Licttard Nugent, Editor
Tub whole aivt o Government consists in the art op being honest. Jefferson.
. W. e Wit, Fftblishcr.
rOL. I.
No. 6.
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From the Political Reformer.
rhnce happy he to whom a father say,
Mv son be godly and be wise !"
Bdna who his father hears, and treads the ways
That lead to wisdom and the skies.
Hi!! is the better lot. Adversity
Hi: noble heart can ne'er depress ;
His sont blooming for eternity,
Yields him true peace and happincrs.
t He lives a life ol bliss. No fears enthral .
His mind. A God dwells in his breast. .
"he pxsion's storm, the bustlmc joys and all
The mirth that fans the worldling's crest,
r Ne'er turns his brain, or win him fr nm hi nfm -
Nor docs he e'er liis deeds entrust - r
To future times, for evanescent fame
But asks himself if they were just.
fWilt thou be happy, first be good and wise ;
Yfr wilhfMil virtue lhrrf'c Tin ruvif -r
And short of knowledge naught can gain the prize :
The man w ho lives but for his ease.
The votary of wealth, ambition, power,
Though he be honest and be brave,
Falls a sure victim to the changing hour,
And to his vicious lusts a slave.
Of thouan Cs who the cup of wisdom drank', . .
For Tcru's gold his avarice to feed
Not one would part. The man of wealth ajid rank",
If ignorant is poorindecd.
Look not for happiness to earthly things,
For they are fugitive and vain ;
But strike within my heart those tender strings,
That echo virtue's loftier strain.
Kondout, N. Y.
From the Lady's Book.
nr .tins, emma c. emijcry.
Notwithstanding her boasted confidence, How
ever, Mrs. Dc Gre really felt considerable anxie-
y about the matter, and she determined tb send
essie out of the way, until her brother should have
brgouen his transient fancy. Convinced that Jes-
ie was utterly unconscious of Frederick's admira-
ion, and urwilling to lose her services perma-
ently, she thought of a plan which promised suc-
ess, and she consulted Lizzy as to its possibility.
'Aunt Tabitha has sent to us to procure her a
eamstress for a few weeks, suppose we induce
essie to go; the poor thing needs country air, and
t will be just the place for her.'
' "Why, Julia V asked Lizzy with a smile ; 'be-
ause she needs country air, or because wc need
iher absence V
' Nay, Lizzy, it is no laughing matter. I want
tlo send her out of Fred's way before she has any
suspicion of his folly.'
'Hut why-send her to Aunt Tabitha V
' Because Frod will never find lief there ; he is
so terribly afraid of the old lady's sentimentalities,
that he never visits hor, and the time Jessie returns,
he will have some new folly to engage his atten
tion.' The plan was matured : and Jessie, who really
felt the need of change of air, or relaxation from
r. her continual labors, consented to leave her mo-
thcr for a few weeks. Accordingly one bright
spring morning a stage deposited Jessie' at the
Hate Of a neat Old-fnshirmftd C.CtWuna. h'rh ctnr.rl
W - ' rt ' "
on the outskirts of a villa'gCj about forty miles from
the great metropolis.'
' Where is 4 our Jessie V asked Fred, when he
had watched in vain for her daily return to the lit
tle sewing room.'
' Lord, brother, do you think I keep a record of
her engagements ? When slid has finished our
work, she goes somewhere else, and that is all I
know about it.'
The idea of that gentle creature being thus driv
en about from place to place, toiling day after day
with her needle, and dimming her bright eyes over
plaits and gathers, was extremely painful to Fred.
Carleton. The more bethought of it the more unea
sy he became. 4 Why should I hesitate,' thought
he, ' I have seen all the prettiest girls in Lizzy's
set, and I like Jessie Murray better than any of
them. Seamstress indeed I 1 wonder if Juiia
would like to hear that our own dear mother used
to make six shillings a day by binding shoes when
she was married to the honest cooper, our father.
fi n-jartcr, halt ycanr, ana iiiratiam uciuiemccua m
car, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa
by a carrier or staijc drivers employed by the proprietor,
I Yet I should hato to marLizzy's plans; I wish I
--ad some one toaehisemc: Kow I think of it. I
will go and see Aunt Tabitha ; tho dear good old
soul whom I used to ridicule so much, "will now
be my best counsc'lor.' So with his usual impet
uosity, Fred started on a visit to Aunt Tabitha,
leaving his sisters quite ignorantof his destination,
and little d reaming of the unexpected pleasure that
awaited him.'
Dear old Aunt Tabitha ! what a singular com
pound of good feelingsand exaggerated sentiments.
In early life she had been betrothed to one whose
poverty was the only obstacle to their union. He
had sailed for India, in the hope of bettering his
fortune, but ho never returned, nor did any tiding
of his fate ever reach his native land, The ship
was missing it had never leached its destined
port, and the sea kept its own secret. Deeply
tinged with the romance of warm hearted youth,
and greatly addicted to novel reading, Aunt Tabi
tha had always lived in a world of the imagination
and the mystery which hung over the fate of her
over seemed to strengthen the romantic fervor of
her nature, ror some years after his disappear
ance, she never left her appartment, and it was
"only by awakening ire charities of Iter kindly na
ture that she could be induced to take an interest
in every-day life. She had grown old without ha
ving lost one atom of her early tendency to scnti
ment Combining active benevolence with almost
morbid sensibility, she was often a subject of ridi
cule to those who did not know her virtues, while
she was sincerely loved by those who could for
give eccentricity in behalf of excellence. Frede
rick CarletorT, in his boyish days, had conceived a
great dislike of her peculiarities, and unable then
to appreciate her real goodness, was terribly bored
by what he stvled her lscntimenlalities., 13ut he
had since learned to know her better, and hor very
foibles now seemed to render her better fitted to
afford him counsel. "What was the result of her
Let us pass over the lapse of three years, in the
course of which Lizzy Carleton had married the
rich and aristocratic Charles Tibbs, who was the
very pink of fashion, excepting his dislike of per
fumes, an antipathy probably owing to early dsso
ciations. The sisters were established to their
hearts content. A fine house, French fainiture', a
splendid carriage, nnu plonty ol acivants, hail lat
len to the lot of both. It is true, the habitual fail
ings of Julia's husband, had mado him a by-word
among honorable men, and Charles Tibbs was a
mere nonentity the very ' essence1 of insipidity ;
but these were trifling drawbacks upon the felicity
of women of fashion. Fred Carleton was residing
in Paris, the happy husband of a charming woman,
and enjoying all the pleasures of that gay city.
Had he so soon forgotten our Jessie ?
One morning Lizzy entered her sister's room
with an open letter in licr hand, exclaiming, ' Oh,
Julia, 1 have good news for you ; Fred is coming
home, and his Parisian wife will just arrive in
time to add brilliancy to our vinter parties.'
Julia bhrugged her shoulders. ' I hope it may
be so, Lizzy ; but Fred is such a queer fellow,
that he is quite likely to have some dowdy for -a
wife, whom we shall be ashamed to introduce.'
1 Ohj no exclaimed Lizzy, ' I have seen Mrs.
Grantham, who has just returned from Paris, and
who saw Fred's wife very often in society ; she
says Mrs. Carleton was quite the fashion. They
were wearing bonnets a la Carleton, reaingotes a
la Carleton, and mantillas a la Carleton; in short,
there wag no limit to the admiration she was ex
citing. The Duke of Orleans had asked her name,
as he met her in his daily rides, and expressed
himself in very decided terms respecting her beau
ty; the Duke of Nemours has danced with her at
a ball given at the. Tuilleries, and she has even
sung a duet with the pripcess Clementine, at one
of the royal soirees:'
' Can it be possible ! Well, if that be the case,
she will be a great acquisition to. our society
i iriusl be a wtjinan of some rank to be admitted into
enr-li rirlo iii P'imo '
I MWVIi . V.. . . 1 A UliC
'Mrs. Grantham thinks she is English; but you
know I'red has always returned some quizzing rc
ply to our inquiries respecting her, and we can
only learn her origin from herself; she is quite
distinguished for her vocal powers, and though
little skilled in instrumental music, creates quite a
sensation by her splendid style of singing. From
all I can hear, I judge that Fred has led as cccen
fri'i a life abroad as he docs at home ; nobody
4 Smew when he was married, but after living in re-
tiri-'.'nent for two years after his return to Paris, he
emerged from his seclusion, bringing with him his
lovely and gifted wife.'
' Well, we shall know all about her when they
arrive she will certainly be the fashion, but I should
iikc to know who she is however, she is a for
cigner, and that will be sufficient tor attract attcn
lion.' A few weeks later, Fred Carleton ariived'in his
native city, and hurried to see his sisters, whom,
in spite of thoir follies, he reallyjoved.
-' Where is your wife V was the first question., .
'At the Aster house.' " '
' t" -
' Why didn't you bring her to our house V asked
Mrs. De Grey.
Because I couldn't tell. whether you will like to
receive her ; you know nothing aboufcher, and I
have not forgotren your old prejudices.'
' Yes ; hut you certainly could not doubt of her
meeting a warm welcome ; lor amiougii we nave
never seen her, yet wc aie not ignorant of her high
reputation for beauty and fashion. W e are all im
patience to meet her Fred: comelct.us go direct-
y to see her.' . ,
Evcusc me, my dear girls : first impressions
arc all ii'nportnnt, and I have no idea of your see
ing my pretty wife when she is looking pale and
travel worn ; I positively forbade her receiving any
visits for three days, because I want her to appear
in all her charms at Mrs. Grantham's music soiree
next Thursday.' ,
' But surely you will allow her to see hCr rela-
1 No, you are prcisely the persons I have deter
mined she shall not see until she is looking per
fectly well ; I want you to do justice to my choice ;
, .' , , . .7 ,, ' i
she has been much admired in Paris, and 1 wish
her claims to be as well established here.'
' So, vou have become a convert to our svstcm,
brother; and really desire to see your wife a wo
man of fashion.'
'I have my reasons, Lizzy '; vhen T have once :
een her enjoying the undisputed possession of
your admiration, we shall retire to our quiet homei
and laugh at the follies wo now perpetrate.' .
'Do you suppose your "wife will be content to
retire from the gay sceftes which she i.ow adorns-'
4 My wife is only obeying my wishes in leaving
the seclusion which she loves ; I have mv reasons,
I tell you. By the way, what Jias become of ' our
Jessie P
'Ah, Fred, you ought to thank us for manoeuv
ring you out of that folly; If wc had not sent Jes
sie out of your way, you might nowhave been the
husband of a little-sewing girl, instead of glorying
in a wife who claims the praise of princes.'
' Perhaps I might, Lizz ; but where is the pretty
seamstress 1
'I don't know; she and lier mother removed
from their old residence soon -djbjhyou.saiv. her
l.liore,.nnd J.,couWlcooiar nriilrace'wf thcnwLcu'p-
pose sue is the wife of some honest carpenter by
this time. But tell us, Fred, when shall we sec
Mrs. Carleton V . - .. ,
'We will meet you at Mrs. Grantham's soiree.'
'Ah, I see; you think she needs the necessa
ries of dress, and the advantages of lamp light.
I really believe you are half ashamed of your wife,
-remaps l am only asnamca ci my sisters,' was
the tsazing reply, as with a merry laugh Fred
Carleton hurried away.'
When the appointed Thursday arrived thesis-
tors, full of curiosity, repaired to Mrs. Grantham's
mansion ; nut ttiey were lar too lasinonauie to be
punctual, and it was qutie late when they entered
the crowded room. Their steps were arrested by
th'd sound of a simple prelude upon the harp ; as
they paused just within the door, a sweet bird-like
voice filled the apartment with melody. The
song was the fine ballad of ' Old Robin Gray,'
which, when Well sung, never fails to thrill every
heart ; and as the singer now threw her whole soul
into the mournful strains, all stood in breathless
attention to catch the exquisite sounds.
'It must be Fred's wiTe,' whispered Liry, as
they pressed foiward to catch a glimpse .of the vo
calist. But her back was turned towards them,
and they could only see a sylph-hke figure, attired
With the utmost magnificence.'
' How do you like your new sistr,' Said Mrs.
Grantham, as she welcomed her guests ; 'is she
not all I pictured her V
'We have not seen ,hcr,' was the reply, and at
that moment Fred approached. What was their
astonishment, when in ihe lady who leaned upon
his arm, they discovered Our Jessie.
Vs he led his wife to a seat beside them, and
listened to their gracious welcome, he could not
forbear wispering to Xizzy, 4Ybu .see how much
I am indebted to your manoeuvring; the partner of
a royal duke, the belle of an hereditary prince, the
songstress of the regal soirees, is, after all, only
the little sewing girl.''
' But when did 'ou marry her !'
'Ask aunt Tabitha.'
Fred Carleton had devoted the two first years bf
his wedded life to the cultivation of his wife's' fine
musical talents, and he then broughi her into so
ciety, determined to try whether beauty, talents,
and grace were not sufficient claims upon the ad
miration of the fashionable world. He had suc
ceeded even beyond his hopes, arid as he beheld
her receiving the hoinage of rank and fortune; he
ouuld not but smile at the remembrance of the in
dignation which his sisters had once expressed
respecting so degrading an alliance. As soon as
he saw his wife's charms fully appreciated, and
was assured that his sisters had become reconcil
ed to the thought of introducing her into society,
v red gladly withdrew irom its lnvoious gaieties,
and during a long life of uninterrupted domestic
lappmess, never nad reason to repent Ins marriage
with Our Jessie."
Brooklyn, Jj.I.
An IndianSv71io was overtaken by a storm,
some distance from the land, in his canoe thus
invoked the great spirit : ' O ! Goody Goddy,
jis let poor Injun get on shore agin an he never
ax no more tavors.
By a reference tojithc Almanack, we have
ascertained that this isLoap Year, and as the
ladies have, during itscontinuance, very pecu
liar, and we mar be allowed to say, extraordi-
narv and valuable privileges, w should he
wanting in a duty of our. vocation, if wc did
not (without fear of ihe consequences) apprize
our fair readers of their rights. It has been es
tablished by custom immemorial, which is tan
tamount in law, to an act of assembly, that the
I ladies (dear sou!s)shall oncc.in every four years
assume the right ol acting on the onensive, ;
that is to say, any lady may cut shp.rt a court
ship that has been unprofitably carried on for
the space of .3 .years, and bring the undecided
danlger to a point, by asking him in plain
terms, what he means, or whether he thinks
of being noosed in matrimony. This too can
be done by the ladies, without risking any im-
nutntinn of benifr over bold. It is a right cuar-
j, . - - 0 .., w
anteed as we said before, by old custom and ev
idenced by the ahianack. It will not be neces
sary for us to go into an argument to prove the
' ' , J ' .
lrom such a custom
iso policy ol, and the many uenelits arising
How often do we see ' Heavens best gift to
man' like the sun fixed in the firmament of so
ciety, glorious and alone, in unapproachable
loveliness ? Tire revolvting beaux like the plan
ets, bask in the light of some fair lady's counte- j unaptly called a sty ! This is wrong and op
nance but keen their orbits, because they j nressive, all must allow : but your committee
Anr nnrh.in to .mnrnach the rrreat centre 01
. rw -t
attraction. During ihree yoars this state ol
things may continue but on the fourth, woe
to some unlucky satelite who prelers to keep
a safo distance iV(5m his luminary; Just fancy
j ,
some inveterate old bachelor beset by three or
fonr old maids, rivals for the prize, breaking in
continually upon his quiet, ielling him how com
fortable ho might be, and insisting upon the ne
cessity of changing his miserable condition of
single blessedness', and thereby setting a good
example to his juniors. Imagine the awkward
ness of his situation, upon the, main question
being popped at him, with . all the ardor of an
tiquity to; back it. ITovv difficult hi such afcase,
would it be for a gentleman to say no? Heav
en preserve us from such a quandary; The
thin"- would be impossible. Hymen would
light his torch; and thousands yet unborn; (as
the phrase is) would live to bless the good, old
CUSto'mV of Lean Year. Bucks County Intel.
One of the best shots 1 ever heard ot .was
made by percussion gun. About .10 or 12 years
ago art Eastern Shore vessel was frozen tip in
this river and her provisions hcing exhausted,
the Captain went on shore to ' see how the
land laid ;' in other words to make a recon-
noisance of hen roosts. Old Mrs. , who was
.halH.r for llfi number. Gf her domestic
fowSj couU nQi bargajUt with the captain for
anv 0f hjs assorted cargo ;' at length he agreed
o give a silver dollar for a shot among thoipoul-
try, and agreed to shoot a gun wihont a flint
i mis was accepieu uy uju uiu ;auy. piuvmuu am;
loaded the gun, which she stipulated to do fair
ly. Capt. Bobsty, who was up to a thin or
two went on board, took down Old Blue Trigger,
(just altered to the percussion principle,) a large
silver sighted, trumpet muzzled, imported before
the Revolution tosiio'dtSwanson the Potomac,
put in six fingers clear of the wtidi, then cut
off ihe ramrod level with the muzzle, and return
ed on shore re-inforced by his mato and cook.
The old lady, after trying the ramtod very delib
erately, took bfl'a small thimble.'which she used
as a charger, and having loaded with a thimble
full of powder and ah equal quantity of shot,
delivered tho gun, to captain Bobstay, who then
placed. six fence rails in two rows at a foot dis
tance, and baiting with corn between them ; as
soon as tho poultry mounted tho rails and be
gan to feed with their heads between the rows.
Bobstay took a position so as to enfilade the
whole defile. Slap; bang, went Old Blue Trigger
with a most rl'ineiidroUs explosion. Huzza for
Old blue trigger shouted tlie captain huzza,
shouted the mate huzza, shouted the cook
u God have mercy on me," said the, old lady
hiss went the geese gobble, gobble, gobble
went the turkrys quack, quack, quack, went
the ducks. Seventeen turkeys, nine geese,
five ducks, thirteen chickens and the house pig,
were the fruits of Captain Bobstay's exploit.
The Bostoii Traescript in talking ol female
Iovelines3 at Santa Fe, has tho following epis
ode vvhich wanders into Chesnut Street:
" The blushing beauties of that emporium of
charming women the cily ol Brotherly Love;
and they aro so briliant that a poor fellow from
Down East was obliged to leave the city aftor
one days sojourn therein, because if he stayed
another day he would bo a fit subject for a
straight jacket. Such an array of fairy like be
ings met his glance at every lurrt that ho was
completely overcome, and is fully determined
never to visit Philadelphia again, unless the
laws or fashion shall compel the loveliest of the
maidens there to veil themselves, when they
exorcise their locomotive powers on tho fash
ionable Promenades."
Who would have thought that " the Jjosom of
the frozen north" were so suscoptible to the
" soft impeachment V
The following hturiurous remarks, extracted
from the Report of the Committee on Swine,
before the Worcester Agricultural Society.
' The Judges of swiuc, report, that their du-
ties on this occasion have brought them in etooe
connexion with a most lovely portion of the an
imal creation. What animal, for instance, can
compare with tho hog in personal neatness ?
Where else can be found such gravity and di"--nity
of demeanor 1 Who has not looked with
admiration on the wonderful elongation of coun
tenance, which the most pleasurable sensations
can never distort in'.o a smile ? Who ever heard
of a hog laugh? Tho little cross accidents
which constitute so large apart of the sum of our
miseries can never disturb the calm serenity of
his countenance ! And who can fail to admire
the elegance of his whole figure, and the grace
of all his movements 1 But above all, who has
not listened-, with the most excrutiating interest,
to the harmony of his voice 1 Notwihstanding all
tho amiable qualities of thi3 most interesting
beast, it cannot be denied "that he has been
slandered most foully. One class of thediuman
family has beeu allowed to usurp the sovereign
ty of his name. . "v;jpf
The miserable drunkard has, by commoh'coh-.
sent, been dignified by the name oi'hoj, and tho K
scene of his most disgusting origit- s has been
have found themselves unable to devise a plan
which is likely to furnish a remedy for
the evil. Several were suggested, but none
could be lit upon which seemed likely lo effect
their object than a convention of swine, to tjevas-
sembled at some suitable time and place, wiiare
the whole matter could be fully discu3scu'aiul;-:
The first meeting would of course he, to nom
inate suitable candidates fot office ! but the
main object would be to pass resolves expressive
of the following sentiment : " That if anyman
hereafter knowingly and willingly speakevil of
a hog he ousdit never afterwards tG'Viivo a rash
er of bacon for his breakfast."
A New Hive.
The following comnhmicatidn although more
particularly intended for the agriculturist, can
scarcely fail to interest and pjeasb the" dwellers
in. the city. It is copied from" Ex-Governor
IIiUV Monthly Visiter, and was written by Mr
I.S. Keith, of Oxford Me.
The bee possesses the united skill of tho
mason, the architect, the geometrician, and the
civilian. Many naturalists of this and other
countries have devoted much time in searching
out their habits, admiring their sagacity, ami in
giving to the world the result of their research
es. They have learned much, and there is
much more yet to be learned of this wonderful
insect. I have myself kept bees for thirteen
or fourteen years ; I long since felt the neces
sity of preserving these little creatures from tho
barbarous custom of annual suffocation. For a
while I tried the box hue, but found my bees
Unwilling to enter it, and I lost several swarm?
in trying to force them info it. I abandoned
this kind of hive, and finished a room in my
garrt;t, dark and tight, with a communication
through the external wall of the house, thro'
which to gie them a passage way. I placed a
hive of bees in this room, their entrance into
the hive being on a level with this communica
tion, and near lo it. To thi3 room I have a
door from my garret, never accessible to chil
dren or intruders. The room should be mado
impervious to rats atid mice which are very
fond of bees, sparing not even their weapons
of defence. This young swarm soon filled their
hive,- and then commenced their operations,
beneath,- above and around the hive, fiiling in
their white virgin comb ; without the aid of
bars, slats or cross pieces to build to, from tho
rbo'f of the house to the floor of their room. At
times, I stole into this apiary, and by the aid of
a light, viewed tho progress thoy were making-,
and the splendid columns of cumb they wero
erecting. Thoy had tho bonefltof the labor of
all their increase; all their progetiy there
waa no swarming, no colonizing from thcti; nu
morous family. Give bees room and th&y nev
er swarm. Who ever heard of bees swarming
from a hollow tree, till the space within it waa
filled I After tho second year of their opera
tions,and during-tho coldestof the winter, vhilo
the bees all lay dormant at the centre of their
netarino pile, 1 took my family stores from the
external layers, which always contain tho
whitest and purest in tho storehouse, and is tho
only which can bo taken without injury to tho
residue For many years I was supplied
from this room with, tho choicest of fruits and
many a friend has enjoyed a treat, and lingered
to admire this simple contrivance for the preset
vation of the bee, and the house so well adapted
lo roceive the fruits of his labor.
A Happy Expression, The following is a
copy of a resolution offered in tho Legislature
of a Western State ; " Resolved, That this, ge
neral assembly will adjourn sine die when thoy
get ready and not before-r-any thing iu Bill
Turner's resolution to the contrary notwith
standing." '