Newspaper Page Text
THE SEMI*WEEKLY TIMES. L. D[PEE11, 1"'1'11t ti lltIIII'III:T111), I'uI.&tkdwhrtl r ry I 'ttlaCs day (1*14 Saleurd Eli. OI'rlc:IC ST.DEX1 : s 'i'iu1r, IN TILE Batto or SlIeYneripfioia-- Per t to 'hereit (Jr l th ir ' t ii'r ý nt1 'ti i t,.. m i h n v er e it hr~ic i "" IlIl niu . 'an y u r t tiiIr ' , ptapCr for halfthe h;. ihO. A"etils (PC (rllUuL'el Writ I v je- cenit en the ab'tre r: 1 s inn Cl ~il O; each snts Inuiet to hi~t~in, I: A iber.]kl ducltin mault to var]t al 'ct "tiycrý .Ve (w *Ig~lCiE(S, \V.. P. SOP INSs ............. .11."attlrin. F. MINTA4.. Ill. 01irt' A. L. I IA,............T rav'litig .A 1ttt. )Ir. J.ºtltas 0. Iiiit ... ....... I l' n ,u Ili I. 41r. J. 11. Chanpler IS the' dilil itbuc+,, riz, Pd;'nt ofihi' t'.lr.hif~itorch. 'lime, for Itt li r 11011 of Ili "t if if (,t1 )iritii'al act. 11 ''i--i1 liorlciiz oi n fi' N-e It a)rlt ia, Ja kc'jn aIdI Grcat N-u tlcrn Railroad. W 1'. Mci. :s.A fi\ t........5n Ato iuli:,c'. Anno'r & Co., Arlo. Agr'nf--P° Nansau St. N H E 1. E2k [:r..1. I,. I8 I, \ull), is our aiI thorized Agent to, colhlet, renew 11iId rc(,i\v.j s!hseripltiols for tihe Natchit ches Timlnes, 1r Natchitochis, and adjioiniiitg 'Parishes. ---- ---ri* I- . Parties in want of choice lim bIr, will Ido well by sending us their orders. We are agents for W. 31 TRA3,SuI.'sSaw Mrn,., and satisfaction is warranted to our customers, at renasnal,le prices. May, 19, tf. CArrnul.lLLA.s.-We are informed ly reliable planters that the real c:l tlocaterpillars have made their ap pearance in the upper and lower parts of onr Parish. We can not doubt the fact, :although 5some con temporaries will think the news rath er early. We will diligently enquire about the matter, as the most inrpor taiwt one for the welfare of our colin try. What relief can be expected for those who have lost all their crops by the recent overflow ? They work ed in earnest and planted with great energy at a heavy expense, all the fields which lately were under water, and when their efforts were crowned with a just retribution, and their I'oplrpects apparently good, they are, once more, at the mercy of a terrible and powerful enemy. SPANISH LAKE.-The pla:.ters who ilecteted their plantations on the Spanish Lake, on account of the high water, have retur, ed home. l1any had rented other places and planted cott:n and corn, but prefer ed their rich alluvion lands, which are the most productive of the coun tiy. thruI.\srT FRoM TEX-AS.-- Since few days, we have welcomed several families of Europeans, just returned from Texai. They are com'ng in view of settling in our Parish,, wnich they prefer on account of their mother tongue (the french ) These parties are generally me chanics, farmers, stock raisers and are working in partnership This is the best of emigration for our country, and we hope, the new comers will find among us enough sympathy alad encouragement, to remain. No doubt, they wilt be followed by other friends, as soon as their prospects will prove to be satisfactorly. E Large shipments of sheep and beeves at this place from Texas, have been effected since late, still, meat at our market is very high. ag. We are indebted to our old friend Win. Tourney attached to the . O. Times office, for a file of very interesting papers. Such fivors will be recollected. igh Capt. of steamers Alabama and Starlight has placed us under many ob'igations for New Orleans papers. TnE fIsnoP OF OXFORD oxi E.LESS. -l)ullnes, according to tlhe Bishop t Oxford, is worse than ignorance. At a late meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, he said:' "It is more difficult to get hooksaml tracts read than to get them written. In this matter there ia terrible danger ahead, a danger which can never be escaped, a fault whichnever can .be forgiven. We can forgive alhnost anything in a man who comes to talk to us if he avoids that one unpardonable offence ofldullness. We may not agree with him, but so long as he avoids dull-. ,ess, that is of little importance." It is maid that Glen. Meade is a member of the Fenian organization Inl'; . t, aL u l 1 .t . :v iii l , ' fl ' ti' i if i l l . I tt te i. t1i a i i' M " 1 i .. l '-a t\ i ll t.: t n 1.. !n - .t" S , p hr. o nt : lu on; tl ", - iL.: ti, 3 ,lllft . ii, , :f I i l'. ' i l ii l , , I ,-: -t f S 'i, ''. Thi - t a , t , 1 ' LIII I Iii'111, 1 I j11! i 11. he ti ir d '; 11,iit , "I''r-' -I t : ' 1 r!it ' (i' i'- ,: Ill , tIII ii t ix'! 1 ,i t , h t t te ,Mld a o nity in th,' Stai_ ,. l, , : ca 1, • i, i'ta! 1ta it1 \ i. t, ,. : ! ý t,'c l; > 'd i ,l il . I Ic ,: 11 fh tl il it, ll ' ,, I : tI, ''i I - I p i xr . r1 t ill a t I ,t in 1 ' ' il I ' -. l ,lr i', :nm ofu I h t. I >n r,''i! t tl,, ! i x't I.: lt ~rni. ll if a Lt -( Ill.n hilts a i it -i r ttiN tI u ! We :'pp -'al to thetl 1M W } ,an~' II,', l r i p iia I , ,f til,' 1,u1,li.. t., . , f,," .1 '1 i 'n nl . x- t ' '! - d ay , v ,',!in_ . a: !d "i I, 1ý' , .-I I \ 1 : th're i l n, 'it haii'It ii, 1e: I I II' :' t n ' :11 : : f , l l l _ tIl f ': t , ' 1 :" I:, 1' l ,I t ,i t i ,! :i i 1 , I Al l, n i t in 1h l il h: 14 i i . \\, -1, ,l' 1 1u i l ,i :',,u l t i l1; ,; , 11pi 1 , 1 , i ll ,: 1 l \ , L avt an 'll 'tlli u i ty t `i ,'h lI. ir ;!1111 : tura lI f Ie e r n'i rf i ' t , I, x tai u aI . .( l : Jl ,,. Anl I ipi rtti Loler, A ug .lt - -i ir ii. Mi.t :- I' in . ri.p iu 'len! . A. . 1( r. i A . i iiI c hi .I ..u 1 .,l I it '!i. _ 'c iit.uI oil e, xisit[tog.. t l. f.]'ir. lI i, n .it:h :fr.ll , oh-Itl s f tltio tt'": IiiAr iit .\ ... til. , i:. l,,,r ,i ' thr a't t in t I:' (r l llJui li i t and !'()lni,:h, S \\ illiili ii~t'l h Ih l,' hla l. 't and i \\is-. dom that '<'ih I,, rii. , the ip n of (Ulur nia - wortho [i-h.lp. and w, hop" that IAlial 11t'" t `i lijr'u :'I l -n c xi'Itd 1t ,:! 1 r -i IIi'' t t il' il - 'tr it i I .`'l I , : i" C!S ' th-=.\ .\ ,cla 7 . O ,l re .aht, d. '1"th' li rcuc r uf thi- gi , ,I ," i ,.:,i ,.,: I la, givhing a fair in N ('.t lib . `.I1 N ,. '.. her ni xt. to rin ve ithe i.l t a1t. in,, tlix n - .f the native tale nt of Iurn.ta , and r -non t ir titaie' goel(rab ly. . ,r l . i th hl it'i . Ai r tint and cvcrv n .tts iof la or ect i ill , l. repl rsenthd-ti f.ii tt ti tliBere 1', aln 1iet ,' ti: (-xlonsitiun of F nttillt rn Art. lkill and idini : trt. It is hxpe iiu n tl:t r will rl i l l l t ilt v ,' i sivelt- ty live o eu;ad h tani trs in \N w ()it leanis i ltin ,, fair. e ai rie th u i tin l frlt ii wllich w i ill h et inmene. I lilt v i halt lir p.loii ln b in irr lilde fti l'e ,l" t i cc in 111:idati i l of I' r i thl re h Il ri:Alti ug.l, or oiln no tlict i (initu1hu t-i fu Tly thse hai, ers 7 W , think tnlt. Thc, r.ltre o 1 Citly fhl'i,-d l.uh-llr, poel' tIl 'n r,1i \'vi s I for this tr ai l ri ' i u. 'lSlh.. d At 'su,:e fl utM yiell we a vc-ill ntiie 1 :i- ' Nahetry of heJune Ore 1-,c I lI take Crat hl a-i:ro, and fiS l L-cn t ,: , i: ahlie 'II ams e tb o tl, ofrinint, ', mle tI t 't. i Ir, o1"r, st ii Ibttr t lT,.! ii ne t i it I th-ir ntllwre itizt nso ti re r Icllhtig o 1d li. ifa o r, tl, piai o u- Ort, l 1.)L 11ts iof . A. . t'lioCh to catlonn l t!, Si 1f, Ct fled I ia,., ~.. tt c a r ichll tral pur cut,. l c afil I haf tel tlt , rima beo ,fii s hn t, i el swlf ' ire ,l floo1.. e, la id r aff i re:rl i th ,nce excessivte wcealh f Ithie argE i o P . f wealth wdo evr knew on the t it e of the Mniih I; whiatl, c.-,it a dit, till <h"It ni nll-, willhng hPe l'ts, .t1 I arl l e ll.r t, patient, e r'tl i c bI r tor nude the slns thern pe olt th( ut 1rosp9ro9 rd wli th ife -llot ilepeleald f teFol all llat lon*,: I'd a ln.y say tlh ninst Is al l a r,:spectid. Troo lot l ia.i the ver" ofe Ethr Per lll-soitute with the ,a f rvtl it. d. - enld L or shalreii to te e ens d of tlime it isO olly as tit n er itiy ft PilrI t t itt tlt .ue , thio n 6th dcf a oitci i. Ay t iti tt i giqu sin, a ay bieh o tr li' ardei'd t, Iaht t mg flbnr. •e of C u felote, namelyr rnd it h ll q tonbl W of tsi;t inc im ,' "ii)re \ not hth ,r,g lesthean by te O entqhu i out ,a th e pr..l gOneraOton htl , tque l t ilsorne forht the cinem-,etIn of rt'iengi olanil. eh. aeid hfi- for all rith the solid I'oundaltioii f tirue and lasting in e gtpi.a tin soe. nhiethop of Natchit, tcuhti. The, c durlal La Liberti, dited 1co Mo. Emile of (Giroleihl, cdolliar, , ia ts issuie of May hol , , leader inspired by Prince Napoleon, which concludes thu, : dcoliication lto the peodfin difwitlh The first canion ball, so mtci fea5ed JEFF DAVIs i it i . 1t, 7 t 'N i " 'a 't y , f : iiit. 1',.(h'eta, l itf , ' P.II , :h .i ,.) i , t fo r .T l, º_ , i, 1 ' , 1 . l ,'1! ' I t : i, ,) . t ,1 .\ s , : , ,,: , i -, tri ',it V i i', !i t i, t't tf (',t\' 'ir i, ' I t I l',,, i"',il tai .i,! (.t ti i t i' i t ,i t fi iti tI',l 'i. at \ , i' , . ii Ttl , _i sliY nf l ni i I' , i r , t I,' r [t i i, tr, lIV t it' ' ,i i i . iiu , h tI i tt ' tl nil I n rttic In ', ,. rt l " t i ' irt i I 1illi ii'tI iioi: t It t', ln !. li t h t l'lm i ,tt uti 'it t <i l ' 'it' , m t I till , ' i 'V It, dit' t11: t tt 'III 11' a ti! l 1n- ofi P itt 1 iti''l th ''i' .iil l r,,u liv i n, t , 1 ii'.t' i, ii1'' ' \ 'l, " , I ; l , g oi ;ittt m at';i n \ ,ir, · i.i r oi v. I t. .ii, j tI i n"t i< ii ' <ii l e kl l : ol,' ' Slii t w1 1 it( , t11 : i t o'i t Ii t hi it i lil, i''l i , I t l' 1 .il' Io it't L i-, iit iid l itr in i ' '-1: . th .i' v (. l 1' , l' iiict ' t tl' l t.\\'i(r l-, l , . 'ii iti l' i ( , 1' h i' s :(',,li['t ) 11 ' i :t'ii 't fit ' ii ' wt' ic l i it I.i: t it - 'nittl ( Ills' J Iu , :- t i . t"t ir'i t' 11u I 1 t hitl ll l + d ill: 4ILi " .i I "\h 1': O ,,i t,.'t " ; , I , in.s litii r ni 0 i,- i i c.iit, n I' i'l('' li ult '; ll! I, . , t tlt i I, !t l th ',1t: itw; tt 'n11 tii lt s ri ti'll iii-' t h t t " Piufrict of Vifi inia\. ra rt hls Beol it il i tite W ,t DiCkenR once wrote ah y Pera't'nhr apvi, r olt i dco, t, , lil.r aI Citi ,i o lle ol lionr i 'iiti ii i'ii It 11 ott l it te 1 11 thi `i iti'i1t to7 :t; tl'i t c l ,t] R ' ·h:1, i11' ,tilt ! ri. ll ý,t I 1: tli lu t ;int the ti . lt'oii'" le -lo i tLl c' 1 , it' ft aitn irl tttu'lt t aids(' t'iiitt, Itij'1 1 i \It'Ilni n lrt I . t o f'l' lit 'tl t i' t iit' l 11 , ' 'i'rt ' 1 ' !i T ss i ( t hl " t1n l. of' till e ' r . tll- Ix r;l 't !' tw't li: i ttt' ' tit t ' ti tid iatli I ',si gibt] a',, : n i"t' lo eiit , li I w It '. at';' T i lc'y r ,I iti t stt '-i it ' a Ir'itti'o ut' SB 01 b . af 'ad. " ' I'ti` Itt' I t',i e ll o,' " sl ; t i, it tll ' ieIio tl.. a U 1d M is i, 1 1 , at - a h."r(t (i 5, lI ti e m ait nlrin N ii,.t l i-,\ . I , t , i ( li ' [ niittit I' o t tt k is t Ike i it i tut'r ti.s s iut's c'i t1 1it (,,il' it ( it'I i 1' 1' ! "., it: :t.' I fi. , d :rt a1 d ttt'1t' 1"'r'. i nt \':Ir I 1 of 1 li 1o :1 ki ll.' itt tim, (lil' h pp It ' e i pl tin ttlll tl l; if',- I i , inr h r gl d v i)cet'll. We1 haeil nodulll', if1 )yath " ti' i t ralltc ,r aiid ie o ,iti1. at t o7 . d ant I7t ll it Ilco i nha riitt- t it il a t ,o t\\- ll' ii" l it 'l c :he il' ltia iiltt+o a', r orf:rtilp Ilv: i d tl)i b '( 1 nntll 7 (t1'111 1 1(iwl oil y, El ntdll d 1i1( "1ll tsa; M ]' . , . di dl rt ' alth m, AIvernIý i n th~ e 1!.t.. <t:l. di'n1 i i hi n , 1 - i i, h ! i ) li e 'r b" i1f t (lh 1N ' t'" !l f t."i hd ";a in S1 1 o tatle' 1 1rl' Th s F x i trth eiin t tI n 1, l . It uti , .i. gold wt che t~;U. hal the weza-'?.'-., nt li.-. o~f thl," 11" ('i t-I'!I tlitl''' P1 l '" - I }it ll' 11ill ! tl ' tun '1 a u t il JI lt L II H' 'I l'ih'tit'tt'1", It'. 11 1!~ ~ ~ h lt 11"1tr t(I in!, i tiI (1 1: Itlili i 1, I Itt'' (l itti i l'l "',' r It lt' pn-It hat 1' :1t itl it ; ' tl fil l 't :!i l I I i I I I ! I '1 I ( 1 ' 1 'liltt ~ 11:u ai ` \S I ,A 1' il !1 v. !1, (t'1~ j1t r :~~i, , '.1It ; , . . ! ii cl l i'' 7 t ii It11,;. .}11 '~ ,,. " l- Xi ti.'-. i ' f t Ii i l I iii al' I I. ' t. 1i ,ii ' 1!"1' 1 , I I i t I Iý .i Ititt 1, .1 11 1 ,1 Ii'l hit i -1 1' t !. I' '* c l u l . 'i i " I , :,I " It u 1: : 1 ! , ' I , 1 . 1 . ..'" ! ' ' t 1 1'11 *.;\ -! ,1 i t" :!: :'.1 t1 I . , 1!1 tt k ' ' ii 1 , '1 II i" i i , 't I ! ' ! I' ! , , i ,lil".. ~ ~ S{I ' ":1 I t t', ~ ~ ~ i IIl ';i t' 1 t!t 1( i .; I .t ' I t :t~~i:, a~ll I I I :: 1 11 .! .!: : ' 1" i 1 ,t.. , I I It 1 - ,,1 I , "I I t' i' ~ . "1 .. Ii - 1. " ,. ý, 1 : , ,ý ,, _ h , ,! ..rI :~1 :/II. ;.:: L' t ',4'4.44144's·i·i '. I 1 4 .1.1 r- ··· I! , , tt 1 ` I i .t ! a t I t `i l ! 11, !.,I. 111 "I ; 1". .1 ,. i Llarti 'i 1, 1 j '. i ' 1 4.41 1i1 4.1 14.' I'.;, I ' . i I*..\ . . 1" , : 1, '. 1 1 1 "I,'1,1 1 11(' : 1 1 ':1 1 I\ '. , _ ! t _, is j !iri ý1' 11) p 't'i~1· ilflliltl, I;' \1't' Ir 1 tll l`l 1'' II II ( , i1 SI i 4 I l"ll," - i 1 .i( 1 ' '4i.l Il i.1 11 111 ice. A ll 1, tr;1 11, A'."t :Ili, 1+"11 Itr Ci'I:.; I '`"" lf: :. ( ) ii' 11 1' .'' .1 1 1 , 1 1' 1\ f: t 1;1,1 tl- t ll t lt' 1'. t t ln 't d u ll ; . \\ (' '1Jir .'I''-\ ti nit; _ Ili, výic i rl, I'l t" '1V"' r 1i'' it L';IIIlrr' ti II1! i I 1 11' 1I1 ` "111!' 1 II (4 ' "' 'i:( iii;. l!_' :1 :'4 4 i. 1 ' 11 Iv1 "41' ',4. ,1 l ;t f r Ire r cc l!l l fl 1.11! 1' r , ti 1.. ,., '' I .:± 4 4 4 4 4 I i "I\".. lilli t. ;t. :!. ;: ;t' 11"''1.', it r" " i' I' I' rý' t'l ' *Il 441 .4li 1 I·: '' . '"1. " I 11 k : l (1''1,'411 i.41 4 11'' :"i ' l l ' 4I H 1 ,1 ,1''' 1'-' .Ili t(' 1' , , i ti, (' 1,> l . 1r1 4 ~ '1lh 1:1 2 III', ~ ~ ;l '1 v ..1 " 1 , I 44411411'\.~ 1144 44 1 \' ."t 1 1,4 \" '1 \ 41-1 t_1 '' .' 1 : aL 1~ 111 'L 4 '4t ll 41 li'4 - 1 'i" rl 1"('11 1 1t' 14 I~f p i4 1 GR AND HI NLTiON CONCERT For the Benefit of the 11 ý ElU N00I00N, W LL TAKE PLACE ATNATHITOC HES ON ITESDAY JULY 3) 18; I . At the St. Denis Ball Room. ROG 17tMMEJ: P.ATIT 1. 1 l'. :: i :·.: ;. . (? tic ·t p.. ............. . .......... . . " the bali1. S\:. .. ~ I . I',l . ....... ......... .......................... t Sllz ....... .. ...... . \:\l . l .......... il i ........................ ................ & IA. '," . n !, l Sl r , ll t I n. ..... ................ .... y thiie I1an d. 12 I r l' 'i (1' i : r,,le t i;`fr- 's. .... . . t.. y the B and. )1 - r; f . r'c A.llii tl... s... ........ .......................y the . ta . Hio , .................................. ..... . ... S 11.... . ...................I 1 N .. ,, ,"..: . .:- , . . .. .. , .. ......... ... . ....... . It 1'? ......:............... ..... ... S. . ( , ...... ............... ..ll nd. INTTERMISION OF TEN MINUTES. 1 T . . . .. . . . . . , '.. .,,. .... . ).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .h ] .. . . . ,.. . .. ... .. . .. .. , 1 .... .... .. ... ............................ ..........t ...I . ...... ............ ...... ........... . . ................................................ .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I II /0 1 ; ;i.. ... . . . . . . l •1.' ' .. H . . . . . . . . . . *, . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1:, , l . " ., .-. 111.. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . i' t,-:<"lr, ,'. ,)i ,. " i ,-,, ,/ ,r:M't, .,'.. 'N~~~~ ·rn~~m~PD---iim . 1 .'4 , 'i'l.: it i ::' _ :, ; ;('t, ("t ( l'i i': lil-, ;!,1· r tl: ; (!11 ( " i 1'&'' h ill ,I 1. , (' (f ilf!' t' It t 1. 1''c. 1 (.10 1 11. 1 v flli c j l',l n r\' ll1 a ý ti''i 'ý! It' 111111 t ll ti;lll'Ilili,, Illlllir'-: '('s 1 flit' llillli' illlll /1 1, If 11 '1 11(1 1t II('!';( it 1'1 1;( : n l 11:;, 1 t111 11; 11( - II I 11111 ;'1; 1 ii ill 1 t1ii1('-!;, 1 1 tll trf i rI ili. (S1,'(' it'1` 'I'i()11l y 'hC "'t'(1 heir I11"' (4114 i'vll i4 " i t4i I\ t Ii' tii'' '(i tl,('rc·< lu l\' Ilc 'artl~f citi i, ! li~,u n· 1,Y 110 11i' 114,'44'1' 4St ( (41 1144 4lu 11(1)11 1lie C4W1(t' tlid1'' fIl4441 l Ili til; Acia-t, 4144 1~I iiitll xai ' ti fIV(' c' It is a r( ~ii (it 4 t.\ at . lly ' 414'((li the ti4(' I 44444444 4 ~t"'4 41ulic t 4 14' olit of1 t ~i ll., (! l'4 r t ' i l i , A ~ i ' ! i a H e f 4 * 4 1 \\i' l 4 '4 1 1 2 1 1 \t ' 4 l (14: 11 wit l !ej ' c " (Ilwl to1444 i irs vii \ 444 a 1,(il show whait 141'4 '414o1 oths11 1-(4441 t(lIt 14) le' I'ct!' iii ll the' Cii 114. 1l44crop in 1(e li t e' fau ltsi. 4 4 11 (41h ' "T4lill44' 1 4141tt lti 111? 1 l1-(41 il (iItltIvij tilll 441(4s ('5111441144I byV tIlose? 4Viil 44'14t''4 w:' e414;,('I,4, 4t 14i44411t tw4' tIiI' 44144'Itr. t' Ties (1511444141444utc(1 . fII (aic byV g'IlILL h!!t e''cid eglr ill t1(: best ! 4tjiul (If till (':44442Ii k4Te -\\' 14414(4 44 Iha 1144 14(1ti)1 which is lhe it( t oft 1ie:45 \4VŽ (Clls1' of CII ll vt-ha ti44H5 11 V('IV Iili4t 1441141 Iyilil nut of' "''14( tii144Ii4L1 orI lilaeli lhal )441C~s lS4:4 I:l4-'I~V del('('r:4-L'(l rill that of' for e~r' \4'hIis, \\vliil1' 1il4444'~l 1415 , 14Cl(,41i~i~lcI 44I ill 44I411444oi 441' 4V'litit4211444l4'l5(I1'14w1 tutui (?114'1' 44 , :'414~ls of the State' \l(44' 1), 1144' w44(44s ll IgSlli' 1) 1 ;14' 1 144I lu t 1' 14 i,' 6,t111 I('14: li;14 is 1S t4('Li41444i't!( lI'44 ill The'44S. i1se', with llhe t 'ilitlrCJ, 1414,(1 1it ('.1444 4V'ver, i, :4 (- (-el a' 1; r(4.1 which 414~ l lit:4 ~ 1)4? (l fit:4ltlv 1'44I111.?4'4l i44lr 1 1'i4f ITiI44('.l 4444:41t 4v~itiI tl4'i1 ' lgell , 41411 (44:44( of lie o'.4 arc' iu F '142'rr11t' Phuecrr. u:;. otltrs '1' '}" a4 ¶1i.... ' .~1 :l.4Ii .: 4' ";I 'i 1" 1'I"i (} i . Ii ~ I' 1 ' ! I 44"l~ M.Iit 1 ;t '', I~ If Ill~ ' 11: 112 I rui)441' n 1 '4 ,It jl r I 4 I, 11 1! . i' i I i. . 1 ll :14'1 ` 1 . ;t 4. 1' pl ;t 4 44.4 4'l''l; - l4\.I '1 11! ri.4 4 '4.44 I p ple in andrant i;'''14 444 1 t'i4l el. 4r, ,)ll l it 4) ii I4 10 11 ) ii 4111 , '' 444l 41V11 41 ' '444:1 444i 1444l'.llt 01'1"4'1' fill' 4, 44?l'. 444l'_ T1.4 In 4 l1" 1'4i 1444i t Ii' .1 4 :"1 fill, (u''ni t. '.'h' 4 I 4444i44gll 4 'I c, "1 11hi' (414It 1414i L I ' l tj 444.44i it iii t,,4 ii' t 44 lltt" Iii' 1444:11 AHVI t414)4.4, k 42 "t 44 ; 414'lit 14 l av'! ~i',:I: 1:'th T~ -' 4 ,P I, I: t ( 1 1 1"' 1 , I .4 '4 t1444' 44)41 l II4 It441 l 444)144 t, ha=41 i44 t44 C4I1'vci td. i ii' 4 ~ 't 44. 4144trt . 14'444 .44 oi ?he \% TI''4( ''1 ' 1( ' L!" 44 44fn 4)444'i 44 44 41444. lulIi t 4.4'tts 14414l, TIC 4 111;4 I', 14i ''' an'4-4(4 to. tilt, 444' if441 ant'1J4 444.' t al '1-i1, a r4 ' "l ilt 44 144 "'p 41 (.)11111 "' ii)4444t 44) hi ofie 14h r co l h 444444 '4.Rt~11 44444 a,4i4i4 (This4444)444 44 it. TI 44-IIr 444171. 1 44' ' 4'4'4441444'of4[ lly41 -1 lex i ll';ii 1 s)4ll 4)144 " in 44 he44 letlcr. 1h,14).ý i44't1iii 44' 4444 114"Il4 l 4)4: 44t 1of 4 te nlc ' r 4r'i~ (HA'), Mlt4)NIROE t 4. iI'44'1f4444 SUCCESSION SALE. Snccessi4i of1 'Ab 1)) r'i, d(lQ(4 11YV~ i tti oIf nn order o f the 1 t14( D is~trict Court ini and for4 the it;h of N I I chiin tOe4s, to me'1 dire I will sell ait the i'e44i4'lnce o)f t11e (lc~eliS44. Iin the 1 .W44 of tlluutiC'I' ill said1( Par'ish, Get Z1llolnda i, l' ft/h i'/' Jurl y 1I S a1,1 1hu; , 4ta''** t) crrnsis iill 441 )cI;C14 41 a iil.I..kttcý=iJa4- in 114 All t144' rights~ rin (4i'cdits 144414iý t44'14 s:tid su4ccessionf. C.1I .'JJ-Subject to' ;4 PP"'ai4504 ,JOSEPH C1iAKIEVILLE. ,j 144( 27 itds5 AdoIi VEIiTE DE SUCCESSIOr 12 N VIII 4111 (PA 15.1 S4''s, d4'c'd hie Couri de' Dis.tri('t (1411ls ('t pbo (i")risse dl' 'S atvh~itoelles, aL 1110 .1ressI', ,j'ofl'i'aii' ('n) V"m'it? a I a der' is ti 1'''i41oi44o 414 (lelurit, clanls V'ille die CIlhutierville, larns IaºL .T 44)dilC time jour de Jluillft Brit~ Cii .ll('iulldli du 'naison et, d'9-ei4+ '44441s les dlroils et ereallecs ai. teInant it la (lite succeCssion, PI'1ITT ON9 flE Lit V'EN? . - CUMPTA NT -Su je't ait~'esl mitr Joseph Chiu'levdlle I.l i i.t t 4.1