Newspaper Page Text
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES. L. BPLEI\, E1)DIO11 & ElI W E1OIl 'ublishcd erery Ji'eqnesday and Saturdaty, OFFICE ST. DENIS STREET, IN TIlE OLD COURT 110 'SE. Rates of Sub.ariptfon-Per yearnr, in advannce, $; `ix )Iouthso, *i; 'Inice Mlonths, $t2. - Where persons have niot the manil lcilities to admit of their taking a Semi-W'kly. tlhuy ':an have either the 11idnesday or &aturdau paper for half the alive rates. Agents are allowed luwenlty jer cent on the above rates AdeertiaLnM -Ono sr t ro first ineor ion $1 s4{ oach subsvqui'iit insertion, 75 cents. A liberaldedaction made to yetrly all ier tisers. At w Agencies. ]Ino' 1. WV. B. PnroSs.............. A:llan'rim. E. MONTANE............. .. (tra eins A1 L. HiAY............Travelliii Agent. Mlr. JAE.s u.Pr............1' la-unt lili Mr. J. B. Chandler il thie dlte atitlioriz d agent of the NarhitUches Tjius for tIhat por tion of the Sttted f L',uisiia aznd M"sippi hordering on the New Orhtans, Jackon iand Great Nor thern Railroad. W F. McCr.iAxAi.........San Augustine., Nrw YotK. Asuorr & Co., Adv. Agent-82 Nasunn St. /TCIIITO/ES H, PIL 2 -86 TO OUR CANDIDATES, We are ready to print at a day's notice any quantity of Election Tick ets. Such Joss have to be paid CASH. We cannot depart from this rule, as we have in our books, yet tNPAJD, similar Joas made since live or six years, without any prospect of settlement. CANDIDATES WILL TAKE DUE NOTICE OF THE SAME. april 4 t. f. Mr. J. L. BULLARD, is our au thorized Agent to collect, renew and receive subscriptions for the Natchitoches Times, for Nat chitoches, and adjoining Parishes. Our Candidates. For Sheriff. R. IW. McCosel, James G. ughers, J. J. Raifas, J. B.iF'lemttty leA, J. Boasner. George W. olloway, J.. W. Eifel. W. 4L3. Brown For Recorder. George K . Kearney, Lo uis 4. Bonder, Thee. J. Simpson. For Clerk. A. J. Boui, A. '. Hamilton, John B. Cloutier' For District Attorney. .4. Lemee, J. F. ShMtth, DavidA Pterseon. For Coroner. G. ii. Goss .' . B 'Aft &ld. For Assessor. W. P. rCanou P'Utfe E. Lterraul J. Leo>ard Bul5rd. For Mayor. I'. .Vetoger h. A. IRyauiik For Justice of the Peace. C JfDuIArd, P. .Urtxe, I P.r~fea For Ward Constable. ti 8. '* Geter, h For Town Constable. o 8. Grfewood r, F Our thanks to Capt. Johnson of the steamer Louis D'or for special favors. 8i" We are indebted to Ca"t, Smoker, of Steamer National and Capt. Hays of Steamer Starlight for favors. Cwus-For the New York Day Bnook ad N. Y. News. We are ma king a club for each of those two staaneh l)Democratic sheets. Price $ .O0. Now is the time to register your names, See Hamonet & Seichbpine's no. "co " nother column. iW In or1w rluns, will be found I Iless. J. Israef & Co's advertise. nient. They have rtceived a krgeb and well selected assortmeht of fresh Goods. Their C(aH facilities have ý euabhlod thew topurchase at low pri- i ces, and their custcniers will find it r to their arlvantage by calling early at their store. T ti' are ett isclwil' tt hoc call sia d thle I'M if sud1iu prlvi pi til. anti it is pa-sing string that inict men i ver know their nee' i itics ini bil fickle fortune vou1chales to smile upon them! They will then looK down the dalrk vista of the pait, antd wonder how it wae pos E Ill( for thcem to exist in comfort upon the small means at their command. They can not r at li:Žt imna;ine how they were one enabled to, Slice oil their cantyv incomne and be contcitetll S1;1( happy. Take for instance the case of V IIt. IStuckulp. hi was once upon a time a poor i Illan, an hloneLt man and ai happy nun. It is rue that at the end of the year, it required ii 1 little extra labor to nccompllish the difficult feat of making -'huth ends n it." IIc was then , plain Mr. Stuckup, and if he was no ones debt. 5 or, it was not lIcause. no one cared to culti r vale such relationship with him. lie worked haIrdt during the week. stayed at home of nightP andtl went to church on Sunday. 1le managed to clothel his faI!lvy conlfirtalylv. gave good and ccw hI1 scme f od. andl oflten the very best of ad' s vice. s ·> ci.lly on the sulbject of economy {1cil thi, tate of things la:ted. the Stuckuj lal ni!y wit., the mct cheerful and conutented of Sany in the village. ci No stolis clicsturhleld the smooth current ot Il their lapjpineo, and it was only occasionauly that levenl a ripple crlubl Ice ween on its placc! surtea'P. This might have lasted until the fourth generation of the Stuck ups had it not been for the occurrence of' n ceent, which linally put an end to all their bliss. Stuckup discovered one summer evening in an evil hour a real vein of "ile." yes indeed, a deep never failing source of unadulterated petroleum. iThe clhange which this circumstance produced uplon 6tuekup can be better imagined than describ ed. lie found that his hlouse was too small' although hits family had noct increased, that his clothes were not fine enough, and that his food was anything but healthy or desirable. He could think of i ticneacal things that seem now to be absolutely essential to his happiness' which hlie never dreamned of requliring crfire,. As hi grew richer his wants nmultiplidci, until finally nothing could satisfy him, and to 'cap the climax" denlmestic troubles began to creep in to add to his uneasiness. Stlucktp wag nomi. nated for Alderinnn, unanimously elected, made a spe·ch in which he proved that the sun was a lake of petrcleum, and that a telegraph to the moon was practicable, was made a general in the next war, went to Congress and came homne with the gout. The proud and haughty Gen. Stuckup takes no delight in asociating with his former friends. Hie turns up his nose at even the appearance of poverty; he hus be come overhearing, and quarrels with his nearest neighbors. But Stuckup is perhaps, not so much to bhuie, he has a high example in the conduct of many nations, ours especially has shown to the world that it is unable to bear prosperity. High Water. Idany of our planters are becoming I seriously alarmed at the increasing prospect of an overflow in Red River, The news from above by the latest boats down is very discouraging in deed. We learn that the back lands as low down as Grand Bayou, and some Fay the Couslhatta, are now entirely $ubmnerged. We are also informed that there is another heavy rise in upper sedt River, which, if true, will in all probability, prove disastrous. We have reason to believe, however, that many of the reports which reach us of such ex traordinary judications of overflow, are exagerated. We know that there is some danger to be apprehended ; an immense quantity of rain has fall en and all the tribut.riecs and outlets ,are full, still there is no reason to believe that the water will be as high as in 1849. As it has now ceased to rain, and the high winds and bright I sun have combined their powerful in fluence, there is every reason to be- I lieve that the waters will be stayed I in their destructive career. A gene-. ral overflow, or one that would affect materially the cotton crop, would be a matter of gloomy contemplation. I Our future prosperity perhaps, de. b pends upon the success of the plan- t ting community, in their efforts for a good crop this year. Should they a fail, and we believe that the elements t alone can cause direful event-the picture of the future would be a dark c and gloomy one, tl TaE CRESCENT MONTBrL -Thorough the kindness of Mr. A. L. Hay, we have received the first number ofthe Crescent Monthly, published at New Orleans, by William Evelyn. This review is welcomed in our sanctum. For a klng time we have not witness Sed such an amount of good matter. All the leading articles are well sc lected, and New Orleans can now boast of having a first-class Southern Magazine. We are informed that the subscription list has already reached 10,000 That number will certainly be doubled ini a short time, as few houses in Louisiana will be deprived of such a good companion. Terms. One year $5.00, payable 'in advance. Subscriptions will be rcceived at I this office, for account of A. L. Hay, r General Ageht, n 0 DaxoCaric ALANXC FOR 1866.-We h have received at our office the above almanac for this year. It is an acquiMi tion to any one to get a copy. Not only this valuable pamphlet is a good h political CMape :dima, but persons arnt ions to be well posted up about cur rent affairs, will find it indispensa-. bhtý. 0 ie Price 50 cents. pr S'pcial for the "Tuims. Commercial Life in New Orlaens The filt reVCf 0f h inl'- sine" the chow- (f Sthe tru is also closing in the ,Iy. the b, anti ik ful and chanuini city of the Soilth. Out1 ifis " nihoi have c'fiv'rf 11111u11 h with the nIo bile 'nthern people. fpr i ially the Patriot La dies of New (irleans can have tut estimate 01 (t liiO" and tIi rev ill the city. : topping' at this to City hotel. wnire all Conift'rate :otdiers, dn ring the nIl and liiio his after. as they were of returtini g. imainedl. Itrom. Federal pnr soner, found a lcwine rec lption front Mr. MArse. or the genitrolfs ltroplietfr. The Itall is tilled is nightly withi many of the pr1Iolinent merclhants, a mteetiIng the criowds steppinf g l'here. The yeart at is now elosing. anld ihas been on1 of great n c'. The inallltnse trade which New York Imis ?i rceivel. has nearly all gone to New ( rle'niis. it- Th'iis is as it should . Thie Iplace is more ti- Southernl than lbefore the war. Theret is an tin fd joivlnllt it, such a place. why should gentlemen of the souithl go lNorth ? T'ice IstA houses' are . importing din ct from Europe, which was not :d Idonre beilre t'fl war. lf Wtallace ' Co. 7.4 Canal st. laid 91. 93, 95 Conmfon at.. this siX stores yUi-ililar jofliNs till' C- City Hlftel and is full of' dry fiY LI as, Louts. Y. shoes and plantation clothing. xeept tIhe 2nd ip fIlor oeifpied by the renown d hardware ilfr of chanIt SiIioni I--this iman of gien-lrous bearings. siEcured all his former cllerks who like him self served in the Confvd-rate cause anld pilill of th Ill lock salaries. Having jllust gone ouver tinch 1V of'* Texasl, conversilng , ith lillundred ofr lir cl chants, I foend theirt hilrdwae fromt Slocoilis. e Wallac & Co.. guaranltee thlleir sales at New e iorik prices, this with the fact tihat all tlheir t clerks were in the ClonmfdIrgate service 1 is clertainly tlthe iost 'I'Lonillnetllatloll. They have heavy stocks of idomnestic and filr P eign dry good<, honots. blhoes andl Ilt. andlt lvhnave their niutitf ctorv fur iplantation clothing L'r -and soon will have their large factory near the city. for boots and shoes----thus giving em 1ployment to lhundreds of working men- who n rec ive lbult a pIittance in leurope and live vesiy jard il the North. The house with Mr. Ralk 1, win as the innior partner and mianager, so ung versally kllown as a superior man, has gained Sfor the lhotse. the first place in thle South. ( Their sales amount to a half a million dollars e per month. Joining them 72 Clnal St.. Thos. C. Payan. the great clothing merchant, so favorabll Sknown in every part of Louisianna. with his thirty years repuitatiion in the City as his na il five state. has all his wealth invested in the great clothing house of the South: he is every pwhere known, as a cirrect and obliging gentle P man --show ing artistic skill in the arrange - meat of his large house nold the choice selection e of his goods---with such a house as this, sontll era cn merchants need not go North. An agedl a Lady of the City, whose t ie was given in e carring for our soldliers uring the war, inl n formed me. that the many calls nlmade on ilr. e Payan for clothing were cheerfully responfldl t---that he. like Mr. Morse of the City Hotel. never failed in clothing and the latter in feed h ing Confdtaerate soldiers- --Prmember--mer t chants of the Southi the painful psft--whlenl yon _ purchla-ue ciothing. At 72 Canal St. Spencer & c(.. lhave direct t ilmportatiolis of fancy and furnishing gofdls; o every article found in a fancy store is lfire: their e goods bear the Ihighest character for excellence of quality and Ibeauty of design. while the mer Sclhants over the hundred of miles I have gone. r informed me that all came out right on opening the boxes. Gen'l King of Walkers, Division is in this housei he was wounded in Mansfield battle, his succceas at Bayou Bourbanux was honor enough for the war-entering into the service as a private--be becamne soon a General his presence in this house will gather around him many permanent purchasers. Speaking of Walker's division. another good soIldier. same command. Col. Redwood, will give a cordial welcome to his mans friends, at Red ± Hunts 21 Magazine st. dealers in Boots and shoes. This is an excellent house---in quality and workmanship, no stock in the great city snrp:l s tlleiris--wiile certainly no gentlemen clian do mInre than those nanmtld. At 86 Canal t. NSith. Bi.en-h & M-ason in the ele gait hl'iie have a stock of fancy gooas in fine keeping wit! tiel. attlactiie IUnihtilg--here Caipt Seamen Co well known where the Tules Is read-by hii attentiot tff all -invites to tlff' house a falel trale, tlef intimate knt wledte which tfih gi'nitl-imen of the firm hIave if their tilfI gi-int trade tacilities render t- i iii l utifflI house of' fancy gffatwls-foufs futnishiu' gf -with their fitfct importations ft-out Germlany anf1- Fanice an unrivalnle loiuise. Let n1o l:lv eisfecially-fAil to call at Brons sean No* 19 CIIhartfer t.. no city cnn lIidfltce a fmore ifliliginlg gihitlemnan r fft- e 01 who knows tIle Is-autiful husiness hiethr-it is the great cur pot store of thli' South, fftlhinlig can le folfnll] .( like it in excellfcy-. exhtnt ani variety of ev ctv description of carpetint-tloor oil cloths. Canton ani cocoa mtfatting and nrggets. The house is full of every article in their line, pur chasers from all parts of the conntt'y can re- r plenish with every thing new in designs, excel. F lent in quality and moderate in price, and d pronounce Mr. Bro-Ssean a gentlhman of the olden times--In this house Mnasons afd Odd Fellows can secmue these beatttiful carpets for t their halls with all their devices in brilliant a adolorsbwile the window shades are perfect. t horner of Royal and Canal st. is the honored Shouse of Goodrich & Co., with a reputation Le-. of fifty years,here are the pure diamonds. sil ver ware and the richest and most brilliant Ct jewelry, while most of the work is done in the Id establishment. You patronize a Southern house-Gentlemen who are adding much to the fl. brilliant future of the South-All is warranted e. here, their long experience in business and the extent of their business, place them with the a- best houses in New Yog . a New York,especirarlly Boston has flooded the South with ship loads of trash, works full of y abuse, finding fault with every custom and all Sthe habits of outher people., At last the people of the South, hare suffeped enough to free them forever from Puritanic rle, they will read no more such abusive works. At 130 k Canal St. Blelock & Co., are completing their publishing house. Daring 1866 they will furnish the people with as good School Books, as ever came from the "Cradle ofLiberty," These boo In manuscript form are ready fir the ress, l prepared by Southern Teachers and have been examined by the best teacherk of the South. e ll the Southern Schools 'will use them. Noro then Teachers will be imported now only for I Sthe Freedmen's Bureau. Princely Treasures Sfr6m Southern lunds, will hereafter be pied up in Nei~ Yorkr, Philadel ihija rasnd Hostoii The: iarpper anod other it ders ond into the worls near home. t POa d s the i keen their At Bleloek's, books from outher f anuthors are meeting with qruiclsales. The Albums hays. Ing the photographs of the heroes we loeare Sselling as fast as brought out,. e e lDolbear'sCopmmercial College with the repo. f ofeautron ine s r .o Ha centuy wuith the repa.B tation of a thiri of P centry, and always well j a tronidned the lae where gentlemen arci itted for C'onmmercial life. The 3rd floor of the elegant building oipposite the City Hotel, is full a Sof students; no longer will Young men go north to receive an education of any kind. And those C who have taught the longest in the South, will u receive the Patronage, and not those nwho drop o down since the war closed. The south has spent her mllions of golt d an nualley in the North ed t trheinHotelsu publihing a houses and stores. All is changed, New Orleans is hereafter our Paris, from her locations and b potition ritting at the gate of the Mississippi a' valley, where Rail-Roads can he easily erwistruc- .i ted with the hu ndredq of rivers pouring into the Mississippi. The West and south are becominu al one ; the grain the cattle and the Cotton will w nearly all come to New Orlegn,..vcn our Rail. Roads will soon reach the Parifc, and pass through the valleys of MIexico. We will hewell C( represented there, by the patrit., Louisiana's noblest, (Gov'. Henry'watkins Allen, arid the Y( heroic Sterling Prise. Heaven guided the mind St othe wuthr in giving so expressive a name of F( I draw no fancy sketch. The Crescent City ev is to be our Paris. The great centrtl point for to, all important shipping and importation of the south, we exhibited our 10oe for the united south, on hundreds of battle fields, we are one, be fixed in our purpose to make the south the hrlghtest and richest part ofthie Cunited States. This is done by fostering out schools, and Pub. fbiing houtaes, our manufactories, our citles,oou ~oter, ourkWatering places. Merciaits--..-. en.r the houses jnst named, ex. amine their goods, judge for yourselves. Oh! remember what has been enduted in the four Pn years war, and renienl',-r the vas trade in new ip, Orleans, since the war closed, than our infin cenie, enmbrsrin? y'mur ;uni v and efiforts will be properly diret'cd. c1c» Orleans is our city--«, ftC WP iv Ic it. th im.Itflhl~Itcr ii' pure, jiyjt~t',l, H'V IP c Odi % kt W get 114.1 Unhit' llrl l tl, hlltt'. it will, it [IS i :ill rival n t y ut in Att ricat . It Irchu:it.--.. !ire ice '1111 cr tia > tMi ni "'srt to those he asl' 4 rtntill g to !u ak it a I : :I lurinhr city, thus 11ti - firnhllinll lly· ;1 Iomllle Ito I'IlIn lilt :. llunnhers('1'. taivn11 u111 i ladna . t;G la'! 1y, -r ull, 1" tI tihe Lrcat W\1.4t, S thai 1%ill you gite Iu, tuartlt t of Corr loue fur the 'outhl. La AD)VANCE. of April, 24 1t' .. do1- For the Natchitoclhes ''Times." crc TIIHE LOVERI S STAR, lNV. BY STANNIE L.EE. led Lits, eal It was a beautiful night in early ic- May and the stars were shilnill with haL a radiant light over the Crescent 11 City. Their mild beams rested on a n.- young mian and mnaider wilo stolid non together on the steps of a stately mansitln, seemingly engaged in a lov hot ( par'ting iiitcerviewv. 1irogl the 15 brilliantly lights diawjing rooms ithe within soft strains of nmulsic came 1d floating oil the perfumed sir and !ý rmerry feet within those halls kept Stinme to the witching melody. It was in- the reisidence of Col. IIastings, anll ill fficer in the Confederate ranks. ch The war between the North and h. South, had just broke out, and to fr night lie had given a farewell ball to nir the oficers and men of his conmmand gl'previous to leaving for Virginia in oil. o'r the liornilig. Thl ic"'bcauty and the nii1 chivalry" of New Orleans were gath. ing ered here to nighiit and "bright the ear lamps shone o'er fair women and V110 brave men." lany amid that thIrong esy would have to bid adieu on the mor k:- row to those they loved best, and :tha thatthought mingled with the en th. trancing mIusic as it swept by and ars g;lied their hearts with a deep, sad sorrow that haunted them even in an. that bright and festive scene. The TT fond father, loving husband, and de f.- voted lover had nerved their hearts the as they imagined, to bear the part 'ry 1I bravely between those tllhey lov-. Sed andc had comlle hither to-night to in spend a few hours in pleasures fairy ith. halls ere they entered on the bloody :.A paths of war. But wllhen music's mo magic notes came gushing by and hr touchiing their hearts hidden springs 1 1 then enthllusiasmln, warrior's famrne and .1. glory's bright beamnis were all firgot. - ten in the wish to remain forever Swith the loved and cherished. Oh I Music, music, thou art t "Tile silver key to the fountain of cr tneas, CO Where the spirit drinks till the IT- brain runs wild." ;g But let us turn from the scene t in within to those two we left standing i le, on the steps without. The youn'g ( or girl looked supremely beautiful as r shle Lstood therel with the gossamer t id robes floating about her like a cloud t and the moon beanms encircling her t Slike a halo. Her features were tinged a at with sadness as she stood there be- F ,t sides her companion, a tall, hand- I in some young man of about twenty ' years of age, and who was dressed Sin the uniform of Col. IIasting's reg in et ilienit. ie wag a private soldier but b in I no man in all that '.and of gallant 0 e officers and trusty mlen itood h1ghler i in (ol. Hasting's estination than l did \orin'In Howard, lie had beeii P ir eIrngaed to Nellic ilastings with her' c] Is f'tthcr ' consent, for some time, and 'T t nihad nIliiy becu delayed on .accoiutc of the war's hireaking out. "Better wait awvhile Nellie, and let Nor'iiianr go and win his laurels S ' on the fields of' glory and then whein i" the war is over he can lay them at your feet. P1 But poor Nellie cared little for Iau- te rels or tame now that the bugic of' Si war sumnmoned her fathier and Nor. man from her side. She thought of the or weary marches, sleepless nights and I) 1 days of blood that awaited the chos. ti en of her heart on the warrior path bt r that le had entered upon with such of a high and trusting spirit. She thought of these and h& heart grew th faiirt, but lifting'hrer heart in prayer to heaven she found strength and consolation, foi' she knew that her ca father and No:man both were imbued with the spirit of Cbristial'ity and she also knew that God would shicAd Pe those who trusted in his grace. of "Nellie," said Norman breaking Cit the silence that lay between thiein, wi "when I am far away from you darl ing, will you look at you bright star ap and think of me? Look at that le shining ('rb when I am gone and fol think that I, too, am gazing at the same glittering gem and thinking of cr my lone loved Neilie." "'Ies," replied Nellie, glancing up , ward at the star to which Norman n pointed, I will love that star for your sake and often when I see it gleam r ing in the other blue I will waft a Sprayer up to the throne of God for e you, dear Norman. r "Nellie, at this same hour every ,evening I wish you to come out here Sand look at that star beaming so glo. riously from its far off home. Let us fondly believe, darling, that there is an invisible chain emanating from it and whose unseen links will draw I and bind our souls together in close communion though space will divide us fronm each other. Good-bye my own dear Nellie, I must leave you now as my heart is too sad to enter again those illuminated halls. Good bye, "said he, drawing her to his and imprinting a long, long kiss on her lips, brow and cheek," "'Good-bye and promise that you will love me when I am gone the same as now." "Oh I Norman can you doubt my constancy ? I shall love and pray for you the same as now even though stern war may seperate us for years. For years ! This parting may be for ever," said Nellie, bursting into tears. "Nay, nay, my Nellie dear, remem-, i ber that Thou art to be a soldier's bride. Those tears but ill become the." '1 be Continued. Take notice of the advertisement a published elsewhere about a strayed a o"ney, a goodl reward is offered. n which is an indiuccnicut for our l ir. o niclrs. i1 i C1 EIRIUNICA'I'TED. A Word to the Voters of the Parish. ,It I is not. a part of lthe loyalty re r Lui red of us to forget the past, but merely to accept lithe p(resct in good faith. IBecausc we failed in our at i tempt at separatilon from the iUnion, is no reason why weC should niot lion (or those who went early to the front and battled for what we once dlesiredl most. SLet the voters of this parish re l1 mnenmber that there are three gent Ile it men, offering for threedifferent paro a chial offices, whose services and ,d whose misfortunes ientitle them to Sthe places they seek, in preference to their competitors. lThey are all le colmlpetelt, andl would fill their ofli is ces with credit to theiiselkes, with c hIonor to the Parish, and to the satis d fact 11o of the people. Mt MR. A. W. HAMILTON, asks to he Sre-elected to the Clerksdhip of the n District Conu; t, a position which lie has so creditably filled as to give as d surance that he will not thil to do his . duty if re-elected. lie was a soldier , of tihe Second Louisiana ufantry, d and lost his arm in Virginia. n MR. W wV. L. LBROWN, is a Candi e, (late for Sheriff. lBing a young man, of quiet manners, ihe is not general · ly known throughout the parish. IHe d is well educated, has good sense, steady habits and sufhicient knowl Sedge to enter at once intelligently d upon the duties of the oice-lhaviing Sbeen admitted to tihe bar by the Su Spreme Court in 18(0 or 1861. He was also in the 2d Louisiana Infan. try and lost his right arm in the battle of Mine Run, in Virginia. Ile is in every respect qualified for the office he seeks. Mn. CEO. W. KEARNEY, Candidate for Recorder, was also in the 2d Regt La , Infantry, and has lost the use of an arm, by wounds reccived in bat tle. His education, gentlemanly earning and experience as deputy 1 Clerk and Recorder, qualify him for the position sought. Then Ict every voter, though loyal to the government., as it now exists, yot, not forgetting the glorious though unfortunate phast and its heroes, come forward on the 7th day of May next and cast his vote for the three gal lant and wounded soldiers of the 2d La., Infantry, anid thus compensate them in part for the service rendered, in "a time that tried men's souls,"I to the cause once dlear to all of us. I Renmember that not only their servi- i ces and their misfortunes merit this r reward, but their qualifications en tile them to at least equal considera- I tion with their opponents-and let the names of tihe three, be borne up on your ticket-HAMuLT(,N, for Clerk, BROWN, for Sheriff and KEARNY, for Recorder ally iced reg. A SAD ACCIDENT.-We learn from a but. geintlemfan, that a Mr. Waterhouse art of San Augustine, Texas, accompany. hii in Iihis sister to Natchlitncies, to el, place her in fihe cInvei.t, and while her crossing a Bayou, near Sabine Town, and Texas, the young lady was drowned. Oil and Our Western exchanges of the 5th ls supplly the following late and inter en esting telegraphic reports at Washington, Apri! 4 ,-The Su preme Court of the United States yes au- terday, previous to its adjournment of sine die, ordered that the several cases or* brought into this court by writs of tile error or appeals from the Circuit and ad D)istrict Courts, for the several Dis tricts within the States, declared to ath be in rebellion by the proclamation ch of the President of the United States he dated August 18, 1861, be called ihe snd disposed of at the niext term of Sthis Court, under the rules and regu md letions, as they may stand on the calendar. ler ted The following regulations have d been prescribed. under which ap 'd peals may be made from the Court of Claims to the Supreme Court. oRule 1. In all cases hereafter de cided in the Court of Claims, in 1 rl which, by the act of Congress, such ar appeals are allowable, they shall be at hlearn ii the Supreme Court uponl the d following record and none other: iFirst a transcript of the pleadings in the case of the anal .judgmnent or de cree of the court, and of such inter locutory orders, rulitigs, judgment a and decrees as may be netenary to ur a proper review cf the case ; and r second a finding of tihe facts in the f case by said Courts of Claims, artnd o the conclusive of law on said facts, in which the court found the judg.- t ment or decree,. The finding of the "y facts and conclusion of law to be re stated separately, certified by the courts as a part of the record ' The facts so found are to be the ulti e mate facts or propositions which the m evidence shall establish in the nature W of a special verdict, and not the cvi e dence on which these ultimate facts C are founded. See Burr vs. Desmoines Y county, 2 Wallace, 102 r Rule 2. In all cases in which jud. Smentu or decrees have heretofore bec F. rendered, when either party is by Ilaw entitled to an appeal, the party Sdesiring it shall make an application t o the Court of Claims by petition Sfor the allowance of such appeal. Said petition shall contain a distinct Sspecification of fhe errors alleged to have been committed by said Court F in its ruling or decrees in the case The Court shall, if the specifications of the alleged errors be correctly and accurately stated, certify the same, or may certify such alterations or modification of the points alleged for error, as in the judgment of said Court, shall distinctly, fully and fair ly present the point dcsred by the Court. This, with the transcript mentioned in Rule 1, except on the s..atement of facts and laws therein mentioned, shall constitut tehe record on wrdch± these cases Am:thl llp b le b'ej-l in the Su~prcme Cu(rrt, allowance of the ppierJl l the Ctililt of Claiis, or the ChiefJustice there of, in vacation, is essential, and the liniitatiii of timne lr giraitiing snia applications shall cease to run frIm the tilie an an pplicationll is imade f ,r the allowance of appeal. Conilress at its IpresenCt sessiI, passed al act allowing appeals from Sthie CouriIt of (Claiis to the Siupreme Court, and the above regulatiolns are framed in view of that fact. 'The I number of cases finally argued, but upon which there were no decisions, and, tllhhrefore, continuce till xcxt term, is fifteen. These iniclude the United States and Missouri test oath cases, anid that of the spriing book, the latter involving the i1uestiin of blockade. In addition to these, the docket contains about 250 cases. The court, at the term just closed, announced abouit eighty de..Cisio1s. ION. A. 11 ,TEi iE S--sy.s\ T 1; sAYS. Alex. II. Stephetis, of Georgia, is in the city, aid speakCl s alinly, Iut clncouragingly, of the c nlitinll of of society aind tone of public opinioni in that State. The labor question is fnst aidjust ing itself, and less anilnmosity exists betwees the blacks and whites than N ortlhern peolple geinerally suppose. As an evidlenIce of this lie cites the fact that the eCorgia Legislatire passed an act irovidui-, in a few words, that thle freedmen shall have the right to coiitraict andl enforce con tracts, to sue and be sueil, to testi fy in the courts, to be submiitted to the same l)lllpunishmlents, for like of fenses, as whites. The same statutes apply to blacks aniid whliitces, and the salme courts take cognisance of the ofifenlses. No dis tinction is made on account of race or color; so that all stand equal Ibe fore the law. Beyond this, however, Mr. Stevens asserts that the rpeople of Ge( rgia desire nothi'ng' so mnIch as their practical restoration to tie ( Uniiion, and that they honestly intend i to adapt themlselves to the new cm ( dition by which lhey surrounced and made good their professiins of sin cerity. · -m JVotice. During our absence from the Statce Messrs. C. Chaplin nnd Son, are our Agents and Attys in fact. All per sons indebted to G. Ifamionet. or IHarmnonet & Scichcpine, or ldmre. Ilamonet & Travailleur are reilues ted to come forward( irnedi:ately and settle with said firm, otherwise our claims will be put in suit for col lection. HARMfONET & SEICIIEPI'INE. A25.-3nm. r JACOB ISRAEL. JAMES GENIUS. so J. ISRAELL CT s F. RONT STREET, rth 3Natck itocl/es, I,(. S We are receiving firom New Orleans a largd d and well selected assortment of Dry Goods sand Plantation supplies, which we are offl'ri iat the lowest market prices. All our goodls are purchased for CASH, and consequently can be it sold with advantage to our fricids, at ain ux e PRECEDENTED LOW PRICE. The1 g00oods lavin e been selected by us for this market, are very t appropriate for all purposes, and we feel confi Sdent, that success in business depends entirely n upon the taste in purchases, as well as the prices paidl a for them. These two points are acquired to us. Our long standing pr ctiee, and knowledge of the wants of this Parish, our CAsu facilities, will insure a marked Spreference againstANY COMPETItION. t Purchasers will convince themselves by calling at our Sstore. Country buyers will recollect that our sto o is iready to receive their orders, which will always be filled to the best of thir advantage. Let us hear from ,you all. Let every corner of this Parish be represen -ted in this great EMPORIUM or TaH FAsHIOs, We have on hand, COLORED ORGANDIDS, EMBR. GRENADIES, . i COLORED & PLAIN GIrIIAMS, WHITE & COLORED BIOBINET, ENGL. FANCY BARIEGES, COLORED LINEN LAWNS, FRENCH JACONET, WVnITE &, PRI1'TI) LINEIS FRENCII & AMERICAN PRINTS, MOURNING GOODS .OF EVERY DEsCRIPTIO, A COMI'LET'rE ASSORTMENT OF )DRESS Tr'IIM11INGS, BLEACHED & UNIVBLEACITED IDOMESTICUS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, CUFFS & COLLARS, LADIES & CHIILDREN GLO\ES, Also a complete assortment of BOOTS & SHOES. CLOTHING iacob Israel & Co. .t~ r~s' Nt 1 .1 \Vs. 'l' I' Tribijie W\; :li1ff ln j i al Ssays ;Alexander II. St'1iIies .t; 1a's to r'ef'i, e ' llII(ma y ' lf n adl irerl of hlij corse the p st li0s pars. 11c has becennie very 11; . I SI' di.,hi(a 1t(11en is to :I 'I early adhuii . sion to tie Senate, anti s81i'l l, ,h ao)ok W'dnc-icv, a ''. 111 t the slj'iihtcst doubt lit that he mil I i ve his seat given it) h Felite. t Al r. Stl('ljhlOn estt' nai s I , iii g cotton crop of thc South Iat :,0, Sbales. It i, r'z orally expert'f1l the Frisi ldent in a few d,.Lt,'s 1il riecl 5e .,ef ferson lDayvis J(1, II t (. C.a iii' 1 a ' role. There is no irn'~1al ity' (T their ever being ti jed 1r ' }u ti i'Oti 'ic 'n in thic ~Cclls fi~lvc'f'I \\hliC I lijie ·rl'· the consliracy by wý hiclº luincol. In wýas murdered It is nut likely (n0rss :;in ('all for the testulliv a ifnn, i. k iw i to but fc v J)r(S 'as. .ld''r lolt has txpress,'d '.'S ric , in writing that it was I 1c1u1< t1( c(Ii vict them, and no one is m oc ir : prised at their noet ig ti ,r,!.1 The Secretary of W1ar hia' ralhl upon (Gen1Banks for ii. .om r}f en tche oattie of Codar MounItain, 1it igini, and the siege of Port lludsin which Itaiks is 110W engaged uponf'i. The Ierald's New IBrtn.,. wi s. i eal says tlih reily of' ti G(ovii. nieit to the alliress of the L"' isla. t ie C ounlcil iwas fommufl licited Sat uri'ay eventing, ijst before :iljouilt- mecnt of Parliamlent. It indorses the confederation re Coin Iflenllatioils embracedl in the ad dress to the Qen. The L do1 C 'uimenl't took the Government party in the Lower House completely by siurprise, and forces it to accomplish the cow tfderat lon. Ncw York, April 9-.-.-A correspn deilnt says Qan troll, the gSrllerll Ia is faning on the Isulanid of Cuba. The 1Ileojal's WaIshington slp5 iTi says considera ble 5f'sIsaotion 0f waS manife-sted in that city '" tenrd;iy, by the death of two co l'rsd 1i ff01e of one faniily, with all the symptos tis of cholfera. Mr. Boriwell's resolution of inquiry was adopted : whether Jefferson 1)i vhs, Jacob Th(;inpson, (% C. Clay IRcverly Tucker, Geo. N. San derfI, W. C. Cleary and other rebels and traitors against the Governmeuint of the United States, were involved in the murder of President Lincoln, or attempted the assassination offSecre tary Seward, or whether any of them are guilty of tieason against the United States.