizens of Katon Bouge that, preparations are being made on Grosse Tote ami in West I Won Ifouge, for a grand celebraf ioti of the 4th of »July on the "neutral ground* 1 upon the (ho Ink" Cneodrie on the line of the I'lattk Uoad, to which tb" citizens of' East and West M at on Monge, Iberville and l'oint < 'oupep are in lie invited. The planters of that region will contribute lib eral l y to fbe t^ttrbpetie and it is sag, g"sted that a subscription of a smell atiioutif to each individual be raised in Hal on Moitgo to defray the entrftor ditituy expenses. As no eehbrafion ejipears to be in cotifemiilafion in our ï ify, our eiii?etis generally shouhl take (lie occasion to ftoh'oig» greetings with the citizens of that region soon to b" united to iir in tin links of com merce. 'I he spot selected, is a lovely n ne -the fishing excellent, and the tond pleged to lie ill (rood traveling ï oinliiiiin by (lie 1st of* July, The ladies of f iross Tote and West Haton Monge ore said fo be unsurpassed in beauty and other captivating qual ifies, and ilie hules of Haton Monge should he present to see that our youth are imt drawn oil from equal attraetiou at home. * — ,^l —a DT" The Courier i | or l^tns Luis', says that a woman calling herself Mary Ann illiams has made affidavit that she is (he natural mother of the He v. KdeoKer Williams whoehtitn- folio the son of Louis the XVI, and Dauphin if France. The woman is about eighty years of age and the widow of Thomas William«. H bo says that Hev. ftleancr, was born at Laughnawgn. This puts the matter at rest, and goea to show how dangerous it is to rake nprn fcho tnnrdflgo äüu birth find where a man comas from, KereV au iitstftfiee whern a man lays »„idnga Dauphin and ha turns out to bo nothing but a f ,'nt-lish. •-+_« - Ltru iNsuKANfR,—Many instaneea assure us that we cannot too forcibly recommend to our readers the advant age, and we might say (ho necessity of a more general insurance of lives. The duty of ilm husband and parent to provide when in health tor those who are dependent on him, is conceded ry ail, A regitrd to the same ohliga | should lead him while living to ! f"r their comforts_ and _ sup i - . .. , ,, . ., ! port after los death. Amid all the {1 | R!)N formed to accomplish fids object, none have proved more mieecsf?ftii than tbo.'c furnished by well regulated at? poeiations for life inmiraneo. We ware particularly reminded of these facts \esterdav. by tho sight, of u check for $5,000, drawn by one of tho life insurance companies here, in favor t f the widow of one «four uio,= t, valued friends lately deceased, who by the payment of only ilfiO per annum j for ,1 few years pant, had secured tho , bovo mentioned Kniii for tho benefit ; of hw fitnu'ly, a ;;um which w,is prompt ly paid by tlm instranee company without, claiming tho delay allowed by the policy.— l' ira,y une. • — —— Lorisvitxf-, May 20.—-The pass ••i go of the Helipso to Louisville, waai made in four days nine hours and fhir ty-one minutes. There is consider able excitement here with reference to the Helipse and Hhotwcll. "Tin; A. L. SrioTWKu,— Vickn tun- g May I!» —The A. L. Shotwell passed here this afternoon at a quar ter before two o'clock, (Now Orloiins J 1 ""'') , ri0 '. '»»d- A fit tam . W "!', P ln , c '. kno, 1' to sup ply the M of ht/ I, is lying above hero waiting for her." M km f r ï is. May 20.—The A. L. Shotwell passed here in two days and ten hours from New Oilcan-— 6vo minutes behind the time of the Keilpse. The Shotwell had a heavy head wind to contend wish yesterday. She did not land, but threw a bottle overboard *" tal,n S ' R ' r time, &<;. N bw O rleans, May 24. B. 8. T apfan was elected District Attorney yesterday by an immeneo majority of two thousand six hundred and sixty votes.