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JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. i mi'iTicjiiT-WTir'iMietgr3trrr4 MISCEIXAtflBOlJSv 'I HE CHARMS OF A FARMER'S LIFE. Mr- Coleman certainly deserves great credit '( r his exertions in the agricultural cause. It undoubtedly the great and vital interest of the country, and the more attention is drawn to it the better for us all. In his address late deliv ered before a Society at Concord and truly elegant as well as sensible discourse it is we have the following passage on what may be cal led the poetry of his profession ; a little of flour ish we acknowledge, but founded essentially on strict truth. " What a means of imparting pleasure is an improved agriculture. How many charming examples present themselves among us of mi provemonts which every eye gazes upon with unmingled delight. Let a man aocording to his power, take his ten, Ins twenty, his fifty, las hundred acres. Let him comb the hair, and wash the face of nature. Let him subdue, clear, cultivate, enrich, embellish it. Let him smooth the rough places ; and drain the wet, and fill up the sunken and enrich the barren. Let him enclose it with a neat and substantial fence. Let him line its borders and roadsides with orna mental trees, and Jet hn. stock every proper part with vines and fruits. Let his fields and meadows wave with their golden harvests, and Jet his hills be covered with the lierds rejoicing in the iumess with which his labors, under the blessing of God, have spread their table, and who, when he goes among them, hasten from all sides to meet him and gratefully recognise in him a friend and benefactor, and lick the hand which-is accustomed to feed and fondle them. Here now let us see the neatly -painted cottage with its green shades, its piazzas trel Used with vines, its sides covered with the spreading elm or the flowering acacia, with here and. there the I e lutiful fur to shade the picture anudtie mountain ash showing its clusters o crimson fruit among the deep Green foliase, and the smooth and verdand lawn stretching its soft and beautiful carpet in the front view : then look again and see the parents at the close o da, resting from their labors, and enjoying the calm evening, with the pledges of mutual and devoted allection noting belore them m all the buoyancy of youthful innocence and delight ; and if at such an hour as this, you can hear the hymn of grateful praise rising from this humbrc abode of peace and love, and its charming notes mingling with the music of the gurgling brook that flows near by, or by the occasional shrill and hollow notes of the gentle and fearless bride, which deem themselves loving members of this loving household ; if then, whether tra veller or sojourner, your heart is not touched with this charming and not unusual picture of rural felicity, cease to call yourself a man. If still you sigh for the bustle and the noise and the confinement of the city, with its impure wa ter, with its midnight festivities, with its utter destitution of sympathy, with its low estimate of human life, with its squalid poverty, its mul tiplied forms of wretchedn &s. anil -orlin it c pride, its vanity, its ambition, its pomp, its ser vility ; then go back to your gilded prison house and to pleasures, which an uncorrupted and re fined taste, accustomed to drink in the free air of heaven, and to appreciate its freshness, its purity and its salubrity, you will find no occa sion to covet or envy. The man who by his cultivation and good husbandry presents such a picture to the passer by shall he not be cal led a benefactor to the community Has he not done much to improve and bless society by his example ? Has he not built a monument to his own honor, more eloquent than the sculp tured marble ?" "WASHINGTON LOVED HIS MOTHER. Immediately after the organization of the pre sent. General Washiugton repaired to Freder icksburg"h to pay his humble respects to his mother, preparatory to going to New Yort. An affecting scene ensured. The son feelingly remarked the ravages which a tottering disease had made upon the ayed frame of his mother, and thus addressed her ! " The people madam, have been pleased, with the most flattering unanimiy, to elect me to the chief magistracy of the United States, but be fore I can assume the functions of that office, 1 have come to bid you an affectioate farewell. Sojsoon as the public business, which must ne cessarily be encountered in arranging a new .government, can be disposed of,;I shall hasten to Virginia, and" Here the matron interrupted hirn. 41 You will see-rne no more. My great age and the disease that is fast approaching my vitals warn me that I shall hot be long In the'world, I trust in God I am somewhat prepared for a better. But go, Geotge, fulfil the high destinies which Heaven appearso assign you ; go my son, and BiaystharHeaven's and'your mother's blessing bp with you forever." 3 The President was deeply affected. His iiunu lusieu upon me snouiders oi ins parent -nuoseageu arm ieeblv, yet fondly encircled his neck. That brow" on which fume had wreathed the purest lnurel virtues ever gave to creared man, relaxed its lofty bearing. That look which could have overawed a Roman Senate, in its Fabrician day, was bent in filial tenderness upon he time worn features of this venerable matron. The great man wept. A thousand rccollec iionsjerowded uponiis mind, as memory retract Jng'scenes long since pastcarried him back to his paternal mansion, and thedaysof his youth; and there the centre or attraction was his'moth er, whose care, instruction, and discipline, had prepared turn to reaqh the topmost height of ituiuauie amomon; yet-now were her glories forgotten when he gazed upon her from whom, wasted by time and malady, he must soon part too'meet no more ! "The matron's predictions were true. The disease which had so long preyed upon her frame completed its triumph, and she e.-pired Of immortalty to the humble believer. LArrrtE, the Pirate. It is generally known that Lafitte, for a considerable time, oc cupied Galveston Island, and finally abandoned it upon the compulsion of the U. States. We have seen several persona who were here du ring his stay, and who knew him. Ho andhis nartv had built quilea village.upon the site of the present city, as early as 1812. His own house was two stories high, and a verv pood ono. i lie oinors were oniy one story, and of plainer construction1. 1 hey pro - - - - - cured their bunding inaterialsirom INew ur- leans, with which place they kept up a regular intercourse. In fact, Lafitte boasted that he had made half the merchants of that city rich. He uniformly alleged that his depredations were committed upon vessels sailing under Spanish colors, and he is known to have hung one of his men for having robbed an American citizen. lie was a Frenchman by birth, but had lived some time in the Unitad States. He would stand and talk upon any serious matter, with one eyo shut-, for hours, and at such time had rather a harsh look. But he was tall and fine ly formed; his manners were highly polished, and in his pleasant moods, one who did not kno w him, would have suspected him for being anything but a pirate. He lost four vdssels and many men in a srorm in 1S18. Three of the vessels were lost at sea, and one went ashore on Virginia point, on the opposite side "of the bay. lie stated that he had spent one winter in fashionable society at Washington City, and that he had expended sixty thousand dollars during the time. When he left the Island, he went to embark in the Columbian service, having received the tender of a commission in their navy. No au thentic account has ever been given of his death, and some of those who know him believe that he is alive. Nearly all published in rela tion to him in the Lives of the Pirates, as well as in the novel bearing his name, with the exception of what relates to his conduct at the battle of New Orleans, and his operations in Louisiana, is said to be fabulous by those who knew him. Galceslon Gas. - A Coursn to a Ball. You recollect the first day of January, 1840. It was a bitter cold day. It was cold as far south as the city of New York, and up here in the country, where I am writing, it was terribly severe. You could not ride far against the wind without being exposed to freezing. I have heard of two cases of death by cold on that day in this re gion, and of another case in which the sufferer was saved by great exertion, when on the point of perishing. The night of that day was to be observed, as is usual here,, by a New Year's ball. Invitations had' been extended for many miles around, and a great gathering of the young, and gay, and thoughtless, was expect ed. Extensive preparations had been made for an nvcninfi nf merriment and srlnn- anA marry hearts beat quickly in anticipation of the plea sure of the scene. None was happier in the thought of coming joy than Miss , who took her seat in the sleigh, by the side of her part ner for the evening, and set out for a ride of some twenty miles, to join the dance. She was young and gay, and her charms of youth and beauty never were lovelier than when dressed for that Now Year's ball. Of course too thinly clad for the season, and especially for that dread ful day, she had not gone far before she com plained of being cold ; but their anxiety to reach the end ol their ride in lime to be present at the opening of the dance, induced them to hum- onward without stopping by the way. Not long after this complaining, she said that she felt perfectly comfortable, was now quite warm, and that there was no necessity of delay on her ac count. They reached, at length, the house where the company were gathering : the young man leaped from the sleigh, and extended his hand to assist her out, but she did not offer hers; he spoke to herj but she answered not ; she was dead : stone dead ; frozen stiff ; a corpse on the way to a ball. Cor. N. Y.. Observer. A Child in the Woods. --Some sensation has been caused in the neighborhood Of Sher brOokc, Lower Canada, by the discovery of a white child, supposed to be four or five months old, inThe possession of a small party of the St. Francis Indians. The peor little creature was. in a wretched state of sufferingemacia ted almost to a mere skeleton ; lashed to a board, pappoose fashion, with a piece of raw venison in its mouth, which the squaw who had it in charge had given it to satisfy its ravening hunger, being herself incapable of supplying the proper food designed by nature for infants of thai tender age. The poor child was purchased from the In dians by a kind hearted Captain Adams, who paid them for it five dollars and a barrel of flour. He also provided for it a suitable nurse and comfortable clothing. It is estimated that the parents are known. or at least suspected. I he child was not sto len from them, but transferred by themselves to the Indians : with what purpose the Canada papers do not say.-N. Y. Com. Adv. Sambo's Description of a Potatoc. The fol lowing dialogue is said to have taken place in one of our markets a few days sinco between a gemmon of color and a huxter : " Wha' yer ax for dem taters V " Fifty cents a bushel. " " Whoy, I've no 'jections to gib yer fifty cents if I know'd cm to be rail genuine. A tater is unevltably bad, unless invariably good, dare is no mediatory in de combination of a tater; de outside may appear perfecly exemplary and bcautisome, de inside is a total negative. But if yer wends de article on yer own recom mendation, knowing you to bo a man of proba bility in yer transactions, I, widout any furder circumlocution, take a bushel." at the rgo of 85, confiding in the promises Necroes. Tod muchfrcedery breeds dSspis?, said a yountr lady with a magnificent toss of the head, by way of rebuking another who had ventured to speak to her on the wharf at Phil- adeloma. without having been lormallv nresent- ed. "Pomp and Ceasar berry much alike," said f venerable old man that we knew, berry much alike inbeed-specilly Pomp ! I Another, wishing to say that it the sun rises clear uud goes into a fog immediately, it is a sigh of rain, did so in the following terms : " Ben e sun rise berry airly, set afore he rise, sartin to have rain afore soon." And we nev er shall forget a prayer made by a negro of the late Gov. Tomkins. who had been allowed by his mister, on account of his fidelity and great piety, (he was thoughi wonderfully gifted in prayer) to have compauy at thanksgiving. The other negroes having secured places at the ta ble, iome holding by the cloth, some by a chairj and not a few, "to make assurance doub ly sure," by both Cato fixed himself with his legs Jis far apart as he could stand without tum lingqver, and locking his hands together, began thus " 0 Lord ! pray see good vitell on e table ; more' in e pot good as any Massa Tomicin's got-tunner in c heavens ! trashee down dry hemlochee tree ! trashee up afore Massa door ! save Cuffe on the even wood under glorious sunshiny gospel dis day to one day world a foro end, Uodsake amen 1" Important Discovery. The fol lowing is a description of a new in vention, applicable to locomotive en gines, which is considered by a iram bsr of scientific men, (as railway tra velling is proceeding so rapidly) well calculated to supply a desideratum, and which is likely to prove a great national benefit, by reducing the ex penses, and increasing the safety, of internal intercourse : The advanta ges of it are : First, the condensing the steam after it escapes frcm the cylinders, and the water produced thereby returned to the boiler to be wrought over again and again, by which means the boiler is rendered more durable, being kept perfectly free of incrustation or deposit of any land ; and no stoppage is repuired to take in water ; of course freeing the engine of the burden of carrying a supply along with it. Second The air that surmorts the combustion of i the fuel is considerably heated pre vious to entering the ash-pit ; by which the smoke is completely consumed, although fresh coal be used in the fur nace. Consequently a great saving m the consumption of fuel is effected. It is pleasant to add, that an experi meut has been made with the appa ratus, which is exceedingly simple, and found to answer all the purposes intended, and for which a patent is in .progress. The inventors are Win. and Andrew Sjmmgton, whose inge nious talents are likely to be of as greit benefit to their country as those of tlieir father, the late Wm. Syming ton, celebrated as the author, and in troducer of practical steam navigation. Edinburg Chron. Universal Benevolence. The lav of benevolende applies to a man as man; that is, to man irrespective of any of the temporary relations in which he may stand to us. It makes nomatter whether he be of our kmd re or of another, a fellow citizen or ari alien, or of our religion or of ano ther, it is enough that he is a man ; and this entitles him, under the law of God, to all the benefits of the law of benevolence. Nay, in one sense, the fewer the ties that bind Mm to us, the more glorious is the act of goodness, because it is under these circumstan ces that we can cherish the least hope of reward ; and the more evident will be the proof our disinterestedness, It would have been noble in Howard to have visited the prisons of England alone, but it was more noble to extend his inquries to France, the national enemy of England. It would have been glorious to have died a martyr to the cause of benevolence at home, but how much more so was it, to die in a remote province of the Russian empire, in a town of which the exist ence would scarcely be remembered but for the fact that it witnessed his last deeds of mercy, and guards his sacred remains until the morning of the resurrection. Write your own epitaph when young in as flattering termsayou please ; and then let it be the business of your life to deserve it. Don't think of giving a shilling while you owe a pound Tnere were (andlbelieve still are) ; two lawyers in partnership in New j York,w ith the peculiarly happy names; of Catciiem and Ciieetum. Teople jlauglied at seeing these two names ill iuxtapositioil over the door: SO the lawvers thought it advisable t to sepa rate them by. the insertion of their , J , christian names. Mr. Catchem's christian name was Isaac. Mr. Cheet um's, Uriah. A new board was or dered, but when sent to the painter it was found to be too short to admit the Christian names at full length. The painter, therefore, put only the initials before the surnames, which made the matter still worse than before, for there now appeared, "i. catchemand u. Gheetum." Manyatt's Diary in America. OF Jcflfcrsosaian J&epuMicazi, A new Weekly Paper, to be published at Slrouds burg, Monroe County, Pa., and Milford, Pike County, Pa., simultaneously. The whole art of Government consistsin the art of being honest. Jefferson. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN in principle, will be all its title purports, the firm and unwavering advocate of the principles and doctrines of the democratic party, delineated by the illustrious Jefferson : the right of the peo ple to think, to speak, and to act, independent ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon- sible to no power lor the lree exercise ot this right, but their God, their Country, and her j uity, that he continues to manufacture every Laws, which they themselves have created. 'description ef TIN WARE, at his establish A free and untrammeled Press, conducted in a ! men', on Elizabeth street, and where a gener spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles- j al supply is constantly kept on hand. Tho a sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which wishing to purchase good article?, and at rea we live, and it should be cherished and support-' sonable prices, will do well to call and examino ed by every true republican. Such, then, it is his assortment before purchasing elsewhere, designed to make the paper now estab- j STOVE PIPE of all sizes to ' suit ptir lished, and as such, the publisher calls tip- chasers' always on hand cheap fur cash, the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 18 10. has arrived when the Press should take a bold r ' and faarless stand against the evidently increas- ing moral and political degeneracy of the day, j rpMJE Subscriber respectfully fnforms the pub- and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable ! course, to remove tnose barriers whioh section al prejudices, parly spirit, and party animosity have reared to mar the social relations of men without accomplishing anv paramount good. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to advocate and support the schemes of any par ticular set of men. It will speak independent ly on all State and National questions, award ing to each that support which its merits may demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn such measures, as lri the opinion "or the editor Is ustly warranted, holding as a first principle : " The greatest good to the greatest number." Believing that the great principles of democ racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma gistrate of the Nation, Martin Van Buren, the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, will decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election to the high and responsible station which he now holds. It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having for their object tbe concentration in the hands of one man, and that man the President of the Nation, all power over the public moneys, a power, which, when combined with that vest ed in him by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of the American forces, Military and Naval, together with an enormous official pa tronage, would render him more powerful than the Executive of the British Nation, and in short make our Government, de facto an Elec tive Monarchy. II will ever maintain that the welfare of our Country and the preservation of her Republican Institutions should be the first and only senti ments of our hearts in the choice of our public servants ; that honesty, fidelity, and capability, are the only true tests of merit ; that all men are created equal, and, therefore, should alike enjoy the privileges conferred on them by the Constitution without being Subject to proscrip tion, or coerced by the influence of party. The columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free discussion of all political questions, believing as we do, that there is no liberty where both sides may not be heard, and where one portion of freemen are denied the privilege of declar ing their sentiments through the medium of the Press, because they differ from the majority. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever take a lively interest in the affairs of Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and Congressional Districts with which they are connected. HgThe Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUB LICAN. Due care will bo taken to furnish its readers with the latest Foreign and Domestic News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will be both interesting and instructive. In shnrt it is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex-; icnsive patronage, both Irom the strictly moral tone which it will ever possess, and the elTorts of the editor to make it a good and useful Family Newspaper. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN? will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good quality, and with good type. ' AS Terms--$2 in advance ; $2,25 at the enfof six months, and $2,50 if not paid beforo theex- piration of the year. No subscription taken for a less term than six months. 01' RICHARD NUGENT. WlioiesaSe find ttetaiS CABINET W A ft E an 'fcOOSiSNG-GAsiS jAifAc nn5I3B subscriber respectfully informs the .on JL zens of Stroudsburg and-the public j-e-iccaity. that be has taken the shop recently occupied i-y James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite ibr. Xtrmiflsbunr House, in this Uorortjrii, whra be intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi ness in all its various orancues. He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or der all kinds of fournituro : Sideboard, .Bureaus, feofas, lCiitrc- bles, Breakfast and iPsniEAaOie, Wasli Stands, Bcdfi?catls,&c. &c. together with evc-rv other articlo usual! v kept at such establishments ; all of which he will sell at the Eaaton prices. A a his materials will be of the best qualify, and all articles manufactured at bis establishment will be done by first rate workmen, he conlidently as sures the public that his endeavors to render gon eral satisfaction will not b; unrewanle.1. He respectfully invites thcjiublic to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Chairs, Settees. &c. will be kept constantly on. hand and for sale. CHARLES CAR ICY. Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1810. TIN WAKE jflAWUTACTORt. D. B J. W. BUTE begsleavc respectfully to in- form ihe inhabitants ot btroudsbnnr, and vjci. "c inatne prepare io wuic au .u. Plaiji & Ornamental i'aamass 8) Glazing:, &c. at his shop nearly opposite the store of William Eastburn, where all orders m bis line willbe thank fullv received and nunctuallv attended to. JAMES PALMER. Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1S39. NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup ply has just received a full and complete a- ortmentof GOODS admirably adapted to the s : son. consisting of I:y Goods, Groceries, Crock cry. Hard and Hollow Ware. STEEL, NAILS, and NAIL RODS, in fact a. j complete assortment of all kinds of goods usually f Kepi in a couniry siure, au oi wmcn ne is disposed to sell at moderate prices. N. B. Grain and Country produce Aho and yellow pine boards will be taken in exthlfiige ; al so, oak joist, &c. &c. WILLIAM EASTJJTJRN. Stroudsburg, Jan. 15th, 1840. . DISSOLUTION; THE Copartnership heretofore esiSHng be tween the subscribers trading under tbe firai of Stokes & Brown, is this day dissolved by mutu al consent. The business of the late. firm will b settled by Stogdell Stoke3, who is duly authorised to settle the same. t STOGDELL STOKES. J.A. BROWN. -fc. All pereons indebted to the firm Of Stokes Brown, are particularly requested to make settle mcnt on or before the first day of March next, and those having claims against the firm present than for settlement. STOGDELL STOKES. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1st. 1840. JOHN H. MELICK. CLOCK & WATC5I1AK33R. RESPECTFUtlLY informs fhd inhabi tants of Monroe and adjoining Counties, that he is ready at all times to discharge his duties to all who mayjavor him with their custom. Mending and Engraving neatly executed. Clocks, Watches, and Music Boxes rfcpaircil and warranted. JJjpAlways on hand, and for sale, a Varic' of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, ' NOTICE. -A.LL porsons indebted to the Estatp of JO IN STARBIRD, late of Stroud township, Mon recount-, deceasod,aro requested to iriike immcili it payment ; and those haying demands against 0 said Estate, are desired to present them In pro order for settlement. . t HANNAH STARBIRJJL January 31, 18 lO.Gt Executed Sawyer Wauled. Hp Tittnd a saw mill on Broadhcwl's. ro JL A sober steady sawyer can have employ for the ensuing four or five months, and- lift wages will be given. A man with.a family, iw be preferred. Yot particulars, apply at the.- s , STOGDELL. STOKJS February, 7, 1840. TIMOTHY SEE,, For sale by the subscidber "iVM'-.E-ATBOT Stroudsburg, Peb. 14,. E8IO1 KIRKHAM'S MMMA&& A FE W copies of K IMihnrn's Grammy bo had cheap at thi Offico. Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, J&10.. r JI etHo; (otmrez T Baring arc Ke INe'i iTo P TAnx 1 ITh. 1 Ta: i for 1 ki L ei c k Isc Ith Iw to '4