OCR Interpretation

Gazette and sentinel. [volume] (Plaquemine, Parish of Iberville, La.) 1858-1864, September 22, 1860, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053832/1860-09-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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aJttrsep t Law,
TILL practice is the Courts of the Sixth
Judicial Uistrict, and the Supreme Court
of Louisiana
r post.-oae addreo-"Plaquemine, Iber
vill, La.' fe4-ly
.ftersfp at Law,
Plaquesmim, Iberrillt ParisA, Leuissaos,
T W ILL devote his whole attention to the prae. I
tice ot their professio in all the Courts of
the Sizth Judicial District. je2S
AtI e. aUaROW, Wa 2. w. ao r?,
Plaquesase, West Bates Roue,
lbervill, La. Baton Rouge P. U., La
Darrw t 6Pep.,
STILL practice their profession in the parish
V es of West and East Baton Rouge, Iber
tille, Point Coupee and West Feliciana; the Su
eme Court of Louisiana. sad the United States
.istrict and Circuit Courts at New Orleans.
r . st. TgLt.
Atteraec at Law aad
Jantice ofe te Pease,
[TOAce on Main street. egs
,A.ttorna at. Zraw,
Will devote strict attootion to the practice o
his profession is all the Courts of the sith Is.
dicial Distlfjt.
O0ce with Zenon Labauve. ap4-ly
Joseph Hetard,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
(Ofes soamse f Zen's lhasues, Esq,,)
jy16j PLAQUZMII.~, LA.
Notary Publio and Auotioneer,
W ILL do business in any paute the parish
v' at the following rates:
All Neotarial sets drawn for five to ten dol
lar. lamity Meetings held for eight dollss.
Auctioteer's business done on terms to «sit pa
tremn. decl
s. M. . 3X.UaZU ,
HAVING located himself about five mile be
low the Ferry on the opposite beak of the
river, in Iberville. oiers his profeseasl servi
cee to the citizens of the pariah on that aide.
Dr. W. -WEzWS,
Mrgees Destbmt,
eHaaing located in Plaquemine
for the purpees of practising the
above prsfssion, respectfully sll.
tits a share of the patronage i. this vicinity,
which he hope to merit by strict attention to
business. Dr. J. een *oer as inducement i the
way of cheap work as heuses the bet of ma
trials and WARMANTS all bi work.
7Perseas wishing him te emll at their resi
deseen, will plese send word to th Tutte T e sse.
where their senm ds will meet with his prompt
od-ly W. JWNuINP, D. D. 8.
Ome L. iaSt
,Itteroer as Law,
Markhall, Texas,
W ILL pramiee law adt cellet clit in the
eounties Harris. Panels, uk, Smith,
Wood, Upstur, Cam, and Masnen, and is the Fed
oral aid Supreme Courts at Tyler. myS
W. 3. ProU.ses. taus rseeatO.
8House, ig and Ornamental Painters,
and Imitators of Wood and Mar
ble. Paner Hanring and
. All ds as the pw terts; ad
ura-,,mtoesais gm rk , they mluat th
--troe, ge er et rb s Mds dthe pub, eew.
sally. my7-ly
Mcmsesp D msea,
es seahe. an.
rticularau aetisaa give to tlgnu
f Sgarand Meleses, aul to Istilars t
Western Predee. ItuU-'f
3. GLAsEa
The bnsiness heretofore
ness hik, edimelnvel by
..isedS, assae ues se u ars to
Ss ri h te eeeseed pessaeu of Me
SJm s ed th.pul o .tm I -
,, .1 esy 'm is O i Zew*
Use, teir petme and ag md.r
o theyr peatres dl pt d'lgc1g.
I bemeelves, hus t s .l and
lhaskM n ' sia
emmA h ves~ithy~~a
whi~uheet~ *y,~rP5~iut e
TilE undersigned would re
spectfully announce to their
friends and the pubhlc generally. t
that they have just pr-rchaled the :
Coffee.house and fixtures fonnerly kept by Phil
lip Heelein opposte the steamboat landing: and
having been to considerable expense in paper
ing all the roomsso that they are neat and ple:s
ant. and having the best brands cf Liquors ac,
Vines to be had in New Orleans. and turt.er. I
pledging ourselves to sare no paw's to pleae al
who call to see us,. we shall expect a smali share
of the public patiooage.
oKoGas T'ahst, TURIN & SEIPPLE.
Plaquemine. May 19. 1860.
Uarnees Establishment.
The undersigned respectfltly
annunces to the ci!izens of lb
erville land Wet BatIron Koge. tls he his agat
returned to Plaqnemine. with the intention ot lo
cating himsell permanently, to carry on the
saddlery mad Harness ]usiNem
Those in want of SADDLES. HARNESS. or
an! article of PI.ANTA'I ION GEARING, will
find it to their isterest to give him a call. belore
purchasing elsewhere.
Shop on Slain street. lower story of the Old
Masonic Hall. anbh24 A. N. SCOT' T'.
sPeasy Ciroery Sto re.
8 dos bottles Pale Ale;
4 " " Cordial;
' " Syrup;
Candies of a!I kinds;
Cream Biscuit;
Table Salt. Wiucheq'ershire,
Sauce, Fresh Lobsters;
Pine Apple Cheese and Fresh Jelly
Cheese and Fresh Butter,
Boys' Foot Balls,
Parler Halls;
Boys' Tope and Marbles;
Gun Caps, Slates and Pencils;
Led Petcias, Letter Paper, Inkstands and
Ink. mht0
To Narar Pl.mterl.
The Star Bagasse Furnace.
latnmtr d 1th etrun, 1818.
Never Emews to Fall I
DARTIES wishing to purchase the right to se
P. please apply to
The Wood or Coal Farmace,
hPatetea Deosber 21st, 1858.
S1 T Numerous references gives. Appy as
above. Pp7
No. 16 Royal Street,
Next door to the Post Oirs, Nrw Oar.an.
Oysters in Barrels or Cans, Pickled or Spiced.
Fruit and Nats of all kinds, wholesale and re
Always on hand a full supply of all the lan
rie of the seasn.
Meals served in New York style.
City and country orders put upon the shortest
neties. aplly-T
S HE ndersigned would respectfully inform
! Planters. Machinists. Ealgineers and the
public in general, that they have opened a MA
CHINE SHOP ad are now ready to zexcusein
the best tenamer with promptmem and peacteal.
a it , any kind of
he ardn rad aste att h
Special attenuLon will be given to building
BOILLS and reparing all manne of STEAM
ENGINES MILLS. GINS and o her Maehinery.
All description of Brass Works for Engines and
other purposes either on hand or made to order.
B, uldinlg Materials aid lteam Enlines of from
throe to One Hundred and Fifty Horse Power,
forsiahed at short notice.
k Ceaneetie street, mtwes Thid and Mein,
e ei.Iy Dton Reae. La.
Swat of LouisianM, Parih of lertille-
Sirik District Court.
In the Estate of Domitilde Richard, dec.
tHBRP.AS: Vide Hebert has this day led
is the Cleek's ote et this Court hie P.
Sviioenal Tableau of Distribution of the Estete ot
SDomitilde Richard, dec'd
flotiee is bereby give to all whom It may
ecera t sobw emsas within thirty days t
o the date he·urof, why said Provauional Tabads
Sehoeld not be hore gted ndad therjd
meat .4 this cout.
Aberviill Bept h.1810.
epg1 l. A. ESThVAN, Clerk.
t d* I k l.uicsm-Coe d as G Die
tide-Pereise I5erwiek.
Damit Beeeaiot de fee Domitild.
r" 11 poJ a  .Cmts der TaMee hPave
Ide dieribtties de la s eio ds e Demitild
Is e sPmseqI
spta 3. A. ET VAR, mSe..
" 'I
Ladies Dress Goods
Planetation Goods
they particular:y call attention to, as also their
extensnve stock "1
Leady Made Olothiag.
T• :ey wsl!l trt I,' :tanl to give a lIst of their
stock i. the cow, ass of an advertisement. but
request al who are .n want of
Chleap Goods,
to give the-:n a cal'. as they feel fully satisfied
thai airrhaterea 'ill it o. go.awS (ion) their tore
di.austiel. oet't HA.ASE t;-05O
Plaquemine Saw 1ill.
TR RNITSnitS I'IEIF:FT. hasting purchased! i
._ l out Wte inrt!r'st oi .1. Bre_ Ch.AI'D . lit the
w .it'lin, a llani L. altc:runie.e i, the ,toss , i
Piau ,lun:ie th" l i,,n. f an lthe o f I .y o1 " Marvh.
wai;l i known iby the iaellt. an cnoihutel .,-t I .
der thle ltrtn ,f A H'liIRT" & J. B. M.iiLL. p
anald t4 .,"ota, of tI. 1u1 ;Ic of tl.e tuwi and
Sarish is reSip.rli'llv .oictel
07''ney i II endeavor to keep a regular -up
ply ot Lum-er on h., ad, of tae beat d,.cra;tini
at all tinels, which they wi! di.[,ose o- at the ru.
llg lates, and oin the mot arecotlmno:atllug terms.
Maich ln. IS_60.
Soots and Shoes.
E. ha- riubw is store a .lrge a.,urtm- nt of
V ariols 'tyie tor Lanies. \i1ne'-. GentI.
Youths and i hildrau. received direrc tinom man.
ufactortes, wh.ch we can offer ,t low prices. I
aug96 RO L'H, DEBI.IEUX & CO.
Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry!!'
T E are now opening a line lot of new i
pstyles. Any one wishing anything in t
this Ine. will find it to their advantag- to call
and examilne our stock.
aug 26 ItT)'H, DEBLIEUX & CO.
THE UNDERSIGNED has just received a
large acdition to hsa stock of
Of all Descriptions,
fresh from Cincinnati by the s;eamers J. B.
I [ringle and Universe, which he invites his
friends atd the public to call and examine. His
prices are low as the lowest hMr cash.
my126 A. WILBLRT.
At $10 per Thousand.
IENse .l J.1. I BRICEK&.
Court House Exchange.
Iawvid Xaawy.
H AVINt; purchased out the interest of his
i partner, will continue to carry on the
business at the old stand, where he will always
a have
Good Liqnueo
and pla Lager.
Thankful for past patronage 'he trusts to re.
reise a continuance of the same tjom his old
friends and the publiac u gseeirel. jy21
-JON - ANOa Jr.,
Worker In Ti... Copper, Sheet
Iron, fe.
RFSPECTrULI.Y inlorms the citizens of
Ibervll!e and West iaston Rouge that he has
located himself permanently in Plaquemine. for
the purpose of c:.rrying on the abolve Ibusiness.
Br a punctual attention to all work entrusted to
him. and executing it in a proper ani workman.
like manner, and at moderate rates, he trusts that
he will receive a portion of the patronage oi our
citizens. bhop its the rear of the building own
ed by Emile Degelos, corner of Main and I.evee I
- stees. jy 4-ly
'l'Take this metlitd of re
turning his thanks to his oldt
friends and customers for the 5 1
i. patronage heretolore received. and assures them
a that he will ever strive to accommodate them in
I. his line.
He has now moved to the large and commodi
ous building at the corner of Fenn's Alley and
I Bank street, where he has a large stock of Fur
atiure of every kind.
Old Furniture taken in exchange or repaired at
very low prices.
Stie also makes COFFINS of every style at the
ohortst notice.
"Fmk's Metallic CoMna supplied a hereto
Splendid Hearae. Pries moderate. sepd
Stat8 of Loulaa--Puris ofkbervilo-6th
Diatrilt Cort.
- In the Estate of Adao!phe Landry. dee'd.
NTTHERE.AS. Marie Celeetine Ldry has
VV thisday Sled in this Court herFinal 'l's.
blas of Liquidatioe of the state of Adollbo
I. LeodrT, W,1..
S Noi.e is hereby gives to all whom it may
Seecern to show cause within thirty days from
i tho dlate bereo why aid final tableau should not
be hoologuted usad made a judgment of this
7 coast.
* Ibeville, Sept. 1. 1860.
a sep5 M.. A. FSTEVAN, Clerk.
oas uas -?auoim Isef.
Dea Is Succesuion de fee Adolphbe Lan
A TTElJDUI. queo arie Celstione Lady a ce
1 o per dsesd as eite eoer se tablesou Final
de Liquidatios de la zuceaee de fee Adolpho
Avise seat pr a Peset demoed h toesm rax que
Scol teerste dedrem sa trete Joesus de ha date
decopeese Ils-iamse peer ILsqueine ledit
Staleeu o a erait pm homoleFId et fat le jgs.
eotta sour
us AN, Oner.
-HOUS tely eceKSd l by. 3
es eeresis., es the eear of Iak aid
Pipkin sters. It will be aih ata hepsai, we
To the Cittzers
\We have received from the manulactu
ties and fir-t hands
4I"00 Iuars be.t oak tanned IRussets;
.,:) o lido \1 c.* . Boys and Women's Shoes:
;. 1en'a. Ladies and Lhcov' paddles.
Iror 5 to 4-mr ede to order: SI
10 l.iz tlorse and lule Cillars:
20 do. do. do. Hames: A
100 Car arl addes;
.50 p:cii tirre.ching: 30 doz Blind Bridles;
30 hbl.. Lard and Bleached Oil:
300 kegs Nals. assorted .izes:
:0t tots liar and Knop Iron:
.'0 pairs Grey and White. lanket.;
20 do. extra ti.e 10-4. 1-4 and 12-4 Bed 0
Bla ker.;
50Ut0O y rlr Demine. Kerseys and I.in·a'~s;
i Jdoz extra Fine Bliile- and Fithngs. J
Mit of the alhoe were purchased for cash
and Irorn the m mntactories. hence we defy com
petition. either in New O;leans or out of it.
S.sea J. icWILL.I\ MI & C).
Fancy Dry Goods Store. 'F
FALL ; .\SliION OF 1860. .
%t)Iua all New. a
I have just received a most extensive and t
well sel*ectd' stock of season.ble Goaods, to
i. hach I ill tie the attentionu of my customers
sit l the public generally
Flo,, n cc di Itobe I -wlich are to much in
figshton this season. I have got them of all
destriptiorns. fE
Pope I i n i obe s-In great variety;
Siik 1antillas and Shhwls: it
E. mbroider e s-alany lesigns ol all grades;
Co: I I Ia r s nd b le e v e s-In Valencienne and
Ladies o n n net -Of the latest styles;
K id in g Hat a-In great variety and differ.
eat colora:
MiSaes, and Chihlren's S hoe s:
Come and see me befire purchasing elsewhere.
My winter stock will be on hand in about two I
weeks. LEOPOLD KAlN.
NOTICE.-No goods wlil be taken back four
days after sale. selH
THE UNDLERSIN'I) has appointed Mr.
.dLEX.dNDER IIOTI his Agent, to re.
ceive or to be made acquainted with all descrip.
tions of sahi abies. much of which. sunk with
his flatboat near '"Devil's Elbow." in Bayou
Piaq,,emiue; .come w-.eks sinct. still remain in
'the I.,iyou. co-.isting or Carts. Waggons. Nails,
&e. &r All persons. ther.loe, who may find
any of his aitcles. are t:iereei and requastud to
deliver tnem. ,or g.ve information to the above
named gentleman.
_ _jt:-:._ .JOSHUA BODLEY.
ITE nre in receipt of a emall invoice of
a IV AVANA CIGAJU imported by our-*
selves. These we can sell at New Orleans pri
* c-s. We can furnish our customrers with the
GF.NTINE. WEED at $38 per thousnml-
something very gitod at $40, as good as we could ,
sell heretololore at $50.
By next steamship we shall receive a larp
d invoice.
"Call. examine anwl judge for yonrmlver
Stewarrt's . teams RecRsed
f TUST RECT.IV II), by steamship ('ahawba,
J a FINE SI'PPLY of the alouve CANDIES.
r jdl eIOtkl.Y & t0.I.A 0At.5 AIE.
;ew n reery Estatl sseat.
t rER nnlders: gne bers leave to inform his
r Iriends and the public generally. that be has
- I opened a Grocery Store in the Ibsilditgon Bask
e Istreet, adjoining the Furnature store o1 A Wil
bert. where he will constantly keep an assort
ment of FreL Lirecsrtes of eaerA] des
cviption uisually kept in Grocery -tores. which
I:e offers to the public at the very lowest prices,
He trusts that his friends and citizens gene
I rally of P!aqiemine and sl cintty will give him
Sa portion of their patronage.
tn eb4 B. A. ORILLION
ij WA 3EOVI0E.
r- Forwardf~ i and Coest.
Sat or BusEaess.
Steamboat Landing, adjoining the Post
rH UNDERSIGNED have associated 'hem.
J. selves logether, for th- plUrltoe o doing
general Forwardigc and t'o,,mision Business.
We will also Coll ert Mon c due the mer
Schalsts, and business men. oe the North, East and
West. All busiiess iatrusted to our care will be
4 promptly attended to.
(T Refer to any reliable citizen of the Parish
I loerville, La. dec31l
o0 sac year Fruit.
A N.W supply of Freit Jare just mreeived:
e very Jar warrantel air tight-no sealiug
required. Call sad se them at
augi 1 Corer of Main sad Blak as.
lmfrlght, Uugin.er, A.
n- HBE ndersmigned. atterilg lmeel that Ihe
i fseerhably known thbro.hot E the R t. oas
ce a MILLRIGH P AND ENGINE .R. w vld m
al specfally announce to the Suigar Planters aid
be ether, that he is pepared to scutreet to huildI
as Sugar Illls and Beglnes
I dtof hbekste ildu d lndib, elay ise requiredl,
it sad wurrassed in everyo ese.
p. Ceottalct for aelt year spreetfally mlited.k
Ue is prepared to famir h IRON RAIlUING.
VER'SNDA11S, he. Call ad see his samples.
bl. m qulily Whiskey.
0 t*ns . IIL .
--Office on Main street..- 8E
TERtlS. Itl
SCBSCRtIPTION-Per anrnum. Three Dollatrs
and Fitly Cents, if pad in advaece-Five Dellara per
annual n if utUt paid at the time of suberrbting.
ADVERTISEMENTS will he inserted at the
rate of Une )ollar per aqunre (ou ten leers or lces) for the
fr. t, aild Fily Cretel oreerv subseeetqu e rtnl i amel . 4 ti
Iat,,r.al llmrcouint. hlwever.on these rater w ill Ii.e na eO i
dn.ertltm lentlle lsesrtedl for two emths or more. ,n!
for all ,iaces. in each language--iaaraehly in advance ,i
OBITUARY NOTICES, not exceeding three or I
four lille. will Ie herrfully inserted wiatout hlarge
bul tlose of greater length will be al eared eadverts.e- O0
.t it . t ihl
JOB VWOtRK-Casy on delivery.
The Opposition in Georgia might as I s
well follow the example of the Thompson n
Herald, and give it up. That paper says:
"Tht,ugh we expect to vote for Bell and
Everett, yet our humble opinion is from
present iudicatons, that Breckltridge s
and Lane will be elected. They appear i
to be the most popular with the people ft
everywhere." P
Ma. BELL'S NEGROES !-As we expect h
ed from intimations thrown out lately ft
by persons who seemed confident of the
correctness of their assertions, it seems
that Mr. Bell does net own a single e
negro. The l'icksburg Sun, of the
31st, says: h
Don't Own a Nigger after All.-As p
much as the Bell-ringers have vaunted t
over the fact that John Bell was the b
only candidate for the Presidency who
owns a nigger-as if that made him
any better or any more worthy of
Southern confidence-it turns out that
he does not own the hoof of one. Like
a great many men w; know in Missis-I
sippi, he is a very poor man himself,
but has a very ric wife. His niggers c
all belong to his better half, but he
doesn't own a single one in his own i
name. Ilis property is all under petti- I
I coat government.
Wla The Democratic Standard (Con- z
cord, N. II.,) says: a
"We learn that a Grand Mass Con-1
vention of the National Democracy of i
f New Hampshire, favorable to the elec
- tion of Breckinridge and Lane, will be
hold at the State Capitol in this city, on W
SWednesday, 26thday of Septenmber next
to nominate a ticket of electors, and
effect a through organization of the
National Democratic party of this State. I
GrolIt --The Colnmbus (Ga.) Times
says that the man who believes that
Breckinridge will not get more votes in
Georgia than Bell and Douglas com
bined, can get just as much money bet
- on it as he can raise. No takers have
yet appeared.
Fan ParrSs ro Gassmat. Scorr.-It is
k not often that we have the pleasure of re
I- cording such an original and genuine
- tribute of respect to personal merit, as
b the following. It is rude on the surface t
* like the diamond in its native bed, but
9 the sparkle 'lheath is that of a gem of
n the first water.
A few days since, a gentleman on
the steamboat Thomas Powell, on her
passage up the North river, selected a
number of illus'rated and othernewspa
pers from the stock of a newsboy who
had his stand on the boat. On taking
out his purse to pay for them, the boy
t exclaimed
"Say-you're General Scott, ain't
Syou. I don't take yonr money, you're
Sentitled to free papers!"
On the gentleman's assurance that he
id was not General Scott but only a New
SYork lawyer, the boy consented to re
ceive his money.--Cntuar.
Tna Ow Tmmian Dsrmmcr.-This Con
Sgressional District will give Breekin
ridge and Lane about 8000 majority.
We speak from late reliable advices.
I: "T ZGreen" livea in the Old Third.
L'The we hos o@ne hbehad, whob i
ow righteeatyeruviag a sateame in Aubura
N. Y.StatePrian, paid hi a foeal evieit
m the other day a at aes, jmst to hap alsof d
* See on his head. Oe breaght soe apple,
aot se eth hes, and the thirl askr, d they
morebed eout prIdly, Indiaa Ile, leaving him
to hi digeties of the visit ad its fruits
d Weuuumuars Powse or Eauaasme-It is
g elatd man imasnee of the atentgth ad ig
Se olr the Priasm of Wales' eonMittea, that
e l deing the sam day he reeived addressem at
Charlottetown, held a levee, drove out in plaim
clothes, went out shooting, rode agapin, took a
swim i the alt water, diaed with a argepr
ty, eat to a mhU i the ervig, and dased
I itlre tph stil :hre eo is tie er
COCLDN' SEE IT.-A countryman being
at alr Englishman's table, expressed his
surprise by loud exclamations, on see
ing a large quantity of froth ooze out of
a bottle of porter as soon as the cork
was drawn. Being asked what surpri
sed him, he replied, " I don't wonder at
all at the froth that comes outof the bot
I tie, but how the deuce did you ever con
r trive to squeeze it all in?"
Tnz Isms Hsaar.-The attachment of
the Irsh heart seems to be almost super
natural. In Chicago, a few days since,
r a vyung Irishman was run over by a
oh~ rse cart on the way to a fire. He
or was buried on Friday, and on the same
. occasion the obsequies were shared by
his sisters, with him an orphan, to
whom the shock of his sudedn death
proved too much to be sustained. She
m sank beneath it and brother and sister
in now lieside by side.
d MACHINE MADE SEGARS.--The latest in
m venrtion is a segar maker machine, which
re can be regulated to making any size or
shape of segars at the rate of fifteen per
Sr minute, making them all so as to draw
le freely, and using no binding in wrap
ping. Segars made by the machine coat,
for manufacturing, $1 62 per thousand,
ct while those of the same quality, made by
hand, cost from $1 to $8 per thousand
Iy for making.
ru ui.Douglas is the first Democrat who
,le ever undertook to furnish the National
he Convention of the Democracy with a
candidate and platform both. Others
have allowed the .Convention to make the
ks platform to suit the party but he insisted
ed that the Convention should take him ad
he I his platform too. [Des Arc Citizen.
ianI w Fold up the white robe; lay aside
the forgotten toy; smooth the little un
ke pressed pillow, and gently smile as you
e think of the garment, of the harp of
if-Igold, and of the fair brow with diadem
of light; smile as you think thatnoyears
can make that memory old. An eternal,
I guileless child, waiting about the thresh
old of Paradise for the coming friend
from home.
Here the glad lips would quiver with
anguish; the bright curls growing gris
a- ltied and gray; the young heart weary
and old, but there changeless as the
n- stars, and young as the last new morn
of ing.
c The poet tells of a green bough rent
be by the tempest from the tree, and swept
on rudely along the breast of an angry riv
ext er, and a mother bird with cries of grief
nd fluttering beside it, for her nest and nes
Ie tlings were there. Ahbl better to be wafr,
t.ted away fromearth, than thus that they
should drift around the world in storm.
t AuLIVs wrra RrswaYs.-The Bastrop
La Advertiser says that the woode n
in ound Bastrop seem to be alive with run
am- away negroes. Some of them hail from
)et a long ways off, and declare their inter
ie tion to enter the Mexican territory,
where they expect to be free.
A Powsarem BLow sr as womnusra.
is In re-coppering the uano packet Jo
re- sephine at Honolulu, Sandwieh Islands,
ie the sword of a sword-fish was discover
as ed, broken offin the hull of the vessel,
ice under its counter, and about four feet
fot forward from the rudder post, it having
of passed through the copper, the felting
and a three-inch oak plak.
I a Dox.rysauoo Fas.-This annual gath'
pa ering of infamy and reckless depravity
rho is dead-stone dead. Yesterday, be
ag ing the Sunday preceding the 26th inst,
oy was, or was to have been,"walking Sun
day," but the famed "Brook" was de
n't serted and the "interested iadividuals"
a're looked townwards in vain of the arrival
of their dupes and fools from the city.
he [Doublin F-eeman'e Journal.
Ie I.n Syria the Turkish auorties
had executed one hundred and eighty
persons engaged in the late massecre
o of Christians. This wholesale retribt
in- tion would, it was believed, entirely re
p res the insurrectinary element and
.- tranquilize the counstry. Nearly be
thouMand French troops had leaded as
mi NuwYonK, Sept. 14.-The Douglas
visitte Ceommittee met today at the S.
h* Nicbholas Hotel, for the purpose of a
ple, sidering tbepaiostk reoeasly male
Ihsy by theBreekimndge State Comaittee,
hi. via: the opi of tea Breckiarie
electors on t Doaglas ticket, ad two
Breckinridge coadidates for State of
It s Beers. The proposition rejected by a
vote of evsn to tve
g t We Tearn free a private lette kers
Stewart couty, that as yet set a s tgle
-i Deegals man has trned up In LempIn.
k a We are sem isfeud tht here is ely ms
n I Bailbridl Decator county, uad oe
iseed 'tl cont of CbaTtahoohes. Thie
,,ule , we - ,. *** *, rm ted ka s. T
ir Steaed St e is etat 6rth-Mante

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