Newspaper Page Text
WIF h1 ThH Sizir ITMES. ~ens o. N e NN _tohitooes, Wednesday, Aril 251866. Llill ic a n O I AN & w i M PM~a ac mr Yo I~co One tr M A7. ' l Kilt ý rnr - ~ hi L s FLy H cr k ''' "+ A J .sý V1 c (l wº" w 'a. N CO f, 1 -)i C~CZ. o~a .c r~r -3 Lt __ C TI, Q 0 C , ml. Fo Li Q vtL W 1 c t : a E - ý ' ' R " , 1't ;.r y r ý' w i w it 4( I - I Oi~O Mir ad '" TL Y ý 0 07 rjr Wc - Oh * 1 W( , .z o I -o WII , h. C VI*0 Fo li to t Q 4 C) rf II t * f >0 L \V i *;4 4 ' w '-4 C. fj .F I J R 'r tab Ii G rO - A· 3'on. $2.00O. TUEý SOUTHEBN ULTIVA?81, D. REDMOND bV WM. N. WHITE, EDITORS. ESTABLISHED I1853! Vol. 64 CO>IMMmS.. Jid. 1804 IMonthlsy. at............Pg9. 4dU!KJ3. $ix Copicefoer............1Q; . a y special arrang~alI RYLAND FARMER- snot excellent 'III Monthly ppublished 14t 4tinw"- at 'L 1.50, both pape4 lii *1l. h put one yst for I3 0-sin of cach fb $1N+»lO of eeoh. for 25-giving each snteber is th i eO, both papers tur $2.50! Address, W) 11. AAWWl'E, ALE AT AUCTIO P ICEI Great Ba r1al!! AT VICTOR OURAND'S OLD STAND, FRONT STREET, NATOHITOOHES, LA. H Iaving bought at extremely low rates the largest Stock of roods ever Imported in Natchitoches, since the war, I offelr for sale at AN UNPRECEDENTED PRICE, the following articles: _ 5000 Pairs Boots, & Shoes,1for Men, Ladies and Children, all sizes and qualities, 15,000 Yards assorted Calicoes 10,000 Yards Brown and White Cottons, 2000 Yards Satinet, various colors, 20 Pieces Fine French Cloth, all colors, 3000,Yds. Flanels fashionable colors, 5000 Yds. English Muslin de Laine, latest style, 300 Pieces Genuine Irish Linen, 100 Doz. White and Colored French Shirts, 50 Doz. Merino Drawors, 50 Doz. Merino Under Shirts, 203 Doz. Men, Ladies' & Childrens Socks & Stockings, t Assorted Handkerchiefs for Men and Ladies, I Cravats of all Sorts and Price, I Blue and Madras Handkerchiefs,0 Hoops of the latest Style, 500 Hats for Men and Children. Perfumery Imported directly from Enope, and consisting of all Sweet Per ames, soaps. Oils for this Market. GROCERIES. Cask® a 5 casks flaret, St. Emilwon A" St. Estephe, 0O0 Boa es claret, rarios bruands, 50 Boxeis I1ie Wine, Hnimt Sauterne, 500 Gallons Real Frenchi Brandy, Shar'd 9 uy, cqhtillon, Brandburg, Johnston A- other genuine branrds 25 Baskets 6 h4paig*', best marks, o.5 'Bs. WThiskey, best umarkls, 23 Sacks Rie coffee, 50 Boxes Soap, tin burs, 10 Boxes Starch, io0 Boxes Seleratus, 15 Bo.4ds Ceriin~ Tobarrco, 0o bbles crsh'ji Sair , 1(00 1-4 BOXES SARDINES, in Oil, 1000 1-2 BOXES S ARDINEZ. in Oil, 25 BOXES OYSTERS, in Cans, An extensive lot of other fancy articles for gentlemen, Ladies, child ien, too long to be enumerated. Purchasers firom the country and the 9 citizens in general are invited to come and see for themselves the truth I of my assertion in this advertisement, my prices will be the same fr every one. You can send in your orders by your servants or your I children, they will be filled to your best advantage. p Remember, my old store, on Front Strect. Natchitoches, Dec. 27, 1865, Victor iurand. RE AL ESTATE AGENCY. T. S. William.s, . J G. Morey, Late Gent Slpt. N. 0., ). & N N. R. R. I t of MLie. W tilLlAMS & MOREY. dIAT ESTATE BROKEBRf and Agest. lNo. 53 St. Charles stree)ti*ew Orleans, Lai. (Pastk Of 1oe 1o; 240O1i) vla bay. sell dr leA e pin rtions, cily uand towu property, purchase plfata lnusd dbher supplis, pay taxes. collect rents, negotiate. Loans, frocure labor era, and fortih pArtrerships for plantng. A larte number of pantationd nfow for sale and l ase In Mifsissippi, Lotibiana, oTenes rde, Arkasasu, Aiibama add dxaas. niarl7. WILLA D' ºMRKkN8, Carjeiter & Uiidir taker Near the Mit Bridge, ALL JOBS for Bullding and House Repair ing, attended to with Dispatch and on Libe ral terms. COFFIS made to order, and in the latest style. Trimmings furnished if wished. The IIEARSE is always ready at an hour's notiee. TOM1JS or IIQOLE$ in ake Grate Yards made asco6drg toorder. d13.-sw6mo. SN.A, RODISON i BOOT &RNa AQ A VE"R, St. ena suteet, io9ih LA. ý I1 A orm Ib ios and Gcn amiest~at 1 isia gor ~ov hflared to sup $ th4 r*l 1b firý1 St & SHOES, of all description. He will also slate - hat '&i 10tl tadq bbim, 1l by repsiredfjrr. (I/ scats flrb k , a$1l needs repairing~ T eA (rtrlead!f t always on hand adisal kt gui4rauteed. rriceo very mod crate. aid. R.4. soBOB~gl. Wp blb rst1dsrpatu NOTICE. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. J(9OR SAltE, at private sale by the under I' signed, the following property situated in the Parish ol Natchitoches. 1st A tract of land on the right bank of Little River about three miles below the Town of tatchitoches, being the same where the undersiened resides, containing about 350 arpents with all the buildings and improvements thereon. 2nd A tract of land adjoeining and above the Ofirst described, containg about fourteen arpents front with all the depth belonging to itcontaining over two hundred arpente 3rd A portion of land at Camp Salubrity of about 130 acres with wood on it and em bracing the spring. 4th T'wo Ibts of groudd iw the Town of Natchitoches on 4th street between Pavie and Sabine street, unimproved, and three lots of ground unimproved on the North side of Sabine street in the North wester part of the corporation. 6th That lot of gronndl, with allhe build ings thereon, consisting of a good brick arind outhtouses, on the East side of Fronit street, between Amulet and Toulinestrete.ts, of 100 feet Trout and about 80 feet deep. 6th The updivided fourth of l6 acres sit unted on Spaalsh Lake, in undivided owner ship pith A. Lecomte and Mad. Genty. 7 Section 34, township 9 range 7 contain ing about 164 acres on Bayou Pierre, Parish of Desoto. 8 640 sares being section 27 or 28, same township and rauge, same Parish. 9 Au undivided half of 640 acres called HoIlrse Head, south of J. B. Choppins plan tation. These lands will be sold in smaller quan tities if desired by the purchasers. TERnn OF 8Ass. One third cash, one third payable to one year and one third in two years from the duy of sale. Purchasers to give their promStaory h6tes for the deferred payments with eight per Cent in'erest from theday of sale and secured by vendors pIrivilege and special mnortgage retained. For farther information apply to the uon dersigued. B. STAMANS. Jan. 7 186G w-tf. Atis la1 ott Adrtinseutt SCHOOL NOTICE. Havimr for several years had charge of the Catholic School" in Monroe 1ih:el has rceently been voluntarily transfered to the oSis'Crs of the Holy Cross," I would res pectfully inform the-citizens of 1Yattbitocbes and vicinity, that I propose opening a Plibi.i lar day scloIl in this place. Should the pub lic patronagc justify me i such an flndrera. hing Any number of little gilds would be admitted, and litle boys also, beliveen the a's of6 5 and 9 yearnts; who would at all tiames be kept separate from the, former. For furfitir particulars apply to the undersigned at teb s u!devce of Madam Board, corner of Jetferion and Amulet Stroeets. MRS. J. W. DABIBS. Ap, il, 4-.3t. A TRd QED. A bay roan pony, strayed from the yard of a gentletleman, in Natchitoches, on the night of the 25th of March. Ue had on, wh'io last seen. (at the plantaton of J. B. Clou tier. Sr- deed.) a leather head stall, to which the halter had been attached. Any one giving infornmation at the office of the "Natchitoch-s Times" of the present where albodts of said Pony. will be suitably rewar deo', or brinring sail po-y to Natchitochts will in addition to a suit Lble re.ard. receive paym -r[t for all expenses encurred. April 4-t. For Sale! T HE Gaienuie Plantation G miles below Cloutierville, containing about3200 acres 1tO acres ofien for cultivation.. To be sold with this tract of labd, there is 1200 of the linest cypress swamp. suitable for the planota tion. This is one of the fnest plantations in the Red RIver Valley. r'l For further particulairs apply at this oflice. xO TICE. All persons cutting timtber on my traet of land Somnpayrac's lace) wi hout any writ ten arthorization from tme will to rigorously prosecuted according to law, for the above offence. Mr. ChI. Diggs is duly an'horized by me to attend to my interests, and all suits brought by himt against parties will be r: coCTO Uzed.. VICTOR I'U lN'AD. J W. W A1, SSER. S 0. MELR SAUSSZIER C , GROCERS and t EICB u COMllISSION MEII{iAXTS, Grand Ejore, Li. The ullndersignec d have on and, anid will constantly keep a gcneral assortnment of Flour, Bacon, Corn, Oats, Masy, Provisions, Hay, Plantation Supplies, Plantation Implements. Planters will always find in their establishment, all the plantation implements of the latest patterns, apd [wovisions to suit their wants at NEW ORLEANS PIRICES, having made ample arrangements to receive ll their supplies directly from the Western States. In view of accommodating the traveling community, .fessrs. Sausser & Co., have built a splendid LIVERY STABLE, and purchased fine hacks. Travelers will be :crtain to be accommodated at every hour of the day md night. Receiving and fbrwarding as well as purchases in New Orleans, will receive a careful attention at mode 'ate p'ices. . E. Lausser M 1o. Grand Ecore, La., March 14, 1866. ___________ Bultckal Shop. I ItAVE removed my Shop to Church Street. oppositeI tlihe Court Houso, whelre Samn prepareDl to do all kind of work attach ed to amy line of knpiness. My work is wirranlel to give satisflaction to my ous touers. ALL JOBS FOfl Repairhvfa Carrffaes, : .Ia in WFagon s, RFpatriang Wagone, TIaking Ploughs, and finally, all work for planter's use, will be promptly attended to at my new establish ment. Nothing will remain undone and at moderate prices. TERMS-CASH. j20 w&swdt, 1;. W. KILE. AVIS D'ELECTION1 EN vertu de la proclamation qui m'a ctd addressee par son excelloence J. M. Wel's, Gouverneur de I'Etiat do la Louii.anc. un elcictic sera tenue dams lis ditdrments pr& cihts electoriux de la Paroisse des Natchi toches. Lundil to 7c jour de Mlaiprochaid, Aiin d'elire les divers otllcidrs su'eants : UTn avocat de Distript pour le weuvieme District Jadlchtire. compose ties Paros.cs Rapideq,'Natdhitchsc, , Wrin et Sabine. Un Sheriff pour ia l'aroisse des Natchito chcs. Un Grefiler de la Cour do Distfrct. Un Recorder. Un Coronet. Detuix Jngesde paix et on Consltable tour le Ward No. 12. Un jugs de paix et un Constable pour chaque Ward do Juri de Polije, daus la Paroi-se do' Na'chitechl s. Les Cominntssa res d' ltclion sent rqtuni be tinir la dite election cotf rnmenent ' it lIi qui est la mume qni d'mprcs hi Constitution d .1852, et ils ferout leuts re touts h cet office. Chique bomo Llano qnia otteint lffth de 'inut et un uans. a r duitlu datns I'l'tat douor mois avant I'election, et tri iA moil avant i'ch cti)o dan In daIs Iit qunlle ii vcut votir. et qui ev.t un citoyeu des Etate unir, atra le droit de vote. Eu plus des qualifincations Ai piecsus enon cdes, chaqt 'coteur est rt'q:tis de produire le sermont d'amnuistie prrscu it dans In pro clamtioun du President, soit cclui du 8 D)e cetubre 1863 on duti 2!, mai 1865. jurd et siand par luipardevant une auto:i;d crn pdute. It. W. McCONTL. Avril 4-je. Souriff. DAY SCHOOL. M RS. ILtABBS takes pica ure in .A announcing the citizens of Natchitochcs and the vicinity that she will opcnlter "DAY SCHOOL" on the 30th of April in the Ioume of Mr. St. Anmafl Opposite Mrs. Brea. zeale. School hours from 8S A. M. to 11l and fiom 3 to 5 P. 31. * ail-sw&w ELECTION NOiICE. 1Y' virtuo of a proclamation to mo direc tLOd by his Excellency J. M. Wellsk Governor of tihe State of Louisiana, an election will he held at the different eleptian precincts of the Parish of Natchitoches; oh Monday the 7th 'lo of May next. F1 r Ito following officers. viz : Ono 1)str'ict Altoriey for the Ninth Judi cial Diatriet, cottposed of the Parishes ofl I{h.pide,, N'ach tichýs, Winn and Sabine. One Sheriff for the Parish of Natchito ches One 9lerk of the District Court. One Recorder. One Assessor. One Curonrr. Tw6 Ju-ulces of the Peacht and one con stable for the Natchitoches Ward. No. 12. Andl one Justice of the Peace and one constAtbc for each of the other Police Jury Ward in the PFetish. Commissioners of election. are required to hold the said election in accordance with law, which ij the same as under the Con stitution of 1852, and make due returns to this ufice. Eve bhite male who has attalned the age of twenty-oue years, and who has been a resblont of the State twelve mmniths next prect ding the eleion, *ndl the last tbreeo months twercof in the pariflh in which he of fors to volte and who shall be a citizen of the United Statec sthall have the tight of vo tng. In addition to the foregoing qu 'lificatlons, every elector is reqnlred to produce the am neetyoath prescribed in the PFlosideut'. pro clamation. cither of the 8th l)ct tote", 181t3. ci that of the 2901 May, 1865, sworn to and sutbcribed by him before competent authori ty. R. W. MalcCO1EL.. il 4-Ltd Sheriff. Planters Attention ! aTh, hell known thorough bred Stallions U~;.st JlFF anl Nourititx, will maknle the Ce uilng 8 asn at the pla1atti;: of 1'P. P. I'1ud. ·(InIate onI IDr vellr's Islaind Rad WV. is. Ifre. zean l's, Red River. above Canipto. alterna ively at the low rate if Thirty five dollars, :ntd tao dol ars to groom--without insurance. No mares will Ibeo served unless CASH is invariably paid in AIV ANCE. No I chili its for marea. n;21- w&sw2nt. 7lO I!IAll MlD FBST S1AIEL, CATT. W. BOARDMAN. Will mnake weekly trips from NEW 1-R. LEANS. to HlllREVEPuRT. leaving N-w 0, 1.tii every S..tirday, and Shrcvepori eve ry Wednesdav morning, pasinig Grand Ecore etvery Monday morniug, and dowin every Tbhursday Mornihg, For freight and passage apply to las. II. fIill & Co, Grand Ecore or L. DUPLFIX, April, 4 -w lm. NakShitoches. We1lU uish the --loin et** no o!Iou:UUWill ail 8 to ,)W ();ilr readers the madng the Northern papers, and tllir n, lpro livities. 0 TEMPORA, 0 mi With such principles. none 'will diet what will be the future of Tee great Republic. T e Future -Justice Must ' Done. Some six years ago peace si. upoi our whole land. But und vr flag of freedom were four inilli:, ,laves, and the instinct of j!: and human liberty throiighioltI W( rid cried out against the biod crime. To save the despotism 11 overthrow by the po1wei' of truti (on"iSenIIce, the Soiltherd ; i Rje'ts 'diool of politicians, t;i o01, in that exposition of the C" tutiin elaborated by Calhoun -- m the faith of the Deniocratic party, which Andrew Johnson was a and now is a member-waged war rreak up the Union. Id lier crats revolted frontm this ogical quence of their oWn creed, id a 1 der among them was Andrew J( son, who, the war ing aver, i returns to his ancient pofItical ' ciatioi -whethertfrom'copvicutit;. intf 4olit ieal intieagat; is C : : atite -)mportbi 'W su," ive years the hideson train of c lhad stalked over the countr:. - Wherefgre Y Because $be Demnocr< is party ha accepted its creed frtc' the slaveholding South; Detnncra: statesmen had Coritrtitted the Nation at legislation and the U. S. Supreme Court more and niore, deeply, to tit heresy, the atrocious bl.4phvemy upon God and libEl upon liyn amicy, that the black man had no 4rfgA4 ,oat t,. while man was borind to , Dei ocratic Presidents, since tnstr degen eracy from the Roman virtue ofJack sun, lent the weight of their ofliciah utterances and acts to that 5candal till liberty herself took alarm, anti when the people carne with votes tc her rescue, the South appealed I arms, and a Democratic Chief Magc trate told Congress there was 1: Constitutional right to coerce a sr' eieign State. In fundamental polit. cal faith, in his principles of inttr preting the 'opstitutikp 'of the LUn ted States, 'Andrewr Jedinsomi stand1 to-day bn sub$tentio1ly the platfo ;c of Jaihes Buchanan ih 1860. The grand and decisive step of the war, a step without which the cul. flict of the war never could have ter minated, war em dcipation1 by Pre sident Lincoln. Had we crushed)ti: military power ofthe rebellion and retained slavery, we should have re tained the efficient 'and surely ger minating cause of future war. N.,w that we have crushed that military power, and nominally destroyed slave.. ry, it is as indispensable to future peace as to justice and good faith that civil rights be secured to the freec'men. But Democratic neresie of constitutional power again pre sent thenmselves, and the unanimn'um acntiment of the masses of the Unien party-the Anti-Democtatic party- of the country it outraged by a vet o of civil rights, a veto -of human lil erty itself, from the man they ni: takenly trusted. War will raise agaih her bann v and the land wifl present again, ant in darker and bi dere scenes, tio horrid drama of civil fratricide, au less justice can reign through penco. The conflict of right with wrong can never end but with the supremacy ot right, and to protract that supre:. cy is btit to protract strife and ii.' fresh and bloodier wars. Tile 1fl. rile of justice is alone safe,, and 1'. r~ile says nothing of races of c& To establish justice aiid insure .0 mcstip tranquility were the ciX t ends of' theetonstittition, necess;arIy Wnted, the latthe impossible without thle formner:' .Ad surely as slpvcry inad~e war, the persistent denial Of clear rights Will make war. True, there norm tna Jcem no immttlit2 danger, but the peril i8i no les' r:J for that. Nor are we so sure tI.' thei danger is atmnote. Hesist'aiie ti Congrees, an enforcement of thi 1 ccutiv'e prograni e of readmniiahn traitors to lpower which exclurei, late' slaves from their rughtt', are al ready extensively to! ii 'kiut. In a short time the caidron of at Fr'* dential strife will be Lboilang, and w ho can Predict what may rvnm'l shuuol the reccastructuon ot: traitore on their ownl teins then turrg upon the coun-m ting of votes in the E1lktoral Ca so? To increase this peril, is no sin~r course than to weaken Congress i Iifs preseM. Cfort to establish righUs, and ti ietiurrage tthe Copperhenti Deroo'racv in their effort to prev(:t SIWII (emabhishmnent. Every city or Stats 1ha~t now sustains Congrees, asina ai jostiec and peace, and every city 01' State that sustainA the Presi (lont sustains tyranny of race un. futore wvar. 'We beg the people in ponder seri'ioisly tliis matter. That the Nation inl wkr has fiwn freed ii to four millions of hiome.: beings whose r'iglhts it canmrot no w secure to thion i8i a propositis alto get her too Imonwtrous to be .adeqtua0 1401 ia unequal to the taisk' of .protei ting th,, first rights of millions fi'o.i whiom it. claims allegiance is a E'n eomnimdrent to an insti'nment adoptyb by the people to insure justie< n e 15 in our vieW do traiit~parently fuiL' and as meanljr wicked as was Uh;' sumption of Buchanan thwt the ('1 atituitionl was uunequar to the tnsk or enorerg States in a behion;