Newspaper Page Text
T H E New Series No. 19. NSEatchiohes, La., Wednesdy, LMay 2, 1866 `I ew -e..- No 19. Natchito ches, La., W edne sday, May 2, 1866 k _-- -. -~____ _ _. ( ai~i & V Yo. d 2 v: iv orz bw~ 4 1a 0 t, .w4'e aiQm Npri l.L-'ý i1, - - ~·Ltbt ww L I I) O - bwf Q c' S ' t y c .1 ".3 W a, oeof~ lain . "C. ý' c rairJ ' ntlrný "Ze emn time o 0 * e' rtai Z p ceri .r ; retlce - ; Z b - &!i " 4 a~rty ý" 0 ý aý "itistY o q muC~ CL rr. of ti'y ,, ° 0. onch ' V olh 1uTH paC bat vz u ut~i t ~ ou 00 therVo N ' betW( - )ý tert 0 air g 0~i~~W t' N dfc d c 1':ý r.e 1 0. o O O letit * - ' i ct N rK prir g~~nc * = af ldr d ___~ 34 4, JO~ ~ 2 OII · 4 __ Ifti ti ___________ lb~. THEb wl' SOTIINUTIATR I~i. NbUg at...... ??UU Au~~ Ce3f eO 0,os rS1Sfh it h L 0 LNDFRMR"smter*celm both~ pipr wil be0 melom e e *so.aoeeht*6l of. tur f cr5.50 FWriTE *r -.UI!S eac mbcibr Intl a 4dflWE ibo, a JACOB ISRAEL. JAMES GENIUS. J. ISRAEL & CO. FRONT STREET, Natchi oc1es, La. We sire receiving from New Orleans a large and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, and Plantation supplies, which we are offering at the lowest market prices. All our goods are purchased for CAsh, and consequently can b)e sold with advantage to our fr'iends, at an UN PRECEDENTED LOW PRICE. The goods having been selected by us for this market, arc very appropriate for all purposes, and we feel confi; dent, that success in business depends entirely upon the taste in purchases, as well as the prices paid for them. These two points are acquired to Us. Our long standing practice, and knowledge of the wants cf this Parish, our CAst facilities, will insure a markedi prelerence against ANY COMPETI'tON. Purchasers will convince themselves by calling at our store. Country buyers will recollect that our store is rady to receive their orders, which will always be filled to the best of th. ir advantage. Let us hear front you all. Let every corner of this Parish be represen ted in this great E3MPORIUM O~' THE FASHION., We have on hand, COLORED ORGANDIDS, EMBR. GRENADIES, 'COLORED & PLAIN GINGIIA1" . WHITE & COLORED BOBINET, ENGL. FANCY BAREDES, COLORED LINEN LAWNS, P'RENCl JACONET,. . WUlIfE & PRINTED LINENS, FRENCT & AMERICAN PRINTS, MOURNING GO(fDS OF EVER' DESCRIPTION, A COMPLETE AS-[ORTMENT OF I)IES, TRIMlMIINGA, BLEACIIId) & UNBI fLFIA(CjED L)Oa1ESTICS, ARTIFI(I.\IAL 'LOWERS, CUFFS & COLLARS, LADIES & CHILDREN GLOVES, Also a complete assortment of BOOTS & SHOES. CLOTHI1NG Jacob Israel & Co. April 25-tf. REAb BSTA[TE AGENCY. T. S. Williams, J. G. Morey, Late Geh'l Supt. N. 0., J. & G. N. R. R. late of MiS W ILLIAMS & MOREY, REAL E3TATE SBROKEIS and Agnnts, 7o. 53 St ChArles street. New Orleals. La. (Pst Or rice Box 2405,) will buy. se'l or leIse o pla trtioui, city and town property. purdhase plr.tat;dns and otber supplits, pay ttxs. collect rents, negotiate hanso. procure lahor era, and form pa't,.ershipa for planting.. A large number of plantations now for sale andla e in Missiesippi, Lo' l-iana, Tennes se', Arkasuas, Alabama and Texas. marl7. WILLIAM 0. HARK1I8, Carpenter & Undertaker Near the Dirt Bridge, ALL JOBS for Btilidina and House Rpair ing. attended to with Dispatcb and on Libe ral terms. COFFINS made to order, and is the latest style. Trimmings furnished if wished. Te fhEARSE Is always ready *,: an hour's notice. ToYDS or BOLES in the Grave Yards made according to order. d13 .sw6mo. SN. A, ROlISON . BOOT & SHOE MAKER, t. Densds Street, NATCHITOCHES, LA. Respectfully informn the Ladies and Gen tleme that he is now fully p epared to sup ply them with the dlest BOOt", &A SHOE , of alt d.cription. He will also state I at all work made by him, will be repairtdfres of coet when the article needs repaillIg The tluest srticlesof Leather alway~,I hand and sll work guaranteed Pr.cea very mod erate. N. A. BOBISON. m14. For lale1 VIIIE Galennie Plantation 6 miles beloa I Oloetlervllle, oontatining about 3200 acres 1000 acres open for eulttvatIon.. To be 'old with ts trtst of lead. there is 1204 of thbe eaet Capree swamp. ssitable for the planta ion. Tieta one of the hnest plautations in the Rad River Valley. S- o frujthae ýarlbttm apply at this oboe, STRAYED. A h~y roan pny, asrayed fIom the yard of a getntlentleman, in Narchitoches, on the iiuhbt of the 25th of Mar.h. le had ofl, when last seel. (At the p1 tnlat do of J, B. (Clon tier. Sr' dead ) a leather head stall. to the halter had beeni attached Aniy one giving ifr,:maulon at the office of the 'Naichioceh.s Tinetd" of the present where aboutl of said Pony, will b- su' ably rewar de I, or bringing said po y to Natchiroches will in addition to a suit b re re yard. receive payment for all exrpnsee encu red. April 4-tl. FII'T1 IIOM IlI hIJIIE ! The planters and Merchants are informed that they will find at our0 cstablishment, near the town, a large a assortment of SOLE, HIARESS AND UPPER LEATHER. of the beat. quaitt Ind at a very moddrate price. We are ready to exchange green, dry and salted bhidea for LEATHER to to suit everybody. Call and see MONTAGNE & BURKE sw&wmar31-t. f. PROTEGEZ L'INDUSTBIE DU PAYS. T muaserte de. atchtodche. S Les habitans et merchands son dI informles qu')Js tronverolt a notre etablidsenment, pres de Ia Ville, an grand asaortiment de coir a EMPEIGNES, SEMELI.ES ET HARN AIS, de la meilleure qnalit6. NtNous sammes prtes a echanger des peant verren, s&ches on salve. e pour du cuir, lha satisfaction del changcnurs. Venoz et exarninlZ. MONTAGNE ET BURKE. gw&*mars8l-tf. ELECTION NOTICE. BY virtue of a proclamation to me direc rt'd by bi- Ec\e lbicy J. M. Wcl'l,. Governtr of thi tte of Lurisian", an election atill b h! iat the ditflre it electi.n precincts of ih' Parish of Natchitoches, on Mondlay the 7th day of .liy next. For the following officers, viz : One D stlict Ati rirey fir the Nintth .Jdi cial District, comptsvd of the Pariilies of Rbtp;des, Natchitoches, Witin and Sablle. O.te Srtriff fur the Puriih of Natchliti ches One clerk of the Dish:ct Cotrt. One Recorder. One Assessor. Onr C'ronw r. Two Justices of th" Peace, atnd 'one con stable for the Natchitlu:h s WrV;d. N. 12. Anti one ,Ju:;ice of' the Pc;ee and one const:ble for each of the other Police Jury a trd in the l 'tri'h. Cutoi uisionct s of election, are requinrd to hold t1i'i said election in accordance w:it law. which is tit, same as under lhti Con stitution of 1&32, aitd m ike due ieturns to this otflice'. Every white male who has ,ttained the age of wit'll :'imn' v' ar.. atl who itis h ,'io a r. id ,it t'f hi. State tw' l ie mit iths t' xt precr'd. .g t :a lcecttn, ;n I the 1,.st thr'.e mitth. t trtel in tihe' paui-h in w .cih h' of f'rs to v'a,' ind who sh iiil be a c:tZ n fit iih' Iui:rel States shall have the iilht Ct ve titg. In 'addit'b1 to the foretrin t i· u lititions. l.very elctor is r iquiirtd tol, itolie t.`l anm r:ely oath prescribed in the Ptesidet' s pro clatnatiua . either of Lth 8th l)htemlner, 181;3. ir thatt of.'t'e 29th .May. IS(i5, sworn to and Sublcribvd by h inbfore co:ipetent authori ty. R. W. McCGNEIf... April 4-ted ,Sheriff. AVIS D'ELECTION. FN vetttu de la proclam:tio! rlil m'a (ftd addlres.e p't sli excellcUc: J: lI. We's, Gitrvernt ur de l'Et:t do la Loti-aniet, tin elIctit In Setill tenue! dats s ditff:reitis prd cialt- electoraux de la Pl'roisse des N.tchi I t oches. Luidi le 7e jour de Mai proclain, .ifn d'dlire les divers otlicttrs iu;vants : In Iav'C t i!e Dis'r c pour Ite nolt vi;n'm D:sttiet Jutlichaire, cotilptce deit Pairo s ie Rtpide3. N stchittches. \VYinr et S thl'e. Un Sherift puar la P'atigse des Na'cLito chi Ut tiG'retlir ce ia Cdour ~e Distr'ct. Ui Rectder. Un Ctoront. lurux Jgces d" paix et un Constab'le pour le Ward No. 12. Unjugie' de p;ix et nn CoIstible pour lhique Ward di Ju'i de Police, daus la iPari r s de .a,bitth"?. L's Comtnits-arcs d' le'tlion sont reqgi, It air i d t' oe'ctrini conf ,r:ndt ent it tii t i.(qt est IA mlitnmn q 'i evi-t. it d'apres ht ('ont'Litutio i 1d32 lI , et i:s fcroti lcurs re tlous a vet oeic'. Chaqe ,htntte h ilnt e Ilanc q atteinit 1 g';g de int .t 4 ilt ntns. a r -idd darts h'Etat tihu.' touis avant I' lt'etioo, et Ir i+ moll ava.t I'etecti'o dants ha Parisse daus la qulle ii v ut vo:oer, et qui cst u citoyen des 1Eat t uni'. aura Ie dr,,t de vote. Erii plus dts quali.catiotis tl dssus etton ce',s. chrti ei tt.ur est, req' s do prod iti e I-" se'tust ttl'.tn;isti- " tr. c, it tiatr s ia pr - 'tla: u tit dt Pr -sile .t, Voil eluti du 8 1)e ceuib;e 1;:3 otn dI, 24, ntai 18ts5. jute et sined iirti ipartlevant uCte autotie corn pd,,te. t R. W. McCONEL, Avril 4-je. S.eriff. DR. CROCHERON. II AVING returned to his former practice in th.' town of. Natchitches, toffers his services to his old c!ien, tand friends. HI will be found at his office, on St. Denls dec 3'--w5bw 6m; LOST. A note ijor Three Thousand (3000) dollars ldated March 13th 1848, pay f ablt to Llenry M. Fleury four years after date sig,1ied by Charles Stew art, and L. \V. Stewit't hearing inter Sest at the rate of 8 per cent per an Snum fiom date of said notc. The s" id note is the property of the heirs (,f IHenry M. Fleury deceased, and can be of no advantage tb .thli personr Swho has it, in his possession. A suitable toward will be paid for the restoration of the.. note. W. Y. FLEURY, Atty for Hcirs, &c. al-saw& wlm. Bheksmith Shop. IHAYE removed my Shop to Chlurch C I 8treet. opposite the Court House. where I am prtepatedl to do all kind of work attach ed to my line of baS nesS. MPi. ~iork is warranted to give satisfactioi to my cus towers. ALLT JOBS FOR .itktg Wt agors, RePaLrint Iflagons, J7lakag Plofughs, and finally, all work Iot planter's use, will Ie promptly attendd to at my new establish. meit, Nothing will remain uudoue aid at moderate ptict a. TERIS-CASH. j20 &wtf. 1. W. KILE. Planters Attention ! The "ell known ihorugh bred 8talhlons It .IUK JKFV An I NsusN.,will mike the Sen uing a ah IS At the pla tatio o P. i'. P ud omme on lIr vell ' Island and WV. SW. f:r. zeale's, Red Rtver, atove Ca rpte. ifterni iielI ,t the .ow rate -'f itiry fivre dollan, and two doltars to groom--wit out insurance. No mnres will be served unless CASH is invariably paid. in ADVANCE. No abiti ies for mares. Sm21- w&sw2nt. . .V wOTICL P ys n. ijdrl.dt to Pt. G. lAnhaye,. are tot fled to call on the under i,ned nid ply ip. S M. I1IY/MS. -30d. Atty is faot cfG. Lakiye. SALE AT AUCTION PllCS! Great Bar galins AT VIDTOR OURANO'S OLD STAND, FRONT STREET, NATCHITOOHES, LA. Having bought at extremely low rates tfh largcst Stock of Toods ever Imported in Natchitocebs, since the war, I offer for sale at AN UNPRECEDENTED PRICE, the following articles; : 5000 Pairs ~6Obt, & Shoes, for Melt, Ladies and Children, all sizes and qualities, 15,000 Yards assorted Calicoes 10,000 Yards Brown and White Cottons, 2000 Yards Satinet, various colors, 20 Pieces Fine French Cloth, all colors, 3000 Ycls. Flandel fashionable colbrs, 5000 Yds. English Muslin de Laine, latest style, 300 Pieces Genuine Irish Linen, 100 Doz. White and Colored French Shirts, 50 Doz. Merino Dra\vors, 50 Doz. Merhio Under Shirts, 203 Doz. Men, Ladies' & Childrens Soeks & Stockings, Assorted Handkerchiefs f6r Men.aind Ladies, Cravats of all Sorts and Price, Blue and Madras Handkerchiefs, •HoOps of the latest Style, 500 Hats for Men and Children. Perfuneiry Imported dii'ectly from Euope, and consisting of all Sweet Per; ames, soaps. Oils r this Market. GROCERIES. 5 casks Claret, I. Enmilion d" SI.,EsPtphe; 200 Boxes claret, tarioirs b'rands, 50 Boxes lt'hite Wine, IHaett Saeeteru.e, 500 Gallons Real French Brandy, Otelrd Deupuy, casttlion,,Branidburg, Johnsiou to oilither genine brands x5 Baskets Champaigne, best marks, a5 .Vbbis. Wlhisker;, best marks, 25 Sacks Rio cofttee, 50 Boxes Soap, iu bars, 10 Boxes Starch, 10 .oxes Seleratu., 15 Boxes ItheaWing tObdicOC; - t0 bbLs crieshl'd Sugti', 1000 1-4 BOXES SARDINES, in Oil, 1000 1-2 BOXES SARDINES. In Oil, 25 BOXES OYSTERS, in Cans, An extensive lot of otlhbi fliilcy articles foi; gentlemen, Ladies, child ren, too long to be enumerated. Purchasers fi'om the country and the citizens in general arie iivited to come and see for themselves the truth of my assertion in this advertisement, my prices will be the same for every one. You can send in youi orideirs by your servants or your children, they will be filled to youi' best advantage. -i Remember, my old store on Front Street. Natchitochesi Dec. 27, 186.S Victor Dranid. J. A. WiLE'O3N. d, ii. SrTEBPIIX ,. WOLFSON & STEPHEN8, fT II Y & li's 'Hi, WASIIIN?'i' ON STREET, 7T1tchitoch7es, L.z. Wholesale and relail dealers in Dry Goods, IIardward, Groceries, &c. j21 swk&wf. ''OTICE. ATL perdn indebt,'d to the firm of Janin t& Caspari, re hereby notified to come forwar4d aid se'l.- by note or oth..rwise. Cotton wil be receiv d in settlem'nt of notes and .esonn1s. at the hiIht't New Or leans market price. JANIN & CASPARI. Nov. 25 1865. The above notice has been stnnd ing now several Wet'ks, yet:,persotn1 don't core forward t,) settle. We ask only of those who are able to piy, to come forw:u'd and do so; those who are ,mot able at present, to come and give us theirtdotes, in order to close their accounts, or re new their. old notes. We are riot able to pay a collector tr get nole8s for us. We will, therefore, notify all pireons indebted to us, that if they don't come forward ard and settle within 30 days from this date, they will find their acorlints ot nItei in the hanls of ,unr lawyers fur collecc Iion, as we tse Indtl to close our ';accoilntst3 JANIN & CASPARI, lt 5 ww tif 'llh] I~n~ll E AST SIBB t ALABAMA CAPT. Wv. BOARD MAiN. Will mnke nwrc'klv trips from NEV, V R LEANS, to SIIUEVEPURT , Iciajsg ENew 0ýlns V rvly Sturdy, yln Shre-cpo~rt ccv ry Wcdnýd iv morninlr. pa sinrC Grand h;ý re eveiy Mondm:i. nmornilug, and d)Wii eve rv Thursulay in'nun';,ý iFr;l frý"ight Ant P'it-afg, APpiy to iaF. II. 1111u & Co, Grand E1urc or L. DUPLT IX, April, 4---w&.wlzn. Narchltoche=. `1)r iný our absence from the State Messrs. U. diCnj~iin incf Soil, aire rnr Agents and Attys in farct. All pt'r tytn1s iiidebtbd to G. Ilamonet. or flarrnoitet & e&ich(1pini, or NIclmil. IInilmonct 6& Tirnav'illICUr are reqln 1 tec(l to come torwardi iinrwdinteft ancd settle witlh said firm, otlherwiic ouc' claims wvill be 'mtt ini suit fur col lectioin. IIA!fMO YET & SEICIIHEP1iE A25. -3m. For sale at iinodcrate priecs, apply to J. P. BREDA. al O-sw& f CRING my ahaenc. Mr. Wi. M. Lcvy LI iý my a º'hnriZid agent Ii my pr 'Let. lo al husine s. han. 27, C. F. DRANGUI.T. FUD 1T8 Tfffl8, E II Ul, 1 1 1lI!Tlt. rII E public is most respoetfully informrrd b that I Dave prepared and will keep con stantly on hand a liie assortmneit of Toorti l'own)Ea, luOuru-Wa\S s AN ASInitNUET LoTIoN, A dn. E Cvyrflay . ompanoan toI the Toilet of the .'loutti. The above mentioned arriclcsare jutidicious ly prepared by a lng aadml practical expetll irce. and their jliNtErlAJ, effects have bea duly lested during an out 'nSive and success ful practice, a~a Dentlist, for over thirty yea, . 1'ttK T',oro, PowI'rlI)E, cleanses the 'l'eeth. m:,kes white, prescrves the cn amel. antd preveIntI decay. 'It" Mourn 'VA.snL-preseTvcs the gums, and prevetlts the!r bereming soft, spongy and white-it purifies the breathb, and int parts to it a most agreeable. and pleaimnt or)d r. : I have lso in preparation an AsnT Scon BUcTI TIN(:T'I, used for swollen, I allnued or slrogy gmlll, very valunble to theoe per oni so aff'ct+ed. which by a constant use will keep th gaums and minth iti a healthy stabt ; meatimle it will implrt a frulgranceO to the breath, and of a vety refrethiug a. ture. All can be haud at my op"raling fooni Front Srclre, whre ,all operations in l)e:. lal Surrg,,ry are performed with the gqeatest cate. and upon the lutist and most dppro red scientile principles. A. L. PLOUGIT. dec 30-awkw tf. Dentist, Cotton Seed for Sale. I have 600 BO'h, ls fresh gined, npland co:tou seed. chlAce for pllastiug : Pr!c $1,00 pr bushel. 5 miles from the twn of Ntclhitcltes. JOHN B. PACKER, f21-sw& w. La I)emcerat Vle6e Copy Q times & charge this ofice. FOR SILE. A Gooad country residln 'e, siteatld art thi' Brevile I'sndl, heret, ore beldoging to' i l)r. ltirlrln. The si~' rtio', for a Doctor or astor' is uasurpasaed. S. Mf. T11 VAMi. Sac-tf Atty in Iact of G. Ll!iye.