OCR Interpretation

The Semi-weekly Natchitoches times. [volume] (Natchitoches, La.) 1865-1868, April 28, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053712/1866-04-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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.lTTOILJP'Lb' l .' Y W.
S;. h) -ni, s're t, nptn- it i ' l . U A t c'
alt)'~ilZin -
t-: t!,'I Curr'ti of' t1' w iou I
Jcvliia! 1)-h'; -.. 0A o at Jl fc, t. s;.
S. 1: HiYAMS, SR.
,".; - ,. (n ~sI.- T a ~t I n,
6: i ti I'·l~sc~r~ ,~, "'~
,'"" , t ? n jd l to aill bu int - el Pý.
T'1'TSJ l x..,1111
J t (;;.m '1 J. (;.
,E a I;raae n,' : s L 1' z, t!,,
\I illIE«i: (11 l u i' t
'r irtu : t 'o tin r c r . Sp:i-:tt ri
r«' ApuiS l I --ly . . ~ t (~S /I~
I. 0affcrc-1,
j'I1orsacy tit Ltiml.
Ic Ir rr'-niri.^tl hOf r r:I(tict of his~ tr, EB=i oi
.Io01 tc~t Natchito,:hc La.
Mr ~~I hIrct
2t r.h ,- 'rno. le,
,TI [O1Etý AT lA..
t to
h I i 4lii, i oin St. Louis Strcet.
it '
,at ---- 1^
not 0. V. PICQUE'
Will practi,' 'in th' Contitt at Natchitoches, 1'r
II or liil *jiy t ,tU Ptci udi'c
tii c. aut. whi n. it
k c lAt. y a.
Ike If. AprN Tc rmld co-partnership for ill A
jt I practicIe of law, otiler their prof'essionlal h in
Beries' toI the public.
O iFi[', f; Oil St. P~eti+ Sire t. in thre
Int 'ui'in; formnrly occupild by J. Ui. S:mith,
P' I+ý., a4:l 1:'v nfvnfll
Niatonitcc .', Lit;, AuIg. 12. F"!,.
1n "THOS. C. MANNNiG .
ge 'Counsellor & Attorney at Law.
t s AS reriumed practice, and bill attend the
t I I Conrt4 off NatUfhttoccbcut and Ilapides.
t i aug 12-tin
Itt ( 2.CIIAFINI, tR .il rRzJ
A~ tty's at Law.
A1 Ve formed\ a pairtnert~hf Po to ho pine
11 (I ce or their prgfeiOii in the !~th Dii:
"' Offic on St.Dants Street.
rt june 24 tt
* &* Lt 3remee.
.ItUloreue at LawF,
o Uas reinrn'll thu practice of his prof't's
*I piin, an 1 wtfl practice to the Courts of'~
SOtice on St Denid Street,
r - -
L·- ·---- ----- -- -
C. 13V:TETitI,
Justice of the Peace.
STAING received my commission as such
and being qualified, I inlorm my friends
and the public generally, that I am ready
to aMtnd to thker businesO promptly. Any
other busiaess entrusted to me will be at
'tended to carefully in this town or in the
Juge de Paix
AYA . reug ma commission et etant di
. n: at qaqalille, j'informe mee amis et le
pu 4 en general, que je muis pr6t 4 m'oc
c ppcr de lers a'faires promptement.
i'outes autres affalres qui me seront confides
rteevroat mon attention da;u cette ville ou
4 , la campagno.
Civil Eng:neer and Surveyor.
OFFlO---Rear of the office now oc.
copied by Judge Charlin, St. Denis
Natchitoches, Oct. 2, 186:.
Ceffe e Rled for ale,.
1000 Sacks, Crop of 1865.
J. . BHILL & CO.,
Grand Etore, Lta.
M1rch 24 Imow.
N'. 0. ADVE1'rIE AT'NT . '.
('orner co St . An a:Ii Vilcr' "t. C
T il;. 1t (tr ~ '1 l 11' 1: ii i r - .
,' ' I' ,t t i 1 ( f' A ( '."i
(1 i'. ' o , l ), ii, II( o r ' I t.il
I ' l' . ' it to [;y
.\ '1 ,t . i(t, .. '1
SI r t ' : c I t . t ( l' " ' . I, ItL
t)!' .X :t ". r l t),J 1'1" 1 "I V -, it 1', ' i: i ,'
i, t . I v' i t "a' 'I ,-ll b t ti
T , 1 lon ',1 1 . "l , I :, ' :l ,,o f -r
t"' ( ,1" ( 1' ',a , t , l f t , , r
1 "i ' l 01't 1i OSP11.1 'T :- " E I: 1I:
De 0 ROBE N. Phamnvauen1,
i':uccil,'l . d e ruts s tc..I r,, e ct I "':rc1
C ml. Il eit '" t ~Hs 'lt : for Cif ''1 :rlt l
p urn la p rt'1iont d '1.in t:i, I-l ('fttc
l IN r'l eis co cl( titi '.. t t f i ' i' lios.
t1i jut l1urli c (jsl l l :1 I t I xt
L)r)ý i,, i,('i, h lt, , 11 ' . ( it *, '' L 'if . .
lis [;'i  V ui , i'c v(e' t l' c f' t" v I r 'n
A l l i t \ii ll , is 's s r l ed ' 1c0
OBIs &ropriot tniqu CO.,rn t
t I"t ,'s s to s , ', l t"., ,' t -," ',Y '"'"'-' ; t co -
tituticn I 9l.(n'rgi n till i ll Pla e , N. 0 'F
, 1 0, ( .T ii n t', IiC . lt". in l, ,11 ct sy
piguv arn-, C. t l. s i i tiI I f pI' EaI; es itT I
sipport i li, i':i w, ntl' . AEi! LI I 'i i s, i 1n .
G!O, . inl . t ,nn, t , lu', rt , I E O ,
f'li: - ' it o'-rw I a ,l': i n."' " f willte
' r , ,. , i ,., <ce . m :n)lic t ,in .,t i ,s s ca, .f '
ti. uli, rs i' s sou" ,, r ,,v ,'nus ve c, uI, I o! - Tl't
. Elivr Ilt I'nt six :. I ns II D Yl t P,
De q Or n.P.rm C
A v odr, ns ri s r 't .n .lr,,, , i ,' . ( !
all) ns, i iT. 'Li lo . ('l'. :li,': li ', t ': i, '
h Cfs c ii a.l Ci v, h "eif i, lv I'. i , r" -I
0n 1nitc.. .11111, ,C.1)l')1 iq n l v,
BO. W. I 112
lt ioe tnlle . iinor t fi ini.'i m the citi
Z4o of,' Nat':l j.ntuchc s t.at thry : .a e
estalirshcentlad Ptlt( <iisiivc wllllt ictl ,
with the viev oaf carryi;ul:eo n theen
above line ofr bn.'inhas.
Th'ey rarc frcnhy to, mkire at : the
lo Shl'tctit fntice. arnlti iiia na i klna ni
l, lie n ,,r, all SIlO E. iiri 1U.
c fordered , ,ith the late.t Ncw a tilen,
CU of F'rt'ncl i c ;lf skinll, fine morr( cir
a ,ri il fact, ten bet leaherni ( l C,
A wicAl . cn ulie, , ,,i. ]11,T i wrk-ihs
warc ntud a nd (t'rhe call on thieir lr i
nHtns.T .Lr to) crit iy: the fact, tht.
Othirok Ia ivn gFFral s.tis
,-. faction.
us alh , tf..
Hedtthi1 nSeed for Sale.
sta btvo60 Bulshe frhesh pirml, unpently
COti' U sEeh . Cl. v iC of crr p ling tice
R1,0l p "r b Il.s Nv
b mOeIle Inro. 'l toin of e ts . riil'li.
O. s rV. noic JOI N B. PaC' E, , r
of F lrncchit pclf k cnpy fin molerr
this a18-e.
1 i ' W, s ' " G
Ap 11)._`, 1 "NIL t 1
-. -i Cl:B I 1litFBI ri.
1· '71 · u v i
( ;i ft
E:, -. - r i'ý .': AN
C.~ ...1 Li·li-.1. 1.,
L. t
lit r+ 1' s "l.:! t::: f t i _ "u·- · 11' i . III
( .1 ;
D'' ~ K ~
ni ii
NI I(It : ~ t 1".11).1
it' 1. Ni
ItI -. -
PN'I in i
I( \
'Ni I'----
T - : 1.: · .
ittah tnI; ·ii· t'
grand'llC. aCnititieu fltl\cui't aLI1)I(
EM k'l'>I( N E;S, II
die Ia meillerlle qua;li!&.
dcipau " P:l VvrteP., c(rthi'ii Oli SU~t"'.:l
po~rtn tlir,·(1· i'd IL SatijfaLCtiOnl d I.ii~
Pi ~Tc (! ZfI CII.%X~3 V 1
i Thie plauti'r~s and Mtc~ciaiitr~ arc ii
,, ('stILt~lishilnellt, near thec tow~n, a 1arg'j
Ii aasortiucuit o;
of th~e best qulality and1 at a erey
mc IIoderate priCe.
Wec are ready to ecuhange cSrcn,
dfry afl(I ialted~ hIiesic fr LErl~TIEa tO
to a'iit OvJr~oti'.
.Jow. l)eynoodt~c8
C Gneral Comrniisioai iIcrclianit
"" NO. 2 CAll O2CIIflfl ST
c~~ aug 12-lyr
I~~~C r.I w.11i B~i hIJ~a! iMAN.
~ y ". eis. i Iii')lli p. ii .B( .i'
ir Iii giLo ant~~ tria-ti aply to Ja-.\ rII
IE S~ t , (;~ 'I i~; loll~re i
\pi I 4 -·l: w&-wnil.l Žacr atia· ;I u~l te-.
;, 1 3IJ I , '1 -. -"
'4 II,
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f+`ý1 -ý . ,.
N .. 11, 2Ez Tr.·r IA ru
,t ;'r
1 I 11i i Cy J!
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1 I r' ···iUL······· " " ' 1.1 I) Z
"i ' '' ''4 ''?.' c I"_l
-12_\ ': . NJ (1 ' i:1 47'"
1 !1
+ irnn i TTit oIt' ` ntiir Tn. 1
1ý ' (1'1 t l 9 e1 ar iiI II I 1
(Il'nc L III il ' L I - 1`, L it
'i I)Iri 1· (''4 1)ntl ' I for~~ tll n ti'd tfll~t'iV V 'is
'I eii. I j 1 M a.t 1. re,
6880 SP L Ca 0 , -~
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I I. 3r .
l1 .:i 1 .LI. J.1 . I
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17Ii, II· LJ1 ~ 4)rct 1:2
C~' 1 4. p44.1 *. I. I .4 .
I 1' J\ *44~1~4
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I~ . . 1 -C F I
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1_t Lul~cn~l lck Cct unst 1vni' .St'Ct
fC15.wct tieS.B atL n ig
P 1-'' al s & .'
11cMei eNat Agcrt,, &e~l0,~
No, 8 Como tct
1~~~ tn IIIi
1'~ i i i1~ i liing tu[i' 11i or rn unc 'i,
* gnc t3iI fnnnnl hut t~jtl I Iuu t
JI.?iIui:c ct I'v d.~ L,:'
*Pi -, l.r I
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it IV Ot ' 'i'' \'
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11 3,N iiiN A~ (IrRAI-p,.
liii I 'o. $O V'' ·I : I 17F' i L9
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