Newspaper Page Text
-iE l SElIIEEli i 1 i I.I1,S, I, DUPLEIX, ED, &PPOPRIETOR NATCIITOCHES, LA., OCT. 20, 1866 aRo'l.- Or plater" ai,,, bhiiy en,1, god in gath,,ring their cri,, theyl are faIst adlvcfin)g. 'lhit retisults s ill prove to be nearly, actrlir,, fit our last alht-ul;. lions., say ait ut hu) als fior this laris!,. W t. hink it to le tihe duity of our friend. to ship their produce as stn as plrsictica lle, antd v it relietvo their N. ()tre, C.'ontli:ýion me(rclhants, who nutdolit erlyv must suflfer. We d.) h)nt :nt cipalt hti y ly prices fir i, r st;1tle, even if the crop will oil]y V al1,. ,t to) 12l/i.,'1,0 lUnti She -1),irts of 1hi.r pl, to raise cout ti,, have lbtie sHo far, -,'er:ftl and Iri c-s aiding all the 'iuntris have lianted smte, mitrt o(,r less amtl ti c rsttipts Show thi, value of our lpr,;ph-ies in former times. r? Actording to all prohfllilities, we will ha\e n o low, \ater Sa:;:on this year. .l" We art, infornmed lby reli:ble ,pliar-. it s tlhat fr s(,om( time, thl ('altains of the ]ted River boats, as well as snome friiendi,i are setlding t tthis (,ffl te. howsvia pers, as a fiavit , which is duly aplpreciafted iby all t lose who are betefitedil by themn In ,tany i nstnncis, our bhrndles are taken liv unkntown friiends and distributed in this place, without otur knowledge or permission. IHereafter, we will watch closely, anli any party, guilty of the offente, will le dealt with according to law. We have suffered long enough. r"fi Our readler. will lake due notice, that the article, "To our orr,.espondeint Juliut L." (did not allude to Mr. Julius Li1io, ofSlpringville, as intimated by somen subscribers of that locality. Editorial and News Items. General MoJramvieff, the celehrated Rut. tian officer was recently found dead in his (ee. M. Fl(edfrd :has iimpolrted from Can ada tihe larges~t and finest. sheep Neevr soon in Ken tcnky. The three rear old Cost wold rain weighs .106 pound., yeatly rams 302 and 297 porinds, the lait one a twin. Jeff. Davis' children are educated at a Catholic convent in (Canada. It is estimated that the corn crop of t' e United States will be 1,039,000,000 bush els. It is said Ex-Secretary Harlau is worth now half a million of dollars. Gen. Forrest is advertised as Cotton Factor and Cotnmision merchant. The Venetian debt, which Is to he taken over fron Austria by the Italian govern ment, amounts to 250,000,000 france. Three American ships-of-wnr are now at the Island of Candia and attract much at te'htiorl. General Marseano has been appointed Governor-General of Cuba. General Bazaino commandor-in-chief of the French firces 'n Mexico is to be re called. IHe is accused of the fall of Mata moras and of Tampico, the latter was gal lant ly defendl d by a garrison of one hun lrod and seventy-five men, who obtained ah honorable capitulation and marched out with arms, baggage and drums beat ing. The Committee of Deputies in Crete have sent as address to the President of the United States. It is reported that at a cabinet meeting, it was determined to make a wholesale sweep of the Radicals office-holders in Neo York. The author of "Ecce Homo" has been paid $30,000 by his publishers. ~eneral EIarly is now at Toronto) Cana da. Mr. J. S. lfellery, of Pennsylvania, who went to South Carolina at the request of a company intending to buy land for Ag ricultural purposes, gives a favorable re port of the fertility of the soil and of the disposition of the inhabitants towards em igrants. He says he finds the people kind hearted and affable, affording a hearty welcome to all good citizens who come to settle among them. Ex-Congressman (Judge) Oldham, of Texas, is in Cordova, Mexico, tading pho tographs for a living. lie is also writing a history of the wer. Ex-Confederates General Shelby is running a wagon train from Paso del Macha to the City of Mexi co.. The undertaking, it is said, affords hinm a gwl living. General Hlindman is in Cordova, practising law , but as no one regards the law in that region he is not overrun with clients. Ex-Governor Liar ria and General Price are also living in Cordova, and Dr. J. A. Robinson, of Ala' bama, keeps the only hotel in the place the "Dixie Hotel." Charlee Beader, of Philadelphia, who years ago, compromised with his creditors and received a legal discharge, recently invited them to dinner at the Continental, and paid each creditor the full amount of his indebtedness. The Douglas monument fund, realized $1 ,0N)0. Thie Ship Caleonda 1,016, tons was pur chasaed by Anerkian Colonization Society to carry emigrants to Liberia. Upwards of one thousand freedmen have alreadyI applied for a passage this fall. Girard a French engineer has discovered I a new motive power, whereby a railway train, the carriage of which are destitute of wheels, can be made to ascend a steep grade without the aid of steam. A ship left M31ssey for Australia having on board one hundred young women, having in view a husband-seeking ndis alon. They were under the care of Miss dafatigable emigrant reform r ald tii' ;t. \' ti r' It i hrt+ T . . I ' , . i :.i i, 1 i '.al; - 1i 1 ,t M '' u t t: hl t' t' "It.i ' 1tsav.', i d I lt a lI I t'lein iich b ' ,ove a t fr i 'liit 1. lat , 1 1h L ist - the f,ct, thit iit h, aItetd the ti' nal iull u:utl' intiU, un.t . that 'har' ct,'rize MJr. V .!i-' ,ni, in . ih li ,. ' h tt jr polrtlrays liht'ha ut`r of the writer, Iand dinlii ctl t'liltR s a h lts'ou, :tiil fin tlt rili elpr , ,enti:l:. h,, sitat1!!, if tihl pIlk 4, ol l.ouit iann. I W i -lFlh iij i !r". W ,tll, a ith i thei t'Ie si.dllt tli t' ilt' pt.LtsI Vn iwi ,,t i r satr.ils oft h irad' i' lih it,:uhrlis, ail ci,' ,.halt1 tlht , wilt tru tir in i u ' lin. h i I hei l't lit'r rleferred tc a ll \ e, c :ont hinst the mr st diabur t l, f ,iiiial id and it iix-t i j i .n ioni i 'if' ly p!:, ''s ti lt' \ a rifter ill a reo st dic u . tini g at t itud he'ore th,. i ll 'le,i Sid.' ovetr a frel. w h ite race, al h is ii'k ;in the hands of the tclltnit , till' Stt .,hoIIe laws hri fal.sely Iso to prot t' It anld hlti tiiits arountll and ki,,tia tle slurs of lth ' e i military. iir. Welui s its a l nin, . mit. so c salled, and a trailtr to I is Stt. i Il, SI ld hi hirthri ;ht t;. a n:, ýs of rau i ctl lpouttn ie, :antd lWlt \`;ith al a ,ýun rl ) i' nl . ,re soh+lirs, hr pro' lai' mls lhi.] ilt-fa liring ite, r of radical itnl ay .t lhi is rel.e nd N ,rth 1',r 1h s sppoII ,d i lnt iouL tm , and h ta 'ted, citiit s- al i'd tt-ene, l, by thel S, oullth irn ii rli,' oh, fir ,etig a fal1 .tfyitg traitor )Ai;ii'-hall ker sand di'sse1.m lht . L l ad ir ialt hItitll1 11l Iti it il) \ ItI' er t h tr esr ttnt coll d itu, tor it is lhu i liatr ing ia tl (t'xtrW 'll . In our youth, we were t.neht to look i.on thle ,laer of an tltu'nird itan, whio \'a's in search of medical assilstance t his sick wife,, as a dthnon, and often did ie eye him it all t hial h orror reof an i crei( tand wondered how thie law andl jutice ithie pur and virtuous (le mentds of society, Ito retlnin at lalge. A defaulter to his Parin h, a traitor to his State,' ait cnnonl .jiy-hawks r, Mr W'cIlls' sits upon thlt tchair, in fNrtluately, hich tholst tf ho or and respect once occupied. We are truly disgraced, w(e how our headls withll humiliationt and with suppliant thoughts. hope our tate may oon)u be relieved u f henr ueerdedn. The citizens of New Orleanst , herci ati indig ntioin meeting, on thet lth inst., foi the rlpurlo of deniuntwing Mr. Wells. Auong the speakners, whol addreaes' d thi, iho refutea thichar mastde hit Mr. We lls. that the lidtes of the nion men un in L a. isiana were tunsife. Mr. 1osclius and tth er leading ihonotrable spirits, elabored n Mr Wells shoulders with the castigation he ty, were themslvyes :stonished at his oft fr'outry and his dear, dear friends, fother and Howell, lind that they are in bad con pany. In our next issue we will lay he fore our readers, the proct'edings of ilt mIe'ting il New Orleans, as the spaeo this week will not permit us. The Improvement of the South ern Freedmen. The ,ature of our lathly emancipat,'d slavesl n o human foresight can reach But I every one can see ', it'ffct's will r1 bably, and alost certefeinly rfollow, cr-at tain bausy . A higher civilization is erth tied theo follow a general difuoin fi knowl d'(ige, an aat educated man, who under-I ttahds tbe dutie s incumbent on hie aps a aucitizen, is morge likelyt to perform those duties than another, ho, r eared in ignu nanc, has nt clear conception either of his rights or his duties. Now th'se four million of lately emancipated slaves in the South, in their former coi ndition werte tdeb arred the privilege aquirieng even thei elements of k nowledge, and it need surprise no one th at some, even me. fences against the laws; they were geni erailly never taughte the moral tonrpitutae of such acts, and iwere frmery rgstraid them the proper rules of amoral action, and they will be restrained as o other prsonst are. Certainly no m oral rules and no laws t are sufficiently stringent teo prevent the proportion to the general enlights ment crime. The tgreat mass of thae freted Smen will remain on Southern soil :-08o me lfrome the border States woill probably e ution in their numers. They, fel gene rally the same harle feeling of attachment other classes; they feel also, an attach. met and o syo pathy for their ohl masterss --their old mistresses, and f their young they were in the same yards, or on the tenot slantation. Let our Northern broth rev say wim t they will to th p contrary, it in, ,enerally speaking tene. Nor even should thc Caroe admittece to the right of Lullrage after having become acquaintedj nith their duties as citizens, do we in the least fear that they would, a o a class, bo come inimical to the whites, fLr theyu tcrests of both wourl o e identically the n latue an that a condition of distrust and hatred would impair the happiness and prosperity of both. The subjecr of their edteation, is every dhere excitieg great interest in the coan vast importance and duty of speedily pducating the freedman-and Gonverm)r Legislature to extend to them the bene.n here may be a differen s of opinion about I rhe means propnr to ube adopted. Let us ull protectio of their legal rights, that the people of Oxford, Mise. " I. '['Is 14eldite ari V now t(,r\vn 1 l)-1 ,if thitl'r Wi\\'l I1's5411'e, Illi a B (iIt, 4 XIe'Vid tr, 11" \ i'hi1ch tihy arr, to a ci - t ill, ,x teilt, 111(111'! p ar('i . I 1. '1i i c, ,ii thle u , their fi)rir1, w',:vs 10 (11, their nutural guardiars, ai thleir lbest fr'iendls., 3 It is '1un inte(,rst. :. well as our ,utry, to dil',lse tle I,1,s1inlg' itgs oldu ,:ntion as wit lyV as p stilie un[ ,;.:1 al, lit;sts tof loi,,ph, in our conutry I° 4. It it e\tr wi;ls. g,,,1i policy Itt'i , sH), but tilhe \Iry re\v "s i' ; 3 "Th1' ri lht of sulh , , \u1ill, in all l4rit,,ilityv. hIe giv,:n to this peo(lh' ;It )n tl till'( ,,iv. 1 hI . le'lior. t \Itl 'l a:14 tiih Curtse oft i X()111"' t" ' 1 5 11 14'V. ie to 'w' d, n1 t te'ah doh un, st ctro ,I:' l', \\i!l, t dl wh, u wIi r tht - us I,'il ,tl1 li th I will 4/ ',in1 (' n iile rl' tv(r tI . w h b._ 'ill ,' ( '\c11 rlA the1ir '. Ift e w , 1 !,.r o r m, th is ,t h'1v i c e, thni. with us in prtml ,, tin' all urt' inte r S, munch f4 r ( o4)li,'v :1 aI ilntl' ',j - the last hI.-ote 'i i'In f irm the "1r g'i 1nur t. et uis lI ,)Ck ait the sull) jt' t I a is d& i' l of L tit) ,' ? 1: 1.t l1' ('hnr ci i, the 1111 i' lt f the. virlt ; it is rth'r frt ' I ,, w l to iilu igll'dtt! the SI ruit (ill nll',ge It'"Ir lie )Ii wlii , ht1'n the white racer 1 nily, but w(' are to "prleach thi e gi pel t1) c"#,'r rit 4',t. I11e."-L " 'tlarchl'l ' t' criltllr"' is i Sh ' t ili d tll i t it l a lr ,, -iI tle t ll trace oil, butl l toi llital kild --1 ('tl t"cm kIIanv tieh all wlie 'ever;ierl t, r15 pti'lt." W e artl t 11 !:l sti t l yti " 1acs li unsille r t to G l 1 tf thatr ifeluen ( il abili t to ake the ititi. The pinor \'1 have always with you is t h dcllar l e i lttiral arr; tl! e te lie t w i l'lt ' coIf a stautly rvlnin(lcil that \\'( i\ve flioo for turs'elvth C' alfne ; the no)l4r istd race :ire nit ii emphatically the pour a oilnl r the l'tl, d Ple. 2 t dach we nott owe it , to ,vm ,as4 it de t ofl' ratitu(e i \ (f e rrI en.,et'bi(. r hot, the v, for ior (eI sdkts, endtured heat and colf Gd, Wet auld dbe r iienter and wld intr, culad for tilng our fihi C inist, ring to o r t ,o1 l tl'(' is, pro iinr tilnl 1Our wealth, i)l' vi, the South, til Itr, l ai actually advancing civiliza tn, by their phsicl larolir ; attendo Or Supd tile firs at all citizens of (1r lives, liursii o)ur children, waitiin , upon the sick, go with us tli the f turial f our dead, ad hool istm for their fred with ur in Alaama e o Gave. Canoor it be that all this is loften ?-la ndor is it not a small tur citiz fr a ll this th We are atsked to male,', whlen it is proposed that we shall give t whor that in<(tdicuni of instinctioin which will enaible them to t lt'iad, olr at leas to kanw the way of liit eternal ? It is ufder the eplssue, e o tcrese all In simicular ccknsidtrtions that a feW i the, gae iti tileof Oxrkrd have beti moved to take the initiativ cour in thisat Swill pro,le the estapprbliove whent f th Saigath sof a mil feter the moral l bistr stied f the # r1 , red .11 le, , w.e l as. to t ach them tG ra.t. el aph, ir nllusin tzed this scrmorl withat Al;raner co100 paUil, andidate forlvo teachers.nor Regular prachis "Ilst is t providdi atior them hy te recivednt inisters fe yet to e the diere first man who isxrd. ot moire than eilit ii this rek allct outir bew.i sients, asto there is State i eiieniugh t r, atll, eide work enoug h fk r sall. I crinlch and work as this. I dHceubt, oe lon as ie is widullit, and thot (ertive toe actuatein that capcwhil. we wold O plead for tie e atment uthat o ,liticat diplitens are now distrino our the Stat, in whichny parts of ttlie Southey haveprominevnt citizes and ofur icial digni-. Otar people were actively ming inall this iMattOr'y I South Carolina Gov. Orr t alld te irst citizens of plic concern." flesto a.e Borging the establishment of rllthi toren school system ior this nuene. Our freed- W. t men. T., In Alabama ex-u ov. Moore ( any onde are delighted to hear from him. Is'nt this asii this field proof thlabort h is stioc-ll pguishef d aofg our caitocizens. All this a _rlffrd amoDg ORi ai#hilocket Bellet? ' Ourl It I, lit .r :1 , io le onneit. I.\Ti , n I, <.'t:, L. ., ? I(ihoin ill tht , tl liti ' Mr. Edit/r :-For lenly li'hys we have hal limost dtligttyil \viatihtert, (11:1r un il ph ,'i atld l igihts oft r ia t li, i iy whl In the tzurc sky, th. stars shone like dia S~Indtlls 1 ve and songs to the guitar' hli:tmtlitois isymphllonis. This favorable .han1' in the weather has been highly heltntieial tto the crops and we find plait r\br generally rcealizing a htter yichl than they anticipated sonme i eiks lago. Cotton is rapidly &,.in. 111;hed into mir ket, and ,lhn,,e (husi'es g n.erally i.d ao nn1 ing It mi;re lively Ispe c.t. Yet tl, ir-. lretis rin is ; foil i i utul niv ,r l ':lat planting, .o ton with ti e pr't ,ut I il. tt:l' d stati e ofi ,,anbhlii~r i i ,.: t,,tks or ',o if. The, s:i lei Wings of ILdeath which hlave hllrereid o,-,.r, our city ite lli, panteariiti, land the chutlea hIut lalil'alueI: inat l' l. With the i liftp"cts of h liltter timesi we teilin toietrt iinto lhoi e ;t erne which il:ikler lift son lthini he.iide shalow aind h.m. Th,,rc was a lirilliant hehhint ther this wlttkr, with the ustanl alttendance ' l thir lio'n: ;11lll tf e.s, la. s, ftlow'.r. ho Iiile andti wli lll tmou engk pit' t ilic t lllt lthe' Irnli i tinrfl ththei in the itr~itggle of lit.j and asi i ll Natehitlclles, ours hiave tade ihe ll e iltlling of Many weddings noll ,tn hI1 l C pi. tt I Iook till ae ld si h with l,. ll atii h scen ile and think of flir·, nl n llnhel o" "itl'lgro troops a ire con ti hel r lr :t irl . i tr tii t liet routil of st r l ii la ni I 'lil cruit ing e lhtt o itrnerl for Ithe o liirnnt 1of oltu ll st dtirel' i to enterll, t it ,:h 1' scot l' ilier. Isto ais crditi lens :trt'i It'h e St itops art very o lrderi and \\rt I hii!' etl s v lli. t n lih ;et, ia ntot'riln the reguilt r n "tir viceN I tlnl' ltim ly nl t':he ir Il llt ui t'ts alld tiiraining citizts t ie n rt ~ ineart for their ol huIlll ls. Aln org;nizat ion hasi heedl started here :1nt1 f1on the f 1rrnanti ge ife onof in th volort 'ihulof tilt Goiernlir'lh sttoltn th"e lje' eit 'of The lilnteetil, it t elicif t thire truti, that ti ollrntuayh a ct oin theay facts as thby the dasty.. T I rnieetig l calld in the filist well nstae fr a p. Vs is ndbtitdls the was at inthe last e oment ciohan id to 7 . andT will ritlot asuseon l onl ll knolferin winte, and tle rsult, there can ies. Will the wchnrt ha, beende islnised, allof thisr tih fort'nate ravie nw wer li,,rmit them to fol low thenir owand inthe robailitis ine thipulatin for their own labor ? It seems not and ld oictalis ut ind ies hfot llh the trail of their ruin d oppr(sf<ion with every ,peeis if |ptty annoyance, We :lre I hertiy tine of the m I'olilnant agiatih hom keptr 1ll i ctortgh integ thrfernce C i tihes Iplans oif thl2 r hergive lpenpthes,comprely strug Sglin, to rdntlc their with Mr. Pfttirtunsis It s,,i,. le r as i"lt eilone" in Ano :iart ti t early of our uatich ofd Cherseutinity rtors. Yours & e.. W. It. T. NEw i nLEtANS, Oct.7th 1Afric ra6. The realers of thile ct ine s ton e of cour re liseen the tli ticrifu tissuo tliho lhre atfrom pnhlished over the siginature of J. Madison Wovernr(;v'llr of Louisiana, ig n a tclle - mollnition, l r, csed to a Mo, r. ' Jostls. No 1iia11C tht apabtry dlocoi,ico Cattiilic'g htween thie rrait lh and e knif incredible couplt d Si ali forit, andeeed on y tr he n a. trapar rent valhl ness of that inflinousl prod ti tion. The fato that he hiuself remainy. luharmied, unthlotght uf. unknown, in sl c'i. unl ared for, wihil, he insults, belies, slkdrs anid ihlto,l the whole, Tinllmnillts ci over whom accident has elevated him to rule, is nli accientt in the face of the civili ras Jor world. his staltes that atolels with their tri l rte Tser. Buithe nlignant free Iill glotigil sreiz of thom oe thse fobtilse hoods, andil withat in an ek to inered uame the oprty palli br of their attilin!d haviand Bae lrndis conntptiyle asto the al sinationi aie, it he ontraie husbndeled tlary t ole wa for hi cl. The gist of this, old is thate notorio fact, opinly proclbu ines ld social re lainas, thnd ar he ne to hl eitllr i lllrson for tprote rly. alti irovIn t thalsht ofom the ic arena tat in tii w as tlld for serdayei nhtt y n her of og r o woan sl citiznt proticl ting f the laive as Christian ltosealityn, iJat csres intlictker, .d tle Leih, .with h. er clot. -oIn Finneyd ter andl she was federson to be free and illeallyfrom Northelrn y him tates, ad particularlyve! Tt rank" Massa clsels, were loodthirsed to set ceiond. "Ift, avny of theil" says the renoieg of, the slave-trad been interrip afted in the war cosne or sociael relationls, they are requalvested to tone forward and give a testimompany in favorn of tedera oeror' tee service, aunlant i the ois ot o fredantthe oeting beial to elicit the truth, thais ogress may acthers on the faclits asre they ex icausticll. The aeeting withas called in the fixpost; ldid lt it is hardly worth while to foll time, thOfem the result, there can litue no dole abt. As I fhame. Leshadowedave them to Dreyfuss vomite is apparently vanishing into the air. One and to their wallowing in the mirq. i TH e Cxp l .lll: loll 44l4W giv!1l ofT (hin. ievr1i to Fr ec .rta .iiis. tiat lie n ml e isLtt, des1i Iru tle on i the I" i o tile Pii r n- 1 tinl loliy. nuntil ::lt r the cl,,cti,tns. iris apll" intmttent M r, apI. als t pgi\t g•,' ral Sat ifrt tion. Although he is an" seem to be entertainrd that he will excite any trouble on tho Franco Mexianti qn's tio. I must confess I cannot feeIl so cou tidlnt. I doubt very much whether Louis N:apolon Will give u, his Mhx ican schumcs, and Anstrian protege. It hie do1s not, ditfi 1cltiets iimust undoInhteI ly arise ct welen France, anid the I'nitied Statces; for Mix i co, by ":aittii' st dt'stiny," will 1as sulrely form :t part of the l-nt r.ipubili . ld" the United States, as thi, m11:igolils do not sucrccd in 1urstinl that republic into ::,nnrc hical frag:,nts. The latest accountts rep resnt iw pros pi ts of thie eonserVativ. ,1 ' e ll l i iu i tW York anti Penusylvaltini, a, very cheering and flaittering. Secrt' ary McCullolch has:is I pro.!ai mnted himnself inl favor 4,t, the P'rcsi dentiac l poliocv, ant1 exlpre).)s l$'rfect Col l ence in the uliimnate i indication of his The President htas alppointed Conit is-1 sionhrs of (omnal~tltio,. Ifor Maryland, ,lentu .!:, Delaware, and Miss.o ri, 1 Mnake a\:ards not exceding :;n tfr 6na"'A.n ,,ho entered the army froim Ithos State.s. Attorneyl'o-(o'ral Stanlshlury is 'reported to have dclmarcd e\-c,.rtarvy ]arli+'qi ,:'te of Chcrokc l:tp s tilgal. T'i e hrie l'l )ianus in anli: . are rplorted' ti hay' hatler dtiltated th'. Turks and, 1i'fg ltt ian's: and Itho excitement was spreading. Ini Philhtllpd hia , lfthe icholetra is increa -int. In this city, it i- ,ldi:, 1.ari.g. 1 'h is ýlightly over 7. 'The 111101 ',r .1 'i.4l1 hl.r' :lod a kn w i rte 1s , are rnw ltl wi \\ th pi ,,,sllen ler.. Threc tleft N t i :il:'' a iine t til ilh ilt a) s ,full) :Lit:v.uc' tll t h le t'l tilt'd. M h ie they are all gwing 1to find qlarie'rs l pinzzl , pears likely to t ta he t, 1 i l i't \ h l l(any i thling l a tl'pro chIl int elarg'1 views wo h'.uii'lest :is alione \\ i s andi acieptable. A tpeliti.ti4 si ineid bt y It large gnither of thlos really iiltcrl . tld ill t. he l lrosplIrity anId prt gr-ss of the city,- minpr ilsng uch ltn tIs t1h1 ,i ltinher lrs, the ohillittu, tlh Cil ' hiudos, the iM illet rs, the Daui zigehrs, t1hei taervirl4lu, thl Liheri i,, the irt Li'valt-c dais t , tihe he,jattli, the B(lour\-ais, the Clai oimr11s, tth A1ix, tihe tliteinveluii.-ha ben sent, into the Ctim'lon Co l nclil, Pra.1f i fltr the constr ctin, J f the ro',tl, ihowing its prac Iiliity, the gIreat neces sity ltr it, and the great advantages it is cat!culatl, d to confer. without real injury tevent' tilthe niw who have got up the pl try opposition to it. Il tol-dayv's Tiht es there is a it irtl ' lander against Mayor Mnroe. A hull-hcidlel driver soutghit to eject front :t e il', a gt, -I ltnian, under the inilenie of liquor cer taiily, but \ho in word and deed, beha or simply protested atait his e illng in terfered with untic these cirLcumstanies, 114 (ou ld altl other gttly' ii a .J 'Ihe. oc icurrene took pilac olmeolll two or44 tlhree wetks lago, and is now brought ul onlly ito incivr tde wor k Ita pettey spite ahoit hli1 atrical niatters which hlave arinn the tieni the Times mnan awl Mayor Mncioe. i may ventilate lthis mttteTr In lly ntext. REGINAL1)US. LATEST NEWS. W1ashington, Oct 11.--1 dispatich apitat d d in the Philadeclphia Leger, this inOrnlillg dated Washingtn, Tlhr Prncing that the Pretsident had prtuit ided certain int ierro iati lits to tile lttret'y (ene'ral resp h ctingi ihe coayiStitionaliy f pee ntirel' iS anit in n ata hist lihe legpplity of' thai tbody. The ispatch Dicuset asea (is'edatio, the lor Te t eii felt quinC sel}lSly inl mnlcantile cileloht l s.Gd day, owinSh., to its indtiee. Tpdere is nlsthority fm raing, reowervtir, withn of the efact, o queslicons of such a character iavoig ever beenI r subfitr ted as the Presidnllt to the law of ficer of the iGovernment jce The President to-day appointed Wickham Hoffinan, of Lvu siaia, Stites Lc atitin at Paris. New York, Oct. 11.- Mrs. Elizabeth iCady Stanton presents herself in a card publisoraued elsewhere this o -at catdidate for Retsentative in Com gress. She prot.sses independent 5in , vr of the aRepublican pf r ty, provided it advocates negro suf-rage antd asks suppoirtm on the high grud of safety of the natiou and justie tod its citiz ' lns. New eYork, Oct 1 l.-Ttlhe Cotgres sional Committee for the invnstiga tin of frads is now in session at sion of the hPlen pary Cacil of he Rhiman (rfatholic rch was public. Irelates of the Curcli. Bishopa Bayley, of Newark, delivered an enulogy n their lifeand and services.d Net, York, Oct. 1 l.-a The steamer it selarda arrived ysterday fon Liverptol. She hadu wenty cases ot crolrtra on board, t ourteen deaths occurcd on the passage, four of which were from cs.lera. ArrivThe notorious burgoar and river tierdit, fBruno Elfrey, was shot lasta, nifromt whilm stealing cott SIdence says Genen Francilsco, the demand forI isperial commandes.r, has moved o , masontes, brick-leye, and pla sattle ere this has5, per daly of taken Iplacer. ip nl ters It is said Maximilulker rceivean has gonper da over to the Church F arty, as the lastI cresortmaid, to satiunlry thes, coolrgy, etc., re efrom Wiln m gto inr moth ceuive from ,tlO to $30 per month,. Nlew :AdvertIelnEIu ts. In v-ii« (f ticii it at jug the I'gidcicr, tio gir I1(1 ac,\N .I it of oul' nCw o1l' ,Iti,'O SuIccession Of A. chin, 11 (% oShritfL Sale of Al. I!. Raciwi r.s Leroux, M arie F. Soldini vs No ble Cade 4- at. It " " Slice. I ic. 1). lwariial re Sttjihiiii 1Kil t oal. l'aIiiish ' fNatchitocnched is .1~ Vicn n, 811IMtllr11 r110hp, .1 (;unimcir's tan yard, lotrillirenrr" Off~lice By L rruti Irll,l";r1, 'l·lil Pil11 Al J. .lliaicton 4. CA. 1'E. (plut I Wholensle Li~ (;ood.9. SATURDAY'S PAPER. Succession of Charles Anmmann. Daric Drlphine 1'oisiol, " " Illiticrr 1' 1'honp.Yl. - Sheriff Cale Ii m"` iniE T I I·lrcan illrly r y , G) /Itrpt e , y Ivs L. Q. (' 1 (;'ºr E,,pu · Itl 1)is' of' Partnicisli~ hil;a111'" ('r). `llon r" P Ia Jhn.14,,lfniifii 4 ('a. Stl 11 .Ot-O ~Co. ('ain ,S, ' le?, ' -E. (jiriiel l)ry (.iiiids LiiipiiiiIrfl. J. Gimiic~rt &: Co., llolmm Sadldltri1 4". ' NEW OI1t.E:AsS JIuSiNir'S CARDS. Varip & Rroth er (Cmnjniission Merchants, _ & (o., (unri ~ioion Ierchanltb, ,'i nl Marble Wacks, WVilcox & Giblis Sewcinlg Machine. SUCCESSION SALE. Successin of ITonore Fredien and Louise IIenselman, dec'd. By virtue of the Honorable District 'ourt in and for the Parish of Natch it'ches, and to Tme addressed, there will be sold at public auction, at the late residence of II onore Fredieun an Louise li.enselman on Old River in this Parish (on lWednesday the 21st day (f November 18c;. the following described property belonging to their succssion (arind with the reservation of the rirght to, gether gin and remove the -rowin g crop on the I1lantatiuu of deceased, to wit : All tihat tract ,f land or Plantation, situated on the West baik of Old Si iver in thi Parish of Natchitoches Swhere the (d ecea'~. I l:,I:t resided, and S'orminfg his plantation, bndced above biv lands of lPhanor Pr'ndhonlne and beliw by lands of Sebastian Ra c'hal and H rnan Frederic. Derived by the deceased in part at the sue Cessi,,n sale of Louis Chevallier on the 22d day of Deelnmber 1 855, and in part ait a Sheriti Sale, made in the isuit of OctairVie Tauziii wife of, Chal les L. Perot vs Iinorwe Freodiu, No. ;5267, Diistri C ilt t Natchitoclhes, ad made on tlhe 3rd day of ,Tnulv 1l58, and in part fron i Fir-nin La tti-r Iiy act of pirtition p, tssbd ll bt ire W\'illia l Payne Rec order and filed and recrdled in ihis , flice on the ftth day of April r1.~9, to which sales, and acts of partition reference is made for a more partlicular descrip tion. This land is supposed to con tain the quantity of one th,,usand Acres, more or less, with all the buildings and improvements thereon: ALSO : The undivided half interest in of - other tract or parcel of laid, owned in partnership with Filmin Lattier, situated in the Pc a ish of Natchito. c hes, and described as fllows, the north half 1-2 , of south east quarter 1-4 S E., in section o. two S 2, in Township xo. seven T 7, of Range so. seven R 7, containing sixty eight 65 100 acres. ALSO: The movables consisting of Mules, Cat te, Ho usehold & kitchen furniture Farming utensils &c. TERMs OF SALE For the movales: All sums up to Twenty five dollars, Cash, above that sum payable on the 1st day Mairch 167 For the Real Estate: Upon a credit of one and two years from the day of sale. Purchasers upon credtit terms to give their notes satisfactorily secured in sdido bearing interest at eight per cent per annum from date until paid, vendors prviilege and spe cial mortgage to be retained to secure the payment of the notes on the objects for which they are Aivon, the land to be sold with clause of non-alienation to the prejiudice of the mortgage and privilege retained. o20-tds. Sheriff. .iotice. Thie firm of Jas. I. Hill & Co., is this (lay dissolved by mutual conseit Those having claims against the con cern, are requested to present them foir payment, aind those indebted will please come forward and settle. Du ring the temporary absence of Mr. ,J. 1l. Hill, Miaj. E. 1V. Itowle, will be found at our old stand at Grand Ecore, who alone is authorized to settle up the affairs of the late con. cern. In retiring from business he're, we beg leave to return our cordial thanks to our fi'ends, for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and solicit a continuation of the 'ame for our successors, Messrs. W. E. Rus sell 4 Co. JAS. H. HILL & CO. Those having freight on store with us: will please call, pay charges, and take the samne away at once. Grand Ecore, La. Oct. 13, 1866-4t. %ie(',4sin do Ilonorc Frc,,i eu et LouS(' l]Iens('lanL, touls denx dec'd. Clr (d 1)istri.t ,l.tns et 1pour la Pa roisse des Nattchitoeches et a moi acdres~C , it sirat V('lll ' l'(.ican pu) : lic i la dernie r ic'idcnce de Iioinord Fredien et Loui(e llenselnian, sur la Vielle Riviir(', lercredi le 21c jour de 'orembre 1866. la propritt snlvanto d(erile appar" tenant i luar suiccession, (av'e hi reserve du droit de remasser, 01,11 cher la priseiite rcolte sur I'halit lion du defunt.) Savoir : Tout ce morceau de terre on 1, tation situee sur lc cute Ouest Oe i Vieille Rivibre, dans la Paroisse des Natchitjches, oh lee defu,.ts risi daient dernibrement, et formant leur habitation, borni; en haut par les torres de Phnor Prudliomme et oe has plr les terres de Sebastion I;a chal et Roman Frcd6ric, acquis du defunt en partie t la Vente de suc cession do Louis Chevallier le 22e jour d(h D6cemrbre 1855 et en partie a une Vente de Shbrif faite danslo r)roc's d'Octavie Tauzin femme de Charles Louis Perot centre Honor6 lriodieu, numlro 5267, Cour de I)is. trict, Natchitoches et faite le 3e jour de Joillet 1858, ct en partie de Fir rmin Lattier par acte de partage pas. se pardevant William Payne conser vateur des Hypotlahbques, et enregis. tri et r,.is en liasse 5 son office le te jour d'Arril 1859auxquelles ventes ,t actes do partage ref6rence est faite pour une demcription plus prd cise. Cotte terre est supposee coln tenir la quantitd de mille acres plus on mnoins, avec toiates les bhtisses et amiliorations qui s'y trouvent. A'SI : L'int6tr ,t. t'une moiitif indivise d'un alltre morcean do terre possedd on societt" avec Firmin Lattie", situce dons la Paroissc des Natchitoches et dulcrite ainsi qu'il suit -Le Demi-Nord ( N.) du Quard-Sud-Est (J S E) Section numrro Deux (S 2) dans le Towniship numntro Sept (T 7) de !a rangee numdrio Sept (R 7) contenant soixante huit 651100 acres. AUSSI : Les meables consistant en. Mulots, Fetes a cornes, Outils aratoires, Mculles do inaison et de cuisine etc., etc. CONDITIoNS DE T.A VENTE. Pour ts mol)Otdes: Toullte soum tIo' jus(qu' a Vingt Cin1 Piastre( Compntant ; audessus do ce e tant, payable le ler jour de 18167. Pour los immouhles-A un cridit de un (t dre1.r amus, dn jour dte it Vente. Los acbetenrs a cridit fourniront leurs billets, sitlisam Inionetgarni(is ot olidtireme, l, portant in thir.ets aI huit pour cent par an, do la date, jiuqu' it1 par fe it puiený'I- 1'vilel c et bvp, th;qtie slpciahe retonus ,fin do garantiIc le paimIent des billets) et ls oibjits potr les qnuls ils olut et(j (l, 'tIlrL. La terre d'vant tltre v' lle(Ii avec la clause (IC nTI ali,)lftion au pr1ijudice d0 l'hylputhbqe (o privil~ge retellnu. J.C. hIUGIHES, o20 jji . S,rif. SAL.' FOR PARTITION. Jacob U. Payne & No. 179O2. Jilson P. lHarrison, 6th District vs. C0ourt of Winter l. Breazeale, ,New Or, et als. Icians. BY virtue of an order of sale to mre directed tby the IHonorable Jlidge of the 6th Judtlicial District, State ,of Louisiana, ini the above entitled case, I will offer for sale to the highest Iidderat tlh Court House door of the Pariish of Natchitoches on Friday the 30th day of Norember 1866 between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M, intl 5P. M., the following des cribed pr ,perty named in said order, to wit: All and singular, those tracts of landl situated lying and being on the right bank of Red lRiver descending about eighteen miles above tihe Town of Natchitoches in said Parish of Natchitoches, and forming together what is called the "lBreazeale Plan tion," contaninng all together ablout Twenty five hundred acres; together with all the buildings and improve menits thereon or in any 'wiso apper tainLing thereto. TERMs or SALE. One tldrd t,) be paid Cash in hand, and the remaining two thirds ii two equal annual instalments from the day of sale, for whlrich deferred payments, the purcha ser must execute his promissory notes payable to his own order and endorsed in blank by irim, and to, he secured by special act of Mortgage on the entire plani tation. The notes for the de ferred payments to carry inter est at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the first day of January, 18& 'uIntil paid, and possession of the plantation to ble delivered on the said first day of January 1867 to the pur. chaser. J. C. IIUGITES, o20-tds. Sisrill" CO UTURE. Mine. John Rond, informe lee Mar. chandi et les Dames de cette ville qu'ello est en mesure de prendre do la Coutul re quclle qu'elle soit i des prix modores et livrbe promptement. Sa denie're, Maison St Amans, en face de Mine. Breazeale. Octobre 13.-- mno. H. GC. MYERS, d TTOR.I'E JIT Ll H'U. NA.TOHITOCIIES, LAt.