OCR Interpretation

The Semi-weekly Natchitoches times. [volume] (Natchitoches, La.) 1865-1868, October 24, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053712/1866-10-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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New 3 ricTo. 10 11tcbit~cb riL, T ccr c c ',ss cB~tciQer 24, 1B38.
___:--- ,-.,.;~~--~ _. ______ 2 ----- ~-------
Fort he Natc'hit c.hI. 'Timnes.
A Romance of the late War.
(1 ton tinued.)
They were kineeling in a circle are nld tl
the tire, whose I,t.llihig light brought ullt
tlheir dark Souithiern fates, in vivid relief.
In the midst of themin knit ithir leader
arouniid, albovei thelm, waved the glarled r
o:ak that hadl withstoodl tihe stornms of 11
cetnturies, and far, far above them in the 'I
bluei expanse glittered a thousand twink- tl
ling stars.
Once mlre tih ringin voice of Forest, 11
broke the silence of tie pathless woods,
as he pirayed in fervient tones that t: at
Lord of Hlosts, wouild he vitlh him and his
followers, when they shulti taike their li
ranks anmong the )hliva!ry of the Sotih,
to wrestle fbr tlhe right.
When the prayer was coincluded, Forest :
rose from his knllce :llt d said, I
We can now take a few heinrs of i est
and then we most niolnut ouii noblelt, steeds nl
and speied o're hill anid daI,. till we reach
the spot where a glorious band awaits our c,
Soon afterwards each one soullght his '
bed of leaves spread lenauth sotl!e ances- )'
tral oak, where sweet sleep waved its II
magic wing, an:d lulled ihemu to repose, I
with her dreamyl touch.
But long ere tile soln Came lip fro nm over
the hill tops, they were gallopir itg nward
to where a deadlyv ontlict would soon be s
enacted before Miiuslreshoro. (
ulit since we ihave beenli tr:vellincm over
battle tiehlds. where hlilmian gorc lay th-ichkly
spread aroiiund. we have log4 all sight of
Isalbel. Oh ! the fieeling of litier dhsou it
tion that swept over her, when the last ti
view of Williami's regiment, ai'led from
her view If she had ijst gazed heir lai t.
on his features, ere they were consigined ai
to the tomb, she could niiot have felt niore
lone in the w'de worll than now.
With a heart from which all life's t(
brightness seemed to have, died out, she .
turnl at last and entered the now joy
less home, thait lillt a short tille agl wis 2
brightened hiv the presence of her hlta:rt's
best loved. Hlow clltaiged all seeied Inow !
Everything that met her gaze. reititauled
liher of himi-every hook that lay upon tt'e
table, every picture thfi. hliin , uillin lti'
walls irought hack olies when they to
gethier hi 'd read and( alidmired thlese un
changing nieinentoies of the haIl'yoi pis)
These silent renminders of happier days
opemecd the flood-gates tof her hllart. anl
leaning her head upilon a table near, shit
burst into a torrent of tears. Long did it
she thus renmain, with memory by her \\
side. cinjiring up the years that had sped
by inll happiness, sitnce sihe had ,ijoined her ,
fate with that of William Weston. lite
in all the loniliness and gritf that weighedtI
(down her heart now, tlhere caroet the sweet L
assurance that she and her cherished hus
band had ever dwelt to-n-thlr inll lpe:wt
and love. No halrsh wor.ds, no angry looks- C
had ever passed hit wen tlherin--all the-l
wedded life had been ia se'nt of t'nitititi 1p
joy. And now that the lovedl one hid
gone there were no reprracthfil voic'es to
whisper "you were not kilnd to hiln." No t
but instead canme a Inurlianrilgrlecho whic', . 1
assured lll er thalt she hal ever been to
him, all that ht-art could wish. Anid il hw
kind atid loving too, had Williami e-ver
lbeu to her! Ilis deep-tolned voice wasl
over lowered to the genitlest tones thaitl
love couihl hbrenthe, and his eyes thlit a
learned with the fli:-thiti fire of at dauilnt- I
less spirit always soTltttened down to a tail-'
Tier light whenii rsting on her loved lite.
With siuch reimentubrances as thse
lIrtiro;in around her, Isabel remained
t-! ed i lbeforte meniitiolei an a all uin.
rinseioiS of the flight of tiite until the F
door opened and a stervanitt eitered. I
The servant advances to where Isabel (
wan, and said,
"DL)nt grieve so arter Marse William t
for de good Lord will take calro oh hi'i
and send him back, if you only pray widl
a faithful heart, Miss. IsabeL"
Isablel raised her tear-stained face at
this address and said,
"You are right Aunt Dinah, God will
take care of tlhose wlho trust i Hlim, indtl
your master long thas trlusted ill His grace. (
\fy prayers shall :ascend in faith often to
that throno on high, where reigns tile
groat Dispeser of our fittes. You, too,
Aunt Dinah, must pray for your master's
safe return," 1
"Dat I will, Miss. Isbel. I toted Marse
William, many a time in dese arms, when
he was a little crowing baby, andl olten
has I helped ole minislls to nurse him wid
do ineasels, and de whooping conugh. Dont
think I can forget him now when hlie has
been such a goold naster to tile in my ole
days. May Gtod blss him and keep him
from de Yankee bumllits. Dey say dey
guine free de cullnd folks. but I reckon dat 1
deyhad better let derm alone. Missi. Is
bel please come out to de apiunin room,
and tell as what kind of thread you
wishes spun, as dem gale out dare don't
know much about spinnin no how."
Isabel arose and left the now lonely par. 1
lor, that reminded her so vividly of other
days, and went out with Aunt Dinah to
the spinning room. Here several women'
were engaged in carding and spinning, 1
for, like most of Southera housekeepers,
she had begun to make homespun, when
the news of war first spread over the
The negro women bade their mistrese
good morning with pleasant smiles, when
she entered, for she was dearly loved
by them. They wero well clothed and
looked both contented and happy.
Their mistress gave a few directions to
each of themn and then returned totho
As h oon as she was out of hear-ig Arat
Dha msid,
'rLook here now gals yea must all work
hard now, and please Miss, aIsbel for de
poor thing's heart done nearly broke now,
cause Mlarse William done gone left her to
go eadfl ht. I wish Mr. Lincunm wbnld
let s all lote,. anyhow, aad stop dis big
fus bout freeing de niggers. Ie free
nuff now and I done seed nuff dese stuck
up free ntgers dat's got natul but rags to
wear, Mand inun to eat but de chickens dat
ds6*teal o totlhr folksben roosts. I tell
you I dont believe ia diSfreedom no way.
"Cause you is so dark in de apper story
dat you can't comprehed it," said a large
anrly looking negro man, comting in at the
door and hearing the latter part of
Aunt Dinah's speech.
"Derk or bright, I am as good me you,"
said the indignant Dinah, who was his
better half. You is always preaching
about de freedlon dat is coming, hut you
had better be tending to your work,t for
dis algger nebber wants to see de day
come when she hbab to leave de 9d plaoe,
and de white folks dat she was ralsed
wid from a ehild. I played witd ole MIdae
Weston many times when we was hil
uIn, rad now when he dope glv me to
Marse William, I'm gwiie to live and die
wid him or somne one of do same family.
You all seeing floe times now but you
ietch ~ yea~on't know it, If you want
to see trouble walt till de Lincum soldiers
1b b.Cesntinued
Men :atnd Women.
T e .( ilarianl:l.i (Fh'lorida) C mur'ier
is not au alvcate of "wula0'itns
rights' in .ho New England sense
,f l.at term. So we infer, at least
from the fo!lowing article, in which
the ('1 rier discourseth on " Men and
Women :"
"Women may talk of tlhir inherent
rights as rnuctr as they please, but
they can's (overcome nature. They
may preach about the (quality of
the sexes, but they can't overcome
facts and org'anizatio is.
Men and oaks were made to i,,
wined(, and worin and ivy were
r.,de to twine abo)ut the)m.
Thougih an e(quality .' , .-;,i
estlhlished between cali(o and ca<.
Simere to morro1w, it wouhl not be a
w"(ek b lore all the ,lliccrs would b(,
imnen arid all the soldliers womein.
F .iales are perfectly willing to
1,o a:(ad( provided tlhe men go first.
'Set fire ti) a STeamllioat anld rot a
yard ot dimity will budge till cassi
mere sets the example. 'oº long as
the len cli ng to the vessel, the
wul,hlcei will cling to t.,o nlen. But if
the men plunge overbloard, chemi;
settes pluinge too,. As we sail le
fore, reformecrs may prate as theyv
may a"out c(lual rights, ullt they
can't alter the regilatiionrs of God.
It is as. imlp ,ssille for women( to cut,
tiotmselv(es loose fromli miei, as it is
fIi r steel dinst to fiee it. !f fromn its
attachment to a magnet."
So far as our own observation ex
tends, it lead us s to believe, on the
contrary, that the cassirnere geiera,
ly follows the vnlico ; and as for the
power of brakiing away, or "cutting
loose," as the Courier cx eXpesses it,
ithe sterner sex has little to ibrmg of.
'"c rijake a vow to break her .!:.ain,
A 1'i1 keeip it ,iil we ltert again"
AN IMr oPrAsT OnDER,- Our readers,
particularly those who are engaged
in agricultulral pursuits, will peruse
with s:tisa'tiol the following order:
Ll'os, sT in: , Sti ruH CAR',I.A,
CtL'uARI.E-To, S. C.. Sept., 20, 1868.
1. Duting the Reason for picking
cotton and har've.ting rice and corn,
aild until the crors shall have beli)n
prepa:'ed for market and divided
among1 those who have produ(liiced
them on i-hares, lpern(ss will not he
pernlittied to trade or biarter iii these
piroducts oer the Ii ghw:ays, corn r'iii .
rivers, creeks and inlets of this t ili
liiry l)District, wittiont a wri,el
license from the Mayor, lInte::;ld;:It,
or i t!hr c,'i ll'p!e:t a, thority of thlt
(City, Totw:n, ,or Parish, colulntersigneId
by the (Cir:oannal(liog (Mlicr of the
Military L'Post, wit.) in which such petr
soils may he foiud. Traders and
pedlars mav be tre'ated as tresplas
sers when tuiund (Ion phtlaltatio;.s with.
out the consenit of the owners.
II. Any person who shall buy cot
tan, rice or corn ra;scd on slhares be
fore the same shall have been pre.
pared for market and divided tccord(l
ing to contract, or who shall bnuy
these ploducts from prersons employ
ed or plantaitions, may be requireiid,
on the complaint of any citizens, to
produce satisfactory evidence to the
Post Commanader tlat all the p)irties;
interested have expressly onsented
to the sale; and in default thereof,
such purceaser shall he deenmed guil.
ty of receiving stolen goods, and
punished accordingly,
III. Violation of these orders will
be punished by Post Commrander by
a fine of not less than $50, nor more
than $500. For the second olTnce,
thei accused, on conviction, shall be
fined, and imprisoned not less than
sixty days.
IV. Citizeno are authorized, in the
absence of competent authority onr
the spot, civil or n ilitary, to arrest
any person fonnd violating these or
ders, and to bring the offender before
the Post Commander for his action.
V, Cases arising under these orders
will be reported by Post Comman
ders, and their action stated.
By Command of Evt. Maj. Gen.
R. K. Scott.
Bvt. Lt.Col. and A. A. General.
Official :E. W. EVERSON, 1st It.
V. R. C., Bvt. Maj. Vols., and A. D. C.
ni"My baik is wrecked,"as the
dog sa'd when thrown overboard in
tile middle of the A lanic ocean.
a A senuimental yonng man
thus feel;ngly .exp:.eses hlmselr,'
Even as natnte benevolently gua'da
the rose w;ih Ihoras, so does she en.
dow women with pies."
als" A Germana uenurer, who tool
Snine per cent. interest instead of six
f ire legal rate, was asked if he evei
thought of what God would say t(
his extortion. "Oh, ye; but whei
God looks down from heaven the
nine will look like a six,'
S8"Tbhere is a divinity the
s abapes our ends," as a pig rtmarkeu
'when contemplating the kintk in hir
1 tail,.
Y Hi It VLtR BAbo.--A yoong ma
U recently wrote to his sweehibearl
Ssaying : "There is not a globule c
blood in my heart which does no
bear yoe photograph.')
ThainksAivin; Day.
WVAIIIrscTIN, Oci. 8, 1G66.-Al
migllty G(,d our HIeavenly Father
ihas ben ',leased to Vouchslafe to us
as a pecit!(', a,ltther yea: of that
national lif,. w ;cil is all in(lispensa.
tie codlition of inac,, security aild
ipror-'" 's, :Id t:lat year, moreover,
has beeCn cov,'ned w ih nuyn' pecn
liar bless: ies The c;vil war thatl
h:n so reintly been rlong us, has
not anywherein reopened(. Forein1
inelr(' vution 1as cea:ied to, excite
a'arm or app,'ehensio l; intrusive
1pest lence has heen be[ ;lily miti
g ;e(1. (loam(si e t ,anquIility leas iln-,
proved, sentimen ts of co,-.ciliation
have 1 rgely prevailed, alI the af;le
tion of loya:lty l nv d i .,i riotii m ,:rave
iee'l widely lenewco,. Our fills
ha e yichled quite ablundantly, our
mitinni in stry has he 'ai richlyv
rewarded, and we have been allowed
to extend our railroad . vst(m f.or
ctentry, while our c(1mn,,cc has~
re..iied its w n ,t,.d activity in
foreign seas. 'T'hese n iti;,al bless
in:gs demand a national ackno wl(d.g
Now, therefi re, T, Andrew John.
son, I'ris'(ient of the IUnited States,
d:) hereby recomr end thiat Thu;rsday,
the 29th l'ay of November next, he
set apa1nii and he observed every
WIhe'eC in theil several St:I tes and
'ei1,Iortes in the initted States by
the pop'ie the eof, as a day <of'
thalnksgiv; tl and prayIt:'r to A.lmighty
(God, with dire rememnlralce that in
itis te,,jple dolt, very mtan sipeak ,of
V; s hMnr.
I rcconnenl, also, that on the
same 0lt.1n0l oc((t'asiti We do [:1lll0V
and devotedly im plore lim to grant
to oulr n:tioal councils, and to our
whole people, that divine wisdIim
which d lone ('t 1n le any natiion intol
thei wtays of all good. (fi.ering these
nationlal thaniksgivings, praises and
tpplications, we have the; divine
are weak s.bll be gluided in judlle
mIent, and such as are I entie shall
lie learn His way; the Lord shall
'ive strength to His p',ple, and the
Lol l, shall give to His people the
blrssins of peace.
In witne.as whereof, I have here
unlto set lim had l ,and c.allsed the
seal ol tle itited state, to be afflix
edii. nite,' t the city of Washilngt,'i.
theI ei._h'hi dtay of Octoier, ill the
year ofolir Lord one tihiulSaI l ('vil
hIi lie amInd sixy-s. and of thei
indepn'wi en'c ii,' tle uiteitd States
lithe nine'ty-lirt. AV\out:y JOHNSON.
By th,, P teiiut :
Wm. II. . S, ct, :1ei y o' State.
Valuation of Properly iefore
a i id A ier" I:i'.;' Ih e i'r.
AtocrsI', GA., Oct. 5.-Coilsidaerable
feeling is e::a hited tlroghout Georgia
on the subject of relpudiation. It is
thought n (effort will ho made, on the
meeting of the lgislature in November
to relieve the peolle frIon the 1payient of
certain debts contraced prior to and du
iag the lr to war. The pea urged for re
pliIation is the los of the slaves and tihe
failure ef the ciops. The amount of prop
erty returned in the State, for >116, is
$2 7,000.0th0; iln >60, $620,,t ,77 7. Loss
to the State over $463,000,000.
Lhsroar.-New York has gone
wild over the tragedienm Ristori.
Hear the brawny Scott of the Herald
blow his bag pipes :
"her first words sent a thrill
through the audience, and from that
moment no one had eyes or ears fir
any other performer. Ristori's tall
and stately person naturally as
sumes the most statuesque attitudes.
I1er mobile face varies with every
phase of passion. Her voice, now
sweet as the softest melody, and
now instinct with hate or revenge,
is as full and clear and as exquisite
ly nldulated as thei finest organ.
tier limbs move in graceful gestures
to emphasize her utterances. Her
eyes flash lightnings or melts the
sternest heart to pity, as she wills.
Imagine this wonderful woman,
queenly in look and manner, clad in
a scarlet robe that seemed dyed with
the blood that she had shed with
Jason, and Medea stands before you.
All the strangely diversemotions of
the character she fully and perfectly
expressed. Now raging like a tig.
ress at her betrayer; then melting
into a mother's tender devotion; now
infuriated by the gods; then racked
by her quenchless love, now torn
with remorse; then pleading for pity
in irresistible tones: now disguising
her revengeful plots beneath a scorn
ful acquiescence in Jason's wishes
then giving free vent to the hatred
that consumed her, in every look
accent, gesture and pose she was tIn
terrible Medea, forgetting herself
her audience, the theatre, and all els1
unconnected with the fearful dram'
that she was depicting
a hMPIasctten or mTe Pnzammwr.
Mr. Biogham, one of the Ohio Cor
gresman, in a recent speech sait
n So help me God, I will neithe
, j give sleep to my eyes' nor slum rbc
f to my eye-lids, uflil I shall hay
t drawn bills of impeactithent againm
Andrew Jo',son,
J. E. B EDA ,
Attiorney 1,d Cownellor al Law,
ST. IDENIS t S'1''i'EET,
Prompt a te:ntion paid to all busilless
enti st(td t1, his carc.
J. F. SiITH.
i\\ i I' p a^tlic in th, (',, t~ t ., f ltninl h
Jml i a' l)i-trct. O;lice at lV, ty, I,.
J i, .D B. TUCO ER'
K ill i, te d pr l:ntio !; to :1 1l l'ti,.t tin;:;s.
\n1 ] r le a -: ll ltsi: s tL Itrustcd io 0 lulu
t()lice on. St. )eniis i Stnrcet.
N\atc'itochcs, La.
Sept. 15 1 ;;.
"I1'E unnd'"rind have funned a
_ partn'e';rhill fr tw' ltr:octice of
th, Law in tih' tit ,Judicial I;,trict.
t)lic , St. 1.,is Street, Natc ita,
(.hes, La.
P. A. 1.1U:E,
S. M. I IYA l'AI S,
jr ly ?2-w&sw.t,f.
J. 11. C'O \t"4xr a. 31 , T. CL stxrNI;.ýt
& A" 1. C('''x\x ;ll .
dliioracys at Law.
Will gi e stri it ai lention to all hbuins
I ,-u,, d to thtir care. Special att ni;on
; 'e. ,c -i·ons, (l itns for colletion
Ieceiived 31 l 'iec., atteaded to in all the
-Not Ol n '.risht s ul'the State.
April 1 -ly.
A.lliorniry at Late.
Ha. rmet ned th, rrac lice of hik rr, ffusioni
(I.lice oI S cod Street.
Natchit )ches La.
March.' 2.-12tro.
,1TTO!II_" IT L.\ IW,
hay rr onu thi O ;.I n a cr oil;i5profess'o
)tli'c1 on St. Deuis S.' eet.
Au 9 ly
V .tt 1 e it.,i th ",' i ,i at N Lchitoche'
4 t 1.i ,.4. ine and Vti ul.
( )gite on St. l",,it Si;t-,It. N'::l hiilteh S. La
1';, ;p et''nt :t givtei to all blit!,nw s ten.
July 21 146' '.- .
Counsellor & Aiforney at Law.
1I CoI,. I Nat'ut o - aund 1O pides.
C. C'I.lN,'N. Sit C. CIInA [.IX, JR
L4tty's at Law.
r-I Ar ' forn 'd a par 'iei -h., ;(' Ihe prce
:ice of heir pro n'.-I: i n iU he 9th Di -
O.lice on St.Oenis Street.
jte 24 itf
A TTORA' " E Y siT Lsi. I
angl 1-12.
J. ,. TII se.\.qoN. ]),\vii) Pl';lusoN'
.lilor~t ys at Late,
Will give their joint a: teaion to any
civil btlsillPess ellitusied tO their care.
Aug. IP.--t f
A tNo ory'6 d& Courntllo-', at Law.
Will practice in the 1th.t Jdiclal Distric
Olticeo0 St. Denis Stre, .
Prompt attention paid to all btusinees eo
trotted Io bis caute.
ji3 w&sw it.
Jltorney at Law,
HFas resumed the practice of his pro."..
sion. anl will practice in the Courts j
Natcehiloches. Sabine and Winn.
Oilice on St. Denia Street,
Nov. 11,1865.--tf.
.TTOIZ E IiT Ld f'~.
St. Deis.sreet, opodite the Natchitoch
STimes ili.ce. NdatchiuchesLa.
. ftexan ria,, La,.
e Will practice in the Courts of Rapide
t Nadtchitoches, and adjoining Parishes.
T FI D S H S 1III'VOIIXT W\ILIL BE A 12114(4 vfluri~e ~f Mii'(º lion u;1te,1 in. fiti~ ee
(;t' liai I;'n ;tJcl~t I l, . ,'('I ,',t (he II uca.t II LO 4 II Q1B'It I, Ln it. S. 11
1k:;u< *4 ij. W. 1'. Tn'i'Qnr ; Iit iiVial I xkiiiiiii4. l~iii i iii (ý'4nc
of ()ak IJIK. ;lk IoU,"1, i'Yn, ((Iilili, tile ý''((Bid 11114 Thu Nri'iein'
I f U"cks,1ii1 (lexCI IItnnx of' fIB' ccilllt..Il' iAii4!I wV~hih Iie,, J(',;'iult
dIote-;. I 'Will ('!it~lii ;Inl()Ot al c', Il ie co ~t it J th' ('irlk ci'nl;inm.h
i'Arkanl'a anTId Bis.'Oluii. Onlyl a I'iiii'>cl numberl~l ul copieUs w idll pu
Proc~c 4 x ')c' i
1't''re ý+i s,! ýcr~li<'n, fi:3. ý1r' 4"ole oný'''trc Ii f the bo ik
Iiisc iiio iCC1if C nc i;1/ Icº bry'
A1; i:xr,
I(,r1,. I)i'T.TX, ' es' Of; P, it" l lhitti'1l's T;1
AIT thLr's ný:1i2 ss, W. I1. '. N A LU'. I hx 38, Baby ionhge, 1.
ito l. I 9l.- it'.
for++t' 14' 100l d rate tl
131"1 .IM NI 1) Y : T ABI) (IF I'IEALT !
it: i,. .' 1Nr:w OI:c.AN. t. k.
.Ci t fiormn ftr set'ling teo tlie
liilr. Fr su da te t il
ltir-s. No. 13 & 15 Ioyal Ir
)letnl* e.
or ,?,.:,:v a',+nded to. 1
puatainig all dtie reme
Chlea emdis
t uI' n1TIf tor HIent, Ii
1'w, I i a ni'1 h i.low the ton of
f.r rtent. The lplanta
e'itai:,s 3001 tntrl' UnIT
e iic-A erli. wiets of cotilt cltl and :l O
nadel+ on the spon. if'
. Ne is a bine o chard-a
C ! ii mu *c.C II Illh2 Xii \.1a 1,i Royal~ W i
net r'iii. e gNod onlir nt . i-a
15h ranio, t,,geth,,r wi h
o' qwn I, \Vtg:{w's atlld
n od< ord,,r.
,,hrtly put up as al.-pu
ri', or tw mo t- cral ebins, if r, qujrt d oi
atriic 2 ofr tI i t boIf itii l the Icai.
W. apply to
Ao:xtr. i
PIeJ l ai' )etf 5ovrts ! ei
\;", ( "' T E INVENTION OF TIE A\G :
,r r o molke,, Soot. A-lm C .. '
ht'ow ,,f very li.tle t o at
k htelt,,r r han The y Io)ta-r
Su-ed by hunldreds of
itn is will CIaI l l , who filnd I3 hn11S not
;,al, 1,ot indisp.'na hle, as
iec(I l ik I I tl-ili do iber owIn etn i -
arr =of cniii I ( v..' i . I [o I I I'.Z. iI'-i;o . ,i
, 'hart,' l untati,, t, llv.
n ' ,O', I '; ': ; ! . . T i ei ri:at to c a I - - y
"'odir ellkinon ov ('illrhel goill c4liiitl WIho
an I fur saicai wh
. whcih u ,e on eth ibition
Ar .1 lii I' . 'Jyk ,Te, gNii'W OIIAN
41`1 or two A Io T-EXAS Pc.i lrixt lM
ati. ic (' tI.siGiIT tCUlIeANY '
F,'= pl y tor.
.nn in <T . fierd. Pi, el"
ie. than ,y hand. cau
1::. p'ice1 , O 20 eacr:
'1;i -t(ýtao oSlic Sot A. 'c Mc
s gents Wanted.
lhcem ;ng Comlpn+ .
St. Cdar St. New o. k.
ouwId' anor dwrI cook ic~it-r than 1 and, oter
tove, 11he antrlr dlay 'ing his ah.
onlylh No. Ill tea Stoill''t . Newt Yok.jill t
et(1r lI,u, "t'ie c:", \ s e n a lru do :"rong hii k-.
in~;e 1 o f atchitochies II. B
E. lurke alttv: in
fatie trd tl oi d to make settle
n o a l Receit for all
AT11 (111 tAt firm of . Walmsley
& o.if- tc` itoches.--All those
N.l.dac csted to comef for
Sl'ceard aild tiesttl(*. hs ,yhnd li
In liq nidation.
ca., May 1st 1856.
F Reat.
act of land, near Log'gy
ao, nowtiig pcabout, 150 acres of
pn ld gh timber for the use
The pace ther with a good dwell
abins, Cribs &c.
conditions apply to
tc, Office Natchitoches
imes, Natclhitoches La.
Messenger, is published
e, La. Subscription price
iably in adrance.
lCds, occupying the space
less, inserted at $25 per
.-Lf, Editor.
1'OUK711 1 / _'L11Clo
FOR L18)17. T
Pnub!is;l,'u by
62 'h BOURIB aS t I' PIP'c*,
itt j~ I ~iy tlltita!t' IX A'ltl(''41 iii LlltiLMitfl1 111.I
1i :r eXult' 1)ti it one il (Ifour Btst At -
ct't'titoti oftttI work w\ill be Žsuch as~ to
vC tsltisfalctio)ln.
SU~SCIRIPTIONS il(e now receive(d '
,:I.r i'Il' (c('Ii1s ofi Lt'e Aiititiott' o1 r ill(- int
IIiioll of Atll\c(l; ;r"`('n1141 . t:lt' cm:;(cjltiotrl
1\" utaodle titi pikes of which atre as ftil
A WII 'LI.: PA(CE.........iO 111
A 11ALF 1' PA(;E...........5 a Ot
Ax (441'AII'l'i: PACE1........ 2 :I
Attn s'ihseli l''r ftr i'a whollt' *age will hle
Now Oh1'ains. .J thy 134:1, lrt60.
ionitianla Alrnan- e 1S67.
Con. ut Oills 1 the 81 n've Loui isji~itn 1 L
ILl! ;ii't ltol anti( thlose w\ jt'rh l to h'('tt,hit'
",t'fill' lii it11 Al'iýlist. itt jilt' ha lit\I
lit!e 6.2 t Ii ' I 81tO'.n '1.14't. te itaiit'it ot
t(' Al'tj will be Imltuisht('d ai; a Vuvy
Iliy (.;IV
FRAINiCIS P,('VAIN. Ethlini ".
itt" ,o't sree.'t-Sign of tih '"BPRrONZE
4me Ann(ec
ldmanach de la Louisiane
pour 1867.
(Enr'Irtox Fi:.IN-c.III.)
'ubiie par L ntec:is outvain
L""'''t.i111' IIPlUIIMEUR,
3 It ii e l3oii rb0n
'5,. Iii''tt le Ioo' e-lll t'\..' ' h'"IP ,I X.',0.:' il'l Ic'c';e
:!1( 11'le 11Il' I llhn tii itaie '(0il\ lt "o lt 1 01',('.tclc·.t"
rt'X tI. 14.5 ,I)(It 'i (1( t
. 1, ' 1 · . .
t1.'l' i'l ltttY It'.' 1s it' I, 4l' I, . t't .Vl -111
On ii 11'lt "On-t it ' (1' 'i '2r "~nt ,
10'1 llt nil;,c l tic "oh 'iloc !r·Tc
iOitt iti .tlstilt'AN ltiti'll4' ' I Xii tas n tt a
'. " ' 11 1 t 1 t" l " lcl l; Clr tc i IN C o l
u+tilt !.1toeArtOJt' . iiI~
Thne Taisites tai'r It v C 1i ;"o': co(l'; l'g
"ec 1it ' a it ' tici O' ilttl. .,iC 11('01 1A:;lt'tlit'l tt 1 I
,t`u5x, MItch 8 mid ; (! t ccti tt i1;tt'tl ºvi trcitt
T Cil'tJ's. il ida)).
iThei Ttls'. go 1s c ha e (aI i il' tc~t, jo'gl a-t
o 11n 1 o, t."i) 's211
i . taiu ' Alt l o V 't' l' i l" to
it' It' al t as 1 l3iý ial;tc' o l the jiti tlid aon f
it litiit uti 03111 Citg in C. i j~iert'
inq.~ ~ tAG MAR'11 l i Dy I ndo L~
WOFIY 0.il HA RKc.an sINS, ae
Carpe n Tei &mi~ ~ Unn~~t ideiakerled
N'ea th~I1e Dii Blasriad g ta ie,
CnOFFN moledi to order, n . teIt~
stle. Trt imIluu sfrisi, t ibd
'.)l; SA ,:. at prival, ,t. hrv the or d,,r
i'., the l I'. llittiu uI)lopeij ty -itutllid
, Lailih ol Natl hitl tl,.1-.
;i, A trcl If nl udlu lhet rii0ht lntil of,
t ,' I'iver . ii, l th' , Ul n,.i't , ht'i., the.
'. no N :t i( tchi ( t ,ch L ,,,"ii,,_ th. s:,Ii;e
Sthe iii Utlii-n eI te id . o ,,ntiii iI :iz
, I :",, pca entI with all t 1he lui.iile .
IIl ;nor II 'ntýI h l'e 'th r .
i A Iracl ofI land atloilin, ma above
It "I dh criht,'d. E'ollt ijllig i h,,l nt f, iurit
Su'l- 11 t:l ',utill i all tl, .i ti hii , , acr .ing
,,,iut 12)1 n o; es ith 11 u d on it on n1 ei -
i ti ii l t` in : c.
, ti ''d ctt.b of ;rinrid in thle in one
cl italhs o'I .th tlle t w it earln f't i
I Saline prlien t, ulnr i ont ro l. t di lli ree
itv o tn witnd unimli per cion t i Notrsth
- I O 't id v."+n0 * , i, the iUtI l 'l hCe r
rt li t II:, C't [ ra!lioil.
t') 'Thal lot of grown'l. with all !h, " ihl
tIh'ruon. con-isting of a g'od brick nlod
i ,n Ic thel Eoal side of tl cut ,iit et.
welen .talet a nd 'oulinestcua t. of (g0g
t r1,",t tnul ahount 80 fet dr,1 p.
lh Th,, u:,lividd ourtl h of 56; acres sit.
, id o .t al i.' Lake. in undit id,.d m ner
+ ',i hA L-coulte and hall. inly.
S, ioln 31, towtnship 9 onppl to etli un
tabount 161 acreson Bayou Pierre. Pili,-h
t illt acre, bnil isectlon 27 or 2 , Faime
Venhp uld iaigo. ,tm,, PiASh.
Ai ndividd half (Ilo ares called
r-, Iliad. suuth of J. B. Cholppins plan.
hoew .nde will hesold in 'smaller quan.
-sil'de,,red by the purchasers.
TEi.S or ,A.E.
e thitd cash. one lidrd payable in one
y.,e,:- a1n one third in two ,ear) florm
tM dV of sale. I'rchaserýt to give,
(.wir protniscory notes for the del;i red
uF.nnui, with O ipht per Cent interest
fron the day of sale ndl seemed by
v,,lndors privilege and :pecial mot tgage
'.r QIt'hErIlnfo Ormatin l lorh
- -
W:O QrEYROI'ZE Os'.Rn Bois
Wholesale Grocers,
orner Old Levee & Bienvil!e Sts,
Aug. 4.--If.
D)r. E. Andrews'
All Cnrunmle Maldies. Ilsily, Speedily
it hIaily remov-dt , ty lht use of New
A few tmIte S tudends w'ill h ]ic'eivedt l
' lIen)oible tot os, and ftuniahed with
s. ?fr. E. Andrews' Cclebra:d Ltotg
: l' Dr. E. Andrews' ('chbratlld R:lcu.
mticl (',;ec. i' re $1.
hR Dr. I. Andrews' 'chbtiraicd Litcr
,ill Il. i l ice - 3.
I 7 l)?. E. Andrews' Gr'ca? Ei,'.en ),'?'iLee.
y o ,' ihiee',h (tatdil-thi Ot iental Net
ill' Ciomotuti. Price (1.
I;.. 1. Antlrcws' alslt C't'(l reanny Diis
it;'d 1y tc Aricicenit l'olhl,et "nd
Vise Mii,n of t) Enal.
J;i'ol:dt cnmC or s;tld and be healed ! If I
aill CI iaile nol,:iff.
Dearnr Ilteaderlt is iyour ILiver Iiteasecd ?--If 'o
•o-i noi time in sending ICme 5 tild 10 Thi'IC
ents ati :unpl). anrd a stpeedy ei'e is sure.
I ThIIe fIilowingi r ate all tlthe ,ymljtoms:
4 ialloiw Yeu!(sw eolir of the skin, tIrowtn p1)lts
t the fice and (tlicr 1lartt of lthe Iholy; ltl.
iw i a i: i drli ilne: , ii itlt Itilnint Ihl tiat i tn'he;
lilt lit had i (ite ii' il un t hii r, dyln;ess Iio th1
hro:li, ttnd int,: ,d( henat; lallitatioii l of tie
.' :lt : [i1 la y l ';I.a1 se a a yI " nli." , co.ulgh, with
i'itli a t:iing of lthe t'Ic t ., arnd choki';tj .tr nsa
aln ; n.,i-i cnes; a votl i 5littinjlit t itrc'ss; l (ea
"ine-,, or i lchedl and full feeling about lhei
Sihs: laitls i i'e t i .-', leock or treaust, and
dliit thi shublirs a rsulhs-eess at night, with
a i ii lied nd sore iteli-hg of thle whnle Iodv ot
titg i hl ln- rhiing ; eoi,. laplin and sr,,ness.
I rei-peint a1ttac o[ tliarthtea l Filcs: Fnuti
,. ne. : N 'l va)nisii ; tli-gi-tis l litgc : Thi:k
,la "ci lyat i?'d, T E ,] e . and f'ullnes. in
: ah t, ih,, wliih oIlhi )etiini, hno the Lelt;
eilil ,hi!ls, nih hit Fi,,hi-s Fi tual~e Wee,
te:- atin t:reggulariti,~i : l.ainting Fit-. Ac.
Atttlliher \erv prelniuint tId cnoton s-ntp.
tom I; thIU ('I.litr ]hwtiis o lt suiilt s atu
'1;imiV fei ,odiih of the rtuit-lir,;ilh, otibrer( :
jiier( ,,t of att.ally Iuoyant anl chleerful dii-.
,..i ,-, ari ote( n clangei, to dull atM des
b *c-me Ievisht, Iritatle it l t nilSo ible; it
-' t, unlergto aentire .huaige of tIaiter and
ti. ithLr. sure litre for .3 :1.
yo", it li ]t,'e aity of thse t:rptroms,
will litd me your trui and I ri al fiet. I In:e
tio uri' , di as,.e. Nat re, I smetimes t l t! ,,k
mad,- me for that spectial w,.rk,
addlrins I)-. ',. ANI)RIEWS, Alhany, N. Y.
t,. hunol tti. card to your frietiu.
E.tra slpeial Notie--F~etry le ter written to
m le, ),tt contain two ltres cent stampe. for
rettirn lpolState. Ntone other: wiuil he r(.pliel to.
I never i,.nd a Letter, Book or l'a,.k.ai.e of
Afe'c ins, otht iiste than free of Postage.
FREDERICK fER'rZOf, Notary Ilah
lie, w'i1 0tetd to all hlsinees connta t (l
'"a his ofihee, in Town or in the ('otnrrv.
Olfice with ]1. R. D'.niell. A t" ct Law

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